Amanda's Hangup

by Geetwo

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© Copyright 2024 - Geetwo - Used by permission

Storycodes: M+F+/f; F/f; bond; rope; gag; kidnap; susp; hogtie; tease; climax; toys; spank; reluct; X

Amanda was the only employee who actually enjoyed the compulsory morning exercise sessions required by her Company.

She really liked all the bending and stretching that everyone else hated and objected to and soon took to wearing a skimpy leotard that showed off her slender, flexible body to best advantage.

Being naturally slim and a fitness enthusiast, it was easy for her to outdo her female colleagues, many of whom were “larger ladies” and without really meaning to, Amanda unwittingly managed to annoy quite a few of them with her enthusiasm and exhortations for them to “go for the burn” and reminders that there was “no gain without pain.”

Already jealous of her shapely figure and fed-up of her irritating keenness, they considered her innocent encouragement of them to be unacceptably patronising and it was not long before the unanimous feeling among Amanda’s co-workers was that she needed to be taught a lesson and taken down a peg or two.

Luckily for her, apart from her enthusiasm for the Company exercises, she was actually very popular and well-liked, so nobody wanted to do anything too serious to her, or cause her any real harm.

In a series of low-voiced, private conversations to which she was not privy, it was decided that a dose of humility would be good for Amanda and after a lot of thought as to what form it should take, a plan was agreed and set in motion.


The old workshop had been closed for years and as it was situated at the far end of the building, in an area that was only used for storing scrap material and therefore rarely visited, was selected as the ideal place for what the plotters had in mind.

Over the course of a week, it was checked out, given a cursory cleaning and prepared to receive its unsuspecting “guest”.


Knowing nothing of the activity going on behind her back, Amanda turned up for work on Friday morning and, as usual, immediately changed into her leotard to take part in the daily exercises.

To her quiet satisfaction, all of her colleagues appeared to take much more interest in the workout than she had come to expect and even seemed to be enjoying it, nodding and smiling at her throughout the session.

Straight afterwards, she went back to the changing room where she had left her clothes and, to her surprise, found several of her co-workers waiting for her.

Puzzled because they were already dressed in normal working clothing, she began to ask why they were there, but before she could complete her question, several more of her colleagues came into the room, closing and locking the door behind them and forming a ring around her

Their actions alarmed her, but what alarmed her far more were the expressions of predatory anticipation on their faces and the coils of thin white rope each of them carried…


Like most civilised young women, Amanda had no experience of fighting, but even if she had, it would have done her no good when both groups closed in on her.

Seized by many hands, she was easily overpowered and pushed to her belly on the floor, her arms and legs pinned by several of her colleagues while others uncoiled their ropes and began to tie her up.

At first, she was shocked into mute passivity, not resisting at all, but when she felt the ropes tightening on her limbs, she began to struggle and protest, demanding to be freed and threatening to report them all to the company management.

It was just the reaction her captors had expected and they were prepared for it.

Those holding her tightened their grip, keeping her still for the ones with the ropes, while the two who were designated specifically to deal with her complaints, waited until her mouth was wide open as she complained, then wedged a hard rubber ball-gag between her teeth, ensuring it remained in place with a rope harness around and over her head and under her jaw.

She couldn’t even scream as more and more ropes encircled her limbs and body, her arms cocooned in a rope sheath from wrists to biceps, her legs welded together by wide, tight cinches, her waist and breasts squeezed and shaped by yet more cords, another braided into her long auburn hair and a crotch-rope sunk embarrassingly deep between her bound thighs.

Already completely helpless, Amanda could only moan behind the ball in her mouth when her legs were folded up behind her and connected to her bound arms and the rope braided into her hair, forcing her to hollow her back into a deep curve and arch her neck.

Then she was lifted and loaded onto a tool-trolley and wheeled out of the changing-room, her cheeks flushing a vivid scarlet as she was pushed through the workplace, her hog-tied and immobilised progress accompanied by the mocking laughter and humiliating comments of her amused colleagues.

Thoroughly gagged and barely able to wriggle, she couldn’t protest or defend herself when some of them took advantage of her total vulnerability to cup her breasts in their palms and jiggle them as if assessing their weight, joking that her passion for exercise didn’t seem to have made the firm, rounded globes any smaller.

The laughter that greeted their remarks served to embolden others and Amanda could only gasp and whimper in shock and dismay when fingers captured her nipples, squeezing and rolling the delicate buds until they grew stiff and almost painfully hard, jutting like acorns against the stretched material of her leotard.

Desperately though she tried, she was unable to hide her body’s shameful response or control the unwanted fire of arousal the callous plundering of her breasts ignited in her belly and when hands fondled and slapped her buttocks and others tugged on the crotch-rope between her legs, the fluttering of her belly and the unmistakable need gleaming in her eyes, betrayed the fierce heat of her awakened sexual desire to her captors.

Unfortunately, all she could do was gabble wordless pleas behind her gag and strain uselessly against the ropes that bound her as her desire grew ever hotter, fuelled by the touch of many hands and her own total inability to resist or evade her enforced subjugation.

The anger and fear she had felt during her capture, was forgotten in the scorching heat of her passion and as her need spiralled upwards, Amanda squeezed her eyes tightly shut to intensify the delicious pleasure of surrendering to her bondage and simply allowed the exquisite physical sensations being imposed on her senses, to overwhelm her.


Lost in her own world of devastating sexual arousal, she only opened her eyes when the tool-trolley finally came to a halt and the hands stopped toying with her body.

For a moment, she had no idea where she was, then realised with a shiver of horror that it was the old workshop.

Hardly anyone ever used it and as the implications of what that might mean whirled through her brain, she heard the low-pitched whine of an electric motor from above her.

She guessed instantly what it must be, but her hog-tie was too tight to allow her to twist her head to check and she could only jerk vainly at her bonds when yet more ropes were knotted to those securing her, forming attachment points behind her hollowed spine, ready for the hook steadily descending from the mobile winch mounted high in the rafters.

There was nothing she could do when the ropes were looped over the hook and when one of her captors pressed the “Up” button on the wandering lead of the winch, Amanda was hoisted from the bed of the tool-trolley and into the air.

Squealing in alarm, she spun in slow circles, her arms and legs fully extended by her own body-weight, quite unable to stop her rotation, her eyes wide with humiliation and despair as her suspended body was displayed to the grinning circle of her colleagues as she turned around and around in front of them.

Four feet or so above the floor, her taut breasts, erect nipples and the tight-stretched material of her leotard at the joint of her shapely thighs formed tempting targets for her captors and when many fingers explored her defenceless curves, she could only shudder to the sexual fire their touch immediately re-kindled and beg into her gag for someone… anyone… to take pity on her and trigger the huge climax that seethed and swirled in her belly.


Able only to look straight ahead, Amanda never did find out which of her colleagues sent her hurtling into her first explosive orgasm…

Switched on and held firmly against her clitoris, a powerful vibrator sent gigantic, irresistible pulses of shattering arousal raging through her sex, her belly convulsing wildly and releasing a flood of hot juices to soak the crotch of her leotard as she wailed her instantaneous submission.

She couldn’t hold back for a single second, or conceal the extent of her complete surrender and as chuckles and laughter greeted her climax and the involuntary jerking and twisting of her dangling body as contractions jolted through her belly, she flushed bright red in shame and humiliation.

Helpless against the power of her enforced need, Amanda could only moan as devastating havoc tore through her suspended figure, unable to evade the inescapable sexual subjugation imposed on her by her captors, her body’s responses far out of her control and mind reeling at the ease with which she had been made to come.

Then was made to come a second time when, with the vibrator still pressed against her sex, several pairs of hands again captured her breasts, toyed with her rigid nipples and fondled and stroked her buttocks and thighs, the combination of their casual plundering of her body and the knowledge of her own absolute vulnerability, building on the flames of her first orgasm to propel Amanda into a second, enormous, muscle-straining orgasm that set even more of her juices oozing from her pounding belly.

Jerking like a hooked fish, her breasts heaving as she panted for breath, Amanda stared wildly at the grinning faces surrounding her as she spun, searching for someone who might take pity on her and persuade the others to let her down and untie her.


To her grateful relief, it seemed as if Mary, one of her older and more senior colleagues, might be the one to come to her rescue, when she reminded everyone that it was still a working day and much as they were all having fun playing with Amanda, they had a productivity quota to meet.

Her words were greeted with a few grumbles and protests, but it was obvious she was right and as the group around her reluctantly accepted the situation, Amanda began to relax, assuming that she was about to be freed.

Until Mary added that as they would all have to work a bit harder to make up for Amanda’s absence, a rota would be made out for everyone to have some time off before the Company closed for the weekend, to come over and have more fun with her.

The news of the rota was met with almost universal approval…the sole exception being Amanda herself…who was horrified at the thought of remaining bound and gagged and helpless, at the mercy of whoever walked through the door, for the remaining seven hours or so of the working day.

Her frantic, but hopelessly-garbled protests from behind the ball-gag crammed into her mouth, brought only more grins and chuckles from her captors and as she was forced to confront the awesome prospect of a whole day in bondage as the sexual plaything of her own colleagues, her face flushed a vivid crimson to the renewed arousal that surged through her belly.

Her first two climaxes had already shown her that she was totally unable to resist the oscillations of the vibrator and when it was switched on again, as it inevitably would be, Amanda knew she would be forced into another explosive submission…or perhaps many more…as the day wore on.

There was nothing she could do to prevent it and while the group gradually dispersed until only Mary was left, Amanda tried in vain to suppress her building sexual desire as she anticipated the exquisite torment she would be made to endure when they returned to toy with her again.

Distracted by her thoughts, she didn’t notice Mary walk behind her and was taken completely by surprise when hands cupped both of her breasts and her nipples were captured and squeezed between fingers and thumbs.

Electric arousal shot through her breasts and she moaned in pleasure, but when the older woman increased the pressure on Amanda’s nipples and then tweaked the hardened buds, her moans turned to gasps as the mixture of pleasure and pain combined to send her desire zooming still higher.

A bright red flush stained her cheeks when she heard Mary chuckle that it was obvious Amanda not only liked being tied up, but also enjoyed a little pain with her bondage…and when the woman added that she would be more than happy to supply both whenever Amanda felt the need, her eyes widened in alarm at both the shocking offer and the scorching wave of heat that rolled through her belly.

Forced to respond and submit to the sexual stimulation imposed upon her, Amanda had never considered for an instant that her two huge climaxes might have come about, at least in part, because of her helplessness and inability to resist, rather than despite them.

Stunned by the possibility, she whimpered when Mary took her fingers from her nipples, then squealed as the vibrator was wedged under the crotch-rope bisecting her sex and switched on.

Devastating arousal exploded through her belly and in seconds she was propelled to the very brink of a third giant climax, begging piteously into her gag for Mary to give her the orgasm she craved so desperately.

Her fervid pleas were answered in seconds, but not in any way she might have imagined or wanted.

With no warning, Mary’s palms cracked down across Amanda’s exposed buttocks leaving two handprints that instantly turned bright red against her pale flesh, but for an instant, Amanda was so shocked that she felt nothing.

Until flaring heat raged through her bottom and she wailed in disbelieving anguish, her suspended body jerking and twisting in futile efforts to evade the stinging impact of the older woman’s hands as she administered several more hard spanks to Amanda’s defenceless rear.

Even as a child, Amanda had never been spanked and the intense humiliation, coupled with the smarting of her punished bottom and the powerful vibrations at her sex, were far too much for her.

Her third climax burst over her, releasing waves of hot juices into her belly and over the buzzing shaft at her sex while she jerked and juddered to the immense power of her release, her body swinging back and forth and spinning slowly as she was forced to exhibit the stunning depth of her sexual passion in front of Mary’s amused gaze.

Finally brought to a halt by Mary’s hand gripping her chin, Amanda tried not to look at her, ashamed of her total loss of self-control, but Mary was having none of it and forcibly arched her head even further back so that Amanda had no choice.

Holding Amanda’s anxious eyes with her own, Mary smiled and in a calm, relaxed voice informed the hapless brunette that she would come back to collect her at the end of the working day when everyone else had gone home.

The weekend would be a perfect opportunity for them to get to know each other much better, she said…then chuckled that she might even consider untying Amanda once they were at her home.

Provided, of course, that Amanda was a very good girl and did exactly what she was told.

The words were said cheerfully, but the glint in Mary’s eyes suggested that it would not be a good idea for Amanda to defy her and when she chuckled again, let go of Amanda’s chin, turned off the vibrator and walked out of the workshop without another word, she left behind a worried, thoroughly confused and fiercely-aroused Amanda.

Struggling to come to terms with what Mary had done to her and the shattering climax it had caused, Amanda tried to decide if the older woman had really meant what she had said about taking her home with her…and if she had, whether she actually would keep her tied up until Amanda did what she wanted.

Nobody had ever treated her in the way Mary had and Amanda couldn’t believe how powerful and intense her orgasm had been when she had been spanked.

It had been deeply humiliating, but unbelievably exciting and erotic and she knew that if Mary were to keep her tied up and spank her again, she would climax just as strongly, regardless of how embarrassed she might be.

Even after three huge climaxes, the possibility of being spanked a second time while still tied up, sent a shiver of delicious fright rippling up Amanda’s spine and she squeezed her eyes shut again, feeling her cheeks redden and her belly swirl with renewed warmth to the guilty realisation that she rather hoped Mary would do exactly that and make her submit again to the exquisite pleasure of complete surrender.


Focused completely on what might happen during the coming weekend, Amanda temporarily forgot that there was still almost a whole working day to get through before Mary would come back to collect her.

Until hands snaked around her suspended body to fasten on her breasts and switch on the vibrator wedged snugly against her sex…


The rota was in operation, some of her colleagues had returned to take their turn with her and all Amanda could was writhe and jerk and twist in her bonds as she was sent hurtling towards an inevitable orgasm, her mind quailing at the realisation that it might well be only the first of many to be imposed on her before the day ended.

And that even when the day was over… her weekend with Mary would only just be about to begin…


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