The Exit Interview

by Kitsune71

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© Copyright 2024 - Kitsune71 - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/f; fpov; bond; slave; cuffs; costume; maid; gag; chair; straps; brand; training; sex; oral; blindfold; kidnap; collar; leash; reluct; nc; XX

Continues from

Part 3 - Headhunted

I sighed as I stretched my bound limbs, feeling the smooth coolness of leather around my wrists, ankles, and neck. The soft fabric of the black lace teddy clung to my skin, the tight grip of plastic that kept my feet strapped inside a pair of black 5 inch platform high heeled sandals. Another day, another hour and another morning in this godforsaken place.

It had been six weeks since I had accidentally stumbled upon David's embezzling, and since then, my life has taken a drastic turn for the worse. I never knew what each day might bring, maybe today after waiting for David to return from the office I'd endure hours of mind numbing sex that would leave me exhausted and purring like a cat. Maybe David would spend the day working from home while I spent endless hours chained under David's desk in his office, being forced to gag on his hard cock as he attended online meetings and went through paperwork.

Or maybe, just maybe, today would be one of those rare moments where I'd be given the freedom to roam the mansion as I pleased, at least until David returned home from work. I never knew, the only thing I was certain of was that no matter what, I'd always end up waiting for him to come back and reclaim his prize aka me.

Luckily for me this morning was one of those rare mornings where I had mostly free reign of the house. I use the term mostly due to the fact that both my ankles and wrists cuffs were connected by a 6 inch chain. Wandering around the large home in the high heels I'd worn to bed meant it made walking around interesting to say the least. As I'd found out over the last month and a half David had many fetishes, the prominent ones being, bondage, lingerie and high heels. Nearly every day he seemed to come home with a new outfit or pair of heels for me to wear. It got to a point about two weeks ago that David purchased a large armoire and had it delivered and moved into the master bedroom just to store it all.

I, like many women, enjoyed shopping and wearing pretty things, but as much as I loved all my pretty high heels and wore them to work, I'd never loved them enough to sleep in them like I was forced to here. David made me wear them constantly, the only time I wasn't garbed in a pair of heels and lingerie was when we showered together. David's perverted tendencies weren't the only things I had to learn to deal with. Under David's roof I learned that there were rules and If I didn't follow those rules life became an uncomfortable, boring existence. One of my best traits at least in my eyes has been my ability to adapt and adapting to captivity under a clever perverted brute became a valuable asset for me.

Because life in his house became a great deal more pleasant when I finally accepted that at least for the moment, it was better to listen and wait, than it was to constantly fight back. David must have been extra happy with me last night as it was rare I woke up alone with my wrists cuffed in front of me. Wandering through the small mansion early in the morning, I couldn't help but once again marvel at the opulence that surrounded me as I wandered down the hallway. The dark wooden trim, the intricate dark metal chandelier that hung from the high ceiling of the front entry, the priceless pieces of art that adorned the walls, and the plush carpets that seemed to muffle my heeled footsteps as I walked were a far cry from the medium sized apartment I had been living in.

I had always known that David was rich, but I had never imagined just how lavish his lifestyle truly was. I found myself standing in front of a grand piano, running my fingers along the smooth wood, imagining what it must be like to live in a world where such luxuries were commonplace. A small part of me, the part that still remembered the life I had before all this, ached with longing for something more.

My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten breakfast yet. I made my way slowly to the kitchen. At first I had marveled at the state-of-the-art appliances and the beautifully arranged countertops, now I was beginning to feel a sense of normality when I walked by them. My cuffs jingled as I grabbed a bowl of fruit from the refrigerator and poured myself some orange juice. Taking small bites I wandered around the room, admiring the view of the backyard through the floor-to-ceiling windows. I'd long ago given up trying to escape through the locked, security-coded doors and tempered glass windows.

The backyard was just as breathtaking as the front, with a large pool, a tennis court, and a well-manicured lawn. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and the air looked warm and inviting. I stared longingly at that pool, after six weeks of being cooped up in this admittedly large and beautiful home I was developing a bit of cabin fever. I had asked David once or twice about possibly using the pool and he'd said he'd think about it after a) I'd proven I could be trusted and b) he'd paid to have a privacy fence installed. David's property did have a fence surrounding it, but the 6 ft. high metal bars only kept people out and did nothing to stop any of his neighbors from seeing inside… not that he had many, as his home was situated at the back of the large gated community he lived in. Having eaten I sighed, put my dishes in the dishwasher and shuffled my way towards the large den.

The den was as elegant as the rest of the mansion, with a large plasma TV mounted on the wall and comfortable leather sofas arranged around a glass coffee table. Approaching the coffee table I grabbed the tv remote and sat down. Aiming the remote at the TV I switched it on and started browsing through the channels until I could find something to watch. Sitting there on the couch, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy for the actresses on the screen. They were free to wear whatever they wanted, move however they pleased, and live their lives without the constant weight of servitude and fear. I wondered if they ever felt grateful for their freedom, or if they took it for granted.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching from the kitchen. David who wasn't at work but out for a morning jog walked into the den, he looked sweaty and his breathing was a little elevated. He was wearing a tight pair of bicycle shorts, was bare chested and had already kicked off his socks and running shoes. My stomach tightened at his fit body and from the growing bulge in his shorts I didn't have to look up to know he was already looking my way. I really hate myself at moments like this, here's a man who was a well known misogynistic hound dog, who had essentially up ended my life, had stolen my freedom and yet all I can do is stare at his body while images of all the toe curling sex we've had flash through my mind.

He walked into the den while taking a long drink from a glass of water before setting it down on the coffee table in front of me.

"Good morning, slave," he says, his voice smooth as silk. "Did you sleep well?"

I looked up at him, my heart involuntarily beginning to race. "Yes, Master," I managed to reply, my voice the perfect illusion of calm.

David took a seat on the couch next to me, his gaze lingered on the exposed portions of my body for a moment before returning to meet my eyes. "And how are you feeling this morning?" he asked, his voice low and husky.

I swallowed hard, trying to maintain my composure. "I'm fine, Master," I replied, keeping my voice steady.

David leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and studied me intently. "Are you sure you're not sore from last night?" he asks, his voice darkening. "Because if you are, you'll need to let me know. I have plans for you today, and I don't want you hurting yourself because you're not up to the task."

I swallowed hard, the anxious flutter in my chest increasing. "No, Master," I managed to reply, forcing myself to meet his gaze. "I'm fine, thank you for asking."

"Excellent, because it's cleaning day!" David said, holding up a very skimpy French maid uniform that I hadn't noticed laying on the arm of the sofa.

Keeping my face neutral I sighed internally as I stared at the stereotypical off the shoulder uniform that consisted of a tiny black-and-white dress with white frills, frilly white headpiece and white apron. The skirt on the dress was short enough that if I bent in any direction I'd end up exposing my rear end. Suffice to say it left almost nothing to the imagination. Eyeing the dress I put on a show of swallowing nervously, knowing how David loved to see me squirm and not wanting him to think he needed to up his game I simply gave him what he wanted. The first time I'd been forced to wear it I'd been embarrassed as hell especially since David had taken the day off to supervise and instruct me on what he expected from me. Ever since then, at least twice a week I wore the costume and spent a sizable portion of my day cleaning while David went to the office.

"Well?" David asked, watching me carefully. "What are you waiting for, slave? Get dressed." He leaned back on the couch, his arms crossed over his broad chest, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

I wobbled a bit as I got to my feet, once I was steady I quickly disrobed. Like everything I was forced to wear, my lingerie seemed to be custom made or at least had been altered so that it had snaps so it wouldn't be necessary for me to have my restraints unlocked to get out of and into clothing. It hadn't taken me long to figure out that it wasn't that David worried about what I might do if I were unrestrained, but that it simply amused and excited him to keep me in restraints.

Taking a deep breath I began to put on the uniform, my movements were slow and deliberate as I snapped the skimpy uniform into place.

I felt David's eyes on me the whole time, his gaze traveling up and down my body with interest. "You look lovely, slave," he purred. "Now, let's get you started with your chores," David rose from the couch and I followed him down the hallway towards the kitchen.

As we walked, the heels of my shoes clicked against the hardwood floor and echoed down the halls. As usual I struggled to keep up with David's long strides and took fast short steps so as not to fall behind.

Entering the kitchen David motioned to me as he spoke. "Slave, today I want you to start by scrubbing the counters," he said, watching me intently. "I want it spotless, then I want you to polish all of the hardwood floors and finally do some dusting around the house. I want this house to be spick and span by the time I return, so if and only if you are finished before then may you relax the rest of the day, now get to it."

I nodded as I headed to retrieve the cleaning supplies from underneath the kitchen sink and began scrubbing at the countertops. For the first few minutes I could feel David's eyes boring into my back and I knew that he was enjoying this, enjoying watching me bend over and do his bidding. Honestly I hated him for it, but I also couldn't deny the arousal that coursed through my veins as well. I often felt like all my time under David's thumb was changing me, I felt more and more aroused by things that would have at one time made my blood boil. Often I felt confused and angry one minute, then the next I'd feel more at peace… no, more satisfied than I'd ever felt before.

'I must be going crazy,' I thought, as I continued to scrub away.

The scent of the lemon cleaner I was using filled the air, mixing with the smell of whatever had been cooked in the kitchen last night. My movements were precise and methodical, scrubbing away any trace of dirt or grime that might remain. Occasionally I'd glanced up at the clock on the wall noting how slowly the hands moved as I continued to clean. I must have been at this for over an hour already and there was still so much to do. Looking around I realized that I had been so focused on my task that I hadn't even noticed David leave for work.

Standing up straight I stretched my back, feeling the familiar ache in my muscles from being hunched over for so long. Bending down I adjusted the leather cuffs around each of my ankles, I pulled on the cuff to let a little air sneak inside and made sure they weren't chafing my skin. Standing up straight I walked over to the fridge, reaching in to grab a bottle of water. Taking a long drink, I enjoyed feeling the cool liquid flow down my parched throat.

Glancing around the kitchen, I took stock of the tasks that still needed to be done. The counters, sink and appliances were now spotless, but there was still the matter of the hardwood floors. Sighing, I picked up a mop from the linen closet, filled up a bucket and began to swirl it over the wet floor, the water sloshing against the wooden planks. The soft creak of the mop against the floor filled the air as I strategically worked my way through the house. As I worked my gaze fell on the many items that would eventually need to be dusted.

With each step I continued to mop the floor as the chain between my ankles clinked, stretching taut between my feet. The weight of my bound wrists grew heavy as I swished the mop back and forth, the chains pulling my arms forward until I had to arch my back slightly to relieve the strain. Despite the discomfort, I couldn't help but feel a sense of arousal building within myself whenever I'd catch a glimpse of my reflection in a mirror or window. Being at David's mercy, using my body as he saw fit, was both humiliating and exhilarating.

When I was finally finished mopping I stood in the large den and looked around, noting what was most in need of dusting. From the antique mirror above the fireplace, the framed pictures on the walls, to all the knickknacks on the mantle there was no shortage of things to dust and I knew I had better do a good job if I wanted to relax without having to worry about being punished in some unique degrading fashion.

Standing there I couldn't help but wonder what he would have me do next if I failed to pass inspection, would he command me to get down on my hands and knees while I licked every surface clean or perhaps even use my body to buff the furniture. I couldn't help myself as I giggled at the image, David's ordered me to do many things, but I knew even he had his limits to degradation. With the floors clean it was time I moved on to dusting and so headed back to the large linen closet to put away the mop and gather what else I'd need.

Standing in the linen closet I stared at the floor-to-ceiling shelves lined with fresh, crisp linens. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as I ran my fingers over the soft fabric, wishing I could curl up in one of the fluffy towels or cuddle under a cozy blanket. Instead, I carefully hung the mop up on its hook and began to sort through the various items stored in the closet.

There were cleaners, feather dusters, brushes, and even a special cloth for cleaning the mirrors. As I reached up for what I needed I sighed as the chains connecting my wrists stretched taut between my body, the sensation made doing anything awkward yet always left an arousing image in my head. Again I hated to admit it but all the bondage and sex was beginning to have lasting effects on my libido.

Pausing for a moment I gazed around the closet as I stood there reaching up to grab a feather duster, imagining what David might do if he came home early and saw me like this, helpless and exposed? Or would he leave me alone, leaving me to finish my chores? The thought of his presence, of his control over me, sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but close my eyes, wondering what it would be like to feel his hands on my skin again, to feel his breath against my ear as he whispered dirty words in my ear.

With a sigh, I shook my head free of those thoughts and continued to sort through the linens, but my mind kept drifting between fantasies of submission and the reality of the mundane task at hand. Grabbing a feather duster, I did my best to clear my head, closed the closet door and headed towards the den.

I started with the easy to reach surfaces like the coffee table, banister, and entertainment center. Moving on I began to dust the furniture and picture frames, my cuffed wrists made it difficult not knocking things over. My ankles swayed with each step, the chain connecting my ankle cuffs clinking softly against the rings on my leather cuffs as I stood up on my tippy toes to reach the top of the mantle above the fireplace. The smell of polish and dust was hanging heavy in the air, mixing with the scent of my own sweat as I worked. David wouldn't be home for at least another 3 hours, giving me plenty of time to finish. As I reached up high along the trim above the fireplace I began to wobble, the chain between my ankles preventing me from regaining my balance.

With a soft gasp, I stumbled forward, the heels of my shoes scraping against the hardwood floor as I struggled to catch myself. My chest heaved as I fought for control, my bound hands searching for purchase as I tumbled over. I winced in pain as I slid down the mantle, my bare skin scraping against the rough stone of the fireplace. Tears welled up in my eyes, not from the pain, but from the built up frustration of being so helpless. At that moment I just wanted to scream, to fight back against David and his control over me, but what could I do. In his eyes I was his property now, his toy to play with as he pleased, and there was little I could do.

The swell of my breasts heaved under the loose fabric of my uniform, threatening to reveal more than they already did as I lay there my breath fogging up the hardwood. What was truly confounding was how hard my nipples were, I just fell to the floor humiliated, angry and frustrated. Now I could feel pressure swelling against the barbells piercing my nipples which only stirred the feeling of arousal in me even more. I could only imagine how pleased David would be seeing me in such a state and the thought of him walking in right now finding me like this only further intensified the growing wetness between my thighs. That thought led me to wonder what would he do next, would he punish me for being so careless? Or would he reward me for being such a good girl and doing my best to fulfill his orders? Not willing to find out I took a deep breath, rolled over shuffling my body around until I was on my hands and knees.

The floor was cool against my bare skin, I closed my eyes while concentrating on the feeling of the smooth wood below my hands and legs in an effort to bring my mind back into focus. lifting my bound hands, I stretched my arms out in front of me, the chain connecting them clinking softly against the thick rings of the leather cuffs.

I took another deep breath as I listened to the quiet ticking of a clock on the mantle above me, its steady rhythm now seeming to match my own heartbeat. Gripping the sides of the fireplace I slowly lifted myself until I could get my feet under me and wobbling slightly stood back up.

As I stood there, swaying a bit, I couldn't help but feel more exposed and vulnerable after my fall. The feeling was only made worse due to the shortness of my uniform, which I knew David had picked out because of how much it would draw extra attention to my legs. Feeling a breeze I looked behind me and frowned. Initially I hadn't noticed that when I fell the skirt in back had gotten pinched inside where the apron strings were tied, leaving my ass, which was cleaved in two by the thong I was wearing, fully exposed.

Now muttering obscenities to myself I leaned my forehead against the stone of the fireplace while I shifted my cuffed hands around and freed the portion of my uniform from its captor. I shifted my weight from foot to foot, the heels of my shoes clicking against the floor. After collecting the feather duster from the floor, I continued my work wondering what David would do when he finally returned home. Would he be pleased with how I'd cleaned, or would he find fault with something? The thought both thrilled and terrified me as I glanced around the room, taking in the details I had missed while cleaning. The dust below the mantle, the cobwebs in the corner. Deciding there was nothing for it but to finish my task and be done with my servant-ly duty.

Finally finished with my chores I returned the cleaning supplies to the closet and returned to the living room to relax. I still had an hour or two until David returned and despite what it would mean in some ways I looked forward to his arrival. For one it would mean dinner and if there was one positive thing about living under David's roof it was the food.

I had been very surprised to find that David was an excellent cook and always left me satisfied after every meal. Dessert wasn't always the best however, as I was usually forced to endure swallowing David's own special brand of cream afterwards.

As I sat on the couch I grabbed the nearby remote and switched on the tv in an effort to distract myself from the rampant thoughts that seem to plague my bored mind more and more these days. The news was on, as usual. I wasn't really paying attention as I idly flicked through the channels. The house was quiet, the only sound being the soft hum of the television. It was times like these when I felt most trapped, most like David's property.

I shuddered at the thought, I knew that was exactly what I was, at least in his eyes. His possession. His pet. His toy to use as he pleased. I hated it, but at the same time… there was something about it that thrilled me. The way he would growl at me, the possessive way he'd touch my… again it was all so wrong, but so right.

I couldn't help but wonder how much longer I would have to endure this new life of mine. Just six weeks ago, I'd been a normal working secretary, free to come and go as I pleased.

Now, here I was cleaning a mansion while dressed in a skimpy French maid's uniform that left very little to the imagination. My ankles were adorned with ankle cuffs connected by a 6 inch chain, and my wrists were cuffed together in front of me with a collar secured around my throat. The five inch high heels I wore clicked against the floor as I paced back and forth while cleaning my former employer's home. If I'd been told six weeks ago where I'd be now, I'd have laughed at the absurdity that I, a single, independent woman with a penchant for losing my temper, would ever submit to the likes of David Wolfe.

But here I was, in his home, in his bed, cleaning his things, wearing the collar he'd put around my neck when he'd taken me and claimed me as his property. It wasn't all bad of course, as much as I hated admitting it to myself sex with David was the best I'd experienced in my life by a lot. The biggest downside beside my lack of freedom was what happened when I disobeyed him and the punishments I received for my insolence.

Thinking back my heart raced as I thought about the punishments I'd endured so far. The sting of his hand on my bare bottom, the feeling of his erect cock pressed against my lips as I serviced him, the way he'd tie me up and use me for his pleasure. Not to mention the harsher punishments like the piercings in my nipples, the lengthy flogging sessions and painful timeouts while being tied in brutal ways. The worst punishment I'd received however had been the branding of David's initials on my left ass cheek.

Just thinking about that night made me subconsciously run my hand over the slightly raised dark skin in the shape of a D&W permanently etched on my rear end. He had done that the night he came home after allowing me free reign of his home for the first time. I'd spent all day trying to escape, trying every window and door, even going as far as to throw a wooden stool against multiple windows. I had been utterly horrified to find every pane of glass to be made of tempered glass and when David came home I'd been punished severely, ending with him taking a hot metal iron with his two initials to my ass as I sobbed uncontrollably

~ Four Weeks Ago ~

Today had been the first time David had allowed me to wander around his house while he went to work. I of course took full advantage to try and escape while not letting the fact I was still wearing ankle and wrist cuffs deter me from gaining my freedom.

I started by trying to pry open the master bedroom window, but it was locked. Frustrated, I moved on to the den, where I tried to push one of the heavy bookcases into the front of the backdoor, but it wouldn't budge. Next, I went to the kitchen, hoping to find a knife to cut through the cuffs, but the drawers were all locked with a thumbprint scanner.

In desperation, I began to search the house more thoroughly, looking for anything I could use as a weapon or tool. I went through every drawer, every closet, even opening up the fridge and freezer, hoping to find something I could use. I even went as far as to check the bathroom cabinets, rummaging through bottles of shampoo and makeup, looking for anything that could help me escape.

Time and time again, I was met with failure. It seemed that every possible exit was locked or barred, and every possible tool was out of reach. I felt trapped and helpless, like a caged animal. My heart raced with fear and frustration, and tears began to well up in my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore.

I even went so far as to try throwing chairs against the tempered glass of his windows, hoping that if they wouldn't break, perhaps the frame would give way. To my horror, the chairs bounced harmlessly off, leaving me with a sore arm and a renewed sense of desperation. Exhausted and defeated, I finally gave up. I sank down onto the cold, hardwood floor, my ankles and wrists still bound, my body aching from all the futile attempts at escape. Tears streamed down my face as I hugged my knees to my chest, rocking back and forth in despair.

I looked around me at the mess my desperate search for an escape had left throughout David's home. The large den was in disarray, with cushions thrown about and picture frames knocked askew. The kitchen cabinets hung open, revealing their contents scattered on the floor. The bedroom windows were splintered from where I'd thrown furniture in a fit of rage, and the curtains were torn and ripped from their rods. Everywhere I looked, there was evidence of my fruitless attempts to break free. Looking at the clock I knew David would be home soon and there was no way I'd be able to hide my efforts to escape.

That was when I heard the familiar click of the front door lock, signaling David's return home. I froze, my breath caught in my throat. I could hear his footsteps approaching, slowly growing louder as he made his way through the house. My heart hammered against my ribcage as I tried to come up with an excuse for the mess I'd created, the damage I'd done. But I knew there was no excuse that would make him understand.

He finally stepped into the living room, a grocery bag in one hand. His eyes widened as they took in the destruction around him. "What happened here?" he demanded, his voice cold and furious. "What did you do?"

I couldn't meet his gaze, my own heart racing with fear. "I-I'm sorry," I stammered, my voice barely audible. "I tried to escape. I'm so sorry."

He took a step closer, his expression darkening further. "I had hoped your first week of training and second week of sitting in the dungeon in your cell all day waiting for my return would have taught you your place. That you might gain some appreciation of the freedoms I might bestow on you when you follow my rules and commands."

He looked at me, his eyes narrowing. "But no, you had to go and ruin it all." His voice was cold and menacing, and I felt a chill run down my spine. "You are a reckless, disobedient little brat, aren't you? You don't understand the consequences of your actions," he said, his voice growing more agitated with each syllable.

"Well since you've decided to ignore and rebel against my lessons, I guess I'm going to have to be a great deal less gentle about teaching you your new role in life." With that David picked me up off the floor and carried me into the living room. I just continued to mewl as David uncuffed and re-cuffed my wrists behind my back. Grabbing the very same wooden dining chair I had attempted to break the living room's windows with, he planted it in the middle of the room. Soon I was being dragged over to the chair where David forced me to kneel on the seat with my chest hanging over the back of the chair.

"Do not move Marie," David said in a quiet angry tone.

I watched as he left the room and headed upstairs, he returned a few minutes later carrying multiple leather belts which he tossed on the floor next to me. Next he walked over to the lit fireplace, placed a long metal rod with an oddly flat tip into the flames and walked back over until he was standing behind me.

"Open your mouth." Not wanting to make things worse for myself I did so without hesitation and a metal bar with a rubber coating was shoved into my mouth, the bit-gag as I remembered David calling it was then tightly buckled behind my head.

I watched with growing concern as David grabbed a belt off the floor, I then felt him loop it around the seat of the chair and my calves, the leather securing me firmly in place. He continued with the second belt, looping it around my waist and thighs, binding my body to the chair. Each time he added a new belt, the chair seemed to shrink around me, holding me in place more and more firmly. After looping the second to last belt around my midsection and securing me to the back of the chair David grabbed the final belt. He looped it around my arms just above my elbows and drew the belt tight until I could feel my elbows touch behind my back. The bondage was so tight I could hardly move a muscle which is exactly what I think David had in mind as he headed towards the fireplace.

I watched in horror as he returned with what I realized was a branding iron, the metal letters glowing red hot. My heart began to race as he positioned himself behind me, the heat from the branding iron singeing my skin as he leaned in closer. I wanted to scream but I couldn't move, couldn't even breathe. He placed the branding iron against my left ass cheek and with a swift, forceful motion pressed it into my flesh. I felt the searing pain shoot through my body as he branded his initials into my skin. Tears streamed down my face as I bit down hard on the bit-gag while letting out a long muffled scream.

"This is what happens when you disobey me," he growled, the heat from his breath mixing with the pain coursing through my body. "From now on, you'll remember that you belong to me, that you're my property and you'll never dare to defy me again like you did today." He pulled the branding iron away, the air cooling my burning skin momentarily before he pressed it back against my flesh, branding his initials even deeper into my ass cheek.

I could feel hot tears streaming down my face, my body shaking with sobs as I struggled against the restraints, my wrists burning from their tight grip behind my back. David let out a satisfied groan as he pulled the branding iron away for the last time, admiring his handiwork.

"This will be a good lesson for you, Marie… no not Marie, from now I'll refer to you as slave so you remember what you are and I expect you to remember that from now on for that is what you are. I want you to feel my mark on you every time you see it, as a reminder of who you belong to and what happens when you disobey me."

As he spoke, he caressed my branded skin, his fingers tracing over the hot, throbbing mark on my ass. Despite my pain, I couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of arousal and shame. My body seemed to betray me, responding to his touch in a way that I couldn't control. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the heat that was spreading through my core.

David must have sensed my reaction, because he chuckled darkly. "Yes, slave, it's only natural for you to feel this way. After all, you are mine now, body and soul. And as your master, I have the power to make you feel pleasure and pain in ways you've never imagined." His fingers dipped lower, tracing over the lips of my sex, teasing and tormenting me. "But don't forget, pleasure is always fleeting with me. It's only a means to an end. The true lesson you need to learn is that your place is here, at my feet, and your only purpose is to serve and obey."

~ Present ~

I ran my fingers over the raised skin as I remembered the feelings I felt that day and the subsequent punishments I received periodically for disobeying David after.

Even with the pain and humiliation, I couldn't help but feel… something. The thought both thrilled and terrified me because I was no wilting flower.

I'd felt a strange mix of shame and arousal as he'd spank my bare ass, leaving my cheeks stinging while my sex ached and the elation I felt when he'd growl with pleasure when I sucked him off, his rough hands that gripped my hair as he fucked my face… it was wrong… it was all so wrong, but somehow so right.

The doorbell rang, startling me out of my thoughts. David would send a signal to the smarthouse from his phone causing the doorbell to chime signaling to me to ready myself for his arrival. I forced myself to sit up straighter on the couch, taking a deep breath and steeling myself for his arrival. I knew where he would expect me to be, kneeling on the floor in the front entryway waiting for him like a good little pet.

As I made my way to the front door, my heels clicked against the hardwood floor, the sound like a ticking clock counting down to his arrival. Like everyday I couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of anticipation and fear. Anticipation for the pleasure and release that would surely come, and fear of the punishment that would inevitably follow if I didn't please him to his satisfaction.

I stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath, steadying my nerves. Slowly and carefully I lowered myself into a kneeling position with my head bowed as I waited for the door to open.

The click of the lock echoed through the foyer and the door swung open. David stood there, his handsome features twisted into a satisfied smirk. His eyes raked up and down my body, taking in the way I knelt there, my head bowed in submission.

"Ah, slave," he purred, stepping inside. "Good girl, for once you're greeting me exactly as I expect you to."

David closed the door behind him, his eyes still fixed on me. I could feel his gaze roaming over my body, taking in the way my breasts strained against the maid uniform, the way my hips were barely contained under the short maid's skirt. My cheeks flushed with a mixture of arousal and fear as he stood there staring with glee.

"Get up, slave," he commanded, his voice firm. "Let's inspect the rooms together and make sure you accomplished your chores to my expectation."

I hesitated for a moment, feeling a shiver of anticipation run down my spine. I knew that if I didn't please him now, the punishment would be severe.

"Yes, Master," I whispered, my voice quivering with submission. Standing up I arched my back to display my cleavage as best as I could in the confines of the maid's uniform. David's gaze lingered on my chest before traveling up to meet my eyes.

We began our inspection together, David leading the way with me following closely behind. He paused in each room, his critical eye taking in every detail. I fought to control my nervousness as I waited for his assessment.

"Slave," he said finally, standing in the living room, "I must say that you've done an admirable job today. The floors are sparkling, and the furniture is spotless. Your attention to detail in dusting the living room is particularly commendable."

I fought to suppress a smile, relief washing over me. "Thank you, Master," I said softly. "I tried my best."

"In fact I think you've done such a splendid job you've earned a reward," David said as he unlocked my wrist cuffs from in front before re-cuffing my wrists behind my back and undoing the snaps of my uniform which fell down into a crumpled heap on the floor.

"Oh, Master, a reward?" I breathed, my heart racing with anticipation. "What sort of reward?"

"This kind," David said as he forced me to bend over the back of the couch.

He unbuckled his belt and let it fall to the floor. Then, with a low growl, he pulled his pants and boxers down, freeing his hard length. My breath caught in my throat as I felt the heat of his member press against the fabric still covering my pussy.

"You're going to take this prize, slave," he whispered, his voice rough with desire. "And you're going to enjoy it."

After sliding my thong to the side he pushed his throbbing length against me, teasing my wet entrance. I let out a moan, my body aching for his touch. With one powerful thrust, he buried himself inside me, filling me up completely. I cried out in pleasure, my hips moving instinctively to meet his each stroke. The sensation of being so completely filled by him was overwhelming, and I felt a shudder of ecstasy run through me.

David's hands gripped my hips tightly, guiding my movements as we moved together in a rhythm that was both rough and tender. His thrusts grew deeper, harder, driving into me with an urgency that left me breathless. I could feel the heat of his body against mine, I could feel his muscles tense as he fought to control the animalistic need that consumed him. Unlike after a punishment David seemed to be pacing himself, making sure my reward would be multiple orgasms instead of just his.

My body arched backward, meeting his thrusts with a desperation that left me panting and moaning. I could feel his hands tense, clutching my hips, digging his fingers into my skin as I tried to maintain some semblance of control. But it was a futile effort; the feel of him inside me was too overwhelming, too intense as he hit all the right spots.

Soon I felt him begin to pick up the pace, his hips slamming against mine with a ferocity that made me cry out louder and louder. The hot feeling of his body, the strength in his arms as he held my ass up, keeping me in place was making me feel dizzy. My breaths came hot and ragged against the back of the couch. I could feel the tension building inside me, the imminent release of my orgasm.

"That's it, slave," David growled, his voice thick with desire. "Let it go."

My hips bucked wildly against him, my cries of pleasure filling the room as my orgasm crashed over me. My body arched back, my hands clenching, my muscles tense and quivering. I could feel my pussy squeezing him, my inner walls tightening around his length in time with my gasps for air. My moans had to be music to his ears, driving him deeper into the sensual haze that had taken hold of me.

Holding me steady, his grip now firm but not bruising, as he continued to thrust into me reducing in speed. His pace was now slow, almost lazy, each stroke drawing out my orgasm, making it last. I knew I was close again, could feel it building inside me, and I savored the power he had over my body, over my pleasure.

"You're so fucking sexy when you come apart like this," he whispered, his voice rough with hunger. "I love feeling you around me, feeling you squeeze me so tight."

My breaths came in ragged gasps as I clung to him, my body still trembling with the aftermath of my orgasm. The feel of him inside of me was almost painfully good, and I could feel another wave of pleasure building deep in my core.

"Now that you've had yours it's my turn, but you are free to cum again slave," he said, his voice low in my ear.

David's thrusts became deeper and harder, his body moving in perfect rhythm with mine. His hands gripped my hips possessively, his fingers digging into my flesh as he drove into me roughly. I arched my back, meeting his thrusts with a desperation that left me breathless. I could feel the heat of his body against mine, his muscles tense as he seemed to fight to control the animalistic need that was consuming him.

"Who's my dirty little slave?" David growled into my ear as he plunged away."

"I am sir," I said.

"Who's the little whore who's been cleaning all day just so I would reward her?!"

"I aaaaammm," I moaned.

"And who do you belong to, slave!" David growled as he continued to plow into me even harder.

"I BELONG TO YOU MASTERRR!" I shouted as the dirty talk and sex continued driving me crazier by the second.

My pussy started to tighten around him again, my inner walls massaging his length with each thrust. I could feel my orgasm building inside me, a wave of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm my senses. As I grew closer to the edge, I could hear my own moans echoing through the room, mingling with the sound of our skin slapping together.

I could feel David's grip on my hips tightening, his fingers digging harder as he thrust into me. His breath was coming in ragged gasps now, his muscles felt so tense as he brushed up against me. He was so close, I could feel it, taste it. His thrusts became more urgent, more desperate, his hips slamming against mine in a rhythm that threatened to shatter my sanity. He was now plunging into me so deep now, so violently, that I could feel the toes of my heels lift off the floor at each thrust making me squeal in shock and pleasure.

Then we exploded together.

My orgasm crashed over me in a wave of pure pleasure, my body arched back against David's, while my breasts pressed into the cushions of the couch. My pussy clenched tightly around him, milking his length as he thrust deeper into me and my moans filled the air in a primal bellow of ecstasy.

As I came I felt his grip on my hips become solid, his fingers dug into my flesh as he shot his load deep inside of me filling my innards with his cum.

I felt a shudder run through him as he released his hold on me, his body going limp against mine. For a moment we stood there, our breaths mingling together in the air between us.

"That," he said finally, his voice rough with emotion, "was… incredible," he said as I felt him pull out of me eliciting one last bolt of electricity inside of me while his cum dribbled down my thighs. "I've been looking forward to that all day."

As I lay there panting beneath him, my breasts rising and falling with my labored breathing, it left me truly wondering why I still fight so hard to convince myself that I hate it here. Sure I felt used, much like a cheap sex toy, but the sense of contentment that washed over me which was followed by a warm glow that spread from my chest to my toes was heaven. Lifting my head I could see he was still hard, with a smile I couldn't help but wonder what he would do next.

"Head upstairs and wait for me in the shower, after we've cleaned up I'll prepare us some dinner," David said while gathering up our clothes.

Slowly I leaned back and after gaining purchase with my feet I stood up straight, looking down I stared at the wet spot on the floor next to the couch where we'd just come. A mixture of embarrassment, arousal and a miniscule amount of irritation as I stared at the small puddle of bodily fluids that had accumulated on the floors I had mopped only a few hours ago.

"Come on slave, get going," David said, chuckling at me, "Since it was from your reward I'll clean that up."

As I made my way upstairs, since I was still feeling the euphoria of my orgasm I swayed my hips as I walked, exaggerating the movements just a bit as I was certain David was watching my every move. In the bathroom, I waited on the shower bench still wearing nothing but my thong, cuffs, collar and high heels.

David came in a few moments later, his eyes raking over my body as he stepped into the stall beside me. "You look so fucking sexy like that," he murmured, running his hand over my thigh. "I could spend hours just looking at you slave." He leaned in and pressed a kiss to my shoulder, his erection pressing against my lower back.

I shivered at his touch, feeling a mixture of desire and vulnerability wash over me. My walls were down and I just wanted him to touch me, to make me feel wanted again. I wanted to feel the weight of his body against mine, to know that I was still desirable, even though I knew I shouldn't. Wrapping his arms around me I heard and felt the distinct click as metal handcuffs were locked around my wrists, which was followed by a thud against the tile below as my leather cuffs dropped to the floor.

David took his time exploring my skin, tracing patterns on my hip with his fingers, teasing my nipples with his breath. His erection pressed against my back a constant reminder of his desire for me. I felt his fingertips hook under my thong and with a quick snap it was pulled free before being tossed away. I then watched as David bent down and unlocked my ankle cuffs, which fell to the floor with a resounding clunk.

Then came the relief I was waiting for as he carefully removed each of my heels, as he began massaging my tender feet I couldn't help moaning as his hands undid a knot in the arch of my soles. Through half lidded eyes I watched as he picked the restraints and footwear from the floor and deposited them outside the shower stall. Closing the glass door he turned around to face me, standing up straight I braced myself as David's hand reached over my shoulder and turned on the water. One of the nicest things about David's shower was there was no initial spray of cold water. I closed my eyes in delight as the steamy liquid sprayed down around us from multiple directions.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," he said smirking, his voice gruffer than usual. "That way I can get you dirty all over again later."

Standing up I leaned back against him after he turned me to face the spray of the shower, the hot water cascading down my body, washing away the sweat and the remnants of our fucking. His hands moved over me with a familiarity that continued to both thrill and unnerve me. He soaped my hair, massaged my shoulders, washed my stomach, my breasts, then re-washed my breasts again and then moved from my thighs all the way down to the soles of my feet. As he rinsed me off I could feel his erection pressing against my back the entire time, the head rubbing against my ass, and shivers of desire ran through me.

When he turned me back around to face him, I gasped as he took my nipple in his mouth, sucking hard while flicking his tongue across the metal piercing sending bolts of electricity down my body. My hips bucked forward, seeking contact with his hardness, but he held me steady, his hands on my waist and his gaze locked on mine. I could feel the pressure building inside me again, my body remembering the pleasure he'd given me only minutes before.

As he washed the last of the soap from my skin, he leaned in kissing me deeply, his tongue tangling with mine under the spray of water. His other hand moved between my legs, rubbing circles around my clit, sending more sparks shooting through me. Arching my back I moaned into his mouth, my body trembling with the need for release and then he stopped causing me to moan in protest.

"No," he growled, his voice low and husky. "You cum when I say, now let's dry off and get dressed for dinner."

I wanted to protest, to beg for more, but instead I nodded while feeling a mixture of submission, frustration and arousal as I stepped out of the shower. After drying me off he guided me back to the bedroom where he sat me down onto the soft mattress of his bed and then retrieved a towel for himself.

I watched him as he dried his hair, feeling my heart racing, his muscular body glistened with water droplets making him seem even more attractive than before, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of desire deep in my core. He may be a misogynistic, womanizing, narcissistic asshole, but even with that widow's peak he was certainly easy on the eyes. Looking over he caught me staring and smirked. With his ego now even bigger I watched as he ran his towel slowly over his well defined chest while staring me down with that smug smirk of his before he finally tossed it into a nearby hamper. I then watched as he slipped on a pair of black boxer briefs, walked over to the armoire which contained my ever expanding wardrobe and opened it.

"What should my sexy little slave wear for dinner tonight?" David asked as he surveyed the many rows of lingerie.

I swallowed hard, my pulse racing as I took in his tall, muscular form from behind. The black boxer briefs that he wore did little to hide his arousal and molded to his sculpted ass nicely. The way he moved while looking at me, made me feel both desired and incredibly vulnerable like a high quality cut of meat that he wanted to devour.

"Master, why don't you pick something out for me?" I said stroking his ego. "You seem to know what you like."

"The question was rhetorical, slave," David said with a raised eyebrow.

I felt a blush creep up my neck as I realized I'd been so distracted by his ass that I hadn't paid enough attention to his tone when he'd asked the question. Biting my lower lip nervously, I wondered if this mistake would earn me some sort of punishment as David didn't like it when I spoke out of turn.

David chuckled softly and reached out to cup my cheek in his hand. "It's alright, I was just teasing you. I'm glad to see you're finally feeling more comfortable around me while knowing your place." He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, his tongue tracing the contours of my mouth.

Were it not for the touch sending shivers down my spine, I'm certain that that comment would have sparked my temper, instead I found myself melting into him as our tongues danced. When he pulled away I felt a pang of loss, that pang turned into a flutter when I saw his eyes light up with inspiration. "I think I've found just the right outfit for you," he said as he retrieved a bright red lace push-up bra and matching thong from the armoire.

I bit my lip as a feeling of mixed anticipation and trepidation. I knew this was all part of his game, he was always picking out lingerie that would make me stand out the most, as if it were trying to say to the world 'I'm a slutty snack and I want to be eaten'. As he helped me into the lingerie, I practically purred as the hands that once disgusted me skimmed over my body teasing and arousing me.

I couldn't help but lean into his touch, wishing he would do more. With the new lingerie now snugly hugging my every curve, I watched as David walked back to the wardrobe and knowing what was coming next I leaned back on the bed and crossed my legs. Turning around David stopped for a moment and apparently not expecting my pose simply stared for a moment. David's grin widened as he then walked over with a pair of 6 inch high heeled platform sandals.

These heels had long straps that would tie up around my calves in a crisscross pattern, they were definitely more ‘strippery’ than I would've preferred, but then again it's not like I'd ever be wearing them in public.

"You're going to look incredible in these," he whispered in my ear, as he slid the first shoe on. Taking his time David slowly wound the shiny red leather straps around my ankle, up my calves and tied them off just below my knee. After repeating the action with my other foot he helped me to stand up in these new shoes. The platform heels made me even taller than normal, the highest heel David had made me wear up to this point had been 5 inches. I stretched my legs out in front of me crossing and uncrossing my legs as I showed off my shiny new footwear. Looking up I watched as David stepped back, his eyes traveling up and down my body and taking in the effect of his choices. "I think I'll keep you like this for the rest of the day," David declared as he reached out to lock a finger around the D-ring of my collar. "Come with me, slave."

He led me across the room to the mirror, where I got an even better look at myself. I looked like a living, breathing piece of artwork, a vision of bright red against my skin. It was both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. I could feel his gaze on me, could feel the weight of his desire pressing down on me like a physical force.

Grabbing the ankle cuffs he bent down and locked them in place, "Head to the kitchen slave, before I eat you instead," David said after connecting the hobble chain to each of the cuffs.

I hesitated for a moment, my heart racing as I took in David's command. I was still so riled up at that moment that I thought about quipping that I wouldn't mind being eaten, but not wanting to be punished for disobeying or talking back I simply turned around and walked out of the bedroom heading towards the kitchen. As I walked I could again feel his eyes boring into my back with each step I took.

Thirty minutes later David and I were sitting down at his kitchen table eating some sort of Cajun pasta dish. We were sitting in our usual manner, which was a single large dish filled with food laid out in front of us while I sat on David's lap. Eating like this somehow always left me feeling like a child and a spoiled princess at the same time. It was rare that David put down two place settings and at this point I'd grown accustomed to sitting on his lap while he fed me himself. David still occasionally spilled a morsel or two on purpose making a game out of it, slurping whatever he dropped up off of my chest while I squirmed as his tongue tickled me. We were nearing the end of our meal when David brought up his plans for me after dinner.

"You know, I've been thinking about what I want to do with you tonight," he said, a sly grin playing across his lips. "I think I'm in the mood for something a little bit… different."

I swallowed nervously, whenever David used the word 'different' it sent shivers up my spine. The last time he'd used that phrase I'd spent the evening in his garage wearing a bridle, a complex leather body harness, shoes that looked more like hooves and a buttplug with an attached horse's tail. David had spent a good amount using a whip while forcing me to 'trot' in a large circle.

The night had been interesting to be sure, while it hadn't been quite as stimulating as some of David's other ideas, I was at least thankful it had ended like most of our nights together… which was in toe curling sex. The time before that I'd spent a few hours in David's hidden dungeon in some sort of metal stockade with a milking machine attached to my nipples and my clit while a pneumatic pole with a dildo at the end pumped in and out of my ass. When David himself finally used me himself I was already so sensitive and overstimulated that I passed out from the intensity of my orgasm.

Sitting up I could feel the anticipation and curiosity building in my chest. The fear and excitement mixed together into a cocktail of emotions that left me breathless. "What did you have in mind, Master?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

David chuckled darkly. "Oh, I think you'll like it," he said, a gleam in his eye. "I've been wanting to-" he was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing and recognizing the sound of that specific ringtone I knew it was a client in trouble.

"Fuck… excuse me for a moment, slave," he said, setting me down gently on the floor. "I'll be back in a bit." Grabbing his phone he kissed me sharply before walking away to take the call, leaving me standing there in the kitchen.

Time seemed to drag as I waited for him to finish his call. The anticipation of whatever he had planned for me was growing more and more. At one point I tried to listen to the one sided conversation, but all I could gather from listening was that David's voice was definitely growing more agitated by the second.

Finally, after a very colorful goodbye he ended the call and walked back into the kitchen. His expression was grim, but there was also a glint in his eye that I couldn't quite decipher. "You know you're being a very good girl tonight, slave." he purred, running a finger down my cheek. "But I think it's time to see just how obedient you can be, a client of mine has done something very stupid and I have to go save him from his own stupidity. So while I'm away I have a test for you. I'm going to have you kneel in front of the fireplace and you're going to wait for me until I come back."

I felt a tremor of excitement run down my spine at his words, knowing that this was going to be a test and David's tests could only end in one of two ways.

Punishment or reward.

I nodded slowly, my adrenaline flowing as David guided me out of the kitchen. He led me over to the rug in front of the fireplace in the living room and helped me to kneel down on it. Kneeling there I could feel the warmth of the fire tickling my skin, which contrasted sharply with the chill in the air. I watched him take a step back, surveying me in my lingerie like he was taking an internal photograph in his mind. I couldn't help feeling a surge of pride at the approval and hunger in his eyes. David seemed to nod to himself while pulling out a blindfold out from his pocket and I watched my eyes widening as he walked around behind me.

My breath caught in my throat as he fitted the blindfold over my eyes, the soft fabric pressing against my eyes making my world go dark in an instant. It was always disorienting when he did this to me, but it also felt strangely intimate. I could feel him adjusting the material, making sure it was secure.

"This will be a test of obedience and will power," David said as a very familiar buzzing sound of a vibrating wand was placed in front of me. The noise which sounded even louder than normal was making my insides swirl. The effect on me was making me feel like a nympho from the way my body was drawn to the buzz.

He chuckled darkly as I leaned my head forward, eagerly reaching for the toy. "No, slave. You don't get to touch that just yet. You're going to kneel here, blindfolded and wait for me to come back. And when I do, I'm going to decide if you've been a good girl or not."

I let out a soft whimper, feeling the sting of rejection. I knew that this was part of his game, part of the test. I'd need to be patient and obedient, no matter how much I wanted to straddle the wand and disappear inside my own mind while reveling in the pleasure the device would bring. Drawing a deep breath, I tried to steady my racing heart as I waited for him to leave.

I could feel the warmth of the fire on my skin and the slight draft of air from the vents in the fireplace. The sound of crickets chirping outside mingled with the quiet hum of the lights in the room. I concentrated on these sensations, using them to anchor myself in the present moment. Hard as I tried to distract myself, after 15 minutes the buzzing of the wand was beginning to sound real inviting, but that's when I heard it. The beep of the security system deactivating accompanied by the sound of a lock unlatching somewhere in the house, the sounds were both quickly followed by the opening and closing of a door. 'That was fast' I thought, David hadn't been gone that long, surely not long enough to do what he said he was leaving to do.

A moment later I could hear David's footsteps approaching, they seemed to fill the room, each step echoing off the walls and vibrating through the floor. I stayed still as he approached, my muscles bunching as I waited for him to speak. However instead of his voice, I felt him tap my chin and on instinct I opened my mouth.

I felt the familiar taste of rubber as a 2 inch rubber ball was wedged into my mouth, I had to open my jaw as wide as I could to accommodate the extra large gag as David tucked it tightly behind my teeth. I hated these kinds of gags and was glad David rarely used them as they were very uncomfortable. I could hardly make a sound with the larger the normal ball pinning down my tongue. I was further confused when I felt a leather strap being looped around my elbows and I couldn't help but squirm as the belt slowly began to tighten.

The feeling of my elbows touching made me wince and moan into my gag. I knew the purpose of the tie was to force me to stick out my chest more, what I didn't know was why? Was this also a part of the test? And why was David being so quiet? One thing I'd learned in my captivity was David usually only punished me when I'd done something to at least in his eyes deserve punishment, but I'd done exactly as he'd asked… hadn't I? So doing my best to sound contrite I asked "Master have I done something wrong?"

This of course came out as an incoherent mumble from beneath the ball currently tucked behind my teeth. That's when I felt the blindfold slowly peel away and when I looked up I was quite surprised to find it wasn't David, no instead of my former boss there stood an intruder. A man wearing all black with a balaclava over his head stood there towering over me.

My eyes widened in fear as I registered the presence of the masked intruder in David's home. I couldn't help but feel a chill run down my spine at the sight of him, his menacing figure towering over me. My heart raced, thundering in my chest as I tried to process what was happening. This wasn't part of David's game, or was it? Maybe it was David underneath that mask and he was performing some sort of role-playing scenario.

"I couldn't have planned this better if I tried, with Wolfe out on a fake emergency he left you all alone, even better he left you perfectly wrapped and ready to go."

'There goes that idea' I thought dryly.

The intruder chuckled to himself as he leaned in closer to me, his breath hot on my face. I struggled against the restraints, but they held firm, and I could feel the straps of the ball-gag in my mouth digging painfully into my cheeks assuring it would go nowhere. I couldn't believe this was happening. David had never brought anyone else into our game, and now some masked intruder was here, taunting me like he knew me, like he'd been waiting for this moment.

"Well darlin’, time to go before your 'former' master gets back." he whispered, his voice eerily calm. Before I could process what he meant, he grabbed the leather belt still cinched around my elbows and yanked me upward, forcing me to stumble to my feet. "I've got plans for you, plans that will make your time with that bastard Wolfe seem like a walk in the park." He laughed darkly as he roughly dragged me towards the backdoor. "And trust me, after the way Wolfe treated me after everything I did for him I'm going to love every second of it."

My heart thundered in my chest as I felt tears prick at my eyes. I couldn't believe this was happening, that someone had come into David's home, someone who knew so much about me and my time with him.

The leather strap around my elbows bit into my skin, and I could feel my breasts jiggle with each small step I was forced to take. I tried to struggle, to fight back, but with my body bound like it was I knew it was useless and I'd only end up hurting myself in the long run.

"Where are you taking me?" I managed to mumble through the gag as he punched a code prompting the door to unlock, my voice muffled by the ball tucked firmly behind my teeth. My words came out garbled and incomprehensible, but he didn't seem to care. He just kept walking, guiding me out into the darkness of the night. He guided me towards a white utility van parked a few yards away from the back gate of David's privacy fence. My heart raced as I realized what was happening, I was being kidnapped… again.

As we reached the van, he unlocked the back doors and roughly pushed me inside. I landed with a painful thud on the hard metal floor, the breath rushing out of my lungs. The interior of the van was pitch black, save for a faint sliver of light filtering in through a crack in the curtains but from what I could see this van had been modified. There were adjustable straps bolted to the walls and floor of the van. I could hear my own panicked breaths echoing off the metal walls, the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. I felt trapped, helpless, and even more terrified than I had ever been in my life.

The masked man climbed in beside me and slammed the doors shut, plunging the van into darkness. I wanted to scream, to fight back, but with my arms and legs bound and the gag in my mouth, I was helpless. I could only lay there, trembling uncontrollably, my heart racing in my chest. Then I felt him dragging me over to one of the straps bolted to the wall. He roughly pulled my arms up and secured them in place, the leather strap digging painfully into my wrists above my cuffs. I let out a muffled whimper through the ball gag.

More straps were fastened around my body, securing me to the van's cold, unforgiving metal floor. I felt like a piece of meat being prepared for some sick, twisted ritual. My skin crawled at the thought of what could happen to me next. Every sound the van made seemed magnified, every creak and groan echoing in my ears like the footsteps of an approaching executioner. At this point I was shaking uncontrollably, my body wracked with sobs that came out as muffled whimpers through the ball gag as he tightened the straps.

"That should hold you," the masked man said before climbing up front into the van's driver's seat. He slammed the curtains shut, plunging the interior into darkness once more. The only sound was the soft hum of the engine as the van began to move.

I lay there, helpless and terrified, the cold metal of the floor bit into my skin, and the air inside the van felt stifling and thick. My breath came out in ragged gasps through the ball-gag, making a wet, sucking noise with every exhale. I hadn't wanted to be David's own personal sex toy, but at least I knew I was safe, now I was just afraid of what this man would do to me. I couldn't even cry or scream for help; all I could do was lay there and wait for whatever horrors he had in store.

The ride itself seemed to last for an eternity, each turn and jolt sending a fresh wave of fear through my body. As my adrenaline slowly subsided, I began to feel the cold creeping into my bones, making me shiver uncontrollably.

Eventually, the van came to a stop. There was a moment of eerie silence before I heard the driver's door open and slam shut. Footsteps approached the back of the van, and then the door beside me slid open. A beam of blinding light cut through the darkness, momentarily blinding me before revealing the figure of the masked man. He reached down and roughly grabbed my hair, pulling my head up so I was forced to look up at him. His eyes, hidden behind the mask, seemed to burn into mine.

"You're going to be a very special toy for me tonight," he whispered, his voice low and menacing. "An tomorrow we'll embark in a journey with you finding a new home and me a boat load of cash."

The man leaned closer, his breath hot against my ear. "You're going to make me so much money, sweetheart," he purred, his voice sending a shiver down my spine. "And all you have to do is be obedient."

After undoing the straps securing me to the van he reached behind him, retrieving a thick leather leash and with a rough yank, he fastened it to the collar already secured around my neck. My body tensed, every muscle tensing in fear as he tugged on the leash, pulling me roughly to my feet. I stumbled forward, my ankle cuffs still linked together, struggling to keep my balance in my high heels. He roughly pulled me forward, leading me through a dark and dank warehouse. The stench of mold and rotting wood filled my nostrils, making me gag against the ball gag in my mouth.

He led me deeper into the warehouse, past rows of crates and shelves stacked high with boxes. The only light came from a single flickering overhead bulb, casting eerie shadows everywhere I looked. I could hear the sound of water dripping from somewhere nearby, a constant, relentless rhythm that filled my ears. My body shook with fear as I stumbled along behind him, my cuffed ankles making it difficult to move quickly or quietly.

Finally we reached what seemed to be a dingy looking office of some sort which had been transformed into a makeshift bedroom. The walls were covered in plastic sheeting, and the floor was littered with dirty blankets and a few pieces of old furniture. The man shoved me roughly onto a threadbare mattress, the air whooshing out of my lungs as my bound body hit the hard surface. He yanked roughly on the leash, forcing me to kneel on the mattress before him. He reached up and slowly removed his mask, revealing a crooked nose, beady eyes and a wicked grin. It was him… it was the same man David had initially hired to break into my apartment, subdue me so David himself could take me back to his house as his new toy.


He of course hadn't just done as he had been ordered, Oswald had also molested and dry humped me until he came before leaving me to my fate. Now he stood there grinning like the cat who'd swallowed the canary, enjoying every moment of my horror and terror.

"So you do remember me," the man said, a cruel smile curling his lips. "I wondered if you would." He reached down, roughly grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking my head back. "

Pain shot through my scalp as he held me in place, his grip tightening until tears sprang to my eyes. "You see, I've been thinking about you a lot since the last time I saw you. I just couldn't get you out of my mind and now that I have you back…" He trailed off, his eyes darkening as they raked over my bound body. "We're going to have so much fun together."

I struggled against the leash, my body shaking with fear and revulsion. "Let me go," I managed to get out, my voice muffled by the ball gag. But he only laughed, a cruel, mocking sound that sent chills down my spine. "Oh, no, sweetheart. You're mine now or at least until I get you to market."

I think that was when something snapped inside of me. From what I've been through in the past six weeks, I knew that one way or another, as long as I was kept restrained as I was, by the end I was going to end up with a dick in me. However this creep wasn't David, I knew he wasn't going to care about whether I came or not. This bastard wasn't going to caress and clean me up afterwards with reverence. In the face of this new threat realization struck me that somewhere along the line I had come to accept David as my master. David may not love me, but he did cherish me and that was something. The man stripping in front of me however only saw me as a means to an end. So when he was completely naked and pushed me over onto my back I tucked in my legs. I waited until he was on the mattress in front of me and with all my strength I launched my feet forward. I struck him dead center of the chest with my high heels, his eyes bulged and he fell backwards off the mattress. I enjoyed the satisfaction of listening to him wheezing on the floor… for a few seconds at least. In a flash he was back on the bed, his hand on my throat pinning me into the mattress as I struggled.

"I like em feisty, but damn that hurt, if I didn't need you in good condition I'd beat you senseless for that," he said massaging his chest where I'd kicked him, "Now darlin unless you want me to wreck that little asshole of yours, you'll cooperate understand?"

I stared daggers at him, but in the end I nodded. I knew I was beat and only hoped he made it quick.

He smiled back with a cruel and predatory grin. "Good girl." And with that, he grabbed a nearby condom from somewhere on the floor and rolled it onto his already erect member, he wasn't as long as David, but his girth was a bit wider. Grabbing my legs he rolled me over onto my knees, leaving my ass in the air. He roughly spread my cheeks wide, I felt my panties being pulled down and the head of his cock press against my opening and I tensed, fear coursing through me.

"Don't fight it," he growled, holding me in place with one strong hand. With a forceful thrust, he drove himself inside me. I cried out in pain and to my embarrassment pleasure, the feeling of being violated and invaded was so much worse than before. Closing my eyes I tried to picture David behind me as he began to thrust roughly, his hips slapping against my ass with each thrust, driving his cock deeper and deeper inside me.

"Ah, fuck," the man groaned above me, his hips moving faster. "You're tight." He thrust harder, the head of his cock bumping against something inside me that sent shockwaves of pain and pleasure through my body. "Fuck!" he cried, his body tensing. I felt him release, his seed spilling into the condom like a large hot balloon inside my cunt. like I'd predicted he'd come quickly leaving me unsatisfied, that was when a familiar buzzing sound landed next to me. When he took me apparently he'd grabbed the buzzing wand David had left in front of me.

"See I'm not completely heartless," the creep said, pulling out of me and tossing the used condom into a nearby corner, "But if you wanna cum your gonna have to do it yourself."

Knowing I might not get this chance again for a while, I stowed away my pride and shuffled my body forward until I could lay down with the still buzzing wand underneath.

"That's a good girl," the man grinned. "Now why don't you show me how to use that." He instructed, his voice dripping with lust and cruelty. Ignoring him and unable to use my hands I awkwardly layed down on the bed and shifted my body until the buzzing vibrator was positioned beneath me. With a shaky breath, I pressed my cunt into the wand, the vibrations started to pulse against my lips.

"Oh, fuck yeah," he groaned. "Do that again." I pressed myself harder into the vibrator, the sensations overwhelming and intense. I could feel Oswald’s eyes on me glinting with hunger as I moved against the toy, my hips grinding against the mattress, my body arching into each wave of pleasure. "That's it," he murmured, his hand moving to roughly cup my ass.

I felt so dirty, so used, but the sensations were too much to ignore. I couldn't help but lose myself in the rhythm of the vibrations, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I grew closer and closer to an orgasm. The man's touch only heightened the sensation, his fingers digging into my flesh as he urged me on, his other hand gripping his own cock, stroking it and bringing it back to life.

"Oh fuck, you're going to make me cum again," he groaned, his voice rough and hungry. "Don't stop." I could feel my own orgasm building inside me, a tightening in my stomach and a burning sensation between my legs. The vibrations were unbearable, the pleasure so intense it was almost painful. With one final thrust, I arched my back and cried out, my body shuddering with release as I came, waves of pleasure washing over me.

I looked over to see him watching me, his expression a mix of lust and satisfaction, his hand still gripping my ass, his other stroking his cock which was now dripping with his own cum. "Fuck, that was hot," he murmured, his breath hot against my neck. "You're such a dirty little thing." I wanted to hate him for saying those words, for using me like this, but I couldn't deny the truth in them. The pleasure I'd just felt, the way my body had responded to his touch and the vibrations…it was all too much.

My body was still trembling from the orgasm, every nerve ending tingling as I lay there bound and exposed. He leaned down, his lips brushing against my ear. "I think I'll keep you like this for a while," he whispered, his voice low and dangerous. "See how long you can take it."

Pulling my thong back into place Oswald patted my ass. I then felt my cuffed ankles being pulled back towards my wrists and secured there with a padlock, binding me into a tight hogtie. It was difficult to breathe, let alone move. My body felt so exposed and vulnerable, the thin straps of the thong barely offering any modesty as they struggled to cover my asshole and crotch. The man seemed to enjoy watching me struggle, his grin widening as he fastened the lock into place.

I was still adjusting to my new predicament when he lifted my hips and pulled the wand out from under me. Then he proceeded to spread my cheeks and wedged the wand in between them until it was nestled firmly against my cunt. I squirmed the whole time moaning from behind my gag as a belt was looped around my knees and tightened, locking the wand in place.

The vibrations against my sensitive flesh were unbearable, the sensations overwhelming. My body arched and writhed against the restraints as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through me. My nipples hardened, my breath came in ragged gasps, and my clit throbbed with need. I could see Oswald watching over my shoulder, his expression one of satisfaction as he adjusted the speed of the vibrator, the intensity building with each passing moment.

"That should keep you busy while I'm gone." His grin went wild as he turned to leave the room. "Feel free to scream as loud as you want by the way, this warehouse is miles away from the nearest town so nobody's going to hear anyway." The door closed with a click, leaving me alone in the silence of the room. The vibrations against my sensitive flesh continued unabated, the sensations overwhelming. I squirmed and writhed against my bonds, my body arching helplessly as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through me. I could feel myself growing close to orgasm again, the tightening in my stomach and the burning sensation between my legs becoming almost unbearable.

As the intensity of the sensations built, I found myself struggling against the restraints, my body straining against the bonds that held me captive. My breath came in ragged gasps, my hips bucking wildly against the vibrator that was driving me to the brink of ecstasy. The thin straps of the thong were stretched to their limit, barely containing my swollen lips and the hard nub of my clit.

I could feel my orgasm building, growing closer with each passing moment. My body was on the verge of exploding, my senses overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through me. I tried to focus on anything other than the relentless vibrations, the pressure building inside me, but it was impossible. All I could think about was the release and the relief that would come with finally letting go.

And then, just as I thought I couldn't take it anymore, I felt it. A sharp, intense wave of pleasure washed over me, my body arching violently against the restraints as I came with a scream that was muffled by the gag. My muscles spasmed uncontrollably, my hips bucking wildly against the vibrator that was still firmly wedged between my swollen lips.

That's how the next couple of hours passed. Each time I came back from the edge, my body would shudder and tremble as the pleasure coursed through me, leaving me spent and breathless. I could feel the skin of my inner thighs growing slick with sweat, and my breath came in ragged gasps as my struggles against the restraints grew weaker.

Eventually, I felt a breeze as the door opened again, and a shadow fell across my bound form. My captor stepped back into the room, a satisfied smile on his face as he saw the state I was in. He quickly undid the belt around my knees and pulled the vibrator out from between my swollen lips.

"Time to go sweetheart," he said, undoing the padlock keeping me hogtied.

Lifting me up off the ground, I was hoisted over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The cool air of the warehouse brushed against the exposed portions of my sweaty body as he walked, the rough fabric of his jacket rubbing against my back. My limbs felt like jelly, my muscles screaming in protest as he moved. My mind was still reeling from the intense pleasure I'd just experienced, the aftershocks of my orgasms leaving me lightheaded and weak. I was so weak that I barely had the strength to lift my head to see where we were heading and when I saw we were heading towards an eighteen wheeler semi-truck I groaned. I couldn't read the name on the trailer due to how dark it was. I couldn't help but wonder if my fate would have me lined up next to a bunch of other women in the back of that trailer.

"Don't worry darling you'll be riding with me up front." My captor assured me as he opened the door and lifted me up onto the passenger seat of the truck. I groaned as my butt connected with the cold leather, the pain from my abused body making itself known once again. He chuckled softly before shutting the door and walked around to the driver's side.

As he climbed into the truck, I couldn't help but glance around, taking in my surroundings. The interior of the cab was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from a few scattered lights on the dashboard and the soft glow of the dials. There was a curtain behind the seats leading into the interior of the sleeper berth, but I couldn't see through it from where I was sitting. I watched as he stood up and pulled the curtain back, then he turned to me. One of his meaty hands held open the curtain while his other gripped me by my upper arm and hauled me roughly to my feet.

"Let's get you comfortable," he said with a cruel smile as he guided me towards the back of the sleeper berth. There was a single medium sized bed with a couple drawers tucked underneath like a dresser, Oswald stepped behind me and with a couple quick snaps my bra and thong fell to the floor leaving me naked save for the high heels. Stepping around me again he lifted a board the mattress sat on and pulled me closer. Looking inside I swallowed hard, inside I could see a pair of short drawers and sitting behind them was a large hidden storage compartment. The inside was deeper than I expected, the wall and floor of the compartment was lined with leather. There were also two adjustable leather straps with a clasp at the end embedded in the center of each wall.

"This is where you're going to sleep." He told me as he helped me climb inside, pushing me down onto the soft leather so that I was laying on my stomach. I looked up to see him pulling out the same padlock from before, I was far too worn out to even attempt fighting back and simply allowed myself to be hogtied once more. Apparently he wasn't done however as he grabbed one of the straps and locked it around the D-ring of one of my leather cuffs. After repeating the action with the second strap he tightened each of the straps until I couldn't so much as lean to one side or the other. Finally Oswald reached down and after unwinding the straps around my calves removed my high heels.

"There we go darlin, when we get a state or two away I'll pull over and we can have a little more fun after I take a rest." He smiled as he patted my ass and gave it a little squeeze. My body felt heavy and exhausted as I struggled to even move my arms, let alone kick or squirm. Oswald must have sensed this because he chuckled softly and reached over to brush a lock of hair behind my ear. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you any more than I have to. Don’t wanna damage the merchandise now do I. " He asked with a grin.

Then everything went dark for a moment as he lowered the board under the mattress back down, sealing me in the compartment. I heard him climb back into the cab of the truck and start the engine, as the truck rumbled to life a couple of dim lights lit up and I could see and feel a breeze come through a small vent in the lid the mattress rested on. With a lurch, the truck began to move, slowly at first and then with increasing speed as we merged onto the highway. I could feel the steady rumble of the road beneath me, and the movement of the truck made it difficult for me to keep my head up as I struggled against the straps.

The truck rode smoothly for a while, and I began to relax a bit into the soft leather of the compartment. I closed my eyes, trying to will myself to sleep despite the circumstances. My last thoughts before drifting off to sleep were of David, I wondered what he had done when he arrived home to find me missing. I had little doubt that he thought I had escaped, with his security system there was no way he wouldn't figure out I'd been taken. The question was would he care? Would he look for me? Or would he simply cut his losses and try to find another slave to replace me? Six weeks ago I would have never thought such ideas would ever make me sad, but now… now I couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and It was that loss I felt the most as I finally drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep.

To be continued…


Continues in

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