Trouble in Fairyland 7: Red Riding Hood's Fate

by Cropsncuffs

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© Copyright 2013 - Cropsncuffs - Used by permission

Storycodes: FF/f; plant/f+; captives; cell; naked; majick; envelop; tease; torment; insert; climax; fpov; nc/reluct; X

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Chapter 7: Red Riding Hood's Fate

The moment the door crashed closed behind me the heat and humidity hit me so hard it was almost a physical sensation. Dragged away from the squealing Bo Peep in the tormented mechanical embrace of that evil machine my clothes and collar had melted away before the crackling magics of the Evil Queen and now I stood naked beyond a heavy iron-studded door. I felt and heard the bolts being shot home as I stood there with my shoulder blades pressed against the rough woodwork.

The sweat began to roll off my freckled skin as I looked about the room. The ponytails of my hair were soon soaked and lank and I had to blink the sweat out of my big blue eyes. Much of the room was in shadow but I could make out tiny movements and hear faint sounds of distress.

Knowing I had no hope of escape through the firmly locked and bolted door I took a step out into the room and abruptly tripped over something warm, soft and wriggling on the floor.

Cursing quietly I reached out and felt the warm flesh under my palm, snatching my hand back as it wriggled under my touch. I leant back and looked left and right at what lay before me. I could just about make out it’s green colouring in the subdued light and it stretched out about eight feet in length. And it felt warm to my touch so I knew it was alive. Or at least alive in some form.

Running my palms to my left I found it was tethered at the end by a tough fibrous root which made me shiver, and as I ran my palms along that writhing plant to my right I yelped as I found what was at the other end.

The open end of the long green bulb was pulled tight closed about two ankles, and a pair of pale female feet were all I could see of the woman who must be trapped within. As I watched they writhed and twisted in the maw of that plant and the whole bulb moved slightly. And from somewhere deep within I heard faint mewlings distress.

I rose and took a step back, then went sprawling again as I fell backwards over another plant pod lying on the floor. Winded I swore again as I rolled over and found myself lying alongside the second writhing pod. From this close I could hear the sounds of crying coming from within.

The whip-crack sound made me jump and something snapped closed about my ankle and pulled tight. I hauled myself up to my knees, then crashed back down onto my face as whatever had hold of my ankle jerked me hard backwards.

I rolled over and looked down my body and looked straight into the gaping maw of one of the green pods that littered the floor. A long green tentacle snaked from my imprisoned ankle back into the green hell that had already made victims of at least two other of the Evil Queen’s prisoner. I looked horrified into that wriggling maw and took in the huge fleshy green petals that had blossomed apart to reveal a handful of long tentacles within and a million softly waving cilia that seemed to cover every surface.

I desperately dug in hands and tried to scrabble back away from the fate that had befallen my roommates. At the first sight of resistance the green tentacle jerked hard and I was hauled unceremoniously two feet closer to my doom.

I grabbed a stone from the floor and hurled it with all my might only to watch it bounce off harmlessly. And for my efforts I was rewarded with another spine-wrenching jerk that bought me closer and closer to my fate. More in desperation than in hope I kicked out at the tentacle and with another crack of that whip a second tentacle leapt from the confines of the maw to grab my free ankle and snap them together.

I twisted over and scrabbled at the stone flags as they dragged me slowly towards that majestically swaying maw. I cried with frustration as my fingers scrabbled hopelessly for grip on those smooth flags, and I gave a yelp as I felt my toes touch the soft warm edge of my fate.

My scrabbling fingers went into overdrive as I felt another tentacle begin to wind it’s way up around my legs from my feet, pulling them together tightly about the knees and dragging me even more firmly to my fate.

Almost in sympathy the already occupied pod alongside me started to buck and twist feebly and I could hear it’s occupant moaning within the snug green embrace.

With another sharp tug I felt my feet come to rest on the soft green innards of the pod and I shivered as I felt the gently waving cilia that covered it’s inside surfaces caress my toes in an eerily loving manner. My grip weakened for a moment and I heard a faint sound escape my lips as my body felt the first tender caress it had experienced in far too long a time. And in that moment’s weakness that tentacle gave another sharp heave and as I yelped I was dragged into that terribly tender pod up to my knees.

I twisted to look back over my shoulder and watched as the four huge fronds that made up that soft green mouth close about my knees and begin to suck me in

No matter how much I scrabbled for grip every motion of that organic green mouth sucked me deeper and deeper into it’s maw. The very tips of the leaves came together to form a horrifying organic looking set of lips. Lips that were sucking on my legs for all they were worth. First fastened about my knees, then my thighs, and finally they closed tightly about the slopes of my waist. No matter how I beat upon that green bulk with my hands it held me fast, and I let out a wail as a hundred on those treacherous green cilia started to wave gently against every inch on my naked flesh.

It was as if a hundred gentle tongues were caressing my body. Every one gentle, touching me almost hesitantly yet insistently. As if tasting the very sweat upon the limbs it had made it’s prisoner. And I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as my body responded to such intimate caresses as only it knew how. I could feel myself rousing to the sexual challenge and sure enough that terrible embrace detected my reaction and abruptly the caresses about my tenderest spots intensified until I was wailing with passion

I fancied I could hear the laughter of the Evil Queen and Snow White from behind that closed door when I let out a scream as long, firm tentacle thrust between my tightly clamped legs and expanded to fill all the space my womanhood had to offer. Then it started to pulse gently at just the right speed to drive me to a screaming orgasm the like of which I had never felt before. Big Bad Wolf was a seriously good shag, but alongside him this magical plant beast was something else.

As I lay limp on the warm flagstones on that terrible cellar cell I could feel more tentacles winding about my legs, stroking my tight buttocks as tenderly as any lover ever had and I moaned softly as one curled snugly about my waist and hugged me.

I could feel myself smiling when it’s grip tightened and I was hauled even deeper into the embrace of that insidious maw. I looked down and I saw the soft green lips held me tight beneath my breasts and for a moment I felt a mixture of panic and anticipation as I imagined what it would feel like when my firm breasts came within the reach of those millions of gently stroking cilia.

Even as that thought faded the caressing of my back began, and I swear I started to purr at the gentle stroking on my spine. Such tenderness, such inhuman loving was nearly more than I could take as it was married with the gentle stroking of my tense buttocks by the larger tentacles.

Suddenly alert I could feel more direct action from those larger tentacles and I desperately clenched my buttocks as one began to probe deeper. A sudden strong pulse from the intruder between my legs and I was transfixed from behind as one of the tentacles thrust between my buttocks and made me wail as it too started to pulse.

I thrust my hands back and tried to part those huge lips from about my ribs. I felt them loosen their grip on me and for a moment my heart soared with hope. A hope that was swiftly dashed as more tentacles sprang from behind the lips and grabbed my wrists. I was crying with frustration as they were drawn tight, my shoulders screaming in protest, and I felt the lips suck tight against my ribs again.

I felt the tentacles about my ankles pull tighter, then they hauled hard on me and I was dragged deeper within my long green prison. My wrists pulled tight against my back there was nothing to stop those velvet smooth lips sliding smoothly over my shoulders and closing snugly about my throat.

I felt my tender breasts being dragged into contact with the softness of the thing and I shivered as the soft warmth replaced the cold of the flagstones. At once those soft waving cilia started to caress them, swiftly centring their attentions on my already engorged nipples while others swept over the sensitive flesh in sensual waves. Damn them to hell now they are tweaking my nipples. Not roughly, just enough to make my eyes water and my lips to part and moan softly. God I’m a perveted bitch and I was loving every minute of it.

It took bare minutes before that pulsing of the twin intruders and the caressing of my breasts and I was screaming my orgasm at the implacable stone walls. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the adjoining green cylinder writhe that little bit harder before the second way of passion drove every other thought from my mind and I was lost in a cloud of wild orgasmic delight. A cloud I had no idea how to get down from.

I raised tear filled eyes from the flags and saw the tiny trap on the studded wooden door was open and I could see both Snow White and the Evil Queen’s face peering down at me. The Queen was smiling, and I thought I could see a wild desire to be in there with me on Snow White’s features. Then the trap closed with a snap and I was alone with my passions again as every single inch of my flesh was being teased and caressed by a thousand tender tongues and once again I lost what remained of my mind.

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