Sisterly Curator

by Rupes

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© Copyright 2014 - Rupes - Used by permission

Storycodes: MF; M/f; F/fm; museum; jail; cell; artifacts; gibbet; cage; naked; shackles; susp; bond; chains; straitjacket; tease; tricked; denial; mast; sex; climax; cons; X

(story continues from )

Part 2

After what seemed like an eternity and falling asleep several times, there was a brief buzz swiftly followed by the lights flickering into life. A few more seconds and I could hear the door being unlocked. Jade walked over to me calmly, unclipped the chains, and helped me up into a sitting position.

“What time is it?” my voice cracked and croaked.

“It’s about 7:30” she said calmly.

“Only two hours, it seemed like much longer.”

“No, 7:30am, 14 hours” she said again in a calm and pleasant tone.

“Oh my god, what about Vicki, how the hell do I….”

She stopped me, “It’s ok, I text her from your phone and told her that we had a lot of work on and it would be an all nighter,” she sounded serene, she was gently stroking my hair. “I took your car and got us breakfast, let me undo you and we can go eat, there is a shower too if you like”.

I threw on my clothes, we sat and ate a very civilised breakfast, after which we showered, Jade had thought of everything we might need, toothbrushes, towels. We were sat back at her desk at about 10am ready to start the laborious task of cataloguing and describing each item as we came across them. The day went slowly. She told me how powerful she felt as my captor, and how she had never really given a thought to bondage until she was given this project. Coming down here amongst all these artefacts had connected with her deep inside. The power they had over her, and how she dreamt she was the captive given no choice but to accept her fete. This of course got me thinking about how I could make that dream come true.

We must have catalogued about 5 large crates, most of which were duplicate items, we tagged each one into era, type etc, Jade gave each one a number that matched with an entry in her book. Each item was assigned a display code that would denote its display location.

Next up was a crate that was twice the size of the others, we had already moved it once, but this time Jade stated, “We’ll just have to tackle it or it will be in the way.”

The other crates had between 20 and 100 items in, and there was seemingly no logic to the way they were packed, for example we pulled out some Hiatt Speedcuffs that were laying on top of some medieval shackles. We lugged the crate over on the trolly, it was quite heavy but we managed it with no problems between us. Jade had a short sleeved top on and the tone in her arms was amazing, obviously been lugging boxes around a lot. We clawed open the crate to reveal yet more polystyrene packing, after digging it out we caught glimpse of some metal, rusted but only on the surface, a little more digging and the steel took on the approximate shape of a person. We lifted the object out, a gibbet cage, as we lifted it the cage swung open, as if tempting one of us to try it. We set it down on the ground next to the desk.

The back of the gibbet was slightly open, Jade walked around it running her finger along the bars as if in a trance. The cage was obviously made for a small person. After Jade had circled it a few times she looked at me, “I have to try this” she said.

“Ok, but as you’re a historian, I think you should have an authentic experience, people would normally be put in these naked,” I said trying to keep an air of coolness in my voice.

Jade was already stripping her clothes off leaving them in a pile on the floor, “what about my boots?” she said, I had not noticed before but she had on her sexy red “Faith” boots with a stiletto heel, I had admired these when she had first bought them a few months before.

“I think we can leave them,” I said.

She ran to the back of the cage and squeezed herself in, even though she has a frame bordering on anorexic it was tight fit. “Maybe it was designed for a child” I said.

“Maybe it was designed for me,” she countered quickly with a smile.

With some effort she slid her arms in to the side spaces, these were sections of the cage that had been sectioned off with more flat bars running down the inside creating two sleeves for the victims arms, her hands came out the bottom where there were some dangling shackles waiting. Once her arms were in she wiggled her head into the space waiting to accept it “cooze et” she mumbled, I had not noticed before but where her mouth was there was a flat metal bar that she had to put into her mouth to get her head in, which was now preventing her from moving her tongue.

I gently swung the back closed, there was something stopping it from closing completely, “It won’t close Jade” I said.

“rye aggin” she muffled.

Cautiously I checked around her body to make sure nothing would be in the way, and noticed that at the bottom there were two shackles for the feet one of which was laying in the path of the door. We had found some padlocks so I picked up four, checking the keys opened them and then walked back. Gently I placed the shackle around her right wrist, it hinged closed and post protruded so that a lock could be fed through, this ensured the shackle was tight around her wrist, click. I repeated the process around her left wrist, click. These were obviously overkill as the occupant could not move anyway, but I guess whoever designed this thing wanted it to be really intimidating.

I moved to the back of the cage and gently placed a shackle around her left foot, god those boots felt good, I could not help but stroke them, click. The process was quickly repeated on the right foot, click. I made a point of tossing the keys onto the desk so she could see they were well out of her reach. I tried again with the door, again it stubbornly stopped about 1 cm short. “bang et” she muffled.

I opened the door all the way, and this time swung it closed with force. Instantly we heard the metal door close with a clang and then a series of faint clicks. Instinctively I tugged at the door, it was solidly stuck. “ots wong” the panic in her voice was evident.

“I think those clicks we heard were locks!”

“sit sit sit” she tried to swear but the bar prevented her.

She was now struggling and bucking trying to get free, I had to watch for a few moments before I thought to say, “Hang on, I will look in the box”, she was facing away from the box so could not see what I was doing. In the box under all the packaging there was a hand written note dated 1730 and small metal block about the size of an eraser. The note read:

Gibbet Cage from J Preswick and Sons Manchester

To engage the locking mechanism the door must be first fully opened, priming the locks, once closed the locks will engage.

To unlock, swipe the magnet around the joint where the two halves of the cage meet, this will disengage the locking mechanisms until the door is fully opened again.

Great, so at least she was not stuck, but Jade was blissfully unaware of this. I put the magnet in my pocket and walked back over to the cage. I reached through the bars and placed my hand on her shoulder, “Sorry hun, nothing, but look, enjoy it, and I will work it out. I am familiar with all these old locks so it won’t take me long.”

I then made a point of taking some pictures, “ot the ell arr ooo oing?” was her muffled musing as she heard the camera shutter.

“Just photographing the lock, calm down, I’ll have you out in no time, but first I think you should have the whole experience!”

I grabbed the little truck we used to manhandle the crates, tipped her forward slid the lifting part under the gibbet and slowly pulled it back so that I could now move her with some ease. I picked up a sturdy length of chain and wheeled her out of the door, into the corridor. I selected the first cell on the right and unlocked the door using her big bunch of keys. I noticed earlier on the “tour” that there was a steel beam that ran across the top of the cells about 7 feet up. I rolled her into the cell, and went back to the office to get a chair to stand on. I looped the chain around the beam and left the two ends hanging, now the hard part.

For my plan to work I would have to lift Jade in the cage onto the chair. This took a bit more effort than I first thought but I managed it on the second attempt. There was just enough room for me to get a foot on the chair either side so that I could reach the top of the cage. I pulled one end of the chain through the hanging loop on the top of the gibbet and secured it to the other end with the biggest padlock I could find. I jumped down and then gently lifted her and the cage up off the chair, kicking it out of the way. I then lowered the cage until she was hanging there slowly swinging, about a foot off the ground.

I grabbed the chair, walked out and slammed the door shut. I then grabbed my cigarettes and went to head upstairs for a cigarette outside, I made a point of shouting through the thick cell door that I was upset at the way she had treated me the night before and that I was off and she was stuck, and I was taking all the keys with me. There were some unintelligible muffled noises from inside. Of course I loved the night before and I was sure that she knew it, I was hoping that 20 minutes or so in there would fulfil her dreams and satiate her desire to be held captive. Part 3

It was a bright sunny day outside, not that any of the light made it down to the dungeons where we were working. I went to the car park and enjoyed two cigarettes. As I was finishing the second one a familiar car pulled into the car park, Vicki. She beamed a large smile as she walked over. “Hi love, how’s it going?”

I told her all about the night before and the predicament Jade was in now. Vicki is a great partner and gets quite turned on when she sees one of her sisters with me, and she made it clear that her sisters were fair game as long as I told her. This is something that has taken me a long time to get used to! We have the most amazing loving relationship, and I would be quite happy with just her for the rest of my life. But the sisters come as an added bonus. I take her down through the levels and tell her to be quiet as we go past Jade’s cell.

“Let’s play with her, as she does not know our rules,” Vicki whispers with that glint in her eye. She tells me to get undressed, the pile of slave chains is still laying where Jade took them off. Vicki starts locking them on me, neck, waist, wrists and ankles, she then walks up to the cell unlocks the door and leads me in. “So you little slut, think you can screw my husband and get away with it” she shouts appearing angry.

“sit sorry I ever ent oo…” Jade tries to calm her down, but her options are limited being locked in the gibbet, which is now swinging where Jade has been agitated.

Vicki leads me over to the wall in front of Jade sits me down under a large eyebolt protruding from the wall and snaps a padlock through it and a ring on the collar, she snaps it shut, bends down and whispers in my ear, “I love you, enjoy the show!” with that she turns on her heels walks right up to Jade and slaps her on the cheek, enough to convince Jade that she was serious. Vicki walks out, slams the door and locks it. We then hear her heading along the corridor, up the stairs and then silence until we hear the distant echo of the main door closing.

Jade was sobbing quietly. “Hey come on Jade, it’s ok, I enjoyed last night, and I was not serious about being unhappy with the way you were with me.” Jade stopped sobbing smiled briefly and then started thrashing around in her cage. After a few minutes she settled down, but it took the cage a good five minutes to stop swinging around.

We chatted as best we could for the next hour or so, Jade was getting quite good at conversation without the use of her tongue. My neck was aching from being held at a funny angle and Jade must be in considerable pain from being in the cage. “Jade, I told you a little white lie, the instructions to unlock the cage were in the box.” She smiled as best she could and then seemed to relax a lot, “but the key is in my trousers on the other side of that steel door” I added.

She just looked at me blankly and then I noticed she was trying to get her fingers to reach between her legs. But no matter how she tried the shackles held her wrists just too far away, so that was their purpose I thought. I spread my legs so she could clearly see what I was doing and began to play with myself, chains clanking loudly as I did, “ not fair” she tried to say. But there was nothing she could do but watch. She was trying so hard to reach but each time the shackles stopped her. Eventually I came hard, squirting all over her, but there was nothing she could do but feel it dribble down her body. She grunted and shook her hands as violently as she could in frustration.

We both jumped when we heard the cell door being unlocked. Vicki walked in wearing her leather cat suit and thigh boots. She walked over to me, unlocked the collar from the wall and pushed me on to the floor. We kissed passionately and we soon making love right in front of the cage. Jade had no option but to watch us making herself even more frustrated. Once we had both screamed the place down, Vicki got up, released the remaining shackles from me handed me the cell keys, she then turned and stared directly at Jade, “Right here is the deal, as you now know, we have more than a passing interest and are in fact quite kinky. You can use him anytime you like, but you must ask me first. If you don’t then the deal is off. Also as Tanya (their other sister) was involved with him first she gets priority over you, got it”

“ess, orry” came the muffled reply.

“Now I have to go off to work tonight, so consider this weekend your first hall pass. I want him back by Tuesday morning,” she then turned to me. “Look after my little sister, I love you and I will see you Tuesday,” she kissed me and then headed off down the corridor. I left Jade there in the cell, locked the door. I needed a bit of time to recover as I knew she would be like a cat in heat when that cage was unlocked. After about an hour I unlocked the cell, released her arms and legs through the bars and then waved the magnet around the cage. Sure enough the door popped open and with a soft squeak Jade was able to step down. She immediately dragged me to the floor, all the time looking up at the cage.

Afterwards stood up, “That cage drove me insane, I think I want a spell in the padded cell and straitjacket next,” and with that headed out the door and raced up to the next floor where the padded cell was waiting for her.

After leaving the cell I quickly checked in the office and sure enough Vicki had left a brand new vibrator and batteries on the desk. I quickly got dressed and headed up the two flights of stairs to find Jade, she was standing in the centre of the cell with the straitjacket hanging around waving her arms around her waiting for me to fasten the straps. Efficiently I started at the neck and work my way down her back, making sure that each strap was a tight as it could be. I then grabbed her arms on at a time a fed them through the centre strap, through the side strap and then buckled them up tightly, turning Jade to the side so that I could press her elbows towards each other while my other hand pulled the strap.

“Trade secret?” she muttered.

“You pick these things up,” I said with a wink. I then pulled out the vibrator, she needed no lubrication, once home, I flicked it to the medium setting and quickly trapped it in place with the crotch straps crossed over. I then tethered her to the floor just as she had to me with the chains. She was already starting to cum for the first time before I had all the chains on. I locked the cell door and went back to the office. By the time I got to the end of the corridor she was screaming again, god two in less than ten minutes I thought, better check back on her in an hour.

There was no need to check back on her, as I could hear her every few minutes from the office. Approximately 45 minutes later I realised that I had not heard anything from her for about 10 minutes, so went up to check. I looked through the window, and she was laying there motionless, yet I could hear the vibrator. I was just about to put the key in the lock when she started screaming and shaking, struggling for all she was worth. Then as the screams got really loud, silence and stillness.

Fumbling for the key I quickly unlocked the door, walked in and turned off the vibrator. She was still still and silent, her eyes were closed. I unclip the chains and put my arm around her back supporting her up to a sitting position. She was still limp, then a few seconds later she awake with a jump.

“What happened? How long have you been there?” she muttered.

“Only a few minutes, shit you scared the life out of me!” I said.

“I had the biggest orgasm of my life, and then I woke up and immediately had another bigger one, and then you were here,” she said trying to connect the dots.

“I have read about this but never really thought it was possible to orgasm yourself unconscious, wow I fell quite proud that my handiwork has done this, but I think let’s call it a night there and go back to your place, we will get takeout food on the way, have a long bath and then relax in a proper bed, we can start a fresh tomorrow, what do you think?”

By this time I was already undoing the straps on the jacket, “Do them back up and slip my skirt on me.”

I looked at her like WTF, “I am wearing this home” she paused and then added, “Bring that full set of slave chains and padlocks, unlock them all and put them in my bag, leave the keys here, I will drive back tomorrow. Now sir, kindly turn back on my vibrator, it’s a long drive home”.

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