The Exit Interview

by Kitsune71

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© Copyright 2024 - Kitsune71 - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/f; FM/f+; fpov; bond; kidnap; cuffs; sex; enclosed; gag; slave; oral; sold; nc; reluct; XX

Continues from

Part 4 - Human Resources




"Keep it up whore…"


"Fuck! It's no small wonder why Wolfe wanted to keep youuu!" Oswald grunted, his hands audibly gripping the wheel of the truck. I closed my eyes, focusing on the warmth of his cock in my mouth. The steady rhythm of the engine and the movement of the truck lulled me into a kind of detached sense of reality. I'm here, but I'm not. I'm performing this act, but I'm not really a part of it and It's almost like I'm watching from above, while my body continues to move on autopilot.

The air in the cab is thick with the smell of sweat and leather. I can feel the truck down shift and I'm sure he'll be pulling off soon, taking a break from the road. I'm not sure if that means he'll wait until we stop and use me in the sleeper compartment or cum in my mouth then put me back into his secret storage compartment while he rests.

The thought of being shoved back into that small, cramped space terrifies me. We've been on the road for two days now and much of it I've spent either on my knees as Oswald drives or in an uncomfortable hogtie unable to move while laying inside the hidden compartment underneath the mattress in the sleeper of his semi. Laying in there… it's almost impossible to move, let alone stretch or even breathe comfortably due to the position. Even now I can feel the ache in my muscles, the stiffness in my joints and worse I've had to really learn how to control my bladder.

That's how the past two days have been, either with me stuffed in a box or servicing Oswald while he drove. The worst was having to listen to him brag about how he one upped David after he'd finished. Seriously, he'd gone on for hours about how clever he'd been and how David had deserved to lose his favorite toy. Apparently after the last time I'd seen Oswald, David had set out to ruin his business. Oswald claimed all his P.I. business seemed to dry up overnight and so Oswald set out to find a way to get back at him while trying to figure out a new way to make a living. He went on to tell me how he'd kill two birds with one stone by taking out a massive loan to buy the rig we were currently riding in. Long before Oswald was a P.I. he was employed as a trucker, so once he sold me off he'd be able to pay off his loan in full, own his own business and get back at David all at the same time. Not to mention it would also allow him to keep on the move and stay off the radar should David ever figure out who took his prize.

Done bragging… no, he then cackled with glee as he explained just how brilliant he'd been in tricking David. He explained how he'd tracked down one of David's more problematic clients, planted some contraband in their vehicle and then placed an anonymous report to the local police. Once David's client was in custody Oswald drove the utility vehicle with a license plate he'd borrowed from a local plumbing business. The modded van he had used was old and he'd bought it for next to nothing. A few bills slipped to the security guard and a sob story about forgetting some tools at a residence was all it took to infiltrate the gated community David lived in. Unfortunately for me David hadn't changed his security code to his residence, so once he left it was relatively simple for Oswald to get inside where he found me practically gift wrapped and ready for the taking. After sweeping me off to a derelict warehouse on the outskirts of the city, all Oswald had to do was ditch the van, re-swap the plates, retrieve his rig complete with legitimate cargo and collect me on his way out of town. By the time David returned home both he and I had been long gone.

Every mile that went by since then I grew more anxious and somber. As clever and ruthless as I knew David to be, from the details Oswald had given to me I had little hope even David would be willing to track us down… after all it's not like he could report me missing and I was just property to him.

I was broken out of my dismal thoughts when Oswald reached over and yanked my head up by my hair. His grip was painful, but I forced myself not to flinch. "You're gonna be a good little whore for me, aren't you?" he growled, his breath hot against my ear. "You're going to make me a lot of money."

I nodded, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes, I'm so terrified of what's going to happen to me, but I know I have no choice. I have to play along if I want any chance of surviving this nightmare, missing David and the cushy by comparison lifestyle I was just getting used to wouldn't do me any favors now.

I could feel the truck slowing down as we approached an exit. As we drove slower Oswald pulled himself from my mouth and roughly yanked me to my feet. He forcefully pushed me towards the back of the truck. My heart was racing, my breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as he ordered me to go wait for him on the bed in the sleeper compartment.

I stumbled awkwardly over to the bed, feeling a sense of dread wash over me as I lay down on my stomach. My hands were still cuffed behind my back and my ankle cuffs were still connected to each other by a short chain. They had been since my re-capture first began and Oswald had long since given up trying to remove them. He had tried for over an hour the first time he made a pit stop to remove them, before finally yelling obscenities about how the cuffs were beyond overkill. He wasn't wrong, both pairs of cuffs had tungsten inlays and the padlocks on the buckles were made of the same metal, even with bolt cutters he'd been unable to remove them. David wasn't one for sparing expenses when it came to anything to do with his prized little slavegirl. Each cuff had two inner locks that lay underneath the buckle with two hexagonal shaped keyholes, even if he'd have managed to cut off the leather buckles Oswald would have been unable to free them from my wrist as the D-rings were directly connected to the hard metal underneath like a hinge.

Laying on the bed I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breathing as I listened to Oswald moving around the cab. The engine shut off and footsteps approached the sleeper. When the squeak of the curtains sounded as he opened and closed them behind him, my heart raced while my stomach knotted in trepidation. I closed my eyes as I felt him climb onto the bed, straddle my hips and roughly grab my ass before giving it a good smack. I arched my back, my body involuntarily trying to get closer to his touch.

"That's it, baby," he growled, sliding his hands down between my legs and spreading my labia with his thumbs. "You're so wet for me, Wolfe did a good job training you… that's good for me, means you'll fetch a higher price."

His fingers were rough, pushing roughly inside me and making me gasp. I felt him unbutton his pants, I opened my eyes just in time to see his cock spring free. He positioned himself at my entrance while gripping my hips tightly, and after quickly slipping on a condom he lifted my legs over one of his shoulders and thrusted into me with a harsh grunt. I cried out, feeling the pain of his entry, but also the warm familiar sensation of being filled. His large calloused hand clamped down over my mouth, muffling my cries.

He began to move, roughly fucking me, his powerful thrusts causing my body to sink into the mattress. The pain subsided slightly as my body adjusted to his size, but the feeling of being nothing more than property to be used then discarded, was overwhelming. I arched my back, pressing back against him, wanting and not wanting more of this brutal possession at the same time. His free hand roamed over my body, pinching my nipples, twisting the barbells, then slapping my ass and leaving red marks in its wake. It had been two days since I'd last had an orgasm, unlike David who always made certain I achieved release, Oswald never gave any thought to my needs and when he was finished, that was it until he was ready again.

I cried out as I felt the inevitable approach, my body tensing, waiting for the release. His thrusts became harder, faster, and with one final, brutal push I could see his face morph as he was overcome by a pleasure so intense I could barely breathe from the weight of his hand pushing down on me. I could feel my inner walls start to clench tightly around his cock, milking Oswald as he came, the hot liquid filling the condom inside of me. He collapsed on top of me, his weight pinning me to the bed as my legs fell to the side, his harsh breaths vibrating against my neck. I wriggled and struggled against him in an attempt to cum myself, but cruelly he didn't allow it. Using his strength and weight to hold me down until he's ready to move.

I can feel tears of shame and frustration welling up in my eyes as Oswald pulls his softening cock from inside of me. Sliding the condom free he tosses it into a nearby waste bin. He grabs my hair roughly, pulling my head back he propped himself up on one arm as he regarded me. My breasts heave with each shuddering breath, my nipples hard and aching. He grins, a cruel, satisfied expression on his face.

"That's a good little whore," he says, his voice husky with desire. "You're so tight, so hot. You'll fetch a good price for sure."

He reached over to the bedside table and retrieved a cloth, using it to roughly wipe himself clean before tossing it aside. I watched from the corner of my eye as he stood up, his muscular body towering over me as he fastened his pants and buttoned his shirt. His fingers brush against the cuffs securing my wrists behind my back, and I shuddered involuntarily at the feel of his rough touch on my skin.

"Well," he says with a cruel smile, "Let's get you back in your box, I'm hungry so as long as you don't put up a fuss like you did last time, I'll bring you back something as well."

He yanked on the D-ring of my collar, forcing me to inch forward on the bed. When he was satisfied with my position, he picked me up and placed me down onto my feet. I swallowed hard as he lifted the lid the mattress rested on, turning to me he curled a beckoning finger and I reluctantly shuffled forward. With all my being I did not want to go back into that compartment, but the aching empty feeling in my stomach overwrites my fear as I inch closer.

With a rough shove from behind, I'm pushed forward into the box, my body folding unnaturally as I'm forced to curl up into a fetal position. Before I can process everything, I feel the familiar taste of rubber as a ball-gag is forced between my lips and wedged behind my teeth. I can then feel Oswald reattaching the straps embedded in the sides of the compartment to my cuffs and finally padlocks my ankles to my wrists in a tight hogtie. Tears prick at my eyes once more as the lid slams shut and plunges me back into darkness.

The click of the latch engaging sounded and I knew that I was locked in. I could feel him pad back across the floor as the truck shifted slightly under the weight of his footsteps, and then heard the faint click of the door closing and the jingle of keys. Once again I'm left to wait in silence, my body aching and my stomach growling in protest. My breaths were coming out in increasing ragged gasps around the ball-gag, my face growing hot with anxiety and fear. I tried to still the desperate throb of my core, but it's no use. The memory of him inside me, the feeling of him stretching me and filling me, was too vivid, too real. I'm trapped in a nightmare, my mind was at war with my body which seemed to betray me at every turn. Most of all… and I'm still reeling from the realization, I missed David. The man was as far from warm and fuzzy as you could get, but he had never been so reckless with my safety as Oswald was. I knew this since it didn't take me long to figure out Oswald had forgotten to turn on the internal AC inside the compartment.

Laying there time seemed to slow to a crawl as I waited, each passing moment stretching into an eternity. The air in the box grew stale, the cold metal of the chains linking my cuffs pressing against my back and the leather beneath me growing hotter by the minute. As if the heat weren't enough, hunger pains gnawed at my insides like a wild animal, clawing its way up from my stomach and into my chest. I try to ignore it, to focus on anything else, but it's impossible. I'm trapped in this box, unable to do anything but wait and suffer. In that moment I again can only think to myself, David would have never been so careless with my well being.

My body is tensed, every muscle aching from the awkward position I was forced to maintain. I want to stretch, to arch my back and relieve the burning pressure between my shoulder blades, but there's nowhere for me to go. The air in the box is thick and heavy, and my lungs feel like they're on fire. I can't breathe. I need out!

I struggled against my restraints, thrashing my head back and forth, but it did no good. The more I fight, the tighter the leather cuffs around my wrists bite into my skin. The leather beneath me has grown sticky from the humidity and I'm sure that all my sweating is only making things worse. I can physically feel my pulse racing, my chest heaving as I try to catch my breath through the ball-gag. It's useless. I'm trapped.

Time passed, or so it seems, I lost all sense of it confined in this box. I wished I could just close my eyes and drift off, but the fear I might not wake up again forces me to keep my eyes open. Then finally as if in answer to my prayers the AC kicked on shortly after I felt the truck shift from Oswald’s return. I heard him rummaging around outside the box and then the familiar click of the latch as it's undone. The lid lifted and fresh air rushed in, momentarily cooling my flushed skin. When Oswald saw my sweat drenched body and my heavy breathing he for once had the decency to look ashamed.

"Whoops, I forgot about the heat," he muttered, avoiding my gaze.

I wanted to tell him that it's not just about the temperature, it's about the fact that I've been trapped in this box for nearly half an hour with no food or water! Unfortunately for me, my mouth is still stuffed with that damnable ball-gag!

Reaching into the compartment Oswald unlocked the padlock, undoing the hogtie and allowing my legs to ungracefully flop down. The relief is palpable as I feel the straps keeping me in place release. Strong arms slide underneath me and I'm soon lifted out of that damnable hot box I've been sweating myself crazy in. Some time later after Oswald had eaten his fill, I found myself being fed none to gently a small bag of fast food. As I chewed the soggy fries I'd had shoved into my open mouth I couldn't help once again missing David. His cooking was always wonderfully seasoned, his meals tasteful and filling. Not to mention the delicate way he'd place forkfuls of food into my open mouth and along with the way he'd wipe any remnants away with a napkin or using his own mouth to-

"Open." Oswald said gruffly as a greasy burger was held millimeters away from my face… I guess It's true what they say about not knowing how good you have it…

A few hours passed by and I found myself laying on the bed once more, my collar was tethered to the headboard while Oswald was snoring in my ear as he spooned me. I'd mewled into the ball-gag occasionally as he slept, his hands had a bad habit of playing with my nipple piercings while he slept. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on something else, anything else. The feel of the soft sheets beneath me, the scent of Oswald's horrible cologne, the sound of his raspy breathing. Anything to distract me from the ache in my wrists and the itch behind my ears where my hair had gotten pinched inside the rim of my collar.

Time passed, or so it seemed since like the inside of the compartment below us I lost all sense of it in this bed. The air was thick with the scent of sex and sweat, and the heat from his body was becoming unbearable. My body aches were resurfacing from being held in this position for so long. Once again I wished I could just close my eyes and drift off, but every little noise seemed to be keeping me awake. I'm not sure how long we laid there, but when the alarm on Oswald's phone finally went off I was grateful. I felt Oswald shift beside me, his arms relinquished their hold from around me and the mattress dipped as he rolled onto his back.

"Mmm?" He mumbled, his voice still thick with sleep.

I blinked slowly, taking in the dim light of the bedside lamp as he flicked it on. It cast a warm glow over his chest and shoulders, making the thick hairs on his skin stand out in sharp contrast. His face was still mostly hidden beneath the pillow, but I could make out the hard line of his jaw, the crooked shape of his nose and the rough curve of his lips. Even in sleep, I know that despite being shorter he's still so much larger than me and so much stronger. Finally the alarm on his phone chirps again, signaling he needed to get his rig moving again.

With a soft groan he rolled out of bed, the mattress dipping heavily as his weight left the bed. I watched him pad across the sleeper of the truck, his muscles rippling beneath his skin as he reached for his jeans and pulled them on.

"Alright darlin’, we're on the last leg of our journey so I'll ask one last time. Are you gonna be a good little cock sucker and do as you're told or should I stick you back in that box?"

Still gagged I answered him with a nod, a silent promise that I'd be good. After the last two days I knew better than to try and argue with him when he was in this kind of mood. He paused for a moment, considering my response, before replacing the short leash connected to my collar with a longer one. Our first morning on the road he'd done this and explained I could remain on the bed while he drove, but if I felt a tug on the leash I'd be expected to shuffle up front to… service him.

He led me up to the front of the truck and helped me down onto my knees on the floor. The leash went taut with him guiding me forward until I was right in front of him. After sitting down Oswald started up the truck, next he unbuckled his pants and took his cock out of his jeans. After tugging on the leash I took my queue leaning forward and opened my mouth, ready to take him in. I closed my eyes, focusing on the feel of the warm flesh sliding down my throat, I could still taste the culmination of our previous rendezvous on my tongue. It was almost funny how much I used to hate sucking cock, but I guess if you do anything long or frequent enough it becomes normal and you become indifferent to it.

With the feel of the road rumbling beneath us I began to bob my head up and down, sucking in rhythm with the movement of the truck. I could feel the vibrations of the engine through his cock in my mouth, making it even harder to keep up the pace. His hand found its way into my hair, guiding me as I sucked while his other hand kept a firm grip on the steering wheel. He's so thick it almost hurts when he thrusts his hips forward, pushing deeper into my throat.

He's almost there, I can tell by the way he's moaning, by the desperate tugging on my hair. I pick up the pace, sucking harder, moving my tongue faster along the underside of his shaft, wanting him to release and be done. With a loud grunt his cock jerks inside my mouth, filling my mouth with his seed as he holds my head in place. Knowing what might happen if I don't swallow every drop, not wanting to risk disappointing him. Oswald released his grip on my hair as he pulled his cock from my mouth. Looking down into my eyes his hand grips me by my chin, tilting my face upward and I open my mouth to show him I've swallowed every drop. Done with me, he pushes me away while pointing towards the back and I shuffle off into the sleeper. Like the last couple of days that's how the next 8 hours went by, with me occasionally servicing him in the front of the truck while he drives. Grasslands and flat plains had given way to desert and I knew the end of this horrible journey was nearing. Finally, dim neon lights showed through the curtains and I could feel the truck slowing as Oswald pulled into the parking lot of what I assumed to be a diner. The notion of food caused my stomach to grumble and the smells wafting through Oswald's open window made it ache.

Oswald poked his head between the curtains before telling me to stay put and to stay quiet while he checked the trailer. Staring at the ceiling I simply waited for him to come back as I was far too exhausted to contemplate escape much less try. Five minutes later I heard the door to the cab open and shut. Oswald entered the sleeper and started rummaging through one of the overhead cabinets, I watched with a familiar feeling of dread as he pulled out a long black trench coat, a black floor length skirt, a pair of flip flops and a surgical mask. Just like the night I was first abducted by David, Oswald fastened the long coat around me to hide my bonds while being sure to tuck the sleeves into the pockets, however unlike that night I was dressed in a floor length skirt since he couldn't remove my ankle cuffs. My anxiety only continued to rise as I was gagged and the mask was slipped down over my face to hide it.

A few moments later I was breathing fresh air through the mask as Oswald lowered me down onto the ground. Surveying the area I realized we were at some sort of truckers waystation in the middle of nowhere. There was a small diner, a large open parking lot filled with semi trucks, a large filling station and on the opposite side of the road was a decently sized run down looking motel. By the looks of it the sun had just set and a chill was settling over the large desert landscape sending a shiver up my back. There was nobody in sight and so there was little point in trying to make a ruckus. My observations were interrupted by the sound of a duffel bag landing on the ground next to me making me jump. Oswald stepped down next after securing the door to the large truck. Heaving the bag over his shoulder Oswald wrapped an arm around my shoulder and started guiding me towards the motel. I was disappointed when instead of heading towards the lobby we veered off in the opposite direction to the last room at the end of the building.

Sliding a keycard Oswald opened the door and pushed me in through the doorway. The room was small, dingy and dimly lit. There wasn't much save for a few small tables and a small television mounted on the wall above the bed. Oswald sat me down on the bed and began to undress me. Soon enough I was laying naked on the bed once more with my collar tethered to the headboard while the coat, skirt and mask were piled on the bedside table. Soon I was alone in the room while Oswald headed to the diner. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep as soon as he left the room. I was terrified of what was going to happen next. I could only hope that when Oswald returned he wouldn't have the energy to do anything with me, after all the number of times he'd had me service him today felt like double that of the past couple days. Probably because soon enough he'd have to get pussy the old fashioned way and he wanted to make good use of me while he could…bastard.

As the minutes ticked by I heard nothing but the hiss of static from the television and the occasional sounds of a truck driving down the highway. Perhaps tonight was the night I would finally get some rest. My eyes grew heavy as exhaustion overcame me and before I knew it I was asleep.

I jerked awake with a start as the sound of the door opening filled the room. Sitting up quickly I blinked away the remnants of sleep and tried to appear as calm and unthreatening as possible, but it was no use. The look in Oswald's eyes told me everything I needed to know, he had no intention of letting me rest tonight. He plopped a brown paper bag on the small table in the corner before heading to the bathroom, I could smell the takeout from where I was laying and it was making my stomach growl. When Oswald walked out of the bathroom I closed my eyes and sighed to myself. I felt the bed shift as Oswald’s naked body sank into the mattress next to mine and I opened my eyes as I felt him unhook my collar from the leash.

"From the sounds of it you must be pretty hungry, however since this is our last night together I've decided that if you want to eat tonight… you're going to have to earn it."

"Hawww?" I mumbled.

Oswald responded with a smirk, rolling on a condom and stretching out on the bed with his arms behind his head. Hungry in more ways than one I slowly and carefully rolled onto my stomach. Scooting my knees underneath me I straightened myself up and shuffled over to him. Lifting one of my legs I straddled his thighs, then inched myself forward until I had positioned myself over Oswald's rigid shaft. Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and lowered myself down onto him. Oswald's groan mixed with my soft mewls as I started rocking my hips back and forth, pulses of pleasure zipping up my spine as I moved. Keeping my eyes closed I imagined I was back in David's house, in his nice and clean bedroom doing my best to bring us both to climax.

My rhythm increased in tempo at the memories of the ecstasy I'd experienced under his hands and as I approached my own release after days of being denied I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Then… just then, as I was about to tumble over the edge, I was toppled over as Oswald pushed me off of him, causing me to land face first down onto the mattress. Dizzy and out of sorts the building feeling disappeared, like a stack of bricks needing to be re-stacked after toppling over. I then felt Oswald's hands grip me by my hips, lift me onto my knees and his cock violently speared into me. It was so forceful and shocking I didn't have time to find my focus. To give my body a moment to re-adjust and feed on the hot pleasure that the increased friction produced. Just as I felt the building sensation working its way through me once more, Oswald's groans turned into a roar and his thrusts which had become a rapid blur changed into a series of multiple deep forceful stabs.

In a final disgusting act he pulled himself free, ripped off the condom and shot his load spraying hot drops of cum onto my naked back. I collapsed down onto the mattress where the sheets absorbed my sweat and tears. I had been so close! Fuck I had been so close then the surprise and pain had torn it away from me. I silently sobbed as I felt Oswald roll off the bed and didn't look up until I felt the large gag being unbuckled. At that moment I felt so broken I didn't even register the ache in my jaw as Oswald pried the large ball from my mouth. After sitting me up, I stared into empty space as I was fed the now cold greasy food from the diner. What finally brought me out of my stupor was Oswald picking up the cup of fountain soda and dropping something inside. After replacing the lid he swirled the cup around a few times and sat back down next to me. A pit the size of a ravine formed in my stomach as he held the straw up to my face.

"Drink." Oswald said, the tone of his voice leaving no room for argument.

None the less I leaned back with my mouth clamped shut and tried to avoid the cup as he held it up. Anger flashed on his face and in a flash his hand reached out, his fingers managing to catch hold of one of my barbells before twisting it painfully. I tried to suppress the pain, but it was too much and I opened my mouth to yelp. The straw was jammed between my lips and Oswald ordered me to down the whole cup. With tears rolling down my cheeks I reluctantly began to suck at the straw. The liquid tasted like a flat, chalky cola and I had to force it down. All the while I drank I was clenching my hands tightly as the bar piercing my nipple continued to twist painfully in Oswald's grip.

Only when the cup ran dry did Oswald finally relinquish hold and let go. Not wasting any time Oswald yanked on my hair and when I opened my mouth to yelp, shoved the ball back in. The straps of the ball-gag bit into my cheeks as he buckled the straps extra tightly behind my head. Then I sat there watching Oswald grab the duffle bag and head into the bathroom, with the pit in my stomach reaching new depths the feeling of helplessness was the strongest I'd ever felt. The feeling was so intense, that when it mixed with the fear I was feeling, it transformed into an absolutely debilitating storm of anxiety as it swirled inside me. My head started to spin and my body felt like it was floating. When my eyes were blinded by the bright lights of the bathroom I realized I wasn't floating, but being carried. When Oswald laid me down inside of the bathtub I jumped at the coolness of the ceramic floor, but the feeling passed quickly as I could feel myself going limp. My head lolled to the side and I could barely feel the tightening of multiple leather straps around my body. Straps soon encircled my knees, thighs, chest, and elbows. Just as my vision started to fade to black I felt my ankles being drawn back towards my wrist and the last sensation I felt before losing consciousness was the click of a padlock.

Thump, thump, thump.

Someone was playing the drums and every hit was like a painful tap to my skull… no, wait, not drums, that was… fuck. That was my heartbeat and every pulse was a dagger to my head. Slowly I opened my eyes and the small sliver of early morning light that was making its way through the small bathroom window was like a laser straight to my eyes. Closing my eyes I rested my throbbing head against the cool bottom of the tub I was laying in. Laying there the events of the previous evening slowly came back to me… all save for how I ended up bound in a hogtie so tight I couldn't even fall over on my side even if I'd the energy to try. Slowly opening my eyes again I let my vision adjust to the sun's death ray until it became only a nuisance and I could properly look around.

If I had to hazard a guess, it was probably somewhere between five and six in the morning judging by the dull orange of the morning light. As my senses slowly came back to me, I tried for only a short while to struggle before giving up. This was the most tightly bound I'd ever been and there was absolutely no chance I'd be able to move more than an inch without outside help. Even with the beneficial acoustics of the tile surrounding me, the large ball-gag in my mouth prevented any sound save for a muffled mumble from escaping. Which meant all I could do was lay there and wait for Oswald to return. As if I'd conjured him with my mind, I heard the door to the room unlock, open and close. I felt as much as heard his footsteps as he neared the bathroom.

"Good, you're awake." Oswald said as he unlocked the padlock keeping me hogtied, "I wasn't sure how long you'd be asleep."

I just stayed silent as he started removing belt after belt. The accompanying sensation of pins and needles was so unsettling I just wanted to shake the feeling off like a dog. Strong arms wrapped around me and Oswald carried me back into the motel room. The bed looked the same as it had when I last saw it, so I could only assume Oswald hadn't slept in it after drugging me the previous night. After setting me down on the edge of the bed, Oswald grabbed a medium sized blanket and wrapped it around me. The warmth was nice, but I realized quickly he wasn't doing it for my benefit as he lifted me back up and carried me towards the door.

I thought that this was pretty reckless and might even be the chance I'd been hoping for, surely someone would see us as we made our way across the street back towards his rig. I should have known better, because parked right in front of the door to our room was a black four door sedan with its rear passenger door open. The windows were tinted so heavily I knew there was no chance anyone would be able to see inside. Oswald surveyed the area before carrying me quickly and depositing me in the back seat. It became obvious this car wasn't a standard rental when Oswald removed the blanket and started belting me in. Straps embedded in the seat were buckled around my torso, thighs and ankles. With a grin Oswald patted my cheek, closed the door and after shutting the motel door walked to the driver's side door. After tossing in the duffel bag Oswald climbed in and started the car.

"Alright darlin’, our journey together is almost over." Oswald said after turning to face her, "I know we've had fun together, but all good things must come to an end. We're about two hours away from our final destination, when we get there some nice people will help get you sorted out and we'll find you a nice new home."

Ignoring his poor attempts at humor I stared out the passenger side window, all I could see was the desolate landscape of what I assumed to be the California or possibly the Nevada desert. Long dusty stretches of barren landscape went as far as the eye could see, with the occasional cactus or sagebrush breaking up the monotony. The sun had fully risen now, casting an orange glow over the entire scene. It was beautiful, in a harsh and unforgiving sort of way.

As we drove I couldn't help but wonder just exactly where we were headed, and what exactly was going to happen to me. I'd spent the last few days doing my best not to think about it, but now with time running out I could hold back the rampant thoughts and what was in store for me. A part of me was wholly terrified, but another part was strangely resigned because I just didn't want to hope anymore. I knew that whatever fate awaited me, it would likely not be good. Shaking myself free of these thoughts I resumed staring out the window, a sense of calmness slowly starting to wash over me as I stared out at the endless desert and I tried to let go of what was to come while taking in the beauty before me.

After about thirty minutes the desert gave way to rocky hills, and then gradually to rolling greenery. The car began to slow down as we approached a small town. Oswald glanced at me in the rearview mirror, his expression unreadable. He pulled into a gas station that had seen better days, only staying long enough to fill up and then we were on our way again. The rolling hills soon grew in size and soon we were driving through twisting valleys surrounded by towering mountains. The air became cooler and crisper, I could see patches of snow on the ground as we ascended higher into the mountains. The views were breathtaking, making it hard to believe that this was all leading to my final destination.

I'd been expecting to arrive in a sprawling metropolis, our destination some large decrepit warehouse in the seedier part of town. Instead, it seemed that we were headed to some remote, picturesque location in the middle of nowhere and the irony was not lost on me. Finally Oswald slowed down, pulling off the main road and traveling down a private road into a valley towards an impressive looking mansion or resort of some sort. It wasn't long until we had to stop in front of a large gate. Oswald rolled down his window and hit the button on an intercom standing on a pole next to the road.

"Hello?" A woman's voice echoed through the car.

"My name is Oswald Tarneski, I'm here with a very 'special' delivery."

"Welcome back Mr. Tarneski, please park in bay three at the service area. Ms. Fox will be down to greet you shortly."

A click sounded and the large gate began to slide open. Oswald smiled at me as he pulled the car through. I took a deep breath through my nose, the crisp mountain air filling my lungs wafting through Oswald's open window as we continued up the winding driveway. The estate came into view, a sprawling mansion containing multiple buildings nestled atop a hill located at the bottom of a valley. Its walls were a mix of stone and wood, and the roof was covered in terracotta tiles. The grounds were immaculately manicured, with gardens bursting with color, statues dotted the landscape and there was even a large fountain located directly in front of the main building.

The air grew thick with the scent of flowers and the sound of songbirds chirping. We started passing dozens of cars parked alongside of the road as we drove towards the edge of the main building and these weren't your average everyday cars, they were mostly sports cars and luxury SUVs. Each one we passed seemed to be more expensive than the last. No, these were cars owned by the wealthy and they were here for a purpose. Turning down a small side road we headed towards what I could only assume was a service entrance to a storage complex. The large building kept to the color and style of the main complex, but definitely looked more utilitarian in nature. The car came to a stop and Oswald turned to look at me, his expression unreadable. Movement caught my eye as a large garage door with the number 3 on it rolled upwards. Oswald turned the wheel and slowly pulled the car inside, the large door rolling back down once the car was put in park. We sat there for a few minutes with Oswald looking at his phone while I tried to look around. Unfortunately, with the car's heavily tinted windows and the dim lighting of the loading bay, I couldn't make out much besides a door located at the far end of the room and a nearby elevator.

After a while the silence was broken by a chime and the sound of elevator doors opening. Looking up I spotted two large burly men in suits accompanying a woman in business attire. The two men, while intimidating in size, didn't stand out much, the woman however, held herself with poise and purpose as she walked. She was probably close to 6 ft. in her four inch pumps, her flaming red hair was in kept in a high ponytail, wore a fashionable black button up business skirt, a beautifully embroidered black wrap V-neck blouse and tasteful silver jewelry. Tablet in hand, she and the two men approached our car quickly. After putting his phone away Oswald got out of the car to greet the woman and her entourage. My gaze shifted back to the woman who with a few taps to her tablet caused bright lights to illuminate the large room. Leaning forward I did my best to listen in on the conversation through the car window Oswald had left open.

"Mr. Tarneski welcome back, I must admit I was surprised to see your name on my schedule given how adamant you were last time that your participation in delivering stock was a one time only thing." The woman said not taking her eyes off her screen as she tapped away, "So what happened? Did you change your mind?"

I watched as Oswald crossed his arms at the way the woman regarded him.

"It was supposed to be a one time deal, this was a… special case. Speaking of what ever happened to that gold-digging whore anyway?" Oswald asked.

"Cassandra or the 'gold-digging whore' as you like to call her, wasn't nearly as trained as you said she was." The woman said, displeasure at being lied to clearly evident in her voice, "Which is why she was sent to a brothel somewhere down in Venezuela and is also why you were paid far less then the amount we initially agreed upon."

My heart skipped a beat when the woman said that name. That was the name of David's ex-wife and while I'd never met her, it was impossible to work at David's law firm without hearing rumors and gossip about the partner's private lives. There had been an innumerable amount of theories as to what caused David's divorce. From her cheating on him, to Mr. Benson working with Cassandra to find a loophole in their prenuptial agreement in an effort to oust David from his take in the firm, and on and on. The most popular theory, at least among the secretaries at the firm, was that Cassandra left him because of his womanizing, misogynistic skirt chasing ways. I was so surprised by the revelation of what actually happened to David's ex-wife that I nearly missed the rest of what was being said.

"-now you said this one is fully trained, yes, I won't tolerate being made a fool a second time." The woman said, finally looking up from her screen with narrowed eyes.

"She's trained alright, woman doesn't want any of this, but the two bit lawyer I stole her from did a hell of a job, what do you folks call it… oh yeah, conditioning her." Oswald said with a level of smugness that made me wanna gouge his eyes out. "Either that or she had plenty of kinks she didn't know about and she simply can't help herself. Point is, she listens well when she knows who is in charge and… trust me when I say once you get her started she just can't hold herself back." The bastard finished, his every word a stab to my pride and… and what really pissed me off was how much his words had a ring of truth to them.

"Trust…you? Am I to guess you've made use of your own merchandise during your trip? I hope you used protection Mr. Tarneski, a pregnant slave will net you nothing but a target on your head." She said as her eyes glanced between him and the car.

"I'm not stupid Ms. Fox, of course I used protection, she may be a little worn out from the trip, but she's in excellent condition."

"Good, alright then let's take a look at her." Ms. Fox snapped her finger and the large man on her left started towards the car.

The man opened the back door and leaning in started undoing the multiple straps that were keeping me secured to the seat. Then the large man firmly gripped me by my upper arm and dragged me out of the car. I was set down on my feet placing me directly in front of the woman. She looked me up and down, her eyes taking in every inch of my body. I felt self-conscious, but at the same time there was something thrilling about being so thoroughly examined, especially when I noticed the corner of her mouth curve up and the appreciative glint in her eye.

"Hmm, well, she's a real beauty and she's certainly in better shape than Cassandra was," she said, her face returning to a neutral state while trying not to sound impressed. "From the looks of it she's been well taken care of, I'll give you that. No visible marks or bruises, her teeth are nice and healthy… But tell me, Mr. Tarneski, what makes you think she'll be any more cooperative than Cassandra was?"

"Because Cassandra never fully submitted, which led to… issues, issues that brought her to you."

The man let go of my arm and I stood there, chest heaving from the exertion of trying to catch my breath while I was half-dragged from the car. I wanted to say something, anything to defend myself, but all that came out was a muffled whine from my gag. I glanced up at the woman, noting the hardness in her eyes and the confidence in the set of her shoulders. She was no fool, and she expected nothing less than complete submission from her 'merchandise'.

"Well, let's see what this one can do," she said to Oswald, gesturing for him to move aside. "I'll take her for a test run, see if she's really as trained as you say she is."

She walked around me, studying my body from different angles, her face expressionless. I felt naked and exposed under her gaze. Then… then she stopped behind me and bent down.

"What's this?!" Sharp nails dug into the flesh of my ass, tilting my cheek where David's brand lay.

She then reached out with her other hand, grabbing me roughly by my hair and I yelped as my head was yanked back. "This is unacceptable, Tarneski! You're trying to pass off a branded slave as a high-end product?" Her eyes narrowed in anger. "I thought you knew better than that."

A few moments of silence passed as she stood there contemplating, finally she continued, "If… if she passes my test I'll still put her on the auction block, but if her new owner desires that mark be removed the procedure will come out of your cut and god save you if rumor spreads were selling stolen slaves."

My hair was released and Ms. Fox's sharp manicured hands lifted up my wrist to more closely examine my cuffs, "You said a locksmith would be necessary for these, correct Mr. Tarneski?" She asked, her tone changing to a more conversational tone. The woman's assessment of me now seemed almost casual, almost as if she hadn't just threatened Oswald and I were just another item on her to-do list.

"Yes, I've already spent a considerable amount of time trying to get them off, but even my lock picking skills are insufficient in cracking those blasted things." Oswald said irritation dripping from his words.

Examining the cuffs closer I saw her eyebrows shoot up, "I can certainly see why, I know this work. These cuffs are the work of famed German leather worker and metalsmith, Herr Kessler."

"Is that gonna be a problem?" Oswald asked.

"Not at all." She said almost jovially, "In fact if our staff locksmith can manage to fabricate a key, whoever purchases her might just look past the branding if we throw these in with her purchase."

The woman stood and regarded me for a moment longer, her eyes flicking back up and down my body, taking in every detail. Finally she gestured to one of the other men, who stepped forward and roughly yanked me back against his body. "James, take her to the training room and devan show Mr. Tarneski to his sweet," she commanded.

As Oswald and the other man headed towards the single door on the other side of the large room I was roughly guided across the room to the elevator. The doors slid open and I was shoved inside stumbling and nearly falling over, the other man inserted a key into the wall panel. The doors shut, the elevator descending a few floors before coming to a stop, and the man nudged me forward again, out into a dimly lit hallway. He unlocked a plain steel door at the end and pushed me through into a decently sized windowless room. The walls were a deep crimson color and the floors were a shiny black slate. The room had multiple pegboards filled with restraints, rope, gags and floggers of many different styles. A sturdy wooden table sat empty next to the pegboard, surrounded by various pieces of bondage equipment. There were also various odd pieces of furniture scattered about the room, all obviously designed for specific purposes, some of which I recognized from David's own hidden dungeon and other's whose function I shuddered to guess what might be. Looking to my right I noted one of the walls interestingly was comprised entirely of a floor to ceiling mirror.

A tug on my leash and I was led over to a three foot high metal pole wrapped in leather. It had an eye bolt at the top and a ring at the bottom. Pulling out a pair of padlocks he maneuvered my wrists to the pole's eyebolt and locked the chain linking my cuffs to it. He then bent down and padlocked the chain connecting my ankle cuffs to the ring on the pole's base. Once my arms and legs were secured to the pole, he stood up, surveyed his work and walked away seemingly satisfied. Then the man left the room and I was left to stand and wait for the woman to arrive.

Time seemed to drag on, the only sound in the room was the soft rustling of the leather straps and floggers on the pegboard as the air conditioning circulated the cool air around the room. I shifted my weight from foot to foot, testing the strength of the locks holding me to the pole. They were solid with no give at all and I began to wonder if I would be stuck standing here for hours, or if the woman had just forgotten about me.

Just as I started to think that she had, the door opened, however instead of the woman herself, there was the man who had first escorted me down here and following him into the room was a slightly older man carrying a large rather expensive looking tool case. As the older man walked over to a nearby table, the larger man walked my way, detached my restraints from the pole, then forced me to turn around and bend over far enough to padlock my collar to the top of the pole. Once this is done he steps back and nods to the older man. The older man then walks over and I watch through the wall length mirror as he began to inspect the cuffs and their locks.

"Ah yes, quite impressive," the older man murmurs, running his fingers over the lock on my right wrist. "It's a rather advanced mechanism, isn't it? Quite unlike anything you'd find in a regular store." He pauses, looking up at the larger man. "Fetch the small rolled up leather satchel from my toolbox, I need to work out the mechanics so I can properly fabricate a key." The larger man nods and steps away for a moment, retrieving the requested item before handing it to the older man.

As the older man carefully unrolls the satchel and begins to rummage through its contents, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions. My heart is racing, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I try to remain as still and quiet as possible. My mind is reeling and my stomach is in knots, unsure of what is to come. The hope of being rescued or freed is small yet ever-present, but it's tempered by the knowledge that I'm in the hands of people who clearly know what they're doing. I jumped when I felt one of the older man's hands use my rear end for balance while bending down to grab a tool that dropped to the floor. The chill of the air conditioning against my skin makes me shiver, a reminder of my vulnerability in this situation as his fingers press into my naked flesh.

He starts to work on the lock of my right cuff, the sound of metal on metal echoing in the large room. It's almost mesmerizing, watching him manipulate the intricate mechanism. Despite the fear and dread, there's something fascinating about the skill he demonstrates. It's a strange juxtaposition, the beauty of the craftsmanship against the horror of my current reality. Looking over my shoulder I can see the locksmith's eyes light up with the challenge, his expression focused and determined. Meanwhile, I'm trapped in a nightmare, my fate resting in the hands of these strangers including this man who seems to take such delight in his work.

As he works, the older man continues to mutter under his breath, occasionally glancing up at the larger man as if seeking approval or reassurance. I can't help but wonder what kind of people they are, what their motives are for doing this to me. Are they criminals? Or are they just following orders? The larger man stands silently, watching us both intently, his face a mask of impassivity.

My heart pounds in my chest as the older man expertly manipulates the locks, twisting and turning the tiny tumblers with precision. The tension in the room is palpable, like a tightly wound spring about to snap. I try to remain still, to not make any sudden movements that might draw their attention, but my muscles are beginning to tense and my breath is coming out in short, ragged gasps.

Just when I feel like I'm about to explode from the anticipation, I hear the sound of metal sliding against metal as the man pulls his tool from the lock he'd been working on.

"Alright I've what I need to replicate a key for the locks on the cuffs, the small padlocks are easy enough to unlock but the locks on the inner cuffs will take a little time to fabricate."

From behind him a feminine voice says "Excellent, after you pick the locks on the buckles I want you to get started right away."

I feel a chill run down my spine at the sound of the woman's voice. There's something about it that strikes a chord deep inside me, filling me with dread. I try not to think about what she wants me to do once the locks are picked and focus instead on the task at hand.

The older man nods, his hands already moving to work on the padlocks. He expertly picks the first one, the click of the tumblers falling into place audible in the small room. He repeats the process with the second padlock, and then turns his attention to the padlock on my left cuff. His fingers dance nimbly over the tiny tumblers, manipulating them with a skill that borders on artistry. The chain connecting the two cuffs are removed and fall to the ground, my wrists can move freely now though I continue to keep them where they were, almost as if held together by a phantom chain.

Then he bends down to work on the cuffs encircling my ankles.

As the locksmith concentrates on his task, I feel a strange mixture of emotions. Fear, of course, grips my heart like an icy fist. But there's also a sense of relief, knowing that for the first time in days I'll soon if only temporarily be able to finally stretch my limbs. With a click the last padlock is removed, the chain falls down next to its counterpart and the older man gathers his tools before heading for the door. I'm still bent over and waiting to be given permission to move when the woman speaks up.

"I am Mistress Fox, you will address me as Mistress." She says as the man named James unlocks my collar from the pole, I am stood and turned to face the mistress who is now standing over by a table, her eyes locked on mine. "I am going to test you to see just how well trained you truly are, and if you fail, you'll not only still be sold, but sold off to a brothel where you'll be used as little more than a flesh light for patrons. Doomed to live a life of sexual servitude, while being used and abused by strangers. You'll have no freedom, no dignity, no hope of escape and if you prove to be more trouble than you're worth… Get the picture?"

Her words were cold, but they struck me with a deep seeded fear inside and I nodded my understanding as I watched the Mistress begin to slowly disrobe. I watched as the woman's buttoned business skirt fell away, revealing a tight latex one underneath. After that, she tore off her elegant blouse and I felt my eyes widening as they took in the latex bustier hidden underneath. My pulse began to rise as I watched the mistress walk over to the pegboard and pluck a long feather tailed riding crop from one of the top hooks.

While giving a few test whacks she spoke, "James if you would be so kind, gather her chains and place them on the table. If I'm going to test how well she's been trained I don't need her tripping on such things."

James headed towards me, and gathered up the chains before depositing them on the table, my eyes then flitted back to Mistress Fox who gave me a cold smile. "Thank you, James. Now, slave, I want you to stand before me." My heart raced and not thinking twice I obeyed, my gaze locked on the riding crop in her hand.

"Now, you will obey my every command without question. Do you understand?" I nodded, the feather tickling the small of my back. "Good. Now, turn around and bend over the table. Hands on the surface and legs spread wide."

My stomach lurched as I complied, the cool leather of the tabletop against my skin. The mistress took her time walking around me, the crop tracing a line along my back and over my buttocks. She tapped my legs apart even wider, ensuring that I was fully exposed and vulnerable. "I'll say it again, you will address me as Mistress at all times. If you forget, the consequences will be swift and painful." As she spoke I felt the straps of my gag being undone and soon the large red ball popped free, leaving my mouth feeling dry, sore and raw.

"Understand, slave?" She said with no room for negotiation.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied in a shaky voice.

Mistress Fox nodded, pleased with my response. She then proceeded to rattle off a series of commands, each one more degrading than the last. "Spread your legs wider." "Arch your back." "Open your mouth." "Look up at the ceiling." My body trembled with each word, but I complied without hesitation, fearing the wrath of the crop in her hand. Then she moved on to slave positions after having me move into the center of the room.

The first was a simple one, known as the "presentation pose." I had to stand with my legs apart, hands behind my head, and breasts pushed out. The crop was used to make adjustments, a stinging reminder of my new role. If my legs weren't wide enough, she'd tap my inner thighs. If I didn't hold my head high enough, she'd tap the back of my neck. The mistress's eyes were cold and calculating as she observed me, looking for any sign of defiance or weakness.

Next came the "servant's kneel," a position that was both submissive and useful for tasks such as cleaning or preparing drinks. I knelt on the floor, hands at my sides, and lowered my head respectfully. Mistress Fox walked around me, the crop occasionally flicking against my back or buttocks as a reminder of her dominance. She instructed me to crawl across the room, using my hands and knees, before having me return to my original position. This went on and on until finally she decided to test me on my ability to… give pleasure.

"James come here and drop your pants." Mistress Fox said.

James grinned widely, all too willing to comply. As he walked over I could tell his cock was already rock hard, and it bounced slightly as he lowered his pants, revealing his erection to Mistress Fox. She circled around him, examining him with a critical eye. "Very good," she purred. "Now, slave you're going to pleasure James here, you'll use your tongue and your hands to make him feel good. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress." I replied, feeling a mixture of shame and arousal wash over me. I knelt down in front of James and took his cock into my hand, gently stroking it up and down. My other hand found its way to his balls, massaging them softly. I leaned forward and began tracing my tongue the length of his shaft. Opening my mouth I teased the tip of his cock with my tongue as I took him into my mouth.

"If you can make James here come in less than a minute I'll consider these tests over."

As Mistress Fox watched me work, her eyes narrowed in appreciation. She circled around us, occasionally reaching out to stroke my hair or caress James's chest. The touches were light and teasing, but they sent shivers down my spine nonetheless. I focused on my task, using my tongue and hands to pleasure James as best I could. His hips began to move involuntarily, his grunts filling the air as he grew closer to release.

My tongue danced faster over his cock, while my hand worked in time with my mouth, stroking him in a rhythm that felt so good I could almost feel the heat emanating from between my own legs. I tried not to think about how I wanted this just as much as he did, or how good it would feel to finally have my own release. I just wanted to make him feel good and get this over with.

Mistress Fox circled around us, her breath hot against my ear as she whispered, "That's it, slave. Make him lose control." Her touch was featherlight as she ran her fingers through my hair, guiding my movements. The tension in the room was palpable as I felt James getting closer and closer.

I pressed my lips harder against his cock, taking more of him into my mouth as my hand worked in perfect rhythm. My tongue danced over the sensitive ridge behind the head of his cock, feeling him grow tighter beneath my touch. His hips bucked wildly, his moans filling the air and hot fluid began to shoot into my mouth. The taste was salty, but thankfully not nearly as unpleasant as the taste of Oswald's cum left on my tongue.

"Good girl," Mistress Fox purred, running her fingers through my hair. "You made him come quickly, just as you were told."

James's hips began to slow, his breath coming in ragged gasps as his pleasure subsided. His cock, still slick with my saliva, twitched weakly in my mouth. Mistress Fox smiled down at us, her expression both satisfied and predatory.

"Very good," she purred. "I'm impressed, you've been quite entertaining. Congratulations, you pass," she said, patting me on the top of my head. "James, reattach the chains to her cuffs and escort her to the holding pens."

Mistress Fox stepped back and I felt James's hands hoist me up onto my feet before complying with her order. Once my wrists and ankles were securely fastened once more, Mistress Fox turned to him and nodded. James's hand gripped me by my arm and I was shuffled towards the door. As we walked through the halls, I tried not to think about the wetness between my legs or the ache in my core. My mind wandered, wondering what would happen to me next. I didn't have to wait long as soon we passed through a side door into a long dim room containing what looked like a dozen or so barred prison cells. Each cell was furnished with a simple cot and a toilet. The only lights came from narrow slits high in the ceiling containing light bulbs that sat behind Plexiglas. In most of the cells we passed sat a different woman, each one chained and collared like I was. Some of them were dressed, most were naked and all of them were beautiful.

As we approached one of the empty cells, I saw a metal toilet and cringed. "You'll get your share of that," James growled, shoving me into the cell. The door clanged shut behind me and the lock clicked into place. I was left alone with my thoughts and the other women.

I tried to talk to a few of them, to ask them what happened, but they just sat there as if they couldn't hear me. I sat down on the hard wooden bench, my heart pounding in my chest. I didn't know what to expect next, but counted myself at least a little lucky I wasn't stuck in that box inside Oswald's rig.

Time seemed to slow down, each second stretching into an eternity. The air was thick with anticipation, and my skin prickled with a mixture of fear and curiosity. I distracted myself by wondering how it was that these women had ended up here. Some of them looked like they could be actresses or models, their beauty almost unbelievable in this dingy room. Others looked more like ordinary women, but there was still something about them that set them apart.

As I sat on the hard wooden bench, my eyes occasionally darted between the other women, searching for some sign of recognition or understanding. Most looked nervous or scared, a couple however looked nonplussed, like their situation was a normal occurrence. But they all remained silent, their eyes fixed on the floor or the walls, refusing to meet mine. The only sound was the occasional rustle of movement as one of them shifted uncomfortably on their bed.

The minutes seemed to stretch into hours, and the hours became days. The air grew thick with tension and fear, and my stomach churned with worry about what would happen to me next. Once in a while I heard one or two of the women cry silently in the darkness, their shoulders shaking with sobs. Others stared blankly ahead, their faces devoid of emotion.

When I heard said cries I tried harder to keep my mind occupied, to think about anything other than the growing sense of despair that threatened to consume me. I remembered the laughter of friends, the taste of my favorite foods, the feel of the sun on my skin and the feelings of ecstasy at David's wicked hands. But it was all distant now, like a fading dream. I was trapped in this nightmare, with no idea when or if I would ever wake up.

Then… finally… came the clicking of a pair of heels approaching quickly down the hall. The door to my cell swung open and the lithe figure of Mistress Fox stepped inside.

"Slave on your feet," Mistress Fox barked, her voice echoing through the corridor of the holding pens. My legs wobbled slightly as I rose, the weight of the cuffs around my ankles and wrists suddenly feeling heavier than ever. She stood in my cell with her high heels clicking against the cold floor as she tapped her foot impatiently. Her body posture spoke of annoyance but her eyes were gleaming with excitement as she looked me over, taking in every inch of my exposed body. Stepping forward I felt a tug on my collar as she attached a leash to it, pulling me to stand closer.

The other women in the cells watched us, I could feel their eyes wide with curiosity and fear. They had all been through this before, it seemed. This was a place where human beings were bought and sold like cattle, and we were all fresh meat. I continued to feel their gazes on me as Mistress Fox then led me from my cell and down the corridor, but I refused to show them my fear. Out in the hallway she led me down hall after hall, past many doors with no identifying markers until we finally reached a door at the end of the hall. She opened the door and I followed her into a large room that looked like a cross between a salon and a dressing room. In the middle of the room there stood three women waiting for us.

"Ladies this is your first client of the evening, I want her scrubbed, buffed and polished. James and Devan will be by shortly with her outfit for the evening." She said handing over my leash and a key to the redheaded girl in front.

"Yes Mistress!" Chimed the three women simultaneously.

The redhead took the leash and gestured for me to follow her. She was petite but her grip was surprisingly firm. The other two women, a brunette and a blonde, moved swiftly to prepare the bathing area. A large, sunken tub filled with steaming water and surrounded by plush towels and scented candles, gleamed in the soft light. They had me step into the tub and began to undo the cuffs around my ankles and wrists. As the cool leather was removed, I felt a rush of relief flood through me. The warm water enveloped me as I sank into the tub, the heat soothing my sore muscles.

The redhead began to wash my hair. She was gentle, but her touch was firm and efficient. As she worked, she hummed a soft tune, almost as if she was soothing a child. Her skilled fingers made my toes curl as she lathered my hair and scalp. The brunette started scrubbing my body with a soft washcloth, her hands moving over my skin with a practiced ease. She worked methodically, starting from my shoulders and moving down to my toes, her touch both gentle and strong while kneading my flesh. The blonde, focused on my intimate areas, using a soft loofah to cleanse them. Her touch was almost featherlight, sending shivers down my spine.

As they worked, Mistress Fox leaned against the doorframe, watching us. Her expression was unreadable, she seemed to be assessing us, looking for any signs of fear or resistance, apparently satisfied she turned to head out the door.

"Girls do remember you have 11 more ladies to attend to so do not waste time and if you're late again you might find yourselves on the auction block as well." With growing horror on their faces they scrubbed faster as the door shut.

Once I was clean, the beauticians worked together to lift me out of the tub and onto a large, plush towel that had been laid out for me. They dried me off with gentle but swift movements, their eyes avoiding mine as they went about their task. Each one of them had the same look of silent obedience that I had seen in the other womens’ cells.

The redhead, who had washed my hair, began to brush it out, expertly detangling the wet strands. Her touch was surprisingly gentle, and as she worked, she glanced up at me from time to time, her green eyes meeting mine in the mirror. There was a sadness in her gaze that I couldn't quite understand.

The blonde, who had been in charge of my intimate areas, carefully applied a scented cream to my skin, massaging it in with her soft hands. Her touch was so light and soothing, that for a moment, I forgot where I was and who I was with. Grabbing a razor, the blonde then began to quickly and expertly shave my body. She started with my legs using long gentle strokes, when she moved in between my legs I spread my thighs. She gave what I assumed to be a small smile of appreciation at not having to ask me to do so.

Once the blonde was finished the brunette, her fingers still smelling of the lavender soap, began to apply a sheer, silky robe over my damp skin. As she tied the sash around my waist, she glanced up at me, her eyes meeting mine in the mirror. There was a flicker of something in her gaze, perhaps sympathy or understanding, before she quickly looked away.

The redhead, having finished drying my hair, then began to style it, teasing out the curls with a straightener and pinning my now long, straight, silky hair into a beautifully styled high ponytail. She continued to work methodically, her movements swift and ensuring not a strand was out of place. As she worked, she sang softly under her breath, the tune barely audible. It was a haunting melody that seemed to echo through the room, like a ghostly lullaby.

The brunette, who had apparently been tasked with my makeup, carefully applied foundation, blush, and powder to my face. She worked with a light touch, almost as if afraid that too much makeup would anger Mistress Fox. When she was done, she stepped back to admire her work in the mirror, a hint of pride in her eyes. Turning to the counters holding an army of beauty products she grabbed a tube of eye liner and a palette of eyeshadow before getting back to work.

Meanwhile the blonde began working on my nails, filing and buffing them expertly, after which she painted on a bright red coating of nail polish. She glanced up at me as she worked, her expression neutral. I wondered what she was thinking, if she felt any empathy for me, If she did she certainly did a good job not showing it. It was a whirlwind of activity all at once, the entire time I simply did my best to stay still and not disrupt their ministrations. The brunette had just finished applying a coat of red lip gloss to my lips when the door to the room opened and the two men from earlier entered carrying multiple garment bags and multiple shoe boxes. The men set the bags and boxes down on a nearby table. James grabbed a bag and box before turning and approaching us.

"Mistress Fox has told me which outfit is for which slave, this one is hers." He said handing the box and bag to the brunette, "Devan will fetch the slaves while I stand by here for security."

The brunette nodded, opening the bag and pulling a slinky looking silver and black dress from within. She pulled it out and held it up, examining it carefully. The dress clung to her frame like a second skin, the low-cut top revealing an ample amount of cleavage and the thin, sheer material of the skirt showing off every curve and a lot of leg. She then reached back into the bag and removed a pair of black, lacy thigh-high stockings from within, as well as a matching black G-string. The redhead and blonde now finished with their tasks, each gripped one of my arms and hoisted me up onto my feet.

As the brunette began to help me into the dress, her movements were efficient and practiced. She slid the silver material up my legs, smoothed it over my hips, and then pulled it up my torso. The thin fabric clung to me like a second skin, outlining every curve and leaving little to the imagination. The low-cut top of the dress pushed my breasts up and together, the lace cups providing just enough coverage. A cool breeze flowed over the backless portion of my dress, which left the whole of my back bare down to just above my tailbone. She then turned her attention to my legs, helping me step into the black lacy thigh-high stockings and then fastening them at my thighs. Lastly, she slid the matching black G-string up my hips and tucked it into place, the feeling making my hips wiggle.

"Mistress Fox would like her piercings changed out." James said, holding a pair of silver hoop nipple rings.

Seeing this I felt my heart pound in my chest, David had previously had me wear such hoops however after constantly catching on things, he had switched them out for the barbell style piercings. The brunette took the rings from James and carefully unfastened the clasp that held my barbells in place. She then took my right nipple between her fingers, gently rolling and twisting it until she could insert the cold metal into my piercing. The sensations made me clench my thighs as she repeated the process with my left nipple. Making sure they were both secure, she gave each hoop a few distinct tugs and I couldn't help the moan that slipped out. I had tried not to wince as they pierced my skin again, but the sensation was unavoidable. Seeming satisfied, she shifted my dress back into place. Then came my favorite part as I watched the redhead grab the shoebox. Opening the lid she lifted out a pair of silver five inch strappy platform high-heeled sandals.

"Mistress Fox wanted to make sure you were comfortable in these, so we had them custom made." She explained as I leaned forward, eager to try them on. She slid each heel onto my feet, adjusting the straps until they fit snugly but not too tight. She took a step back to examine my outfit, giving me a small nod of approval before stepping forward to apply some final touches. Those final touches being the wrist and ankle cuffs I'd arrived in, which were soon buckled back on. I had hoped my wrists would at least be locked in front of me, but of course I was to be disappointed. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the chain between my ankles was double the length from before, which would allow me a better range of movement. With a final click of the leash back on my collar I was ready… for what I didn't know.

"Alright, you're all set." The brunette smiled, taking a step back to admire her handiwork. My reflection in the full-length mirror across the room revealed a stunningly beautiful and completely submissive slave girl. My heart raced with trepidation and anticipation as I realized that I was about to be put on display.

As if summoned by an unspoken command, the door to the prep room swung open and a tall, imposing figure entered the room. She strode purposefully towards me, her eyes raking over my body, assessing me like a predator sizing up its prey. It was Mistress Fox herself. She had changed out of her kinky latex-wear and was now sporting a shimmering black floor length ball gown. The gown was loaded with slink and showed a great deal of cleavage and leg. Her outfit was only enhanced further by sparkling bangles, a black shiny velvet choker and a black pair of four inch spiked mules.

"Excellent work ladies, now lock her down over there and get ready for the next one."

Mistress Fox's command was met with nods and murmurs of understanding as the three ladies moved swiftly into action. I was led over to a wall with a dozen poles much like the one I'd been locked to earlier. Soon my wrists were locked in place and I was given a stool to sit down on. As the redhead walked away, the door to the room opened and Devan walked in with a beautiful dark haired Asian woman on a leash. Mistress Fox then clapped her hands and the three ladies went to work. For the next three hours I watched as woman after woman was bathed, primped, dressed and bound until I was surrounded by a small group of beautiful slavegirls in waiting. When the last girl was finished, Mistress Fox left and returned with a dozen ladies all dressed the same. Black maxi dresses, black chokers and black masquerade style eye-masks. Standing in front of us with her staff members behind her, Mistress Fox addressed us.

"Alright ladies it's time for your last ball, each of you ladies will be accompanied throughout the night by one of the women standing behind me. They will escort you throughout the night's festivities, you will be paraded about and introduced to potential buyers. You will be asked questions, you will be looked over, you will get felt up and at the end of the night you will be auctioned off. Should any of you cause trouble… well you know where you'll end up, so I advise you to listen to your handlers and remember… I'll be watching." She finished and after handing each member of her staff a tablet headed towards the door.

One by one the girls around me were freed from their moorings and led out of the room until it was just me. The last of Mistress Fox's handlers approached me and after a few snips to the zip ties I was pulled to my feet. She then grabbed my leash leading me towards the door and I was then led down the hall towards a pair of open double doors.

As I was led into some sort of underground grand hall, I was struck by the opulence before me. The ceiling was adorned with crystal chandeliers, the walls lined with dark marble, there were erotic and downright perverse sculptures of art throughout the room. Off in a corner I spied a dance floor glowing with blinking fairy lights, there was a very crowded bar to my left and far off in the center of the room stood a dark stage. The air was thick with the scent of perfume and expensive cigars, as well as the murmur of voices as guests mingled among themselves.

My gaze drifted over the crowd, taking in the array of masked faces and extravagant suits and dresses. Everywhere I looked, there was beauty and wealth beyond measure. I spied many of the bound and collared girls being dragged around by their handlers, their dresses accentuating their curves as they were paraded in front of potential buyers. From what I could see some buyers were getting quite handsy, running their hands over the girls' bodies as if they were mere objects for sale, which of course in their eyes they were.

A tug on my collar had me following my handler over to a group of men who were standing near the dance floor, sipping champagne and talking in hushed voices. As I was presented to them, my handler took a step back, giving them a clear view of me.

"This is our latest acquisition, ladies and gentlemen. Her name is Marie, and she is truly a gem." My heart raced as I bowed my head in submission, focusing my attention on the men before me. "She is well-trained, obedient, and eager to please," my handler continued. "She would be an asset to any collection."

One of the men, who wore a black mask adorned with a diamond pattern, stepped forward. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with an air of authority about him. He circled me slowly, his gaze raking over my body. "She is lovely," he said at last.

My handler nodded in agreement. "Indeed, sir. She has been well-trained in all aspects of servitude."

The man who had been standing next to him wearing a white porcelain mask spoke in a middle eastern accent, "You are quite right, this one is a fine specimen." He said as one of his hands reached forward to cup my chest, "My son will be coming of age soon and I think this one would do well in helping him learn what a woman should be to a man."

I tried to hide my cringe at the thought of being some teenage boy's plaything.

One of the other men, wearing a red mask that obscured much of his face, spoke up. "Bah a slave this lovely would be wasted on one so young, no I think a slave this exotic would be perfect for my collection." His voice was smooth and confident, with a hint of amusement in it. He ran a finger down my cheek, causing me to shiver involuntarily.

The black-masked man chuckled. "Ah, yes. Beauty is indeed important, but so is obedience. Is that not right, my son?" He gestured to the other man wearing the white porcelain mask.

The porcelain-masked man nodded in agreement, his eyes gleaming with interest. "Yes, most certainly. A slave who knows her place and obeys without question is invaluable." He reached out and cupped my chin in his hand, forcing me to meet his gaze. "I must admit, I find her resilience quite intriguing and I have to agree it would be a waste to gift her to one so young."

My handler, satisfied at their reaction, bade the small group goodbye and led me further into the room, weaving through the maze of flesh and sin. I was pulled along, my eyes downcast, focusing on the hem of my dress as I was guided through the growing throng of potential buyers. The air was thick with the scent of desire and submission, making it difficult to breathe without inhaling the intoxicating mixture of pheromones.

Suddenly a hand roughly grabbed my arm, spinning me around to face a tall, powerfully built man with a dark, menacing grin. His black half-mask is styled in the shape of a panther, the eyes glowing an eerie red in the dim light. "Handler, tell me about this one."

I swallowed hard, my heart racing in my chest. "S-she is a recent acquisition, sir. Very obedient and eager to please. She has been trained extensively in all aspects of servitude." My handler's voice shakes as she tries to maintain a confident demeanor. Despite the mask it's obvious she knows whoever this is and is uncomfortable due to his presence.

The panther-masked man's grip on my arm tightens, his fingers digging into my flesh. "I want her servitude skills tested." His voice is cold and commanding. "Take her back to one of the private rooms."

"Suh-sir you know I can't allow that," my handler stammers, her voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart. "The rules forbid me from taking any of the girls out of the auction area without express permission." Her gaze darts nervously around the room, as if she's hoping someone will come to our rescue.

But no one does. The panther-masked man only smirks beneath the mask. "Oh, I think I have the necessary permissions," he says, reaching into his jacket and producing a folded piece of parchment. "Your supervisor signed this just a moment ago." He unfolds the document, revealing the seal of the auction house.

"Let me see that." Comes a feminine voice out of nowhere as Mistress Fox joins us, her presence making the masked man frown. "As I thought… not my signature. Mr. Lenix you've been warned before the only way you'll be allowed to test the merchandise is if you purchase them first, if you continue this behavior it won't matter how many slaves you purchase and you'll be banned."

The panther-masked man glared at Mistress Fox but released my arm. "Fine, I'll be watching her closely during the auction, if she's as obedient as you say she is, I'll bid for her. I'm sure she'll be an interesting distraction… at least until I'm bored with her." With that he turned away, leaving me suddenly and truly fearful of what this night could mean for me.

"Leliana, take her down and show her off to that group of women over there." Mistress Fox said, her voice still showing clear signs of irritation from the masked panther man's earlier attempt at subterfuge.

A tug on my collar led me towards a group of three women dressed in the finest silks and furs standing near the dance floor. Mistress Fox cleared her throat from behind us, gaining their attention. "Ladies, may I present you to a new acquisition. This lovely young slave has been extensively trained in all aspects of servitude. She's eager to please and show you her skills. Who would like to take her for a spin?"

The women exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. "What do you have in mind?" one of them asked, her voice husky.

"The dance floor is open," Mistress Fox said with a smirk.

"Oh, how delightful," said a striking middle-aged woman with raven-black hair swept up into an elegant chignon. The woman had a warm olive tone to her skin, she was draped in a luxurious, slinky black ball gown adorned with intricate silver lace and exuded an air of dominance and refinement. The dress clung to her voluptuous figure, revealing her ample cleavage and highlighting the curve of her hips, while leaving her broad shoulders and toned arms bare. Her red lips curl into a knowing smile, and the crimson nails that traced the edge of my leash as she gripped it were as sharp as the wit in the blue eyes hiding behind the elaborate eye mask covering her face. "I believe I'd like a turn." She extended her other hand towards me and gripped me by my waist before leading me towards the empty dance floor.

The music was lively, a mixture of instruments and voices blending together in a sensual rhythm. The woman expertly guided me through the steps, her body moving in perfect harmony with mine as I struggled to keep up with her practiced movements. My wrists ached from being pulled behind my back, but I didn't dare complain. I could feel the gazes of the other women burning into my back, their approving whispers and the occasional giggle sending a shiver down my spine. The woman holding me seemed to relish the attention, grinding her hips into mine as she twirled us around the dance floor while gripping me by my leash and waist. As the music reached its climax, she released me from her grip, spinning me out before bringing me back into her embrace by my leash.

My breath came in ragged gasps as she pulled me in close and nipping at my earlobe, her words hot and husky. "Do you like being controlled like that, little one?" she purred.

My heart raced as I nodded, the feel of her body against mine intoxicating. She smiled, her teeth white and sharp against her painted lips, and spun me again, faster this time. The world blurred around me as she led me through a complex series of steps and despite my bonds our bodies moved as one. I could feel the heat between my legs, which was in sharp contrast to the coolness of the air flowing over my bare back. I'd never considered myself bisexual, but in that moment I couldn't deny the feelings flowing through me.

When she finally released me, I stumbled slightly, my knees weak from the exertion and the desire coursing through me. She chuckled, taking my leash in hers and leading me back to where Mistress Fox and the other women stood. As we approached, they clapped politely, their faces betraying their own arousal.

"Well done, lady Ness." Mistress Fox purred, her voice smooth as silk. "Would anyone else like a go?"

When no one else responded Mistress Fox ushered my handler to move on to the next group of potential buyers. "Come now, dear. You've done very well. Let's see what the next set of eyes has to say about you." She guided me through the crowd until we reached a group of men who looked more suited to a wrestling ring than a high society auction, then we moved on to a group of men who looked like they came from the sort who started various tech companies. On more than one occasion the same man in the panther mask would show up to harass us, seeming drunker each time. Throughout the evening I couldn't help shake the feeling of eyes following me, it was like being stalked by a predator in a herd of predators yet I couldn't pinpoint the source. Finally around eight o'clock a chime sounded and suddenly my handler was yanking on my leash leading me up and onto the center stage where the other girls were being led. Standing up on the large stage was Mistress Fox holding a microphone in front of a black curtain.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the final moments of tonight's event. Each of these lovely slaves has been inspected and approved by me and my associates. I can guarantee that you will find each of them a delight in any situation. Now, you're all ready for the final showcase to begin, the moment where each of these lovely creatures is presented to you one last time before you make your final decisions. So, if you will, please give them a round of applause."

As the crowd erupted in cheers and applause, I stood before them, my heart racing and my skin tingling. Unclipping my leash my handler gave me a little shove forward, urging me to walk confidently across the stage. I did as I was told, feeling the weight of the gazes that followed me, the heat of their desire washing over me like a wave. After walking across the stage, myself and the other girls were led behind the curtain. There on the ground in the center was a raised circular platform and above it hung a dangling heavy chain. When I saw that chain everything I'd experienced over the past few days hit me all at once and I felt my knees grow weak. My breathing became ragged and my body tensed as the memories flooded back. The training, the humiliation, the pain. It was all for this moment, a moment I was now dreading more than ever.

"Alright our first slave up for auction will be the lovely TAI MEI!" Came Mistress Fox's voice and at the same time one of the handlers led the Asian woman who first followed me into the dressing room up onto the raised platform. Her wrists were uncuffed from behind her back and re-cuffed in front where they were then attached to the chain hanging from above. The chain was then raised, forcing the woman's hands high above her head until she was nearly hanging there. The curtains opened and three spotlights lit up and focused down on her from above, displaying her body like a centerpiece to a roaring crowd.

"If you didn't get a chance to meet her, Tai Mei is a lovely Polynesian beauty from Seattle. She is 22 years old, weighs one hundred and twelve pounds. Her measurements are-" As I listened to the poor woman being described like a high quality cut of meat the flutters in my own stomach felt like they were going to rebel and I had to fight the urge to throw up.

"-Now then do I hear ten thousand dollars?" The crowd murmured as Tai Mei struggled on the platform, her breasts straining against the cups of her sparkling blue dress, her Asian beauty on full display.

A hand holding a paddle rose from the crowd, "TEN THOUSAND!"

"Alright we have a bid of ten thousand, do I-" Mistress Fox was cut off as another voice and paddle rose.


The bidding continued, climbing higher and higher as the crowd seemed more and more eager to own a piece of her. I could see the panic in her eyes, the fear and desperation as she was put through this display. Just when the bidding started to slow Mistress Fox walked up to Tai Mei and with a violent yank tore the sparkling blue dress away from her body leaving her in nothing but her G-string, heels, collar and restraints.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Tai Mei's perfect, pale body was revealed to them. The red marks from her training were still visible on her back and thighs, a testament to the punishments she'd endured. The bidding resumed, even more frenzied now that the prize was more exposed. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the bidding stopped and Tai Mei was sold for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The crowd applauded as she was led off the platform, her new owner following them through a door at the back of the stage to claim his prize.

As the next woman was brought up on stage, my own terror grew. Her name was Layla, a gorgeous brunette with dark eyes and full lips. Her body was just as perfect as Tai Mei's, if not more so. She, too, was led to the center of the stage and secured to the chain. When the curtains opened once more the crowd roared their approval as she shifted in her restraints, her breasts heaving with each breath.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her, transfixed by the fear in her eyes. It was the same fear that I felt deep within myself. The woman was introduced, her attributes were described in great detail and her future stolen as the bidding began. I felt a stabbing pain in my chest as I watched the display, I wanted to reach out to her, to comfort her, to tell her that it would be alright. But I knew that I was just as helpless as she was and soon enough it would be me up there…

The bidding continued, the crowd growing more and more eager to own a piece of her. I could see the desperation in her movements as she hung there in her restraints. Her body, perfect in every way, was on display for the world to see and bid on. And with each bid, the pain in my chest grew more intense, just like the first woman when the bids slowed down she had her beautiful gown ripped from her body revealing her perfect flesh. It seemed like an eternity before Layla was sold for one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. The man who had won her didn't wait for her handler and led her off the stage through a side door himself. She looked terrified as her new owner and master tugged on the leash harshly causing Layla to stumble and nearly fall over as they exited the stage while leaving the handler to try to catch up. The next hour seemed to drag by as woman after woman was displayed, humiliated and sold until finally… It was my turn.

I was shaking, my heart pounding in my chest as the handlers led me towards the platform. My every footfall felt like thunder as I was marched across the stage and my legs felt heavy and weak as I stepped up onto the raised platform. I had tried to prepare myself, to steel my nerves against the terror that threatened to overwhelm me. But nothing could have prepared me for the reality of being up here, in front of all those eyes, my body on display for their pleasure. Mistress Fox walked over to me herself and from around her neck she pulled a familiar looking pin. It was nearly identical to the one David used, she removed my leash and hung the pin from the D-ring of my collar then stepped away. Two handlers then stepped forward and unlocked one of the padlocks holding my cuffs together, after rearranging my wrists to my front my cuffs were relocked, I could feel my hands shaking as my wrists were then raised high in the air and locked to the chain hanging above me. Giving the chain a few tugs I stood there my heart in my chest and waited for the inevitable. I watched as the closed curtain in front of me shifted, like the crowd's energy had become a physical manifestation causing it and my body to sway in place. Then everything around me went dark just before the curtains parted, then three audible pops sounded as each spotlight struck me, the bright lights blinding me temporarily. After my eyes finally adjusted I looked forward to see every pair of eyes in the crowd locked directly on me and despite the beautiful dress… I'd never felt more naked.

"And here she is, ladies and gentlemen," she purred, her voice echoing through the hall. "Our final prize for tonight and isn't she a true beauty. Let the bidding begin!"

The crowd roared their approval as I stood before them, my heart pounding in my chest and I swayed backward from the eruption of energy that pushed forward. I could feel the weight of a hundred gazes on my body, my breasts, my legs and my face. I tried to meet each pair of eyes, to show them the terror that filled me, but I couldn't. I could only stare straight ahead, my focus fixed on the crowd in front of me as if it were a single sentient being.


"Alright we have a starting-"


"Excellent! One hund-"


The bidding began quickly, each bid making my stomach drop as the price for my ownership grew higher and higher. Some of the voices I recognized from earlier, making my anxiety rise and fall depending on the particular bidder shouting at any given moment. I even heard the woman Mistress Fox had identified as lady ness shout a number of times, but it wasn’t long before I stopped hearing her voice throwing out bids. My pulse raced, my breath coming in short gasps as I fought to stay calm and composed. I couldn't help but feel as if I were already being torn apart, sold piece by piece, as I stood there helplessly before them.

The crowd grew more and more eager as the bidding went on. Their cries and shouts filled the room as they vied for the privilege of owning me. I could feel the heat of their gazes on my skin, their desire palpable in the air. I tried to close my eyes, to block out the reality of the situation, but I couldn't escape the truth. I was no longer me. I was an object, a thing to be bought and sold, and there was nothing I could do about it. The bidding was up to three hundred thousand and was still going strong, each new bid making my heart race faster. I felt as if I were drowning, as if every bid were a wave crashing down upon me, threatening to take away what little bit of myself I had left. At three hundred thousand the bidding finally started to slow and the moment I was dreading came to fruition as Mistress Fox stood on the platform next to me. The crowd's cheers reached a new height as she gripped the straps of my gown, preparing to unveil me.

With a dramatic flourish, the sound of tearing fabric echoed through the room as she ripped the dress from my body, leaving me in nothing but my stockings, G-string and heels. The cold air of the room hit my bare skin like a cold shower, making my body shiver and my cheeks burned with embarrassment. The silver hoops on my nipples glinted under the spotlight, drawing the eyes of every person in the room. I was utterly exposed, and there was no going back. The crowd's reaction was immediate and visceral; their roars of excitement were a stark contrast to my own silent scream of horror. I wanted to cover my body, to hide from their hungry eyes, but I was trapped, held aloft by the chain that bound me.

The bidding reached new heights and the tension in the air grew ever more palpable. I felt like I was standing in a riptide. Every time the price went up, my heart seemed to seize and my lungs froze inside my chest. My breath came out in shorter, tight gasps. My hands clenched and unclenched above me, desperate for something, anything, to hold onto. The blood rushed to my face, making my cheeks burn hotter than they already were. I felt like I was going to explode, like I was being torn apart from the inside out.

"Five hundred thousand!"

My blood turned to ice at that voice for two reasons, one was because no more bids immediately followed and two I recognized that cruel sounding voice as the man in the panther mask.

"Five hundred thousand, going once!"

'No…no, no, no, no, nooo!"

"Going twice!"

'Oh god! This can't be happening!'


"FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND!" came an odd sounding voice from the back, the voice sounded distorted like it came from a speaker.

"SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND!" came the response from the man in the panther mask.

"SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND!" the distorted voice rebuffed loudly.

"SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE!" Shouted back the panther masked man, his voice now giving off a tone of anger and frustration.


Silence rained for a few moments before Mistress Fox continued.

"Seven hundred fifty thousand, going once!"

"Seven hundred fifty thousand, going twice!"

"Aaaaand SOLD!!!"

The crowd erupted into applause as Mistress Fox's gavel slammed down onto the podium, the sound echoing through the hall like a gunshot. Time seemed to slow for me as the spotlights above me dimmed and the curtains in front of me began to close. Just as the curtains were close to shutting I heard murmurs and looking into the crowd caught a glimpse of the man in the panther mask take a swing at a masked man working his way towards the stage. I didn't see what happened next but I did hear the sounds of a scuffle followed by a shout for 'security!' by Mistress fox. Just then I felt the plinth I was standing on shift and I turned to see James reaching up to unfasten my wrists from the chains hanging above. While he worked at getting me down Mistress Fox was doing an end of party spiel.

"I want to thank everyone for attending and remember the silent auction will continue until 2:00…" I stopped listening as James attached a leash to my collar and led me towards a door at the back of the stage. Halfway to the door the others had been through James stopped abruptly and put his hand to his ear.

"Yes sir… I'm leading her to where the others…yes sir, right away." James turned and flagged down the woman who had been escorting me throughout the evening. "Please let Ms. Fox know when she's finished to lead the last buyer up to her office where we'll be waiting."

"Yes sir." The woman said and turned to head towards the curtain.

I was distraught, scared, nervous and now confusion was added to the mix as I was led towards a different door than the one the rest of the women had been through. Opening the door, James led me down a shorter yet similar looking hallway, there were only a few doors on either side, however unlike the other hallways sat a set of stairs at the end of the corridor leading upwards. I had a difficult time keeping up with James as we ascended up three flights of stairs. My breasts swayed back and forth freely at each step, the chain between my ankles at least afforded me a little more length between strides then I was used to, thus meant at the very least I wouldn't likely trip. At the top of the stairs lay another short hallway with a more ornate pair of doors a short distance on the right and a pair of elevator doors at the end of the hall. Stopping in front of the doors on the right I watched as James punched in a security code which unlocked the doors. With a small hand pressing against my back I was ushered inside a decently sized office.

The office looked out over the very same grand hall we had just left, much like a vip lounge in a nightclub. As James led me over to a small love seat, I spied the very lively looking ball going on below. The dance floor was now fully occupied with many of the people who a short time ago bid to own their very own slaves, now cavorted and writhed against each other as if it were your average nightclub experience. Two hands gripped me by my shoulders and forced me down onto the leather cushions before hooking the end of my leash on a metal clasp embedded in the wall above me. James then walked over to stand by the door while we waited. A few minutes went by before we could hear the voice of Mistress Fox floating down the hall growing louder as she neared the office until a set of beeps sounded and the doors to the office opened.

"I just want to apologize one last time and I can assure you Mr. Lenix will be fined and his membership revoked." She said as she and a man in a crisp all black suit and black polygon shaped canine mask walked inside.

My chest constricted as I stared at the man who was going to be my new owner. It wasn't until he looked my way that I was finally able to shift my gaze away, choosing to stare at the ground rather than look at the man who would now take possession of me. I didn't look up again until the whispers between Mistress Fox and James drew my attention.

"…why would he have you lead her up here?" she hissed at James.

"Miss Fox, is something the matter?" came the distorted voice from my left and while the question clearly wasn't meant for me, when I looked over I found his stare hadn't shifted away from me one iota.

"Oh um, I'm sorry sir… it's just… never mind. Shall we get down to business?" Mistress Fox said as she began tapping away at her tablet.

"Of course," was his short reply.

"Excellent, first I'll need your name and membership number, as well as the financial information for however you want to pay… for your purchase." Mistress Fox said, her face turning into a slight scowl and her voice trailing off as she noticed the man wasn't even looking her way.

"If you don't mind I'd like a better look at her first?" His words made the woman put on a fake smile as she nodded.

I felt light headed as strong hands gripped me by my arms and hoisted me to my feet. The man's proximity unnerved me as he spun me this way and that. My breath caught in my throat when one of his hands gripped the bubble of my ass and the branding there examined. I could see the smile fall off the mistress's face as she prepared to try and explain the marking, but the man spoke first, cutting off any excuse she might have made.

"Well Ms. Fox while I'm disappointed by the lack of your organization's integrity, I will say at the very least I'm pleased to find my property has at least been well taken care of." The masked man said finally letting go of me.

"Excuse me sir, I've already apologized multiple times for the earlier incident and she's not yours until you've paid." The Mistress spoke, sounding aggravated.

"Ah you see that's the thing, I should not have to pay for what already belongs to me." The man said as he reached up to take off his mask.

"Who do you-"

"MASTER!" I shouted cutting her off as David's face was revealed.

Without thinking I leaped forward bulldozing into him completely forgetting my arms were still cuffed behind my back. Lucky for me David reacted smartly and caught me before I most likely would have ricocheted off his hard chest.

"SLAVE CONTROL YOURSELF, THAT MAN IS NOT YOUR MASTER UNTIL THIS TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE!" Mistress Fox roared which only made me bury my face deeper into David's chest, "-Sir you do not own that slave and more to the point who are you? I know every face that is on tonight's guest list and yours isn't one of them!"

"Oh forgive me, I didn't realize how rude 'I' was being." David said, ire and sarcasm in his tone. "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is 'David' 'Wolfe'." David said spinning us both and with one hand, lifted my left ass cheek to emphasize his initials branded there.

I could hear Mistress Fox sputtering and cursing. I looked over my shoulder just in time to see the door to the office open as Mistress Fox started ranting to James to get security.

"I don't think that will be necessary, Lydia." Came the smooth voice of the man who just entered the room.

"Titus what do you mean not necessary, this man-" it was almost comical watching the blood drain from her face as she was cut off.

"Lydia! That's enough!!" The man shouted loudly enough to make the woman recoil back a few steps, "It's bad enough your decision to look past this slave's clear mark of ownership has embarrassed me, but I will not have you disrespect me on top of it, so do yourself a favor and be silent!"

"But…but-" the woman looked as terrified as some of the girls I'd seen earlier in their cells.

"Alright that's enough! James would you be so kind as to escort Lydia down to the training room and prep her for a lesson." The man said, staring the woman down.

"Yes sir Mr. Fox." James said clearly all too happy to follow the order he was given and with no remorse I watched as the woman was forcefully dragged towards the door.

"Lydia I will be down shortly and we will have a lengthy discussion on your lack of business discretion." Titus said as Lydia was finally dragged out of the room by James.

Unsure of what was going on I simply nuzzled my face back into David's chest as the two men spoke.

"I'm terribly sorry about this David, but I hope this unpleasantness can be forgiven." The man said to David.

"That depends on what happens next I suppose." David said coolly.

"I… uh, well-"

"Titus relax, discipline your wife, deal with Tarneski accordingly and I'll consider the matter forgotten." At the mention of Oswald's name I lifted my head up to see David's eyes stare down into mine.

"Did you have something in mind or should we just get rid of him…" The man named Titus said ominously.

David stared down into my face for a few seconds, then asked "Slave did he…?" When I looked away it must have been all the answer he needed, "Titus, surely a man with your connections might know of a BDSM club in need of an unwilling gimp, yes?"

"And that's why I don't cross lawyers." Titus said dryly, this made David's chest vibrate with laughter his remark, "Alright David I have things to attend to, in the off chance you'd like to rest a while, here is a key to sweet five on the fifth floor."

"Thank you Titus, I think I'll take you up on that." David said as he shifted my body into his side, guiding me towards the door.

As we walked down the hall David spoke lowly into my ear, "Slave, are you alright?"

Despite the ordeal I'd been through, I chose to revel in the safe feeling I now felt and simply answered "I'm better now master."

"Good." A moment or two later David spoke as we waited for the elevator to arrive, "Slave, I am sorry to inform you however, that when we get to our room I'm going to have to punish you."

That roused me quickly and I asked alarmed, "Wha, why sir?"

A small smirk forming on his lips David said "You failed your test."

After a moment of silence and days of nerve-racking situations I did something I didn't think I'd do again.

I laughed, no not laugh, I snorted while trying not to shake.

When I finally managed to get myself under control, I took a chance and asked "Master… How did you find me?"

David's gaze shifted down to me as the elevator doors opened and after shuffling us inside, slid a keycard. I thought he wasn't going to answer me at first, but then he turned to me and hooked a finger through the ring of my collar and spoke.

"Slave as long as you wear this I'll always be able to find you…" I simply stared at David for a few seconds not really understanding his answer, so with a small huff David finished "Your collar contains a GPS tracker embedded underneath the D-ring."

Tucking me back against him, I felt… more at ease by that statement then I ever would have thought at one time. Whilst I continued to sort through my thoughts the elevator Chimed as the doors opened and the sight that awaited us made me smile. Because being dragged down the hall by four large men was Oswald. While I myself couldn't stop smiling as the man cursed and flailed as we walked by, David I noted didn't spare the bastard so much as a glance. Soon enough the sweet sounds of semi-justice faded away and we stopped in front of a pair of double doors. David, now smiling, swiped a card and bent down in front of me, strong arms wrapped around my thighs and with an audible heave from David I felt butterflies in my stomach swirl as I was plucked off the ground. I couldn't help the giggle that slipped out as he tossed me over his shoulder, opened the doors and carried me inside.



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