Steel Bunny

by Mikel

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© Copyright 2024 - Mikel - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; bond; steel; bodymod; denial; corset; oral; armbinder; club; boots; cage; captive; costume; electro; slave; nc; XX

Amanda applied for her dream job at what she thought was the Playboy Club she had grown up dreaming about. She had no idea the original clubs closed years ago and the new owners had vastly different ideas of what their bunnies should look and act like.

Amanda didn’t notice the odd padded leather décor of the club interior as she walked confidently in her high platform heels and tight corset. During the interview she was so excited thinking about the travel and seeing the world while meeting exciting people she didn’t pay a lot of attention to the questions, eager to be one of the beautiful bunnies she had seen.

Amanda was reminiscing how after when she was a kid, she had seen a picture of her first bunny dressed in their tight costume and how it had started her love affair with corsets. She was daydreaming during the interview remembering how many times she had dressed up as a bunny for Halloween.

When the interview was finished, she had agreed to all the company’s requirements signed all the paperwork with a witness for the NDA and when she could be fired or punished. Amanda assumed “punished” meant docked pay or forced time off so she didn’t ask for any details.

Amanda was quickly measured and asked how long she thought it would take for her to lose ten pounds, she giggled when she said a few weeks maybe a month. “Oh, I think we can do it quicker than that.” A very tall woman wearing an incredibly tight dress under a jacket said.

Amanda was escorted to a dressing room and ordered to undress, “Does this mean I’ve got the job?” Amanda asked excitedly. The tall woman smiled almost evilly replying, “Yes, it does and you start today.”

Amanda was given a pair of strange ankle boots that she discovered were made of shining steel, she reluctantly slipped her feet into them closing the covers. Amanda didn’t even think about how or if they would be removed. Amanda started complaining instantly about how tight they were and that she didn’t think she could stand in them.

“Oh, you’ll get used to things being tight.” The woman said before taking a small bottle from behind her back and spraying something in Amanda’s face. When Amanda woke up, she could barely breathe and her head hurt on both sides, after a brief struggle she found her hands and arms were bound tightly behind her back.

Amanda mumbled as she struggled, finding her mouth had been filled with something she couldn’t spit out and thought for a second, she had been kidnapped. Amanda had only been awake a few moments when the tall woman entered the room. She was wearing a skin tight black dress that looked to Amanda to be made from rubber and letting Amanda see her tiny waist and incredibly tall high heels that looked just like Amanda’s.

The woman explained that this is her new “bunny” outfit and she would be expected to learn to walk and move properly so she could entertain the club’s guests. Amanda could only look up at her as she was pulled to her pointed toes.

The woman heard Amanda whimper as her weight was put fully onto her toes chuckling, she said, “Don’t worry little one they will feel totally normal, in a year or two.” The girl was pushed in front of a mirror gasping as she took in the vision that was her body.

She was now encased in a bunny costume not unlike the ones she remembered except it was made from steel. The costume covered her from her neck through her crotch squeezing her waist down considerably more than her normal corset while keeping her in perfect posture.

Her ample breasts were augmented by the steel covering them, keeping their shape while squeezing them firmly. Her arms were squeezed incredibly tight together behind her back in a black leather armbinder allowing her only minimal movements.

She tottered on the points of her feet looking up at her captor mumbling something around the large ball strapped into her mouth. The woman said, “Normally I would introduce myself but since you will never be able to speak to me there’s no point, just think of me as your mistress.”

“As you improve you may earn your way to be, well freer, look at me I started out just like you, it only took me five years to earn my way to the position of power that I’m in now.” “Of course, the boots and your final costume can never be removed, but now I’m allowed to train and guide all the girls who decided to give their lives to the club.”

After a few days of training, being forced to walk and sit for eight hours until she was able to move around almost normally. Amanda’s gag was replaced with a new much larger one that limited her noises much better. Each evening when she was through with training, she could press the small steel hose sticking from the wall in her cell to the fitting in the center of the gag and suck her daily allowed portion of nutrients into herself unaware this was training also.

Her arms had stopped throbbing and the pain in her feet and legs had dulled to a steady ache but she could already feel the tight steel bodice loosening around her waist. Just six weeks into her training she had lost twelve pounds and while she was being praised for the loss her steel costume was removed.

Amanda had been restrained by her ankles and neck but still tried to struggle as her steel bunny suit was removed. Amanda moaned and grunted as her new costume was quickly squeezed around her crushing her much more than the first one making her black out.

When she awoke, she staggered to the mirror and looked at herself and could see why she was gasping for air. Amanda’s waist seemed miniscule to her body, the chest of the suit was squeezing her so tight her breasts were bulging through the small heart shaped opening displaying her cleavage.

The collar was taller and much tighter and it took her a few days of training to keep from passing out from any exertion. When she resumed her full-time training, she learned how to walk perfectly in the boots swaying her steel covered ass seductively while maintaining perfect posture at all times.

After another month of constant training, she learned her job was to entertain the guests who came there to see her helpless body, while the full steel suit protected all the girls from unwanted and illegal attentions. A chain was locked between the tops of the boots at her ankles with another one in the center that ran up to the tip of her armsleeve.

Amanda adapted quickly to her more limited condition, being taught how to walk and move seductively with her new restraints and most importantly how to sit on a gentleman’s lap without letting the chains get in the way.

When Amanda had completed the training being able to do all that was required from the clubs’ bunnies, she was told it was time to learn her last duty as a bunny. Amanda was shown that the center of the gag could be removed with the personal key of any of the key holders in the club.

It was explained to a stunned Amanda who could suddenly breathe through her mouth but couldn’t close it that if the center piece was removed, she was to immediately service their cocks. Amanda was shocked but had been so horny she was actually hoping it might help her with that. Amanda was told if a bunny refused, she would be quickly transferred to be one of the bunnies dangling over the floor in small cages.

These bunnies spent all day and night in the cages and from opening to closing dancing. The “wild” bunnies as they were called, were kept motivated by the bars and floor of the cage being electrified. They were never to be allowed out of the cage until they were ready to perform all duties required from a bunny. Amanda had watched the dancing bunnies during her training always wondering what it would be like locked in a cage and suspended above everything.

Mistress told Amanda she would spend a few days as a wild bunny just so she would understand what it meant. “It gives you the most wonderful…motivational feelings.” Mistress said, smiling at the smaller woman. Amanda was led to a cage sitting on the floor, the small door was opened and she was literally shoved through it.

Amanda realized immediately the cages were not all the same size, the one she was in must have been designed to have someone much smaller in it because her shoulders brushed the bars. “You’ll be locked in so don’t worry about falling out, and oh, try to stay off the bars.” Mistress said with a chuckle. Amanda felt the cage being hoisted upwards getting scared as it rocked and swayed with each move she made.

Amanda stood looking at another wild bunny, seeing her face scared Amanda, the other bunny had obviously been crying, hard. When the music started again the DJ introduced Amanda to the audience laughing as the power to the cage was turned on.

Amanda squealed as her shoulder and feet were shocked, understanding what mistress had meant by ‘motivational’. The shocks pulsed with the music making some stronger than others with the weaker ones almost being pleasant. The shocks tingled through the phalluses in her pussy and ass while making her nipples tingle each time she touched her shoulder to the bars.

It only took Amanda once to learn to never touch any of her metal covered body or her chains to the bars receiving a much higher charge directly on the part that touched. During her first experience she had twisted slightly, losing her balance and touching her steel covered breasts to the bars. Her nipples and breasts throbbed for hours after the mistake.

Amanda spent her time learning to dance in the small cage almost enjoying the shocks wondering why the other girl she could see was so upset. When the club closed the DJ told all of the remaining bunnies they could relax since they would only be shocked when the music was playing. Amanda spent the night on her pointed toes leaning against the bars nodding off several times before waking to the feeling of falling.

By the second morning of being a wild bunny Amanda was extremely horny desperately wanting to have an orgasm even touching her breasts against the bars on purpose. During the last few hours of the second night Amanda discovered if she drug the chains between her ankles across the bars the shock felt like it was sent directly to her pussy.

She spent the rest of the night touching every part of her body to the cage, learning what she liked and repeating it as much as she could. When the music stopped Amanda screamed under her gag feeling if she had a little longer, she could have forced herself to cum. The night was extremely long for her being told by her mistress in the morning no matter how many times she tried the shocks would not make her cum, that’s why so many of the long-term wild bunnies are crying.

On her first night as a bunny in the club her mistress held the last part of her costume up to her. “Congratulations.” her mistress said, “This is a sort of graduation present.” Mistress painfully attached the ears to the pins that had been embedded in her skull the first day. Mistress playfully bent the ears, smiling her evil smile knowing that the ears would never be removed saying “Go get’em!”

Over the next few years Amanda did get to travel the world as a bunny, she was very popular at every club she visited due to her constant arousal. Each time she traveled she was always locked in a small crate, only seeing the inside of each club that looked the same as the last one.

Amanda wondered each night when she might be promoted, curious if her mistress didn’t remove the boots and costume because she couldn’t be without them after being locked in them for so long. The other option was what scared and aroused Amanda the most that the steel actually couldn’t be removed.

Amanda still hoped that once her hands were free, she could stimulate herself enough through the steel to orgasm. Each night at the club Amanda spent most of her time on her knees showing her skill at pleasing the club’s guests smiling under her gag as the first woman key holder pulled her down in front of her.


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