Stories by Title C-D
- The Cable Guy Solves a ProblemCynthia Trusscot
M/f+; heels; bond; rope; gag; cloth; gag; chairtie; voy; X
10.10.15 - The CageJenny Bonici
F/f; F+/f; club; punish; strip; naked; bond; armbinder; gag; collar; cage; toys; insert; nipple; display; tease; bdsm; sawhorse; whip; crop; oral; climax; cons; X
09.02.06 - Caged FantasiesM
MF/fm; bond; cage; cons; X
22.12.06 - 2
Sbf; M/f; bond; cage; toys; cons; X
- 3
Sb; cage; cons; X
- Caged for FreedomSpread Eagle
Solo-M; F/m; FM/m; bond; pillory; naked; earplugs; hood; blindfold; gag; nipple; bdsm; whip; cane; torment; buttplug; enema; anal; climax; cons; XX
14.11.15 - 2
Solo-M; F/m; FM/m; D/s; enema; buttplug; bananas; insert; diapers; cd; fem; cuffs; bond; earplugs; hood; blindfold; gag; pillory; nipple; tease; strapon; anal; sex; climax; cons; X
05.03.18 - 3
Solo-M; F+/m; FM/m; D/s; enema; buttplug; naked; earplugs; hood; blindfold; gag; bond; armbinder; pillory; nipple; tease; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; X
05.03.18 - Calculated MisfortuneMaxxster
Sbm; dungeon; chastity; hood; gag; collar; nipple; cuffs; chair; straps; stuck; caught; F/m; D/s; enslave; cons; X
07.06.06 - 2
F/m; D/s; dungeon; cage; hood; gag; bond; chastity; nipple; cuffs; object; chair; outdoors; oral; denial; reluct/cons; X
27.09.09 - Call-In SexStudbound
F/m; bond; kidnap; drug; ducttape; hogtie; ice; nc; X
15.08.03 - Call Me MistressAnn Onominos
F/m; F/f; F/fm; D/s; femdom; bond; hogtie; naked; leather; gag; rope; bdsm; crop; spank; tape; susp; tease; denial; toys; mast; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
12.01.19 - 10: Master's Humor
M/f+; F/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; gag; bdsm; spank; slaves; objectify; hood; outdoors; tease; torment; strapon; voy; lesbian; oral; sex; anal; cons/reluct; X
01.03.19 - 11: This could be fun!!!
F/f; F+/m; D/s; switch; leather; latex; naked; bond; cuffs; gag; slave; foot; cbt; nipple; torment; susp; bdsm; crop; X-frame; breathplay; strapon; insert; oral; anal; lesbian; climax; revenge; cons; XX
01.03.19 - 2: The Chicken Dance
F/m; F+/m; D/s; femdom; naked; bond; rope; cuffs; bdsm; crop; gag; basement; stocks; cage; tickle; torment; denial; toys; mast; oral; cons/reluct; X
- 3: You like shoes
F/m; D/s; femdom; mall; roleplay; foot; massage; F/m; cage; fiddle; chairtie; F/f; naked; bond; bdsm; flogger; gag; toys; insert; electro; shock; force; oral; cons/reluct; XX
- 4: A Day in the Country
F/m; D/s; femdom; outdoors; naked; bond; rope; shackles; gag; bdsm; spank; nettles; buried; urine; breathplay; torment; hogtie; leave; F/m; discovery; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
- 5: Fido
Sbf; outdoors; kennel; chain; mast; stuck; F/m; D/s; femdom; sex; climax; naked; fiddle; bond; housework; discovery; anger; bdsm; electro; torment; overnight; cons/reluct; XX
- 6: What Goes Around
F+/m; D/s; femdom; bond; gag; cuffs; used; stocks; bdsm; wax; tickle; electro; torment; M/f+; reversal; cage; oral; anal; sex; climax; M/f; transport; sold; slave; cons/nc; XX
- 7: So this is my station in life now
MF/f; D/s; slave; cell; bond; cuffs; gag; bdsm; electro; punish; cage; box; torment; force; naked; outdoors; oral; anal; sex; reluct/nc; XX
21.01.19 - 8: Big changes in my prison
M/f+; D/s; bond; cuffs; gag; bdsm; ponygirl; cell; cage; headbox; slave; torment; pegs; X-frame; rack; sex; reluct; XX
21.01.19 - 9: My Punishment
M/f+; F/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; gag; bdsm; slave; ponygirl; cell; cage; sybian; torment; punish; pegs; plank; rack; toys; oral; sex; lesbian; cons/reluct; XX
21.01.19 - Call My BluffJezziebelle
M/f; MF/f; bond; susp; cons; X
25.04.06 - The Camel RaceBarretthunter
M+/f+; kidnap; captive; bond; cuffs; bdsm; spank; susp; petgirl; race; conditioning; boxed; delivery; oral; sex; nc/reluct; XX
15.07.11 - Camera ShyJackrabbit
F/f; bond; naked; outdoors; tease; camera; emb; oral; climax; cons; X
02.02.11 - Cameron and Heatherkdcstyle
M/f; store; lingerie; naked; tease; bath; mast; oral; climax; rom; cons; X
08.08.14 - 2
M/f; naked; rom; first; D/s; rope; bond; bdsm; breast; torment; tickle; blindfold; sex; toys; cons; XX
- CampingDil Apsus
M/f; bond; cuffs; outdoors; naked; tease; oral; sex; climax; true; cons; X
08.10.12 - Camping OutZephyr
M/f; Sbf; cloth; bond; outdoors; strip; exhib; tease; kiss; sex; climax; cons; X
06.04.15 - Camping TripTiffini
M/f; bond; chain; contacts; cuffs; collar; van; transport; outdoors; hogtie; tease; sex; climax; true; cons/reluct; X
08.03.14 - The Camping TripAita
F+; camping; outdoors; F+/f; revenge; rainsuits; multi-layer; blackmail; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; sleepingbag; stuck; cons/reluct; X
31.01.17 - 2
F+/f; camping; outdoors; revenge; sleepingbag; stuck; rainsuits; multi-layer; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; force; bdsm; spank; torment; cons/reluct; X
08.10.17 - Campus DemonstrationCJ
M/f; bond; reluct; X
25.06.02 - CandiceLobo De la Sombra
F/f+; D/s; club; bond; rope; hogtie; cupboard; cons/nc; X
05.09.11 - 2
F/f+; D/s; bond; rope; hogtie; slave; cons; X
23.01.12 - 3
F+/f; F/f; D/s; bond; rope; toys; strapon; bdsm; slave; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
01.03.12 - Candy's
F/f; caught; F/m; bond; cuffs; leather; catsuit; naked; crop; sex; cons; X
06.06.20 - CandyvilleZTVFemdomtales
F/m; drug; captive; strip; bond; leatherwear; cartrunk; display; tease; torment; wrap; sex; climax; boxed; store; encase; cons/nc; X
31.01.17 - Canvas of StarsDominatrix Bella
F/m; D/s; naked; bond; cuffs; chain; susp; bdsm; oral; denial; climax; cons; X
11.08.12 - CaptivatedM
M/f; bond; D/s; pony; cons; X
12.10.05 - Captivehotscribe
M/f; bond; cons; X
- The CaptiveR G Bargy
MM/f; kidnap; bond; bdsm; oral; bagged; toys; reluct; X
- 2: Captivated
MF+/f; kidnap; bond; bdsm; force; oral; enema; cage; toys; reluct/nc; X
- Captive of the Gold WingMike Silklover
M/f; bond; scarves; cons; X
23.10.05 - The Captive Part 3: Quelle SurpriseR G Bargy
MF+/f; kidnap; bond; bdsm; ponyplay; stables; bagged; outdoors; toys; reluct; X
- CapturedRon McIngle
M/f; kidnap; punishment; slave; bond; naked; whip; sex; rope; spank; outdoors; chain; cane; anal; nc; reluct; cons; XXX
18.02.24 - Captured and Torturedgopi
F+/m; bond; slave; nc; XX
07.10.02 - Captured, But ReturnedJackie Rabbit
F/m; M+/mf; fpov; cuckold; outdoors; cd; buttplug; chastity; strip; bond; rope; gag; cons; XX
19.06.23 - Captured CougarStealthbinder
M/f; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; susp; outdoors; tease; torment; toys; oral; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
19.03.11 - Captured CoupleSensual Robert
F+/mf; M/m; F/m; capture; bond; pony; gag; collar; hood; oral; chastity; nc; XX
04.08.20 - CaraRupes
Solo-F; F/f; Sbf; bond; cuffs; chain; collar; catsuit; toys; breathplay; electro; tease; cons; reluct; XX
22.03.20 - Careful What You SextDenkira7
F/f; bond; kidnap; predicament; rope; basement; toys; sybian; gag; oral; drug; nc; XXX
21.10.23 - The CargoSabina
F/f; Machine/f; latex; bond; furry; scifi; susp; cons/nc; X
- 2
- 3
- 4
F/f; Machine/f; M/f; latex; bond; furry; scifi; cons/nc; X
- 5
F+/f; Machine/machine; M/f; latex; bond; furry; scifi; cons/nc; X
- 6
F+/f; M/f; F/m; latex; bond; furry; bagged; store; scifi; reluct/nc; X
13.06.07 - CarolCJ
M/f; bond; cons; X
05.08.02 - Carol's Cellar CellRestricted
Sbf; susp; cell; stuck; M/f; F/m; bond; latex; toys; cons; X
04.04.07 - Carol's Pet WolfRestricted
MF/fm; bond; latex; cage; cons; X
12.05.07 - Carol's SummerCarol-Jane
- The Car RideAnnabelle
Solo-F; M/f; bond; cuffs; naked; gag; public; denial; cons; X
04.12.11 - The Carters of BangbridgePaultt
Solo-M; discovery; Sbf; chain; shackles; basement; D/s; punish; oral; gag; collar; bdsm; spank; tease; mast; denial; cane; discipline; sex; climax; cons; X
09.06.19 - Car Trouble: Part IRebecca Pearl
M/f; kidnap; bond; nc; X
28.07.05 - Cassandra's ClosetJo
F/f; M/f+; FF; strip; bond; pantyhose; gag; blindfold; closet; clothing; scarves; tease; mast; climax; reluct/cons; X
14.05.13 - Cassandra's New StartUnknown
M/f; bond; cons; X
- Castration Without RepresentationMargaret B
FM/m; bond; dungeon; susp; gag; bands; cbt; mast; cons/nc; XX
25.07.10 - Cathy's First TimeLady Tressa
F+/f; D/s; domme; naked; bond; cuffs; gag; chain; hobble; cage; bdsm; cane; display; club; stage; hum; oral; lesbian; cons/nc; XX
24.04.14 - 2
F+/f; D/s; domme; naked; bond; cuffs; gag; cage; bdsm; electro; shock; display; hum; oral; lesbian; cons/nc; XX
10.07.14 - Cathy's VacationDodgerfan
F+/m; bond; chain; trunk; fem; tattoo; hum; toys; reluct/nc; X
04.03.08 - Cat & Krista's Captureencased4fun
M/f+; drugged; kidnap; bond; tape; bagged; balltie; gag; captive; lingerie; teen; nc; XX
24.05.12 - Caught and CuffedJxx
Solo-M; naked; panties; mast; caught; F/m; cuffs; hum; foot; cons/reluct; X
10.07.10 - Caught by a WhoreCaptain
F/m; bond; rope; panties; gag; hogtie; stuck; cons/nc; X
06.11.10 - Caught by the BallsRestricted
F/m; bond; cons; X
- Caught StaringTankpoet
F+/f; D/s; therapy; fantasy; hum; punish; wedgie; torment; tease; toys; public; toilet; foot; sweat; mast; climax; cons; X
15.12.15 - Caution Lobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; FF; kiss; rom; lesbian; tease; torment; bond; straps; blindfold; gag; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
22.08.15 - A Cautionary Story For Tea Lovers
M/f; bond; cuffs; hypno; mind-control; sex; cons; X
23.02.09 - The CaveLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; M/f; D/s; cave; collar; cuffs; chain; strip; shackles; leash; bond; cons; X
20.09.14 - The CellScudder28
M/f; D/s; collar; naked; cuffs; cupboard; gag; toys; insert; torment; forced orgasm; reluct/cons; X
17.05.15 - The CenterpieceJo
MM/f; bond; naked; gag; candles; wax; display; object; torment; cons; X
14.12.11 - CentrepieceR G Bargy
M+/f; bond; display; hum; costume; toys; reluct; X
05.08.07 - The ChairChris Powell
F/m; D/s; bond; breathplay; toys; cons; X
16.09.05 - The ChairJo
MF/f; cage; bond; cuffs; straps; gag; shave; electro; torment; toys; climax; cons/reluct; X
01.09.12 - The Challengerojo
F/m; bond; cons; X
10.06.03 - The Challenge
F/f; collar; chain; cuffs; slave; crop; whip; paddle; toys; rope; bond; oral; cons; X
29.02.20 - 2
F/f; M/f; collar; cuffs; bond; slave; paddle; spank; crop; gag; anal; chair; dungeon; spreader; sex; cons; XX
- 3
F/f; naked; slave; spank; D/s; sex; oral; maid; dungeon; gag; blindfold; cuffs; collar; crop; cons; X
- 4
M/ff; F/f; slave; training; bond; X-frame; cage; naked; cuffs; gag; collar; leather; crop; toys; chain; whip; oral; cons; X
- 5
F/f; slave; training; bond; collar; cuffs; susp; crop; whip; leather; oral; strapon; dungeon; clamps; cons; XX
12.03.20 - 6
M/f; F/f; slave; training; bond; whip; crop; switch; collar; cuffs; X-frame; latex; spreader; cane; sex; blindfold; stocks; cons; X
12.03.20 - 7
F/f; slave; training; naked; bond; collar; cuffs; chastity; dungeon; strapon; oral; anal; whip; cons; XX
12.03.20 - 8
F/f; bond; slave; latex; spank; collar; cuffs; whip; chastity; crop; cons; XX
12.03.20 - 9
F/f; bond; slave; training; paddle; toys; collar; cuffs; X-frame; crop; cons; X
12.03.20 - The Challenge 10
F/f; bond; slave; training; collar; cuffs; paddle; sawhorse; spreader; crop; whip; clamps; toys; X-frame; dungeon; cons; XX
12.03.20 - 1
F/f; M/f; slave; training; bond; collar; armbinder; cane; dungeon; sawhorse; clamps; catsuit; spreadeagle; cuffs; whip; naked; oral; spreader; crop; sex; anal; cons; XX
12.03.20 - 2
F/f; slave; training; bond; sex; oral; dungeon; catsuit; collar; cuffs; X-frame; gag; crop; whip; susp; spreadeagle; cons; XX
12.03.20 - 3
F/f; bond; slave; training; crop; mast; toys; cane; collar; cuffs; cage; dungeon; chain; rack; catsuit; paddle; oral; cons; XX
12.03.20 - 4
F/f; bond; slave; training; naked; paddle; catsuit; crop; sex; oral; toys; cons; XX
12.03.20 - 5
F/f; bond; slave; training; toys; blackmail; collar; cuffs; oral; whip; paddle; susp; nc; XX
12.03.20 - Champions at LastAnne Gray
F/f+; kidnap; bond; ponygirl; piercing; toys; nc/reluct; X
26.03.07 - Chance
F+/m; bond; D/s; catsuit; dungeon; crop; cons; X
06.06.20 - Chanelle's Christmas Surprisei_am_noone
F/m; bond; gag; chain; chastity; electro; enslave; mast; cage; torture; urine; cons; XXX
04.04.20 - A Change of ClothesUto
Solo-F; escapee; prison; F/f; captive; bond; gag; chairtie; chloroform; cons/reluct; X
15.07.15 - 2
F/f; F/fm; MF; reunion; bond; scarf; gag; raincoat; transport; sex; rom; reluct/cons; X
10.10.15 - A Change of PlanUto
F/f; F+/f+; robbery; force; capture; bond; cloth; gag; wardrobe; bedtie; stretcher; van; transport; enslave; cons/nc; X
18.02.17 - CharactersLobo De la Sombra
F+/m; bond; gag; tease; chastity; revenge; fantasy; cons/reluct; X
03.02.14 - Charlene's Introduction to SlaveryDarkblood
M/f; mind-control; bond; armbinder; collar; gag; vibe; dildo; electro; nc; X
29.07.20 - Charlotte's First TeaseHeavensforbidden
M/f; bond; cons; X
10.06.03 - Chastity's Final ProgramLobo De la Sombra
Machine/f; bond; gag; nipple; slave; toys; reluct; X
12.12.05 - CheckmateXVX
M/mf+; captive; drug; bond; interrogate; conditioning; mind-control; bodymod; ponyboy; leather; snake; exoskeleton; mermaid; tank; display; revenge; cons/nc; XX
14.01.14 - Check PleasePainter
F/m; Sbm; bond; susp; cbt; blackmail; cons/reluct; X
- The Check UpGincrack
MF/f; chair; drug; bond; strip; gag; tease; toys; climax; cons/nc; X
08.04.13 - The Cheerleader and The ProfessorItch and Fever
M/f; bond; cuffs; oral; reluct; X
05.02.09 - The Cheerleader PonygirlPonygirl Sarah
MM/f; kidnap; bond; leather; ponygirl; reluct; X
10.08.08 - CherylAnonymous
M/f; bond; cons; X
05.11.01 - ChessIona Hoyle
FM+/fm+; game; capture; bond; gag; machine; torment; bdsm; whip; flog; clamps; susp; toys; strapon; oral; sex; cons/reluct; XX
31.10.13 - 2: Double or Quits
FM+/fm+; club; game; wager; captive; bond; gag; chairtie; clamps; straps; strip; naked; toys; enslave; cons/reluct; X
26.02.14 - ChiJo
M/f; D/s; mind-control; conditioning; drug; tubes; wax; encase; enema; kidnap; cons; X
26.08.11 - Chicken ShitCaptain Lance
M+/f; hermaphrodite; latex; bond; breathplay; oral; group; cons/reluct; X
10.07.10 - Chief Sec HFSS OrionThe Technician
M+/f+; F+/f+; M+/m; F/m; scifi; group; sex; public; club; bond; X-frame; whip; buttplug; wrestle; electro; anal; strapon; mind-control; cons; nc; XX
21.08.22 - ChillerEmily
F/m; bond; chair; straps; gag; cbt; ice; torment; mast; oral; cons; X
06.05.10 - Chinese PuzzleBottier
M/f; bond; gag; gloves; stockings; cuffs; collar; heels; corset; chastity; latex; hobble; nipple; toys; insert; climax; cons; X
- The ChoiceXVX
Other/f+; bond; slave; punish; collar; armbinder; leash; corset; reluct; XX
13.02.21 - ChoicesAlcore
Sbm; F/m; naked; hood; blindfold; cuffs; chain; spreadeagle; bed; tease; denial; gag; cons; X
17.01.15 - ChokerBaubleheadz
M/f; M/f+; mind-control; magic; slave; sex; anal; oral; exhib; threesome; mast; cons; X
16.01.20 - The Christmas GiftWhite Knight
M/f; bond; rope; gag; cons; X
16.12.01 - The Christmas PackageMasato
MF/f; bond; slave; packaged; toys; cons; X
20.12.02 - The Christmas TreeJo
M/f+; bodypaint; display; stand; insert; toys; bond; hood; cons; X
00.12.11 - A Christmas Wishtied2thebed
F/m; bond; leather; hood; toys; cons; X
20.12.02 - Christopher's PredicamentTyjord
F+/m; bdsm; bond; chastity; enema; oral; nc; XX
06.12.03 - CindyHoward S
M/f; Solo-F; piercing; F/f; naked; bond; petgirl; nipple; clit; tease; collar; cage; bdsm; crop; shock; torment; entrap; enslave; cons/reluct; X
28.05.16 - Cindy, Lovedoll 1: The SurpriseGromet
Solo-F; M/f; sexdoll; discovery; surprise; bond; wrap; latex; catsuit; toys; boxed; objectify; stored; put-away; used; oral; anal; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
05.09.03 - 2: Back as the Doll
M/f; fpov; bond; doll; F2doll; packaged; objectify; straps; latex; sex; cons; X
01.11.04 - 3: Bagged!
M/f; Sbf; fpov; bond; doll; F2doll; packaged; objectify; latex; sex; catsuit; hood; toys; buttplug; corset; cuffs; gag; cons; X
01.11.04 - 4: Stranger in the Night
Sbf; M/f; fpov; bond; caught; latex; catsuit; toys; buttplug; gag; anal; cuffs; rope; bagged; kidnap; trick; objectify; transported; cons; reluct; XX
28.01.06 - 5: The Return of the Doll
F/f; Sbf; fpov; bond; massage; cuffs; rope; doll; F2doll; latex; mast; packaged; straps; stuck; cons; X
25.11.23 - 6: The Missing Doll
MF/f; Sbf; fpov; doll; F2doll; packaged; objectify; caught; transported; cons; X
25.11.23 - 7: Moving Day
M/f; fpov; doll; F2doll; packaged; objectify; latex; catsuit; hood; toys; costume; oral; transported; straps; rom; cons; XX
25.11.23 - 8: A Series of Unfortunate Events
M/f; fpov; bond; packaged; transported; doll; F2doll; latex; catsuit; hood; gag; toys; cons; X
25.11.23 - 9: New Beginnings
M/f; fpov; bond; bedtie; doll; F2doll; latex; catsuit; hood; climax; oral; packaged; objectify; straps; rom; cons; XX
25.11.23 - 10: Wicked Cindy
M/f; Sbf; F/f; fpov; doll; F2doll; packaged; objectify; latex; catsuit; hood; mast; stuck; caught; bond; rope; bedtie; rom; cons; X
25.11.23 - Cindy Lovedoll 5: Moving Day
M/f; bond; latex; lovedoll; costume; straps; boxed; enclosed; objectify; moved; store; transport; truck; sex; oral; climax; cons; X
28.01.06 - ClaudineCynthia Harder
M/f; bond; rope; force; cons/reluct; XX
26.02.08 - ClickSecretive1
Sbm; cd; caught; F+/m; bond; anal; oral; toys; cons/reluct; X
05.10.08 - 2: Who's Counting?
F/m; D/s; chastity; cd; maid; bond; oral; mast; cons; X
11.04.09 - 3: Turning the Tables
F/m; M/f; chastity; bond; shave; oral; sex; cons/reluct; X
07.06.09 - The ClientAnne Woolsey
F/f; bond; nc; X
07.01.05 - 2
F/f; bond; spandex; reluct; X
27.01.05 - 3
F/f; bond; spandex; reluct; X
21.02.05 - 4
F/f; bond; susp; reluct; X
18.06.05 - 5
F/f+; bond; reluct; X
26.08.05 - 6
F/f; bond; reluct/nc; X
07.05.17 - The ClinicLily Kalanoa
Solo-F; FM/f; F/f; clinic; bath; toys; insert; panties; encase; stuck; tease; torment; denial; video; nipple; mast; climax; femdom; cons/reluct; X
20.09.14 - Closet EncountersNancy Slave
- The Closet FairyLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; F/f; naked; bond; clothing; gag; fairy; majick; strapon; sex; cons/reluct; X
01.01.14 - Close TiesR G Bargy
M/f; MM/f; bond; toys; cons/reluct; X
23.10.05 - Coach in a BindStealthbinder
F+/f; capture; bond; gag; discovery; M/f; oral; mast; sex; nc/cons; X
20.08.10 - CoilsRohana
F/m; snake/f; bond; wrap; mind-control; cons; X
11.08.07 - A Coin TossBndgLuver
FM; M/f; bond; rope; bdsm; toys; cons; X
07.10.09 - Cold FeetJezziebelle
M/f; bond; susp; cons; X
30.04.04 - A Cold Winter's NightBucky Goldstein
M/f; bond; cuffs; gag; armbinder; naked; shower; corset; strappado; rope; clamps; bedtie; spreadeagle; force; cons; X
30.09.21 - The CollarTechster
M/f; bond; cons; X
25.09.02 - The CollarPinky Rooselvelt
Solo-F; M/f+; harem; bond; machine; bdsm; slave; oral; cons; X
19.06.09 - A College EducationTy M Goode
MM/f; bond; blackmail; hum; cuffs; nc; X
08.08.09 - 2
MM/f; bond; blackmail; tickle; torment; hum; cuffs; nc; X
- 3
MM/f; bond; blackmail; tickle; torment; hum; cuffs; nc; X
- Colony Ship EightThe Technician
M+/f+; FM; Alien/f; scifi; spaceship; doomsday; asteroid; tribute; slave; collar; chain; toys; insert; nipple; naked; public; display; climax; cons/reluct; X
15.07.15 - Color Me Exhaustedlizsubintampa
M/f; D/s; date; tease; bond; rope; strip; chairtie; gag; toys; plug; eggs; insert; remote; public; torment; ring-gag; tape; oral; denial; mast; climax; true; cons; X
24.04.18 - Common RoomZephyr
M/f; bond; rom; cuffs; college; predicament; discovery; caught; naked; oral; cons; X
02.09.20 - CommunicationMikel
M/f; D/s; cheat; punish; leather; latex; corset; bond; chastity; enslave; chain; gag; catsuit; electro; denial; climax; cons/reluct; X
30.06.14 - Community ServiceZack
F+/f; bond; nc; X
20.12.02 - 2: At the Ranch
MF/f+; bond; pony; nc; X
05.05.06 - The Company BitchMr Smooth
F/m; caught; domme; leather; latex; dungeon; strip; cd; fem; hum; bond; rope; sleepsack; susp; mask; urine; bdsm; cane; punish; blackmail; doll; climax; cons/reluct; XX
25.07.15 - Complete Controlsomeone_807
- A Complete MessRupes
F/m; femdom; leather; hood; straps; bond; game; susp; breathplay; stupid; blackout; near-death; true; warning; cons/nc; XX
15.08.15 - ComplianceXVX
Solo-F; housesit; automated; ai; storm; sealed; Machine/f; bond; leather; suit; cocoon; encase; hood; worm; insert; enslave; conditioning; mind-control; force; electro; shock; transform; reward; orgasm; denial; enema; MF/f; slave; trick; cons/nc; X
18.06.19 - Conference CallCynthia Trusscot
FM; tease; game; F/m; domme; cd; fem; lingerie; bond; rope; hogtie; ballgag; bdsm; spank; reversal; revenge; true; cons; X
18.06.19 - Conference in the CityKelsey Taylor
F/f; bond; straitjacket; hood; heels; gag; leash; hum; shop; reluct; X
08.03.20 - Conference NotesBaron Waste
Solo-M; corr; conference; speaker; demonstration; slave; cage; chain; scenario; M/f; D/s; collar; strip; display; cons; X
23.08.16 - Confessions of a Teenage Bondage SlutRopedgirl
Solo-F; M/f; bond; rope; gag; tape; frogtie; hogtie; tease; toys; sex; cons; X
23.03.12 - 2: The Playdate
M/f; naked; bond; rope; gag; tape; harness; tease; toys; sex; climax; voy; true; cons/reluct; X
25.04.12 - 3: Prom Night
M/f; outfits; stockings; garter; bond; rope; gag; tape; limo; hotel; tease; mast; sex; climax; true; cons; X
11.06.12 - 5: Valentine's
M/f; bond; rom; teen; maid; costume; stockings; cuffs; rope; collar; spreadeagle; gag; roleplay; oral; toys; sex; cons; X
16.04.20 - Confidential PackageBella_Bubby
F/m; bond; cons; X
10.06.03 - ConsequencesDana
M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; outdoors; wrap; bagged; reluct/cons; X
31.08.08 - Consignment Shop JackpotChas. M
Solo-F; F/f; shop; scarves; blindfold; strip; bond; tease; climax; cons; X
08.11.12 - Conspiracy 1Jezziebelle
M/f; bond; cons; X
28.07.05 - 2
M+F/f; bond; kidnap; packed; trunk; reluct/nc; X
25.04.06 - 3
M/f; bond; kidnap; reluct/cons; X
15.05.06 - Contemplating KellyMindSplinter
M/f; bond; cuffs; rope; insert; nipple; clamps; tease; toys; mast; oral; climax; reluct; X
02.02.11 - The ContestR G Bargy
F+/f+; D/s; bond; bdsm; tickle; toys; cons; X
10.11.06 - The ContestKatt44tng
MF+/f; F/f; bond; toys; kidnap; nc/cons; XX
30.01.12 - ContractLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; F/f; M/f; D/s; leather; bond; party; cons/reluct; X
14.02.02 - The ContractStudbound
F/m; bond; leather; straitjacket; hogtie; cons/reluct; X
22.10.02 - The ContractMichelle Stevens
F/f; M+/f; bond; corset; rope; gag; susp; pole; display; sold; X-frame; dungeon; machine; sex; oral; anal; climax; cons/reluct; XX
22.08.12 - ContritionGraymangazer & Sadiax
F/f; kidnap; captive; cartrunk; basement; chairtie; cuffs; gag; bdsm; crop; revenge; torment; nipple; cons/nc; X
08.03.14 - 2
F/f; kidnap; captive; basement; cuffs; gag; bdsm; spank; torment; nipple; toys; revenge; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
21.03.14 - 3
F/f; captive; basement; cuffs; gag; armbinder; corset; bdsm; whip; torment; nipple; bell; strapon; revenge; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX
30.03.14 - 4
F/f; captive; basement; cuffs; gag; hood; bodybag; straps; bdsm; torment; nipple; strapon; release; lesbian; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
06.04.14 - Controlled Experiment 1: Introduction to
F/f; Solo-F; chastity; mast; chain; cons; X
18.04.21 - 2: Tammy Gets Belted
Solo-F; M/f; chastity; oral; sex; anal; cons; X
17.04.21 - 3-1: Life in Chastity
MF/f; F/f+; chastity; mind-control; bond; cuffs; blindfold; dungeon; collar; hobble; cons; X
17.04.21 - 3-2: Compelled Into Bondage
F/f+; chastity; bond; cell; cuffs; armbinder; naked; flogger; susp; spreader; gag; crop; cons; XX
17.04.21 - 3-3: Charlotte is Cropped
F/f; chastity; bond; susp; crop; flogger; climax; naked; oral; toys; cons; XX
17.04.21 - 4-1: Tammy Meets a Master
M/f; chastity; mind-control; mast; sex; anal; cons; X
17.04.21 - 4-2: Tammy in Chains
M/f; chastity; dungeon; bond; cuffs; naked; hobble; cage; chain; crop; spreader; climax; collar; sex; gag; flogger; cons; XX
17.04.21 - 5-1: Veronica Receives Her Belt
Solo-F; MF/f; chastity; dream; mind-control; bond; cuffs; susp; collar; gag; latex; maid; whip; reluct; XX
17.04.21 - 5-2: Not A Hint of Scandal
M/f+; chastity; mind-control; bond; latex; collar; cuffs; naked; crop; susp; whip; spreader; cons; XX
17.04.21 - 6-1: Charlotte in Chains
F/f; chastity; slave; bond; cuffs; paddle; spank; dungeon; sawhorse; susp; oral; flogger; toys; gag; cons; XX
17.04.21 - 6-2: A New World
Solo-F; M/f; chastity; cell; bond; cuffs; collar; gag; clamps; whip; sex; cons; XX
17.04.21 - 6-3: Love Is Not A Game
M/f; chastity; slave; bond; oral; armbinder; chain; hobble; flogger; climax; cons; XX
17.04.21 - 7: Through a Glass, Darkly
Solo-F; chastity; mind-control; naked; cons; X
17.04.21 - 8: The Contract
M/f; chastity; bond; slave; gag; collar; spreader; anal; susp; spreadeagle; whip; sex; clamps; hum; rom; cons; XX
17.04.21 - 9-1: Veronica in Submission
M/f+; chastity; naked; cage; bond; cuffs; slave; paddle; spank; oral; flogger; collar; cons; XX
17.04.21 - 9-2: The Bondage Masque
M/f; M+/f+; chastity; bond; hood; cuffs; slave; whip; susp; spreader; clamps; collar; sex; oral; cons; XX
17.04.21 - 10: Final Project Report
mind-control; cons; X
17.04.21 - Controlling PaulinePeter
F/f; chastity; bond; straitjacket; binder; enema; toys; cons; X
30.03.09 - A Conventional Affair 1Darkwolf
F/f; F+/f+; bond; outdoors; oral; naked; chastity; ponygirl; harness; gag; cuffs; armbinder; buttplug; catheter; rom; cons; XX
30.09.23 - 2
F+/f; bond; toys; chastity; tease; denial; gag; rope; armbinder; outdoors; rom; cons; X
19.11.23 - 3
F+/f; bond; chastity; oral; naked; rom; cons; X
09.01.24 - 4
F+/f; bond; cuffs; bedtie; spreadeagle; gag; tease; remote; toys; mast; denial; oral; strapon; rom; cons; XX
17.02.24 - 5
F+/f+; collar; leash; public; chastity; rom; cons; X
21.04.24 - 6
F+/f+; bond; chastity; naked; public; exhib; collar; leash; cuffs; latex; gag; hood; rope; clamps; vacbed; susp; toys; armbinder; inflatable; hogtie; crop; tease; climax; cons; X
18.05.24 - 7
F+/f+; bond; chastity; rope; susp; clamps; latex; vacbed; gag; armbinder; collar; oral; leash; exhib; cons; X
23.06.24 - 8
F+/f+; bond; chastity; collar; cuffs; gag; convention; public; cage; leash; toys; latex; shop; cons; X
21.07.24 - 9
F/f; bond; public; cuffs; gag; tease; armbinder; oral; climax; latex; leash; collar; buttplug; ponygirl; rom; cons; XX
27.08.24 - A Conventional Affair 10
F+/f+; bond; petgirl; latex; bitchsuit; clamps; collar; leash; chastity; public; crop; straps; gag; buttplug; toys; cuffs; rom; cons; XX
01.10.24 - 1
F+/f+; bond; chastity; public; leash; armbinder; gag; collar; clamps; buttplug; cuffs; oral; toys; climax; sybian; tease; denial; rom; cons; XX
27.10.24 - 2
F+/f+; bond; naked; latex; cuffs; chastity; collar; gag; catsuit; leash; oral; tease; denial; climax; rom; cons; XX
08.12.24 - 3
F+/f; F+/f+; bond; chastity; cuffs; gag; corset; armbinder; public; collar; rom; cons; X
11.01.25 - Convention SlaveIron Rodd
M/f; costume; hotel; cuffs; bond; public; collar; tease; oral; climax; cons; X
20.02.12 - The ConversationMikel
F/f; F/fm+; M/f; denial; ballgag; chastity; collar; cuffs; dungeon; head-harness; hood; nipple; collar; X-frame; cbt; enema; heels; cons; XX
14.02.23 - The Convict LockdownMumwrap
F/f; FM+/f; bond; prison; roleplay; straps; hood; blindfold; gag; cuffs; electro; cell; cons; X
15.11.20 - Convoluted KnotsPhilber
M/f; yacht; mast; neoprene; wetsuit; waders; gag; blindfold; bond; rope; harness; hood; tricked; revenge; payback; did; ocean; water; torment; cons/nc; XX
02.12.14 - The Corner Bar DominatrixLady Tressa
F/f; F+/f; M/f; bond; gag; collar; captive; strapon; lesbian; hogtie; rope; drug; oral; anal; climax; cons/nc; XX
17.05.16 - Corporate GreedStudbound
MF/m; bond; kidnap; tape; gag; reluct; X
10.04.02 - Corporate ManoeuversBabygothgirl
- Corset CastMikel
M/f; Sbf; D/s; corset; fibreglass; cast; stocks; bond; cuffs; gag; blindfold; nipple; collar; punish; denial; mast; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
10.09.14 - Corset GiftMikel
M/f; corset; chastity; bond; cuffs; heels; collar; metal; locks; encase; insert; accident; stuck; denial; cons; X
28.08.15 - Corsets & CuffsIceni
M/f; D/s; bond; corset; susp; public; armbinder; sex; toys; cons; X
30.11.08 - 2: Yasmin
M/f; F/f; D/s; bond; corset; electro; clamps; armbinder; oral; toys; cons/reluct; X
23.03.09 - Country Girl SexyStealthbinder
M/f; bond; gag; outfits; tease; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
06.11.10 - The Country House - 1: The PropositionFellatino
M/m; FM/m; bond; susp; photo; slave; cons; X
- 2: My Slavery Begins
FM/m; bond; bdsm; slave; latex; toys; cons; X
- 3: Hanging - Alone?
FM/m; slave; chastity; Sbm; cuffs; susp; outdoors; toys; cons; X
- 4: 'The Parties Start...'
FM+/fm+; D/s; bdsm; bond; anal; sex; toys; cons; X
- 5: The Climax
MF/m; D/s; bond; cbt; electro; display; toys; anal; oral; cons/reluct; XX
21.10.09 - A Couple's GamesRedRob
M/f; F/m; bond; rope; cuffs; gag; chair; tease; torment; denial; sex; oral; climax; cons; X
23.03.12 - 2
Sbm; F/m; M/f; bond; chain; rope; gag; straitjacket; nipple; tease; torment; denial; sex; oral; climax; cons; X
15.04.12 - Cousin Laura's Revengemilagros317
F+/m; drug; capture; bond; cuffs; tickle; torment; foot; bdsm; paddle; diapers; hum; voy; reluct/nc; XX
01.03.12 - 2
F+/m; D/s; captive; bond; cuffs; tickle; torment; foot; straitjacket; coffin; diapers; enslave; voy; reluct/nc; XX
- CovenGarden Variety
FM+/f; bond; cartrunk; motel; outdoors; group; rope; strip; bdsm; ceremony; objectify; shave; wax; piercing; cons/reluct; X
- 2
- 3
FM+/f+; FF; motel; outdoors; bond; naked; rope; susp; breast; bdsm; ceremony; toys; insert; objectify; tease; torment; lesbian; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
30.10.14 - Cracking CrystalAnne Gray
F/f; bond; cuffs; leather; kidnap; nc; X
22.11.04 - 2
F/f; bond; leather; kidnap; toys; nc; X
- 3
F/f; bond; latex; leather; susp; enema; nc; XX
28.07.05 - 4
F+/f; bond; leather; susp; toys; nc; XX
22.02.06 - 5
F/f; bond; leather; susp; kidnap; nc; X
22.02.06 - CrashDarkest Fantasy
Fembot/f; bond; corset; stuck; toys; cons; X
23.06.06 - Crazy Ex-girlfriendsAnn Onominos
MF; F+/m; FM+/m; college; date; revenge; drug; capture; cabin; strip; chain; bond; bdsm; force; video; strapon; oral; anal; climax; cons/nc; X
09.10.18 - Crimean Girl In Exile 1Rojer1209
M/f; bond; cuffs; shackles; blackmail; kidnap; sex; oral; trick; revenge; sendep; hood; reluct; nc; X
24.05.20 - 2
M/f; bond; cuffs; shackles; chain; kidnap; captive; rape; anal; sex; oral; corset; hood; rope; crotchrope; bedtie; reluct; nc; cons; XX
- The CrossingMaxxster
Solo-M; F+/m; suitcase; travel; carhire; police; arrest; handcuffs; shackles; chain; transport; table; chair; cuffs; hum; discovery; chastitybelt; collar; gag; cell; tease; stuck; release; cons/reluct; X
24.09.17 - Cross My Heart 1Eido
F+/m; fem; drug; trick; bond; bedtie; rope; blindfold; chastity; resistance; hum; nc; XX
20.11.21 - 2
F+/f; MF; bond; bedtie; rope; spank; tease; trick; oral; resistance; hum; nc; cons; XX
- 3
MF; bond; rope; collar; cuffs; sex; rom; cons; X
- CrossroadsWindwalker
M/f; bond; cons; X
30.09.02 - Crystal and the Fetish StoreIceni
M/f; F/f; bond; armbinder; corset; bdsm; toys; hum; cons/reluct; X
21.05.09 - Cubby64Fordman
Solo-F; FF; event; reporter; story; bond; rope; fantasy; discovery; cons; X
16.07.16 - 2
Solo-F; reporter; fantasy; auction; MF+; pool; F/f; bond; rope; barn; cons; X
- 3
F/f; bond; rope; nipple; clothespins; tape; gag; tease; torment; denial; M/f; cloth; bedtie; strip; sex; climax; cons; X
- 4
Solo-F; reporter; cartrunk; discovery; F+/f+; sorority; convention; display; model; bdsm; paddle; bench; audience; mudpit; wrestle; cons/reluct; X
- CuckoldJackrabbit
FM/m; M/f; naked; outdoors; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; cuckold; creampie; denial; oral; sex; cons/reluct; X
- The Cuckold Dream/NightmareSensual Robert
F/m; MF; boxed; denial; chastity; creampie; cuckold; heels; maid; cons; X
23.08.20 - Cuffed and CagedMikel
M/f; bond; cuffs; gag; cage; hood; leash; sex; Sbf; toys; stuck; cons; X
29.09.24 - Cuffed by TriciaHawktied
F/m; bond; cuffs; tease; torment; fondle; nipple; denial; mast; climax; cons; X
12.12.12 - The CupboardTonym
- CuriosityStudbound
M/m; F+/m+; bond; straitjacket; cons; X
26.03.03 - Curiosity Captured the CheerleaderPonygirl Sarah
M/f; kidnap; bond; leather; ponygirl; reluct; XX
31.08.08 - Curtains DrawnAbenial
F/m; bond; cuffs; collar; mast; cons; X
20.07.08 - Cut of the CardsAnon747
F+/m; FF; tricked; cuckold; orgasm; sex; MF; cons; X
- IntroductionBudman
cons; X
23.08.22 - 1: Jill's
M/f; bond; incest; teen; chain; conditioning; diet; mittens; naked; cons; X
- 2: The Basement
M/f; bond; incest; teen; chain; naked; conditioning; cuffs; oral; gag; toys; tease; cons; X
01.09.22 - 4: Gran Knows
M/f; bond; incest; teen; chain; naked; basement; conditioning; diet; punish; cons; X
15.09.22 - 5: Transgression
M/f; bond; incest; teen; chain; naked; basement; conditioning; diet; mittens; mast; oral; punish; cons; X
26.09.22 - 6: Oral, NY and Graduation
M/f; bond; tease; denial; mittens; oral; anal; toys; shop; cuffs; incest; teen; cons; X
03.10.22 - 7: Gran's
MF; sex; toys; cons; X
06.10.22 - 8: Google It
Sbf; M/f; bond; gag; cuffs; toys; naked; outdoors; spank; paddle; sex; cons; X
15.10.22 - 9: Freshmen
M/f; bond; sex; rope; pain; naked; cuffs; oral; cons; X
20.10.22 - 10: Backpacking, Kajira
M/f; bond; outdoors; rope; crop; cons; X
15.11.22 - 11: Backpacking, Trees and Creeks
M/f; fpov; bond; outdoors; oral; toys; rope; tickle; crop; tease; climax; cons; X
19.11.22 - 12: Backpacking, Spread
M/f; naked; outdoors; tease; oral; toys; crop; bond; rope; cons; XX
28.11.22 - 13: Cell, Schwartz Iron Works
F/f; fpov; cell; cage; electro; naked; piercing; chastity; oral; cons; XX
03.12.22 - 14: Cell, The Order
MF; fpov; cell; sex; cons; X
16.12.22 - 15: Cell, Jill Cheats on Bob
F+/f; fpov; cell; naked; straps; toys; tease; brat; torment; cons; XX
24.12.22 - 16: Cell, Delivery and Testing
F/f; M/f; bond; cage; cuffs; collar; electro; cons; X
27.12.22 - 17: Cell, Helen's Job Offer
M/f; naked; oral; cell; cuffs; strappado; collar; cons; X
03.01.23 - 18: Cell, The Jill Keeper
MF/f; bond; discipline; naked; cell; cons; X
10.01.23 - 19: Cell, Helen Moves In
M/f; F/f; cell; bond; collar; leash; electro; oral; cuffs; squirt; tease; cons; X
16.01.23 - 20: Cell, New Toys
F/f; bond; cell; cuffs; electro; taser; toys; whip; pain; force; cons; XX
22.01.23 - 21: Cell, Predicament and Training
F/f; fpov; bond; cuffs; bedtie; rope; urine; piercing; electro; torment; predicament; tease; denial; training; oral; cons; XX
31.01.23 - 22: Cell, Cleaning and Tennis
F/f; bond; cuffs; cage; cell; chain; bedtie; toys; tease; sex; oral; caught; cons; XX
07.02.23 - 23: Cell, Team Parties
M/f; F/m; party; group; bond; cell; collar; rope; cuffs; electro; bodymod; food; messy; cons; X
14.02.23 - 24: Farm, Clair's
M/f; bond; spank; cuffs; naked; belt; hum; rom; cons; X
22.02.23 - 25: Farm, Morning
M/f; naked; bond; rope; cuffs; susp; outdoors; barn; shed; oral; messy; food; cons; XX
04.03.23 - 26: Farm, Work
M/f; bond; chain; barn; vetwrap; whip; chores; cons; XX
11.03.23 - 27: Farm, Lunch
M/f; bond; cuffs; outdoors; punish; torment; pain; cons; XX
19.03.23 - 28: Farm, Walking the Horse
M/f; bond; outdoors; barn; cuffs; nipple; torment; rope; blindfold; cons; XX
25.03.23 - 29: Farm, The Game
M/f; bond; cuffs; nipple; torment; rope; predicament; game; tease; denial; sex; cons; XX
02.04.23 - 30: Farm, Another Day
M/f; bond; chain; rope; strappado; cuffs; oral; cons; XX
09.04.23 - 31: Farm, Break the Girl
M/f; bond; rope; whip; punish; belt; sex; cons; XX
15.04.23 - 32: Farm, After Care
M/f; bond; cons; X
23.04.23 - 33: Real Life
M/f; bond; cuffs; bedtie; piercing; cons; X
29.04.23 - 34: Sr. Year, Regina
M/f+; bond; rope; cuffs; food; messy; tickle; first; climax; cons; X
05.05.23 - 35: Sr. Year, That's a Wrap
MF/f; bond; mum; wrap; tape; nurse; buttplug; catheter; electro; tens; toys; straps; mast; oral; cons; XX
14.05.23 - 36: Sr. Year, The Mummy Abides
MF/f; bond; mum; wrap; tape; gag; blindfold; electro; tens; toys; tease; denial; climax; force; cons; XX
20.05.23 - 37: Sr. Year, Regina's Turn
MF/f; strip; naked; cuffs; collar; cons; X
27.05.23 - 38: The Weekend Begins
M+/f+; MF/f; bond; cuffs; strip; punish; crop; naked; bedtie; rope; mast; sex; oral; breathplay; toys; tease; denial; rom; cons; X
03.06.23 - 39: The Weekend, Two Spankings
MF/f; bond; urine; hum; messy; spank; punish; mast; tease; denial; cuffs; rom; cons; X
11.06.23 - 3: First Week
M/f; bond; incest; teen; chain; naked; basement; conditioning; oral; punish; cons; X
12.09.22 - 40: The Weekend, Varieties of Bondage
MF/f; bond; rope; basement; hogtie; clothespins; oral; toys; susp; clamps; sendep; tease; denial; rom; cons; XX
19.06.23 - 41: The Weekend, Varieties of Impact Play
M/f+; naked; bond; rope; flogger; cons; X
24.06.23 - 42: The Weekend, Helen and Needles
MF/f+; bond; rope; piercing; needles; oral; toys; cons; XX
02.07.23 - 43: Crucifixion Picnic, Prelude
MF+/f; bond; X-frame; cuffs; costume; oral; cell; voy; anal; cons; X
19.11.23 - 44: Crucifixion Picnic, Procession
M+F+/f; costume; outdoors; bond; collar; cuffs; public; cross; hum; cons; XX
26.11.23 - 45: Crucifixion Picnic, Crux
M+F+/f; bond; cross; susp; display; public; cuffs; gag; naked; urine; breathplay; cons; XX
02.12.23 - 46: Puppy Maggie
Sbf; F/f; bond; cell; naked; caught; mast; mittens; collar; petgirl; leash; cons; X
10.12.23 - 47: Puppy Maggie Finds an Owner
M/f; bond; petgirl; chain; collar; outdoors; cell; sex; cons; XX
17.12.23 - edAbrank
M/?; chain; collar; outdoors; cons; X
11.06.08 - Ladies Tea Society 1: Founding
F/m; F+/m+; bond; chastity; oral; spank; paddle; straps; table; cons; X
20.08.23 - Ladies Tea Society 2: Dee's Invite
F/m; bond; chastity; mast; caught; naked; oral; cons; X
25.08.23 - Ladies Tea Society 3: First Time
F+/m+; bond; cage; naked; chastity; oral; leash; pegging; strapon; cuffs; cons; X
02.09.23 - Ladies Tea Society 4: Ultimate Chastity
F+/m+; chastity; cons; X
09.09.23 - Ladies Tea Society 5: Ultimate Chastity Owner’s Manual
F+/m; chastity; machine; cons; X
17.09.23 - Ladies Tea Society 5b: Ultimate Chastity Owner’s Manual Appendix
F/m; chastity; punishment; machine; remote; conditioning; bond; cuffs; oral; tease; denial; cons; XX
17.09.23 - Ladies Tea Society 6: A Walk in the Woods
F/m; bond; chastity; oral; training; gag; paddle; cuffs; outdoors; collar; breathplay; transported; cons; XX
23.09.23 - Ladies Tea Society 7: Learning to Ruin
F/m; F+/m+; bond; chastity; pegging; tease; denial; ruin; cons; X
30.09.23 - Ladies Tea Society 8: Paul’s First Tea
F/m; F+/m+; bond; chastity; mast; training; cuffs; naked; leash; collar; public; hum; strapon; sex; oral; whip; punishment; cons; XX
The Chateau
- 1: InheritanceBudman
M/f+m+; mpov; cellar; cell; mast; toys; oral; group; cons; X
25.12.23 - 2: The Prisoner
M/f; F/f; cell; mast; tease; denial; bond; cuffs; oral; cons; X
04.01.24 - 3: Sex on the Beach
MF/f; MF; mpov; bond; toys; cell; cuffs; mast; sex; oral; cons; XX
14.01.24 - 4: A Talk with the Slut
MF/f; mpov; bond; cuffs; punish; oral; chain; objectify; cons; X
21.01.24 - 5: A Bondage Orgy Preparation
M/f; M+F+/f; mpov; bond; cuffs; hum; enema; group; chain; rope; dungeon; cell; naked; blindfold; hood; gag; straps; objectify; cons; XX
27.01.24 - 6: A Bondage Orgy Continues
M+F+/f; mpov; group; orgy; hood; hum; objectify; gag; oral; sex; anal; bond; rope; messy; cons; XX
04.02.24 - 7: Settling In
F/f; MF; mpov; bond; hum; objectify; rope; cell; mast; toys; cons; XX
10.02.24 - 8: Tormenting The Slut
MF+/f; mpov; bond; cell; objectify; toys; tease; rope; chain; anal; messy; hum; cons; XX
17.02.24 - 9: Slut Walk
M+F+/f; mpov; bond; hum; objectify; cell; mast; cuffs; outdoors; hobble; oral; toys; public; voy; spank; belt; punish; cons; XX
24.02.24 - 10: Hiring Lucija
M+F+/f; mpov; bond; objectify; cell; naked; outdoors; cuffs; chain; anal; cons; X
03.03.24 - 11: Lucija Becomes Family
F+M+/f; mpov; electro; collar; remote; machine; oral; objectify; cell; training; cons; XX
09.03.24 - 12: Lucija Learns to Suck Cock
F/f+; cell; rope; bond; cuffs; oral; clamps; training; electro; punish; cons; X
16.03.24 - 13: Lucija Takes Charge of Tim
M/f+; F/m; bond; cell; cuffs; chain; naked; cons; X
23.03.24 - 14: Demerits Trial
M+F+/f; mpov; group; punishment; whip; objectify; cuffs; naked; sex; cons; XX
31.03.24 - 15: New Products and Testing
F/f; M/f; MF/f; F/m; mpov; bond; naked; cuffs; susp; flogger; oral; cane; whip; objectify; outdoors; cons; X
07.04.24 - 16: Tim in Trouble & Heath into Paula
M/f; MF/f; anal; group; cell; objectify; bond; cuffs; rope; toys; piercing; tease; breathplay; denial; sex; oral; cons; XX
13.04.24 - 17: New Relationships & Trial Planning
F/m; group; objectify; slave; chastity; hum; cons; X
21.04.24 - 18: Bugs
F+M+/f; mpov; outdoors; objectify; punishment; cuffs; chain; tease; strapon; tickle; clothespins; trick; cons; XX
28.04.24 - 19: Fucked Up Slut
M+F+/f; bond; clothespins; objectify; sex; tickle; mast; orgy; rope; toys; pain; irritant; insects; strapon; cons; XXX
05.05.24 - 20: Hard Labor & a Doctor
M+F+/f; mpov; outdoors; whip; chain; naked; cons; XX
11.05.24 - 21: Another Demerit Trial
M+F+/f; mpov; naked; objectify; cell; cuffs; strappado; susp; clamps; oral; piercing; cons; X
18.05.24 - 23: Chastity Orgy
M+F+/f; mpov; group; objectify; collar; leash; mast; tease; denial; chastity; sex; anal; orgy; bond; strapon; cuffs; bond; cons; XX
02.06.24 - 23: Piercings
M+F+/f; F/m; mpov; oral; piercing; bond; cuffs; toys; cons; X
26.05.24 - 24: The Cistern
M+F+/mf; MF; mpov; objectify; naked; outdoors; chastity; oral; exhib; oubliette; cuffs; mast; sex; cons; X
08.06.24 - 25: Sex Toy Catalog
M+F+/f; mpov; bond; objectify; cell; naked; pain; oral; cuffs; susp; cons; X
15.06.24 - 26: Labor Day
M+F+/mf+; mpov; group; bond; cuffs; orgy; oral; sex; one-bar-prison; tease; denial; paddle; cons; X
23.06.24 - 27: The Doctor Reports
FM+/f; mpov; clamps; bond; chain; rope; tickle; oral; cons; X
30.06.24 - 28: Nurse in a Hole
M+F+/f+; mpov; bond; objectify; oubliette; oral; mast; sendep; toys; remote; naked; cons; XX
07.07.24 - 29: Breaking my Fiancée
M/f; mpov; bond; outdoors; drug; strip; naked; rope; susp; predicament; one-bar-prison; sawhorse; pain; whip; reluct; blood; XXX
14.07.24 - 30: The B & B & B
MF/f; M/f; mpov; bond; hotel; objectify; whip; punish; cons; XX
- 1: IntroductionMasterKGray
Solo-F; Sbf; bond; mast; fantasy; cons; X
28.06.20 - 2: The Interview
MF/f; bond; gag; insert; dildo; anal; climax; slave; corset; armbinder; straps; chair; collar; tease; cuffs; cons; X
04.07.20 - 3: Practice
Solo-F; Sbf; toys; clamps; F/f; bond; cuffs; gag; spreader; straps; switch; whip; cons; X
12.07.20 - 4: The Superintendent
M/f; sex; oral; bond; breathplay; cuffs; straps; collar; gag; cons; X
14.07.20 - 5: Are you my Master?
M/f; bond; slave; D/s; cuffs; denial; oral; rope; chain; clamps; nipple; collar; climax; crop; dildo; rom; cons; X
16.07.20 - 6: 's True Master
M/f; M+/f+; bond; slave; cuffs; shackles; sex; public; exhib; cons; XX
20.07.20 - 7: First Night of Slavery
M/f; bond; sex; slave; oral; naked; cuffs; gag; clamps; climax; cons; X
26.07.20 - 8: Beth
M/f; M+/f+; slave; bond; collar; cuffs; gag; oral; sex; tease; office; public; rom; cons; X
29.07.20 - 9: Pizza Delivery and a Whipping
MM/f; bond; slave; rom; gag; oral; whip; cons; XX
04.08.20 - 10: Billionaire
M/f; M+/f+; slave; bond; cuffs; harness; office; public; collar; sex; oral; stocks; gag; cons; X
08.08.20 - 11: Dinner Conversation
M/f; anal; sex; collar; hoist; gag; ballgag; cuffs; basement; diner; pain-slut; public; toys; whip; rom; XX
29.08.20 - 12: Branded
M+/f; slave; bond; oral; vag; leash; collar; brand; cons; XX
02.09.20 - 13: Kidnapped
M/f; oral; vag; collar; cuffs; dungeon; leash; packaged; chair; cell; tattoo; bdsm; brand; captive; capture; naked; slave; transport; nc; reluct; XX
12.09.20 - 14: Porn Star
M/f; bond; whip; oral;hum; exhib; cons; nc; XX
15.09.20 - 15: Kidnapped Again and Sold
M+/f; slave; training; bond; collar; chain; whip; kidnap; sold; cell; auction; pain-slut; cons; nc; XX
23.09.20 - 16: Discovers Her True Buyer
M/f; bond; slave; straps; gag; oral; sex; heels; collar; leash; cuffs; rom; cons; X
14.10.20 - 17: New collar, new hair, and a new slave
M/f; M+/f+; bond; slave; sex; oral; gag; toys; clamps; collar; bodymod; cons; XX
20.10.20 - 18: Kira's tribulations
M/f; bond; cage; chain; collar; corset; cuffs; hoist; bedtie; basement; cell; crop; naked; sex; slave; whip; rom; cons; XX
14.11.20 - 19: Concussion, Coma, a New Slave and Twins?
M/f+; mast; vag; chairtie; dungeon; collar; leash; straps; car; hospital; D/s; slave; naked; rom; cons; X
21.11.20 - 20: Online Auction
M/f; M+/f+; F/f+; slave; oral; sex; chain; bond; leash; punishment; cuffs; collar; susp; toys; whip; sold; rom; cons; X
05.01.21 - 21: Conclusion
M/f; slave; anal; oral; sex; bond; cuffs; leash; bedtie; harem; hospital; transported; bdsm; collar; enslave; cons; X
12.01.21 - 's MistressEmma Bond
F/f; bond; collar; oral; cuffs; chain; buttplug; cons; X
The Coincidence
- The CoincidenceChas Dicks-ins
Solo-F; F/f; store; mistake; strip; corset; gloves; boots; gag; hood; blindfold; chastity; insert; armbinder; collar; leash; domme; purchase; cons; X
14.11.15 - 2
F/f; bond; collar; hood; captive; cage; transport; dungeon; armbinder; mistake; release; club; leather; M/f; ring-gag; blindfold; force; oral; climax; chastity; cons/nc; X
27.07.16 - 3: A Friend
FF; F/f; M/f; D/s; collar; chastity; cuffs; dungeon; cell; hobble; leather; latex; slave; mitts; breastplay; cons; X
27.07.16 - 4: Third Wheel
FF; M/f; D/s; collar; chastity; cuffs; dungeon; cell; hood; straitjacket; gag; blindfold; leather; bdsm; spank; punish; Solo-F; mitts; gag; shackles; mast; cons; X
27.07.16 - 5: Tracy's Morning
FF; F/f; M/f; D/s; collar; chastity; mitts; bond; gag; dungeon; cell; leather; rope; blindfold; fantasy; discovery; voy; mast; cons; X
27.07.16 - 6: Coincidence Again
FF; F/f; D/s; bond; gag; cuffs; chastity; collar; caught; mast; breastplay; fondle; tease; climax; cons; X
27.07.16 - 7: The First Day a Slave
F/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chastity; collar; nipple; tease; toys; insert; denial; lesbian; oral; strapon; sex; climax; cons; X
Continually Increasing Bondage
- Continually Increasing BondageSteve Spandex
M/f; F/f; FF+; straitjacket; spandex; catsuit; bond; rope; frogtie; stuck; darlex; sack; straps; tape; handcuffs; news; meeting; public; discussion; plan; offer; cons; X
05.03.18 - 10
F/f+; FF; jail; cell; bond; captive; latex; catsuit; trick; overpower; zipties; rope; gag; casket; encase; Solo-M; spandex; outdoors; cons/nc; X
08.03.19 - 11
F/f+; Solo-M; spandex; outdoors; jail; cell; captive; casket; encase; discovery; FM; latex; catsuit; fight; cons/nc; X
01.06.19 - 12
F/f+; Solo-M; spandex; jail; cell; captive; fight; FF; MF; overpower; bond; handcuffs; rope; gag; rescue; cons/nc; X
01.06.19 - 13
M/f+; cartrunk; bond; spandex; armbinder; tape; gag; MF+/f+; jail; cell; captive; encase; cocoon; revenge; choice; net; susp; cons/nc; X
01.06.19 - 2
F/f; F+/f; spandex; catsuit; bond; rope; chairtie; basement; tape; handcuffs; plot; meeting; prison; plan; caught; cons/nc; X
30.04.18 - 3
Sbf; handcuffs; rope; spandex; catsuit; crotchrope; gag; blindfold; F+/f; cell; captive; bond; bagged; vacuum; sealed; encased; cons/nc; X
30.05.18 - 4
F+/f; prison; cell; captive; bond; bagged; vacuum; gag; casket; steel; encased; F/f; spandex; catsuit; nylons; cocoon; tape; stuck; trap; cons/nc; X
13.08.18 - 5
FF/f; bond; bagged; darlex; sleepsack; cartrunk; transport; prison; cell; captive; nylons; cocoon; video; tease; ransom; cons/nc; X
26.08.18 - 6
Solo-F; handcuffs; rope; hogtie; spandex; F/f+; betrayal; drug; kidnap; transport; prison; cell; captive; hood; susp; tease; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
09.10.18 - 7
F/f+; spandex; captive; prison; cell; hood; bond; susp; paddedcell; vacsack; encased; stuck; FF; plot; deception; revenge; cons/nc; X
04.11.18 - 8
F/f+; captive; prison; cell; bond; susp; spandex; hood; encased;armbinder; straps; sleepsack; cocoon; strip; force; wash; torment; revenge; cons/nc; X
21.01.19 - 9
Solo-M; ransom; F/f+; captive; prison; cell; bond; susp; spandex; hood; encased; armbinder; straps; cocoon; revenge; cons/nc; X
A Controlled Life
- A Controlled Lifeslave4teamviewer
Solo-M; F/m; D/s; computer; voy; video; fem; cd; toys; insert; mast; force; femdom; hum; enslave; cons/reluct; XX
26.11.13 - 2
Solo-M; F/m; D/s; computer; voy; fem; shave; conditioning; force; femdom; hum; enslave; cons/reluct; X
11.12.13 - 3
Solo-M; F/m; D/s; computer; voy; fem; conditioning; force; femdom; hum; punish; enslave; mast; cons/reluct; X
21.12.13 - 4
Solo-M; F/m; D/s; computer; voy; fem; cd; conditioning; force; femdom; hum; punish; enslave; toys; oral; chastity; denial; cons/reluct; X
01.01.14 - 5
Solo-M; F/m; D/s; fem; cd; conditioning; controlled; force; femdom; public; hum; punish; enslave; chastity; denial; cons/reluct; X
20.12.17 - 6
Solo-M; F/m; D/s; fem; cd; conditioning; controlled; force; femdom; public; hum; punish; enslave; chastity; denial; cons/reluct; X
20.12.17 - 7
Solo-M; F/m; D/s; fem; cd; conditioning; controlled; force; femdom; public; hum; punish; enslave; chastity; denial; cons/reluct; X
20.12.17 - 8
Solo-M; F/m; D/s; fem; cd; conditioning; controlled; force; femdom; public; hum; punish; enslave; chastity; denial; cons/reluct; X
The Costume Party
- The Costume PartyStealthbinder
M/f; costume; party; bond; scarves; rope; gag; oral; mast; sex; cons; X
- 2: A Bunny's Tale
M/f; costume; party; bond; scarves; ties; tease; oral; mast; sex; cons; X
- 3: The Naughty Nurse
M/f; costume; party; bond; tape; scarves; tease; susp; spank; oral; mast; sex; reluct/cons; X
- 4: Magic Tricks
M/f; costume; party; bond; cuffs; rope; scarves; tease; oral; mast; sex; reluct/cons; X
- 5: The Farmer's Wife
M/f; costume; party; bond; rope; scarves; tease; oral; sex; cons; X
- 6: After the Party
M/f; costume; bond; rope; cuffs; gag; nipple; bdsm; toys; oral; sex; cons; X
- Damsel in DistressJohn Roper
MF/f; bond; cons; X
16.12.03 - 2
MF+/f+; bond; susp; cons; X
- 3
MF+/f+; bond; susp; cons; X
- Damsels in PerilSensual Robert
F/fm; kidnap; bond; cd; tg; bond; collar; leash; mum; sold; nc; XX
25.08.21 - Dana's RevengeTweak
F/m; bond; cbt; femdom; fem; bdsm; XX
- 2
F/m; bond; cbt; femdom; fem; hum; bdsm; XX
25.06.02 - Dance with me Baby!Anne Gray
F+/f; bond; kidnap; leather; packaged; toys; nc; X
14.03.07 - Darcy's GhostFindar
M/f; bond; straps; gag; corset; collar; leash; rope; whip; crop; sex; supernatural; ghosts; reluct; XX
12.07.20 - 2: The Countess
F+/f; fpov; bond; cuffs; strip; naked; gag; collar; crop; corset; hobble; heels; armbinder; supernatural; ghosts; nc; XX
11.07.21 - 3: Down the Rabbit Hole
MF+/f; bond; rope; gag; collar; hobble; armbinder; dungeon; maid; susp; whip; predicament; cage; nc; XX
28.09.21 - 4: Till Death Do Us Part
MF+/f; fpov; bond; gag; spreadeagle; bedtie; rope; damsel; peril; maid; reluct; nc; X
25.11.21 - Dare AdventureZephyr
M/f; sex; oral; cuffs; nipple; rope; susp; spank; cons; X
05.09.20 - Dark Knights KeepDrakkon
M/f; bond; cons; X
- DarknessDominatrix Bella
F/m; D/s; kidnap; bond; femdom; bdsm; captive; chain; chastity; tease; insert; anal; oral; sex; reluct; X
10.01.12 - The DateJohn Walker
- Date NightMaschan
?/f; bond; collar; blindfold; rope; cuffs; susp; tease; toys; climax; cons; X
26.05.24 - A Date With IanAnne Woolsey
M/f; bond; roleplay; oral; toys; cons; X
25.11.07 - A Date with WendyAnne Woolsey
F/f; bond; gag; public; hum; cons; X
12.01.08 - A Dave and Adel Adventure 1: Straitjacket Bound for the First TimeRamman K'arojic
M/f; bond; straitjacket; sex; oral; tease; rom; cons; X
14.06.20 - A Dave Annis NightJenny Bonici
FM+; FM+/f; party; game; naked; bond; rope; frogtie; blindfold; crotchrope; oral; cum; swallow; cons; X
21.07.17 - David and Linda - The BeginningRichard George
F/m; bond; cons; X
10.03.04 - Davinia 1: Jungle
M/f; FF; fpov; kidnap; chain; collar; cuffs; leash; slave; whip; training; nc; XX
28.03.21 - 2: Erin's Submission
MF/f+; fpov; bond; slave; training; crop; clamps; naked; oral; strapon; anal; cane; punish; nc; reluct; XX
- 3-1: Lady Samantha and the Crop
MF/f+; fpov; bond; slave; training; collar; chain; naked; clamps; crop; cane; cage; toys; spank; oral; reluct; XX
- 3-2: A Harsh Mistress Indeed
F/f; fpov; bond; slave; training; naked; oral; gag; cuffs; buttplug; flogger; reluct; XX
- 3-3: A Close Shave
F/f; FF; fpov; bond; slave; training; shave; naked; buttplug; cuffs; chain; cell; gag; maid; whip; reluct; XX
- 4-1: Sir Ian and the Rings
M/f; FM/f+; fpov; bond; slave; training; gag; blindfold; tattoo; piercing; oral; cuffs; sex; anal; collar; chain; reluct; XX
- 4-2: in the Dungeon
FM/f+; fpov; bond; slave; training; blindfold; cuffs; gag; collar; naked; sawhorse; susp; cane; punish; cons; XX
- 5-1: Lady Samantha and the Lash
F/f+; fpov; bond; slave; training; rack; naked; cell; cuffs; spreader; armbinder; whip; cons; XX
03.04.21 - 5-2: Signing Bonus
M+/f+; bond; slave; naked; cuffs; straps; gag; blindfold; paddle; punish; oral; anal; spreader; whip; reluct; XX
03.04.21 - 5-3: In The Oil Servicing Business
M+/f+; slave; bond; paddle; punish; crop; cuffs; sawhorse; toys; force; oral; anal; hum; messy; reluct; XX
03.04.21 - 6-1: The Sacrifice
MF/f; F/f; bond; slave; collar; cell; lingerie; cuffs; crop; naked; whip; clamps; cons; reluct; XX
03.04.21 - 6-2: Davinia's Reward
M/f; F/f; slave; bond; pvc; clamps; naked; paddle; oral; sex; strapon; cons; XX
03.04.21 - 7-1: The Oil Minister
FM+/f; bond; slave; spreader; cuffs; naked; gag; whip; maid; oral; latex; catsuit; anal; sex; reluct; cons; XXX
03.04.21 - 7-2: Epilogue
M/f; slave; collar; packaged; cons; X
03.04.21 - Dawns soft light wakes me upPaultt
M/f; bond; gag; tape; breast; tease; cuffs; rope; toys; insert; oral; sex; anal; climax; cons; X
21.05.18 - A Day at the OfficeLobo De la Sombra
M/f; F/f; MF/f; insert; toys; chastity; office; tease; denial; bond; gag; closet; shackles; torment; sex; cons/reluct; XX
15.04.12 - A Day Dream CorruptedS M Ackerman
MF+/fm+; naked; cell; chain; collar; cage; electro; auction; sold; slave; reluct/cons; X
14.05.13 - Day in the CountryCanlock
F/m; D/s; chastity; bond; bdsm; pony; outdoors; oral; cons; X
06.07.08 - A Day in the RainBoundBecky2000
F/f; bond; cons; X
20.12.04 - A Day of FirstsCaligula
F/m; D/s; femdom; leather; tease; denial; costume; maid; bond; gag; straitjacket; hood; oral; pegging; strapon; climax; cons; X
02.01.19 - A Day on the LakeJon Deets
M+/f; party; tease; bond; stocks; gag; sex; oral; climax; revenge; cons/reluct; X
26.02.13 - A Deal With The DevilJackie Rabbit
Solo-F; FF; F/f; D/s; show; costume; schoolgirl; devil; alcohol; performance; panties; captive; bond; enslave; femdom; prisoner; lesbian; cons/nc; X
30.10.14 - Dear AbbyStudbound
F/m; M/f; bond; straitjacket; caught; cons/reluct; X
08.07.02 - Dear JohnXVX
M/f; MF/mf+; bond; cuffs; straps; gag; leather; electro; ponygirl; cart; harness; outdoors; chastity; cons; X
26.06.13 - Death of a Blanket HogT S Fesseln
M/f; bond; collar; blindfold; rom; exhib; harness; cuffs; foreplay; sex; insert; mittens; leash; frogtie; cons; XX
01.08.20 - Debbie's DilemmaAnne Gray
M/f; bond; metal; revenge; toys; XX
26.03.07 - Debra's AwakeningLobo De la Sombra
M/f; F/f; bond; D/s; tease; touch; oral; climax; cons; X
29.08.09 - Deb's New CostumeLobo De la Sombra
F/f; leather; catsuit; bond; gag; blindfold; toys; insert; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
15.07.11 - A Debt Paid in SteelJames Strictland
M/f; bond; gag; oral; toys; cons; X
11.12.08 - Deep Cover EngagementJessBaby
Solo-F; police; undercover; gangsters; MF; M/f; F/m; rom; naked; switch; bond; collar; cuffs; zipties; bdsm; crop; lingerie; toys; insert; playroom; discovery; betrayal; choice; slave; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
12.05.18 - Delilah: A Harem Sex StorySensual Robert
M/f; FF; bond; oral; mum; blindfold; fetters; gag; dungeon; harem; chain; enslave; first; kidnap; horror; nc; XX
10.03.21 - The DemonstrationNeo Socrates
F+/m; bond; bdsm; latex; susp; enema; electro; torture; toys; reluct/nc; XXX
20.07.09 - Denise's New PlanWorzel
F/f; D/s; latex; club; bond; bdsm; hood; gag; toys; sleepsack; tattoo; piercing; chastity; cons; XX
12.05.11 - Denise's Submissive HolidayGromet
F+/f; bond; dungeon; insert; armbinder; bagged; blindfold; gag; harness; hoist; hood; collar; posture-collar; straps; X-frame; susp; electro; first; leather; naked; sendep; slave; torment; cons; XX
15.10.22 - Denise & the TwinsDenise Wallace
M/f; M+/f; bond; gag; spreadeagle; oral; sex; toys; insert; trick; threesome; cons; X
01.08.20 - Den Mothers Merit BadgesLancer175
M+/f+; bond; rope; strip; naked; hogtie; milf; tape; frogtie; sex; spreadeagle; bedtie; mum; bandages; punish; breast-torture; chair; reluct; XX
20.01.22 - Desert Chronicles 1: Force MeZephyr
MM/f; fpov; public; bond; outdoors; sex; oral; tease; denial; strip; bedtie; spreadeagle; cuffs; hypno; rope; whip; bullwhip; susp; hoist; mall; gag; collar; predicament; rom; cons; XX
12.06.23 - Desert Chronicles 2: MilkmaidZephyr
M+/f; bond; farm; wire; strip; spread; suction; tease; voy; milk; cons; X
15.09.24 - Desert Chronicles 3: SiroccoZephyr
M/f; naked; outdoors; rope; spread; susp; whip; pain; rough; trick; gag; sex; cons; XX
22.09.24 - Desert Chronicles 4: Scare MeZephyr
M/f; bond; sex; naked; rope; toys; insert; handcuffs; spreadeagle; cons; nc; XX
08.01.20 - Desert Chronicles 5: His Birthday PresentZephyr
MM; M/f; surprise; gift; naked; bond; rope; spreadeagle; gag; cartrunk; cons; X
25.06.15 - Desert Chronicles 6: ConsentZephyr
M/f; tease; bond; handcuffs; rope; strip; kiss; sex; climax; cons; X
26.08.18 - Desert Chronicles 7: BasementZephyr
MF; M/f; bond; rope; oral; sex; breast; gag; tape; spreadeagle; basement; blindfold; public; toys; discovery; cons; rom; XX
30.09.24 - DetailsGaggedUtopia
M/f; D/s; naked; Sbf; cuffs; cage; collar; maid; oral; cons/reluct; X
16.01.02 - Dianna's StoryR G Bargy
M/f; bond; toys; reluct/cons; X
23.10.05 - Dianne’s Desert DisasterKurt Knout
M+/f; M+/f+; bond; kidnap; transport; bdsm; oral; anal; sex; cons/nc; XX
05.12.09 - Dianne's First Bondage SessionOkmrocksU
M/f; bond; Sbf; cons; X
28.08.07 - Dianne's Second TimeOkmrocksU
Sbf; M/f; F/m; bond; spank; stuck; oral; cons; X
03.02.08 - The Dice GameA Pensive Pen
F+/f; game; dice; bond; leather; boots; armbinder; gag; hood; straps; breast; toys; insert; hogtie; tease; denial; climax; cons/reluct; X
- DifferencesLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; M/f; D/s; leather; cuffs; naked; tease; touch; denial; cons; X
26.11.11 - 2
M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; gag; naked; tasks; tease; touch; sex; climax; cons; X
30.01.12 - Different Paths but Bound TogetherInferno of the Soul
M/f; bond; collar; straps; gag; blindfold; nipple; fucking-machine; insert; tease; climax; cons; X
02.10.11 - A Different Winter-WalkHartie
M/f; bond; outdoors; zipties; cuffs; gag; hobble; true; outdoors; cons; X
07.11.09 - Difficult PleasuresUpper Hand
F/m; femdom; strip; shave; bond; rope; fem; nylons; gag; tape; cbt; tease; torment; denial; sex; climax; fpov; cons/reluct; XX
31.10.13 - DinnerMikel
M/f; bond; rope; chairtie; gag; wrap; breathplay; nipple; collar; tease; toys; denial; oral; climax; cons; X
28.08.14 - Dinner and a ShowThe Technician
Solo-F; M/f; naked; exhib; outdoors; bond; blindfold; surprise; display; stage; stocks; public-hum; bdsm; spank; public orgasm; sex; anal; climax; cons/reluct; X
09.01.15 - The Dinner DateTorquemaster
F/f; bond; cuffs; rope; nipple; tease; torment; toys; public; cons/reluct; X
21.02.10 - Dirty DungeonNakia Kesler
- The Disappearance of JenniferBound5lave
MF; F+/fm; D/s; bond; cuffs; chastity; captive; enslave; objectify; femdom; cons/reluct; X
29.01.16 - Disciplinary HearingAlex Severn
F/fm; M/f; F/m; D/s; bdsm; naked; office; whip; oral; mast; sex; climax; reluct; XX
11.12.10 - Discipline for a Wayward Domestic PartnerMistress Tressa
F/f; M/f; D/s; lesbian; maid; hum; capture; bond; strip; bdsm; crop; gag; cage; susp; shave; oral; sex; climax; cons/nc; X
18.10.13 - Discovery 1: A Ritual CleansingCollared_Angel
F/f; FM+/f; D/s; drug; captive; bond; gag; naked; massage; clean; salt; oil; punish; steamroom; bdsm; spank; enema; force; pain; hum; nc; X
08.03.19 - DistractionsIgor Stravinsky
M/f; naked; sawhorse; bond; armbinder; chain; cuffs; gag; collar; clamps; toys; tease; denial; electro; cons; X
06.03.20 - Divorce SaleLady Tressa
M/f; MF+/f; kidnap; tape; gag; blindfold; straps; captive; sold; slave; transport; revenge; cons/nc; X
14.02.14 - Dobson's Choice 1NickHC
F+/mf; kidnap; bond; gag; pain; training; nc; XX
02.09.20 - 2
F+/mf+; bond; kidnap; tattoo; cage; nc; XXX
- The Doctor Is InLancer175
F/mf+; bond; strip; tape; gag; chair; gynochair; urine; enema; wheelchair; cbt; clamps; revenge; nc; XX
21.08.22 - Doctor's PrescriptionChas. M
Solo-F; M/f; scarves; lingerie; gag; blindfold; toys; tease; insert; climax; cons; X
19.11.12 - Doctor VincentMax Roper
MF; college; F/m; rope; bond; strip; blindfold; voy; mast; climax; nosex; cons; X
15.05.17 - Dog ShowJackie Rabbit
MF/m; M/f; M+/f; D/s; pet; outdoors; photo; blackmail; latex; dogsuit; group; frottage; oral; sex; cons/reluct; X
- Doing Penance with Pastor DanStudbound
M/mf; bond; rope; chair; cons; X
22.09.02 - Don't Get JealousJAR
Solo-F; M+/f; F/f; D/s; capture; gangsters; bond; rope; susp; bdsm; punish; torment; gag; crop; enslave; naked; kennel; laxative; hum; cons/nc; XXX
08.10.14 - DoonaProwl1
- A Double ChallengeJohn Writer
M/f; bond; computer; electro; bet; college; toys; cons; X
05.03.09 - Double CrossLady Tressa
F/f; F/f+; capture; drug; kidnap; bond; handcuffs; gag; zipties; chairtie; hood; domme; hogtie; torment; rim; strapon; anal; hum; cons/nc; XX
12.11.14 - Double IdentityXVX
M/f; captive; bond; chastity; cuffs; collar; harness; spreader; boots; conditioning; mind-control; toys; insert; cons/nc; X
07.01.14 - Double TroubleMaster Ties
M/f; F/f; MF/f; bond; chain; susp; oral; toys; cons; X
05.03.09 - Down on the Farm 1The Technician
Sbf; F/f; denial; breast; vag; anal; insert; gag; rope; ice-release; barn; attic; boots; caught; clamps; crop; toys; naked; program; reluct; XX
24.04.21 - 2
F/f; bond; straps; farm; flogger; denial; lactate; cane; milking; cons; XX
08.05.21 - 3
F/f; bond; rope; outdoors; public; naked; tribbing; electro; insert; toys; pain; cons; XX
20.05.21 - 4
F/f; FM/f; F+/f; naked; outdoors; public; insert; buttplug; pain; denial; climax; spanking; cons; XX
21.06.21 - 5
F/f; anal; denial; lesbian; oral; ponygirl; public; stables; cons; XX
21.06.21 - 6
F/f; M+/f; bond; costume; denial; ponygirl; outdoors; public; hum; sex; cons; XX
28.07.21 - 7
F/f; bond; electro; naked; tribbing; sex; leather; toys; insert; hood; collar; game; tease; denial; cons; XX
18.09.21 - 8
FM+/fm+; collar; slave; wrestle; naked; oil; games; spank; ponygirl; race; oral; outdoors; exhib; rom; cons; XX
09.10.21 - Drawing ClassDan Dofogh
F/f; bond; susp; cons; X
15.01.07 - The DreamChris Powell
F/m; D/s; Sbm; bond; cbt; tape; toys; cons; XX
12.10.05 - Dream a Little DreamNancy Slave
- Dream AssignmentJezziebelle
M/f; D/s; bond; susp; cons; X
12.09.03 - 2 - Second Helpings
M/f; D/s; bond; cons; X
05.11.04 - 3 - Three Times Free
M+/f+; D/s; bond; cons; X
01.06.06 - 4 - For You
M+/f; D/s; bond; objectify; piercing; cons; X
01.06.06 - Dream Come TrueDark Dreamer
- Dream Fuck: Tara's FantasyWicked Tricks
M/f; bond; gag; hotel; nipple; sex; oral; anal; climax; cons; X
11.08.12 - Dream GirlKarmaP0licemen
M/f; F/m; bond; blindfold; gag; dream; predicament; enslave; caught; cons; X
08.04.13 - 2: Day 2
F/m; femdom; bond; blindfold; gag; straps; tease; torment; electro; bdsm; crop; enslave; cage; oral; climax; denial; cons; XX
26.11.13 - A Dream is just a DreamBucky Goldstein
Solo-F; dream; M/f; bond; cuffs; rope; shave; toys; insert; nipple; torment; tease; denial; mast; climax; cons; X
01.10.18 - 2
Solo-F; dream; M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; rope; shave; lube; toys; insert; nipple; belts; susp; scenario; torment; tease; denial; mast; climax; cons; X
17.12.18 - Dream OneHappyCamper
Other/f; Solo-f; discovery; naked; mitts; nipple; bell; buttplug; tail; petplay; captive; sybian; oral; insert; climax; cons; X
07.07.18 - Dream Or NightmareCropsncuffs
M/f; breast; desire; sex; fantasy; naked; bridle; harness; ride; crop; ponygirl; caught; F+/m; capture; cage; machine; milking; torment; pain; climax; cons/nc; X
12.04.18 - DreamsLobo De la Sombra
M/f; bond; cuffs; cons; X
25.06.08 - DreamweaverStephen L'aross
M/f; bond; cons; X
23.10.05 - A Dreary AfternoonJenny Bonici
F/f; bond; naked; rope; shibari; crotchrope; harness; hoist; susp; gag; nipple; twine; denial; cons; X
05.04.06 - Dressed to ThrillArchie
- Drew's GiftNormand
MM/f; D/s; bikini; bond; rope; gag; tape; cuffs; hogtie; emb; true; cons; X
26.08.11 - 2: Drew's Second Gift
MM/f; D/s; corset; bond; rope; gag; susp; hogtie; cuffs; insert; toys; mast; oral; climax; true; cons; X
05.09.11 - A Drinkin'Lobo De la Sombra
F/m; bond; rope; gag; spreadeagle; bedtie; zipties; cockring; toys; insert; tease; sex; denial; climax; cons/reluct; X
08.10.14 - Drug
M/f; F/f; MF/f; hum; cuffs; bond; collar; gag; blindfold; toys; crop; cane; cell; punish; naked; office; cons; XX
06.06.20 - The Duke HotelMax Roper
M/m; hotel; bond; rope; naked; oral; climax; true; reluct/cons; X
20.12.11 - Dumb and Stupidlizsubintampa
F/f; true; bond; rope; crotchrope; gag; collar; toys; pain; tease; cons; X
01.03.22 - Dumb DaniellaAnne Gray
F/f; bond; piercing; surgery; bodymod; leather; nc; XX
09.05.07 - Dumped on the Side of the RoadJackie Rabbit
F+/f; Sbf; bond; bdsm; naked; outdoors; caught; hum; oral; reluct; X
12.09.10 - 2: Bound For The Golf Course
F+/f; FM+/f; bond; naked; outdoors; dare; maid; slave; oral; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X
- 3: The Pack Mule
F+/f; bond; harness; naked; outdoors; cabin; dare; cart; hum; cons; X
05.09.11 - 4: References
F+/f+; Sbf; bond; naked; outdoors; tent; dare; toys; insert; oral; anal; cons; X
03.11.11 - Dungeon MuseumMilowe
Solo-F; castle; tour; dungeon; cell; shackles; collar; fantasy; caught; F/f; offer; tease; strip; naked; scolds-bridle; padlocks; mast; climax; stuck; cons; X
17.12.18 - 2
F/f; castle; cell; naked; shackles; chain; collar; scolds-bridle; padlocks; captive; fantasy; tease; F+/f; tour; dungeon; stocks; bdsm; cane; torment; mast; climax; cons; X
09.06.19 - 3
F+/f; bond; castle; shackles; naked; pain; whip; chain; collar; scolds-bridle; padlocks; captive; fantasy; tease; climax; cons; XX
24.05.20 - Dungeon Of DenialDangermouse
F+/f; bond; tease; tickle; reluct; X
16.03.03 - The dungeon of Empress Raquel--A couples first journeyEmpress Raquel
F/fm; D/s; domme; dungeon; strip; naked; emb; cuffs; spreader; susp; bdsm; flogger; tease; torment; strap; cbt; true; cons; X
14.11.18 - Dungeons and Dragonsthepinkbishop
F/f; bond; naked; collar; cuffs; gag; toys; vr; clamps; chain; rope; whip; pillory; cons; X
01.02.25 - Dungeonware by DesignTechie
M/f; F/m; machine; bond; gag; stocks; bdsm; crop; chastity; switch; toys; insert; anal; milk; sex; true; cons; X
- DecompressionScarecrow
M/f; bond; rope; blindfold; tease; strip; torment; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
17.11.13 - 2
M/f; captive; bond; cuffs; blindfold; tease; leather; hood; nipple; clit; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
26.11.13 - 3
M/f; F/m; captive; bond; cuffs; blindfold; tease; leather; hood; nipple; clit; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
11.12.13 - 4
M/f; F/m; captive; bond; cuffs; blindfold; tease; collar; scarves; hogtie; transport; fantasy; slave; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
11.12.13 - 5
Solo-F; M/f; rope; blindfold; scarves; captive; bond; cuffs; leather; hood; tease; fantasy; slave; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
01.01.14 - 6
M/f; D/s; rope; blindfold; scarves; bond; cuffs; collar; tease; slave; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
14.01.14 - 7
F/m; M/f; D/s; rope; blindfold; scarves; bond; cuffs; collar; tease; slave; oral; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
24.01.14 - 8
F/m; M/f; D/s; rope; blindfold; scarves; bond; cuffs; collar; tease; slave; oral; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
Double or Nothing
- 2T S Fesseln
MF/ff; kidnap; bond; rope; gag; mitts; insert; toys; susp; bdsm; mast; climax; nc/reluct; X
24.04.11 - 3
MF/ff; F/ff; D/s; captives; bond; rope; gag; susp; insert; toys; electro; nipple; bdsm; mast; climax; nc/reluct; XX
12.08.11 - 4
MF/ff; F/ff; M/f; D/s; captives; bond; rope; gag; susp; insert; toys; electro; nipple; bdsm; mast; facial; climax; nc; XX
12.08.11 - 5
MF/ff; F/f; M/f; D/s; captives; bond; rope; gag; bdsm; mast; oral; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X
05.09.11 - 6
MF/ff; F/f; M/f; D/s; captives; bond; rope; gag; bdsm; electro; oral; mast; toys; climax; reluct/cons; XX
13.10.11 - 7
MF/ff; M/f; D/s; captive; bond; rope; gag; frogtie; bdsm; mast; sex; climax; reluct/nc; X
13.10.11 - 8
MF/ff; M/f; Sbf; D/s; captives; bond; rope; gag; frogtie; bdsm; toys; insert; collar; cuffs; mast; climax; reluct/cons; X
12.12.12 - 9
M/fff; D/s; captives; bond; rope; gag; bdsm; crop; latex; wrap; toys; insert; vegetables; mast; oral; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X
16.02.13 - 1
MF/ff; kidnap; bond; rope; sack; transport; gag; insert; toys; climax; nc/reluct; X
15.02.11 - 10
M/fff; D/s; captives; bond; rope; gag; bdsm; nipple; latex; wrap; toys; insert; mast; climax; reluct/cons; X
26.02.13 - 11
M/f; MF/ff; D/s; bond; cuffs; collar; rope; gag; bdsm; flogger; latex; wrap; toys; insert; captives; tease; torment; mast; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX
26.03.13 - 12
MF/ff; F/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; collar; gag; zipties; bdsm; crop; wrap; toys; captives; mast; climax; cons/nc; XX
04.05.13 - 13
MF/ff; D/s; slaves; bond; cuffs; collar; gag; rope; bdsm; electro; toys; insert; lessons; condition; captives; torment; climax; cons/nc; XX
21.10.17 - 14
MF/ff; D/s; slaves; bond; cuffs; collar; gag; rope; corset; bdsm; crop; toys; insert; lessons; condition; captives; torment; cons/nc; XX
04.12.17 - 15
MF/f+; D/s; slave; bond; cuffs; collar; gag; rope; corset; bdsm; crop; toys; insert; lessons; condition; captives; torment; cons/nc; XX
18.07.20 - 16
M/f+; bond; oral; sex; armbinder; gag; ballgag; cuffs; nipple; ring-gag; basement; twins; training; bdsm; toys; nc; XX
On to Stories EFG ⇛