Stories by Title A-B
- The Abandoned HospitalRupes
M/f; F/m; bond; cell; straitjacket; hospital; cons; X
16.12.19 - Abducted by Abigail: Rock'a'SexyZTVFemdomtales
F+/m+; bond; kidnap; rope; gag; chastity; smother; naked; collar; reluct; nc; X
17.11.21 - Abducted in LondonMike Silklover
F/f; bond; kidnap; scarves; nc; X
23.10.05 - The AbductionAinjlle
F/fm; D/s; bond; latex; bdsm; electro; anal; toys; reluct; X
06.07.08 - The AbductionRuss
Alien/f; kidnap; held; mind-control; reluct; X
- 2
- The Abduction Game Gone WrongJon Deets
M/f; bond; blindfold; gag; captive; transport; collar; strip; sex; oral; climax; voy; blackmail; cons/reluct; X
- The Abduction Game 2: The LimoJon Deets
MF; M+/f; bond; captive; strip; auction; sold; group; voy; mast; sex; climax; blackmail; reluct/nc; X
24.07.12 - The Abduction of Amanda 2: Taken and SoldMadalina
MF+/f; collar; store; capture; bond; gag; cuffs; hood; enslave; training; conditioning; crate; transport; toys; tease; torment; piercing; brand; auction; sold; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX
17.05.15 - Abigail's California AdventureZTVFemdomtales
Solo-F; FM/m; video; trenchcoat; naked; F/m; captive; handcuffs; tease; tour; parkrides; kiss; torment; public; sex; denial; caught; femdom; collar; kidnap; enslave; cons/reluct; X
21.10.17 - Abused in a PenthouseKei9
M/f; sex; bond; hum; gag; collar; cuffs; hotel; sex; oral; whip; cons; XX
08.06.20 - The Abusive Bastards Sticky EndRupes
M/f; abused; beating; torment; force; rape; FF; kiss; lesbian; reveal; dungeon; plot; revenge; F+/m; catsuit; whip; bond; strip; bdsm; guillotine; shackles; cuffs; strapon; anal; mast; climax; death; cons/nc; XX
01.06.19 - Accidental InheritanceLoras Pa6
F/m; bar; dance; tease; nylons; discovery; chastity; mind-control; conditioning; slave; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
25.06.15 - 2: Anniversary Gift
F/m; M/f; D/s; chastity; mind-control; bond; rope; gag; corset; blindfold; bdsm; spank; toys; sybian; climax; cons/reluct; X
- 3: Linda
F/m; F/fm; M/f; chastity; mind-control; blackmail; demands; bond; chairtie; bdsm; punish; oral; climax; cons/nc; X
05.07.15 - 4: Bimbofication
F/m; M/f; chastity; demands; program; device; mind-control; bond; cuffs; chairtie; bimbo; conditioning; stuck; oral; cons/reluct; X
25.07.15 - 5: Stuck
F/m; chastity; program; mind-control; conditioning; denial; video; collar; puppy; petplay; stuck; mast; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
25.07.15 - Accidental SlaveThe Technician
F+/f; fpov; revenge; naked; strip; rope; bond; spreadeagle; outdoors; public; hum; slave; reluct; XX
15.04.21 - Accident Victim To SlaveCagedsgt
F/m; bond; traction; cons; X
03.09.07 - Acquaintanceship RenewedUto
M/f; bond; rom; sex; cons; X
23.01.21 - AdriannaThe Old Man
F/f; fpov; bond; oral; cage; buttplug; inflatable; spank; clamps; strapon; X-frame; rom; cons; X
25.01.23 - The Ad seemed Innocent EnoughCaptain Lance
MF+/f; kidnap; bond; collar; toys; mast; messy; cons/nc; X
10.07.10 - Adult Toy Store Adventures - 1: Girlfriend in LeatherStealthbinder
M/f; leather; bond; cuffs; gag; mast; oral; sex; cons; X
- 2: Robbed & Bound
M/f+; bond; cuffs; gag; corset; toys; oral; mast; reluct; X
- Advanced BondageLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; M/f; scifi; spaceship; suit; magnetic; bond; gag; insert; video; voy; climax; cons; X
22.04.15 - 2
Solo-F; M/f; scifi; spaceship; suit; invisible; bond; hood; gag; video; voy; sex; climax; cons; X
31.07.17 - 3
M/f; spaceship; scifi; naked; transparent; clothing; bodybag; hood; cocoon; zero-gravity; float; tease; torment; denial; climax; cons; X
31.07.17 - Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys 1: Scott in AtlantaTiedguy
M/m; D/s; naked; bond; rope; gag; hood; zipties; nipple; tease; torment; bdsm; spank; denial; mast; climax; true; cons; X
08.10.14 - 2: Dan in Seattle
M/m; D/s; naked; bond; cuffs; gag; blindfold; tease; bdsm; spank; torment; mast; denial; climax; true; cons; XX
12.11.14 - 3: John in Seattle
M/m; D/s; naked; bond; chairtie; blindfold; tease; torment; objectify; mast; denial; climax; true; cons; X
02.12.14 - Adventures in Lock SmithingTektaper
M/f; Solo-F; F/f; bond; cuffs; boxed; stuck; bdsm; cons/reluct; X
30.03.09 - The Adventures of Abigail: Home Run!ZTVFemdomtales
F/m; bond; kidnap; teen; zipties; chair; feed; straps; cuffs; smother; collar; sex; reluct; cons; X
04.06.21 - The Adventures of Agent Suzzanne MidsummerGincrack
F/f; M+/f; captive; drug; bond; zipties; straps; gag; lingerie; tease; torment; machine; bdsm; spank; toys; insert; oral; anal; sex; climax; force; reluct/nc; XX
25.06.13 - The Adventures Of Carolina SkyeLobo De la Sombra
FF; MF; M+/f+; truck; cargo; transport; discovery; slave; boxed; bond; gagged; release; capture; slave; rescue; cons/nc; X
27.07.16 - After Dinner TickleSablesword
M/f; D/s; fantasy; halfling; goblin; slave; collar; feet; bond; rope; tickle; tease; sex; cons; X
14.11.18 - After HoursAlina Aamu
F+/f; bond; zipties; bdsm; gag; spank; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
22.10.10 - After HoursZTVFemdomtales
Solo-M; voy; stalking; F/m; capture; bond; rope; hypno; chloroform; enslave; mind-control; femdom; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
04.09.17 - Aftermath to an AccidentUto
M/f; bond; gag; sex; reluct; X
08.12.19 - Afternoon CallUto
F/f; burglar; captive; bond; cloth; gag; chairtie; drug; robbery; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
24.01.14 - The Afternoon PostJenny Bonici
M/f; gag; collar; shop; emb; bedroom; strip; naked; bond; rope; post-tie; toys; insert; crotchrope; stuck; discovery; climax; true; cons; X
12.09.02 - Afternoon TeaUto
M/f; bond; cloth; bed; neighbours; cottage; rom; cons; X
25.08.21 - 2: Eight Months Later
F/m; bond; chairtie; raincoat; gag; tease; denial; oral; climax; rom; cons; X
23.10.21 - 3
M/f; bond; ties; sex; gag; straps; rom; cons; X
18.11.21 - An Afternoon with Amy Young64Fordman
Solo-F; F/f; bond; gag; rope; ribbon; hogtie; cage; public; tape; chairtie; straps; guerney; intubate; tease; toys; mast; climax; fpov; cons; X
31.10.13 - An Afternoon with Mistress AliciaLouis Friend
F/m; D/s; ts; bond; bdsm; hood; susp; toys; cons; XX
00.03.09 - After School ActivitiesZTVFemdomtales
F/m; babysit; bond; cuffs; bedtie; chairtie; trunk; encase; leathercage; susp; tease; captive; sex; climax; cons; X
10.06.16 - After Work SpecialDmddrgn
M/f; bond; strappado; bdsm; tease; torment; spank; cons; XX
27.11.10 - The Agency - Meeting KatMax Roper
F/m; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; chair; harness; denial; first; cons; X
23.03.12 - Agents of B.O.N.D.A.G.E. - Skin in the Game 1-6Kevin Quinn
F+/m; F/m; M+/m; mpov; bond; tease; torture; predicament; X-frame; cuffs; cbt; rope; anal; cage; electro; buttplug; cons; nc; XX
07.08.22 - Airport PickupThrillski
F/m; bond; slave; cuffs; reluct; X
30.03.04 - AkaraLobo De la Sombra
M/f; hist; slave; bought; bond; gag; sword; naked; fight; cell; dream; sex; reluct/cons; X
15.04.14 - AkashaLobo De la Sombra
M/f; bond; chain; gag; fable; insert; nc; X
23.12.09 - Alice in ThunderlandThe Technician
Solo-F; packaged; helmet; vr; M/f; D/s; naked; dungeon; bond; cuffs; stocks; X-frame; rack; bdsm; spank; nipple; feathers; tease; torment; denial; climax; cons; X
25.06.15 - Alight in the CityA Pensive Pen
M/f; hotel; bond; rope; gag; harness; strict; table; tease; toys; insert; oral; denial; climax; cons; X
06.04.15 - Alina and AlexAlex Pseudonym
MF; discovery; M/f; tease; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; torment; bdsm; spank; breastplay; mast; oral; climax; rom; cons; X
30.05.18 - Alison's LamentCropsncuffs
M/f; bond; leather; petgirl; cage; kidnap; nc; X
03.02.08 - Allie's InitiationAlina Aamu
F/f; bond; bdsm; rope; tease; oral; climax; first; rom; cons; X
22.08.12 - 2
F/f; strip; bond; rope; boxtie; gag; hogtie; tease; mast; denial; cons; X
08.08.14 - All I want for Christmas... is to be tied upSteve Spandex
Solo-F; porn-mags; caught; F/f; desire; plan; bond; rope; tape; wrap; cocoon; cartrunk; transport; garage; abandoned; stuck; revenge; cons/nc; X
31.01.17 - All My FaultCropsncuffs
F/m; F+/m; bond; collar; leash; ribbon; pet; costume; bitchsuit; reluct; cons; XX
25.08.21 - All Sales are FinalZTVFemdomtales
Solo-M; store; F/m; flirt; desire; breast; hypno; mind-control; bond; kidnap; plan; F/f; idol; capture; lesbian; femdom; cons/nc; X
21.01.19 - All's FairJodi
M/m; hypno; mind-control; bond; oral; anal; cons; X
04.04.08 - All's FairMikel
F/m; bond; corset; chastity; cuffs; leather; blindfold; gag; cd; heels; club; display; bdsm; electro; hum; enslave; tease; denial; mast; climax; cons; X
27.09.15 - All Tied UpJohn Roper
M/f+; bond; rope; gag; toys; cons; X
- (Almost) True Bondage TaleCynthia Harder
M/f; bond; rope; gag; scarf; cons; X
03.02.10 - Alone in the HouseSlave Victoria
M/f; hood; bond; susp; cuffs; tease; toys; oral; sex; cons; X
05.03.10 - Amanda's HangupGeetwo
M+F+/f; F/f; bond; rope; gag; kidnap; susp; hogtie; tease; climax; toys; spank; reluct; X
20.08.24 - Amaris AdaraZTVFemdomtales
Solo-M; comic-cons; costume; MF; character; lunch; tease; fantasy; hotel; F/m; capture; strip; bond; gag; kidnap; femdom; enslave; sex; cons; X
31.07.17 - Amazing ShoesMikel
M/f; F/f; bond; latex; catsuit; balletboots; corset; heels; gag; rope; cuffs; straitjacket; hood; susp; chair; straps; chastity; permanent; revenge; cons; X
18.04.22 - The Amazon's RevengeZTVFemdomtales
F/m; gym; voy; phone; caught; punish; captive; bond; rope; gag; torment; strip; tickle; femdom; enslave; sex; climax; reluct/nc; X
24.06.18 - The Amber FileBDPH
M/f; kidnap; bond; pantyhose; straitjacket; susp; toys; reluct/nc; X
16.09.09 - AmyDataSado
M/f; kidnap; captive; bond; zipties; hood; cartrunk; transport; bdsm; gag; hum; breast; nipple; cage; buried; desert; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX
08.03.14 - Amy's Surprise AwakeningElectroPainLover
Solo-F; F/f; bond; metal; cuffs; nipple; blindfold; gag; hemp-rope; ropewalk; stuck; torment; pain; toys; mast; climax; release; revenge; reluct/cons; X
23.08.16 - Andrea and the MistressChris Powell
F/f; D/s; bond; chain; bdsm; toys; cons/reluct; XX
03.10.07 - Andrea's Summer VacationRichard M
F+/f; M/f; strip; bond; drug; rope; gag; blindfold; toys; insert; cage; fantasy; reluct/cons; X
- Angela Is Now Just A Teddy BearGarsponlin
M/f; bond; hood; costume; oral; drug; reluct/nc; X
14.11.19 - Angela's AwakeningPimpernell
Sbf; M/f; bond; first; cons; X
16.10.07 - Angela's DiscoveryPimpernell
F/m; Sbm; bond; cd; oral; anal; toys; cons; X
30.11.07 - Angela's Wedding NightPimpernell
Sbf; M/f; bond; oral; cons; X
30.11.07 - Angel's Country WeekendGandalf
M/f; bond; scarves; gag; ponygirl; cons; X
06.12.03 - Angie & JohnMauser
M/f; party; bond; cuffs; stuck; leather; tease; fondle; gag; blindfold; nipple; oral; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X
- Angie's CommitmentMikel
Solo-F; F/f; M/f; D/s; bond; chain; chastity; steel; cuffs; nipple; breast; piercing; corset; latex; hogtie; electro; gag; sold; denial; oral; climax; cons; X
02.08.14 - Anna and a Dangerous ManPaultt
FF; cafe; M/f; date; dance; bond; naked; rope; collar; vibe; tease; denial; climax; sex; outdoors; shackles; cuffs; chain; toys; insert; cons; X
01.10.18 - Anna in ChainsJulien Sorel
F/f; bond; chain; femdom; college; hum; mast; reluct/nc; X
30.03.09 - Anna's PunishmentAlina Aamu
F+/f; capture; gag; rope; bond; hogtie; bdsm; transport; latex; cuffs; cell; reluct; X
13.10.11 - Day 2
F+/f+; captive; cell; latex; bond; cuffs; gag; rope; strip; naked; shower; bdsm; punish; drug; force; reluct/nc; X
21.01.19 - : Day 3
F+/f; bond; gag; cuffs; cell; spank; punish; rope; head-harness; ballgag; ring-gag; leash; dungeon; chair; nc; XX
14.07.20 - Anne and SusanAnne Woolsey
F/f; firstmeeting; mall; bond; rope; cons; X
19.04.09 - 2: The Nuclear Option
F/f; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; toys; cons; X
01.06.09 - 3: Road Trip
F/f; bond; gag; hogtie; transport; susp; oral; mast; toys; cons; X
20.07.09 - Anne Takes ChargeAnonymous
F+/m; D/s; cell; chain; prisoner; chastity; rubber; cons/nc; X
10.07.10 - Annie Part 1: Getting boredJohn Writer
Solo-F; discovery; bond; fantasy; cons; X
01.06.09 - 2: Bondage Challenge
F+/f; bond; rope; gag; dare; cons; X
19.06.09 - 3: The Attempt
F+/f; bond; rope; gag; dare; cons; X
06.07.09 - Anniversary SurpriseRobert Deane
Solo-F; bond; rope; gag; cupboard; M/f; cons; X
21.10.09 - 2: Two Days before
Sbf; rope; gag; cuffs; cons; X
29.11.09 - Annoying SlaveLisa
F/m; F+/m; club; scene; femdom; D/s; X-frame; cuffs; bond; hum; pain; cbt; kick; torment; revenge; true; cons; X
18.02.17 - The Annual Company PicnicCaptain Lance
FF; M+/f+; naked; collar; chair; toys; insert; electro; shock; tease; torment; oral; sex; climax; reluct/cons; XX
14.05.13 - Anonymous Hooded Bondage PinupArkane
F+/f; photoshoot; model; costume; latex; hood; bond; collar; mask; toys; insert; catsuit; outdoors; captive; tease; cons/reluct; X
15.12.15 - Another Date with StrandMax Roper
Sbm+; M/m; hotel; naked; bond; rope; cuffs; blindfold; nipple; wax; torment; cons; X
20.12.11 - Another Saturday MorningCindy
Solo-F; M/f; capture; strip; bond; gag; force; oral; anal; mast; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X
24.01.14 - 2: Yet Another Saturday Morning
M/f; bond; rope; gag; force; captive; ice; insert; oral; anal; mast; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X
08.03.14 - 3: Still Another Saturday Morning
M/f; naked; bond; rope; gag; force; tease; oral; anal; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
06.04.14 - Another Slaviversary 1: The Slut's SlaviversaryLoras Pa6
F/fm; M/f; D/s; femdom; bond; chastity; collar; gag; bdsm; crop; enema; sleepsack; anal; sex; climax; cons; X
09.09.13 - 2: Interrupted Celebration
F/fm; FM+/m; D/s; femdom; kidnap; force; cuffs; bond; gag; bdsm; crop; dungeon; collar; chain; latex; suit; hood; cons/nc; XXX
26.09.13 - 3: Shifting Mindsets
F/fm; FM+/f; D/s; femdom; catsuit; bond; gag; hood; bdsm; crop; electro; susp; dungeon; suit; club; stocks; display; cons; XX
07.10.13 - 4: Recovery and Loss
F/fm; D/s; femdom; bond; bdsm; sleepsack; straitjacket; chastity; toys; electro; club; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
18.10.13 - 5: Epilogue
F/fm; D/s; femdom; bond; bdsm; sleepsack; leather; f-suit; chastity; toys; electro; torment; oral; sex; climax; denial; cons; X
17.11.13 - another story from a kats lifeKitn
M/f; D/s; bond; slave; hood; gag; cons; X
10.01.03 - Another Weekend in Hell with JessiBellHuis Clos
F/m; bond; chain; gag; chastity; bdsm; cbt; dungeon; femdom; torture; cons; XX
02.09.12 - Answer to the QuestionInferno of the Soul
M/f; bond; collar; cuffs; nipple; oral; sex; tease; cons; X
25.07.10 - Anticipated ReleaseIt'sForScience!
F/m; denial; sex; bond; chastity; cockring; gag; rope; bedtie; spreadeagle; climax; vibe; cons; X
21.11.20 - Antoinette: The Damsel in DistressRopeBurnUK
M/f; bond; rope; leather; cuffs; gag; blindfold; toys; first; climax; true; cons; X
08.07.12 - Ants and No PantsHeatSeeker
Other/f; ants; bond; bodymod; oral; cons/reluct; X
31.12.07 - Anya's AdventureWingco
plant/f; bond; slave; envelop; cocoon; insert; mast; bodymod; reluct/cons; X
02.11.09 - Anything You DesireWildfire8470
- The Apartment BlockB. Larson
M/f; fpov; collar; strip; straps; gag; public; mast; reluct; X
30.09.23 - Aphrodite's GiftYoni Steele
F/m; bdsm; cbt; entomb; nc; XXX
10.04.02 - ApologyMargaret B
FM/f; bond; bdsm; enema; hum; pain; sex; reluct/cons; XXX
20.01.10 - The ApparatusDominatrix Bella
F/m; D/s; chastity; bond; gag; hood; display; costume; party; electro; tease; torment; oral; denial; cons; XX
20.02.12 - ApprenticesPhantom
FF; mage; apprentices; majick; Other/ff; bond; rope; gag; captive; harness; force; stuck; lesbian; kiss; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
21.05.18 - Appropriate ActionStealthbinder
M/f; bond; rope; gag; car; toys; climax; mast; sex; cons; X
03.08.10 - The AquariumSteff
Solo-F; Other/f; bond; tease; insert; encase; mast; climax; cons; X
15.11.10 - Are All The Good Ones Gone? 1: Pre-Birthday DinnerMasterKGray
M/f; fpov; D/s; oral; public; restaurant; squirt; collar; slave; cons; X
01.03.22 - 2: The Dungeon
M/f; bond; dungeon; slave; collar; leash; pain; whip; sex; cons; XX
06.04.22 - ArrestedCuffmate
F/m; bond; cuffs; incarcerate; nc; XX
- Arrested or EnslavedMister B
Solo-F; pickpocket; F/f; caught; cuffs; arrest; choice; domme; enslave; strip; chain; cellar; torment; bdsm; crop; cage; submissive; reluct; X
20.03.18 - Art & CraftBarretthunter
M/f; capture; bond; cuffs; bdsm; display; encase; sex; cons; X
15.11.10 - The Art of TouchLambrètto
M/f; massage; bond; silk; pamper; insert; anal; mast; climax; cons; X
22.10.10 - The Arts ConferenceZack
MF/f; bond; cuffs; reluct/nc; XX
06.05.17 - Ask ProperlyMargaret B
MF; M/f; F/fm; bond; bdsm; public; hum; nudity; sex; oral; anal; cons/reluct; X
21.02.10 - At Her FeetPharohking
Other/m; bond; magic; F/m; nc; X
17.11.07 - Attention to DetailJack Peacock
M/f; outdoors; bond; cuffs; roleplay; rom; cons; X
25.04.20 - At the ShoreMax Roper
M/f; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; tease; nipple; voy; oral; mast; climax; cons; X
11.06.12 - The AtticDPGSM
FF; F/f; attic; discovery; dungeon; chair; straps; bond; vibrate; arousal; caught; F/f+; punish; leather; bodysuit; armbinder; susp; harness; cage; stuck; bdsm; spank; cons/reluct; X
01.03.19 - Attitude Adjustment 1Richard Blaine
F/m; bond; bedtie; spank; tickle; torment; climax; straps; reluct; X
01.08.20 - 2
F/m; bond; tickle; cuffs; bedtie; spank; torment; blackmail; climax; straps; reluct; X
12.08.20 - 3
F/m; bond; tickle; cuffs; chain; ointment; spank; torment; climax; straps; spreadeagle; reluct; X
16.08.20 - AuctionAnon
M/f; bond; slave; susp; reluct; X
06.05.17 - The AuditionMaid2Btied
M/f; D/s; bond; susp; rope; hood; nipple; bdsm; whip; crop; roses; torment; mast; sex; oral; climax; cons; XX
12.08.11 - AwakeningLobo De la Sombra
M/f; bond; gag; blindfold; reluct; X
14.02.02 - The AwakeningMikel
M/f; bond; rope; chairtie; outdoors; hood; blindfold; pool; bedroom; drug; chastity; cuffs; gag; boots; bdsm; nipple; denial; ring-gag; oral; cons; X
31.01.17 - Away in the MangerT S Fesseln
M/f; D/s; bond; gag; cuffs; packaged; trunk; cons; X
The Adventures of Raika Élan Esq
- The Adventures of Raika Élan EsqThanos
F/f+; bond; rope; gag; capture; wrap; kidnap; nc; X
- 1: Bait
M/f; F/f; bond; rope; gag; wetsuit; underwater; kidnap; cons/nc; X
- 2: A Burglary
F/f+; bond; rope; gag; tape; kidnap; tease; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
- 3: Aimee’s Javert
F/f; bond; rope; gag; tape; kidnap; tease; hum; cons/reluct; X
- 4: Leela’s Ordeal
F+/f; kidnap; bond; rope; gag; captive; hogtie; tease; toys; climax; nc/reluct; X
- 5: Colleagues
F/f+; kidnap; captive; bond; wire; rope; gag; tape; bdsm; torment; oral; climax; cons/reluct; XX
- 6: A Little Withdrawal
F/f+; kidnap; captive; bond; rope; gag; tape; wrap; bdsm; torment; insert; toys; nc/reluct; XX
Alice & Amanda
- 1: The First NightAlina Aamu
F/f; bond; rope; gag; oral; cons; X
21.01.08 - 2: Living Together
- 3: Mistress Amanda
F/f; bond; gag; messy; bath; rom; oral; mast; cons; X
14.01.09 - 4: Subbing Together
F/f+; D/s; bond; rope; gag; cuffs; denial; cons; X
18.11.09 - 5: Surprises
F/f; bond; rope; gag; cuffs; oral; mast; climax; cons; X
23.12.09 - 6: Birthday Girl
F/f; D/s; bond; rope; gag; cuffs; oral; climax; cons; X
American Dream
- American DreamAndy Le Strange
M/f; bond; rope; gag; chairtie; sex; climax; cons; X
20.06.12 - 2: Bound in the Trunk
M/f; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; cartrunk; toys; cons; X
24.07.12 - 3: Planning
M/f; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; cartrunk; toys; climax; cons; X
24.07.12 - 4: Ransom Note
M/f; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; crotchrope; mast; climax; cons; X
24.07.12 - 5: Pick Up
M/f+; bond; ether; outdoors; cuffs; blindfold; captive; fantasy; cons; X
02.09.12 - 6: Together Again
M/f+; captive; bond; cuffs; strip; lingerie; tease; fantasy; cons/reluct; X
08.10.12 - 7: Bound Together
M/f+; captive; bond; cuffs; rope; gag; tease; oral; climax; fantasy; cons/reluct; X
19.10.12 - 8: Bath Time
M/f+; captive; lingerie; bond; cuffs; rope; gag; susp; tease; torment; toys; fantasy; cons/reluct; X
28.11.12 - 9: Final Weekend
M/f+; captive; lingerie; bond; cuffs; rope; gag; susp; tease; torment; toys; fantasy; cons/reluct; X
The Art of Silk Surrender
- The Art of Silk SurrenderDannyinsilk
F/m; nude; art; blindfold; bond; silk; cons; X
- 2
F/m; bond; silk; scarf; display; cons; X
- 3
F/m; bond; silk; scarf; display; cons; X
- 4
F/m; FM+/m; bond; silk; scarf; display; touch; cons; X
- 5
Sbm; silk; scarves; cd; FM+/m; bond; rope; outdoors; party; cons; X
- 6
FM; silk; clothing; store; F/fm; bond; cuffs; rack; bdsm; display; cons; X
- 7
F/fm; FM; silk; bond; cuffs; rack; bdsm; display; oral; mast; cons; X
- 8
F/m; M/f; silk; bond; rope; outdoors; gag; naked; hum; sex; cons; X
- 9
F/fm; FM/fm; silk; bond; rope; store; gag; toys; oral; anal; sex; cons/reluct; X
- 10
M/f; Sbmf; FM+/fm; D/s; bond; rope; naked; group; outdoors; chastity; collar; oral; sex; cons; X
- 11
FM+/fm; D/s; bond; rope; naked; group; outdoors; chastity; collar; game; oral; sex; cons; X
- 12
F/m; silk; cd; bond; rope; hood; cape; outdoors; emb; discovery; nude; display; cons; X
- 13
F/m; F/fm; FM+/fm; silk; bond; rope; X-frame; display; bdsm; spank; cape; nude; outdoors; cons/reluct; X
- Babysitting My Brother-In-LawConnie
F/m; bond; stocks; cuffs; reluct/cons; X
10.07.03 - Back PainJan Smith
M/f; F/f; cuffs; naked; susp; office; tease; fantasy; bdsm; punish; oral; climax; cons/reluct; XX
03.02.13 - Bad BargainLobo De la Sombra
Other/f; magic; transform; sexchange; bond; F/f; reluct; X
- 2
M/f; F/m; magic; transform; bodyswap; bond; oral; reluct; X
31.12.07 - Bad Bargain 2: The Story ContinuedKim Manners
M/f; magic; transform; bodyswap; MF/f; bond; bdsm; oral; cons; X
27.01.08 - A Bad BetAnn Onominos
F/f; M/f; college; wager; enslave; hum; foot; bond; collar; leash; public; hum; bdsm; pins; punish; dungeon; susp; lesbian; strapon; oral; anal; climax; cons/reluct; X
01.10.18 - Bad Day at the OfficeAndy Le Strange
FM/f+; F/f; robbery; kidnap; captive; rope; cuffs; gag; hood; bond; hogtie; transport; cons/nc; X
22.08.15 - 2
FM+/f+; kidnap; captive; warehouse; rope; cuffs; gag; bond; strip; slap; force; reluct/nc; X
10.06.16 - 3
FM+/f+; kidnap; captive; warehouse; gag; bond; rope; cuffs; strip; hogtie; force; reluct/nc; X
10.06.16 - The Bad NeighbourSuziC
Solo-F; M/f; naked; sunbath; force; bond; straps; gag; rope; blackmail; sex; climax; reluct/nc; X
28.08.13 - A Bad ReviewOkmrocksU
M/f; capture; gag; bond; bdsm; spank; electro; machine; voy; torment; toys; nc; XX
27.09.09 - The BaitDana
M+/f; kidnap; bond; spandex; bodymod; scifi; nc; X
27.01.08 - The BalanceAlcore
F/m; chastity; piercing; device; bond; tease; denial; climax; cons/reluct; X
12.03.15 - Ballet Boundkbound44
F+/m; bond; balletwear; slave; reluct; XX
- 2
- BandedMikel
Solo-F; M/f; bond; cuffs; chastity; collar; chain; metal; bands; nipple; breast; hobble; hogtie; gag; permanent; enslave; denial; cons; X
07.01.14 - Banker's HoursZack
F/f; bond; susp; nc; XX
22.05.02 - The Banking Bondage BabesMike Silklover
F+/m; bond; kidnap; scarves; nc; X
23.10.05 - The Barbarian WayLobo De la Sombra
MF; M/f; bond; strip; naked; leather; gag; sex; cons/reluct; X
19.09.11 - The Basement 1Sabina
F/f; F+/f; bond; toys; furry; reluct/cons; XX
- 2
F+/f; bond; toys; furry; reluct/cons; X
22.12.06 - Basement BarbieNickHC
F+/m; bond; cd; kidnap; dungeon; basement; gag; spreadeagle; frame; cuffs; collar; corset; chastity; torture; cbt; teen; nc; XXX
06.04.22 - Basketball TournamentJake R
M/m; MF/m; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; blindfold; naked; voy; hum; tease; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
31.10.13 - The Battle of Cat-FuryAlcore
F/m; bond; cuffs; tease; foreplay; cat; fight; scratch; humour; discovery; hum; nosex; true; cons/reluct; X
09.01.15 - The BazaarArchionus
F/f+; enslave; trick; kidnap; bond; latex; catsuit; rope; tape; gag; collar; whip; training; oral; toys; reluct; nc; XXX
20.04.20 - B & D Fun at the Bondage ClubMaryLynn
MF+/fm+; bond; susp; cons; X
29.09.03 - 2
MF+/mf; bond; enema; nipple play; cons; X
24.01.04 - BDSM ParadeHarveyLanz
Solo-M; F/m; D/s; bdsm; slave; foot; dream; tease; orphan; tattoo; shave; cons/reluct; XX
27.09.15 - Beach BoundRope Lover
M/f; bikini; bond; rope; handcuffs; leash; susp; spreadeagle; breast; outdoors; bdsm; cane; tease; buttplug; insert; oral; denial; sex; climax; cons; X
31.07.17 - Beach CombingRowantree
F/m; bond; latex; nc; X
14.02.06 - The BeachAnne Woolsey
F/f+; Solo-F; kidnap; bond; gag; outdoors; tease; captive; photo; voy; cons/nc; X
- 2
F/f+; kidnap; bond; gag; zipties; hogtie; chairtie; rope; captive; cons/nc; X
10.01.13 - Beautifully BoundMikel
M/f; mpov; outdoors; bond; rope; oral; buttplug; chastity; training; clamps; gag; collar; blindfold; cuffs; enema; cons; X
16.12.22 - Beauty & the BeastTom N8DXR
M/f; bond; slave; toys; nc/reluct; X
- 2
F/m+; M+/f; bond; slave; toys; magic; nc/reluct; X
- Be Careful What You Wish ForMr Smooth
F/m; FM+/m; D/s; domme; force; strip; latex; bond; collar; cuffs; enema; bdsm; cane; torment; susp; cbt; pegs; pain; electro; denial; oral; anal; strapon; cons/reluct; XX
- 2
FM+/m; D/s; femdom; force; latex; maid; cd; chastity; hum; bond; collar; cuffs; bdsm; torment; tease; cbt; electro; denial; mast; oral; anal; cons/reluct; XX
03.12.15 - 3
FM+/m; D/s; femdom; force; latex; catsuit; chastity; hum; bond; cuffs; bdsm; cbt; torment; bodybag; encase; tease; cbt; electro; denial; mast; strapon; oral; anal; cons/reluct; XX
03.12.15 - Be Careful What You Wish ForGaggedUtopia
M/f; bond; vr; cons/nc; X
22.06.03 - Be Careful What You Wish ForCropsncuffs
F/m; bond; rope; naked; outdoors; F+/m; denim; tease; torment; mast; climax; latex; dogsuit; muzzle; collar; femdom; cons/reluct; X
15.08.15 - Be Careful What You Wish For!Anne Woolsey
F/f; capture; bond; rope; gag; hood; hogtie; toys; mast; climax; nc; X
31.07.11 - 2
F+/f; captive; bond; rope; gag; tease; torment; susp; toys; hum; discovery; oral; climax; nc; X
- Be Careful What You wish For OnlineKW
F/m; discovery; D/s; bond; femdom; cd; boots; corset; gag; tease; cuffs; denial; oral; strapon; cum; climax; true; cons; X
09.10.18 - Because I CanJo
M/f; kidnap; drug; transport; strip; chain; cuffs; naked; captive; cons/nc; X
22.08.12 - Because I Want To BeThe Technician
Solo-M; FM/m; club; bond; cuffs; chain; hood; thong; stage; display; bdsm; spank; crop; torment; public; cons; X
11.11.16 - Becky the Vampire SuckerJo
M/f; F/m; bond; shackles; chain; escape; capture; horror; oral; cbt; cons/nc; X
00.12.11 - Becoming CuntfacePat Kole
Solo-F; M/f; F/f; D/s; webcam; toys; insert; rope; cuffs; gag; tape; breast; hum; torment; voy; climax; fpov; cons/reluct; XX
04.05.13 - Bed & BondageD Carroll
M/f; bond; cons; X
- Bed & BondageAngel Joe
F/m; bond; cage; Sbm; cons; X
10.05.04 - Bed GamesLobo De la Sombra
M/f; F/m; bond; rope; straps; gag; hood; foldup bed; enclosed; tease; femdom; enslave; chastity; lesbian; denial; sex; cons/reluct; X
15.08.15 - BedtimeCaligula
F/m; mpov; fpov; bond; straitjacket; buttplug; diapers; gag; blindfold; sendep; rope; tease; denial; mast; cbt; cons; XX
09.09.23 - The Beekeepers WifeStany Swav
M/f; bond; cuffs; blindfold; barn; frame; gag; coated; honey; wax; immobilise; encase; sex; climax; cons; X
05.09.11 - Been Caught SnoopingBadgrrl
Solo-F; caught; MF/f; bond; gag; hood; oral; mast; sex; anal; toys; cons; X
25.07.10 - The Beginning of my DayDarkraptor1
F/fm; bond; kidnap; latex; slave; boxed; reluct/nc; X
12.05.07 - BeginningsMiss Naughty
M/f; D/s; bond; cons; X
01.03.02 - Being NeighbourlyWalt A.K.A. Xan
M/f; bond; rope; scarves; pantyhose; toys; tease; oral; sex; cons; X
04.04.20 - 2
M/f; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; collar; D/s; tease; heels; tickle; feeding; nipple; mittens; maid; cons; X
28.05.20 - BelleUkeseme
M/f; susp; reluct; X
23.05.06 - Best Deal I Ever MadeSteff
Solo-F; M+/f; club; latex; offer; bond; collar; cuffs; toys; insert; boxed; stage; audience; mast; cum; encase; machine; enslave; naked; oral; climax; cons; X
29.04.17 - The Best Halloween Costume EverDarkStar
F/m; bond; rope; cd; fem; chain; costume; party; tape; mast; cons; X
30.10.11 - The Best Holiday EverNomad
F+/m; bond; fem; reluct; X
26.09.05 - Best Laid PlansStealthbinder
- Best Laid PlansJack Patrick
M/f; bond; kidnap; cuffs; zipties; gag; blindfold; cell; strip; nc; XX
17.12.23 - The Best ManTy M Goode
M/f; kidnap; bond; balltie; gag; bdsm; packaged; nc; X
11.12.08 - The BetMarco Nash
F+/f+; wager; bikini; naked; bond; rope; susp; gag; bdsm; spank; paddle; nipple; electro; tease; torment; snow; outdoors; cons; X
27.09.15 - BetaLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; MF+/f; scifi; court; sentence; naked; bond; cuffs; insert; boxed; transport; collar; enslave; oral; cons/reluct; X
27.09.15 - 2: Spencer
M+/f; M/f; scifi; court; sentence; naked; cuffs; collar; slave; service; force; captive; cons/reluct; X
17.05.16 - 3: Belladonna Sciori
FM+; M/f; scifi; stun; capture; chain; shackles; prisoner; interrogate; freed; battle; slave; service; mind-control; cons/reluct; X
28.06.16 - Beta TesterTechster
F/m; domme; bond; cuffs; harness; hood; penalty; bdsm; crop; outdoors; stuck; cons; X
15.04.14 - BethOrion1701
M/f; cheat; naked; bond; video; caught; revenge; hogtie; gag; blindfold; spank; tease; denial; nipple; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
31.07.15 - Betty's LessonJ Bond
M/f; bond; reluct; X
- 2
M/f; bond; susp; cons; X
- Beyond Gravity's PullBaron Waste
M+/f; space; capsule; station; bond; stretcher; cuffs; catheter; plug; strip; naked; rebound; straps; experiment; long term; cons/nc; X
08.09.16 - Beyond NakedMargaret B
F/m; MM; M+/m; D/s; bdsm; oral; cons; XX
16.10.07 - The Big MatchArchie
M+/f; bond; susp; reluct; X
23.06.06 - Big Things Cum in Small BoxesRopebound
F+/m; bond; kidnap; reluct; X
26.02.03 - The BilboZack
Sbf; bond; cons; X
22.06.01 - Binding ConnectionWoody
M+/f+; bond; kidnap; nc; XX
05.08.02 - A Binding ContractSteve Spandex
Solo-F; M+/f; warehouse; filmset; rope; bond; gag; tape; captive; video; stuck; cons/reluct; X
27.09.14 - Binding LoveJohn Roper
M/f+; bond; packaged; cons; X
29.09.03 - 2
M/f; bond; susp; cons; X
12.10.03 - Bind of the MagiTheSweetCount
M/f; F/f; Solo-M; bond; rope; gag; hogtie; trunk; stuck; cons; X
30.01.12 - Bio TechSteff
M/f; Other/f; naked; restraints; engulf; encase; insert; mast; climax; cons; X
15.11.10 - Birching Miss BirchThe Technician
F/f; FM/f; D/s; office; camp; cabin; enslave; strip; bdsm; spank; electro; punish; shave; tattoo; reward; hum; edgeplay; denial; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
15.07.15 - 2
F/f; D/s; camp; cabin; enslave; naked; bond; outdoors; bdsm; birch; electro; punish; shave; reward; toys; insert; denial; lesbian; mast; oral; climax; cons; X
28.08.15 - 3
F/f; D/s; camp; cabin; enslave; naked; bond; outdoors; bdsm; electro; punish; denial; reward; toys; insert; edgeplay; lesbian; mast; oral; climax; cons; X
28.08.15 - The Birthday GiftStudbound
F+/m; bond; straitjacket; cage; long term; cons/reluct; X
07.01.02 - The Birthday PresentAbrank
M/f; bond; leather; toys; cons; X
01.10.06 - The Birthday PresentSuziC
Solo-F; M/f; drug; bond; rope; gag; saddle; tease; nipple; naked; swim; toys; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
26.02.14 - The Birthday PresentMiss's Pet
M/f; M+/f; bond; blindfold; hood; cuffs; straps; collar; threesome; surprise; sex; oral; spank; D/s; cons; reluct; X
20.10.20 - A Birthday Present to RememberJan Smith
F/fm; bdsm; bond; susp; cons; X
12.07.07 - Birthday Treatnwsubguy
MM; M/m; discovery; computer; porn; hum; D/s; enslave; treat; club; bond; cuffs; gag; auction; sold; mistake; oral; mast; denial; cons/nc; X
18.02.17 - A Bit of a ProblemUser470
F/m; bond; rope; gag; chair; cbt; transport; cartrunk; outdoors; nc; X
06.05.10 - The Black BlondeJohn Writer
M/f+; bond; rope; chain; cons/nc; X
23.12.08 - BlackmailTom Smith
Solo-M; Other/m; leather; fetish; blackmail; hotel; cd; pvc; public; club; bond; cuffs; blindfold; gag; reluct; X
07.10.13 - 2
FM+/m; bond; cuffs; gag; pvc; cd; leather; fetish; blindfold; gag; bdsm; spank; video; tease; denial; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; X
18.10.13 - The BlacksmithLongterm
M+/m; M+/mf+; cuffs; chain; leg-irons; prisoner; cell; hum; chastity; reluct/nc; XX
12.05.11 - Blessed SinsJoseph Anthony
Solo-F; game; vr; fantasy; character; tutorial; FM; guards; FM+; fight; mannequin; heal; lessons; shackles; bond; cons; X
30.05.18 - Blind DateTim Radges
FM/f; bond; scarves; cons; X
10.05.04 - Blind RageWildfire8470
Solo-F; M/f; bar; bond; rope; tease; oral; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X
28.06.12 - The Blind ServantDenkira7
M/f; bond; kidnap; cuffs; sendep; naked; gag; mask; shave; costume; maid; chastity; toys; buttplug; forcefeeding; hum; stocks; training; remote; slave; tease; denial; sex; oral; nc; XXX
29.12.23 - Block PartyLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; M+/f; M+/f+; bond; rope; gag; outdoors; naked; party; group; reluct; X
11.11.11 - Blood BankDruid5
M+/f+; M/f; bond; vacbed; susp; tease; college; toys; tickle; catheter; electro; public; club; halloween; cons; X
18.12.21 - Bob and Carol and AliceRacer & Rick
M/f+; bond; cuffs; collar; oral; mast; stocks; toys; cons; X
20.11.08 - 3
F+/fm; M/f+; bond; bdsm; cuffs; collar; hood; stocks; oral; mast; toys; cons; X
- 6
M/f+; bond; cuffs; pole; collar; oral; cons; X
- The Body PuzzleSwitchMan
M/f; Solo-F; mechanism; puzzle; leather; bond; tricked; strip; locks; stuck; discovery; cons; X
17.05.16 - 2
M/f; mechanism; puzzle; leather; bond; puzzle; cuffs; cord; tricked; strip; naked; machine; stuck; mast; climax; cons; X
28.06.16 - The BodystockingWilliam
F/m; Sbm; toys; bond; cons; X
29.09.03 - Body SwapThe Technician
M/f+; nc; force; bond; tape; captive; caught; punish; sentence; jail; future; bodyswap; surprise; revenge; cons/nc; XXX
21.11.16 - The Bondage Adventures of Lara CrossJohn Roper
MF/f+; bond; bagged; kidnap; reluct/nc; X
12.10.04 - The Bondage Adventures of Lara Cross 2John Roper
MM/f+; bond; kidnap; reluct/nc; X
18.10.04 - 3
MM/f+; M+/f; bond; kidnap; bagged; susp; reluct/nc; X
28.07.05 - 4
MM/f; F+/f; bond; susp; reluct/nc; X
23.10.05 - 5
MM/f+; MF+/f+; bond; kidnap; reluct/nc; X
23.10.05 - Bondage AsylumDontdoxme47
F+/m; bond; nurse; straps; gag; collar; ballgag; blindfold; latex; naked; mittens; bedtie; hospital; strip; trick; cons; nc; XX
30.08.20 - Bondage Balldouglbond
F/m; M/f; mpov; bond; cuffs; chain; collar; leash; party; armbinder; gag; X-frame; chastity; mittens; hood; chairtie; tape; cons; X
02.05.22 - Bondage Ballet BluesRestricted
FM/fm; bond; susp; leather; kidnap; mum; reluct/nc; X
15.07.06 - Bondage Barbie DeluxeJackrabbit
M/f; FM/m; D/s; fem; bond; costume; boxed; delivery; display; dungeon; susp; bdsm; cell; oral; anal; cons; XX
09.01.11 - Bondage BoutiqueJubal Jackson
FM/f+; photoshoot; lingerie; model; corset; cuffs; bond; collar; gag; rope; force; boxed; transport; enslave; torment; cons/nc; X
30.06.14 - 2
F/f+; captive; bond; rope; cuffs; corset; gag; hood; tease; torment; toys; denial; cons/nc; X
08.08.14 - 3
MF/f+; captive; abducted; bond; rope; harness; corset; gag; hood; boxed; display; taser; carpet; wrapped; tease; torment; cons/nc; X
20.09.14 - 4
MF/f+; captive; bond; rope; harness; gag; strappado; hood; video; tease; torment; oral; cons/nc; X
18.10.14 - 5
MF/f+; captive; bond; rope; straps; harness; gag; costume; lingerie; display; cage; encase; tease; torment; oral; climax; cons/nc; X
21.03.15 - 6
MF/f+; Solo-M; captive; bond; rope; gag; costume; lingerie; display; cage; nylons; encase; tease; show; model; cons/nc; X
06.04.15 - Bondage Break inM.S. The disappointment
Solo-M; F+/m; naked; bond; rope; gag; tease; torment; bdsm; crop; foot; oral; climax; reluct/cons; X
02.01.19 - The Bondage BurglarHelios
M/f+; bond; wrap; bodybag; nc; X
06.10.03 - Bondage CardsTS
M/f; bond; rope; chair; gag; tape; blindfold; secretary; tease; cons; X
20.12.11 - The Bondage ClubRestricted
M/f; F/m; bond; latex; leather; fem; cons/reluct; X
- The Bondage ClubJan Wright
M+/f+; bond; toys; wrap; cons; X
20.08.02 - The Bondage ClubTony-B
M+/f+; kidnap; bond; bdsm; oral; reluct/nc; X
31.08.08 - The Bondage ClubNapoleon Leopold
Solo-F; F/f; FM+/f+; club; strip; leather; catsuit; corset; collar; armbinder; boots; bond; leash; display; enslave; sybian; tease; nipple; torment; denial; cons/reluct; XX
- 2: Sister Slave
F/f; F+/fm+; club; leather; catsuit; bond; leash; display; enslave; sybian; tease; nipple; torment; piercing; bdsm; crop; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX
- 3: The Gamble
F/f; M+/f; D/s; club; leather; catsuit; bond; leash; display; nipple; tease; torment; piercing; bdsm; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX
- 4: Playtime
F/f+; M+/f; D/s; club; strip; bond; armbinder; gag; strappado; nipple; tease; torment; oral; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX
- 5: Bondage Sisters
F/f+; D/s; club; bond; armbinder; gag; susp; bdsm; whip; nipple; clamps; toys; insert; tease; torment; mast; climax; cons/nc; XX
- 6: Din, din time
F/f+; D/s; club; bond; armbinder; gag; susp; bdsm; whip; nipple; clamps; toys; insert; tease; torment; mast; climax; cons/nc; XX
24.04.14 - Bondage Co-edsJya Byrd
F/f; bond; armbinder; hood; collar; cuffs; tickle; whip; chastity; rope; strapon; straitjacket; spreader; leash; buttplug; toys; clamps; cons; XX
17.04.23 - Bondage Day OffRopedgirl
M/f; fpov; bond; true; rope; toys; remote; crotchrope; gag; tape; vetwrap; tease; climax; sex; cons; X
11.03.23 - Bondage FakeSwitchMan
M/f; F/m; fake-photo; revenge; tricked; bond; cuffs; susp; chain; gag; naked; photo; tease; toys; insert; denial; climax; cons/reluct; X
31.01.17 - Bondage for Art's SakeTechie
F/m; naked; outdoors; bond; cbt; collar; cuffs; chastity; display; bdsm; spank; tease; torment; denial; oral; cons; X
22.04.15 - Bondage GirlAnne Woolsey
Solo-F; F/f; M/f; fugue; costume; bond; gag; susp; hogtie; oral; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
- The Bondage HalloweenZenMaster Shawn
F/m; bond; chastity; bdsm; blackmail; hum; public; toys; cons/nc; X
07.05.17 - Bondage in the Woods 1Knotmaster
M+/f; bond; cons; outdoors; gag; sex; cuffs; spreadeagle; oral; X
20.11.19 - 2
M+/f; outdoors; bond; cons; gag; sex; cuffs; spreadeagle; oral; clamps; nipple; spank; whip; climax; XX
- 3
M/f; F/m; outdoors; bond; cons; gag; sex; cuffs; spreadeagle; oral; clamps; nipple; spank; climax; XX
04.12.19 - 4
M+/f+; outdoors; bond; group; cons; gag; sex; cuffs; spreadeagle; oral; clamps; nipple; spank; climax; XX
04.12.19 - 5
F+/m+; M+/f+; outdoors; bond; group; cons; gag; sex; cuffs; spreadeagle; oral; clamps; nipple; spank; climax; XX
08.12.19 - Bondage is No Trivial Pursuit!TS
F/fm+; F/f; bond; cd; oral; sex; toys; cons; X
- Bondage LessonSpandex Ninja
Solo-F; babysit; alarm; burglar; F/f; leotard; mask; capture; bond; rope; gag; escape; turnabout; knockout; MF/f; reveal; blackmail; enslave; cons/nc; X
31.07.17 - Bondage MagicSubDude55
M/f; bond; dragonskin; toys; magic; cons; X
18.08.07 - Bondage MaidenThomas Sloane
F/f; M+/f+; bond; kidnap; cons/nc; X
- Bondage Paradise 1: MondayDoctor Fetish
Solo-F; hotel; fetish; pvc; latex; maid; voy; Sbf; cuffs; collar; chastity; blindfold; gag; cons; X
06.04.14 - 2: Tuesday
Solo-F; F/f; D/s; hotel; fetish; pvc; bond; armbinder; gag; ponygirl; cart; ride; stables; Sbf; cuffs; collar; blindfold; gag; sybian; climax; cons; X
15.04.14 - 3: Wednesday & Thursday
Solo-F; Sbf; F/f; MM/f; D/s; hotel; pvc; latex; catsuit; cuffs; hood; armbinder; gag; collar; auction; outdoors; blindfold; chastity; tease; breast; mast; fetish; climax; cons; X
18.07.14 - 4: Friday & Saturday
Solo-F; Sbf; FF; MF+/mf; D/s; hotel; cage; pvc; latex; catsuit; cuffs; gag; machine; program; X-frame; collar; blindfold; bdsm; whip; flog; breast; electro; toys; insert; climax; cons; X
10.07.14 - Bondage Reality 1Jya Byrd
F/f; bond; scifi; chastity; scolds-bridle; gag; chair; straps; cons; X
14.04.23 - 2
F/f; bond; scifi; chastity; gag; armbinder; frame; straps; rope; cons; X
- 3
F/f+; bond; scifi; chastity; cuffs; mittens; climax; toys; collar; gag; cons; X
- 4
F/f+; bond; scifi; chastity; collar; cuffs; training; gag; chain; reluct; X
- 5
F/f+; bond; scifi; chastity; collar; cuffs; electro; training; cons; X
- 6
F/f+; bond; scifi; chastity; training; straps; blindfold; toys; tease; denial; cons; X
- 7
F/f+; bond; scifi; chastity; straitjacket; straps; gag; toys; oral; blindfold; spank; rope; training; conditioning; cons; reluct; X
- 8
F/f+; bond; scifi; chastity; training; corset; collar; spank; ponygirl; hood; gag; buttplug; conditioning; cons; reluct; X
- 9
F/f; bond; scifi; chastity; conditioning; chair; collar; straps; oral; spank; sleepsack; cuffs; reluct; X
- Bondage RenewalThe White Knight
M/f; bond; cons; X
30.01.02 - 2
M/f; bond; spank; cons; X
- 3
M/f; bond; spank; cons; X
- Bondage ShootLobo De la Sombra
M/f; bond; susp; gag; toys; cons; X
19.09.08 - Bondage Slave's TaleJvstin
F/m; D/s; bond; bdsm; anal; toys; cons; X
13.05.06 - Bondage StoryCharlie Neville
M/f; bond; MF+/f; cons; X
- Bondage TableMaryLynn
MF+/f; bond; bdsm; electro; cons; X
07.05.17 - The Bondage WarehouseLastdirewolf
Solo-F; F/f+; MM/f; furry; bond; leather; latex; chairtie; hood; catsuit; slave; bdsm; electro; toys; oral; denial; climax; cons/nc; XX
01.01.14 - Bondage WeekendJan Wright
M/f; bond; cuffs; susp; bdsm; electro; outdoors; hum; toys; cons; X
26.04.10 - The Bondage WheelAnon
MF+/f+; tvshow; lingerie; corset; heels; bond; cuffs; straps; hood; gag; blindfold; auction; slave; cons; X
15.03.13 - Bond Con BoundJohn Roper
M/f; bond; susp; cons; X
22.07.03 - BookedZTVFemdomtales
Solo-M; furry; storm; library; write; discovery; F/m; bond; rope; tickle; tease; cuffs; spreader; susp; sex; climax; cabin; wrap; cocoon; encase; boxed; stuck; cons; X
04.11.18 - Bookstore BoundShawna Summers
M+/m; D/s; tv; cd; fem; pvc; dress; boots; lingerie; sexstore; booth; bond; blindfold; gag; chastity; oral; anal; group; used; climax; hum; cons; X
07.07.18 - Booth BabesZTVFemdomtales
Solo-M; carshow; F+/m; tease; bikini; breast; display; kidnap; femdom; captive; bond; tape; strip; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
04.12.17 - Both Sides NowMistress Faith & charity
F/f; D/s; bond; toys; cons; X
18.06.05 - Bound and BlindfoldedhunnyBeez
M/f; D/s; bond; bdsm; anal; wax; toys; cons/reluct; X
03.10.07 - Bound Becky 1MasterKGray
M/f; bond; kidnap; enslave; gag; rope; collar; blindfold; oral; toys; sex; cuffs; collar; outdoors; farm; reluct; XX
26.11.20 - 2
M/f; bond; slave; punish; cuffs; susp; crop; whip; pillory; collar; anal; toys; sex; oral; cage; hum; reluct; cons; XXX
- 3
M/f; D/s; slave; bond; gag; cuffs; collar; leash; oral; sex; rom; cons; XX
- Bound By A NeighbourTom Smith
M/f; F/m; bond; nylons; gag; tape; tease; oral; sex; climax; true; cons; X
15.03.13 - Bound by BonnieJya Byrd
F/m; bond; blindfold; collar; rope; climax; oral; chastity; pillory; blackmail; corset; cd; buttplug; nc; reluct; XX
15.04.23 - Bound by IntrudersTom M
MM/fm; bond; force; gag; caught; reluct/nc; X
31.12.07 - Bound by LoveDarkStar
F/m; bond; fem; cons; X
20.12.02 - Bound By My Wifelockedup4eva
F/m; bond; strip; rope; gag; blindfold; mum; bedtie; breathplay; tease; hogtie; denial; rom; cons; X
03.12.22 - Bound by the StormLambrètto
M/f; bond; rope; gag; catsuit; armbinder; toys; anal; climax; cons; X
22.10.10 - Bound & DistressedJohn Roper
M/f; drug; bond; bdsm; outdoors; climax; cons; X
27.09.09 - Bound for a FridayTS
F/m; lingerie; cd; bond; cuffs; blindfold; gag; tease; chairtie; oral; cons; X
14.12.11 - Bound for ChristmasJohn Roper
M/f; bond; rope; gag; cons; X
02.01.04 - Bound for DinnerRope Lover
M/f; bond; rope; strip; chairtie; gag; blindfold; nipple; breast; bdsm; spank; tease; chastity; denial; toys; climax; cons; X
12.01.19 - Bound for DiscoverySnarkyJean
F/f; bond; tiedown straps; tickle; tease; cons; X
18.08.09 - Bound for LifeCuffmaster
M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; piercing; shave; tease; sex; climax; true; cons/nc; X
24.07.12 - 2
M/f; F/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; outdoors; tease; mast; climax; first; true; cons; X
02.09.12 - 3
M/f; F/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; tease; kiss; mast; climax; first; rom; true; cons; X
08.10.12 - 4
M/f; F/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; tease; kiss; mast; climax; first; rom; true; cons; X
19.10.12 - 5
M/f; F/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; duo; public; shopping; rom; true; cons; X
28.11.12 - 6
M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; public; shopping; rom; true; oral; climax; cons; X
12.12.12 - 7
M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; hogtie; wedding; rom; true; sex; climax; cons; X
20.12.12 - Bound for PleasureGromet
Sbf; rope; gag; blindfold; caught; M/f; bond; discovery; tease; mast; sex; climax; first; cons/reluct; X
12.05.01 - 2 Joys of the Spandex Sleepsack
F/f; bond; spandex; catsuit; sleepsack; straps; mast; climax; cons; X
- 3: Scarf Bound
Sbf; naked; scarves; gag; hogtie; stuck; caught; F/f; bond; rope; strappado; punish; cons/reluct; X
- 4: The Punishment begins...
F/f; naked; bond; chair; rope; gag; blindfold; hood; X-frame; chastity; playroom; punish; reluct/nc; XX
- 5: Punishment Slave
F+/f; bond; X-frame; stocks; bdsm; paddle; crop; nipple; leather; bodybag; boxed; torment; tease; toys; mast; climax; reluct/cons; XX
- Bound for the FutureErnest Greene
Machine/f; vr; M+/f; bond; bdsm; harem; rack; cons; X
- Bound for TroubleGromet
Sbf; F/f; MF+/f; lingerie; stuck; caught; bond; kidnap; sexslave; barn; torment; bdsm; crop; nipple; punish; susp; sack; cartrunk; buried; toys; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX
30.10.03 - Bound For Vegas Bondcon 2004Pierced_m
F+/m; Sbm; D/s; bond; chastity; piercing; tattoo; cons; X
20.12.04 - Bound for Venus MilkingLJ
F/m; D/s; femdom; naked; bond; straps; table; machine; tease; torment; climax; cage; true; cons; X
08.10.12 - Bound FurCheriestar
M/f; furry; kidnap; bond; nc; X
14.03.07 - Bound HalloweenMikel
Solo-M/F; MF; F/m; party; bond; cuffs; collar; hobble; leather; heels; chastity; corset; toys; tease; denial; climax; cons; X
05.11.14 - The Bounding MainT S Fesseln
M/f; bond; gag; rope; transport; toys; cons; X
28.06.09 - Bound in SilkWoodcomp
MF; F/m; M/f; silk; bond; straitjacket; bodybag; breathplay; torment; cons/nc; XX
22.10.10 - Bound On The TownChristine
F+/f; M+/f+; D/s; bond; bdsm; nipple; gag; oral; group; sex; toys; reluct/cons; X
21.06.10 - Bound to be SafeJohn Roper
F/m; F/f; bond; rope; oral; noose; cons; X
16.03.03 - 2
F+/fm; bond; cons; X
15.06.06 - Bound to OrderAnne Gray
F/f; bond; leather; kidnap; toys; nc; X
18.09.06 - Bound to PleaseMartina Lee
F/m; bond; oral; tease; cons; X
- Bound to ReturnBeverly Trans
M/mf; D/s; bond; kidnap; bodymod; fem; nylons; anal; nc/reluct; X
26.03.03 - The Bounty Hunter 1: Sometimes The Sex Shouldn't Be So MagicalSeidenki
M/f; bond; magic; nc; X
- 2: Leather and Steel
F/m; bond; leather; gag; magic; cons/reluct; X
- The BoxMargaret B
F/f; D/s; bdsm; confine; urine; technique; cons; X
24.11.02 - The BoxOne Strange Guy
F/m; bond; cuffs; latex; cd; corset; heels; fem; stuck; outdoors; hum; cons/reluct; X
29.08.10 - Box Cuttersin_dy
M/f; bond; boxed; cons; X
08.05.02 - The BoxvanSpoonbender
M/f; bond; toys; hum; sex; gangbang; kidnap; reluct/nc; X
07.05.17 - Boy CageZTVFemdomtales
Solo-M; club; celebrate; F/m; femdom; sex; force; climax; cage; stuck; captive; enslave; cons/nc; X
15.08.15 - Boyfriends RevengeJan Wright
MM/f+; F/f+; bond; bdsm; electro; susp; reluct; X
22.05.02 - The Boy in the Iron MaskOutcast
M/m; D/s; bond; bdsm; encase; steel; electro; susp; insert; anal; cons/reluct; XX
26.04.10 - A Boy Trapped in AmberDesiree Foster
- Brag's FemaleLilCthulhu
M/f; outdoors; drug; bond; rope; gag; buttplug; toys; spank; kidnap; nc; XX
05.05.24 - 2
M/f; bond; outdoors; drug; rope; buttplug; toys; gag; naked; enslave; spank; crop; training; nc; XX
- 3
M/f; bond; outdoors; drug; training; buttplug; toys; gag; naked; collar; sex; reluct; XX
- The Break InTom Smith
MM/fm; strip; naked; bond; rope; cuffs; gag; straps; blindfold; hum; toys; oral; climax; reluct/nc; X
21.04.13 - Breaking & EnteringBarretthunter
MM/f+; F/f+; captive; bond; cuffs; bdsm; spank; kidnap; boxed; nc; XX
12.05.11 - Break In QueenZTVFemdomtales
F/m; break-in; robbery; rope; bond; femdom; spank; reward; breast; breathplay; tease; captive; transport; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
28.06.16 - Break Me!The Technician
M/f; Sbf; naked; rope; gag; blindfold; bdsm; paddle; belt; whip; pain; anal; sex; climax; cons; XX
14.05.13 - Briana's AuditionB. Larson
M/f; fpov; bond; machine; straps; collar; armbinder; corset; gag; cell; reluct; X
03.06.23 - The Bridal Vow and CollarSensual Robert
M/f; collar; heels; hobble; leash; wedding; public; toys; rom; cons; X
15.11.20 - Bride of the Sun GodZack
MF/f; bond; slave; nc/cons; X
23.07.02 - 2
- 3
F/f+; bond; slave; nc/cons; XX
- Bridge NightDarkShadow
M/f; bond; clamps; leather; nipple; sex; susp; cons; XX
- BridledT S Fesseln
M/f; drug; kidnap; bond; rope; collar; blindfold; tease; rape; nc; reluct; XX
12.07.20 - Brigit Takes Bondage 101Anne Gray
F/f+; drug; leather; bond; gag; hood; kidnap; captive; transport; toys; nc; X
18.08.09 - Bringing Down the CultThe Technician
M+/f+; bond; toys; machine; sybian; mind-control; predicament; pillory; straps; kidnap; drug; paddle; pain; public; cane; nc; XX
23.04.23 - Brithday PresentR G Bargy
F/f; M/f; bond; toys; cons; X
23.10.05 - The BrothersStudbound
F/m; M/m; bond; straitjacket; hogtie; caught; cons; X
10.01.03 - The Brussels WeekendEmma Bond
F+/f; game; forfeit; station; locker; strip; bond; rope; gag; toys; insert; encase; climax; cons/reluct; X
30.03.14 - Bungee BetMaxxster
M/f; bond; handcuffs; tease; chastity; toys; insert; collar; gag; arousal; oral; denial; nipple; clamps; torment; bungee; public; remote; vibe; climax; stuck; cons/reluct; X
01.06.19 - BurglarJayCee
F/f; fpov; bond; rope; gag; pantygag; hogtie; home; bedroom; burglar; reluct; X
24.02.22 - Business As UsualLobo De la Sombra
M/f; drugged; bond; susp; mast; sex; toys; reluct/cons; X
14.02.06 - The Business TripMax Roper
FM; F/m; hotel; bond; rope; gag; panties; denial; photo; hum; cons; X
11.11.11 - The Business TripsStudbound
F+/m; bond; long term; kidnap; cartrunk; caught; cons/nc; X
17.01.02 - A Business Trip to the Back End of FranceRupes
Solo-M; FM; F/m; castle; dungeon; cell; gibbet; discovery; strip; naked; cage; tease; mast; oral; climax; cons; X
17.05.15 - BustedFalse
Solo-M; chastity; caught; F/m; stuck; hum; strip; cd; lingerie; maid; photo; blackmail; cons/nc; X
23.12.15 - But it Started as a HogtieAnne Gray
F/f; bond; leather; hogtie; susp; cons; X
12.09.03 - Button's SquareGuy le Bouc
F+/mf; bond; slave; dungeon; shop; cuffs; costume; latex; chair; straps; hood; toys; remote; fucking-machine; cons; X
01.04.24 - Buying HandcuffsRupes
Solo-M; FM; F/m; leather; boots; clothing; handcuffs; collar; bond; shackles; stuck; cons; X
27.09.14 - By Invitation 1: Bad CallZephyr
Sbf; M/f; stuck; caught; fpov; blackmail; hum; public; sex; cuffs; nc; X
04.06.20 - 2: A Top-Flight Adventure
M/f; blackmail; bond; cuffs; sex; reluct; teen; public; hum; oral; rope; tape; gag; reluct; nc; XX
14.06.20 - 3
M/f; blackmail; bond; cuffs; rope; tease; sex; public; hum; outdoors; chain; extreme; gag; nc; reluct; XX
16.06.20 - 4: Con-sensuality
M/f; blackmail; bond; cuffs; bikini; public; hum; outdoors; strip; exhib; rope; spreadeagle; metal; chain; costume; sex; extreme; reluct; nc; XXX
18.06.20 - 5
M/f; M+/f+; bond; oral; public; exhib; collar; outdoors; beach; spreadeagle; blindfold; group; sex; extreme; gag; sex; orgy; susp; punish; whip; electro; reluct; nc; XXX
20.06.20 - 6
M/f; blackmail; sex; bond; collar; cuffs; oral; rom; reluct; cons; XX
24.06.20 - By RequestGraybeard
M/f; bond; cuffs; chain; gag; toys; insert; electro; tease; torment; climax; cons/reluct; X
Batgirl Vs The Professor
- 1: The Hunt BeginsStealthbinder
Solo-F; M/f; sex; costume; Machine/f; wrap; bond; encase; gas; cons/nc; X
19.06.09 - 2: Meeting the Professor
M/f; kidnap; bond; gas; corset; mind-control; reluct/nc; X
28.06.09 - 3: Mind Bender
M/f+; bond; catsuit; conditioning; oral; toys; reluct/nc; X
12.07.09 - 4: Results
M/f; Sbf; catsuit; conditioning; mind-control; oral; mast; reluct/nc; X
12.07.09 - 5: Annie Goodbody
M/f; F/f; Sbf; bond; latex; catsuit; conditioning; mind-control; reluct; X
20.07.09 - 6: In the Testing Center
F/f; M/f; bond; mind-control; susp; latex; mast; sex; toys; cons/reluct; X
20.07.09 - 7: Plans and Flashbacks
M/f; F/f; latex; bond; mind-control; susp; mast; toys; reluct; X
08.08.09 - 8: Escape Attempt
M/f; FF; latex; bond; mind-control; web; trap; cons/reluct; X
08.08.09 - 9: Visitors
M/f+; FF+; latex; bond; mind-control; X-frame; machine; mast; bdsm; trap; reluct/nc; X
18.08.09 - 10: Aftermath
MF+/f+; FF; trap; capture; mum; cage; bond; bdsm; mind-control; oral; cons/nc; X
18.08.09 - 11: The Next Victims
M/f+; MF+/f+; bond; latex; drug; mind-control; toys; reluct/nc; X
29.08.09 - 12: The Results
M/f+; F/f; bond; latex; mind-control; oral; toys; reluct/cons; X
06.09.09 - 13: Intruders
M/f+; F/f; bond; latex; mind-control; toys; reluct; X
01.06.09 - 14: Return to Real Life
M/f; bond; maid; mind-control; cons; X
Batgirl - The Return
- 1: Back at itStealthbinder
Solo-F; F/m; robbery; rescue; bond; arrest; costume; comicfic; cons/nc; X
08.10.12 - 2: Funerals and Wills
MF+; funeral; public; car; tease; stockings; denial; comicfic; cons; X
19.10.12 - 3: A Meeting of Ways
F/f; M/f; Sbf; bond; harness; cuffs; gag; straps; susp; tease; stockings; toys; mast; climax; comicfic; cons; X
19.11.12 - 4: Making Plans and Progress
F/f; M/f; bond; cuffs; gag; tease; stockings; toys; insert; mast; oral; sex; climax; comicfic; cons; X
28.11.12 - 5: The Attempt
FM/f; capture; bond; cuffs; gag; tease; toys; insert; noose; chair; rescue; comicfic; reluct/nc; X
12.12.12 - 6: The Aftermath
M/f; secretary; office; lingerie; bond; gag; tease; oral; mast; sex; climax; comicfic; cons; X
10.01.13 - 7: The Next Plot
M+/f+; bond; gag; tease; toys; insert; suit; boots; drug; capture; oral; mast; sex; climax; comicfic; cons/nc; X
10.01.13 - 8: Cause & Affect
F/f; M/f; bond; gag; lingerie; tease; toys; insert; drug; conditioning; mind-control; catsuit; mast; climax; comicfic; cons/nc; X
20.01.13 - 9: She's Back
F/f+; M/f; lingerie; tease; oral; sex; climax; kidnap; bond; rope; cuffs; gag; comicfic; cons/nc; X
03.02.13 - 10: Meeting Face to Face
F/f; kidnap; bond; rope; chair; gag; safe; enclosed; drug; net; captive; toys; climax; comicfic; cons/nc; X
16.02.13 - 11: The Last Train
F/f+; captive; bond; rope; track; train; gag; cuffs; chair; safe; mast; toys; climax; comicfic; cons/nc; X
26.02.13 - 12: Aftermath
M/f; F+/f+; costume; bond; rope; gag; nipple; tease; torment; toys; mast; oral; sex; climax; comicfic; cons; X
Behind Closed Doors
- Behind Closed DoorsAnne Gray
F+/f; kidnap; leather; bond; toys; nc; X
26.03.07 - 2 - The Ottoman
F+/f; leather; bond; packaged; toys; nc; X
- 3 - Halloween Witch
F+/f; leather; bond; electro; toys; nc; X
- 4 - Mistress's Pleasure
F+/f; D/s; rubber; leather; bond; toys; nc; X
- 5 - A Breathless Trip
F+/f; D/s; leather; bond; straitjacket; breathplay; toys; nc; X
01.04.07 - 6 - Sauna Set Up
F+/f; D/s; leather; bond; wrap; rubber; toys; nc; X
01.04.07 - 7 - Sex on a Spit
F+/f; D/s; leather; bond; rubber; breathplay; toys; nc; X
01.04.07 - 8 - Homeward Bound
F+/f; D/s; leather; bond; rubber; toys; nc; X
01.04.07 - 9 - Party Pistons
F+/f; D/s; leather; bond; electro; toys; nc; X
01.04.07 - 10 - The Rubber Match
F+/f; D/s; leather; bond; latex; toys; nc; X
- BetrayalMister Bondage
M/m; captive; chain; susp; drug; bond; chair; cuffs; glue; tape; revenge; nc; XXX
- Bondage TrapCrimsonCheeks
F/m; bond; blindfold; naked; cuffs; gag; hood; outdoors; shackles; chain; spreadeagle; F+/m; bdsm; whip; torment; tease; femdom; stuck; oral; denial; cons/nc; X
01.03.19 - 1: First AmyAmy
M/f; D/s; bdsm; bond; cuffs; chain; intubate; enslave; punish; torment; oral; denial; reluct/nc; XXX
12.12.12 - 2: The New YouAmyAmy
MF+/f; D/s; party; display; hum; bdsm; enslave; punish; torment; oral; sex; climax; denial; reluct/nc; XX
10.01.13 - 3: Getting To Know YouAmyAmy
F/f; D/s; bond; chain; armbinder; gag; hogtie; susp; enslave; bdsm; whip; punish; torment; toys; oral; climax; reluct/nc; XX
20.01.13 - 4: Fooling MyselfAmyAmy
F+/f+; D/s; bond; chain; armbinder; latex; catsuit; gag; bdsm; cane; punish; torment; toys; insert; oral; climax; reluct; XX
03.02.13 - 5: Problem Of PerceptionAmyAmy
F+/f+; D/s; bond; chain; armbinder; latex; gag; bdsm; crop; punish; electro; torment; toys; insert; oral; mast; climax; cons/reluct; XX
26.03.13 - 6: When You Start To Want ItAmyAmy
F/f; MF+/f+; D/s; bond; latex; armbinder; leather; gag; bdsm; piercing; transport; boots; corset; stables; ponygirl; outdoors; oral; climax; cons/reluct; XX
08.04.13 - 7: Do Girls Love Ponies?AmyAmy
F/f+; M/f+; D/s; bond; armbinder; rope; susp; harness; gag; bdsm; electro; bdsm; torment; stables; ponygirl; cart; outdoors; force; oral; anal; denial; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX
07.07.13 - 8: The Master PlanAmyAmy
M+/f+; F/f; D/s; bond; rope; corset; susp; harness; gag; bdsm; cage; piercing; brand; torment; stables; ponygirl; cart; outdoors; force; chastity; oral; anal; denial; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX
17.07.13 - 9: Insomniac Sleeping BeautyAmyAmy
M+/f+; F/f; Solo-F; D/s; bond; rope; corset; susp; harness; gag; hood; bdsm; torment; stables; ponygirl; outdoors; force; toys; mast; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX
23.08.13 - 10: Unexpected TemptationsAmyAmy
Solo-F; MF; public; conversation; revelations; conclusion; slave; cons; X
Bondage Barbie
- Bondage BarbieAnne Gray
F/f; bond; kidnap; leather; nc; X
20.02.05 - 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
F/f; bond; leather; boxed; latex; nc; X
17.04.05 - 6
F/f; bond; leather; latex; toys; nc; X
17.04.05 - 7
F/f; bond; leather; nc; X
17.04.05 - 8
F/f+; bond; leather; cons/reluct; X
17.01.06 - 9
F/f+; bond; leather; cons/reluct; X
17.01.06 - 10
F/f+; bond; leather; cons/nc; X
17.01.06 - 11
F/f+; bond; leather; cons/nc; X
- 12
F/f+; bond; leather; susp; cons/nc; X
- 13
F/f+; bond; leather; ponygirl; cons; X
- 14
F/f+; bond; leather; cons; X
- 15
F+/f; bond; leather; cons; X
08.07.06 - 16
F/f+; bond; leather; packed; transport; cons; X
- 17
F+/f; bond; leather; toys; cons; X
- 18
F+/f; bond; leather; susp; toys; cons; X
- 19
F+/f; bond; leather; susp; toys; cons; X
The Bones In The Dungeon
- The Bones In The DungeonJackie Rabbit
M+/f+; bond; susp; witch; majick; dungeon; chain; bdsm; group; sex; oral; climax; medieval; cons/nc; XX
- 2
M/f+; bond; susp; dungeon; naked; chain; shackles; bdsm; whip; witch; majick; mast; climax; medieval; cons/nc; XX
- 3
M/f+; Other/f+; F/f; bond; susp; dungeon; naked; chain; shackles; bdsm; whip; witch; majick; mast; climax; denial; medieval; cons/nc; XX
- 4
MF/f; F/f; D/s; maid; bond; cuffs; chain; gag; susp; dungeon; naked; bdsm; whip; witch; majick; torment; hum; medieval; cons/reluct; XX
- 5
M+/f; F/f; Other/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; gag; susp; dungeon; naked; bdsm; whip; tickle; torment; hum; medieval; oral; sex; anal; climax; cons/reluct; XX
- 6
FM+/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; gag; dungeon; cell; naked; bdsm; whip; torment; hum; medieval; oral; climax; cons/reluct; XX
- 7
FM+/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; gag; dungeon; cell; naked; bdsm; whip; torment; hum; medieval; oral; climax; cons/reluct; XX
- 8
F/f; FM+/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; gag; dungeon; cell; naked; enslave; bdsm; torment; hum; medieval; denial; cons/reluct; XX
On to Stories C-D ⇛