Dungeons and Dragons

by thepinkbishop

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© Copyright 2025 - thepinkbishop - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; bond; naked; collar; cuffs; gag; toys; vr; clamps; chain; rope; whip; pillory; cons; X

Chapter 1: The Predicament

‘Say ‘yes’!’ Valerie tugged on the chain connecting Amanda’s nipple clamps.

‘Nggghh!’ Amanda shook her head even as she arched her back growling defiance into her gag.

Amanda was spread on the bed, held on her back by leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles that were tied by leather thongs to the bedposts. She was naked save for a black leather collar that was padlocked around her neck and her smooth, tanned skin glistened.

Valerie sat astride her.

‘Are you defying your mistress?’ The blonde gave her lover’s nipples a further jolt.

‘Nnggh!’ Amanda closed her eyes biting down on the rubber coated ball and thrashed her head from side to side defiantly, her ringlets of dark hair scattering a mix of sweat and the baby oil that covered her skin. 

‘Mamma use the quirt then.’ Val raised a neatly pencilled eyebrow and her soft pink lips formed a pout as she dropped the nipple chain and climbed off her helpless sub. Amanda turned to watch the blonde pick up a multi bladed whip and then shuddered with anticipation, panting as the leather blades were stroked across her breasts.

Her mistress, standing now, was towering over her was wearing the brief black patent leather bikini that Amanda liked to see her in and shiny leather gloves all of which glistened where they too had become coated in baby oil.

‘Where shall we start?’ Valarie teased bending over Amanda now. ‘Your bouncy tits or…’ She trailed the blades of the whip over Amanda’s belly. ‘…here…’ The whip slid lower across the brunette’s neatly trimmed pubic bush. ‘…or down here?’ Val let the blades slide over the gaping pussy lips that pouted up at her.

‘I neber agee.’ Amanda squirmed sensually, flirting her helpless body, excited by the threats from the dominant blonde. She feared the whip but the threat of it excited her as did the anticipation of her mistress’ pleasure.

‘Say ‘yes’ and I might just pull a few of these beads out.’ Valerie slid a gloved hand down over Amanda’s sex producing a squeal of pleasure and pulled gently on the end of a string of anal beads that emerged from the helpless submissive’s bottom.

Amanda gasped, meeting her mistress’ gaze, pale blue eyes widening slightly as a bead popped through her sphincter then she looked expectantly at the whip.

She knew she was going to say ‘yes’ anyway it was just a matter of finding the right moment.

But the expected kiss of leather on flesh never happened.

Downstairs a door opened and both women looked at each other with expressions of surprise, each conveying the unspoken message. ‘Was that the door?’

The front door shutting confirmed their suspicions.

‘Schiddd.’ Amanda struggled genuinely for a moment but the bonds were not just for show.

‘Maybe…’ Valerie whispered hopefully but the hope that maybe Amanda’s daughter would go into the kitchen and give the lovers the opportunity to extract themselves from the predicament in which their predicament was dispelled as they both heard footsteps on the stairs.

‘Mum?’ A voice said. ‘Is that Val’s car outside?’

Amanda struggled violently, the bed rocking as she strove to free herself.

‘Keep still.’ Val hissed urgently. ‘I’ll deal with her.’

Amanda shook her head but there was nothing she could do as Val strode around the bed with the reckless confidence of a blonde dominant in a patent leather bikini and slid on Amanda’s silk robe.

Lying helplessly on the bed, Amanda watched her lover step out onto the landing; her eyes tracing, even as she did so, the curved toned calves and the tanned skin; realising that the patent leather ankle boots were going to take some explaining to her daughter.

‘Ellie?’ Val called. ‘Is that you?’

Amanda’s voice would have been shaking but Val was way more in control.

‘Val?’ Ellie’s footsteps halted on the stairs. ‘Where’s mum?’ Her voice carried more than a hint of suspicion. 

‘Oh, er…' There was a terrifyingly long pause during which Amanda turned her head to look in sequence at her cuffed wrists and tried unsuccessfully to expel the gag from her mouth.

‘You’re mum’s er… Just taking a shower.’

‘Really?’ Ellie’s suspicion deepened and Amanda pictured her daughter taking in Val’s flushed face and tousled hair, perhaps noticing next the shiny ankle boots, the leather fingerless gloves, maybe even catching a glimpse of the black bikini under the robe. She tried desperately to close her legs.

‘Yes… she’s um… a bit dirty.’

Ellie let out a snort that was part disbelief and part laughter.


Amanda rolled her eyes and pulled furiously at her bonds as she imagined her daughter trying to push past the blonde that barred her way; the tall blonde who, as well as being dressed as a dominatrix was lightly basted in baby oil and had her lover’s bright red lipstick smeared across her face.

‘What are you two…' Ellie’s voice sounded puzzled but then it trailed off as the full horror of what her mother and her mother’s ‘friend’ were up to behind the bedroom door. ‘She’s tied up in there, isn’t she?’ The accusation seemed to explode from Ellie’s mouth. ‘That’s why you’ve…’

‘Ellie…’ Val’s protest was decidedly half hearted and Amanda saw Valarie’s leg and booted foot appear in the gap of the partly open door as she took a step backwards.

Amanda struggled again, so violently this time that the bed rocked and the jingling of her nipple chain sounded like the peel of church bells in her ears. It was entirely possible that Ellie could see her legs through the crack in the door and Amanda felt a furious blush begin to spread over her face.

‘I know what you two get up to,’ Ellie said, becoming aggressive, her voice coming closer. ‘Mum are you ok in there?’

Amanda swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry where a moment before she had been drooling like a mad thing. She made one further attempt to dislodge the gag but it wouldn’t move.

‘Uh huh.’ She pushed her head back trying to make her voice sound casual knowing that she had a fairly limited array of syllables at her disposal.

There was a pause.

‘She’s gagged isn’t she?’ Ellie sounded, Amanda wasn’t sure, perhaps it was disgusted.

‘Er…' Val said ineffectually.

But Ellie pushed past the blonde and shoved the door to her mother’s bedroom open. Mother and daughter confronted each other. 

‘Gross!’ Ellie’s gaze swept down the bed taking in the full scene then she turned on her heel and stalked off to her bedroom slamming the door behind her.

‘Honey, we have to talk.’ It was early the next morning and Ellie was preparing for college.

Mother and daughter faced each other across the breakfast table. Val had left shortly after Ellie’s arrival home but despite coaxing, Ellie had not responded to her mother’s offering of negotiations until emerging from her room in the morning.

‘Probably better we don’t discuss it.’ Ellie slid some books into her bag not lifting her eyes to look at Amanda.

‘No…' Amanda tried to steady her hands as she lifted her coffee mug to her lips. ‘No, I think we should.’ She took a sip and winced at the scalding heat of the liquid, jerking away and spilling coffee on the table.

‘Really mum, it’s cool’. Ellie looked up briefly. ‘What you and your…friend get up to is…your business.’ She continued to avoid her mother’s gaze.

‘Ellie.’ Amanda mopped at the spilt coffee with a cloth. 

‘Look, mum.’ Ellie said, finally looking up. ‘I get that you’re not with dad anymore and I get that you’re moving on. I even get that fact that you’re now with Val. It’s fine, ok.’

There was a heaviness, an emphasis on the word ‘Val’ loading it with meaning.

‘You’re really ok with it?’ It was probably the longest conversation Amanda had got out of Ellie in a few days.

‘Mum, if the two of you want to have kinky sex you can.’ A smile spread across Ellie’s face. ‘You’re in good shape by the way.’

Amanda felt herself reddening as she remembered how she must have looked, her flushed face and tousled hair, her naked body stretched out arched on the bed, the baby oil. Those clamps on her nipples.

‘Thank you, Honey.’ Amanda took a more cautious sip of coffee waiting for the killer blow.

‘It’s just…’ Ellie said after a moment.

‘Just what?’ Amanda said guardedly.

‘Are you really happy with her?’

‘With Val?’ Amanda said, surprised. ‘Yes, of course. We have a…great time together.’

‘She seems a bit, well, controlling,’ Ellie said slightly awkwardly.

‘I guess that’s how she is.’ Amanda nodded slightly, putting down her coffee cup. ‘And, it is…' she said, trying to be frank. ‘Kind of the basis of our relationship.’

‘I mean…' Ellie paused for a moment, perhaps the first time she’d seemed on the defensive in this conversation. ‘She is your boss.’

‘I know, but I’m ok with it.’

‘As long as you’re happy.’ Ellie said, her voice neutral.

‘I am, Honey.’ Amanda said firmly, picking up her cup again.

‘Good.’ Ellie’s head went down again. Conversation over.

There was a pause.

‘And you.’ Amanda leaned forward. ‘Are you happy?’

‘I’m fine, mum.’ Ellie’s guard rose like a shield.

‘And…relationship-wise?’ Amanda mentally berated herself for even asking.

‘Yeah.’ Ellie said, looking up, guard rising defensively. ‘Everything’s fine.’

Amanda tried to keep her voice level. ‘You never seem to bring friends home anymore, you’re always studying.’

‘Mum, I don’t bring friends round for tea anymore.’ Ellie said, not unkindly. ‘I’m nineteen remember. Besides, I see people at college, in the evening we hang out in the V.’

‘Yes, I know.’ Amanda said warily. ‘But I mean is there…anyone special?’

Ellie looked up in a bluster of teenage indignation.

‘No mum, since you ask, there is no-one special.’

‘Do you think…' Amanda had seen the danger signs but she’d started down this path and it was an opportunity not to be squandered. ‘I mean… the neutral clothes… You could try wearing a little make up.’

Ellie ran a hand through her short cropped dark hair.

‘Mum,’ she said, more calmly than Amanda had expected. ‘Looks aren’t important. It’s who you are that matters.’

Amanda noticed Ellie had said it, as she always said such things, in a way that sounded more like dogma than opinion.

‘Honey, you’re bright, you’re capable, I’m just saying you could make more of an effort with…’

Amanda recalled her own behaviour at that age, the free love era that had followed the first viral pandemic of the century and then a cluster of wars that had so nearly escalated. Freed from the shackles of lockdown and once again at peace, the world had suddenly become an exciting place again and everybody had wanted to get out and see it. She’d slept with a dozen boys by her daughter’s age (actually it was probably more) and been what the media dubbed a ‘wild child’ as the whole hippy scene from the nineteen sixties had rekindled complete with festivals, love-ins, mini skirts and psychedelia for the 2030s. 

‘Mum. I’m fine, okay?’ She stood, gesturing to herself in her black T-shirt, loose over her small breasts, the PVC trousers and the heavy retro boots. ‘This is me, okay. We don’t all want to be Disney princesses.’

Amanda smiled to herself. She hadn’t been a Disney princess herself either. Amanda’s aesthetic had been showing off her young body in flimsy outfits that seemed almost designed to slip or not quite cover her. She’d never told her daughter that as a student she’d run naked through campus twice, the second time in handcuffs; something which had set the bar for future admissions to her sorority house.

‘I’m…' Amanda started to protest but stopped herself and for a moment thought of her daughter’s point of view.

Here was Ellie, young and free and dressing as she chose; comfort; practicality; androgyny and here was she, Amanda, in her blouse and push-up bra and skirt that felt uncomfortably short so that it showed her stocking tops when she bent over; and then there was the full make up and four inch patent heels that hurt her feet; all because it was what Val expected.

Ellie started towards the door.

‘Ellie?’ Amanda called after her.

Her daughter turned and Amanda thought she caught the hint of a slight smile before it quickly vanished.

‘Look, Ellie, I know it’s not a good time but…' Amanda took a breath. ‘You know aunt Val does these role play games…’

‘Mum!’ Ellie rolled her eyes. ‘Let’s not talk about it. Ok?’

‘Not those games.’ Amanda said hastily, reddening. ‘You know the VR ones…’

‘Well, I’m glad we’ve cleared that up.’ Ellie shouldered her bag and folded her arms over her breasts. ‘Look, if the two of you want to go off and virtually bonk each other’s brains out in a place where you won’t be surprised that’s fine.’

Ellie turned.

‘The adventuring ones.’ Amanda said.

‘Yes, mum, I know what you’re talking about.’ Ellie pulled the door open.

‘She wants you to go with us.’ Amanda said louder than she expected.

Ellie paused at the door. ‘Ok.’ She said quietly, shrugging.

‘Ok?’ Amanda looked at her in surprise. ‘No buts, no questions?’

‘No, these VR vacations sound fun…' Ellie grinned as her mother looked suddenly awkward.

‘You’re really ok with it?’ Amanda asked.

‘Is Val paying?’

‘No, I’m paying.’ It was Amanda’s turn to be righteous. ‘We can afford it.’ She might have added ‘just’ but chose not to.

‘Good on you, Mum.’ Ellie leant against the doorframe. ‘Yeah, count me in.’

Amanda stood for a moment unsure what to say.

‘I do have one question though…' Ellie filled the silence.

‘Yes.’ Amanda answered guardedly.

‘Were those anal beads you were using last night?’ Ellie laughed as her mother turned red and disappeared out of the door before she could hear the reply.

Chapter 2: Character Generation

‘The custom skins are a rip off.’ Ellie said to her mother as she sat beside Amanda who was flipping through avatars; one following another across the projector matrix. ‘This one is fine.’ She pointed at a three-D gif of a brunette of average height and build that was not unlike her mother’s own body; the system had already imposed Amanda’s facial features in it. The figure stood flexing and turning her head gently from side to side.

‘Bit ordinary.’ Amanda waved her hand across the control and in a moment the avatar’s features became more defined, the eyes bluer, nose slightly broader and the lips fuller. ‘There’s no point in going there looking like I always do.’

‘I like how you look.’ Ellie said. ‘Besides, you pay more to change appearance.’

‘We’re going on holiday Ellie.’ Amanda countered. ‘It’s just like buying a new outfit.’

‘If Val really cares, she won’t mind how you look.’ Ellie said.

‘Oh, Honey. You’re no fun sometimes.’ Amanda waved her hands again and the avatar’s breasts enlarged. ‘You have to let your hair down sometimes.’

‘Mum,’ Ellie said. ‘It’s really cute the way you glam up to impress her.’

‘I…' Amanda had been about to protest but stopped herself. ‘She’s just so…glamorous.’ Amanda protested. ‘And I’m… Sometimes I just feel ‘trashy’ beside her.’

‘She’s richer than us; she can afford stuff. Anyway, you’re you, mum.’ Ellie said. ‘You can just be yourself.’

Amanda gave her daughter a hug. ‘Thank you, Honey.’

‘Oh get off.’ Ellie struggled to free herself though not too hard.

Amanda increased the avatar’s breasts another size. ‘That’s not too much is it?’

‘Yes, mum.’ Ellie reduced the breasts to a less obvious size.

‘If you say so, Honey, but I do want slimmer legs!’ Amanda ran her hands over the virtual controls to give the avatar a little more muscle definition…and slimmer legs.

In the corner the credit counter rose.

‘Well, if you’re going all out.’ Ellie grinned and flipped through the apparel section; clothing the avatar in a series of ‘battlefield’ lingerie from bearskin bikini to chainmail thong set until she found something in moulded in black rubber. ‘This’ll grab her attention.’

‘There are limits.’ Amanda jostled for control but only succeeded in dressing herself in a chain bra that circled rather than covered her breasts and a similar garment that looked something like a chain suspender belt. ‘I’m not walking around dressed like that for a fortnight. Anyway, I’ve already decided what I’m going to wear.’

‘Oh yes?’

‘I’m going to be an Adventuress so I need a sort of Xena Warrior Princess look.’

‘That old show you and Val watch on Primflix. That means leather, doesn’t it?’ Ellie said it in a rather accusatory way. ‘I thought Val was the one who wore the leather in your relationship.’ Ellie smirked. ‘And the boots.’


‘Actually, mum, you do look a bit like her. Xena, I mean.’ Ellie looked at her mother, her gaze dropping to Amanda’s firm breasts. She always had a cleavage on display these days; certainly when she was meeting Val.

‘I’ll take that as a complement.’

‘You should, mum. You look good.’ Ellie smiled and, again, Amanda waited for the sucker punch. ‘You’re gonna get laid whatever.’

‘I’m not going there to get laid,’ Amanda protested.

‘No, of course not but you do know they actually hire people to play NPCs? You could get a job as a slave girl and get yourself tied to all kinds of things.’ Ellie’s voice became increasingly teasing.

‘Really?’ Amanda looked at her daughter rather too quickly.

‘Oh, come on mum, surely you’ve read the blurb.’

‘I’ve been busy with work this week doing some overtime to pay for this trip.’ Amanda protested.

‘Staying late at the office with Val, eh?’

‘Oh, Ellie, stop it.’

‘You’d better look up some stuff before we go or you’re going to get into all sorts of trouble.’ Ellie warned her. ‘But then maybe that’s the idea; you can get aunt Val to come and rescue you. It would be very romantic. I bet you guys can have all kinds of kinky sex in VR.’

‘Ellie! Our relationship is not all about sex.’

‘Ok, I’m sorry, mum.’ Ellie grinned as her mother blushed. ‘But you two clearly have a very…physical relationship. You know, how you look…how you touch…how tightly the ropes are tied…’

‘Ellie. Stop it!’ Amanda scolded. ‘Perhaps you could, if you don’t mind me saying, take a bit more interest in that direction.’

‘Are you telling your nineteen year old daughter it’s time she went out and got laid?’ Ellie protested.

‘No! Of course not.’ Amanda said, relieved her comment hadn’t brought her daughter’s guard up. ‘But you could try a bit harder.’ Amanda looked at her daughter in her shapeless jumpsuit (black, of course). ‘You know, try to look…prettier.’

‘Mum!’ Ellie was becoming defensive.

‘Anyway, we’re going to Fantasia 18, not X.’ Amanda said steering the conversation away from such a sensitive area. ‘Any intercourse I have with Val will be loving and consensual.’

‘Yes.’ Ellie said. ‘Though you guys would have a lot more fun in Fantasia X.’

‘X is a sex site, there are no limits.’ Amanda said forcefully. ‘I might want you to start dating but I don’t want you being raped, even virtually. We’re going to 18.’

It was Ellie’s turn to blush and she looked away. ’18 is barely different from the standard site. We could save money and go 15.’ She looked back at her mum. ‘Except, of course that you and Aunt Val couldn’t have sex there.’


‘I know mum, you’re in a loving relationship…and I’m very happy for you…’

Amanda’s com buzzed.

‘Fantasia 18!’ Amanda said with as much finality as she could muster then stood up as her com buzzed again.

‘Is that ‘Mistress’ Valarie calling her slave?’ Ellie teased.

Amanda muted the call and looked at the projected display. ‘Sixty two credits for my upgrades, my costume is a little over fifty and I’ve spent two hundred on weapons. That gives you a ceiling of three hundred and fifty tops.’

She turned away and Ellie watched her go, sure that in whispered tones as she left the room her mother answered her com with the words ‘Yes, Mistress’, brushing her chestnut brown hair away from her face as she always did when the blonde looked at her or spoke to her.

Ellie wasn’t surprised when some ten minutes later her mother came back wearing her long brown Macintosh and the ridiculous heels she always wore when going out with Val. She’d made herself up, eyeliner and mascara, bright red lips.

‘I’m just popping out,’ Amanda said. ‘Don’t wait up.’

She turned and walked towards the door.


Amanda turned back. ‘Yes, Honey.’

‘That lipstick is too much,’ Ellie said. ‘You should go for something more subtle.’

‘Too Disney princess?’

‘Too street whore!'

‘Maybe that was the look I was going for.’ Amanda said, flustered and turned away. ‘And remember.’ She said, stopping at the door. ‘Let yourself live a little.’

‘I’m happy with who I am!’ Ellie called after her.

‘I mean for the trip.’ Amanda said. ‘Let your hair down. Take a step into the unknown. Just don’t forget to sign me out when you’re done.’ Amanda’s voice faded as she clicked her way down the hallway.

Ellie shrugged, suppressing the urge to tell her mother to have a good time and that it was pretty obvious that she was naked under the coat.

Then she turned back to the house computer and began to flick through the choices of avatar.

Chapter 3: Who Dares Wins

Amanda sat in her car, an old 2042 Google Query, outside Val’s house and checked her makeup in the rear view mirror, adding another layer of lipstick to her already glossy red lips then, pushing the stick back into her bag, took out the rubber coated nipple clamps. It was nearly a week since she’d worn them and the expectation of their bite sent a thrill through her body even as the terror of what she was about to do sent shivers down her spine. She was already in a state of mild panic; driving to Val’s always had that effect and driving there with nothing but a pair of black lacy knickers under her coat increased the sensation tenfold, partly because Val had specified nudity.

Sometimes, it was hard to believe she was that same college girl who had run naked through campus wearing nothing but a pair of handcuffs.

Sliding her right hand beneath the long brown mackintosh she felt the stiffness of her left nipple with her fingers before placing the little rubber covered jaws around it and letting them close gently, a sigh of pleasure forming in her throat as the clamp bit. Charged by the excitement, she quickly applied the second one, her body now tingling with expectation. Perhaps, she thought, in Fantasia she would be able to wear them all the time without her nipples becoming sore. Then she looked around suddenly, almost expecting to see someone leaning down to look into the window and see her there, ‘in flagrante’ as it were; but there was nobody in the darkening street.

Calming herself, she picked up the ball gag, a simple harness gag with a strap under her jaw that linked over the bridge of her nose to run over her head and another strap across her forehead as well as the one which held the big red ball in her mouth. She shook out the straps and, glancing round again, slipped the two inch diameter ball between her lips feeling almost the same rush of exhilaration at the taste and feel of the rubber in her mouth as when she had clamped her own nipples. Then she drew the straps behind her head, fumbling for a moment with the buckle that tightened the gag strap and then the one that ran around just above her ears. When she’d finished, her mouth was already awash with saliva and she tipped her head back swallowing with difficulty.

Glancing around again to make sure there really was nobody else about, she released the car door waiting as it opened with a hiss before swinging out her foot aware of the cool night air on her bare skin. Then, with only a little difficulty, she hauled herself to an upright position from the car’s low driver’s seat. She was wearing the five inch heels her lover liked, the ones with the ankle straps and the locks. At least the heels partly disguised what she perceived as the chunkiness of her calves. Ellie disapproved, of course, and the thought of that reminded Amanda of that encounter between her daughter and Val and the fact that she’d now abandoned Ellie for this tryst with her lover. Wasn’t it the teenage daughter who was supposed to sneak out and meet her boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever Ellie was into ?

No, she told herself, this was fine. Ellie was an adult now and should understand that her mother was in a committed relationship even if it was no longer with Ellie’s father; even if it was with her boss. Nevertheless, she would prefer not to be doing what she was doing now. Val was always pushing her and, she continued to tell herself, that was a good thing. She couldn’t just sit around and get old. She looked around again furtively before locking the car. Then, steeling herself, walked as quickly as she dared in the shoes up Val’s drive with the click of her heels sounding like jackhammers on the concrete until she reached the relative safety of the shadowed porch.

There was still nobody around and, opening her coat, Amanda slid off her knickers and quickly stuffed them into a pocket trying to ignore how wet they were. Then, standing in the darkness just beside the front door she drew a chain from her other pocket, stretching it out to its full length of a little under a foot before bending to attach the clips on each end to the D-rings attached to the ankle straps of her shoes. She had handcuffs in the pocket too and with a slight sigh of ‘the things I do for you, Mistress’, she drew these out before shedding her coat and placing it on the swing seat beside the door; thrilling as the cool air enveloped her completely. She was trembling but she was almost there; the ratchet of the cuff closing around her right wrist sounded impossibly loud but then so did her breathing around the gag. 

She shuffled forward hoping not to turn her ankle in the shoes with her ankles cuffed and gave a small cry as something caught her foot. She stumbled but maintained her balance as the bottle she had kicked spun away across the porch, rattling as it rolled onto the lawn. A dog barked and she froze cursing herself for always being so clumsy.

Nothing further happened.

She was committed now; she rang the bell and, sliding her hands behind her, quickly snapped the cuff shut around her left wrist.

Then she shuffled forward to stand in front of the door, gagged and restrained, knowing that her naked, restrained body was outlined by the light within to anyone passing in the street.

Val seemed to take forever to come and Amanda couldn’t help glancing behind her, swaying slightly on her heels, looking up and down the street. She heard the gentle hum of a car and willed her lover to hurry. A light came on above her illuminating her and she gave a gagged squeak of fright.

This had not been a good idea; she was standing outside in bondage in nothing but nipple clamps and heels. If she hadn’t been gagged she might have screamed at Val to hurry except that would have called attention to her plight.

Val’s outline appeared in the hallway beyond the door, tall and dominant, her hair drawn back; she was wearing the leather bikini and the boots that Amanda liked.

Amanda willed her to hurry even as she thrust out her breasts and forced herself to swallow her saliva.

The door opened a fraction and Val’s eye appears in the crack.


‘Mmmfpph.’ Amanda was taut with anxiety as the car approached.

‘Look.’ Val said. ‘Something’s come up. Could we do this another night?’

‘Unngghh!’ Amanda’s voice went up an octave, her eyes wide, pleading.

‘I’m sorry, making you ‘dress up’ and come all the way over here. It’s just the place is a mess and I can’t have my sub knowing what a slob her mistress is…’

Amanda sensed the lights of the car, heard it glide past behind her, the rumble of tyres on the road.

It disappeared.

‘Tell you what.’ Val said. ‘You wait there, I’ll tidy up a bit and then you can come in. Is that ok?’

‘Nnngghh.’ Amanda shook her head vigorously, stamping her foot and then wobbling on her heels.

‘You want to come in now?’ Val asked.

‘Mmmm.’ Amanda nodded.

Another car approached.


‘Give me two minutes.’

The door shut.

Amanda stood shivering now on the porch looking around frantically.

Behind her, the car glided to a halt and a door hissed open; it was yellow and square, a taxi. Amanda shuffled sideways into the shadows along the porch, turning to watch as an old woman climbed out; helpless, Amanda prayed that neither the woman nor the driver would look in her direction. The woman paid the driver and turned to walk up the driveway opposite.

Amanda sighed in relief.

Then the woman turned and started down her driveway again.

‘Valerie, is that you?’ The woman called.

She started to cross the road.

Amanda tried to push herself back further into the darkness but succeeded only in stumbling.

‘Valerie?’ The woman paused at the end of Val’s drive illuminated by the street light. She looked oriental, dressed in a long patterned silk print coat. Amanda hoped that she could see the woman more clearly than the woman could see her. ‘If you’re an intruder, I’ll call the police.’ The woman called, lifting her wrist-com.

Beside Amanda, the door opened.

‘It’s alright, Mrs Miaggi.’ Val called from the doorway. ‘It’s just my friend Amanda. She’s a little clumsy.’

‘Alright, my dear.’ Mrs Miaggi's voice softened immediately. ‘Goodnight.’

The woman turned away and Val stepped out onto the porch.

She was still wearing nothing but the leather bikini and ankle boots.

Amanda glared at her and then looked away at the woman.

‘Mrs Miaggi’s very shortsighted.’ Val said with a smile. ‘Come on in, you’re late and you’ve forgotten your collar.’

Val hooked a finger though the chain between Amanda’s clamped nipples and dragged her inside.

‘That means I’m going to have to punish you.’

‘So, Ellie’s ok with it?’

‘Yes, Mistress.’ Amanda knelt at Val's feet, no longer gagged. Her wrists and ankles were still cuffed.

‘And she won’t mind us…being together.’

Amanda shrugged and glancing up at the tall blonde towering above her (and away from the shiny black boots she was hoping to worship soon); the lust she felt kneeling naked and in chains at her lover’s feet vying with the guilt she felt for running out on Ellie and trying not to think about all the other times Val had distracted her.


Val’s bladed whip slashed across Amanda’s breasts and the chain between her nipple clamps jingled.

Amanda started and looked down.

‘No, Mistress, sorry, Mistress.’

She was looking at the boots again. Shiny and black and with huge spiked heels.

Val crouched in front of her and lifted Amanda’s chin giving her a flash of heavy, augmented cleavage supported in the leather bikini and a whiff of her lover’s scent.

‘I know you’re worried about her.’ Val’s blue eyes looked at her intently. ‘I want this to work.’

Val drew the hand cupping Amanda’s chin forwards and kissed her gently on the lips.

Amanda responded urgently, blinking back tears.

‘Thank you, Mistress.’ She kissed Val fiercely wanting to make it alright.

Val leant back, her hand still on Amanda’s jaw.

‘That doesn’t mean I’m not going to punish you, though.’ Her smile was playful.

‘Of course not, Mistress.’

Val stood and Amanda watched her mistress’ body unfold, tall and statuesque, her skin tanned, dyed blonde hair swept back; the large breasts in their leather cups, firm belly, and the toned, smooth thighs.


‘Yes, Slave?’

‘Before you punish me, may I…worship you?’

Val looked stern but slid her right foot forward and Amanda bent forward, her tongue extended eagerly.

‘I want you on your belly.’

‘Yes, Mistress.’ Amanda shuffled back and tipped herself down onto her side then rolled onto her belly, the movement feeling awkward; she was sure this had all been a lot easier once…when she was young. However, as her weight pressed down on her breasts and clamped nipples she released a sigh of pleasure then she squirmed forward pressing her lips to the shiny black leather before running her tongue over it.

‘You know, if you promised to clean them, I might let you buy me a pair of thigh boots.’

‘I’d like that, Mistress.’ Amanda wriggled forward and licked further up her Mistress’ boot. Above her Val bent forward and brought her whip down on her slave’s exposed buttocks.

‘Thank you, Mistress.’

Val struck again and then again making Amanda squirm and bring up her feet in a gesture that did little to protect her bottom but the blonde simply raked the whip across her legs and Amanda gasped, rolling and pulling her knees up. She liked the idea of being whipped but, unfortunately, reality sometimes got in the way. She knew the blows were playful and not hard and, when they stopped, they left Amanda’s flesh tingling.

‘Roll over.’

Amanda obeyed eagerly, her body and particularly her bottom deliciously warm now. Her head was still between Val’s feet and she turned it from side to side looking at the shiny leather and spiked steel stilettos on either side of her then looked up at the long toned legs with the gently rounded calves and the tapering thighs running up to the leather gusset above her.


The whip struck her belly.

Slap, slap.

The blows rained down and Amanda squirmed, the idea of the punishment exciting her but the reality quickly revealing the limitations of her body in the enjoyment of her fantasy.

‘Knees up.’

Amanda obeyed again, parting her legs, knowing what was coming; expectant but slightly fearful.


The whip struck her between the legs, not hard but enough to make her cry out.

‘Does my slave need to be gagged?’

‘No, Mistress.’ Amanda panted, her pussy stinging.

Slap. The whip fell again.

‘Uhh!’ Amanda gave another little cry.


‘Yes, Mistress.’ Amanda forced out, lifting her hips offering her sex up to the whip.

Val enjoyed whipping her like this.



‘Uhhh.’ Amanda tried to suppress a whimper.


‘One more, please Mistress.’ Amanda could feel tears in her eyes..


‘Thank you, Mistress.’ Amanda panted, hoping not to have to endure more.

‘Oh, I want more thanks than that.’ Val tugged at the fastening of her bikini bottoms and dropped them onto her slave’s face before squatting down.

Amanda pushed out her tongue pushing past the leather.

Her mistress’ sex was wet, glistening, pink and when she licked it she tasted the familiar salty tang of her lover’s arousal.

‘Better do a good job, Slave.’

Amanda felt Val’s hand on the skin of her chest and then a tug on her clamped nipples as her mistress lifted the chain between the clamps and she lifted her head pushing her tongue further into her mistress’ sex.

‘So good of you to use clover clamps.’ Val tugged harder.

‘Mmmm.’ Amanda kissed the slick, salty lips as her tongue probed between them.


Amanda pushed her tongue in deeper moaning again as her mistress pulled more firmly on her clamped nipples.

‘Oh, good girl.’ Val rocked slightly on her heels.


‘Ahh.’ Amanda started as the whip struck again between her legs, the movement making the clamps pinch her nipples sharply.

‘Keep at it, Slave.’

Amanda thrust her tongue deeper in her mistress’ pussy, her lips pressing against her lover’s labia as she lifted her body to ease the strain on her nipples. With her ankles cuffed and her arms still held behind her by the handcuffs she could do little but lift her shoulders and arch her back and as she did so she tried to bring her legs closer together.

‘Keep those legs apart.’

Obediently, Amanda spread her legs again, wobbling slightly and felt the whip kiss her sex again. ‘Uhh.’

‘Good girl.’ Val’s voice was less steady now and Amanda could imagine her biting her lip and running the hand holding the whip through her hair.

Amanda lifted her hips, spreading her legs, hoping her mistress might cum soon.

‘Uhh.’ The whip fell again, stinging her sensitised pussy sharply and she sucked in air, withdrawing her tongue and applying her lips to her mistress’ clitoris.

‘Oh, good girl.’

The whip fell again.

And again.

Amanda knew she was near her limit despite her desire to take the pain and need to please her mistress.

‘Ahhhhh!’ Val suddenly climaxed, rocking on her heels, jerking on Amanda’s nipple clamps and bringing the whip down harder. ‘Ahhhhh!’

Amanda bucked violently, almost unbalancing Val who pulled on her slave’s nipple chain to keep her balance. Then she relaxed and Amanda eased herself back onto the floor, her nipples and her pussy throbbing.

‘Oh, good girl.’ Val was breathing hard. ‘Use your tongue like that again tonight and I might let you cum yourself before the morning.’

‘Thank you, Mistress.’ 

‘Come on, Slave.’ Val stood. ‘Let’s go to bed.’

Chapter 4: Communication Error

Amanda emerged from the booth. She was dressed in the laced leather bodice, skirt and boots she’d found when she’d ‘awoken’ in Fantasia. The official jargon was ‘achieved sentience’. She was aware that she was changing realities but it was not as disturbing as she might have expected; a little like waking from a dream. 

The bodice, when she came to lace it up was a little more low cut than she’d expected and the lacings didn’t close quite as tightly over her breasts as they had in the sample she’d seen in the avatar when ordering it online; the skirt was a little shorter too and, try as she might to pull it down, it barely covered the leather knickers which seemed a lot more high cut than she’d expected. However, she guessed she wasn’t the first to have misjudged her clothing a little on an avatar and the more toned slightly more ripped body she now inhabited made her enjoy the brevity of her costume. 

She liked the thigh boots too, soft leather, just like the knickers; a heel would have been nice; her legs, her real legs were so chunky and she liked a heel to lengthen and slim them but this body was cast a little more in the aesthetic ideal she desired; besides, an Adventuress had to be practical she couldn’t climb walls or fight battles in stilettos. The rest of the costume was going to have to be enough to keep Val interested and do so without scandalising her daughter; not that she planned any more surprises for Ellie after the evening they’d been caught, literally, in bed together. She blushed even thinking about it, gazing in the mirror at her new form, her more sharply defined features, her cobalt blue eyes, far more striking than the softer paler ones of her natural body and those lips… She watched them curl into a smile even as she fingered the leather choker, a broad black leather strap that encircled her neck; she had awoken wearing it and didn’t remember ordering it but perhaps it came with the costume and, while it wasn’t exactly a slave collar, it didn’t appear to have a fastening as if it had been sewn in place, it would please Val.

Taking one more look at her new body and especially her new cleavage, which from this angle looked considerably more impressive than the one cup enhancement she had paid for and the tight bodice lifting and presenting it for inspection, she pulled on her fingerless gloves and stepped out of the booth to begin her adventure.

She found herself in a wooden corridor lit by flickering paraffin lamps casting shadows that danced around the walls; she could smell their fumes and the scent of wood burning in a fire; there were other smells too; oil, something metallic, leather too or, perhaps that was her costume. That had been the first scent she’d noticed when she’d woken. On the wall in front of her was a sign saying ‘Weapons and Equipment’ and an arrow indicating which direction in which to go. Looking down the corridor she could see the back of a young blonde woman walking slightly unevenly in a pair of shiny pink, spike heeled knee boots and, as far as Amanda could see, nothing else. The girl had a gorgeous body, smooth almost pink skin that seemed to gleam in the low lighting; she had a perfect butt too, smooth and round, and lovely tapering thighs. The girl’s back was draped in a mane of hair that swung like a glittering golden curtain as she walked, it was so thick and lush that it all but obscured her tiny wasp waist. At the end of the corridor, the girl turned the corner and disappeared but not before giving Amanda a brief glimpse of breasts that had to be the size of soccer balls.

Amanda looked down at her own cleavage and shrugged. Suddenly, the supplement she’d paid to go up a bust size seemed something of an extravagance even if, subjectively, her breasts did look at least two sizes bigger. They’d certainly been big enough for her to notice their weight as she’d dressed. It was something she knew Val would like. She shook her head pondering whether everyone else in this fantasy world would be built like the blonde but suddenly found her thoughts interrupted by raised voices coming from around the corner where the blonde girl had disappeared.

One of them belonged to Val.

‘I ordered a hauberk,’ her lover was saying. ‘Does this look like a hauberk to you?’

‘I’m sorry, Madam the inventory is clear.’ A calm male voice spoke in what were clearly meant to be placating tones.

‘Look, I’m a Level 3 Warrior…' Val countered, her voice raising. ‘A Viking…and I quite like this game so I’d hope to get to Level 4 on this visit which means I need some decent armour.’

Amanda set off down the corridor, turning the corner to find Val standing in front of a wooden counter dressed in what was best described as chainmail lingerie; her breasts were covered and chains draped over them, with others hanging down at various lengths over her lover ribs and belly, though no further than her navel. The briefs were as high cut as Amanda’s although made of chain links and again draped with chains that hung in places to her mid-thigh looking rather like the chain equivalent of a rather uneven grass skirt. As well as this, she wore ankle high boots in shiny black patent leather that sported four inch heels.

She was considerably taller than the assistant behind the counter and was leaning over him threateningly; albeit in a way that left him no option to look at her chain wrapped cleavage.

The voice of reason continued. ‘Might I suggest that, for a Berserker, you are somewhat overdressed?’

‘I’m not a Berserker! And while we’re about it, what the hell are these boots supposed to be?’ Val glared at him. ‘I want a hauberk!’

‘I’m sorry, Madam.’ The man responded. ‘If you wish to upgrade your armour, you will have to visit the armourer and purchase it.’

‘But I’ve just got here, I spent all my credits from my last visit, you know I can’t do in-game purchases unless I raise funds here.’

At that moment, Val noticed Amanda and turned to her.

‘Can you believe they got my order wrong.’ She gestured to herself. ‘I mean how will anyone take me seriously as a Warrior dressed like this?’

Amanda looked at her lover’s body in the chain mail; noticing now that it was slightly see through; almost but not quite concealing the dark rings of her areolas and the triangle of blonde hair above her sex.

‘I think you look good.’ Amanda said with a faint smile that she hoped was placating.

‘Yeah!’ Val shrugged then smiled. ‘I like yours too.’ The blonde’s eyes roved over Amanda’s body. ‘Is everything leather?’

‘I’ve always liked the feel of it against my skin.’

Val stepped forward and their lips brushed. ‘Your tits are bigger.’

Amanda tried to feign indifference. ‘Good of you to notice.’

‘Did you go for FFs?’

‘I thought I was going from C to D.’ Amanda said. ‘I must have got it wrong.’

‘I’m going to enjoy punishing them.’ Val’s fingers ran over Amanda’s leather covered breasts. ‘You’ll find your limits are extended here quite considerably.’ She said in a low voice. ‘After all, it’s not as if I can really hurt you.’

Amanda pushed herself in closer, going up on tiptoe and pushing her breasts against the blonde’s. They were, she noticed, larger than Val’s. ‘I’m looking forward to it, Mistress.’

They were distracted by the clunk of metal on the counter beside them as the assistant hefted a broadsword in a wooden scabbard onto the counter followed by a heavy round wooden shield and an eight inch dagger in a sheath. Val picked up the sword and began to buckle it around her waist, apparently now less concerned about her lack of armour.

The man disappeared for a moment and then reappeared with a bow and quiver of arrows.

‘Level 1 Adventuress?’ He looked expectantly at Amanda.

‘Er…yes.’ Amanda stared down at the weapons. She vaguely recalled trying archery once as a child. She’d not been very good at it and wondered suddenly if it had been a good idea to choose the class of Adventuress; it was, she knew, Xena’s influence even if the idea of the show was eighty years old at least. Her kit also included a pair of wicked looking blades, somewhere between shortswords and long daggers which apparently could be thrown or used for fighting at close quarters. She picked them up rather nervously, sliding them into the sheaths in her boots rather more smoothly than she expected before lifting her quiver one way across her shoulder and her bow the other.

She smiled to herself. It had all happened rather easily, naturally, and she felt a tiny tingle of pleasure at not having dropped anything or fumbled.

Then she noticed the blonde girl again, the one with the soccer-ball breasts, still lingering at the far end of the counter. 

The blonde looked to be around Ellie’s age if the avatar was anything to go by although for all Amanda knew, ‘she’ could have been a fifty year old bloke with beer gut and a bald head; but varying from ‘native form’ as the guidance put it cost so this would have been quite an expensive transformation. However, given that this appeared to be a custom skin whoever had bought it could probably afford to go a little off-piste.

She recalled Ellie’s comment about such purchases being a rip off.

The girl looked back at her with huge blue eyes that were way too big for her face with its upturned nose and gently pink cheeks; Amanda watched the soft pink, rosebud lips curl into a slightly nervous smile that was perplexingly familiar.

Whoever she was, she was hot and Amanda felt a surprising rush of desire before realising that she was staring; not only staring but doing so in front of her lover, her real lover (or at least the avatar of her real, current, lover). The calmness she’d felt a moment before at the confident way she had hefted her weapons evaporated leaving her feeling flustered and she busied herself adjusting the strap of her quiver. Further along the counter the assistant called to the blonde but the girl shook her head, her long mane ruffling slightly with the movement, invisible highlights sparkling before settling back into the perfect smooth curtain. Her breasts moved too, bouncing and settling in a way that was extremely alluring.

Amanda couldn’t resist one more look, even peering past Val to run her eyes over that ludicrously sexualised body with its enormous breasts. The blonde had to be young, she decided, no sane adult would come into this world looking like that; if her understanding of the mechanics of the game were correct, the poor thing would be kidnapped and enslaved before she left HomeTown; and serve her right for dressing like that; what was she wearing? It appeared to consist of three tiny triangles of pink silk, two on her breasts that were not quite large enough to cover her huge nipples and a slightly larger one clinging to a pubic area that was clearly denuded of any foliage. The triangles were semi-translucent and held in place by gold thread, wrapped around the girl’s perfect body, stretched to an almost infinite thinness so that the one between her enormous breasts looked like it might snap under the strain of any moment. The boots, however, were substantial; sculpted to the girl’s softly curved calf and bedecked with multiple buckles and straps; the leather was shiny pink to match the girl’s lips and, now Amanda looked, her glossily painted fingernails too; the heels were at least five inches, stiletto points that forced the wearer to walk almost on her toes.

‘Eyes front, Slave.’ Val gently took Amanda’s chin and guided her gaze away from the blonde. ‘An unsuspecting newbie can be seduced by all kinds of illusions here.’

Amanda shook her head and blinked, reminded again that Val was there beside her.

‘Sorry, Mistress.’ It felt as if she’d been under some sort of spell.

‘Stay close… and I might get you through this.’ Val said.

‘I am going to buy you a pair of those boots when we get home.’ Amanda glanced past her lover for one final look.

‘You’ll have to keep them clean for me.’ Val kissed her gently.

‘Not a problem, Mistress.’

Behind them, a figure appeared from the direction of the arrival cubicles. Amanda had been expecting Ellie but it turned out to be an oriental woman, Japanese at a guess from her samurai costume or, at least a somewhat stylised and rather sexy one. She was followed by a younger woman in a green kimono; the girl would probably be Ellie’s age if she were in the real world.

‘Come on.’ Val said. ‘We need to go and find our Party Leader.’

Amanda nodded; maybe, she thought, Ellie was ahead of them.

She tried not to look at the blonde as she followed Val along the counter and out into the bright sunlight of this new world.

Amanda’s first impression was of a wild west town, a wide main street, shops and buildings with wooden facades, a general store, an armoury, a potions shop, a saloon or, more likely in this setting a ‘tavern’. There were people walking along the street, a strange mix of armoured warriors and few robed figures with staffs whom she took to be mages; a troop of men at arms marched past in surprisingly perfect step and when she looked closely, all had the same face, the same moustache, the same scar on the right cheek and; now she came to think about it there were other odd details; two dark figures skulked in the shadows of buildings and another disappeared down narrow alley. Slowly she began to take in more; robed clerics or priests, merchants, apothecaries, scantily dressed whores and richly robed nobles; as she looked, it was almost as if the town grew around her, it wasn’t just the main street she had first thought, there were side streets too; buildings behind the facades of the main street, towers and crenelated walls and off to her right, the street opened into some sort of market square.

The sensation was, for a moment, almost overwhelming.

‘It’s like having your brain reset isn’t it?’ Val said. ‘Your mind is used to filling in blanks with things it knows but it doesn’t know anything about this place.’

‘And it’s familiar to you?’ Amanda asked, feeling unsteady, her senses swirling like she was suffering from motion sickness.

‘It looks a little different to what I remember but it’s a year since I last played. There must have been upgrades.’

Amanda held up her hand to shield her eyes from the sun, her nausea settling. ‘I still can’t see Ellie.’

‘She can’t have gone far.’ Val said, looking around.

‘I’m right here mum…’

Amanda turned but all she could see was the blonde girl who had…

Now she knew why the smile was familiar.

‘That look suits you, mum.’ It was the blonde speaking; she was using Ellie’s voice; if a rather husky, deep throated version of it. ‘I like the chain mail too, Val.’ The comment seemed to resonate with sexual overtones.

Amanda looked at the living sex doll that was purporting to be her daughter; the one who, a few minutes ago in the armoury she had lusted after. Guilt and fear shuddered through her.

Chapter 5: An Unexpected Twists

‘What the hell…' Amanda had suddenly recovered her senses; certainly enough to review more objectively the too large blue eyes set the cute face with it’s little pointed chin and curved up nose and the impossibly large breasts, nipples barely covered by the little triangles of pink silk and the little triangle of semi-diaphanous nothingness disappearing between those long and perfect legs. She tried not to look at her daughter’s thigh gap.

Then there were those killer boots…

‘Oh, no.’ Amanda bristled with righteous parental indignation. ‘I don’t know what you think you’re doing young lady but…’

‘I’m not going out dressed like that?’ Ellie cut in with a skeptical tone, folding her arms below her huge breasts and making them bounce in a way that half the men in the street suddenly seemed to follow. Behind her she heard a crash as passing a cart hit something and someone told someone else to ‘Look where you’re fucking going!’

‘Look around you, mum.’ The voice that was Ellie’s but seemed to be coming out of the living sex doll continued. ‘The place is full of weirdos and freaks. It’s just a skin. Look…' She nodded towards a man walking past them in a cloak and black leather armour. ‘I bet that guy isn’t really an elf.’

Amanda looked to see the man…avatar…elf walking past them; her mind, still working to make sense of her surroundings, registered the details; he had fine features and black hair swept back from his forehead; he had pointed ears too and she found her eyes drawn to the slight bulge that suggested a dagger hidden in his right boot.

‘He might not be an elf.’ She said rather too loudly making the man/avatar/elf turn to look at her before losing his attention quickly to Ellie when he caught sight of her. ‘But at least he’s fully clothed!’ She hissed.

Val interposed herself between the two of them. ‘Amanda, we’re on holiday. Let her chill.’ She turned towards Ellie. ‘You look hot.’

Amanda frowned at her lover’s choice of words but let it go in the face of larger concerns.

‘But…' Amanda looked helplessly between her lover and her daughter, suddenly aware of the tone Val had used when she’d addressed Ellie and trying not to recall the unexpected desire she herself had felt a few moments earlier. She also noticed, now she thought about it, Val, her lover, was staring rather too intently at her daughter. ‘I’m just…it’s…where will she keep her weapons?’ She asked rather lamely.

Val turned towards Ellie. ‘Your mum’s got a point.’

Ellie looked slightly abashed. ‘This…' She gestured to her body. ‘Was quite expensive…there wasn’t a lot left.’

‘You spent all my money on big tits and a pair of killer heels?!’ Amanda said, her irritation at the reckless stupidity of the young, rising a further notch. It was so out of character for her daughter.

‘I bought this costume too.’ Ellie fingered a gold thread of whatever it was she claimed to be wearing and Amanda instantly feared she would dislodge it.

‘That’s not a costume.’ Amanda ranted. ’It looks like three tiny kites have landed on your body and somehow you got tangled in the strings.’

‘Whoa…Nice.’ Val whistled and Amanda looked up in surprise, her anger rising before she realised that Val was not talking about Ellie.

A pair of naked slave girls was being led past by a man in blue and gold robes. The pair weren’t identical like the men at arms; most obviously, one was a blonde and one a brunette but, Amanda noted, there were certain similarities in their long hair and large breasts, the blonde with fine features and blue blue eyes between heavy dark lashes, the brunette coarser features, and was shorter and a little plumper with thicker lips, her eyes dark. The brunette in particular looked familiar. 

Amanda noticed that the blonde was chained; with shiny cuffs locked around her wrists and ankles, thighs and upper arms; a high steel collar around her neck and a similar belt around her waist; her wrists were chained behind her back, crossed and locked to the opposite side of her belt; the brunette was confined in leather, her cuffs placed similarly.

The man in blue and yellow robes led them by a chain attached to the collar of the blonde, and a leather leash to the brunette. Though different, both slaves walked in a way that showed they were aware that they were on display.

‘Hey, mum.’ Ellie sidled up to her mother. ‘If you’re lucky maybe you’ll end up like that.’

Amanda turned and glared.

‘What?’ Ellie said innocently. ‘Wouldn’t you like to be paraded through the streets in chains? Or maybe you prefer the leather look.’

Any response on Amanda's part was interrupted by a commotion from the tavern opposite and she turned to see the doors swung open and a woman sprawled onto the street in front of them. A fat innkeeper in a leather apron appeared in the doorway dusting off his hands.

‘And stay out.’ He shouted.

The woman was wearing a red silk dress that, if it hadn’t been stained and torn in places, would have been slim and elegant. It was split at the side revealing a gently curved calf and slim toned thigh. Her hair was long and dark and again, properly coiffed it might have added allure but currently, it was dirty and dusty and tangled.

Amanda watched as she tried to rise, the dress tight over her gently rounded bottom, but she staggered and fell down again.

‘She’s hurt,’ Amanda said. Stepping forward.

‘Drunk,’ Val held out a hand to stop her.

The woman tried again to stand up, making it to her feet this time and turned to look at them. She seemed to be about Ellie’s age although, as before, Amanda realised she could actually be anyone. She seemed to be struggling to focus and Amanda gathered Val was right, that she probably was drunk. The girl took a step towards them and was suddenly surrounded by figures who looked like the guards that had marched past a few moments before. Two of them grabbed her arms and began dragging her towards the market square, pulling her easily despite her struggles. In the square they dragged her up onto a wooden platform on which Amanda could see a variety of stocks and pillories. As they approached these, the girl started to struggle more violently but she was alone among the six guards and they easily controlled her, lifting her arms and pushing her forward so her neck and wrists were against one of the wooden pillories. She tried to pull away but one of the guards held her in place and another shut the restraint holding her upright with her neck and wrists confined. Two more guards pulled her legs apart and locked her ankles into the stocks that were part of the pillory’s frame. She struggled against the restraints but was completely helpless.

‘Bastards!’ The girl shouted, shaking impotently in the heavy restraint.

One of the guards took hold of the front of her dress and ripped it open exposing breasts. 

The girl spat at him. ‘Wanker!’

A crowd was beginning to gather.

The guard reached out and played with one of her breasts. ‘What you gonna do about it sweetheart?’

The girl struggled vainly. ‘I’ll fucking turn you into a toad, Shithead!’

The guard laughed. ‘At Level 2 and all out of Spells?’ He slapped her across the face, his expression turning vindictive. ‘I don’t think so.’

Another guard took hold of the dress from behind and tore it from her body leaving her naked. She had, Amanda noticed a rather lovely firm, tight, slim figure. 

The guard who’d torn her dress slapped her hard on the bottom and then his hands slid round her body to grope her breasts.

The girl rattled the pillory again.

‘Shouldn’t we do something?’ Amanda said.

‘And end up there beside her.?’ Val said. ‘The Watch have special rules, you can beat them but only if you’re high enough level or rich enough. If they come for you it’s best to go quietly.’

Amanda looked back to see one of the watchmen slip a hand between the girl’s legs.

‘Are they going to rape her?’ Amanda asked.

‘I doubt it.’ A voice from behind her said.

The voice was deep, authoritative, unmistakably African and all three of them turned to find a tall warrior towering over them; muscular and ebony skinned with livid keloid scars on her cheeks. She wore a steel breastplate over her substantial cleavage and a brief white skirt that stopped at the top of her muscular thighs; there were steel greaves strapped to her legs and matching bracers on her forearms. In her leather-gloved hands, she was holding a huge double bladed battle axe.

‘The Trapp party?’ The warrior asked.

‘Yes.’ Ellie stepped forward. ‘Ellie and Amanda, and this is Val.’ She gestured as she spoke.

‘You have campaign names?’

‘I’m Valkyrie and this is Amazonne,’ said Val.

‘First time?’ She looked immediately at Amanda who nodded. ‘I’m Battle Babe but you can call me “Beebee” or “Beeb”.’

The oriental woman who had followed them into the armoury stepped forward and bowed. She now carried a halberd-like weapon with a curved blade. ‘Bu-Shi-Doll,’ she said, ‘And this is Maiko.’

The younger girl bowed too. ‘I like you call me Katana Girl.’

Battle Babe nodded and spoke briefly to them in Japanese. The pair bowed again.

‘Then the party is complete.’ BB said again in English. ‘Except I thought you were bringing a mage.’

There was a short and, for Val and Amanda, rather uncomfortable silence.

‘Change of plan,’ said Ellie, stepping forward and giving a radiant smile that showed her avatar’s perfect teeth.’

‘And you are?’ Battle Babe asked, apparently unmoved by the blonde’s attempt at charm.

‘A Seductress, of course.’ Ellie pouted. ‘You can call me Honey.’

Battle Babe’s eyebrows lifted skeptically.

Ellie tried to focus on the Warrior, their Party Leader, who was explaining what was going to happen. Even in her killer heels, Ellie was dwarfed by the woman who must have been over six feet tall and radiated a power and a presence that was intimidating enough to make Ellie want to step back away from her.

‘…So, the plan is a routine dungeon crawl. The mission is to retrieve a Kristal…yada yada yada; I know you guys don’t care what the mission is, you just want a bit of hack and slay so let’s get it out of your system before the real RP starts. A bit of dungeon clearing should help you get yourselves into character and raise a bit of cash and then, if you’re lucky some big shot will notice us and give you a Quest; then, at the end of the trip, we all go home happy. If not, then maybe we’ll find something along that way that will give us an adventure. Who knows? Maybe the Kristal will give us a Golden Quest and we’ll all be famous…’

Ellie’s attention began to wander. It was her first time in a high end FIVER, a Fully Immersive Virtual Environment Role-play. She’d done simulation as part of her education but nothing compared to this. The rendering was perfectly real or, in fact now she looked too real, too detailed, the colours overly bright, the shadows somehow menacingly dark; then there were the sounds, the background noise, the call of street venders, the low of cattle in the market, the sounds of carousing from the tavern opposite; smells too…

And then there were the sensations in her own body, not just an awareness of her new form with its heavy breasts and…abilities; she looked down at her hand, her fingers feeling oddly dextrous, stronger… That was nothing compared to the feelings inside her…feeling that were oddly sensual…sexual, a warmth between her legs that spread up to her belly and down the inside of her thighs and a similar one in her chest that made her breasts tingle and spread up into her throat where she could feel its pulse with the beating of her heart.

It was all rather distracting, somehow drawing her into the world around her even, making her ‘believe’, seducing her even as part of her brain couldn’t help wondering at what was happening; wondering if this was a manifestation they were all experiencing or whether her perception was different to those around her; would she as a Seductress perceive things differently to another character type? Was that how it worked? The analytical part of her brain reminded her that her skills were, after all, based on an ability to perceive detail, to ‘read’ people; her Charisma might be important but judging their reactions to how she looked and what she did was part of the process of Seduction.

She partly regretted not becoming a mage, wondering what magic might look like…how it might ‘feel’ to cast a Spell or sense the presence of Magic around her.

Suddenly, she realised she had completely forgotten Battle Babe and, perceiving her lapse, forced herself to look at the big warrior and listen to the briefing she was giving them. However, even as she did so, she caught sight of a figure approaching them, a Barbarian, blonde and tall, bare chested, his muscles rippling in the sunlight as he walked with a huge heavy wooden shield slung over his back and a two-hand sword swinging from a belt at his waist. He wasn’t the sort that usually attracted Ellie’s attention but now she looked at him, that muscular chest was quite appealing; he had a tattoo of a dragon up his right arm and across his right shoulder and a tiger on his left, the two beasts facing each other across his chest and this drew her attention. Then, when she looked up to his face she was caught by piercing blue eyes which at that moment turned to regard her. His stride had been confident until that point but she saw it falter at that moment, his pace slowing as his gaze ran over her body. That he liked what he saw was evident from the expression of his broad features and the slight dilatation of his pupils, obvious to her despite the distance between them. Their gazes locked for a moment and Ellie felt a thrill as all those feelings in her loins and breasts increased. She allowed herself a faint smile and let her gaze drop, not looking away, but delivering an invitation, a signal that she wanted him to gaze at her body just as she was gazing at him. It was an invitation he accepted and she thought she could feel his gaze caressing her.

There was a definite bulge in his loincloth and she understood now how her own body was stirring in response to him, her nipples swelling, sex warming. She looked up to find he was still staring at her.

The need to respond was almost overwhelming, like tic. If she’d really wanted to, she could have stopped herself but for some reason she didn’t want to.

She winked at him.

The effect was astonishing not just because he turned and strode towards her with an intensity of purpose that should have been frightening, but because of what happened in her her own body; an intense rush of pleasure that almost made her stagger, different to the sexual desire she was experiencing but somehow adding to it as if the two sensations were linked somehow, combining to produce an overwhelming rush of lust that made the feelings she had experienced earlier feel like mere passing fancy. For a moment, she thought she was about to have an orgasm right there in front of him but then the sensation faded.

At that moment, a fear arose inside her, fear rushing into the void that had been left by the sensations of a moment ago, fear that threatened to become panic. He was huge and there was no doubt what he was going to do to her. She stepped back, trying to say something to her mother as he strode towards her.

Battle Babe stepped between them.

The Barbarian stopped, leaning slightly to look past the huge female warrior.

‘Move along.’ Battle Babe said. ‘Nothing to see here.’

The Barbarian lifted his gaze to meet Battle Babe’s, he was tall but she was taller and nearly as broad; his nostrils flared and his shoulders tensed. Ellie watched his hand go to the hilt of his sword.

‘Don’t even think about it, Blondie.’ Battle Babe said in a calm, almost amused tone. ‘I’m so many levels above you, I could take you apart with my bare hands.’

The Barbarian’s gaze wavered and he glanced again at Ellie who looked away quickly.

Battle Babe took a step forward and the Barbarian lowered his head and turned away, striding down the street, his body stiff with anger. 

Ellie swallowed realising her folly; folly in what she had just done and the greater folly that she had made for herself in her choice of Class and of avatar. Battle Babe turned and Ellie expected a fierce rebuke but the big Warrior addressed herself to the whole party.

‘This is a dangerous place, people. Let’s just remember that. It might all be a big game but it feels very real; if you get hit it hurts and you really don’t want to find out what it feels like to die. She grimaced. Stay close and you might just survive the trip.’ She looked around, her gaze ending up on Ellie. ’Understood?’

Everyone nodded.

‘Er…Miss er…Beeb.’ Amanda said. ‘What’s going to happen to that girl over there?’

Ellie felt a sudden conflict inside, a desire to cringe at her mother’s words and a desire in herself to know the answer. The big Warrior looked down at her mother.

‘She’ll be fine. They’ll rough her up a bit but they only usually rape the overnighters. That’s what the other pillory is for.’ She said the latter with a degree of relish.

Beside the upright pillory was one at waist height that was clearly designed to hold a victim bent over at the waist. There were stocks to hold a victim’s legs apart too.

‘Shouldn’t we help her?’

A few months ago, Ellie would have rolled her eyes at this but more recently she had begun to understand her mother just a little bit more; her love and her need to care. Every day for the past nineteen years, her mother had been there for her. It was in her nature to care for others, to do her best for them…

‘Amazonne,’ Battle Babe said, not unkindly. ‘You gotta get into character. You can go and help her but that’s immediately taking on the law and it’s probably a little too early in your career to be doing something like that. These things happen here. It’s part of the fun.’ She rested a huge hand onto Amanda’s shoulder.

Ellie saw her mother frown and then look toward her, saw anxiety in her blue eyes, bluer she noted, than she was used to. Ellie grinned suddenly feeling a genuine love for her mother that seemed to engulf her whole body then she winked and nodded towards the pillory, causing Amanda to blush. A subtle message in a language they shared.

‘Are we all ready to move out?’ BB asked.

Along with the others Ellie nodded.

‘Honey?’ BB was suddenly standing in front of her.

‘Yes?’ Ellie’s attention snapped back to the big Warrior.

Battle Babe looked at her. ‘Do you have a weapon, Seductress?’

Ellie gave her an amused look then made a show of looking up and down her near naked body.

‘Does it look like I have a weapon?’ Ellie said with a degree of sarcasm that surprised her as much as it did BB.

Irritation flashed across the big warrior’s face and Ellie felt herself wanting to step back but somehow made herself hold her ground; then, in a move she barely saw the huge warrior was suddenly standing almost on top of her and she felt something sharp under her chin forcing Ellie’s head back; Battle Babe’s fist was tightly wound in Ellie’s hair as the woman leaned in close. Ellie was engulfed in the woman’s presence; the scent of her body, sweat, oil; she looked up wide-eyed to see her shocked face reflected in dark pupils of the woman’s eyes set among the livid scars on her face.

‘Just as well I have a spare,’ Battle Babe stepped away, drawing the point of the dagger away from Ellie’s chin and holding it in front of her face. It was a narrow stiletto, long and sharply tipped, a stabbing weapon. The big warrior let it fall, dropping it point first into the ground.

Everyone was silent.

‘Move out.’ Battle Babe turned away and strode off up the main street of the town. ‘And can I remind you to keep all Special Abilities on a tight leash. Most of you can only use them once per day and we might need them where we’re going.’

The group looked at one another and, one by one, began to follow.

Ellie stood staring down at the dagger.

‘You’d better pick it up.’ Val said as she passed. ‘You will need it.’

Ellie watched the blonde Viking for a few seconds, seeing her bend to pick up a piece of rotten fruit as she entered the market square and then look up at the girl in the pillory. The guards seemed to have lost interest and a crowd had gathered round her to jeer and toss their own missiles at the helpless girl. Val tossed the rotten fruit once and caught it then, in a move that was far more coordinated than Ellie might have expected, the Viking hurled it at the girl in the pillory hitting her on the right breast where the flesh and juice exploded over her helpless body.

‘Ouch!’ Ellie said with feeling then looked around to see that the drinkers at the tavern had spilled out onto the street and were all staring at her as she stood alone beside the dagger. In the real world it would have made her feel uncomfortable but something told her it was acceptable here and then she caught her reflection in the window of the armourer’s; registering the mane of blonde hair, the tight, nubile body with its huge breasts, the rounded ass and the very long tapering legs. Almost without thinking she bent to retrieve the stiletto delivering a very deliberate flash of pussy and sauntered off behind the rest of her party swinging her perfect ass.


Continues in

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