Well Met

by Findar

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© Copyright 2024 - Findar - Used by permission

Storycodes: MF/f; M/f+; bond; rope; toys; spank; mast; climax; costume; chairtie; gag; breathplay; oral; sex; cons; X

Continues from

Part 2

Belle spent the week daydreaming about her weekend adventure. She tried pulling out her ropes for a little self bondage. But suddenly it just wasn’t enough. She knew she could escape. It wasn’t like when Rick had tied her, suspended from a tree with her legs wide open.

She stopped herself. Just thinking about it made her want to slip her hands between her legs. She and Jill had exchanged numbers on the way home. She was dying to call the other girl and ask when they could get together again. But she didn’t want to seem desperate. And so she waited out the long week.

When Jill’s number came up on the caller ID Belle fumbled for the phone, kicking it halfway across the bedroom. She dove on it like a quarterback trying to recover a fumble. “No, no, no, don’t go to voicemail,” she cried as she pushed the answer button.

“Hi Belle, it's Jill. How are you doing?” the voice on the phone asked.

Belle tried to sound casual, and not like she’d just been scrambling across the room. “Oh you know, long week and all that.” God, I sound so stupid, she thought.

Jill laughed, “Yeah Rick has given me a few ‘long weeks’ too. I was wiped out on Monday. Didn’t really want to sit at my desk, if you know what I mean.”

Belle caught her hand slipping down between her legs again. “Oh yeah, ha ha. I know what you mean.”

“I really just called to see if you were okay with everything that went on,” Jill continued. “It was kind of intense, as introductions go.”

“No, no,” Belle stammered, “it was great. I mean- uh really great,” she finished lamely. (I am totally blowing this, she thought frantically. Why can’t I just tell her I’m dying to be tied up by them again?)

“Well good,” Jill replied. “Rick and I want to have you over for dinner Saturday if you’re free.”

“Saturday?” Belle replied excitedly. “Yeah that would be great. What time? What can I bring? What should I wear?” she realized she was babbling and forced herself to shut up.

Jill’s laugh was warm and easy. “How about five thirty? You don’t have to bring anything but yourself.” Jill paused, “And wear something you’d like to be tied up in,” she said before breaking the connection.

Belle stared at the now silent phone. She had just been invited to dinner and bondage by the strangers she had met in the woods. The practical side of her brain told her this was dangerous, she barely knew these people. The other side of her brain was planning what she should wear.

Belle rushed to her closet. She pulled out the long silver dress she had worn to a friend’s wedding. She could well imagine being tied up in that. But she discarded the idea. They had already seen her tied up in a ball gown. Besides, it would feel funny to go to their home dressed like it was a fancy party.

Running her hands across the hangers she brushed a short pleated skirt. Belle pulled it out of the closet and eyed it critically. It was in a blue plaid pattern that screamed, “school girl.” Inspired, she scrambled through her things finding a plain white blouse. She’d need a couple more things but she knew just how she was dressing for dinner.

It seemed to Belle that Saturday would never get there. She felt like a kid waiting for Christmas. She had dressed herself in plain white panties and a push up bra that made her feel like she was about to pop out of it. A long sleeve white blouse with the top two buttons undone gave an enticing flash of her augmented cleavage. The blue pleated skirt was a bit short-too short to bend over in without flashing the room. She sported white knee high stockings and a pair of black patent leather Mary Janes bought just for the occasion. She finished with a pair of pony tails on either side of her head. The effect was like something out of a Japanese anime.

Jill had sent her the address and she had programmed it into her gps. It was a thirty minute drive outside of town. Belle found herself pulling into the gravel drive of a nice suburban ranch style home set well back from the street.

Belle got out of the car, tugging down self consciously on her skirt. Her outfit had seemed like a good idea at the time. But now she felt the skirt was just too short. She asked herself, “What will they think of me?” The other part of her asked with a mental leer, “What will they DO to you?”

Steeling herself with a, “too late to change now” Belle walked up to the door and rang the bell. She glanced nervously around. The house was almost depressingly normal. Part of her brain was expecting something vaguely sinister, perhaps an old Victorian home with darkened windows. Instead there were light gray clapboards and cheerful looking flower beds.

The front door was opened by Jill, who greeted her with a bright smile. “Well hi,” she exclaimed. “We’re so glad you could come.” Belle was momentarily speechless. The last time she had seen Jill she was wearing nothing but a pair of latex panties. Now she was sporting a short black cocktail dress, matching stockings with heels and elbow length gloves. Maybe the silver dress would have been a good idea after all, Belle thought.

Jill took her by the hands and pulled her visitor inside. “Well, look at you,” she enthused as she eyed Belle. “Rick is going to lose his mind,” she laughed. She turned and called towards the kitchen, “Rick, Belle’s here!”

The split plan home had a great room with the kitchen at one end. Rick stepped out from behind the central island, casually dressed in a polo shirt and jeans. He pulled off the cook’s apron he had on before stopping to take in their guest. He gave out a long wolf whistle as he spied Belle. “Man, I could be arrested just for what I’m thinking,” he said.

Jill gave Belle a sidelong glance. “Told ya,” she said with a knowing wink. “You have to get back to work, pervert,” she said to Rick. “We don’t want to wait all evening for dinner, you know.”

Rick gave a mocking, “As you wish,” before returning to the kitchen.

Jill tugged Belle towards the living room sofa. “He’s a really good cook,” she confided. “But he won’t tell me what’s on the menu. Says it’s a surprise.” She flopped down on the leather sofa. “Come have a seat. How about a glass of wine?” she asked.

Belle was a bit overwhelmed by the reception. She half expected some sort of dungeon house. But the kinkiest thing so far was the fact that the sofa was leather. When Jill suggested wine she said, “Oh shit, yeah. I-I meant to pick up a bottle on the way here. But the clerk at the store wouldn’t sell to me. I even showed him my license. He said it must be my sister’s.” Belle paused, blushing crimson. “Then he offered to give me a free bottle if I came back after he closed up!”

Jill burst into hysterical laughter at the story. “Oh God, what a creep,” she laughed. “I’d avoid that store in the future if I were you.” She stood up from the sofa. “We won’t card you here,” she said. “White zin good by you?”

Belle agreed and watched her friend walk toward the kitchen. The sight of the other woman swaying on her black heels gave her a warm flush that she couldn’t quite understand. She thought back to Jill pressing the gag into her mouth and felt her cheeks burning.

Jill returned with two wine glasses. “I was told to stay out of his lordship’s domain,” she said as she handed Belle a glass. “I guess we just have to call out for refills.”

Belle eagerly took the glass. She hoped her nervousness didn’t show. But as if reading her mind Jill said, “It’s okay to be a bit nervous. After all, we didn’t meet in the most normal circumstances.”

“It’s that obvious,” Belle asked?

“Honey, your knees are clamped together like you’re waiting outside the principal’s office. Don’t worry. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If you want to get tied up this evening that’s okay. If you just want to watch Rick work on me that’s okay too. I don’t mind an audience.”

Jill’s frank comments caused Belle to blush anew. “No, I’m ,” she stammered. “I mean I’d like to see you,” she trailed off awkwardly before starting again. “I’m good with being tied,” she finished weakly.

“But you’re not sure where the boundaries are,” Jill finished for her. When Belle nodded her assent Jill replied, “Okay, time for a little homework, schoolgirl.” She took a sip of wine before standing up. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.”

A few minutes later Jill returned, sitting down alongside her guest. She held a sheaf of papers. “This is a BDSM checklist,” she said as she presented the papers to Belle. “It is a pretty thorough list of what is out there in the kink world for play options. Rick and I went through it when we started to play together. Just look it over and check off the things you’re good with. Line through those that you’re not. Here’s a pen,” she said as she handed it to Belle.

Belle normally wore contacts, but to go with her outfit she had opted for glasses. She pushed them up on her nose and examined the list. “I’m not sure what some of these things even are,” she said uneasily.

“Well let’s go through it together,” Jill said. “I can explain most of what’s on there. And what I can’t, Google can. It just makes your search history a little interesting.”

The two women spent the next half hour running down the list. The review was punctuated with a series of giggles, “really?” and “oh my God!” By the end the wine glasses were empty and Belle had been given an education. Her eyes gleamed with excitement.

Rick emerged from the kitchen with the bottle to refill glasses. “I hear an awful lot of giggling out here for homework time,” he chided them.

“I’ll have you know Belle has completed her assignment admirably,” Jill replied haughtily. She handed the papers to Rick who eyed them critically. “Hmm, looks complete. You’ve gone with the regular safe-words, that’s fine. Easier than trying to remember ‘kumquat’ or some such silly word.” He paused, “I see there’s question marks on the sexual intercourse questions. How are we addressing that?”

Belle blushed crimson, “I-I’m not sure,” she stammered. “I mean, I’ve had sex before. And I’ve had orgasms when tied up. I’ve just never had the two together,” she finished weakly. “Besides,” she said you and Jill are…” she let the words die in her mouth.

Jill broke in with a laugh, “Belle don’t you worry about Rick and me. He knows when he’s got it good. If he can please you and me at the same time he’s a better man than I thought,” she laughed again.

Rick colored slightly at the jab. “Yeah, well we’ll cross that bridge when we “Cum” to it, if you know what I mean,” He checked his watch. “We’ve got about forty-five minutes till dinner. What say we give our guest a taste of what it’s like to be really tied up?”

Belle hesitated only a moment. Just going through the bondage list had excited her. “Um, sure, I’m game,” she answered. “What do you want me to do?”

Rick eyed her like a sculptor before a block of marble. “As much as I like the shoes and stockings I think you should take them off,” he told her. “I’ll go get my rope bag and we’ll get started. To Jill he said, “Clear off the coffee table will you?”

Jill cleared the books and coasters off the low table while Belle stripped off her shoes. Belle’s hands shook as she worked the little buckles. ‘God, I’m really doing this,’ she thought with a mix of fear and excitement.

While waiting for Rick, Jill instructed Belle on some basic stretches. “It helps when Rick puts you in a tight position,” she explained. “The last thing you want is to get a cramp in the middle of a scene. But if you do, that's a good time to call ‘yellow’ and get it eased up.”

Rick returned with a black sports bag. He upended it on the sofa, spilling out skeins of hemp rope. Turning to Belle he asked, “You ready for some rope?”

Thinking once more that she must be out of her mind, Belle replied, “Yes sir!”

Rick began uncoiling rope. “Then turn around little girl, and put your hands behind your back.”

Belle did as she was told, placing her hands palm to palm. She leaned forward slightly to make it easier for him, and to stick her short skirt in his face. If it made an impact she couldn’t tell. He was busily wrapping rope around her wrists.

When her wrists were bound Belle gave an experimental tug. She was slightly disappointed. This seemed no tighter than anything she could do herself. Perhaps he was just going easy on her? Belle’s opinion began to change when she felt the next rope slip around her elbows.

Rick slipped his arm around Belle’s elbows, slowly pulling them together. With each pull he cinched the rope a little tighter. Belle felt her shoulders being pulled back, increasing the strain. When she let out a little grunt Rick said, “I think that’s good enough for the first time. We’ll eventually get your elbows to touch, but not tonight.” He finished the elbow tie by passing the line under her arm and up across her shoulders. It came down the other side and he tied it off at her elbows.

As Rick turned to get more rope Belle looked down at her chest. Perhaps the push up bra hadn’t been her best idea, she thought. With her elbows back her breasts were already straining against the buttons on her blouse.

“Next we’ll do a simple chest harness,” Rick explained as he passed more rope beneath her breasts. “It’s easier to do this before you tie the arms,” he told her. “But I like to start with helpless, and proceed to immobilized.”

Belle watched in fascination and growing excitement as cords were passed above and below her breasts. Rick stepped behind her to tie off the line. He then passed it over her shoulder and down between her breasts. The line came back up to catch the ropes above her breasts as well.

Rick worked the two ropes of the chest harness slowly towards one another. Belle watched in amazement as her breasts were slowly squeezed. It felt as if two great hands had taken hold of her. One button on her blouse gave up the struggle of preserving her modesty, slipping from its buttonhole. The lace edge of her bra pushed into view.

“From here things might get a little tight,” Rick warned Belle. “Be sure and use your safe words if it’s too much.”

Belle stared at him blankly. ‘It is going to get tight?’ she thought incredulously. It was already tighter than anything she’d ever done before on her own. She felt a rope being passed between her wrists. She felt him pull the free end through the rope across her shoulders. Then he was lifting her bound wrists with one hand and pulling on the rope with the other.

“This is called a chicken wing,” Rick explained as Belle felt the strain on her elbows intensify. Her wrists were forced up to the small of her back. Up and up her hands went until she gasped out, “Yellow.” Immediately the hands dropped down. It was only an inch or two, but it felt like heaven. When Rick asked, “Better?” Belle nodded and said, “Green.”

Rick finished wrapping the line neatly behind Belle’s back. He stepped back from his work and asked, “How’s that feel?”

Belle took a moment to process the question. She gave her body a little shake to see if anything was loose. Nothing moved. Her upper body was a tight little package. She found it difficult to stand upright without the ropes pulling even tighter. Instead she leaned forward, her bound breasts and mini-skirted backside thrust out provocatively.

“God, I’m completely helpless,” Belle said in amazement.

“Well, no,” Rick replied easily. “You can still walk around. Come over to the coffee table if you want completely helpless.”

Belle looked at Rick with an impish grin. “Challenge accepted,” she said as she strutted over to the table.

Rick steered her to the end of the coffee table. Taking her by the shoulders he guided her down on to it. Belle found herself face down on the polished wood. Her knees were just off the edge. But her breasts, already tightly constrained by the push up bra and rope harness, took the brunt of her weight.

When Belle made a little grunt of distress Rick immediately discerned the problem. “Hey Jill, come over here and support Belle’s boobs while I fix her legs,” he said. “Don’t want the melons bruised.”

“You got it,” Jill said eagerly as she moved to the table. She perched beside the bound girl, sliding her hands down Belle’s chest and gently lifting. Belle let out a little sigh as the pressure on her chest eased.

Rick stepped down to where Belle’s feet dangled in space. Taking her by the ankles he pushed her legs apart before bending them at the knees. He crossed her ankles before lashing them together. He pressed his body against her feet to support them before grabbing another length of rope.

While Rick worked on her legs Jill continued to support Belle’s upper body. She slowly shifted her position, moving her hands down her friend’s chest. One hand reached across Belle’s blouse. It flicked free an overstressed button, revealing more of Belle’s cleavage.

Belle let out a little gasp of surprise as Jill’s hand slipped down onto her breasts. Rick, working at her feet and thinking he had pulled something too tight called, “You good?”

Jill answered before Belle could. “She’s fine,” Jill said as she began to stroke Belle’s nipples.

Belle felt a rush of warmth as Jill teased her nipples into hardness. Jill’s hands were no longer supporting her shoulders, but were instead cupping each breast. She thought back to the gag kiss she had shared with Jill in the woods. A shudder of excitement shook her frame.

Rick was unaware of the little drama playing out at the other end of the coffee table. He added a rope around Belle’s ankles before leading the free end up to her chest harness. He pulled the line back down towards her ankles while pressing on her legs. “Okay, now it gets tight,” he announced. “Jill, lift up on her chest, will you?” he asked as he tightened the hog tie.

Belle felt her spine arch backwards as her feet were drawn up towards her head. Jill’s fingers were no longer softly stroking, but now held Belle’s breasts in a tight grip. She helped lift the bound woman into her new, stringent tie. “Oh, ahh,” Belle gasped aloud.

Rick paused, “Too tight?” he asked.

“Ahh, no,” Belle huffed. “I’ve just never been in anything like this before. I think I can do it.”

“That’s good,” Rick said as he let go of Belle’s legs. “Because like the man says on TV, ‘But wait, there’s more’!” He picked up a thin ball of twine and moved to Belle’s head. He glanced at Jill, who was still supporting Belle’s chest. “I think you can let go now Jill,” he told her.

Jill released her grip on Belle’s breasts, giving them a final squeeze as she did so. Belle blushed anew, never having had such intimate contact with another woman before. Before she could analyze her feelings clearly her attention was diverted to Rick.

He was busy wrapping the loose end of the twine around the base of her pigtail. He finished the one on the left, then moved to the right side of Belle’s head and repeated the process with the right. Belle could not see what he was doing, but she felt him fold her hair back on itself as he tightened the cords.

Directing his comments to Jill again Rick asked, “Lift her head for me, will you?”

Jill took Belle by the chin and raised her head. She stared into the other girl’s eyes as Rick led the loose ends of the cords back down to Belle’s bare feet.

Belle’s eyes widened in surprise as she felt her left foot pressed towards her back. She could feel the cord wrap around her big toe as the tension increased on her pigtail. The right foot got the same treatment, pulling on her right pigtail.

Belle was stunned by this last bit of restraint. Jill released her chin, but it didn’t matter. When she tried to lower her head the pressure quickly increased on her feet and hair. She winced as her feet were bent backwards, then quickly raised her head once more.

“I think you’ll find that you’re pretty much immobilized,” Rick said as he ran his hands over Belle’s bound form. “I know you’re unsure about the intercourse part of bondage, so I’ll just let you think about that for a while.” As he said this he pulled out a wand vibrator from his pile of ropes. Switching it on to the low setting he pushed it up between Belle’s thighs.

Satisfied that it wasn’t up far enough to do more than tease Rick turned to Jill. “I’ve got to check on dinner. Can you keep an eye on our little schoolgirl here?” Jill replied that she would indeed. Rick gave Belle a gentle pat on the head. “Enjoy,” he said as he retreated to the kitchen.

Watching Rick leave the room, Jill smiled. “My, my, he’s certainly gone all out for you,” she mused. “Chicken wing, chest harness, crossed ankle hogtie with hair bondage in the bargain. Can you move anything at all?”

Belle rocked a bit. The movement got her a squeeze of her breasts and a tug on her pigtails. By squeezing her thighs together she could get a little more of the vibrator’s action. But Rick had left it too far down to do more than a gentle tease. Besides the rope on her crossed ankles bit into her when she tried to close her legs.

“No,” Belle gasped, “not really.”

Jill leaned over the coffee table, bringing her face inches from Belle’s. “So there’s nothing you could do if someone was this close,” Jill said quietly.

Belle swallowed hard. “Uh, no,” she said weakly. She could feel Jill’s hot breath on her face. Her heart hammered in her chest.

“And there’s nothing you could do if someone did this,” Jill said as she pressed her mouth over Belle’s.

Belle felt a rush of panic as the other woman pressed her mouth over Belle’s. Jill’s tongue was pushing between her lips, teasing her to open. She felt a rush of warmth flood her body. Was it embarrassment or arousal? She wasn’t sure herself. But it was hard to keep her mouth closed with her head pulled back anyway, so why fight it? She relaxed her jaw, inviting Jill’s tongue inside.

It wasn’t that Belle had never been kissed before. She had dated several guys. But Jill’s kiss was somehow different. It was both gentle and hungry, demanding and pleading. Being unable to even turn her head away made it even more exciting. Belle could feel her juices begin to flow.

While Jill’s tongue explored, her hands went into action. Her left hand slipped back inside Belle’s blouse, gently stroking her breasts. Her right hand reached over Belle’s backside, slipping down between her legs. She caught hold of the vibrator that Rick had so carefully placed. Slowly she forced it upward until it rested firmly against Belle’s sex.

“Ohhh,” came the muffled cry from the captive girl. Her arms, neck and back had started to ache from the strict position. But those discomforts were swept up and rolled into Belle’s growing arousal. She closed her eyes, letting the pain and pleasure swirl together in a heady mix.

Belle would have gladly reached out to reciprocate Jill’s touch. But Rick’s rope-work was inescapable. She could do little except use her tongue to engage with the woman who was so delightfully assaulting her. She knew if Jill continued that she would climax soon.

“Jill!” Rick’s shout snapped Belle’s eyes open. It broke the moment as Jill pulled herself away from Belle’s open mouth. “I told you to keep an eye on her,” Rick gestured to the bound woman. “Not to keep a lip on her.”

Jill sat back on her heels. Belle could see her face flush crimson. Was it from embarrassment or excitement, she wondered?

“Sorry Rick,” Jill said quietly. “We just got caught up in the moment, I guess.”

Rick walked over to take a seat on the couch. “Well, bad behavior needs to be corrected. Don’t you agree?”

Jill looked down at the floor. “Yes sir,” came the quiet response.

“Stand up and take off your dress,” Rick commanded.

Jill stood up. Blushing slightly, she peeled off the little black dress. She dropped it beside the coffee table, making sure Belle could see her as she stripped.

Belle couldn’t turn her head to see Jill’s face. But she could see that Jill wasn’t wearing any underwear beneath her dress. From her compromised position Belle had a clear view of Jill’s pussy. It was completely shaved. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

“Come here Jill and assume the position,” Rick said as he patted his knee.

Belle watched with growing excitement as Jill, clad only in stockings, high heels and gloves moved to drape her body over Rick's legs. She was suddenly reminded of the vibrator that continued to stimulate her, and the wetness between her legs.

“Belle, as the aggrieved party you get to decide the number of strokes Jill gets,” Rick told her.

Belle’s eyes widened at the idea. At the moment she only felt “aggrieved” because Jill had stopped. She watched as Rick gently stroked Jill’s naked backside. The thought of seeing that pretty white flesh glowing pink made her mouth dry. But she didn’t want to cause her new found friend any discomfort. “Give her two,” she finally said.

Rick laughed, “You’re not doing her any favors with that light punishment. I think she needs at least ten.” He looked down at the woman who lay across his lap. “Spread your legs, naughty girl, so Belle can see what you’ve been up to.”

Jill blushed crimson as she spread her legs wide. She didn’t need Rick’s fingers to slide into her to tell her she was already wet. But when he showed his glistening digits to Belle, Jill thought she would die of embarrassment.

“It seems Jill likes taking advantage of helpless little school girls,” Rick gloated as he displayed his wet fingers to Belle. “I wonder if she’ll cum when I spank her?” He slipped two fingers back inside. “Let’s find out.”

Belle watched in horrified fascination as the first blow landed. Jill let out a yelp, followed by a little moan. The impact of Rick’s right hand on Jill’s bare ass drove her down onto the fingers on Rick’s left hand. Pain and pleasure all in one; it made Belle acutely aware of her own discomfort and the vibrator throbbing between her legs.

For his part, Rick was skilled at keeping Jill on the edge. If he sensed her getting close to an orgasm he would slow down, or slip his fingers further out. But he had no such control over his other captive. By the time he’d delivered his eighth stroke he was startled to hear a cry from the coffee table. He and Jill looked on as Belle’s body went rigid.

Belle clenched her thighs together around the throbbing vibrator as a massive orgasm wracked her frame. The ropes on her crossed ankles bit into her flesh as she tried to hug the device. The cords on her pigtails pulled painfully on her hair. None of it mattered, or perhaps it just added to the soul shaking orgasm she had. Belle was beyond knowing or caring.

“Holy shit,” Jill whispered as she watched Belle’s body sag. Ignoring her own aroused state she clambered off Rick’s knees and rushed to her friend’s side. Belle’s head had sagged forward in exhaustion, putting additional strain on her hair and toes. Jill raised her up, supporting her while calling to Rick, “Scissors!”

Rick never played without a pair of EMT scissors close at hand. He quickly snipped the cords that held Belle’s head before working on the knots that held her body. By the time the ropes were off Belle’s ragged breathing had settled. Jill helped her off the little table and onto the couch. She draped a blanket over her friend before putting her arms around Belle’s shoulders.

“Oh wow,” Belle murmured tiredly. “That was amazing.”

Rick had gone to the kitchen for a bottle of water. Jill held Belle close as she began to shiver. Pulling the blanket tighter around Belle she told her, “You scared the shit out of me, girl. I’ve never seen anyone climax like that.” When Belle lifted her head to see if Jill was teasing her she met Jill’s lips. Too tired to resist, she accepted the gentle kiss from her friend.

Rick returned with water. Belle sucked greedily at the bottle, draining it before slumping back into Jill’s arms. Rick eyed the two women curiously. “Looks like you’ve got things well in hand here Jill,” he said. “I’ll go check on dinner.”

Belle lay in Jill’s arms until the wetness cooled between her legs. She reluctantly disentangled herself and headed for the bathroom. Once there she hiked up her skirt and stripped off her sodden panties. She eyed them with distaste. ‘I certainly made a mess of myself,’ she thought ruefully.

Rinsing her panties in the sink, Belle thought about what had just happened in the living room. The memory brought a flush of embarrassment to her cheeks. She wasn’t a prude by any means. And she’d pleasured herself many times before, often while in self bondage. So why did she feel so different this time?

As she wiped herself clean Belle played it all back in her head, the ropes getting tighter and tighter, Jill surreptitiously stroking her nipples, the vibrator sitting loosely between her legs. It was all very exciting, but it certainly hadn’t pushed her over the edge.

Was it when Jill pushed the vibrator hard between her legs? That had certainly started the ball rolling. But she realized it was when Jill had forced her mouth down on Belle’s that she had really begun to lose control. And then to see Jill stripped and punished…

Belle looked down to see that she had unconsciously gone from cleaning herself to stroking. She blushed anew. She had never thought of herself as anything but a straight woman-kinky, but straight. But now the image of Jill’s bare backside hung before her mind’s eyes, stirring feelings deep within her.

After smoothing her skirt and hanging her wet panties over the shower rail Belle headed back to the living room. She was relieved and slightly disappointed to see Jill had vacated her seat on the couch. At least she didn’t have to decide on whether she should go back to cuddling with her friend.

The clatter of plates drew Belle to the dining room. There she found Jill setting the table. “I hope you’re hungry,” Jill said with a radiant smile. “Rick is a really good cook-among other things.”

Jill hadn’t put her dress back on after the spanking session. She worked at putting out three place settings on one end of the large table. She moved about clad in only her gloves, stockings and heels as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

Belle wondered if Rick had forbidden Jill to put her dress back on in some show of dominance. Or had Jill opted to remain naked because she enjoyed showing off her body? Either way Belle felt her eyes drawn to examine her friend. She had to remind herself not to stare as she took in Jill’s large breasts and pert nipples. She noticed with some surprise that Jill was completely shaved. What must that feel like, she wondered? She had the sudden urge to touch her own thatch, imagining nothing but smooth skin there.

The call of, “Take your seats, ladies” drew Belle’s attention away from Jill. Rick sauntered into the room with his rope bag in hand. “Jill, why don’t you sit on the right? And Belle, you can sit opposite her,” he directed.

After the two women were seated in the straight backed dining chairs Rick pulled a coil of rope from the bag. “I think I’ll start with you, Jill,” he directed. “Put your hands behind your back.”

Belle watched as Rick bound Jill’s hands. As the rope came upward and across Jill’s chest Belle recognized the box tie that he had used on her in the woods. Although she couldn’t see them, she knew Jill’s hands would be pulled to the center of her back, held there by the ropes that encircled her biceps and chest.

Rick had finished the basics of the box tie when he split the ropes, passing them over Jill’s shoulders and down between her breasts. After tying off the lines to the ropes below her breasts he split the two cords again. Belle watched in fascination as he lifted Jill’s left breast. He began wrapping the rope close to the base of it, trapping her breast in the coils. After tying it off he gave her right breast the same treatment.

Belle’s mouth went dry as she watched as Rick transformed Jill’s breasts into round bulging orbs. She wondered what it felt like to have ropes like that. She was afraid she might just find out.

Rick however, wasn’t finished. Taking another length of rope he wrapped it several times around Jill’s throat before tying it off. “Sit up straight,” he told her as he led the free end down to her bound wrists. He tied the line off with a quick knot. “If that gets too tight just raise your arms a bit,” he told Jill.

Jill raised her arms experimentally, easing the pressure on her neck. But it was tiring to keep them up for long. She winced as her arms dropped and the tension on her throat increased. “I hope you’re not going to treat our sweet little Belle like this,” Jill chided him.

“Who says I’m done with you,” was Rick’s quick retort. He pulled the chair out from the table. “Spread your legs,” he commanded. Jill did as she was told. Belle leaned forward in her chair to watch as Rick lashed Jill’s legs to the front of the chair. He started with her ankles. And once they were secured he moved to her knees, tying each to a chair leg. When he was finished Jill’s charms were on full display. Jill caught Belle staring at her and gave a knowing wink.

Belle was still blushing at having been caught staring when Rick appeared next to her. “And now for our sexy little schoolgirl,” he said brightly as he uncoiled more rope. “Hands behind your back, if you please.” Belle did as she was told, familiar with the box tie he had used on her before. She was impressed at how efficiently Rick applied the ropes while still giving it a sensuous feel.

After framing her breasts above and below with bands of rope Rick stepped back. He frowned. “Hmm,” Rick mused. “I’m sorry Belle but this just isn’t working. We’ll have to do something else.”

Before Belle could ask what “something else” was she found Rick’s hands on the buttons of her blouse. “Uhh,” was about all she could say as he deftly released the little fasteners. He gave several quick tugs, pulling her shirt open beneath the ropes and exposing her push up bra.

“Now we’re getting somewhere,” Rick said as he caught the top of her bra. “Oh,” Belle gasped as he pulled it down. Belle’s breasts popped into view like some erotic jack in the box. Belle’s eyes widened as his hands fondled her.

“I’ve been wondering what these look like ever since I tied you up in the woods,” Rick said as he teased her nipples. “I have to say it was worth the wait.”

Belle was at a loss for words. Do you say ‘thank you’ when a man ties you up, rips open your shirt and compliments your breasts? Definitely a question for Emily Post, she thought.

But Rick wasn’t waiting for an answer from his latest captive. With the flair of a magician about to perform his next trick he uncoiled another skein of rope. He slipped the end beneath the ropes encircling Belle’s chest by her left arm. Making several passes he brought the two bands close together. From there he moved the cords to the center of her chest. Catching the ropes there he pulled the top and bottom ropes together.

Belle could see what Rick’s game was as the ropes squeezed her breasts. It wasn’t as stringent as the encirclement of Jill’s breasts. But there was still a steady squeeze. Still, she thought as Rick tied the line off by her right arm, it could be a lot worse.

Apparently Rick thought so too because he took the free end of the rope and brought it back across Belle’s chest. He laid the double strand of rope directly on top of her nipples, neatly bisecting her breasts. As he tied off the cords by her arm Belle could feel a growing pressure.

But Rick wasn’t finished. He took a short length of heavy twine and passed it under the ropes that were cinched together between Belle’s breasts. She didn’t understand the purpose of that little cord until he looped it up around the ropes that lay across her breasts. Tugging on the loose ends forced the ropes down towards the cords that encircled her chest. With each tug the pressure across her breasts increased.

It felt to Belle as if two great hands were squeezing her tits. To make matters worse, Rick separated the cords just enough to let her nipples peek out between them. And she quickly realized that the pressure increased-especially on her nipples, with every breath she took. Shallow breaths were the key. A heavy sigh would be painful. A cough or sneeze would probably split her in two, she thought.

Rick stood back to admire his work. “I think that does your lovely tits justice.” He turned to Jill, “Don’t you agree, Honey?”

Jill said nothing, but the hungry look in her eyes as she stared at Belle made the other girl swallow a sudden lump in her throat. She wondered what Jill would do if she wasn’t tied up herself? The thought made Belle squeeze her thighs together tightly.

Rick saw Belle’s action but misinterpreted it. “It’s a little late for modesty, young lady,” he chided her. “Spread those legs like a good girl.”

Belle spread her legs to the edges of the chair. She had the sudden uncomfortable realization that her panties were still drying in the bathroom. If Rick lifted her skirt he was going to get the whole show.

Starting with her ankles, Rick lashed Belle’s legs to the chair. He quickly followed with her knees. Belle gave an experimental tug as he finished the knots. Closing her legs was impossible. She was less exposed than Jill, but no less vulnerable.

“Are you ready for the next part?” Rick asked her. Belle was pretty sure she knew what he meant. She looked over at Jill, forced to sit straight with the ropes around her neck. The thought of being tied like that-it was terrifying and exciting all at once. Swallowing the lump in her throat she gave a curt nod.

Rick spoke soothingly to Belle as he wrapped the cords about her neck. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right here with the scissors if you have any trouble. Remember your safe word?”

“Yes,” Belle replied faintly. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest with each turn of the rope. She locked eyes with Jill, who watched her with obvious concern. The fact that Jill didn’t seem to be in any distress (aside from being naked and tied to a chair) gave her reassurance.

“Not too tight with the newbie,” Jill said warningly to her lover. In response he slipped a finger beneath the ropes. “Look mother hen,” he replied sarcastically. “I promise not to strangle her in our first session.” He turned and looked reassuringly at Belle. “But it is going to get a little tighter as I tie it to your wrists. You ready?”

Remembering their time in the woods Belle said, “Do your worst, you villain!”

Rick laughed as he passed the ropes down around Belle’s wrists. “This is definitely not my ‘worst’. Your feet are still touching the floor.” He finished tying off the ropes before saying, “Just remember to lift your arms to ease the pressure on your throat- at least until your arms get tired,” he finished with a smirk.

Belle swallowed hard. She immediately realized that even swallowing would be difficult with her throat tied. Experimentally she raised her arms before swallowing again. It was noticeably easier. Shifting her arms however, seemed to tighten the ropes that bound her breasts, giving them a little extra squeeze.

After a few moments Belle could feel the strain in her shoulders. It would be impossible to keep her arms up for any length of time. In frustration she made the mistake of letting her arms drop. She was rewarded with a sharp tug at her throat that pulled her back in her chair.

So focused on her own predicament Belle didn’t notice that Rick had turned his attention back to Jill. It was only when she heard Jill mutter, “You bastard” that she looked to see that Jill had been blindfolded, or that Rick was doing something to her beneath the table. Belle, restrained as she was, couldn’t see what he was doing. But she had the feeling that whatever Rick did to Jill was soon coming her way as well.

When Rick had finished attending to Jill’s bondage he pushed her chair in close to the table. “Bon appetit, my sweet,” he whispered to her. “Now I have to see to our guest.” He rounded the table, stopping only to pull another blindfold from his bag.

Belle watched Rick warily as he approached. She didn’t think he would actually harm her. But every time she let her guard down he surprised her with some new and challenging restraint. She looked across the table to see Jill squirming in her chair and wondered anew what was to come.

“Close your eyes, little Belle,” Rick admonished as he brought the blindfold before her. She got a quick glance at the blindfold before it closed out the light. It was padded leather, all black. It had a cut out for her nose that would make it difficult to slide off even if she had the use of her hands. Belle’s world went dark as the buckle at the back of her head was cinched tight.

“Just one last detail before I put dinner on,” Rick said as he turned Belle’s chair. Belle heard the screech of tape being pulled from a roll. She felt a gentle touch on her thigh followed by the hem of her skirt being flipped up.

“Oh ho,” Rick exclaimed. “Jill, our sweet little school girl is a bit of a secret slut,” he chortled. “She’s not wearing any panties!”

Belle went crimson with embarrassment. “I,” she stammered, “they were wet,” she said weakly. “I hung them up to dry.”

Rick patted her thigh. “No worries, little girl,” he said reassuringly. “It actually makes this a little better.”

The ‘this’ Rick referred to was a round object that brushed lightly across her labia. Belle felt its shaft pressed against her inner thigh. The tape Rick had pulled earlier secured it in place. There was a faint click and the round head of the device began to oscillate.

“Oh my,” Belle exclaimed as the vibrator went into action. She imagined that she would quickly climax again with the device pressed between her legs. But as Rick headed off to the kitchen she realized he had placed the head of the vibrator so it just lightly brushed against her. It was perfectly placed not to satisfy, but to tease.

Jill’s voice came to Belle out of the darkness, “I’m guessing you got the vibrator treatment too?” she asked.

“Uh, yeah,” Belle replied. She tried to move her leg to move the vibrator away, or even to bring it closer. But with her knees tied to the chair there was little room for movement. She tried curling forward to press down on it. That merely served to tighten the squeezing ropes on her breasts and pull on the cords that encircled her throat. She could well imagine that in short order she was going to be a quivering pile of need.

“Getting settled in, are we?” Rick asked as he set plates of food before the two captive women. The rich smell of tomato sauce filled the air. Belle felt her stomach rumble in response. But how could she eat when so thoroughly bound? Was this some new torment?

Belle’s answer came when she heard Rick’s command, “Open wide Miss Belle.” The rich aroma by her nose compelled her to follow his direction. She was rewarded with a delicious forkful of lasagna. “Mmmm,” she purred. The food was quite delicious. But when she went to swallow she felt the ropes tight about her throat. The food, as good as it was, went down with difficulty.

Rick saw Belle’s difficulty. He took a moment to coach her. “Raise your wrists when you want to swallow,” he told her. “It takes the strain off your throat.”

“Or you could just take the ropes off my throat,” Belle replied sarcastically.

“I suppose I could,” Rick replied casually. “But where’s the fun in that?” He punctuated his question by dragging the tines of his fork across Belle’s trapped nipple. She let out a yelp in response.

Dinner settled into a routine. Belle would receive a forkful of food. She would raise her wrists to swallow, which in turn shifted the ropes of her breast bondage. And all the while the little vibrator was lightly feathering her pussy. She was choked, squeezed and teased. The multitude of sensations made her head spin. And, she realized, she was loving it.

After what seemed like a delightful eternity Belle felt her lips dabbed with a napkin. A moment later the blindfold was removed, leaving her blinking in the suddenly bright room. She saw that Jill’s blindfold had been removed also, but she was still as tightly bound as before their meal.

“I’ll leave you two ladies to chat while I clear away the dishes,” Rick told them. He picked up a couple of plates and headed for the kitchen. Calling out over his shoulder he said, “Don’t go anywhere!”

Jill rolled her eyes. “He makes that stupid joke every time I’m tied up,” she groaned.

Belle laughed, earning a quick rebuke from her tightly tied breasts. “Oooh,” she gasped. “Note to self; don’t laugh.” Which in turn made Jill laugh, with much the same reaction. They spent several minutes trying to make each other laugh with funny faces and silly jokes.

When the table was cleared and Rick could be heard washing up in the kitchen Belle asked, “What’s next?”

“Don’t know,” Jill replied. “Rick and I always agree on the general outlines of a session-like being tied up for dinner. But I give him a lot of leeway as to what happens along the way. Keeps it exciting, you know?” She shifted uneasily on her seat. “But I’ll tell you one thing; this vibrator is driving me crazy. When it’s all said and done he better scratch the itch of this bitch.”

Belle was still laughing and wincing when Rick returned. “Glad to see everyone having a good time,” he said as he began removing Jill’s restraints. Belle could see her breathe a sigh of relief as the vibrator was put aside. Rick freed her legs from the chair before untying the rope that tethered her hands to her throat.

But he didn’t remove the rope from around Jill’s neck. Instead he used the free end as a leash, leading Jill to the far end of the table. “Shoes off, please,” he told her. Jill kicked off her heels. As soon as she did so Rick scooped her up in his arms and deposited her on the table.

Jill let out a, “Woah” of surprise. Rick pushed her down on the table so she was laying on her bound arms. Belle, observing the bondage play, noticed that Jill’s position made her bound breasts even more prominent. They thrust out from Jill’s chest like two swollen melons. She wondered idly if they were as sensitive as her own- and what it would be like to touch them.

Rick left Jill’s side only long enough to retrieve his rope bag. Taking a length of rope, he tied it just below Jill’s knee. Tossing it under the table, he brought it around to bind the other knee. Giving the rope a steady pull he forced her knees apart until she was splayed wide open.

Belle watched with growing excitement as her friend was laid out on the table like some erotic centerpiece. She knew enough of bondage technique to recognize the ‘frog tie’ Rick executed next, binding Jill’s ankles tight against her thighs. He finished with a rope attaching Jill’s chest harness to the table, rendering her immobile.

Wondering if Rick was going to take Jill right in front of her excited Belle in a way she couldn’t quite grasp. If her hands were free she could easily reach out and touch the woman who was laid out so helplessly before her. But the logical part of her brain was puzzled by her friend’s placement on the table. If she was tied to a table for sex, she would have expected to have her puss closer to the edge of the table. But Jill’s was a good two feet from the edge. The only way Rick could possibly penetrate her would be to climb up on the table.

Belle was further perplexed When Rick turned his attention to her. He peeled the tape from her thigh, tossing away the vibrator. He freed both her legs from the chair. Much the same as he had for Jill, Rick untied the neck rope from Belle’s wrists. Giving the free end a gentle tug he said, “Come along little Belle.”

Her mind was a whirl as Rick led Belle to the end of the table. She turned to face her oh so exposed friend before her, Jill’s sex cleanly shaved and glistening wet from her session with the vibrator. Belle was so engrossed in the sight she didn’t even hear Rick’s command. It took a slap on her backside to get her attention.

“I said to spread your legs, little girl,” Rick said sternly. “Don’t make me ask again.”

“Uh, yes sir,” Belle said as she hastened to comply. The ‘sir’ just seemed to fall naturally out of her mouth. And why not? Wasn’t she helplessly bound and led on a leash by this man? There was always the safe word. But as her legs were spread apart and tied to the table legs she knew she wouldn’t use it.

Belle looked again at Jill laid open before her. Sudden anxiety gripped her as she realized that Rick was positioning her so that she could easily go down on her friend. Although she had performed oral sex before, it was only with a man. She’d never even imagined herself pleasuring a woman. Well, she admitted to herself, she had imagined it. But still….

But Rick shattered Belle’s expectations when he pulled a black rubber gag from his toy bag. She had only a moment to observe the squat black rubber phallus attached to the gag before he grabbed the back of her head.

“Open wide,” Rick commanded as he thrust the device against Belle’s lips. She wasn’t certain if she intended to protest or acquiesce. But parting her lips with an indecisive, “Uh,” was all the opening Rick needed. He forced the gag past her teeth and into her mouth.

Rick held the shaft on the front of the gag, pressing it hard against Belle’s mouth as he worked the strap and buckle behind her head. Belle could feel the molded veins and ridges of the synthetic cock as it pressed down on her tongue. She let out a muffled yelp of surprise.

As Rick released the front of Belle’s gag she suddenly realized that she would not be performing cunnilingus on Jill. Attached to the outside of her gag was another black rubber cock, much longer that the one trapped inside her mouth.

“Now Belle,” Rick said as he squirted lube on the dildo, “Jill gave you quite the ride earlier with that vibrator. So I want you to return the favor. But don’t rush. I want you to make her wait as long as possible.”

“Oh Rick, come on,” came the protest from the table.

Rick looked at the bound woman on the table.”Do you need a gag too?” he asked archly.

“No sir,” Jill answered demurely.

With the phallus fully lubed, Rick pulled on Belle’s leash, guiding her down between Jill’s legs. He positioned it against Jill’s pussy and deftly spread her lips. There was a little whimper from the table as the hard rubber slipped inside her.

Belle’s eyes were wide with shock as she watched the extreme close up of the dildo sliding inside her friend. She was bent over the table until her breasts rested on its cold surface. The tightly bound orbs had swollen noticeably beneath the bindings. Belle winced as her nipples were pressed against the unyielding surface.

With a tug on Belle’s leash Rick slipped it underneath Jill’s backside. He took the free end of Jill’s neck rope and tied the two ropes together. The women were now tied neck to neck. Rick took a moment to explain this to Belle.

“The rope around your neck is now attached to the rope around Jill’s,” he said by way of explanation. “So the deeper you push in, the less strain on her airway. But if you pull out too far,” he paused, “well, we might find out if asphyxia enhances Jill’s orgasms.”

Belle was stunned by the predicament she found herself in. Looking down over her gag, she could see every follicle, could see the wetness glistening on Jill’s labia where the dildo parted them, and saw a shining strand of lube dripping from the shaft. She pulled back slightly eliciting a little gasp from Jill. But Belle felt the tug of the rope about her neck. She knew that Rick had left her very little slack. The other end must be pulling tight against Jill’s windpipe.

Leaning forward, Belle slowly advanced. She tried to imagine how she liked it when a man entered her. Slow and easy at first, she thought, let the excitement build.

She was rewarded with delighted moans from Jill. “Ohh, yes,” she whispered as Belle pushed into her. As humiliating as her position was, Belle felt a surge of power. She couldn’t control her position, but she could control what Jill felt. She started to increase the pace of her thrusts.

Belle did her best to ignore the discomfort of her own position. Her nipples, pinched between the chest ropes, dragged on the table. It felt like they were being pinched with every move. She tried moving the dildo with just her neck muscles and while it elicited some ecstatic noises from Jill, Belle quickly felt the strain.

So focused was she that Belle hadn’t noticed Rick as he stepped behind her. She let out a muffled whoop of surprise as her little skirt was flipped up, exposing her naked backside. Instinctively she tried to stand and turn to see what Rick was doing.

Her actions brought a strangled cry from Jill as the dildo flailed about inside her and the rope choked off her air.

Horrified at what she had done, Belle pressed herself back down on the table, accepting the punishment on her swollen breasts as atonement for choking off her friend’s airway. She felt Rick’s hands gently caress her bare skin.

“Focus, Belle, focus,” Rick said gently. He spread his fingers across her bare flesh, giving each cheek a squeeze. “You know Jill,” he said conversationally, “Our little schoolgirl has an absolutely delightful ass.” He began running his fingers in small circles over Belle’s skin. “I don’t know whether to spank her or fuck her.”

Belle stiffened at his words. She stopped her rhythmic thrusting, bringing a cry of, “Oh, don’t stop,” from Jill. Was Rick teasing? Would he really do those things to her? And if he did, would she want him to?

The sudden impact of his hand on her skin brought a muffled yelp from Belle. It drove her body forward, once again dragging her nipples across the table. It also drove the dildo on her gag deeper into Jill, causing her to cry out as well.

Belle had hardly recovered from the first impact when the second landed. Belle bit down hard on her gag to keep from crying out. But she could do nothing to keep herself from rocking forward once again. She could feel Jill’s pelvic muscles tightening, and heard her cries of, “Oh God, oh God” as she drove her friend to climax.

By the fifth strike Jill was over the edge. Her body bucked against its restraints. A long savage cry escaped her lips, “Oh Goooood!” Finally she collapsed on the table, going limp.

Belle was stunned by the intensity of Jill’s reaction. She never imagined she could drive someone to such pleasure. And, she had to admit, it had aroused her as well. Despite the burn of her freshly spanked backside and the torment of her crushed breasts Belle could feel the growing wetness between her legs.

Nor did Belle’s arousal go unnoticed by Rick. He slipped an experimental finger down between her legs. Holding up his wet finger Rick crowed, “Well, well, our little Belle isn’t just a rope slut. She’s a pain slut as well.”

Belle wanted to deny it. But shaking her head ‘no’ brought a quickly indrawn breath from Jill, who still had the other end of Belle’s gag buried in her. This in turn drew Rick’s attention.

“Get back to it Belle,” he said as he stripped off his shirt. “Jill’s got at least one more O in her. She’ll complain at first, but then she’ll love it.” When Belle hesitated he gave her a slap on the ass to propel her into action.

Jill did complain. “Oh Rick, please wait,” she whined as Belle started pumping the dildo into her. But gradually the cries of protest morphed into moans of pleasure as overworked nerve endings came back online.

As Belle worked her friend back towards a forced climax she spied Rick out of the corner of her eye. He was in the process of stripping off his clothes. Her eyes widened as he dropped his boxers. His engorged member drew her attention, breaking her rhythm. A cry of, “Oh please don’t stop!” from Jill set her back in motion.

Rick chuckled at Belle’s distraction. He sauntered over to her, pressing his bare flesh against her naked backside. “Now Belle,” he said conversationally, “I noticed that on the checklist you didn’t answer the question about intercourse during bondage.” He paused, running his hardened cock along her thigh. “This may be an inopportune time for clarification,” he leaned harder into her. “But it is what it is.”

Belle felt her body tense. She could feel the heat radiating off his cock pressing against her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him dangle the little foil square of a condom and a black rubber ring. “So here’s the deal,” she heard him say. “One of you ladies is going to satisfy me this evening. If it isn’t you then I’ll go unload in Jill’s mouth. And with this cock ring,” he jiggled the black ring on his finger, “I can stay up long enough to push her into one more round.”

Belle was torn. It was not that she didn’t feel the need dripping between her legs, not that she wasn’t impressed with Rick’s ‘physical attributes’. But he was Jill’s. It felt wrong to have sex with him while she lay helpless on the table in front of her.

Rick took Belle’s hesitation as a refusal. He stepped away, moving towards Jill’s head. “Get ready to swallow, sweetie. Belle didn’t want to take one for the team,” he said jauntily.

It was Jill’s muttered, “Oh fuck,” that decided Belle. She let out a shrill cry of protest through her gag. It was enough to get Rick’s attention. “A change of heart?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “Just a nod will do.”

Belle gave a quick nod. The movement of her head, and its attached gag brought an, “Ahhh,” from Jill. She watched as Rick peeled the condom from its wrapper, working it carefully into place. She had never seen a cock ring before. Its tightness as Rick worked it down his shaft intrigued and frightened her. Didn’t he say it was so he could stay hard longer? She began to doubt her decision.

“Now you can’t just leave poor Jill hanging,” Rick told Belle as he positioned himself behind her. He used his fingers to spread her before easing the head of his cock just inside. “You’ve got to keep her entertained as well.”

Belle realized she had stopped her work on Jill’s pussy. Trying to focus on Jill while Rick slowly advanced into her made Belle’s head spin. She wanted to just stop and experience the heady mixture of restraint, discomfort and arousal.

Rick wouldn’t let her off that easily. Pressing forward until he was fully inside her, Rick leaned forward and grabbed Belle’s pigtails. He pulled back hard on her hair, eliciting a squeal from Belle and an accompanying squeal from Jill. He drew himself back, pulling Belle away from Jill in the process before pushing them both forward again.

Belle’s trepidation at having sex with Jill’s lover quickly evaporated. Despite the uncomfortable position it just felt so good! And every time he thrust into her she in turn pressed forward into Jill, bringing little moans of pleasure from her as well.

Rick started off slowly, letting Belle get the feel of him. But soon he accelerated his pace, listening to the muffled sounds of growing excitement that escaped her gag. He was pressing her hard, his balls slapping her as he rocked her against the table when her body went rigid. He felt her muscles clench around him as she climaxed, pushing him to release as well.

Jill had managed another orgasm as well, the rocking of Belle easily transmitted through to her own recharged sex organs. She looked up to see Rick watching her with a questioning look. She nodded her head. She was good with this. In return Rick gave her a wide smile and a wink.

Belle closed her eyes, letting her tired body sag against the table. In the warm afterglow of her climax she didn’t even mind the pins and needles of her crushed breasts. She felt Rick move inside her, slowly pulling back. Perhaps he’d untie them both and they could all cuddle together for a while?

Instead of pulling out, Belle felt Rick suddenly thrust deep inside her once again. Her eyes snapped open and she yelped in surprise. He was still fully erect! She now understood the power of that little black rubber ring. What had been a tool for her pleasure had become a device of torment as he started in on her again.

Belle whimpered as Rick worked her. She simply needed some time to recover. But he wasn’t granting her that. The wonderful sensations of a moment before became a torment. But he showed no sign of stopping. Not only that, but the motion was still thrusting her face into Jill’s sex, pushing her to climax once again.

Gradually Belle felt the release of endorphins as her pleasure center came back online. She vaguely heard Jill cry out as she reached her orgasm, but she really didn’t care. She was too engrossed in her own submissive fantasy world.

After Belle had climaxed, Rick's assault abated. She felt drained as he pulled out of her. Like some holiday inflatable with the power cut she sagged onto the table. The ropes squeezed her swollen breasts and the cords around her neck pulled threateningly but she didn’t care. She was spent.

Rick, who had moments before been the cruel taskmaster was now the gentle and caring soul. He worked deftly to undo the intricate bondage before helping the two women to the sofa and covering them with a shared blanket.

Belle groaned as the circulation returned to her tortured breasts. Jill, sensing the source of Jill’s discomfort reached beneath the blanket to gently massage the pins and needles of returning circulation. Belle sighed happily at her friend’s delicate touch. She reached across to return the favor.

After Rick had brought them both bottles of water they all sat together in the living room. Belle disengaged from Jill upon his return, embarrassed to be found fondling the man’s girlfriend. ‘Well, I was just helping her get circulation back,’ she lied to herself.

Belle noticed the time. It was getting late. The last thing she wanted to do was face her roommate for waking her up in the middle of the night, especially dressed as she was. She pulled her bra back into place, buttoned her shirt and made for the door.

The couple traded hugs with her. Jill slipped in a quick kiss that surprised Belle. It was only when she sat down in her car that she realized her panties were still hanging up in the bathroom. ‘That’s the second pair of panties I’ve lost since meeting them,’ she mused. ‘Rick is getting quite the trophy collection.’

Belle drove through the night, her mind filled with the events of the evening. She doubted that she could give up her self bondage games. But the feeling of being truly helpless at the hands of another was heady stuff indeed.

Feeling elated with her new friends brought a spark of mischief. Belle stopped across the street from the liquor store she had tried to buy from earlier. Walking past the window to see the same clerk on duty she turned her back to the window. Lifting her skirt, she pressed her bare ass against the glass. Looking over her shoulder she tapped on the window. After seeing the look of shock on the old pervert’s face she sprinted for her car, laughing all the way home.


End Part 2

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