Cuffed and Caged

by Mikel

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© Copyright 2024 - Mikel - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/f; bond; cuffs; gag; cage; hood; leash; sex; Sbf; toys; stuck; cons; X

Julie was squealing behind the gag she was wearing when Ken opened the large box he had brought inside. Ken had ordered the gift two months ago after many lengthy discussions between them.

Julie had been his full-time slave for the last two years, loving being owned and controlled by him. Ken loved her deeply, using her need to be his slave to both their advantage, keeping her bound and gagged as much as possible.

Ken had kept her wearing steel shackles twenty-four seven adding different gear as he deemed it necessary. Julie could ask for different restraints including the gag she was currently locked into.

Ken had changed gags every few days when they first started her gag training, letting her remove it during mealtimes or when he wanted her to satisfy him with her mouth.

For the last month she had been wearing the head harness with a large phallus filling her mouth and a wide panel that covered her lower face. The gag silenced her completely, reducing her comments to muffled grunts and giggles.

Ken really enjoyed her wearing the harness only allowing her to remove the gag for meals once a day. Ken had asked for a special gag to be made having helped with the design and ordered and once it arrives there will be no need to remove the gag or harness again.

Before Ken left this morning, he had locked her wrists behind her back then forced her feet into a pair of six-inch-high heels. The shoes had multiple straps that locked around her feet and ankles making them impossible to remove while she was bound.

Julie had giggled the entire time he was strapping the shoes on thinking he had plans for her unaware he was going to work as normal. Just before leaving he attached a short chain between her ankles then said, “Have a good day.”

Julie had spent the day shuffling around in the tall shoes trying to complete her daily duties as best she could while bound and gagged. It was not the first time they had played this game and she loved it thoroughly.

When he opened the door and rolled the large box in on the small trolley she knew immediately what it was and stood squealing as he wrestled it into their playroom.

Ken opened the box showing the new toy, it was made from one inch steel bars placed only a couple of inches apart. It was just big enough for her to fit inside it folded over or on her back with her legs folded on top of her.

Julie would be unable to turn in any direction or unfold herself once the lid was closed. Julie whined into the gag making Ken laugh as he teased, “Did you earn playing with a new toy today?”

Julie knew she hadn’t and hung her head shaking her head “No” standing silently watching him install the leather covered pad in the bottom of the cage. He checked all the latches and keys opening and closing it several times before dropping it closed and walking passed his wife.

Julie shuffled behind him mumbling around the gag watching him change clothes trying to help when she could. Ken knew she was trying to arouse him in hopes he would allow her to play in the cage tonight.

Ken disappeared into the closet returning wearing his vinyl jumpsuit pulling the wide accessory belt tight as he entered the room. Julie squealed knowing it was one of his dominant outfits looking quickly at the tools he had attached to the belt.

Ken unclipped the leather hood from the belt skillfully pulling it over her gagged and harnessed head buckling the straps as tight as he could. Ken admired how the leather stretched around her head showing the harness under it.

Julie stood still and silent waiting for his next command or to lead her to the playroom. For several minutes she stood in complete blackness before realizing he had left the room.

Julie shuffled slowly around until she located a dresser and knew where she was at, turning and shuffled towards the door. Julie shuffled slowly listening for Ken finally hearing him say “Stop.”

Julie stopped, she could feel him close to her then he closed a pair of Irish eight cuffs around her arms just above her elbows. Julie whined as her arms were forced close together behind her feeling the cuffs dig into her skin.

Ken locked the shackles around her wrists directly together attaching a chain to them. Ken stepped in front of Julie pulling the chain from her wrists between her legs pulling it up to the collar of the hood.

Julie’s arousal was screaming as the chain was intentionally drug over her moist lips making her shiver with each link. Ken just clipped the chain in place pinching her nipples with his hands, smiling as she suppressed a squeal.

Ken rolled her nipples in his fingers for a few moments before sliding one of the clamps over her nipple. Julie knew immediately what he was planning and started whining and twisting as he closed the first clamp.

Ken snapped his fingers making her stand at attention and quiet her whines to low whimpers while he clamped her remaining nipple. The clamps were fully adjustable and once properly tight very difficult to shake loose.

Ken adjusted both clamps until she could no longer keep herself from whining louder, making him tighten them even more. With the clamps pinching her he tugged and pulled on the chain connecting them leading her into another room.

Ken loved watching her wiggling and twisting while she was bound, leading her into the playroom and up to the post in the far corner.

Julie knew she was in the playroom being excited with her hopes he would put her in the cage until she felt him unclip the chain from her collar. Ken pulled the chain much tighter as he raised it to the post.

Julie was now trying to stand higher in her shoes as the chain pulled tight through her ass and pussy. Ken then clipped another chain from the bottom of the post to the chain between her nipples pulling them downwards harshly.

Julie was whimpering as she felt him wrap a strap around her ankles and the post drawing them close to the post and each other. Julie was now forced into a tight arch by the chain from her wrists running between her legs pulling her up and her nipples being pulled down.

More straps are run around her legs above and below her knees keeping her lower body pinned to the post. Ken walked around his trapped wife running a finger along her body seeing the thin sheen of sweat forming as she struggled to ease the pain.

Julie listened to him moving around her barely able to hear the faint swish of the whip as it cut the air before striking her ass. Julie flailed hurting herself in more places as Ken whipped her bare ass and upper thighs.

Ken stifled his laughter at her struggles to move away from him and being completely incapable of moving anything but her fingers. Ken changed whips several times whipping her until her whole ass and thighs glowed red and she stood motionless whimpering under the hood and gag.

“I’ll give you a while to think about not completing your chores and we’ll start again.” Ken said, rubbing his hands over the welts and her reddened ass. Julie stood helpless to relieve any of the pain on the brink of an orgasm as she fought her bonds.

Ken left her helpless for a few hours while he changed clothes and fixed himself dinner smiling at how he would use her very soon.

Ken eventually released the chain between her legs letting her relax slightly, easing himself inside her damp pussy from behind. Julie used her bound hands to help guide him in thrusting in rhythm with him until he orgasmed inside her.

Julie was so close to climaxing when he suddenly pulled out of her leaving her lower half still bound to the post. Julie squirmed and twisted, fighting her bonds desperately trying to make herself cum.

When he returned Ken said “Just as I thought,” stepping up to the bound woman and wrapping a wide steel belt around her waist. Julie cried out knowing what was happening, unable to stop him from pushing the crotch strap up between her and the post faintly hearing the clasps snap shut.

Julie could feel him tightening the hated belt of steel knowing that once it was closed there was almost no way she could stimulate herself enough to cum. Ken had decided she needed to wear the belt at least a month before she had paid for her insurrections of today.

Julie could feel the belt was very tight then her legs were being unstrapped from the post hearing him say, “Time for bed.” Ken left her to struggle to get to the bedroom or stay in the playroom.

The next morning Julie woke, lying on the floor of the hallway between the bedroom and playroom. She moaned, wiggling her arms, thankful they were free of the cuffs and chains.

Reaching up feeling her head was uncovered sighing as her hand went to her crotch feeling it was covered in steel. Opening her eyes, she looked down her body seeing the shining steel around her waist dropping her head back to the floor grunting, “Damnit!”

Julie spent a few minutes rubbing the steel between her legs knowing the belt too well having spent a lot of time trapped in it. Julie started to get up finding her feet were no longer locked into the steep shoes dashing to the bathroom.

An hour later Julie had cleaned herself up stepping into another pair of slightly lower high heels rubbing her sore nipples as she started her daily chores. Julie wanted to make up for yesterday making sure everything including the playroom was perfect.

By twelve o’clock Julie was squeezing her nutrient drink through a straw she had stuffed along the side of the gag. When she was done with the bottle, she leaned back remembering the activities of the day before smiling under the gag as her hand tried to find away under the steel.

Julie was extremely horny jumping to her feet and going to the playroom picking up the most powerful vibrator they owned. Julie went to the new cage, throwing the lid open and feeding the cord through the hole in the center.

The hole had been requested by her for inserting their toys and other items for her distraction and torture. Julie pushed the wand into the hole grunting when it wouldn’t push all the way down.

It only took a moment for her to realize that for the wand to go all the way down the cage will have to be on its mounting platform. Giggling she stepped into the cage kneeling with her knees on either side of the wand finding she could press herself onto it in this position.

Julie squealed and she stepped out of the cage going to the closet to pick out some more toys to use to try to make herself cum. Julie emerged from the closet tottering on a pair of ballet slippers.

The slippers were hardly ever used even though she loved them because they were just too uncomfortable. The straps for the slippers were wrapped tightly around her feet and ankles with small locks dangling from each. Julie had added metal cuffs around her knees and carried a few lengths of chain with her.

Julie staggered to the cage plugging in the cord for the vibrator before stepping back into the cage straddling the vibrating wand.

Julie pressed her knees to the sides of the cage snapping clips to the cuffs around her knees to a D-ring on each side. The position was perfect, the wand was already pressing hard on the metal plate between her legs while forcing her ass upwards.

Getting more aroused Julie crossed her ankles using short chains pulling each tight clipping them to opposite sides of the cage leaving her legs fully restrained. Julie was getting excited setting the keys on the table next to the cage dropping one of the chains from table height.

Julie made sure she could reach the table before connecting the chain to another D-ring on the bottom of the cage. Julie was shaking all over as she locked her cuffs together linking the chain from the front of the cage to them.

Julie was now effectively chained in the cage, she couldn’t reach her legs or knees to release them, only able to reach up when she wanted and take the keys to the cuffs off the table.

Julie struggled to reach the vibrator pressed hard into the plate between her legs just touching the power button enough to turn it on. Julie groaned as the vibrator hummed to life, becoming desperate to turn it up quickly.

Julie was on her knees with her legs folded under her chained and cuffed to the steel cage she was inside of. She was severely gagged and locked into a tight chastity belt that was now pressed tightly against a strong vibrator.

Julie tugged and fought the chain to her cuffs to reach the vibrator to turn it up, yanking and cursing under the gags panel when suddenly she heard a loud CLANK! Julie could feel her body being pressed down on making the head of the vibrator push harder against the plate.

Julie struggled briefly twisting her head around seeing bars over her head realizing the lid had slammed shut. She froze for a minute before thinking, “It doesn’t matter, I have the keys.” Going right back to trying to make herself cum.

Julie struggled to reach the vibrator finding with her ass being pushed slightly back from the lid closing she couldn’t touch the vibrator at all anymore. “Damnit!” She mumbled flailing and twisting in her bonds.

Julie continued twisting and fighting the chains and cuffs getting very close to an orgasm before having to stop her struggles and catch her breath. Kneeling chained and gagged while highly aroused Julie wrapped the chain from her cuffs to the cage floor around her wrists.

Julie wrapped the chain until her hands were touching the front of the cage floor, twisting and pulling until she forced the last loop over her hand. Julie dreamt he was there teasing her by lying the keys so close but just out of reach. Julie fantasized about him rubbing and stroking her caged body talking like he would never let her out.

Her fantasy had her on the verge of an orgasm as she struggled pulling and yanking on the chains and cuffs thrashing inside the cage. Julie was about to cum when she started gasping for air having to concentrate on her breathing again ruining her orgasmic build up. Julie was starting to feel the strain of being held in the odd position with her elbows supporting her and her ass in the air.

When she was able to control her breathing again the erotic feelings of being caged had passed and she decided to get out of the cage. Looking at her bound hands she couldn’t remember which way she had twisted them to get the chain to slip over her hand.

Twisting them both ways yielded no movement from the chain and the more she pulled and yanked the tighter the chain seemed to get. Julie was almost in full panic mode twisting and flailing her bound body realizing she had thoroughly trapped herself.

When she became lightheaded again, she stopped struggling and knelt on her elbows and knees gasping for air through her nose. Staring at her hands as she knelt panting, she slowly turned her hands one way while pulling the other the opposite and watched the chain slip over her hand.

It only took a minute for her to unwrap the chain from around her wrists, having the full length available by the time she had caught her breath. The frustration of the tight chains mixed with the constant vibrating on her steel covered pussy was arousing her again.

Julie knew she had to get out and clean everything up before he got home or he might keep her chastised, and from playing in the cage for months. Julie reached up with her cuffed hands expecting to easily reach the keys.

It took a few tries before Julie’s mind accepted that with her hands cuffed so close together, she could not reach between the bars. As Julie fought the steel bars banging her cuffed wrists against it, she couldn’t believe she had been so stupid.

Julie was still frantically trying to wedge her hands between the bars as her mind recalled one of the conversations they had about the cage when they were designing it.

They had both agreed the bars should be close enough together so if he cuffed her, she wouldn’t be able to stick her hands out of the cage. It had been just another way to limit her escape possibilities, the idea making them both laugh at the time.

Now Julie was not so happy she knew he would be home in a few hours and when he found her in the cage that he had specifically ordered her not to play with she would be in trouble again. Julie was getting more frustrated as she thought about spending a few more hours trapped on top of the humming vibrator unable to free herself.

After accepting she was stuck, she tried to reach the wand again pushing and straining, wedging the wand even tighter into the plate. Julie’s outstretched fingers could just touch the wand only being able to feel smooth plastic.

Julie fought to find the buttons figuring out the wand must have turned slightly in her struggles and now the buttons were out of reach. Julie knelt trying to change her position every few minutes to make something stop hurting, even shifting her ass back and forth across the bars.

Whenever she felt her ass move a little, she would reach back for the wand to see if the buttons had turned back towards her hands. Julie had been caged for hours and knelt limply with her head resting on her arms when she faintly heard the phone ringing.

She had no idea it was Ken calling to tell her he wouldn’t be home until tomorrow because his client had really good tickets to a football game and couldn’t go. He had called his best friend and the two were driving up tonight to watch the game tomorrow.

Ken always kept a small bag with some casual clothes in the car because he often would go out after work to play ball or to a game. Now she would be trapped for at least another twenty-four hours and probably closer to forty-eight.

Julie whined and whimpered all night drifting off to sleep a few times only to be awakened by her constantly vibrating crotch. Sometime during the following day, the vibrator quit humming leaving her thankful for the silence and from the constant teasing.

It only took a few minutes for Julie to miss the distraction of the humming wand as everything in her body started to ache worse. When Ken arrived home, he looked briefly for Julie before finding her trapped in the cage.

When he saw her predicament, it only took him a moment to figure out what happened by the way she had restrained herself. He sat down beside the cage looking into her desperate eyes listening to her whimpers and said, “Couldn’t wait, could you?”

He reached his fingers through the bars checking the temperature of her hands and feet, commenting “Oh, now you like the slippers, good,” before saying “I hope you're comfortable because I’m not going to release you.”

Ken walked out of the room leaving the exhausted woman still bound and gagged in the cage cleaning himself up and eating before returning and sitting next to the cage again. “So, is it as comfortable as we had hoped it would be?”

Julie weakly nodded “Yes.” Ken smiled, “Well since we have this time, I think it's best we go over the agreed upon rules.” Ken pulled out the contract and rules sheet they had agreed on. It took Ken an hour to read and elaborate on each topic in the contract and rules making sure he asked, “Do you understand that or is that clear enough for you?” multiple times.

Julie would agree to anything, she wanted out or at least to have the wand removed so she could change her position somewhat. Ken could tell by her weak moans and limp body she was ready to give in. “Ok, I’ll agree to let you out of the cage, but you have to wear the chastity belt and slippers for two months without any questions.” Ken stated.

Ken had always loved her wearing the ballet boots and slippers knowing she liked them too. Now seemed like a good time to start training her to wear them all the time. Julie thought for a moment before agreeing to his terms.

Ken reminded her that he would enforce the agreement no matter how much she pestered him adding, “For each time you ask about removal it will add a month, understand?” Getting an exhausted nod and grunt that she did.

Ken opened the cage, unclipping her knees and ankles before pulling the overheated wand out of the floor. Julie stood up on her knees groaning as she straightened out her back pulling the chain from her wrists tight as she did.

Ken unlocked the chain from her cuffs leaving her cuffs locked together and helped her step out of the cage. He partially carried her to the bathroom leaving her to relieve herself and clean up.

Julie eased out of the bathroom tottering to the kitchen where she could hear Ken plopping down in one of the chairs whining from the pain in her toes. Ken loosened the harness enough to pull the gag out of her mouth feeding her quickly, smiling as she wolfed the bites of food down.

When he had fed her enough, he buckled the harness tight again locking it then helped her stand again leading her towards the bedroom. When they reached the hallway, he turned her left towards the playroom getting a strange look and high-pitched whine from Julie. He led her to the cage pointing at it ordering her to step in.

Julie stood still confused so he picked her up and sat her back down in it saying, “Pick a position.” She was still confused so he added, “You wanted to use it so bad now this is where you will spend your nights from now on.”

Julie’s eyes welled with tears, she had hoped she would spend the night with Ken and slowly sank to her knees. She changed her mind as he started to close the cage rolling onto her back pulling her legs up to her chest. Ken closed the cage telling her how nicely she fits with the ballet slippers on then going to the front and ordering her to lift her hands.

Julie reluctantly reached up, sticking her fingers between the bars. Ken pulled the lock on her wrists up, snapping another lock with a chain attached to it and pulled the chain to a D-ring locking it there. Julie’s hands were now pulled up and locked to the top of the cage adding to the helplessness of being caged on her back.

As Julie whined and twisted Ken attaches her knee cuffs to the sides of the cage spreading her knees apart. Julie whines louder as she feels him locking her ankles to the sides of the cage making her even more vulnerable. Ken tells his caged wife goodnight and sleep tight suggesting she get used to it because until her time in chastity is up, she will spend every night in the cage. Julie lays on her back in the new cage, cuffed and gagged, smiling around the gag thinking, “Well, that worked out perfectly!”


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