A Conventional Affair

by Darkwolf

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© Copyright 2024 - Darkwolf - Used by permission

Storycodes: F+/f+; bond; chastity; collar; cuffs; gag; convention; public; cage; leash; toys; latex; shop; cons; X

Continues from

Part 8

Contrary to all of her expectations, Brianna Wilde quickly discovered that there was a strange and almost pleasant mundanity to wandering about a bondage convention with her mistresses. To be sure it was fantastical as well, everywhere she looked a feast for the eyes with toys and gear she had only ever seen in pictures on display and groups of people wearing their fetishes openly and without shame. Herself among them, when she thought about it, but there was a certain matter of factness to it all as well. Not that she minded, that sense of normalcy was equally wondrous in its own way, the sort of thing that would have seemed impossible to her once upon a time, but it still undercut some of the awe that she had imagined feeling when she had first proposed this weekend adventure. In fact, as they wandered the aisles, passing by seemingly endless rows of tables and booths with wares on display for sale the whole thing honestly reminded the blue-haired girl of the rummage sales her mother had taken her to as a child, or the farmer’s market that she and Sofia frequented in the summer months. Although, to be fair, neither of those venues had offered rows of ball gags for sale in every color of the rainbow or had models demonstrating different types of handcuffs for passers by. Or at least she had never seen anything like that, though who knew what sort of odds and ends might turn up in those random boxes at the average garage sale?

Grinning at that stray thought, even as she honestly wondered if it might be possible to find old bondage gear in such a way, Brianna shifted her focus to the people around her. Despite the sheer size of the convention center the place still felt packed, individuals and groups of all sizes milling about as they shopped or chatted or even posed for pictures here and there. Never in her life had the blue-haired girl seen so many bound women, and more than a few men, in one place. It honestly reminded her of that night, nearly a year ago now, when Claudia had introduced her to Delirium for the first time. That same sense of awe and wonder to see so many people in such wild outfits in one place at one time, so casual despite the fantastic environment they found themselves in. Indeed, more than once she found herself actually forgetting the fact she was clad in nothing but a harness of slender leather straps, tits out while being led on a leash, until an appreciative gaze cast her way reminded her, and her blush returned with a vengeance. Hell, she’d even had a few people ask if they could take her picture and, throwing caution to the wind, she had agreed, posing with her mistresses and smiling despite the butterflies churning in her stomach. Truth be told it turned her on something fierce and as time went on she found herself relaxing, easing into her role and flaunting her body as she held her shoulders back and let her hips sway seductively, both to show them off and to set the ben wa balls she was wearing shifting in a maddeningly pleasant dance.

For the most part though they just browsed, window shopping as it were despite the lack of windows, looking to see if anything caught their eye. Not that they were in the market for anything specific, not at the moment anyway, but you never knew and there was certainly some rather exotic fair on display, enough to make Brianna feel like a kid in a candy shop. In fact, as she took a moment to admire a set of collars on display, in every material imaginable and ranging from the incredibly simple to the breathtakingly ornate, the blue-haired girl felt a nudge on her shoulder. Looking up at Sofia’s grinning face, the bound girl’s eyes followed along as the blonde gestured with her free hand at something in the distance. Just ahead was a booth selling gear made of metal, from simple cuffs to actual cages, but that was not what made her freeze in place. No, what made her breath catch in her throat was the sight of three models on display demonstrating that gear. Each of the three young women was wearing a chastity belt and little else, but that was as far as the similarities went. In the center was a rather muscular redhead, the color of her hair so deep that it almost had to be dyed and her arms secured by what could only be described as a steel armbinder. A metal rod affixed to the back of the collar around her throat that ran straight down her spine with cuffs on either side at the wrists and elbows. Next to her was a somewhat petite figure, long hair wildly dyed in clashing colors of pink and teal with equally colorful makeup, her own wrists secured in a yoke. However, the steel bar holding her arms out at just past shoulder length was not fastened around her neck as one would expect but was actually locked securely around the base of her breasts by twin loops, each one tight enough to squeeze those delicate mounds snugly and ensure that the device could not slip off. Last, but certainly not least, was a very busty blonde, seemingly unrestrained but with a set of steel bands also locked around her breasts, each connected to her collar by a short chain to form what had to have been the strangest bra the blue-haired girl had ever seen.

It was utterly fascinating and, practically oblivious to the people moving past her as she stood stock still, Brianna just stared as she took in the sight, watching the blonde pass out fliers to passers by and chat with potential customers, motioning to various pieces of gear enthusiastically and at one point even securing a metal bit between the redhead’s teeth as a demonstration. Indeed, the blue-haired girl was so utterly absorbed in the display that she was caught completely off guard when a hand suddenly rested on her shoulder.

“It seems something has caught your eye, korítsi.” Roxanna teased, a knowing smirk on her face, “Perhaps we should go say hello?”

Despite the faint blush coloring her cheeks, Brianna found herself returning the woman’s grin, “I don’t know, mistress. I’m not sure my boobs are big enough for most of those toys.”

It was Sofia’s turn to grin, chuckling softly as she scooped the younger girl up in a familiar embrace, “No need to be so self-conscious, devushka.” her voice dropped into an almost rumbling purr as she leaned in and kissed a pale cheek, “Your breasts are perfect.”

Moaning softly at the sound of that voice, a voice that had never failed to send shivers of pleasure down her spine, Brianna bit her lip and nodded. It was something they would just have to agree to disagree about, though in truth her protests were mostly for show at this point, “Yes, mistress.”

“Besides,” the blonde continued as she began to guide the blue-haired girl toward the booth, “you never know what you might find.”

Nodding again, Brianna offered no resistance as she felt both the leash affixed to her collar and the arm around her waist guide her through the crowd, her mistresses weaving around the various bodies almost effortlessly. As they approached more details became visible. First a banner stretched overhead emblazoned with bright letters reading ‘Metalworks of Art’ in black and silver. Beyond that, shelves and tables that housed an even wider array of gear than she had realized came into focus, from the aforementioned cuffs and collars to ornate bands of all shapes and sizes to chains of various lengths and thicknesses all interspersed with things she could not even begin to name. At some point, when it became obvious what they were doing, the busty blonde looked up and offered a friendly smile, real enthusiasm on her features as she held out one of the pamphlets she was carrying.

“Hello!” she greeted, a pleasant warmth in her voice as she took in the trio, paying special attention to Brianna’s collar, “And welcome. In the market for some metal?”

As sales pitches went it was so-so, but between the woman’s bubbly tone, heartfelt attitude and ample assets she certainly made for an effective spokeswoman and Brianna found herself smiling almost shyly, a faint thrill running through her body at the realization that they were both wearing about the same amount and were chatting as if that were the most ordinary thing in the world. As the blue-haired girl adjusted her posture beneath that inspection, showing off ever so slightly, Roxanna chuckled politely and took the flier, scanned it briefly before tucking the paper into her bag, “Perhaps. We are always interested in expanding our collection, and you seem to have some very fine, ah, goods on display.”

Intentional or not, the woman grinned at that innuendo, but before she could comment Sofia broke away from her lovers and ran a finger down the bars of a tall but narrow cage set into the corner, the action drawing Brianna’s attention to the fact that there was actually a fourth model locked inside, her features concealed behind a tight leather hood and her wrists shackled to the waistband of her own chastity belt while an elaborate set of brass clamps squeezed her nipples, “Most interesting indeed. I find myself wondering where you acquired such an eclectic collection.”

“It’s all made in house,” the topless woman announced, proudly, “We even do custom work if you like, though that tends to cost more, and take time.” A teasing smile suddenly curling her full lips, the busty blonde reached out and grabbed her redheaded companion by the arm and pulled her close, “In fact, if you want to meet the artist, she’s right here.”

“Really?” Brianna found herself asking all of a sudden, honestly surprised as she looked up at the muscular woman.

“Yep.” the blonde answered simply, hugging the taller woman loosely around the waist as she blushed, mumbling something around the bit still locked between her teeth, “She likes to help model, says there’s something artistic about the ‘creator falling prey to her creations,’ but I just think she’s just way kinkier than she lets on.” Her smile grew teasing again, “Besides, tell me these aren’t blacksmith’s arms?”

If anything the redhead’s blush seemed to deepen, rapidly spreading down her chest until it seemed like every inch of her pale skin was painted pink, but at the same time Brianna could not deny that the blonde was correct. The smith was certainly built solidly, not exactly a bodybuilder but the impressive tone of her arms and the ridges of her abdominal muscles, to say nothing of those thighs, easily rivaled Sofia’s own athletic frame, though she lacked the older woman’s curves. Still, the blue-haired girl could certainly imagine her working at a forge, hammering metal into shape as sweat beaded on her brow… Shaking herself loose from that particular, if quite pleasant, daydream, the blue-haired girl glanced at her mistress as Roxanna mirrored the blonde’s smile.

“I understand completely.” the olive-skinned woman intoned, “Your companion is indeed most talented, miss…?”

“Danielle,” the woman answered before nodding at the redhead, “This is Kat, and the technicolor rainbow over there is Liz.”

“Screw you too,” the yoked woman called back, if playfully, over her shoulder as she adjusted her stance to take some of the pressure off her breasts.

Smile widening at that, and very deliberately not taking her hands off of Kat’s body, Danielle regarded her potential customers again, “So, is there anything in particular you’re looking for?”

“Not as such,” Sofia confessed as she stepped away from the cage, “Though I am curious if you have any recommendations?”

Pondering that question for a heartbeat, the woman looked Brianna up and down, eliciting another blush from the blue-haired girl, before she nodded slowly to herself, “I see your girl already has a collar and a set of cuffs. Chains are always useful, but a little boring.” she paused briefly before grinning, “Personally I’ve always been a firm believer that every girl needs a chastity belt.”

“I very much agree,” Roxanna conceded with a nod, “But I’m afraid our lovely slave already has one of those as well.”

“A pity, but I’m glad to hear it,” Danielle conceded before pursing her lips for a moment and then grinning as she turned to the redhead still held loosely in her arms, “What about you, oh mistress of metal? Any ideas?”

Kat rolled her eyes but still tilted her head to indicate something behind her and muttered around the bit, “Mmhnph nhnnph n gng?”

Danielle’s eyes seemed to light up at that suggestion and smiled broadly as she again allowed her gaze to roam over Brianna’s nearly naked form, eliciting a whole new blush, “That’s a very striking outfit. Perhaps a striking gag to go with it?”

“She does enjoy gags a great deal.” Sofia quipped as she again pulled the blue-haired girl’s blushing body into her arms, “A great deal indeed.”

Biting her lip to suppress a moan, especially at the way those calloused hands drew over her body with intimate familiarity, Brianna managed a nod, “Yes, mistress.”

Her smile never once fading, Danielle finally let her bound and gagged companion go and turned to face the yoked woman, “Liz? Would you be a dear and fetch one of the new metal ball gags for me?”

With an expression on her face that clearly said ‘seriously?’, the rainbow colored woman motioned with her hands as best she could at her restraints, but the buxom blonde just continued to look at her expectantly, that smile still on her face. Letting out a very put-upon sigh, the petite woman stepped back into the booth, twisting her shoulders and contorting her body to both accommodate the bar locked around her arms and to keep from pulling on her breasts too much. It was a rather notable display of flexibility, truth be told, and as she watched the tiny woman bend down at the knees and tilt her entire torso to retrieve something off the back shelf Brianna could not help but feel impressed. Clearly this was not her first time being restrained like this. Padding over on bare feet, Liz dropped the thing into Danielle’s waiting palm, scowling ever so slightly when the buxom blonde grinned at her and ruffled her hair playfully. Turning back to her customers the woman then held up the gag for inspection, revealing that it was indeed made of metal in its entirety. The ball of itself was of fairly modest size, but cast from shiny, mirror-polished steel and absolutely covered in a complex web of engraved designs while the strap was not a strap at all but a chain made of golden polished brass, its links twisted and hammered so that they would lay flat. She had seen metal gags before, of course, and even worn them on more than one occasion such as her bit and bridle or the various ring gags that her mistresses like to use on her, but never anything like this. More than that it was undeniably beautiful, a work of art that positively enraptured the blue-haired girl as she studied it intently.

“That’s amazing,” Brianna found herself whispering without even realizing it, blushing slightly when she realized she had spoken out loud.

“Very beautiful indeed, korítsi,” Roxanna agreed as she held out her hand, wordlessly taking the gag and running her fingers across its surface as if tracing the myriad lines carved into it, “And your… friend made this?”

“Every single bit,” Danielle confirmed, the bound smith looking both absolutely mortified by the praise while also clearly basking in it, “And I’m sure she appreciates it, don’t you?”

A bit startled by the question, Kat blushed even deeper, her skin threatening to rival the color of her hair, and looked away, “Phhnnh mnn.”

“You are very welcome.” Roxanna offered as she handed the gag over to Sofia, “It is somewhat lighter than I would have expected.”

“It’s hollow.” Danielle answered, simply, “And it had to be a bit on the small side since the metal has no give. Wouldn’t want to break a tooth.”

The olive-skinned woman could only nod thoughtfully, “Certainly something to be avoided, yes.”

Taking the chains trailing from the gag in both hands, Sofia held it up in a rather suggestive fashion and grinned at the blue-haired girl, “What do you think, devushka? Silver always was your color.”

Personally at least Brianna always thought that blue was her color, but she smiled regardless, understanding what her mistress was getting at easily enough. Still, she bit her lip and glanced back at Danielle with the barest hint of hesitation, “May I try it on?”

To that the topless woman just shook her head, an apologetic look on her face, “Sorry, but you put it in your mouth and you’ve bought it.”

“Reasonable,” Roxanna conceded, before pulling on the leash to force Brianna to meet her gaze and grinning down at the bound girl “We will take it, then.”

Without further comment, and certainly without warning, Brianna found the gag suddenly pressed against her mouth, the shock of cold steel against her skin making her gasp, presenting her mistress with the perfect opportunity to slip it between her lips and behind her teeth. For all that it had fascinated her, some part of the blue-haired girl had honestly expected that wearing a metal gag like this one would be uncomfortable and, while it was certainly strange, it was not unpleasant. As said the steel offered no give when she experimentally bit down on it, but while the ball filed her mouth well enough to serve its purposes it was small enough to avoid putting undue pressure on her jaws. Honestly compared to some of her gags it was almost comfortable. The chain also felt strange as Sofia tightened it down and fastened the clasp snugly, but as the smooth metal pressed against her face and dimpled her cheeks that too was not unpleasant. Twisting her head back and forth to explore the sensation while running her tongue along the smooth metal surface of the ball, Brianna marveled at the feeling of the patterns engraved into it, distinct and yet not sharp-edged at all, a testament to how finely made the toy truly was. Distracted from her musing by the feeling of strong fingers carding through her hair, and pulling those azure locks back into a high ponytail, the bound girl practically purred as she leaned against mistress’s body and melted into the athletic woman’s embrace as strong arms held her close.

Kissing her on the back of the head, Sofia grinned ever so softly as she whispered into her plaything’s ear, “You look beautiful, devushka.”

Eyes closed, Brianna could not help but return that smile as she snuggled up against the taller woman. Truth be told, ever since leaving their room earlier it had felt strange to walk about bound but not gagged, as if her outfit incomplete in some strange way, but now? Now she felt wonderful, and devastatingly sexy, “Phhnnh mnn, mnphphrmphph.”

“No need for thanks.” the athletic blonde assured with another kiss, this one to the blue-haired girl’s temple, “You are always welcome.”

Tucking a receipt into her purse as she finalized the purchase, Roxanna glanced back at her lovers, a slender yet heartfelt smile on her face and a hint of mischief in her deep brown eyes, before turning back to Danielle again, “If you might be willing to indulge me with one last favor?”

Interest clearly piqued, the buxom woman raised a curious brow as she placed a hand on her hip, “I might, depending on the favor.”

“Nothing onerous, I assure you.” the olive-skinned woman promised as she retrieved her cell phone, “I was simply hoping we could have a picture. For the road, as they say.”

If anything Danielle seemed to positively beam at that suggestion and before she knew it Brianna found herself held tightly in Sofia’s grasp and sandwiched between a rather well-endowed blonde and a very muscular redhead. Liz joined them a moment later, the tiny woman beckoned over by her friend, and crouched down ever so slightly to keep from obscuring the view. Carefully lining up the shot to make certain that all five of them were clearly in frame, and to center both the cage and the woman locked within it in the background, Roxanna quickly snapped a picture of the group and nodded to herself in satisfaction. Turning the device around to show off the screen as she approached, the blue-haired girl could not deny that it was a rather… interesting scene. Four women locked in steel, two of them gagged and all of them topless, with the tall figure of her mistress looming over them, the only one wearing anything resembling normal clothing while a caged prisoner stood in the background. It was far from the first risque photo that Brianna had ever taken, but it was definitely the most provocative, and one that was definitely going into her private collection when they got home.

“Thank you.” Roxanna said, eventually as she put her phone away again, “We appreciate your willingness to oblige us.”

“The pleasure was all ours.” Danielle assured as the group slowly broke apart, “Be sure to stop by again if anything else catches your fancy.”

Roxanna nodded and took hold of Brianna’s leash again. As quickly as it had begun the blue-haired girl found herself led back out into the aisles, both the insistent tug on her collar and the arm around her waist once again guiding her into the flow of traffic. Glancing back over her shoulder to catch one last look at the metal bound trio behind them, Danielle already moving to talk with another customer, she could not help but smile around her new gag. That had been… Well, she honestly wasn’t certain what that had been, but it was definitely fun and the day was still very young. Like a massive school of fish the crowd seemed to shift at that moment, cutting off her view, and so the bound girl let out a sigh and straightened her back, squaring her shoulders and holding her head high. After all, what was the point of having a new piece of jewelry (such as it was) if you weren’t going to show it off? And if that involved showing yourself off as well? Then that was just all part of the show. Despite the background murmur of a thousand overlapping conversations, a familiar and yet comfortable silence seemed to descend on them as they walked, taking in the exotic sights and sounds around them, pausing here and there to study a particularly interesting display, and give Roxanna a chance to snap a few more pictures for her growing album. Such as a small group of people wearing elaborate, colorful body paint and little else or the woman whose tight leathers, torn fishnets and wild warpaint made her seem like some sort of post-apocalyptic warlord. An effect only enhanced by a second woman, wearing nothing but a nearly translucent sarong and chains, being pulled along behind her on a leash. However, it was when her mistress approached a booth selling nothing but coils of rope in every conceivable color to take a photo of a nearly nude young woman trapped in an incredibly tight hogtie and lain out on one of the tables as a living display model that Sofia decided to finally break that silence.

“You know,” the blonde began without preamble, “I have been thinking.”

“A dangerous thing indeed.” Roxanna teased, never once missing a beat as she took a second picture of the hogtied woman from a different angle to catch the look in her heavily shadowed eyes and the smile on her face.

Sofia just chuckled at that before sweeping her lover up in a loose embrace, “That tongue of yours will get you into trouble someday, dorogoy.”

In what felt like a strange reversal of roles, Roxanna grinned ever so slightly as she allowed her voice to drop into an almost breathy purr, “And is that day today, stríngla?”

To that Sofia gave no immediate answer, save to pull the olive-skinned woman close and kiss her fiercely, a kiss that she welcomed most eagerly. It was only then, after a few moments of dueling with her lover’s tongue, that the blonde spoke her mind even as she allowed her hands to roam up and down the other woman’s back, paying special attention to her bare shoulder blades. A place where she had always been very sensitive. “I am thinking, dorogoy, that for as nice as photographs are we should get Claudia a gift as well.”

If Roxanna was at all phased by the sheer intensity of that kiss she didn’t show it, though she did shiver ever so slightly and bite her lip when strong fingers traced over the web of scars decorating her back. Looking more pleased with herself than anything, the olive-skinned woman’s expression turned thoughtful as she slowly nodded, “A fine idea, stríngla. Something tangible would no doubt be appreciated. And besides, it would not be fair to reward one pet and not the other.”

Brianna found herself shivering as well, if for a very different reason, at being called their pet, especially when Roxanna’s soulful brown eyes met her own over Sofia’s shoulder. Still, her mistresses' conversation did make her think. In truth she’d been so excited for most of the day with everything that had been looming, and was still looming, that she’d barely spared a thought for her fellow submissive since their conversation by text last night. Something that bothered her a bit when she thought about it since she’d promised to take plenty of pictures and share her experiences when they met again. Still, she could not disagree that getting Claudia a souvenir of some type was a good idea, especially considering how disappointed the tattooed girl had been at being forced to miss this particular event. The question of what loomed large though and as her mistresses discussed just that, the blue-haired girl idly scanned the crowd and the various tables lining the aisle on both sides. It was then that her hazel eyes went wide with delight as an absolutely devious, and completely perfect, answer presented itself.

Glancing over at the pair she called out as best she could, “Mnphphrmphph?”

Curiosity etched onto her features, Sofia glanced back at her slave with a soft frown as she reluctantly loosened her hold on Roxanna’s pleasantly slender and beautifully curved body to reach back and pop the gag from the blue-haired girl’s mouth, “Yes, devushka?”

Licking her lips almost instinctively, Brianna flashed an impish smile, “Maybe we can get Claudia a new outfit?”

Cocking her head curiously, Sofia followed the blue-haired girl’s gaze to find her looking at a booth across the way packed full of racks and racks of clothing in a bewildering array of styles and colors. Costumes and fetish gear and just about anything else you could want to inspire a little bit of creative role playing. Grinning at the realization, the blonde turned her attention back to the bound girl, “I see. What an interesting idea.”

Roxanna, by contrast, seemed more thoughtful, but she still nodded slowly in agreement, “And did you have anything particular in mind, korítsi?”

Despite her smile Brianna found herself blushing more than a bit beneath the gaze of her mistresses, “Well, I was just thinking that maybe we could get her something special? Like a maid uniform? So that we can… match.”

“Oh?” Sofia asked as she leaned in close, taking the blue-haired girl gently by the chin, forcing their eyes to meet as she smirked knowingly, “You would not be planning any mischief now, would you?”

Although her blush intensified, Brianna did not deny the accusation. After all, she was planning to stay with Claudia once school started again and it would have been a lie to say that a few scenarios involving a bondage maid with a clever, pierced tongue hadn’t popped into her head. And so, biting her lip she grinned ever so slightly, “Maaaybe.”

Sofia just chuckled, a knowing smile on her face as she gave the younger girl a quick kiss on the cheek. “I have always approved of mischief.” she said, softly, before glancing at Roxanna, “What say you, dorogoy?”

Although the thoughtful expression from earlier was still painted on her features, the olive-skinned woman smiled ever so slightly, “I think it is a lovely suggestion.”

“Thank you, mistress.” Brianna practically whispered, leaning into the olive-skinned woman’s touch as shook her head with a tiny, amused smile and reached out to brush a few strands of blue hair back over her ear.

Roxanna allowed her fingers to linger for a moment longer, reveling in the feeling of the bound girl’s smooth, pale skin as she stroked a delicate cheekbone. However, rather than respond she withdrew her hand without another word, trailing a well manicured nail along the edge of Brianna’s jaw and eliciting a tiny shiver before adjusting her grip on the leash ever so slightly and giving it a sharp tug. Understanding the signal easily enough, the blue-haired girl obediently followed along, her new gag dangling at her throat like some sort of overly large necklace as her mistress cut through the crowd with Sofia by her side. Noting a certain spring in the blonde’s step, and barely able to contain her own enthusiasm, she felt herself grin again as they quickly found themselves amid the racks of clothing. Unlike the previous booth this one was a bit less formal. There were no live displays, much to her disappointment, though a few cheap mannequins had been set up here and there, nor did there really seem to be a staff save for a rather busy couple manning a cash register. There was certainly an impressive selection to be had though, everything from classic sexy costumes like schoolgirls and nurses, to outright lingerie and fetish wear as well as rave gear, period apparel and even ordinary clothing in particularly… provocative cuts. Unfortunately, while the selection was impressive it was not labeled or even particularly well organized, outfits and individual articles of clothing thrown here and there, wherever there was space really. And, with her hands still cuffed firmly behind her back, Brianna was in no position to help her mistresses look. Still, she trailed along behind them, watching with a sharp eye as they dug through the various selections on offer, holding up the occasional outfit to a critical eye.

While much of it was fairly generic, the sorts of things you could find in any one of a dozen different online catalogs that Brianna would deny to her dying day having ever looked at, but among that dross were some real gems. Like a lacy bustier that the blue-haired girl was certain would go beautifully with Roxanna’s darker skin tones, or a copy of the infamous Playboy bunny outfit that just screamed Sofia and somehow managed to be even skimpier than the original. The idea of seeing her mistress in something like that was certainly a pleasant thought, almost as pleasant as the idea of wearing such a thing herself, which immediately brought a familiar blush back to her cheeks. A blush that the woman holding her leash certainly seemed to notice if the tiny, teasing smile that curled her lips was any indication. Thankfully the olive-skinned woman did not comment and things seemed to blur just a bit as they continued their search, first digging through a selection of swimsuits that looked so fragile Brianna doubted that anyone would actually be able to swim in them, followed by a selection of honestly gaudy lingerie and a seemingly endless array of outfits that looked like they’d come straight from the shelves of a Halloween store. Who knew, maybe they had. Indeed, the blue-haired girl had begun to despair that they would actually find anything of use when Sofia struck gold. Tucked between what could charitably be called a dancing girl outfit and an honest to goodness smoking jacket were a series of dresses all in black, dark color highlighted by white lacy trim and short skirts lined by unmistakably frilly embellishments.

Grinning triumphantly, Sofia thumbed through the selection, checking the sizes with a quick eye before holding up one of the hangers for inspection and turning that sparkling gaze on her lovers, “What do you say, my dears? The perfect fit, no?”

Watching as Roxanna made a quiet noise of agreement in her throat and reached out to run her fingers over the garment’s silky cloth, Brianna bit her lip and allowed her gaze to roam over the dress, taking in all the details with a practiced eye. The outfit was well made, especially in comparison to many of the other costumes on display, and certainly did seem to be in Claudia’s size. More than that, the design reminded the blue-haired girl of her own uniform despite some key differences. The skirt was short, barely reaching mid-thigh with a purely decorative apron that was just as short. Enough so that Claudia’s usual habit of forgoing underwear would be, at best, inadvisable while wearing it. Or the best idea ever, depending on one’s perspective. The back and neckline were also cut very low, but nowhere near as low as Brianna’s own breast baring outfit. Most interesting though, the silky material it was made of was not solid, but more like a framework of cloth between which was woven huge swaths of semi-translucent lace in intricate patterns that promised to offer a tantalizingly occluded view of the body within. Yes, in her mind’s eye the blue-haired girl could easily imagine her girlfriend wearing this and the idea was more exciting than it had any right to be. Though the slender girl would need a proper pair of stockings and a garter belt to go with it. Things that, on reflection, Brianna was not actually sure her fellow submissive even owned.

“You have a keen eye, stríngla.” Roxanna commented with a smile as she finished with her inspection.

“Thank you, dorogoy.” Sofia responded simply with a grin of her own, slowly tilting her body to practically lean against the other woman, “I do try.”

Acknowledging her with a light kiss, Roxanna opened her mouth as if to say something but seemed to think better of it, shaking her head ever so slightly and turning to glance at Brianna, “And you, korítsi? What do you think?”

Caught up in the mental image of Claudia in that outfit, which had quickly spiraled into idly fantasies of bending the girl over the kitchen table, or of the both of them kneeling side by side, a pair of loyal bondage maids ready to serve their mistresses, Brianna was caught off guard by the question. Blushing in embarrassment, her achingly hard nipples betraying the true nature of her thoughts, the blue-haired girl fought the urge to look down and forced herself to meet her mistress’s eyes, “It’s wonderful, mistress. I just… I just can’t help but think it’s missing something.”

And that was the damnable thing about it. As perfectly as she could imagine the slender, tattooed girl in that uniform and as devastatingly sexy as that image was, to say nothing of how adorably she’d likely protest in that semi-serious way of hers, something was still missing and as hard as she tried Brianna could not fathom what that might be. Once again it was Sofia’s sharp eyes that came to the rescue as the blonde suddenly stepped away from her lovers without explanation and walked over to a side table where various accessories had been laid out. Frowning curiously at the other woman, Roxanna carefully limped after her, pulling Brianna along behind until the olive-skinned woman stood at the blonde’s shoulder.

Watching for a moment as she picked through the items on display with a critical eye, Roxanna eventually asked, “Find something interesting, stríngla?”

Sofia did not answer right away, rather she just kept searching for another moment or two until she at last found what she was looking for. Smiling ever so slightly the tall, athletic blonde held up her prize, “I have indeed, dorogoy.”

Standing up on her tiptoes to peer over Roxanna’s shoulder, Brianna could see that the item in question was a simple plastic headband, dark in color, but with a pair of fuzzy cat ears attached that, like the matching tail with it, were made of white fur covered in dark spots. Almost like a snow leopard or some other arctic cat. They were certainly pretty, and very well made if the stainless steel plug attached to the tail was any indication, but the blue-haired found herself wondering just what it was her mistress was planning. A sentiment that Roxanna clearly shared as the olive-skinned woman raised a curious brow and spoke, “At first I was curious. Now I find myself intrigued.”

“It is quite simple.” Sofia assured as she carefully folded the little black dress over her arm, “Brianna dear was correct. As dashing as our Claudia would look dressed as a maid, it needs something to complete the look. And you cannot say that the idea of a catgirl maid is not appealing, no?”

Appealing was certainly one word for it and Brianna found herself blushing fiercely as the mental image of Claudia in that very revealing uniform, wearing those ears and that tail while crawling on all fours, popped into her head. Only to be supplanted just as quickly by an image of that slender, tattooed girl in costume and strapped into her bitchsuit, gagged and being led on a leash. Biting her lip to suppress a moan, the blue-haired girl felt a pleasant heat suffuse her entire body as Roxanna reached out to take the ears, gently running her fingers over that soft fur as she studied them, the tiniest of blushes painting her olive skin a pleasant shade of pink. Still, she managed an almost amused smile as she handed the headband back, a barely audible lilt in her voice betraying her true feelings, “I believe I understand your meaning, yes. Though I do seem to recall that our pet already has the necessary… accessories.”

“Ah, but you see, dorogoy,” Sofia explained with a cheeky grin, “red fur would clash horribly with this outfit.”

Roxanna let out a decidedly unladylike snort of laughter as she shook her head in wry amusement, “As you say, stríngla.”

Grin never wavering in the face of that tacit approval, Sofia leaned in and kissed the other woman, gently at first and then far more fiercely as Roxanna eagerly responded, leaving Brianna with little to do save watch that display of passion with a fierce blush still coloring her own cheeks. Eventually, much to her disappointment, her mistresses broke apart and Sofia stepped away, allowing her hands to linger for just a moment more on soft skin before taking her bounty to the cash register without a word. Letting out a soft yet contented sigh, Roxanna eventually turned to the blue-haired girl with another smile. A smile that she could not help but return as she was once more led by the leash to the edge of the aisle. Pausing there, the olive-skinned woman spared a moment to study the crowd, her deep brown eyes flickering between a few particularly noteworthy specimens, but for the longest time she said nothing. Just when the silence began to grow almost uncomfortable, and Brianna found herself fidgeting ever so slightly, the woman turned and smiled again. Taking the younger girl into a loose embrace, and allowing her hands to wander just a bit, Roxanna pulled her bound companion close and leaned down until their lips were practically touching.

“You have been very quiet, korítsi. Is something the matter?”

Biting her lip again, unable to suppress a moan this time as delicate fingers tracing down the ridges of her spine and brushed over the small of her back before cupping her bare ass and squeezing playfully. Shivering as she felt those fingers begin to knead her flesh with all the skill and precision that she had come to expect from her mistresses, Brianna eventually managed to find her voice, “No, mistress, nothing’s wrong. It’s just all so overwhelming, I guess.”

The older woman’s smile softened just a bit, “It has been a most extraordinary day, no?” her smile then turned teasing, “Though I do wonder. Is it the day you find overwhelming, or the thought of Claudia in all that new gear?”

Brianna felt her face redden as her blush returned with a vengeance, “I… both, mistress.” she eventually managed.

That suddenly wicked grin filling her vision as Roxanna leaned in for a kiss, Brianna closed her eyes almost instinctively as their lips met. Opening her mouth when a soft, probing tongue demanded entry, the blue-haired girl moaned again as she gave herself over to the older woman’s passion, practically melting beneath the touch of those silky soft lips and the sensation of delicate hands all over her body. On the periphery of her awareness she could hear murmurs and the occasional good natured whistle at the show they were putting on, but caught up in the moment she did not really care and besides that the thought of being watched only made it better. In the midst of that already overwhelming sensation a pair of strong arms suddenly circled her and Brianna found herself gasping into that kiss as a firm but lush body molded itself against her, pinning her already bound arms against back and enveloping her in a pleasantly soft blanket of heat. Even blindfolded and in the dark the blue-haired girl would have recognized Sofia’s achingly familiar form, to say nothing of the woman’s positively intoxicating scent. Those arms tightened then, practically crushing her between her mistresses’ bodies as the kiss silencing her deepened, pressing down on her until she was left a flushed and panting mess. Even so, Brianna found herself whimpering ever so slightly when Roxanna pulled back, the olive-skinned woman flashing a brief grin before reaching up with one hand to cup Sofia’s cheek and draw the blonde into an equally intense kiss. It was not exactly an unfamiliar position, and certainly not unpleasant, and the blue-haired girl could not help but smile as the older women lost themselves in each other.

“Welcome back, stríngla.” Roxanna practically breathed when she finally came up for air, her hand still resting gently on the blonde’s cheek.

An easy smile curled Sofia’s lips as she brushed a few stray curls of rich mahogany hair behind her lover’s ear, quiet laughter rumbling in her chest, “Perhaps I should go away more often, dorogoy, if this is to be my greeting.”

A tiny smile touched the olive-skinned woman’s own lips, her eyes flashing with the promise of something before she shook her head even so slightly, “I trust that there was no trouble then?”

“None at all.” Sofia assured, stepping back just enough to let her lift her arm and show off the shopping bag dangling from her wrist, “I believe that I have everything that our pet might need, and” she paused briefly to glance at Brianna, a decidedly mysterious smile blooming on her face as she did, “a little gift for you as well, devushka.”

“A gift?” Brianna mirrored, eyes a bit wide and honestly surprised, not sure what to say, “You didn’t have to do that, mistress.”

“Need? Perhaps not.” Sofia agreed as she leaned in to give the girl a feather light kiss, “But that is why it is called a gift, no?”

“Thank you, mistress.” Brianna eventually replied, biting her lip as she smiled, intensely curious as to what the women had gotten for her and not certain if she should ask.

That conundrum was solved for her when the blonde gently caressed her face, smiling at the tiny shiver her touch elicited before leaning in close to whisper in her ear, “There is a masquerade of sorts later tonight. Perhaps you can wear it for us then?”

Moaning softly as she leaned in to that touch, the blue-haired girl involuntarily tugged against her cuffs as she tried to embrace the older woman, a trill of pleasure racing down her spine as she considered that offer, “Yes, mistress. I’d like that.”

Inserting herself into the conversation by stepping between the pair, it was Roxanna’s turn to smile as she popped the gag back into Brianna’s mouth in one smooth motion before adjusting the chain holding it in place, “Something to discuss later, I think. It has been a very busy morning, after all.”

More out of reflex than desire Brianna pretended to struggle, squirming suggestively as she tried to dislodge the ball from behind her teeth. Eventually, though, she stilled, as her mistress took hold of her hair and forced her to look up, their eyes meeting ever so briefly before planting a kiss on her lower lip. Letting out a sigh as her body relaxed, the blue-haired girl had to resist the urge to close her eyes, “Mmph, mnphphrmphph.”

“Good girl.” Roxanna practically purred as she released Brianna’s hair, briefly allowing her fingers to trail over the girl’s sensitive ear, “Such a good girl.”

Although she shivered at that tone and the way those soft fingers caressed her skin, leaning into her mistress’s touch as if begging for more, a tug at her collar told Brianna that it was time to go. And so, despite her disappointment, she held her head high, squared her shoulders and obediently followed as she was led back out into the aisle. If anything the crowd seemed even thicker now as they began to move toward the center of the massive building, the heat and press of bodies actually reminding her of the absolutely packed hallways outside and bringing a familiar blush to her face. A feeling only amplified by the sensation of her harness’s crotch strap pulled tight between her legs and the maddening dance of the ben wa balls moving about inside of her with every step. And yet, despite that annoyingly insistent throb and her achingly hard nipples Brianna found herself growing almost unreasonably excited by the experience, catching people looking at her out of the corner of her eye and unable to resist the urge to preen beneath the attention. A fact which only seemed to make the heat between her legs even more intense, and left her thighs slick with arousal. Perhaps she’d underestimated the intensity of her own exhibitionist tendencies? Whatever the case, as she rolled her hips with each step, both shaking her ass and amplifying the sensation, her mistresses seemed content to simply hold each other as they led the way, the bound girl trailing along behind and very much enjoying the view. Though they did not speak, at least not loudly enough for her to hear, the blue-haired girl watched as they pointed out a number of other interesting sights along the way. More toys and costumes, of course, but also some unexpected things like a vendor selling vintage bondage pin-ups, or a booth stocked with what looked like plushies, the cute figures done up in absolutely adorable BDSM inspired outfits and restraints. Beyond that there were craftsmen selling leather goods, artists sketching portraits of eager customers and their submissives, as well as collections of books and magazines. And that was just a tiny selection of the weird and wild things on display, things that Brianna had never even considered seeing, and yet brought a smile to her face now that she had.

However, in the midst of their explorations a noise suddenly seemed to cut through the din of conversation like thunder. Loud and insistent and growing in volume, like a crowd cheering wildly at some unseen event. Whatever it was, it certainly seemed to catch her mistresses’ attention, Sofia in particular perking up and cocking her head ever so slightly in a decidedly canine gesture. A sight that brought a soft smile to Roxanna’s lips and, for a moment, she just watched her lover, warmth clearly reflected in her eyes before she leaned against the blonde and embraced her arm. Starting at the sudden contact, Sofia glanced at the olive-skinned woman only to smile as their eyes met.

A moment of silent conversation seemed to pass between the pair before Roxanna reached up and gently pressed a finger to the tip of Sofia’s nose, making the other woman blink owlishly in confusion, “Come now, stríngla. We would not wish to miss the excitement, now would we?”

A knowing glint entering those arctic blue eyes as the confusion faded from her face, Sofia grinned again, “You know something, dorogoy.

“I know many things.” the olive-skinned woman answered mysteriously, the faint smile never fading from her own face.

Snaking her arms around the other woman’s waist, Sofia suddenly drew her lover into a tight embrace and growled playfully, “Witch.”

“And quite proud of that fact.” Roxanna returned before lifting her chin just enough to brush their lips together, “My point has not changed, though.”

That prompted Sofia to chuckle, shaking her head with the sort of fond exasperation that was unusually Roxanna’s response to her lover’s antics. It was not the first time today that the pair had seemed to switch roles like this, the olive-skinned woman betraying a playful side of her personality that she usually kept hidden, and to be honest it made Brianna smile. Of her mistresses Roxanna was, by far, the more mature in most situations. Whether that was because she was a bit older, or was just a facet of her personality the blue-haired girl could not say, but it was nice to know that the woman felt comfortable enough in their presence to let this part of herself lose. Not that Brianna had much time to bask in the moment as Sofia suddenly reached out and pulled her into the embrace, the faintest of blushes coloring her cheekbones as she reveled in the feeling of being pressed against both of her mistresses’ bodies and had to fight the urge to burrow into that inviting warmth. A conviction that only became hard to keep when a strong hand cupped her mostly base ass and squeezed. Mewling ever so softly into her gag as Sofia fondled her playfully, she leaned against the athletic woman’s solid yet delightfully curvy frame though, despite everything, the blonde never once broke eye contact with her lover, the pair almost staring at each other as if engaged in some contest of wills. To the blue-haired girl’s mild surprise it was Sofia who blinked first, the blonde letting out a sigh and shaking her head once again as she looked away.

“Oh, very well dorogoy. Keep your secrets if you must. I suppose asking you to spoil the surprise would make me something of a hypocrite, after all.”

“No need to be so hard on yourself, stríngla. You have always been a curious soul. It is one of the many things I love about you.” Roxanna assured even as the faint smile curling her lips radiated triumph, “But, as pleasant as this is, would you rather sate that curiosity or keep playing with Brianna’s butt?”

Even as the blue-haired girl’s face lit up, Sofia chuckled and pretended to ponder that particular conundrum, “It is a very fine butt.”

“It is indeed.” Roxanna agreed, very much not helping the situation by grabbing the girl’s other cheek in a far more delicate, but no less pleasurable grip, “Shall we be off then?”

“Yes, I suppose we shall.” Sofia agreed, a tiny smile curling her lips before she gave Brianna a playful smack and finally loosened her grip.

Moaning beneath that unexpected, but very pleasant, assault on her posterior and blush deepening fiercely at the sound of a wolf whistle in the distance that she just knew was directed at them, the blue-haired girl could do little more than stumble along when her mistresses suddenly started walking again, the insistent tug on her collar offering her little choice in the matter. Still, she found her footing quickly enough and before she knew it Brianna found herself being led around a dizzying array of twists and turns, ducking between tables and zigzagging between the steadily growing crowd as Roxanna pushed on toward some unknown destination. Perhaps it was her imagination, but as she followed the limping woman deeper and deeper into the convention center the atmosphere seemed to change, the aisles growing almost claustrophobic as if they were steadily narrowing until the people moving with them were packed practically shoulder to shoulder. It was enough to make her wonder. Was it just an effect of more and more people arriving as time went on? Or was it the… whatever it was that Roxanna had alluded to? In any case the olive-skinned woman offered no answers, her gaze fixed forward as she kept walking, and glancing to the side the blue-haired girl could see that Sofia appeared to be just as curious herself. Thankfully, neither she nor her mistress had to wait long to have their curiosity sated. After turning another of the seemingly endless corners that made up the maze-like collection of aisles a barricade came into view, a large blue curtain stretched between poles to section of a large area in the center of the building. Before she could even begin to ponder what might be on the other side, Brianna found herself pulled through the cloth and into the space beyond.

The first thing of note was the noise, the sound of music overlapping the same cheers from earlier all underlined by an endless din of conversation was so much louder now without anything to obstruct it. Then there was the space itself, a huge area left seemingly open to make room for a makeshift stage, the round platform surrounded by a semi-circle of folding chairs. Rows and rows of them, perhaps hundreds in all, half filled with a wild collection of people as others milled about, looking for seats of their own or cutting their way through to the rest of the convention center. And yet, none of that was what truly caught Brianna’s eye. No, all of the blue-haired girl’s attention was immediately fixed on the stage itself and the collection of five women upon it. There was no real unifying theme in their appearance, not in hair color or skin tone or even body type, ranging from rail thin to well curved, but all of them were dressed somewhat similarly in wild costumes that seemed to combine nineteenth century dance hall and Gothic fetish with varying degrees of… exposure. Wildly elaborate makeup, jewelry, piercings and other accessories amplifying the look. Even that was not what truly held her attention, however, as the five appeared to be in the midst of a performance that seemed one part burlesque show and two parts pole dancing. The audience certainly seemed captivated and if not for the familiar tug on her collar Brianna might not have realized she’d stopped moving. Practically tripping over her own feet as she was pulled forward by her neck, the blue-haired girl stumbled along, her eyes never once leaving the stage despite that as her mistresses slowly moved out of the main line of traffic and began to weave their way through the rows of chairs looking for an empty place to sit.

Eventually, as Roxanna began to work her way down one of the rows of chairs Sofia seemed to notice their plaything’s distraction and offered a knowing and yet comforting smile. A smile that Brianna found herself returning even as her mistress pressed a kiss to her cheek and drew her into a sidelong embrace. Tilting her head to address her lover then, the blonde’s voice dropped into an almost teasing lilt, “I think I begin to understand now, dorogoy.”

“I do not know what you mean, stríngla.” the olive-skinned woman responded with faux innocence, the faintest of smiles on her face as she did, “These old bones simply need to rest for a bit before going on.”

Chuckling deep in her throat, Sofia playfully bit the corner of her lip as she flashed the other woman a mischievous grin and glanced at the stage out of the corner of her eye, “Ah, of course. I know how difficult you find it to walk in heels.”

Roxanna tilted her own head ever so slightly, clearly fighting to keep her own smile under control, “Your understanding is most appreciated.”

Without further comment Roxanna seemed to home in on a mostly empty section, picking a seat seemingly at random before limping over to the set of unoccupied chairs. Pausing ever so briefly, she turned all of a sudden and pressed another delicate kiss to Sofia’s lips and handed the blonde the leash before finally lowering herself into one of the chairs with a wince, the pop of her hip nearly audible despite the loud background noise. A sound that Brianna could not help but wince at as well. As much as Sofia had been teasing earlier she had a point as well, the olive-skinned woman did have trouble walking long distances. Besides that, as much as Roxanna loved to wear high heels for the way that made her legs look, to say nothing of what they did for the sway of her hips, they did tend to aggravate her injured hip even more. Especially considering the fact that she had chosen a particularly extreme pair of stilettos for the day. Watching her lover sit with a concerned expression on her own face, Sofia worried her lip as she settled into the seat next to her, relaxing only when the woman shot her a reassuring smile. A smile that she managed to return, even if it did not fully reach her eyes. Still, something of her playfulness seemed to return a moment later when she reached out and took Brianna by the hips, giving the blue-haired girl less than a heartbeat to register that touch before pulling the younger girl into her lap. Squawking in surprise at the sudden motion, only to moan loudly into her gag a moment later as the strap between her legs was pulled deliciously taut, Brianna suddenly found herself trapped when a pair of strong arms circled her waist and a familiar chin rested on a slender shoulder.

It was certainly a familiar position, and one the blue-haired girl could certainly not say she disliked as she squirmed in her mistress’s lap, reveling in the feeling of the woman’s shapely thighs beneath her and the sensation of generous breasts pinning her bound arms in place. And yet, despite the distraction of Sofia’s warm, firm body and the way those calloused fingers drew nonsense patterns over her bare stomach Brianna still found her attention focused on the stage, captivated by the dancers as they twirled and contorted their bodies with impossibly sensuous grace. Hair flying wildly and dresses fluttering about their legs as they stretched and kicked and spun about each other and the poles set up for their use. Bare breasts swayed just as madly, drawing attention to the tassels dangling from their pasties, as one of the women dropped into the splits as if it were nothing at all and another kicked so high her thong was clearly visible. To be sure the blue-haired girl had seen exotic dancers at work before, watched the sinuous grace of such performances with awe and envy, but never had she seen one as eclectic and energetic as this one. It was… it was positively enthralling, so much so in fact that the bound girl was caught completely off guard when Sofia’s hair suddenly tickled her neck as the blonde leaned in ever so slightly and whispered into her ear.

“You know, devushka, I am always looking for new types of exercise,” the athletic woman noted, almost idly, the familiar almost breathy tone of her voice adding a wonderfully playful lilt to the question, “Do you think this would suit me?”

A shiver ran down her spine followed by an intense burst of heat that seemed to suffuse her entire being, both at the feeling of warm breath tickling her ear and the very pleasant mental image that question elicited. Unable to help herself, Brianna moaned into her gag again as a vision filled her mind’s eye of her mistress, dressed in any one of a dozen different skimpy outfits with her legs wrapped around a brass pole and back arched seductively as she hung upside down, hair splayed out like a curtain of gold while her tits threatened to pop out of whatever barely there top she had selected. Yes, as far as she was concerned the idea very much suited the blonde and as her cheeks flushed bright pink the blue-haired girl struggled to force out an answer, “Mmph, mnphphrmphph!”

Certainly pleased by that enthusiasm, Sofia smiled playfully and nipped at Brianna’s ear as she once again slipped the gag from the girl’s mouth, “Oh? What was that, devushka?”

Licking her lips, the blue-haired girl whimpered at the feeling of teeth teasing her sensitive skin and swallowed hard, “It… it would suit you, mistress.”

“Then I shall have to consider some lessons.” the blonde teased as she pressed a series of soft kisses down Brianna’s jaw and allowed her hands to roam over the bound girl’s body, gently cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples, “Perhaps you can join me.”

If the thought of her mistress pole dancing had been enticing, then the idea of dancing with her was positively delicious. Truth be told Brianna had never really considered herself all that graceful. She’d had little interest in things like gymnastics growing up and had barely ever worn heels before accepting her collar, but at the same time she was learning. While she might never match Roxanna’s seemingly effortless elegance or Sofia’s almost predatory poise she could walk and run with her arms bound tightly and had very nearly mastered the art of high stepping in her new pony boots. Was the idea of spinning around a pole that much more ridiculous? Especially considering how her newfound abilities would let her cheat, to say nothing of the thrill of who she’d be sharing the experience with. The blue-haired girl’s thought process was instantly brought to a halt when a pair of hot lips found her pulse and teeth nipped at the sensitive skin just above her collar, almost hard enough to leave a mark. Biting her lip to suppress a moan, especially when Sofia began to tug on her nipple studs playfully, Brianna tilted her head to the side to grant the woman better access and positively squirmed in her lap, grinding against her crotch strap with every motion and gasping when the tight leather pressed against her pierced clit in a positively maddening way. A fact that made her blush deepen even more at the realization of just how many people were surrounding her, watching her, even if that realization was more thrilling than anything else.

Sofia certainly took note in any case, grinning almost triumphantly as she tweaked the blue-haired girl’s nipples one last time and allowed a hand to trail down between her thighs. Quiet laughter rumbling in her chest at the intensity of the heat she found there, the blonde nuzzled her plaything’s cheek, “Oh? Does someone like that idea?”

Letting out a strangled moan as a finger began to stroke her pussy through the leather, Brianna clenched her eyes shut as she practically whispered a reply, “Yes, mistress.”

Worrying the girl’s earlobe between her teeth, eliciting another cry, Sofia made a soft noise in her throat, “What was that, devushka?”

Face nearly beet red now as she realized just what her mistress wanted, the heat pulsing in her core spiking in excitement, Brianna drew a breath and cried out, uncaring if anyone could hear, “Yes, mistress!”

“Good girl.” Sofia nearly breathed before capturing those lips in a kiss, silencing her captive as she forced her tongue deep into that sweet and willing mouth.

Moaning for a very different reason now, Brianna leaned into that kiss as she gave herself over to her mistress’s passion, well aware of the fact that they were putting on a show and not caring in the slightest. Still, as she began to lose herself in the other woman’s pleasant and all encompassing warmth Roxanna, who had been watching the display with a tiny smile, suddenly leaned closer as if eager to join, “Forgetting about me, stríngla?”

Sofia did not answer with words, not at first anyway. Instead she broke the kiss with a growl and took hold of Roxanna’s hair, weaving her fingers into those rich mahogany locks in one smooth motion before roughly pulling the woman to her side and crushing their mouth together. As the pair gave in to their ardor, Brianna spared a moment to catch her breath, her own lips feeling almost bruised from the sheer intensity of the blonde’s passion. Still, despite all of that, she was completely unable to keep a smile from her face as she watched her mistresses make out like teenagers.

Of course, even with her impressive lung capacity Sofia had to come up for air eventually, a pleasant flush to her skin as she broke that kiss as well and simply held her lover close, “Never, dorogoy.”

As the grip on her hair slowly loosened a smile curled Roxanna’s lips and the woman leaned in to rest her head on Sofia’s shoulder. Burying her face in that rich golden hair and draping her arms around her lover’s body, the olive-skinned woman let out a deep and contented sigh before closing her eyes, voice little more than a quiet whisper as she asked, “Will you dance for me, then?”

“Of course.” Sofia answered, without hesitation, returning the woman’s loose embrace and kissing the top of her head gently, “You could always join in as well, if you like.”

That just made Roxanna’s chuckle, “If only my body were still capable, stríngla. I shall have to limit my dancing to the water, sadly.”

“No need to be sad, dorogoy.” Sofia insisted, picking up on the almost wistful note of melancholy in her lover’s voice, “You are beautiful when you swim.”

Perking up considerably, Roxanna’s smile suddenly turned impish as she lifted a curious brow, “Only then?”

“Witch.” Sofia groused playfully, the grin on her own lips betraying her true feelings as she kissed the olive-skinned woman again, far more gently this time, “You are the most beautiful woman in the world, dorogoy. Never forget that.”

Even if she had been teasing, mostly, it was still clear from the look on her face that Roxanna very much appreciated the sentiment, her smile growing positively radiant as she pillowed her head on her lover’s shoulder again. It was only then that she finally glanced at Brianna, the playful glint from earlier returning to her rich brown eyes, “And you, korítsi? Will you dance for me as well?”

Ignoring the heat on her cheeks, and in her loins, Brianna offered what she hoped was a confident smile, some part of her incredibly turned on by the idea of performing for her mistress, especially if Sofia was at her side performing with her as well. Swallowing past the sudden flush of arousal that pricked her skin and settled between her legs, the blue-haired girl nodded, “Of course, mistress. Whenever you like.”

There were no more words, none were needed as Roxanna reached out and drew the younger girl into her embrace as well until Brianna found herself curled up against Sofia’s chest, her head resting on the athletic woman’s ample bosom. They continued to watch the stage, or more specifically the dancers on it, but as captivating as they were, the blue-haired girl found herself far too comfortable in her current position and far too distracted to pay much attention. Especially when delicate fingers began to draw nonsense patterns on her back while a calloused hand caressed her hip. And yet, despite her excitement she was very nearly lulled to sleep by the strong, steady beat of Sofia’s heart and the all encompassing warmth of her mistresses as they held her close. Indeed, time seemed to slip away in that endlessly blissful moment, minutes or hours irrelevant to her as the show began to slowly wind to a close after what felt like an eternity of basking in the presence of those she loved. As cheers and a new wave of applause finally broke out, the performs taking a grateful bow in response, Brianna felt the athletic blonde she was resting against suddenly begin to move, the woman slowly shifting in her seat to sit up straight even if she never once surrendered her grip on the blue-haired girl’s body or dislodged Roxanna’s head from her shoulder.

Cracking her neck, Sofia let out a sigh of relief and belatedly favored her lover with a tiny smile, “An interesting show indeed. And so many new ideas too.” her smile momentarily turned playful before she twisted her head just enough to kiss Roxanna on the cheek, “Thank you for bringing us.”

“The pleasure is mine, stríngla.” the olive-skinned woman assured as she lifted her chin from her perch and sat up in her own seat, reaching up over her head briefly to stretch and very thoroughly testing the limits of her corset in the process, “But I would like to stay for a moment longer. Perhaps you and Brianna can go on without me?”

Brianna, whose eyes had been firmly attached to her mistress’s cleavage, a part of her very much hoping the older woman might pop out of her bodice, started at being addressed all of a sudden. Eyes instantly jerking to Roxanna’s face, the blue-haired girl blushed at the knowing look in those deep brown eyes, and the playful almost-smirk decorating those soft lips. Still, gathering herself as best she could, Brianna regarded the olive-skinned woman curiously, “Mistress?”

Roxanna did not respond right away, but given the way she arched her back suggestively she was clearly amused by the entire situation, “Turn around, korítsi.”

Despite the awkwardness of her position, Brianna obeyed, twisting and squirming within Sofia’s grip as she tried her best to turn without disturbing the ben wa balls filling her, and once again inadvertently pulling her crotch strap almost painfully tight against wet and aching flesh. Her involuntary hiss of pleasure was cut short, however, when a pair of wonderfully soft hands took her by the shoulders before slowly gliding down her arms, tickling her skin delightfully before taking her by the wrists. She felt more than heard a body shift behind her and actually shivered when a pair of lips pressed against the back of her neck and the cuffs binding her fell away with a sharp click.

“There we are, my dear.” Roxanna whispered as she snaked her arms around the blue-haired girl’s waist, pressing another kiss to her shoulder, “Much better, no?”

Shivering again, both at that soft tone and the feeling of warm body pressed against her back, Brianna leaned into that embrace as she idly rubbed her wrists, “Yes, mistress.”

Although she smiled softly as she watched them, Sofia still regarded her lover curiously after a moment of two, the slightest crease of worry on her brow, “Are you certain, dorogoy? We would not mind waiting with you if you need more rest.”

Even as Brianna nodded firmly in agreement, Roxanna just shook her head, “It is appreciated, but no need to worry for me. This morning’s… excitement has been a bit more than I anticipated, but I am fine.” A reassuring smile suddenly curled her lips, “It is simply that I do not wish to miss the next show. These are very good seats, after all.”

The smile curling her lips slowly growing mischievous, Sofia carefully reached out and looped an arm around Roxanna’s waist, pulling the olive-skinned woman close and leaning in until their noses very nearly touched, “More surprises, dorogoy?”

Matching the blonde’s grin, Roxanna gingerly released Brianna’s waist to cradle her arms behind her lover’s neck, locking them in position before tilting her head just enough to whisper into the other woman’s ear. Thanks to her proximity the blue-haired girl could hear what was being said, if but barely, yet the quiet and lyrical murmur of her mistress’s native Greek was sadly incomprehensible to her. More than once she had considered trying to learn, just as she had toyed with learning Sofia’s native tongue as well, but time and desire had never truly aligned and some part of her honestly enjoyed the almost intriguing air of hearing the older women speak to each other in such foreign parlance, always wondering if they were talking about her or planning something new and devious to subject their slave too. Whatever it was, Sofia seemed to light up, her expression positively beaming as she favored her lover with another, feather-soft kiss on the lips and gently prompted the girl in her lap to stand. Obeying with a curious expression on her own face, a task made much simpler by the fact that her hands were no longer bound, Brianna climbed to her feet and almost instinctively took a step back, holding her tongue and yet watching with a keen eye as her mistresses disentangled themselves and yet could not quite seem to bring themselves to part just yet.

“Best hurry, if you wish to make it back in time, stríngla.” Roxanna eventually quipped, even as she continued to hold the other woman’s face, a tiny and yet amused smile just barely twisting the corner of her lips, “I am not going anywhere.”

Chuckling softly at that, Sofia craned her neck to kiss the olive-skinned woman on the brow, softly enough to avoid leaving a lipstick stain behind before finally moving to climb to her own feet, “We should have done this years ago, dorogoy. I so rarely get to see this side of you, I have missed it.”

The olive-skinned woman smiled softly and bit her lip briefly before shaking her head, “Off with you now, stríngla. And do have fun.”

Shaking her own head in amusement, Sofia declined to comment. Instead she climbed to her feet in one smooth motion and took Brianna by the chin. Forcing their eyes to meet, she smiled gently at the blue-haired girl for just a moment, the gesture actually bringing the faintest of blushes to her cheeks, before wrapping the sturdy leather of the girl’s leash around her hand and walking away with long, even strides. Caught off guard by the sudden motion as she had been convinced that her mistress was about to kiss her instead, it took Brianna a moment to fully register what was going on. The insistent tug on her collar could not be denied, however, and as the leash pulled her forward the girl had no choice but to follow the tall and curvy blonde as Sofia led her away from the stage and back into the seemingly endless market beyond. It was strange in a way. Despite the words that had been said, those that she could understand at least, the blue-haired girl still had no idea what was going on. Not that she minded getting to spend some time alone with Sofia, but her mistress was walking as if she was on a mission, setting a pace that while not overly fast was still a far cry from the almost leisurely stroll of earlier. Not that she had any real trouble keeping up, their morning jogs were far more strenuous than this, but it still made her wonder. Were they trying to get to someplace specific in a hurry, or was this just pent up energy on Sofia’s part? While not exactly impatient, indeed her mistress could be incredibly patient at times, the blonde did have a tendency of switching between incredibly driven and incredibly lazy at the drop of a hat. A fact that honestly made Brianna wonder if her mistress had been close to the truth when pondering if she’d once been a fox who dreamed of being a woman.

Especially given her habit of sprawling out on the back porch to enjoy the heat of the day, or sun herself in the afternoon’s golden light.

Grinning at the thought, Brianna picked up her pace ever so slightly to catch up with the athletic woman and settled into step at her side, aware once more of the eyes upon them. It was strange, but despite the fact that she was all but nude at the moment with nothing more than a few slender straps of leather covering her pussy and framing her bare tits, the blue-haired girl hadn’t actually felt naked until this moment. Not when standing on stage bound and gagged, not when paraded about in the halls on a leash, and not even when shaking her ass more than a little deliberately to show off for the crowd. No, as exposed as she’d been in those moments the truth had not really struck her, save in a purely intellectual sense. And yet, standing by her mistress’s side right now she felt naked for perhaps the first time. So much so that she instinctively tried to cover herself, an urge that she had not felt in a very long time. Ironically enough it was that very act that made all the pieces finally click together in her head. In the past she had rarely tried to cover herself for the simple fact that her hands were usually bound at times like this and, therefore, she had rarely been able to. But now she was free, her cuffs removed and her arms unrestrained for the first time in hours. It was such a simple thing, almost absurdly so in fact, but it was also the truth. As ridiculous as it might seem, being free of her bonds while dressed like this had made her feel exposed in a way that simply being naked never had. Almost as if something absolutely vital was missing. Perhaps it was. And, as the full weight of that realization struck, Brianna very nearly laughed out loud at the sheer absurdity of it all. On a whim, practically lunged at Sofia, wrapping her arms around the woman’s firm waist and cuddling up to her side with abandon.

Although surprised by the sudden burst of affection, the blonde certainly welcomed it, smiling warmly at the blue-haired girl as she returned that embrace, “And what brought this on, devushka?”

“Thank you, mistress.” Brianna said in lieu of a direct answer as she closed her eyes and leaned into the inviting warmth of that taut and shapely body, “Just, thank you. For bringing me here, for being with me, for everything.”

“My sweet, brave, beautiful girl.” Sofia murmured softly, instantly understanding what Brianna meant as she ran a hand down the younger girl’s side and held her close, “You are so very welcome.”

Shivering beneath the older woman’s touch, Brianna bit her lip and let out a quiet sigh, her voice little more than a whisper, “I love you.”

“I know, devushka.” Sofia assured, just as softly, “I know.”

Despite the quiet confessions they continued to walk, side by side and arm in arm, but as much as Brianna enjoyed the silent revelry and the delightful comfort of her mistress’s presence, to say nothing of the alluring sensation of the older woman’s touch, the blue-haired girl felt her mind begin to wander. A thought popping into her head as the scenery began to slip by in a comfortable blur. Shifting her position ever so slightly, Brianna bit her lip again and glanced up at Sofia’s face before calling out tentatively, “Mistress?”

“Yes, devushka?” the woman replied in a quiet purr.

Summoning just a bit of the courage that her lovers had helped her to find within herself, Brianna favored the blonde with a smile, “Now that we’re alone I was just wondering if maybe you’d be willing to tell me what you got me for the masquerade?”

It took a moment for the meaning of that question to sink in, but when it did Sofia’s brilliantly blue eyes lit up and a playful grin curled her lips. Leaning in just a bit closer, the blonde pretended to consider her answer, “Now, now it is poor form to spoil a surprise.” her smile growing sly, the woman leaned in even closer, to the point where her lips were practically brushing against the younger girl’s ear, “But, now that you mention it, perhaps we should get something special for Roxanna as well. As much as I love her so, dorogoy’s fashion sense can be a little… stuffy at times.”

There were many, many words that could be used to describe Roxanna Kormou, but after having seen the woman in a one-piece swimsuit that somehow redefined ‘barely there’ stuffy was not one that Brianna would have chosen. While it might be true that the olive-skinned woman was the most conservative of her lovers in some ways, that wasn’t saying much when her competition was Claudia, for whom underwear was generally a suggestion at best, and Sofia who had openly lamented that clothing was not optional. Even so, the blue-haired girl understood what her mistress was getting at and found herself smiling at the idea. It would be nice to get Roxanna something, especially after everything the older woman had already done for her, and besides that the thought of getting to select an outfit for her mistress was certainly an intriguing one. Returning the blonde’s grin in lieu of an answer, Brianna just snuggled up against the athletic woman’s side and purred as she felt Sofia’s hand continue to stroke her skin with gentle affection as she was led deeper into the maze-like sprawl of aisles. She kept half an eye on the various booths as they passed of course, curious to see if anything might stand out as an appropriate gift, but for the most part the blue-haired girl was content to let her mistress take the reigns, confident that Sofia had something in mind when she’d made the suggestion. As such, she was not caught completely by surprise when they turned what seemed like one more random corner to find a truly massive display in the distance covered in clothing and gear of seemingly every conceivable type, from leather and lace to rubber and steel to things she could not even begin to name.

Even so she could not help but stare. In addition to standing nearly twice as tall as any of the stands nearby, more a proper boutique than a simple merchant’s kiosk, the sheer selection was almost mind boggling. While there were toys and restraints aplenty, most of the merchandise more resembled clothing than anything else. Fetishistic clothing to be sure, but very clearly outfits to be worn despite their odd styles and materials, not just bondage gear in disguise. It was honestly intriguing and, as she glanced up to see the very pleased expression on Sofia’s face, the blue-haired girl found herself wondering if this had been her mistress’s goal all along and if her own curiosity had simply been the segue the blonde had been looking for. Whatever the case, Brianna had little time to ponder the truth as a strong, calloused hand took her own and guided her toward the entryway.

As they crossed that threshold, weaving through the gathered crowds, Sofia finally spoke, the older woman’s voice pitched into a familiar, breathy purr that had never failed to send a shiver down her spine, “Perhaps we should split up, devushka.”

As pleasant as her mistress’s voice was, the actual words caught Brianna off guard and she found herself wondering if she’d misheard, “Mistress?”

Letting go of the younger girl’s hand, Sofia lazily gestured at the veritable wonderland on display around them with a smile, “There is simply far too much ground to cover if we stay together. And besides, I find myself curious as to what sorts of things you would choose for Roxanna. We can meet up later to… compare our findings.”

Although well aware that the older woman was teasing her, or at least her fashion sense, Brianna still returned that smile and nodded her agreement. It would be an interesting experience at the very least and, if nothing else, her mistress did have a point about the sheer size of this particular emporium, “Yes, mistress.”

“Good girl.” Sofia murmured as she leaned down to kiss the blue-haired girl on the lips, softly at first but with just a touch of the passion that lay beneath, slowing slipping her tongue into that eager and willing mouth until she felt the form beneath her shudder and moan and lean into her touch.

While the girl was still more than a little dazed by that kiss, Sofia took one of her hands firmly and pressed the end of the leash into her palm. Smiling at the slightly confused expression her actions elicited, the blonde gently guided pale fingers closed around the soft but well worn leather and pressed a much more gentle kiss to her lower lip before slipping into the crowd. Left in the somewhat odd position of holding her own leash for once, Brianna stood stock still for a moment longer, honestly unsure of what to do next and briefly wondering if there was some sort of deeper symbolism at work. If her mistress was commenting that she was free to guide herself, but the blue-haired girl dismissed the thought just as quickly. More than likely this was just easier than actually unfastening the leash properly, or it had simply amused Sofia. Shaking her head ever so slightly, the girl slipped into the flow of traffic with a wry grin as she began to carefully work her way through the displays. By chance, as Brianna began to slowly peruse the various outfits, looking for something that caught her eye, she found herself gravitating toward the latex attire on offer. Rubber in every color of the rainbow from the simple blacks of her own catsuit, to the translucent fare that Claudia preferred, to colors and combinations of colors she had never imagined. Vivid reds, deep blues, and scintillating greens alongside stripes and polka dots to wildly swirling patterns. Beyond the colors though she was almost shocked by the sheer variety. Not just skintight suits and hoods and corsets but actual clothing. Skirts, blouses, vests and what could have been jackets alongside pants, stockings, sundresses, tube tops and dozens of other things. While the shiny and skintight material certainly betrayed their fetishistic nature, the outfits themselves were honestly the sorts of things the blue-haired girl would not have been surprised to see on a normal night out.

Brianna had worn latex before of course, many times in fact. And, in the process, she had come to love wearing her catsuit, to relish the feeling of tight rubber embracing every inch of her skin, and had found something incredibly sexy in the sensation of being completely encased and bound tight. In fact, more than once she had even entertained the idea of wearing a catsuit under her clothing, hidden away much like her chastity belt or the ropes she occasionally liked to tie around her breasts in lieu of a bra. A new twist on a game she had come to love playing when away from her mistresses, and a way to carry just a piece of bondage with her even when alone. This, however, was something all together different and yet delightfully kinky in its own peculiar way. Kinks worn openly for all the world to see, but camouflaged just enough that only those who really knew would know the whole truth. It was utterly intriguing and for all of her admittedly limited experience the blue-haired girl had never imagined the idea of latex as more than just fetish wear. Had never dared to dream that it could be fashionable as well. It was such a curious thought, but as she ran her fingers over a rubber cocktail dress in a red so deep it was nearly black, and so tight that it would put even the skimpiest of her dresses to shame, the girl could not help but smile as a familiar tingle of arousal grew in her core. Even if she had never considered the idea before, at this moment she was more than a little tempted to try the dress on, almost hungry to know what it would look like, what it would feel like, along with perhaps half a dozen other outfits that caught her eye. Moreover, she also found herself wondering what Roxanna would look like clad in such skintight material.

The sound of an unfamiliar voice calling out instantly brought those musing to a halt however, “We really do need to stop meeting like this.”

Although surprised to be addressed all of a sudden, Brianna quickly tore her gaze away from the dress and glanced over her shoulder, eyes widening a bit in surprise to see an almost familiar face gracing her with an amused smile. It was the woman she had passed in the hall on her first night here, the woman she had seen at the elevator when returning with her mistresses from meeting Elise for the first time, and the woman she had seen at the entrance of the convention center wearing nothing more than her tattoos and some strategically placed pieces of tape. And it was, the blue-haired girl realized, the first time she had heard the other woman actually speak. For what felt like a long, long moment Brianna found herself staring, hazel eyes darting back and forth between the woman’s honey-brown hair, slicking to the side to show off the undercut, and the tattoos peppering what seemed like her entire body in a wild, almost mismatched display that somehow fit despite all that. Most curious of all, though, was the fact that she had changed outfits again. Her hands were no longer bound and in place of the nearly bare skin she had sported earlier, the woman was covered in a layer of nearly translucent latex, the thin material clinging to her body like a second skin and showing off both her tattoos and the small patches of tape beneath that were still the only things protecting what remained of her modesty. But it was not a simple catsuit, but rather a strange hybrid of body glove and dress with a ruffled skirt around the waist and decorative patterns that resembled stockings sheathing her legs. When combined with a slender, and fiercely tight, waist cincher and a pair of rather tall high heels the effect was utterly devastating, and incredibly sexy.

Shaking herself when she realized that the other woman was still waiting for her to respond, the amusement in those almost sea-green eyes clearly evident, Brianna felt herself blush ever so softly, “I’m sorry?”

“No need for that.” the woman teased even as a smile curled her subtly painted lips, “It’s just, we keep running into each other in the strangest places. If I didn’t know better I’d think you were stalking me.”

“Maybe you’re stalking me.” Brianna suggested, managing to return that smile even if the other woman’s tone did nothing for her blush, “Miss…?”

“Leona.” the woman offered as she placed one hand on a cocked hip and held out the other, “Pleasure to meet you properly at last.”

“It is.” the blue-haired girl agreed as she took the offered hand, pleased by the strength of the woman’s grip, “And that’s a pretty name. A little…”

“Strange?” Leona offered with a tiny, almost wry smile, “If you believe my parents they couldn’t decide on a name when I was born, but apparently I latched on to this little stuffed lion so the choice became obvious.” At the blue-haired girl’s somewhat dubious look the woman laughed, “I’m pretty sure they were teasing me, but that’s the story.”

Giving the woman another once over, again particularly taken in by her honey-brown hair and sparkling green eyes to say nothing of the absolute riot of tattoos covering her skin, Brianna could not help but note a certain leonine grace in the woman’s stance. A pride in her appearance that felt so different to how she had held herself when bound or on a leash, “Well, it definitely suits you, I think.”

“Why thank you very much.” Leona returned with a grin, clearly enjoying being checked out, “And what might your name be?”

Realizing that she actually hadn’t shared that particular piece of information yet, the blue-haired girl blushed slightly, “Oh, sorry. I’m Brianna.”

“Brianna.” the woman said, as if tasting the word before smiling in approval, “You know I didn’t think too much of our first encounter, ships passing in the night and all that, but when I saw you on the elevator with those two women this morning? I had a feeling then you’d be interesting.”

“Well, I mean...” Brianna started, blush deepening, “I don’t know about that.”

Leona just smiled again, playfully “No need to be coy. I saw that little performance you put on and you certainly looked like you were having fun up on stage.”

Intellectually of course Brianna had known that hundreds of people had watched as she was bound and teased, as Elise had made her moan and squirm, but some part of her was still shocked at the revelation; having not expected to actually meet anyone who had been in that audience. Still, even as her blush darkened yet again the blue-haired girl found herself smiling almost despite herself, “I… I did. Did you have fun watching?”

“Oh, very much so.” Leona answered without hesitation as she idly ran a hand over her hair and craned her neck to look back and forth, as if checking to see if anyone was listening before leaning in just a little closer, “Master certainly got a lot of interesting ideas, and if I’m a very good girl I may get to find out later tonight.”

Brianna had wondered what the relationship between Leona and the man that had been with her actually was, and now it seemed she had an answer though it was hardly a surprise if she was being honest, “Well, I’m glad to have helped.”

Still smiling softly, Leona took a step past the blue-haired girl and reached out to take hold of the dress she had been inspecting, practically testing the thin material between her own latex covered fingers, “Looking for something to impress your lovers with?”

“I…” Brianna began, tripping over her words as she was again caught completely off guard by the conversation's sudden change in direction, feeling her cheeks heat up just a little even as a tiny, impish smile graced her features, “Maybe.”

“I absolutely love the feel of latex.” Leona continued, almost as if ignoring the blue-haired girl’s response, “I must have a dozen different outfits like this back home.” pausing briefly the honey-haired woman winked playfully, “Perfect for those times when you’re feeling kinky, but wearing a catsuit in public just isn’t quite appropriate.”

Chuckling under her breath, Brianna gave the woman a knowing look, “I think I’m definitely beginning to understand.”

Sizing the girl up with a critical eye, and again eliciting that strange desire to cover herself as the realization that she was talking to a stranger while topless struck all of a sudden, Leona pursed her lips in thought, “With those legs and those hips you absolutely have the build for something like this, but red is not your color I’m afraid.”

Despite the exhibitionist thrill she felt from being inspected so brazenly, Brianna found herself curious as well, “What would you recommend then?”

“You need something dark, to contrast with that beautifully pale skin of yours.” Leona explained as she put the dress back and began to pick through the other outfits, “Or something blue, to go with your hair, but that might be a bit much.”

Nodding along with the assessment and not really able to disagree, Brianna bit the corner of her lip as she watched a literal rainbow of rubber pass by until one particular outfit caught her eyes, “What about purple?”

Following the blue-haired girl’s faze, Leona smiled ever so slightly and pulled out the dress in question. A black number with purple stripes, a mini-skirt that would hang to perhaps mid-thigh and a halter style neck with a large diamond cutout to show off plenty of the wearer’s cleavage. It was certainly not the type of dress to be worn with anything underneath it and as Leona held it up next to the blue-haired girl, Brianna felt herself blush again, imaging what her body would look like sheathed in such tight material and knowing full well that her piercings would stand out proudly no matter what she did.

“Purple would suit you.” her companion agreed, “Maybe with a bolero jacket to set it off, or a belt. What do you say, want to try it on?”

Brianna very nearly jumped at the chance, an enthusiastic agreement sitting on the tip of her tongue when a sudden twitch of her hips brought the toys filling her to the forefront of her mind. Blushing at the reminder of the ben wa balls gripped tightly by her vaginal muscles, and the leather strap pulled taut between the lips of her labia, the blue-haired girl bit her lip even harder to suppress a moan and squirmed, “I… I’d really like that, but I’m afraid that if I take this harness off certain… things will fall out of me.”

“Oh, I see.” Leona said, a knowing look suddenly flashing through her green eyes, every facet of her expression suggesting that the woman understood exactly what the younger girl was implying, as a devilishly amused smile curled her lips, “Shame, but I suppose we can’t have that, now can we?”

Something in the way those eyes sparkled drew Brianna’s attention and made her think that the tattooed woman might be in a very similar situation herself. In fact, if she remembered correctly, Leona had, at the very least, been wearing a butt plug earlier. However, as she opened her mouth to try and form a reply a velvety smooth and achingly familiar voice practically caressed her ears and sent an intimately pleasurable shiver down her spine, “Making more friends, devushka?”

Turning so fast her hair whipped over her shoulder to find Sofia standing right behind her, the older woman having apparently taken the opportunity to sneak up on the pair, Brianna practically cried out in surprise, “Mistress!”

“So sorry to have started you.” the blonde drawled with a grin before turning her arctic gaze on Leona, “And who might this be?”

“Just a fan who wanted to say hello.” the honey-haired woman dismissed with an idle wave of the hand, “But as much as I’d love to stay and chat more, I really should get back to Master before he starts to wonder where I’ve wandered off too.” With that she turned to leave, pausing only long enough to shoot the blue-haired girl a very suggestive wink, “And good luck with your lovers. With a dress like that I’m sure you’ll knock ‘em dead.”

Despite the fierce blush that seemed to paint her entire face red, Brianna found herself both unable to speak and unable to look away as Leona walked off with a provocative sashay of the hips. A sight that both confirmed that the woman’s back was as eclectically tattooed as the rest of her and that rubber did absolutely marvelous things for her curves. Taking a step forwards in the midst of it all, Sofia wrapped an arm around the blue-haired girl’s waist and pulled her close, “Something you wanted to share, devushka?”

Brianna started to reply, but suddenly thought better of it and just shook her head even as she continued to watch that retreating form, “No, mistress.”

For a moment it looked like the blonde was going to press the issue, but eventually she just shrugged, “I see. Then did you find anything interesting?”

Biting her lip as she felt the older woman’s hand begin to roam over her mostly bare stomach, and shivering at the feeling of her mistress’s impressive bust pressed against her back, Brianna shook her head again, “A few things mistress, but nothing suitable yet.”

“A pity.” Sofia agreed, making a soft noise deep in her throat before bending down to kiss the younger girl on the cheek and nip at her ear in a familiar, playful gesture, “Thankfully, I believe I have found something absolutely perfect.”

Shivering again, for very different reasons this time, Brianna whimpered softly when her mistress released her body and stepped back, the loss of contact with that perfect form almost physically painful. Still, she nodded and opened her eyes, turning obediently as Sofia proudly held up the outfit that had been draped over her arm with a smile. It was… It was not what the blue-haired girl had been expecting, insofar as she had been expecting anything really. The core of the ensemble was a sleeveless, legless bodysuit of soft black material with the neckline cut low and hips cut high into a thong, but it was so much more than that. Or rather, so much less. The base of the suit resembled nothing so much as a harness made of translucent lace that traveled over the shoulders and around the breasts, leaving them utterly bare, before plunging in a straight line down the stomach and between the legs, nothing more than the flower patterns embroidered into the material providing even the barest hint of modest. From that center line of lace, sheets of sheer nylon stretched around the torso to join together in the back, while more of the same material covered the chest, again cut to leave the breasts bare and terminating in a high collar of lace around the throat to create an outfit that managed to cover virtually nothing despite all the cloth involved. When paired with some finely woven fishnet stockings, and a matching set of elbow gloves that left the fingers exposed, it was perhaps the most daringly scanty and yet utterly sexy outfit that Brianna had ever seen. More like a cabaret costume, or a piece of lingerie meant for the bedroom, than anything suitable for a masquerade. And yet… The thought of seeing Roxanna’s elegantly curved, olive-skinned body clad in such revealing attire was an incredibly pleasant one to contemplate.

Still, she could not help but be a bit skeptical, “It’s beautiful, mistress, but I’m not sure Mistress Roxanna would wear something like that.”

To that the blonde just smiled mysteriously, a hint of mischief in her eyes, “Do not worry yourself, devushka. I assure you, I have my ways.”

Biting her lip to suppress a grin of her own, well aware of what ‘ways’ the older woman was talking about, Brianna just nodded, “Then it’s perfect.”

Although her smile grew positively vulpine at her slave’s agreement, Sofia did not answer immediately. Instead she reached around the blue-haired girl to grab hold of one of the catsuits that Brianna had been inspecting, “You know, devushka. It occurs to me now that I have never actually worn rubber before.”

Startled by the admission, and the sudden change of topic, Brianna regarded the blonde curiously. That couldn’t be true, could it? Her mistresses had plenty of rubber toys and outfits in their collection, from catsuits and hoods to straitjackets and binders and even a rubber corset or two. And yet, as she glanced at the simple black suit that Sofia was now examining with a thoughtful expression, she realized that it had always been Claudia or herself wrapped up or strapped in that collection, never the two older women. Possessed of a sudden desire to change that, she regarded the older woman tentatively, “In that case, mistress. I think it would look good on you.”

“I must admit that I am curious,” Sofia mused as she ran her fingers over the slick material, “You and Claudia do seem to enjoy it so.”

Blushing a bit, both at that statement and at the memory of tight latex covering her skin, a phantom sensation washing over her, Brianna found herself smiling, “We do, mistress.”

Worrying her lower lip for a moment, Sofia eventually seemed to reach a decision and glanced over her shoulder to spear the younger girl with an arctic gaze, “Will you help me to try it on then?”

Mouth going dry at that very tempting offer, Brianna could do nothing more than nod almost numbly as an intense rush of arousal seemed to fill her entire body, achingly hard nipples actually throbbing as her pussy clenched tight around the toys filling her and a quiet, desperate moan escaped her throat. Smiling at her reaction, Sofia silently took the blue-haired girl’s hand and she offered no resistance as she was led across the floor toward a series of changing rooms set in an out of the way corner. More a series of tents than actual rooms, each one barely big enough for two people with collapsible benches along the back wall and a small mirror hanging just above it, she could not help but smile as she was rather enthusiastically pulled inside. Barely pausing long enough to close the curtain, Sofia tossed her things down almost casually and began to strip off her clothes with abandon. First her vest, then the belt around her waist and her sandals before finally working her way out of the tight leather pants clinging to her legs. Confirming once and for all that she had been wearing nothing underneath. Biting the corner of her lip as she watched the display with undisguised lust, eyes roaming over that strong back and firm but shapely ass, Brianna felt herself moan again as she began to unconsciously rock her hips, the motion pulling the strap between her legs tight against her most delicate flesh and pressing against her clitoral piercing in an incredible pleasant fashion.

Striking a pose, and clearly liking what she saw, Sofia smiled at her reflection before twisting sinuously to again meet Brianna’s gaze as she held out a small bottle of disinfecting lubricant, “Shall we get started, devushka?”

Licking her lips in anticipation, the blue-haired girl nodded and reached out almost reverently to take that bottle. Hesitating for the barest of instants, as if some part of her was unsure about touching her mistress, Brianna eventually shook herself and squeezed a small measure of that lotion onto her open palm before carefully applying it to Sofia’s sun-kissed skin. Moaning deep in her throat at the feeling of the younger girl’s hands practically sculpting her bronzed flesh with an almost worshipful caress, the blonde closed her eyes and bit her lip as she leaned into that sensation. Blush returning at that reaction as the heat between her legs spiked, some part of Brianna was reminded of those lazy summer afternoons when she’d been called on to rub oil on her mistress’s shapely back and other, more intimate, places. A reward as much as a punishment on days when she was also locked in chastity but an experience she would not trade for anything in the world. Relishing the moment, Brianna allowed her touch to linger, fingers gliding down Sofia’s spine, tracing every ridge and curve before daring to dip lower and take a handful of that perfect ass, kneading firm muscles as the older woman purred in obvious delight. Emboldened, and more than a little turned on, she worked lower still, massaging one toned thigh and then another, gently rubbing well turned calves before working her way up again. It was then, as she caressed shapely hips and began to worship beautifully defined abs, working ever close to those glorious breasts, that her mistress suddenly seemed to come to life, the blonde’s hands shooting out with remarkable speed to grab her by the wrists and pull the blue-haired girl into a hard and passionate kiss.

For the briefest instant Brianna went stiff as a board, too stunned by the suddenness of the kiss to do anything, but as soft lips began to ravish her and an eager tongue plundered her mouth the girl found herself relaxing, a moan trapped deep in her chest as she closed her eyes and leaned against Sofia’s invitingly warm body. Straining against that grip, desperate to embrace her mistress and again run her fingers along that strong back, the blue-haired girl moaned again as the kiss deepened leaving her little more than a flushed and panting mess, eager and pliable clay beneath the older woman’s touch. Eventually though, after what felt like an eternity, Sofia pulled back with obvious reluctance, their lips parting with an almost audible pop as the blonde growled softly, “You are becoming quite the tease, devushka.”

Wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue and tasting the faint impression of the woman’s lip gloss, Brianna offered an impish grin, “I learned from the best, mistress.”

“So you have.” Sofia agreed with an amused smile, quiet laughter rumbling in her own chest as she shook her head fondly and adjusted her grip ever so slightly, “Help me get dressed before I do something… unfortunate.”

As much as part of her wanted to push, to experience those consequences in full, Brianna just nodded in obedient acquiescence, “Yes, mistress.”

There was a certain art to wearing latex, a trick to putting it on that greatly simplified what could be a very complex and difficult process. And, as she helped her mistress begin to put the catsuit on it became quite clear to Brianna that despite the numerous times Sofia had helped her dress in rubber that the woman was completely unfamiliar with the process from the other side. Indeed, she struggled a great deal with the garment, the slick material giving her all kinds of trouble as it refused to cooperate, binding up on her limbs and giving both too much and not enough as she tugged on it. Smiling a bit at the display, the blue-haired girl gently reached out and the took the edges of the suit, working with slow and patient determination as she helped pull the skin-tight material over her mistress’s shoulders and carefully smoothing out every wrinkle and seam until it fit perfectly over every curve of her body. A process that was almost as exciting as applying the lotion had been, and just as sensual. Besides, it felt nice to be helping her mistress for once. Soon enough they finished and by the time Brianna finally closed the zipper, fully encasing the blonde’s body, Sofia was an absolute vision, a goddess brought to life in all of her perfectly sculpted glory. A sentiment that Sofia herself seemed to share as she twisted and turned, admiring herself in the mirror as she explored both her full range of motion in the catsuit and the truly, wondrously alien experience of being fully covered in tight yet supple latex for the first time.

“I believe I begin to understand the appeal, devushka.” the blonde quipped after a long moment before finally meeting Brianna’s eyes in the mirror with a smile that was somewhere between playful and teasing, “What do you say? Does it suit me?”

“Beautiful.” Brianna found herself whispering, almost breathlessly as she allowed her eyes to roam over the other woman’s body, “Absolutely beautiful.”

“So I have been told.” Sofia mused, the playful expression never leaving her face as she stretched, deliberately thrusting out her chest and bending over ever so slightly to exaggerate the curves of her ass, “It is nice to hear, though.”

Blushing ever so softly at the display, even as she allowed gaze to roam over her mistress’s body again, Brianna eventually forced herself to look away only to be brought up short when she noticed something sitting on the bench next to Sofia’s bag. Either out of carelessness or laziness some previous occupant had left a set of restraints behind, in this case a pair of cuffs that looked to be made of some sort of sturdy black rubber along with a sleek blindfold made of some similar material. Given the nature of the store they found themselves in, the blue-haired girl supposed it shouldn’t be that surprising, but she still found herself brought up a little short until a familiar body molded itself against her back, the sensation of smooth latex against her skin utterly intoxicating.

“Find something interesting, devushka?” Sofia drawled as she wrapped her arms around the girl’s unresisting body and rested her chin on a slender shoulder.

Biting her lip to suppress a moan, Brianna managed to shake her head ever so slightly, “No mistress, just curious.”

“Oh?” Sofia wondered quietly, tilting her head until her lips were practically brushing against the blue-haired girl’s ear, “How so?”

Practically trembling and completely unable to contain herself this time, Brianna moaned loudly at the feeling of the older woman’s breath tickling her skin as fingers began to once again glide across her stomach, “It’s just… it’s just you don’t normally see rubber restraints, mistress. And… and they match your suit.”

“So they do.” the blonde agreed after a long moment’s pause before kissing the side of her plaything’s neck, voice dropping into a familiar and achingly sensual whisper, “Does that mean you wish to see me in them as well?”

A deep, shuddering moan seemed to escape the girl as that thought invaded her mind, dominating her thoughts and refusing to let her go. In truth she had only ever seen her mistress submit to another once, on that day when Roxanna had cuffed her lover to a chair, forcing the blonde to watch as she threw Brianna down on the nearby bed and fucked her brains out. Even beyond the thrill of bondage and sex, two of her favorite things, it had still been one of the most incredibly arousing moments of her life. Though the entire scenario had seemed more like an old game or an inside joke between her mistresses rather than a serious part of their relationship. Not that she’d ever asked, or that they’d ever told. And yet, as incredible as it had been to watch, she had never even dared to imagine that one of them might ever submit to her. For all that she and Claudia fought to dominate each other when together, the very idea that Sofia of all people might fall under her power seemed utterly impossible. Even now part of her suspected that her mistress was just teasing her, and normally she would have played along, but now? Now she was feeling almost brazen, emboldened by the events of the day and all that she had done, all the things she had discovered about herself.

Drawing a breath and gathering up her courage, Brianna twisted ever so slightly in her mistress’s grasp and glanced at the woman out of the corner of her eye, doing her best to project confidence as she smiled, “Yes.”

It was a rare thing indeed to see Sofia Petrovna taken off guard. The woman was usually far too experienced, far too worldly and far too good at rolling with the punches for something like that. But in this case? In this case she had clearly not expected that answer. And yet her confusion did not last long, the curious look she had shot Brianna morphing into something far more contemplative after a moment or two. Reaching out to cup the girl’s cheeks with both hands, she spent what felt like an eternity gauging the determination in those hazel eyes before an almost indulgent smile curled her lips.

“Such surprises from you today.” the blonde mused as she idly brushed a strand of blue hair over the girl’s ear, “Very well.”

Even as she leaned into that touch, practically purring at the sensation of strong, latex covered fingers running over her scalp, Brianna blinked in surprise, almost stunned by her mistress’s answer. And yet, excitement quickly flooded her, a wide grin curling her lips and eagerness seeping into her voice, “Really?”

In lieu of a direct answer, Sofia just twisted her shoulders and placed her hands behind her back, that smile never once leaving her face, “Do be gentle, devushka.”

Heart pounding in her chest, almost unable to believe what was happening, Brianna picked up the cuffs and haltingly began to fasten them around her mistress’s wrists. They were simple things really, little more than thick bands of rubber held together with chrome rings, perhaps one of the most basic forms of bondage in truth and one that a particularly flexible woman like Sofia would be able to escape from with enough determination. And yet, as she tightened the buckles to snug the cuffs in place the blue-haired girl could not help but feel the weight of the moment and what it represented. It was hard to say whether or not her mistress agreed, the blonde seemingly absorbed in the mirror as she continued to study the shiny rubber encasing her skin and tested the restraints now binding her arms, apparently pleased with the display if her smile was any indication. Though even then it was hard to say. Sofia smiled most of the time, or so it seemed on some days. Maybe it was for that reason that Brianna found herself picking up the blindfold as well, some part of her compelled to push this newfound limit much as she had pushed so many other limits in the last year.

“Maybe…” she began, pausing to lick her lips when she felt her voice crack ever so slightly, “Maybe you should try this on too, mistress.”

Pausing her inspection, a golden brow rose curiously as Sofia studied the blue-haired girl, a peculiar expression on her face as the silence stretched on and on. So long in fact that Brianna briefly feared that she might have pushed things too far until her mistress simply nodded and bent down ever so slightly in silent acceptance. If the cuffs had been simple, the blindfold was practically child’s play, the thin latex easily slipping in place over Sofia’s eyes and conforming to the curves of her face with ease despite the tiny tremble in Brianna’s hands as she worked. In fact the only tricky part was keeping the straps from tangling in the woman’s long, blonde hair as she buckled the device in place. Yet, as she smoothed the rubber down and took half a step back to admire her handiwork, the blue-haired girl felt her heart leap into her chest as a smile curled her lips. The catsuit alone had transformed her mistress into an absolute vision, but to see her blindfolded and restrained as well?

That was well and truly incredible.

“Well, devushka?” Sofia asked, breaking the silence and interrupting her companion’s train of thought as she straightened up again and struck a pose, “How do I look?”

Brianna could not say exactly why she did what she did. Perhaps the whole experience had awakened something within her, perhaps she was simply still feeling bold. Whatever the case, she did not answer her mistress with words. Instead the blue-haired girl reached up behind her own neck and unfastened the chain holding the shiny metal ball gag at her throat like some sort of strange, kinky necklace. Holding the gag in both hands like some sort of talisman, and taking a deep breath to steady herself, she struck, pressing the device deep into Sofia’s mouth and quickly pulling the chains taut over the blonde’s cheeks in order to clasp them together behind her head. Sofia tried to pull away in surprise even as the almost shocking sensation of cold metal against her lips made her gasp, allowing the intruder entry, but Brianna pressed her advantage and did not let up. It was not a perfect fit, the gag itself a bit small for her mistress’s mouth, and the chain was tight, the links having been fitted for her own head, but despite these difficulties she managed to lock the device in place after perhaps a moment or two of struggle. Almost blushing at the sight, and the way her pussy clenched tight around the toys filling her, the blue-haired girl bit her lip as she watched her mistress struggle, if somewhat playfully. Shaking her head back and forth, and setting her silky blonde hair flying wildly about her head, Sofia tried to dislodge the gag as she rolled her shoulders and pulled hard against the cuffs around her wrist. It was more performative than anything else, the slight curl of the woman’s lips around the gag betraying her amusement, but watching the light play off the shiny latex sheathing her skin as she twisted back and forth was such an incredibly erotic display that Brianna almost unconsciously found herself rubbing her thighs together and grinding against her crotch strap in time with the woman’s movements.

Blushing deeply now even as she smiled, a pleasant warmth throbbing in her chest, the blue-haired girl finally found her voice, “You look amazing, mistress.”

Although she certainly could not see, Sofia still acted as if she did, twisting her body as if to look at herself in the mirror again and turning her hips to strike a familiar pose, voice muffled but still clear, “Mmhm, phhnnh mnn nmfnphhhn. Nnmm, nf mnn mmnnmn hm phn hnnn nph phn phnhm phhmphm phhnngph nff?”

Although the blue-haired girl was more than adept at understanding gag-speak, having held some long and in depth conversation with Claudia while both of their mouths had been packed, Brianna pretended otherwise, ignoring that instruction to be released as she removed the leash from her collar, “I’m sorry, mistress. I didn’t quite catch that.”

The blonde’s struggles became considerably less playful as that leash was looped around her own neck and a gentle tug both tested its strength and urged her to follow, “Phhnph nph nnph fnnnm, nmfnphhhn!”

Gathering up their things, and their new purchases, Brianna slung her mistress’s bag over her shoulder and licked her lips as she tried to put on a soothing tone, even if she was certain her own excitement bled through, “Don’t worry, I’m sure Mistress Roxanna will know what to do when we find her.”

As she finally led Sofia’s bound and blindfolded form out of the changing booth, the blonde squirming and protesting all the while through her gag, the blue-haired girl could not help but grin. Today had certainly been one hell of a day and, as she straightened her posture and continued on, she had a feeling that the best was yet to come.


Continues in

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