The Spice of Wife

by Geetwo

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© Copyright 2024 - Geetwo - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/f; bond; piercing; permanent; chain; cuffs; depilate; slave; collar; naked; leash; oral; gag; spank; sex; reluct; cons; XX

For accompanying artwork - email

It was Kate who came up with the idea of adding a little bondage to spice up her marriage to Sam, but he who took her suggestion much farther and much faster than she expected.

Not that she minded, for from the very first time he handcuffed her and she felt cool, hard, inescapable steel tighten on her limbs, Kate was immediately hooked on the addictive pleasures of being made a helpless captive and having no choice but to submit to his will.

Their love-life was re-invigorated and for several months, both were more than content to experiment with the novel possibilities that bondage offered, until gradually, Sam began to hint that he would like to take their games to a higher level.

Excited by the thought of allowing herself to be restrained even more securely and being even less able to resist his thrilling dominance, Kate jokingly challenged him to “do his worst” and assured him that she was both willing and eager to go as far as he wanted and was looking forward to finding out what he had in mind.

Taking her offer at face value, he told her that he already had a number of ideas, but when she pressed him for details, refused to elaborate and said it would be more fun to take things slowly.

Kate didn’t really agree, but he was firm and she had to wait before he revealed the first step in his plan.


At his request, she agreed to have her pubic hair permanently removed by electrolysis, leaving her belly completely smooth and hairless with her sex-lips and clitoris embarrassingly prominent and exposed.

When that was done, and against her better judgement, she reluctantly acceded to his repeated urgings to let him arrange for her to be pierced and fitted with rings.

Worried by the need for her to be naked in front of a stranger and scared by what she imagined would be a painful process, Kate insisted on being at home and unconscious during the procedure and asked Sam to arrange for an anaesthetic to be administered before she was pierced.

It took him some time to find a properly qualified piercer able to meet her wishes and it cost considerably more, but he eventually did it and Kate was blissfully unaware of what had been done to her until she woke up.

Although quite a lot larger than she had envisaged, the mirror-polished titanium rings transfixing her nipples and clitoris were fairly light and…if one ignored the obvious symbolism of their presence…even rather attractive in a somewhat barbaric fashion as they twinkled and glittered against her pale flesh whenever she moved.

Those she was prepared for and had worked out that they could be concealed under loose clothing when she went out.

The one dangling from her nose, however, she had not known about in advance and was shocked and dreadfully humiliated at the realisation that there was no way to hide it.

She pleaded with Sam to have it removed and was appalled when he told her that titanium was highly resistant to cutting and could only be melted at extremely high temperatures.

Far too high to even consider with the ring next to her skin and as there was no way to release the internal locks, it, just like her other rings, was permanent.

Gazing at him in wide-eyed despair, Kate asked him why he had done such an awful thing to her…then gasped in stunned disbelief when he chuckled and replied that he had decided that a nose-ring was the perfect way to show that she was his slave-wife.

At first, she assumed he was joking and even managed to summon-up a weak smile when she asked whatever made him imagine that she was his slave…only to have him stare pointedly at the ring dangling from her nose and cheerfully ask her how many women did she know who displayed such a delightfully-obvious and unmistakable sign that they were the possessions of their owners?

It was a stunning response and much as Kate wanted to argue and wipe the smug smile off his face, there was no denying that she didn’t know a single woman who wore such an adornment and although the realisation alarmed her, she couldn’t help but feel a delicious ripple of arousal percolate through her belly as his words hit home.

A ring on a woman’s finger was jewellery…but one through her nose was something completely different and as it dawned on her that even she herself would have assumed that a woman wearing such a thing was involved in some sort of kinky relationship, Kate gulped and her cheeks reddened.

For she was in just such a relationship with Sam and although he had added the nose-ring without asking her and while she had been unconscious, she had to admit that it did make her look incredibly sexy and exotic.

She would never have had the nerve to have it done herself and didn’t dare imagine what people would say when they saw it, but however embarrassing it might be, she had no choice but to accept it because the ring couldn’t be removed.

Even so, that still didn’t necessarily make her his slave and certainly not his possession.

Regaining her poise, Kate pointed out that fact to him and was relieved when Sam nodded and agreed that it took more than a nose-ring to make a slave.

However, he went on calmly, when combined with the costume and restraints she would eventually be wearing, there would be no question of what she was.

His flat, unemotional statement of his plans for her sent tremors of fright and arousal racing through Kate’s mind and body as she realised that he was completely serious.

It would be some time before her piercings were fully healed…but when they were, he obviously intended that her new life of submission, obedience and servitude would begin and she knew he would not permit her to be anything less than his full slave.

Lifting her eyes to his, she took a deep breath and her belly kicked with awesome power when she replied humbly that she looked forward to it and would wear her costume and chains with love and pride as his slave-wife…


True to his words, the costume and restraints that Sam required her to wear, left no room whatever for any doubts about Kate’s role and status in their altered relationship.

In her tall leather posture-collar, long gloves, heavily-boned basque, laced, thigh-high leggings and attached boots with immense, needle-thin heels, she was beautifully and brazenly displayed, her large, firm breasts, belly and buttocks fully exposed, along with her ringed nipples and clitoris.

Thrilled and embarrassed in equal measure by her appearance, she shivered in delicious fright and intense arousal when Sam produced her restraints, understanding that once they were fitted, her freedom would be gone and her body at his mercy for as long as he chose to keep her chained.

Crafted of highly-polished stainless steel, the cuffs which confined her wrists, ankles and biceps conformed so precisely to her measurements that there was no free play at all to give her the smallest hope of slipping them from her limbs.

With her wrists locked behind her back and held apart by a rigid steel bar, she was powerless to prevent him from linking her ankles with a long chain passed through her clitoris-ring, or from joining her nipple-rings and bicep-cuffs with other lengths of gleaming chain.

She could still walk, albeit with great caution and in short, mincing paces dictated by the length of her ankle-hobble and could even use her hands as long as she was careful to ensure that the chains to her nipple- and clitoris-rings remained slack, but any form of rapid movement, or attempt to get her hands in front of her resulted in immediate, painful retribution as the chains tugged at her pierced, highly-sensitive flesh.

Even with the care she was thus forced to assume while she explored her severely-limited range of freedom, it was impossible for her to avoid the swinging and swaying of her chains and as her nipples and clitoris were constantly stimulated with every movement she made, Kate found herself unable to resist or ignore the growing heat that swirled through her belly and breasts as her bonds aroused her.

Helplessly chained and defenceless against the sexual desire imposed on her, she could only surrender to her enforced passion and as her belly seethed with need she could not satisfy, Kate demanded that Sam come to her, take her and give her the climax she longed for so desperately.

Accustomed to the respect and consideration he had always shown her as his wife and equal partner, she simply assumed that he would do as she wanted…but Sam had other ideas…

Her eyes widened in shock when he shook his head firmly and reminded her that she was now his slave and that it was not for a slave to make demands.

It seemed to him, he said, that she hadn’t yet fully understood her situation, or appreciated that, for all practical purposes, he owned her and could do whatever he pleased, with and to, his property.

Unused to the idea of her altered relationship with him, Kate tried to interrupt and argue, but when he reached out and tugged the dangling chain between her nipple-rings, her protests turned to a shrill squeal of anguish as pain stabbed through her breasts.

She couldn’t believe he had taken such cruel advantage of her helplessness and whimpered in despair as he told her that he had not given her permission to speak, then ordered her to remain silent until he had…unless, he added slyly, she actually wanted to be disciplined again.

Kate didn’t and, shocked by the warning, clamped her lips together, not daring to make a sound that might earn her another tug at her nipple-rings.

Her immediate capitulation brought a smile to Sam’s lips and her face reddened as he congratulated her and chuckled that she was learning.

Soon, her obedience and submission would be automatic and unquestioning, as natural to her as breathing and she would then be the full slave they both wanted her to become.

Searching his face for some hint of doubt or sympathy for her plight, she found only a lustful anticipation that sent a chill rippling up her spine, followed by a powerful wave of heated arousal that surged through her belly as she recognised that he was determined to enforce his wishes, regardless of hers…

For five endless seconds, she held his flat gaze with her eyes, hoping that he would relent and reassure her that her slavery would only be symbolic and little more than an exciting extension to the bondage games they had already played together.

Until he simply pointed to the floor at his feet, then ordered her to kneel before her Master.

It was the first time he had used the word to describe himself and Kate gulped and hesitated, her mind racing with the implications.

Much as she loved Sam and wanted to please him, she knew that he could be quite strict and uncompromising when a situation required it…and if ever a situation was tailor-made for him to exert his authority, this was surely it.

Distracted by her thoughts, she didn’t take sufficient notice of the frown that creased his forehead at her failure to obey his command…until his hand rose towards the chain linking her nipples.

The mere threat was enough to focus her attention instantly and before his fingers even could grasp the chain, Kate was on her knees, her eyes wide with alarm and embarrassment at how easily he had enforced her surrender.

Gazing anxiously up at his unsmiling face, she shivered as he told her that it was no longer acceptable for her to disobey his commands or keep him waiting.

She would carry out his instructions immediately and exactly, or she would be disciplined.

As she had already seen, her piercings and rings made any such corrections easy and although he would prefer not to resort to such methods, she had best understand that they would be used whenever he felt they were required.

Her obedience and submission to his will were non-negotiable and she would serve him in any way he wished, as his permanently chained slave-wife.

For several seconds, as her belly kicked massively, Kate was too preoccupied with the vision of the future that his words had conjured up in her brain, to fully take in the final part of his statement.

Until she remembered that he had said she was to become his permanently chained slave-wife…

Fighting an almost overpowering urge to beg him to take her, she made herself humbly request his permission to speak and when he nodded approvingly, nervously asked what exactly he had meant by “permanently chained”

His lips curved into a warm smile and when he calmly explained that each of her cuffs was secured with an internal one-time-only lock that, once closed, could never be opened, Kate stared at him in wide-eyed disbelief.

She had had no idea that he had specified these special locks for her restraints and when he informed her that even he could no longer release her, she shook her head in futile denial, unwilling to accept that her bonds really were permanent.

He listened to her protests and pleas that there had to be a way to free her, then shook his head firmly and repeated that it was impossible.

The locks couldn’t be opened, so she would have to get used to being cuffed whether she liked it or not…

It was a stunning shock to Kate, but when he reminded her that she had agreed to be his slave-wife and wear the costume and restraints he had chosen for her, she couldn’t deny that he was right.

At the time, the idea of being enslaved and even chained had been deliciously exciting, but it had never occurred to her that it would be a permanent arrangement and that she would never again be able to live the life of a normal, ordinary wife with the husband she adored.

Her feelings towards Sam hadn’t changed and were as strong and deep as ever, just as she was certain that his love for her was undiminished.

The difference was that he was now not only her husband, but also her Master and as Kate faced the awesome prospect of spending the rest of her days in strict bondage, with no possibility of release and as his full slave, she gulped in dismay and her face flushed crimson as her sex oozed a stream of silvery juices that all too clearly betrayed her embarrassing sexual excitement at the idea of life-long servitude to him.

Her unmistakable response brought a self-satisfied grin to Sam’s face and she shivered in helpless arousal as he gazed down at the juices glistening on her thighs, then chuckled that it appeared his slave was ready to begin her service to her Master.

Chained at his feet and knowing that, ready or not, she could do nothing to prevent him doing exactly as he pleased, Kate took a deep breath and accepted her fate, her voice low and soft as she replied humbly that his slave-wife would do her best to obey her Master and serve him well.

He nodded firmly, then took a long, thin chain from his pocket and before she realised what he was doing, snapped a spring-clip through the ring dangling from her nose, leashing her.

It came as such a surprise to Kate that for several seconds she was too stunned to protest and by the time she had gathered her wits, the chain was already drawing taut, forcing her to clamber hurriedly to her feet as it applied uncomfortable pressure to the ring transfixing her septum.

Appalled by finding herself leashed like a pet animal and horrified at her total inability to defy its remorseless pull, Kate pleaded desperately to be freed from its frighteningly-effective control…only to hear Sam chuckle again and tell her that she would soon get used to it, because he intended to keep her tethered whenever he was not with her.

It would be added security and make sure she didn’t stray from where he wanted her…

Unwisely, she tried to argue that she didn’t need, and certainly didn’t want to be tethered, but he was not about to have his decisions questioned and when he ended the matter by simply walking away, Kate yelped in pained anguish as the chain tightened to tug commandingly at her pierced and ringed septum, forcing her to totter after him on her immense high-heels.

Led through the house at a speed that required her to maintain an awkward and uncomfortable semi-jog in order to save her nose from punishment, Kate could only whimper and beg Sam to slow down as the hobble-chains from her cuffed ankles flailed and jerked unpredictably at her ringed clitoris, while those at her nipples swung erratically and added their own unwanted arousal to her plight.

It was a ruthless demonstration of his absolute power over her, for whatever she did, it was impossible for her to keep all of the chains slack all of the time and she was given no choice but to endure the inescapable torment as he ignored her increasingly-frantic entreaties.

Her involuntary tour of the entire house finally ended in their own bedroom and when Sam allowed her to halt, then asked her flatly whether she wished to continue the argument over whether or not she was to be tethered, Kate quickly replied that it was not for a slave to argue with her Master.

It wasn’t the answer she really wanted to give, or would have given prior to being fitted with her slave-chains, but Sam’s effortless demolition of her feeble attempts to retain some sort of control over her situation and his refusal to even listen to her pleas and protests, were frighteningly-conclusive proof that he was not going to allow her the luxury of defying his wishes in even the most minor of ways.

Leashed by any of her rings, she could only submit to his uncompromising authority and when he nodded in satisfaction at her submissive reply, Kate trembled at how quickly and easily he had changed from a gentle, caring husband to a stern, demanding and powerfully-dominant Master.

As rapidly and simply, she feared, as she had become a helplessly-obedient slave.

Leading her to the footboard of the massive, brass-framed bed where they had begun their bondage adventures together, he passed the leash over the upper rail and under the bottom one and pulled firmly, forcing her to bend forward over the top bar until her torso was parallel to the floor, forcing her to spread her ankles to the full extent of her hobble-chains to maintain her balance.

Then he clipped the free end of her leash back to her nose-ring, holding her fully-bent and unable to alter her position or close her gaping thighs.

Intensely aware of how exposed she was, Kate gasped and tried to cover her taut bottom-cheeks when he moved behind her, but with her wrists held wide apart by the steel bar, it was only too easy for him to overcome her ineffectual resistance by pushing the bar upwards and holding it with one hand while the other roamed freely over her buttocks and delved into the cleft between.

Her fingers clawed vainly at nothing as he explored the moist, puffy lips of her sex and the tight, puckered ring of her anus, his casual, almost arrogant touch sending shock-waves of overwhelming arousal jolting through her belly and bringing breathy squeals and moans from her as he exerted his dominance and authority by forcing her to respond and submit to his Mastery.

Needing more, wanting him to take her and give her the climax she longed for, Kate’s few remaining shreds of will-power were no match for the enforced and totally irresistible passions sweeping over her and as her body spiralled out of her control, she begged humbly and fervently for the release she craved.

Begged as a slave, begged to serve her Master, begged to be taken in any way he chose, begged him to use her body for his pleasure and teach her the meaning of true slavery.

In response, he applied a hard, double-handed spank to her defenceless buttocks and while she whimpered in pained anguish to the stinging heat that flared through her flesh, he climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of her, then casually unzipped his trousers.

Kate’s eyes widened as she stared at his erect maleness, her mind racing with the knowledge of what he required of her, but when he reached down and took hold of the chain linking her ringed nipples, she understood that she had no choice but to submit.

His power over her was absolute and when he ordered her to pleasure her Master and accompanied the command with a warning flick of the chain, she gulped and let her soft lips open to surround his hardened shaft as he inched towards her.

Her bondage prevented her from retreating and her cheeks bulged when his rigid flesh invaded her mouth and sank almost to the back of her throat, gagging her so thoroughly that she could only gasp in fear and suck in air through her flared nostrils.

Even though she had been handcuffed and at Sam’s mercy many times before, Kate had never been quite so utterly helpless or so totally unable to influence what he chose to do to her, but as she found herself incapable of exerting any form of control over his desires, she realised that, in her permanent chains, as his full slave for the rest of her life, she would never be able to set any limits on his use and enjoyment of her body.

Her brain quailed at the stunning implications of the sexual servitude she had challenged him to impose on her and which she had agreed to undertake so willingly and lightly, never really imagining that he would become her true Master and enforce her subjugation far beyond anything she had ever anticipated…but as he ravaged her mouth mercilessly and tugged on the chains to her ringed nipples to make her lick and suck his shaft exactly as he desired, Kate learned the full, awesome extent of her slavery.

She could neither resist, nor even object to being used so humiliatingly and as she hollowed her cheeks and lapped desperately at his swollen maleness in her efforts to satisfy his demands and avoid more painful tugs at her nipple-rings, the furnace-heat in her belly rose still higher and her sex oozed streams of hot juices at the undreamed-of fury of her abject subjugation to his ruthless Mastery.

Whether she willed it or not, whether she had changed her mind and wanted to withdraw her offer to become the slave-wife of her husband, whether she regretted her acceptance of the chains which he had locked on her limbs, even whether she longed to return to the former life of freedom, independence and equality that she had voluntarily relinquished…as she pleasured him in the most intimate and submissive way that a slave could serve her Master, Kate knew in her heart that there was no way back for her.

Having set his mind on a particular course of action, Sam saw it through and she knew he would never allow her to be anything other than the slave-wife she had volunteered to become, no matter how much she might want it otherwise.

Her total and permanent servitude would be enforced by every means at his disposal and as Kate was forced to confront the unavoidable truth of her helpless plight, her belly kicked and pulsed in a massive orgasm that she was powerless to control.

She couldn’t hide the explosive contractions that shook her body and sent a flood of juices spraying from her sex and when her passionate surrender betrayed her overwhelming need to her Master, he chuckled in satisfaction and immediately pulled his erect shaft from her mouth.

Shuddering and moaning in the iron grip of her first climax as a slave, Kate was in no state to prevent herself from being gagged with a large, hard rubber ball thrust between her teeth and buckled tightly behind her neck, reducing her to muffled whimpers of horrified alarm as her Master climbed off the bed and moved behind her, his eyes gleaming with anticipation and lust.

Intensely conscious of just how vulnerably positioned she was, Kate had no doubt what was to come and tried to bring her feet together to close her gaping thighs in an unthinking and automatic reaction of self-protection.

It earned her a second, cruelly-hard double-handed spank and as she squealed into her gag, her Master snapped an order for her to offer her body for his use, reminding her harshly that she was now his slave and no longer had the right to deny him anything he wished to take from her.

For an instant, she froze, unwilling to accept that she must obey without question, but as his hands descended again and stinging heat erupted through her taut buttocks, Kate gasped in pained anguish and jerked her legs apart as far as her hobble-chains would permit.

The immediacy and severity of her punishment for such a minor and surely-understandable hesitation on her part, ended any lingering doubts as to Sam’s determination to enslave her fully and as Kate’s faint hopes that he might be lenient with her crumbled to ashes, she gulped in half-delicious fright, understanding that he was not going to be the kind, easygoing Master she had fondly…and mistakenly…imagined he would be.

His hands snaked around her bent body to capture her breasts, his thumbs and fingers rolling and squeezing her nipples and tweaking the rings transfixing her flesh, sending a mixture of devastating arousal and bitter-sweet twinges of pain shooting through her body as he toyed with her and re-ignited the fires in her belly.

Whimpering and writhing to his touch, she screamed into her gag when his thick shaft drove into her sex, penetrating her in a single, almost-brutal thrust and triggering an instantaneous climax of such depth and power that Kate’s eyes bulged in sheer disbelief at the speed of her surrender and the havoc unleashed in her swirling, seething belly.

Wave after wave of heated juices rampaged through her belly and swamped her Master’s embedded flesh as she came as a full slave, her breasts juddering in his hands and her buttocks pressing backwards against his groin as she tried to impale herself even more deeply on his erection.

Then came again, helplessly, when he began to pump his hips, plundering her body with fast, hard lunges until she gasped in horror and her belly convulsed wildly to release yet more scalding juices as she submitted utterly to the exquisite ecstasy of her enforced subjugation.

Chained, gagged, exposed and utterly defenceless against both her Master and the incredible sexual inferno consuming her, Kate wailed her unconditional capitulation when his spend jetted into her belly to mark the end of her freedom and the beginning of her lifelong captivity, her eyes and brain filled with the shattering knowledge of her irrevocable and irreversible transformation from wife to humble, obedient slave.


When his drained shaft slid from her sex, Kate’s flooded belly continued to spasm uncontrollably for several minutes, until her orgasm finally ran its course and her body and breathing slowly calmed.

Still securely tethered by her nose-ring, she could only wait and endure her uncomfortable bent-over position until her Master chose to release her, the delay, her discomfort and the vivid memory of her abject surrender to his dominant masculinity combining to reinforce her feelings of utter powerlessness and subjugation.

The same feelings that also excited her and sent shivers of apprehensive anticipation rippling up her spine at the thought of how easily she could be taken again, whenever he cared to use his slave-wife for his pleasure…

Unlike their previous games, when she had always been freed quite quickly, she was now subject to the whims of a Master and as it dawned on her that she might be left for hours, Kate chewed on the ball-gag sealing her stretched lips, wondering if she was going to be able to handle long-term bondage quite as easily as she had assumed.

Much as she had come to love being tied up and helpless for Sam to play with and arouse and take, she had never suspected that he could be so ruthless, or that he was capable of forcing her to submit to him so deeply and fully.

He had used her as a Master and she had come as a slave, her climaxes so powerful and intense that she had been utterly incapable of retaining any control over her body and the blazing fury of her passion.

Her defences had simply been overwhelmed and as Kate’s memory replayed the incredible scenes, she gulped to the inescapable knowledge that it would take only a few touches of his hands to rekindle the glowing embers of the fire in her belly and set her on the way to another orgasmic submission.

With no way to defend herself or stop him from doing whatever he wished, she knew that she would be unable to hold back if he toyed with her body and took her a second time.

She would come as a slave again and that would give Sam all the proof he would ever need to confirm that he had done exactly the right thing in chaining her, disciplining her and making her obey him.


It had been Kate who had first come up with the idea of trying bondage and she who had encouraged and challenged Sam to go as far as he wished, so she couldn’t really complain or blame him for the predicament she was in.

It was just that she had never imagined quite how much farther he would go, or how thoroughly dominant he would turn out to be.

Or how totally she would submit…

Sam had made it perfectly clear that he wanted to make her his full slave, but if she had tried to negotiate before letting him restrain her, Kate knew that he would have agreed on something less absolute and final.

She could have done that…but she hadn’t…her curiosity and excitement at the sight of the slave costume and chains he required her to wear, driving out any thought of caution or cool appraisal of the pros and cons of what she was committing herself to become.

Once the cuffs and chains were fitted and locked, it had already been too late for her to change her mind, but it was only after he had announced himself as her Master, disciplined her and forced her to kneel before him and obey, that Kate had truly begun to realise the vast gulf between playing bondage games and actually living as a genuine, full-time slave.

Sam was not playing any more and whether she liked it or not, neither was she.

Her slavery, like his Mastery, was absolutely real and there was no going back.

Chained, pierced and ringed at nipples, clitoris and nose, she certainly couldn’t go out in public or invite anyone around to the house and was totally dependent on him to take care of her and keep her safe.

Her former life as his wife, companion, lover and equal partner, was over and as Kate was forced to accept the inescapable reality of her enslavement, her belly kicked and her sex oozed wetly while she waited helplessly for the return of her Master and the continuation of her enforced servitude.


The servitude which she had offered so willingly and now had no choice but to give…for the rest of her life…


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