Mr. Williams Loves a Good Cliffhanger

by Anonymous in NYC

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© Copyright 2024 - Anonymous in NYC - Used by permission

Storycodes: F+/m; latex; maid; costume; cuffs; collar; chastity; denial; inf; cons; reluct; X

“The Maid”

Mr. Williams had just purchased a shiny, black latex, French, maid’s uniform with an exposed crotch area. Locking, stiff white patent leather cuffs and matching neck collar were included in that purchase. He couldn’t wait to try everything on when he got home.

The French cuffs and neck collar were self-closing and posed no problem. Unfortunately, he realized he would need someone’s help with lacing up the back of the uniform. Desperate, he texted one of the maids in his apartment building and asked if she could spare a few minutes of her time. Later, he would learn that his offer of money would play no part in her decision to be of assistance.

Almost immediately, he began to have second thoughts with each tightening lace. As the final two holes were closed tightly together, it was too late to stop the inevitable.

Next, as if on a tight work schedule, she quickly laced both arms horizontally, into a short, soft, black patent leather armbinder, that rested just below his shoulder blades. A Swiffer hand duster was strapped loosely into his mouth, completing the domestic picture. Later that day, he would learn that the same looseness would not be afforded a wooden toilet bowl brush.

He teeters precariously in high heels. A thin four-inch metal chain runs from one ankle strap to the other. Finished, she sits back on a chaise lounge, whose black foam-rubber seat has been encased in a thick, clear plastic, vinyl cover. Her black latex leggings make a creaking sound as she tries to get better situated.

Posing provocatively in a black latex bra she holds a lit cigarette in one hand, and a riding crop in the other. To get his attention, she Impatiently taps the riding crop rapidly against her black leather ankle-boots. Mr. Williams is becoming aroused, as evidenced by the twitching coming from inside his locked chastity cage. The key to unlock it can now be seen dangling on a silver chain around her neck. She takes a deep drag on her cigarette and exhales the smoke in his direction.

Suddenly, he realizes, but far too late, that from the very beginning, she has been blowing this very same proverbial smoke up his ass. “Mr. Williams, this is all so very new to me. I’d feel better, not accepting any money.

“Before I start lacing up the back, don’t you think a hand duster in your mouth would make a nice accoutrement?

“Is the lacing tight enough?

“Escape proof?

“Perhaps to make sure, I should somehow immobilize those arms. Do you have an extra armbinder lying about that I may use? “

“Those high heels are much too dangerous for you to be parading about the apartment.

“There’s no need to ask. Of course, I can hold the key to unlock the cage.

“Not to worry, I can stay until you’ve finished dusting the living room and scrubbing the bathroom toilet.

“If you aren’t done by midnight, I can always sleep over, and tomorrow we’ll take up where you left off.

“Don’t be silly. No thanks are needed. However, don’t you think that tonight under the current circumstances, it would be more appropriate, if you slept in the guest/maid’s room, instead of me?”

“To Tip or not to Tip”

She looked irresistible in her black leather trench coat as she entered the room and strolled over to her husband.

“Honey, I talked with Nanny as you asked.” Mr. Williams attempted unsuccessfully to respond through the hard rubber ball gag strapped in his mouth. Simultaneously, he rattled the four cuffs that secured his wrists and ankles to the wooden slats of the adult sized baby crib. Ignoring the theatrics his wife continued.

“Nanny said a deal is a deal, while emphasizing that you yourself were adamant that there should be no early release. So, there you have it, one month down and only eleven more to go. Additionally, Nanny feels that you’re getting yourself too aroused. She attributes this to the wiggle room in your existing plastic chastity cage. Therefore, she will soon be installing a smaller one, designed especially for those less endowed like yourself.”

“Finally, Nanny told me that inside the new cage will be small, pointed, hard rubber tips, that will immediately stifle any hint of arousal.”

“The Staycation”

Mr. Williams’ eyes lit up when his wife informed him that she would be going to London on a business trip. He was even more ecstatic when she announced that it would be for an entire month with no spouses in attendance. The wheels in his male brain immediately started to churn. His new job starting the day after her return would afford him the perfect opportunity for a thirty-day stay-at-home vacation. Finally, he would be able to visit The Centre every afternoon without his wife’s less than enthusiastic consent.

He kissed his wife good-bye at the boarding gate and immediately headed across town to The Centre, hoping for two or three hours of self-imposed orgasm denial before going home to jerk-off.

“Welcome Mr. Williams, we’ve been expecting you!”

His wife had visited The Centre the day before her departure with her own instructions for his Staycation.

“The Tour”

Over the loudspeaker came the short announcement.

“Your day tour of our dungeon has concluded. “Please take all your valuables with you before exiting the building.”

He breathed a sigh of relief and waited patiently for his ball gag to be removed and his wrists uncuffed from behind his back. Instead, she attached a stiff leather leash to the ring in the front of his posture collar and started back to the reception area, with him in tow, unable to protest much less stop her. He struggled for air, as she pulled his face into the ankle length, shiny brown rubber apron, hugging her zaftig body.

Suddenly, a second announcement came over the loudspeaker. “Our nightly sleep-over tour will start shortly.”

“Automatic Renewal”

He naively believes that he will be going home this afternoon, ending this excruciating, self-imposed, ninety-day nightmare.

Mr. Williams suddenly heard the clicking of two distinct sets of high heels coming to a halt just outside his view. He swiveled his head from side to side trying to see who was there. Finally, two women wearing matching black leather trench coats cinched tightly at the waist came into view, coming to a stop at opposing sides of his crib.

During his stay he had been denied the strong visual allure as well as smell that such coats had on him.

“They never see it coming. Do they?”

“Sadly, but true,” said the second woman.

He swiveled his head from side to side, while mumbling at the same time into the ball-gag, as the unsettling two-sided conversation unfolded around him.

“They nag and nag their wives into staying at The Center for an inordinate number of days.”

“After we warn them about being too adventurous for a first stay.”

“Do they listen?”

“Do men ever listen?”

“Only when we gag them!” The two leather clad femme fatales joked in unison. “Then they realize that they have bitten off more than they can chew. At which point, they remember that there are no refunds.”

“And more importantly, no early release from their iron-clad contract.”

“A contract that they insisted vehemently that we enforce to the letter.”

“Quite vehemently, if I remember correctly?”

“And then there’s the automatic renewal feature built into the contract.”

“As difficult to cancel as a recurring magazine subscription that’s no longer wanted.”

A Twilight Zone Episode

Mrs. Williams looked irresistible in her black leather trench coat as she and her husband walked up the steps to The Center and stopped at the entrance. She had purposely worn his favorite coat hoping to show her husband what he would be missing.

She gave a stern warning before watching her husband enter the facility without her. “I’ll stop by tomorrow to see what mess you’ve gotten yourself into.”

The following day, Mrs. Williams arrived at the Center to check on the status of her husband. She was attired in a shiny black vinyl raincoat, another of his favorites. The front door was chained shut with a sign indicating that the empty premises were scheduled for demolition.


From the beginning, she loved playing nanny for adult babies. The pay was great, and she was given the opportunity to wear her favorite latex and rubber clothing to torment them, while keeping them locked-up 24/7, in a hard, clear plastic, chastity cage. All these niceties aside, this afternoon it was muggy, with a temperature in the upper 90’s. The thought of an outside stroll, while having to wear his favorite clear vinyl raincoat, gave her apoplexy.

As she completed securing the adult sized baby tram with its own sweltering clear plastic rain cover, Nanny wondered. Which one of them would pass out first from the heat?

“Bright Ideas”

He had no sooner returned from Germany with the top-of-the-line, stainless steel Latowski chastity belt, when he was hit with the bright idea to wear it to his next therapy session. He loved talking about sex with her and the idea of doing so in the all-confining Latowski would be a real turn-on. It would learn that bringing the only keys to unlock the stainless-steel belt to the session was not the brightest of ideas.

As the next session concluded, he headed to the bathroom to pee before getting on the bus to go home. Whenever wearing the belt, he was forced to sit on the throne while urinating. That’s when he had his final bright idea to hide his keys between the back of the bathroom vanity and the wall. Then, he could triumphantly return the next session to get them. What could possibly go wrong?

  1. A broken water pipe from her upstairs neighbor, ruining the vanity. Keys and vanity are discarded by the workmen.
  2. She has to attend a last-minute, out of town conference, causing the cancellation of all appointments for an entire month.
  3. Lastly, and the most troublesome, she finds the keys while cleaning.

“Captive Audience”

At age sixty she was still beautiful but had to admit she missed the undivided attention that men had been giving her over the past forty years. Not one to take things lying down, she decided to find a captive audience.

She had heard whispers about The Centre for years, where men paid large sums of money to act out their sexual fantasies. It was a good place to start as she entered and asked for a tour of the facilities. By no stretch of the imagination was she naïve, having used bondage to heighten her own sexual experiences over the years.

Nevertheless, she was amazed during the tour by the number of men with adult baby fantasies.

Immediately, one gagged AB wannabee caught her eye, struggling unsuccessfully to get free from the straps securing him inside the adult sized baby crib. She wondered why he struggled so hard, having paid so much money to be treated this way. Later, she was to learn that he was having buyer’s regret and wanted to go home a month earlier than agreed upon in the contract.

Suddenly, she felt young again, having found a captive audience for the next month.

Longer, if she had any say in the matter.


After two hours, they tried to duck out of Wednesday’s Thanksgiving Day office party, to avoid the politically incorrect good-bye hugs from their boss’ husband. The old lech saw them and immediately rushed over and offered his assistance with their coats. One by one, he held their leather trench coats as they slipped their arms into the sleeves. Then as expected, the 5’5” tall old geezer hugged the rather tall women, one by one, with his nose coming directly in-line with their leather clad breasts.

Outside, they vowed someday to get even. As luck would have it, they wouldn’t have long to wait.

The very next Saturday, while on a walk in the park, they saw their target entering The Centre known for its F/m hijinks. They weren’t stunned. It was well known who wore the pants in their marriage. Sitting on a park bench, they waited two hours for him to come out. When he didn’t, they decided to see exactly what was going on inside the facility.

“Are you lovely ladies looking for a job?”

“Thanks for the offer but we’d just like to look around, if that’s possible?”

“Certainly, but how about a hands-on experience?” she continued. “Today we’re short of staff. In that corner, there’s a black oversized tram with its present inhabitant, waiting to be taken outside for his daily three-hour stroll in the park. He pays a great deal of money, not only for his daily buggy ride, but also for the straps to keep him from falling out and the modified baby pacifier that acts as a gag.

“Furthermore, our wannabe has expressed an interest in 24/7 confinement for the next month. If only we had more staff?”

The two femme fatales approached the buggy and immediately recognized the target of their revenge.

“Is the job offer still open?”

“The Suitcase”

“Why in the world would you want to be stuffed into that four wheeled, soft, over-sized, clear plastic suitcase? she asked without waiting for his stupid answer. “While bound hand and foot? Severely tape-gagged? Naked, except for the plastic baby pants, covering your thick, cotton, cloth diaper?”

“Oh, you want me to hold the key to the locked plastic chastity cage? Finally, roll you into the closet and shut the door? For eight hours?

Instead, she closed the suitcase and wheeled it into the front hallway just in time to hear the doorbell.

“Our ride to the airport is here.”

“Next step is explaining you to the TSA.”


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