Eight Days in a Binding Contract

by Bobbie

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© Copyright 2024 - Bobbie - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/m; M+/m; mpov; bond; buttplug; urine; sendep; chastity; mum; electro; breathplay; sound; cuffs; gag; toys; true; anal; hum; oral; hood; straps; bench; analhook; mast; shave; X-frame; whip; rim; pillory; susp; chair; predicament; cons; XXX

Chapter 1: Introductions and background

Greetings. My name is Robert, friends and acquaintances call me Bob, close friends and relatives, including Mike, call me Bobbie. Sir Michael calls me Bitch when he is providing commands or instructions, he sometimes calls me Cunt or Pussy when he is administering discipline or is otherwise displeased with me. Mike, that is, Sir Michael served as my Dominant for a long week last May. He had me keep a daily journal of my trials detailing my training, lessons, and bondage so later I could fondly remember the pleasures and pains of my servitude. Subsequently, at his suggestion, I transcribed the journal into a narrative. From his training I have learned, often via a paddle, that suggestions from a Master are very similar to commands. Plus, knowing that he has retained photographs of some of my lessons, suitable for exploitation on social media, serves as an additional encouragement to comply. My original attempt to write about the events that transpired were accurate and detailed but was somewhat dry to read. Sir Michael wants me to share my experience with others as they may relish reading about my servitude, training and suffering. So also at his suggestion, I have rewritten that narrative into a chronicle in a story style so that it is a better read and captures the timeline and activity details as well as the exhilaration and dialog missing from the original document.

For the record, this is a true story. The events are as accurate as my memory allows as it has been nearly a year since they transpired. The dialog too is as close as I can remember but it wasn’t written down as it was spoken. Sir, I am sorry if I misquote you, I know that would not please you. FYI, Sir Michael and I hold the two primary roles in this journal, there were other players, but I do not know their identities.

About us, I am a 46-year-old, straight, happily married white male with three children. I am a Chief Operating Officer (COO) for a moderate size manufacturing company in North Carolina. My loving wife is a high school science teacher. I am 5 feet 10 inches tall and weigh approximately 180 pounds. I am of average build with a minimum gut. I have all my hair. My circumcised member is just average, some would say it’s on the smaller side of average, but it is fully functional and gets the job done. I go to the gym five days a week, but I am not muscular, and I do not look overly trim. Just an average guy.

Sir Michael is a 48-year-old gay unattached white male with no children, living in a lovely condo in San Diego. He is an independent licensed financial planner from which he earns a good income. He also runs a massage business out of his home, serving both gay and straight men, providing extra cash but bordering on a hobby status. Sir is about the same size as me, 5 feet 10 inches tall and his weight is also approximately 180 pounds. A little less hair than me and maybe a little more gut. He walks each day and rides his bike to keep fit. Where he is special is his circumcised member. It is huge by my limited standards. HUGE. A good 5 inches soft and nearly 8 inches hard with a substantial circumference of 5 ½ inches. No exaggeration. A member to be proud of and tough to handle.

Sir Michael and I have been friends since I was a sophomore and he was a junior in college. We were roommates in his senior year. I knew he was gay, and he knew I was straight. We never had any sexual interactions together, but we did have some fantastic discussions about both of our lifestyles. He was just learning about his, and I was beginning my relations with my first long-term girlfriend, who became my wife. We have remained lifelong best friends.

From as early as my teen years I had bondage fantasies; both of me being bound and of me binding females. Nothing violent or forced. Who knows why I had these feelings. I have gotten to explore these urges with my wife. She doing me, me doing her. Over the years I have assembled a chest full of restraints and electro and bondage toys. However the reality is, my wife isn’t really into it, gets no real enjoyment of doing me or vice versa, so now I look to satisfy the need in other ways. Primarily in the last few years I have switched to self-bondage when she is not around. I also enjoy surfing the web occasionally for bondage stories and pictures, nothing excessive. About once a year she still surprises me with a session of doing me, to which I am very grateful. I know she gets nothing out of it, but she does look amazingly hot in her black garters, stockings and corset.

Sir Michael and I have had discussions about my bondage fetish since our college days. He was the one who suggested exploring self-bondage a good while back. About a year or two ago I started to enjoy reading bondage stories that involved a dominant/submissive relationship. Male on Female, Female on Male, Male on Male, Female on Female. The stories really seem to get me aroused. In my job and most other activities, I have always had the leadership role, the one in charge, the one making the decisions, a Type A guy. Not to be egotistical, but I am a good and successful leader. There are lots of pressures that come with that role and that can wear on you. When bound and secured, I feel a release, a feeling of NOT being in charge, of NOT having to make a decision, a feeling of NOT being able to control or stop what is happening. That is a very pleasurable feeling, a great release. When I add the fantasy of a subservient element to the bondage, then it’s… oh wow, fireworks! Obviously, I can’t add this into my self-bondage other than in my mind.

During one of our phone chats on this subject, Mike, now Sir Michael, jokingly asked if I wanted him to be my ‘daddy’ and that he would be happy to stroke my butt. Of course, I dismissed this out of hand, but it did plant a seed.

The submissive bondage fantasy I have is that of being forced while in bondage to do things I do not otherwise want to do. This could be taking punishments or tortures of sorts, or it could even be having to unwillingly suck a dick or be pegged in the butt. Now, realize without question, I have no interest in, and I am not aroused by two men engaged in sex. But being forced to do it while in restrictive bondage, now that is interesting, exciting.

And so, discussions with Sir Michael began. He offered, as a friend, to be willing to serve as a Dominant over me should I come out to visit. We talked a lot over several weeks. Our discussions certainly included what excited me about bondage and the BDSM lifestyle. Generally, my ideas were from stories I had read or pictures I had seen. In most cases it was nothing I had personal experience enjoying. We also talked about limits and safety. He asked if I minded if he chatted with his friends to get additional ideas and information on the subject. That was no issue with me. I now realize they offered him more than just some simple suggestions. I think one of the best ideas taken from his friends was that Sir Michael suggested we prepare a contract between us should we decide to proceed that would outline our needs, wants, agreements, limits and safety. It would be both a set of rules and a roadmap of how I might best experience my fantasies. He found a free contract example to build on from Dom Sub Living on the internet. From there he got a free down-loadable, editable contract that provided both core elements of a dominant/submissive relationship and a list of activities common to these relationships. Sir Michael downloaded the contract, polished and added lots of text to it and asked for a list of my desires, fantasies, likes, dislikes, and hard limits to include in it. I sent him what he asked, and I began planning a solo week vacation to San Diego. How else could I safely satisfy my fantasies?

Chapter 2: A Contract Signing Upon Arrival

About two months later, I flew a one-stop from Charlotte through Dallas to San Diego. In my luggage was a selection of toys and restraints from my collection that were favorites of mine. While waiting for my luggage at Baggage Claim I slipped into the restroom and affixed a plastic encasing chastity device around my privates, locking it in place. I thought my new master would want me delivered this way. He picked me up in his Jeep at Arrivals Pickup, there we gave each other an old friend’s hug, then I handed him the key to my chastity lock without explanation asking him to please not lose it, and we headed to his home. The ride was pleasant, but I could tell he was already stepping into his role as his voice was firmer than his usual jovial tone and he certainly didn’t help me with putting my luggage in the car. Maybe he was just a little apprehensive of this new role to play.

We arrived at his abode, I brought my bags into the house, and he immediately directed me to his kitchen table. There sat two copies of the ‘Servitude Contract” and a pen. “Sit” I was directed. Sir Michael then read aloud the contract to me, line by line. Here is the contract, note, it’s a long read:

A Servitude Contract

Enter into between

Sir Master Michael



His Bitch, Bobbie


on this Friday, May 12, 2023



1 The following are the terms of a binding contract between the Dominant and the Submissive. It further serves as an agreement between the Dominant, the Submissive, and any individuals the Dominant may invite to participate in the activities covered by this document.


2 The fundamental purpose of this contract is to allow the Submissive to explore his sensuality, his bondage fetish, and his limits safely, with due respect and regard for his needs, his limits, and his well-being.

3 The Dominant and the Submissive agree and acknowledge that all that occurs under the terms of this contract will be consensual, confidential, and subject to the agreed limits and safety procedures set out in this contract. Additional limits and safety procedures may be agreed later in writing.

4 The Dominant and the Submissive (and any other participants) each warrant that they do not suffer from any sexual diseases, serious infectious, or life-threatening illnesses, including but not limited to HIV (unless maintaining a medication regimen and testing indicates ‘undetectable’), herpes, and hepatitis. If during the Term (as defined below) or any extended term of this contract either party should be diagnosed with or become aware of any such illness, that individual undertakes to inform the other immediately and in any event prior to any form of physical contact between the parties.

5 Adherence to the above warranties, agreements, and undertakings (and any additional limits and safety procedures agreed under Clause 3 above) are fundamental to this contract. Any breach shall render it void with immediate effect and each party agrees to be fully responsible to the other for the consequence of any breach.

6 Everything in this contract must be read and interpreted in the light of the fundamental purpose and the fundamental terms set out in Clauses 2-5 above.


7 The Dominant shall take responsibility for and the execution of the well-being and the proper training, guidance, restraint, and discipline of the Submissive. He shall decide the nature of such training, guidance, restraint, and discipline and the time and place of its administration, subject to agreed terms, limitations, and safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed additionally under Clause 3 above.

8 If at any time the Dominant should fail to keep to the agreed terms, limitations, and safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed additionally under Clause 3 above, the Submissive is entitled to terminate this contract forthwith and to leave the service of the Dominant without notice.

9 Subject to that proviso and to Clauses 2-5 above, the Submissive is to serve and obey the Dominant in all things. Subject to the agreed terms, limitations, and safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed additionally under Clause 3 above, he shall without query or hesitation provide the Dominant such pleasure as Dominant may require and he shall accept without query or hesitation his training, guidance, restraint, and discipline in whatever form it may take.


10 The Dominant and Submissive enter into this contract on the Commencement Date fully aware of its nature and undertake to abide by its conditions without exception.

11 This contract shall be effective from Friday, May 12, 2023 to Saturday, May 20, 2023. On the expiry of the Term the parties shall discuss whether this contract and the arrangements they have made under this contract are satisfactory and whether the needs of each party have been met. Either party may propose the extension of this contract subject to adjustments to its terms or to the arrangements they have made under it. In the absence of agreement to such extension this contract shall terminate, and both parties shall be free to resume their lives separately.


12 The Submissive and Dominant will make themselves available as much as possible during the term of this contract, both days and nights. The Submissive understands that the Dominant will attend to his business as a priority and the Submissive will wait patiently for the completion of same, in bondage and hidden if that is the pleasure or need of the Dominant.

13 The Dominant reserves the right to dismiss the Submissive from his service at any time and for any reason. The Submissive may request his release at any time, such request to be granted at the discretion of the Dominant subject only to the Submissive’s rights under Clauses 2-5 and 8 above.


14 The Dominant and Submissive will make themselves available during the contract term at locations to be determined by the Dominant. It is likely that the predominant location to be used will be the Dominant’s abode, specifically his dungeon, bedroom, bathroom, and outside atrium. At the Dominant’s discretion and desire, additional locations may be utilized.


15 The following service provisions have been discussed and agreed and will be adhered to by both parties during the Term. Both parties accept that certain matters may arise that are not covered by the terms of this contract or the service provisions, or that certain matters may be renegotiated. In such circumstances, further clauses may be proposed by way of amendment. Any further clauses or amendments must be agreed, documented, and signed by both parties and shall be subject to the fundamental terms set out under Clauses 2-5 above.


15.1 The Dominant shall always make the Submissive’s health and safety a priority. The Dominant shall not at any time require, request, allow, or demand the Submissive to participate at the hands of the Dominant or others in the activities detailed in Appendix 2 ‘HARD LIMITS’ or in any act that either party deems to be unsafe. The Dominant will not undertake or permit to be undertaken any action which could cause serious injury or any risk to the Submissive’s life. The remaining subclauses of Clause 15 are to be read subject to this proviso and to the fundamental matters agreed in Clauses 2-5 above.

15.2 The Dominant accepts the Submissive as his to own, control, dominate, restrain, bind, and discipline during the Term. The Dominant may use the Submissive’s body at any time during the Allotted Times or any agreed additional times in any manner he deems fit, sexually, or otherwise.

15.3 The Dominant shall provide the Submissive with all necessary training and guidance in how to properly serve the Dominant. Early in the term, the Dominant will use care when inserting toys or body parts into the Submissive’s oral cavity as the Submissive is not yet skilled in deep throating and needs to be trained how to control the gag reflex, Also, the Dominant will use care when inserting toys or body parts anally as the Submissive has limited experience in anal play and needs training to adjust to larger penetrations.

15.4 The Dominant shall maintain a stable and safe environment in which the Submissive may perform his duties in service of the Dominant.

15.5 The Dominant may discipline the Submissive as necessary to ensure the Submissive fully appreciates his role of subservience to the Dominant and to discourage unacceptable conduct. The Dominant may flog or spank or otherwise torture the Submissive as he sees fit, for purposes of discipline, for his own personal enjoyment, or for any other reason, which he is not obliged to provide. The Dominant may delay the application of discipline for any misdeeds, errors, or conduct that occurs while the Submissive is working on household projects, out in public, on walks or other places/events until the Submissive has returned to a bondage setting, It is at the sole discretion of the Dominant if he wishes to disclose the reason for the discipline and the Submissive shall not question what the Dominant determines is a breach of conduct.

15.6 In training and in the administration of discipline the Dominant shall ensure that no permanent marks are made upon the Submissive’s body, nor any injuries incurred that may require medical attention.

15.7 In training and in the administration of pleasure or discipline the Dominant shall ensure that the discipline and the instruments used for the purposes of pleasure or discipline are safe, clean (sterile where appropriate), shall not be used in such way as to cause serious harm, and shall not in any way exceed the limits defined and detailed in this contract.

15.8 In case of illness or injury the Dominant shall care for the Submissive, seeing to his health and safety, encouraging and, when necessary, ordering medical attention when it is judged necessary by the Dominant. The Submissive will maintain adequate health insurance and be liable for any medical expenses incurred. The Submissive agrees he will seek no restitution from the Dominant should injury to his person or damage to his property occur.

15.9 The Dominant shall maintain his own good health and seek medical attention, when necessary, in order to maintain a risk-free environment.

15.10 The Dominant shall not loan his Submissive to another Dominant outside of his direct control. The Dominant may direct the Submissive while under his supervision to service or be sexually used by another Dominant or other invited guest(s)/friend(s) of the Dominant’s choosing within the limits of Appendix 2 and the safety/health edicts of this document. The Submissive shall treat any invited guest in the same manner he is required to serve the Dominant; obeying any order, performing every task, and accepting any discipline or torture the guest wishes to deliver and shall do so without hesitation or argument as long as these actions pleases the Dominant. The Submissive will be bound/restrained/blindfolded during these encounters.

15.11 The Dominant may restrain, bind, tether, handcuff, mummify, blindfold, gag, etc. the Submissive at any time during the term of this agreement for any reason (and is expected to do so) and for extended periods of time including overnight sleep times, giving due regard to the health and safety of the Submissive, and using appropriate means, methods and equipment considering the activities planned and the duration expected for the particular session or event. When the Dominant is placing the Submissive in longer term bondage sessions, he will consider bondage methods and positions that promote and support the endurance the session may require.

15.12 The Dominant may from time to time, require the Submissive to assist in affixing, arranging, positioning, buckling, securing, tying, etc. the restraint equipment while placing the Submissive into physical bondage. At his sole discretion, the Dominant may solicit the Submissive’s thoughts as to how best to apply restraints to achieve secure, tight, effective, safe, and bearable arrangements for the activities planned, if any, by the Dominant. The Submissive shall provide such information in the spirit of achieving the Dominant’s goals and pleasures and not to reduce the Submissive’s burden, although both results may be achieved. The Submissive is obligated to inform the Dominant if the restraints applied are loose, escapable, ineffective, or otherwise unsuitable for the intended use or session. The Submissive shall not resist binds being applied and will remain passive till complete. During sessions, the Submissive will use his safe words to initiate bondage adjustment or relief that may become necessary.

15.13 The Dominant and the Submissive both recognize and accept that, while highly unlikely, an emergency could occur while the Submissive is bound. To that end, when the Submissive is bound with ropes, leather, wire, zip ties or plastic shrink wrap the Dominant will provide in close proximity suitable cutting tools (safety scissors, knives, razor knives, wire nippers, etc.) should rapid release become necessary. It is acknowledged that keyed, combination, time release, and electromagnetic locking devices can be used safely in strict bondage play and therefore are permitted and preferred when using leather or metal cuffs or chains in securing the submissive. Two keys for each keyed locking device will be readily available to the Dominant. If the keyed locks used are not all keyed the same, then the keys and locks will be clearly marked as sets. The unique keys for handcuffs, irons, and leather straps shall be kept readily accessible when these devices are used. If combination locks are used, the combination shall be written down and placed where it is readily available. Electromagnetic locks shall fail open when electricity is shut off. A suitable cutting tool will be available to cut time release locks if used.

15.14 Typically, in most strict bondage sessions the Dominant will be in proximity of the Submissive. It is accepted that this will not always be possible, nor necessary, or required; however, at a minimum, the Dominant will remain in the residence where the submissive is restrained, preferably within earshot. The Dominant will remain within general view of the Submissive if he is tightly gagged. The Dominant need not sleep in the same room with a sleeping bound Submissive if the Submissive is not secured in place, is mobile, has sight and can call out. The Dominant will not leave the household when the Submissive is bound unless the Submissive’s bonds do not restrict his breathing or sight and are such that he is mobile, allowing for easy self-escape of the premises or an area of refuge in an emergency.

15.15 The Dominant will ensure that all equipment used for the purposes of training, pleasure and discipline shall be maintained in a clean, hygienic, and safe state at all times. The Dominant will assure that an ample supply of quality condoms and chlorine wipes are available for the duration of the contract term. The Submissive shall provide reimbursement for the expenses incurred.


15.15The Submissive accepts the Dominant as his master, with the understanding that he is now the property of the Dominant, to be dealt with as the Dominant pleases during the Term generally, but specifically during the Bondage/Pleasure/Play Times and any additionally agreed allotted times. The Submissive will do his best to learn quickly the methods and techniques needed to handle the sexual needs and desires of the Dominant. The Submissive understands there will likely be pain in accommodating the large member and/or toys of the Dominant and is expected to bear them without complaint.

15.16 The Submissive shall obey the rules (“the Rules”) set out in Appendix 1 to this agreement. The Dominant shall also follow the guidelines of the rules (“the Rules”) set out in Appendix 1 to this agreement as they apply to him.

15.17 The Submissive shall serve the Dominant in any way the Dominant sees fit and shall endeavor to always please the Dominant to the best of his ability. The Submissive shall cater to a wide range of interests and needs of the Dominant from his sexual stimulation and gratification to completing special household maintenance, cleaning and/or improvement projects at the Dominant’s home.

15.18 The Submissive agrees to service or be sexually used by any person or persons of the Dominant’s choosing. Such encounters may include participation of multiple people at a time if that so pleases the Dominant. The Submissive will be bound, restrained and blindfolded during these encounters and this is by the Submissive’s expressed request and consent. The Submissive explicitly grants his permission to be sexually used and abused by those individuals invited by the Dominant to take part in the activities with the Submissive, and furthermore, the Submissive grants his permission for those individual to complete such acts on the Submissive while the Submissive is bound, restrained and/or blindfolded. Furthermore, the Submissive acknowledges that under these bondage conditions he may not be aware that he is about to be used by others and grants them permission to proceed with their engagement with the Submissive, whatever it may be, without notification. The participants shall abide by the limits of Appendix 2 and the safety/health edicts of this document. Permission is also granted to these participants to engage with the Submissive in any of the activities listed in the Appendix 2 Acceptable Activities/Soft Limits list. The identities of the individuals engaging with the Submissive need not be revealed to him. The Dominant will retain the knowledge of who participated if later health notifications need to be made. The participants will not reveal to others the identity of the Submissive.

15.19 The Submissive shall take all measures necessary to maintain his good health and although not expected shall request or seek medical attention whenever it is needed, keeping the Dominant informed at all times of any health issues should they arise.

15.20 Prophylactic coverings (condoms) shall be worn by all parties when anal or oral penetration activities occur to the Submissive or by the Submissive to assure safety and long-term health of all parties involved unless the individuals have been tested within the past 90 days by a certified physician or clinic and are certified disease free and/or if HIV positive, testing indicates HIV ‘undetectable’ and they are maintaining their medication regimen. If guests and the Dominant have engaged in protected oral or anal relations with each other due to unknown health status, they shall don new clean condoms before sexually interacting with the Submissive. If the Dominant requires the Submissive to finger and play with his guest’s anal cavities who are not medically cleared, then the Submissive shall wear surgical gloves while performing the commanded service.

15.21 The Submissive shall accept without question any and all disciplinary actions deemed necessary by the Dominant and remember his status and role in regard to the Dominant at all times.

15.22 The Dominant may, at times, direct the Submissive not to touch or pleasure himself sexually without permission from the Dominant. The Submissive, at times, may be required to wear a chastity device to deny self-pleasure when alone, out and about or sleeping.

15.23 The Submissive shall submit to any sexual activity demanded by the Dominant and shall do so without hesitation or argument.

15.24 The Submissive shall accept floggings, spankings, paddlings, nipple clamps, Wartenberg pinwheels, waterboarding or any other discipline/tortures the Dominant should decide to administer, without hesitation, inquiry, or complaint.

15.25 The Submissive shall always conduct himself in a respectful manner to the Dominant and shall address him only as the Dominant may direct.


16 The Submissive shall not participate in activities or any sexual acts that either party deems to be unsafe or any activities detailed in Appendix 2 as Hard Limits.

17 A list of activities is provided in Appendix 2 that are suitable, not suitable, or not desired to be performed on and with the Submissive.

18 Additional activities can be added to the Appendix 2 Suitable list when the Dominant and/or Submissive have new desires conceived after the Term has commenced and are agreed to by both the Dominant and the Submissive. They will be added as an amendment to this document and can be implemented during the contract term. Additional activities can also be considered if there are special requests or desires offered by the Dominant’s invited guests. All guest’s new activity requests require agreement by both the Dominant and Submissive. If a Dominant’s or guest’s request is submitted after the Submissive is already in bondage, the Submissive affirmative agreement can be verbal but only if it was not coerced by torture and does not currently appear on the Hard Limits list. The Submissive’s vote will require these words clearly stated: “Green, Yes the Submissive agrees, Green” or “Yellow, No, the Submissive does not agree, Yellow”. Note that it is reasonable for the Dominant to punish the Submissive for not having the forethought to have a guest’s need or desire already included in the Appendix 2 lists and this punishment is independent and mutually exclusive to an affirmative or negative vote by the Submissive.


18 The Dominant and the Submissive recognize that the Dominant may make demands of the Submissive that cannot be met without incurring physical, mental, emotional, or other harm or pain at the time the demands are made to the Submissive. In such circumstances related to this, the Submissive may make use of a safe word. Three safe words will be invoked depending on the severity of the demands or situation occurring.

19 The Safe word “Yellow” will be used to bring to the attention of the Dominant that the Submissive is close to his limit of endurance for the action(s) being administered and needs the Dominant to ease up, alter, and/or stop the specific activity, but not end the session or release the Submissive from his bondage. It also can be used when the Submissive needs adjustment to his restraints due to cramping or other restraint issues. It is used if the Dominant unknowingly or deliberately starts an activity that is on the Hard Limits list or is deemed unsafe before a red safe word must be executed ruining the scene. As the Dominant explores and tests the Submissive’s tolerance limits, he may receive multiple yellow call outs during a session which should be expected, respected, and actions modified as needed to address each individual call; however, these breaks in action are not a reflection of the Dominant’s performance or plan and the session should continue to its end. (Note: It would be considered ‘bad form’ to punish the Submissive for using his yellow safe word, unless doing so brings pleasure to the Dominant)

20 The Safe word “Red” will be used to bring to the attention of the Dominant that the Submissive cannot tolerate any further demands or stresses or is having a medical emergency. When this word is said, the Dominant’s action will cease completely with immediate effect. The Dominant will without hesitation quickly assess the situation to determine if the Submissive must be immediately released from his bondage and rendered aid if necessary or simply cease the activity. If invoking a Red condition ends the scene, it does not end the contract term. After a recovery period satisfactory to the Submissive, he will request the Dominant to re-engage in the scene or start a new one or indicate he can no longer continue.

21 The Safe word “Green” will be used if a positive response is warranted when the Dominant questions the Submissive as to his current pleasure/pain level/general well-being or when he wants to know if the action being administer is desired and should continue (if not, the yellow or red safe words should be invoked if fitting). The Submissive is not permitted to verbalize with other words any enjoyment or discomfort of the activity taking place unless it is a follow-up to a safe word call out to which the Dominant is seeking additional information or clarification. (Note punishment should be administered by the Dominant if this speaking out of turn rule is not followed.) During a rigorous session, the Submissive may uncontrollably uttered cries of ecstasy or pain and have body reactions or movements; sometimes violent and loud, others more subtle; regardless, the Dominant should continue on unless the Submissive calls out his safe words. (Note that failing to control his pain or pleasure outbursts is a punishable offense unless permission was granted to do so.)


22 We the undersigned have read and understood fully the provisions of this contract. We freely accept the terms of this contract and have acknowledged this by our signatures below.


The Dominant:


The Submissive:





The Dominant and the Submissive shall cue each other for the beginning of roleplay by using their designated role names as chosen by the Dominant. During these roleplays, the Submissive will obey any instructions given by the Dominant immediately without hesitation or reservation and in an expeditious manner. The Submissive will agree to any sexual activity deemed fit and pleasurable by the Dominant excepting those activities that are outlined in the hard limits (Appendix 2). He will do so eagerly and without hesitation.


The Submissive shall sleep where, when and on whatever the Dominant so desires. The Submissive will remain lightly bound and in a chastity device while sleeping. The Submissive will sleep naked (unless otherwise commanded by the Dominant) but will be permitted a blanket/sheet and pillow unless the Dominant is punishing the Submissive or otherwise it brings pleasures to the Dominant to deny bedding for the evening. Sleep deprivation is permitted as an activity but must be discontinued if the Submissive is showing signs of stress. The Submissive falling asleep at any time without permission is cause for discipline as is snoring that interrupts the Dominant’s sleep and may be implemented immediately.


The Dominant may withhold food as punishment but shall not take this to an extent where a long-term denial threatens the health of the Submissive. Water should never be restricted and consuming it should be encouraged. The Submissive’s own urine can be supplemented for water to achieve hydration as can his cum be served as a nutritional supplement. The Submissive will not be forced to consume anything that will cause him to vomit or cause diarrhea. During the term, the parties may take trips to restaurants or shop for food. While on these (or any) excursions the Submissive may be required to wear a chastity device. The Dominant may also require the Submissive to wear an inserted butt plug. These devices serve as a reminder while out as to the Submissive’s servitude to the Dominant.


During roleplay the Submissive will wear clothing only approved by the Dominant which in most cases will be nothing at all, i.e. Submissive will be naked for most sessions. The Submissive shall wear adornments or special clothing the Dominant shall require, in the presence of the Dominant and at any other time the Dominant deems fit. When in public, common areas of the Household, or outside yards, the Dominant will decide what clothes, if any, the Submissive shall wear and if the Submissive shall wear undergarments and/or devices/equipment.


The Submissive, before the term begins, shall exercise in a manner necessary to maintain and build his level of fitness essential to participate and sustain in the sexual and bondage activities of the Dominant’s choosing. During the Term as part of the Submissive’s morning routine, he shall complete a stretching/exercise regimen so that he will be limber and flexible when he is bound. He shall complete the exercises naked as to provide sight pleasure to the Dominant. The Dominant prefers a trim Submissive; therefore, the Submissive should arrive for the Term weighing no more than 180 pounds. For each pound over 180 the Dominant will administer ten strikes of his choosing to the Submissive.

Personal Hygiene:

The Submissive will keep himself clean (inside and out), teeth brushed, and face shaved at all times during the term. The Dominant will determine the thoroughness, timing, frequency, method, and equipment to be used for enemas and douche applications he deems necessary for the personal hygiene upkeep of the Submissive and planned activities. (Note: The Dominant may also use enemas/douche for training and torture purposes via an increased cleansing frequency, intensity or duration, modified temperature and/or requiring sustained retention. Shower nozzles or douche bags may be used.)

Personal Safety:

The Dominate and Submissive both understand that the Submissive’s servitude and bondage can be inherently dangerous. The Submissive knowingly accepts this risk. The Submissive also acknowledges that the risk is part of the sexual excitement that he desires from this fetish. The Dominant will consider the Submissive’s well-being while delivering to the best of his abilities the wishes and fantasies of the Submissive. It is anticipated that during the term the Dominant, the Submissive and any potential guests of the Dominant will be disease free and/or HIV ‘undetectable’. If there is risk, doubt or no recent testing, then the Dominant and his guests shall abide by the following: (1) Prophylactics (condoms) shall be properly worn by the Dominant whenever he inserts his member or toy into the Submissive’s mouth or anus. (2) Likewise, any guests of the Dominant who elects to penetrate the Submissive orally or anally must wear a condom. (3) The Dominant shall assure that a condom is properly placed on the Submissive should the Dominant elect to have the Submissive’s member inserted anally or orally into others. (4) Kissing, licking or any other action that can transfer saliva or other body fluids to the Submissive is prohibited. (5) The Dominant or his guests may only cum in the Submissive’s oral or anal cavities if they are fully protected and contained by a quality condom. (6) Participants shall not openly cum or urinate in/on/near the Submissive’s eyes, nose, open wounds, penis or anal port. Scat activities are not permitted. Bloodletting, cutting, piercing, needle play, tattooing and like activities are not permitted.

Personal Qualities:

The Dominant may enter into sexual or business relations with anyone at any time including during the term of this agreement. Such sexual/business relations may occur in or outside the presence of either party, at any location, at any time. Sexual/business relations shall be conducted in a manner that shall not expose risk to the health and safety of the Submissive. The Submissive must remain chaste to the Dominant (and his guests by the Dominates command) during the Term.

The Dominant and the Submissive recognize that this platonic relationship is unique to them. It is further recognized that the sexual activities and fantasies that may occur during the term of this agreement shall be free from romantic entanglements.

Communication/confidentiality: The Dominant, the Submissive, nor any other parties shall post the names of any participants, nor post any written descriptions or images/videos on any social media platforms of the activities that occurred during the term event without the express combined permission of the Dominant and the Submissive. They will not share details with any other outside parties any activities that occurred that would identify the Submissive. If the Dominant includes others in the sessions, these individuals are also bound to confidentiality of their activities with the Submissive.

Hosting: When the Dominant entertains invited guests in his home, it is proper and right to share his good fortune and pleasures of owning a bound Submissive with them. Likewise, it would be proper and customary to serve his guests beverages, food, etc. during their visit. The Submissive shall cover the costs of the Dominant being a good host and other like expenses.

Appendix 2

BDSM Activities

ACTIVITIES ACCEPTABLE and/or desired by the Submissive during the term, aka SOFT LIMITS, listed alphabetically.

The Submissive shall be naked and bound for activities whenever possible. While all listed activities are welcome and wanted and can be selected, those followed by an asterisk indicate this is an activity/position more coveted by the Submissive. Of course, whichever activities/binding positions are selected by the Dominant are of his choice and intended for his pleasure and amusement and that of his guests. All listed bound positions can be combined with sexual or torture/discipline activities or the Submissive can be left bound with no active attention so he may suffer in bondage solitude while contemplating his current servitude and life. Such idle bondage periods allow the Dominant time to amuse and excite himself or tend to personal needs/work/hobbies as Dominant cannot and should not be expected to give 100% of his attention to the lowly Submissive.

[Code: ‘*’ coveted by sub]

Note: The Submissive’s general attitude about receiving pain is that the feeling should remain at a pain/pleasure level. (Using a scale for how much pain does the submissive wants to receive, where 1 is none and 5 is severe: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5, the sub wishes to explore the 2-3 levels, aka mild to low-moderate)

ACTIVITIES NOT ACCEPTABLE and/or desired by the Submissive during the term, aka HARD LIMITS, listed alphabetically.

ACTIVITIES NOT OF INTEREST to the Submissive, listed alphabetically.

Should the Dominant or invited guests have an interest in any of the items on this list, the Submissive accepts moving them to the Soft Limits list without Submissive’s agreement or complaint as he is here to serve his Dominant in all ways and keep him happy, amused, pleasured, and sexually gratified.

Sir Michael spent considerable time discussing the clauses that allowed guests to engage with the Submissive. He was concerned that if he elected to bring others to play that they would be hesitant to touch someone they didn’t know who was bound, sightless and/or sound deprived and could later claim rape or assault. He was proud of the verbiage that unequivocally grants the guests signed permission from the bound, sightless, and sound deprived submissive to interact sexually or abusively with the submissive. I agreed to the clauses as presented; excited, but anxious. This would be all new to me if it indeed happens. I had limited sexual experiences as a young man and had never been with anyone else since I was married.

Sir Michael also discussed pain limits, safe words, any new limits I may have, and any special requests without indicating anything he had planned for me. When he was satisfied that I understood the terms, he handed me a pen and simply said “sign”.

And then the eight days of contracted servitude began in earnest.

Chapter 3: First Things First

Friday morning. “You will address me as ‘Sir Michael’ or ‘Sir.’ You will be addressed as ‘Bitch’ because you are my bitch and likely also ‘Cunt’ or ‘Pussy’ as both of those seem to suit you too. In public or private, I may also elect to call you Bobbie or anything that pleases me. Did you bring your computer with you?”

“Yes Sir”, I reply.

“Good. I want you to keep a journal, a diary of sorts, to record all that happens to you this week. You are to put in writing what you endured physically. The bounds and restraints you are put in. What your body felt. What your mind felt. The punishments and tortures administered to you. The sexual encounters you had. What you learned about you and your new life. Record your desire and need for servitude. You are to write in your journal each day before you have your breakfast covering all the activities of the day and night before. As you serve your enslavement to me continue to ponder and contemplate about it, so it sets in your mind and is easy to remember. Some of what will happen to you will make your mind a tad foggy. Focus on the details as they happen, savor and relish them, both the good and bad, and it will be easier for you to transcribe them the next day. You read BDSM/bondage and Dom/sub stories all the time. Most of them are works of fiction. You know this is real. What you’ll feel will be real. The bonds and restraints will be real. The solitude will be real. The discipline will be real. The torture will be real. The pleasures will be real. The pain will be real. Sexual use and abuse will be real. Each time you read your journal all the memories of your time here will come flooding back to you and you will be ten times more aroused from it than those fiction stories ever can provide. I think it will be your new favorite book. Understand, yes? Then Bitch, let’s get started, head to the master bedroom and strip off all of your clothes.”

“Yes Sir” and I did as I was told.

“Go into the bathroom and get on the scale.” I wasn’t expecting an immediate weigh in. I had weighed myself before I showered while getting ready to travel early this morning, I was 178.8 pounds naked. I should be fine. I strip and Sir immediately asks, “What is that thing you have on?”

I look down at what he was pointing at. “A male chastity device. I wore it to please you,” I replied.

“Let me make something clear from the start. Your job is to please me, but I decide what it is that pleases me. It’s a lesson I see I’ll need to reinforce,” Sir said.

I knew what that meant. Here I was five minutes into servitude, and I was already going to be punished.

“Now get on the scale.” I do and have an ‘oh crap’ moment. “You agree that the scale reads 183 pounds? Did you not just sign a document that says you will arrive here weighing under 180 pounds? Do you recall what this means?”

Crap. How could this be? Everybody’s scale reads differently, but nearly four pounds? This cock piece and lock doesn’t weigh that much. Don’t complain. Don’t make excuses. Sir Michael seems to be playing this role straight, don’t tick him off. “I’m sorry Sir,” is all I replied.

Sir Michael inspected my body paying particular attention to my butt and butt hole. He twisted the chastity device till he got a reaction from me. Then told me to redress without underwear as we were going to Home Depot. He needed some chains and hooks for the afternoon, and it was something he wanted me to select and purchase, like picking your own switch for a whipping. We returned home with eight lengths of sturdy chain (four 6 foot long and four 2 foot long) and ten screw eye hooks of two different sizes, the cost went on my credit card.

Sir Michael then indicated it was time for a house and yard tour. He set limits of where I was allowed to go within the house, basically limiting me to the master bedroom, master bathroom, kitchen, garage, i.e. the dungeon and the atrium which connects the master bedroom and garage. He then showed me some of the projects that he expected me to complete in exchange for both the room & board and the training and services he was providing me.

The bedroom had Sir Michael’s queen-size bed and typical side tables, a desk holding two computers and two large screen monitors, a large breakfront glass cabinet and a massage table. It also had a nice wood fully adjustable pegging bench with padded chest, arm and leg rests, each of the rests equipped with built in restraints. There were various attachment points adorning the evil device. He took pride in introducing me to its features and potential uses. This room is where he operates his massage business, enjoys his on-line porn, chats with me on the phone, sleeps, and I assume has relations with his gay friends.

His dungeon was in his garage. It was a finished room but still retained the garage door. It was a nice man-cave; well-lit but not air conditioned. There were two floor pole oscillating fans, one in each corner that could provide a nice breeze. The room had a leather sling hanging from the ceiling on chains. A stand-up pillory. A large black heavy steel dog cage. A very nice professionally made Saint Andrews Cross with built-in straps. Sir Michael made sure I saw the ratchet straps at the top that would stretch one’s wrist upward and the drop-away footrests which together would effectively stretch and suspend the user. The other bounding straps along the cross would make a suspension bearable. At least I hope it will. By Sir’s comments, there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to make use of it during my stay.

There was a large heavy wood bondage chair in a V-shape that would spread a user’s legs apart nicely when seated and had multiple arm securing points. Scary to me was a pointed pegged seating board that could be placed on the chair seat, making for great discomfort of the upper legs and butt if used. Another device was a table like board assembly, basically an 18 wide, six-foot long tabletop made of 3/4-inch plywood, attached to 2 x 4 legs, with one end’s leg set each being abound 12 inches long and the other two legs being about 30 inches long, so that an incline plane was created. The upper end of the tabletop narrowed to about just eight inches wide for the final foot of its length. This section extended past the legs. The legs were well braced. The table was very sturdy. It was unpainted. Sir indicated that this was newly created just for me. Seems like he had a plan for what he was going to do to me and was well prepared for the role he was to play. In the corner was an elliptical trainer and what appeared to be a rimming chair. There were also ample attachment points along the walls and in the ceiling. A twin-size mattress with a black fitted sheet was leaned up against one wall. There were numerous shelves with many toys. Enough dildos to open a store.

There was a shelf with what appeared to be electro toys. And what scared me most was another shelf with some evil looking whips, riding crops, paddles, floggers, a nasty cat-of-9-tails and a Rattan cane. (You always forget something, I meant to add no caning to my hard list, crap. Maybe the no visible scarring rule will save me.) There was one empty shelf that I was told was there to store the toys and leather goods I had brought with me for the week. The opposite wall had shelves where he stored his tools and other typical garage stuff. Finally, hanging on the back wall there was a very large monitor/tv, I’m guessing maybe a 75 inch, connected to a computer. Sir mentioned in passing as I looked at it that he liked his porn to be life-sized.

Sir Michael and I have discussed our individual sex activities for years. I know that at times with his friends he has dabbled in bondage, but it’s not really his thing. He’s claustrophobic. I have heard numerous times about his sling in his garage and his escapades using it. Lots of stories of gang bangs here too. But not so much about activities with bondage furniture though, so I was curious as to why he had such a well-equipped dungeon. I know it wasn’t for his massage clients. He must have been reading my mind. He told me as we were finishing up the tour of the room that many of the pieces of furniture were not his. He had borrowed them from some of his friends who are more into the bondage scene. He said they had offered him advice on my training and envied the opportunity he was going to have with me. I got a twinge of anxiety with the thought that these practiced bondage friends could be potential guests. Sir Michael then indicates the level of effort he had to extend to ensure all the toys and furniture were clean and sterile per our contract and I should expect significant punishments throughout the week to make up for his efforts to outfit the room and then to make it clean just for me. Now I’m even more anxious as Sir seems to be aroused by the punishment aspects of my ordeal. Me, I like the bondage and restraints the most, I think. Well, maybe I need not worry, he’s just showing he will try to fulfill my wants. I see that my mind will have as much of a workout as will my body. Who would have thought?

The atrium was nice. It was between the dungeon and the master bedroom. The three places I would likely be spending most of my time are all connected. It had a wood deck floor made of smooth 3-inch-wide fine teakwood boards stained red, bordered by nice flower beds. Large flower pots and patio style chairs adorned the deck. The atrium has four enclosed walls, the bedroom wall, the garage wall, the wall of the garage of the adjacent condo, and an outside wall that faces the street. This wall was lower than the other three and allowed for the sloping mostly open roof which was comprised of open 2x8s and a center heavy wood beam. I told Sir that the space was nicely decorated. He obviously had pride in the space, and I was told it also had accent lighting that would make evening sessions with me very nice for ‘him’. The space was isolated from view, but the light road traffic and pedestrians could be heard. I was warned that when playing out here any outburst from me might be heard and that I would be severely punished if it happened. He also stated that I should expect to be gagged if I was secured there. He had a reputation and a business to protect.

He then added there was no time like the present to see if I would control myself. He told me to undress in the bedroom. Leave my clothes on his bed. I was then to report back to the atrium. I did so quickly. When I got there, Sir had a power drill in his hand and the Home Depot bag. He then indicated that outside bondage was at my request so I should install my own securing hooks and chains here. He showed me where he wanted the eye hooks installed so that they would be hidden, and I completed the task along with attaching the six-foot chains to them. It felt weird as this was the first time I had ever completed a drill project stark naked, and while not visible, still outside to boot. That is, naked other than the chastity device which was still in place. Sir Michael then had me move some of the chairs and flowerpots to the side, making for a completely clear space in the center of the deck.

The moment I was done, Sir pulled on the chains to see that they were indeed secure then told me to lay down spread eagle on the deck. I complied immediately thinking I wish I had been able to take a pee first. Not wanting to add potential discipline I ignored the desire. Sir Michael retrieved four leather cuffs from the shelf in the garage and placed them on my ankles and wrists. He then placed miniature locks on each of the cuffs so that the cuffs were not removable; not that I could have gotten them off anyway. He then maneuvered me around so that I was evenly spaced between the chains that extended from the four corners of the deck. These were then secured to the cuffs with full sized keyed padlocks. As he attached me to the chains, he made sure each of my limbs were as taught as he could get them, limiting most, if not all, of the movement of my limbs. He then said; “FYI, the little cuff locks are not keyed the same, but they are marked. The padlocks are all keyed the same. Just following the rules, I expect you to do the same. Always. Now how do you get that chastity thing off?”

“You have the key, Sir. Just unlock the lock, then the parts will easily disassemble.” And off it came, a little sticky, pre-cum I guess. He stepped away into the garage and came back with a narrow blade riding crop. “Take a deep breath” and in a split second I am rapidly hit three times by the crop, twice in the ball sack and once on my shaft, both of which in my current predicament are fully exposed and unprotected. “Now, try to remember not to put that damn thing on without permission.”

“Yes sir” I meekly responded, still catching my breath. “Did you bring a gag?”

“Yes sir, different kinds. They are in the yellow tool bag in my suitcase.” I had brought a ball gag, two ring gags, a penis gag and a piece of cut sponge for filling my mouth if stuffing it was the master’s pleasure. Also in the bag, were two hoods, one a lighter style leather hood with zipped eye holes and mouth hole that secures by laces up the back, and a severe hood with no openings other than two small 1/4 inch grommeted holes by the nose. It also laces up the back but in addition has three 1-inch leather straps that tighten around the neck, over the chin and across the eyes, making it very tight and restrictive around the face and head. It feels great when on, if you have that kink; I do, but it’s not for the claustrophobic. Very tight and restrictive, evil looking too. I also brought my two favorite Lovense programmable butt plugs, my favorite leather wrist and ankle cuffs, a set of four hospital style cuffs and companion restraint straps, a leather padded blindfold, a large neck collar with attachment rings, a dog collar and two leather riding crops, one of which along with the wrist cuffs had been previous gifts from Sir Michael. There were some other toys including my two Wartenberg wheels, a leather ball stretcher and a pair of nipple clamps.

Sir Michael returned with a selected gag and my blindfold, fastening the ball gag in my mouth much deeper and tighter than I do when I play self-bondage at home. Then on went the blindfold. “My inspection this morning found you a little pale. I assume that’s common to you Easterners. I’ll let you catch a little sun here, then if the mood strikes me, maybe I’ll apply some suntan lotion on you. Enjoy.” And I believe he went into his bedroom as I heard the screen close, but not the sliding door. My first thought was he was supposed to stay within view if I was gagged. Certainly, possible from the bedroom but I didn’t know. I was going to call out, but then thought, No Fool, that’s punishment for sure as I had been firmly warned.

And there I laid. In mid-May it is warm, no make that it is hot in San Diego. Sir Michael has a chiming mantel clock in his bedroom so although blindfolded I could somewhat keep track of time. About an hour into the ordeal Sir Michael called out, “I’m going to look for that Suntan lotion.” Good, I thought I’m certainly perspiring here, and I think I’m starting to burn. Listening to the clock it was more than fifteen minutes to get the lotion. I must admit, though, so far, I was really enjoying just lying there outside tightly spread eagle. My neck was sore as I had no pillow, and my head was sore too from where it was resting. Otherwise, I was fine.

I was squirted with the lotion, an unexpected shock. The spreading of the lotion showed both that, yes, he is a professional masseuse, and that, yes, he is gay. The lotion was applied everywhere he could reach. And I was made hard, although no further action was taken. Then without a word, solitude again.

I was in deep thought when I heard the phone ring and a few minutes later Sir Michael returned to advise he had a customer coming over in about 30 minutes. He could let me up and put me in the garage or leave me here. While I couldn’t see him, I knew he was thinking it through. “I must do a little prep before the client gets here, plus I have to stow your luggage that YOU didn’t put away. We will revisit that later. So there really isn’t time to properly resecure you elsewhere. So, I’ve decided to simply leave you here. Nod your head if you don’t think you can make it. It’s a half hour till he comes then about an hour and a half till he is done and gone. Before he gets here, I’ll come remove the gag because I must close the drapes and I won't be able to see you. Our agreement is you are within view when gagged.”

I nodded in agreement, relieved that he did remember that safety precaution and had been watching me, besides there was not much else I could do, and at least for now I was OK. About twenty minutes later he came back and removed the gag, which really felt good. I wasn’t used to one being so tight, although I did like the sensation. He then pulled my head up and said drink some water. I got most of it in from the water bottle, some dribbled down my neck. He then asked if I needed anything else.

Risking possible punishment, I said “Yellow, could I have a towel or pillow for under my neck and head?” Into the house he went and then quickly back. I now had two towels, one rolled up under my neck and one cushioning my head. He may be playing the Dominant role but he is being compassionate and isn’t brutalizing me, at least not yet. A second sip of water and he was gone again. I heard the door shut and lock.

Wish I had some music. I listen to the street traffic, which is minimal, Sir Michael’s home is on a cul-de-sac. You do hear nature scurrying around and birds tweeting. I get the willies thinking of the possibility of insects crawling on me but then that is part of the mystique of being bound outdoors. I couldn’t hear the clock anymore. Time passes slowly. I really needed to pee. That water was a blessing and a curse. This is probably the longest I have ever been bound in one position in a long time. At least the bondage is comfortable, although my shoulders are starting to ache. I have minimal movement, but enough to keep from cramping. Sun is still warm but has lessened, it doesn’t seem to be beating down on me anymore. It must be getting late. I’m hungry, sure, of course, I didn’t have lunch.

Finally, I hear the door open. “Hey Bitch, you had enough for a while? Let’s eat, you’re going to have a busy evening.”

Chapter 4: The First Evening and Night in Bondage

Friday evening. “Go take a quick shower and wash out your butt hole. You know how? I told you to look it up online last week. There is a clean shower douche wand on the toilet. And put on your chastity thing and then give me the key. Jeans and a tee shirt, no underwear. Hurry it up.” he commands. To save time I pee in the shower, what a relief.

Now clean inside and out, chastity belt on and locked, dressed, and ready to go, we head out to P.F. Chang’s for a nice meal. While out, conversation is normal. I don’t get dessert as I am worried about the possibility of another weigh-in. Sir orders some butter almond ice cream with chocolate syrup for himself, something he’s been getting since college days, I see normality as a blessing for me. I paid the check, and we went.

It’s now dark out. As we get to the car, Sir Michael says “Stop, put your hands behind your back.” And then, snap, click-click, snap click-click my wrists are handcuffed together. Discreetly standing between me and the Jeep, blocking the general view, he then tells me to open my mouth and he slips in the penis gag I had brought from my collection, buckling it tightly behind my head. I think he’s gotten it to the last buckle hole. Both the selection and the application surprised me. It’s a little larger than the ball gag from earlier. This one fills my mouth more, it rests on my tongue which can stroke it. It has a large leather front piece that holds the penis to the straps. It is one of my more favorite choices when I am doing self-bondage as I like to run my tongue around it when it’s in my mouth. The penis shape is not very long, but it is pretty authentic. My oral familiarity with it is one of the reasons I think I’ll be able to potentially bear having a real one in my mouth this week. But of course, that is someone else’s prerogative. I just don’t usually have it strapped as tightly as Sir Michael has just done. I keep it loose for safety reasons when I am alone. I can usually push it out with my tongue when needed. Not this time. The car door is opened, and I’m pushed in. He sits me upright and buckles my seatbelt. We drive home. This treatment is kind of exciting. Out and about driving cuffed, secured, and gagged. Tightly gagged. I think please drive safely; we don’t want to be pulled over by the cops.

It’s a short ten to fifteen-minute drive. We get home, and he helps me get out of the car and then I am marched into the house with him securely holding my cuffed hands. I am taken directly to the bedroom and ordered to kick off my shoes and drop my pants. I had a small struggle with my hands being cuff but having a straight waist I quickly got it done. I am put in front of the pegging bench and told to climb up. It too is difficult to get on with my hands cuffed behind my back, but I manage. Sir Michael straps my legs to the leg rests and pulls off my socks. I’m told to sit upright, and my handcuffs are released. I am then told to pull off my T-shirt and lay back down on the chest and arm rests. My arms and body are then promptly and firmly secured to the bench. A blindfold is applied. The bench is kind of comfortable. I wait.

I hear Sir fiddling around the room, then I hear sex sounds, groans, and the sound of ecstasy. Seems like he’s watching porn. About a half hour seems to pass, when suddenly and without warning SMACK. My butt has been whacked. It stings, but the unexpected shock of being stuck overwhelms any real initial pain. I hear “One” announced. Now I begin to feel it, my right butt cheek is smarting. Then a hard smack on my left cheek. ‘Two”. Then my right again. “Three.” Then its “Four.” “Five.” “Six.” “Seven.” “Eight.” “Nine.” “Ten.” With a matching strike coming before each number. Intense and not rushed. I am so glad I have the penis gag in my mouth as I am biting down hard doing all I can to not shout out. Then there is a pause. I feel my blindfold being lifted and I am shown the weapon just used on me. It was my 26-inch-long leather riding crop with a 1 1/2-inch-wide tip that I had brought. My wife had used it on me a few years ago. Maybe two or three taps on my butt and member and it never hurt like this. Master must have used full swings on the crop, these were no love taps. I think to myself, hey, I did this to myself, so bare it. My blindfold is pulled back down and then nothing. He must be watching porn again.

Maybe fifteen minutes have passed, my butt stinging has dissipated, and I then feel a cold ooze run down the center crack of my butt cheeks. Then insertion. There is a finger in my butt hole. “Eck, oooh” Unexpected, yes, but keep your mouth shut, stay under control. Finger in, finger out. Finger in, finger out. Finger in pretty deep, finger out. Finger swirling around, in and out. “Owww.” Two fingers in. Stay quiet, this isn’t too bad. He’s being gentle. He knows I’m new to this. Two in, two out. Now three, no please no. He must feel my tensing up and withdrawals. Now I feel vibration. Vibration and penetration. A vibrator is being inserted. Not bad, he’s going easy. He’s training me to take this. If he plans to screw me with his big dick I’m going to have to take much more than this. He works the vibrator in and out for a short while then withdrawals. A moment or two later, more lube is applied, and I go another round of one, two, three fingers and a vibrating dildo. Out they come, then another plug, this one, non-vibrating is pushed in. This feels like a traditional plug that is wider in the middle than at the tip and then decreases so the butt hole closes around it and holds it when it is fully pushed in. It is not small. “Take it Bitch, relax, open up your hole” he scolds. I don’t have any choice in the matter, all I can do is take it. Sir Michael, obviously an expert, works the plug with finesse and sets it in place. The sharp pain caused when my rectum was forced over the widest section quickly subsides when the port closes around the throat base. I feel full, a little uncomfortable, but okay.

Then abandonment again. Maybe another ten minutes of just being secured to the bench, blindfolded, gagged and plugged. Then out of nowhere, TWANG. I jump but go nowhere as I am tightly secure to the bench. My right ball has been stung. “Eleven”. Then the left ball. “Twelve.” Right ball. “Thirteen.” Left ball, right ball, then my dick head, back to the balls, right, left and again the dick head “Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.” Then the center of my back is struck. “Twenty.” Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, AHHHH. Thank goodness for the gag or I am sure there would be more administered for losing control. Damn my balls are stinging. The dick not as much. Down again comes the blindfold. What weapon had he used? What is that? Oh geez, chopsticks from P.F. Chang’s. And I paid the check for this dinner experience. He bends back the stick with one hand while firmly holding the base with his other hand and twangs my face cheek. Ouch. How resourceful, cunning, and skillful; my old friend has become quite the Devil. He is playing this Dominant role well. And back on goes the blindfold.

Twenty? OK this must be the overweight punishment. Three pounds over the limit. That means ten more to go. And I wait. I wait for a punishment I agreed to and now do not really want. I’m not sure I could explain to others why this is a fantasy I dreamed of and set in motion. But here I am, bound, blindfolded, gagged, plugged and still stinging. I feel tugging at my butt. Master is pulling out my plug, it’s coming out easier than it went in. Pop, it’s out. It does feel better out than in. A moment passes then, whiff, yeech, the plug is dabbed under my nose. My upper lip is wet. “You did a poor job of cleaning yourself out, I’ll remember this Cunt.” He wonders away and returns a few minutes later with more lube, fingers in me again, starting right away with two, in and out twirling, then its three. His hands feel like they have gloves on. He must really be unhappy with my cleanliness. I’ll pay, I know.

Now, a bumpy dildo is being inserted. It feels like a stacked column of round balls. Ahhh, this is hard, oh, too deep, too deep! It’s long, with rounded bumps that continue till it reaches its base. As it is push along each bump seems to stretch my hole, closes, and then stretches again. Sir Michael is slower to react to my tensing up this time, less merciful. “Relax, relax” he commands. I do all I can to accept the intrusion. “Enjoy this, it’s what you asked for.” He lets up a little but keeps pushing it further into me. He seems to be done now, I don’t feel his touch anymore, but he has left the long dong in me. I have no idea how long it really is, but I feel pressure and discomfort deep inside me, painful, but it is bearable. I do not need to call out my yellow safe word. I rest, as time goes by, there is no more discomfort. He must be watching porn again. He seems to have turned up the volume on whatever he is watching. Sounds like someone is getting a great blow job.

It must be at least a half hour since I’ve been touched. I keep listing for the clock chimes, but my mind is wondering, and I lose track of the chimes. Then without warning SWAT. Ouch! “Twenty-one.” I can tell this is a paddle. Feels like leather. Must be the one I saw in the Dungeon. Left butt cheek three times in a row, then three on the right. Two left and two right, these last four are a little lower and a bit harder. Stingers by the end. “Thirty.” My butt must surely be bright red. It’s a spanking I’ll remember. “Now never show up fat when you promise to be fit.” This was said to me calmly, in an even, non-angry tone. He is coaching, teaching his new submissive in how he is to be serve. Punishment for the transgression has been paid. A lesson learned and reinforced. I pray he doesn’t plan a daily weigh-in and I am punished after each.

The dong is extracted, and I feel gloved fingers once again entering my anal cavity. One, two, three fingers, probing, flexing, twirling, in, out, in out. This actually feels good. It seems easier to take. “Do you feel that? Good, isn’t it? I’m massaging your prostate. Anal play feels good when you accept it and stay loose. I could make you come this way.” He continues his probing while addressing me. “I’ve stretched you. That’s good. If we do this a few more times and you’ll be capable of accepting dicks without tearing. You’ve done well, Bitch, I’m both pleased with your progress as well as your acceptance of your punishment.” He withdrawals and I hear the gloves coming off. Soon the straps are being released and I’m told to climb down from the bench. I’m a little weak kneed. I rub my butt, it’s tender. My balls have seemed to recover from their ordeal. I’m told to remove my blindfold and gag and I do. It seems I may be done for the evening.

“Where is your chastity belt? Go pee, then put it on. I follow my directions and give Sir the key. It’s bedtime for you. I look at the clock and see it’s a little past 11:00, 2:00 in the morning East Coast time. I’m beat, it’s been a long day. I foolishly think I’ll be getting a good night’s sleep. I see Sir has my leather hospital style waist restraint belt and two cuffs in his hands. He beckons me over and puts cuffs on each of my wrists. He threads the belt through the cuff anchors and secures the belt around my waist. He engages the built-in slip lock. My hands are now secure to my sides until he sees fit to release me. He has the key on a string around his neck like a necklace. I am naked other than my chastity and restraint.

I’m directed to the bathroom. Master’s bathroom has a forward area with double sinks and counters on one side, sliding door closets on the other. Then there is a second smaller room to the rear housing the toilet and walk-in shower. It has a door that can be closed for privacy. He points to the walk-in shower stall and says lay down there. I follow his direction, though it’s a little tough with my arms at my side. The tile floors and walls are cold. Real cold, a little wet too by the drain. I am shocked and shivered as I lay down on the floor. He steps away and returns with a throw pillow and wool blanket. Wool! “Our agreement was to sleep where I say, with a blanket and pillow. I have fulfilled our agreement, my little Bitch. Remember, this is your fantasy, not mine, I’m just making it happen,” Sir says in a sarcastic tone. He turns, shuts off the light, leaves pulling the door closed behind him.

Total darkness. He’s correct, this is mostly my doing. And, yes, while I am suffering, this is what I asked for and this is just the end of day one. I do my best to get the scratchy wool blanket both under and over me to shield me from the tile. I try to get comfortable and fall asleep. It is a bit of a struggle; my hands secured to my waist on a hard tile floor, naked, wrapped in wool, overly tired. I slip in and out of sleep, not knowing when the morning sunrise has come while lying in this darkened windowless bathroom.

I am woken twice from sleep during the night as Sir Michael comes in to take a piss. I’m thankful he doesn’t just turn and unload on me. After hearing him go the second time, I too, get an uncontrollable urge to go and therefore must struggle to rise from the floor and use the toilet. Peeing through the slit of my chastity device is strange, but I have done it before, never, however, without use of my hands to direct the angle of the device and in complete darkness. Directing it to the bowl will be a challenge, just finding the bowl was a challenge. I decide to just try to take a sit-down pee. I back up to the toilet and sit down, a mistake, as the seat is up from Sir Michaels recent deposit. I must have been an interesting sight.

I just say to hell with it, with my butt stuck down in the cold rim of the porcelain bowl, I began to pee. I can’t touch my encased member and I pee through the opening in the cover provided for just this use. I cannot see it or for that matter anything in the darkness. I bend over as far as I can to make sure my stream is in the toilet and not running down the front of the bowl, a likely criminal offense to Sir Michael. Finished, I struggle up, fumble around with what little movement I have with my hands to flush and I shuffle back to my blanketed floor, with my butt a little moist and some urine dribbling down my leg as I have no ability to shake my dick dry.

Chapter 5: Day Two of Submission

Saturday morning. I have no idea what time it is as the room remains totally dark. Sir Michael is a late riser as he tends to stay up late, well past when he put me to bed, watching gay porn and chatting online and by phone with his buddies. I know that I must be ready to move the second he opens the door. And I wait at the ready.

Eventually he opens the door. Light shines in. “You up?”

“Yes, Sir,” I reply, then stand up and watch. Sir Michael is naked, that’s how he sleeps. He approaches the toilet and takes a long morning piss. It’s strong, like morning pee is. As he finishes, he tells me to come close. “Take my dick and shake it dry,” he commands. I’m not sure how I’m going to do this with my hands secured to my sides, plus I’m a little taken back from this unexpected request. But I have enough hand movement and stretch to grab him and shake. It kind of works. It then hits me, hey, this is the first time I have ever really touched another man’s privates. Felt kind of weird to say the least.

I’m directed to the bedroom where I am released from my hand restraints but not my chastity. “You have stretching to do, get it done.” I’m told. I do my normal gym warm up stretches, eight different ones that pretty much stretches my neck, back, waist, arms, legs and feet. Nothing special to see when in shorts and a tee, very strange when stark naked and exposed. I’m doing this in front of someone gazing at me who has two screens of gay porn running in the background. Sir then says “I want you to shower and clean yourself out. Try to do it better. This time use the bottle douche instead of the wand. It’s probably easier for a novice. Fill it multiple times till you rinse out clear, then do it a few more times to be sure. It holds just enough water to take care of you without flooding too far back. Remember, get it right, you don’t want me to do it for you, there would be nothing more embarrassing for you than that, and boy will I make you pay for it.” I believe him, though I’m not sure what I did wrong yesterday, but it was my first time with a power shower jet in my butt. I’m praying it will go right this time.

“Shave, brush your teeth and anything else you do in the morning. Then I want you to put this butt plug in. I look at it, it seems big to me. Sir Michael picks up on my apprehension and simply states, “It is just slightly bigger than the one that was in you last night, the main difference is that it has a wider throat than the other one to keep your hole expanded a bit more. There are much bigger plugs out there, gay men handle them all the time. It just takes practice. You’ll get there, we have a week. Just lube it up, go slow, glide in and out, a little at a time, it will hurt as you pass the widest bulge, but that will quickly subside once it pops in and your hole seats around the neck. You are to wear it all morning. I don’t want to lose the stretching we achieved last night. Put on your work jeans and shirt. No underwear, you are in commando mode today. When you are done, come in for a little breakfast, I want to get some fiber into you. By the way, don’t expect lunch.”

I comply, nothing so far to dread. I head in for breakfast, which is a simple bowl of store label All Bran flakes and sliced bananas served with a little two percent milk. I eat with Sir Michael who is enjoying two sunny side up eggs, some bacon, OJ, and a Thomas’ English Muffin covered with orange marmalade. Oh yes, and a cup of coffee. Ah, the real life of a Dominant and a submissive. With my breakfast I take my daily medication for cholesterol and some vitamins. Sir Michael says I have something else for you to take and hands me two pills. “Tadalafil, 20 mgs tabs. If I want you hard, this will make sure you can get hard.” he says. I know that this is the generic Cialis used to treat Erectile Dysfunction. I have no trouble getting hard when stimulated by my wife, but if commanded to in the service of men, who knows? I know it won’t harm me, so down they go without argument.

I’m instructed to wash the dishes and complete a general kitchen clean up and when finished to report outside. Walking around is not difficult but does constantly feel strange with a rather large butt plug in my ass.

Sir Michael is waiting, not impatiently, outside. Yards here are much smaller than back East. And a lot less grass. These environmentally active Californians use electric battery mowers and the die hard use old fashion reel push mowers. And of course, you know what kind Sir Michael has at the ready for me. No big deal. Easy for me. The mower is not old, they do still make them. His has sharp blades and well lubed mechanisms. The operator is well lubed too. The sensation is so odd, not comfortable, but not comfortable either. That slippery plug, while not coming out, does seem to be moving around in my cavity a lot. It takes about 45 minutes to get the lawn cut and then the sidewalks swept up.

It is then onto some gardening. Sir takes pride in his roses. He’s so gay. Not flamboyant by any means, conservative in his political beliefs which puts him at odds with many of his gay friends, but he does feature many gay stereotypes, he’s a clean and organization freak, a Homes and Gardens / Architectural Digest home look-a-like and then there are his roses. As we cut out some thick old dry stems, he mentions how good these will be to thrash me. He says it without any ha ha inflection, so I’m a little concerned. Not really interested in being stroked with thorn sticks. It will not be my decision to make. He does seem to be cutting them to an even size and has put them aside. Oh my, nothing like helping build the weapons to be used against you.

Then we are onto a repair job of his garage door opener. It needs adjustment. I’m handy, it takes a while but with the original instruction manual and some fine adjusting, it now works like a charm. Now remember, the garage door is in his dungeon. When we have the door open, we have sheets draped over his cross and chair. No need to cover his newly made table, it’s nondescript. We take down the sling from its four chains. Sir Michael suggests that the dungeon is here only for me and the likes of me, and therefore, it’s my fault we need to do this extra work. Fault equals punishment. Obviously, I’m the only one in the room that will be on the receiving end of that. I swear he is looking for reasons. Oh yeah, that is what this visit is all about. I’ll have to remember to thank him for his initiative.

Sir Michael breaks for his lunch and sends me to the local Albertson’s grocery store on foot with a grocery list. It’s about a mile walk each way, no big deal, at least I won’t have to watch him eat while I go hungry. By the time I’m nearly back the plug is starting to make me a little raw, I’m uncomfortable. I hope it won’t be in much longer.

I’m wrong, turns out it will remain until just before dinner. When I return from Albertsons, I’m told that Sir Michael has a regular client scheduled to arrive in about an hour. I put away the groceries and then I am sent to the Dungeon.

“Strip” I am ordered, and I comply. Not much to remove, socks, pants, and t-shirt. Shoes are already off; they are not allowed to be worn in the house. Sir Michael brings down some restraints from the shelf. First one is something I have seen online but certainly never had on. It is a Humbler. This is a device made of two pieces of identical shaped wood that is about 15 inch long and two inches wide with two opposing sweeping curves that meet in the middle. They are painted in a gloss black lacquer. In the middle of each is a space hollowed out so that the top and bottom when put together create a space that captures a man’s ballsack. The two boards are fastened together with bolts on each end screwed down tight around the balls via butterfly nuts. When the balls are captured from behind and secured the long boards rest on the back of the victim’s lower butt and upper legs. If the sufferer makes any attempt to walk it tugs on the balls in a painful manner. I find it very effective when he attaches it to me.

Next, Sir Michael shuffles me across the room, so I am about eight feet from his jumbo screen, facing it. He tells me to put on the knee pads he has now provided and to get down on my knees. I painfully meet the request as my balls are tugged while getting down. He then pulls my legs apart, puts on leather cuffs and locks them to a spreader bar. The bar is spread but not excessively. My favorite wrist cuffs that I brought with me are then wrapped around my wrists, buckled, and secured with miniature locks. They are then connected behind my back to each end of a short chain with padlocks. This gives me some arm movement, but only enough to bring my hands to my sides. I check my movements. I can rise on my knees to an upright position, and I can sit back and rest on the back of my lower legs. I think if I had too, I could stand, but my balls would suffer for it big time during the standing process. Possibly I could roll down on my side, not sure.

I am now staring at the TV. Sir Michael turns it on and switches to programming that I know he had checked out for me ahead of time. He mentioned it on one of his calls indicating it wasn’t his cup of tea, but I may like it. It's heavy gay bondage porn with men torturing other bound men in all kinds of devious and painful ways. Personally, I would have preferred girls. He says this site is a continual feed and it will play the entire time I am kneeling here, so enjoy it.

Now, one more thing before I get ready for my client, and this will give you something to remember me by for the next two hours. Sir Michael walked right close in front of me. With me in this kneeling position I am right at his crotch height. Slowly, for dramatic effect, he unzips his shorts. He reaches in and pulls out his flaccid dick. It is merely inches from my face. He holds it for about ten seconds then says “Beautiful, isn’t it? Now kiss it.” I hesitate. Quietly, again he says, “I said kiss it”. Now realize, I have never kissed a man’s dick before. In fact, I just held one for the first time this morning. Obviously, I didn’t act fast enough, and I feel his hand pull my head forward as he leans into me. My mouth meets his dick and again I’m told “Kiss it” and I do. That hurdle passed. “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”

Reluctantly I comply. This is why I’m here, this is the fantasy: bound and forced. I certainly knew this would be part of this week’s activities. But even so, when it starts to happen, you begin to question your resolve, your determination to satisfy a fantasy. I open my mouth and stick out my tongue. He moves in closer again and gently sits his dick on my tongue. His hand is holding my head but he is not pulling me forward, the dick is just sitting there. My mind is in a whirlwind. There seems to be no noticeable taste, well make that no bad taste, I don’t feel any textures. Just a slight weight on my tongue. The next command, “Close your mouth around it.” I do. “Good Cunt. Now lick it while keeping your lips around the shaft.”

I close my lips while keeping my jaws open and I swirl my tongue around this limp shaft sitting in my mouth. “Yeah Cunt, that’s it. Keep doing that. More. Keep it slow.” I’m not sure, but his dick may be starting to spring to life, not much though. It’s not far in my mouth, actually it feels like just the head. Just like my gag, but soft, real soft. It feels wide, easily fills the front of my mouth. He stays in me maybe another fifteen seconds, certainly not long. Then he says “open” and withdrawals. “Did you like that Cunt? Your first time, right?”

“Yes Sir.”

“What do you say?”

Meekly I reply, “Thank you Sir” And there it is, the first time I ever had a dick in my mouth. I wouldn’t count this as a blow job. There will likely be many more opportunities this coming week where that mountain will be climbed.

“Now ponder that, savor that. I’ll be back in an hour and a half, likely more like two. Don’t go anywhere.”

Nothing to do by sit on my knees and legs and watch this nasty bondage porn. Over the next two hours I did view some exciting scenes, although guys aren’t my thing. But a lot of it was way too violent for me and I hoped Sir Michael hadn’t studied it as part of his lesson planning. This sitting position quickly became uncomfortable. I sit upright on my knees for a few minutes, then I sit back down on my legs, then back up, back down. It must be similar to riding a bondage wooden horse. Who knows, maybe that is in store for me this week too. It does appear on the acceptable list in the contract.

One of the things in the porn that intrigued me a lot was the electro play. I have done this myself in my bondage. Mostly anally. I do it with programming that cycles up and down with a rhythm and only gets to a point of putting my butt and legs into a kind of trembling, spasming muscle convulsion, maybe just a touch of pain, zapping me for a short time and then back down. It feels great. Some of these guys were completely and tightly bound down and then painfully shocked hard, screaming and in agony as a result. I know I don’t want to even try that. Hard pain is on my no list, but how do you know that is reached until I’m already shocked?

I saw that Sir Michael had the electro toys on the shelf. I also know through conversation that these were not his as he doesn’t own any. If he went to the effort to get them, I’m darn sure he is going to use them. My servitude provides for no bargaining position, so, it may be up to my safe words to save me, and the experience may be a bad one. OK, stop fretting, settle down, let’s not worry about things you cannot control. A subservient is not in control and accepts taking what is pleasurable to the Dominant. That’s what you wanted and contracted. It will be fine. Enjoy the experience.

About an hour into this the rocking up and down on my knees and legs became painful, so I tried to stand. The humbler proved to defeat my efforts from this position, so I tried rolling over onto my side. This too yanked hard on my balls, but once I started on a sideward trajectory I went over hard on my side. Wow, did that tug hurt. I was more than humbled. With my legs held wide in by the spreader bar getting comfortable this way also led to many position changes that cause pulling on my now sore balls. After I endured this for a while, I eventually struggled back to the original kneeling position which was how I was found upon Sir’s return, likely a blessing for me.

The porn in the end was an unsettling diversion, but I learned things. It was about two hours when Sir Michael returned and released me from the humbler and all my binds, except for that darn butt plug, which I had nearly forgotten about while I was going up and down on my legs. Sir then actually rubbed out my sore legs and thighs’ My nuts were tender from the tugging, but I’ll survive. I’m happy and satisfied.

“It’s early but let’s grab dinner. I believe you have a busy night ahead of you and you probably want to get right to it.” I’m not sure if that is true, but a nice bed about now would please me most. I just nod to my Dominant, he knows better as to what I need. “Have your chastity belt on but pull out that plug, you’ve had enough of that one.” He’s right as it probably has been inside me seven hours by now. My butt hole was a bit raw, and my insides had cramped around it a couple times earlier trying to make it expel itself. It wasn’t coming out without assistance.

Chapter 6: Training Both Ends

Saturday evening. After dinner we return home and I’m instructed to re-douche and take a quick shower, then return to the bedroom naked and ready. I do so, but I am a little concerned about the second internal washing. I had read that while occasional douching is fine, frequent cleaning could be harmful and this is twice in one day. But I do as I’m instructed and report to the bedroom. “Get on the bench.” I’m told. I climbed on and my arms, legs and chest were strapped down to the rests as the day before. Sir Michael already had his two porn channels turned on, so he got right to work on me. He first comes around to the front of me with my friendly leather hood in hand and pulls it over my head and fits it properly to my face. He then tightly closed and tied the laces in the back, so the hood is formed taut to my face and head. It’s a good feeling, I like hoods. He pulls the eye hole and mouth hole zippers closed. I can hear and talk but could not see although a tiny amount of light does shine through the zippers.

I felt him behind me as he put his hand on my back, then squirted lube in my hole and smeared it around my crack. He went to work with his fingers, first one, then two, then three, in and out, swirling and probing just like he did the night before. He worked the prostate which made my dick a little hard which Sir immediately noticed and made comment, then with his lube coated hand added my dick to his fingering rotation making the butt stretching a bit less tedious. He switched to using an assortment of dildoes, three by my count, one a vibrator, increasing the size of them till my body balked. I was worked side to side and around as he pushed them in and out.

He then announced he was going to open me up wider medically. What the hell did that mean? Medically? I’m now nervous as I can’t move, and I can’t see to protect myself. I feel his two fingers enter me again and come out, then something cold slides into my anal cavity. I have no idea what it is. He seems to be fiddling with it. Then slowly I feel something pressing against the upper and lower walls of my inner butt. It feels like my hole is expanding, wider and wider. Now I am experiencing some minor stretch pains just like when a butt plug is being forced in, but it is easily bearable. It is somewhat of a slow process whatever he is doing.

Finally he announces, “Great, it is fully open. Good boy. By the way, the toy in your ass is a speculum, a medium size one. You took it all, it is fully expanded, I’m pleased. I have a large one too. You take that and a couple of bigger dongs I have here and by tomorrow you’ll be ready for the real thing.” Now I know what a speculum is. Gynecologists use them to open a woman’s vagina when they are examined. Never thought of one in the butt hole. You could probably look right in. I see why he wanted a second cleaning. These gay guys are inventive. He says “I’m going to leave it there to help you stretch wide. I want you to squeeze down on it like you’re trying to go, then release and then try to make your muscle relax, then again squeeze and then relax. Do it repeatedly while I work your oral cavity.”

About a minute later I felt him pulling open the zipper over my mouth, then adjusting the hood so my lips are fully exposed. “Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, not too far and keep it that way until I tell you otherwise.” I do as I am told. Swiftly something is pushed across my tongue into my mouth; not too far in and withdrawn. In it comes again and it registers in my brain via the feel on my tongue that this is a dildo. One that is of the type that is a facsimile of a real dick. Out it goes, then back in a little deeper, out, back in deeper, out and back in and I gag. It is quickly pulled out; a short pause is taken and it is reinserted and the in and out is repeated till I gag again. And again, and again. Now I am told to close my lips around it without biting the shaft. I comply. In and out, in and out deeper till I gag.

When I do, I immediately open my mouth. Sir Michael pulls out the dildo and a few seconds later, WHACK, my butt is smack with what I think is a paddle. It smarts, it wasn’t a love smack. “Don’t open your lips unless you are told” I am scolded. Then it is back to “open your mouth.” The dildo is inserted. “Close.” And the in and out, ever deeper till the gag reflex occurs again.

This time I resist the opening of my mouth, but it’s hard. I choke a bit, but the fake dick has been pulled back and I recover. This goes on for a while. There is a dildo change, maybe a tad bigger, but not a problem. The only issue is when it goes in too far and I gag. “You must learn to control your gag reflex. Your mind can do it. It takes time. I can swallow a dong much deeper than that. Come on, you have seen hundreds of videos of girls blowing guys with huge dicks. Try arching your neck back a little, it will help.” He is trying to help. He is in teaching mode. And again, we try, and I started to do a little better. I am then told to work on rubbing my tongue on the shaft as it moves in and out. I’ve done that with my penis gag before so with this I’m a fast learner.

Sir Michael gives me a break from my oral lesson and returns to my butt hole. Out comes one speculum and in goes another. The new speculum’s clappers feel wider than its predecessor. I soon found out that it expands further too. Because Sir has opened the spreader slowly there was minimal stretching pain, but I feel someone could now drive a truck into my ass. Of course, the plan is to drive something in there. That’s what I’m being trained to allow.

Back to my mouth and throat. We practice. I gag regularly, but I feel I’m doing better. Apparently not well enough, as halfway through my butt is redden by two more hard strokes of the paddle. After about 15 minutes an exchange of ends again occurs. The speculum is removed, I am lubed, and a new dildo is pushed in. This one is different. It feels like a stack of steel balls that are getting progressively larger. I guess steel because they are cold. First one slides in easily, the second is not so bad but by the time we hit the third there is a bit of pain as it slides by my door. I get to experience those shots of paint numerous times as Sir Michael is pulling the toy in and out of my rectum entry. As soon as he is satisfied that this size ball passes the door we move to the forth. Same drill, this hurts more. I’m arching my back, pulling my butt forward to little avail as I am tied tight to the bench, a bench designed for just such an assault. I must be resisting because I get a “Relax, let it in” command. I try but I am still arching up trying to pull away.

Then a pause, and SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. Four rapped blows, two each to each cheek of my butt. “That will take your mind off your butt hole.” And back in and out of the intruder goes. He’s right, my smarting butt cheeks are a diversion, and we are onto the fifth ball. Now I have two sharp pains, at my butt door and internally deep. We are now at a length that my rectum is fighting. Sir Michael is proceeding slowly at this point, rotating the tool, moving it side to side, extracting then inching forward again till this ball is swallowed up like the ones in front of it. This one hurt badly as it passed through. Once it is in it is abandoned in place, at least for a while.

We are back to oral drills again. I do better. I’m actually having a little fun as Sir Michael has started to add commentary to the in and out dildo entries into my mouth. “Oh, that feels good, suck it Cunt, oh you love it don’t you Cunt, lick me boy, Take it all Cunt, I’m going to cum in your mouth you filthy bitch, you take me all Cunt, you better swallow every drop you pussy,” and so on he goes. If he knows how I am enjoying the banter, I’d likely be smacked again.

He pauses with the latest dildo that he is using, a moderately sized unit, not too long as it hasn’t been gagging me unless driven way in, but probably thicker and longer than my real one is. But it is out now. A few minutes passed when again he says, “open, wide this time,” and I do. Something new slides into my mouth and in an instant, I know it is him. I pull my head back, which I can do because I am only secured up to the top of my chest. I have enough movement to escape and close my mouth. I expect immediate punishment, but it doesn’t happen. Instead, I hear “I thought you were ready mentally.” And I instantly feel regret.

Sir Michael really was trying to train me for what I professed I wanted. And here I am bound and blindfolded, wanting to be forced, all my fantasy requirements met and yet, I rejected my own wishes. My reflection let me push through and try again. I slowly opened my mouth and put out my tongue. “You OK?” I’m asked.

“Green” is the reply.

“Want to be punished first?” I’m asked.


I’m expecting is another series of smacks, what I get instead is the metal plug in my anal cavity gripped and pulled out quickly, pushed back in and out again twice to what I think was the third, maybe the forth ball, then reinserted all the way back to where my butt swallows the fifth ball, which hurts like hell when it pushes past my sphincter this time without tenderness. This final hole stretching aches and spasms for a minute until my butt hole settles back down. This is the true meaning of the pain-pleasure experience. As some of the smaller balls slid by my sphincter and up and down the canal they caused very pleasant stimulating feelings, the larger balls stretched me well beyond my pre-violation normal and caused pain, but together it was enjoyable.

Sir Michael is again back in front of me. “Open.” I comply, and his dick is slid into my mouth. This time with one hand guiding his member and the other firmly at the back of my neck. I can tell he is hard. He must have been stroking himself. I’m instructed to close my lips around him. He is not deep in my mouth, but my mouth feels full. Much more than any of the dildos did. He doesn’t move in and out, he just rests. Move your tongue around me. That’s difficult to do with a mouth full of dick, but I try. He is smooth and hard. Actually, he tastes better than the dildoes did. There’s a hint on coconut taste too, and from the back of my thoughts I recall he uses coconut cream as a lube when he jerks himself off. “Yeah, that’s good Cunt. Try to tickle my slit, good, lick under my head. Yeah, that’s right.”

He now grips my head with two hands and he slowly pulls back just a bit, then slides back in. Then back out and back in. I only have his dick head and a little bit of his shaft in my mouth. I feel him pull my head towards him then slides it back. He keeps his dick still and is providing the stimulation up and down his shaft by moving my head. I am just traveling about an inch each way. It is not nearing my throat. I’m instructed to press my tongue tight to the underside of the shaft and I comply. “That feels good, you’re learning fast my little Bitch.

Get ready, I’m going in deeper. He does this by moving his Dick forward along with pulling on my head towards him. It’s not much, maybe just another inch, he is still not reaching the back of my throat, but I think he’s getting close to gagging me. Instinctively I pull my head backwards, but he has a firm grip and I go nowhere. I’m still OK, he doesn’t change the depth of each penetration, but he picks up the speed of his thrusts in and out. Five, eight, ten thrusts, is this going to count as my first blowjob? Fifteen thrusts and then he pushes in further and I gag, big time. He quickly pulls out. I recover relatively quickly due to my previous dildo induced gag control practice.

“Open.” I open my mouth and insertion is again made by Sir Michael. The same steps, cadence and thrust sets occur and eventually again I gag, and he retreats. We do this maybe six or seven times, each ending in a gag reflex, some violent, then recovery and reinsertion. The last two maybe three times he pulls back but keeps his head in my mouth so I can’t close my mouth, which hinders my recovery a bit, I think by design. “Bitch, I’m only about halfway in when you gag. You are going to have to train your throat to open itself up and accept something passing by it. You swallow food every day, use the same muscles and swallow the dick. That action is what makes deep-throating feel so good. I know your own dick is shorter than mine but by your own description of your wife doing you, she takes it all.”

My bride does give amazing blowjobs, only to me, mind you. My dick is nothing in size like Sir Michael, but I’m not that short, especially when fully erect. I can pull her face tight against my groin while thrusting and she takes it all and I go nuts. Sadly, while she enjoys the taste of precum, she finds the taste cum itself revolting so I must pull before I shoot my load. If I would cum in her mouth it would be the absolute end of that pleasure. But she is proof to me that I can learn to do this. I just don’t know if I can do it this week and there won’t be another chance. It’s just that he’s so wide. The dildoes he’s been trying to push down my throat surely went in further. I think at least some of them were as long as his, but just not as wide. I swear it must be his thickness that is getting me.

He pushes his dick back against my lips and I let him enter, really no choice. This time he’s just trying to get some minimal pleasure for himself. He provides tonguing instruction for working his head over as he strokes his shaft with his hand. I feel his hand movement against my face. He withdrawals from me and a few moments later I feel his presence in front of me again. I also pick up the scent of coconut. He is satisfying himself. The student has failed. A few minutes pass and he seems to move away. Shortly later I hear a distinctive groan and I feel my butt near my crack hit by three shots of cum.

I hear the shower running. It’s a while till Sir Michael returns. The straps on the pegging bench continue to their job, I stay secured where he left me. It’s a good time to reflect on my first kind-of-a-blow-job. Not sure if I’m credited with it as I didn’t make master cum. He had to do that on his own. I’m both surprised and glad that he shot his load on my butt and not in my mouth. With my face covered in leather it probably made no sense to shoot it at my face.

I ponder on the toys I sucked and the ones in my butt and how I had no say in the matter, bound to a bench and punishment always lurking around the corner. And about the punishments, while they hurt, the paddle strike stinging heightened my awareness and alertness. Pain that quickly changes to a pleasure as it dissipates. My mind wanders to the bench. How effective it is in holding me tight. That it is comfortable. That it is set up to put both my oral and anal cavities in the perfect positions to be used and abused. I wonder how much time this week will be spent secured here as there are so many other devices and places to be bound to at this place.

Sir Michael is back and says “Let’s finish up here. Your butt shows more progress than your mouth. With a bit more work tonight and some tomorrow you may be able to use that hole for some good. Not yet with me, but you could please others.” And with that, I feel a tug and I am released from the ball stack shoved up my ass. What a strange and enjoyable feeling as it is slowly twisted and pulled from my hole. One ball at a time, the door opens wide then narrows back tight to the staff as each ball slips through.

I feel Sir Michael start to push something back into me. It’s cold like the speculum but this is solid, feels round like a big ball, it doesn’t take much wiggling by Sir when it pushes through and into my now stretched out asshole. It feels like a ball, a big ball on a stick, whatever is protruding from my butt is laid down against my crack. I then feel him fiddling with it. Then it pulls and I feel tension on it. He’s now playing with the top of my hood and before long I feel my head being pulled back and pressure from the device pulling my hole upward and toward my head. My butt hole and head have now been tied together, a bit strange and a bit uncomfortable with both my neck and hole stretched together. I am familiar with bondage toys, so I am able to figure out quickly that I have an anal ball-hook inserted into me and it’s been stretched to the tie off ring on the top of my hood. I’m in a very odd hogtie-like position. I know the anal hooks come with different size balls and apparently this one has a large one. It did not slip in easily and I don’t think Sir has to worry about it slipping out without help. It sure is holding the rope pulling hard on my hood fast.

And again, I am left alone. I guess the large ball hook needs time to complete its stretching duties. I hear the porn sounds from Master’s computers change, so I assume he’s watching, surfing the channels. Not sure how long I’ve been hogtied, it’s been a while. I don’t mind the solitude, but I’ve been tied to the bench for a long time now and I'm starting to get uncomfortable, especially with my neck pulled back. My thoughts of my existing discomfort are interrupted by a new sudden pain.

There is a sharp moving pain in my ball bag, and I realize instantly what it is. Sir Michael discussed the toys I would bring, and two from my list that he wanted to come were my single-wheel and five-wheel Wartenberg pinwheels. The five wheel is taking a trip down my bag. These wheels are a great pain-pleasure deviant device. They are deviant in that it is the operator’s choice as to which side of the pain-pleasure equation the victim will fall. Either Sir is inexperienced, or he wants me to feel pain.

The pricks of the wheel are typically most sensitive when run over the nipple, a woman’s pussy lips and clit and a man’s bag. The next move tells me Sir knows how to use this; as I react and try to move away, limited by my bonds, he grabs my balls, pulls down stretching the bag taut and running the pinwheels across the balls now bulging from the sack. I’m feeling it. Nothing jumps to mind as to why I’m given this punishment. There certainly must be an infraction for which I am paying, or he may simply be amusing himself with the toys I brought. He’s allowed, I’ve read the contract.

He stops working the bag, switches to my single wheel and starts running up and down my crack, circling round and round the hook protruding from my hole. Oh boy does it hurt as he goes over the nerve clusters at the sphincter. He tires quickly of particular abuse on my anus or maybe is sympathetic to my bucking butt and instead, starts five-wheel journeys down my butt, upper and lower legs continuing onto the soles of my feet and then making return trips. These round trips excursions down and up both legs put me back in the midline of pain-pleasure. After a couple of trips it is onto my inner-thighs, racing up to where my privates connect. All this stimulation actually makes me a little hard. Sir must have noticed because my dick head is grabbed, the dick pulled downward and the single wheel explores all side of the shaft, then the top of the head and slit are visited, and we are back to the pain side with me bucking hard to no avail with my dick still held fast in his hand. And then he abruptly stops his skin torture and says, “Let’s go to bed.” And he wanders away.

I wait and wait, there of course is no other option. Am I to sleep here like this? I’ll never be able to tolerate it. I’m tied chest down in a squat with my head pulled back and tied to a hook planted in my butthole. I wait, but not patiently (yes, the reactions of an impertinent slave, I should confess and be punished) I’m ready to yell Yellow, no this would be Red. But I’m all excited about nothing. Sir just went to take a piss and get himself a snack.

He’s back, untying my hood from the hook. The hook is unceremoniously popped out from my hole. He wanders away again, and I hear the sound of the hook being dropped in his bathroom sink. He’s back, undoing my chest straps, then legs and finally my arms. “Get up Bitch, you have toys to clean and take that hood off. When you finish your chores, get ready for bed, put down your bedding, lock up that sorry dick of yours and bring me your cuffs.” I climb down from the bench. I am bent over and stiff. My morning stretches are a long time in the past. I struggled a bit to untie the string at the base of my hood but eventually got it. Good thing or I would have been wearing it all night. Help wasn’t coming for it elsewhere. I stretch out the laces and pull the hood off.

I went immediately to the bathroom sink and found all the butt toys that were used to stretch me tonight in it. With soap and hot water, then chlorine wipes I thoroughly clean the toys. Surprising to me there is very little butt residue to remove. It’s mainly just lube, if anything. I’m fascinated by the stacked ball dildo. It’s glass, not steel, with five graduated bulbs expanding in size and then after the last it narrows to a neck that allowed my muscles to wrap around and hold it in between my cheeks. Well, that was true up until I was punished with it. I am stunned that my sphincter let the last ball through. That bottom ball is the biggest of all the toys I took in. I can’t believe it passed by my sphincter without ripping me. I reach under my legs and feel just to make sure. I’m not torn, but my finger easily slips into my hole as I feel around there. I wash my hands. I now understand my pain and why childbirth causes so much agony. The two speculums are intriguing too. I operate the larger speculum’s slide and spreader mechanisms and I was amazed at what it could and did do to my hole. The size of the ball on the hook is big compared to ones I have seen in online adult toy stores.

My butt and crack feel sticky from both all the lube that flowed in and around my butt hole and the cum that was distributed on it. I take a wet washcloth and clean up; I dare not ask for a second shower. I check on Sir Michael’s whereabouts, he is in his chair, naked except for a cock ring, watching his boys on the two screens and leisurely stroking his member.

I put on my chastity and lock it, then I pick up my leather hospital restraint belt and cuffs and bring them to Sir Michael so he can secure me for the night. He’s still busy pleasuring himself so I stand beside him and wait. He takes a few more strokes and then turns his attention to me. He says, “Put on your cuffs but I’m going to secure them differently tonight as they didn’t allow you to attend to me as well as I hoped for at the toilet.” He puts in the mini cuff locks then took a padlock and simply locked the cuffs together in front of me. “That should work better for me.” With my cock cover key still in my hand I offer it to him. He takes all the keys and lays them on his desk. He gives me a smack on the butt and points to the bathroom. “Go to bed, shut the door, turn off the light.” I head off.

Chapter 7: A Quick Lick Is All It Takes

Sunday morning. Today started as what will now become my new normal. I’m sitting patiently in the dark with my wool blanket wrapped under and around me with the pillow behind my back to keep me off the cold tile wall and floor while waiting for Sir Michael’s arrival. My wrists are cuffed in front of me and my chastity device in place as I have neither the keys nor the permission to remove them. My body is still on East Coast time, so I am wide awake. Sir Michael eventually appears, naked, as is his sleeping routine. Dim light from his front bathroom area illuminates my sleeping quarters. “Hold me like you did yesterday, Bitch.” I quickly get up from the shower and kneel next to the toilet. I gently take hold of his member and point it into the bowl. “I think you should kiss it first today. I know you’ve been dreaming about it all night. What a shame you don’t have such a magnificent dick of your own to hold and kiss every day.” This one-way banter doesn’t bother me. We have been teasing each other about our dick sizes since college.

I kiss the side of his flaccid dick, which does nothing to excite me, and he begins to go. It’s so much easier to hold him with my hand when my wrists are cuffed together in front of me. It gives me full movement of my arms. I have the aim of his stream directed so that it hits the inside of the bowl above the water. “Point it toward the water, you should hear the piss, it’s part of you experiencing servitude,” I am told. I redirect. He takes a while and when done he says, “Don’t shake it dry, lick it dry.” I hesitate, a long pause as I don’t want to do this. “Lick it now or I’ll have you lick the rim and drink from the bowl! Listen Cunt, you agreed to, without hesitation and without question, do as I command, to do what gives me pleasure, pussy. You licking my dick dry will give me pleasure. Do it.” As he says this, he puts his hand on the back of my head and starts to pull me downward; not sure if it’s toward the bowl or his dick.

In hindsight I’m pretty sure he was not serious about the threat, although he said it all with a full authoritarian voice. It was said quickly, almost like it was practiced, planned. He knew what my likely reaction would be, so he was testing if I still had the resolve, the want, to continue this servitude fantasy before we started today’s activities. He is a pretty bright cookie. And he is my friend, he would not do anything he thought I really, really didn’t want or could do. Notice I said what ‘he’ believed I wanted or could do. I also believe he wants to push my limits while I’m here as I will never get a chance elsewhere. Plus, I’m sure he wants to get pleasure and satisfaction from our week’s adventure too, so some of the things that he was going to do to me had to interest, titillate, or sexually arouse his kinks too. I think he is getting a kick out of being the Dominant, either that or he was one heck of an actor.

Back to his dribbling dick, not taking chances, I put out my tongue and leaned in and licked the tip of his dick. Just a drop or two were there. I glided my tongue back and forth along his slit so there wouldn’t be further complaints.

Urine isn’t awful, but not pleasant either. A little bitter, maybe salty, a sour flavor, hard to describe. I have tasted my own a couple of times before as I played my home bondage games. It’s why I had no objections to it appearing in the contract yet is one that I didn’t think would be acted on. Sometimes it has a stronger taste, usually earlier in the day. I guess it depends on how well one is hydrated and how long it has been resting in your bladder. While I just had a drop or so of his, my taste buds were retaining the essence. It’s morning so it’s a little strong, I’m fine. I guess we are all different in what we produce, but his sample seemed somewhat distinct from how I remember mine.

We are done in here, so I’m sent to the bedroom, released from my device and cuffs, and while Sir is unlocking me I am told to do my stretches, shower and douche, shave, etc.

Then I am handed a rather small butt plug. It appears unusual to me. This one is very pliable, flexible and smooth, nearly clear and shaped like a chubby bent thumb and just a bit longer than one too. It narrows slightly whereas it attaches to its base just like a regular plug so it will stay in place. As I gaze at it, I’m told I’ll like it and that it will help me not regress back to a tight ass. I am told to put the plug in with minimal lube, then dress in shorts and a tee-shirt that he has picked from the clothes that I brought. I comply.

The plug feels nice, soft, springy and molded like how I think my lower rectal track is shaped. Sir Michael announces we are headed out. I am to remember I am in servitude and to do whatever he says, but for the time we are out we are not to speak about week; conversations are to be about the other facets of our lives or about the world. We have many stops, generally errands he needs to complete, but he also heads to places that he thinks I might want to see. He also drives through Hillcrest, a popular and well known gay section of San Diego. At the time, I had no inkling that we would be back again, and he didn’t give any hints. Another thing we hit were two adult toy stores, both of which had large selections of leather goods, toys, bondage gear and discipline paraphernalia. As we had ample supplies at home, we didn’t need to make any purchases. It was hard being in the stores without speaking about the week. It was fun exploring and it reenergized my zest for what could be upcoming. We had lunch too, something I hadn’t had the last two days. Little did I know it was because I wasn’t getting dinner this evening, only an energy bar.

One other stop was at Home Depot again. He purchased an eight-foot 2x6. He was very choosy about the one he selected, then he had them cut into three pieces, one five feet long and the other two being 18 inches each. I asked him what they were for, but he got me off the question without answering.

Sir Michael suggested we take a nice hike in a large park he often goes to that has beautiful vistas and panoramas and that the other hikers were often hot guys. There were nice panoramas and vistas, I wouldn’t know if the men we passed were hot, some of the women were. By the way, that little plug is still there and is no trouble, actually comfortable, doesn’t make walking miserable, it was just that the plug moved within me as we hiked along, giving me the weirdest sensations including making me feel like I needed to constantly use the facilities. We finished up the hike and I was told we better head home as I had another busy night ahead of me.

Chapter 8: A Fantasy No Longer

Sunday night. When we arrive home, I am directed to pull my plug, shower and douche myself and to report to the bedroom with my earbuds, my Lovense butt plug, the larger one I brought with me, and my phone. We are fully back into submissive mode. Sir Michael’s pegging bench is very versatile and useful for so many activities. I was told to mount it once again and asked if I was comfortable, because I was going to be on it for a while. I settled myself in and was secured down. The straps on his bench can be adjusted to any tightness. He really pulled down tight on each of them this time as if he wanted his target to have no ability to move about. He then placed my ball gag deep in my mouth and secured it just as tightly around my head.

Some kind of cream was then spread all over my balls and my shaft. Cool, feels nice, some life comes to my genitals. I then felt my sack pull taut and something stroked down it. I think for a second and while a second dragging goes down my sack, I realize I am being shaved. I think with a straight razor. I suck in a breath and hold it as I’m immediately petrified that I could be cut down there and there would be no worse pain. Sir Michael says relax, you’re fine, I shave my own balls all the time. Some things are involuntary and can’t be stopped. Me being nervous right now is one of them. This takes a while and is in fact interesting as it goes on. He delicately covers every part of my ballsack. He also gets the hairs on my shaft and just slightly past the shaft base. My crack then has cream added and it too is cleared of any and all hair. The places he is shaving are again and again hit with the blade making sure I am 100% free of hair. I then feel a warm moist towel wipe me thoroughly down. I’m inspected and he goes back and removes a few more remaining hairs. “There, now your butt looks good, all that nasty hair gone. By the way, there were a couple of gray ones. Don’t fret I didn’t touch your front bush; your wife will never be able to tell. You are going to love the nubs in a couple of days.”

He then lubes me and slides in my vibrator plug. It has never entered me with so little resistance and with no pain. I have been stretched. I can feel him pushing the base to turn it on, then the short burst of a vibration to indicate it is in fact turned on. A minute or two later it roars into action as Sir Michael has activated its programming from my phone. This will be a wonderful distraction for whatever he’s got planned for the evening. He then comes to my head and unbuckles the gag and pulls it out. “I didn’t want to hear your screaming should I have accidently cut your balls,” he said nonchalantly.

He then puts my ear buds in my ears, then wraps an Ace bandage lightly around my head, I think to hold them in place. This also blindfolds me and so I can no longer see. My phone then broadcasts music into my ears. Loud, but nice. I think it’s my Beatles channel. Next, my light leather hood is put over my head and stretched down to my neck, laced up tight and my head and face are in bondage as is the rest of my body. I cannot see or hear the outside world. At least for now I’m loving it. I really do love to be bound. And a hood is the cherry on top.

I lay bound to the bench with minimal care for a long time. The only thing really giving me attention is the butt vibrator which is running a program that could make me climax just on its own, I try to ignore it, but that is nearly impossible with nothing else happening. Occasionally during this time, Sir Michael will rub his hand down my back, or down my leg, once even down my crack, but those moments are fleeting and startle me when they happen.

Now these touching’s seem to be a little more deliberate. I feel him caressing my butt cheeks. Then one side is slapped, which takes me by surprise and makes me jump, but that just really means a push against my bonds. I have minimal movement, if any, but it didn’t really hurt. I am being played with in earnest now. My vibrator stops and I feel it pulled out. A few moments later I feel my butt hole cleansed with a moist wipe of some kind. Play seems exploratory. I’m penetrated from behind by a finger and it spins around and exits. Then what feels like a thumb violates me. Rubbing up and down my back. Then my butt cheek. Everything so far is reasonably tame.

And things stop. A few minutes pass by and more of the same. Then it stops. A few more minutes pass and I feel a dildo inserted in me. It is slowly sliding in and out, twisting, coming all the way out, then being inserted again, out fully and back in, numerous times playing with my back door, it's nice.

And things stop. Maybe for ten minutes this time. WHACK, my butt is hit with a paddle, hard but not excessive. This appears to be a real start of things as I am successively stuck ten times on my right butt cheek. The paddling stops and the cheek is then tenderly caressed for a minute or two. A pause. Then WHACK, my left cheek is smacked. A total of another ten hits. Then a caressing. Back to the right, then to the left, and it stops. Twenty hits to each side, delivered slowly, deliberately. My butt is stinging, I don’t know how you can feel color, but it feels red. It feels exhilarating. I’m not really hurt; this is a good pain pleasure.

Again abandoned. Maybe a good fifteen minutes this time, definitely longer than before. And it's WHACK, my butt is again hit with a paddle, just as hard, same cadence, same caressing between each set of ten till we hit forty again. And I’m stinging and I have the same exhilaration, but the pain is lingering just a tad longer and I think my butt is probably a deeper red.

Another, good fifteen minutes go by when I feel the zipper over my mouth being opened on my hood. A finger pushes against my lips. I assume it’s a signal to open my mouth and I do. Immediately something is pushed in, trying to get behind my teeth and I quickly conclude it's one of my ring gags being put into place. I don’t resist and open my mouth wider so Sir Michael can properly seat it. It is buckled behind my hood. The mouth zipper is adjusted so it is fully clear of my lips. I think this is good news as this ring probably isn’t wide enough to let Sir in. What I assume is another throat training session will not gag me, at least not as much as he did, the dildos were easier yesterday. Boy am I wrong.

I feel something at the front of my mouth and it ever so slowly starts to slip in. I sense that it is a dildo, one of the ones that are a simulation of the real thing. I meet it with my tongue and attempt the tongue maneuvers I have been coached on. It pushes a little further in than make a bit of a retreat. It starts to slide forward again and… HEY, this is a real dick! My mind is racing, confused, it’s not Michael’s, it’s not Michael’s, it’s not Michael’s, my brain screams.

My head is grabbed and held as I instinctively pull back and I do have head movement; well, I did until I was grabbed and held. Two hands are holding my head, and a third one is gently patting my shoulder in a ‘relax, it’s OK, everything is going to be fine’ kind of pats. I’m not upset, I more just startled. I didn’t know anyone was coming tonight, I’m not mentally prepared. I fantasized about being forced to service others, but fantasies don’t come true. Get yourself under control, the way you are bound this is happening whether you want it to or not, just like you dreamed. If you don’t settle, you’ll miss the details. And the dick that I know isn’t Sir Michael’s begins its slow dance in and out of my mouth. My tongue stays dormant for the moment as the dick begins an exploration of my mouth. He’s out more than he is in. He darts in and retreats. He’s being very good to me. If he wanted to, he could really rape my mouth and throat I couldn’t stop him. I get why the gag was put in, during my initial startling I might have bitten him. While my emotions are still in a whirlwind, my mouth and tongue are trying better to get with the program. Whoever this is, he’s trying to help me. I’m sure Sir Michael has given him all the particulars and he knows he is basically penetrating a virgin hole. Sir Michael, I guess, was there first technically, but I wasn’t handling him. Not a lot has happened here yet, but his size doesn’t seem like it’s a problem. He’s normal size, hooray!

As he feels me relax a bit, he starts to add more movement, sliding in and out a little deeper. He is staying reasonably hard, so I try to rub my tongue more on the shaft and head. There seems to be an appreciation. He does a lot of complete pull outs and reinsertions as he can in that way push his dick against my lower or upper lip as he passes. From personal experience on the receiving end of a BJ, the lips do most of the stimulation work as the rod glides by. My lips can’t fully close due to the gag. The strokes get continually longer till finally my gag reflex is stimulated. He pulls out immediately so I can recover. He’s a decent fellow. But he hits it again two or three times more as he figures out how far he can go. He must have pumped my mouth for a good ten minutes or more till he stopped. Of course, I never got him to a point where he climaxed.

I’m left alone for another ten minutes or so when I feel someone at my head again and feel the gag being unbuckled. It's removed. Shortly thereafter I feel a dick pressing at my lips. OK, he’s going to screw my mouth again, this time without the gag. I open my mouth, probably a bit reluctantly as I try to let my mind get around giving a blow job to someone I don’t know when I don’t get excited by men, only being excited from a fantasy of being force while bound, A fantasy which is now real, just like I was told at the contract signing, oh my mind is spinning, but nonetheless I my mouth is open. A dick head is pushed in and it’s not the same. It's big, absolutely not the same, how many men are here that I have to suck? Wait, wait, wait, I think this is Sir Michael. I hadn’t paid any attention to the other dick’s taste, but I detect coconut again, yes, I’m sure it is Michael.

He doesn’t push in far and he begins a slow in and out, he’s going a deeper now as I can touch his forward shaft with my tongue. He goes no deeper so I try to please him the best I can with my tongue but he’s wide and it isn’t that easy. I can’t believe my mind is saying bring the other one back, it’s easier to handle. But it’s not coming back, it's busy getting ready to do something else. And the dick in my mouth goes away.

I feel a finger at my butt, lube is being applied. The finger is now in me, probing, exploring, deeper, deeper. I can handle one finger effortlessly now. A minute or two later it escalated to two finger exploration. My prostate is being massaged and it is exciting. Can’t tell whose fingers are in me. Do they belong to the same penetrator as before? Now it's three fingers, that fills me tight, but the fingers are working me, stretching me, I can feel my butt loosening up. It’s a good sensation. And it’s OK, because I know I can’t stop it and that the sick fantasy is real now. And the group of three fingers exit and I’m coated with some more lube.

Two arms grip my side. Another two start to message my shoulders from over my head. And I feel something bump my butt hole. One of the arms comes off my side and I sense it pressing against my butt cheek. There is the pressure of something pushing against my butthole just like the fingers before and I feel penetration. He pushes in, the arm returns to my side, and I realize I am no longer an anal virgin. As the mind again goes crazy, I work hard on concentrating on the details as I was advised at the signing. This is really happening to me.

Progression inward is slow but steady. He is slippery and no bigger than the dick dildos that visit me the last two days. He stops and lets it just sit there for a minute. Then he begins a withdrawal, I think about halfway, and then starts moving in again. No pain. No anything at the moment as my brain has seemed to have shut down. Now, movement back, and in again. Further now. I’m having no issue with the depth we are hitting. There is no gag reflex in the butt. I think if there is pain from him going too far, I’ll just buck up and he’ll stop. It never needs to come into play. He goes deeper and his strokes seem to use most of what he has. Now he has picked up his pace a little. Nothing excessive. From short strokes he moves to longer deliberate strokes in and outs, He grips my arms in what seems like an attempt to help him gain leverage and power to his strokes. It’s been a few minutes now, maybe even five. And my feeling, physically I mean, is still ok. No pain, lube is doing its job as he seems to be gliding freely, there is no pulling. Sexually I am not feeling any stimulation inside of me, at least I don’t think so, but I feel like I’m reasonably tight around him and he feels hard so I think it should be doing something for him. That image actually gives me a tickle. I’m being fucked and I have no control over it, and I can’t stop it and its real and I’m starting to get my mind back into the program. I feel my shoulders still being rubbed and I know Sir Michael is watching over me. I bet you he’s pleased with himself.

The action in my butt seems to be picking up just a bit, not too much, I’m ok. I sense my penetrator is starting to enjoy himself. It is now at the point that it comes clear to me that he may be planning on taking this to the logical end. I can feel his grip on my sides tensing up, he’s seeming to be moving his dick faster, and pulling more of his shaft out of me before plunging back forward. Now the strokes are definitely longer, I’m still good, my ass is able to take this. Then a final hard push and he abruptly stops. I want to say I feel him cumming, but I’m not sure. I don’t know what jizz in one’s butt actually feels like. There is a pause for just a few seconds, and he starts pumping me again, just short movements with him staying deep within me. He is slowly moving back and forth. He stops again and I feel him lay his upper body on my back. I feel Sir patting me on the shoulder and stepping back. Then his partner in this successful man-fuck slowly pulls himself back and out of me. It is an odd physical sensation as he pops out. About two minutes go by and I feel a warm damp cloth being rubbed around my crack and hole. I am being cleaned up, it feels nice.

So, I’m left bound to ponder my feelings and they come flooding in. Nothing you wouldn’t think based on the fantasy that was acted on. Bound and uncontrollably violated. An unwanted penetration forced upon me that I could not stop. And it was consensual, agreed to by a signed contract.

Chapter 9: My Cross to Bear

Late Sunday night. I’m left bench bound for a good half hour. It could take a psychologist years to try to understand the thoughts going through my mind at this point. But, by the way, I’m good. I’m happy about my situation. I am still titillated about what just happened to me. I’m even amused that I think I feel cum dripping out of me, I don’t know for sure. Turns out my waiting was not for my mental or physical recovery. They were eating. Being a submissive is what it is.

The music in my ears is shut off and my hood is removed. The Ace bandage keeps me blindfolded but Sir Michael reaches under it and removes the earbuds. The hood is then replaced with my other, the severe one. The tight leather hood is pulled over my head and face and fitted into the proper position and laced up tightly from behind. The one-inch leather neck, chin and eye belts are pulled tight and buckled so the face and head are firmly grasped, and the jaw and mouth forced closed. Only guttural voice sounds would now be possible. Breathing is also restricted, not a lot. I have always loved the feeling of the tight leather pressing on my face, a fitted feel, and the need for deliberate breathing. It all excites me, makes me aroused. I’m glad I brought it with me. I don’t get a chance to play with it much at home. I do know that my wife doesn’t like hoods on me as she says it makes me look like someone who is being physically abused. If she only knew…

My arms are released but held and then immediately handcuffed behind me. My legs and chest are freed, and I am taken off the bench. I feel both of my upper arms being gripped and I am walked from the bedroom through the atrium into the dungeon, tripping on the way on the sill of the sliding door. I am in total darkness and while I can now hear, the sounds are somewhat muffled by the thick padded leather over my ears. In the dungeon I am led to the Saint Andrew’s Cross. I don’t know where I am until I'm affixed to it.

I am uncuffed. My one foot is put up onto the first step pad which is about ten inches off the floor, then my other foot is raised up and set on the other set pad. I am properly centered and leaned back till my back contacts the center of the cross. Each of my escorts grabs and stretches one arm up to the top cuffs that are attached to a ratchet mechanism and secures the cuffs to my wrists. They then securely buckle my ankles to the cross with the three-inch leather belts that are attached to it at about six inches above the step pads. My tormentors then crank the ratchets which pull my wrists upward, effectively stretching my body taut as my ankles are held fast. It reminds me of how a rack would work except they don’t try to stretch me past taut. Working together they then buckle all the remaining three-inch straps that adorn the cross down my arms and up my legs, making me one with the cross, unmovable. I know as I try. Finally, they pull the hold pins on the steps my feet are resting on, dropping them away and I am effectively suspended and held to the cross off the floor only by the straps.

But they are not completely done with my binding. They must be up on a ladder or stool because the hood ring on the top of my head is being connected to something above. My head is pulled upward and is now tied off so I can’t pull my head forward toward my chest.

I wish I could see myself. I must look spectacular from a bondage enthusiast perspective. I am stretched taut in a wide X completely unable to move by multiple straps affixing me to it with my head and face encased in a strict leather discipline hood secured from above and completely naked, exposed and defenseless. And there I hang.

Not for long, someone is back and is tweaking my nipples. When I’m touched, I always flinch, even if it is just inside, my body can’t move much. The tweaking is followed by the application of nipple clamps, I think clothes pins. It hurts, but I know this pain will subside shortly, then come and go. One clothespin is not put quite as deep down the nipple than the other, causing a slightly more pinching effect, it hurts more.

I am caressed up and down my body for a moment or two. Then it is a light fondling of my balls and dick. My dick seems to rise to the occasion it does take much when I’m bound like this. A momentary stop of the rubbing and then through my nose I get a distinct whiff of menthol. Vicks VapoRub! Oh no, I know what is going to happen. I’m right. I feel my ball bag pulled down and then a cool goo is rubbed all over my ball sack. While Vicks is applied routinely under noses and over chests as a common over the counter cold remedy, when it is put on the sensitive ball sack and butt hole it is an entry level chemical irritant. VapoRub has both camphor and menthol in it which is the cause of the cooling effect. I have lightly experimented with it during self-bondage, and it does get your attention.

The amount that is now smothering my balls is way more than the finger dabs I have applied. And it is rubbed in. The Vicks is now smeared up my crack and over (but not in) my butt hole. The coolness starts to turn to tingling. I realize my early shave has made my skin even more sensitive to the simulation. It is a weird feeling. It is definitely in the pain pleasure category. A stimulation, not uncomfortable but not comfortable either, certainly not soothing. It builds. Yeah, maybe it is uncomfortable. I know it’s a feeling that isn’t leaving anytime soon as this stuff doesn’t evaporate. It is here to stay till I am allowed to wash it off with lots of soap and water. I start to buck a little, the natural reaction of trying to get away from something, and my body now wants to get away from the tingling burning numbness on my privates. And again, I’m left alone.

Turns out that they would leave me hanging there for an hour before deciding to give me some attention. Physically the sensations from the rub dissipate as my body gets used to it, not sure how long that took. The first fifteen to twenty minutes were lively. I must have been fun to watch as I squirmed in my bonds. The nipple clamps pain came and went a couple times but then the nipples just became numb. I know it’s not going to be a picnic when they are pulled off. After a while my wrists and arms begin to tingle. Mentally, my mind shifts back and forth from ‘enjoying’ my present physical state to pondering on what had happened tonight on the bench. The blow job and the butt fuck. I switch back and forth on how I feel. There was no sexual gratification from it like I normally have when having sex with my wife. When I suck and lick her pussy, I am extremely aroused. When I sucked the dick there was none of the same feelings, but my bondage and servitude feelings were off the chart. With them satisfied I have good feelings. All is well.

I am snapped out of my thoughts as a stinging shoots across my chest. Owww. Then another. Owww. And again, and again. Owwww. I’m being whipped. I hold my breath in anticipation of each next hit and when it comes, I gasp, then suck in air again and hold. Seems like a single tail type whip or a bull whip. This stinging, not nice, but different from all of the other strikes I’ve experienced so far. Ouch! The last one hit the nipple clip, again it’s hit and again. He’s trying to knock off the clip. This is really painful; I am pulling against my bounds with all my might. Not happy with the nipple pain. The next hit is successful, and the clip is gone. The nipple is in great pain but quickly goes unnoticed as the other nipple clip is being hit. This too takes multiple attempts, but its removal ends even more harshly as on one of the hits the pin is only partially dislodged and still gripped the tip of the nipple, swinging from it. It takes two more swings of the whip to completely remove it. The whip stripes across my body hurt, but my nipple pain is taking precedent. I am left to suffer and recover for I guess about five minutes. Sucking air hard. It must have been noticeable that my condition was improving as the whipping began again.

This time they are not all in one place. A blessing. It is a methodical trip starting at my navel and traveling north almost to my neck and then back down again. I can anticipate the strikes now as the cadence is very deliberate and constant. But my body still violently reacts each time I am struck. It’s painful at the hit site, yet not unbearable. It burns. However, my body is accepting the assault. This is a striping. I pray that my skin won’t be cut, and the stripes will not last. I can’t have marks when I go home. It’s the only thing concerning me right now. I can handle the pain. I am funneling it into a pain pleasure mode of thinking.

The hit tempo and finesse changes. They become somewhat awkward. Some hurt hard, some not at all, some seem to almost miss, some are short, not like the long strikes that were coming across my body. This goes on for just a couple of minutes, there is a pause, and good hits return, but stops after a minute, then back to the inefficient ones.

It comes to me; someone is being taught how to swing a whip. I am now a training tool. I figured out that whoever is Sir Michael’s guest, he is a skilled bondage practitioner. He knows how to use the whip. My stinging body is evidence of that. He is giving Sir Michael a lesson, or at least a taste of what it is like.

Must be just a taste as we quickly get back to well delivered strokes. He moves to my thighs. With my legs spread wide and his excellent aim he can get lines across my tender inner-thighs. Then just a short trip higher with two or three snaps to my chemically sensitized balls, Owwwww, and a final hit to the head of my dick, OWWW.

I hang there. It takes a few minutes to settle down and get my breathing under control. During those last hits I almost sucked the hood up my nose. My mind runs a check on me physically. My pains have subsided. I’m tired. I want to be freed, not my choice, I remind myself. I then strain at each of my binds struggling to get loose. I know it is impossible, but part of the enjoyment of being bound to me is the struggle to get loose. I enjoy the feel of the leather holding me back. It is such a turn on for me.

Again, I jump as I am touched and I feel some kind of liquid being put on my body. What is this? I hope not alcohol or something else to make my stripes burn. But it’s not. A lotion, cool and soothing, is being rubbed into my skin. It feels wonderful, very pleasurable to my tender skin. Everywhere I was striped receives attention. He concludes with my privates, which are first wiped down with a warm wet cloth which reactivates the Vicks that I had forgotten once the striping was at the forefront. But it feels good. And then the lotion is applied. Unlike the rest of my body, the action here stays, and my balls get massaged, and my dick masturbated slowly, tenderly. My dick becomes hard. Without thought, I start thrusting my groin with what very minimal movement I have forward and back. The massage stops. And so, I stop. It begins again, and in a moment or two, I naturally in response start to do my movement. And it stops and I stop. The bound masturbation starts again. Not thinking through the interruption to the fondling I started to move a third time. The handling stops and a moment later my hard dick is wickedly struck by what I guess is a riding crop. Owwwww. And my masturbation comes to an end. A hard lesson.

I hang for probably another fifteen minutes. Of course, unaware what my abusers are doing. None of my business unless Sir Michael wants me to be of service. I feel them at me again, and this time it is to get me down from the cross. I first felt the foot pads being placed back under my feet, and then the ratchets reversed, wrists loosened down and then released. The straps from the top down are then unbuckled. My arms when freed fall down to my sides. I was filled with much relief as they were starting to tingle and go numb, and my shoulders were sore from being in such an upright passion for so long, my wrists ached. When my legs are completely unbuckled, they are in better condition, I am assisted as I step down to the floor.

Bonding to St. Andrew was not a religious experience, it was however both a pleasurable and painful evil one. The devil was there. I’m glad I’m down.

My wrists are handcuffed behind me. I am then sat down on the floor. My hood is left on. I am told to wait. I guess ten to fifteen minutes go by when Sir Michael returns. His visitor has departed. I am pulled back to my feet. The hood is removed, and my cuffs are released. I am asked “You want more, or bed?”

I have enough wits about me to answer, “Whatever brings you pleasure Sir.”

I get a big smile and he says “Get ready for bed. You know what you need to do. Remember to charge your phone and earbuds.”

I do as I am told; he puts my locks in place, and I cuddle to sleep in my wool blanket and pillow in the dark.

Chapter 10: Secured Rimming 101

Monday. Sir Michael is not a big drinker although he’ll have a beer or two socially if the night calls for it. I don’t know if he had enjoyed any beers with his friend last night. It’s just as likely he consumed just as many bottles of water or Dr. Pepper. To the point, he must have consumed plenty of liquids while entertaining as by morning I had dried him three times.

I completed my normal morning regiment. The clothes laid out for me were my work clothes. Sitting on top of them was my chastity device and its lock, opened. I put it on and secured it. Then I put on my clothes and went in for my bowl of flakes with the key in hand. While eating I was informed that Sir Michael had two financial planning business appointments today and that he would be gone for most of the day. He had a list of chores for me to complete. I was shown what I was to do, what his expectations were, reminded that servitude takes many forms and to not disappoint him, and he was soon gone. I was going to have a non-bondage day. I was pleased that there was also nothing in my butt. It was getting a bit worn out and sore. I was also going to make sure I didn’t give him any reasons to discipline me if I could. If he was going to do it, I wanted it to be for the reason that it was bringing him pleasure alone not because I need to be punished.

My assignments were both household chores and a painting project. If I got them all finished before he arrived back home, I could watch porn afterward, but only what was preset on his desk computer, I wasn’t to surf on my own. He said he also made me a bagged lunch to eat. It turned out to be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a couple of pretzels, an apple, and a bottle of water.

My household chores were to do the dishes, clean the kitchen including wiping up its tile floor, clean both bathrooms including counters, sinks, toilets, showers and tile floors. I was to dust throughout the house then vacuum the carpets. I was to then soak all our solid toys in a water-bleach solution and the ones that had motors or electronics like the vibrators or electro-bullets with chlorine whips, after soaking I was to rewash them with soap and water and dry them. He was straightforward with the instructions with no weird demands like “clean the toilets with your tongue” or provided any threats like he would hang me upside down on the cross if I failed the post inspection. He showed me where all the cleaning supplies and vacuum were kept.

My outside project was to scrape, sand and paint a garden bench that had weathered and was starting to peel. He showed me the paint, drop-cloth, sandpaper, brushes, stir-stick and scraper. Here he did make a comment of how I would enjoy the stir-stick better on my butt, but that was all.

And he left. He does need to make a living. I do know he had planned in general to have a light work week. His parting words were, “Be good and be naked when I get back, ready to please me.”

I did the chores first. There was a lot of housework to do, and it took most of the morning. It was easy work as Sir Michael keeps an immaculately clean house. Job completed with no issues. The garden bench project required considerable scraping of the slats, then a lot of sanding to make the boards smooth and properly prepped for paint and then painted with a latex semi-gloss white. I was done scraping when I broke for my lunch. I ate my sandwich and pretzels and drank my water. I knew I could refill the bottle from the sink should I want more. Master had preached hydration the last couple of days, it would be ok with Sir. I saved the apple for a midafternoon snack. The sanding and painting also was completed without a hitch. Sir Michael may want a second coat, but the project doesn’t look bad with one. I put the bench up on small boards to dry and I cleaned up making sure there were no paint chips or drops left behind. I cleaned the paint brush and my hands and arms and put everything away. I made a final inspection of all my work to make sure I didn’t miss anything and went to the bedroom to watch the porn.

I took my clothes off and with a wet washcloth gave myself a sponge bath so I would be fresh for Sir Michael. It had been warm outside. I sit watching the porn, waiting for Sir Michael to return. I don’t get how two men sucking on each other is exciting, I am watching a 69 being performed by a couple of 20-something-year-old well-endowed men: zero arousal. Well, I assume Sir Michael gets nothing from two 20-year-old girls doing it either. To each his own.

I hear Sir Michael come in the front door, so I immediately drop down to my knees facing the bedroom with my mouth open and tongue slightly sticking out. He had said as he left to be ready to please him, I’m guessing this is what he means. It’s a few minutes before he enters the room and puts down his briefcase. He looks at me, smiles, then says “Good little bitch, by the way, the bench looks great, what I’ve seen of the house so far is good too. Close your mouth, I need it rested. Stay here.” And he heads back to the front of the house. Lacking further instructions, I stay where I am on my knees. He returns with an energy bar and a bottle of water, sitting it on his desk. He gazes at the porn a bit then says, “Eat and drink that,” he hands me a key and adds, “Then unlock yourself and take that off, pee if you need to and go out on the deck.”

I do as I’m instructed. It turns out what I just ate was my dinner; at least today I had lunch. I wait in the atrium, standing in the middle and wondering what is in store for the night. Sir Michael arrives shortly after I do and tells me to assume my spread-eagle position and I am secured again with the same cuffs and chains I was bound with on Friday. He puts a small pillow under my neck so my head is comfortably tilted forward. Sir Michael is gone a long time, probably an hour, maybe more. That evening, as we had many casual one-way conversations that he had cooked and ate his dinner and then showered during this time.

The atrium is a nice place to be. Although it is enclosed on the sides, it is open at the top, so a nice breeze can come in, you can hear quiet outside sounds of the world, and if you are on your back on the deck you can look up and see the sky. The sun is starting to set as it is about 7:30 in the evening. And despite being tied down, it's nice. Sir Michael makes his return naked with a cock ring around his penis. He pulls over one of his lounge chairs near me, puts a beach towel on it and sits down. He has placed his chair so he is looking down at me and with my head tilted I can see him. He begins talking with me, or rather, to me. He is also nonchalantly rubbing and pulling on his dick. He is chatting about his workday and about some of his friends. He talks about how he likes to relax after a long day. He gets on the subject of what makes him relax the most. It is when his buddy comes over and gives him rim jobs. I heard about this good friend many times on the phone. He is a frequent visitor whose fetish is licking men’s butts. And he is particularly fond of Sir Michael’s, licking him to ecstasy almost weekly. You can hear the excitement in Sir Michael’s voice as he describes it, he’s sincere. Getting rim jobs is his thing. He doesn’t mind giving them either if it is a clean butt, but getting one, oh-la-la. He tells me it’s something I need to learn to do, and I have a bad feeling.

It is now nearly dark. He gets up from his chair and goes into the garage. He comes back out, kneels down behind my head and says, “Open your mouth my sweet little bitch.” I do, but I get an additional command of “Wider.” I open as wide as I can, and he slips in my rubber ring gag behind my teeth. He efficiently and firmly buckles it behind my head, then repositions the pillow under my head and goes back to his chair. He continues chatting about rimming while casually stroking his semi erect dick. He talks about what at he likes about them, how kinky some of the givers are in what they like, he talks about how one’s lips are used, how the tongue is used, what different tongue strokes there are, what darting into the hole is like, how far you can get in the hole. He talks about health and cleaning. He talks about the different chairs that are available and how to do it without a chair. He’s a practiced expert. There is both calmness and excitement in his voice. Me, I just lay here outside, bound tightly with locked cuffs and chains spread eagle and naked with a ring gag forcing my mouth wide open, and a bit concerned about the inevitable that is going to happen.

Sir Michael gets back up and heads to the garage again bringing with him what I feared, his rimming chair that was in the corner of his dungeon. He sits it down next to his lounger. He goes back into the garage and comes back with two white bags of some sort, puts them behind me and then sits back down himself. He goes back to chatting, this time about all the features and adjustments of the rim-chair. And I wait.

Finally, the inevitable comes. As Sir Michael continues to talk, he takes one of the bags he brought out and lays it flat against my left ear and then puts the other flat against my other ear. I push against them and there is no movement. They seem to be sand-bags and my head is stuck; my ability to move my head and neck side to side is gone. He sets his chair over my face and adjusts the legs to his satisfaction. I look up and see the bottom of a steel commercial style toilet seat. He’s taking his good old time as I lay there internally fretting. I want to be forced to do sexual things I do not otherwise want to do. I am sure now that having an ass sitting on my face tops that list of things I do not want, and I am about to have no choice in it happening. I check my restraints again.

Sir Michael finally gets to it and sits down in his rim chair. As he settles in, he is still stoking his semi-erect member. His butt is about two inches, maybe less, from my face. I can see up and down his crack. I see the base of his balls and his moving bag as he pulls on his dick. And I can see his hole. It is perfectly aligned with my mouth. “Beautiful isn’t it” he says. I say nothing. He then says “Now arch up your neck and put out your tongue. And don’t stick your tongue out like it’s a pointy little dagger. That’s not wise. Flatten your tongue right out, and do long slow licks, start about halfway between my anus and scrotum, go all the way up at the top of my butt.” He gave me the instructions as a coach would. And I do nothing in response to instructions. I feel him lean forward and WHACK, my dick and balls are hit by a multi-tailed flogger. I jump.

“You asleep?”

“No Sir.” And he starts again, “Now arch up your neck and put out your tongue, make it flat and make a slow lick up my crack.” I haven’t moved, I see his butt rise forward off the chair and WHACK, my dick and nuts are struck again. It’s painful. He settles in again. “Now I’m not playing, arch up your neck and stick out your tongue.”

He must have been looking down at my face and saw no immediate movement. He says, “OK, we will try this another way.” He gets up from his chair and changes the adjustment of the legs. It has now been set a good two inches lower. Not good news, I know what the result of this adjustment will be. And I now understand the ring gag. He sits down and his butt presses against my face. I instantly know I’m in trouble and I test out my fear; I try to breathe in, and I can’t as he is tight down and has sealed me off, both my mouth and nose, with his butt cheeks.

Strangely my very next thought is God, please don’t let him fart. I try wiggling my face around but he’s holding me tight. Now I know he won’t suffocate me for real and I know I’m going to eventually do it. Plus, I have licked my wife’s anus while having oral sex with her, so come on this is no big deal.

And so, my tongue reaches through the ring gag and rubs up and down his hole. He has just showered, and he is clean, thank God. He makes me work for almost a full minute before he pulls up and lets me gasp a breath. “So are we going to continue at this height or should I raise the chair back up,” he quietly asks. I can’t clearly state my wishes with the ring gag in, but he gets the idea that I do want the chair back up and he puts it back.

He is now back in his seat with his butt two inches or so above me and he says, “Now lean your neck forward and put out your tongue flat… I try to follow his instructions and he continues to talk, telling me what is working and what isn’t, how to reposition my head and neck up and down to change angles. I can’t move it side to side, He says to push in my nose or chin to pleasure the butt crack while I eat his ass. He tells me not to nibble on the bumhole, it is not enjoyable, it hurts, no teeth. He directs me to go slower and use my tongue to create circles around his booty and then I am to try and insert my tongue inside his hole. I’ve been trying to avoid penetration and as soon as he feels me starting to travel back up towards his scrotum with my tongue, I feel the tell-tale sign of incoming punishment as he leans forward and WHACK. My tongue is back at his hole in an instant, pushing its way in. I hear, “That’s better cunt.”

Instructions continue and my skills improve. We get to a point where the lesson has finished, and I am actually doing well enough to give him pleasure. And so, we continue with the Dominant being pleasured by his submissive. My tongue and face are fatiguing, this is work, but Sir Michael is providing encouragement and I keep at it. I am concentrating hard, so my mind isn’t running interference.

Sir is oohing and ahhing a lot now and starts to stroke his meat in earnest, it takes about another five minutes, but he unloads and I feel the results dripping down onto my chest just below my neck and it then runs down onto the base of my neck in a pool. I stop licking his crack and hole, and I hear, “No, don’t stop yet. He milks his dick for about another minute as I struggle to keep my worn-out tongue going. He makes sounds of post organum ecstasy, leans back in his chair and says to me, “You did well Cunt, thank you. I will provide you with a reward for making me cum” He stands up then he picks up his flogger and in rapid fire whips first my right nipple once, then my left and then my balls three times hard. I’m as surprised as I am in instant pain. Agreed, categorized as moderate pain, a three, but real, real close to an off limits four pain. It does subside fairly fast. Thank goodness I did a good job, I hate to think how a bad job would be punished. I don’t really understand it though.

The chair is moved away and the bags taken up. He then heads into the bedroom. He comes back a few minutes later with some lube. He goes right to work on my member with his hand and lube, he’s good and I am quickly in heaven pulling hard on my bonds loving every minute of it. It doesn’t take long, and I shoot my load too. Sir Michael gets up from his kneeling position and says, “Stay there, relax, go to sleep if you want, I need a snack.” A lay there gazing at stars, thinking of the wild week, with Sir Michael’s cum drying on my chest and neck and mine down my dick and on in my navel. I drift off to sleep.

I am woken by Sir Michael as he removes one of my ankle cuffs. The others are removed, and I am freed. No idea how long I had slept, Sir Michael said he’s been watching television for about an hour. I am let up, stiff and still very tired. I am directed to complete my nightly routine. My flaccid slimy dick is locked in his cage, my hands secured, with my body still cum painted and I lay down in my shower stall with the door closed and light off.

Chapter 11: Standing Fast at the Pillory

Tuesday morning’s routine includes all of the tasks the last couple of days did. At breakfast Sir Michael told me that he thought the garden bench should get another coat of paint and that I would do it this morning while he completes some office work generated from yesterday’s meetings. I am first to put the trash out as it’s trash day, and after painting the bench I am to wash his car. He also wants me to complete a small project in the atrium. He would show me what he wanted done there after I finished my other tasks.

It takes some time, but I get these chores done without disturbing Sir Michael and his paperwork. He called me in for lunch just as I was putting away the bucket and towels from washing his Jeep. While we eat, he tells me that he has gotten two calls for massages this afternoon, he’s having a busy week at his second occupation. He believes there will be time for me to finish the atrium project before the first client arrives. He also says he has a plan of how to keep me occupied while he is tending to his customers.

It doesn’t take long for me to eat; it is a similar lunch to the one I had the day before. We head to the atrium where I’m told to fetch a ladder from the garage and the bag that holds his battery-operated drill and drill set and I do. Meanwhile he retrieves the bag of stuff we had bought from Home Depot along with an Amazon box. He had me raise the ladder and place it against the center of the main ceiling beam. There I drilled a 1/4-inch hole and then screwed a 2-inch long 3/8 inch eye-hook into the hole. He had me open the Amazon box and found that it contained a new block and tackle style pulley set. From the box label I see that it has a 5:1 lifting power pulley system and 50 feet of 3/8 rope. This information is not good news as I know how it could be used on me. I was sent back up the ladder with the top half of the assembly and attached it to the newly installed eye hook. He then had me thread and route the rope through all the pulley wheels per the instruction provided with the unit. As instructed, I tied a tight loop on the load end of the rope around a screw-lock carabiner he had with an appropriate durable knot creating a secure attachment point to the load end of the rope. Boy Scout training in action.

I left the carabiner dangling down from the beam where I tied it, at about shoulder height. Next, he had me drill a hole into the top of the built-in bench that was part of the front wall and screwed an eye hook into it. I took the pulling end of the rope and threaded all the excess rope through this eye hook. Many ideas flood my mind as to how this setup could be used to tether and harm me. I’m hoping his ideas are not as deviant and severe as my mind is inventing. The final step was to install two, two-inch long - 1/4-inch eye hooks between two adjacent floor planks into the underlying support wood beam. This arrangement would allow removal of the hooks after my use without leaving holes in the visible deck. The eye hooks were to be located six feet apart in a line under the ceiling eye hook and parallel to the outside wall. I complete the project and put away the tools and ladder rather quickly as I ponder the thought that I was just made to assemble a probable torture device that will also be used on me, that’s depressing.

I put my tools away and report back to Sir Michael. He hands me a key and tells me to go take off my chastity, strip naked, pee and meet him in the garage. The submissive does as he is ordered. I enter the dungeon and see that the pillory has been placed front and center in front of the TV monitor. Sir Michael is standing by it and tells me to look it over as I was about to spend some significant time with it. The pillory was a homemade device but well built. The base was a three-quarter inch piece of plywood about two-foot square. Solidly mounted perpendicular to the base and rising from its center were three 2x6’s, screwed together to make a post. The center board was slightly shorter in length than the two other planks creating a slot for fastening the hinged set of horizontal boards that topped it out. When this top board set is closed together, they form holes which can hold the neck and wrists of a standing captive, soon to be me. These boards have a clasp on the opposite end of the hinge that accepts a padlock making it inescapable without a key. The entire device is painted black. It shows signs of age and use but is in excellent condition and ready to serve its function.

After my short study of the pillory, Sir Michael says he has something else for me to see. In his hand is a stainless-steel cylinder about an inch and a half in diameter. It looks heavy duty. It is hinged which allows it to open to create two attached halves. Opposite the hinge is a receiver that takes a locking device to hold the sides firmly together. Sir Michael tells me this can be used as a dick clincher or a ball stretcher. He then shows me that he has two of them. What immediately concerns me is the device is perforated with what he tells me are 28 holes through which adjustable screw points can be threaded. He adds two more fun facts, the points come in both sharp and blunt tip styles of which he has both. He goes on that the points are fully adjustable with a hex key. He says he plans to start with them withdrawn all the way, then he will put the spikes to work as he tightens them up to inflict as little or as much discipline as he desires on my dick or sack.

I am then asked, “Bitch which points do you want me to use?”

None is my choice, but I think the only truly allowed answer for a submissive is ‘whatever pleases you Sir’ and that is what I say.

“OK then, I will choose the blunt points, I think with what you will be doing this afternoon the sharp ones might tear your skin and I don’t want that. Besides I will likely screw them down tight and that will make you suffer enough, especially if you are foolish enough to let yourself get excited and have an erection.”

Sir Michael gets down on his knees and begins to attach the first ring of torture around my scrotum. It does act like a ball stretcher and I’m glad I am shaved down there as there are no hairs to catch and pull. It isn’t overly tight but not loose either. He uses one of the miniature cuffs and chastity locks to secure it to my bag. Next my dick is pulled taut, and my dick is encircled by a duplicate device, at this point smooth inside, and it is locked in place, just a little above the base of my shaft. This is a little loose but that will soon change. He takes a handful of the blunt-tipped allen screws and begins to thread them into the 28 holes covering the device clasping my sack. After they are all in, he repeats the methodical task on the cylinder surrounding my dick. Then the real tightening begins with his hex key. It takes a long time, and he only screws down a peg a bit before moving down an opposite peg. He has a system that attempts to keep an even decent of all the pegs up and down and around the device. It doesn’t take long for him to contact my sack, then for them to make me feel a little pressure, then moderate pressure, then a somewhat crushing feeling at each point of contact, all 28 of them, then a discomforting puncture feeling though I know my skin has not been breached. He is going medieval on my ballsack. He keeps adjusting downward until he gets enough painful moaning sounds caused by the dull aches that I am trying to control but are slipping out of me then he stops. I never called out yellow, but I think while I can handle this now, I wonder how I’ll be about an hour from now. I too am surprised that while I am in discomfort, the real pain fades.

The second assault began with my shaft now attacked. Same method, same effects. This too takes time as care is being given. And he is done. He looks pleased with his work.

Sir Michael gets up and goes to the side of the pillory then lifts the top board and tells me to step forward onto the base so that I am facing the screen and to put myself in the stocks. I understand what I am to do, even though this is my first time mounting a pillory, so I stand on the platform and lay my two forearms into the bottom side slots and then slowly seat my neck in the center larger hole. I can tell that my body weight acting on the platform base makes the pillory very stable and will be able to hold me upright and will not tumble over. The top plank is lowered down, and I am trapped. I hear the snap of the lock closing and I am again secured by and for my Dominant. Of course, as one would expect I pull my arms back and see that in fact, yes, my hand cannot pull through their securing hole. I do the same with my neck with the same results. I am standing, but with my upper body slightly bent over to accommodate the pillory.

Sir Michael puts ankle cuffs on my ankles and locks them to an adjustable spreader bar that he opens to a wide but not uncomfortable width.

He then advises that I will be watching my favorite online sex videos for the next likely four hours. It is a composite one of his creative buddies put together to excite me. It’s an hour long but is set to loop so I’ll always have something to watch. He turns it on. It is younger, mostly thin, small chested, shaved women in bondage given head to men and swallowing the results. The idea is to make me hard as I stand there so that I will cause my own abuse and suffering from the toy I am wearing on my dick. The one on my scrotum is there just because it gives Sir Michael pleasure. During the next few hours, the devious plan will have its winning moments. The videos really are hot and fantastic, at least to me. And the large screen was worth the investment.

As for being locked in a pillory, it’s not too bad the first hour, uncomfortable the second hour, makes the back, neck, shoulders, and arms ache and cramp the third hour and is downright miserable the fourth hour as everything fatigues, mind and body. The two things that saved me were focusing on the girls on screen and then trying to control the immense pain-pleasure that was happening because of the toys. Also having more body and limbs movement than most of my previous binds had helped.

After Sir Michael completed his business with his customers, I was freed and toys removed. No permanent damage was done. I was still physically and mentally sound. Soreness would be with me for a while. Nothing unexpected.

Chapter 12: Cumming to Terms found in the Contract’s Fine Print

Tuesday evening. I was again instructed to take a hot shower and reclean my rectum. I am given an energy bar to eat and a bottle of water, same dinner two nights in a row. It was early evening. Sir Michael seems to be looking forward to the evening. Maybe he was starting to get more enjoyment from playing with me. I am told to go lay down on his bed as he gets things in order for the evening. As I am naked and not bound in any way, I am warned not to touch myself or I would be very sorry. I’m tired and sore, therefore I’m hoping for a fun but quiet evening, so I behave. It’s easy because the bed is an ideal viewing spot for Sir Michael’s two bedroom screens and as is the norm two different gay sex channels are streaming.

Some time passes when Sir Michael tells me to get up and mount the bench. I do and I am promptly secured to the bench rests, the belts seem to be pulled especially tight tonight. Sir Michael then shows me a new hood he has bought at one of the local adult leather stores ‘just for his little cunt.’ It’s a nice one, heavy leather with open eye and mouth holes plus two tiny grommeted breathing holes for under the nose. Mounted on the leather beside the eyes and mouth holes are snaps where a blindfold and mouth gag can be added. The hood has laces up the back to secure it. These laces are heavier than the ones on the two hoods I had brought. The base of the hood has a thick inch and a half wide belt that goes around the neck and buckles and locks from behind.

He shows me the blindfold and gag accessories. The blindfold is a heavy piece of quality leather that will fully cover the open eye hole in the mask. It has matching snaps to the ones on the hood and when snapped on it will shut off all sight and incoming light. The gag is like a heavy leather strip that covers the mouth and snaps to the hood. It is equipped with an inflatable latex penis shaped ball that goes in the mouth with a latex hose and pump on the outside of the face strip which can pump up the dick gag. Sir Michael demonstrates so I can see just how big that gag can get when it is pumped up with multiple squeezes of the pump. The demo makes my heart miss a beat. This is a very nice hood, well made and of better quality than the ones I own. It probably wasn’t cheap. Mike has gone all out for me considering this and the pulley system purchases. I’ll have to do something special for him when this is all over.

Earbuds are inserted. The new leather hood is put over my head, fitted to my face while he makes sure the buds remain in my ears. He laces it up tight and buckles the neck strap and slips a lock into the buckle and snaps it shut. The lock is for effect. I have no arms available to remove the hood. It feels great. I do love wearing hoods.

Time passes without much happening. Occasionally I am patted, neck rubbed, butt caressed, butt hole lightly fingered, dick stroked, but each by themselves and for just a moment, as if Sir Michael was busy but wanted me to not be forgotten.

I think this keeps up for a good forty-five minutes when the activity pace seems to pick up. First, the blindfold is snapped to the hood, taking away my sight. Then I’m told to ‘open’ and the dick gag is inserted into my mouth and it is snapped also to the hood. It is given just one pump, expanding it ever so slightly and primarily just making it firmer. The music is then turned on in my ears, this time I think it’s an oldies channel. I cannot see, hear, talk or move anything but my neck and head and that movement is limited.

I listen to enjoyable music, reasonably comfortable on the bench. Basically happy. I start being touched again which causes a jump each time because without sight and sound it is unexpected each time. The feeling is almost like I’m being explored now, inspected. Subtlety different. It continues but again the pace is back to intermittent. And again, probably ten minutes later the pace of body touching increases and it’s that exploring, and inspection feel. It stops altogether for a few minutes when my butt begins to be played with in earnest. I am being digitally penetrated, my balls pulled and fondled, my dick grabbed and played. But something is different, and I come to the realization that this is not Sir Michael playing with me, he has a guest. A few minutes later I think that two people are touching me and I don’t think either of them are Sir Michael. Too much. I slip into that mentality of I don’t want any of this and I tense up. It must have been noticeable, as there is somewhat of a backing off and I feel my neck being massaged by Sir Michael’s known touch, convincing me that there are at least three people here, I assume men, to play with my bound naked body. It takes a moment, but I do relax, still anxious, but wondering what they will want to do to me, so far, they have been decent.

Over the next half hour or so I am toyed with, nicely. Often by only one person at a time. Not sure what the others are doing when only one is with me, but I think, well, these are Sir Michael’s friends. Maybe they are doing what gay men do sometimes, they are pleasuring each other, or at least chatting about it. It becomes exhilarating to me as I ponder that I am just a toy here for them to amuse themselves. My body is also rubbed. A hand forces itself under my chest and my nipple is tweaked and twisted. Someone squeezes the pump twice putting more air into my gag, filling my mouth more but not overloading it. For about five minutes one of them plays with both fingers and dildoes in a rougher penetration of my butt hole. They seek out, find, and massage my prostate. It does feel good. I concentrate on my bondage and the ‘being forced’ fantasies which are now actually real and not a dream. I’m surprised I’m getting enjoyment from it.

A pause in the action for a few and then I feel my mouth gag removed. Seconds later I have a penis pressing at my lips. Whoever it is has a grasp of his own member as he pushes forward. A thought flashes into my mind that I should resist as part of the forced fantasy, be punished because of it and then reluctantly submit, but the thought passes quickly and I take the second thought that comes right to mind, being ‘contract says I am to treat the guests as I would treat the Dominant and therefore, I must do this without hesitation’.

All that was truly thought through in a millisecond and I opened my mouth. I am not face raped. I am treated as a lover would treat an inexperienced mate. My penetration is a series of shallow in and out movements, with a reasonably hard, reasonably sized dick. The shaft being guided around my mouth with his hand. I engage my tongue, licking his shaft and circling his dick head. Definitely circumcised. Tastes clean. I close my lips around the shaft, staying aware of the need to keep my teeth away. I think my user is enjoying a good sensation as the pace increases ever so slightly. On the bench my head and neck are not secured so I can bob my head back and forward a bit. This gets a positive reaction as I feel his other hand lay itself on the back of the head and begins to help control and direct my movement.

I learn that you can actually feel someone’s dick become hard. The pace grows and the motion causes the shaft to travel deeper in my mouth. I am not being forced face fucked, this is still tender. But my partner is certainly enjoying the feeling he’s getting. I concentrate hard on trying to arch my neck and open my throat to gain more length to be available but after about five or six more thrusts he travels too far and I gag. Not a severe gag, but a gag just the same. He instantly stops and retreats. The hand on my head slides back to my neck and caresses it and then I am patted on the head. It’s done for the moment.

I am at rest for a while. Maybe ten minutes. I’m sure other things are happening, three guys aren’t just sitting there staring at me. And then I feel my butt again being touched, nicely. Then my anus and crack are played with, like I am being warmed up, like I am being prepared. Lube is added via a single finger which confirms to me I am. The finger gently stretches me just like my beginning penetrations by Sir Michael on Friday and Saturday, one finger, then two fingers, then three. Prostate massage, occasionally there is a touch of pain, but mostly it feels good. When the reasonably sized vibrator is pushed in, it definitely feels good, very good. My butt does its best to sway with the vibrations. It’s pulled out and the reason for the stretching becomes clear. I feel something again pushing at my opening. I have made it so easy, allowing myself to be bound tightly while naked to a bench, so designed, that it perfectly presents and makes my butt hole accessible. I focus on my ‘be bound and forced’ fantasy and I am penetrated, for real by a real dick, and I can’t stop it.

I’m glad I’m well lubed as I am being fucked and fucked well. This isn’t gentle yet it is brutal either. He must have been told that I have already had a dick in my rectum, and it has taken its cum. I can tell he’s having a good time. I'm being used as a cunt for his pleasure, anything I get from this is just an added benefit. He enjoys his pleasure for a while, slowing his pace and movements at times before he picks up the tempo again in his attempt to last longer, not unlike I do while having intercourse. But he slows and then exits me without climaxing. He has a long evening available to him to party, probably doesn’t want to shoot his load too soon, wasting it on an inexperienced straight man who can’t stop him. I don’t know for sure, I can’t see, can’t hear, can’t move.

It’s probably five minutes later when someone wants to see what my reactions will be to the Wartenberg pinwheels as they are driven over the souls of my feet, then up my legs, across my thighs and my butt before sending some time on my balls, shaft and then a gay man’s sweet spot my hole. I like the prickly feeling on my legs and thighs, it’s a pain-pleasure on my balls and bag, especially when it's pulled taut, but it hurts my hole. I buck, which I guess amuses my abuser because the wheel is moved faster and pressed harder when I respond by trying to get away. This is followed by a butt paddling, which feels like it has provided me with some color on my cheeks, but nothing severe or lasting.

I again have someone at my face. I initially thought, oh he’s here for me to finish the job I stopped because of my gagging. I open my mouth and slide out my tongue. But I instantly know I am wrong after a dick is pushed into my mouth and I close my lips around the shaft. I am horrified as I think this is the dick that was just in my ass. Oh God, please, did he wash it off? I know Master made me clean twice today and I know it’s for the most part safe and I had my tongue in Sir Michael’s butt hole last night, but I know I don’t want this. All this went down in my head in a second. So fast that I’m sure my reaction wasn’t even evident. But I also noticed almost just as quickly that there was no unpleasant taste, in fact there was a distinct clean taste as my tongue touched the head and shaft and I relaxed. He has cleaned himself and I began to do my function as a submissive, sexually servicing my Dominant guests as that pleases him and is required by contract. I still wonder what would have gone down if he wasn’t so clean.

I was servicing a man who knew what he liked. He manipulated and controlled the back-and-forth movement of my head in such a way, that so long as I kept my lips tightly around his shaft, my tongue on his slit and head and teeth out of the way he was going to enjoy himself. He was, as best I could tell, of average size. From the flicks I had been forced to watch the last couple of days and seeing Sir Michael up close and personal, I was getting the impression that most gay men were throat chokers. Yet now I have had two dicks in a row that were manageable. He was also good at pushing his dick in deep enough to provide pleasure without going too far and choke me. He got really close a couple of times though. In and out, back and forth, along with some side to side motions my mouth was pumped. He did the movement; I provided the sleeve via my tongue and lips and the lubrication via my plentiful salvia which I had to manage through occasional swallowing during his backward strokes.

He kept at it for some time, my jaw and tongue tired but I continued to do my best to keep contact. Then all of a sudden, I felt the grip on my head get really tight and it stopped any movement I was making, and he pushed forward, close but not too far to the back of my mouth and then he stopped any movement of his dick. I could sense a stiffness and then a pulsing of his dick head. Yes, he was ejaculating. I felt it spurting, not hard. Some going immediately in and around my throat, the rest hitting and running over my tongue. I was shocked and not sure what to do. My head wasn’t going to move, the death grip being applied made sure of that. I think I swallowed some through an involuntary gulp reflex if there is such a thing. My mind was going through its typical gyrations of denial, hate, repulsion, excitement, enjoyment and acceptance of what happened. That was because I was bound to a bench and a person had just ejaculated in my mouth. I know my open mouth was a voluntary act as there was no ring gag keeping it opened, and that I had climbed onto the bench voluntarily before I was strapped down which I didn’t resist when it happened, but if I had resisted either I would have been punished or the week’s event that I had so looked forward to would have ended. So, yes, what happened was ok.

He let my head loose, patted me on the head thanks and pulled out. He then moved back towards me and pushed his wet dick back against my now closed lips. Not sure what I was to do, I slowly opened my mouth and slid my tongue out a little. He pushed in just enough to lay his softened dick on my tongue. I didn’t do anything, and I felt him pull up on my chin and it became clear I was to close my mouth around him again. I lost myself in the mechanics of his and my actions to deflect the thoughts again rushing in and I started licking. This was what he wanted, the stereotype bondage ending step of being forced to clean off the spent penis. He was probably saying just that but with the music still blaring in my ears I couldn’t hear him. He helped by moving his dick around some and stroking the portion of his shaft that remained outside causing the last few drops to bubble out onto my tongue and then a minute later withdrew for good.

There you have it, another first for me. The first time I had had someone’s sperm in my mouth other than my own. Some of it remained across my tongue, on my inner-cheeks and in the back of my throat, the rest I had swallowed, maybe some dribbled down my lip along with my saliva as he exited.

I assume he went off to recover, I wasn’t offered that opportunity. What I was treated to was what felt like a leather strap fastened around my scrotum. No hairs to pull there. My balls are trapped away from my dick and feel unfairly separated from their friend. They are then pulled downward. Something has been attached to them and they are made to swing. It feels heavy like they have suspended weights from my balls and have put them in motion. Apparently not satisfied with the stretch, I feel the amount and pulling pressure of weight double and then increased the same again. When the swinging begins to slow the weight is put into motion again.

My attention is diverted from my balls to my butt hole as I feel a harsh cold and wet sensation poking me. It is then rubbed up and down my crack leaving a wetness that develops in a cold drip that travels down my crack and onto my swinging bag. I’m being iced. An ice cube is being rubbed over me. My body heat and the hand that holds it make the cube shrink as it journeys over my skin. Goose bumps appear as well as a chill quiver as the melting ice interacts with my warm body. The cube has shrunk to half its original size and my tormenter takes this opportunity to play hide and seek with it up my butt. It becomes my newfound pain as it melts to nothing.

My skin dries and I start to become oblivious to the pulling on my balls. Not sure how long it’s been when my music shuts off. I become alert and wait. I hear Sir Michaels voice, with the music off I can now reasonably hear my surroundings even with the buds still nestling in my ears. He says: “My guests have said it may be fun to whip you with towels like we used to do in the locker room in high school. I agree that it would be amusing to see you jump about on the bench. However, I checked our contract, and it seems you didn’t put towel whippings on any of your lists. I have voted to add it to the ‘Acceptable’ list. What say you?”

A vote, what is he talking about? Oh yeah, the contract has a clause for adding things to the list. They want to hit me with towels. Not something I want but no worse likely than all the other methods of hitting me on the list. If I say no, I’ll just get tortured some other way to amuse these guys.

I think hard, there was a special way to vote, yes, I got it. Just in time too, as Sir Michael barks out “How do you vote, Cunt?”

“Green, Yes, the Submissive agrees, Green,” I reply in my best obedient tone.

I wonder how I will be disciplined for not having it on the list. I’m sure the towel whips won’t count, that was already being done because it brought them amusement.

Mercifully, before they start whatever they have hanging from my balls is taken down. This new activity must have been discussed well before the vote as they already had three towels at the ready. I can hear them now with the music off and they are like they were back in high school as they ready their cloth weapons, winding them up, whacking the walls or maybe just whipping the air and making the ‘Crack,’ that frightful sound made when a towel is whipped.

The first blow lands soundly on my right ass cheek with the same wicked sound. The sharp discomfort that accompanies the hit matches the sound. I let out a yelp. “Quiet Cunt,” exclaims Sir Michael just before the second strike hits my second cheek and the second yelp escapes me.

I hear one of the others mutter, “Why don’t you gag that bitch?” and Sir Michael reinserts my gag. The same voice says, “Let me pump it up.” And I know this isn’t going to be good. He only gives it four, maybe five pumps which inflate the penis enough to push out my cheeks a little and extend it to the back of my mouth pushing my tongue flat. But I am ok, breathing fine, no choking, no suffering and mute. This feels very effective. It matches the taped in place big sponge in mouth gag I have tried on myself while playing at home. Pump it any more and it would be no contest and I’d likely be struggling.

The games then began in earnest, and I was hit wherever they could, first my butt, then my ballbag, my dick, my sides, my arms, even my leather covered face which produced no pain because of the thick protective leather. And I can hear their chatter. They were about three quarters through this entertainment when someone said, “Remember how much more efficient this is when the tail is wet from the shower?” and someone replied, “There’s water over there in the bowl with the ice cubes.” And my suffering increased three-fold.

They finally became bored with this, and my current agony was halted. They did explore my welts and wonder how long they may remain. They did disappear within the hour I was told.

As I laid waiting for my next adventure, Sir Michael asked if anyone wanted to have some food. They did and were told to head to the kitchen, but he first had to take the gag out as I wasn’t to be out of sight with it in. And my voice was returned, and my jaw was thankful. It is comforting to know Sir Michael continues to keep my safety at the forefront even though I am made to suffer. Hey, I signed up for this, it’s ok, all rules are being followed. And I am left bound alone, as my abusers enjoy a meal.

When the three did make their return, Sir Michael said, “The guys and I have another use for you. We want you to pleasure two of us at a time using your holes. I know you can handle a threesome; trouble is you didn’t put it on your lists. I looked and it was not there. I am a little troubled by this. In all our discussions you were expecting to be used. How could you not expect to be used by two at a time knowing you have two holes? I’m voting yes to add as an addendum to your ‘Acceptable’ list. What say you?”

I know there is no choice here and I don’t think I am distressed about this, as what is the difference if they attack my holes one by one or both at the same time? “Green, Yes, the Submissive agrees, Green.”

The double penetration was the last activity for me on the bench this night. My butt hole was the first to be entered which I think was best. If it had been an overly rough entry, I might have bit down on a dick in my mouth due to my newness to both tasks. I believe the one fucking my butt now was the one that cummed in my mouth. I don’t know how arousing this evening’s events are to him, but he is hard which means he has made a comeback in slightly less than two hours, I think. His entry and now strokes are done with the finesse and skill of an accomplished top. He has applied ample lube, I think it’s Sir Michael’s coconut stuff, so he glides effortlessly along my path as he drives into me and out.

Once he gets a rhythm going it is time for his partner to be pleasured orally. He told me to open, and I let him in. He fucks my mouth differently than his buddy. Not bad, just different. He gives me instructions as what he wants, and I comply as best I can. The action behind me provides for some forward and back body and head movement that the bonds don’t stop. That action at times is out of sync with the forward movements of the dick in my mouth. This leads to the occasional gag. He pulls back each time out of my accidently entered throat, but I’m afforded no stand-down time as he continues his oral assault. I am learning how to control my gagging the hard way. I know if I could conquer deepthroating my Dominant would be very delighted with me. It won’t be today, but I’m improving. The work me a while when I hear one say switch.

My horror is back. They both pull out together and move to switch, I feel someone touching my butt hole, he is adding lube. He must have added some to his dick and stroked it for a minute to make it hard because it certainly is harder than it was when it left my mouth, it takes a little effort, but he gets in me and starts to enjoy my tight ass. At least that is what he is calling out. It is not him that I am concerned about. It is the dick that was just in my butt that is headed for my mouth. Oh, please wash it first. I dare not call this out, but I am ready to say Yellow.

But something familiar is touching my lips and I hear Sir Michael say to me, “Cunt open your mouth wide for me.” The anxiety that just consumed me, fades as quickly as it came, and I take Sir in. I can tell relatively easily that he is here just to keep the threesome going.

He asks for me to lick his shaft and his head and to close my lips along his shaft and he slides in and out, but he is not trying to pleasure himself. He wants my 100% attention when I am doing him. I have someone in my butt that he knows will divert at least some of my attention. And he wants me serving his guest to the best of my ability. Apparently in the gay world not every entry is planned to end in orgasm. If they did, each sexual get-together would end way too soon. So, after they both have obtained a reasonable time of pleasurable sensations, they extract themselves from my holes. I am left alone while they all do a light clean up and relieve themselves.

When they return, I consider asking how I did, but I dare not. Contract says no. I understand the skills needed to deliver a good blow job, being on the receiving end at home, but other than being stretched enough to let a visitor in and trying to clench your butt after they are in to grip them, I’m not sure what else there is to do in being a bottom. At least I haven’t been taught anymore yet. Stretching lessons were what were paramount to Sir Michael. And my butt proved to be useful without tearing by his guests. I know I’m not ready for Sir Michael or he would have been the first to top me.

I am released from the binds of the bench and helped down, although my hood remains in place with the blindfold attached. I am to hear, but not see my assailants. I’m asked as I am guided out to the atrium, “Are you ready for Round Two?”

Chapter 13: Paying my Poll Taxes

Late Tuesday evening. The first thing I notice as they take me through the sliding door to outside is that it is cool. The sun has been down for some time. I have no idea how late it is, but I assume it is late evening. I know Sir Michael host’s events well into the night. I’m not sure where we are headed as it could just be here in the atrium or to the dungeon. I can and have been bound and/or tortured in either place. It could also be planned for me to serve as entertainment for them in other ways. I’m guessing the atrium is my destination due to the prep work that I was required to do in the space this morning. I prove myself right as I am moved to what I guess is the center of the deck, just where I know a rope waits at the ready for me.

Being able to hear the fellas talking is not a gift. Hearing what is to transpire before it happens to you raises the stress level as you wait. I hear Sir Michael talking about the cuffs being attached to my wrists. He says he borrowed these ‘suspension cuffs’ from ‘Joe,’ whoever that is. Suspension cuffs are made to allow a victim to be pulled up off the ground without damaging their wrists.

‘Off the ground’ is not something I want to experience at this point. What is being attached to me are fur lined cuffs that surround my wrist then rise up through my hands with what feels like thick leather straps. I can feel two heavy and wide buckle straps around each wrist being fastened. My arms are then pulled a little upward and the cuffs are attached to what I must assume is the carabiner I attached to the rope earlier. Heavy cuffs are then put around my ankles. I’m told to spread my legs wide which I do. I hear chains being moved around then feel my ankle cuffs being locked to the chains. I try to pull my legs together, but they will not close.

One of the guys asks, “Do you need the gag back in?” to which Sir answers “Yes, I’ve got neighbors. I can’t have my bitch screaming out here.”

Screaming? What the hell are they planning on doing to me? I’m told to open my mouth and the gag is put in, snapped on and pumped up till my mouth is full and I am soundly muffled. Then someone says, “he’s ready” and my arms start to rise in front of me, then up into the sky, my hands are side by side above my head. The rope is still effortlessly pulling me up till my just feet start to leave the ground, they stop pulling up when I am standing on the base of my toe pads with my ankles still held spread wide. I am in a classic taut suspension position with just my toes touching the ground and my arms carrying most of my body weight. I struggle with the position, but I am still touching which is way better than completely hanging from my wrists, the straining toes take their share of my weight.

“His silhouette looks so pretty with your deck lighting.” The boys seem to be settling in on the deck, likely each sitting on the deck chairs there. And they are chatting about all kinds of things. I am often the subject as Sir Michael talks about what has been done to me so far this week. Part of the conversation included what toys I brought with me. One that intrigued one of the guys was my Lovense vibrators. He said he loved to see what it does to me and as a result my larger one was lubed up and pushed unceremoniously into my butt hole. They spent a good fifteen minutes running through different vibration routines I had downloaded on my phone having a great time watching my reactions. It's nice to have a good feeling down there following some of the previous use that has occurred in my butt. The feeling got even better when somebody kneeled in front of me, fondled my balls and began to suck me off. Not to the point of climax, but I did worry about it happening and the potential associated discipline. He was good at his craft and knew when to back off. When he got up from me, I heard him say to the others, “He’s very nice, I may go back later. You got another Coke?” Eventually they got bored of watching me and switched to other conversations, but the plug stayed on running a very arousing program.

From the conversations and other sounds, tonight was to them nothing more than a bunch of gay friends getting together for socializing and a little sex. This time there just happened to be a bound straight guy hanging from the ceiling for them to be entertained by if they wanted. During one of their general conversations, I hear one of the guys ask, “Mike you still got that sling hanging in your garage?” Upon hearing a yes response the group started to move to the dungeon.

“Let him down so he is flat on his feet,” Sir Michael says, and I was lowered a couple of inches and then my gag was removed. Then I was left by myself, the vibrator still churning away. They return in what I guess was twenty minutes. Boys will play.

They are back to socializing. I listened to another conversation where Sir Michael was describing my sleeping arrangements, that being that I slept in his shower stall with chastity on and my wrists bound in front of me with a wool blanket and small pillow. One of the guys commented, “You let him have a blanket? Then what’s the point in having sleep on the tile?” An ‘oh crap’ shiver went down my spine as I thought that remark may come back to haunt me.

Another conversation involves the pillory which they saw while in the dungeon. Sir Michael went on and on what a good cunt I was will patiently waiting for his business to conclude. My good behavior was in part due to the spikes pressing into my manhood and ball sack. Their interest was piqued by that, and they wanted to see it and after handling the device they wanted to see what the reaction was from the submissive, when it was tightened down. So, I was adorned twice this day with a steel cylinder lined with 28 points jabbing me in the dick. This time Sir placed it near the head of my dick instead of the base of my shaft. This lower position and no video stimulation caused my dick to hang down with its added weight.

Even flat footed, muscle fatigue had long set in from my stretched hanging position and side show entertainment for the boys. It must be noticeable, as one of the guys says, “Your bitch looks like he’s ready, should we start?”

“Works for me,” is the reply from someone, I know it wasn’t me. “Let’s get started, the evening activities so far have just been an appetizer.”

I found out soon enough what they planned to ‘start’ and why I needed the gag which was put back in my mouth and pumped.

“Take him up.”

I’m first raised back up on my toes. I didn’t see them but when I felt them hit me, I knew I was being struck by the multiple strands of a leather flogger, no make that two floggers. I am defenseless from the attack and perfectly positioned to sustain flawless hits. They are not whipping me full force as there isn’t a need.

Most are light to moderate strikes continuously being applied in repetition, first a hit to my chest, striking my right nipple, then a hit to my back between my shoulder blades, next a hit to my left chest at the nipple and ending the cycle with the whip swinging in from behind and between my legs so that it’s swing assaults the underside of my butt, balls and dick. Again and again, not hard, but constant. It stings.

They are looking for my breaking point, even though they are delivering light hits, it does take a little time for me to cry out a very gag-muffled, “Yellow, please, Yellow,” but it does come. They had been listening for my call out and as soon as they heard it, stopped. Someone comes up to me and soothingly rubs my nipples and balls. A few minutes pass before my breathing and heart rate comes down and the subsiding pain levels out in the pain-pleasure realm.

“How are you doing?” Sir Michael asks.

I think for a second or two and reply as best I can through the gag, “Green.”

“Are you OK to go again?”


And within a few seconds my body is again lit up. The same low velocity hits, but because of the repetition the effects become intense even though the individual hits are not severe ones. I am having trouble understanding this, but I am determined to bear as much of this as I can. I suck in air and hold my breath. And I do better in that I lasted longer, but when I again hit the endurance wall, through the gag I holler “Yellow” and they immediately stop.

I’m given the time I need to recover which takes longer this time as my privates and thighs are aching. The Green questioning again occurs, and we are back to the assault. This goes on for four rotations. Upon the end of the fourth round, when they stop after a begged yellow, I hear “OK he has paid his penance to you, drop him back down,” And I am lower down so that my feet are flat on the ground, but my arms are still fully extended vertical. The gag is deflated.


“Cunt, my friends came here tonight to be entertained and serviced by you because you wanted to be subservient to me and my friends. When they needed to seek your approval to be pleasured by you in a manner that they wanted it required us to ask your permission. My friends and certainly me, your Dominant, should never have been put in that position, it was embarrassing to me and them. If you simply had the forethought to put those items on your lists before signing your servitude contract this all could have been avoided. I’m not required to tell you why you were punished but I want to. You received Round One for me conducting a vote on towels. You received Round Two for me having to have a vote on a threesome. Rounds Three and Four were one each for embarrassing each of my two good buddies.”

Now I’m not stupid, I know the speech, the punishment and the two requests requiring votes are bogus. This was contrived to make my experience what I wanted it to be. An orchestrated and staged performance all for me. I’m sure the plan goes all the way back to when he put the ‘voting requirements’ into the contract weeks before I came. I’m sure some of this was improvised tonight as they went along, but that speech, it sounded like he had a script he was reading from. Bless his heart.

The evening goes on. Nothing more severe happens for a while. Gay guys apparently like to pull and twist nipples as an amusement as mine were often manhandled in such a way as they would pass by me. I’m not clear in my mind when they did it, but sometime while I was hanging, my nipples were treated to a pair of screw down nipple clips. I could feel the chain that connected them to each other dangling down and touching my chest. Every few minutes someone would screw them down a bit tighter or pull out on the chain. The slow progression tightening made the crushing of my nipples bearable, that is until they removed them about a half an hour later. The removal hurt like hell as the blood rushed back in. Their squeezing and twisting of my nipples that they felt I needed for the next two or so minutes after they came off didn’t help.

The vibrator plug was still in my hole, but it was no longer amusing me. Its battery is only good for about two hours, and I have been secured to the atrium beam and deck for much longer than that. As I hang there, I listen to all the sounds as well as the conversation. I realize I’m hungry as I hear occasionally soda or beer cans pull tops being open or someone asking to pass the pretzels. I didn’t have dinner, just that one energy bar and bottle of water before we started. By the way, those beer and soda cans are shockingly cold when they are rolled unexpectedly across the naked body of a bound and blind submissive.

The last significant torment I endured during Sir Michael’s party was also always in my master’s plans all along. One of the guests said, “He looks like he wants more torment, referring to me, shall we assist him by taking his discomfort ‘higher’? Initially, I’m not sure what they are going to do to me, but I know it is about to start as my gag is reinflated till my mouth is again full and tight with the bulging dick bulb.

With a 5:1 lift ratio it takes almost no effort to lift a load. I had been flat on my feet for a long time now so the original pain from being on my toes at the start of my outside adventure was a distant memory. In short order I would long for only that pain. I felt my wrists being pulled and I am quickly hoisted up to my toes, but it didn’t stop. My toes now lose contact with the deck. The rope block and tackle makes nearly no noise as I am lifted even further. I am raised until the chains holding my ankles become taut as well as my body and limbs. My feet point to the deck as they are pulled downward by the chains and my arms are clamped to the side of my head, held tight by the weight of my body as they are pulled upward by the rope.

It's hard to know the feeling of being suspended by one's wrists until it happens. It was far rougher than I had expected. There is tension through my shoulders and down my whole body. My breathing becomes difficult, and the mask and gag do not help the situation, limiting my ability to suck in what I need with a tight chest and ribcage. Discomfort starts first in my shoulders and migrates down my arms and goes up and down my sides. There is great pressure on my wrists as they are supporting my one-hundred-and-eighty-pound frame. There is no sway, none of the tethers have slack. Discomfort increases to the painful threshold, but not unendurable, yet.

They must have stood back to admire their work, as I hear one say. “He looks really hot suspended like that.” They don’t need to do anything to abuse me, the suspension can handle that task by itself. I think they may have sat back down as lite conversation about their plans for Friday night are discussed. I’m not really listening to what they are saying as 100% of my attention is on my hanging. I notice a cool breeze cascading over my body, yet I feel like I’m sweating. My endurance is being tested; the word yellow is forming in my mind. I feel pain in strange places not tested so far this week, like in my armpits and the back of my neck.

I begin to understand why I don’t see very many people suspended by just their wrists on BDSM websites, it’s fiercely challenging. There is an intense burning in my taut arms. I try every which way I can to move my body around, anything to lessen the deepening pain. There is flexing but no real movement. My muscles are burning. I instinctively try to look up at my wrists for a way to escape, of course seeing nothing, I am blindfolded. I try diverting my mind to any other thoughts but with my suffering, but I cannot. My respirations are getting faster and shallow. I feel like I’m losing strength yet I’m not doing anything but hanging still. I think I am going to cry. The pain is so unusual, not sharp, not in any one place, but overwhelming. Time seems to stand still. I have reached my limit, I want them to call it off, but my tormenters aren’t.

I scream “Yellow” at least my mind thinks it did. But as soon as I do I feel the tension from the chains on my ankles loosen and in a second or two my toes, then feet are on the deck. There is even slack from the rope between my wrists and the beam allowing my elbows to bend some and my shoulder drupe. Complete fatigue but also complete relief from pain. They clap, all three. What a strange response, I think. Also, apparently, they all were not sitting down because obviously someone had their hand on the feed rope and released me as soon as I called out. I found out later Sir Michael was my rope controller; he knew this would be a harsh trial and trusted only himself to have the reins. I am his best friend.

I had probably rested for about five minutes when Sir Michael asked how I was. I know I was far from completely recovered but I was feeling much better than I had been just a few minutes before. So, I replied “Green,” and almost instantly I was being re-hoisted back to the same extreme position. My mind first raced through the contract safe word rules. I thought after ‘Yellow’ I was to be asked to go on. No, that was with a ‘Red’. The combination of my ‘Yellow’, then ‘Green’ was well within the contract rules and as a result, I’m back in pain.

That little romp through the contract gave me at least a few seconds of break from flooding in emotions and torture as I was again suspended from my wrists and stretched tight by the chains holding me fast to the floor. All the sensations, discomforts, pains, breathing and hopelessness of the last hanging returned, pretty much in the same sequences and growing intensities. Only this time because my body was already drained it happened much faster.

This time when I reached my ‘let me down’ breaking point, I also knew I was done for the night, so I called out, “Red.”

I was dropped down to my feet again but the rope holding the suspension cuffs was lowered enough so my hands were at about waist height. As one person started to unbuckle my wrists another unlocked the chains from the ankle cuffs and helped me center my legs beneath me. He then took the cuffs off my ankles. Meanwhile, Sir Michael was behind me, deflating the gag and unsnapping it from my hood. The hood with its blindfold stays on so that his guests would remain anonymous to me. He then deeply rubbed my shoulders until his friends had me free of my other restraints. He guided me to the edge of a lounge chair and had me sit. He sat down behind me and delivered a needed deep tissue massage of shoulders, upper back and arms. “You have a big day tomorrow, I don’t want you all knotted up,” was his explanation to me for the kind and much appreciated treatment. In bondage pain/pleasure after the pain goes, especially if it’s been rough, your mind can treat the undertaking in different ways. For me, this was a bondage activity. And even though it had lots of pain, experiencing what suspension was really like after scouting it out in photos and films on the internet for years made it all worthwhile. I don’t want to do it again, but I'm glad I did it once.

Sir Michael got up, went inside and returned. He had my chastity device and my wrist cuffs and put them both on me. I would rather put the device on myself as he doesn’t have the same level of care that I do, and he catches my hair in the securing rings and posts that make up the base. It is less hair snagging now that part of me down there is shaved. He also doesn’t always get my penis into its plastic shaft quite right either, especially if my dick is somewhat aroused and swollen by his touch and the Calais. He locks me in. As he is doing these tasks, he is also showing the guys what he is doing and having them assist. I know I am here to be their toy for the evening, but this feels creepy, like they are having a weird baby-doll dress up party. Maybe it’s weird because I’m naked. I’m just tired.

Sir Michael then removes the lock on my hood and unbuckles the neck strap. He unties, then loosens but does not remove the hood. I still cannot see, which is what he wants. Sir Michael says to one of the other guys, “Can you take the cunt into the shower so he can go to sleep? Shut off the light and pull the door closed. Bitch can put himself to bed. And Cunt, don’t take your hood off till you hear the door close.” No big deal other than I need to pee bad and it will be pitch black in there. I’ll manage, I’ve done it a lot already this week. The door is pulled close behind me, I pull off the hood and I go pee. I then step into the shower stall feeling along the floor for my blanket and pillow, but they are not there. Son of a bitch. I had a feeling.

I stand there for a few minutes considering my options which are few. Basically, lay down on the cold tile and try to sleep or stand up all night. Can’t go sit on the toilet, Sir Michael uses it two to three times a night. If he found me on it when he enters, I may find myself hanging from the beam again. I’m used to navigating down to the floor with my hands tied in front with a blanket wrapped around me so that it protects me from the tile and covers me for the night. I can still get down, but it is shocking just how cold the walls and floor are. It’s not just cold, the bottom foot or so of the walls are still a little wet and so is the floor by the drain from an earlier shower. It could be any one of them here tonight getting ready for what they do. Nothing is comfortable, but on my side is best. But I am miserable, even shivering. I can’t sleep and I’m exhausted. Today was a challenging day and all the activities, good and bad, are swirling through my mind. I’m thinking through how I’ll get the events down in my journal tomorrow morning. I can’t stand lying down anymore and I get up and stand. I find myself leaning back as I want to sleep but the cold contact the wall makes me wide eyed again. I give up and get back down on the floor. Not long after that, someone opens the door and enters, they say “If you are awake, keep your eyes closed.” And I do. Light is shining in, but the light in my room is not turned on.

I know from some of this evening conversations I heard that they know what happens when Sir Michael pees at night and I’m deathly afraid I’ll be commanded to do the same now. But he finishes up and leaves, pulling the door shut. I’m again in the dark alone on the floor. The shivering has stopped. I think I am warming up the floor, or at least I’m tolerating it better. I still fear that hypothermia may come into play.

Still awake, I’m guessing about twenty minutes go by, maybe more when the door opens again. This time it is Sir Michael. He comes up to the edge of the shower stall and tosses my blanket at me as he says, “Here, my buddies have left. I was putting on the show for them, sorry about that. Here’s your pillow, get some sleep, tomorrow is your big day.”

Big day? What the hell was today? Not long after, I am sound asleep.

Chapter 14: A Day at the Beach

Wednesday morning. After getting my blanket and pillow back I sleep through the night. If Sir Michael had come into the bathroom to pee, I didn’t hear him, and he didn’t wake me. I think he slept in which gave me more shut eye too. And I needed it.

When we did wake, it was back to my normal routine. I’m also given two new directives, the first one unexpected, but not off the wall. I’m asked if I had pissed yet this morning. I had not because I prefer to wait until after my chastity is removed.

I say, “No Sir” and he replies “Good. On the hopper you will find a measuring cup. You are to piss in it, not in the toilet. Understand? I was talking to Dr. Ron last night and he’s concerned that you have been restrained and punished so much that you may suffer unknowingly from dehydration. He wants me to check both the color and quantity of your pee. Try to piss as much as you can.”

I’m familiar with Dr. Ron. He is a long-time gay friend of Sir Michael. They talk often and play with each other when he comes down from LA. He’s an actual MD, I think his specialty is Internal Medicine, so I know I will be unsuccessful in debating this and I can’t per the Contract anyway. So “Yes Sir” is my answer.

I am then to come to breakfast. Again, mine is limited to fiber cereal, banana, milk, and my morning pills including the 40 mg dose of Tadalafil. He wants me hard all week. “No chores this morning. I have decided you need a little break. We’re headed to the beach. Get your walking shoes and wallet and let’s go,” he says. My mind is confused though, after the bathroom pee start, I was figuring this was going to be a day of trials and pain, last night he called it ‘my big day’. I’m sent this time without chastity or a plug. This too is good news. As we drive there, I’m told that like our previous walk on Sunday, he was going to back off this morning on the heavy Dom/sub treatment, but I am to still treat him and respond to him with the respect expected from a submissive.

We go to Mission Beach. Mission Beach is a San Diego community built on a sandbar between the Pacific Ocean and Mission Bay. It’s a fantastic place for walking, jogging, swimming, and volleyball. And all of the California beach activities are there. Well, I don’t know about surfing because I didn’t see any of that, but maybe the waves were not right that day. There’s a boardwalk with all kinds of activities. It’s great. Parking, which Sir indicated could be lousy later in the day, was no problem as it was still morning and a weekday. Sir Michael suggests that we walk some of his favorite trails, then the beach, then stroll the boardwalk and catch lunch there.

Hey, I’m getting lunch today. Whatever he suggests will be what we do, remember I’m the sub, and as such I’m not part of the decision process unless told to be so. I know my place even if we are on a temporary holiday from the hardcore roleplay. We talked a lot as we walked, but not about my circumstances or plans for the week. A lot of talk was about his gay friends. He chatted about his massage business, about some of the customers he already had this week and some that were scheduled to come while I was still here. He talked about the kinks that his friends had. Many of whom I was already familiar with from our weekly chat on the phone. Each including Sir Michael had their fetishes. It’s neat that in the gay world you can enjoy them without ridicule or disgust from your friends. I guess that is why Sir Michael is accommodating and fulfilling my needs and wants.

We sat and enjoyed the local scenery as much as we walked. Sir was man watching, pointing out repeatedly who he thought was hot or would be fun to screw or blow as they walked by. This was a California beach; you didn’t need much imagination as to what these people looked like. That meant I was having a grand time too. There are plenty of good-looking women parading around. None of the women interested Sir, none of the men interested me. That didn’t stop him from constantly teasing me by saying “You want to blow him? Do you want to be screwed by him, I could ask him?” Sir Michael will always remain my best friend ‘Twisted Mike’ at heart.

The closest we got to me, and my bondage fetish was when we were sitting on a bench looking out onto the beach. He asks, “Any desire to be tied down on the beach, waiting for the tide to come in, waiting, waiting, till it rises slowly over you and covers you up with water and you, I guess, drown? Just how would you do this?”

I do know how to secure someone on a sand beach. And I tell him. “They need to be tied, spread-eagle, with long ropes going from the ankles and wrists to the attachment points. The attachments would have to be like ground anchors for dogs. You know, the metal rods that have been bent into a spiral, so they imitate a screw with a point on the starting end and a closed hook loop on the other end. They are then rotated round and round as they screw into the ground or in this case sand. While these go in easy, they do grip the sand much better than a simple rod would. This, combined with the long rope leads lying flat along the sand make it very difficult for the victim to pull themselves free as they have limited leverage against the distant anchors, so the rods stay put.”

I even confide to Sir that I have a set of these anchors in my basement as one of my recurring fantasies that will never happen is to be bound spread eagle naked in my own yard at night just this way. BUT I make it very clear that I have no death wish, and being consumed by the ocean doesn’t do anything but scare me to death. Maybe the sensation that it is happening would be a rush, but only if rescue was without question. Sir Michael is quiet for a while as he ponders my response. Or maybe he has just sighted another hot body.

We finish lunch, it is early afternoon and Sir Michael announces we should head back home and get back at it. And we do. The break is over.

Chapter 15: Gift Wrapped for a Purpose

Wednesday afternoon. “I gave you the break this morning because to me this evening will be a tough one, although as I have heard from you many times, this is your favorite bondage. I want you to reclean your butt as if you are going to be bound a long time with a plug in you and if you’re not empty, I think you’ll be unhappy. Before you do that, I want your pee in the measuring cup again as you won’t be able to go for hours, and as I said yesterday, I was told by Doctor Ron that I need to check both the color and quantity; leave it on the hopper. Get it done and report to the garage naked. Bring your phone and earbuds with you.” I comply.

I’m sure this session will be me being mummified. That is, I’m going to be tightly wrapped, hopefully head to toe in industrial plastic wrap. I was expecting this sometime this week because Sir Michael had asked me a little while back where to get the wrap. Amazon has everything. As indicated, I don’t get bound by my wife at home often, but a few times over the years it was this way and I love it the most. It is the most movement restrictive binding that I have ever experienced and it super excites me. And for some reason, I can endure this binding longer than any of the others I have tried; I’ve gone as long as four hours. I have always been let loose before I wanted to be as the wife gets bored and has concerns for my health.

I am right. I enter the dungeon and Sir Michael has placed his newly made inclined table in the center of the room. Sitting on it is a full roll of eighteen-inch-wide industrial shipping stretch wrap. It is black, not the more traditional clear; what a nice touch, how thoughtful. I am told to stand about two feet away from the table, with my back to it. I notice the two comfort fans are on, sending a gentle breeze across my shoulders, Sir Michael has made it reasonably comfortable in the dungeon. He takes my phone, asks for my password, fiddles around with it and sits it aside. He says, “Spread your legs and keep your head facing forward and your eyes closed.” I do as I’m told. I feel his hands spreading my butt and lube being applied to my hole. Then something blunt is pushed against it and with a little effort it slides in. I’m not sure what it is but going in it felt like one of the electro bullets that I play with at home except this seemed like a much bigger size than the ones I own. It’s not uncomfortable now that it has been seated but I’m very concerned that I’m now going to be shocked. Electro play can be a lot of fun with some programs and at reasonable levels and can be pure torture at high straight shock levels. My home play has always been with me adjusting the settings, but I won’t have that privilege today. I have no idea of the plans for me. I dare not ask. I’m uneasy.

“Put in your earbuds, then place your arms to your sides and keep your legs together. Music is already playing through the buds, rather loud. At least it is music I can enjoy, 70’s and 80’s. He then wraps an ACE bandage around my head, not too tightly, covering my ears and my eyes. This both takes away my sight and holds the buds secure in my ears. I can no longer see or hear what Sir Michael is doing.

He started at my chest winding around my body, capturing my arms to the sides with the wrap. The first full circle around me and my arms are already trapped, pressed against my sides. He circles again slightly moving downward, my elbows now locked against me, then around again and the forearms are captured then the hands. Down it goes. He is pulling the wrap tight with each rotation. It is smooth and cool. Tight.

I feel him now about my hips. As he circles around my butt I feel a tug from my hole. He is maneuvering the wire from the electrode in my ass, so it won’t be trapped under the plastic. As he comes around passing over my groin, I realize he has covered my dick. It is pressed against me. The wife had left it exposed so she would have something to play with, well, it’s not up to me. Down to the ankle and to the top of my feet. Then he starts to circle back up again. Interesting, my feet are still bare, I wonder if they will stay that way? Around and around, always keeping tight, adjusting the wire coming from me as he passes by. I feel great and excited. He now passes where he started and works up to my neck. It is then again back down, when we pass the chest, we are at layer three. With each succeeding layer it feels more binding and secure although I would not have been able to move much, if any, past the second wrapping. Back up we come; we are at number four. Wow. He stops again at the neck and seems to cut the roll. I feel him smooth out the final stretch like he is sealing it to the layer below it.

A few minutes passed and I stand there, careful to stay erect as I could easily lose my balance and there would be no stopping the nasty fall. I now feel him at my lips with his hand trying to spread them. I hear him speak loudly trying to overcome the music playing in my ear, “OPEN”. Oh, I get it, I’m to open my mouth and I do, not exactly understanding why but I instantly found out. My metal ring gag is pushed into my mouth past my teeth. I’m confused as to the thought, but I don’t resist. He adjusts it to his liking and buckles it behind my head. This gag is the type that extends just a bit past the teeth with side arms assisting the ring in keeping the mouth open. I have a selection of ring gags at home, who knows why, but I have found that while playing I am able to tolerate this one far longer than the others. My nervousness grows a bit when I connect the facts that I am going to be bound to a point of being completely immobile and I am now gagged with my mouth and throat accessible to all.

Again a few minutes pass and I feel him start wrapping where he had left off at my neck. He seems to be going slower as he works this wide wrap around my neck and chin forming it to my narrower contours as he goes, he makes three passes before he comes higher. I hear him again loudly talk into my ear, “Take a deep breath.”

I do and the wrap passes over my mouth and nose, pressing the gag against my face and instantly sealing off my air supply. I can tell he is now trying to work quickly as he circles this loop a second, third and fourth time around my face and head. He stops and I feel him working the roll and it seems to fall away. I am in no trouble yet, I have plenty of air in my lungs. But if he wanted to, he could really make me suffer or simply let me die as I couldn’t stop him. We all know that’s not the plan and I’m not scared at the moment, not even anxious. I wait. He quickly smooths out the wrap now on my face and I hear him say something in my right ear like “have you blown your load yet you sick cunt?” And I feel him poking at the wrap covering the center of the ring gag. He pops through and a little hole is made through the wrap. He starts cutting around the circumference of the ring as I exhale and breathe in.

I never was in trouble and the gag was a genius way of wrapping my face tightly while providing a fast and safe cutting point for getting my airway back open quickly. I am impressed with his ingenuity and foolishly less concerned about my wide-open mouth. My nose was still shut off and he went to work on punching through to them, cutting away small air passages to my nostrils. This was all accomplished while keeping my face securely wrapped. He wasn’t done yet though, and wrapping around in a variety of circle routes he made my head completely encased with plastic wrap. He then continued back down my neck, never encroaching on my opened airways, circling till he reached my chest where this all began. I faintly hear “Good enough?” He must be done.

I’m wrong. I feel him grip my two arms and again, faintly, hear him say “Shuffle back.” With his help I am able to slowly move back till I feel myself bump into what I guess is the incline table. I now feel him grip me hard behind my shoulder and reach around me grabbing me with his other arm as he pushes me over and down onto the table. I fall back. Awkward, but he gets it done, I am now laying down on the table. He pushes and pulls me, getting me to where he wants me on his platform.

Next, I feel him at my groin, he’s pulling and lifting up the wrap. I feel the coldness of a pair of scissors cutting away the plastic. I hope he’s using the medical safety sheers I brought with me, I can’t remember if I gave them to him. I’m not really interested in being cut down there. He cuts some, then pushes away the wrap and tries to pull out my dick. He needs to cut some more, does and again attempts to pull out my dick. He cuts around a little more and with some more pulling he extracts both my dick and balls through a hole just large enough to let them escape but small enough to grip around their base. I can’t see but they feel like they are being prominently displayed where they can be fully abused and tortured. I hope that is not the plan.

A short time later I felt something again pressing on my chest. This is Sir Michael putting on more wrap. After about two passes I figured out what he was doing. I am being secured to the table. The wrap goes over me then under the tabletop and back up over me again. It’s being pulled tight just as the previous body wrapping. He takes a path all the way down to my feet then back up again leaving my package uncovered this time. He passes the chest up to the neck and back down again to the feet. And it feels like the roll is cut free and the end tucked in. Now he is back up at my head. He lifts it up slightly and slips what I guess to be a small rolled up towel under my neck and a second flat towel under my head and I am lowered back down. I barely hear him speak when he says: “Take a deep breath” into my left ear and I feel the wrap go around my head and over my mouth pulling my head tight to the tabletop. I can tell by the downward pull of the wrap that is holding my head that it is being secured to the narrow extension of the table. Two, three, four more times he goes around the table and the area covering my mouth and nose before moving a little further up my head then back down in a crisscross fashion down to and around my neck. These extra revolutions cause a longer delay this time before he cuts my mouth and nose openings free of wrap, but I was fine. No oxygen deprivation.

Now he’s done. I attempt to move. I can’t move anything but my toes. From my feet to my head, I am affixed to the table. I can not move my arms, my hands, even my fingers. I try my legs, absolutely no movement. Flex my feet and only my toes can wiggle. Swivel my hips, no. Can’t twist my neck, cannot make my head rise or even turn side to side, it is fixed in place. I knew from my previous wrappings at home to keep my lungs full of air when being wrapped so you don’t lose or overly restrict the ability to have the chest rise and fall. While it is restricted some, my breathing is not labored, I’ll be fine with the breathing. I know to some this would be intolerable, to me this is super. Of course, I am speaking to the method of how I am bound and how it feels on my body and how it feels in my mind. What happens to me while I am completely vulnerable remains to be seen. I’m already concerned about the toy hiding in my butt.

I feel a pat on my shoulder and then nothing. Music is playing in my ears blocking out all other sounds. I cannot see. I cannot move. All one can do is ponder the world, one’s predicament, daydream and fantasize, maybe sleep, and wait. And I do. There is no choice in the matter. Every few minutes you run a mental body check. My only real concern long term is my jaw that is held open by the metal gag. It’s not an overly wide ring so I’m not stretched too wide open. It may even be a safety feature as I’m not sure if Sir Michael’s member can fit through it. Other risks are head tension and neck cramping as my head has been immobilized quite well and to accomplish that it is tightly held. Swallowing with a ring gag is also a bit more challenging, but with the incline plane it is much easier than if I were flat. I know the longest I’ve been wrapped before was four hours. I expect with all the effort from building the table, buying the wrap, to binding me down, I will likely be here till late this evening. I’ll be setting a new endurance record for myself. BTW, this ended up being an accurate prediction.

I have no way of keeping track of time. I lay here for what seemed like hours. Waiting, waiting, waiting for something to happen. Fantasizing about all kinds of things that could be done to me. And finally wishing they would happen soon, no matter how harsh, just to break the monotony. You listen to your breathing. You flex your muscles regularly just to feel the plastic pushing back. Reminding yourself that you have no control, just like you asked. It is both an amazing feeling and a frustrating feeling. And I loved it. Probably having the best time so far this week. I was like a gift at Christmas, a beautifully wrapped package waiting under the tree for someone to come play with me. All I need is a bow, maybe I have one, can’t see, don’t know.

After the week was over and we were out of our roles, Sir Michael briefed me on many items that occurred to me during the week that because of the methods of bondage and isolation used on me, I was not aware of the details. Turns out this solitude part of this session lasted exactly two- and one-half hours. He also said another fun fact is that all the different events that occurred during this particular session involving the wrap were the first ideas that he visualized when we began chatting about a dominant submissive meeting knowing of my fondness for this particular restrictive bondage coupled with his first thoughts of discipline he knew.

When he started working on the contract, he wrote the following section knowing he planned to do this to me: ‘All listed bound positions can be combined with sexual or torture/discipline activities OR the Submissive can be left bound with no active attention so he may suffer in bondage solitude while contemplating his current servitude and life. Such idle bondage periods allow the Dominant time to amuse and excite himself or tend to personal needs/work/hobbies as Dominant cannot and should not be expected to give 100% of his attention to the lowly Submissive.’ By the end of the night, Sir punched the ticket on every aspect of this contract section.

For the record, I had no objection to the section when I signed, and I don’t know. He reported that he did spend some time in the room with me while I was in solitude but that he also had one of those baby monitors with a camera pointed at me so he could watch me from his bedroom while at his desk. Although I was unaware of the baby monitor, it was used throughout the week to always keep an eye on me.

And I am still laying here in complete isolation and helplessness. Then, suddenly without warning the solitude is interrupted. What was that? Something is happening. It’s my butt. I’m getting buzzed. Its building inside of me, slowly, oh, oh, oh, now it is going down again, no its building ohhhhh, its buzzing. My body instinctively tries to push up, but I am held fast to the table, now it’s really getting intense, my hips are jerking my dick is bouncing, ohhhh, wait, it is going down, I’m still buzzing, now it's back up, oh, too intense, a little pain, now it’s gone, pain back, body jumping inside, outside is held fast, vibration, gyration of my rectal muscles clenching the hardness in my butt then letting go, grabbing at it again and again, pain, pleasure, pain, pleasure, mind in euphoria, gasping for breath, its going down, down buzz, now going up again, another cycle pain pleasure, more pleasure, pain again, not too much, now more, pricking, buzzing again, muscles convulsing, cramping, loosing up again, pain, buzzing. Oh God this is wonderful, balls are tingling, straining, now stinging, muscles relaxed and immediately tenses again back and forth, straining at my bonds, heart pounding, slowly going away, here it goes again, will it ever stop, I can’t take this, oh, oh, oh, pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, there’s the pain, oh muscles straining again, clenching, oh my butt, oh my, oh my, I have trouble catching my breath, and in an instant it’s gone, now I’m fine, just a little trembling but the weapon has silenced itself.

Not sure how long that lasted, seemed like about a minute. I hear nothing, I feel nothing. I lay there motionless in my limbs, but my mid-section is still swirling some, trying to settle down. Calm. Breathing now under control. Resting.

I wait. Maybe three minutes, and then buzz, mid body in motion again. Seems like the same cycle, it’s a crazy pain-pleasure rattling that is attacking my body, it is a rapture bordering on unpleasant discomfort. After another minute, it stops again. Recovery. I seem to rest a little longer this time before it starts again. This time I’m not sure it is exactly the identical pattern, but it is very close with the same effects being delivered. And it’s done.

I rest, but not as long as I did before. And then my body is shaking again, vibrating, gyrating yet unable to go anywhere. I am held fast by the unyielding bonds fighting against my flexing muscles and easily winning the war, I have no control. My eyes are squeezed shut even though I can’t see from my blindfold. My heart is racing, my respiration is fast. My mind begs please stop, no don’t, yes please.

This is Heaven and Hell. From my open mouth gag comes only groans. I don’t think I could form real words and would be punished if I did. Is this punishment? It can’t be punishment if it also feels so fantastic, yet it isn’t, I’m confused, there is ecstasy and pain so intermixed. I’ve heard of bondage-pain sluts, is this what it’s all about? Is this what they love? I’m saved by the gag, as even though it’s open it does suppress my ability to affect coherent language. And my mind can’t do it anyway. Groans are the sound to be uttered today. The electro-egg is silent again. Even though its off, my internal trembling and hyper-breathing continues for a while past the torture.

Is this torture? But it feels good too, pain, pleasure. My mind is as confused as my body is reacting. At rest, all is calm. Things become clear again. I’m sure that this last cycle was slightly more powerful than the last one, maybe slightly longer too. On it goes. Mind lost again, body doing its thing. And off. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve now been shocked/vibrated, whatever this is. I have figured out that the rest period between jolts seem to be random, and that each time they seem to be a little more intense with slightly higher and lower variations of the pain wave, and the contraction are migrating further out into the body, but the real effects are in my butt and groin. I’m sexually aroused, I think I’m hard. When I’m bearing down and pushing against my bonds I have the same feeling as one who is climaxing but I feel no pulsing from my balls so I’m pretty sure I haven’t.

I have no idea how long this treatment lasted. I was told later in Sir Michael’s phone debriefs that an hour was planned, but they quit at about forty minutes because they were concerned when I started babbling. He said they watched closely both during every moment of the energy application and during the rest periods and were ready to cut me free should anything go sour. Safety first. He did say it was fun to watch and he was sure I was going to piss myself, but I didn’t.

I feel something in my mouth then a wetness on my tongue. A dribble of water is being poured in, slowly squirted in my mouth. It is done gradually and carefully so I can swallow. I’m being hydrated. It seems like a decanter with a spout is being used. I imagine it is like the ones we used in chemistry class. It works, I get a good drink. I needed it. Hope it doesn’t make me need to pee, nothing I can do if I do.

I rested bound tight for what I think was another thirty minutes or so when I was startled by my dick being handled. Something was being attached, felt like bands being tightened around my member. One band was being placed just behind and pulled tight around the head of my dick and one also tightened around the throat of my ball sack. Next, I felt something pulling and poking the wrap near my chest nipples. A hole was being cut around my right nipple and then the left. My now exposed nipples were then grabbed, pinch and twisted. It hurt. I immediately felt something being pushed against my right nip and it being uncomfortably pulled up. I couldn’t see it, but my nipple was being sucked into one of those hand pump nipple tubes. I could feel the tube being disconnected then it was wiggled, sending pain across my boob. The left nipple then received the same treatment.

At rest again. Maybe only about five minutes this time when WHAM. Tremendous pain exploded in my butt. My legs butt and back all strained against my bonds that would not yield. It lasted maybe for a four-count then stopped. I know I yelled out. I laid there. A minute or so later, WHAM, my ass again. Unbelievable pain, it felt worse than the first. I screamed. I press hard against my bonds. A four-count and it’s gone. I hate this. It hurts so bad when it happens, yet I find that very quickly after the pain is gone. Can I get through this? WHACK, my balls are lit up, I thought the butt pain was bad, this is worse. I scream again but this time a hand is pushed over my mouth silencing the sound. After about four seconds, it is over, my body falls back down from pushing upward and the hand is removed. A minute later, WHACK in the balls again. A scream and a hand over the mouth. Body tensed, power off body and dick relax hand taken away. It’s like someone is hitting me with a baseball bat right in the nuts, yet about ten seconds later, I’m good again. Then WHACK/WHAM, both my balls and dick and my ass simultaneously. Twice the shock, twice the pain. And that time maybe a little longer, a six count? And this one takes a little longer to go away. I feel tears flowing out of my eyes wetting the ACE bandage. I lay there.

I am not happy this is a severe pain application, it’s a hard list item. And suddenly, my music stops. In my ear a hear tenderly said, “Did you forget about your safe words?” I call out as loud as I can “Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow!” My music comes back on. WHAM. About four seconds again, and it hurts, but it is definitely not as strong. But it still hurts more than I could ever enjoy. More than what I consider to be a two to three pain level I agreed to in the contract. “Yellow, yellow”, I yell out.

About a minute later, WHAM, another shot to my butt. My body still clenches and pushes on the bonds, but it was definitely more tolerable. Still, I call out “Yellow.” A minute later WHAM in the butt. This hurts but it is manageable. I say nothing. The pain is staying with me a little longer than before, but again manageable.

The music stops again. I hear, “Are you still with us? You, OK?”

I meekly respond, “Green” and the music returns.

We go through the same drill on the dick and ball shocks and get to a green level, that is a two to three pain level on a scale of one to five. I’m left to rest for about ten minutes where I start to drift off to sleep when I am jolted back to reality with a shock at the green level to my butt, then quickly I am then subjected to a couple of wiggles of my nipple tubes, then immediately to a green ball/dick shock, then again nipple wiggles, butt shock, wiggle, ball shock, wiggle which goes on till a series of five rounds has been completed which was just when I was going to hit the Yellow call out again.

No need, this torture seemed to be done. My music goes off again and in my ear I hear: “Don’t sleep without permission, control your outbursts, remember your safe words.” I think, are you kidding me? My balls and butt were tortured for that? Well, anything is fair if it pleasures my Dominant and whatever you do, don’t question this out loud. I wonder if I will ever become subservient enough that I never question motives, methods and severity of what my Dominant does to me. I feel the bands coming off my dick and balls and my nipple being released. My nipples at this point are the only place where I was still feeling discomfort. The pain in my privates is just a memory.

Chapter 16: Waterboarding with a Twist

I’m hydrated again, then I’m left to ponder my existence. I concentrate on listening to the great music of the 70’s, & 80’s blaring in my ears, doing all I can to stay awake as I know there is still an electro bullet in my butt. My pondering is an extended one, maybe an hour? Again, solitude is interrupted abruptly. Something slightly heavy feels like it has been laid across my face. Very little of my lips are exposed but what is now feels wet. And my breathing is immediately labored. I stick out my tongue through the gag and it meets something. I suck hard to breathe. I get a touch of wetness in my mouth and minimal air. Waterboarding! Another thing in the contract that never occurred to me would really be executed.

OK, some side information. This is something, when playing at home, I have tried. Never when being bound, but when soaking in the tub while having relations with myself I have with a soaked washcloth done it to myself. I’m an aquatics guy, not afraid of having my face in the water, who actually found this stimulation not horrifyingly frightful like those you see bound and waterboarded in porn videos. I’m going to handle this, I think.

I keep sucking at the cloth, not at all concerned, when I realize that what I am breathing in, the moisture that is penetrating my mouth, isn’t water. What is it? My nose is picking up a scent. Combined there is an instant realization. Piss. It all came back to me in a flash, the jerk collected my pee twice today. It’s cold, he at least kept it refrigerated. Again, background, in my home playing, yes, I have tasted, dare I say drank my own pee. Like it? No. Manage it, yes. I will be able to get through this, but this won’t be my favorite memory of the week.

The rag is not over my mouth for long. Off for just long enough for it to be re-saturated and put over my opening again. A little harder sucking this time as the cloth must have more pee on it. I can taste it more. I suck hard to breathe. I’m sure Sir Michael is seeing the cloth pull in and back out of the ring holding my mouth open to the abuse. It’s kept on longer this time but I’m in no trouble. It comes off and I know to fill my lungs as best I can. Then it’s back on. Not sure how many times maybe six or seven.

I’m still fine, still not liking the piss. Then I feel a balled-up cloth, wet with piss, being pushed through the ring and down into my mouth. Now I really taste the pee. I try to push it back out with my tongue, but I can’t. It must be being held. It’s in long enough till I’m close to needing a breath and it’s pulled out. A few seconds later it’s back in. When it’s retracted this time, it is squeezed and drips of pee fall into my mouth. Enough that my swallow reflex occurs, and I swallow what is there. The rag must have been re-dipped in whatever container was holding my pee, as I got a second round of pee drips in my mouth. It’s a greater quantity this time and I swallow again.

Probably about thirty seconds go by when I feel something cold touching the side of my mouth and then a second or two later I have something, my pee, dribble into my mouth. My immediate and somewhat involuntary instinct is to close my mouth. I try hard, but obviously I can’t. There is now enough pee in my mouth that I must swallow or I’ll be in jeopardy. I do with some difficulty as with the gag in place and the dislike of the action, it requires voluntary mental participation in the process. More is still dribbling in. They must be pouring it directly from the cup. A short break, and the rag is back on my face. The rag seems a little drier this time around. I can suck a little more air through it like the first time. It is lifted up for a quick breath and laid back down again. As I am sucking through it, I feel something leaning against my face and then the sucking gets a little more difficult, then, as I suck I feel drips coming down. It takes a few seconds, but I can sense something different. Something tastes different, but similar. No, it can’t be. No, no, no. I think this is somebody else’s pee. Are they pouring from a container or is someone pissing on me? Make that in me? It is enough that after about 15 seconds I swallow and more comes and I swallow again. My sucking is getting harder and faster as I am running out of air. This time I am pushed to my limit by the time the rag is pulled away. As soon as it is I suck in air and swallow, not sure which happens first, and I call out a very gargled “Yellow.”

Well, remember the rules for Yellow are: “The Safe word “Yellow” will be used to bring to the attention of the Dominant that the Submissive is close to his limit of endurance for the action(s) being administered and needs the Dominant to ease up, alter, and/or stop the specific activity, but not end the session or release the Submissive from his bondage.” So, with a yellow called, this session itself was not stopped, simply altered. The rag has been removed. Maybe a minute passed when I again felt something pressing against the side of my face and pushing against my gag. Then there was something resting just inside the ring. And then a short squirt of piss was discharged into my mouth. More than a dribble, but not a lot. A dick was pissing into my mouth. I certainly have had bondage abuse fantasies of this, but I never thought it would really happen to me and didn’t want it to. Again, it was on the list I had sent back that was now included in the contract, but there were lots of things on the list that I didn’t think Sir Michael would be willing to do. I was wrong. Not knowing what else I could do, there wasn’t anything else I could do, I swallowed another man’s piss. Again, a first for me.

But it wasn’t over. Another, controlled squirt, not too much, easy to handle, less than a sip, but I am now moving into a revulsion mode of the thought and didn’t want to do this. I was going to call out yellow again, but I had to swallow first. And then I felt something else that drew my attention away for a moment. Something or someone else was pressing against the other side of my face. Now my mind instantly switched to: there is someone else here, who are they, how long have they been here? Are these the guys from last night or someone new?

Then my mind was pulled back to the present. I quickly learned why two were now leaning into me as two distinct piss squirts came into my mouth. Just for a few seconds, maybe more, maybe five seconds. Not strong streams, just heavy dribbles, but with two light flows my mouth was filling quickly. I initially resisted swallowing, so the pee was flowing down to the back of my throat and then filling back up over my tongue. I then felt both of them step back. I hope they are done, can’t see and can’t feel them. Surprise that it both started and ended with two of them so fast, I guess they were just establishing their dominance over me because likely if they wanted to, I could be drowning in piss about now. They had just discharged a small amount compared to what a bladder holds. My mind is racing, my mouth is probably a quarter full. With my inclined position none is dribbling out, I’m keeping my swallow reflex under control effectively keeping anything going down my throat, my tongue tries to push the piss out to no avail. This action just bathes my tastebuds in the pool. All I can do is swallow which I consciously do slowly, so I don’t choke. And down it goes.

I have just drunk the pee of two people, three if you count me. I am not happy. I am not in a state of subservient euphoria, I am in a state of denial and repulsion. I now have a bitter, sour taste in my mouth. Not what you would call pleasant, not awful either. And the taste lingers. I am concerned that my stomach will revolt. It didn’t. And I lay here securely bound and mentally and physically exhausted. The mind is spinning. My mouth pain and head strain are back to my attention. I refocus, I concentrate on how I am bound, how complete it is and how good it feels to not be able to move at all. I like my helplessness in it, I think about my mouth being unable to close, the vulnerability of that, and the risk anyone could attack it and how that excites me. Then I connect that somebody did just that in a way that I had previously fantasized. My disposition changes to acceptance then contentment sets in. Hey, I was just forced to take piss from two guys. Cool. Never want to do that again. I started thinking that maybe I should call an end to this session. But wait, something new is happening.

Chapter 17: An Involuntary Depository

There was activity happening around my head again. Are they going to piss in me again? Put a dick in my mouth? Make me blow them? My head is only about three feet off the floor. There is definitely activity above me, and it feels like it’s beside me too. What is going on above me? I try to concentrate on it. I try to listen but the music still drums out the sounds around me. Occasionally something brushes up against my head, I’m getting jostled and bumped by whatever is happening. It goes on for a while.

Now, every so often something wet seems to land in my mouth. The taste is undefinable as my mouth still has the stronger pee taste in it. There is a slight scent of sweaty bodies around me. It must be ten minutes that go by when I feel what was leaning on my right side move away and what was on my left leans in and semi-presses down on my face. Then there is something falling into my mouth again.

My tongue, like an offensive lineman, does what it can to block it. I’m at a loss. For about 10 to 20 seconds, every 2 to 3 seconds apart more drops into my mouth. It’s a thick, gooey wet cream. Cream? Oh crap, it's cum. Someone has just cum in my mouth. Blow job? Did someone just get a blow job right over me? Those first drips must have been saliva, disgusting. The cum is spreading around my mouth, not sure what to do with it. Doesn’t taste exactly like mine, nor like what I got the other day, but similar. Hey, go with the flow. At least it is better than the piss taste. There is not an overabundance of it. I unintentionally rub my tongue around my mouth trying to pick up any residue from my checks and the gag. My tongue is mostly covered with it. I try to muster up some of my own saliva, use it as a rinse and I swallow. The coating still remains on my tongue. What a week.

Chapter 18: A Sounding Makes Everything All Right

I am again without attention. My mouth is really beginning to ache more than I can tolerate, my jaw muscles are cramping, and the inside of my mouth is getting rubbed raw from the ring. It’s been held open much longer than I ever have had a gag in my mouth before, too long. “Yellow,” I call out, almost unintelligently due to the gag. Sir Michael asks what’s wrong. With difficulty I communicate that I need the gag taken out. It will not be easy because they hope not to disrupt the wrap securing my head . But with a little minor creative cutting they get to the edge of the metal frame where the head strap snaps on, Sir Michael is able to unsnap it and with some tugging and pulling this device is free of my mouth. I can’t believe the relief. I am able to close my throbbing jaw. I want to massage it, but my body is bound. My head still is firmly held. Instead, I open and close my mouth numerous times. It will be sore and aching for some time. I was given a drink. I feel better. I am back to being at peace with my situation.

Just a little while passes, maybe fifteen to twenty minutes, it’s impossible to track the passage of time in this state when…oh, oh, oh, someone is playing with my dick and balls. Nice. Very nice. They are being massaged, stroked, fondled. Now what feels like lotion is being applied. My limp little man starts to respond, grow, stiffen. My response seems to cause the actions of whoever is touching me to slow a bit. I remain in a state of semi-arousal. After a few minutes I feel a hand wrap around my shaft and firmly grasp it. I think I’m about to get a hand job, but no, I feel something at my slit pushing against my dickhead while still being grasped. The next sensation is something being squeezed down my urethra. Cold, a funky feeling like I’m being plugged up. My dick is released, nothing is being pushed into me anymore, but my pee tube feels funny. I’m grasped again and I feel some being pushed against my slit, then it’s withdrawn. It happens again with a slightly different feel. Again, something cold is pushed into my slit and withdrawn. And again, the same thing happens. Then again.

While I have no experience whatsoever with whatever is happening to me, it dawns on me, ‘Sounding’. I know it too is on the list in the contract, but again it was one of those things I thought were on the list for titillation effect when reading the document. I didn’t think it would really be performed. My mind is immediately anxious, and I feel myself tensing up. The touching of my slit stops and the massaging and fondling of my dick and balls again starts. Ahhhhh, this is wonderful. I relax again, just enjoying it, hoping I won’t pop. That would surely get me in trouble. Ohhhhh. I’m semi-erect again when I feel something at my slit again. This time it is being pushed slightly harder, I feel like I am opening up, my slit feels forced yet accepting, if that makes any sense, then there’s withdrawal. More fondling and then a push again, I feel myself opening up deeper, I don’t know how to resist or push it back, not sure I want to. No pain, it’s just a new crazy sensation, pleasurable but in a weird way. I can tell whatever is going into my dick is being pushed very slowly. It's then pulled back, but not out, then slowly forward again.

My dick feels like it is getting hard, one hand seems to be pushing and pulling what feels like a hard smooth stick into me while the other glides over and around my dick and balls. Extra lotion is applied to my balls, it’s cold and slippery allowing effortless movement over them and my member. Heaven. Ohhhh. And the stick slides back out a little, then moves forward, deeper. I can’t judge the distance. Amazed there is no pain, no burning. Feels maybe a little itchy, maybe not. And I can’t move, I am completely immobile, I’m consciously straining at my bonds, I want to see, I can’t. All I can do is concentrate on the feelings. I’m going wild. I feel it again being slightly pulled back, then forward movement. A new feeling, like I’m being expanded. Like the stick is just a hair bigger than the tube, pushing its way through. But the tube seems to be easily expanding to take it. No friction on the walls, whatever was squirted in me must be working.

It is definitely an intruder, but the mind seems to be OK with it, inviting the violation. Still a feeling of coldness, not sure if the stick is cold or I’m just shivering down there from the actions taking place. No, ‘sounds’ are typically surgical steel, that must be why it’s cold. Whatever, while it feels strange, it's good, I’m having a combined feeling of anxiousness and joy. Stroking my dick and balls adds to the current bound jubilation. Further in, and further in. With every gain a little retreat, then a march forward. The stimulation is amazing. Further in it travels, goodness, how long is this thing? I think it has journeyed longer than the length of my dick. I know almost nothing about sounding, mainly it is putting a stick in your dick. The ones I see online look like elegant, sometimes straight, sometimes slightly curved, rounded pieces of steel with a small tapering bulge at the insertion end. Some have bumps, the one in me doesn’t feel like it has them. Don’t know if it is straight or curved. I seem to remember from pictures that they come in kits and are about five to seven inches long and different thicknesses. Well, I know I’m not seven inches long so that thing must be headed inside of me, not sure where it will end. Still no pain. I seem to be accepting it. My dick seems to be getting more and more erect.

It then feels like the palm of the hand that is pushing the sound is cupping around my dick head gently tapping on the sound. It must be all the way in. Still no pain. Still feels funny, exhilarating. Must be a little sticking out as I feel what seems like a finger and a thumb resting on my dick head and jiggling the rod ever so slightly up and down my tube. That causes even wilder sensations. My breath is taken away as a vibrator has been added to the mix. It is resting on the head of my dick pressing against the sound, I’m being vibrated all the way down to my balls from the inside while being masturbated outside by a master craftsman. OOOOOOhhhh wow. I’m sure I am groaning out loud, but I can’t hear myself. I only feel my vocal cord vibrating from inside. I’m now being massaged and stroked in an intensity that I have never experienced. So many sensations. I’m hard, maybe as hard as I have ever been. My thousands of nerves on my dick are being stroked, there is a smooth rod stimulating and buzzing whatever nerve endings are in my pee tube, and I have multiple days of double doses of Cialis chemically contributing its part. I’m on fire and my dick is hard, I don’t think it has ever been harder. On and on, this is incredible. I love it but it is going to make me explode and I don’t want to and there is absolutely nothing I can do, bound in place tighter than I have ever been. Harder than I have ever been.

What happens if I blow my load? Can that even happen with a rod plugging up my urethra? If it happens, I’m sure I’ll be punished, deservingly so. I know a subservient may never orgasms without permission, I’ve watched the videos, I read the stories! What do I do? If I call out, I’m a bad cunt, if I cum, I’m a bad cunt. If I call out Yellow, he stops, I surely don’t want that as I think may be the best feeling I have ever had down there. I’m screwed. This thought distraction is helping hold off my ejaculation but I’m getting close again. Oh my God, oh my God, ohhhhh myyyy god, the sound is being slid back, slowly in and out in small increments but is definitely headed outward. The stroking of my dick is increasing. The vibrator has been placed under my balls. The sound is out I think, no it's just at the tip. Too much, too much, too much stimulation, I can’t stop, I try but I can’t, I’m too late… and I feel myself having a huge ejaculation.

My dick is pulsating, the sound has been pulled out and a hand is cupping the top of my dick as another keeps stroking. This is one of the strongest climaxes in years, maybe ever. Instinctively my body tries to pull away from the hands to stop the stimulation, but I can’t move at all. My jizz is being pulsed out and I think is being collected by the hand that was on top of the head. The stoking hasn’t stopped, I’m in overload, my dick is quivering, and my whole body is shaking as I try to get away from the hand, but I can’t. My absolute ecstasy is moving toward anguish, “ohhhhhh please leave him be!” The one hand moves away from my dick head, a second later it is at my mouth, as the other continues to tease me. My cum has been harvested and now is being deposited onto my lips which I unintentionally open when they are touched. I hear faintly at my ear through the music, “Keep your mouth open or I’ll put the gag back in.” And I obey. The hand wipes the remaining cum across my lower lip and it drips into my oral opening. I hear again someone talking loudly over the music in my ear, “Lick your lips, cunt.” Again, I obey.

Like most men, I have tasted my own cum before, both after masturbating and even from licking my wife’s pussy following intercourse. It is doable, but far from my favorite meal. It coats my tongue and I do my best to try to swallow it. There is actually more than I expected, but then I have been sexually stimulated a lot over the last few days, I would expect production to be up, and I’ve never been excited like this. My attention to my mouth is quickly overcome by what is still happening down south. I am being milked, post climax masturbation. It is occurring in earnest and is extremely vexing. I can’t escape it and that I’m sure is exactly what my abuser is exploiting. I feel my dick being gripped and my dick opening again being filled with what I guess is sounding lube again.

Must be, because my urethra is soon being re-assaulted with the sound. Feels tighter. Different size? And the cycle begins again, the rod being pushed slowly inward, pulled back, then pushed forward again, deeper and deeper while the demon keeps playing with my dick and balls, massaging and stroking relentlessly. It is much harder this time to enjoy the masturbation as the body wants to shut down and rest after blowing a load. I’m not being offered that luxury. The intent of milking is to sexually abuse the victim and success is being achieved. It takes a while of being worked over, but the body begins to accept, then respond, now getting highly re-excited by the cruel stimulation. And in time, there is a second climax, certainly not with the discharge volume of the first, but what is dispersed is quickly gathered and fed to me again. The exhilaration and jubilation by the end matched the first round.

And we are at rest. The taste of ‘me’ this time has a noticeable added taste of gel which I assume is the lubricant expelled with my cum. I’m exhausted. My muscles are beat from stressing against my bondage. And my mouth and jaw hurt a lot. The aftereffects of a way too long session of being propped open. My nose is stuffed up from the pressure applied to my sinuses from the wrap stretch across my face. With my load shot, twice, my sexual arousal has been lost for the time being. It makes this rest period, assuming that is what this is not nearly as enjoyable. Fantasies are not dancing through my head. I drift off.

Chapter 19: Unwrapping an Abused and Tired Soul

I’m startled awake. The music is off. I hear Sir Michael say, “yeah, you’ve had it for the night, I’m going to let you out.” I come to find I’ve been resting for almost 40 minutes. During that time Sir Michael’s guest has departed, always to be anonymous to me.

Thankfully he starts the unveiling at my head. Using the safety medical shears, he cuts from the mouth hole towards and past my right ear and then repeats the step going the other way. He then cuts from the hole towards the top of my head all the way back to the securing tabletop. He peels back the two triangle shaped leaves. Immediate relief and I am grateful. He cuts down from the hole, passes my chin to the base of my neck, pulling apart the plastic as he goes. From the base, he turns the blades to the side till he hits the tabletop. He then goes the other way, allowing for the release of the other two flaps of pieces of plastic that hold my face and head to the board. With my head now free, he gets his hand under my neck and lifts it up a bit and it feels fantastic.

From the neck he cuts slowly down the center line of my chest, gently pulling up the binds from my skin. I have been wrapped before and I know it sticks to the skin but this stuff is attached to me like glue. I am still blindfolded so I can’t actually see it happening, but I can feel the cold edge of the scissors and its flat safety end that keeps me from being cut. And I can feel the wrap being pulled up. Hours of it being stuck to me is making this a slow process. Pulling fast will pull skin off with the plastic. Sir Michael is being extremely careful, so that this does not happen. He pulls enough open to expose my chest, but my arms are still pinned. He switches to my feet and starts cutting up towards my body. The cutting goes faster as there is a natural gap between the legs. Pulling the wrap still must continue as a slow and careful process.

The bondage was fantastic, but so is the release. The cool air from the fans is great as it evaporates the sweat steaming from my body. It’s a weird skin sensation as it is exposed to the air. The plastic sheeting from the body wrapping stays stuck to my back and arms, compressed between the tabletop and body. He pulls away the wrap that circles the table and traps me to it. That easily falls away as it isn’t in contact with my skin. He pulls the plastic still clinging to my legs wider open. Then my legs are lifted and the plastic, ever so slowly, is pulled free of my legs. I am then rotated and sat up with my legs brought down to the floor. He removes the Ace bandage from around my head and the light shocks my eyes. My one earbud falls out and the other is gently pulled free. Wow, my ears also hurt. Ear buds were never meant to be in that long. I’m also stunned that the battery charge lasted that long. I’m told to stand up which I do, but I need help as my arms are still stuck to my sides by the wrap. I’m wobbly and unsteady on my feet as I am moved away from the table. Sir Michael then gently pulls my right arm free and then my left. The plastic is still sticking to my back but soon it is completely free from me. Sad to see my cocoon go but also tremendously relieved too. “You, OK? Can you walk?” I’m queried.

“Yes Sir, sorry, I mean Green,” I reply meekly. Boy is my jaw and mouth sore. Hours too long in an open gag. I’ve had plenty of different fluids in it too, but it feels dry, with a chalky feel, which must be the cum residual.

“Go take a long hot shower.” I’m directed. I look at him a little quizzically, he smiles and says, “You did really well, my little submissive, I couldn’t be prouder of you, Now go relax in the shower.” I smile and shuffle off.

I start to worry that I may be taking too long in the shower, the hot water feels sooooo good on my aching limbs. I let the water flow for a long time into my mouth both to wash it free of the lingering tastes and to sooth the painful jaw and cheek muscles. I get out and towel myself off, walking out without clothes as I have none there.

As I exit the bathroom into the bedroom, Sir Michael says to me “Hop up onto the massage table, you deserve and need a massage.” As tender and tired as my body was, the next hour proved to be the most pleasurable and relaxing time of the week. And there was no question he was a well-trained, experienced masseuse who can loosen any muscle. He is also one who only does men, most if not all who come there for more than just treatment for tired and stressed back, arms and legs. His glorious fingers played mayhem with my rectal canal and my prostate was thoroughly massaged. My front was not to be ignored as my chest was rubbed, my nipples sucked and then in the end my penis caressed and hardened, but after the sounding I had nothing left and I never reached a climax. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t wonderful.

My rewards were not yet complete. When it was done, I was expecting to be sent to bed in my usual state, naked, hands cuffed in front together and in chastity. Instead, I was directed to get up and help him in the garage. I obeyed and helped him carry the twin mattress from the garage to the atrium where we laid it down in the center of the deck about where I had been previously bound spread eagle. “Stay here.” He heads back into the house and returns with a heavy cotton comforter style blanket and full pillow placing them on the black sheet covered mattress. He then heads back to the garage and returns with a full set of ‘irons’. These are two-inch-wide black steel cuffs. The ankle cuffs are connected to each other with a heavy black chain about 18 inches long. The wrist cuffs are arranged like the ankle cuffs. Both sets are interconnected with a third similar 24-inch-long heavy chain with a ring on each end that the cuff chains are threaded through. The cuffs are locked closed with an omega-shackle and screw-in pin that requires a special butterfly wing wrench driver designed to screw down the pin. After I’m locked in, this wrench goes in Sir Michael’s pocket. I am not getting free till he lets me. I have never been in irons before. Very medieval looking. They feel good, loose on the ankles and wrist but tight enough that they won’t slip over my hands or feet. The chains have enough length that I can move around, I can walk, but it would be a shuffle.

I’m told to lay down and go to sleep. This is fantastic. A mattress and not a cold, hard tile floor. I am dead tired, but I don’t immediately fall asleep. First off, I am outside. The colored accent lights around the perimeter of the deck set a charming mood. It’s a nice relaxing tone. The night sounds are peaceful. The irons take some adjustments as I try to find the best way to sleep comfortably with them, if that is possible. On my side seems best and the irons prove to be no inhibitor to this. I have spent enough time today flat on my back. It’s gotten cool outside with the sun down, so I cover myself with the blanket which provides sufficient warmth, get the pillow under my head and drift off thinking that this was by far the most challenging day but I got what I wanted.

Chapter 20: A Gym Workout, Then Just Sitting Around

Thursday. Sleeping on the mattress was fantastic compared to the shower stall. Even after the marathon day I had the day before I felt good, well rested. My stretching workout helped clear out some of the tight muscles I had from being wrapped so tight for so long. Thursday morning turned out to be a weigh-in day also. I walked by the scale every time I went into the bathroom and dreaded it each time I saw it. After the first weigh-in and the resulting thirty whacks I was fearful I’d be checked again. I certainly was eating lite this week, not by my own design, but I surely wasn’t going to lose three pounds in less than a week. On the scale I look down and see 181.4 pounds. I had lost just a tad more than a pound, maybe more. “What am I to do with you,” was his rhetorical sigh.

Thursday afternoon is when one of Sir Michael’s weekly customers comes, and he reminded me that I would be in the dungeon again when the client was here. Oh joy, I remember the pillory wait for clients to depart. He also had a chore list, nothing complicated. It was finished in less than two hours. Then we made another return trip to Home Depot. I must be exhibiting my servitude well without needing reminders because I traveled again this time without being told to wear my chastity or butt plug. Or maybe he just forgot. At the Home Depot he picked up an eight-foot 2x6, which he had the store cut into a five-foot piece and two 18-inch pieces, for what at the time I did not know. He also got a four-foot-long round wood closet pole used for hanging clothes.

When we got back from the store we brought the stuff into the garage. I was then instructed to head into the bedroom, strip down, neatly fold my clothes and put them in the closet and return. I did. On my return I see that Sir Michael has rolled his elliptical machine to in front of the screen. “OK you fat cunt, get on, you are going to try and lose some of that weight,” he sarcastically said. I climbed on, slightly worried about working out on this machine naked as I would have no support for my jewels which likely would swing wildly about. Turns out that would be the least of my worries. I didn’t initially even give it a thought, but Sir Michael’s devious plan was to secure me to the machine.

He did it with duct tape. He had me cup the top of the arms of the elliptical machine with the palm of my hands. With duct tape he then wrapped multiple circles over my hands and around the machine upper arms making the elliptical arms look like they were capped with silver baseballs. My feet sat flat on the footrests. A quick couple of wraps around the footrests and my feet were one with the pads. “Try it”, I’m told and as I push forward and back with my bound hand it makes a few cycles. A little bit awkward as I was used to using these machines at the gym with freedom, but this way is completely doable. I then feel Sir Michael spreading my butt as he forces into my hole what I guess is the lubed bullet I know well. I am not excited about this reunion. He fastens a belt around my waist and attaches the electro control box to it and plugs in the wire coming from my butthole. He fiddles with the setting. Again, not happy.

“Ok this is the plan, while I eat my lunch here, you’ll work out. Yeah, don’t expect lunch, fatty. When I work out on it, I try to maintain 3.5 to 4 MPH for 30 minutes. That’s one of the reasons why I weigh less than 180. So, you are to work this machine at 3.5 MPH for 30 minutes. As an incentive, any time you drop below 3.5 MPM this will happen.” Sir Michael pushes the button on the remote to the gadget strapped to my side and I get a zap in my butt. He gives me about a three second shock. Painful for the time it is applied, and it jerks damn near my whole body. “That was a three. I can make it go from one to ten. I will start at one. If you slow to below 3.5 MPH, you’ll know it. Slow a second time and you’ll know it again, but this time you’ll experience a two. Slow again, it’s a three. When we played with you the other day the worst you got was a seven and you screamed like a baby. I know you don’t want to slow down nine or ten times to find out what that feels like. Oh, and by the way, I will also add five minutes to your workout each time. Now I am going to grab my lunch and bring it back. You ponder what I just said and then you will get started.”

I stand on the machine for about ten minutes till he returns. I had snuck in a quick pre-run to see what 3.5 MPH was. I got it up to speed, it wasn’t super hard, but I wonder if I can sustain it for thirty minutes. The wait plays on my psyche as I think of electricity running through my body multiple times.

He returns, settles into his lawn chair, puts on his porn, takes a bite of his sandwich and says, “Let’s get to it, push the start button to the timer and get moving.” I didn’t do that badly, I only got four zaps, two during the first thirty minutes and two more during my penalty minutes. The number four was even tolerable, I think that’s where we hit green when I was wrapped. Probably pulling the duct tape off my arm hairs when I finished my workout was just as painful.

After my workout it was nearly time for Sir Michael’s customer to come. He had me roll the elliptical machine back to the corner where it is stored and then put the intimidating bondage chair where the machine had just been. I do as I am told but I still haven’t gotten used to doing such manual labor while naked. Especially when someone is watching me, which Sir Michael was doing now.

The chair is big and heavy. It’s made of thick wood, bigger than dimensional lumber. The seat height is a good three feet from the floor, you have to climb onto it. And its unconventional seat, made of two planks about six inches wide and 2 inches thick that jut out from the back in a V shape. When one sits on it their legs will be supported when spread wide, but there will be no seat in between their legs all the way back to their balls making them accessible. A long narrow back extends from the floor to a height of about seven feet. There are chair arms that extend from the back of the chair but come out from a point in the back wider than the legs. They are in a parallel V to the legs but in a plane further outward. The arm boards allow for forearms and wrists to be supported while secured. On the inside outer point of the leg planks are one inch round black pipes that rise out of holders in the legs, about five inches high. When a person is sat in the chair, the removable pipes are placed back in, pressing up against their widely spread inter-knees which keeps them from being able to close their legs together. The chair is elegant in its simple design but also looks menacing. It has been stained a deep brown, almost black color. It is adorned with countless connection points so the victim can be well secured in almost any way an abuser can conceive.

I’m told I’ve got about thirty minutes before his client is to arrive, so I should hit the head, get a drink of water and come back. I did and when I returned, I was told to get up on the chair. I was relieved to see that the pegged seating with its one hundred or more sharp pointed dowels rising from it remained leaning up against the wall, I don’t think I would last five minutes sitting on it. Sir Michael secures leather cuffs with the miniature locks to my ankles and wrists and locks them to rings on the chair’s legs and arms. A leather belt is then wrapped around my chest just below my nipples and is pulled tight and secure behind the back of the chair. The leg spreaders are then placed back in the holders, and I am surprised by how wide my legs are now spread, almost uncomfortable. I’m also aware of how vulnerable my privates are. Other than the spread legs I have some movement, although I am certainly not able to escape. There is no chair padding, so the seating is hard, but all in all, this is doable. One of the easier bondage positions this week.

Sir Michael then puts back on the screen the ‘girls in bondage giving blow jobs’ video and he bids me farewell, saying, “See you in about two.” And so I sat. It’s nice. I get time to think about the events of the week without any stressors to contend with and the video is, as before, fantastic. I also ponder the many ways I could be secure to the chair, it could be quite severe and the many things that could be done to me while secured, frightful and thrilling. If only my hands could reach my privates, they want attention. This ends up being one of the easiest times I have had, I don’t mind waiting for my jailer to return.

He does return and says let’s get a pizza and I’m ecstatic. I try not to show it as I don’t want him to withdraw the offer or worse yet eat it in front of me (I was just disciplined for being heavy) cause I’m starving. California pizza generally sucks in my opinion, but this was great, hot with lots of pepperoni and extra cheese. I didn’t even mind drinking water with mine, he had a cold beer.

While we were eating, Sir Michael said he had a couple of small wood projects for me after dinner. He had me clean up the dinner mess, which didn’t take much as we ate on paper plates. And I was sent to the garage. The first job was easy. He had me drill pilot holes in both ends of the closet pole we had bought and then screw an eye-hook into each of them. Next I drilled a third hole on the outside edge in the center of the pole and screwed in an eye-hook there too. We are in the middle of BDSM week, so it is obvious what he just had me build. The question was just when and how it would be used.

Sir then brought me a bowl with strips of paper in it. He told me to reach in and pick one. I did. “What is written on it?” he asked.

I read it and say, “One-half-inch.”

“OK let’s get started, just remember you picked the size.” I have no idea what he meant. He supervised me while he provided instructions on what he wanted. “First get the 2x6 we bought, the long piece.” I did. “I want you to cut a 15-degree angle down the length of the 2x6 on both sides of one edge leaving 1/2 inch of original wood on the top. In other words, I want you to create a blunt top 1/2-inch-wide point down the length of the board.”

Sir Michael owns a DeWalt compact jobsite table saw with a saw stand. This is kept folded up on one of his shelves with his other tools in the garage/dungeon. This job would be somewhat easier on a full-size table saw, but it will do. I get down the saw and set up the stand, raise up the saw blade and put it at a 15-degree angle then calculate out where the rip fence needs to be to give me a centered 1/2-inch strip after cutting away the sides. I ran the board through the saw twice creating the point. I guarantee I have never cut wood on a table saw naked. I’m a little dusty. The board met his specifications. He next had me drill pilot holes and then install an eye-hook in each of the butt ends of the plank, about one third of the way down from the top. I was told to sweep up the sawdust and put away the saw.

Then the fun began. He went over to the sling and unclipped it from the four chains and put it on a shelf. He then put cuffs on my wrists and ankles then put my new hood back on me, lacing it up and buckling the neck strap closed. He left the blindfold and gag off, at least for now. Then that damn electro bullet was slid back into my butt, with Sir Michael showing me the tube of lube he used to glide it in, a brand I know from my own play; this lube is extremely conductive.

I am then moved so I am standing between two of the four chains that are dangling from the ceiling from the sling we had taken down. He turns me so I am facing one of the chains. He then fetches the board he had me cut and brings it over to me along with the two 18-inch boards that were cut at the store. He pushes my legs a good distance apart and attaches my ankle cuffs to an expandable spreader bar. He lifts my right foot off the ground and places one of the short boards under it and then does the same to the other. He takes the five-foot board, point side up and places it between my legs, over top of the spreader bar, then raises one end and connects the eye hook with a screw link to the chain at about the level of my groin.

He goes to the other end and lifts the board up, so it contacts my body just at the underside of my scrotum and attaches that end’s eye hook to the other chain. He goes to the other side and adjusts its level on the chain, then back to the side to make adjustment moving up or down a link till he has the point resting against the under-side of my scrotum and level across the top. Satisfied, he then screwed the screw links closed. He then pulls up one foot then the other removing the planks from under my feet. That causes my body weight to crush my ball sack and ass crack down onto the blunt point I made just a short while ago. To relieve the ache, I lift up onto my toes, so I am just off the board. I know what lies in store for me as I have just been put on a rudimentary but effective ‘BDSM riding horse’. But he is not done with me yet. He lifts my right arm up behind my back tilting me slightly forward and secures the cuff to the rear chain. That action slides me back just a bit over the board. The same attachment is then done to my left cuff. He tugs and twists my one nipple between his forefinger and thumb and pulls it forward as he squeezes down a screw-down style alligator clamp screwing it down tight. He tugs on it to make sure its bite on me will not come loose. He then does the same to my other nipple. He then ties a piece of string to the end of each clip and threads the other end of the string through the front chain pulling on both strings till my nipples are stretched unnaturally forward and they are tied off. He connects my bullet wire to the control box. “It won’t be long till you are whimpering, and I’m not interested in listening to it, so open your mouth,” and he seals my mouth off with the inflatable penis gag. And why not, he also snaps on the blindfold.

I make a quick assessment, I am up on my toes and my caves are tiring, but they are holding. My arms are uncomfortably pulled behind me, this arm position is tougher on a man’s shoulders than it is for a female, it’s just muscular anatomy. My nipples hurt due to the pinching, and the yanking isn’t helping either. I last probably a good six or seven minutes till my legs give out and I try my best to slowly set down on the point to allow my caves to rest. Ow, ow, ow, ow. Not pleasant, not at all. I truly wish I didn’t weigh 180 pounds as it is now crushing my ball-sack onto the blunt point I made. That really does play with the mind. It’s not excruciatingly painful, but it’s no picnic either. I can sit only about three minutes before I must rise back on my toes. There I last this time maybe four minutes before I must put myself back down on the point. Two minutes or so later I am back up. It’s not long before I am back down. And that’s riding the horse. It’s a devious torture device that works perfectly. I hear Sir Michael call out, “Giddy up, Bitch, giddy up.”

I don’t know how long I was riding when Sir Michael needed more entertainment. It started slow, but there was that electro buzzing in my butt. The first inclination was sheer panic, oh no, he’s not going to start shocking me, I am already suffering. But that wasn’t his plan or desire. What he was planning was not extreme pain, but it was just devious and rough. He had put on a similar program as the very first one he used when I was mummified. The super pain-pleasure ecstasy, bliss, convulsing spasming, jerking program. It can be wonderfully sensually painful if just simply bound, unable to resist it, but able to just absorb and enjoy it.

I’m doing all I can to stay off a sharp board thats only purpose is to bring pain to my balls and ass crack. Now shock me into uncontrolled ecstasy and the result is me rapidly and uncontrollably rising from and crashing back down on the point, time and time again, because my body is being zapped into convulsions it cannot control. Excruciating, painful and wonderful at the same time. The ultimate pain-pleasure experience. He set up a timer, the program electrifies my muscles for one minute then shut off randomly from one minute to three minutes before turning back on. He’s the Devil. All these years and I never knew.

As I was made to dance on and over the horse, I eventually unintentionally ripped otf the nipple clamps, one at a time. I know Sir Michael was close by watching me as each time my nipples were violently released, he was there seconds later to pull and twist them as the blood flowed back into them, involuntarily forcing me try to pull and twist away from his hand, scrapping my tender aching butt and sack across the board that would then sway back and forth on the chains but being incapable of yielding height.

I’m not sure how long I was subjected to this. Both my mind and body were in shambles by the time he released me. I know I just laid on the concrete garage floor, as I recovered, all restraints removed, but with the bullet still within me as I was too sensitive to pull it out. As I lie there, I notice Sir Michael had retrieved the mattress that was returned to the garage after last night use, and moved it out toward the atrium. I could only hope. He comes back, puts me in the irons, helps me up and walks me through the atrium and into the bedroom where he has placed the mattress on the floor against the wall. He sends me to the bathroom where I extract the toy, wash it down, then I pee and return to the bedroom where I am asked, “Go lay down and go to sleep. Would like my earbuds? I’m gone to watch my boys for a while.” I graciously accept and I drift off listening to tunes of the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Actually, today wasn’t a horrific day.

Chapter 21: Final Exam

Friday. Today my morning routine was modified. I was to eat my breakfast and take my meds first. Then stretch. And then take care of my teeth, shaving etc. I was to do everything except shower; however, I was to still do my internal wash out, with using the hand douche bottle and that was to be done last. I could clean out the shower stall with the shower head but not me. I used the douche bottle the best I could to rinse myself. When done I was to come out to the atrium naked. I did as I was told.

I went outside and found Sir Michael sitting on his lawn chair. I noticed that the rope and hook was still hanging down from the ceiling but now had the wood closet pole I worked on yesterday hanging from the carabiner connected to the center eye hook. I then noticed the bucket I used to wash his Jeep earlier this week on the deck beside his lounge chair. Sticking out of the bucket was the long wood handle tire brush I used to scrub his tires.

Knowing that at minimum I was to be secured to the rope again, I walked to it and waited. Sir Michael got and went to work putting cuffs on me. These were not the leather ones we used all week, but rather a nylon webbing type that secured with Velcro. My wrists were done first. The wrist cuff was applied then attached to the end eye hooks of the pole. Then my ankles were cuffed. These were attached to the chains and eye hooks in where I had been held to the deck before, when I hung from this rope. This time I wasn’t spread quite as wide. I was facing the front wall of the atrium so I could see him pull the rope of the pulley system, effortlessly raising my arms that were spread wide by the pole to which they were attached. He pulled the rope until my arms were fully extended over my head somewhat taut to the sky but with my feet flat to the deck. I was in a standing spread eagle.

I knew what was coming. And a minute later I was hit by the straight stream of his garden hose. Initially the water was warm, but soon turned cold after the sun-warmed water in the hose was depleted. I was squirted thoroughly, front and back, then underneath. He pressed the nozzle into the door of my hole, shooting a short blast into where I had just cleaned. It hurt as much as it was a shock. He then filled the bucket about halfway from the hose. He must have previously put in some liquid soap as the bucket now had a foamy head. I was then scrubbed from my toes to the top of my head with the tire brush. He took special care to make sure my nipples, balls, dick and butt were sparkling clean. Then a thorough rinsing followed. He turned off the water, rolled up his hose and put his bucket and brush away in the garage. Then it was back into the house to get on with his day. I was left there to drip dry, an activity right off the list in the contract.

It is just midmorning. Sun is out and bright but is just warm out, not hot yet. I’m cold, almost shivering as I am left to dry. I know this hosing is right off the ‘Acceptable’ list. There is not much left to the week, how many more of the crazy things is he going to try and squeeze in? I hang out to dry for about two hours before I am released.

I am told to dress in my work clothes and then sent out to cut the grass and clean up the clippings. No chastity as I guess he feels he has established enough control over me that I wouldn’t slip off to pleasure myself. Also, no butt plug. I guess too after pleasuring two of his friends with my butt hole, I am adequately stretched.

I come in after cleaning up and stowing the equipment, just in time for lunch. Today I’m having a can of chicken noodle soup and crackers. It’s good.

I’m then told to go into the bedroom strip and then make myself comfortable on the mattress I was provided last night. I am not to touch myself. He then says on his desk are two lifelike dildos. I am to practice taking them as deep as I can. I’m to arch my neck back and try to swallow them without gagging. I’m to take a towel with me to clean myself up as I will likely discharge lots of salvia. I’m to keep at it and eventually my throat will surrender and submit to the intrusions.

I’ve never gagged so much and so hard in all my life. But I do it for a good hour, using as a distraction and a role model the gay guys going at on the live streaming porn sites that Sir Michael has on. He comes and goes during the hour of self-training. He finally says, “that’s enough, time for the real thing. Get on your bench.”

Oh, it’s now ‘mine’, I think to myself. From his phone conversations I know many guys have been pegged or sucked on this bench, it has a long history. I also know that for most of the games played on it the user was not bound and certainly not victimized. My pending use probably won’t be like that.

I climb on, get comfortable and get strapped down. A few minutes later he wanders in front of me, now fully naked. He is stroking his member, it is semi-hard at this point. I see he has a one-inch leather ball-stretcher strapped around his bag and one of those tight rubber dick rings on his penis up tight around the base of his shaft. I’m told these help men stay hard and prolong their activities. I’ve never worn one, so I don’t know for sure. The two Cialis pills he took this morning when he gave me mine will make him hard enough. He comes up to my face and puts my leather blindfold on and says I need you to warm me up. Open and show me what you learned this week. And I do my best to give him oral sex. This isn’t going to be easy; he really is big. Although limited, I now have experience in having dicks in my mouth, and this one is distinctly bigger than the other two.

The good news is, at least for now, he is only trying to get himself in the mood. He is not shoving in deep. He is not grabbing my head; he is just looking for me to tongue his shaft and head and keep my lips tight around him as he moves just his head back and forward over them. It must be doing something because he softly gives encouragement and praise. I also think that, while there are no romantic thoughts, he still loves the fact that his best friend is trying to please him.

We do this for about ten minutes when he pulls out. A minute or so later I feel him at my other end. He is applying lube with his finger in me. And he begins to work me. Just as with my first lessons on the bench he starts with one finger in and out, curved finger left to right, circles pushing deep, coming back to the entrance and using his knuckle, straightening it back and probing for the prostate. Then it’s two fingers with the same basic routine. I’ve been taking much more than this, so I am enjoying the stimulation. Now it's three fingers, and while it’s a little tight I’m fine. I’m worked over for a while. Then he goes to four fingers. This is much tighter. My first thought: is he going to try and fist me? No, no…that’s on the hard list. But that’s not it. He’s just trying to get me to stretch for my Final Exam. He’s working slowly, doing it easy, just like how I was treated in the beginning. It hurts a bit but not bad and as I try to relax, listen to the comforting words of praise he is saying and with the addition of more lube the pain goes away. I’m ok.

Of course, I realized I’m being prepped to take on Sir. And after about ten minutes of getting me ready, he takes a couple of minutes to get himself hard. I can tell that because about every ten seconds or so I feel his lubricated dick slide up and down my butt crack and it’s getting continually harder. It’s time. First I feel his thumb enter me. Just inside the door, he moves it in and out of me, pushing up and down, sideways. Then it is there. I feel the blunt roundness at my door. With his hand he rubs his dick head up and down my entrance. I feel him add a little forward pressure by leaning into me as he continues to rub his dick over and around my hole. I can feel that he is stroking his shaft keeping it hard. He then pulls back, and I feel more lube rubbed around my hole and with a finger more put inside of me. Now his dick is again being rubbed against the entrance.

Encouraging words continue to come, then a final “Relax, I’m going to push in.” And with a lean and a little hip action I feel strained, some pain and then movement forward. He pulls back and shoves forward a second time and with a harder push and some more pain absorbed on my part and I hear, “Good cunt, you took it.” I think just his head is in, he stops and waits a few seconds. “You, OK?”

“Green”, I say, but I am uncomfortable. I really feel stretched like when I took the last glass ball. He then just pulls slightly back then moves forward; I really can’t tell but maybe an inch. He’s big. I feel full, like I really need ‘to go’. It’s initially unpleasant. But that fades. I think because he knows what he is doing as he has put that thing in many butts over the years and second because I’m actually excited that he’s got that thing in me. Over the next few minutes, he conditions me to the sensations and accommodations of a larger dick. My body responds and accepts this intrusion.

Now it's his turn. He begins to really fuck me for his pleasure. His strokes are varied, some long some short, the pace quickens and slows, his comments keep coming like ‘you’re a good fuck’ and ‘boy, you got a great tight ass, Bitch’ and ‘push back at me with your butt’. Unexpectedly, I feel him exit me, that is an especially strange feeling. I'm re-lubed, then his rigid dick shoved back into me, not violently, but not with the same slow careful penetration of his first entry. As he does me this time, he holds onto my hips to help with his cadence and force. He’s having a good time. We have done a whole lot of things this week, but I can tell he’s truly getting off on this.

As I am pounded, I keep my mind on the feeling of being bound to the bench, I strain against them just to enjoy the feeling of helplessness and I encourage my mind to fantasize that I am being forced and abused out of my control. The exploitation of my rectum does have associated sensual stimulating good feelings as he does me, but it is unpleasant at the same time, and it does not provide me nearly the arousal that the bondage and fantasies are giving me. I’m probably not rock hard, but my own dick isn’t just limp either from the excitement. Together, both stimulations have for the moment made me content.

I’m surprised that now that he has a rhythm going that there is not hard pain. It’s that sensual pain – pleasure feeling. He is continuing to mix up what he’s doing, slowing up at times to savor his feelings. I get re-lubed again. Eventually, it's time though. I feel his pace quicken, his arms tense up a bit, he stands upright and then a deep push forward, accompanied by a long groan and he has climaxes deep within me. There is nothing for me to do, I am just a receptacle in this position, bound as I am.

It is about fifteen seconds when he starts to pull and push back and forth in me with his dick. Just like I do in my wife’s pussy, he’s milking out the final squirts of cum that are still escaping his testicles. His dick stays within me as he lays his upper body down on mine and rests. He then says, “Thank you. You were great.”

That strikes me funny, I had little to do with this. He stays there for about a minute or two, resting. I have no idea how long he fucked me, but my guess is a good twenty minutes. I can’t maintain that stamina for that long when having intercourse. He has the right to rest. And my butt hole needs a rest too, it has had a rigorous workout.

He raises himself back up and slowly extracts his penis which has softened but is still semi-stiff. I think we are done, but we are not. A moment or two later Sir Michael came around to my head. “Open. Open your mouth.” There is that unpermitted hesitation. He coaches, “Look, you were the one that put this on the Acceptable list, you asked about on the phone, and you have already had your tongue up my butt when you rimmed me, you cleaned yourself this morning, just do it so you aren’t disappointed later and I don’t have to come up with another punishment now.” So, I open my mouth. And in goes a semi-erect lube coated over sized dick in my mouth. “Close your lips and lick it cleans,” he instructs. I comply. Coconut. Didn’t know what a dick from my butt would taste like, I figured a bad taste. But all I taste is coconut. I do get a slight secondary taste, his cum when I rub my tongue over his head and slit as he weeps out a final spaz of sperm.

I do my best to wipe him clean, but my saliva and tongue sponge is not going to completely remove the oily lube. But that’s not the point, Master is interested in me living this experience, not making him clean. And it is an experience I have had bondage fantasies about more often than you think. It is the perfect use of force and dominance. Sir Michael knows it and I know it. It’s why he made me do it. And this class ends. I have passed my final exam. I think I got an A.

Chapter 22: Graduation Celebration

Sir Michael tells me to take a nap on my mattress, he’ll wake me when it's time to get ‘ready’. For what I am not offered. After a short nap, I am told to take a shower and shave. He’s headed out to pick up ‘Chinese’ for dinner. We will eat it when he gets back. He reminds me to keep my hands off myself.

I am done before he gets back, so I sit on the edge of his bed naked waiting. When I hear him pull up, I decide to kneel by his bedroom door and hold out in my two hands a riding crop that was hanging from his pegging bench. When he enters the house, I hear him walk into the kitchen and put down the bags, then walk down the hallway to retrieve me. He sees me offering myself and he says, “Nice touch, now get up and let’s eat or I will use that on you.” The Chinese food was as good as the pizza was, delicious and plentiful. He did make a sarcastic comment that it was because of his training I was able to get my mouth around the egg roll.

While eating he let me know his plans for the evening. He was going to take me to Hillcrest tonight. I’ve heard a lot about Hillcrest from Sir Michael before when he boasted about living in San Diego. It’s a neighborhood north of downtown that is San Diego's LGBTQ+ center of activities. There is an array of bars, restaurants, coffee houses, boutiques, unique shops, as in adult shops, and even bathhouses. Sir and his friends frequent it a lot. He said we will take a leisurely walk down University Avenue, the main thoroughfare of Hillcrest and then meet up with his buddies at one of the boy’s favorite LGBTQ bars.

He has me clean up our dishes and put the leftovers in the refrigerator. I am sent to the bedroom where he ‘will dress me for the evening’. I’m still naked of course. He tells me to put a pair of my white socks on. Then to stand in the center of the room and to put my arms down at my sides, palms against my upper legs. And in a flash, he starts to bind me in the black industrial stretch wrap.

Just as he had done on Wednesday he starts at the middle of my back and captures my arms as he wraps around my chest and returns around to my back. Why am I being bound like this if we’re headed out for the evening? I don’t ask and he’s not providing any explanation. The first full circle around me and my arms are trapped, pressed against my sides again. Now well practiced at it, he circles slightly moving downward, my elbows now locked against me, then around again and the forearms are captured then the hands. As he goes downward, he makes sure each rotation is smooth against my body and tight. This time when he rounds my hips, he keeps my dick and balls free of the plastic. He maneuvers it so they are trapped between and sticking through to spins of wrap. He then bunches the wrap together into a pseudo rope wrapping it around the base of my scrotum and shaft and pulls it tight like a lasso and then spreads the wrap wide again as he continues down.

Another change is after he drops below my butt he wraps around just my right upper leg securing my hand against it, He makes three circles around it and goes back up with the wrap around my waist and heads back down the left leg for three circles of my hand and leg. It’s then back up to my chest and up to my shoulders. At my shoulders he loops over them crisscrossing my back and chest also about three or four times to finish off his tie. He has bound my arms to my sides very effectively. He has also tied my dick and balls so they stand out a bit in front of my legs, my legs, head, and neck are free. He cuts the roll free of me and is done with putting on the wrap. Now he removes some. With the safety scissors, he pieces a hole through the wrap and then cuts a circle about an inch in diameter around my right nipple. After discarding the layers of plastic, he pulls and twists my nip. “These always should be available for pleasure.” He was without a doubt talking about his pleasure not mine. He then does the same cutting free and twisting of the other teat.

I can’t move my arms an inch and I love that restriction. I do take pleasure in being secured in wrap, and I can’t fully describe it, but it sexually stimulates me. My arms are fixed to my sides, but the rest of me is mobile. He then picks up my jeans, holds them down by my feet and tells me to step in them, one foot at a time. and he pulls the jeans up my legs and over my hips. He maneuvers my package to sit within the pants, buttons and zips the jeans up. He doesn’t provide a belt. The way I am wrapped my hands are now covered and hidden by the pants and reside just behind where my jean’s front pockets are located. With my dick and balls wrapped the way they are they are pronounced in my jeans, a look like a male ballerina in tights from the front as his handling of me and my bound arms has given me a slight erection. He shows me my leather dog collar, then straps and buckles it around my neck. He finishes my dressing by arranging a flannel shirt over my shoulders and around me, then buttoning it up the front less the top two buttons. My arms of course are not within the sleeves which simply hang down my sides. He walks me over to a mirror and says, “See, not too noticeable.” And I finally get it, sometimes I’m a bit slow on the uptake, he’s taking me out in public, bound and collared. And he’s right, I wouldn’t immediately draw attention, but if someone was really looking, they could tell something was up.

Big time mixed emotions. I know the chance of someone seeing me here and knowing me is extremely low. But it still scares me. I’ll be embarrassed. This is my private fantasy, I’m not ready to share it with the world. I stand here as Sir Michael gets ready, sends a few text messages and says, “Let’s go”. He puts my slip-on shoes on and to finish my outfit, he puts a front-button sweater on me with the sleeves draped over my shoulders and tied in a cross knot in the front, which further hides my bound arms. I can walk without issue, but if I trip there is nothing to stop my face from slamming into the ground. Getting into the jeep takes effort without arms but with his help I am in and seat-belted to the seat.

It is early Friday evening when we reach University Avenue. Still light out, but it is setting. I wish for rapid darkness. After finding a parking space, which is not easy as this is a hopping area at the start of the weekend. I need assistance again to get out of the car, but I’m now on the sidewalk. Sir Michael says to me, “I have a leash for your collar but I’m not sure I want to use it. Let’s walk some and I’ll decide later. We begin to walk, with Sir right next to me with his one hand and arm around my waist. To the casual observer in this neighborhood, we look like two gay men on a date. I’m looking dead straight forward, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. Sir on the other hand is in his elements, he’s checking out everything around us, especially the other men. Hey, stop that, I’m your date.

Over the course of the next 30 to 45 minutes things are uneventful. We looked in shop windows. He sat down on a bench for a couple of minutes. He pointed out sights, such as the apparently famous towering Pride flag which he tells me is the starting point for the annual San Diego LGBTQ parade in July. Sir Michael, a conservative, doesn’t typically attend. We did run into people he knew twice, so he stopped and chatted. He introduced me as his friend Bobbie, in for the week visiting him, but nothing was said about my situation, although I know they noticed I had no arms. If they had picked up on that I was bound, I’m sure they would have questions because Sir Michael isn’t known for being a bondage guy. I certainly did not look or act like I was in trouble or there unwillingly. Many things that if observed in the straight world would bring comment at a minimum, in the gay world I believe things are accepted for what they are, no questions are asked. I’m not necessarily happy with the situation I am in, as my face is exposed. I would have been happier hooded, but this isn’t the place for such exhibitions, that stuff is more suited for the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco.

Sir Michael gets a text and says to me, “Come on, time to head to the bar, some of my good friends are there and want to meet you.” He elects to now put me on a leash, and we head off to a bar on N Park Way, about a block away from University Avenue. He tells me this is a leather bar. “Nice, friendly, reasonably priced drinks. I’d like it, it’s my kind of bar,” he says. It is not one of the places he goes to often, but he has been there on occasion. It is a hangout for some of his friends though and at their suggestion, he picked it because among other things, it caters to gay men with my leather kink. I am still nervous; I hope it’s a dark bar.

It proves to be a popular place. But Sir Michael’s description was a little short on details. I noticed right away this place has a masculine and intimate atmosphere. Apparently, a leather and fetish dress code is encouraged here. All kinds of patrons, but a portion of the crowd is very masculine and muscular. I’m concerned as the men here seem to be there to play. My leash is certainly noticed by some as we walk by. Equal numbers of men in couples as in groups. I see no one else with bound arms. I do see on the side some authentic bondage and dungeon furniture including an ominous looking pillory, much more substantial than the one I was secured. No one was using the equipment, and I wasn’t sure if it was for ambiance or customer use. I did not want to find out and was scared stiff that I may soon be secured to it as feature entertainment tonight for the crowd; I’ve read stories, all of them I thought were fiction, but what do I know. Why else was I brought here bound? There certainly seemed like there were men here that would enjoy playing with a bound straight guy for the evening. Turns out that wasn’t the reason I was brought here. I also saw some men playing pool, which seemed like a tamer activity. With my arms as they are I gathered I would be doing that either.

We found some of Sir Michael’s friends and the group began chatting. Certainly, a lot of the conversation surrounded me although I was not talked to directly. I was a submissive and they were aware of what that meant and how I should be treated. When we first arrived at the table, he nonchalantly reached below my sweater and unbutton two more of the upper buttons of the flannel shirt I wore and unsnapped the button above the zipper on my jeans. This of course sent nervous shivers down my spine, in these surroundings this would lead to no good. I just stood there, next to Sir, and he and his friends drank beers and conversed. I couldn’t hear all the conversations, but I could tell at times Sir Michael would be asked a question and he would indicate an affirmative answer. Then in a moment or two I would feel someone running their hand over the front of my pants rubbing and groping my dick. Another favorite seems to be to put their hand inside my shirt and tweak or twist my nipple. What is it with gay guys and their fascination with pulling on another man’s nipple? It hurts. Maybe mine are just sensitive due to the week’s abuse. One time someone put their hand down the inside of my pants and fondled me. I looked at Sir and he simply said, “It’s ok, he asked, and I said yes. Nobody will notice.” Well, there it was, I was allowed to be touched as long as Sir Michael was alright with it. This is servitude. And nobody seemed to notice. I did see that many of the patrons were affectionate with each other and no one cared or paid attention.

We were there for a while, when after some conversations that I also didn’t hear, Sir Michael said, “Come with me.” I followed, no choice with him pulling the leash, staying as close as I could to him as we moved through the bar. We seem to be heading in the direction of the restrooms. Agan, I see some of the patrons eyeing me up as I pass. I guess Sir Michael needed to go and didn’t want to leave me alone in a strange public place, bound as I was. That wasn’t it.

We entered the men’s room, and he opened a stall door, guided me in, took the leash off my collar and told me to sit down. Of course, the only place to sit was on the toilet. Wide eyed and concerned I turned around and slowly sat down, in part because of my limitation due to how I was bound and in part because I was scared. I still had my pants on, I know he didn’t want me to use the facilities. As my head is spinning, he pulls out the leather blindfold and puts it over my eyes. He then says, “You remember you asking me about ‘glory holes’, well you are about to experience about as close as I can get you to one.”

I had asked him about them a while ago and if he ever seen them for real. Some of the fantasies I create during my self-bondage playing is that I am bound and then forced to service unknown men putting their members through holes in the wall. It is one of the ultimate being forced scenarios I have read stories about. I was surprised that it was on the original contract list that Sir wanted me to add to or remove. I didn’t take it off but never dreamed it could happen. Now I am sure I don’t want to experience it.

He asks me, “Are you going to need a ring gag to get through this? You bite some of these guys and they’ll beat the shit out of you.”

After the mouth ache from the long session I had with the ring gag before, I wanted no part of that, so I quickly responded, “No Sir, I can be good.” Sir Michael then directs, “You are to stay here till I come get you. I’m going back to my friends. If the mood strikes them or any others in this bar, they may come to visit you. You shall service them in any way they want. Treat them as if they were me.” I think I heard him walking away. I call out, “Sir Michael!” but all I hear is the door closing. I don’t know if the stall door is closed. I don’t know if he is watching the outside door to protect me.

I’m going through something like the pain – pleasure thing, but mentally, not physically. I’m experiencing what I think I’ll call anguish – euphoria. I am being put into a severe situation that I both passionately desire and am absolutely repulsed by at the same time. This is one of my greatest BDSM fantasies because there probably is nothing worse that could be forced on me when helpless then servicing a bunch of unknown men. And now this is not only real, but it could also be dangerous and unsafe. He alluded that I was to service anyone in this bar that wanted it. He doesn’t have health histories on everyone and by the looks of some I saw they wouldn’t pass the blood tests. Just how far is Master taking this? I try to concentrate on the euphoria and not the anguish. In my state I forgot about the safeguards in the Contract.

I’m sitting there for maybe two to three minutes, listening intently to every sound when I hear the door to the men’s room open and someone walks in, no, it's two people. They are chatting, they come in and I hear them peeing in the urinals. Ok, they don’t seem to be here for me. They finish up and leave. Again quiet. Not for long, in another minute the door opens again and someone comes in. They seem to walk up closer to where I am and then stop.

After a moment there is a knock on the side of the stall. “Bobbie, this your stall?” the person asks.

For a moment I say nothing, but obviously it’s not Sir Michael’s voice but he knows my name, so he knows Sir Michael. “Yes, sir,” I meekly reply.

I heard him open the stall door which told me at least it was closed. I next hear the door close and latch so he must be in here with me. Although it was very quiet, there was the unmistakable sound of a zipper being pulled down. In my darkness I hear, “Mike said you signed a servitude contract with him to sexually serve him and his friends. Well, Mike and I are great friends. He says you’ll do anything I want. Well, for now you can suck me. You make me hard and do a good job and we’ll see where this goes. Now open and let’s get started.” This could be a nightmare, but I’m pushing those thoughts away. I’m ok with what has happened all week in the confines of Sir Michael’s house but now I’m sitting on a toilet in a gay leather bar being told to suck off another guy I don’t know, and I can’t see. Even though this is now becoming electrifying to me, I resist a bit when I feel a hand on the back of my head, and it is pulled till my lips are pressed up against his dick. “Come on Bobie, it's OK, you can do it. I have lots of sick fantasies too. Mike has shared yours with me. You’ll be disappointed later if you let this opportunity pass. I know, believe me.” he coached. My mind in an instant reasons that my best friend would not set me up to be hurt, this guy is alright, so I opened my mouth.

I wasn’t treated as if this was my first time, but my invader was not brutal either. He just wanted a blow job. I got to it. Now I know from experience there are marvelous things you can do with your tongue and lips and with facial and head movements, but the best is when one adds hand stroking and ball fondling to the mix. I am therefore handicapped in my delivery as I have no hands to make the experience more satisfying and quicker. The faster the climax, the faster my duty will end. Thus, I use my tongue and my lips as best I can.

Luckily this seems to be a seasoned veteran in getting blown, so he knows how to move his hips and push in and out to get the best feelings he can. He holds my head firm with his hands and rocks me to help deliver what he wants. He is in no hurry, but the setting we are in dictates a quick conclusion. Hence, he does what he needs to get himself stimulated. He is now hard, really hard, and his pace is imposing. He has been talking to me all along, giving instructions, praise, and commentary as to how he’s doing. I hear him say as he begins taking deeper strokes than he had been and getting very close to being too deep for me, “Get ready, I’m almost there, swallow it all, Bobbie. Uggg!”

He holds my head firm, but pulls back a bit with his dick. He is still in my mouth and I feel the spurts. I stop all movements, that happens sometimes when you panic. The panic passes quickly, now what do I do? I try pulling my head back to get his dick out of my mouth. But he’s holding fast. He is still pulsing. I can’t tell if more cum is flowing out. He then says “That was really good, I heard that your first time was this week. Lick me clean so I can zip up and give someone else in line a turn.” I had already been on autopilot the last ten minutes or so and I found myself licking his dick clean despite my whole mind focusing on the statement ‘give someone else in line a turn’. I feel my eyes well up as I am mentally switching back to anxiety and don’t know what to do. Sitting where I am is giving me the creeps. It isn’t one of the finest rest rooms I’ve been in.

My first assailant leaves. It’s only a minute or two later when I hear the sounds of the stall door opening and closing and another approaching me. I feel my body shaking. “Hi cunt, you doing, ok? It is good to be with you again. I don’t know if Mike told you, but I was really honored to be the first person to cum in your butt. It was a first for me too, that is screwing a sort of ass virgin. Seeing that you have some cum coating your lips I know I won’t be first there, but I would enjoy you sucking me tonight. You ok with that?” Believe it or not, this sincere, honest sounding, frank guy is calming me down at the same time asking to be blown while I am bound and blindfolded on a toilet in a gay bar. And from what he said, I know he’s someone with Sir Michael’s approval and apparently, we are past fuck-buddies. And still while not of clear mind, I open my mouth and lean forward. He hadn’t even unzipped yet. I was comforted in knowing that whoever this was, he hadn’t hurt last time he used me.

He was a bit less aggressive in his head holding and body movements. But like his predecessor, was skilled in doing what he needed to do to pleasure himself with only my tongue and lips. When he finally was ready to let loose, which was considerably longer, he pulled almost out, telling me to hold my tongue out and keep my mouth open, he then laid his dick back down on my tongue and slowly stroked his shaft with his hand and ejaculated slowly and deliberately onto my tongue. He wasn’t a squirter, he was an oozer. In a calming voice, he said, “For a newbie that was great. Now close your mouth.” His dick wasn’t there. Slowly I did what I was told, not quite sure I was going to do with the small pools of cum sitting on my tongue. I then felt him rub the tip of his dick back and forth across my lips, wiping himself as he pumped his dick three or four times to clear and clean it of the remaining semen he had. I sat there a good minute before I just gave up and swallowed. I try to think of each time I had cum in my mouth this week including my own. None were awful or disgusting, but I would not call it tasty or pleasant either. I can get it down, but think if given a choice, maybe I would rather spit it out. And gargle. As I have written down many times so far, what was pleasing in a very disturbing way was that I had been bound and then forced, at least in mind, to take it and that gives me arousing excitement. I should note that this and all the consumptions of the week never cause my stomach to retch or make it otherwise unsettled.

He had left. How many more in the line? I found out in less than a minute or two. I heard the approach and I got upset again because this was going to be a non-stop affair and I think I am done but I don’t know how to stop it. Do these guys know my ‘red’ safe word? Will they honor it? This time my assailant didn’t say anything. I hear a zipper come down and almost instantly a dick is just against my lips and while very new to this I intuitively respond by opening my mouth. He pushes in just a tiny bit and I hear a chuckle, and he says, “Taste familiar?” It’s Sir Michael and he withdraws. “No, you don’t have to do me, or anybody else. I think you’ve had your fantasy fill for the night, literally.”

And there was no more. Sir Michael added, “Come on, let’s head home.” He helped me up, took off the blindfold and we left the restroom leash free. I wish I could have whipped off my lips or had a drink of water. I guess I was still to retain the memories of my ‘glory hole servitude’. Sir Michael said his goodbyes to his six or seven friends still sitting around one of the tables and thanked them in general for making the evening special for me. He did it in such a way that I would not be able to place faces to anyone who had been with me. As we left walking by the dungeon toys on display, he said, “If we make it back here, I’ll strap you to one of those. Doing it on toilets has always repulsed me.” Oh really, well let me tell you about…

We drove back home. Sir Michael asked me to just ride quietly and think about tonight’s events. We went inside his bedroom, and he told me to climb up on the massage table and lay on my back, which I did with his help. He put a rolled-up towel under my neck and then opened and pulled down my pants. He began to rub my genitals with lube, getting me hard quickly. As he did it he said he thought I was hitting my limit tonight and he knew it was tough on me mentally, but it was important to find my mental limits just like I found my physical limits under ‘controlled’ conditions with someone who care greatly about me supervising it so that should I seek out this type of gratifications on my own I don’t get in trouble. He added, “By the way, I was standing at the stall door the whole time you were sitting.” This said as he soothingly strokes me to climax and cleans me up with a warm wet towel. What a graduation ceremony.

He then cut me free from the wraps. They came off easier than before as my time in them wasn’t nearly as long this time. I was so dealing with my feeling of being out in public and servicing in public that I didn’t get to enjoy this wrapping as much as I would have liked. Even so, it’s still my favorite method for being bound.

It’s funny how quickly my mind recovers from a sexual exploitation event. It was bedtime and Sir Michael tells me I have a choice of sleeping arrangement this evening because he was so pleased with me. As it was my last night, I could choose from the shower stall, with or without a blanket, or the mattress in the bedroom or outside. I responded with, “Sir my choice is to do what brings you pleasure, but if they are equal to you, I would like outside, one last time.”

“Ok with me, how would you like to be restrained, wrist cuffs on belt, or in front or irons?”

“Would it be ok if you restrained me spread-eagle? Who knows when I’ll get to do that again. And if I can’t fall asleep, I can sleep on the plane.” So, after a long pee and an even longer gargle, Sir Michael arranged me on top of the mattress, put on four cuffs and chained my limbs to the four eye hooks I was forced to install a week ago. He was kind, I was not pulled taut, and while not a lot, there was some play in the chains. He placed a blanket over me, not my wool one, but the comforter. Then he put my pillow under my head and wished me pleasant dreams. And I gazed up at the stars.

Chapter 23: Going Home; Tired, Sore, Satisfied

Saturday. My flight back to Charlotte was late in the morning, so Sir Michael got me up early. He had me shower but said I only had to clean the insides if I intended to offer it to my wife when I returned home. He further offered to call her to indicate what a good submissive I could be and serve her well. I declined the offer. And for the first time in a week, I left my insides alone. I was told I could dress and come out for breakfast. Also, for the first time this week I had eggs, sausage and toast instead of my bowel of bowel assisting fiber cereal. My medicine included no dick hardeners. I did my extensive journal entries for the previous day. I then had a few chores to do, mainly wiping down all the toys and furniture I had used for the week with chlorine wipes. He also had me climb up to the beam in the atrium and bring down the hoist. He told me to leave all the eye hooks in place except for the two coming up through the deck boards because he hoped I’d be back. That was especially comforting as it was an indication that it wasn’t only me who had a good time this week.

I then needed to pack my bags. I gathered all the toys I had brought with me. I was surprised at how many of mine were used. I also thought of how many items Sir Michael had brought to the show, with so many being borrowed. I asked if he needed me to help him return them. He indicated no, plus there wasn’t enough time before my flight. I profusely thanked him for doing so much to get them for me and to thank the guys who lent them. He half jokingly said he had already thanked them as they enjoyed his big dick.

As I was packing my toys, he brought over the hood he had bought for me. He said that I seemed to get off on it and he wanted me to have it. He added that he wasn’t into hoods like I was and would likely never use it. I was pleased to add it to my collection. He told me to leave out my chastity device. I wasn’t sure what that was about. After I zipped up my bags I found out. “Pull down your pants and underwear.”

I thought we were done playing, but ok, maybe this is a farewell blow job… No, he puts my chastity on me. “Hey, I can’t wear this on the plane. The lock will set off the metal detectors as I go through security.”

“Don’t sweat it, I have it already worked out.” He finishes putting it together around my sack, stuffs in my dick, then after he slides the locking strip in place he takes a plastic pull-tie and threads it through the post where the miniature padlock would go. He pulls the tie tight, and my chastity is locked security to me. The device that will hold me chaste is now 100% plastic. He then says, “Contract ends today, I take that to mean midnight, Bitch. I don’t want you serving anyone else till then,” he says with a big smile.

He then asked per the contract if the arrangements we made under it were satisfactory and if my needs had been met. I answered, “Most definitely.” He then said as you know, we can extend it if we both agree, and as such, we should both think about it and discuss it by phone soon. I agreed.

I got through security and wore it home. I had no choice. He gave me a big, long hug at the airport. He told me once again how proud he was of me, how I had pushed through difficult tasks and tortures, that I did well at staying in the role that I wanted to assume, not knowing how really tough a submissive life with a BDSM tail could be. He again indicated he had a good time and was sorry it was over so soon. He also said, “Let me know if the contract should be extended.” “I’ll ponder that on the plane.”

I did, along with a million other thoughts about the week. I didn’t get any real sleep on the plane either.

Chapter 24: Epilog to Eight Days in a Binding Contract

Some closing fun facts, confessions and answers to nagging questions. The two of us are talking about another trip to San Diego although the dates, details, and requests have not been finalized. Mike admits he had a fun time in his role, not as much as me, but is into doing it again.

Mike had a written detailed plan and schedule for the week. He sent it to me when he asked me to rewrite my journal into this story form so I could use it to fill in the blanks when my journal was missing facts or details. He did follow his plan closely although one of his scheduled friends was an apparent no show. I did not question Mike why.

As for my weight, I was tricked. The scale had been adjusted up, but just a little to make it still believable. Specifically, about three and a half pounds heavy. I was never going to make weight and the two sets of punishments from Mike and his friend for being overweight had already been planned, except for the chopsticks which was an impromptu torture he thought of while we were out at the restaurant.

Mike had a total of four friends playing with me. A couple of them had repeat performances during the week. Due to the blindfolds, I never saw them. I saw and met many of his friends at the bar and out on the street, some who did touch or grope me, but I don’t know which ones visited me in the men’s room. I know at least one of them had been with me earlier in the week based on his comments to me in the stall. I don’t know any of their identities. Mike has assured me that all four that were in me or shared fluids are healthy and safe and each gets tested about quarterly due to the nature of the more open lifestyle of gay men. Per Mike, two are “undetectable” and the other two are completely clean. They have no other STDs. Mike is also undetectable and just coincidentally had gotten his recent testing results a week before my visit. All his ‘numbers’ were excellent. Adding more reassurance, Sir Michael had put one of the signed contract copies in an envelope to take home with me. When I later opened it there was also a copy of an email that was sent to Sir Michael but was addressed to me. It was from his friend Dr. Ron. It basically said that he knew personally Sir Michael and each of my visitors. They were all friends and by friends he means they occasionally ‘play’ together. He knows that they are all ‘safe’ from a health standpoint and that is why he is comfortable engaging with them ‘bareback’.

One of his friends that was a guest is a paramedic for a county fire department emergency medical services. He was the one that participated in the mummification, electro-play, sounding and waterboarding. I’m told he watched me closely throughout, taking respiration counts, pulse via a probe that was put on one of my toes and body temperature. It was because of his concern for my wellbeing that stopped my ecstasy electro play at the forty minutes mark instead of the planned hour. Mike said he even had a portable AED with him. My safety was always paramount to Mike even though he was going to make me suffer at times, which I surely did.

The bowl that I pulled the strip of paper that read 1/2 inch had five other strips, each marked differently, the others being: 1/4-inch, 1-inch, 1 1/2-inch, flat, and point. So, my horse riding could have been worse. I don’t know if I would have been able to ride as long as I did if I had pulled ‘point’ from the bowl. Building my own torturing devices still plays with my mind.

Mike’s deviant parting gift of locking me in my chastity device for my trip home proved no issue at airport security as I passed through without a hitch. I was more nervous about that than most things that happen to me all week. It was a long ride home on the plane with it on as it started to chaff me due to the hair nubs that were starting to grow. When I finally got to my car in long term parking, I got a pair of long nose pliers from the small toolbox I keep in the trunk and was able to break the pull-tie and free me from my entrapment. When I got home my bride was out shopping so I was able to put away all the toys I had brought with me undetected.

My body was free of any obvious marks. Just a few rubs on my wrists from long cuff wear and a couple of light marks on my right butt cheek from one of my whippings. Not harsh looking at all, I had an excuse at the ready, but it was never noticed. I was surprised that the body striping I got on the cross was mostly gone the following day. By the end of the week, all I took home from that session were the memories. My butt hole was moderately tender but no big deal. I never tore. I was tired and slept soundly Saturday night in my own bed. It took a couple of days for my bowel movements to return to normal. I haven’t douched since my trip.

Without question my favorite activity was my mummification with plastic wrap. The long solitude session, the sounding masturbation, and the initial programmed electro play were super highlights of that session and of the week. For the record, the waterboarding was fine, but I probably would have actually enjoyed the excitement of the helpless drowning feeling more if they had skipped using pee and used water instead. I had trouble when they dribbled piss directly into my mouth as swallowing is more difficult with a ring gag in place. Mike said the table was made on an incline to specifically help me with this. That shows that from the start it was my fate to drink pee that day.

I did not like the hard shock tolerance testing at all, it was one of my least favorite activities of the whole week. The good thing was that it lasted for just a short while, the pain dissipated quickly, and Mike coached me through it when because of the unexpected pain level I forgot to use my safe words. Mike said he was going to act sooner but wasn’t sure if that would make me mad. Also, I was told that the electro toys and controls were owned by the paramedic, and he is an experienced user, on himself and others; it’s his kink. So, there was someone there that had expertise. I also was told the ‘high setting’ that caused me to break down is below what level he uses on himself as a pain-pleasure. I think it would have been better if they had started low and worked high, but they wanted to zap me first because it was supposed to be a punishment for previous misdemeanors. Maybe I’m just a pain pussy, not the pain slut I thought I may be. I had no real problem from the duration of this binding which went almost seven hours. The only real issue was the ring gag which started to be painful early on and really tough by the time I asked for it to be removed. It hurt both my jaw, gums and mouth inter-soft tissue. My mouth was sore well into the next evening. My muscles were definitely sore too but fine by morning. My skin recovered from the de-peeling of the wrap within an hour or two.

The sounding rods used on me were from a brand new surgical steel urethral sound kit bought for this week. They were all sterilized before use. My penis was squirted full of a sounding lube before insertions were made. As a newbie to sounding my abusers took care in sizing me first with the different rods to find the best one for me. That would be one that would fit just snug down my tube, stretching it just a tad, which Mike tells me is the right size for a beginner. Too big and too small as in fat and narrow are a bad thing for a first timer. The lengths were a moderate size, the actual length and how far they protruded into me I do not actually know.

Probably my second most favorite bondage position for the week was a tie between the St. Andrews cross and all the different outside restraints. The outside ties excited me probably because they were in fact outside, and the different abuses I endured were fun, maybe not at the time, but overall satisfied my fetish of being forced while bound. The cross was neat because it held me very secure, and I could not avoid the whip strikes that were striping my body. The striping on this device is common in the BDSM films of bound women that I watch and I wanted to see just how harsh the strikes feel. I would like to be bound on the cross again, I would prefer that it did not include striping.

A lot of the porn I was forced to watch was from online streaming services that featured gay men together having sex of all kinds. As indicated, not my cup of tea, but then it entertained Mike and fit in with my ‘force-to-watch’ thing. It would go on for hours, now that’s punishment! I wish I could get a copy of the bound women BJ videos put together just for me.

Sir Michael indicated his favorite parts were me being secured and blindfolded and just lying there and then I would be touched or struck and my whole body would jump but couldn’t go anywhere because of the bonds. He also was entertained when I was shaking during the program electro-stimulation and he liked my reactions when someone would cum in my mouth.

What he said he didn’t like were two things. One, oddly enough, was me holding his dick during his nightly pissing because one, it was embarrassing to him for someone to watch him do this bodily function, and two, me holding then licking him would wake him up enough that it took him a while to get back to sleep. The second thing was pissing on and into my mouth. It was a little repulsive to him, he certainly wouldn’t want it to happen to him. BTW, his partner in this crime was willing to do it, but when it came time to perform, his member became shy. A good thing for me, as I got to experience a ‘taste’ of a double assault, but with minimal quantities compared to what it could have been.

There is a backstory to both these items. As Mike was planning what to do for the week and learning about how a Dominant trains a submissive, he reached out to old friends for ideas and advice. One person he spoke with was a good friend who lives in Las Vegas. This guy is a Bondage/BDSM enthusiast. He takes the Dominant role when playing. He told Mike that when play-acting with a sub he makes them worship his dick. One of the demonstrations of this admiration is for the sub to hold his dick when he needs to ‘go’ and to lick it clean after he’s finished. It’s both degrading and shows devotion and willingness to serve the master any way he sees fit. Peeing on and in the mouth of the submissive is just an extension of his training to serve the master. He indicated that most subs really get off on it. And so, Mike put it in the plan reluctantly thinking I would crave it. For the record, I found that I don’t. What stimulated me was being forced and not being able to stop this while bound. This really did satisfy that urge. And so, I’m ok with it, but not necessarily looking forward to doing it again.

Mike obviously talked prior to the week with the four guys that came to his house, as well as with others. Two of them specifically enjoy bondage/BDSM among their kinks. One likes the submissive role, the other likes both. One is into pain and electroshock more than the other is. Sir Michael got many ideas, tips and support from them. I was told that I should be grateful and I am.

The contract states: “Should the Dominant or invited guests have an interest in any of the items on this list, the Submissive accepts moving them to the Soft Limits list without Submissive’s agreement or complaint as he is here to serve his Dominant in all ways and keep him happy, amused, pleasured, and sexually gratified.” Because he can, Sir Michael moved the following from the ‘Activities Not of Interest’ list to the ‘Activities Acceptable’ list: Ball spanking; Ball torture – moderate; Cock worship; Daily diary, Penis torture – moderate; Public nudity and/or visible bondage; Public servicing; Lavatory attendant (piss only); Rimming – giving; and Weight control. He did not inform me as there wasn’t anything in the contract that required it or my agreement. I assume it was done to please or amuse him or his guests, I don’t know as I was to accept it without complaint or question per the terms of the contract. Cunning of him to add that to the contract, wasn’t it?

The screw points on the spike rings used on my dick and balls were only adjusted about down to 2/3rds of the possible depth they could extend both times it was put on me. Mike was amazed that I could handle that much but thinks it was likely because I am a little smaller than some and that I was trying hard to be a good submissive accepting what the Dominant wants. They were loaned to Mike by one of his other friends who is into BDSM. He was not here this week. I was told he fills up the cylinders more than me and when he wears them during bondage play, the sharp points are used, not the blunt ones, and his partner tightens them completely down. Amazing.

I was never disciplined with the rose stalks; he was just playing with my mind.

Any regrets for anything that happened? No. not really.

Change anything? No, because I was supposed to be submissive, being able to change what was being done to me would have spoiled it. There was nothing that occurred that I didn’t agree to and accept when I signed the contract. Maybe the methods or activities were different than I expected, but they didn’t violate the contract. Mike is a smart and caring guy. He wanted to please his best friend. He, too, wanted to have a blast doing it. I believe he feels he accomplished both and I’m grateful.

Anything surprise you? That I was whipped and paddled more than I thought I would be and sexually used less than I thought I would be based on Mike’s personality and interests. Sir Michael’s personality must be different. Also, I had trouble getting my head around why I was being stuck at the particular time, for instance I understood why my balls were first whipped during the rimming because I was not doing what I was told. But then I was hit a little more viciously after Master came from me rimming him. None of these comments should be viewed as complaints, because they aren’t.

Another thing that surprised me was that so many items on the contract list were able to be fitted into the week. It is a testament to Mike’s great planning abilities. He didn’t leave much downtime from our ‘playing’, both night and day. He had a schedule and kept to it despite running his two businesses. It allowed me to have a much bigger experience than I thought would happen. A review of his plan showed he got to most of his list, some were left out. They included being put in the dog cage as he met with customers, that was likely next if he had another client come. Also bound upright with neck collar connected to his atrium rope was left out and butt raping me bound to his sling. The last two were planned for the party night with his two buddies. They decided to use the sling themselves as I was having enough fun hanging from my wrists. They just never got to abusing my neck.

Did you like taking it in the butt or sucking better? I really didn’t have a preference, besides I didn’t have a choice anyway, so it didn’t matter. What mattered was pleasing who I was servicing so I wouldn’t be punished. By the end I was tired of being disciplined so I tried my best to please. What I did like was when I made whoever was using me ejaculate. I certainly didn’t like sperm in my butt, on my face, and especially down my throat, but I did enjoy causing them to climax. It meant I provided pleasure to my Dominant or his friends which was a primary requirement of my servitude. For the record, taking it in the butt was easier.

Do you now like having sex with other men? No, men just don’t excite me, women do. I can tell the difference when I am licking my wife’s pussy. It arouses so much that I have to use all the tricks I know to hold out from ejaculation coming too quickly. Even just thinking about it can get me hard. I get no arousal from thinking about men doing it to me without the added bondage and then I must add to it in my head that I am being force,

Are you at least looking forward to sucking Sir Michael’s dick again? No, but if he binds me and commands it, it will be done without hesitation or complaint.

Will you spend another week or more as a submissive again? The contract document which I still have from this session gives me a hardon each time I read it, so yes, I’m looking forward to doing it all again, although I know any future servitude sessions will never be as good as the first. If and when it happens, I’m sure Sir Michael will compel me to journal it too. That’s not my favorite thing to do as I don’t see myself as a good writer. I was an Engineering major not an English major in college. He did recently say I will address him with his new chosen name ‘Rock Hard’ instead of Sir Michael should I serve him again. I hope he’s joking.

Respectfully submitted,

Bitch Bobbie


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