A Business Trip to the Back End of France

by Rupes

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© Copyright 2015 - Rupes - Used by permission

Storycodes: Solo-M; FM; F/m; castle; dungeon; cell; gibbet; discovery; strip; naked; caged; tease; mast; oral; climax; cons; X

A business trip to the back end of France, here I was in the middle of nowhere! Nothing around for miles and miles except countryside. I had not seen a single person here except for the woman that let me into the site.

The site was boring but had been taken over by one of my UK customers, they wanted their IT systems integrating, which in itself had taken about 4 hours. I was booked here for a week. I was staying in an attached flat. Which was so far into rural France there was barely power. We had to pull all sorts of tricks out the bag to set up a wireless network just to get this company connected to the internet. I had completed my work, and there was nobody due back to the site for the next five days, then it was just for a test of the systems and a signature so I could be on my way back to the channel tunnel.

In the flat there was no internet, no TV and radio only seemed to work periodically. In short there was nothing to do. I had already driven to the nearest "town" which consisted of a bakers, butchers, and one convenience store. There were no pretty French girls here, with the single exception of the woman that met me at the office and gave me the keys. She was in her late 30’s, typically French, hair platted loosely down one side, and a heavy accent.

After a few hours of staring at the walls I decided to pack up a small lunch and spend the rest of the day wandering around in the countryside. I had packed my walking boots, GPS, emergency radio etc, so I was well prepared. I walked and walked for about two hours across field after field, until I eventually came to what looked like a forest. There was a track that lead through but it was very overgrown. I decided what the hell, I’ve got all day, so proceeded to follow the track. The track wound its way through the trees and seemed endless.

I’d been trudging through this forest for just over two hours, stopping for lunch along the way, and thought to myself ok, another 15 minutes forward then if I don’t find anything interesting I will whack on the GPS and press the get me the hell out of here button and go back to the flat for the night. After a further ten minutes I could see something poking up from the undergrowth, it was covered in moss so I could not make out what it was, but it was about two hundred meters in front of me and about 50 meters off to the side. The closer I got the larger the structure appeared. I was now level with it but it was still a further 50 or so meters off to the left hand side through some very dense undergrowth. It looked like an old castle or fort.

I snapped a couple of pictures from my phone and then proceeded to hack my way towards it having to cut my way through the shrubs, branches and thickets. It was made of thick stone walls and must have been here for centuries. As I drew closer I could see that it was surrounded by a now dry moat. It took my 20 minutes just to get across it as the side were incredibly steep. But now here I was up against the stone walls. I made my way around the castle and eventually found a small opening in the stonework. It was a bit of a squeeze but I managed to clamber through. I was now stood inside a large covered hallway which lead off in both directions from where I was stood.

There was light coming through window openings that were looking out on what I presumed was a courtyard, but was now overgrown. Thankfully not too much undergrowth had managed to ingress into the hallways. I walked all the way to the end of the hallway and headed left along another large hallway, this one had doors on the right hand side. I looked in each room as I went. There was nothing amazing as I guessed most of the contents were now either dust or had been taken. The first rooms were empty, the third room looked as if it may have been a banqueting hall, there appeared to be the remains of a large table which had collapsed and was lying in a heap. There were three more doors. The first two were empty, the third gave a loud squeal as I pulled it open. I was presented with a staircase going up. I thought I would leave that as I had no idea how sound the building was and the last thing I needed was to fall through a floor!

I made another left turn and again there were a series of doors on the right. The first of which was locked. I looked at the keyhole and it looked pretty simple, just a couple of levers. I pulled out my trusted tool set and within a couple of minutes the lock had clicked open. I pulled the door which opened silently revealing another staircase, this one going down. It was pitch black so I flicked on my torch and shone the light into the abyss. I could see something glinting in the distance so tentatively headed down the staircase, which was surprisingly clean and clear. At the bottom there was a corridor which opened out into a room, around each of the four walls there were doors, 11 in total. But these were cell doors, solid heavy wood but with iron barred grills in at about head high. I peered in the one closest to me, but it was completely empty, just four stone walls and a stone floor.

The next one was much the same. So I headed over to the far end where the glint had come from. I peered through the bars shining the torch in. There bolted to the wall was a silver metal gibbet cage, a full one complete with the head piece and tongue holder. The cell door was locked and this lock was far more intricate. I tugged at it but it did not give. I tried to push my arms through the bars to touch the cage but I was short by about 12 inches. The next cell door was open and inside there was a stone bench. It had been a few hours by this point since lunch and I had some bread left so I set up on the bench and proceeded to have a snack and a drink. I had pulled the door, fully closed but left it slightly ajar. I thought I heard footsteps, but then nothing. Just my mind playing tricks on me.

Then a few minutes later, I heard them again. I peered through the bars but could not see anything. I guessed it would be some animal so pulled the door to and switched my torch into a low power mode so as not to create reflections to trigger the animal into coming any closer. My torch was pointing directly at the stone floor. Then through the bars I thought I saw a flick of light. I quietly stood up and peered through the bars. I could just make out the rough outline of a figure dressed all in black. No specific shape. Then there was a flash of light directly in my face, I quickly crouched down but could now hear footsteps coming right to the door. I could hear someone breathing just the other side of the door. I sat there for what seemed like minutes but could only have been a few seconds. The door flew open and the light was bright and directly in my eyes.

"Who are you?" I said as powerfully as I could. There was a long pause.

"It’s me, Yvette. What the hell are you doing here?" It was the woman who had let me into the company.

"I wandered off exploring and found this place then I came down here and thought I stay here and have a snack, how did you get here?" I asked, noticing that she had on a long black trench coat and could clearly make out high heels sticking out from below it.

"I came in the car, there is a track at the back of the castle, but no one ever comes here. I love it, it gives me shivers" she said.

We chatted for some time. She told me all about how this castle used to belong to her family but that they had been forced to leave during the revolution. She came here because she felt safe. She knew that someone was here as she kept the door at the top of the staircase locked. I found out that she had all the keys to this section of the castle.

"So you can open that cell?" I asked tentatively.

"Bien sûr!" she replied. She produced an ornate key from her pocket walked over slid it in to the lock and then with several clicks the door swung effortlessly open. There in all its glory was the gibbet cage.

"Wow" I said out loud.

"You like it?" she said quizzically.

"Yes, in England we can only see these things from a distance in a museum, to actually be able to touch one. To feel the metal, it’s quite something".

"So this would be a tourist attraction in England?" she said.

"Yes, very much so" I replied.

"Zis was my idea, but I do not have the funds to complete the project. I was going to have the place renovated. Now I just come here because I like to be down here pretending that I am in control of all the prisoners. It makes me feel powerful and in control. It makes me feel sexy!" she paused realising what she had just said.

I tried to ignore her and wondered if I could steer this to my advantage! I pulled one of the many padlocks that held the gibbet closed.

"I have ze keys" she said. Pulling out a large bunch of keys from another pocket. It took a few minutes for her to undo all the locks, then the cage swung gently open.

"I wonder what it would be like to be locked in there, not knowing how long for, in the dark" I mused.

"You want to try?" she said softly.

I thought for a moment about just what I was getting into. "Ok" I said, and stepped up into the cage turning around and getting my legs and arms into the place holders. Once I was comfortable she slowly closed the door "Open wide" she said as the tongue piece came towards me. I opened and it slid firmly into place. She pushed the cage closed and the held it closed.

"How does it feel?" she said.

"Great" I tried to say. She then turned her back to me, leaning up against the cage holding it closed with her weight against the front. I could hear her moaning softly. "Hey" I mumbled, she turned around sharply.

"Sorry you want out?" she said I noticed that her long leather jacket had the bottom two buttons undone, I think she was playing with herself. She then proceeded to open up the cage. I stayed exactly where I was. "Did you want to get out?" she repeated.

"No, I was going to say that I would like to see what it is like with the door closed too, and by the way, if you’re going to do that, there really is no need to turn your back on me!" I said.

She turned slightly red in the cheeks and then laughed, "You caught me, naughty French girl" she chuckled. "Ok, but as you want the whole experience, prisoners would be naked. It only seems fair?" She questioned. I jumped down from the cage and started to remove my clothes.

"Let me" she said. She walked over and kissed me in the most passionate traditionally French way, all the time removing my clothes, until I was stood there stark naked. We were kissing all the time as she maneuverered me around in the cell, and I felt the cold metal of the cage at my back. I stepped up and again stood in the position. She closed the door and snapped the padlocks into place one by one. When she was done, she ran her fingers down the cage with one hand and down her body with the other. She paused at my cock and stroked it gently. She stopped, walked out the door, slammed it shut and proceeded to lock it.

She then walked out of sight and returned a few minutes later with a small wooden bench which she placed in the centre of the room directly in front of my cell. She then laid back on the bench with her legs either side. She unbuttoned her jacket which opened to reveal nothing underneath, just a perfect French body and a pair of stiletto knee boots. She took the key to my cell, and gently rubbed herself with it. Within a few minutes she was coming loudly and heavily. Then to my horror, she looked up at me, then just fell backwards. The key tumbling out of her hands and bouncing noisily across the room out of sight. She was in a heap on the bench, motionless.

I pulled, pushed and tugged at the cage but nothing it did not budge an inch. I was really panicking now. I screamed, but nothing. I was now in full panic. I heard several clicks, and then a quiet voice "Calm down" she was stood in front of me.

"Are you alright?" I asked her.

"Bien sûr!" there was a pause then she continued, "Oh, I forgot that sometimes I black out when I have a really big orgasm, I can be out for minutes! I hope I did not scare you?" She said in a soft French accent. "I will make it up to you if you let me?" and started teasing me with her boots and rubbing her back up and down me, she slowly lowered herself and took me into her mouth. Needless to say, I had a mind numbing experience that day.

We walked arm in arm back to her car, "It’s been a long time since a man has been worried about me" she said softly. "Perhaps you could stick around a while longer? There is still a lot more to explore in the castle if you like that sort of stuff, like I do?"

I looked deeply into her eyes, "I do like that stuff, and I really like you." I leaned over, pushing my luck, and kissed her. She kissed back without hesitation.

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