Twisted Payback 4: Reversal of Fortune

by Graymangazer

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© Copyright 2014 - Graymangazer - Used by permission

Storycodes: M+/f; MF/m; naked; bond; cuffs; chast; electro; torment; cuckold; drug; oral; sex; anal; insert; climax; revenge; cons/nc; XX

(story continues from )

Part 4: Reversal of Fortune

This is the final part of this story; I recommend that you read the previous parts first to help understand what is happening. There are elements of mind control drugs in this part as well as a little violence. Please feel free to comment or email me, but please, if you don’t like my story do tell me why.
Thanks for reading.


Gina started this, okay she may not have started it but she was there at the start; a gorgeous early twenty something coming on to me; an average looking thirty three year old. Once was flattering, three times was unbelievable. And now she turns up here?  It certainly didn't take Einstein to work out that there was more to this than simple revenge.

I looked up at her with an expression close to hate, she looked nervously back down the stairs and she was visibly trembling, "Don't please, I didn't mean to, he made me do it," she was obviously scared of something, I was glad but whether it was of me or something else I wasn't sure.

But then she suddenly jumped in fear and surprise when Steve shouted up from downstairs, "What are you doing slut, get your arse down here," and before I could ask what she had meant she turned and scampered from the room.

I slumped back down, trying to work out what was going on, why she was here? What did she have to do with Beth? But it was another hour and I was no nearer an answer before she returned, but this time she had a swollen lip and I could see that she'd been crying, "What do you want? Have you come to gloat?" I asked sourly, she looked really pitiful but right then I didn’t give a fuck how she felt.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry, that I had no choice. I...I'm sorry,"

"Sorry for what?" I snarled, "sorry that you fucked me and my marriage or sorry that you didn't get anything out of it?" I was really in no mood to accept her apology.

"No... No, it wasn't like that, I had to, he made me. He... Steve: he told me I had to shag you. You don't understand what he's like; he’s got.... things, I have to do what he tells me," she retorted and turned away.

I thought she was leaving again and I needed to know why she was here, "Wait! Don’t go, what do you mean? Tell me, why did he send you up here? What does he want?"

"No, he doesn't know, he's asleep, he'd hurt me if he knew," she held a small plastic container and she turned it this way and that in her hands "I'm sorry, I don't know how to stop him and I just can't take anymore, just remember, it's not her fault," her sad eyes filled with tears and again she turned to leave,  I suddenly noticed what it was she was holding and what she planned to do and I realized that she was at her limit.

"No wait, Gina, Please, tell me, what do you mean?"

She stopped and held onto the doorframe as though she might collapse. She studied the container that she was holding; the tube of sleeping pills. Steadying herself she explained, but all the time she was peering down the stairway and speaking in hushed tones, "He called me, told me to come here, he only wanted me here for... for sex, I have to do what he tells me, she... your wife will soon be the same. It was because she wasn't here that he wanted me." she started to edge away as though she was scared to enter the room, maybe she was frightened that I might grab her, but I think she was more afraid to be caught here by Steve.

"Hold on, what do you mean she's not here? Where is she?"

"I don't know, honestly, he's probably sent her to meet someone." she sighed and slumped against the door jam, and appeared to come to a decision, "look, he has drugs, he gave me drugs, I didn't know at the time but they make you do what he tells you. I... I did things, horrible things, whatever he told me to do. I knew I was doing them but I couldn't stop, I couldn't refuse, it was as though he was controlling what I thought," she paused and looked away as though she was ashamed, "he made me work for him, I became his whore," tears began to run freely down her face as she spoke. "He probably gave her drugs too?" she whispered.

Things started to fall into place for me then; Beth's blank expression, how she appeared to be confused so much. I could see it all now but I was still having a hard time believing it, "So how are you able to tell me all this now?" I wanted to know.

"He stopped giving me the drugs, there was no need anymore; he has enough film and photos of me now, everything he needs to make me do what he wants, and even if I try to stop he hurts me" she tenderly touched her fingers to her damaged lip. I slowly shook my head trying to understand, she obviously thought that I was still sceptical and spoke a little more firmly, "I gave them to you, you know, so you would fuck me. Would you have done it otherwise?"

I looked at her sharply and thought back; three times I had met her, always by accident in a bar, each time I had only had a couple of beers and each time I had blamed the booze. But I also remembered how confused I had felt, how easily I had let her lead me to that hotel room. So could it be true? I was starting to believe her. "But what about your friends, your family?" as soon as I said it I realized what a stupid question it was, I hadn't known Beth was drugged, hell, I didn't even know I had been drugged.

"My boyfriend scarpered when he found out what I was doing; when he realized I was becoming a whore," her tears were flowing freely now and I wanted to hold her, to comfort her, but I thought about how it was exactly that reaction which had led me to this moment.

"So If he has you, if he has Beth, why this? Why did he involve me? I don't understand."

She sniffed and cuffed her nose, "I don't know, I don't know why he does anything, he's crazy, I think he just enjoys fucking with people. But I know he hates you."

"You think?" I couldn't stop a small laugh, and it made her smile for the first time.

"I think you scare him, you threatened him so he wants to hurt you." she said, but then suddenly the implications of something she said hit me.

 "Hold on! You said he sent Beth to meet someone, do you mean...."

"She's his whore, yeah, just like me," she stiffened as though preparing for a challenge, "this is what it's all about; he's nothing more than a pimp. I don't know how many others he's done it to but I wasn't the first, and Beth won't be the last," she paused as though she was letting this information sink in, "he'll get tired of her eventually and move on to someone else. Oh she'll still be a whore, once he has her he won't let her go, he just won't need the drugs anymore; he'll have enough shit on her by then, she'll do whatever he tells her. All he needs to do is get you out of the way."

"But how? How does this help him?" I rattled the cuffs against the pipe in emphasis.

"Come on, be serious. If I hadn't told you all this who would you have blamed?"

She was correct! I had put all this on Beth's shoulders, I hated the slimy bastard but I blamed Beth. For the past day I had thought of little else than how I would kick her out and somehow make her suffer. But with this new knowledge and Gina’s confession I thought I could see a chink of light. Up till now Steve had relied on having only to deal with drugged women. The sleeping pills Gina held gave me an idea and I began to wonder if I could get her on my side, maybe together we could give him something else to think about?

"Will you help me Gina? Help me and I can help you, If we work together we can get you out of this, get us both out of it,"  she chewed her lip, I knew then that for her it was either help me or find a more drastic way out, the way she had planned. "What have you got to lose Gina? Can it get any worse? Please just think about it."


I could only wait. I wasn't confident, not by a long way. It had taken a further ten minutes to persuade Gina to help me; she was clearly terrified of Steve and what he would do to her if our plan failed. I worried for her and whether she had the courage to do what we had planned. But there was no more I could do to help so I waited and listened, expecting Steve to erupt in anger at any moment.


I had been drowsing but came alert when I heard footsteps on the stairs, "he's asleep," Gina stood at the door, whatever she had done it looked to have taken its toll.

"It’s okay, nobody's going to hurt you again. Now are you sure he's out?"

"Yes I'm sure; I put the pills in his drink. But what if he wakes up? What if you don't get free?"

I could see that she was close to panic and I tried to calm her,  "Gina, Gina, listen to me, it’s okay, please just relax, everything is okay,"  she tried but there was still a manic look in her eyes, "Gina, did you get the keys?"

It took her a few seconds to reply, she was still frightened, I hated to think what the slimy bastard had done to her.

"Yes, yes I got them, they were the only ones I could find, I hope they're the right ones;” she still hesitated at the door but then nervously entered the room. She was still scared to approach me and tossed the keys into my lap.

There were about a dozen keys in all, some were obviously not what I wanted but I got lucky and on the third try I released the hand cuffs. There was also one key smaller than all the others and I instinctively knew what it was for. I had been sitting curled against the radiator, now I felt strangely self-conscious exposing myself with Gina watching, but rather than risk upsetting her I straightened my legs and holding my breath I inserted the key into that hated chastity tube.


Five minutes later we crept down the stairs like a couple of nervous children, Gina’s fear had started to infect me, I had risked taking a couple of minutes to dress and I carried the chastity device as though it might activate at any second.  I had almost cried with relief when I pulled that thing from my crotch, I wanted to throw it as far as I could but I had another use for it.

As we entered the lounge Steve was snoring softly in my armchair wearing my dressing gown. I resisted the impulse to punch him there and then, instead I locked the cuffs onto his wrists behind him and with distaste I fitted the tube onto his cock. I was pissed when I had trouble fitting his cock into the tube that my own manhood had slipped into easily, but I was consoled by the thought of how much more it would hurt him. I asked Gina to make some tea and I sat back waiting for the slimy bastard to wake up.


I was worried about Beth and what she was doing but I had no way to help her until Steve awoke, I tried to wake him but the pills Gina had given him were doing a good job. I suspected that she had given him more than was necessary, but she was far too fragile for me to criticize her.

It was over three hours later when I eventually managed to wake him and even then it took a few hard slaps (enjoyable) and a jug of water over his head before he was capable of talking. He was understandably confused and spent a few minutes struggling to get free, and then he started threatening me; acting tough. He seemed to ignore the fact that he was cuffed and locked into the tube. It was obvious to me that although he knew what it could do he had no idea how it felt, and I was only too happy to demonstrate. His attitude soon changed and he was ready to tell me everything after just one hit, but I thought a couple more were the least he deserved.

It transpired that Beth had been sent to an address about twenty minutes away, she had been gone for five hours. But despite the threat of the shocker Steve couldn't say when she would be back, and worse was the fact that he didn't know how many 'clients' she was attending to or what they were doing to her. "They pay good money to use a slut, so I let them do what they want, as long as they don't damage her permanently," he said.

He was regaining some confidence and straightening his shoulders he stared at Gina, "but I'm going to make an exception with you bitch, when I clear this up I'm going to find a gang of phycos and let them have you for nothing," I slapped him to the side of the head. Gina shrank back; she was clearly still terrified of him.

I was in turmoil; I knew where Beth was and I wanted to go fetch her, rescue her. But I couldn't leave Steve alone, although cuffed and helpless he could still make a big enough ruckus to attract attention, neither could I trust Gina to mind him. So I had to bide my time waiting for Beth and hoping that she was okay.


Beth's story.

As she sat in the corner of the room and hugged her knees Beth hoped that they had finished with her. The five of them were laughing and drinking, paying her no attention, but why should they? After all she was only a slut.

That she was a slut she was no longer in any doubt, nobody forced her to do these things, Steve merely asked, no, persuaded her to meet these people and be nice to them, he didn't ask her to suck them, to fuck them, to do all those disgusting things for them. No she did that herself, even if they expected it and began mauling her the moment she arrived, she didn't have to accept it but she did, how else should she be nice to them?

"Here, drink," a glass of water was held toward her, it was cloudy but she didn't care, she was thirsty and had a disgusting taste in her mouth, besides she always seemed to feel better when she had a drink, so she drained the glass. A tug on the chain attached to the collar caused her to drop the empty glass and she struggled to her feet and stood unsteadily on the five inch heels she had been dressed in, "come on, it's time for more fun," another tug on the leash and Beth obediently followed the young woman across the room.


On arrival at the house Beth had been surprised and a little relieved to be greeted by another woman, she was probably ten years younger than herself and appeared friendly. Georgia, for that was her name, poured her a drink and asked her to undress. Beth was a bit shocked by the girl’s forwardness but after the last few appointments Steve had sent her to she was no stranger to requests such as this, and she had also come to know what it was like to be with another woman. So, seeing the smile on Georgia's face and feeling suddenly as though she would like to please her young hostess she stood up and removed what little clothing she wore.

Thinking Georgia wanted her Beth was surprised when the young woman gave her more clothes to wear. Thirty minutes later she was ready, "There, you look perfect. I think they'll love you," Georgia stepped back to admire her handiwork.  Beth wore a short waist cincture, matching panties and bra which pushed her breasts up so they appeared to be spilling out of their confinement, hold up stockings and red five inch heels. Georgia had also made her face up to look as slutty as possible and finally fastened a bright steel collar about her slim neck. Beth had no idea who 'they' were but it was obvious what they would want once they saw her.

Georgia looked at her partner, but then thought maybe that was the wrong term, my ‘toy' perhaps would be better, yes my toy, that’s what she is, Georgia couldn't believe why she hadn't thought of it before; when Graham, an old client, asked her to do a party it was nothing unusual, he also asked if she could bring a friend, again nothing unusual. But then she had an idea; a week previously she had been introduced to Steve, she had immediately disliked him, the creep had even wanted her to work for him, he said that he could look after her, get her more work. But she had soon got out of there, she was doing just fine by herself thank you.

But she remembered the woman he had had with him, how he had boasted that she would do anything with anybody, and that started her thinking. Why do all the unpleasant business herself? Why not have someone work for her for a change? It took just one phone call and she was in business; for a sizeable fee Steve's slut - Beth was her name as far as Georgia could remember - was hers for a few hours, and as long as the stupid cow was returned in one piece they could do what they liked with her. And not only would Georgia have someone else to do all the nasty stuff, the money Graham and his friends were willing to pay meant that she would come out with a handsome profit as well.

Her toy had arrived right on time, giving Georgia the opportunity to prepare her before the others arrived. She gave Beth a drink mixed with a sachet of the powder Steve had given her, one an hour he had told her, she was slightly uncomfortable having to feed Beth the drugs, but she convinced herself that if she didn't do it somebody else would. She had six sachets left, enough to last into the evening. She was charging Graham and his friends hourly, and she smiled at the thought of how much money she would make.

Beth stood in the centre of the room, she couldn't understand why she was only wearing underwear, there must be a reason surely and she tried to remember what had happened, she recalled a girl, she seemed familiar but Beth couldn't place her, then she remembered that the girl had told her to stay here and she supposed she must have agreed. She could hear voices and thought about covering herself, but Steve always told her to be nice and all the others had wanted to see her body. So she stood in place waiting to be nice even though a small voice deep inside told her that this was wrong.

"Fuck! Will you look at that?"  the one voice stopped everyone in the room, there were ten of them including Georgia and apart from her they all had the same look on their faces; surprise, glee and lust. And if Beth was a bit more aware she would have seen the cruelty as well. They circled her as though they were about to attack, for a few minutes nobody touched her, though a lot of boasting about what they were going to do was bandied back and forth.

"Can I feel her tits?" Dave asked.

"You can do what you like as long as there's no permanent damage," Georgia replied.

Beth stood unmoving as nervous hands hooked into her bra and pulled down. The same hands explored her breasts and squeezed her nipples. "Fuck yeah!" Dave yelled, and with that all inhibitions disappeared.

There were nine men, all of them wanted to use her and at first it was a free for all as they vied for some part of her. Her pants and bra were ripped off almost immediately; hands groped and probed every part of her as she found herself lying on a large bed. A cock pushed into her mouth, and was removed and re-entered, the same cock? Maybe it was a different one, she didn't know.

Beth was in a nightmare, like a scene from an old painting she had seen somewhere; a sinner in hell being tormented by countless disembodied hands; hands squeezing, scratching and pulling but these hands were joined by cocks and mouths, mouths that bit, sucked and nipped and so many cocks all trying to find a hole to penetrate. There were raised voices and someone fell and landed on top of her, then another, feminine voice called for quiet. A semblance of order was restored and Beth tried to move up the bed away from the crowd.

"Give me some room, get yourselves a drink, I'll get this sorted," a few of the men moved away while Georgia sat on the bed and pulled Beth into an embrace, she accepted a glass of misty liquid from Graham and held it to her toys lips. Beth at first sipped and then gulped as the glass was tilted higher  "there, that’s better, look, I’ve got a lot riding on this so you need to try harder, I'll keep them down to three or four at a time, just do what you do best. If you fuck this up for me I'll bring a big fucking dog in here, maybe two. They’ll love to see that so you'd better keep them entertained. Okay slut, okay?"

Georgia gripped Beth's cheeks in her hands forcing the older woman to look at her. The words rattled around inside her head as Beth tried to make some sense of them, she could tell that Georgia was unhappy with her and she was disappointed with herself, she was letting everyone down, she was letting Steve down and she knew she would be punished. "I will try, I will be good, I only have to be nice," Beth repeated this over in her mind as Georgia explained to Graham what she planned.

For the next hour Beth entertained the men, she put on a show directed by Georgia; music played and the two women danced, they danced close and erotically. Following Georgia's instructions Beth undressed her young partner while all the time they swayed and moved against each other's body. They kissed, long and deep like lovers, their hands caressing everywhere, arms, necks, backs, breasts, bottoms, and when Georgia slid her hand between her thighs Beth thought she would faint. Breathlessly Georgia broke the kiss and pulled down on the back of Beth's head.

Willingly she obeyed and kissed her way down the young body pausing at the breasts, licking the nipples, first one then the other, sucking gently, drawing each erect bud between her lips and washing it with her tongue. Moving down, Beth’s tongue traced a wet trail over Georgia's stomach, dipping into and swirling around her navel until finally she was on her knees, her face level with the glistening pussy. She kissed slowly down the inside of one thigh then up the other. The only sound in the room was breathing and Beth had forgotten about the audience of nine, she no longer thought about where she was or who she was with. Her attention was focused solely on the warm wet flesh just an inch from her face.

Beth slid her hands around Georgia's hips and onto her buttocks; she held the girls arse and eased her finger between the cheeks gently probing the puckered hole. She pressed her lips to Georgia's belly just above her pussy; the small thin strip of pubic hair tickled her nose as she reverently kissed the flesh. Keeping her lips in contact with Georgia's body she moved down until her mouth was against the pussy lips. Her tongue pushed forward sliding between the folds causing Georgia to break the silence with a low groan. Beth licked slowly, almost lazily, pushing deep and washing Georgia's pussy with her tongue.

Soon Georgia's hips began to move to a rhythm sliding her wet flesh over the questing mouth. She had her hands on Beth's head, her fingers entwined in the red hair and she pulled her toy hard into her crotch. The tongue inside her lapped and the lips sucked her swollen labia into the hungry mouth, then suddenly those same lips latched onto Georgia's clit and she stiffened, she sucked in air and held her breath as she pulled the red hair as hard as she could. Beth's face was held firm against Georgia's crotch, her scalp felt as though her hair was being ripped from her head but she clamped her lips around Georgia's clit and as she drew it into her mouth she bit down gently on the delicate flesh.

Georgia couldn't remember the last time she had an orgasm she didn't fake with a client, but when Beth's mouth worked its magic on her clit she came. She came hard and loud, her hips bucked as though she was trying to throw Beth away from her and her hands pulled even harder forcing the mouth back onto her. She growled and the growl turned into a scream, her body jerked as spasms shot through her, her orgasm was so intense it was almost painful and she shouted out loud, "Oh my God yes, that’s it, like that you bitch, oh God you fucking slut, yes, no, no more, oh my God."

Georgia's legs were shaking and she fell forward with her toy beneath her. They lay in a heap, Georgia exhausted and Beth too unsure whether to move or not. A spattering of applause, cheering and some ribald comments brought Georgia back to reality, she smiled almost sheepishly as she looked up into Graham's grinning face. He helped her up onto her knees and placing her hands on Beth's breasts for support she spun around and knelt astride her toys head.

"Are you okay?" Graham asked, Georgia might be a whore and even though he was paying for her services he'd always had a soft spot for her.

"Oh yeah, I'm great," she answered with a satisfied grin. Neither of them even gave a thought as to how Beth felt, after all she was just an object to be used.

And use her they did. It was agreed that they would have some fun before they each took their pleasure, the men were only limited by their imagination, Georgia knelt astride Beth's shoulders leaving her arse and pussy free to be played with, whenever anything particularly unpleasant or painful was done Georgia pushed her bottom down on Beth's face stalling any struggles or complaints.

Beth could only see Georgia's back and arse, but she could feel, she could feel the things they forced into her pussy though she couldn't tell what they were, she could feel how her arse was penetrated and stretched, and she could feel the slaps and the bites, and the sting of something, but she didn’t know what, a cane maybe? A cane used to sting her arse and the back of her thighs. It reminded her of Steve punishing her, how he seemed to have reason to punish her more and more lately. And he always told her how it was her own fault, how he didn't enjoy hurting her, that it was for her own good. She believed him and so she didn't struggle but accepted what was happening to her, dutifully licking and kissing Georgia's arse, trying to block out the laughter and the insults and the pain. It was hard but she thought Steve would be so proud of her.

"Why do they so enjoy inflicting pain?" the thought passed through Beth's mind as her nipples were pinched and twisted. She was bent forward on her knees, someone was thrusting in and out of her arse, she didn't know who it was or whether it was the same person who was hurting her nipples, her concentration was on trying to fit two cocks in her mouth at the same time. One man sat with Beth between his spread legs while another knelt beside her. She had a hand wrapped around each of their cocks, the head of one was in her mouth and she pulled the other one nearer, pushing them together, forcing them into her mouth. Her lips stretched and felt as though they would rip apart. Her mouth was filled to the limit, there was no room for movement so she sucked and used her tongue as best she could.

"Hell yeah, that’s it baby I knew you could do it, they said you could get anything in that mouth," the man kneeling beside her encouraged her not only with his words but also by holding her head while he pushed harder against her, "give me some, put it there," Beth heard the words and a clap, they had high fived, she wanted to laugh but tears of shame and self-pity sprang from her eyes instead.

They used her individually, in two's, threes and fours, sometimes more. Beth lost track, she didn't know who was doing what or how many there were, she wasn't allowed to rest, and it never occurred to her to refuse, she accepted whatever they wanted to do.  Georgia and Graham orchestrated everything and with the drugged drinks given to her hourly Beth remained confused, thinking all was normal, she did whatever she was told,  no matter how degrading, just as she had been trained to do.


All Beth wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep but Georgia and her guests wanted more 'fun,'  although it was no longer fun for Beth; she was sore and she hurt in so many places. With a tug on the leash she wearily climbed to her feet but as she tottered across the room she felt a familiar tingle in her belly, she was feeling better already and she wished she had another drink, had there been alcohol in the glass Georgia gave her? She didn't feel drunk just tingly and, and, she couldn't think what else but they were waiting for her and she didn't want to appear a spoilsport.

Four of them had left already and she feared that she might have disappointed them, she needed to try harder, be nicer, she certainly didn't want to be an embarrassment to Steve, he'd told her often enough what a useless slut she was, she didn't need to give him more reason to punish her. No, she would be extra nice, make them like her, and want her. She knew she looked a state; she was covered in dried cum, even her hair was sticky with it, her make-up was a mess and her naked body was a mass of scratches and bruises. But she knew that she was still sexy, she could tell by the way they were looking at her. Yes she would be nice, real nice, make them feel sooo good.  Licking her lips she stood before them with a sultry expression and slowly ran a finger through the lips of her pussy.

"Shall we give these boys a show?" Georgia whispered into Beth's ear. She turned to the young woman and for a second she wondered who she was; but she held the end of Beth's leash so she must know her, what was her name? Gina? No. It didn't matter anyway, she was nice and wanted to help Beth be nice, and she had a huge cock. What? A cock? She giggled, she couldn't help it; Gina or whatever her name was gorgeous and she had a cock, how wonderful!

When Georgia pushed down on Beth's shoulders she got the message and eagerly sank to her knees, she held the dildo with both hands and opened her mouth. She didn't just suck the plastic monster, she made love to it; with her eyes closed she licked, kissed and caressed it; at that moment to her it was the most wonderful thing in the world.

Georgia smiled at the expression on Graham’s face, it was much the same as the others and with their vocal encouragement she pushed her dildo into the slut’s mouth. She could sense that things were winding down and with two sachets left she had given her toy a double dose and the result was everything she had hoped for. She had spent the last four hours trying to organize and to a large extent control this gangbang, most if not all of the man had had their fill, they all seemed satisfied and she congratulated herself on a job well done.  Now for one last show, see if anyone had anything left, at the least she could have some fun of her own.

Beth slobbered over the dildo and wriggled her arse whenever a hand explored between her thighs, she was impatient to feel the beast inside her, no matter the size, in fact the bigger the better. Despite having cock after cock all afternoon her pussy yearned to be filled. She wished the penis in her mouth was real, what a delight that would be. Steve's was big but it didn't compare to this, she could hardly get the head in her mouth. She slipped her hand down between her thighs and tensed; just one touch of her clit was almost enough to make her cum. She was so wet; her hand was immediately covered in her juices.

"Oh God why doesn't one of these bastards fuck me,” she thrust her arse out hoping to entice someone... Perhaps they're only here to watch. But didn't they already fuck her? Or maybe it was some other people. She was sure she had been fucked, she must have been she was so sore, "why can't I remember? Why doesn't someone fuck me? Why can't I have this cock inside me?"

It appeared that all of the men were happy to watch and cop the occasional feel, Georgia didn't mind, there was something she wanted to try with the slut and she was sure those watching would be happy to see, something she had always been too scared to do herself. She stepped back and pulled her toy up, she was actually shocked by the vision before her; Beth was panting, her tongue lolled from the side of her mouth and drool ran down her chin, but her eyes were the worst; they were wide and glassy, they stared but saw nothing, to Georgia she was the image of a mad woman in an asylum. Beth's hips were thrusting as she tried to force her hand into her pussy, then with an evil sounding chuckle she pulled it free to make room for her other hand. The slime and secretions from her pussy coated her hand and this she licked and sucked as though it was nectar.

For the first time in a long long time Georgia felt disgust at something involving her work, it made no difference whether the slut was drugged or not, she grabbed a fistful of red hair and hauled Beth across the room. She slammed her against the table and forced her face down hard on the wooden surface. Irrational anger had taken over from disgust and as she held the unresisting woman bent against the table she positioned herself with the dildo against Beth’s arse.

She held Beth's shoulders to give herself more leverage and with one determined thrust she forced the plastic monster into her thrall eliciting a wail of pure agony. Beth at last tried to resist, she squirmed her body and thrashed her arms to escape the tearing pain, not stopping even when Georgia slapped her hard on the back of her head. There were a few comments and small cheers as well as nervous laughter from the men watching, nobody was really sure whether it was serious or part of the entertainment.

Graham read the situation though and in four quick strides reached the table, he grabbed Beth's wrists and pulled her down, with his mouth close he hissed into her ear, "stop struggling bitch, it's going to happen whether you want it or not, the more you fight the worse it will be."

Beth tried to stay still, the pain was diminishing but much too slowly, she couldn't understand why they would hurt her, she had tried so hard to be nice and through her tears she attempted to tell them, "please, please, I'm sorry, I'll be good I promise, please let me be nice for you," the words were barely audible and she no longer possessed the strength to fight, and she lay unmoving as Georgia steadily raped her arse.

Graham always knew that he had a cruel streak and watching Georgia hurt the slut had aroused him beyond words, and despite already coming three times inside the bitch he was erect again. He pushed his shorts down around his ankles and plunged his cock deep inside Beth's slack mouth, when there was no response he used both hands on her lower face to hold her lips tight around his erection "suck it bitch," he snarled and was rewarded with a small movement of Beth's head. He looked at Georgia and the sadistic grin on her face and thought again, prostitute or not, he could so easily fall for her.


"Here drink this" Georgia held the glass to Beth's lips, this time it was just plain water, no more drugs. They were alone, Graham and his friends, very happy men one and all having left an hour previously. Georgia was happy too; she had made more money in one afternoon than she normally did in a week and she had only had sex with one man; that was with Graham and only because she had wanted to.

Something had clicked between the two of them as she fucked Beth's arse, Beth was lying like a rag doll and eventually Georgia had grown bored of the lack of reaction from the slut. She released the strap from around her hips and leaving the dildo buried deep inside her toy she forced Graham onto his back. She smiled and licked her lips; she could tell that he was just as eager as her. Dropping to her knees she eased down impaling herself on his erection. She rode him slowly, loving for once the feel of a cock inside her, enjoying his hands on her breasts, and for the first time in years she had even kissed a client.

She had rocked to and fro gradually building to a marvellous orgasm. Graham didn't climax, possible he had already been sucked dry, but he was patient and considerate, mindful of her needs and her fondness for him grew.

People began to drift away, a couple of the more energetic guys had a last bit of fun with Beth, not minding that she was as responsive as a ragdoll, but eventually they too were satisfied and she was left alone to recover. Graham was the last to leave and Georgia surprised herself when she allowed him to kiss her again. She checked on Beth, the slut was awake but unaware. Georgia knew she had made a mistake in administering a double dose, but there was nothing she could do about that now so she let her rest. She had a long relaxing shower and made herself a pot of tea and noticed that Beth was finally coming out of her stupor.

Now as she slipped the envelope into Beth's bag Georgia wondered if it was a risk giving her responsibility for the cash, but Steve maintained that he liked to have his girls collect the money they earned for him. She supposed it was just another small demonstration of the power he had over them. There was also a small memory card containing photos of Beth in all her glory, Georgia didn't know why he wanted them and she didn't ask. But she did know that overall it had been a very successful day, next time though she would plan it better and make sure to ration the drug correctly, keep Beth active but docile. And perhaps with Graham's help they could invite even more clients, make a whole day of it. Georgia could see herself making a lot of lovely cash from this stupid bitch.

Beth was still a bit confused, she was wearing her dress though she didn't remember putting it on, she could only remember being naked and people, lots of people wanting her to be nice. And there was the young woman, she could remember her being angry but she was friendlier now so Beth thought she must have been good. She finished the water and stood shakily when the girl held her jacket out to her.

"I've ordered a taxi for you, it'll be here shortly to take you home,” Beth felt relief on hearing the words. John would be there but she seemed to remember that she should be mad at him for something, and Steve would be there as well, waiting, she had been good and she hoped that John and Steve would both be pleased.


With nothing to do but wait I decided I would try to get information from Steve about his scheme, he was surprisingly open, telling me everything I wanted to know, in fact he seemed rather proud of what he'd achieved, and the more he spoke the more unsettled I felt. He chose his victims carefully; those who showed interest in him and who didn't have relatives or friends who cared enough to notice what was happening. He grinned when he said this and I turned away feeling somewhat ashamed of myself.

The drug - psyfantamol - wasn't licensed or mass produced and only available to a few people, in simple terms, he told me, it made a person very open to suggestion, easy to control, in effect for a short time after taking the drug his 'sluts' as he called them willingly did whatever they were told. He laughed when he revealed how it was an aphrodisiac as well "the bitches can't get enough," he mocked.

"It sounds Just like a fucking date rape drug?" I accused him.

"No no, this is better than that, you gotta understand, they know most of what they're doing but the best part is they also want to do it, they love me and live to make me happy," he paused, watching my reaction. "The thing is, If they take it long enough the effect becomes ingrained, soon they don't need the drugs, they really do live just for me," again he smirked, he knew that he was getting to me, knew what I was thinking, and I had to know.

"And Beth? what about her?"

"What do you think? Don’t you think she might have enjoyed doing what she did to you just a little too much?" he was enjoying taunting me.

I thought about him giving Beth drugs and the things he had made her do, my urge was to rip his throat out, I fought the impulse and swallowed my anger. "What about Gina? She resisted you, she fought back," I questioned.

"Ah yes, lovely sweet Gina. She only had a few doses, it seems I underestimated her. Still, we'll see to that when this is over, won't we bitch?" this last was directed at a frightened looking Gina in the kitchen.

Despite his position he was growing in confidence. Perhaps he sensed my uncertainty because I didn't know what I was going to do about him. I'd like to beat him to a pulp but that wouldn't solve anything even if it did make me feel better. I thought about going to the police, I had enough evidence to put him away for a long time but I also knew how our crazy laws worked; the police didn't take kindly to unlawful imprisonment and torture, no matter what the slimy bastard had done. I would probably end up sharing a cell with him.

It was then that we were interrupted by Beth coming home, walking through the door she took a minute to comprehend what was happening then she seemed to come alive.

"Steve? Wh, what's happening? What's going on?" she looked at me for an explanation and I wanted to die when she ran to him, she tugged at the cuffs and looked in despair at the cage around his cock. "What have you done? Why?" she stopped suddenly when Gina entered the room and an expression of sheer hatred masked her face.

"You, I should have known, you bastard and your whore," she ran at me and with flailing arms attacked me, she was going crazy, I tried to calm her, but there was no reasoning with her and all the time Steve urged her on. I tried to grab her wrists but her nails raked down my face, and I did something I thought I would never do; I hit her, hard, open handed across the face. She flew across the room to crash into the wall where she lay in a stunned heap.

The room was a frozen tableau, Beth holding her cheek as blood ran from her split lip, Steve cuffed to the chair grinning in triumph, Gina looking on terrified and myself equally terrified by what I had done.

But then in a flash I knew what to do, I crossed to Beth and despite her struggles I held her tight. Gina, obeying my instructions fetched a glass of water and some of the pills she had used on Steve. And with some persuasion and a few cruel threats I convinced Beth to swallow them. I tried to calm her but I felt sick at the way she shrank away from me and kept asking for Steve, fifteen minutes later she was asleep. I carried her to bed and for security I cuffed her wrist to the headboard. I then managed to convince Gina to watch over her while I was gone.

With a blanket over his shoulders to hide his nakedness I bundled Steve into the trunk of my car. I didn't care whether any neighbours saw us and I was pleased that he was now showing some real signs of fear. I pulled out of my drive and passed his small sports car, I made a mental note to dispose of it later.

I drove for around thirty minutes and then turned onto a little used track through some woodland. When I was a young boy growing up in a small village my friends and I would play in an abandoned brick factory, it consisted of just a few crumbling walls and some small earthworks. These were our foxholes in our war games, the whole place was our battleground, our OK corral, or the surface of a distant planet, and it was whatever a young boy's imagination could think of. It was also a place that often went days or weeks without being visited. It was ideal for my purpose.

The old site seemed so much smaller now and most of the walls had either crumbled to nothing or were completely invisible beneath the undergrowth, I left the car and had to take a minute, remembering a distant childhood. But I had things to do before I pulled a completely subdued Steve from the trunk and led him to a clear piece of ground where I removed the cuffs.

"What are you going to do? Don't get all crazy on me bud," his voice was shaking as his head turned this way and that, at last he was really scared and I loved it.

"You’re free to go," I said simply.

He looked at me and then around at the deserted landscape "w, where are we? What about my clothes and stuff, and?" he pointed with both hands at his caged cock.

"Oh yeah, you can take it off, the key and the control are hidden here somewhere, all you have to do is find them," I grinned maliciously, "I wouldn't hang about though if I were you, there's no telling when the timer will activate."

I turned away to leave, but I couldn't resist it, I had to do it and I spun back, "just one more thing, bud," he looked up and I punched him in the face, hard, so hard I thought I had broken something in my hand. He sprawled on his back, blood poured from his ruined mouth and nose. I kicked him hard between his legs making him scream. He was curled into a ball holding his crotch and I knelt down beside him. I gripped his jaw tight and pushed my face close to his and threatened him, "If you ever come back to my town again, if I even hear your name I'll cut your prick off and push it down your throat, understand?" I pushed his head back hard against the ground and without waiting for an answer and shaking with adrenaline I walked to the car and drove home.

I dumped Steve's car in a notorious part of town; it would probably be stripped bare or burned out before the morning. Back home Beth was still asleep so I went through his computer, which he had kindly - with a little persuasion - given me the password to. I copied everything from his hard drive onto the few memory cards he also had then destroyed the laptop. The money Beth brought home I gave to Gina, I did my best to convince her that Steve was gone but I made her promise to phone me if he ever tried to contact her, I also made a note to keep an eye on her, just in case.

The details of three other women were also on the computer, so I sent e-mails to each telling them much the same thing, I didn't want to become too involved but I thought it was the least I should do. lastly I put one of the memory cards containing information about Steve's dealings and his contacts into an envelope, this I would post to the local police station and hope nothing comes back to bite me.  With that done and Gina gone I poured myself a large whiskey and sat beside Beth, watching her sleep.

She awoke confused, understandably, and it didn't take long until she became frightened, then angry. I tried to comfort her and explain exactly what had been happening, but she grew angrier and accused me and Gina of plotting together. I knew then it was going to be a real labour getting her to believe and trust me again. I vowed to be there for her for as long as she needed me but I also knew we would never again be the same as we were even if we found a way through this.

I still loved her, I no longer felt guilty about what I had done and I knew that she had had little choice about what she did. But during my interrogation of Steve something that he said echoed in my brain, "I only chose the women that wanted to have sex with me in the first place," I knew how he worked, how he was fucking with my mind, but I still couldn't get it out of my head.

The end.

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