O-Ring Birthday Surprise

by Wishful Husband

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© Copyright 2011 - Wishful Husband - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/f; bond; straps; stockings; basment; collar; gag; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X

My demanding Husband's birthday was approaching again something I would like to avoid.

He never lets me buy him anything and the only thing he'll accept is me as his bondage slave for the day. "Honey is there anything I can get you for your Birthday?"

"No dear just you and by the way I already bought myself some gifts already. Maybe you could just put on your stockings and garter belt for me?"

I was expecting the garter belt request but the gifts he bought himself made me nervous.

My Husband's birthday fell on a Saturday which was not good for me because I would probably be tightly tied and gagged for the entire day. After I took my morning shower, "Honey why don't you get dressed for my birthday and meet me downstairs." Drying off and then rubbed myself down with lotion and now I was ready to get into my birthday outfit. I put on my black leather garter belt then I sat down and pulled on my silky nude colored stockings. Standing up I pulled up my stockings and attached my stockings to my garter straps. I then slide on my high heels and made some final adjustments to make certain that everything was just right. I must admit no man can resist me in this outfit, with my flat stomach, long legs and shapely ass.

Walking downstairs my Husband was sitting on the couch with a huge smile on his face and large bulge in his pants. He jumped up and give my a big hug and a very passionate kiss.

"You are the best Birthday gift a man could ever get."

"Well isn't that a sweet thing to say"

Suddenly before I knew it he had swung me around and had buckled my wrists behind my back. Picking up another leather strap he tightly buckled my elbows together forcing my large breasts to stick out. He then took out three longer leather straps, buckling the first one around me above my breasts, then the second one around me below my breasts and then the third one around me at my stomach.

"Honey lets make sure these straps don't slip around on you."

So with some effort he pulled and re-buckled each strap an extra notch tighter.

"Is that necessary, do you have to make everything so extra tight?"

"Now Now Honey you know what happens when you start to complain and don't forget how sexy you look straining yourself against those leather straps".

I was totally helpless now.

He then pulled out a leather collar and tightly buckled it around my neck. Grabbing hold of the O-ring attached to the middle of my collar he lead me over to the support pole in the basement, already attached to the pole was a dog's leash which he quickly attached to the O-ring on my collar.

Giving me a slap on my bottom, "Ouch!"

"I think it time for your walk". The leash was about six feet long so all I could do was walk slowly around the pole while my husband watched in enjoyment.

I walked as sexy as I could, shaking my ass hoping he couldn't take it any longer and that he would unhook me and throw me on the couch and give me a good old hard fucking.

"Honey I am getting horny here could you help a girl out?"

Approaching me he forced me to my knees and pushed my head down. "Honey I want to show you one of the presents I bought for myself."

Pulling something from his pocket I felt something being forced into my mouth. It had a leather strap on it which he tightly buckled in the back of my head. I could tell it wasn't a ball gag because my mouth was open but I couldn't close my mouth. All I could feel was a hard piece of plastic in my mouth. I had a bad feeling about his new present, I could make some noises but I certainly couldn't talk clearly.

"Honey you certainly know how to use that muff of yours and you certainly don't mind sharing it with your husband. However you really don't like using you mouth like you should, so I bought you a ring gag. Let me show you how it works".

Dropping his pants and grabbing hold of my hair, he shoved his cock through the ring in my mouth. He then began pumping his cock in and out of my mouth, just like he was fucking my pussy, I really couldn't do anything but move my tongue around hoping it might get him off sooner. It didn’t take him long but he explode and his load hit the back of my throat causing me to gag and I had no choice but to shallow his full load. I was pissed as he stood there with a huge smile on his face. I glared at him.

"What's a matter does someone miss her ball gag?"

I started complaining as best as I could, you can make some noise with your mouth open in a ring gag.

"Now now lets tone it down a bit". But I was not going to have any of that. "I guess I'll have to do something".

He then pulled out a soft 6" rubber dildo which he forced through the ring in my mouth. He shoved the whole thing into my mouth. "Now lets be a good girl and try to keep it in your mouth".

Moving my head forward I tried to shake it out of my mouth. My husband noticed I was having some luck sliding it out of my mouth. Walking over to his workbench he then returned and pushed the dildo back into my mouth and then took a large piece of duct tape and placed it over my mouth holding the dildo firmly in my mouth. "You know something duct tape can fix anything!"

He then helped me to my feet and all I could do was walk around the pole glaring and grunting at him. Walking over to me he began by massaging my breasts getting my nipples rock hard, he then moved down to my bottom and began rubbing it. Turning his attention to the my front, "Oh my we’re very moist and damp down here?"

I tried to scream out in frustration but this new gag really silenced me. An expert with his hands my Husband began to gently rub my clit and with his other hand he slowly slide his finger in and out of my very wet love hole. I could feel myself building up to an orgasm and just as I was about to go my Husband stopped. "MMMRPHRPH MMMRPHRPH,"

My Husband was certainly enjoying my frustration and taking full advantage of me on his birthday. Forcing me back down on my knees, "Isn't my Wife going to sing me happy birthday?"

He then ripped the duct tape off my mouth and pulled the dildo out of my mouth. "Start signing".

So I tried to sing the best I could with a ring gag strapped into my mouth. After I finished the song, "Honey that was very nice!" and before I knew it he slide his hard cock through the ring and into my mouth. Placing his hand behind my head, this time he slowly slid his cock in and out of my mouth. He treated my mouth like it was some virgin's hole. It seemed to take forever but he finally exploded a big mess into my mouth.

"Honey did you enjoy my party favor?"

I let out has best I could, "you bastard."

"Now now we can't have any ungrateful party guests?" He then shoved the dildo back into my mouth and replaced the duct tape with a new piece.


"Now that should teach you a lesson on being nice to me on my birthday".

When was he going take care of me, did he have any more naughty gifts in store for me?

Please stay tuned.....


