A Conventional Affair

by Darkwolf

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© Copyright 2024 - Darkwolf - Used by permission

Storycodes: F+/f+; bond; petgirl; latex; bitchsuit; clamps; collar; leash; chastity; public; crop; straps; gag; buttplug; toys; cuffs; rom; cons; XX

Continues from

Part 10

Some part of Brianna Wilde had expected things to feel different once her mistresses had formally accepted Elise’s offer. Some shift of atmosphere, some chance of mood, something to denote what felt like it should be a monumental moment, but there was nothing. At least not at first. For what seemed like an eternity the six of them just stood there, surrounded by the dull background roar of the convention center itself as traffic flowed around them, more than a few people offering appreciative looks, both subtle and lingering, at the elaborately dressed and tightly bound women on display but no one saying anything. In fact the blue-haired girl very nearly began to shift nervously in place beneath that stormy gray gaze as Elise just watched her newfound companions silently for a long moment, fingers almost idly drumming against her outer thigh as her latex-clad pet continued to worship her boots. Then, all of a sudden, the young dominatrix seemed to light up, her expression shifting as the sly smile that had been curling her lips widened into something far more genuine and she gave the leash in her left hand a gentle tug, signaling to the tightly bound woman to cease her ministrations and straighten up into a more appropriately cat-like posture perched on knees and elbows. Or was it dog-like? Honestly it was hard to say given that she was wearing neither a tail nor ears. Adjusting her grip on the reins at the same time to call Claire to attention, the redhead instantly raising her head, the young woman strode forward, her sharp heels clicking harshly against the concrete floor with each step until she was standing practically nose to nose with Brianna. Fighting the urge to take a step back, the bound girl could do nothing but watch, a fierce blush suddenly coloring her cheeks as the brunette’s smile twitched ever so slightly and her eyes eagerly roamed over that nearly nude frame before finally glancing back and forth between Sofia and Roxanna.

“I assure you,” Elise practically purred, “The pleasure is all ours.”

Sofia seemed to perk up at that, a grin curling her own lips that was mischievous and carefree and playfully vulpine in a way that fit the woman oh so perfectly as she leaned around Brianna’s body and practically rested her chin on the bound girl’s shoulder, “Oh? Then perhaps it is we who should be asking for a favor then.”

Elise chuckled somewhat unexpectedly, the quiet sound almost musical in a way that felt wrong somehow given the young dominatrix’s stance and appearance. At the same time the glint in her eye seemed to sharpen and her lips twitched into another sly grin, the motion again making the slender ring in her lower lip flash in the light as if an absolutely brilliant idea had just occurred to her. Twisting her body ever so slightly the pale young woman motioned Claire forward until the redhead was standing just in front of her mistress. Holding out her hand at the same time, Elise then offered the older woman’s reins with a flourish, “Well then, would one of you like to take her for a bit?”

Of all the things that might have been said or done in response to Sofia’s good natured teasing, that was perhaps the last thing that any of them had expected. Brianna was honestly taken aback, and more than a little curious as to what the brunette was planning, though she managed to keep still despite that. Even her mistresses looked surprised and intrigued by the unexpected offer, and certainly intrigued. Again it was Sofia that took point, the athletic woman gently disentangling herself from her blue-haired companion to take a step forward, “Are you certain, Ms. Adler?”

Elise.” the girl stressed, the playful lilt in her voice belying any real annoyance, “And as you can see I’ve already got my hands full with rubber slut here.”

As if in response the tightly bound woman squirmed in her bitchsuit and let out a tiny, mewling sound muffled by the ring gag she was wearing and shook her hips playfully, almost as if trying to wag a nonexistent tail. Although a fond smile overtook her mistress at that rather adorable show of affection the pale woman did not immediately react, save to rub the edge of her calf against her pet’s ribs eliciting another mewl as the figure arched her back and practically curled around that slender leg. Yet, through it all Elise did not lower her arm, the offer of Claire’s reins still sitting between them in implicit invitation.

Biting her lip ever so briefly, Sofia glanced at her lover, a silent conversation passing between the older women in the blink of an eye before Roxanna nodded with a grin of her own and the blonde’s own lips quirked into a smile. Stepping forward boldly, the ripple of latex over her skin once more proudly highlighting the toned muscles beneath, Sofia reached out to accept the young woman’s gift, “We would be delighted.”

However, as soon as her fingers closed around that well-worn and well polished leather, Elise relinquished control without hesitation or ceremony, something unexpected happened. As soon as her mistress let go Claire practically reared back, straightening her legs and arching her back sharply as she let out what could only be described as a whinny of defiance around the bit between her teeth, pulling harshly against the reins and twisting her body wildly as if trying to escape. That almost mad thrashing both making her breasts bounce enthusiastically and setting her long, red hair to whip back and forth like a coppery curtain while the gleam in those blue-gray eyes and the tiniest of smiles visible around her gag suggested that the bound woman was having a great deal of fun. Still, even as she tightened her grip instinctively, refusing the let go in the face of that obvious challenge, Sofia could not help but frown curiously at this unexpected show of resistance and shot Elise a questioning look.

To that the young dominatrix just smiled, a trace of amusement clear in her voice, “You may need to be a bit rough with her. That one’s rather wild you see, not at all like my pet here.” As if to emphasize her words Elise dropped down to one knee and began to stroke the latex covered woman’s head, her voice an almost playful sing-song, “Isn’t that right, my lovely little rubber bitch?”

The tightly bound figure certainly seemed to agree as she let out another soft, mewling bark and eagerly leaned into her mistress’s touch as she continued to shake her hips playfully in what was, in retrospect, an impressive display of flexibility given how thoroughly and tightly her limbs were restrained. Regardless, Sofia seemed to understand the message well enough and for the briefest instant her smile turned savage, almost feral in fact before she managed to school her features into something more appropriately imperious. Practically spearing Claire with that arctic blue gaze of hers the blonde pulled on the reins, hard, the sudden force practically making the redhead stumble forward as she was forced to bend over sharply. Lashing out with her free hand, Sofia took hold of the bridle circling the woman’s head, looping her fingers around the strap running under her chin and dragging her close until they were nearly face to face, that iron grip not allowing her the slightest bit of movement. A faint blush seemed to bloom across those lovely cheeks and blue-gray eyes glazed over with pleasure as Claire’s body quivered and her breath quickened, every fiber of her being betraying her excitement at that rough handling. A cry that was halfway between a shriek and a moan escaped her then when the clamp pinching her left nipple was twisted sharply and held there, the jolt of pain forcing her to focus even as it sent another bolt of pleasure into her core. Breathing heavily now, almost hyperventilating in fact as she practically trembled with arousal, the once defiant ponygirl stood perfectly still as Sofia carefully released the clamp and carefully brushed a few strands of coppery hair back into place.

“Behave,” the blonde ordered in a tone that brooked no argument, her softly accented voice hard and commanding.

Shivering for a very different reason this time, Claire nodded as best she could in her current position and let out a much softer whinny as she lowered her eyes submissively and let her posture go slack, the fight draining out of her instantly.

“Nicely done.” Elise quipped, visibly impressed as she rose back to her feet and graced the athletic woman with a smile, “You must have experience with wild horses.”

“Something of that nature.” Sofia allowed with a chuckle as she released the redhead’s bridle and allowed the bound woman to straighten back up, watching with a critical eye as Claire slipped back into the proper posture, eyes forward and back ramrod straight as she squared her shoulders and spread her legs, “I suppose you could say that I have always had a certain… rapport with wild animals.”

Chuckling softly, for all that she did not fully understand the significance of that statement, Elise rocked back on her heels and spared a moment to flash a smile at Brianna, who could not help but blush a bit beneath the attention, before turning her gaze on Roxanna and offering the olive-skinned woman an overly dramatic bow as she made a sweeping gesture with her free hand, “Shall we, ladies?”

Curtsying ever so slightly in response, a task made somewhat difficult by her tight and dramatically slit skirt, a tiny smirk curled Roxanna’s lips as she answered, the woman clearly enjoying the byplay, “But of course.”

There were no more words, none were necessary as Elise nodded and took her place at the olive-skinned woman’s side with slow and easy steps, utterly poised and utterly confident as she pulled her pet along with her. As the group set off, the tug of the leash at her collar prompting her to follow, Brianna tried to glance at the others as best she could around her blinders and decided that she had been wrong earlier. For all of Roxanna’s grace, for all of Sofia’s strength, for all that she could not help but think of both of her mistresses as regal in their own ways, Elise seemed to put them both to shame. Here was a woman whose every move, every step, oozed power and control, the lines of her taut body radiating that kind of absolute assurance that announced to the world that she was queen of all she surveyed. A look that was only enhanced by the lovely rubber slave literally crawling at her side, leashed and collared and owned and looking up with absolute adoration in her pale blue eyes. Combined with the way the precariously high heels of her boots drew the eye up well-toned legs to her wonderfully tight ass, Elise looked every inch the dominatrix that she was, the blue-haired girl able to do little but stand in awe that one so young was able to affect such seemingly unshakable confidence. To say nothing of the beautiful women she had claimed as her own.

Not that there was much time to appreciate any of those facts. As they moved along, meandering down the aisles and weaving through the crowd to the gentle rhythm of hoof-beats, Roxanna began to fall behind ever so slightly, her limp combined with towering stiletto heels forcing her to move slowly and carefully while Elise very nearly matched that pace. Her own steps measured in deference to her pet’s rather restrictive bondage, though to Brianna’s surprise the latex-clad figure moved with almost shocking ease, as if she were quite used to wearing a bitchsuit and being walked on a leash. Perhaps she was. Whatever the case, though it all Sofia began to pull ahead ever so slightly, the spring in the blonde’s step betraying both the caged energy coiled within her limbs and the eagerness she had displayed all day. It also gave the blue-haired girl the perfect vantage point to study both Claire’s bonds and her movements more thoroughly. From the very first moment she’d lain eye upon the curvy redhead Brianna had been utterly captivated by how strikingly beautiful she was. Taken in by an almost classic allure accentuated by a gorgeous body and a warm, playful personality. The fact that she was kinky as hell was just icing on the cake. More than that, though, seeing how easily and confidently the older woman carried herself, even when nearly nude and tightly bound, was just indescribable. Hell, that had been part of the reason she’d accepted the woman’s invitation to join her on stage in the first place. And yet, seeing her now, like this, was simply incredible. The woman was utterly resplendent in her gear, especially with the way that corset cinched her already narrow waist into an impossible hourglass and emphasized both the generous curves of her hips and those marvelous breasts. Then there was that scant chastity belt that covered only the barest of essentials, showing off miles of smoothly shaved skin and highlighting her well curved ass. Beyond all that though, what truly held the blue-haired girl’s attention was the pony gear that Claire was wearing. The way those boots forced her to perch on the tips of her toes and made her toned thighs tense with every step. The way that harness circled her head snugly, locking the bit deep in her mouth and allowing her to be controlled by the reins trailing from it. And, of course, the way that brilliantly red tail swished back and forth behind her in a surprisingly realistic manner.

Although it had barely been more than a month since she had first started to explore pony play herself, Brianna had been rather proud of how far she’d come. How she’d learned to enjoy the tight embrace of the harness around her body and how utterly helpless the bridle made her feel, to say nothing how well she’d adapted to the boots and the odd way they forced her to walk. Compared to Claire, however, she felt like an amateur. The older woman’s steps were light, seemingly effortless, and she moved with such grace and confidence that it was almost impossible to believe. Her form was perfect, her posture precise as if trotting about like this was practically second nature to her. It was honestly impressive and as the blue-haired girl greedily drank in the sight, stealing glances as best she could without breaking her own posture, she tried to imitate the redhead as best she could, self conscious of her stance and steps and even the angle of her knees for the first time in what felt like a long time. Especially as she tried to roll her hips in the same casually sensual manner and make her own tail do more than simply twitch as she walked.

Although she gave no outward sign, Claire seemed to notice the attention somehow and began to subtly alter her movements in response, slowing her pace ever so slightly and deliberately exaggerating the movement of her hips and legs though her silky smooth grace never once faltered. It took a few moments for Brianna to understand exactly what the other woman was doing, but when she did the girl could not help but smile around her gag ever so slightly. Without a word, without even a glance, the redhead was putting on a private show, a blush tinting her skin and making the freckles on her bare shoulders stand out sharply, as she offered the girl who shared so many of her kinks a private lesson. It was sweet in a strange but delightfully kinky sort of way, and the blue-haired girl felt a pleasant warmth ignite in her chest as she carefully followed those movements. It was difficult at first, reminding her a bit of that first, tentative walk in the park oh so long ago, but she eventually managed to adjust her stance and alter her center of gravity, rocking her hips more aggressively and lifting her knees just a bit higher to emphasize the angle of her legs, honestly surprised at just how natural it all felt. Despite the enthusiastic support of her mistresses, they had essentially been forced to make things up as they went when it came to training for this particular kink as none of them had any real experience. Not that Brianna was complaining, she was equally clueless herself and they’d certainly done the best they could for her, but the blue-haired girl still could not help but marvel at all the little things they’d missed. For all that she did not say a word or make a single gesture, Claire’s instruction were simple and easy to follow and soon enough Brianna’s own gait evened out and the strain on her muscles faded as she fell into a new rhythm, surprised at how light on her hooves she now felt.

As she worked to absorb those lessons, warmed by the soft smiles and teasing glances that both of her mistresses offered from time to time, the scenery began to shift ever so slightly as the merchants and vendors that had dominated the convention floor thus far gave way to more artists and craftsmen. With no particular destination in mind the group simply drifted from booth to booth in a seemingly haphazard fashion, never lingering in one place for too long. Brianna certainly understood. There was simply so much to see and do that one could never hope to take it all in unless they kept moving, but part of her could not help but think it a shame as well. After all, in those brief moments when she was able to tear her gaze away from the enticing vision of Claire’s derriere, or the jiggle of those magnificent breasts, some very interesting things caught her eye. Like an artist just up ahead busily drawing BDSM themed caricatures while surrounded by a veritable wall of similarly styled pinups. Or the display they just passed filled with plugs and toys in every conceivable shape and size, handmade from vividly colored glass, more than a few of which left her wondering just who in the world would ever try to wear them. Tucked almost out of sight was a weaver busily braiding strands of hemp into custom lengths of rope with well weathered and clearly skilled hands while a trio of young ladies sat on the table out front, each nearly mummified in those same ropes with the tape covering their mouths sporting ordering information in a rather intriguing example of advertising. And then there was a rather androgynous young lady wearing a very tight and intricately decorated corset as she demonstrated various whips made of hand-tooled leather to a crowd of eager customers. Little flashes that truly underlined just what this place really was. A meeting of the minds where people could share their kinky passions openly and without shame. It was a realization that brought a smile to the blue-haired girl’s face and if she had not gagged she would have been tempted to suggest exploring more thoroughly.

Elise certainly seemed to share that sentiment, at least to some degree as the pale young woman walked with an eager spring to her steps and an excited glint in her vividly gray eyes as she flitted about like a black-clad butterfly, breaking away from the group from time to time with her pet in tow to get a closer look at any number of things, chatting with vendors and guests alike and even signing an autograph or two when she was recognized, which seemed to delight the dominatrix to no end. It was certainly odd to see this rather playful side to the woman when compared to the stern, no nonsense persona that she adopted on stage or the rather forceful aura that seemed to surround her when she took command of her subs. Then again, Brianna well knew that people had layers, she and her own lovers were perhaps proof positive of that, and there had been hints of Elise’s softer side. Her playfulness, her humor, and her quick wit.

Her clear and deep affection for those she loved.

“I suppose it had not occurred to me,” Roxanna interjected all of a sudden, an almost teasing smile on her lips as she glanced at Elise, “that you are something of a celebrity among these circles.”

That statement prompted Claire to snort in amusement, which earned her a solid smack across the ass that elicited both a surprisingly deep moan and coaxed that lovely blush out again. Elise, however, just grinned roguishly, “I’m not sure I’d go that far, but I do bondage and dominance exhibitions every now and then so people do recognize me from time to time. It’s always interesting, if a little strange.”

“I suppose I understand.” Roxanna mused, a contemplative look briefly crossing her face, “It is an odd experience to be recognized by old colleagues and students. Doubly so, were it to happen in a place like this.”

Elise instantly seemed to perk up, that sly grin from earlier returning as a glint of mischief danced in her eyes, “Students you say?” If anything, the young woman’s smile seemed to grow as she glanced at Brianna, “I did wonder how you ended up in such an interesting position, but I can see it now. A naive young girl drawn into a tawdry, forbidden romance with her teacher. An exotic and experienced older woman who unlocks all of her deepest, darkest desires only to lure her home and into a collar.”

Brianna felt herself blush down to the roots of her hair at that rather lurid, but not completely inaccurate, description of her sexual awakening. A feeling only enhanced by how on edge the events of the day and her own bondage gear had left her, to say nothing of the rather devious toys she was still wearing. In fact, the blue-haired girl was so caught up in the moment that she very nearly missed the faintest of blushes coloring Roxanna’s delicate, olive-hued cheeks. However, before the woman could even begin to protest Sofia let out a laugh of honest amusement, an equally mischievous grin on her own lips, “And where might I fit in, to this rather marvelous scenario?”

Elise pretended to consider that question for a moment, “Perhaps you’re the jealous girlfriend driven to punish this blue-haired tart for leading your lover astray. Or perhaps the beautiful neighbor, unexpectedly drawn into a kinky threesome.” the woman’s grin turned positively conspiratorial as she leaned towards the statuesque blonde, “Or maybe, just maybe, you’re the secret mastermind behind it all.”

It had been a long time since Brianna had felt such an incredibly potent rush of embarrassed arousal, but as her blush went practically nuclear, Sofia laughed out loud again, “I do not know if ‘jealous girlfriend’ suits me all that well, but I rather like the idea of being the architect of our current… adventures.”

“Incorrigible, the lot of you.” Roxanna groused, though with no real heat in her voice and the faintest hint of a smile curling her lips, “Though I suppose it was you who brought Brianna into our bed.”

“No need to be embarrassed.” Sofia assured with a grin as she pulled her lover into a loose embrace and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, voice dropping into an almost teasing whisper as she did, “And I dare say it was a group effort, dorogoy.”

Rather than answer with words the olive-skinned woman stopped all of a sudden, the abrupt motion clearly throwing Sofia for a loop and very nearly making both Brianna and Claire stumble as they struggled to halt without warning. Ignoring all of that, however, Roxanna simply took the athletic blonde by the cheeks and kissed her properly. A kiss that prompted Sofia to throw her arms around her lover’s elegant body and hold her close as it deepened bit by bit, the pair losing themselves in each other and seemingly oblivious to everything else around them as eyes closed and tongues twined together.

Practically stalking around the couple with her pet in tow, as if trying to take in every detail of the beautiful tableaux unfolding in front of her, Elise grinned ever so slightly as she turned to offer Brianna a playful wink, “Why do I get the feeling that the real story is far more interesting?”

Face still more than a little pink, even if her blush had calmed somewhat, the blue-haired girl just scraped a hoof against the floor and looked away bashfully. She wasn’t sure if she’d call her story interesting so much as fantastical, though she also could not help but agree that the truth was far more enthralling than any fantasy, and under different circumstances she’d have been more than happy to share but right now all she could really do was wait patiently, a tiny smile just visible around her gag as she watched the familiar sight of her mistresses’ passion on display. The proof that even after so many years together the fire in their relationship had never gone out igniting a pleasant warmth in Brianna’s own heart. In a demonstration of what might have been called maternal instincts under different circumstances, and sensing the shift in mood, Claire suddenly took a step closer and pressed herself to the younger girl’s side in a comforting gesture. Unable to embrace her companion properly thanks to her tightly bound arms, the redhead opted to nuzzle her cheek instead as she made a soft and almost soothing noise deep in her throat. A gesture that Brianna found herself returning as she allowed herself to relax just a bit out of the somewhat rigid posture she had been maintaining since she’d first been strapped up into her pony gear.

The sharp but achingly pleasurable sting of a riding crop striking her bare backside instantly pulled the blue-haired girl back into the moment. Fighting down the urge to yelp, more in surprise than pain, and blushing fiercely at the even more intense urge to moan that followed, Brianna did her best to straighten up quickly even as she found herself unable to resist the urge to shake her hips just a bit, relishing in the sensation as the crop continued to brush against the skin of her ass in vaguely circular motions. Glancing to her right as best she could around her blinders, the blue-haired girl saw that her mistresses had at least partially disentangled themselves from each other and that Roxanna, a tiny smile still curling her lips, had begun to pull the leash taut ever so slowly. Very nearly stumbling, Brianna inched toward the olive-skinned woman, goosebumps rising across her body when a hand reached up to caress her cheek and gently brush a few stray strands of hair over her ear.

“The truth,” Roxanna said softly, affection clear in her voice and warmth in her smile, “is that our Brianna is an incredible, wonderful and very determined young woman. So painfully shy at first and yet so very passionate despite that.”

Shuddering beneath that delicate and oh so pleasurable touch, Brianna whinnied softly and rubbed her cheek against her mistress’s hand, “Mhnnnm.”

Leaning in just a bit closer, Roxanna pressed her lips to the base of the blue-haired girl’s jaw and grinned ever so slightly as she allowed her voice to drop into a breathy whisper, “You are so very beautiful like this, korítsi. The way you come alive when bound. How is it that we are so fortunate as to have you?”

Shivering again, Brianna found herself whimpering ever so slightly at that familiar and yet oh so heartfelt sentiment as she made a tiny, affirmative noise deep in her throat, “Phhnnh mnn, mnphphrmphph.”

Smiling at the display, Sofia moved to once again draw her lover close until the olive-skinned woman was pillowed against her ample chest, “And what of you, Ms. Elise?”

Drawn in by the moment herself, the pale young woman was clearly taken by surprise by the sudden question but quickly managed to recover. Looking up to meet the blonde’s gaze, Elise cocked her head curiously and lifted an elegant brow, “What of me?”

“A story for a story, no?” Sofia suggested with a crooked, almost irreverent grin as she shrugged, “It seems only fair.”

“True enough, I suppose.” Elise agreed before turning slightly and practically strutting down the aisle, her pet once more in tow before she glanced briefly over her shoulder with a tiny grin, “And what would you like to know?”

Easily falling into step at Claire’s side as they followed along in the young dominatrix’s wake, Brianna just watched as her mistresses seemed to mull over that question for a long moment. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity of waiting with baited breath, Roxanna leaned in and whispered something to her lover, the dulcet tones of her native Greek a familiar balm to the blue-haired girl’s ears. Whatever was said Sofia certainly seemed to agree, the athletic blonde’s face lighting up for a brief moment as she whispered something back in that almost musically lilting Russian of hers. Out of the corner of her eye the bound girl saw Claire frown curiously around her own gag, the redhead clearly wondering just what was being said, but even as she glanced questioningly at her companion Brianna just shrugged ever so slightly and shook her head. There were certainly times when she regretted not learning either of her mistresses’ native tongues, but part of her knew that would simply take too much of the mystery out of the whole thing. Before anything else could be said or done, however, Sofia straightened up and graced Elise with an easy smile.

“If you do not mind,” the blonde began, “we were curious about one thing.”

“Oh?” Elise wondered, never once bothering to look back, amusement thick in her voice and a deliberate sashay to her hips, “And what might that be?”

“Given how… affectionate you are with Claire,” Sofia began, nodding slightly toward the redhead, “and how devoted your other pet appears to be, I assume that they are your lovers?”

“You would assume correctly,” Elise answered with a nod, the gesture once again bringing the faintest of blushes to Claire’s cheeks and prompting the latex encased woman to rub her side longingly against her mistress’s leg, both of the tightly bound women practically radiating happiness at that confirmation.

“And your slaves?” Sofia continued without missing a beat.

Elise did glance over her shoulder this time, a slender and very pleased smile on her face, “Of course.”

Sofia’s grin turned positively vulpine for a brief instant as she continued to hold her own lover close, “I imagine that to be quite the story as well.”

“I don’t know about that,” Elise mused as she stopped at the intersection of two aisles, as if contemplating which direction to go, before twisted her body just enough to reveal the amused glint in those stormy gray eyes of hers. And yet her gaze did not fall on the blonde who had been speaking to her. Rather, all of the pale young woman’s attention was focused on the tightly bound redhead behind her, “I’ve known Claire for a long time, personally, then professionally, and while taking her on as a client was certainly unexpected, I have no regrets.” reaching out she ran her fingers along the older woman’s jaw, eliciting a soft shiver of pleasure, “Loving her was easy, and training her a joy.”

Unable to contain herself any longer, Claire leaned into her mistress’s touch, eyes drifting closed as she rubbed her cheek against the slender woman’s hand with a quiet whinny, “Phhnnh mnn, mnphphrmphph.”

“No need for that.” Elise assured, equally quietly, her smile softening ever so slightly before she withdrew her hand and dropped down to put herself on eye level with the tightly restrained figure literally crawling at her feet. Regarding the slender and utterly helpless figure for a long moment, the brunette’s smile widened ever so slightly as she reached out to caress the woman’s latex encased head with long, gentle strokes, “As for my pet here? Well, that’s not really my story to tell.”

Rocking back on her knees in a rather enticing display of lithe grace, the bound woman levered herself upright as she reveled in that touch. Sticking out her tongue to reveal the rather large silver stud pierced through it she barked playfully, the faintest hint of a blush just visible on what traces of her skin remained exposed while those shockingly pale eyes glistened with unspoken emotions. In response Elise pulled the figure into a somewhat awkward embrace, holding her close while Roxanna reached out at the same moment to take Sofia’s hand, a knowing smile on the olive-skinned woman’s face.

“We understand.” the scarred beauty intoned softly, almost reverently, as she tilted her head to favor Brianna with that smile, a gentle tug on the leash prompting the blue-haired girl to step closer, “Very much so.”

Again scraping a hoof again the ground, Brianna let out of soft whinny of her own as she bobbed her head in agreement, the blue-haired girl watching as Elise stood, the smile on the young woman’s lips reverting to the far more playful grin of earlier, “So I see.”

“Yet it does beg the question.” Roxanna continued as she idly gave the leash another tug before reaching out to caress Brianna’s cheek with the back of her hand, “You are very… talented for one so young.”

“I had a good teacher.” Elise offered before chuckling ever so slightly at the rather expectant expressions that her answer had prompted, “What can I say? Some girls want to be ballerinas or models or princesses. Me? I wanted to be a dominatrix and I was both stubborn enough to see it through and lucky enough to find a domme willing to take me under her wing.” The young woman let out a soft sigh as she brushed a curl of raven hair behind her ear, a quiet and almost amused fondness in her voice, “She was a good friend, and a wonderful mentor, if a bit strict.”

Sensing that the story went deeper than that, Sofia practically pounced on the opportunity, “Strict?”

Biting the corner of her lip, Elise mulled over her answer for a moment before finally shrugging, “She was a firm believer that in order to dominate someone properly you have to know what it’s like to be dominated. I suppose it was her way of weeding out the faint of heart, but her training was very hands on. She strapped me into all kinds of leather restraints, wrapped me up like a mummy, suspended me in ropes while hogtied, cuffed me, gagged me, flogged me, made me endure clamps on my nipples and labia, and stuffed all kinds of plugs into me. She even had me catheterized and intubated once.” an odd yet inexplicably fond smile tugged at the young woman’s lips, “The crazy bitch.”

Although clearly drawn in by that very detailed list, Roxanna in particular was caught off guard by that last revelation, her nose wrinkling ever so slightly, “Having spent time on a ventilator, you have my sympathies.”

That reminder of the ordeals her mistress had endured in her youth brought a familiar twinge to Brianna’s heart, not that there was much she could do about it at the moment, and a flicker of concern seemed to pass through Elise’s eyes as she unconsciously glanced at the visible scars on the older woman’s arms and shoulders and especially her throat. However, eventually deciding that it wasn’t her place to ask, the young dominatrix simply waved the condolences away, “Medical fetishes can get a bit extreme at times, and mistress always seemed to be the go to when an odd request came into the club. Not exactly my cup of tea, and certainly not an experience I’d care to repeat, but I suppose it’s my own fault for asking her to do her worst. And,” leaning in ever so slightly the pale young woman lifted a hand to the side of her mouth as if she were sharing a secret, “it was the most effective gag I’ve ever worn.”

For a moment Brianna tried and failed to imagine what that must have been like, shuddering at the very idea of having a tube shoved down her throat and scarcely able to believe that anyone would actually want that done. Even compared to swallowing some of her mistresses’ larger dildos that felt extreme, but she was also well aware of the fact that someone, somewhere had done just about anything you could possibly think of and probably ten things you hadn’t. Though it was a little surprising that a fetish club would have so many odd requests that they’d actually need someone on hand trained and ready just in case.

A sentiment that Sofia seemed to share to some degree, the blonde’s smile reflecting curiosity as only she could, “Quite the apprenticeship.”

“You have no idea.” Elise returned as she finally decided to start walking again, adjusting her grip on her pet’s leash and setting off, having apparently decided on a direction at some point, “But enough about the past, I do believe we’re almost there.”

Not aware that they had been going anywhere in particular, and honestly too focused on her mistresses and their newfound companions to be paying much attention anyway, Brianna looked about as best she could but nothing much stood out. More booths, more people, and of course more fetish wear on display but nothing particularly unusual as strange as that realization felt. A testament to just how wild the day had been, and just how far out of even her expanded comfort zone the blue-haired girl had been pushed. Perhaps sensing her confusion, Claire took the opportunity to shift to the side and bump her hip playfully against the younger girl, nickering softly as she twisted her head slightly to the left. Understanding the gesture easily enough, Brianna glanced in that direction only to very nearly stumble, eyes wide at the unexpectedly enticing display in front of her. Highlighted by a rather nondescript screen offering some degree of privacy to whatever lay beyond it was a trio of lush yet featureless mannequins. Each was fitted with a collar and a bridle made of dark, well polished leather and shiny chrome fittings as well as identical sets of calf boots that terminated in elegant hooves, much like the blue-haired girl’s own shoes in fact, but beyond that each was quite different. The first was clad in an intricate and almost irregular looking harness, a web of straps covering that pale, plastic torso while its arms were restrained behind its back with a pair of simple cuffs. The second, in contrast, wore a corset cinched tight around the waist with a matching armbinder, each piece decorated with intricate scrollwork carved into the leather itself and highlighted by golden thread and silver fittings. The third was the most fascinating of all by far however, clad in only a thick leather belt around the midriff set with numerous metal rings and other attachment points while a pair of equally thick mitts of the same leather had been laced onto the mannequin’s hands, each also fitted with hooves just like its boots.

Those outfits alone told the blue-haired girl everything she need to know about this particular booth and what it offered, but as if to drive the point home a banner had been stretched out overhead nonetheless, the obvious silhouettes of ponygirls flanking elegantly curved text on either side: Leather Dreams Corral. A bit on the nose really, if not exactly inappropriate all things considered.

“I’ve always been rather impressed by the selection here.” Elise continued without pause, “The gear is top quality and whenever I see them at a venue I make it a point to stop by if I can.” she paused ever so briefly to smile down at her pet, “They even made my little rubber bitch’s restraints.”

The latex covered woman gave another affirmative bark in response, shaking her hips with the same playful wag she had adopted earlier.

Bending down to pet the girl on the head, Elise turned that smile on the others, “I still remember the day she broached the idea of petplay with me. She was so embarrassed I swear her entire body turned red as a tomato. But then there was that smile when I strapped her into a bitchsuit for the first time.” a tiny whine escaped the woman’s harshly gagged mouth before her mistress tugged on the leash and locked eyes with her pet, stormy gray meeting pale blue as the dominatrix’s smile sharpened, “She can’t get enough of it now. There are days when she’ll gladly spend the whole afternoon curled up in my lap, and she makes the cutest noises when I take her doggy style.”

Brianna felt her own face heat up in sympathy at that revelation, even as she found herself rubbing her thighs together unconsciously, certain that the poor girl’s skin must have been blazing within her encasement. Even so she did not shrink from Elise’s gaze. Rather the tightly bound woman let out a tiny, playful yip and leaned into her mistress’s touch, eyes reflecting an eagerness that spoke volumes.

Her own smile turning warm, the light again catching the ring pierced through the pale brunette’s lower lip, Elise tenderly cupped her plaything’s cheek and kissed her on the forehead before suddenly changing the subject, “I’m in the market for a new riding crop. Would anyone care to join me?”

Grinning at the not unexpected, but still rather welcome offer, Sofia briefly glanced back at her lover who just nodded, the tiniest hint of a smile on her own face. Azure eyes practically sparkling now, the blonde then turned her attention to Brianna, an unasked question plain on her face. Grinning around the bit clenched between her teeth, anticipation thundering in her blood, the blue-haired girl nodded almost madly, making her ponytail bob up and down even as the blush coloring her skin darkened. Chuckling at that eagerness, Sofia gently caressed the girl’s cheek with the back of her hand and spared her the briefest of kisses on the lips before finally giving her answer, “Why Ms. Elise, we thought you would never ask.”

A glint in her gray eyes, Elise said nothing in response as she simply climbed back to her feet and led her pet those last few feet through the entrance without comment. Glancing at each other one last time, Sofia and Roxanna moved to follow a heartbeat later with the same slow and unhurried steps they had adopted earlier, pulling their own ponies along in tow. Immediately straightening up, Brianna held her head high, practically preening as she cantered at Claire’s side, reveling in the attention as she deliberately showed off for the audience. Truth be told the blue-haired girl wasn’t certain what she had been expecting, but as soon as she passed beneath the curtain herself a veritable wonderland awaited her. It was smaller than she would have guessed, if still more than spacious enough, and absolutely packed with a feast for the eyes everywhere she looked. One wall was filled with row after row of outfits with corsets and catsuits, harnesses, boots and headgear in every color of the rainbow. Another wall held restraints of all types from simple cuffs to monogloves and straitjackets and even full bitchsuits arranged in ascending order of complexity and harshness. Next to that was a display of gags in every conceivable size, shape and type along with rows and rows of tails, from simple clip-on pieces purely for aesthetics to some fairly impressively sized plugs in both rubber and metal. Then there were the leashes, reins, clamps, headbands with ears, collars and bells and even what Brianna thought might be a saddle. It was a truly massive collection, every conceivable accessory one might need for pet or ponyplay, enough to outfit an entire herd of submissives and their masters both. A fact that more than a few people were clearly here to take advantage of, the blue-haired girl and her lovers among them.

And what people they were.

Brianna had noted earlier that until she’d taken the floor herself, and later run into Claire again, she’d not seen any ponygirls amid the massive crowd in attendance despite all of the other fetishes displayed so freely. While that had struck her as curious, she’d not really given the matter much thought, far too focused at the time on her own growing sense of excitement, as well as a combination of the exhibitionist thrill of being on display and just how good it felt to show this side of herself so openly. Of course, now it seemed that she had her answer. All of them were here. There had to be at least a dozen different ponygirls of every shape and size milling about, some wearing truly elaborate costumes while others were mostly naked, but all were bound, all were gagged, and all were guided by the master or mistress who had claimed them. It was such an incredible sight that the blue-haired girl was nearly stunned, hazel eyes wide as she struggled to take it all in and the corners of her lips twitching into a grin at the realization that this booth really was a corral and that she was part of it. Glancing at Claire, and as always taken in by the woman’s elegant grace and effortless sensuality, she felt that familiar sense of excitement coiled in her chest tighten. She had no idea what their mistresses had planned, and judging by the look on her face neither did the redhead, but whatever it was she absolutely could not wait to find out.

“Didn’t I tell you? Quite the selection.” Elise said, suddenly, the pale brunette shattering the moment as she quietly slipped into place at their sides.

Although she jumped a bit in surprise, her heart momentarily leaping into her throat, Brianna managed to maintain her stance despite that as the faintest of smirks twisted Roxanna’s lips, “Are you referring to the merchandise, or to the girls?”

To that Elise just adopted a smirk of her own and quickly changed the subject, “Would you mind terribly if I took my pet back for a bit?”

“Of course!” Sofia answered without pause, and not inconsiderable enthusiasm, the sly and oh so gently teasing smile that seemed a permanent part of her features some days on her lips, “It was a pleasure to control such a fine beast.”

Claire certainly seemed to appreciate the sentiment, puffing up her already impressive chest and letting out a snort of amusement as she shook her head from side to side in a rather animalistic gesture. A motion which set her long, red mane flying about her head like a coppery halo. The amusement in her stormy eyes sharply contrasted by the hint of cruelty in her smile, Elise took the reins and pulled on them hard enough to make the bound redhead shriek in surprise as she was forced to bend down by the shorter girl, the bells dangling from her nipple clamps chiming softly as her breasts swayed invitingly. Unable to help herself, Claire trembled in anticipation as her mistress’s free hand reached up to card through her hair.

“Tsk, tsk pet.” the young dominatrix scolded, her eyes locked onto the bound woman, “Can’t have you developing a big head, now can we?”

Squirming again, the slight dilation of her eyes betraying her arousal, Claire shook her head as best she could and let out a tiny moan, “Nn, mnphphrmphph.”

“Ah well, I suppose there’s nothing for it.” Elise mused in a deceptively airy tony before that glint returned to her eye and she tightened her grip to pull on the older woman’s hair, “I’ll just have to punish you later, won’t I?”

This time Claire didn’t even try to contain her moan, the chiming of her bells growing even more insistent as her breath quickened, “Mmph, mnphphrmphph!”

Loosening her grip on the reins, and releasing the other woman’s hair, Elise offered a crooked smile and patted her slave on the cheek, “Come along my dears, we have no time to waste. After all, selecting a new crop requires thorough and vigorous testing.”

Practically bobbing her head in agreement as she straightened up, the redhead was openly grinning around her gag now while the latex clad woman still crawling at their feet let out a surprisingly enthusiastic bark. Returning that smile, Elise led both her eager playthings along as she slipped into the crowd. Watching them go, eyes in particular drawn to Claire’s glorious figure, especially the way her arms were tightly folded behind her back and how her corset emphasized both her narrow waist and lush backside, Brianna was once again reminded of an old saying that had rang true with so many of the women in her life. That it was a shame to see them go, but a joy to watch them leave. Grinning around her own bit at the thought, a gentle tug at her collar pulled the blue-haired girl away from that tempting vision and forced her to once again focus on her mistresses.

“Quite the remarkable woman.” Roxanna murmured, voice low and yet warm as well, an odd wistfulness in her tone as her eyes lingered on the trio.

“Which one?” Sofia asked, honestly curious as she turned to face her lover.

“Yes.” Roxanna answered simply, an almost mysterious smile on her face as she turned to face Brianna, “Wouldn’t you agree, korítsi?”

Stifling a chuckle at the way the question had been both turned around and answered at the same time, the blue-haired girl pretended to ponder the matter for a moment or two before nodding, “Mmph, mnphphrmphph.”

Warmth leaching into her smile and into her rich, chocolate brown eyes Roxanna turned to fully face the younger girl and reached out to idly brush a finger against her collar, “I do not know if I ever properly thanked you, korítsi.”

Cocking her head ever so slightly, Brianna regarded the olive-skinned woman curiously, wondering what she was talking about. Both of her mistresses had thanked her plenty of times, as she had thanked them in turn with both words and deeds, but she had a feeling that there was something deeper at work here.

“I was happy with my life before.” Roxanna explained as she turned to smile at Sofia and took her lover’s hand, “How could I not with such a wonderful woman at my side?”

“Flatterer,” Sofia practically breathed as she moved to embrace the olive-skinned woman, holding that elegant form close as she pressed a kiss to her cheek.

“It is not flattery if it is true, stríngla.” Roxanna returned as the arms around her tightened and she leaned back against that curvy, athletic frame with a contented sigh. Turning her gaze back to Brianna a heartbeat later, the woman continued, “I was content, but I was also stagnating. Your courage to reach for what you want despite your fear has been inspiring. Thanks to you I have met so many interesting people, and done so many interesting things. Like come to a place like this.”

A blush coloring her cheeks, Brianna fought the urge to look away as embarrassment flooded her veins. Her mistress was making it sound like she had done something amazing rather than simply fumbling her way through a tangle of emotions and desires as best she could. Not that she could argue with the results, but some days it felt like sheer luck and coincidence had led her to where she was not any real accomplishment of her own.

As if sensing that doubt, Roxanna reached out with both hands and cupped the bound girl’s cheeks, gently lifting her chin and looking deep into those expressive hazel eyes, “Sofia brought me back to life when I feared that the best parts of me had died, but you korítsi? You have made our lives strange and exciting and wonderful and I can no longer imagine a day without you in it. So thank you. Thank you so, so very much for being you.”

If her face had been warm before it was positively molten now, blood rushing to her pale skin in a flood. And yet, the blue-haired girl could not help but smile ever so slightly even as she felt tears well up in her eyes forcing her to blink them back. That was perhaps the most incredibly wonderful and heartfelt thing that anyone had ever said to her and she found herself practically purring as she nuzzled playfully against the palms cupping her cheeks. Slowly but surely she felt herself drawn into their embrace, twisting to deliberately sandwich herself between her mistresses’ forms as she reveled in the odd yet pleasant contrast of Roxanna’s rough edged corset and Sofia’s slick rubber catsuit. In that moment, even if she hadn’t been gagged Brianna would not have trusted her words to convey just how she felt, of how amazing it was being held close by the women she loved, and so instead the tightly bound girl put her faith in the comfort of her body. Praying that her touch alone could convey the depth of her feelings. It seemed to work as Sofia tightened her grip in response, those strong and calloused hands rubbing up and down her slave’s back in slow and even circles, working lower and lower with each pass until she finally cupped the bound girl’s ass and squeezed playfully. Moaning softly, Brianna arched her back again to press against those hands as shook her hips back and forth in a slow and steady rhythm, purring again as those fingers began to caress her sensitive skin with the skill born of much practice. Or at least until those fingers suddenly gripped her tail and gave it a playful tug, the sudden but rather pleasant sensation making her cry out in surprise as another blush darkened her cheeks.

“As much as I would thoroughly enjoy holding you all day, devushka.” Sofia practically whispered into her plaything’s ear, a knowing grin curling those full lips at the girl’s reaction, “I suspect there are others who might wish to use the entryway.”

Realizing that more than a few people had indeed slipped past then while they had been lost in each other, Brianna blush darkened but she managed to nod ever so slightly, “Mmph, mnphphrmphph.”

“Too true.” Roxanna agreed, an easy smile curling her own lips as the olive-skinned woman disentangled herself and again took hold of the leash properly, “Besides, as beautiful as you look right now korítsi, your outfit is still missing something.”

While curious as to what her mistress meant by that, Brianna stomped a hoof softly in agreement as she slipped back into character and nodded her head, an unexpected surge of annoyance flaring in her chest at the way the tight confines of the booth forced her to abandon the rather elegant trot of earlier in favor or smaller and more awkward steps as her mistresses led her in among the displays. Still, she adapted easily enough and soon found her attention focused elsewhere. As fascinating as the shop had been at a glance, seeing everything up close was an entirely different experience. Just as Elise had promised the quality of the merchandise was clearly excellent, the craftsmanship and materials both betrayed that this was not simply mass produced fodder. Perhaps not entirely handmade given the sheer volume available, though some of the higher end pieces might be, but clearly a cut above regardless. In fact, the blue-haired girl could easily imagine acquiring something custom made here, if she could find the right person to ask. And wasn’t gagged, of course. It honestly reminded her a bit of the boutique that she and Sofia had explored earlier. The place where the woman had acquired her current outfit as well as the costume, or rather lingerie, that Roxanna still didn’t realize she would be wearing later. At least if the blonde was to be believed anyway. However, even though that memory brought a smile to the bound girl’s face, as her mistresses continued to lead her Brianna again could not help but wonder just what Roxanna had meant when claiming that her outfit was still “missing something.” Truth be told, despite having been assembled piecemeal and mostly on a whim, the blue-haired girl was rather proud of her pony gear and how wearing it made her feel. Even if she would never be the beauty that her mistresses were, bondage gear had always made her feel sexy and desirable in a way that even the fanciest clothing never did, but even then there was something special about this particular outfit that just did it for her in a way that she never could really explain. Simply wearing her harness for the first time had been magical enough, to say nothing of all that had followed, but she would never be able to forget the first time she had stood in front of the full length mirror in her room, perched precariously upon the hooves of her brand new boots, harnessed and bridled and bound while the delightfully erotic sensation of the tail plug sent shivers of arousal throughout her entire body with its fullness.

No, she would never be able to forget the day that had become one of her most cherished memories. Right up there with that wild afternoon when Sofia had made love to her in the pool for the first time and made all of her dreams come true. Or the moment when, still swimming in post coital bliss, Roxanna had locked a collar around her pale throat, claiming her utterly. Shaking herself slightly before she could become lost in those pleasant memories, Brianna glanced about to find that she had been led past the myriad outfits and restraints on display as her mistresses headed straight for the truly diverse array of accessories in the back. For what felt like an eternity the older women sorted through the seemingly endless collection, whispering back and forth in their native tongues as they compared the merits of this plug or that set of clamps. A game that even the blue-haired girl found herself playing as her eyes darted back and forth between some truly fascinating toys. Such as a set of delicate silver chains decorated with small crystals that she quickly realized were meant to be anchored to various body piercings, and would likely require the wearer to be nude, or a gorgeously engraved collar with a pair of matching nipple clamps dangling from the front on chains so short they would either force their wearer to lean forward sharply or pull their breasts harshly and stretch their nipples painfully. Part of her tried to imagine what that would be like, but the rest of her just shuddered. Eventually though something in particular seemed to catch Sofia’s eye, the blonde practically beaming as she snatched her find off the shelf and held it out on the palm of her hand for inspection. Craning her neck to get a better look, Brianna saw that her mistress was holding a pair of nipple shields made of highly polished stainless steel, each composed of a pair of concentric rings, the inner ring a simple circle while the outer ring was more gracefully curved into an intricately decorative pattern. What truly stood out, however, was that each shield had a small, flared bell dangling from it.

“What do you think, dorogoy?” she asked while glancing at Roxanna, “I rather like the idea of our ponies matching.”

“Hardly our ponies,” the olive-skinned woman pointed out even as a tiny half smile curled the corner of her lips, “but I do like the symmetry.”

Pursing her lips thoughtfully, Sofia conceded the point with a tiny nod of the head before glancing at Brianna, “And you, devushka? I rather think they go with your outfit. Such as it is, of course.”

Feeling her lips twitch ever so slightly around the bit locked between her teeth, Brianna did not answer with words. After all, good ponies do not talk. So instead she pulled her shoulders back as best she could in the tight confines of her armbinder to arch her spine and thrust out her chest. Silently accepting the unspoken offer and inviting her mistress to do whatever she liked. An invitation that Sofia eagerly accepted, a playful glint flashing through those arctic eyes as she reached out to cup the bound girl’s breasts. Biting down on her gag, more to suppress a moan than anything else, Brianna practically whimpered as strong fingers, calluses felt even through the rubber sheathing them, glided over delicate skin, squeezing and kneading and caressing with maddening skill. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity of teasing her plaything, the blonde carefully removed the studs pierced through her nipples one at a time, moving with slow and deliberate care before she finally worked to tease those sensitive nubs to full hardness, rolling and tugging and twisting just hard enough to elicit a wince even as the blue-haired girl’s body responded eagerly. Smiling now, in that brash and playful way of hers, Sofia slid the shields into place, the central rings almost too tight to fit until she pressed just a bit harder making them pop on with what Brianna could have sworn was an audible sound. The bound girl could not help but gasp then as those slender wires squeezed her nipples just enough to make them stand out even more proudly and her mistress carefully reinserted the studs to lock the new toys in place.

Smiling much more genuinely now, Sofia battled the bells playfully, their soft chime filling the air momentarily, “Marvelous.”

A soft, rosy blush still coloring her cheekbones, Brianna found herself returning that smile as best she could around her gag as she twisted her shoulders back and forth, the motion making the bells ring again, the highly polished metal glinting in the light as they swayed back and forth as she both tested the weight and a sensation that was almost but not quite like wearing nipple clamps. A sensation that she found she rather liked.

“Lovely indeed,” Roxanna interjected, the olive-skinned woman unintentionally breaking the moment, “but still missing something.” Before either of them could even think to respond, however, the scarred beauty stepped closer, tugging on the leash even so slightly to force Brianna to straighten up before smiling, “Something like this perhaps?”

After the bells Brianna had been expecting another toy. A dildo perhaps, or a larger pair of ben wa balls, or maybe even a vibrator if her mistresses had really wanted to tease her. Even if they had been in a more mundane mood she would at least have expected something like a pair of reins to further match Claire. What she had not expected to see was Roxanna holding a feathered plume of the type that a show horse might wear in a color that almost exactly matched her hair. She could not even begin to imagine where her mistress had found such a thing, especially in such a perfect shade of blue, but the sight ignited an odd feeling in the bound girl’s chest. A sense of wonder, of excitement, and a keen eagerness that was almost overwhelming in its own right.

“I think she rather likes it, dorogoy.” Sofia almost stage whispered, amusement sparkling in those brilliantly azure eyes as she flashed a teasing smile and moved to sweep her lover up in an embrace.

“So it would seem.” Roxanna agreed, the edges of her lips twitching even so slightly into a faint but painfully honest smile.

Lowering her head ever so slightly in a gesture that she hoped was obvious, Brianna just watched as her mistress stepped closer still and without further ceremony slipped the base of the plume into a small slot sewn into the leather strap running across her forehead. Almost as if her bridle had always been meant to hold such a decoration. Had her mistresses been planning this from the beginning then, or was it truly as spur of the moment as it seemed? Then again it was Elise who had suggested shopping here. Had her lovers somehow conspired with the young dominatrix? Though to what end she could not even begin to imagine. Whatever the case, before she could twist herself in knots thinking about it the blue-haired girl lifted her head again, surprised by just how heavy the feather felt and just how aware of its presence she was, but as her eyes fell on her mistresses all other thoughts were immediately obliterated from her mind. Sofia was smiling, though some days it seemed like Sofia was always smiling, but this felt different. Unlike the playful and mischievous grins that the blonde usually preferred, this smile was relaxed, affectionate, almost sensual especially when paired with the way the woman’s arctic blue eyes roamed greedily over Brianna’s tightly bound body. An action which brought a blush to the blue-haired girl’s face as she fought down the urge to fidget and instead straightened her posture to put herself on display again. Then there was Roxanna… Years ago, when she had still been but a child, Roxanna had seemed so stern, so cold, with a scowl often curling her lips. And yet, even then, her rare smiles could light up a room. Brianna understood a little better now that as a younger woman the pain her mistress bore was both fresher and sharper, making her not exactly bitter but certainly more guarded. Perhaps it was conceited on her part but the blue-haired girl liked to think that she’d played a hand in changing that, in coaxing out the warm, caring and lovely woman sleeping beneath Roxanna’s scarred skin. Indeed, in a private moment Sofia had confessed that she’d seen her lover smile more times in the last year than she had in the previous decade.

Like now, for example.

Her mistress had always been beautiful, elegant and graceful in every way that she could name, but the smile the olive-skinned woman wore at this moment was positively breathtaking, her voice velvety soft and thick with the pride of an artist gazing upon a masterpiece, “Perfect, korítsi. Absolutely perfect.”

Pride filling her own chest even as her blush deepened, Brianna preened just a bit beneath that affectionate praise and let out a quiet whinny of thanks as she was led by her leash toward one of several small mirrors scattered about. The angle was bad but that didn’t matter, the reflection that stared back at her was positively stunning. So little had changed other than the bells now dangling from her nipples and the plume perched proudly above her brow, and yet in that instant the blue-haired girl completely understood what Roxanna had been getting at. As much as she loved her pony gear, as good as wearing it made her feel, the outfit had been woefully incomplete before and she hadn’t even realized. In that instant the blue-haired girl was absolutely certain that she had never felt sexier in her entire life and, as she gently shook the bells again and unconsciously rubbed against her crotch strap, setting the plugs within her dancing, Brianna felt her blush begin to spread down her chest. Even if she knew it wasn’t true, some part of her was also convinced that she’d never been hornier before either.

However, before she could become too lost in admiration, or exploration, an unfamiliar voice suddenly called out from behind her, “Um, excuse me?”

Practically jumping in surprise, Brianna instinctively spun around, wincing as the sudden motion made the ben wa balls filling her pussy press up against her butt plug in a way that pinched her delicate inner walls. A curious mix of pleasure and pain that was so strangely erotic that she had to bite down hard on her gag to suppress a moan. When the sensation passed a heartbeat later she was faced with a curiously unexpected sight. Standing barely a pace or two away was a very… colorful young woman with an eager, almost expectant look on her face and vividly violet eyes that were far too perfect to be natural. Her hair was a wild mass of reds and oranges with golden roots, like a living flame, with clothes to match as a flowing skirt of what looked like semi-translucent silk sheathed her legs like a crimson wave. Numerous rings, bracelets and armbands glittered on her limbs while what the blue-haired girl could only describe as a halter top made of polished metal scales covered her chest if but barely, the distressingly tiny garment showing off plenty of cleavage and side boob as well as leaving her midriff bare. That alone would have been striking enough, but the collection of belts around her waist and hanging low on her hips along with the complex henna designs painted onto her arms, hands and face wouldn’t have been out of place at a Renaissance Fair. Give her a sword and Brianna would have sworn she’d stepped out of a fantasy novel. Before she could even begin to react, however, a flash of movement drew the bound girl’s attention to the left and onto a second figure. One far more colorful, but no less striking, than the fiery battle dancer who had spoken. At first glance the second woman appeared to be wearing a catsuit of some sort and perhaps a mask, but on closer inspection it became clear that she was in fact all but naked save for an intricate collar made of gold wire around her throat. Rather, seemingly every inch of her skin had been painted. A swirling mix of creams and off-whites colored her belly, between her breasts and up her throat very nearly to her eyes. From there the paint gave way to darker and darker shades of green across her brow, down both cheekbones and the bridge of her nose before cascading along her neck and shoulders to cover the rest of her body in rippling patterns that resembled scales. When combined with the way her short, inky dark hair had been slicked back harshly and brilliantly golden contact lenses covered her eyes, to say nothing of the fake fangs just visible over grinning black lips, the overall effect was stunning. The impossibly sensual visage of a serpent woman brought to life. A monster, but a beautiful one that had been tamed and collared and claimed.

For now, at least.

It was such an enthralling image; so fantastical, so unexpected, so wildly erotic and so utterly perfect for a place like this that Brianna very nearly missed the fact that there was actually a third figure standing just behind the pair. The first thing she noted was that the woman was tall, despite her slightly hunched shoulders, and clearly well built without being overly muscular, her curves modest but well developed. Her rich auburn brown hair had been shaved close on both sides and pulled back into a tight bun, while the complete lack of tan lines on her sun kissed skin were fully on display thanks to the fact she was also wearing a dark leather harness and absolutely nothing else. That alone would have been enough to make the blue-haired girl stare, but much like the mannequin out front, this woman also had hoofed mitts literally locked over her hands while matching boots had been laced onto her feet, though these boots barely came past the ankle unlike Brianna’s own calf-length models. As well the woman was gagged with a bit, one made of rubber rather than steel in this case, held in place with a web of straps around her head and under her chin that approximated a bridle rather well. Beyond that her restraints were rather unique, though. A set of leather cuffs had been buckled around her wrists and connected together with a short chain running through a D-ring built into her harness that forced her hands to sit just above her hips while the weight of the mitts imprisoning them pulled her wrists down almost limply. A second set of cuffs affixed low on her biceps and linked with a similar chain running behind her back forced her elbows to bend sharply and pulled them toward her spine rendering her utterly helpless. When combined with the apparent lack of a tail, and the well-worn backpack slung over her shoulders, the overall image was that of a pack mule rather than a proud ponygirl, but no less alluring for all that. Blushing rather prettily at the attention, the bound woman looked away and tried to step back only to be stopped by a set of reins that had been clipped to the rings piercing her nipples, giving the fiery woman holding them a rather unique and certainly effective method of controlling her slave.

Utterly entranced, and more than a little turned on by the sight, as her eyes flickered back and forth between the trio Brianna she could have sworn that hours passed though, in reality, it was no more than a few seconds before Sofia scooped her up into a loose embrace and Roxanna came to her rescue, the olive-skinned woman’s softly accented voice betraying a quiet lilt of curiosity, “Our apologies. Did you need the mirror?”

“No, no nothing like that.” the redhead insisted, a nervousness that stood at odds with her wild and unrestrained appearance visible in her stance as she bit her lip and glanced at the serpent woman who offered an encouraging, if slightly sardonic, smile, “It’s just… was your, ah, friend here the one performing with Lady Elise?”

Despite that rather direct question, it still took a moment for Brianna to realize that they were talking about her, but when she did her blush reignited with a vengeance. Unbidden the memory of standing on stage in nothing but her chastity belt as her nearly naked body was bound and teased and punished sent a familiar tingle of arousal racing through her veins. And yet, it was strange in a way though. For all that Claire’s offer to join her in a live demonstration had managed to push every single one of her buttons, the experience exciting her so much so that even now she feared she might burst just thinking about it, the blue-haired girl had not given much thought to the idea that the same crowd she’d performed in front of would also be attending the convention with her. That any number of the people she passed might have been sitting in that darkened theater watching her and might well recognize her as her mistresses led her about on a leash. Even when Leona had outright told her as much it still hadn’t really clicked. Now though, a new and utterly intoxicating thrill ran up her spine and the bound girl again found herself straightening up unconsciously, throwing her shouldering back in their confinement and twisting her hips to put herself on display, reveling in the moment and smiling around her gag as the serpent woman’s golden gazed roamed over her body unashamedly and her fellow ponygirl’s blush only seemed to darken.

Roxanna certainly seemed to pick up on the mood, a slender but amused smile curling the woman’s lips as she adjusted her grip on the leash and placed a comforting hand on Brianna’s shoulder, “So you were in attendance at the exhibition then?” the emphasis she placed on the word leaving no doubt that the innuendo was very much intended, “I do not recall seeing anyone so colorful in the audience. More’s the pity.”

Idly, or perhaps even unconsciously, running her fingers through her long hair the redhead blushed ever so slightly herself, “Well, we hadn’t gotten dressed yet.”

That prompted Sofia to chuckle deep in her chest as she ran a pleasantly distracting hand up and down the blue-haired girl’s side, eliciting a quiet moan as her grin turned mischievous, “Not dressed? Definitely a pity then.”

With an appropriately serpentine curl to her dark lips, the painted woman elbowed her friend playfully in the ribs, the impact making the scales of her top rattle just a bit, “Now there’s an idea. I’m basically naked and Dakota is already halfway there.” she gestured toward the bound and topless ponygirl for emphasis, “You should join us, let the girls free!”

The strange nervousness from earlier evaporating in an instant, as if dealing with a bratty sub was far more familiar territory, the fiery woman reached up and clamped a hand over her companion’s mouth, “I can’t take you anywhere, can I Sasha?”

As if to prove the point the painted woman grinned cheekily and licked the redhead’s hand with a tongue that, to Brianna’s disappointment, was not forked before shaking her head and answering with a deliberately stretched out, “Nope.”

For a moment the redhead scowling softly before a grin curled her lips and she slapped the painted woman playfully on the cheek, the look of obviously feigned shock in those golden eyes very nearly making her laugh, “Sorry about that, this one definitely doesn’t know how to behave herself.”

“We understand completely.” Sofia assured as she casually leaned against Brianna’s shoulder and tightened her embrace, the sudden and unexpected weight making the blue-haired girl slouch ever so slightly as she protested around her gag, “Some of our other… associates can be quite difficult,” pulling her tightly bound companion even closer, the blonde smiled, “which makes a well behaved girl like our Brianna so delightful to have.”

The redhead nodded, her smile softening ever so slightly, “My name’s Khloe, the sharp-tongued viper next to me is Sasha and this delightfully submissive creature,” she tugged the reins for emphasis, making the bound girl wince as her nipples were again pulled, “is Dakota. Though I suppose someone already let that slip.”

Sasha tried to look innocent, but the positively serpentine grin she was still wearing quickly gave lie to the expression. Still, despite that Roxanna nodded with a thin but welcoming smile of her own, “Since my lover failed to introduce herself, I am Roxanna and this is Sofia and the pleasure is ours, I assure you.”

A moment passed, and then another, the silence growing almost uncomfortable for the briefest instant before Khloe seemed to reach a decision and met Brianna’s eyes, “I know it’s a little weird, but it’s just… it’s just so good to actually meet you. I mean, I’ve never seen you with Lady Elise before, which is a shame because you’re really pretty, but it looked like you were having a lot of fun and the show was just incredible.”

With the way the words seemed to rush out of the other woman it took Brianna a moment to grasp exactly what it was Khloe was saying, but when she did the blue-haired girl felt every inch of her skin heat up even more intensely. For all that she had reflected on the reality of putting herself deliberately and consciously on display, for all that the exhibitionist thrill of it had excited her to an almost unbelievable degree, it still felt strange to hear someone so openly compliment her, to speak of her as if she was some great and exotic performer. To realize that a complete stranger had both seen her performance and been so exhilarated by the experience that they felt privileged to actually meet her. It was a strange feeling, almost incomprehensible on the surface, but not exactly an unpleasant one either and without even realizing it Brianna found herself unconsciously scraping her hoof against the floor in a gesture that was quickly becoming second nature as she looked away, “Phhnnh mnn.”

“Do forgive her.” Sofia interjected as she gently cupped the bound girl’s hip with a comforting hand and offered an encouraging smile, “Despite what it may seem, our Brianna can be rather shy at times.”

Khloe regarded her curiously for a moment or two before nodding ever so slightly, a thoughtful expression on her face before she glanced at the equally helplessly ponygirl standing just behind her, a warm and knowing smile suddenly curling her lips, “I never would have guessed honestly, but I’m familiar with the type.”

Her own blush deepening in response, Dakota squirmed a bit in her bonds and moaned softly around her gag, the girl’s almost bashful stance and clearly submissive posture standing in sharp contrast to her impressive height and well toned body. Indeed, under different circumstances the woman would probably have had quite a commanding presence which was what made seeing her like this so fascinating. And yet, despite her embarrassment, it was obvious that Dakota was enjoying herself as well. The ease with which she stood in her bonds, the goosebumps decorating her skin, the faint dilation of her eyes and the soft sheen of arousal shimmering on her thighs all betraying the girl’s excitement. As did the way she rocked her hips side to side with deliberately slow motions to furtively rub against her crotch strap. A motion that the blue-haired girl found herself copying as her own hyper-sensitive sex clenched around the toys filling her and the stud piercing her clit caught against the soft leather in a way that was positively delectable. A motion that Sofia certainly seemed to recognize as the blonde slowly shifted to embrace the bound girl from behind, playfully rolling her hips against Brianna’s shapely ass and nibbling at her ear almost delicately.

“Oh my,” the older woman whispered, voice soft as silk and yet heavy with affection, “such a naughty girl. Have our attentions left you wanting, devushka?”

To that the blue-haired girl could only moan, closing her eyes and biting down on her gag as she tilted her head back in silent invitation, wordlessly begging her mistress for more even as she shuddered beneath the feeling of strong hands caressing her stomach and arched her back to grind against the lush, athletic figure behind her. An invitation that Sofia accepted enthusiastically as the blonde allowed her fingers to roam, teasing the edges of the poor girl’s barely covered pussy and tickling sensitive inner thighs. Shivering then as a series of kisses ran down the curve of her neck at the same time, teeth nipping at delicate flesh while a hot tongue traced her pale skin, Brianna found herself moaning again, the sheer publicness of the display only making it more intense and turning her on fiercely.

Roxanna chose to ignore their antics for the moment however, even as the glint in her eyes and the faintest of blushes coloring her cheekbones betrayed her interest. Instead, the olive-skinned woman turned her attention towards Khloe, focusing for a moment on the way the redhead was staring at the display before speaking, “Forgive me for asking, but I could not help but wonder. These young women with you, they are yours, yes?”

Despite a certain ambiguity in that statement, the emphasis that Roxanna placed on the word ‘yours’ left absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind as to what she actually meant and it was Khloe’s turn to blush. And yet, although clearly surprised by the question, the woman did not seem bothered. If anything she looked pensive, almost introspective as she worried her lower lips between pearly white teeth and searched for an answer, the motion threatening to ruin her lipstick, “Sort of. It’s… it’s complicated.”

Sympathizing with that answer, Sofia paused in her ministrations long enough to offer a grin and gave Brianna an affectionate kiss on the cheek, “These things often are.”

In spite of the fact that the way her arms were pinned to her sides made the gesture more difficult, Dakota leaned forward and curled up along her companion’s side, pressing her body against the redhead and nuzzling her cheek in a familiar and affectionate gesture that was clearly as heartfelt as it was awkward. Cementing the impression that despite her tough-looking exterior she had a soft core underneath it all. The serpent woman quickly followed suit, reaching out to take Khloe’s left hand and idly brush her thumb across the woman’s knuckles as a smile curled her dark painted lips. Watching carefully even as Sofia’s hands began to wander again, Brianna noticed then that amid all of her other jewelry, Khloe was only wearing a single ring on that hand, a simple band of gold braided into a series of Celtic knots. A band that Sasha was playing with as she caressed the woman’s skin. A band whose twin sat on the painted woman’s own slender finger. Perhaps it meant nothing, a coincidence and her own overactive imagination at work, but the symbolism was rather obvious and there was a clear intimacy in that touch and in the bound girl’s faux embrace, to say nothing of the obvious familiarity the trio seemed to have with each other. Enough to leave her wondering if a third such ring sat beneath one of Dakota’s mitts. Whatever the case, and whatever complicated might mean in these circumstances, it seemed unmistakable to Brianna’s eyes that these three were certainly more than just friends even if she well understood just how murky matters of the heart could be. And just how difficult they could be to put into words.

“Looks like we’re not the only ones making friends today.” a familiar voice suddenly interrupted, cutting through the introspection like a knife, “How marvelous.”

Although still tangled in Sofia’s arms, and very nearly lost in the pleasure of the blonde’s fingers, the blue-haired girl still managed to look up as Elise returned with her own slaves in tow. Little enough about their appearance had changed of course, save for the new riding crop of rich brown leather tucked under the pale woman’s arm and the suspiciously fresh pink stripes decorating Claire’s backside. Proof positive of the vigorous and thorough testing that had been alluded to earlier that only made Brianna wonder if the latex covered woman crawling behind them bore similar marks beneath her catsuit. A tantalizing possibility given the equally tantalizing way she shook that tight ass of hers with every step. Not that Khloe seemed to notice or care about any of those details. Rather, the scantily clad dancer seemed almost stunned, staring wide eyed as the dominatrix approached with elegant and measured steps. A look that Dakota shared, as if the bound woman could not believe what she was seeing, while even the normally nonchalant Sasha looked taken off guard by Elise’s sudden appearance. Not that the pale brunette paid the reaction she received the slightest bit of mind, the slender figure simply striding up to Brianna and offering a crooked smile as those stormy gray eyes of hers raked the blue-haired girl up and down.

“Looking very fancy, Blue.” the woman quipped, a sultriness to her voice that was almost at odds with the commanding but plain way she had spoken earlier, though it nevertheless sent a shiver up the bound girl’s spine as slender fingers flicked the bells dangling from her nipples one at a time, “They suit you.”

Although she winced ever so slightly as the sudden motion twisted her piercings, Brianna still managed to dip her head in thanks as the tiniest of grins formed around her gag. Winking playfully, the brunette suddenly turned her gaze on Khloe and her companions, smiling at the obviously star-struck redhead in a disturbingly predatory fashion. Stalking forward, the deliberately exaggerated sashay of her hips emphasizing her narrow waist, the dominatrix stepped close enough to almost violate the fiery young woman’s personal space, her grin ratcheting up a notch at the way the target of her attentions leaned back instinctively. Placing a hand on her hip, Elise studied the trio carefully with undisguised interest, eyes tracing the intricate scales painted on Sasha’s skin and the restraints crisscrossing Dakota’s body in particular before practically drinking in the sight of Khloe’s fantastically exotic outfit.

“I love your top.” the pale brunette practically purred, an almost seductive curl to her lips, “Very unique. Where did you get it?”

“I… I made it.” the redhead managed, swallowing hard.

Grin sharpening a notch as she reached out to almost but not quite touch that breastplate of overlapping scales, Elise hummed deeper in her throat, “Interesting. Might be nice to have something like that for myself. I can think of a few outfits the heavy metal look would be perfect for.”

“Can I have your autograph?!” Khloe suddenly blurted out, her excitement finally overcoming her self control.

Laughing in delight, as if she had been waiting for that, Elise drew a felt tipped marker from between her slight breasts where it had been clipped to her bikini top, “Well, anything for a fan. You are a fan, aren’t you?”

Flashing a thousand watt smile, Khloe nodded eagerly before twisting to take Dakota by the hips, the bound girl blushing again as she was slowly turned to the side so that her partner (lover? wife?) could open the pack thrown over her shoulders. Digging through the odds and ends her loyal but clearly long suffering pack mule was carrying, the redhead produced a glossy sheet of paper and held it out for Elise’s inspection, the brunette taking it with a smile of her own. Craning her neck to try and get a better look, Brianna was both surprised and not to find that the sheet was actually a flier for the very show she’d taken part in. A rather flattering picture of Elise herself front and center, the young dominatrix’s slender form sheathed in a rather tight corset matched with a pair of lacy opera gloves and her hair done up in a wild bun while a bundle of rope was draped over her shoulders and a whip was coiled around her arm. Above that was emblazoned a title, “The Psychology of Submission,” along with more mundane details like time and place. Smiling surprisingly softly at that slightly crumpled piece of paper, Elise uncapped the marker with her teeth and, making use of Claire’s tightly bound arms as a makeshift desk, something that the busty woman accepted with a remarkable degree of amused grace, quickly scrawled out a short dedication to her “most colorful fans” before signing her name with an elegant flourish.

“There we are.” Elise practically purred as she slid the pen between her breasts again, voice pitched low into a soft and seductive whisper, “Please, enjoy.”

Accepting the gift with trembling fingers, Khloe had to fight the urge to hug the paper to her chest before she quickly showed it to her companions, almost as if she could not believe it was real. Sasha in particular offered a supportive smile as she snaked an arm around the other woman’s waist and curled up against her side. However, before the redhead could put the autograph away, she bit her lip and hesitated. Looking over at where Brianna was still being held in her mistress’s arms the woman flashed an almost hesitant smile, “I suppose asking you for an autograph too might be a little tricky?”

“Perhaps a bit.” Sofia conceded, a tiny but clearly amused grin on her own lips as she noted the way Brianna’s eyes went wide in surprise.

“Perhaps not.” Roxanna countered, rather unexpectedly, before reaching out and plucking the flier from Khloe’s hands. Before anyone could react to that however, the olive-skinned woman pulled a tube of lipstick from her purse and turned to face Brianna, “Do stay still, korítsi. I would hate to make a mess.”

Taken more than a little off guard by that request, and very much wondering what her mistress was about to do, the bound girl could do little more than make a tiny noise of agreement deep in her throat as she stood stock still. Taking a step closer, the olive-skinned woman then proceeded to deftly paint her young plaything’s lips red despite the way the bit clenched between her teeth complicated things. Of course, that only deepened the mystery. While her lovers had helped her with her makeup any number of times, Brianna herself rarely wore lipstick and never in such a bright shade. Roxanna paid that no mind however, smiling softly at her handiwork as she slipped the cosmetics back into her bag and carefully took the glossy sheet of paper that Elise had signed between both hands. Pausing then, as if to consider her next course of action carefully, the woman suddenly pressed the flier firmly to Brianna’s lips. Even if the contact barely lasted a few heartbeats the blue-haired girl still had to fight not to flinch back from the sudden assault, Sofia’s strong arms pinning her in place as she instinctively closed her eyes. However, when she opened them again, blinking a few times as paper was peeled away from her skin, she could see that a slightly smeared but still clearly recognizable impression of a kiss had been left opposite of Elise’s elegantly looping dedication. Certainly an autograph of sorts and, she could admit, a rather clever idea that she had never even considered.

Smiling in delight at the results, Roxanna winked playfully at the bound girl before handing the paper back to Khloe, “There we are. Something to remember us by, no?”

Accepting the gift almost mechanically, the fiery woman managed a brief nod of acknowledgment, “Th… thank you.”

Sensing that her companion was stumbling Sasha cut in, the serpent woman offering a tiny smile of her own, “We appreciate it. And I can promise that we’re never going to forget a day as amazing as this one.”

“It is no trouble.” Roxanna assured, that slender smile still curling her lips as she moved to cup Brianna’s face with long, clever fingers, “Isn’t that right, korítsi?”

Shivering as well-manicured nails gently tickled the sensitive skin of her cheek, a sensation not at all helped by Sofia’s continuously wandering hands roaming over her body as questing lips trailed down the back of her neck, the blue-haired girl manged a tiny nod nonetheless, “Mmph, mnphphrmphph.”

“Although…” the olive-skinned woman mused, her smile turning just a touch impish as she trailed off suggestively and glanced at the trio of young women out of the corner of her eye, “Perhaps you would be willing to return the favor?”

Reactions to that question varied widely, either in spite of the ambiguity in the older woman’s words or because of it. In any case Sasha looked honestly intrigued, cementing her position as by far the most comfortable and openly confident of the trio. Dakota on the other hand blushed again, the subtly suggestive tone of the older woman’s voice igniting a new trill of embarrassment in the bound girl’s core, though again the obvious hardness of her nipples and the faint hitch in her breath betrayed her excitement. Khloe, however, fell somewhere in between the two appropriately enough. Curious to be sure, but pensive as well, a tiny frown painted on her lips as she furrowed her brow in thought, as if trying to ascertain the deeper meaning of those simple words. Between the fact that the fiery haired and scantily clad woman was the only one of her group not wearing a collar of some type, as well as the fact that she was quite literally holding the leash in Dakota’s case, it seemed obvious to Brianna’s eyes that Khloe was the domme of the trio unless there was some sort of subtle and very elaborate role play going on in the background. And yet, despite that, the woman had seemed strangely bashful at times. Confident and commanding one moment, then almost shy and uncertain the next. She was clearly proud of her body, one did not wear an outfit like that without a hint of discomfort otherwise, but at the same time she seemed almost overwhelmed. The blue-haired girl could sympathize of course, much of the day had been positively overwhelming for herself as well. Indeed, if not for her previous experiences and the comforting presence of her mistresses to lean on she’d likely have been unable to handle it all herself. And, as she glanced to where Elise was still smiling in that way of hers, she realized that the reality of even meeting, much less speaking to and being complimented by, someone you clearly looked up to would no doubt be quite jarring. Perhaps even paralyzing if you weren’t expecting it.

As she so often was, Brianna once again found herself thinking back to last summer and the fateful decision that had changed her life forever, of how nervous she had felt when walking through the gate with nothing more than a flattering summer dress and a vague plan to seduce her neighbors. Even if she’d ultimately succeeded, making her perhaps the luckiest fool on earth, the blue-haired girl could definitely understand that kind of reaction.

Unconsciously licking her lips, Khloe eventually nodded almost hesitantly as she asked, “What did you have in mind?”

“Nothing too onerous, I assure you.” Roxanna explained as she again reached into her purse and palmed her phone, “You see, there is another plaything of ours who sadly could not attend the festivities with us. She was rather disappointed, so we have been… keeping a record you could say, for her benefit.”

Understanding dawned in those violet eyes almost instantly and Khloe seemed to relax ever so slightly, glancing first at Sasha who offered an eager, fang-filled grin and then at Dakota whose blush only darkened even as she shakily nodded her ascent. Nodding back even as she placed a comforting hand on the taller girl’s hip, the redhead glanced over at Roxanna and smiled, “It would be our pleasure.”

Without further comment, and certainly without warning, Brianna found herself pulled aside and suddenly sandwiched between Khloe and Sasha, the serpent woman in particular practically draped over her while Dakota stood just off to the side, her head bowed obediently. She stood stock still at first, taken far too thoroughly by surprise to do much else as Roxanna began to snap pictures, but soon enough the blue-haired girl began to relax, correcting her posture with a grin as she did her best to show off her good side. The pictures started out simple enough initially. She and Dakota standing side by side poised and ready to obey, the muscular brunette apparently far more comfortable when able to lean into her role, with Khloe holding her pet’s reins and then Sofia copying the look by taking up Brianna’s leash. Bit by bit, however, the poses grew more playful, especially when Sasha took center stage. At first the painted woman simply accompanied her mistress, grinning mischievously and showing off her intricate body paint for the camera, but soon enough she slithered her way into the middle of things, giving Brianna a kiss on the cheek before snaking her limbs around Dakota’s toned body and mock biting the girl on the breast with those fake fangs, as if to emphasis her serpentine appearance. Leaning into the moment, Khloe offered a mock scowl and pulled the woman off of her pony, taking Sasha by the collar and staring her down for a brief moment before they kissed and the both of them broke down giggling as if at some private joke. She and Sofia switched subs at that point, the fiery woman taking hold of Brianna’s leash and wrapping it around her first to force the blue-haired girl to look up and meet her shockingly imperious gaze. A look that sent an unexpected but familiar pulse of heat throbbing between her legs and made her body clench tight around the toys filling it. Sofia, in turn, took the opportunity to give Dakota’s reins an experimental tug, making the muscular girl wince and then moan as the motion pulled on her nipple rings, a reaction that prompted the blonde to smile almost cruelly as she gave the polished leather another, sharper tug.

At that point Elise decided that she wanted to play as well, joining in with her pets without a word and with a fierce grin, as if daring anyone to question her. No one did and soon enough the impromptu photo shoot became both far more interesting and far more crowded as the young dominatrix took turns playfully demonstrating her riding crop on each of the three ponygirls and even gave Sasha a swat across the ass when she noticed the smirk on the painted woman’s face, her surprised reaction caught perfectly on camera. She even managed to pull Khloe just a bit more out of her shell, the flame-haired woman visibly relaxing despite her earlier nervousness as Elise walked her through different techniques with the crop and complimented her both on Dakota’s bindings and on Sasha’s body paint, which the scantily clad young woman admitted to designing as well when pushed. From there things became a bit more playful as the new girls were invited to fondle Claire’s generous breasts, an invitation that the serpent woman accepted most eagerly, her almost greedy touch coaxing a deep and delighted moan from the buxom woman as her sensitive flesh was fondled roughly. At the same time, apparently not wanting her to miss out, Elise actually hopped up onto Dakota’s back and wrapped her legs around the bound girl’s waist, the muscular figure clearly caught off guard but also easily able to handle the slender woman’s weight as she was quite literally ridden. It all culminated in a rather captivating scene when the three ponygirls were prompted to stand side by side, Claire sandwiched between them with a broad smile on her face while Khloe held her slave’s reins in hand and Roxanna at last stepped out from behind the camera to take Brianna’s leash once more. And in the foreground of it all was Elise herself, the pale brunette perched upon her latex encased pet’s back like a throne, legs crossed and hands resting primly in her lap as if she were holding court over this strange and kinky parade, her chin tilted back just enough to lend her features a haughty, aristocratic air.

Truth be told Brianna could not think of a more appropriate way to end this odd but incredibly pleasant encounter as Roxanna finally took her phone back from Sofia and met Khloe’s brilliantly purple gaze with an honest smile, “Thank you. This means a great deal to us, and I am certain it will mean a great deal to Claudia as well.”

“It was no trouble.” Khloe assured as the group began to work their way toward the front counter to pay for their purchases, the hint of a blush returning to her cheeks as she briefly glanced back and forth between her two slaves, “Besides, it was… it was fun.”

“It is still appreciated.” Roxanna returned with a slight smile as she slid her phone back into her purse for safe keeping.

“It was certainly interesting in any case.” Elise added as she climbed off of her rubber pet’s back and spared a moment to stroke her head gently, the fiercely bound girl making a sound somewhere between a whine and a purr as she leaned into that touch. Smiling softly, the pale brunette practically uncoiled herself to then offer Claire a kiss on the cheek, the older woman forced to bend down ever so slightly to accommodate her mistress’s somewhat diminutive frame, before drawing a card from her jacket’s breast pocket and offering Khloe a faintly mischievous grin, “In fact, if you’re ever interested in doing some costume work, or some modeling, hit me up.”

Swallowing visibly at that very unexpected offer as she accepted the business card with faintly trembling fingers, Khloe glanced back and forth between her partners before nodding, “I’ll… we’ll think about it.”

“That’s all I ask.” Elise assured as she allowed her fingers to brush softly against the fiery woman’s hand, grin sharpening just a notch at the faint blush that followed.

Apparently deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, Khloe choose that moment to beat a hasty retreat, muttering a few quick goodbyes under her breath and offering Roxanna her thanks one last time before adjusting her grip on Dakota’s reins, the muscular ponygirl sharing her blush, and slipped back into the crowd, the faint jangling of her armor quickly disappearing amid all the other noise. Sasha, however, chose to linger for just a moment longer, watching her lover’s retreating back with an expression of fond amusement before turning her sharply golden gaze on Elise, “She really does appreciate it you know, it’s just, well, you’re very much not what she expected.”

That seemed to make the brunette grin, that familiar almost smirk drawing attention to the piercings in the lower lip, “I get that a lot.”

“Were you serious about that offer?” Sasha suddenly asked, her tone turning almost solemn as her gaze practically bored into the dominatrix’s own stormy eyes.

“I never tease, not about something like this anyway.” Elise returned, voice equally grave as she never once flinched from that alien stare.

“Then we’ll be in touch.” the painted woman promised with a fang-filled grin of her own before she finally turned to follow her mistress, bare feet making scarcely a sound on the concrete as she disappeared herself.

Chuckling softly under her breath as she drew Brianna close and began to idly fix her hair with long and delicate fingers, her touch prompting the bound girl to moan softly around her gag, Roxanna’s lips quirked into a slender half-smile, “It is good to make new friends, no?”

“Especially with such interesting people.” Elise agreed as she gathered up her own pets, adjusting Claire’s bridle ever so slightly before fixing the latex encased woman’s collar, “Case in point, perhaps?”

“Perhaps.” the olive-skinned woman conceded as she kissed her plaything on the cheek and allowed herself to be drawn into Sofia’s arms, her body almost instinctively melting into the blonde’s strong and yet gentle embrace.

For a moment it looked like Elise might say something else, but the brunette seemed to think better of it and just shook her head. As if by some unspoken agreement the group decided to move on and Brianna felt a familiar tug on her collar as she was prompted to fall back into step, once more settling in at Claire’s side as their mistresses led them through the aisles and displays toward the front of the booth, another playful bump from the redhead’s hip making her grin around her own gag as she bumped back. However, soon enough a subtle but noticeable change seemed to come over Elise. Her normally confident stride seemed to fade and her posture slackened ever so slightly, an almost pensive expression decorating her face as she worried her lower lip between pearly white teeth. Clearly noticing that her mistress was lost in thought, Claire stepped closer almost immediately to nuzzle against the other woman, a quiet and reassuring sound echoing in the redhead’s throat as she molded their bodies together and offered the silent comfort of her presence. Relaxing almost instantly, a smile curled Elise’s lips at the gesture as she idly toyed with the older woman’s reins and paused long enough to glance into her slave’s eyes, a silent but no less meaningful conversation passing between the pair before the busty redhead nodded in understanding, a broad and eager grin visible around the bit clenched between her teeth.

Smiling almost impishly in response, the young dominatrix reached up and laced her fingers behind Claire’s neck to lift herself up and place a soft kiss on those full lips, “You really are amazing, pet, you know that?”

Still grinning, Claire just bobbed her head in agreement only to moan loudly when that playfully irreverent response prompted the brunette to pinch her already brutalized nipples in a way that she clearly enjoyed if the blush that suddenly colored her cheeks and the way her eyes fluttered closed was any indication.

An expression somewhere between amusement and arousal etched onto her own features, Elise just shook with an exasperatedly fond sigh and placed a hand on her hip before turning that smile on Brianna and her mistresses, “After all this excitement I think my pets could use a little break, and maybe even a reward for all of their hard work.” her smile changed then, growing teasing and playful even as her stormy eyes flashed with hidden promise and her voice grew soft and sultry, “Care to join us?”

To Brianna’s immense embarrassment it took a moment before she grasped exactly what was being offered, her mind far too focused on watching the tableaux of Elise playing with her slave, but when she did the blue-haired girl’s face lit up like a candle and a shiver raced down her spine. To be fair she had certainly… fantasized about Claire after their impromptu swim together the night before and the memory of Elise’s hands on her body as she was bound and teased and suspended in ropes was practically burned into her mind, but she had never seriously entertained the possibility of more. Just meeting the young dominatrix and her playthings again had seemed like a dream come true. And yet, now that the offer was on the table, so to speak, it honestly surprised her just how enticing the idea was and just how much she wanted it. It was not a new experience exactly, she’d felt a similar rush of pure, animalistic want when Kiera had offered to take her to bed on that infamous summer night so long ago, but this felt different somehow. Less raw but more intense, and without the wave of anxiety that had followed when she’d still been struggling to understand her desires and exactly what her relationship with her lovers meant. More than that though, the heat that had been pulsing between the blue-haired girl’s legs all day; stoked by every touch, every look, every surprise that had seemed to follow one after the other spiked fiercely, her blush spreading down her chest in a wave as her body clenched tight, pulling the ben wa balls filling her pussy against achingly sensitive nerves and making her tail twitch as her butt plug shifted.

Rubbing slick thighs together and pulling the crotch strap of her harness taut between the lips of her labia in the process, Brianna risked glancing at her mistresses, in particular taking in Roxanna’s rather intrigued expression and Sofia’s eager grin. Meeting both of their eyes in turn, and easily understanding the question that was being asked, the blue-haired girl’s blush intensified as she nodded. While the olive-skinned woman offered a tiny, knowing smile in response, Sofia’s was far more enthusiastic. Rather, the blonde scooped the bound girl up in an embrace, allowing her fingers to glide over Brianna’s mostly bare stomach before settling into her hips and holding tight. Pressing her soft lips to the girl’s cheek just above the bridle strap cutting across pale flesh, Sofia’s smile grew almost seductive as her voice dropped into a low and rumbling purr.

“Why, Ms. Elise, we thought you would never ask.”


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