All Sales are Final

by ZTVFemdomtales | Forum Feedback | ZTVFemdomtales

© Copyright 2019 - ZTVFemdomtales - Used by permission

Storycodes: Solo-M; store; F/m; flirt; desire; breast; hypno; mind-control; bond; kidnap; plan; F/f; idol; capture; lesbian; femdom; cons/nc; X

“Lick my boots you pathetic little worm!”

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”

My face was burning as I fumbled with the remote. Why the hell did I think it was a good idea to watch porn on my living room TV – in an apartment with thin walls! How the fucking hell did the volume get so high?! Better question: why don’t these new smart TVs have buttons on the side? The remote was clearly not working.

Shouting in frustration I unplugged the stupid thing. That was it. I grabbed my keys and a made a beeline for the store. So what if it was the middle of the night? I needed my batteries and I wasn’t going to wait, damn it! I should have.

“Can you tell me where the light bulbs are?”

I turned to look at the woman who spoke to me and my words caught in my throat. She was beautiful in a I don’t give a shit kind of way. Her messy brown hair, partially dyed a stunning blue green, brushed her shoulders framing an angular intense face. Her floral skirt matched perfectly her pink top that gave me a clear view of her bountiful cleavage.

“What’s that? Light bulbs? Yeah, I think they’re over at … um … in the … uhhh … wha … what were you looking for again? Oh, light bulbs, right! I think they’re about four aisles down.”

“Thank you, Sweetie.”

“You’re welcome. No … no problem at all …”

She smiled sweetly at me before turning and leaving.

God! I was totally just staring at that girl! There’s no way she didn’t notice! I don’t know what it was. I just couldn’t help myself. At least she was nice enough not to mention it.

Now where were those stupid batteries? There she is again. Her skirt had bunched up in the back as she pushed her cart. It gave me a wonderful view of her large juicy ass. Should I tell her? Maybe she didn’t notice. She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled a strange little smile. Why is she smiling at me like that? Oh God, it’s because I’m still looking at her ass. Quick, I need to look away. C’mon, look up, look down, look to the side just look anywhere that isn’t her ass! Damnit, why aren’t my eyes moving?

She fixed her skirt and continued on her way. God, she must think I’m such a creep. Why couldn’t I stop staring even when I knew she could see me?

I shook my head and moved on. What was I looking for again? As I roamed the aisles trying to remember I was shocked when she walked right up to me. I was also shocked by how clearly I could see her nipples pressing against the inside of her shirt.

“Hi there. I’m sorry to interrupt you like this but I was hoping you could help me again.”

I was so taken back by this all I could do was stutter.

“Don’t worry, it’ll only take a second.”


“Goody. All I want you to do is look at me for one minute. You can do that can’t you?”

“I … uh …”

“Oh I already know you can.”

I was blushing hard at this point.

“That’s OK, don’t be embarrassed. I know you can see my nipples through this shirt. Just stare at them for a minute …”

I did. Hell I don’t think I could have looked away if she had wanted me to.

“That’s it … keep staring …”

There was a jolt and I awoke with a start. Wait, when had I fallen asleep? I was still at the store. Had I really fallen asleep in the middle of the store? Why was everything moving? As my befuddled mind continued to clear I took in three major details. I was in a shopping cart being pushed around. The girl I had been speaking to earlier was pushing me. I was tied up. Rope bound my arms to my sides and wrapped around me down to my hips. It also ran from my knees to my feet.

“What the fuck? What am I doing in this cart?” I demanded.

“What’s that? What kind of dumb question is that?”

“It’s not a dumb question. Tell me what the hell is going on.”

“Why else would you be in my cart, Silly? I’m buying you.”

“Excuse me?”

“I came here to see if anything caught my eye. I found you so I’m taking you home.”

“The fuck you are.”

“Oh, don’t argue, just look into my eyes and fall back under my spell …”

“I will not …”

It was too late. I caught her gaze for a second. That was all it took. The dark pools expanded before me taking up my entire field of vision. It was like I was looking into a long dark tunnel. No, it was like I was falling into that tunnel. Down, down, down I tumbled into the depths. I have no idea how long that lasted. There seemed to be no bottom, no top, no nothing. I was lost. As I fell I caught snippets of conversation from outside … wherever the fuck I was.

“Miss, why is he tied up like that?”

“He’s my boyfriend. It’s his kink.”

“That’ll be $32.78 …”

A trunk slammed.

An engine ran.

The trunk slammed again.

A deadbolt.

With a thud I landed on a carpet. I was in the middle of a strange living room.

“What the fuck is going on?!”

“Man, you’re loud.”

“Where am I?!”


“This isn’t my home.”

“It is now.”

“Who the fuck are you, Bitch?”

“I’m your wife Skylar, silly.”

“The fuck you are.”

“You’re just a little confused. Here let me help. Just look in my eyes.”

“Oh no, I’m not falling for that again.”

I tried to scoot away but my bound state made resistance … difficult. Before I could get anywhere she was straddling me, forcing eye contact.

“Stop,” I complained.


I locked onto her deep, powerful eyes.

“Please …”

“Of course, all you had to do was ask.”

Her eyes filled my field of view.

“Pretty aren’t they? The lights sparkle so beautifully reflected in them. They catch your eye and refuse to let go. The lights dance in them, growing and shrinking, growing and shrinking as if to some unheard music. They rhythmically ungulate in a soothing pattern. When some shrink others grow, shrink then grow, shrink then grow, shrink and grow, shrink and grow …”

I tried to fight her influence, but it did no good. I was soon lost in the dancing of lights that existed only in my head. A deep relaxing sensation poured into my waiting body. I became only aware of a few of her actual words but my mind absorbed her meaning.

“So hard to think … let me think for you … hard to remember … married … house husband … love me …”

By the time she was done it was all true.

Her name was Taelyn Challenor. The world knew her as Jelly-Bean. She also answered to the Queen of Bubblegum Pop. She was beloved for her silly almost juvenile music full of double entendre and mind violating ear worms. She was equally beloved for her penchant for wearing silly over the top costumes. She was often criticized for how sexualized they were. Today, for example, she wore a tiny sailor suit and hat sat jauntily on her head. She also knew she was beloved for men, and certain women, for her body.

They longed to run their hands over her flawless black skin. They lusted after her massive jiggly ass and of course her glorious C-Cup breasts. She was a sexual goddess and she knew it. She also knew she had an image problem. Someone had recorded her throwing a fit in a fancy restaurant and posted it online. She was supposed to be the kinky girl next door not some uppity rich bitch. She had to fix this. Luckily just the thing had come in the mail.

Her high school reunion would save her. She hadn’t been discovered until after graduation so being seen mingling with her former small-town classmates was just perfect. It would mean toning down the wealth she so wanted to flaunt to them. It also meant eschewing the private security she usually hired. That wasn’t very small-town girl, now was it?

So here she was in her sexy little sailor suit making nice with the losers she long since left behind. It was a pretty boring affair all and all. That all changed when she slipped off to use the little girls’ room. When she stepped out some skinny white bitch was all up in her face.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m Skylar. I’m your biggest fan.”

“That’s nice but …”

She let the thought trail off as she caught sight of the woman’s eyes. Something was wrong. She couldn’t look away. She was having trouble thinking. All she could do was watch. She watched as the woman spoke to her but heard none of it. She watched as she took Skylar’s hand and let her lead her into the gym and the girls’ shower. She watched as her body worked on its own, stripping and climbing into the shower with a now naked Skylar. She watched this woman bind her arms above her head. She watched as her mind was rewritten by this beautiful little minx.

Skylar smiled to herself. This plan had worked out wonderfully if she did say so herself. She had been stalking Jelly-Bean for the last year. They were meant to be together. She would make her see it. That’s why she taught herself hypnosis. She just had to get her alone. That’s when she found the reunion flyer in JB’s mail. She kept it and set her plan into motion. She researched JB’s former classmates and found the perfect mark: Miles.

It wasn’t hard to get close to him, to see what he liked. Luckily for her he seemed to be into femdom. Well that was perfect! She trained for weeks until the night he went to the store. It was time to make her move. She adjusted her shirt to show plenty of boob. He was a tit man it turned out. She strolled up to him, quietly.

“Can you tell me where the light bulbs are?”

He turned to face her. The trap was sprung. He couldn’t take his eyes off me. Who could?

“What’s that? Light bulbs? Yeah, I think they’re over at … um … in the … uhhh … wha … what were you looking for again? Oh, light bulbs, right! I think they’re about four aisles down.”

“Thank you, Sweetie.”

“You’re welcome. No … no problem at all …”

She walked off, ducked down an aisle and came back around so she was following him now. When the time was right she pulled her skirt up to show off her ass and slipped ahead of him. After a moment I turned to look at him. Sure enough his eyes were glued to my ass. I smiled and continued on my way. Giving him another minute I doubled back to face him head on.

“Hi there. I’m sorry to interrupt you like this but I was hoping you could help me again.”

He just stuttered.

“Don’t worry, it’ll only take a second.”


“Goody. All I want you to do is look at me for one minute. You can do that can’t you?”

“I … uh …”

“Oh I already know you can.”

He blushed.

“That’s OK, don’t be embarrassed. I know you can see my nipples through this shirt. Just stare at them for a minute …”

He did.

“That’s it … keep staring … they’re so beautiful aren’t they?”


“They bounce so nicely when I breath.”

“So nice.”

“It’s so soothing watching them go up and down, isn’t it? Up and down, up and down, up and down, up … and down … up … down … up … down … up … down …”

“Up … down … up … down …”

“The motion makes you so relaxed. It makes you so sleepy. You can’t even stay awake. You just want to go into a nice deep sleep.”

Once it was clear he was under she helped him climb into her cart. She then grabbed some rope from a shelf and tied him tight. As she made her way to the front of the store he slowly woke up.

“What the fuck? What am I doing in this cart?”

“What’s that? What kind of dumb question is that?”

“It’s not a dumb question. Tell me what the hell is going on.”

“Why else would you be in my cart, Silly? I’m buying you.”

“Excuse me?”

“I came here to see if anything caught my eye. I found you so I’m taking you home.”

“The fuck you are.”

“Oh, don’t argue, just look into my eyes and fall back under my spell …”

“I will not …”

Yeah, he did. She put him back under but not as fully this time. They reached the checkout counter where we were greeted with some concerned stares.

“Miss, why is he tied up like that?” the cashier asked.

“He’s my boyfriend. It’s his kink.”

“I don’t know.”

“If I was kidnapping him would I check out like this.”

“I guess not.”

“Thank you.”

“That’ll be $32.78 …”

After checking out she loaded him into her trunk and drove home. Once there she dropped him onto the living room floor as he came too again.

“What the fuck is going on?!”

“Man, you’re loud.”

“Where am I?!”


“This isn’t my home.”

“It is now.”

“Who the fuck are you, Bitch?”

“I’m your wife Skylar, silly.”

“The fuck you are.”

“You’re just a little confused. Here let me help. Just look in my eyes.”

“Oh no, I’m not falling for that again.”

She straddled him, forcing eye contact.



“Please …”

“Of course, all you had to do was ask.”

She made sure her eyes were all he could see.

“Pretty aren’t they? The lights sparkle so beautifully reflected in them. They catch your eye and refuse to let go. The lights dance in them, growing and shrinking, growing and shrinking as if to some unheard music. They rhythmically ungulate in a soothing pattern. When some shrink others grow, shrink then grow, shrink then grow, shrink and grow, shrink and grow …”

I tried to fight her influence, but it did no good. I was soon lost in the dancing of lights that existed only in my head. A deep relaxing sensation poured into my waiting body. I became only aware of a few of her actual words but my mind absorbed her meaning.

“So hard to think … let me think for you … hard to remember … married … house husband … love me …”

The next two months were oddly enjoyable. Being ‘married’ to Miles was actually very pleasant. He was sweet, loving and surprisingly good in bed. Still she had a mission and she was going to complete it. The reunion arrived, and they took their places. She watched Jelly Bean slip off alone to the bathroom. Showtime! She slipped out after her, taking her place outside the bathroom door as she walked out.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m Skylar. I’m your biggest fan.”

“That’s nice but …”

She made intense eye contact. Any second now the drugs she slipped into JB’s drink would be kicking in. They should give her a nice mixture of drowsiness and arousal. Sure enough the befuddled look took over her face as they locked eyes.





“Trouble thinking?”


“You’re on a raft lost in a sea of confusion. A sea as wide and green as my eyes. It even has a giant black whirlpool in the middle like my pupil. It’s pulling your raft in. There’s no reason to fear it. The closer you get the calmer your mind becomes. My thoughts direct yours, my words tell you what to think, helps you find your way. If you go all the way in, where I live, I can guide you home. That’s it, fall in.”

She watched as JB’s face went blank. She took her hand.

“Follow me.”

She led her down to the gym showers. She turned one on and pushed her in. As she did she kissed her and reached for the supplies she planted earlier. She used the rope to tie her hands above her head to the shower head. She took the fragrant oils she’d blended to deepen her hypnotic control and added them to the water. She watched as JB breathed in deeply, sealing her fate.

“The bottom of the whirlpool is far deeper than you thought. You’re still falling. The deeper you fall the less you remember. Down, down, down, forget, forget, forget, now let me tell you who you are. Let me tell you about your job, your life and me … your wife. Oh and Miles, our husband.”

She really should just cut the poor boy lose, let him have his life back. Too bad for him she was in love with them both now and there was no going back. When it came to her lovers Skylar had a very simple philosophy. All sales are final.


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