Desert Chronicles

by Zephyr

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© Copyright 2023 - Zephyr - Used by permission

Storycodes: M+/f; bond; farm; wire; strip; spread; suction; tease; voy; milk; cons; X

Continues from

2: Milkmaid

It was a sultry summer day in the desert town where they lived. Greg and Don and Nel were quietly sneaking down the side of an alfalfa field of a farmer whose farm lay near to where Greg lived.

Lawrence Hill, Farmer Hill to the three teenagers, was far too aware of what went on at his farm to have missed the three but recognizing them and their likely goal decided to pay them no mind. He had chased Greg’s somewhat-recently single mother for a while, had gotten to know the boy a bit and had a decent opinion of him. He also recognized the girl with them as Greg’s girlfriend but he could not remember her name and they had barely met in passing back then. The third, a young man, all three in their late teens, he didn’t know but he had a sense for Greg and Greg was respectful and not malicious. They seemed to be heading for his water storage pond and impromptu swimming hole, which made sense from the bikini top the girl was wearing, so he decided to let them be. If they thought they were sneaking in then they were likely to be careful not to do any damage, so he was fine.

The three were indeed heading for the storage pond, a 20x50 four-foot-deep construct built up in one corner of the farm. It was all heavy rubber lined and although he himself really didn’t think that much of swimming and playing in the water it was just well water pumped into the pond overnight so he could flood his fields as they needed to be at times. He watched the three pass quickly between the cow barns and his property line, then watched them all strip down a little then climb into the water and start to act like teenagers. He turned to the other things he had to do.

The three had a good time. Greg and Don had worn swim trunks so all they had to do was pull off their t-shirts and empty their pockets. Nel looked good in a blue string bikini which she had no problems pulling off with her figure. Nel wasn’t worried about showing that much to the two, she had hardly any fat and while wasn’t huge up top her bikini top was far from empty, a 35C or 38C depending on the bra or outfit. She shook out her long jet-black hair, not that it would matter in a minute once it got wet and took a moment to put suntan lotion on her exposed nearly alabaster skin. She didn’t worry about showing her body; these two were her boyfriend and her very best male non-boyfriend friend. Greg saw and did a lot with her in totally less than the bikini pretty much any time he or she wanted, and between the two of them they wanted a lot. Don had seen her naked, even seen her tied up and had whipped her that way once and had shared a bed with her on a few rare occasions although Don still longed for Cindy, which was never going to happen. Don actually was the better kisser; she had never directly told him that but even though they weren’t in a relationship any time he wanted to kiss, Nel was ready. Greg didn’t seem to mind; the things she and Greg did went worlds beyond what she could have ever had with Don and he knew she knew it. Don was good at kissing, not bad in bed (sorry, Cindy, you really should find out) but Greg had a wildly kinky mind and she needed someone with one of those and who was not afraid to use it. He wasn’t.

They finished playing in the water; it was kind of murky but all in all not too bad and a real city pool was crowded and a twenty-minute drive away so this was ideal. Nel really didn’t know about all this sneaking around but Greg insisted and Don was willing so she played along. Probably Farmer Hill knew exactly where they were and what they were doing and didn’t care but there was nothing to be gained by voicing that opinion.

On the way back Greg thought he saw someone coming so they cut through the barn and waited about five minutes while nothing happened. Once they relaxed they looked around at where they had chosen to hide out. The barn was large, sheltering Farmer Hill’s 30-cow herd from the sun. It had a swamp cooler or two running not quite noiselessly in the roof to provide a little bit of comfort but there were enough open spaces where windows might have been that it was pretty much outside conditions in there. A milking machine sat off to the side, a big maybe couple-of-hundred-gallon stainless steel container mounted on a platform with large wheels so it could be wheeled around as needed. A compressor of some type sat beside the milk drum, along with the controls for the machine, which was plugged into the wall and seemed to be battery driven. Coiled on the far side of the compressor was long tubing ending in the sleeves that went over the cows’ udders and did the actual milking. The area the three were standing in was empty except for the hay bales they had been sitting on, long strings of bailing wire that had been used to hold the hay in the past along with a few scraps of wood and cardboard that was the normal debris of running the farm and the barn.

They were all looking around. Greg was looking at the milking machine and then looking at Don and then looking meaningfully at Nel. Don was doing the same. “Wait a minute guys…” Nel was starting to back away slowly, pretty sure where this was going and not sure if she liked the thought. Sure, she had done much worse with both of them, but…

The two boys closed in on her. “You can’t do this. It will get the equipment dirty. How will you explain to Farmer Hill why he has to clean it?”

They closed on her, both smiling. “It won’t be a problem.” Greg countered. “You’re not lactating and there will be nothing to clean.”

“We don’t have permission.” Nel countered, desperate.

“We won’t be long and we’re not going to mess anything up.” They each grabbed one of her wrists and led her not entirely willing, to the side of the nearest stall. It was empty and cleaned out on the inside but they were on the outside of it in the walkway inside the barn anyway. The stalls were welded 2-inch pipe painted white with supports every few feet. The two guys backed her against it; the highest rail came about to her shoulder blades. Don trapped her against the railing and held her there while Greg went off rummaging for something. Don did the exact right thing: started kissing her and she was, despite the situation, happy to oblige. When it came right down to it she trusted both guys with her life and what they pretty clearly were planning to do would be weird but not horrible and well, kinky seemed to be her life anyways. She decided to let things go and enjoy Don while she could.

She couldn’t see with Don all wonderfully up in her face but Greg had apparently settled on the baling wire, pulling one of her wrists out and wrapping the wire around it and twisting the end so it wouldn’t open. It wasn’t comfortable but it wasn’t painfully bad and probably the best option given what was available. She felt that wrist stretched out along the top rail and then a moment later released, the far end of the wire apparently wrapped around something keeping her wrist spread out there. She really didn’t do much as the same was done to her other wrist.

Both boys backed away. Nel was tied with baling wire to the stall wall, long black hair falling down her back in the blue bikini top she wore, cutoffs that covered her bikini bottoms and the flip-flops that were on her feet if anything was. She struggled for a minute, proving to herself and the guys she was stuck. She just eyed both the boys. She didn’t need to ask what was next.

Greg walked up to her and kissed her as well. As he did, Nel felt his hands as expected come around her neck and middle back and pull the strings on her top. It came off in his hand and he backed away with it. Nel’s breasts stood firm and it wasn’t anything the two of them hadn’t seen before. So far no problem.

Greg and Don turned to the milking machine about ten feet away from where Nel was tied. They first stretched the hose out and found it more than long enough to reach her. Greg found the master power switch and indicators on the device lit up. It overall seemed pretty straight-forward as he tried it, a turn-button to start the compressor and knobs to control how fast the machine ran and how much suction it applied. He started it going and there started to be small jerks in the hose as the machine worked. It seemed to be working in two phases, applying suction on half the sleeves and then on the other, the way the machine was set now in a one-second cycle. Pop-pop, pop-pop, pop-pop the machine went. Each sleeve had a button near its base that could be pushed in to break any existing vacuum so the sleeve could be easily removed.

Greg walked up to his captive and topless girlfriend, Don right beside him, both eager. “Stop! Desist! Halt!” Nel called out airily. She knew darn well they were going to do it no matter what she said or did and, well, as it became clearer it didn’t look that bad. Even a little interesting.

Greg picked two sleeves that were on the same part of the cycle and with a wicked smile held them up against Nel’s nipples. They were already fully erect so he didn’t need to worry about that. The machine loaded down as the inch or inch-and-a-quarter sleeves sucked in on her and Nel could not stop a gasp. The sleeves sucked in her areola and a little of the white skin beyond. It was an interesting sensation, feeling her nipples sucked on by the device once a second. Pleasant, not bad, didn’t hurt. It wasn’t going to drive her to an orgasm or even get her turned on more than waiting for what was inevitable. Sort of like blow jobs – there were a few benefits for her but it was mostly for the guys.

The two boys around her were completely fascinated. Nel couldn’t really understand why it was that interesting. She shrugged and figured she’d have to be a guy to understand that. But they loved watching her nipples pulse inside the sleeves.

None of them knew it but they had an audience. About thirty feet away further into the barn and watching the three was Farmer Hill. He had seen the three run into the barn which was a little of a concern but more of a concern when they didn’t emerge and continue back towards Greg’s home within a few minutes. He got there just in time to see the boys backing Nel against the stall wall and even more astonishment as Greg grabbed baling wire off the barn floor and wired her wrists spread to the stall tubing behind her. He would have interfered and stopped that but curiously the girl wasn’t freaking out, wasn’t acting like she was unwilling. If they had been attacking her the man would have immediately stopped that but she wasn’t fighting, more nonplussed like this was weird for her but not that unusual. He never in a million years would have believed this of Greg, but here it was. Nobody over there was fighting for their freedom and the young woman was lovely, so he decided to just hang back and enjoy the show.

He was even more astonished when he heard the milker start and watched the boys approach the captive, now topless girl with the hoses. He was content to just watch her reaction, or more her non-reaction – not freaking out, not struggling to get free and prevent what was being done to her. Yes, he’d have to clean the machine before using it but that was done each time it was used anyway so it wasn’t a problem.

He had asked his own wife if he could do this once a long time ago when they were together. She had reminded him there were many sharp objects on the farm, some within reach.

It was still fascinating for Greg and Don to watch her nipples flickering in their prisons but for Nel it was definitely a non-issue. Nice, maybe even a little relaxing, but nothing to write home about. Then Greg and Don looked and saw all the remaining six sleeves and got that look in their eyes that spelled trouble.

“Oh no,” she announced as they approached her again. “Oh hell no.” She did struggle a little but it did no good.

Greg grabbed her shorts and despite her struggles unsnapped and unzipped them. It was not easy to get them down and off her but with her hands unavailable the outcome was predetermined. Eventually both her shorts and bikini bottom were off and she was fully nude, having lost both flip-flops in the struggle. She only struggled a little as each boy added more wire to each ankle and tied them about three-and-a-half feet apart.

Nel was just glaring back and forth at the two boys. Greg held up another sleeve, off-cycle with the two on her breasts, and looked at her. Nel defiantly stared back. Her legs were now wired too far apart to stop them and her pussy and clit had been laid bare. Greg looked at her then turned to Don. “Your turn?”

“No. Don’t you dare.” Nel shot back but Don just shrugged and took the sleeve and moved up to her. She just glared at him as he stared at her for a long minute. If her turn on is anticipating things about to be done to her, Don thought, she must be ready to explode, and to be honest a quick sniff seemed to confirm this. A closer look at her confirmed this too, she was shifting her hips uncomfortably, waiting for what was to come. So he just ran it all over her lower body, letting it suck in her belly button for a few seconds, then running it across somewhere else, letting it grab a fold of skin for a few seconds before pushing the button to release it and move on. Nel was silent and mostly motionless but she was clearly starting to shake with what could only be arousal, getting turned on by what was being done to her.

Don let the sleeve grab part of her pussy lips and that did pull a moan out of her. He thought about sticking the sleeve way up inside her and seeing what that would do but decided against it, what if he had problems removing it and putting her juices on the sleeve would be a hard-to-clean dead giveaway. He looked into her eyes and she knew the time had come. Don reached down and parted her labia, exposing her, and stuck the end of the sleeve right on her exposed clit.

Nel yelled with astonishment at the first tug of the suction as it hit, and she jumped hard against the wires holding her. Two seconds later the sleeve sucked her clit in again and with a loud squeak Nel jumped again.

“Too much!” Nel moaned, barely making it out between pulses. “Too much! Take it off! Take it off now!” But Greg and Don were shocked into immobility at the sight of what it was doing to Nel as it did it again and again, once every two seconds. “Pleeeease!” Nel begged and then fell silent, needing all her concentration to fight the paralyzing electric-like shocks being delivered too fast for her to recover from the first before the next one arrived. It was like lightning, straight into her clit and up her spine. It felt wonderful, mind-tinglingly wonderful. It was too much though, too fast, and fight as hard as she could she knew she was losing.

Greg mercifully decided to help. He moved to the compressor controls and the devastating sucks on her clit slowed to once every four seconds. Looking at her face he could see it wasn’t enough and he worked again and now it was down to once every five seconds. Then he turned it off all together.

Nel finally caught herself. “Thank you so much baby, but…” the machine kicked and she jumped and squeaked “it’s still too much at any speed. Take it off. You can do it on my breasts all you want but my clit is just too sensitive.”

Greg came up to her. Nel noticed he wasn’t in a hurry to disconnect her. “What’s it like? You looked pretty… interesting.”

She tugged at her wrists. “It wasn’t fun. It was like lightning bolts over and over on my clit. I couldn’t take it.”

“Painful?” Don prompted.

“No, pleasure. Just too much pleasure all at once and way too fast. Maybe once every ten seconds or so I could do and really enjoy. But once every two seconds was like being electrocuted through my clit.”

“With pleasure?” Don asked, surprised.

“Yeah.” Nel nodded. “But still…”

“What a way to go,” Don exclaimed.

“Not if it’s your clit.”

“Hmmm,” Greg started. “I think I was enjoying how you were wiggling before.”

“You wouldn’t…” She stopped. Oh yes he would. And she couldn’t stop him. “Please! Please no.”

It was wasted and they both knew it. Greg was by her agreement long ago to do anything he wanted to her that they had not specifically disclaimed, this included. But not this! He turned to the controls. “No! Please!”

The machine started back up. It was still slow but Greg turned it right back to once every two seconds. Nel grabbed the rails, it was impossible to think when that thing tugged at her clit like that, near impossible between the tugs. “No…” She gasped but the other two were only too willing to just watch as she jumped and gasped at each pump. The alternate gentle tugs on her breasts were almost ignorable compared to what was going on elsewhere.

Nel wanted to cry, wanted to beg but knew it would do no good. The boys wanted a show and she was it whether she wanted it or not. She realized she’d be mad about this for a few hours but the reality of it was she would be masturbating about the experience for weeks, or until Greg gave her something better. But right now she just had to survive this.

She could do it if she fought hard. Dammit what was being done to her pussy was making her as horny as hell but it wasn’t enough to push her over. Yeah it felt good, but it was out of control, out of her control. She closed her eyes and fought. The jumping and squeaking every time the machine sucked on her clit could not be helped, but her falling apart was purely up to her. But damn it was making her horny.

Then she felt someone pressing their lips against hers. She opened her eyes: Don. And something snapped in her and she began kissing Don back like she was drowning and he was air. All the pent-up horniness flooded her, and with his kisses and squeezing of her breasts she felt herself start on the road to an orgasm. That would stop this; Greg knew way better than to leave that thing on her clit when she was coming. It was just so hard with all the sparks flying through her from her clit.

She lost herself in the kissing. It helped. Don was surprised at first how hungrily she went at him but then he responded just fine and began kissing back. She still jumped and squealed when the pumps came but it was much better and it was getting her there. This was going to work. This was going to end.

Then Don did something totally unexpected. He slipped two fingers into her soaking wet pussy and began to rub her clit on the inside. It was wonderful, it was speeding things along, it felt real, real good. But it only lasted for a minute or two/

Greg turned the machine back up to full speed and she yelled even though her tongue was deep in Don’s mouth. No! Not fair! I was getting it! She struggled but Don kept massaging her G-spot and wisely kept his tongue out of her mouth since she wasn’t fully in control of it anymore but she was more than happy to as best she could keep hers buried in his mouth, desperately searching for something neither of them knew. The fast pulses were driving her crazy, she couldn’t stop it, couldn’t catch up, was starting to have problems even breathing. Yet it went on.

And she exploded. Greg, bless his heart, knew what that looked and sounded like and the milker went dead. Don kept his fingers in her and it was agonizing as she twisted the extra his fingers inside her did to her. But she was falling, falling, falling, and it was beautiful and flowed through her like a warm honey fire. She lost all track of what was going on around her, knew she was thrashing, knew Don’s fingers weren't making it easy on her, but she didn’t care. It felt so good to just be falling…

She opened her eyes. She was sitting on the ground, still naked, where she had been standing. Her clothes were in her lap and she looked around to see the hoses from the milking machine were all curled up and put away.

Greg and Don, who had been waiting for her and sitting on the hay bales, looked up at her long purging sigh. Greg walked up to her. “When you feel up to it, get dressed. We’ve been here way too long and we need to go.”

She looked up at her boyfriend. “Damn, what did you do to me? You know I’m going to hurt you for that, But maybe later.” She smiled to let him know she wasn’t really mad and managed to begin to get dressed.


Continues in

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