Stories by Title E-G
- Easter Egg HuntT S Fesseln
M/f; bond; cuffs; gag; collar; costume; outdoors; toys; tease; climax; cons; X
24.04.11 - EasyMikel
M/f; wager; bond; basement; steel; collar; chain; cuffs; gag; corset; chastity; toys; insert; thighcuffs; video; stuck; denial; oral; climax; cons; X
04.12.17 - EbonyAnne Gray
F/f; kidnap; drug; bond; hogtie; rope; gag; transport; cuffs; restraints; boxed; concealed; toys; insert; cons/nc; X
26.07.14 - 2: Beauty & the Bitch
F/f; captive; bond; leather; boots; hobble; collar; gag; cuffs; restraints; insert; horseradish; torment; bdsm; whip; pain; denial; cons/nc; XX
- 3: Bondage Goes Hi-Tech
F+/f; FF; captive; bond; clamps; bdsm; electro; pain; torment; gloves; magnets; restraints; immobilise; mannequin; display; stand; insert; maid; video; cons/nc; XX
- Echoes of BarkingRubberwolf
F+/f; bond; medical; shower; diapers; straps; cell; reluct/nc; X
29.08.09 - 2
F+/f; bond; medical; enema; electro; straitjacket; cell; reluct/nc; X
07.11.09 - The Edging of TechsterTechie and techster
F/m; bond; mittens; collar; gag; hobble; cbt; oral; tease; vibe; denial; true; cuffs; spreader; public; exhib; outdoors; cons; XX
12.08.20 - Education of a FetishistErotic Take Charge
M/f; Sbf; bond; true; gag; collar; cuffs; leash; toys; spank; climax; cons; X
20.08.23 - 2
M/f; bond; true; cuffs; oral; sex; collar; costume; gag; leash; public; yoke; cons; X
09.09.23 - 3
M/f; bond; true; oral; hotel; collar; leash; rope; gag; roleplay; toys; speculum; clamps; sex; hum; cons; X
09.09.23 - 4
M/f; mpov; true; costume; heels; corset; sex; bond; collar; cuffs; gag; oral; rom; cons; X
04.01.24 - Eight Days in a Binding ContractBobbie
M/m; M+/m; mpov; bond; buttplug; urine; sendep; chastity; mum; electro; breathplay; sound; cuffs; gag; toys; true; anal; hum; oral; hood; straps; bench; analhook; mast; shave; X-frame; whip; rim; pillory; susp; chair; predicament; cons; XXX
02.07.24 - 18 Hours of BondageCdsub4u
F/m; M/m; bond; cd; anal; discovery; cons/nc; X
26.10.07 - The Eighth HouseIona Hoyle
Solo-F; F/f; M+/f; naked; bond; slave; hood; ceremony; majick; captive; hist; oral; climax; cons; X
07.01.14 - 2: Sold
M+/mf+; F/f; naked; bond; slave; hood; captive; touch; torment; auction; sold; spank; hist; cons/reluct; X
24.01.14 - 3: Questions
F/f; D/s; naked; slave; bond; hogtie; rope; captive; bdsm; crop; analhook; tease; torment; strapon; oral; sex; denial; climax; hist; cons/reluct; X
03.02.14 - 4: The Mark
F/f; MF+/f; D/s; brothel; naked; slave; bond; rope; bdsm; whip; tease; torment; group; oral; anal; sex; climax; majick; hist; cons/reluct; XX
14.02.14 - The Elbow Bondage ClubElbowstogether
F/f+; bond; D/s; hum; reluct; X
11.06.08 - 2
F/f; D/s; bond; latex; gag; climax; cons; X
16.09.09 - Election WagerCynthia Trusscot
F/f; MF/f+; wager; bond; rope; gag; chairtie; hotel; discovery; hum; cons; X
10.08.13 - Electric LadyTechster
M/f; bond; electro; cons; X
06.03.03 - The Elegant Bondage PartySensual Robert
M/f; MF+/f; blackmail; bond; naked; hum; exhib; public; tease; nc; X
23.07.20 - The ElevatorTony-B
M/f; bond; stuck; oral; reluct; X
12.05.08 - Elevator PitchAbsolutist
Solo-F; MM/f; office; anger; elevator; surprise; captive; bond; gag; cuffs; nipple; enslave; piercing; leash; cons/nc; X
28.05.16 - Eliza's Coming OverAdrienne
M/f; drug; captive; bond; blindfold; gag; hood; corset; latex; catsuit; toys; insert; enslave; denial; cons/nc; X
18.10.14 - EllyLolita
M+/f; F/f; bond; kidnap; boxed; transport; latex; bdsm; oral; reluct/nc; X
20.07.09 - Elves and Orcs… The GameSteff
M+/f+; bond; latex; outdoors; corset; susp; oral; anal; sex; toys; cons; X
30.11.08 - EmbeddedSteve Spandex
Solo-F; MM/f; housesit; capture; bond; rope; gag; encase; incarcerate; stuck; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
05.07.15 - 2
M/f; captive; bond; rope; gag; incarcerate; stuck; escape; punish; blindfold; cons/nc; X
- 3
M/f; MF+/f; captive; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; incarcerate; discovery; transport; cartrunk; drawer; encase; stuck; cons/nc; X
- Emily at the WallCropsncuffs
FM/f+; D/s; bond; enclosed; anal; reluct/nc; X
17.06.08 - Emily on the RackCropsncuffs
F+/f; bond; frame; pet; fur; reluct; X
04.10.08 - Emily's First TimeJohn Mahler
F/f; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; hogtie; mast; first; cons; X
10.07.10 - Emily's ReturnJohn Mahler
F/f; bond; rope; harness; crotchrope; hogtie; cons; X
31.07.11 - Emily's TormentEmma Bond
F/f; basement; bond; latex; catsuit; boots; chairtie; leather; straps; gag; torment; nipple; clamps; tease; stuck; cons; X
01.06.19 - 2: Emily's Continuing Torment
F/f; basement; bond; latex; catsuit; boots; chairtie; leather; straps; gag; torment; nipple; clamps; tease; vibe; toys; orgasm; stuck; cons; X
24.08.19 - Emma's Frogtie EscapeEmma Bond
M/f; naked; bond; rope; frogtie; crotchrope; gag; escape; toys; mast; climax; true; cons; X
21.03.14 - Emma's Irish 8'sEmma Bond
Solo-F; M/f; bond; handcuffs; rope; gag; captive; toys; torment; tickle; climax; true; cons; X
09.09.13 - Emma's Saturday Evening FrogtieEmma Bond
M/f; naked; bond; gag; rope; frogtie; harness; hammerlock; mast; climax; true; cons; X
06.04.14 - EmmySpencer
F/m; M/f; bond; X-frame; whip; pain; susp; cons; nc; XX
05.11.20 - An Employee VanishesUto
FM+/f; kidnap; drug; bond; captive; computer; hack; MF; rom; sex; climax; MF+/f+; robbery; rope; gag; chairtie; cons/nc; X
02.11.16 - Encounter in San FranciscoMystified_Switch
F/m; offer; contract; prepare; latex; corset; cd; fem; breastforms; girdle; heels; club; bdsm; FM+/m; voy; D/s; playroom; catsuit; susp; bond; cuffs; gag; insert; boots; trick; stuck; enslave; M+/m; oral; anal; sex; cum; force; climax; cons/reluct; X
01.06.19 - The End of Cynthia HarderCynthia Trusscot
MF+/f; dungeon; bond; lingerie; sword; coffin; buried; cons; X
26.08.11 - Enslaved by FriendsEofan
F+/m; D/s; captive; enslave; bond; armbinder; latex; leather; bdsm; insert; toys; pet; outdoors; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
12.12.12 - Enslaved Part 1: CapturedGardian
M/f; kidnap; bond; bagged; transport; electro; bdsm; enslave; insert; climax; nc; XX
07.02.02 - 2: And then there were Three...
M/f+; captive; bond; mind-control; bdsm; machine; nanites; bodymod; piercing; conditioning; sold; cage; delivery; ponygirl; cart; sex; mast; climax; denial; reluct/nc; XX
03.04.02 - EricaDarkShadow
M/f; D/s; bond; cons; X
04.06.07 - Erma's SummerCuffmaster
M/f; capture; bond; rope; tease; fondle; outdoors; mast; climax; true; cons; X
15.07.11 - The Erotic Adventures of BatdudeSensual Robert
M/f+; bond; sex; toys; anal; drug; superhero; parody; nc; X
30.08.20 - Erotic Showerhotscribe
M/f; bond; cons; X
04.06.07 - EsbyadrianR G Bargy
M/f; bond; machine; electro; toys; cons; X
18.08.07 - The EscapeesMax Roper
F+/m; bond; rope; outdoors; kidnap; reluct; nc; X
24.03.20 - Escape RoomCanadom
F/f+; bond; blindfold; cuffs; cell; puzzle; kidnap; mittens; gag; collar; electro; trick; reluct; X
24.11.24 - The EscapistFindar
M/f; bond; escape; rope; leather; chain; lingerie; crotchrope; voy; sex; cons; X
23.09.20 - EscortJayCee
F/m; bond; gag; tape; rope; hogtie; motel; kidnap; cons; X
04.01.22 - Eternal DevotionJessBaby
FF; F/f; latex; catsuit; party; halloween; costume; graveyard; crypt; bond; tease; lesbian; sex; climax; curse; stuck; cons/nc; X
30.10.14 - Evening VisitationUto
F/f; MF; bond; raincoat; rope; gag; kidnap; cons; X
13.02.22 - EverbindKinkykusco
Solo-F; M/f; bond; collar; cuffs; tease; denial; prison; chain; permanent; torture; public; electro; hum; nc; XX
02.07.23 - Everything going Wright and Rosie in undiscovered BorneoWingco
Solo-F; nude; cage; chain; collar; island; natives; bond; captive; mast; sex; cons/nc; X
25.07.10 - 2
F/f; M/f; MF/f; bond; nude; cage; chain; collar; manacles; island; natives; trunk; boxed; tease; captive; mast; oral; sex; cons/nc; X
24.04.11 - 3
Sbf; F/f; MM/f+; bond; nude; cage; chain; collar; manacles; rope; blindfold; stuck; trunk; boxed; transport; tease; mast; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
26.04.11 - Everything I Could Ever WantSubwolf
Sbm; chastity; caught; F/m; D/s; bond; bdsm; cbt; electro; cons; XXX
06.05.10 - Evil EvaIvy
F/f; F/f+; fpov; bond; cuffs; bedtie; gag; rope; collar; electro; punish; kidnap; cane; reluct; nc; XX
31.01.23 - 2
F/f+; bond; rope; collar; electro; gag; hood; kidnap; dungeon; cuffs; susp; slave; sold; nc; XX
14.05.23 - 3
F+/f+; bond; electro; kidnap; collar; rope; tape; gag; slave; sold; cane; mast; nc; reluct; XX
02.08.23 - 4
F/f; F+/f; bond; collar; cuffs; rope; gag; leash; crotchrope; whip; punish; hogtie; sendep; cons; X
12.08.23 - 5
F/f; bond; rope; kidnap; hogtie; transported; gag; collar; whip; nc; cons; XX
02.09.23 - 6
F/mf; fpov; bond; rope; punish; gag; susp; flogger; naked; whip; hogtie; collar; cons; XX
02.06.24 - 7
F+/f; fpov; bond; naked; rope; collar; gag; hood; clamps; punish; susp; cane; slave; reluct; XX
07.08.24 - 8
F/f; fpov; bond; kidnap; gag; rope; slave; susp; whip; nc; XX
27.10.24 - 9
F+/f; fpov; bond; rope; electro; kidnap; gag; oral; slave; punish; nc; XX
24.11.24 - 10
F+/f+; bond; chain; susp; whip; gag; punish; rope; enclosed; buried; slave; nc; XX
22.12.24 - 11
F/f+; MF+/f; fpov; bond; rope; collar; leash; kidnap; gag; electro; punish; oral; nc; cons; XX
09.02.25 - Evil Step SisterHershel Shaeffer
Sbm; FM+/m; fem; bond; anal; nc/reluct; XX
22.06.03 - Ex-e-CutieCynthia Harder
M+/f; bond; paintballs; outdoors; cons; X
03.09.07 - Exercise CampPainter
F+/f+; bond; bdsm; susp; mind-control; cons/nc; X
16.10.07 - Ex-Girlfriend's RevengeSensual Robert
F/m; M/m; bond; rope; anal; pegging; strapon; gag; reluct; XX
06.03.20 - The Exit InterviewKitsune71
M/f; fpov; bond; kidnap; rope; gag; strip; crotchrope; hogtie; oral; paddle; piercing; buttplug; collar; sex; nc; XXX
17.09.23 - 2: Severance Package
M/f; fpov; bond; rope; gag; force; climax; sex; corset; buttplug; collar; leash; mast; oral; strappado; susp; naked; spank; reluct; nc; XX
21.01.24 - 3: Headhunted
M/f; fpov; bond; slave; cuffs; costume; maid; gag; chair; straps; brand; training; sex; oral; blindfold; kidnap; collar; leash; reluct; nc; XX
27.07.24 - 4: Human Resources
M/f; FM/f+; fpov; bond; kidnap; cuffs; sex; enclosed; gag; slave; oral; sold; nc; reluct; XX
01.09.24 - The ExperienceTiffini
M/f; D/s; hotel; bond; cuffs; blindfold; chain; strip; bagged; transport; toys; climax; mpov; fpov; cons; X
11.12.13 - Explore IncSteff
M/f; F/f; bond; leather; harness; latex; machine; electro; vacbed; hood; cuffs; armbinder; toys; insert; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
30.04.04 - 2: Back Again
M/f; F/f; Sbf; latex; machine; bond; electro; cuffs; encase; toys; insert; tease; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
- 3: The Island?
Machine+/f+; M/f; latex; bond; encase; web; snare; capture; electro; cuffs; corset; toys; insert; tease; torment; oral; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
18.09.04 - ExtremeXVX
M/f; captive; bond; bdsm; electro; hood; collar; wrap; sleepsack; armbinder; corset; sendep; denial; cons/nc; XX
01.01.14 - Extreme SessionChris Powell
F/m; D/s; bond; cbt; wrap; tape; toys; cons; XX
11.08.06 - EyesToran
M/f; bond; cuffs; cons; X
An Ensign's Fantasies
- An Ensign's FantasiesCindy
M+/f; kidnap; bond; slave; sex; oral; anal; vr; fantasy; nc; X
06.07.09 - 2
M+/f; drugged; collar; electro; force; sex; oral; anal; vr; fantasy; nc; X
04.09.10 - 3
M+/f; collar; electro; force; bond; tape; gag; anal; toys; climax; vr; fantasy; nc/reluct; X
04.09.10 - 4
M/f; hotel; outfits; bond; cuffs; gag; spank; bdsm; force; oral; anal; climax; vr; fantasy; nc/reluct; XX
25.04.12 - 5
M+/f+; FF; club; bond; cuffs; harness; gag; susp; lapdance; toys; insert; oral; anal; sex; climax; vr; fantasy; cons; X
11.06.12 - 6
MF+/f; hotel; bond; tape; gag; stuck; discovery; group; oral; sex; climax; hum; vr; fantasy; cons; X
07.08.12 - 7
F/m; M/f; hotel; bond; hood; strapon; insert; cd; oral; sex; climax; hum; vr; fantasy; cons; X
11.08.12 - 8
M+/f; club; costume; waitress; pimp; collar; electro; sex; hum; vr; fantasy; cons/reluct; X
19.10.12 - 9
M/f; lingerie; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; hobble; mast; oral; sex; climax; photo; vr; fantasy; cons/reluct; X
16.02.13 - 10
M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; gag; blindfold; hogtie; toys; insert; bdsm; spank; oral; sex; anal; climax; vr; fantasy; cons/reluct; X
26.03.13 - 11
M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; gag; blindfold; hogtie; strappado; tease; bdsm; toys; insert; oral; sex; anal; climax; vr; fantasy; cons; X
26.06.13 - 12
M/f; D/s; hotel; client; tease; oral; sex; anal; climax; vr; fantasy; cons; X
07.10.13 - 13
M+/f; D/s; hotel; client; bond; rope; tease; oral; sex; anal; climax; vr; fantasy; cons; X
01.01.14 - 14
M+/f; D/s; hotel; client; bond; rope; tease; oral; sex; anal; climax; vr; fantasy; cons; X
01.01.14 - 15
M/f; D/s; airplane; resort; client; collar; bond; rope; tease; dance; video; outdoors; naked; oral; anal; sex; climax; vr; fantasy; cons; X
31.07.15 - 16
MF/m; M+/m; vr; fantasy; club; enslave; punish; chain; collar; costume; entice; denial; cons/nc; X
03.12.15 - 17
Solo-F; cuffs; naked; M/f; bond; outdoors; hogtie; toys; insert; oral; anal; sex; climax; vr; fantasy; cons; X
23.12.15 - 18
M/f; cuffs; bond; hogtie; blindfold; gag; toys; insert; rom; oral; anal; sex; denial; climax; vr; fantasy; cons; X
17.05.16 - 19
MF+; proposal; wedding; lessons; dance; rom; nosex; vr; fantasy; short; cons; X
17.05.16 - 20
Solo-F; lingerie; cuffs; hood; blindfold; gag; toys; insert; M+/f; aphrodisiac; bond; susp; 3-way; oral; anal; sex; climax; vr; fantasy; cons; X
Ever Increasing Bondage
- Ever Increasing BondageSteve Spandex
F+/f; bond; rope; gag; nylons; encase; cocoon; tape; wrap; mum; blindfold; sleepsack; darlex; straps; casket; buried; stuck; mast; climax; cons/reluct; XX
21.12.14 - 2
F+/f; spandex; catsuit; bond; rope; gag; wrap; saranwrap; tape; cocoon; mum; blindfold; sleepsack; darlex; straps; encase; F/f+; kidnap; cartrunk; captive; dungeon; mast; climax; cons/nc; XX
12.03.15 - 3
F+/f; spandex; catsuit; bond; rope; gag; wrap; saranwrap; tape; cocoon; F/f+; domme; sleepsack; cartrunk; captive; transport; carpark; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
22.04.15 - 4
F/f+; M+/f+; spandex; bond; rope; gag; wrap; saranwrap; tape; cocoon; sleepsack; cartrunk; captive; kidnap; transport; warehouse; beach; buried; stuck; mast; climax; cons/nc; XX
17.05.15 - 5
F/f+; M+/f+; beach; buried; spandex; bagged; bond; rope; cuffs; gag; wrap; tape; cocoon; cartrunk; captive; transport; dungeon; susp; tease; torment; revenge; cons/nc; X
28.08.15 - 6
F+/f+; nylons; cocoon; encase; bond; gag; spandex; darlex; bagged; rope; cartrunk; transport; dungeon; susp; wrap; carpet; roofrack; outdoors; bullbar; chain; straps; tease; torment; revenge; cons/nc; XX
27.09.15 - 7
F+/f+; nylons; cocoon; encase; bond; gag; spandex; latex; rope; cartrunk; transport; dungeon; wrap; tape; hood; sendep; tease; torment; revenge; cons/nc; X
10.10.15 - 8
F/f; F/fm; F+/f; captive; spandex; catsuit; latex; bond; gag; tape; encase; wrap; darlex; sack; taser; shock; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
15.12.15 - 9
F/f; F/f+; M/f; captive; spandex; catsuit; latex; bond; gag; tape; balltie; encase; wrap; enslave; whip; taser; shock; rescue; chairtie; cons/nc; X
- Fair ExchangeZack
FM/f; bond; kidnap; nc; X
18.09.04 - Fair & SquareThe Qmoq
M/f; bond; outdoors; torment; electro; urine; cons; XX
00.00.07 - FallenescenceToran
F/f; bdsm; reluct; XX
20.12.04 - False ImprisonmentNathan Black
F/m; drug; bond; gag; maid; tickle; cbt; oral; sex; reluct/cons; X
10.10.10 - Family GatheringUto
MF/f+; burglar; captive; force; bond; rope; tape; gag; blindfold; reluct/cons; X
16.06.14 - The Family PlanLady Tressa
F+/f+; D/s; bond; cuffs; gag; rope; cage; strapon; toys; insert; bdsm; crop; force; denial; mast; oral; climax; cons/reluct; XX
09.09.13 - 2
MF+/m; M+/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; gag; rope; cage; strapon; toys; insert; bdsm; fem; force; captive; sold; denial; mast; oral; anal; climax; reluct/nc; XX
- Fan MailAdam Smith
F/m; hotel; date; kiss; trick; collar; padlock; leash; bond; ribbon; femdom; foot; gag; panties; cuffs; box; encased; oral; denial; climax; cons; X
01.10.18 - Fantastic Lava CakeKristjan
FM; restaurant; cake; wager; deal; M/f; naked; bound; rope; nipple; bdsm; spank; oral; toys; sex; tease; climax; cons; X
10.12.18 - The FantasyLancer175
F/f; bond; oral; sex; toys; climax; caught; M/f; cons; X
03.08.10 - FantasyKimberley Witchey
Solo-M; F/m; bond; leather; catsuit; gag; oral; mast; climax; denial; cons/reluct; X
20.12.11 - Fantasy Bondage SexSensual Robert
M+/f; fpov; bond; straps; gag; sex; anal; oral; threesome; bedtie; cons; X
06.06.21 - Fantasy Football SlavesMistress Lisa
F+/f+; F/fm; F+/m; D/s; wager; slave; bdsm; whip; punish; chastity; cockcage; shave; laser; torment; strapon; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX
28.06.16 - 2
F/fm+; F/f; M/f; D/s; wager; slave; cell; collar; bdsm; bond; susp; whip; punish; irritant; pain; chastity; cockcage; torment; strapon; lesbian; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX
02.10.16 - 3
F+/fm+; D/s; dungeon; leather; latex; bond; susp; cuffs; chastity; electro; shock; bdsm; crop; breastforms; nipple; corset; lingerie; cd; urine; oral; denial; climax; cons/nc; XX
31.07.17 - Fantasy KidnappedGina567
F+/fm; bond; kidnap; force; nc; X
06.07.08 - Fantasy Land VisitedS M Ackerman
F/f; M/f; fantasy; voy; hum; bdsm; punish; caught; outdoors; cons; X
03.08.10 - Fantasy LiveMargaret B
F/m; MF+/m; cd; fem; bond; oral; anal; hum; cons/reluct; X
03.08.10 - Fantasy MakersUto
M/f; F/m; bond; rope; tape; chair; tease; gag; blindfold; strip; sex; cons; X
10.02.20 - Fantasy of a KatKitn
M/f; bond; slave; cons; X
05.02.03 - A Fantasy of HersT S Fesseln
M/f; Sbf; insert; sex; blindfold; collar; handcuffs; ring-gag; hotel; nipple; toys; trick; rom; cons; X
26.09.20 - A Fantasy RealizedMike S
- A Fantasy Session with Mistressslavek999
F/m; D/s; bond; bdsm; electro; smoke; torment; hood; gasmask; cons; X
16.04.10 - The Farmer's DaughtersLancer175
F+/m+; M+/f+; bond; rope; gag; susp; barn; strip; zipties; anal; oral; milk; sex; tease; reluct; XX
25.08.23 - FascinatingMikel
M/f; bond; chastity; cuffs; blindfold; bedtie; spreadeagle; gag; collar; tease; clamps; cons; X
06.05.22 - Fashion 2187The Inventor
M/f; F/f; Solo-F; bond; cuffs; corset; armbinder; balletboots; collar; training; enclosed; transported; cons; X
30.09.23 - 2
F/f; fpov; bond; gag; piercing; training; clamps; armbinder; collar; corset; bodymod; balletboots; leash; hood; nc; cons; XX
- 3
F/f; M/f+; bond; rope; straps; gag; punishment; balletboots; clamps; piercing; public; party; display; cons; reluct; XX
- Fashion VictimPoetbdsm
F/fm; bond; bdsm; leather; slave; cons; X
23.05.06 - The FavorStudbound
- A Favor for a FriendWalt A.K.A. Xan
M/f; D/s; bond; rope; gag; toys; cons; X
16.09.09 - Faye's DaysFaye Kane
M+/f; bond; bdsm; susp; slave; cons/reluct; XXX
00.00.07 - FBI - Fervent Bondage InvestigatorLobo De la Sombra
M/f; M/f+; D/s; bond; cuffs; straps; gag; toys; insert; tease; torment; first; denial; climax; sex; cons; X
25.11.06 - A Fetish HoneymoonLambrètto
M/f; F/m; group; D/s; bond; leather; gag; susp; insert; toys; latex; oral; anal; sex; climax; display; packaged; glass; cons; X
12.08.11 - A Fetish MarriageLambrètto
M/f; F/m; F+/f+; M+/f+; group; D/s; bond; leather; gag; insert; hogtie; metal; harness; saddle; toys; latex; display; packaged; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; X
19.09.11 - Fetish Party NightTurbo Bruin
F+/m; D/s; bond; party; servant; naked; display; bdsm; cons; X
18.11.09 - 2: Halloween
F+/m; D/s; bond; latex; bdsm; public; display; cons; X
20.01.10 - 3: Valentines
F+/fm; D/s; bond; bdsm; party; mask; display; toys; anal; oral; cons/reluct; X
21.06.10 - Field SurveyZack
M/f; futuristic; bond; slave; nc; X
16.06.02 - 2
futuristic; bond; slave; nc; X
- 3
futuristic; bond; slave; nc; X
- The Fifth Vital SignBeast5
M/f+; collar; electro; conditioning; display; hum; bdsm; mast; oral; cons/nc; X
26.04.10 - Fifty Shades of GayNemo The Phoenix
F/f; bar; drunk; car-ride; tricked; corset; cosplay; costume; game; collar; chain; bond; cuffs; gag; cage; force; captive; cons/nc; X
15.05.17 - The FileUto
Solo-F; apartment; FM+/f; force; bond; cloth; gag; espionage; discovery; offer; M/f; sex; climax; cons; X
14.11.18 - A Final FarewellHerbie Ham
M/f; D/s; slave; weddingdress; bond; gag; collar; coffin; ceremony; encase; buried; stuck; cons; X
03.12.05 - FinallyChris Powell
F/m; D/s; bond; tape; wrap; tack; piercing; cbt; bdsm; wax; toys; cons; XX
12.10.05 - Finally CollaredNoxServa
M/f; bond; bdsm; enema; oral; anal; cons; XX
11.12.08 - Final MistakeAaron Roberts
M/f; F/m; bond; collar; chain; straitjacket; chastity; toys; sex; stuck; climax; cons/reluct; X
16.03.03 - The Final StrawRupes
F/m; femdom; bond; strip; hood; blindfold; chain; ladder; hooks; breathplay; susp; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX
05.07.15 - Finding LoriMikel
Solo-F; F/f; M/f; D/s; bond; straitjacket; hood; gag; chastity; stuck; straps; paddedcell; facility; committed; rescue; boots; restraints; tease; denial; sex; oral; climax; cons; X
04.12.17 - FinisterraClayton Stillwater
M/f; bond; fantasy; cons; X
10.07.03 - Fiona InterruptedMegan Law
MF; MF/f; bond; machine; frame; collar; corset; latex; chastity; mittens; toys; tease; sex; cons; X
19.02.23 - Fiona's Fetish becomes Flora's FollyWingco
F/f; MF/f; M/f; bond; cuffs; gag; blindfold; wrap; boxed; shackles; dungeon; casket; entomb; costume; toys; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
08.07.12 - First DateSouthernTied
F/f; M/f; bond; gag; mum; spandex; toys; cons; X
07.11.07 - First Days Work at the Sex ShopGravip14
M/f; bond; reluct; X
18.11.02 - First EveningE McDermott
- First MeetingMrWizard
M/f; bond; cons; X
18.06.05 - First MeetinghunnyBeez
F/m; D/s; bond; bdsm; chastity; queening; cons; X
30.11.07 - First SpankingJan Smith
Sbf; naked; cuffs; susp; caught; F/f; bond; bdsm; spank; nipple; oral; mast; climax; cons/reluct; XX
10.04.04 - First SuckingJake Smith
FM/m; D/s; bond; MM; reluct/cons; XX
25.04.06 - The First TimeBondagequeensara
Solo-F; F/f; lingerie; bond; rope; tease; mast; climax; first; true; cons; X
16.02.13 - First Time For Everythinglizsubintampa
M/f+; D/s; expo; hotel; bond; rope; gag; strip; nipple; bdsm; tease; hogtie; denial; mast; climax; true; cons; X
13.01.18 - First Time Sleeping TogetherEmily
F/m; femdom; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; tease; fondle; nipple; oral; denial; cons; X
26.11.13 - First VisitMargaret B
F/m; D/s; cd; public; bond; bdsm; hum; toys; cons; X
01.06.09 - Five O'ClockDaviddrb6
M/f; capture; strip; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; robbery; bomb; tease; nc; X
28.06.12 - Five Sensesgiveitago
M/f+; D/s; catsuit; bond; gag; blindfold; straitjacket; inflate; pole; chair; dungeon; toys; climax; denial; cons; X
24.05.12 - 2: Tuesday 5pm
M/f; D/s; naked; hood; mitts; bond; gag; inflate; restraints; dungeon; chain; toys; climax; cons; X
11.08.12 - The Flag MakerDon Martin
F/m; bond; cons; X
22.11.04 - FlatmatesR G Bargy
F/f; bond; hogtie; first; toys; cons/reluct; X
03.10.07 - FlightLobo De la Sombra
M+/f; capture; bond; harness; straps; toys; insert; revenge; disposal; fall; scifi; crime; climax; cons/nc; X
04.12.11 - Flight SecurityMargaret B
M/f; bdsm; hum; cons; X
10.01.03 - Flowerchild Vs The Librarian KidnapperNicole
F/f; M/f; kidnap; bond; costume; superhero; cons/nc; X
08.08.09 - Football funBookWriter
Solo-F; tease; strip; naked; M/f; bond; rope; harness; nippleclamps; blindfold; gag; toys; display; bdsm; flog; denial; cons; X
20.03.18 - The Football MatchSlave Aden
M/f; D/s; bond; bdsm; nipple; electro; toys; spank; cons; X
26.04.10 - Football Off, Bondage OnTS
F/m; bond; rope; cd; stockings; lingerie; gag; chair; blindfold; tease; cons; X
23.01.12 - Football PhysicalsLancer175
FF/m+; medical; bond; mast; FF; toys; M+/f+; sex; cons/reluct; X
06.05.10 - The FootstallBoyToy
F/m; D/s; bond; cons; X
30.03.04 - For a Good CauseDenied4ever
F+/m; chastity; bond; hood; caning; toys; public; cons; X
16.12.19 - The Forbidden TabletsThe Technician
Solo-F; hist; plot; bribe; caught; F/f; MF/f; M+/f; punish; strip; flog; bond; public-hum; parade; donkey; messy; eggs; covered; bath; ties; used; oral; sex; anal; figging; depilate; tattoo; enslave; sharman; forgiven; cons/nc; XX
20.03.16 - ForeclosureZack
MF/f; bond; prisoner; nc; XX
03.06.02 - 2
- 3
- Foreign ExchangeJ65
M/f; bond; cuffs; gag; chair; strip; cons; X
30.01.12 - Forest GambleZephyr
M/f; mpov; fpov; bond; naked; outdoors; cuffs; gag; rope; spreadeagle; cheat; massage; public; roleplay; cons; rom; X
06.10.24 - The Forest RangerJake R
M/m; outdoors; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; clothespins; torment; strappado; oral; climax; cons; X
07.10.13 - Forever Her Slavez
F/f; D/s; bond; straitjacket; foot worship; cage; denial; toys; hum; oral; cons/reluct; X
22.10.10 - Forgotten LessonsElectroPainLover
Sbm; F/m; D/s; caught; cuffs; straps; machine; cbt; denial; cuckold; naked; spank; piercing; nipple; torture; mast; sex; drug; gag; cons/nc; XX
11.11.16 - The Forty Year Old VirginMr Smooth
F/m; femdom; punish; cane; controlled; escort; hum; bond; cuffs; bdsm; mast; sex; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
23.12.15 - Found VideoJackie Rabbit
MF; M+/f; captive; force; bond; susp; bdsm; whip; torment; ceremony; video; mast; sex; anal; cons/nc; XX
12.05.11 - 2
MF; M+/f; kidnap; captive; bond; boxed; transport; susp; bdsm; torment; enslave; video; blackmail; mast; sex; anal; cons/nc; XX
13.10.11 - Four Hands are Better then Two!Jim Williams
Solo-M; divorce; date; MF+; storage-locker; discovery; dinner; drink; naked; sleepsack; encase; gag; cons; X
16.07.16 - 2
Solo-M; F+/m; F/f; tight-clothing; dinner; drink; naked; sleepsack; encase; naked; bond; straps; gag; cockring; toys; inert; electro; tease; femdom; denial; oral; sex; cons/reluct; X
27.07.16 - 3
F+/m; bond; cocoon; sleepsack; gurney; transport; cockring; sleeve; machine; wrap; storage-locker; stuck; tease; cons; X
23.08.16 - 4
F+/m; bond; gag; cocoon; pantyhose; cockring; sleeve; electro; tease; torment; F/fm; susp; toys; insert; cialis; oral; sex; denial; climax; cons; X
15.05.17 - 4 Lessons on how not to be a good SubmissiveMorgan Le Fe
M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; gag; rope; wrap; tape; bdsm; spank; susp; sex; climax; cons; X
24.07.12 - Four Of A KindJo
M+; M/f+; game; cards; social; voy; video; bond; gag; toys; insert; susp; nipple; dungeon; cons; X
10.08.13 - Fourth TimeLobo De la Sombra
M/f; D/s; slave; naked; clean; tease; nipple; mast; denial; bond; chairtie; feed; bedtie; sex; climax; cons; X
19.09.08 - The Frame in the ClubJeza
F/m; naked; blindfold; gag; cuffs; rope; hogtie; club; frame; straps; collar; revenge; cons; X
08.03.14 - Fraternity TraditionStudbound
- Frat Pledge Panty RaidJoanie Davis
F+/m; F+/m+; college; pledge; cd; dress; heels; wig; makeup; raid; caught; panties; gag; pantyhose; bond; hogtie; stuck; cons/nc; X
18.02.17 - Free Boy ToyZTVFemdomtales
Solo-M; beach; voy; F/m; caught; tease; breast; sunscreen; drug; kidnap; hypno; mind-control; conditioning; bond; rope; enslave; sex; cons/reluct; X
08.09.18 - FreedomLobo De la Sombra
M/f; naked; cuffs; gag; bedtie; tease; denial; climax; reluct/cons; X
11.08.17 - Freedom of the PressJimdini
FF; F/f+; model; investigation; studio; video; bond; cuffs; gag; chain; blindfold; hood; armbinder; caught; tricked; cons/reluct; X
14.07.15 - Friday NightPseudonime
Solo-F; M/f; tease; bond; rope; gag; outdoors; nipple; bdsm; straps; torment; hogtie; bagged; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
14.12.11 - Friday the 13th - The Untold Chapters: The Devil's DickRubbermanBD
M/f; horror; majick; mind-control; bond; sex; oral; death; cons; nc; XXX
20.07.20 - The FriendCropsncuffs
F/m; femdom; catsuit; bond; ribbon; spreadeagle; naked; F+/m; tease; game; denial; oral; climax; cons; X
11.11.16 - 2: The Friend Plays Again
F/m; femdom; mask; naked; game; collar; leash; pet; cage; tricked; toys; insert; stuck; reveal; F/fm; tease; captive; sold; denial; cons/nc; X
21.10.17 - 3: In the Hands of Heather
F+/m; femdom; naked; collar; leash; pet; slave; tease; captive; stables; bondage-pony; encased; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
07.07.18 - A Friend in DeedT S Fesseln
M/f+; bond; Sbf; toys; cons; X
14.09.06 - A Friend in NeedT S Fesseln
F/f; bond; cons; X
26.03.03 - A Friend in NeedR G Bargy
M/f; F/m; bond; bdsm; toys; cons/nc; X
05.08.07 - A Friendly WagerUnknown
- FriendsOrion1701
MF+; F/f; M/f+; bond; rope; handcuffs; harness; susp; hogtie; gag; climax; spreadeagle; cuffs; spreader; denial; climax; cons; X
- A Friendship RenewedUto
MF+/f+; capture; bond; cloth; chairtie; gag; drug; robbery; blindfold; friends; renewal; cons/nc; X
31.07.17 - Friends ReunitedPaultt
Solo-F; discovery; FM; farm; workshop; leather; cuffs; collar; memories; games; bond; barn; cons; X
13.10.19 - 2
M/f; collar; handcuffs; public; barn; cuffs; susp; spreader; strip; naked; hood; gag; shackles; cage; arousal; mast; denial; cons; X
- 3
M/f; collar; cuffs; cage; naked; hood; gag; chairtie; handcuffs; arousal; denial; harness; insert; nipple; public; van; vaulting-horse; strip; bond; toys; transport; video; cons; X
- 4
M/f; collar; cuffs; cage; naked; hood; gag; chairtie; handcuffs; arousal; denial; harness; insert; nipple; public; van; vaulting-horse; strip; bond; toys; transport; video; cons; X
02.11.19 - 5
M+/f; F/f; M+/f+; bond; extreme; sex; rope; chain; clamps; pain; outdoors; hood; gag; wrap; cage; stocks; transport; cons; reluct; XX
06.02.20 - From Girlfriend to Pet-GirlMike Davis
M/f; costume; contacts; petgirl; bond; outdoors; toys; mast; sex; cons; true; X
27.11.10 - From Office Assistant to Bondage ModelJake R
M/m; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; strip; office; photo; mast; climax; cons; X
23.08.13 - From Vanilla Girlfriend to Femdom Wife, A Journey 1lockedup4eva
F/m; Sbm; mpov; chastity; cuffs; straps; clamps; hood; sendep; spreadeagle; oral; cons; X
30.05.22 - 2
F/m; Sbm; chastity; cuffs; hotel; strip; naked; oral; collar; breathplay; rom; cons; X
06.06.22 - 3
F/m; bond; hogtie; cuffs; chastity; collar; climax; messy; rom; cons; X
21.06.22 - 4
F/m; M/f; bond; chastity; collar; sex; strapon; cuffs; roleplay; spank; hood; naked; cons; XX
26.06.22 - 5
F/m; bond; chastity; collar; strapon; dungeon; X-frame; buttplug; mast; cons; XX
07.08.22 - 6
F/m; bond; chastity; collar; strapon; dungeon; X-frame; buttplug; mast; cons; XX
15.09.22 - 7
F/m; FF; dungeon; bond; chastity; cuffs; collar; mast; buttplug; cons; X
19.03.23 - 8
F/m; chastity; dungeon; buttplug; chain; cuffs; collar; toys; electro; mast; horse; punishment; crop; gag; cons; XX
23.04.23 - 9
F/m; F/f; mpov; bond; cuffs; collar; chastity; horse; straps; gag; cell; feeding-tube; chair; cons; XX
07.08.23 - From Vanilla Girlfriend to Femdom Wife, A Journey 10
F/m; F/f; F/fm; dungeon; cuffs; gag; hood; chastity; flogger; analhook; tease; denial; toys; X-frame; clamps; club; contract; slave; mast; cons; reluct; XX
07.04.24 - 1
F+/m; F/f; bond; chastity; permanent; dungeon; chair; straps; collar; hum; cuffs; toys; climax; cons; XX
27.07.24 - Frontier DaysZack
M/f; bond; cons; X
08.05.02 - Frost and ComptonMax Roper
F/m; M/m; drug; bond; rope; gag; naked; tease; mast; hum; cons/nc; X
11.12.10 - The Frustration FactorAnne Gray
F/f; D/s; bond; bdsm; leather; enema; electro; oral; cons; X
29.07.08 - Frustration Is A Two Way Street 1lizsubintampa
F/f; fpov; naked; strip; bond; rope; collar; gag; tease; cons; X
21.12.21 - 2
F/f; fpov; true; bond; cuffs; rope; gag; leather; nipple; clamps; oral; bedtie; strappado; electro; tease; cons; X
27.12.21 - Fuck DollPerson4444
M+/f; D/s; party; naked; submissive; force; sexdoll; objectify; used; sex; mast; denial; climax; messy; punish; oral; cons; X
01.06.19 - Fucking the StallionSensual Robert
M/m; mpov; anal; ponyplay; bond; auction; slave; sold; collar; leash; tricked; nc; X
05.12.20 - The FucktoySuck Slut
M/f; D/s; bond; bdsm; wrap; oral; anal; toys; cons; X
00.07.08 - FugaziMila V
M+/f; mpov; fpov; kidnap; torture; bond; gag; captive; pain; reluct; nc; XXX
19.10.21 - Fun With An 18” Double DongChristine
F+/m+; MM/f+; D/s; bond; rope; gag; group; oral; sex; toys; cons; X
06.05.10 - Fun with FleeceSmutmiester
F/m; bond; cons; X
06.03.06 - Furry HeavenBigjon
M/m; fursuit; enclosed; encase; bond; X-frame; electro; gag; tease; mast; climax; cons; X
The Final Trek
- The Final TrekKnotty Master
Sbf; petcage; toys; insert; catsuit; rubber; constriction; encase; chastitybelt; tease; stuck; Machine/f; holodeck; D/s; dungeon; bond; susp; chastity; force; slave; electro; shock; punish; scifi; startrek; cons/reluct; XX
01.05.16 - 2
Machine/f; F/f; D/s; holodeck; dungeon; collar; gag; mitts; chain; bond; toys; oral; climax; susp; chastity; force; slave; electro; shock; punish; denial; scifi; startrek; cons/reluct; XX
- 3
Machine/f; F/f; D/s; holodeck; tease; chastity; denial; oral; dungeon; muzzle; collar; cuffs; cage; bond; electro; shock; punish; toys; mast; climax; slave; scifi; startrek; cons/reluct; XX
- 4
F/f; D/s; chastitybelt; spacestation; gamble; cryogenic; creature; holodeck; cell; awaken; goo; entrap; swallow; devour; trapped; cuffs; susp; naked; bdsm; punish; crop; mast; oral; climax; slave; scifi; startrek; cons/reluct; XX
- 5
F/f; D/s; chastity; holodeck; ponyplay; stables; boots; bridle; muzzle; nanotech; fantasy; battle; damage; cage; toys; insert; Machine/f; bond; drug; punish; slave; scifi; startrek; cons/reluct; XX
- Gabrielle's GiftMaster21
M/f; strip; leather; straitjacket; legbinder; bond; encase; tease; denial; toys; oral; climax; cons; X
02.06.09 - Gag SentenceDan
M/f; court; punishment; prison; shackles; gag; cell; warder; ballgag; bag; tape; hood; harness; bond; naked; peg-board; torment; pain; stuck; cons/nc; XX
06.06.18 - 2
M/f; court; punishment; prison; shackles; gag; cell; warder; ballgag; bag; tape; hood; harness; bond; naked; breathplay; blackout; torment; pain; stuck; cons/nc; XX
13.08.18 - 3
M/f; court; punishment; prison; cell; warder; ballgag; leather; hood; strap; rawhide; wet; bond; force; breathplay; blackout; torment; pain; stuck; cons/nc; XX
10.12.18 - 4
M/f; court; punishment; prison; cell; warder; naked; ballgag; tape; hood; collar; bond; electro; shock; pain; torment; stuck; discovery; cons/nc; XX
10.12.18 - Gag SlaveAlexis
MF; M/f; bond; chain; fetters; hobble; handcuffs; collar; gag; bdsm; discipline; torment; corset; anal; rope; chairtie; gag; blindfold; cons/nc; XX
17.10.16 - Gail and BaileySpencer
F+/m; mpov; bond; kidnap; collar; electro; gag; hood; sendep; shave; chain; pain; torture; extreme; nc; XXX
21.03.21 - Gai-Shift - BeachcomberRohana
Solo-F; F/f+; captive; bond; rope; wrap; canvas; tease; torment; tickle; majick; reluct/nc; X
03.11.11 - Gai-Shift - KiyokoRohana
F/f+; Machine/f+; capture; bond; silk; rope; gag; tickle; tease; denial; pit; reluct/cons; X
20.12.12 - Gai-Shift - Point of ViewRohana
F+/?; bagged; straps; susp; gag; blindfold; encase; tickle; tease; oral; denial; reluct/nc; X
22.08.12 - Gai-Shift - SerifRohana
F/f; drug; captive; bond; rope; susp; straps; gag; tickle; tease; climax; machine; pit; reluct/nc; X
12.12.12 - Gala NightJon Deets
M/f; MF+/f; D/s; cuffs; collar; naked; bond; club; bdsm; gag; display; oral; climax; cons; X
07.07.13 - The GameTonya
FF; restaurant; toilet; F+/f; mistake; capture; taser; kidnap; bond; gag; cuffs; rope; wrap; transport; van; torment; slap; punish; F/f+; rescue; cons/nc; X
18.06.19 - The GameCai
M/f; bond; scarves; gag; caught; FM+/fm; capture; chairtie; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
03.12.15 - 2
M+/mf; bond; scarves; gag; blindfold; naked; initiation; objectify; hogtie; punish; challenge; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
31.07.17 - Game DayNormand
M/f; D/s; bond; nude; gag; susp; bdsm; electro; tease; toys; true; cons; X
12.08.11 - Game Day64Fordman
F/f; M+/f+; college; campus; uniform; rope; handcuffs; tape; gag; hogtie; straps; captive; spank; locker; cons/nc; X
29.04.17 - A Game for Some 1Walt A.K.A. Xan
M/f; bond; rope; tape; gag; crotchrope; blindfold; oral; sex; pantyhose; corset; toys; cons; X
20.06.20 - 2
M/f; bond; rope; gag; tape; costume; corset; roleplay; cons; X
24.06.20 - 3
M/f; bond; rope; oral; gag; flogger; crop; cons; X
04.07.20 - 4
M/f; M+/f+; bond; rope; chair; costume; gag; hood; blindfold; tape; outdoors; roleplay; cons; X
08.07.20 - 5
M+/f+; costume; roleplay; bond; strip; gag; rope; spank; tease; oral; cons; X
23.07.20 - 6
M/f; bond; spank; cane; hum; costume; roleplay; cons; X
26.07.20 - 7
M/f; bond; rope; tape; gag; oral; whip; cons; X
29.07.20 - 8
M/f; bond; rope; club; party; rom; X
12.08.20 - A Game for Some 10
M/f; bond; oral; vag; rope; bfold; gag; chairtie; bdsm; costumes; ranch; rom; XX
29.08.20 - 1
M/f; MFF; F+/f; bond; oral; bedtie; playroom; rope; swing; bdsm; cane; costume; rom; cons; XX
30.08.20 - 2
M/f+; bond; oral; gag; rope; vinyl; flogger; cons; XX
02.09.20 - 3
M/f+; bond; latex; gag; whip; flogger; sendep; cage; hum; cons; XX
08.09.20 - 4
M/f; M+/f+; bond; rope; costume; roleplay; latex; maid; gag; club; cons; X
26.09.20 - 5
M+/f+; bond; gag; costume; rope; hogtie; toys; flogger; cons; X
10.10.20 - 6
M+/f+; F+/f+; bond; rope; oral; costume; roleplay; crotchrope; tape; tease; gag; clamps; zipties; chair; cons; XX
14.10.20 - 7
M+/f+; bond; rope; gag; zipties; crotchrope; tease; cage; costume; roleplay; tape; cane; spank; blindfold; cons; XX
20.10.20 - 8
M+/f+; costume; bond; rope; blindfold; sendep; gag; toys; flogger; cons; XX
18.11.20 - 9
M/f; M/f+; oral; threesome; bond; corset; rope; club; bdsm; brand; cane; spank; video; trial; court; rom; XX
16.08.20 - A Game of PunishmentFellatino
F/m; FM/m; D/s; bond; party; bdsm; electro; torment; anal; oral; cons; XX
06.09.09 - Game OnCK
M+/f+; bond; rope; competition; gag; crotchrope; hogtie; cons; reluct; XX
25.02.21 - The GameRainbow Golding
M/f; bond; cons; X
10.05.04 - 2
- Games People PlayTC
F/m; bond; cuffs; outdoors; oral; sex; cons; X
06.05.10 - Games People PlayMikel
M/f; D/s; bond; leather; piercing; leash; public; corset; cuffs; bdsm; crop; hood; chastity; hobble; gag; susp; toys; oral; denial; sex; climax; cons; XX
01.01.14 - The Gamma Alpha Gamma Sorority HazeEmma Bond
F/f; sorority; hazing; strip; exhib; spank; tease; whip; torment; bond; rope; toys; insert; denial; climax; nipple; clamps; cons/reluct; X
05.07.15 - Garage AffairsRestricted
F/f; bond; cons; X
23.06.06 - The Garden CentreArchie
- Garden PartyAv
F/f; bond; net; wrap; gag; outdoors; reluct; X
- The Garden PartyArchie
- Garden Tub Bondagez
F/f; D/s; bond; hogtie; bath; oil; tease; bdsm; wax; toys; oral; cons; X
26.09.10 - The Garment BagGospodin
M/f; slave; cons; X
26.02.03 - Geeks and Greeks on GorZack
MF+/f+; bdsm; gor; cons/nc; X
15.05.06 - Gentleman's DelemmaCynthia Harder
F/fm; bond; quicksand; stuck; cons/nc; XX
10.12.08 - GeriZephyr
MF; F/f; FM; bond; naked; rope; blindfold; sendep; cheat; wager; tease; revenge; oral; sex; cons; X
06.09.09 - Getting Lucky?Ebenezer
Solo-M; F/m; FM+/m; cinema; oral; tease; tv; lesbian; voy; video; bond; blindfold; group; blackmail; hum; strapon; enslave; cons; X
22.04.15 - Getting the BusinessCynthia Trusscot
M/f+; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; office; voy; cons; X
20.02.12 - Getting the MessageChas. M
F/f; bond; scarves; gag; blindfold; strapon; insert; toys; anal; mast; climax; cons; X
00.10.12 - Getting the Point!Canlock
F/m; D/s; bond; chastity; piercing; bdsm; oral; toys; cons; X
06.07.08 - Ghost of a ChanceJo
M/f; F/m; F/f; bond; dream; blindfold; drug; ghosts; sex; cons/reluct; X
19.06.12 - The Ghosts of Nurses PastCropsncuffs
Solo-F; bed; straps; asylum; F+/f; bond; ghosts; climax; cons/nc; X
25.07.10 - A Ghost StoryJenny Bonici
FM+/f; ghoststory; hallway; challenge; bond; rope; post-tie; stuck; overnight; cons/reluct; X
21.07.17 - The GiftLobo De la Sombra
F/f; D/s; bond; packaged; trunk; bdsm; punish; spank; Sbf; susp; toys; switch; lesbian; oral; denial; climax; rom; cons/reluct; X
12.08.01 - The GiftKitn
M/f; bond; slave; cons; X
10.12.02 - The GiftHarlock
MF/f; M/f; M/f+; Other/f; majick; bond; cuffs; straps; chain; collar; gag; slave; enslave; trick; oral; sex; anal; heels; latex; pumpgag; tentacles; monsters; catsuit; latex; hood; sendep; cons; reluct; nc; XXX
24.05.20 - Gift 1Alina Aamu
F+/f; fpov; bond; D/s; strip; gag; zipties; cons; X
27.01.22 - A Gift for KatyCbpar5
F+/m; nylons; spandex; hood; straitjacket; gag; cuffs; bond; basement; trick; bdsm; crop; punish; electro; cbt; femdom; cons/reluct; X
01.03.19 - The GiftsApryllrain
M+/f; bond; cons; extreme bdsm; torture; XXX
08.07.02 - 3
M+/f; bond; cons; XX
23.07.02 - Gifts Part 1J&P
D/s; Sbm; cbt; ws; cons; X
07.01.05 - 2
D/s; Sbf; MF/f; cons; X
- Gift SurpriseT S Fesseln
M/f; bond; pussyhook; wrap; gag; nipple; oral; mast; cons; X
11.12.08 - Gift to a NeighborEbenezer
Solo-M; F/m; fem; shave; cd; maid; bond; blindfold; gag; toys; insert; tricked; cons; X
25.06.15 - GinaJsandoval
Solo-F; lingerie; nylons; leather; MF; realtor; house; client; oral; sex; climax; betray; bond; rope; hogtie; crotchrope; gag; robbery; MM/f; discovery; kidnap; cartrunk; rescue; cons/nc; X
30.04.18 - The Gingerbread House 1Darkwolf
F/f; fpov; voy; teen; bond; latex; catsuit; collar; strapon; buttplug; anal; tease; cons; X
18.07.21 - 2
F/f; F+/f; Solo-F; Sbf; fpov; mast; teen; first; oral;collar; rope; voy; gag; naked; tribbing; tease; strapon; cons; X
- 3
F/f; F+/f+; fpov; teen; maid; collar; toys; gag; clamps; tease; oral; latex; catsuit; armbinder; buttplug; strapon; blindfold; cons; XX
- 4
F+/f+; fpov; teen; bond; collar; gag; straitjacket; chastity; oral; naked; rom; cons; X
27.07.21 - 5
F+/f; fpov; teen; chastity; collar; tease; naked; armbinder; gag; denial; maid; force; oral; spreadeagle; bedtie; cuffs; shower; rom; cons; XX
27.07.21 - 6
FF; F/f; F+/f+; fpov; teen; college; chastity; club; bond; corset; gag; collar; rope; cuffs; naked; tease; cons; X
27.07.21 - 7
F+/f; bond; collar; hood; catsuit; armbinder; oral; strapon; anal; buttplug; gag; tease; catheter; straitjacket; cons; XX
01.08.21 - 8
F+/f; F+/f+; bond; straitjacket; tease; punish; straps; collar; armbinder; oral; strapon; sex; gag; tattoo; cons; XX
01.08.21 - 9
F+/f+; bond; rope; oral; collar; spreadeagle; bedtie; gag; strapon; sex; tape; mum; tease; cons; XX
01.08.21 - The Gingerbread House 10
FF; F+/f+; fpov; bond; gag; blindfold; mum; catheter; transport; sex; oral; enclosed; toys; tease; rom; cons; XX
10.08.21 - 1
F+/f+; FF; fpov; bond; gag; buttplug; toys; tease; sendep; tape; mum; outdoors; chastity; rope; strappado; naked; oral; armbinder; cuffs; rom; cons; XX
10.08.21 - 2
F+/f+; fpov; bond; naked; armbinder; oral; rom; cons; X
10.08.21 - 3
F+/f+; fpov; bond; cuffs; gag; spreadeagle; bedtie; oral; tease; voy; rope; strapon; sex; anal; toys; rom; cons; XX
18.08.21 - 4
F+/f+; fpov; naked; rope; outdoors; supernatural; majick; rom; cons; X
18.08.21 - 5: Epilogue
F/f; fpov; chastity; bond; armbinder; tease; oral; collar; blindfold; cuffs; spreadeagle; bedtie; buttplug; straps; chair; toys; strapon; sex; armbinder; gag; rom; cons; XX
18.08.21 - The Gingerbread House: Bloody Kiss
F/f; bond; vampire; bite; supernatural; naked; X-frame; cuffs; straps; gag; tease; climax; club; rom; cons; XX
05.10.21 - The Gingerbread House: Chains of Ink
F/f+; tg; fpov; bond; tattoo; rope; gag; naked; pain; piercing; oral; clamps; tease; anal; rom; cons; XX
15.10.21 - The Gingerbread House: Turnabout is Fair Play
FFF; F/f+; tg; bond; naked; mum; wrap; gag; blindfold; buttplug; tease; denial; sound; chastity; oral; cons; X
09.10.21 - A Girl from DoraSean Malone
MF; F+/f+; M+/f; bond; machine; electro; mind-control; impregnate; sex; mast; scifi; cons/reluct; X
23.12.09 - A Girls Night InErotic Binder
F/f; strip; naked; latex; catsuit; corset; bond; gag; straps; breast; collar; force; enslave; cage; encase; captive; cons/nc; X
28.08.14 - Girl Time 1: DiscoveryLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; F+/f; follow; house; wardrobe; discovery; taser; shock; strip; naked; bond; wrap; chairtie; gag; lesbian; cons/reluct; X
02.10.16 - 2: Demonstration
Solo-F; F+/f; caught; naked; saranwrap; chairtie; taser; shock; strip; bond; rope; spreadeagle; gag; lesbian; tease; mast; oral; denial; climax; cons/reluct; X
18.02.17 - 3: Decisions
F/f+; F+/f; hogtie; wrap; saranwrap; gag; naked; escape; punish; D/s; slave; chastity; reluct/cons; X
29.04.17 - Give And Take Roommatesbentbliss
M+/f; bond; anal; group; rope; hogtie; outdoors; mast; hum; tease; climax; messy; buttplug; hum; XX
16.03.24 - Glory HolePVCnLeather
Solo-M; bar; MF; drink; toilet; entice; hole; oral; cuffs; entrap; strip; gag; tape; hum; cons/nc; X
21.03.15 - Go Lobo De la Sombra
MF; M+/f; police; investigation; kidnap; drug; bond; gag; encase; ship; enslave; did; rescue; arrest; rom; cons/nc; X
03.12.15 - Going for the RecordThe Technician
M/f; F+/f; D/s; bdsm; belt; bond; cuffs; club; stage; display; clothespins; toys; insert; pain; endurance; climax; cons/reluct; XX
06.04.14 - The Gold MineZack
M/f; bond; kidnap; slave; nc; XXX
18.04.02 - 2
- 3
- Gone with the WindRestricted
FM/m; bond; fem; kidnap; reluct/nc; X
11.08.06 - Good Cop, Bad CopCai
M/f; MF/fm; bond; scarves; gag; blindfold; caught; cuffs; force; torment; oral; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX
14.02.14 - A Good DayAbenial
M/m; bond; rope; clamps; tease; hum; mast; cons; X
06.07.09 - Good Fences Don’t always make Good Neighbors...Captain Lance
FM; F+/m; bond; outdoors; gag; oral; sex; fantasy; cons; X
04.09.10 - 2
M/f; bond; latex; corset; gag; outdoors; buried; oral; sex; toys; cons; X
- A Good Girl?Pauleine
F/m; D/s; bdsm; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; cbt; chastity; enslave; denial; oral; mast; climax; cons; XX
28.06.12 - Good Help is Hard to FindBob Bond
F/f; bond; latex; leather; sleepsack; chastity; toys; nc; X
05.02.07 - A Good HuntJohn Bannergram
M/f; outdoors; collar; kidnap; naked; catsuit; costume; drug; hum; toys; permanent; gag; reluct; XX
30.11.20 - The Good NeighborFindar
Sbf; caught; M/f; stuck; rope; gag; cons; X
09.02.25 - 2: Dinner and a Show
Sbf; M/f; rope; cuffs; gag; stuck; cons; X
23.02.25 - Good Neighbor DanLancer175
M/f+; F/mf; bond; rope; tape; gag; sex; toys; buttplug; oral; bedtie; cons; X
14.03.22 - Good Neighbor SamanthaJya Byrd
F/f; bond; straitjacket; corset; cuffs; gag; blindfold; lingerie; rope; chastity; mum; mittens; collar; buttplug; cons; X
15.04.23 - Good NeighboursLobo De la Sombra
MF; M/f; discovery; naked; gag; bond; cuffs; tease; oral; sex; climax; rom; cons; X
04.12.11 - A Good Night’s Sleep For A ChangeDon Martin
F/m; bond; enclosed; sleepsack; sexchange; cons/nc; X
07.01.05 - Good Things ComeGodless One
M/f; bond; reluct; X
01.01.04 - Good Things Come to Those Who WaitBookWriter
M/f; M/f+; FF; Sbf; D/s; studio; photoshoot; video; naked; public; lingerie; corset; bond; ropes; gag; caught; slaves; punished; bdsm; crop; basement; susp; buttplug; vibe; insert; clamps; nipple; pussy; discovery; slaves; denial; sex; climax; cons; X
03.04.18 - 2: Day in the Dungeon
M/f+; F/f; Sbf; D/s; slave; lingerie; bond; rope; cuffs; chain; gag; hobble; heels; collar; public; dungeon; cell; susp; display; stage; audience; bdsm; crop; public-nudity; denial; cons; X
12.04.18 - 3: The Aftermath
M/f+; D/s; display; stage; audience; M/f; rom; bond; rope; sex; climax; Sbf; cuffs; chain; gag; hobble; heels; collar; bdsm; spank; slave; toys; denial; cons; X
09.06.19 - 4: Its Never Too Late
M/f+; D/s; F+; silk; robe; chat; discovery; bdsm; whip; history; fantasy; force; bond; rope; sex; climax; slave; offer; M/f; naked; submission; cons; X
27.07.19 - 5: Positive Steps
Solo-F; silk; robe; stockings; collar; cuffs; chain; M/f; D/s; naked; bond; public; hum; tease; denial; meeting; offer; facility; prison; cons; X
24.08.19 - 6: Back to Reality
Solo-F; silk; robe; stockings; collar; cuffs; chain; M/f; D/s; naked; bond; public; hum; tease; denial; meeting; offer; facility; prison; cons; X
06.11.19 - Gotta Catch 'em AllZTVFemdomtales
F/m; game; app; yard; chloroform; capture; strip; bond; cot; enslave; femdom; cons/nc; X
18.02.17 - Grace's DiscoveryWorzel
F/f; M/f; D/s; cheat; revenge; latex; bond; bdsm; club; hum; emb; oral; cons/nc; X
10.08.10 - Grandma's HousePaultt
MF; house; tour; discovery; photos; reveal; M/f; bond; bdsm; costumes; dungeon; cell; toys; video; torment; cons; X
04.11.18 - 2
FM; M/f; harness; bitgag; roleplay; video; acting; bond; force; strip; naked; cuffs; bdsm; spank; electro; susp; torment; denial; cons/reluct; X
14.11.18 - 3
MF; M/f; MF+; tease; rope; bond; sex; F/f; naked; corset; armbinder; leash; noose; roleplay; video; susp; bdsm; crop; kiss; climax; cons; X
14.11.18 - 4
MF; tease; naked; sex; M/f; roleplay; rope; bond; video; susp; hood; bdsm; crop; torment; chairtie; interrogate; electro; shock; force; anal; climax; cons; X
10.12.18 - 5
Solo-F; M/f; roleplay; stables; naked; rope; bond; video; F/f; surprise; discovery; caught; hum; toys; insert; bdsm; shock; tease; torment; climax; cons; X
10.12.18 - 6
M+/f+; roleplay; naked; rope; bond; cell; chain; lesbian; video; M/f; surprise; cottage; bedtie; spreadeagle; bdsm; nipple; feathers; tickle; nettles; tease; oral; climax; rom; cons; X
12.01.19 - Grand Prize PokerZephyr
M/f; M+/f; bond; cuckold; fucking-machine; packaged; exhib; oral; sex; cons; X
18.07.20 - The Great MarvoloZack
F/f+; M/f; D/s; bond; rope; gag; naked; bdsm; crop; chain; magic-act; hist; lesbian; first; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX
20.02.12 - 2
F+/f+; M/f; D/s; jail; shackles; collar; bond; rope; gag; naked; bdsm; crop; chain; hum; cell; cage; hist; enslave; shave; sex; climax; nc/reluct; XXX
23.03.12 - 3
M+/f; F+/f; D/s; slave; captive; shackles; collar; bond; rope; gag; bdsm; crop; chain; locks; stage; perform; escapology; cell; kennel; cellar; trunk; kidnap; hist; sex; climax; reluct/cons; XXX
23.05.12 - The Great PretenderMistress Tressa
FM/f; F/m; D/s; capture; bond; cuffs; gag; strip; bdsm; strapon; hum; force; oral; climax; cons/reluct; XX
26.09.13 - A Great Volume of TroubleT S Fesseln
FM/f; bond; kidnap; trunk; transport; toys; nc; X
29.08.09 - GreedyRaven
M/f; D/s; bond; Sbf; toys; cons/reluct; X
12.07.07 - GrinPantagruel
M/f; bond; bdsm; gag; cons; X
04.10.08 - Gromet Deals with a Bad AuthorCynthia Harder
M/f; bond; susp; vat; immerse; reluct; X
23.12.08 - Gromet Deals with Two Bad InternsCynthia Trusscot and Max Roper
MF; Sbm; MFF/mf; bond; rope; gag; caught; punish; dungeon; chain; cuffs; chairtie; torment; nipple; tease; denial; humour; cons/reluct; X
17.05.16 - GroundedScarecrow
F/m; bond; cons; X
07.01.07 - Growth HormoneCropsncuffs
M+/m; captive; bond; outdoors; plant; insert; tendrils; stuck; nc; X
31.07.11 - Guest of the GhostsSteff
MF/f; Sbf; bond; latex; toys; cons; X
15.08.03 - 2
- The World of the Gai Shift | Encyclopedia of KnowledgeRohana
20.12.12 - 1: World of the
Solo-F; machine; toys; F/f; bond; bdsm; cons/reluct; X
21.01.09 - 2: Queen Lilla's Mission
F+/f+; F/m+; latex; bond; bdsm; machine; toys; cons/nc; X
21.01.09 - 3: 'Unbound Pleasure'
F/f; F/m; latex; bond; bdsm; toys; cons/reluct; X
05.04.09 - 4: Bert51
F/m; bond; bdsm; susp; tease; boxed; cons; X
05.02.09 - 5: Engine Room
FF+; Machine/f+; bond; bdsm; susp; tease; boxed; cons; X
17.02.09 - 6: Miss Anna
F/f; Machine/f; bond; bdsm; hogtie; tease; orgasm; cons/reluct; X
17.02.09 - 7: Pollywogs
F+/f+; bond; rubber; encase; ceremony; cons/reluct; X
23.02.09 - 8: High Mistress of Ecuador
F/f; F/m; bond; gag; public; capture; ceremony; sex; cons/reluct; X
05.03.09 - 9: Chespeake
F+/f; bond; susp; slave; chain; oral; mast; cons; X
23.03.09 - 10: Captain Zana Hoffsteder
F/f; rubber; bond; hogtie; rope; gag; oral; cons; X
23.03.09 - 11: The Sister with the Forward Tail
F+/f+; bond; hogtie; rope; slave; gift; capture; cons/nc; X
30.03.09 - 12: Bert51 to the Rescue
F/m; F+/f+; M/f+; bond; rope; slave; gift; capture; mast; sex; toys; cons/nc; X
11.04.09 - 13: Journey Home
F+/f+; F/m; bond; rope; slave; gift; capture; mast; toys; cons; X
19.04.09 - Winter Solstice
F+/f+; F+/m+; bond; rope; gag; tease; tickle; fondle; mast; toys; cons/reluct; X
Gai-Shift - Angel
- 1: The Angel's First VictimRohana
F/f; bond; rope; tease; tickle; feathers; oral; cons; X
21.05.09 - 2: Captain Zana Hoffsteder
F/f; bond; bdsm; susp; enema; toys; reluct; X
01.06.09 - 3: 'Great Expectations'
F+/f+; bond; rope; gag; tease; mast; cons/reluct; X
08.06.09 - 4: Caught in the Trap
F/f; bond; rope; tickle; feathers; machine; mast; toys; cons; X
19.06.09 - 5: Trials & Punishments
F+/f+; bond; rope; susp; tickle; feathers; machine; torment; mast; toys; cons/nc; X
Gai-Shift - Reversal
- 1: Lady M's ManorRohana
F+/f; F/m; bond; bdsm; susp; tickle; feathers; torment; reluct/nc; X
06.07.09 - 2: Barbette
F+/f; F/m; bond; rope; gag; bdsm; tickle; feathers; torment; reluct/nc; X
12.07.09 - 3: Baroness Manchester's Device
F+/f; capture; bond; rope; gag; susp; toys; reluct; X
20.07.09 - 4: The New Manni
F+/f; capture; bond; rope; gag; susp; toys; reluct; X
Gai-Shift - Magic
- 1: Megan the WitchRohana
Solo-F; F+/f; capture; bond; rope; stocks; majick; toys; cons/reluct; X
18.08.09 - 2: Plotting of Witches
Solo-F; F+/f; capture; bond; gagged; majick; trapped; kidnap; toys; cons/nc; X
16.08.09 - 3: Let Good Things come to All
F+/f; Other/f; capture; bond; majick; rope; gag; climax; toys; reluct/nc; X
29.08.09 - 4: All Honeymoons End
Other/f; F/f+; capture; bond; majick; rope; gag; climax; cons/reluct; X
Gai Shift - Orchid
- 1: KiyokoRohana
F+/f; kidnap; capture; bond; rope; scarves; tickle; torment; nc; X
27.09.09 - 2: The Black Orchids
F/fm; capture; bond; rope; scarves; tickle; torment; mast; nc; X
- 3: Olivia Hammersmith
F/f+; bond; rope; scarves; kidnap; capture; machine; mast; reluct/nc; X
Gai Shift - Pit
- 1: KidnapRohana
F+/f; Other/f; capture; bond; rope; gag; susp; toys; reluct; X
18.11.09 - 2: Miss Anna
F/f; Machine/f+; capture; bond; rope; gag; susp; tickle; torment; toys; reluct/cons; X
- 3: Adara Burke
F+/f; Machine/f+; capture; bond; straitjacket; hood; susp; climax; toys; reluct; X
- 4: Arrest & Capture
F+/f+; Machine/f+; bond; rope; susp; kidnap; bdsm; machine; tickle; torment; reluct/nc; XX
05.12.09 - 5: Packages
F+/f+; Machine/f+; bond; rope; susp; kidnap; bdsm; machine; tickle; torment; reluct/nc; XX
11.12.09 - 6: The Mission
F+/f+; Machine/f+; bond; rope; susp; kidnap; bdsm; machine; tickle; torment; reluct/nc; XX
23.12.09 - 7: Evaluation
Machine/f+; bagged; susp; bdsm; tickle; kidnap; cons/nc; X
05.01.10 - 8: The Wash Room
Machine/f; F/f; bond; tape; insert; susp; tickle; process; silk; reluct; X
05.01.10 - 9: Megan's Frustration
Machine/f+; F+/f+; bond; silk; insert; process; mast; oral; reluct/cons; X
20.01.10 - 10: Sybil's Trap
Machine/f+; F/f; bond; rope; wrap; swallow; tease; nc; X
20.01.10 - 11: Pitinna's Garden
Machine/f+; bond; vine; encase; insert; tease; nc; X
03.02.10 - 12: Pitinna's Mission
Machine/f+; bond; wrap; linen; transport; torment; climax; cons; X
10.02.10 - 13: Rani's Palace
Machine/f+; F+/f; F+/m; bond; susp; torment; oral; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
21.02.10 - 14: Goddess of the Pit
F+/f+; F/m; bond; scarves; susp; cuffs; tickle; torment; nc; X
21.02.10 - 15: Invasion Plans
F+/f+; Machine/f+; bond; wrap; capture; tickle; torment; enslave; drug; nc; X
13.03.10 - 16: Sakujna
F/f+; F/f; Machine/f; bond; scarves; tickle; torment; susp; climax; nc/cons; X
22.03.10 - 17: There and back again
F+/f+; bond; capture; scarves; rope; susp; tickle; torment; machine; majick; reluct/nc; X
Gai-Shift - Snowbound
- 1: Petra's HomecomingRohana
F+/f+; F+/m+; bond; gag; mast; climax; sex; cons; X
21.05.10 - 2: Cossacks
F+/f; bond; kidnap; wrapped; susp; insert; messy; tickle; torment; nc; XX
- 3: Anna Oblonsky
F+/f+; F+/m+; D/s; bond; party; armbinder; bdsm; maid; oral; cons/reluct; X
14.05.10 - 4: Anna's Toy
F+/f+; D/s; bond; bdsm; maid; ponygirl; mast; oral; climax; reluct/nc; XX
- 5: The Prussian Maid
F+/f+; F/m; D/s; bond; bdsm; maid; capture; rope; gag; objectify; reluct/nc; X
Gai-Shift - Hotel California
- 1: Laundry ServiceRohana
Solo-F; F+/f; Machine/f; bond; bdsm; tickle; maid; capture; tease; insert; reluct/nc; X
04.09.10 - 2: Complimentary Package
F/m; slave; bond; bdsm; tickle; tease; chastity; climax; mast; cons/reluct; X
11.09.10 - 3: Hang Out the Washing
Machine/f+; bond; bdsm; tickle; tease; insert; stretch; susp; bag; mast; climax; reluct/nc; X
26.09.10 - 4: Escape to a New Life
Machine/f+; F+/m; bond; rope; bdsm; tickle; tease; susp; reluct/nc; X
Gai-Shift - Out of Africa
- 1: Missionary WorkRohana
F/f; bond; rope; tease; cuddle; mast; climax; magic; reluct/cons; X
15.11.10 - 2: All Aboard
F+/f+; bond; rope; susp; machine; reluct/nc; X
- 3: Priestess's Habits
F/f; F+/f+; bond; rope; susp; bdsm; slave; oral; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
- 4: A Tricky Witch
F/f; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; susp; majick; oral; force; climax; reluct/nc; X
- 5: The Stowaway
FM/f; F/f; captive; bond; rope; gag; wrap; canvas; mast; force; climax; reluct/nc; X
11.12.10 - 6: Full Service
F/m; F/f; bond; rope; gag; dance; oral; mast; climax; cons; X
11.12.10 - 7: Crossing the Line
F+/f+; M/f; capture; bond; rope; gag; ceremony; public; mast; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
11.12.10 - 8: Meeting the Natives
F+/f+; bond; rope; gag; bdsm; tease; mast; cons/reluct; X
02.02.11 - 9: A Thief in the Night
F+/f; Machine/f; bond; rope; gag; bdsm; tease; torment; snake; wrap; spank; swallow; mast; reluct; X
27.02.11 - 10: Another One Down...
F/f; Machine/f; majick; bond; rope; hogtie; susp; bdsm; tease; torment; capture; mast; climax; reluct/nc; X
12.03.11 - 11: Dangling Like Fruit
F/f; Machine/f+; bond; rope; susp; insert; tickle; tease; torment; capture; swallow; mast; climax; reluct/nc; X
19.03.11 - 12: Foul Treachery!
F+/f; Machine/f; ants; bond; rope; tickle; tease; torment; capture; insert; mast; climax; nc; X
19.03.11 - 13: Stuck in the Mire
F/f; Machine/f; bond; rope; tickle; tease; torment; capture; quicksand; engulf; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
19.03.11 - 14: Pili's Story
F+/f; F+/m+; bond; rope; gag; tickle; tease; torment; captive; mast; oral; sex; climax; cons/nc; X
24.04.11 - 15: Simply Savored
F+/f; bond; vine; gag; insert; veg; captive; pot; cook; drug; mast; oral; denial; cons/nc; XX
12.05.11 - 16: Out of the Pot & Into the Fire
F+/f; F+/f+; bond; gag; insert; veg; captive; pot; cook; drug; tease; mast; oral; climax; cons/nc; X
15.07.11 - 17: Diamonds are a Girls best friend...
FF/f+; Machine/f+; bond; gag; insert; captive; drug; tease; denial; climax; cons/nc; X
12.08.11 - 18: Mosi's Downfall
FF/f+; Machine/f+; bond; gag; insert; captive; drug; tease; denial; climax; cons/nc; X
12.08.11 - 19: Pili to the rescue
FF/f+; Machine/f+; bond; gag; insert; captive; drug; tease; denial; climax; cons/nc; X
12.08.11 - 20: Serving Astarte
F/f; F+/f; bond; gag; captive; served; platter; tease; tickle; mast; cons/nc; X
Gai-Shift - Green
- 1: Megan's Bull Round UpRohana
F/m; manni; majick; bond; rope; captive; susp; milk; mast; climax; reluct/nc; X
12.08.11 - 2: Chlorophene the Druid
F/f; captive; bond; rope; susp; majick; frogtie; insert; mast; climax; reluct/nc; X
05.09.11 - 3: Fairies & the Sacred Glade
F/f; Other/f; captive; bond; rope; majick; tease; torment; tickle; plant; insert; encase; mast; climax; reluct/nc; X
05.09.11 - 4: Little Megan
F/f; F+/f+; plant/ff; captive; encase; insert; majick; bond; rope; tease; torment; tickle; climax; reluct; X
Gai-Shift - Portrait
- 1: OrdersRohana
F/f+; F/m; bond; rope; tease; torment; tickle; captive; boxed; transport; reluct; X
26.11.11 - 2: Captured on Canvas
F/f; F/m; captive; bond; rope; gag; chair; canvas; art; tease; cons; X
Gai-Shift - Thermocline
- 1: Coming of the NorsewomenRohana
F+/f; kidnap; capture; bond; rope; gag; bagged; reluct; X
20.12.11 - 2: Weapons of Mass Depravity
F+/f+; latex; bond; rope; gag; tease; torment; machine; insert; bagged; toys; tickle; denial; reluct/cons; X
- 3: Captain Hallerna's Organ Recital
F+/f+; captive; bond; rope; gag; machine; insert; tease; torment; toys; reluct/nc; XX
10.01.12 - 4: Release the Lancers
F+/f+; captive; bond; rope; gag; machine; susp; net; insert; tease; torment; toys; reluct/nc; X
23.01.12 - 5: A Fire on the Sea
F+/f+; captive; bond; rope; gag; susp; outdoors; toys; insert; tease; torment; climax; reluct; X
30.01.12 - 6: Release the Lancers 2.0
F+/f+; captive; bond; rope; gag; nipple; susp; net; outdoors; tease; torment; climax; reluct/nc; X
Gai-Shift - Oasis
- 1: Kate out of the Frying Pan...Rohana
F+/f; captive; bond; restraints; tease; torment; insert; denial; wrap; gag; carpet; reluct/nc; X
20.02.12 - 2: Carin the Flower Vitch
F+/f; witch; majick; captive; bond; tease; torment; wrap; gag; plant; mast; oral; climax; reluct; X
01.03.12 - 3: Guests of Ra'idah
F+/f+; captive; bond; restraints; tease; torment; gag; bathe; costume; game; cons/reluct; X
23.03.12 - 4: Miriam's Whinery
F+/f+; witch; majick; captive; bond; restraints; tease; torment; tickle; wrap; gag; denial; reluct/nc; XX
23.03.12 - 5: Ra'idah's Delight
F+/f; F/f; majick; transport; bond; restraints; machine; tease; torment; tickle; denial; oral; climax; wrap; carpet; reluct; XX
05.04.12 - 6: Kate's Plan
F/f; F/m; bond; gag; blindfold; tease; torment; denial; wrap; gag; majick; blackmail; oral; climax; cons; X
14.05.12 - 7: Kate's out of the Frying Pan... again!
F/f; F+/f+; bond; drug; susp; tease; torment; denial; wrap; gag; climax; majick; carpet; reluct/nc; XX
Gai-Shift - Some Like it Knot
- 1: Manni SurpriseRohana
F+/m+; riding gear; crop; straps; sawhorse; gag; tease; majick; F2m; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
08.10.12 - 2: Escape?
Solo-M; F+/m; F2m; majick; naked; outdoors; hunt; trap; web; bond; spit; coating; maid; cd; reluct; X
- 3: The New Maid?
Solo-M; M/f+; F2m; majick; maid; cd; bond; rope; machine; gag; tickle; tease; climax; reluct/cons; X
19.10.12 - 4: Pajama Party?
F+/f; M/f; F2m; majick; maid; bond; rope; gag; tease; insert; toys; mast; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X
08.11.12 - 5: Cindy the Rubenisque Maid
M/f; F/m; F2m; majick; maid; bond; rope; gag; tease; tickle; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
19.11.12 - 6: from Manni to Maiden
F+/f+; F/m; F2m; majick; maid; bond; rope; gag; tease; tickle; machine; torment; oral; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
Gai-Shift - Peregrine
- 1: Test & CaptureRohana
F/fm; machine; capture; strip; process; tape; susp; gag; tease; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
20.01.13 - 2: Josie & the Foot Tease
F+/f; bond; rope; cabin; foot; tease; torment; polish; reluct; X
- 3: Hisstle the Catwoman
F+/f+; captive; bond; rope; fondle; tease; torment; majick; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
03.02.13 - 4: Bound for Pleasure
F+/f+; captive; bond; rope; fondle; tease; torment; majick; foot; stuck; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
03.02.13 - 5: Petra's humiliation
F/f+; captive; bond; rope; strip; gag; fondle; tease; torment; majick; mast; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
16.02.13 - 6: The trap is set...
F/f+; catwoman; captive; bond; straps; X-frame; rope; strip; gag; fondle; tease; torment; majick; toys; mast; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
26.02.13 - 7: Best laid plans...
F/f+; Solo-F; catwoman; captive; bond; rope; strip; gag; fondle; tease; torment; majick; climax; cons/reluct; X
26.02.13 - 8: Afterward
F/f+; Solo-F; catwoman; captive; bond; rope; straps; gag; fondle; tease; majick; climax; cons/reluct; X