Desert Chronicles

by Zephyr

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© Copyright 2023 - Zephyr - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/f; naked; outdoors; rope; spread; susp; whip; pain; rough; trick; gag; sex; cons; XX

Continues from

3: Sirocco

Don got the strangest phone call from Greg. Nel had asked him to come out to a spot in the desert near the area they called “the canyon”. Not there, but nearby and equally as desolate while still only a few miles outside of the desert town where they lived. Don was fine with it; it sounded interesting and he didn’t have anything else going on that Saturday summer morning.

It was hot by the time he arrived where Greg had described. To get here was most of the way to the canyon, but with a turn part of the way there in a different direction. Greg was where he said, Don saw his car parked right where he expected it to be and Greg standing beside it waiting for him. 

Don parked near Greg and walked over to his friend. The area was desert varied. They were on a small mesa with some small hills close by, a canyon off to one side, with deep crevasses dug by years and years of erosion. It was dry and close to 95 degrees and there was a small intermittent wind that picked up a little dust from time to time. Classic desert for this time of year. “Where’s Nel?” Don asked as he greeted his friend.

“Only a little bit away.” It looked to Don like Greg was uncomfortable with the topic. Greg grimaced, then handed Don a piece of paper on which he recognized Nel’s writing.

Don: You know Greg and I sometimes play rough with me, and you’ve seen us play with a bullwhip. It was originally my fascination that Greg indulged the girl he loves and I am grateful for it even though I know he doesn’t like it. One thing I’ve always wanted was to be whipped brutally, without mercy, unable to get away and knowing it won’t stop until I am totally defeated. Greg just can’t do it, and I don’t think it would be a good idea to push him to that. Greg has, at my request, tied me naked down in the canyon off to your east. I have our bullwhip hanging around my neck. I am sending Greg away and I want you to drive down to where I am, take the whip, then whip me until I can’t even stand any more. Please try to stay away from leaving marks on my arms or my legs more than an inch or two from the top; I can cover everything else at work but the whipping I expect you will give me will give me problems if it shows. Once you have whipped me until I surrender I want to reward you – I want you to free me and drop me to the ground and then have sex with me and cum inside me. Just leave me lying there on the ground when you are done, Greg will eventually come back to get me. I’ve wanted this for a long time, wanted Greg to do it but he can’t. Maybe you can. We will find out soon. – Nel

Don looked up at Greg, Greg shrugged. “Nel has a book waiting for her in Waltersville and she has asked me to have it for her when I get her after you two are through.” Don smiled, it was a 2 ½ hour round trip for that. She really wanted him out of the way. “So I’m off to go get a book. If you drive a bit further down the road here the road curls down into the canyon; you will find her off to the left side, can’t miss her.” Greg started toward his car but stopped and turned back to Don. “Along the way you will get her to the point where she is begging you to stop. If you stop she will be madder than hell at you. Don’t stop.” Greg looked unhappy. “Have a good time. See you, well her in a couple of hours.” He climbed into his car and after starting the engine drove away the direction Don had come, leaving him in stunned silence.

Don drove further down the dirt road and it indeed did curl down into the valley. He had no problem finding Nel as she was standing tied in the narrow gap where two canyons came together. The gap was about ten feet wide, with another large canyon opening behind it. Nel was standing in the gap, naked, wrists and ankles tied far apart with white nylon rope to rebar that was dug into the canyon walls on either side of her. She was in the shadows, the canyon walls were about fifteen or twenty feet high and blocked the grueling sun for now but it would not be long before the sun was high enough in the sky to change that. She was still plenty lit with the sunlight bouncing off everything else in the area. She didn’t watch him drive up, instead just looking straight forward the whole time.

Don parked a few steps away and walked up to her. Her black hair as always made a startling contrast to her very white skin. That skin at the moment was glistening with sweat and coated with a light layer of sand. The bullwhip was as stated looped around her neck and between her breasts, both ends stretching down into her pubic region. A ball gag hung around her neck, lacking only to be slipped into her mouth. There was a red foam squeeze ball similar in size and construction to the one in the ball gag on the ground to her left. She barely moved, with her arms stretched wide the wind had redistributed her long hair all around her face. She did while Don approach shake her head once to move it out of her face, otherwise she hadn’t moved. As Don approached her he could see she was stretched and barely touching the ground with the balls of her toes. The rocks that she had stood on while tied into that position were obvious and not too far away.

He walked up to her, looked her in the face, she still insisted on looking straight forward, refusing to return his gaze. The wind blew gently, every once in a long while picking up a little dirt and adding to the caking on Nel’s sweaty body that if he did as requested he would soon be removed. 

“You really want me to do this?” He asked her. She didn’t respond, continuing to look straight ahead. “Do you really want this?” He almost yelled, shaking the bullwhip at her. “This will hurt like hell. Are you sure?”

He finally got a single whispered word out of her. She still hadn’t moved her gaze. “Yes.”

He looked at her, shook his head. “And I am, you want me to whip the hell out of you?

Until you can’t stand any more? Without mercy? Without stopping?”

“Yes.” Only a little firmer, still without moving her gaze. 

“But why?”

“I just do. Now get started, or admit you’re a weak coward like Greg.”

Don flinched at that. He had never heard Nel talk about her boyfriend that way, or him. It stung, but with a shrug he figured that was what she had meant to happen. Ok, if you really want it, he thought, I can deliver. It’s not that Greg is weak, he is just more invested in you than I am. OK, whip you to shreds and then fuck your crying aching body, Hope you like it. 

“I’ll meet you halfway.” She said, “Take the ball gag on the ground and put it in my hand. Whip me until I drop it. Until then I am still in control and still want to continue.” 

He put the ball in her hand, then walked back to survey her for a second. She was beautiful, but she had to be crazy to want this.

He walked right up to her, stood about a foot off her nose. Stretched out like she was, they were roughly the same height. “Last chance to stop this. When I turn around it’s too late.”

He could see her breath but she still said nothing, only looked forward, looked through him. Fine, damn you. Here it comes. As he turned around and took his first step he heard it. “Thank you.”

He took the needed steps away and turned to face his victim, his willing victim. 

“Not going to put the ball-gag in?” Nel asked.

“I’d rather you be able to breathe.”

“Being gagged is part of the fantasy. Put it in now.”

“No. Don’t want to. Nobody anywhere within five miles of here anyways. Put it in yourself if you want it that bad.” She gave a snort. 

“Promise me when I start screaming you will put it in.”

He just shrugged; she knew it was agreement and she’d have what she wanted before this was through. He had gotten a bit of practice with the bullwhip out in the canyon that one time and at least knew what he was doing. She continued looking straight forward as the whip flashed around, getting his range, and then he began to land it. 

He whipped her hard. There was no point in pity, the point of this was to break her, to destroy her. If she didn’t want pain why in the hell was she doing this? The whip flashed down around her waist leaving red marks as it landed. 

At first Nel didn’t respond, maybe just a light flinch as the whip blows landed. Then as he started to wrap the whip around her back, she started flinching. Tired of that he turned to whipping her breasts she finally began crying out, down to a slow hyperventilating sob each time the whip landed and further reduced her breasts to red hurting masses. Actually Don was beginning to get an endorphin rush from how much pain he was handing out to Nel. He had slipped out of seeing her as a person, as a good, close friend, just a naked body to whip all over and then throw down on the ground and finish her off. He landed the whip especially hard on her breasts that he had punished almost into oblivion already, finally getting the long-expected cry of pain out of her.

It caught him, brought him back to himself and he realized why Nel hadn’t asked Greg to do this. The broken, gently weeping body in front of her was his good friend, his infrequent but only sexual partner, who had willingly climbed into bed with him a few times. She sat with him at lunch, the three of them shared hopes and stories and dreams. She was already a mess, still standing, still holding the ball, not broken, but breathing heavily and sobbing quietly. He understood fully now why Greg couldn’t do this.

Her head hung down as she realized she had a short respite. What wasn’t red stripes on her body was now caked with dirt, the sweat running patterns down her. The salty sweat running into her whip marks could only have added to her misery. All she had to do was let go of the ball and it would be over, she could do it any time but hadn’t yet. 

There wasn’t much unmarked skin on the front of her body left. He walked up to her as she continued to sob quietly. Just for the hell of it he jammed his finger up her open and unprotected crotch. She jumped but he found it surprisingly wet, way more than he would have expected. Well, Greg had said she was a painslut, a masochist. Don at this point had to agree.

He squeezed past her to enter the far canyon. The sun was up enough that it was now on one of her arms and she would be full in the sunlight and heat in a few minutes. Don didn’t expect direct sunlight would feel very good on those whip marks either, but she wanted it and all she had to do to stop it was to drop the ball in her hand yet her fingers were still wrapped around it. She was, incredibly, still not ready to stop.

Her back was not that bad, only a few marks on it and her bottom was pretty much still pristine. Well, that could be fixed. He started swinging the whip again and finishing the job he started, almost wanting to beg Nel to drop the ball and end this but she never did. 

He wrapped the whip around her upper back, whipping her battered breasts from behind. She started screaming and openly sobbing when he did that but quieted down once he went back to just reddening her butt and hips. Finally almost in desperation he brought the whip up with no warning right between her legs, probably placing the fastest and hardest hitting tip of the whip right on or near her clit. In terms of effect it was quite effective, she gave a scream and went all wobbly for a long time, just breathing hard and almost going into hyperventilation. He gave her a few moments to calm down from that and figured he had won, but surprisingly eventually regaining her breathing but not dropping the ball. He walked up to her and put the ball gag in her unresisting mouth. Still seeing no reaction he regained his former position and did it to her again. 

She screamed into the ball gag and shook, even longer this time, the breathing wearing down into open sobs. After a little time for recovery he just began swinging the whip toward her and she was afraid of it now, dodging what she feared were more strikes and whimpering but she never dropped the ball. 

He continued. Her back still had unmarked areas. She was afraid now, shying away what little she could when she heard the whip coming, making it hard to hit exactly where he was aiming. Close enough though. He began to wonder just what he needed to do to get Nel to drop the damn ball. After another couple of minutes of it he stopped and got back in front of her. She was a complete mess, dirty, sweat streaking her white skin where he hadn’t gotten to yet, hair absolutely everywhere, head slumped, her wails having subsided into quiet crying. But still her hand was clenched around the ball. Ok, so be it. He had enough of this; this needed to end soon. 

“Drop the ball, Nel.” Don ordered her. “Or I will make you drop it. You haven’t even been touched yet. Drop it now.” Nel didn’t even move, just standing there slumped, naked and broken, still crying and starting a little whimpering wail at Don’s threat. She made no other move, including dropping the ball so Don shrugged and moved to the proper distance to continue.

The whip fell fast and full strength on Nel this time, continuously, giving her no chance to recover from the last strike before a new one fell. Her breasts were again savaged, then down her stomach, then her pussy area again and then back up her body. At first Nel dodged but by the time he arrived back at the top of her chest the third time his arms were hurting and Nel was no longer moving, not even flinching as the whip fell. Don stopped and wondered if his arms felt like this what must Nel’s body feel like. Somehow, miraculously, even though she was unmoving in any other way her finger stayed clutched around the ball. Having a real bad flash of insight, he moved quickly up to Nel, who was not even crying any more, not standing on her toes any more, just hanging by her wrists, barely breathing, totally gone. Her body which was normally nearly white was a mass of red welts he had over the last hour given her.

“Nel? Talk to me.” No answer at all. Just labored, painful breathing. Fearing the worst he reached up to her hand that held the red ball and tried to pull it out of her hand. As he had feared, it would not go. It was stuck there, fingers and all with some sort of glue he hadn’t noticed. There had been none on the ball when he had placed it in her hand and once she had closed her hand around it the glue held the ball there no matter what she wanted, especially later in the event when she had been whipped enough and desperately wished she could just drop it, or even tell him what she had done but the gag she insisted on prevented that. No, she had wanted what she had just gotten and had figured a way to make sure she could not stop it until it was fully given. Don felt betrayed for a second, then realized it was what, for whatever reason, she wanted. She started moaning softly in pain.

He took the ball gag out of her mouth and dropped it to the ground. He pulled the ropes off her ankles and her feet just dropped straight down, no energy left. He untied the ropes holding her wrists from the sides and her first arm just flopped down against her whipped side, bringing a whimper but no movement. She sank to the ground as her last wrist rope was loosened, totally gone, totally defeated stretched out on the hot ground.

After a few minutes Don could see Nel was trying to talk but it was barely a whisper. “Oh Don, you did it.” A labored breath, then “Thank you. I wanted that and Greg just couldn’t do that. Now that I’ve had my fantasy I am over it and never want to hurt this much again. But thank you.”

She paused and painfully licked her lips. “Greg couldn’t do this. We had a bet that you couldn’t either. I was right. I won.” She gave a short, painful laugh. “Now to make my fantasy complete the man who just whipped the hell out of me and conquered me has to cum inside me. You’ve earned your reward. Now take it.”

He looked down at her pussy which was in no better shape than the rest of her trunk. “I can’t do that, Nel. I’ve screwed you up pretty well down there, and it will only hurt like hell.”

Nel took a breath. “My fantasy involves being fucked and cum inside after being whipped. If you won’t do it, I haven’t had my fantasy and will probably try this again with someone who will.” A painful, labored breath. “Or you can fuck me and I never have to do this again. I… i… please fuck me. Once is enough.”

He pushed her legs apart, to which she gave no resistance. Unmoving for a long time, she convulsed and almost yelled when Don pushed into her, but just lay there unmoving until it was done. When she had felt him cum inside of her her head lolled over as she let herself pass out. Don got his water bottle out of his car and left it in Nel’s un-glued hand. Greg was only about 45 minutes away and she’d be in the shade the whole time. As requested, he dressed and drove away, leaving her unmoving body gently breathing where it lay.


Continues in

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