A Conventional Affair

by Darkwolf

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© Copyright 2024 - Darkwolf - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; bond; public; cuffs; gag; tease; armbinder; oral; climax; latex; leash; collar; buttplug; ponygirl; rom; cons; XX

Continues from

Part 9

There were a great many things that Brianna Wilde had never expected to experience in her life. Such as becoming the bondage plaything of her next door neighbors for example, or that relationship growing to the point where she could not imagine being with anyone else. At least not in such a permanent fashion. Discovering the seemingly infinite well of fetishes within herself had also been quite surprising, if not quite as surprising as learning that she had the potential to be a witch and the revelation that’s had actually had sex with a werewolf. But somehow all of that seemed almost insignificant in comparison to the fact that right now she found herself walking virtually naked through a crowd with nothing more than a harness of thin leather straps covering her body, head held high and every inch of her so turned on by the experience that she almost could not stand it. And yet, if the last year had taught her anything it was to expect the unexpected. After so many life changing events and personal revelations “normal” now seemed so very relative. Even with all of that, however, as little as an hour ago she would never have imagined, even in her wildest and kinkiest dreams, that she would ever find herself leading one of her mistresses on a leash. Nevertheless, as she glanced back surreptitiously to make certain that she wasn’t imagining things, the blue-haired girl could not help but smile at the sight of Sofia’s long, lean frame sheathed in skintight black latex, hands cuffed behind her back and a modest ball gag made of mirror polished steel filling her mouth. A gag that Brianna herself had been wearing not so long ago. Combined with a simple blindfold those simple bonds rendered the woman utterly helpless and unable to do anything but follow the tug of the leash around her throat, struggling all the while as she tried to wriggle out of her cuffs and shake the gag loose. Actions which achieved little save to make her muscles practically ripple within their encasement, light playing off the shiny rubber covering her in a glittering display as blonde hair flew about her head like strands of gold. A fact that the woman herself seemed to understand at least somewhat as her struggles had slowly morphed into something both playful and deliberately provocative, as if she were putting on a show rather than seriously trying to escape. A marked change from her earlier indignant protests and muffled demands, almost as if her mistress had grown intrigued by this reversal of roles and was curious what might happen next.

A sentiment that Brianna could not help but share, almost unable to believe her own boldness in essentially tricking the statuesque blonde into bondage and seizing control for herself. She’d had no real plan at the time, the whole thing little more than impulse and opportunity, a wild thought that had taken root in her brain, watered by all the excitement she had already experienced, and spilling out before she could think better of it. It almost felt unreal to be perfectly honest, as if she could not believe she’d actually done what she’d done. And yet here she was, leash in one hand and the bag containing the rest of their purchases in the other, with Sofia following along behind more or less obediently. The blue-haired girl knew to her very core that she was submissive. She thrilled in being bound and controlled, reveled in the sensations of being punished and used and teased, and adored surrendering herself to the tender ministrations of her lovers. For the longest time since her awakening to the truth of her own desires Brianna had assumed that was it, but a certain slender brunette had managed to awaken something else in her as well. Claudia had shown her the joys to be found in dominance, the rush that came from controlling a willing partner and having power over someone who trusted you enough to hold it. It was simply that in all of those explorations of herself and her desires the blue-haired girl had never imagined the possibility that one of her mistresses might be the object of such a game, but the lure of forbidden fruit was tempting indeed. The knowledge that one of the seemingly untouchable goddesses she had given herself to was, in fact, very touchable making her already rock hard nipples ache and her pussy clench tight around the ben wa balls filling her. A wave of arousal not at all helped by the appreciative gazes and long looks from those they passed, or the presence of a very tight strap between her legs grinding against her with every step.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, the blue-haired girl straightened her back and let a bit of a sway into her hips as she slowly led Sofia through the maze-like snarl of aisles that made up the convention center, slipping between the crowd with ease as the other patrons seemed to part for them. Part of her wondering if the figure they cut was really that imposing, or if it was simple politeness. Either way Brianna continued on with her mistress in tow and a smile on her face. Despite the sheer size of the building, finding their way back toward the stage where Roxanna was waiting for them was not that difficult. All of the major pathways led there eventually and within a few moments the blue-haired girl could see the curtained platform in the distance along with the arrangement of chairs surrounding it. Anticipation grew within her as she noticed the growing crowd, and wondered just what her olive-skinned mistress would think of Sofia’s current predicament and her own role in it. Biting her lip as thoughts of her mistress’s reactions filled her, Brianna pushed on with some difficulty, slipping through the press of bodies and noting just how many people had apparently shown up in the short time they’d been away. Whatever this big performance Roxanna had hinted at was, it seemed as if the olive-skinned woman had been wise to stay behind and save their seats. Unfortunately, the situation was not at all helped by the fact that Sofia was both bound and blindfolded, rendering her completely unable to see any of the obstacles in her path and making navigation tricky at best. Eventually the blue-haired girl gave up and simply dropped the leash to take her mistress by the waist to guide her directly. Thankfully, despite all that, most of those gathered seemed to sympathize with the difficulty of maneuvering a bound and gagged woman in tight spaces and made room for them. As well, despite making an inquisitive noise in her throat and cocking her head curiously at that surprisingly intimate touch, the blonde seemed to grasp the situation readily enough and did not resist. Or at least not overly much, though she did deliberately rock her hips side to side with each step, teasingly rubbing her ass against Brianna’s body as they went, not that the girl really minded all that much.

After a few moments of that somewhat awkward, but rather exciting dance they found Roxanna much as they had left her, the olive-skinned woman sitting primly on the edge of a folding chair, legs crossed in an almost demure posture at complete odds with her tight corset while her heavily slit skirt exposed miles of well-turned leg sheathed in stockings, a stiletto heel dangling idly from her toe as she tapped a foot to some unseen beat. As if sensing their presence the woman suddenly looked up from the pamphlet she had been reading and froze, surprise clear in her expression even as curiosity burned in those soft, brown eyes as they flickered over the pair and the rather… unexpected situation they were in. Still, she recovered quickly enough, an amused smile slowly curling those full lips as the olive-skinned stood shakily and reached out to allow a hand to caress Sofia’s cheek, making the slightly taller woman moan quietly and nuzzle against her lover’s palm.

“Welcome back, korítsi.” the woman greeted at last, only then allowing her gaze to meet Brianna’s, delight unmistakable in her voice, “Perhaps I miscalculated, for it seems the two of you had a great deal of fun without me.”

“Just a bit of shopping, mistress.” Brianna answered with a shrug even as the ghost of a smile tugged at her own lips, “Nothing special.”

“Ah, so I see.” Roxanna returned as she allowed her hands to roam ever so slightly, exploring the contours of Sofia’s well-toned abdominals before settling on the generous curves of her hips, the blonde purring softly in response, “And yet I see that Sofia has found a few things that she likes, no?”

“Fmrm fnnnm, nnrngnm.” the bound woman murmured even as she leaned into that touch, “Nnmm mmnmm mnn phnhm phhnph gng nnph?”

Slender smile morphing into a smirk, Roxanna gently ran one hand up and down her lover’s side, eliciting a tiny shudder while playfully stroking the woman’s shapely ass with the other, “I rather like you quiet, stríngla. It is a nice change of pace.”

Twisting her shoulders to pull at her cuffs again, and not coincidentally rub her backside against that hand, Sofia huffed in annoyance even if the faint hint of a smile visible around the edges of her gag suggested it was mostly feigned, “Hnphch.”

“Language.” Roxanna scolded as she smacked the blonde’s behind with surprising strength, making the woman moan almost involuntarily as a tiny blush seemed to color her cheekbones, “Or I may leave that in the rest of the day.”

Unable to keep from smiling as she watched her mistresses interact playfully, Brianna held up the bag she was holding, “We also got you something, mistress.”

“That was very kind of you, korítsi.” Roxanna replied as she stepped back from the statuesque blonde, evoking a tiny mewl of disappointment at that loss of contact, and turned her smile on the younger girl, “But you did not need to do that.”

“We wanted to.” Brianna insisted, knowing well that seeing her mistress in such abbreviated attire was thanks enough, “It’s supposed to be a surprise though.”

Favoring the blue-haired girl with a knowing smile, one that made her knees weak and threatened to set her face alight with the intensity of her sudden blush, Roxanna just shook her head, “Oh, very well. I suppose it would be poor form to ruin a surprise.”

“Thank you, mistress.” Brianna managed.

Gently taking Sofia in a side-along hug, Roxanna practically molded herself against her lover’s side and gently ran a finger up her sternum and between her breasts, “No need for that, korítsi. Please do sit though, the show is about to begin.”

Nodding obediently even as she swallowed hard, her eyes practically glued to the display and to the way Sofia leaned into the olive-skinned woman’s touch, Brianna slowly lowered herself into one of the empty chairs, a task made somewhat more difficult by her unwillingness to look away as Roxanna continued to tease her lover playfully. Even so the blue-haired girl eventually managed to sit, mindful to keep her harness from pulling too tight as she moved and managing to avoid jostling her toys this time. What she did not expect, however, was just how shockingly cold the metal seat would be on her heated skin, the sudden chill making her gasp as goosebumps seemed to prickle her entire body and a shiver wracked her frame. Still, she managed to recover quickly enough and, discreetly sliding the shopping bag under her seat, settled in place to watch as her mistresses began to move, Roxanna again taking her lover by the hips before slowly guiding Sofia down onto another chair. Despite being blind to the world, and having her hands bound behind her back, the blonde actually managed to sit with remarkable poise and grace, the sight of her muscles shifting beneath her catsuit as she moved a truly intoxicating one. To say nothing of the way she sat with almost regal grace, back straight and shoulders squared as proudly as any queen despite her bondage. And yet, Roxanna was not quite finished with her it seemed.

Once her lover was seated comfortably, the olive-skinned woman smiled ever so slightly and then lowered herself onto Sofia’s inviting lap with equal grace, the sudden contact enough to make the blonde gasp. Squirming to find the most comfortable seat, and making the woman beneath her moan, Roxanna sat practically sidesaddle across those shapely thighs and curled up against that equally shapely chest, throwing her arms around the athletic woman’s neck to steady herself. Very conspicuously not removing her blindfold or gag, the olive-skinned woman then began to pepper her companion’s throat and cheeks with feather-soft kisses, slowly working her way up before running her tongue along the curl of an ear. Whimpering now, Sofia moaned and shivered at that touch, writhing both against her bonds and against her lover, poise instantly shattered by Roxanna’s touch as she tried to respond but could do little more than endure as her lover teased her. Eventually, after what felt like a small eternity, the scarred beauty relented ever so slightly, playfully nipping at the blonde’s earlobe before whispering something. Her rich, dulcet tones were too quiet to be heard but the almost lascivious expression on her face was utterly unmistakable. Very nearly panting herself at the display, Brianna squirmed in her own seat and rubbed her thighs together as the sensation of her crotch strap practically grinding against her throbbing pussy sent a new shiver up her spine. Biting her lip to suppress a moan, the blue-haired girl honestly struggled to contain herself as she watched her mistresses play with each other, Sofia slowly coming undone beneath that relentless assault. That in and of itself was hardly new, but the added thrill of seeing the blonde bound and gagged and utterly helpless to resist Roxanna’s ministrations was almost too much to bear and not for the first time today the blue-haired girl was honestly tempted to masturbate despite being surrounded on virtually all sides. Thankfully she forced herself to sit on her hands before she could do anything… unfortunate but it was a near thing.

Eventually though, even that intoxicating display ended as Roxanna leaned back to smile at her lover despite the fact that the other woman could not see, that smile only growing at the blonde’s somewhat disheveled state and the way her full lips gave the impression she was pouting around her gag. Arms still locked in place around Sofia’s neck, the olive-skinned woman practically purred, her voice rich and teasing and oh so perfect, “Not just yet, stríngla. I plan to enjoy the schadenfreude for just a bit longer.”

Sofia huffed, almost growing a bit at that response only to whimper again when one of her lover’s hands began to roam over her chest in nonsense patterns, the frustration in her voice obvious despite her gag, “Rmnmmm, nnrngnm?”

Planting another kiss just behind the athletic woman’s ear, voice dropping into a sensuous whisper, Roxanna’s lips quirked into the tiniest of smiles, “Perhaps I will let you watch the show with us, if you are a good girl.”

As if responding to those very words the lights suddenly seemed to dim all around them, the spotlights that had been illuminating the stage suddenly cutting out. An effect that left the impression of darkness despite the fact that the building itself was still well lit. Whatever it was though, it was enough to catch the audience’s attention, the dull roar of conversation dropping into a low, whispered hush as the tension built, everyone here aware on some level that something was about to happen. They did not have to wait long. Quietly at first, as if it were a trick of the ear amid all the noise, music began to play from some unseen source. A low, primal rhythm of percussion slowly built to a crescendo, undercut by the soft tones of an acoustic guitar and the occasional brush of a cymbal. Drawn in by the sound Brianna found herself sitting up straighter, practically perched on the edge of her seat as she leaned forward and craned her neck as if afraid that she might miss something, heart pulsing in time with the beat as anticipation coiled within her chest so tightly that she could barely stand it. Just when the blue-haired girl was certain she was about to burst, it happened. The makeshift curtain that cut the stage in two opened to reveal a lone figure standing there. Her head was down, face shadowed and with her arms crossed over her chest, long-fingered hands with brightly painted nails resting on bare shoulders but despite all of that Brianna would know that shapely and intricately tattooed body anywhere. Indeed, since their chance encounter by the elevator the night before that image had been burned into her mind. Indigo hair down and flowing about her shoulder this time, and clad only in a pair of black hot pants that clung to her curves like a second skin while platform boots sheathed her calves, an incredible amount of Lucrezia’s lush body was on display. The sight of all that bare skin revealing that not only were her tattoos even more extensive than the blue-haired girl had realized, but also drawing the eye to a set of pasties capping her bare breasts and the small stud glinting at her navel.

Striding forward with all the grace and confidence of a tiger, an impression only enhanced by the stripe-like effect of the tattoos decorating her limbs, the woman crossed to the front of the stage and finally looked up, her almost alien gaze of blue on black scanning the crowd for a long moment before her lips quirked into an amused smile, the motion showing off the silvery studs in her dimples and making the dozens of other piercings in her ears, nose and lips stand out in the somewhat subdued light. And yet the woman said nothing, simply cocked her hips at a jaunty angle, one hand pressed to her waist and the other dangling at her side holding what looked like a short coil of rope as her smile morphed into an expression of almost mocking amusement. That music continued to build slowly in the background, yet all the while Lucrezia just stood there, as if waiting for something, the moment stretching thinner and thinner for what felt like an eternity until it suddenly snapped like a thread of glass and the tattooed woman simply moved. Unfurling the rope, she cracked it harshly against the stage like a whip making the tip burst into flames, seemingly of its own accord, and sending a gasp rippling through the crowd. Practically uncoiling herself then, the woman burst into motion, spinning and twisting in time with the beat as she began to twirl that fireball around herself in an intricate and deadly dance, the pulsing orange light and flickering shadows playing over her body and making her tattoos seem to ripple across her skin like a living thing. It did not end there, however. With each beat the music itself seemed to pick up sharply, moving faster and faster as Lucrezia sped up to match it, whirling the flaming rope so fast it actually left afterimages behind as she spun it over her head and around her torso in almost gravity defying loops as her body practically gyrated in a dance that was as sensuous as it was breathtaking.

It was perhaps the most enthralling thing that Brianna had ever witnessed, the perfect fusion of eroticism and danger. The way the flames seemed to lick at the tattooed woman’s skin and just barely miss her wildly flying hair, the way the rope deflected from her elbows and knees like a shooting star, or the way she allowed it to coil about her neck then back again as she arched her spine to roll her entire body. To say nothing of the way her full breasts swayed with every motion and the short, sharp movements of her limbs seemed to carry her across the stage in chaotic but precise patterns. Honestly the blue-haired girl thought she could watch this forever, the whole world falling away save for the almost primordial rhythm filling the air and the luscious body dancing to it. Yet the end was approaching, she could feel it in her bones as Lucrezia’s movement began to grow faster and wilder still, the music building to some final apex as the tattooed woman lost herself in it. Finally, in a move so unexpected that the blue-haired girl actually cried out, fearing for a moment that the dancer might have fallen, Lucrezia dove to her knees, sliding across the stage as she threw her arms back and arched her spine sharply, spinning her head wildly as she once again allowed that burning cord to wrap around her throat. Unlike earlier, however, she did not reverse the spin to uncoil the rope at the last moment. Rather she suddenly lashed out with both hands, slapping the burning end of the cord between her palms and somehow extinguishing the flames with a truly thunderous clap that made more than a few people jump in their seats. In that same instant the music died, the final echo of drums fading into an almost deafening quiet before the kneeling woman opened her eyes and smiled, pearly white teeth standing out sharply against painted lips.

There was a moment of almost stunned silence, as if the entire audience was afraid to even breathe. And then, without warning, the crowd went wild, a veritable roar of applause practically thundering across the room with the intensity of an explosion. So much so that Brianna felt her ears actually ring even as she found herself caught up in the moment herself, clapping her hands together so hard that it actually stung. Truth be told the blue-haired girl had honestly never expected to see Lucrezia again, even at a distance, and had mostly put their rather pleasant encounter out of her mind, the whole experience relegated to little more than a charming memory even if the lingering sensation of those pierced lips kissing her cheek were not likely to fade anytime soon. In fact a part of her still blushed that a porn star of all things had called her cute, and wanted her picture, while the rest of her was still a bit disappointed that she’d had no idea who the tattooed woman actually was and thus had never even thought to ask for an autograph. That thought suddenly made her realize that she should have taken some pictures of the performance she’d just watched, or better yet video. Claudia would have loved it and Brianna mentally kicked herself for not even considering it though, to be fair, she’d certainly had other things on her mind at the time. Still, even thinking back on the sight of that shapely, tattooed and nearly naked form flowing sinuously across the stage was enough to make her shiver in delight, the faintest of blushes coloring her cheeks. Any lingering doubts that Lucrezia was a performer had certainly been blasted from the blue-haired girl’s mind, extinguished as decisively as those flames. Maybe it had just been the spur of the moment, maybe it had been a bit of friendly teasing, but whatever the case, having such a woman call her interesting certainly felt… nice and brought the tiniest of smiles to her lips.

Even as Lucrezia stood in the distance and took a bow, the action putting her mostly bare breasts on display even more sharply, the applause showed no signs of slowing down, a number of people actually standing to get a better view. Shaking her head a bit, and still smiling softly, Brianna glanced to her right to catch sight of Roxanna out of the corner of her eye, the olive-skinned woman still lounging in Sofia’s lap as she clapped politely. She had also apparently kept her promise and removed her lover’s blindfold at some point so that she could watch as well, though the blonde remained firmly bound and gagged. Noting her slave’s attention, the woman tilted her head ever so slightly and offered a knowing smile, a hint of something hidden deep in those soft brown eyes.

“I trust you enjoyed the show, korítsi?” she asked, after a moment, a playful lilt in her voice that suggested she already knew the answer.

“I… I did, mistress.” Brianna answered honestly, even if she thought that ‘enjoy’ was perhaps too tame a word for what she had just experienced.

Nodding faintly, Roxanna then craned her neck to look Sofia in the eye, “And what of you, stríngla? Is this also something you would like to learn how to do?”

Although the blonde seemed to consider the question seriously for a moment or two she eventually just shook her head, amusement reflected in her arctic blue eyes and the hint of a smile visible around the edges of her gag.

“Best left to the professionals perhaps.” Roxanna agreed even as her own expression grew contemplative, a suddenly far off look in her eyes as she considered, “Though I do wonder. Fire is not so difficult to conjure…”

As the olive-skinned woman trailed off, lost in some arcane contemplation, Brianna felt herself squirm a little bit as she wondered. This had to have been the ‘surprise’ that her mistress had alluded to earlier, but as exciting as it had been to see, and as much as she appreciated the experience, some part of her could not help but wonder. Whatever the case though, the blue-haired girl eventually called out, “Mistress?”

“Yes, korítsi?” Roxanna answered immediately, shaken out of her musing by the sudden question and raising a curious brow.

“Thank you for the gift, mistress.” the blue-haired girl offered with a tiny, appreciative smile, “But, how did you know?”

Roxanna said nothing for a moment, just offered another of the mysterious smiles she so enjoyed, the warmth in her tone making the girl’s knees go weak, “I have my ways. But gift? Oh my no. This was merely a pleasant diversion, if one I was certain you would enjoy. The real surprise is yet to come.”

Stunned by that reply, Brianna found that words suddenly failed her, mind going completely blank. Watching as Roxanna slowly slide out of her lover’s lap and back onto her feet, the blue-haired girl found herself frozen in place as the olive-skinned woman popped her neck and stretched her spine for what felt like a long moment before once again taking Sofia’s leash in hand and gave it a short, sharp tug. Letting out a quiet groan of protest, the blonde nonetheless obeyed and climbed to her own feet, the inky black rubber sheathing her statuesque frame creating an almost ominous backdrop as Roxanna finally turned her attention back to the blue-haired girl sitting in front of her.

Swallowing hard, Brianna at last managed to find her voice, “Mistress?”

Reaching down to cup the girl’s skin, forcing their eyes to meet as she caressed that pale skin, the older woman seemed to ignore that question as a slow smile spread across her face, “Do be a good girl and follow, won’t you?”

Shivering beneath that silky soft touch and biting her lip to suppress a moan as that velvety voice caressed her ears, the promise hidden in those words sending a prickle of excitement shooting through her chest, Brianna nodded ever so faintly, voice reduced to little more than a strained whisper, “Yes, mistress.”

Shivering in pleasure as that hand slowly slid down her jaw to caress the sensitive of her throat, the blue-haired girl wet her lips as a long, delicate finger curled through the ring set into the front of her collar and pulled her to her feet with surprisingly strength, leaving barely enough time for her to grab her shopping bag as she stood. Offering the faintest of smiles, Roxanna then pressed a velvety soft kiss to her slave’s lips before setting off with purpose, limping away as quickly as she was able in her stiletto heels. A task made considerably simpler by the fact that Sofia could actually see where she was going this time even if a large number of other people seemed to have the same idea, the crowd beginning to disperse now that the show had ended. As they maneuvered through the rows of chairs and back into the flow of traffic, seemingly surrounded on all sides by fascinating displays of bondage and curious scenes of intimacy, Brianna could not help but wonder what sort of sight the three of them must cut when together like this. Roxanna, elegant and lithe, her almost regal bearing at odds with the scars snaking their way across her bare arms and shoulders while her limp seemed to belay the incredible grace of her movements, leash in one hand as she olive-skinned woman pulled Sofia along behind her and held a girl with bright blue hair and virtually nothing covering her pale skin by her side. It was certainly quite the sight and for the second time that day Brianna was struck by a strange feeling of vulnerability, of nakedness that had nothing to do with the way the harness left her tits and ass exposed, and everything to do with the fact that she was still unbound. As if her outfit was incomplete without some bondage to accompany it. As if she was incomplete without her restraints. Yet beneath that feeling was excitement as well, pride in the way that her appearance drew the eyes of those they passed, and an exhibitionist thrill that was rapidly becoming addicting. Straightening her stance and squaring her shoulders, a slight smile curling her lips the whole while, Brianna found herself almost unconsciously preening beneath that attention as they circled the stage and angled toward a hastily curtained off area sitting just behind it where a small line had formed.

Decidedly curious now, the blue-haired girl felt a thousand questions form on the tip of her tongue, but as Roxanna slipped into that line and pulled her companions along with her, she asked none of them. Rather she simple followed obediently and allowed her eyes to wander as they waited for whatever it was that lay ahead, taking in the small collection of individuals standing in front of her with a curious eye even as another member of the staff, a young woman wearing the same sort of plain t-shirt as the man they had seen earlier, waved people through the curtain one at a time. Still, as much as she tried to distract herself her heart simply wasn’t in it. The curiosity of what they were waiting for was simply too keen, and the almost glacial slowness of the line too frustrating. Impatience began to well up inside of her and the blue-haired girl found herself worrying her lower lip and tapping a foot as she fought the urge to fidget. As if sensing the tension coiled tight inside of her, Sofia suddenly leaned against the younger girl, bumping their hips together playfully and practically molding their bodies together in lieu of a hug. Relaxing almost instantly at the familiar feeling of that shapely body pressed against her, and sighting softly at the sensation of slick rubber against her skin, Brianna glanced up at her mistress and offered a grateful smile. Unable to respond directly, the blonde just offered a tiny grin of her own, and nuzzled her hair affectionately while murmuring soothing nonsense, eliciting a tiny giggle and drawing Roxanna’s attention. Smiling warmly at the pair as she glanced back over her shoulder, the olive-skinned woman at last withdrew her hand from the younger girl’s collar and patted her cheek affectionately.

Biting her lip to try and contain herself, Brianna just smiled softly as well as she leaned into that touch and curled up against Sofia’s side, basking in the warmth of her lovers, the music of some new performance echoing in the background. At last, after relishing in that comfortable glow for what felt like an eternity, the moment was upon them. Stepping to the front of the line, the guard quickly checked Roxanna’s badge and, seemingly satisfied, nodded. Nodding back, a slight smile now seemingly painted onto her face, the olive-skinned woman adjusted her grip on the leash and took the blue-haired girl by the hand before stepping through that curtain without hesitation. Heart practically leaping into her chest in anticipation, the thrill of the heavy cloth brushing up against her bare skin almost as keen as the excitement she felt in that moment, Brianna instantly froze in place as her vision cleared, barely noticing as the drapes fell closed behind them, eyes widening in shock. Seated behind a small table, still dressed in the same abbreviated outfit as on stage but with her hair now up and idly twirling a pen between her fingers, was Lucrezia. Looking up at their entry, the almost bored expression that the heavily tattooed woman had been wearing was washed away almost instantly, those tantalizingly alien eyes lighting up as she caught sight of her visitors. Or at least once of her visitors. Pierced lips quirking into a sensuous smile as she took in the blue-haired girl’s own scant attire, the woman leaned forward just enough to put her own mostly bare breasts on display.

“Looks like we meet again after all, cutie.” she said, amusement thick in her velvety soft voice, the wildly colored hair and numerous facial piercings giving the woman an incredibly alluring aura, “But you didn’t have to get dressed up for little old me.”

“H… Hi.” Brianna eventually managed, blushing down to the roots of her hair at the tattooed woman’s unashamed inspection of her body and pinned in place by those eyes, to say nothing of Sofia’s looming presence at her side. Still, drawing strength from the hand holding her tightly, delicate fingers intertwined with her own, she eventually found her voice and almost blurted out, “You were amazing!”

Laughing out loud in sheer delight, both at that greeting and at the way the girl’s blush seemed to deepen even more, Lucrezia’s smile grew teasing as she propped an elbow on the table and rested her chin on her palm almost casually, “Always happy to meet a fan, but who are these lovelies with you?”

Saving her plaything from further embarrassment, Roxanna cut in, returning the tattooed woman’s smile as she took half a step forward, “I am Roxanna Kormou and this is Sofia.” she tugged on the leash then for emphasis, “Do say ‘hello,’ stríngla.”

Although she grumbled softly into her gag, shooting her lover a look when another tug of the leash tightened it around her throat, Sofia eventually relented, “Hmmmn.”

Offering the blonde an amused smile, Roxanna continued on, “I suppose you might say that we are Brianna’s keepers.”

“Charmed.” Lucrezia answered simply, the glint in her eye and that devil may care grin suggesting that she understood exactly what the olive-skinned woman was implying, “I trust you enjoyed the show as well?”

“It was certainly… illuminating.” Roxanna decided, lips twitching ever so slightly at her own joke, “You are very talented, and most flexible.”

If anything the tattooed woman’s smile only grew, drawing attention to the studs in her dimples and the trio of slender spikes through her lower lip, “Why thank you! I like to consider myself a well rounded performer, but it’s always nice to hear.”

Nodding ever so slightly in agreement, Roxanna’s own smile grew just a touch teasing, “A friend of ours, who is quite familiar with all of your work, would certainly agree. Pity she could not be here.”

“Pity indeed.” Lucrezia agreed before slowly turning her dark gaze back onto Brianna, “Got to say I underestimated you, cutie. With that collar I figured you were kinky, but you acted so shy. Now you show up in that outfit with a beautiful, foreign dominatrix and a pretty rubber slave? Quite the surprise.”

Drawn back into the conversation suddenly, and ignoring Sofia’s indignant huff in the background, Brianna bit the corner of her lip and managed to offer the woman an almost coy smile, “A good surprise though, right?”

Very.” Lucrezia practically breathed, her already velvety voice brushing up against the edges of sensuous as she pushed herself up out of the chair and actually hopped onto the table, crossing one leg over the other as she perched on the edge and clasped both hands together in her lap, “Now then. I seem to recall that last time we met I asked you for a favor. So this time, what can I do for you? Or to you maybe?”

It was a testament to Brianna’s self control that she did not blurt out the first thing to come to mind, her face turning red as she remembered in vivid detail the sight of the tattooed woman’s pierced and slit tongue. As well as all her idle musings that night of just what such a thing might feel like in a kiss or… Cutting off that train of thought before it could go further, the blue-haired girl shook herself. For all the raw, physical attraction she honestly felt when looking on Lucrezia’s exotic and practically naked form, eyes in particular taking in the twisting and seemingly endless array of tattoos covering her, she had a feeling that the other woman likely received a lot of propositions of that sort in her line of work. True, the performer was teasing her, and not so subtly hinting at more intimate possibilities, but it somehow felt wrong to push the issue any further. Of course, despite that resolve, Brianna still found herself at something of a loss for words, uncertain of how to even begin answering the question. What did she want? A sudden tightening of Roxanna’s grip as the woman squeezed her hand reassuringly interrupted those thoughts, the olive-skinned woman offering a quietly encouraging smile as she leaned in to plant a tender kiss just behind the blue-haired girl’s ear before whispering so softly that no one else could hear.

“If memory serves, korítsi, you expressed a certain regret last night, no?”

Offering her mistress a tiny smile of thanks, and very nearly kicking herself for having almost forgotten already, the blue-haired girl forced herself to meet Lucrezia’s gaze, momentarily lost in those pools of purest ebony before an enchantingly familiar body molded itself against her. Biting her lip to suppress a moan as Sofia’s marvelously firm breasts were practically crushed against her back, and blushing again at the raw amusement reflected in their host’s tattooed gaze, Brianna offered what she hoped was a charming smile and asked with as much confidence as she could muster, “May I have your autograph?”

“It would be my pleasure.” Lucrezia assured, that smile never once leaving her face as she held up a hand and began to twirl a pen between lithe fingers in an impressing display of dexterity that, when paired with the way the nails on her middle and ring fingers had been trimmed short, hinted as to what other things those hands might be capable of, “Anything in particular you’d like me to sign? Or anyplace?”

For a brief moment Brianna was tempted, sorely tempted, to ask the porn star to sign her boobs, but very quickly thought better of it. While she didn’t think Lucrezia would refuse, more likely she would find it hilarious, she wanted something a bit more permanent. Or at least something that would last longer than her next shower. The problem was she didn’t really have anything in particular in mind. There was the convention schedule that Roxanna had been reading, and the receipts from their earlier purchases, but neither of those felt appropriate. Nothing that she’d want to show off in any case. Wracking her brains for a few moments more, the blue-haired girl was eventually forced to shake her head, “Sorry.”

“No worries, we’re prepared for all situations here.” Lucrezia promised as she twisted her body in a deliberately provocative manner and reached back into one of several small boxes sitting on the table behind her to pluck out a sheet of glossy paper. Seemingly satisfied with her choice the woman quickly scribbled something on it with a flourish of the pen before holding out the photo for Brianna’s inspection, “There we are. How’s this?”

Breaking free from her mistress’s grasp to take a step forward, the blue-haired girl reached out and took the paper almost reverently, eyes roaming greedily over the image as she took in the details. It was an alluring picture, Lucrezia in an almost candid pose with her body half turned away from the camera and obviously naked save for the arm thrown over her chest and a few strategically placed shadows. Back arched sinuously and face tilted up to the heavens with hair flowing wildly, something about the image perfectly captured the tattooed woman’s playful and effortless sensuality, as did the signature in the corner scrawled in bold, looping arcs. She’d even dotted the ‘i’ in Lucrezia with a heart.

“It’s perfect, thank you.” Brianna eventually said with an honest smile as she looked up, hesitating for the briefest moments after meeting the other woman’s dark eyes, “But, could I maybe have another one? For Claudia?”

“Oh?” Lucrezia asked, a sly smile curling her lips as she lifted a well-trimmed brow curiously, “That ‘friend’ you mentioned earlier?”

Another fierce blush colored Brianna’s features as she struggled to explain before eventually giving it up and just nodding, “Yeah. She’s… she’s a big fan.”

“Well, anything for a fan I suppose.” Lucrezia teased, a wicked grin suddenly blooming on her face as she rested her arms on her knees and leaned forward again, “You know, I have some special photos that I usually charge for. But, in your case? I might be willing to give you one for free, if you do something for me first.”

Fighting the urge to step back into Roxanna’s protective embrace, Brianna nodded slowly, “What… what did you have in mind?”

“How about a kiss?” Lucrezia suggested as she pursed her lips ever so slightly, that smile growing positively devilish as she did.

Face heating up again, and throat suddenly dry, Brianna swallowed hard but nodded her agreement nonetheless, a flush of arousal pooling in her core at that unexpected but so very tempting offer, “Okay.”

“Come closer.” the tattooed woman beckoned, a flash of ivory teeth visible as her smile widened, “I don’t bite, unless you ask very nicely.”

Nodding faintly, Brianna tried to chuckle at that joke but it still fell flat as she had a feeling that the seated woman was being completely serious. Even so she obediently approached, not entirely certain what to do with herself or her hands and keenly aware of the fact that both of her mistresses were watching and how much more intense that made everything feel. Lucrezia had no such hesitation. Striking with viper quickness, she grabbed hold of the leather strap running between the blue-haired girl’s breasts and pulled her close. Gasping as she was forced to bend down sharply until their faces were nearly touched, Brianna felt herself blush fiercely, but before she could even think to recover the tattooed woman cupped a pale cheek and with her free hand and captured those soft lips in a hard and eager kiss. For all of her experiences, for all of the exotic and talented women she’d been fortunate enough to be with, the blue-haired girl had never been kissed quite like that before. Lucrezia was… knowledgeable to be sure but more than that her technique was curious, somehow insistent and yet sweet at the same time. Possessive, almost consuming in its totality, but soft as well. A pleasant paradox that somehow fit the woman oh so perfectly. As well, Brianna had never actually kissed anyone with lip piercings before either, the feeling of hard yet smooth metal nestled between soft flesh as their mouths worked against each other a delightful contrast. Then there was that tongue. The blue-haired girl liked to think she’d enjoyed some pretty good kisses, especially that magical moment when she’d first tasted her mistresses’ lips or when Clauria really cut loose, but in all of her imaginings she could never have dreamed of just how pleasurably alien it felt to kiss someone whose tongue was both pierced and slit into a fork. And the control that Lucrezia had over both tips was almost shocking. So much so that Brianna could not help but rock her hips back and forth, unconsciously grinding against her crotch strap as the kiss deepened, moaning softly as a fantasy about having that tongue wrapped around her clit, pushing her to the edge and beyond, rose up in her mind unbidden.

Reduced to a flushed and panting mess within a matter of moments, cheeks painted red and turned on beyond all measure, the blue-haired girl actually whimpered when that kiss finally ended and puckered her lips ever so slightly in a silent plea. Grinning almost madly at that reaction, Lucrezia slowly ran a finger down the girl’s jawline, teasing delicate skin with a long fingernail, eliciting a tiny shudder of pleasure as Brianna finally opened her eyes, hazel depths more than a little glazed. Winking playfully, the heavily tattooed woman finally let go of her companion’s harness and leaned back on her hands, the motion not coincidentally placing her breasts perfectly at eye level. Regarding the blue-haired girl for a long moment, a truly satisfied smirk curled Lucrezia’s lips as she reached back and slowly drew a second photo out of the pile. Deliberately concealing the image with her body, the woman signed it quickly before turning the paper over and sliding it across the table face down.

“There you go, cutie.” Lucrezia offered in a low and husky whisper, “You definitely earned this. My only regret is that I didn’t ask for oral sex instead.”

Reaching for the photo, Brianna very nearly stumbled at that unexpected comment, her face heating up again only to rally despite her embarrassment, having grown somewhat used to the performer’s teasing by now, “Oh? And what will you give me for that?”

Laughing in delight at that unexpected but very welcome riposte, Lucrezia hopped off the table and took the blue-haired girl by the chin, casually running a finger along her polished steel collar, “Pity we didn’t meet before someone put this on you. We would have set the world on fire together.”

Worrying the corner of her lip, Brianna offered a tiny smile, a note of honest confusion in her voice, “Thanks, I think.”

Darting in to press one last, feather soft kiss to the girl’s lips, Lucrezia leaned back against the table and flashed an easy smile, “Off you go now. I’m sure we’ve both got very busy days ahead of us.”

Limping up to enfold the blue-haired girl in her arms, holding that nearly naked body close and allowing her palms to rest on the gentle curves of those hips, Roxanna smiled softly, “Our thanks for your generosity, Ms. Lucrezia. It has been a most enjoyable meeting. Perhaps we shall meet again some day.”

“Then you should consider the midnight show.” the heavily tattooed woman suggested, “I’ll be completely nude for that one.”

Biting her lip to suppress a gasp, both at her mistress’s touch and at that marvelously tempting suggestion, Brianna’s head was was very nearly spinning as Roxanna simply nodded once and turned to walk away, one hand still holding the leash firmly as she guided the blue-haired girl back into the noise and bustle of the convention center at large, Lucrezia playfully waving as they went. It was only then, lips still tingling from that kiss and the hand pressed firmly against the small of her back urging her forward, that she realized she’d never actually looked at the second autograph. Turning the paper over with almost shaking hands she was nearly stunned by what she saw. Unlike the first photo, which had been more suggestive than explicit, almost candid with the things it hinted at but never showed, this image was deliberately provocative. Staring back at her from the page was a familiar figure down on her knees, thighs spread wide while rough, hemp rope circled her breasts and pinned her arms behind her back. Tight and painful looking clover clamps hung from pierced nipples, connected by a short chain, while a set of similar clamps with small lead weights attached stretched the lips of her labia in a way that looked no less painful. And yet the look of raw, lascivious want on Lucrezia’s face reflected none of that. As if this powerful woman was enjoying every moment of her torment and wanted more. A look that was only enhanced by the elaborate jaw spreader that stretched her lips wide and allowed her to stick out her tongue in a rather… suggestive manner. When combined with the intricate tattoos etched onto seemingly every inch of that naked skin, and those inky black scleras staring back, the effect was out of this world. Like a bound demon on display for all to see, powerful and defiant and yet tamed as well.

For now at least.

“A fine gift, korítsi.” Roxanna practically purred into her ear, the olive-skinned woman having practically glued herself to the girl’s side to get a look for herself, “I am certain that Claudia will greatly appreciate it.”

Startled out of her thoughts, Brianna looked up from the image, noting that in her musings they had walked much further than she’d realized and that her mistress had led them to a somewhat out of the way place. A little alcove unintentionally created by the curtains used to divide up the building into discrete aisles and spaces. Putting that out of her mind for the moment, she could not help but wonder, “Do you think so, mistress?”

Roxanna smiled gently as she tucked a few stray locks of hair behind the girl’s ear, “Of that I have no doubt. Though I must admit your talent for making unusual friends continues to impress. At times I even wonder if this is yet another facet of your power.”

Despite the playfully teasing note she could easily detect in the woman’s voice, Brianna felt a brief flash of excitement, “You think so, mistress?”

“Who can say?” Roxanna offered with a slight shrug, a thin smile curling her lips as she gently brushed the back of her hand along the girl’s cheek, “I suppose it is one more thing we shall have to find out, no?”

Leaning into that touch eagerly, Brianna let out a soft sigh and nodded ever so slightly, “Yes, mistress.”

“Such a good girl.” the olive-skinned woman practically murmured, warmth reflected in those deep brown eyes, before she slowly pulled back to turn her attention toward Sofia. That slender smile grew just a touch sharper as she reached up to pop the gag from the blonde’s mouth, “I suppose you have been a good girl as well, stríngla.”

“So nice of you to notice, dorogoy.” Sofia commented rather wryly after working her jaw a few times, clearly not used to wearing gags for so long.

“I can put this right back you know.” Roxanna pointed out, though her smile never wavered in the slightest.

“So cruel.” Sofia practically crooned, a grin curling her lips as she darted in to steal a kiss, “Is there no mercy in my witch’s heart?”

For her part Roxanna responded eagerly, throwing her arms around the blonde’s neck to hold her close as she drew the woman into another kiss and they began to slowly lose themselves in each other. Still, the olive-skinned woman had the wherewithal to pull back eventually, breath a touch short and the faintest tinge of pink coloring her cheeks as she tried to sound stern, “I suppose I can forgive you, just this once.”

“My thanks, my powerful and terrible mistress.” Sofia teased, the blush on her lover’s cheeks deepening even as the sparkle in her eyes suggested that she very much liked being called that. However, after pressing one last kiss to the olive-skinned woman’s lower lip, the blonde turned her attention to Brianna, mischief dancing in the azure depths of that gaze. So much so that the blue-haired girl actually began to squirm a bit, no matter that the athletic woman’s hands were still tightly bound, “I must admit that you are far more devious than I would have guessed, devushka. Though I will/em> have my revenge.”

Practically quivering in excitement now, Brianna found herself smiling as she bowed her head ever so slightly, “I look forward to it, mistress.”

Taking advantage of that distraction, Roxanna stepped away from her lover’s side and slipped behind the blue-haired girl’s back before gently taking her by the shoulders, “It does occur to me, korítsi, that you have been free for far too long.”

Biting her lip to suppress a moan at the feeling of those soft lips on her skin as delicate fingers began to massage the strangely tense muscles in her neck, Brianna found herself nodding almost frantically, “Yes, mistress!”

“So glad that you agree.” Roxanna whispered, voice low and seductive as she moved so close that she was practically breathing in the blue-haired girl’s ear.

Brianna found herself shivering again as the familiar feeling of cool leather brushed over her skin bit by bit as Roxanna slowly drew a monoglove over her arms. Zipping the device closed to fully constrain her plaything’s limbs, the olive-skinned woman carefully began to draw the straps over her shoulders and across her chest, buckling then snugly in place to restrain the girl fully. A process that, in her long familiarity, took the woman no more than a minute to complete. It was only then that the blue-haired girl felt her control slip as her mistress begin to draw the laces tight, the monoglove pulling her arms together bit by bit until her elbows kissed behind her back rendering her completely and utterly helpless. Closing her eyes and throwing her head back, Brianna felt those delicate hands return to her shoulders, talented and yet oh so cruel fingers massaging strained muscles before they slowly forced her down onto the floor with a steady pressure. Opening her eyes again, the blue-haired girl looked up to find herself now kneeling in front of Sofia’s still bound form, the blonde regarding her with curiosity, as if she too wondered what Roxanna had in mind. Neither had long to wait. As soon as she was finished with their slave, the olive-skinned woman practically molded herself to her lover’s side once more and began to lazily draw a finger between her breasts and down the smooth expanse of her stomach, trailing back and forth across the ridges of her abdominal muscles and eliciting a soft, appreciative whine before that hand at last slipped between the blonde’s thighs and across her captive sex with a feather soft touch.

Grinning as her lover bit the corner of her lip to try and suppress a moan, Roxanna took hold of the zipper between the woman’s legs and slowly slid it open until Sofia’s throbbing and swollen pussy was exposed to the world, “After all the excitement today, perhaps you owe Mistress Sofia an apology as well. Wouldn’t you agree, korítsi?”

More than a little turned on by the display, and those words, Brianna tentatively looked up into deep brown eyes, “Mistress?”

“We seem to be alone here.” Roxanna added, a thin and yet marvelously mischievous smile on her face as she slowly ran a finger along the lips of Sofia’s labia, “And she longs for your tongue. Don’t you, stríngla?

Tilting her head back to expose her throat, a shockingly submissive gesture from the athletic woman, a plaintive whine seemed to escape Sofia’s chest, her voice almost strained, “Do not tease me, dorogoy. Not now.”

A triumphant smile crossed the olive-skinned woman’s face ever so briefly before she took Sofia’s earlobe between her teeth, playfully nibbling at the sensitive flesh as she continued to allow her fingers to wander, reducing her lover to little more than a whimpering mess before she finally met Brianna’s eyes again and tilted her head ever so slightly. Nodding at that silent signal, Brianna briefly glanced about. Her mistress had been correct that they were more or less alone here, shielded from view by the curtains surrounding them and cloaked by the din of a thousand conversations floating through the air, but even so she felt her face heat up as a terrified thrill shot through her body. Leaning forward almost shakily until the scent of Sofia’s arousal was thick in her nose, the woman perhaps more turned on by the experience of being bound and controlled than she’d let on, and keenly aware that literally hundreds of people were passing by on the other side of that thin cloth, the blue-haired girl stuck out her tongue to lap at her mistress’s trembling sex. Explored those achingly familiar curves and folds with care and precision before practically worshiping that hard and eager clit, unable to keep a tiny grin from her own face at the way the older woman moaned and twitched beneath her affections. The muscles in her thighs tensed even as her whole body seemed to sag in relief, a deep and shuddering moan escaping that eager throat as she leaned against Roxanna for support. Support that the olive-skinned woman was more than happy to provide as she shifted her stance and snaked her arms around Sofia’s waist to steady her.

Gently rolling her hips side to side as she worked, shifting the ben wa balls inside of herself and practically riding the leather strap pulled tight between the lips of her own labia, Brianna shivered even so slightly both at the pleasant sensation of those toys teasing her and the feeling of soft leather against heated skin, the pressure rubbing her piercing against her clit in a delightfully pleasurable way. Focusing past that distraction, and the heady taste of her mistress’s arousal on her tongue, the blue-haired girl pressed deep, guided by the soft sights and throaty moans each pass of her tongue seemed to elicit and turned on beyond all reason by the knowledge that any of those passing by might hear. Changing tactics all of a sudden, she began to swirl the tip of her tongue around Sofia’s clit for several long moments in a way that she knew would drive the woman absolutely wild before plunging into the velvety heat of that luscious body. The reaction was almost instantaneous, the blonde’s vaginal muscles tightening around the intrusion like a vice as she threw her head back and moaned like a bitch in heat, bucking her hips almost madly against the mouth pleasuring her as she desperately strained against her cuffs, longing to tangle her fingers in that silky blue hair and trap those sinfully talented lips against her throbbing pussy. Suddenly weaving one of her hands into the woman’s wild blonde hair, Roxanna silenced her lover with a kiss even as she allowed her other hand to take hold of Brianna’s ponytail. Moaning as the grip in her hair tightened and strong thighs clamped around her hair, the bound girl began to squirm against her own restraints as she strained strained her tongue to reach even deeper, thrusting into the tight confines of Sofia’s body to lap at all of her most sensitive places, velvety soft flesh and steely muscles trembling as the woman was pushed to the edge. For a brief moment she considered pulling back and teasing her mistress a bit more, but in the end she decided against it. Now was not the time for games, and besides that she was supposed to be offering an apology.

Redoubling her efforts instead, Brianna licked and lapped at Sofia’s most sensitive spots until her tongue was nearly sore, both the woman’s struggles and her moans growing deep and desperate as the athletic blonde’s control was eroded bit by bit. There was no warning when it finally happened, as there so rarely was, but one moment her mistress had been panting and trembling and writhing in anticipation, the next her entire body went tense as a fierce spasm wracked her frame and a literal howl of ecstasy escaped her throat as she came. So loud in fact that Roxanna had to deepen their kiss to even try and keep her quiet. Not that Brianna stopped. Absent other orders the blue-haired girl simply did as she had been trained to do, withdrawing her tongue to lap at her mistress’s quaking flesh and alternate between licking and sucking on her throbbing clit. Already shaken by that first orgasm, the aftershocks of which were still racing through her veins like lightning, Sofia quickly came undone beneath that relentless assault, cumming again and again and again as soft lips and a softer tongue worked her with the skill of long and intense familiarity. Not that the blonde minded, of course. Testing her strength and forcing herself to her limit and beyond had always been among the athletic woman’s greatest joys and as she gave herself over to Roxanna’s kiss, and to the seemingly endless string of climaxes Brianna was ripping from her body, this moment certainly qualified.

Of course, even Sofia’s prodigious and almost impressively unnatural strength could not last forever. After several long moments, and one particularly intense orgasm, her knees buckled all of a sudden as her eyes practically rolled back into her skull and she let out a strangled cry. Moving with surprising speed, Roxanna broke their kiss and again embraced her lover tightly, arms straining with exertion as she guided the woman down to the floor and carefully brushed her hair back, whispering soothing nothings all the while. Face to face now, Brianna spent a long moment studying the older woman, eyes flickering over that flushed face and those slightly glazed eyes as the occasional twitch continued to wrack her powerful body, Roxanna all the while working to calm her down. Seeing any of her lovers lose control was always a sight that the blue-haired girl welcomed, but even so she could not help but smile at the knowledge that she had been the one to reduce her mistress to this state. That even when helpless otherwise she still had this sort of power. Although, as she licked her lips with the tip of her tongue, once again tasting the lingering traces of the other woman’s passion and nearly overwhelmed with the urge to kiss her, she also could not help the sudden flush of arousal that seemed to fill her own body. The pulse of want between her legs growing almost unbearable, pussy clenched tight around the toys as if desperate for stimulation.

Kissing the athletic woman on the cheek as her breath began to steady, Roxanna smiled softly and slipped behind Sofia’s back, discretely zipping her catsuit back up before carefully unbuckling the cuffs binding her wrists, “There we are, stríngla. Feeling better?”

Rolling her shoulders ever so slightly, Sofia twisted her upper body and flashed a quick grin before practically lunging at the olive-skinned woman and scooping her up into a tight embrace. Caught completely off guard, Roxanna could do little more than gasp as the tables turned as she suddenly found herself pulled tight against the athletic blonde’s lush body and a pair of lips practically crushed against her own. Moaning softly, the scarred beauty seemed to go limp then, very nearly draping herself over Sofia’s latex-clad form as a tongue thrust deep into her willing mouth, claiming her utterly. It was only after a long, long moment of that passion that Sofia finally let up, that grin positively etched into her face at this point, every inch of her posture radiating triumph, “Much better now, dorogoy.”

Recovering from her lover’s sudden passion with remarkable swiftness, Roxanna returned that smile and began to run her hands up and down the woman’s strong back, “I trust you enjoyed your little adventure then?”

“Latex is a surprisingly pleasant material to wear.” Sofia allowed with a sly smile, rather deliberately avoiding the question at first until a rather thoughtful expression graced her features, “Still, I could perhaps be persuaded to try it again.”

Understanding well enough what the blonde was getting at, Roxanna pressed a much softer kiss to Sofia’s lips, followed by a second to the corner of her mouth and a third to the cleft of her chin, “I am glad to hear it, stríngla.”

Letting a hand slide down the olive-skinned woman’s side to rest on a shapely hip, Sofia’s smile grew teasing, “Any more surprises you wish to share, dorogoy?

“Just one.” Roxanna admitted as she pulled away from the other woman just enough to look her in the eye, that slender smile from earlier returning, “But first, we must help Brianna finish dressing.”

Perking up slightly, the blue-haired girl shot the two women a questioning look, but in lieu of an answer Sofia just grinned and helped the kneeling girl to her feet. Once she was standing calloused hands took hold of her mostly bare hips and slowly worked their way up her sides to tease sensitive ribs, Brianna giggling almost helplessly in response until those same hands cupped her breasts, strong fingers pinching and rolling already rock hard nipples in a delightfully rough fashion. Soft, full lips found her own then and the girl strained against her monoglove as she instinctively tried to throw her arms around the athletic woman’s body, closing her eyes and opening her mouth as she eagerly gave herself over to Sofia’s fierce passions. Moaning deep in her throat as her mistress’s tongue twined with her own in a wonderfully sensuous dance, Brianna did not notice at first as Roxanna began to remove her sandals one at a time. She did, however, take note when gentle hands prompted her to lift a leg and guided her foot into the familiar confines of a pony boot. Gasping in delight as soft, well worked leather was laced snugly around her calf, the blue-haired girl felt a frisson of excitement race up her spine at what was happening and what it meant. A whole new wave of arousal filled her as she imagined being on display in her newest gear.

As the other boot was fitted in place, completing the set, Sofia pulled back just enough to separate their lips with a faintly audible pop. The hooves she was now perched upon nearly allowed Brianna to look the older woman in the eye, she could not help but frown ever so slightly at that loss of contact. Before the blue-haired girl could comment however, her mistress pressed a highly polished metal bit between her teeth and quickly tightened the straps of the bridle around her head and under her chin. Patting the now thoroughly bound and gagged girl on the cheek, the blonde pressed a playfully soft kiss to the tip of her nose then slipped behind her back. As those hands again began to trail along the curves of her hips, eliciting a tiny shiver of pleasure, Roxanna shakily climbed to her feet. Offering a smile of her own, the olive-skinned woman reached up to fix the girl’s long, blue hair, straightening out the few tangles that had begun to form and adjusting her ponytail in the process. Seemingly satisfied with the results, the woman allowed her hands to rest on Brianna’s waist, teasing pale skin even as she steadied the girl’s trembling body. A fact that proved very useful a heartbeat later when Sofia took the opportunity to cup her ass and squeeze.

Even as Brianna almost jumped in surprise, before moaning and wiggling her hips playfully, Roxanna gently took her by the chin and forced their eyes to meet, that soft smile still curling her lips, “You look lovely, korítsi.”

“Phhnnh mnn, mnphphrmphph.” the blue-haired girl managed as a fierce blush began to color her cheeks.

“Is everything comfortable?” her mistress asked with a note of mild, but real, concern in her voice.

Pausing a moment to consider those words, Brianna rolled her shoulders just a bit and strained against her armbinder as she curled her toes and shook her head back and forth to test her bridle. Satisfied that nothing was too tight or overly restrictive, at least for her, the blue-haired girl nodded firmly, “Mmph, mnphphrmphph!”

“There’s a good girl.” Roxanna practically crooned as she straightened the bridle ever so slightly and finally clipped the leash back onto the girl’s collar, “Still, I believe that we are missing something, are we not?”

It did not immediately strike Brianna what her mistress was getting at until Sofia, who had been massaging her butt with those gloriously strong hands the entire time, suddenly loosened the strap between her legs and pulled it free. Before the blue-haired girl could do more than gasp in shock as cool air rushed over her heated sex, the ben wa balls very nearly falling out of her slick flesh, the familiar weight of an anal plug was pressed against her. Fighting the urge to tense up at the feeling of that icy cold stainless steel, the bound girl forced herself to relax, biting down hard on her gag with a moan as the large but well lubricated plug slid into her ass with only a bit of resistance, her muscles gripping it tight once the toy had seated itself firmly. Feeling incredibly full now, in a way that was both overwhelming and yet amazingly pleasant all at once, another moan escaped her throat as the crotch strap was tightened down again, shoving the plug in ever deeper as it was locked in place and letting the brilliantly blue tail affixed to it flow down between her legs like a wave. Despite the blush that seemed to paint every inch of her skin red, Brianna managed to square her shoulders as she straightened up, instantly falling into the posture she had been taught to assume and feeling incredibly sexy in that moment. Daring to meet her mistress’s gaze she felt a new and overwhelming flush of arousal wash over her entire body at the way Roxanna’s eyes roamed over her, undisguised lust clear in those soft brown orbs.

“There we are, devushka.” Sofia suddenly interrupted, a playful lilt in her voice as she patted the blue-haired girl’s backside affectionately, “Absolutely perfect.”

Gasping out at that unexpected contact, Brianna’s blush deepened as she lowered her head submissively, “Phhnnh mnn, mnphphrmphph.”

Grinning ever so slightly, Sofia slipped around the bound girl’s body to once again take her place at Roxanna’s side, eagerly pulling the olive-skinned woman into a one armed embrace, “And what do you think, dorogoy?”

Leaning against her lover’s sculpted and well curved frame, Roxanna returned that embrace as she idly allowed her fingers to roam over latex covered skin, “I think that our lovely mare is ready for her debut.”

“Indeed.” Sofia agreed as she stepped up to sweep the olive-skinned woman back into her arms, resting her head on her lover’s shoulder as she met Brianna’s hazel eyes with her own brilliant blue, “You look beautiful, devushka.”

Swallowing hard, her heart practically in her throat, Brianna murmured her thanks as best she could as pride and excitement both well up in her chest, touched by those words and feeling the excitement already burning within her spike at just how incredibly sexy she felt, and what she knew was about to happen.

Favoring the blue-haired girl with a teasing smile, Roxanna slowly pulled herself out of her lover’s arms, the lingering way her fingers brushed across latex covered skin betrayed her reluctance, and wrapped the end of the leash around her wrist, “And do remember, korítsi. Knees up.”

The tension that had been building instantly broken, Brianna felt her lips twitch ever so slightly around the bit as she nodded her head and, remembering well that ponies do not talk, let out what she hoped was an obedient whinny. Pleased with that response, Roxanna’s smile turned warm ever so briefly before she turned away and strode back out into the aisle with all the grace and poise of a model walking the runway despite her limp. Taking a breath, and swallowing hard around the lump in her throat, the blue-haired girl arched her back ever so slightly and trotted along behind, legs instinctively falling into the deliberately exaggerated steps that she had practiced so often that they were very nearly second nature by now, knees up and boots striking the concrete with a satisfyingly loud clip as the aluminum strips riveted to the bottoms like horseshoes rang out. As she crossed through the curtain that Sofia was holding aside for them and found herself back among people again the true enormity of the moment seemed to strike all at once. For all of her training, for all of her morning jogs and even her little… adventure in the park this was the first time that Brianna had truly gone out in public dressed in her pony gear. As much as she had thought about it, fantasized about it even, it was… it was different than she had expected. Daunting to be certain, if not quite as daunting as some of the other lines she had already crossed today, but exciting as well with a familiar exhibitionist thrill welling up inside of her. Yet there was also an undercurrent of something else that she could not quite name. A strange sense of calm despite the fact that she was bound and gagged and utterly on display. In spite of the blinders restricting her vision she could feel the eyes upon her, the gaze of the crowd following her every move, caressing the set of her shoulders and the curve of her thighs as every step made the tail she was wearing twitch and her breasts bounce. She had attracted attention before with her rather scant outfit, though nothing like >this. Then again, despite all the fanciful costumes and myriad types of bondage she had seen on display she had yet to encounter any other ponygirls. While that certainly struck her as a bit curious, mostly it made the blue-haired stand up straighter, proudly holding her head high and practically flaunting her nearly naked body, determined to put on a good show for her new audience.

In fact, now more than ever, Brianna regretted the fact that Claudia could not be with them, her mind’s eye conjuring up images of her girlfriend walking by her side as they took in the sights together. Or better yet, bound and gagged and crawling on all fours. And yet, even as she indulged that very pleasant mental image the blue-haired girl never once broke stride as she was led deeper into the convention past numerous other booths and crowds of patrons resplendent in their own fetish gear. Roxanna seemed to move with purpose as she strode through the maze-like arrangement of aisles, limping toward some unknown destination and sparing barely a glance at any of the sights and sounds as they passed. Part of her could not help but wonder where they were going, just what this final surprise might be, or if her mistress was simply taking the opportunity to show off her slave. Either might be true, perhaps even both, but whatever it was neither of her lovers offered the slightest hint. Roxanna simply continued to lead her along while Sofia followed behind, just out of the bound girl’s peripheral vision. Without much choice otherwise, Brianna obeyed, cantering along in a familiar rhythm as the leash tugged on her collar, the appreciative glances and open stares she received fueling the fierce sense of arousal building in her core to the point where she very nearly couldn’t stand it, the blush coloring her cheeks returning with a vengeance when she realized that her thighs had actually grown damp from all the stimulation.

It was then, when a combination of the ben wa balls rattling around inside of her and the crotch strap pulling even tighter against her throbbing pussy with every step made the blue-haired girl wonder if she might actually cum, that Roxanna stopped all of a sudden. Caught a bit off guard, Brianna practically skidded to a halt, her hooves struggling for purchase against smooth concrete as she regarded the olive-skinned woman curiously. Before she could get any answers, however, Sofia took advantage of her narrowed field of view to sneak up on the bound girl and take her firmly by the hips. Crying out at that unexpected if very welcome contact, only to moan deep in her throat as those hands began to explore the sensitive skin along the edges of her harness, the blue-haired girl felt her eyes flutter closed as she leaned back against her mistress’s curvy and athletic frame.

“Looks like you were right, Ms. Kormou.” a familiar voice suddenly called out, cutting through that haze of arousal like a knife, “We did cross paths again.”

Eyes widening in shock, Brianna’s gaze instantly shot up to see Elise Adler or all people practically right next to them, the pale young woman perched on the edge of an empty table and nearly hidden by the flow of traffic with an honest smile on her face and her legs crossed in an almost shockingly prim pose for such an outre girl. She had also clearly changed clothes since they’d parted ways, with black pants made of some sort of skin-tight material now clinging to her slender legs while a pair of boots with impressively high heels were tightly laced all the way past mid thigh. A pair of studded belts circled that narrow waist with one hanging down over her right hip, but above that there was virtually nothing covering her pale torso and flat stomach save for what looked like a string bikini top over her modest breasts and an elaborate choker around her neck. And yet, in addition to that already eccentric outfit the girl also wore a dark suit coat that had been carefully tailored for her svelte physique and left unbuttoned to hang open. When combined with the way her hair had been combed out of the messy faux hawk it had been set in earlier and twisted up into a rough bun, leaving the piercings in her ears on full display, the effect was both amusingly eclectic and incredibly sexy. And one that suited the young dominatrix perfectly.

Any yet, as pleasantly unexpected as her presence was, Elise was also not alone. Standing by her side was Claire’s unmistakably curvy form. The redhead was still clad in the same snug corset and harsh nipple clamps she had been wearing on stage, though the chain connecting them had been removed and replaced with a pair of small bells, and at some point she had been locked back into her chastity belt, the stainless steel g-string clinging tightly to her hips while a highly decorative collar that more resembled an elaborately tooled neck corset than anything else had been laced around her throat. That, however, was not what truly caught the blue-haired girl’s eye and left her staring. In addition to her revealing attire, Claire’s arms had been folded into an impossibly strict reverse-prayer pose and locked there by an incredibly tight armbinder, the taut black leather encasing her limbs completely. Equally shiny half-calf boots sheathed her legs, each terminating in a hoof almost exactly like Brianna’s own and forcing the redhead up onto her toes, the position highlighting the muscles of her thighs beautifully. Moreover, standing with her feet at roughly shoulder width, a stance that drew the eye to the generous curves of her mostly bare hips, the woman was also clearly wearing a tail. Brilliant scarlet strands that almost perfectly matched her hair trailing down between her long legs. Finally, as if there was any doubt remaining at this point, a metal bit had been shoved between the redhead’s teeth, held in place with a web of straps cinched tight around her head. Although her bridle did lack the blinders that Brianna herself wore, a small ring dangling from each end of that bit allowed Elise to control her slave with an honest to goodness set of reins. The overall effect was absolutely stunning and Brianna felt her mouth go dry as she took in the older woman, particularly the set of her hips and the way both the arch of her back and the strain of her armbinder emphasized her full breasts.

Noting that attention, the redhead’s lips twitched as she winked playfully, thrusting her breasts out even more sharply and making the bells dangling from her nipples chime as they swayed. Blushing almost fiercely, the blue-haired girl looked away only to notice that Claire was not the only pet her mistress had brought with her. Quite literally crawling at Elise’s feet was a very familiar figure encased completely in black latex, her slender yet toned limbs imprisoned in the inescapable grasp of a bitchsuit while a painfully large looking ring gag wrenched her mouth wide open. And yet despite those extremely thorough bonds, the straps circling her body cinched tight to ensure that there was absolutely no chance of wriggling free, the woman’s shockingly pale blue eyes reflected nothing but contentment. As if she reveled in the feeling of being reduced to a helpless bondage pet, the shiny steel collar now locked around her throat and the leash affixed to it proud symbols of her new status. Leaning back on her haunches all of a sudden, the curve of her body pulling the latex covering her skin even tighter and putting both the piercing in her navel and the studs through already hard nipples on display, the tightly bound woman let out of a noise somewhere between a whine and a mewl as she began to rub her cheek against her mistress’s leg. Without even looking down from her perch Elise hooked the toe of her boot under the woman’s chin and forced her head up sharply before meeting that cool blue gaze. Responding to the unspoken command reflected in her mistress’s stormy gray eyes, the woman mewled again and stuck out her tongue for inspection, the soft pink flesh pierced with a surprisingly large stud. For a moment nothing seemed to happen, the brunette’s posture almost casual before she finally nodded, prompting the latex clad figure to twist her head free and begin to actually lick those highly polished leather boots, paying special attention to the nearly stiletto heels.

And yet, despite that intoxicating and utterly submissive display, Roxanna just offered the pale young woman an almost amused smirk, “So it would seem, Ms. Adler.”

Lips twitching ever so slightly, Elise held the older woman’s gaze for a moment or two before smiling softly and at last allowing her attention to roam over Brianna’s body, openly admiring the girl’s form and taking in the details of her restraints, “And I see that you have a very lovely young mare with you as well. My compliments on owning such a fine pony.”

Blushing fiercely, both at that inspection and at the not so subtle comment about being owned, the blue-haired girl found herself moaning again as she preened beneath that attention, much to Claire’s visible amusement.

Tightening her grip ever so slightly, Sofia just held her plaything close, a grin on her lips and amusement thick in her voice, “Our thanks, but it would seem as if we are not the only ones to have acquired a pet or two.”

Tugging on the reins to force her lover to bend down, the older woman deliberately arching her spine to show off her shapely ass as she did, Elise reached up to gently stroke Claire’s face, an easy smirk curling her lips, “Very true. They can be quite the handful, but oh so worth it in the end.”

“Indeed.” Sofia agreed softly as she placed a slow but deliciously hot kiss on Brianna’s cheek and allowed her lips to very nearly brush the girl’s ear, “So very worth it.”

Blushing yet again, even if she knew she was being called difficult, Brianna decided to break character just a bit, relaxing her posture even so slightly to nuzzle against her mistress, nickering so quietly that only the blonde could hear. Grinning almost mischievously, Sofia offered another kiss even as she allowed her hand to trail down the girl’s spine, eliciting a shuddering gasp and a tiny shiver before giving her backside a sharp pinch. Gasping again at the sudden jolt of pain, but understanding the rebuke well enough, the blue-haired girl instantly straightened up and squared her shoulders, easily falling into the proper posture and almost purring as that strong hand began to massage her ass.

Whatever the case, the reaction certainly seemed to catch Elise’s eye, the pale brunette grinning again as she leaned forward, “And very well trained I see.”

“Our Brianna has certainly come a long way.” Roxanna agreed as she turned her deep brown gaze on the blue-haired girl ever so briefly, the slender smile curling the woman’s soft lips actually making her knees weak, “And what of yourself, Ms. Adler? I do hope that you are enjoying the rest of your day.”

“Please, call me Elise.” the woman insisted as she slackened her grip on the reins, allowing Claire to straighten up again even as she made no move to stop her other pet from worshiping her boots, “And we’ve mostly been taking in the sights and doing a bit of shopping while I show the girls off.”

“Ah, much like ourselves then.” the olive-skinned woman mused, idly running a hand through her long, loose hair before placing it on her hip.

Elise’s stormy gray eyes suddenly seemed to flash as an idea occurred to her. Hopping off the table and onto her feet without warning, the girl rose to her full height which, even with those rather impressive heels, was not all that much and placed a hand on her hip even as an almost impish smile curled her lips, “Would you care to join us?”

It was such an unexpected offer that for a moment Brianna was certain that she must have misheard, blinking a few times in surprise as the slow realization that the pale brunette was completely serious set in completely. Swallowing almost involuntarily, her eyes briefly flickering back and forth between Claire and her mistress, the blue-haired girl bit down on her gag ever so slightly to try and center herself. As startling as it was she also could not deny that Elise's suggestion was a very tempting one indeed, a familiar excitement kindled in her chest at the thought of spending the rest of the day under the tender mercies of both her mistresses and the pale young dominatrix. A feeling not unlike the one she had experienced just before stepping out on stage, bound and gagged and exposed to the world, but more intense somehow. Just the idea of finally being able to play alongside another ponygirl, especially one as beautiful as Claire, was intoxicating enough, but even as that fantasy began to take shape in her head Brianna also could not help but notice that neither one of her own mistresses seemed surprised in the slightest. Roxanna’s expression in particular seemed to suggest the olive-skinned woman had been expecting the invitation. Almost unbidden a memory surfaced in the blue-haired girl’s mind of her mistress accepting a card of some sort from Elise before they had parted ways earlier. A card that had very much seemed to intrigue the older woman and one that she had worked very hard to keep hidden from sight.

And yet, even now Roxanna’s face betrayed nothing, the woman remaining almost inscrutably placid as she offered Elise a tiny smile, deep brown eyes practically sparkling, “A most intriguing offer indeed.”

“Does that mean you accept?” Elise quipped with a slightly raised brow, her own lips twitching with constrained amusement.

Roxanna pretended to consider the idea as she shot Sofia a sidelong glance, the blonde simply smiling in response, then let her gaze fall on Brianna as she offered the girl a much warmer smile, “And what do you think, korítsi?”

Freezing in place at the realization that the final decision was being given to her, and that she had been given permission to speak such as it was, Brianna considered her answer very carefully. Glancing up at Claire again, then down at the latex clad woman still hunched at Elise’s feet and licking her boots, it honestly surprised the blue-haired girl just how much she wanted to say yes, at just how happy the idea of spending more time sharing their fetishes with these newfound friends made her feel. And yet, the playfully devilish glint in Elise’s stormy eyes gave her pause as well and left her to wonder just what else was at play. What deviousness was waiting in the wings. Brianna could not claim to know the young dominatrix all that well, but both the sheer intimacy of the brief time they had spent together and the few conversations they had shared left the blue-haired girl with what she thought was a fairly accurate impression of the brunette’s personality, and her playful side. Then again she trusted Claire, and had trusted Elise enough to submit to the woman, so perhaps it wasn’t really a question at all. Perhaps the decision had been made as soon as she'd been asked. Today had been such an incredible rush, a seemingly never ending parade of shocks and thrills that made her head spin to realize that the day was barely even half over. What was one more game on top of it all?

And so, smiling around the bit clenched between her teeth, the blue-haired girl straightened up ever so slightly and nodded as firmly as she could, “Phnnnnph mnhm fnn, mnphphrmphph.”

“It does sound like fun.” Roxanna echoed, that gentle smile turning just a touch mischievous as she brushed the back of her hand against Brianna’s cheek, tickling sensitive skin with well trimmed fingernails, before turning back and nodding in Elise’s direction, “It would be our pleasure.”

Shivering beneath her mistress’s touch, Brianna closed her eyes and let out the tiniest moan of pleasure as those delicate fingers moved to trace the edge of her jaw and down the lines of her throat. She honestly had no idea what she had just gotten herself into, but right now she couldn’t really bring herself to care. Whatever her lovers had been conspiring, whatever Elise had planned, she absolutely could not wait to find out.


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