Forest Gamble

by Zephyr

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© Copyright 2024 - Zephyr - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/f; mpov; fpov; bond; naked; outdoors; cuffs; gag; rope; spreadeagle; cheat; massage; public; roleplay; cons; rom; X

It was the start of the month, and time to make the spousal support payment. The only problem was that Laura, my ex-wife, was working at a summer camp way up north in the woods. She had told me I needed to drop the money off in cash Saturday afternoon at 3:00 in person, just putting it in her bank would not do. I couldn't figure out why the specific time, then I found out that everyone else at camp was going to be on a trip, and Laura was going to be practically the only one there. Unfortunately with the divorce decree she could get away with that, but I could always fight it. Krista was real unhappy about all of this. She had the almost insane conviction that Laura was going to try something, to try to seduce me; if not to steal me back then to drag me through the mud over it to damage my relationship with Krista.

I thought that was silly. Yes, Laura was a vengeful bitch, but this was way beyond anything she would do. She was way too full of herself to do anything like that and the last thing on earth she’d do was to permit my cock inside her ever again. Sure, she'd do anything she could to try to screw up Krista and me, in a heartbeat, but have sex with me to do it? No way.

Anyway, I thought as I drove over to pick her up, Krista had some pretty wild plans to keep my mind on her. She wanted to go with me, and she wanted me to tie her up in the forest outside of camp, naked, and tight. Like inescapable-tight. She was willing to stay tied until 5:00 PM. The sooner I got back (which meant the less time I spent in camp with Laura), the more time I would have once I was back to play with Krista tied up and naked in the woods. It all seemed ridiculous to me. Krista and I enjoyed a little bondage, yes. She had no problem being tied up when I wanted to and I liked the way she looked naked and bound (she had a beautiful set of curves and long, thin legs, oh yes, she looked excellent naked) and I enjoyed playing with her when she was helpless. We had done such things in more ways and more places than I could remember, which was a hell of a lot more than I could say for Laura. This was going too far for me but Krista was very, very insistent. You never tied someone up helpless anywhere and left them, and especially not outdoors in the middle of a forest.

Yet Krista was absolutely adamant that she be unable to escape. I didn't agree, but I could see that to refuse her would have been a Very Bad Thing. I figured I would talk her into something less hazardous once we were out there. I started preparing my arguments in my head as I pulled up to Krista's apartment. She was outside waiting for me as expected.

Krista was wearing just a t-shirt which more or less came down to her hips with a pair of little barely visible black spandex workout shorts underneath, so short they could almost be mistaken for bikini bottoms. If I could get her out of the shorts it would be a lovely drive. The t-shirt wasn’t tight but neither was it loose. I had to give it to her, especially how that t-shirt would ride up when she sat down in the car beside me, she’d be devastating. I wondered what it would take to talk her out of the shorts on the way up but laughed internally and dismissed it. When I got close enough I could see she was wearing a sports bra underneath it. Tennis shoes completed her outfit. She had nothing else, no cell phone, no purse. Just her.

Krista was beautiful and had me happily eating out of the palm of her hand. After we got out of town on the freeway, she made me promise that for the next few minutes I would keep my eyes on the road. After I agreed, to my happy surprise she stripped out of the shorts and the sports bra, leaving her naked except for her shoes and the t-shirt. Happy surprise turned to shock, very pleased shock as next she rolled down her window and tossed the shorts and the bra out it. I had a brief glance at them fluttering to the roadway as we left them far behind. She just looked over at me and smiled. Letting the t-shirt ride up, between the clear view that provided between her legs and how her nipples now pressed into her t-shirt proved she had nothing underneath it. I was going to enjoy the ride, with this beautiful woman beside me showing me a lot of skin.

We got to the woods about five miles short of camp. I stopped on the fifteen-mile main dirt road to camp in a quiet spot where I had never heard of any hiking trails. I grabbed my pack and we walked until the road was out of view behind us. Her t-shirt was deliciously short with her breasts bobbling in the t-shirt and the hem high enough that most of the time her bush was visible.

Coming to an area where the trees were a little less heavy, she found two medium-sized trees about ten feet apart. She indicated them to me, then stopped. We looked carefully at the area between the trees – shaded, no little flying bugs, not too warm and not too much wind. No ant hills or anything on the ground for thirty or forty feet around. As I watched, she pulled off the t-shirt. Now naked, just in her tennis shoes, she stopped and waited for me, standing quietly between her chosen trees.

I tied lengths of rope around an appropriate branch of each tree at about the 10-foot height, then brought the free ends together. I tied another set near the base of each tree for her ankles.

I tied the ankle ropes into slip knots and she worked with me as I put them around her ankles, leaving her feet spread about three feet apart. I tied fixed loops into the wrist ropes, not a slip knot.

She looked at it and shook her head no. "You know what I want, Carl. And this isn't it."

"No, I won't do it. You don't tie someone up out here and leave them without them having a way to get loose."

"Look, you promised you would. The idea here is to give you maximum reason to get in and get out. Not only are you free to do anything you want to me once you get back until 5, if I'm truly helpless you'll be much faster getting back to me. And that's what I want. She's going to make a play for you, and I'm not going to let her do that to you. You're mine now. She had her chance and screwed it up. You want to play with somebody, mister, I'll be everything you ever wanted."

"What if I get in an accident? What if I can't come back to get you?"

"Use your GPS and send our location on my phone at the apartment. If someone comes looking for me, they'll check the messages and know where to look. But nothing is going to happen, so I'll just erase it when we get back home."

So I did. "But let's do it this way," I offered. "The loops around your wrists don't tighten up. You can flex your wrists and be free in an emergency. If you do slip out of them there's no way you'll be able to get the ropes back around your wrists by yourself, you can’t reach. It will be a love bondage thing. And you'll be able to get loose if there's an emergency.

"Then you won't be in so much of a hurry to get back to me, loverboy. No. Helpless. Unable to get out. Unable to do anything but stand here naked and wait for my rescuer. Who may just, well, hopefully, will take advantage of me before he lets me go."

We argued. Time was running out; I had to get going to make the 3:00 show time. In the end, she won. I tied slip knots in the wrist ropes, cinched them up around her wrists. Her wrists were a little higher than straight out.

"Thank you." Krista was grateful. "You won't regret it. I'll be right here. Hurry back, I'm helpless if someone else finds me, they can do anything they want to me." She paused for a second. "You know you sometimes talk about whipping me? If you chose to do that when you got back, I did tell you that you could do anything you wanted to me until 5 and I can't stop you. Even that. But let me make it better: If you are back before 5, I will be your slave girl all weekend. Hurry back and play with me."

I took the time to grab her by her head and pull her close for a short round of french kissing. In her state, she couldn't do anything to stop me, but reciprocated. Then I had to go. I sprayed her twice with bug repellent, then put the gag securely in place. Picking up the bag and her t-shirt I walked back toward the truck, leaving her just like she wanted.

She called out as I walked away, I stopped and turned around to look at her, thinking of what she said as I put the gag in. "Remember me like this." She shook at her wrists to emphasize she wasn't going anywhere. "Remember what you mean to me. And hurry back. If you don’t you might not be the first person to find me."

She watched me go. Well, kitty, she thought to herself, now you're really in a pickle. She tried the ropes. She wasn't getting out of them. And there Carl goes back into the clutches of his ex, she thought. If this doesn't give him a reason to stay away, she thought, nothing will. Carol, one of her best girlfriends, teased her about being the queen of extravagant gestures, and as she could hear the truck start up and roll away, sound fading in the distance, Krista thought this was surely a textbook example. She just hoped it had a happy ending.


He thought of those words as he drove and his last image of Krista, stretched between the trees, her beautiful body exposed fully in the afternoon shade as a warm gentle wind blew over it fluffing her long hair. He loved her deeply, hoped to spend the rest of his life with her. She was a handful indeed, but the kind of handful most men would give their left nut to be troubled with. Smart, mid-level manager, playful, loved sex. So different from Laura, especially as Laura was when and since they went their separate ways.

He and Laura had been married for eight years, thankfully no kids. One day he came home and she threw him out of their house, claiming she had proof he cheated on her. He hadn't. Yes, things were going from bad to worse between them but that still wasn't a reason to cheat and stick a knife in the chest of any chances they might have had to patch things back up. But there was nothing he could do to convince her. They divorced and he had started over. Laura had found somebody with which to pass the time suspiciously fast after the divorce. A little over a year later he had met Krista and life had gone from gray to 24-bit color again. He was happy and it looked like she was too. Three years now and they both still seemed happy. He was going to have to marry her, probably sooner than later.

But he had ten years of spousal support payments to Laura. Once a month, generally as a bank deposit, and they hardly saw or spoke to each other, which was fine with him.

Laura spent her summers up here. She had worked on staff at this camp for the last five years of their marriage and ever since. Normally just dropping the check in the bank was good but for some reason this time the cash needed to be delivered in person. Laura had given a story about being thirty miles from nowhere at camp and not being able to get to a bank. It didn't make sense to Carl, that hadn't been a problem before now. He had to get her the money, so he planned to drive up here and hand her the cash and drive back down.

He had originally just planned a day trip, almost an afternoon trip, but Krista had flat blown up at that. It was unusual, he and Krista really hadn't had a big fight and this looked to be their first. He supposed it was to be expected; if anything Krista had been burned worse in her last serious relationship than he had. But still, especially stood up against Krista Laura hadn't a prayer. Despite Laura's accusation he wasn't that sort of man. He sure as hell wasn’t about to endanger what he had with Krista.

He had offered to take her with him up to the camp. She could be right there with him the whole time. He was far from ashamed of her and showing Laura how well he had fallen upward would be a pleasant thing. But Krista had a different plan. And here they both were now.

What Carl didn't know is that Krista had, from a distance, been keeping an eye on Laura. Krista had indeed been burned and then she had found someone wonderful, kind, who had a good job and was good, very good to her. Sex was fun with him and she came regularly, "curling her toes" she called it. All of which was a wonderful change from the last few relationships she had been in. Laura was an idiot. Krista had it good with Carl and wanted to keep it that way. Every so often she saw the dregs of what had been between him and Laura but nothing that had worried her until now.

What Carl didn't know was that Laura had lost her comforter, the one who had loaded the crap about Carl cheating into her head to get her away from Carl (Laura was such an idiot to not see through that like glass. Or likely Carl was right and she was way too full of herself to see anything she didn’t want to see) about three months ago. It was easy to think Laura was on the prowl. And it wasn't hard to think of Laura wanting Carl, who was doing wonderfully better now, back. This insistence for Carl to come up all the way up here, away from her, was obvious. No way. No fucking way. Laura had her chance and blew it. Carl was hers now and she wasn't giving him up.

She could have just gone into camp with him, been at his side the whole time. The problem with that was that Laura might try again. No, the best way to resolve this was to let Laura make her play and for Carl to reject her. Everything she saw in him said he would. She sure hoped he would. She knew Carl was over Laura, but there could be embers that could be re-kindled, especially if Laura went the full distance. They had been married, after all, for eight years. Krista had demanded he leave her here exposed and helpless in the woods as a reason, a backstop to get him to say no. If Laura did her worst to snare him back and he walked away it'd be a sign even Laura couldn’t miss that they were over, really over.

So she had him tie her there, helpless between the trees. Naked. And she had told him that he could do whatever he wanted to her until 5 PM. The faster he was there and back the more time he would have with her. He did like her tied up. Outdoors was a bonus for him. The bottom line is she'd know by how long he took. If he spent twenty minutes in the camp that was reasonable. If he spent an hour there, then maybe Krista would need to start watching her back. Or watching for an exit.


Camp was quiet, even more so than was normal on a Saturday afternoon, I remembered. Most of the teen staff were off to town or out on the field trip. While there were still a few people around, in a lot of ways the camp was deserted. I felt a little lonely for a second as I walked up to Laura’s land yacht, what had once been our land yacht, and all the adventures we had had within. I shrugged and pushed it aside. It was hers now as part of the divorce and the only part of it I still owned was the memories. I knocked on the door, envelope in hand, and heard a voice I once thought I'd be hearing for the rest of my life call out my name. When I confirmed it Laura from inside invited me to come in.

I opened the door and climbed in and stopped after getting one look at Laura. How did Krista know? The inside of the RV was neat and clean, a little neater than it normally was in my memories of the past but when I saw what Laura was wearing I knew Krista had been 200% right. She couldn't have nailed it better with a hammer.

Laura looked like she had lost a little weight. She wore a white tube top and a wrap denim miniskirt and was barefoot. She walked up to me, gave me a hug that pressed her chest into me and thanked me, apologizing again for having me come all the way out here to give her the money.

Laura had brown hair that sat straight a little below her shoulders. Unlike Krista's medium-sized 34C breasts Laura was a firm member of the future back problems club with a set that measured 38D. And as much as I had begged she had never worn clothes like this while we were together. Getting her into a denim miniskirt, let alone a wrap one, was, well, pulling teeth was less of a problem. And a tube top, especially a white one? In the past she'd just laugh and disparagingly remind me of how little I would like it if her breasts sagged to her knees when she got older, which they would if she wore that sort of crap, then she'd change the subject. But here she was, dressed like one of my wet dreams, acting like she didn't even realize it. Either she was trying to see how many wounds she could carve into me while I was here or Krista was right and Laura was trying to send me a message.

"You look nice." It was about all I could say as I handed her the envelope. Laura thanked me and told me yes, her shoulders were sore and it didn't feel good to wear something with straps over her shoulders. In fact it didn't feel that good to wear anything at all, she said, leaving the mental picture she knew that would draw in me open.

She bid me sit down for a minute and sat on the edge of the sink across from me. Her cleavage was enormous in the tight tube top and as she half-sat on the edge of the counter the wrap part of her skirt fell open to show a line of skin almost to her hip on that side. She pretended not to notice anything but couldn’t miss me unable to stop myself from checking her out. She saw me looking and smiled a little at me then apologized, saying she could cover up if it was a problem. I told her I hadn't planned to stay long enough to make it worth her bother.

So how are you doing?" she asked. "I understand you're still with Krista, how is that going?" I told her both were fine. She commented it was a pity Krista couldn't come up here and I agreed, managing to keep a straight face as I told Laura that Krista didn't want to make the trip all the way up here. Laura agreed it was a shame, it was so beautiful up here. She stretched out her arm to reach for her water bottle but stopped with an "ouch" and rubbed that shoulder with her other hand.

"It's such a shame," she confirmed. "You always gave such good massages. I could really use one of them right now…" she let it trail off.

I really should have just declined and left but my curiosity got the better of me. I wondered just what her agenda was. Was she making a play for me or just trying to slice into me, or maybe even everything was innocent and just as she said. I decided to let things go a little further to find out. I still had about fifteen minutes here before I had to get back to Krista within the hour she requested.

I made a "turn around" gesture with my finger and she coolly did just that as I stood up behind her and began to rub her shoulder blades. Yes, touching Laura was a mistake, especially with Krista helpless and waiting for me only a few miles away.

I rubbed her shoulders for a few minutes while she stood there quietly with an occasional soft muttering of thanks. But when I was about to finish she grabbed both of my hands with hers, holding them on her shoulders and pulling them a little forward onto her chest.

"I remember when we were married how you'd always want payment for the marvelous neck rubs you gave by massaging my breasts afterward." Her hands left mine just long enough to pull her tube top down to her waist. She was facing away from me but now she was topless. She grabbed my hands and started pulling them down toward her breasts like we always used to do. "My breasts are sore too, Maybe you could make them feel good like my shoulders."

She was pulling my hands down toward her breasts. I resisted but she had a firm grip. I could have fought her and broken away but wanted to see just how far she was willing to go. I kept my hands on her upper chest and let them go no lower.

"I've got someone and you know that,” I started. “Krista…"

"Isn't here right now. I'm not going to tell and you are not, so what does it matter? It's only a little massage, a favor for old times’ sake. Look, you want to, I want you to, just go ahead. No one will know."

I wondered, just how far she was wanting to go? Did she really just want the sort of human touch it looked like she had been without for a while up here? Was she just wanting a quick fling? Or was she trying to take me back like Krista suspected? Or maybe she just wanted to have sex with me so she could throw the event in Krista's face and ruin my relationship with her. There was only one way to find out. I stopped fighting and she pulled my hands over her bare breasts and I began to massage and squeeze them. We had done this so many times just like this in the past, she'd lean against me and close her eyes and almost purr while I reached over her or around her and massaged her breasts. It was easy to do. It wasn't something Krista and I had ever done; she had never shown that much of an interest in it. And yeah, I liked it. I always had.

She just leaned back into me and let me work, gently breathing with an occasional sigh or moan. Just like old times. After about three minutes of it, where she got steadily more expressive, her hands dropped to her waist and undid the one button of her skirt. A second later it was sailing across the RV to a chair. I looked down, she was naked now, I could see between her legs a trimmed brown bush

She spun around, took my hands, pulled me down for a kiss. "Carl, please fuck me. You know what this does to me, you've started a fire like always and I need you to put it out." She started pulling me toward a bed where we had done just that many times before.

I stopped, pulled back. "But Krista…" I started.

She looked like she got a little impatient or mad. "Oh, don't Krista me. She's not here. She'll never know. Just this once and I'll never ask again." She looked at me, tugged. I stood firm. Five miles away Krista was tied helpless and naked between two trees, waiting for me. Trusting me.

Laura switched to another tack. "You could spend the night here." She brushed off the objections I started to make. "Just call her and tell her you got a flat tire and you can't get it fixed until tomorrow morning. I have to be in the dining hall from 5 to 6 but after that we could go to the Harley Bar and have dinner. I could drink two, maybe three Long Island Iced Teas and you *know* what that'll do to me. You could bring me back here and pour me into bed and do anything you want to me all night long."


"Anything." She reached over and dug into a drawer and to my great surprise drew out a pair of handcuffs. "You could use these on me or tie me spread-eagle to the bed and fuck me hard like you used to."

I was really over my head. Laura had put up with the bondage stuff when we were married but there was normally a price for doing that sort of thing. To have her offer it now was unreal.

"You could use them on me now if you wanted. Sort of a down payment on tonight. Cuff my hands behind my back, lean me over the bed and fuck me hard. You used to like doing that. You could do that right now if you wanted. We have time before five to have some fun…"

I thought about it. "But…"

Laura gently put her finger across my lips. "She'll be fine, don't worry. She'll find someone new. She's pretty; it shouldn't be that hard. I know you. I know what you want, know what you like, know how to please you. I want you back. However you want to do it, just fuck me now. The rest will be easy." She took the handcuffs behind her back with both hands and a second later I heard both ratcheting down on her wrists. She looked at the top shelf of the storage rack beside us where I saw two handcuff keys resting. “I can't get to those now. I'll do whatever I have to do to get you to give me the keys. But I want you! Fuck me now!"

She turned and bent over the bed. She had a nice bottom and her pussy looked red and engorged. She lay still, waiting for me to take her offer.

I thought about just walking out now, leaving her naked and with her hands cuffed behind her back. Someone else would have to find her that way and free her if that truly was her only keys. They generally only provided two; it was pretty reasonable that she would indeed be trapped if I did. I looked back to where she lay on the bed, saw her face with her eyes closed, waiting, hoping.

And I snapped. Just like Krista, who loved me and trusted me. Who had seen all this coming from miles away and let me come alone anyway. And who I had made no formal promises to but plenty of informal ones. And who trusted me not to cheat on her. Unlike Laura.

I reached up and grabbed the handcuff keys, unlocked one of her wrists and then pressed them into her hands as I spoke.

"No. I have made a promise to Krista. I didn't cheat on you no matter what you think and I'm not going to cheat on her. I'm sorry; I gotta go." I walked straight out of the RV and into my truck and was gone.


I made it back to Krista with five minutes to spare. She was really happy to see me, it looked like she might have been crying but that all went away when she saw me. I started untying her right away. "Wait!" she protested. "Aren't you going to… well…"

"No. You couldn't have been more right about Laura if you had a fucking crystal ball. And I just want to get away from here. Very far away from here. With you."

She rubbed her wrists as I untied her ankles. "You made it back within the hour, yes?" I looked up long enough to nod yes.

"OK, so I'm now your sex slave for the rest of the weekend. I promised, so I will."

I had finished with her ankles and was putting all the rope back in the backpack. "Is my t-shirt in there?” she asked. “Could I get it?"

"Yes, and no," I told her. "You are my sex slave and I want you naked for a while."

She looked at me and then giggled. She had a beautiful giggle. "Yes, master." And then she giggled some more, very happy.

We walked hand in hand back to the truck. She looked hardly bug-bit at all. She asked me, "Master, when can I expect to get my clothes back?" I told her if she was very good she might get them back before Monday. She shut up at that.

I told her on our way out what happened. She listened quietly, squeezing my free hand, then thanked me and said she knew she was right to trust me. And then she looked at me with her big brown eyes. "Master, your slave girl has a thought she'd like to share."

All this "Master" stuff was kind of strange. We played, sure, but had never done anything like this before. I asked her where it was all coming from.

She shyly admitted that she had read a few books in the past and thought that with the right guy it might be kinda fun, but she'd never actually had the chance or ever talked this way with anyone before. "Besides," she informed me with a roll of her head and a smile, "You know me. Try anything once, maybe more if it's good. So far so good. And I am your sex slave for the weekend, so it sorta fits. And it is kinda fun." She fixed me with a smile. "Besides, this will be all over Monday morning. Run with it while you have it!"

"So what's this thought of my slave girl has?"

She began slowly. "Master does not need to take his slave straight home if he does not wish. Maybe Master can find a hotel room for the night up here. Maybe Master would like to do with his slave what his former mistress wanted to do. Master could take his slave to the Biker Bar and she could drink several drinks like his old mistress wanted to. And then Master could take his slave girl to the hotel room and pour her into the bed and of course do anything he wanted to her all night." She paused for a second and then broke into more giggles for a moment.

I looked at her. "And if someone from camp is there, of course it might get back to her."

"Of course. It's possible that even the b… Master's old mistress could be there and watch Master… properly dominate his slave." A giggle and then a deep sigh from Krista. "Of course all a slave girl has is a t-shirt, Master might have to go to the store and get some skimpy sexy clothes for dinner that a good slave girl would have no choice but to wear." Krista was smirking now, enjoying herself and the game. Yup, she was really pissed at Laura. "And yes, it would be quite a shame if Master's old mistress was there or heard about what little a poor slave wore or how Master took advantage of his slave at dinner…" She stammered for a second. "Sorry, I can't do the slave talk any more for a moment." She got this big grin on her face. "You bet your ass, I'd love for Laura to learn that you did to me what she wanted you to do to her."

"Wouldn't you want to help pick out the outfit?" I asked.

She grimaced. "In just that t-shirt? With my pussy hanging out? I’d get arrested, and that would spoil the evening. Actually no, I'd hate to walk through Target in just that." She gave a theatrical loud sigh. "But the life of a slave girl is hard and she does what her Master wishes." And Krista giggled some more.

Krista tried to hide it but I could see her becoming more and more worried as she was still naked and we approached the road and my truck. Where she had been tied there were too many trees to see her naked body from the road but now we were curing that issue.

We were still a distance away from the road but could see my truck and a small part of the road ahead and for her the worst happened. We could hear an approaching car. There were still some trees around and it wasn't like we'd be standing by the truck when the car drove past in about 45 seconds, but if they were looking she would be clearly visible.

"Car… Master!" She squeaked. "May I have my t-shirt? I hear a car coming!"

I figured it was time to put her to the test. "No, slave. Stand still with your feet about two feet apart."

She looked at me wildly. "But…"

"I will protect you, now and always. But were you serious when you said you'd do anything I wanted?"

"Yes, but…" The sound of the car was getting closer.

"Clasp your hands behind your neck!" I snapped at her. She looked at me for a second, then did as I asked. "What do I do if they see me?" She moaned.

"Smile and wave at them."

"Are you serious?"


The sound of the car approaching continued to grow louder as I stepped away from her, pulled out my cell phone and started taking pictures of her. She was beautiful, beyond a doubt, the scenery was excellent and lush and green, her own brown hair was curled around her shoulders, breasts firm and high in the sunlight and a brown triangle of delight clearly visible between her legs. She was almost in a panic but holding position, her hands clasped behind her neck, everything showing. Damn I loved her so much! Tonight I was going to fuck her so hard she'd need crutches tomorrow.

She slayed in position. I wondered if she was going to break at the last minute and scream and run behind a tree but she had a resolute look on her face behind the smile for the camera and held still. The car sped by fifty yards away. I couldn't see it, my back to the road taking pictures I'd treasure forever but she did. She almost bolted but didn't. And she didn't break position to wave at the car. It roared past and off into the distance down the road. I put the camera away and walked back up to her, held out my hand for hers and we continued walking to the car.

"Anyone see you?" I asked.

"No. Single person, male, about thirty, never looked over here," she told me in relief. "I don't know what I’d’ve done if he had seen me."

"Wave?" I suggested.

She smiled. "Yes, Master, I would have smiled and waved as you said."

"It's actually not that bad." I gave her my opinion. "If someone had seen you, it might have been good. 'Heey Laura. I saw a truck parked on the road along the way that looked like Carl’s and off in the forest I saw a guy who looked like Carl taking pictures of this really beautiful brown-haired woman and she was *naked*!"

She looked at me a little funny, then she laughed. She smacked me on the shoulder and then said "Sorry, Master, my hand slipped." but she was still laughing. We made it to the truck and there were no sounds of anyone else approaching.

"Master?" she began tentatively. "We're going to be on the freeway with people passing us. Am I going to still be without clothing?"

I looked at her. "You look beautiful naked and I may just keep you that way until Monday." She groaned.

In fact I gave her the t-shirt back after being on the road for a few minutes. She was really unhappy and yes, the traffic was kind of heavy. I decided to take her up on the offer for the Harley Bar and the hotel. First was proper clothing for Krista. She really, really did not want to go into the department store in just that t-shirt. It was just too short, she never even planned to get out of the car for a soda once she tossed her shorts and bra out the window, and just no. I couldn’t argue that, having seen her in it as we walked to the trees. I went in alone, emerging a bit later with a pair of daisy dukes that fit her. She was satisfied with that.

We both went into the store this time. We wound up stuck between a strapless shorts set or a really short minidress, both which would look beautiful on her. She looked at both and asked me if there was any chance of getting a pair of panties if she chose the minidress. I nodded no, to which she just smiled. She still picked the minidress. She asked me to be understanding at dinner. If we met someone I knew she just might ‘accidentally’ do a Fatal Attraction on them just so they would tell Laura she was not only up here, but up here in a miniskirt commando. I told her of course I would not object or stop her but there might be later punishment for a slave girl who was that careless. She looked up at me with big green eyes and asked if that was a promise.

We did run into some people we knew at the biker bar. Laura wasn’t there, but two of them were her friends so she was sure to get a blistering report. Krista wasn’t wearing a bra in that dress and did manage to establish she wasn’t wearing panties either. Once we got back to the room she couldn’t stop kissing me and I don’t think it was the alcohol. And all the way down the hill to home, she was naked as the breeze. She never complained a bit.


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