Island II - North Island Diary

by Jack Peacock

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© Placed in public domain by author - Jack Peacock

Storycodes: M/f+; M+/f+; bond; slave; training; collar; prison; cuffs; cell; punish; chastity; sex; strip; cons; XX

Continues from

Day 1

Plan B

Barbara Manning tossed the rejection form letter onto the table. It wasn’t unexpected; she knew in advance her chances of being accepted were poor. Still, it was a disappointment. Based on her research the Facility would have been the ideal place to achieve her dream. Now she’d have to move on to her “Plan B”, the closest alternative she could find.

There were the standard routes endorsed by the South Island government: apprentice to a company; enter into the first phase of a standard agreement; or for a lucky few being accepted by the Facility. The last option was now out of reach. The company route was the least attractive option, since it might take years to reach the same stage as a standard agreement. And for a standard agreement she needed a second party, which brought her back to the original problem: there was no second party. Both approaches were far too slow and cautious for her taste. And neither really addressed her underlying need.

That left North Island and its unique legal structure. It was certainly the quickest way to achieve her goal, within days or weeks at the most. It was also far riskier in terms of the outcome, since the chances of success were little different from betting everything on one spin of a roulette wheel.

Growing up in the oilfields of Alberta she’d been in the heart of one of the few spots in Canada where political correctness existed only as the punchline for crude humor. Those years when she’d worked in one of the Oil Patch’s busiest diners she’d seen the riggers come in for breakfast, laughing and joking, talking about the drilling, giving her the eye, a rough group given to plain talk and a take charge attitude. Yet every single one had been the perfect gentleman where she was concerned, treating her with respect even as their roving eyes sized her up. Now here she was on Isla Del Sur, in what had to be the most male-dominated society on the planet. Barbara was positive everything she wanted was here. The question was how to find it.

Once more she read through her proposal. From what she knew about commercial law it met all the legal requirements: defining the parties to the agreement; services or in this case product to be delivered; and the exchange of value regarding payment for the product. Both parties were to receive something of value, the essential element in any valid commercial contract.

Nowhere did it specify what was to happen to the payment after the contract was concluded, other than the payment due date. For her purposes, if the payment date preceded the product delivery date by at least one day then her plan should work. There was a waiver for an escrow account, which might otherwise cause unwanted delay. It was crucial the payment had to be completed before delivery of the merchandise; otherwise, it could legally be argued the exchange of value did not take place.

Would the company agree to her terms? Under normal circumstances Barbara had to admit it wouldn’t be an attractive offer. In her case it wasn’t going to be normal though. There was virtually no risk to the brokerage if they accepted her proposed structuring of the transaction. She’d done her best to make the offer attractive to the company. Any way she looked at it they couldn’t possibly object to her terms.

The appointment at the company’s business office was for tomorrow morning, when she would give her presentation. What would they think of her proposal? Either they’d consider it carefully, or dismiss her as some mental case wasting their time. If the latter occurred, there were other companies she could approach, though from what she’d found online their reviews were less encouraging compared to her first choice.

Might as well cast your fate to the wind, a line from an old 1960s jazz tune, ran through her head again and again. She stared at the paper in her hand, visualizing it blowing about in the breeze. If her plan did reach fruition, she would be that piece of paper, swirling around without direction until someone snatched it up. Barbara closed her eyes, trying to imagine what it would be like to open them, facing the man who would own her for the rest of her life, a stranger whose intentions toward her would be a mystery she must solve to in order to survive.

Routine Checkup

“Good news, Mr. Madsen, your heart is still beating.” Ben Grimes pulled the stethoscope out of his ears. “Seriously, heartbeat is strong and steady. Lab results for your blood don’t show any elevated markers. Your blood pressure is a little high, but not enough to warrant medication. I suggest you cut back on your workload, at least the more stressful parts.” Ben was the senior heart specialist at the South Island Clinic. It was a real hospital now but everyone still referred to it by the original name.

Ray Madsen buttoned his shirt. “So the chest pains weren’t serious?” He was the sole proprietor of the largest and most successful of the notorious brokerages on North Island. If asked he told people he was a commodities trader. In truth, due to the unique legal system in place on North Island his business did fit the definition of a commodity exchange, but the goods exchanged were women. Unlike much of the rest of the closed Isla Del Sur society, on North Island all women were legally the property of men, without any restrictions. It was unique in its open market where women could be bought and sold.

“No evidence of it. If I had to guess the culprit was something you ate didn’t agree with you. Anything different from the usual dinner fare in the last couple of days?”

Ray nodded, “Oh yeah, someone talked me into trying a place that offers ‘authentic’ South China food. My advice, give the duck feet a pass.”

Ben laughed, “I’ll take it under advisement. Umm, if you don’t mind, I have a small favor to ask while you’re here. It’s nothing to do with the exam. If you can spare a few minutes, I’d appreciate it.”

Ray shrugged, “Sure, no problem. I have some time to kill before catching the ferry back to North Island.”

Ben took out his phone and sent a text message. A moment later the door opened and a nurse came in. “Yes, Doctor? You sent for me?” The collar around her neck left no doubt as to her status.

“Ray, this is Elise. Aside from being an invaluable assistant here at the Clinic, in her off hours she belongs to me.”

Ben pointed to a chair in the exam room. “Take a seat, Elise. This is Mr. Ray Madsen. I’m sure you recognize the name.”

“Yes, Doctor. Good afternoon, Mr. Madsen.” It took a moment before Elise placed the name. The Madsen name had come up in her research project. If this was the same man, she was looking at the head of the largest brokerage on North Island.

Three things struck Ray about the woman: first, she wore a nurse’s uniform that had to be at least fifty years out of date; second, she wore the distinctive collar of a woman trained by the Facility; and third, she sat with her hands on her knees rather than the nearly universal crossed palms in her lap.

“Elise has been working on a personal project, comparing Facility and North Island brokerage experiences. As you can see, she’s familiar with one, less so with the other. I thought it might help her research to actually meet the other side, so to speak, in person.”

Ray smiled at the reference to his business. Facing Elise, he spoke in a friendly manner. “Well, as you can see there are no horns or spiked tail.” He turned to the side. “Normal skin color too, not bright red. I hope I didn’t ruin your mental image of evil incarnate.”

“No sir, not at all. I never believed the bit about the tail anyway. I wasn’t so sure about the horns.”

Ray laughed. He did note how she carefully held still, hands never budging off her knees. Exceptional training, poised, witty reply but not offensive, she’d sell for a small fortune on North Island. Facility women never came through his or any other brokerage though. He could see why; no man with any sense would part with such a prize.

He turned to Ben. “I assume she has your permission to ask questions.” At a nod he turned to Elise and said, “Fire away, whatever you’d like to know. I’ll warn you in advance any inquiries regarding financial matters are out of bounds, for both legal and competitive reasons. Anything else I’ll try to give you an honest answer.”

Elise looked to Ben for his approval before starting. Ray spotted the slight wave of Ben’s hand. That was Facility training at work again. Everything had to go through her master first.

“Nothing about money, sir, that would be inappropriate. My project is basically a look at the difference in results between two vastly different means to a similar end.”

“Those ‘means’ being the Facility versus the open market? That’s how I see it. No government intrusion in private lives, no social justice pressure group, no taxpayer subsidies and, at least for me, no reliance on self-proclaimed good Samaritans to follow dubious claims of selfless motivation. I trust someone who stands to profit from a business deal, someone who acts to further their own best interests. I think twice about dealing with anyone who professes some noble cause is their only motivation.”

“That’s certainly the most succinct summary I’ve ever come across, sir.” Elise was somewhat taken aback by his blunt and unapologetic tone. “It reminds me of an Ayn Rand novel.”

Educated too, and not solely from some politically correct institution. He was impressed she knew about Ayn Rand and her philosophy of objectivism. It was not a popular or politically correct subject in schools these days. His estimate of Elise’s selling price went up by another zero at the end. He glanced at Ben, wondering if the doctor appreciated what a gem he’d found.

Ray laughed. “Sorry if I come across a bit strong. I hear criticism everywhere I go here on South Island. I find it keeps the unpleasant conversations to a minimum if I start off as a hardliner. If you’ve read The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged then you have the advantage over me.”

Elise smiled but shook her head. “Not at all, sir. Perhaps it wasn’t intentional but she did capture the essence of the dominant personality in her books. It isn’t a popular view in most places but I believe enlightened self-interest,” she nodded toward her owner, “has worked out quite well for me.”

Ben found himself staring at Elise, almost in disbelief. He was familiar with those books but had never made the connection with his own outlook on life. In all the time they’d been together she had never mentioned any inclination toward philosophy. He’d have to ask her if this was recent or something from years ago. Although he didn’t restrict her Internet access or place a ban on particular subjects, he did expect her to keep him informed about her interests.

“May I ask your opinion on the Facility, sir? Good, bad, indifferent? Do you think it serves a useful purpose? Is it a competitor?” Elise stopped when Ray held up his hand.

“Let me catch up before you continue. No, I don’t see the Facility as any kind of competitor. Best evidence of that is the fact no Facility women ever show up for sale on North Island. My personal opinion of the place? I’d choose indifferent, but not in a derogatory sense. The Facility serves its clientele well, though I question if it’s the best use of resources. As it happens, the Director, Clancy Yates, and I are well-acquainted. We even have dinner once in a while.”

He turned to Ben. “I’m sure you’ve met the Director? We have spirited disagreements on the function of governments in general and social programs in particular, but it’s never hostile. If pressed I bet he might even concede I provide a necessary service.”

“Have you ever been to the Facility, sir?” For all the time she’d spent there Elise didn’t actually know that much about the Director’s interaction with the rest of Island society. There must have been any number of visitors during her stay yet she didn’t recall meeting them.

Ray nodded. “The Director showed me around once, and he’s visited North Island several times. I respect his advice and occasionally consult with him on what you might call technical matters. To my astonishment he’s even sought out my opinion a few times.”

He paused for a moment. “Doctor, you and Elise are welcome to visit the Madsen Brokerage House. I’ve found that seeing is believing; better you see us in operation rather than trust what you read online. I’d be interested in the results of Elise’s project. It’s a unique perspective. I can’t recall anyone ever doing something similar.”

Change of Venue

The new dress wasn’t much but compared to nothing at all it was quite an improvement. For Karen the move from the Women’s Disciplinary Center to this brokerage was a good sign, though she had no idea why she’d been transferred. It began three days ago, when she’d been given the cheap uniform before the Center guards bundled her into a van along with three other women.

The brokerage was unquestionably a better environment that the Center. The guards here were aloof but polite. Best of all they seemed to have a hands off policy, so she was spared the almost daily groping that went on at the Center. Best of all, unlike the Center’s policy that clothes were a rare privilege, often revoked for no reason; in here they all received something to wear.

So this is a North Island brokerage, Karen mused. There were plenty of horror stories passed around back on South Island. So far none of them had proven to be true. She’d seen no evidence of mistreatment. In a way, that made sense. Who would want to buy damaged goods?

Karen could add up the math. Her sentence must be over. The Center had released her, but her master didn’t want her back. He’d taken the easy way out by selling her to the brokerage. It was all legal, since they were on North Island.

What was next? If what she knew was accurate, it meant the auction block, with her going to the highest bidder. Karen was realistic about her chances. With the giant black mark in her history, the year spent at the Center, a nice, euphemistic term for prison, she was not going to be a top tier attraction.

Wherever she wound up it was still a step up from the Center. Was she rehabilitated? Prison life had certainly cured her of that streak of passive disobedience. Regardless of what kind of man her new owner turned out to be she was determined never to go back to that terrible place.

The Project

“It was nice of you to arrange that meeting this afternoon, sir.” Elise was curled up on the couch, her head on his shoulder, with his arm around her waist holding her close.

“I thought it might help to see the devil in person. What prompted you to start your project in the first place?”

She put a hand on his arm to keep it in place. “I was on a short break at work, sitting at the table thinking about our little Island society. You know, Ben, there are a lot of misconceptions about the Facility. It struck me there might be just as many about how North Island operates, even though they’re just across the channel. As far as I can tell no one’s ever compared the two systems, at something other than the economic level. There has to be more to the story than public funding versus private financing.”

Ben didn’t say anything right away. Should I allow her to keep going? That was his first thought, brought about by what he knew to be highly sensitive and conflicting opinions on the subject. He couldn’t see any harm in it, but it would be a controversial subject. “Are you going to write an article about what you find? Maybe publish it on a website?”

“That’s what I was thinking, sir, if I have your permission. I’ve never tried to write for an audience before, so it might not go very far. Haven’t you’ve had some medical papers accepted by journals? Maybe you could help me with the editing?”

Ben shook his head at that idea. “The last thing you want is to send in anything that remotely reads like an academic paper, especially a medical one. You’d lose your audience by the third paragraph.” He reached over and stroked her hair with his free hand. “I can help with spelling, grammar, and all those little nuances that aren’t caught by the word processor. You can continue, on the condition I approve the final draft, and if or when you submit it I want to be copied on all relevant emails.”

She snuggled further into his arm. “Thank you, sir. I really look forward to pursuing this. I have my own perspective but I need to figure out a way to get more insight on the other side, the brokerage system.” She unbuttoned his shirt and laid her hand on his chest. “Maybe, sir, if you come into contact with more patients from North Island, I thought you could arrange something? I know in research it’s always best to go to primary sources. I’m one, and I can use women I know from the Facility. I don’t know anyone who’s been through an auction. I’m not likely to encounter a primary source on South Island.” She started rubbing his chest.

Ben started laughing. “Ahhh, woman, I do believe you’re trying to seduce me. It’s working, by the way, so don’t stop. I’ll see what I can do, though it may take some time. I’ll let you use your own judgement about your friends, but I’ll have to coordinate it with their owners before you ask for help. Wait for me before bringing up the subject.”

“Yes, sir. I assumed you’d want to arrange it first. It involves personal details, so maybe a chance of perceived interference; better you handle it before me.”

Day 2


“So, Miss Manning, I’ve gone over your proposal with our business office on North Island. We have encountered this type of offer before, though I have to say it is a rare occurrence. You were very thorough in describing your terms and how the transaction might progress. I’m pleased to inform you Madsen Brokerage is interested and would like to move forward. However, primarily due to certain legal issues we are requesting some modifications to your proposal, based on our prior experience.”

Barbara faced the man speaking to her across a small but uncluttered desk. The nameplate identified him as Mr. Tsou, the office manager. She had come in expecting to be turned down; to her astonishment it now appeared as if they were willing to accept her proposition. Her low expectation of success had left her unprepared for the next step. It took a moment to gather her thoughts before answering.

“Thank you, sir. I’m flexible on the details. What are the changes? Would this start immediately?” She was careful to remain seated, hands folded in her lap, trying her best to make a good impression.

He glanced at his wristwatch. “It’s early in the day. Yes, we can begin right away. I’ll contact the office on North Island and tell them to proceed. They should get back to me tomorrow with the revisions. If there are no problems we can conclude business in two days. Is that too soon for you?”

That was a shock to Barbara. She had assumed it would take a week or more. The idea that in two days her life would be dramatically altered forced her to an immediate and irrevocable decision.

“No, sir. I’m willing to amend the contract with whatever modifications you require.” There it was, the moment she would remember the rest of her life. A few simple words that would commit her to a path from which there was no return.

“Fine, then on to what our lawyer requested. You cannot sell yourself directly to us, too many contractual pitfalls. However, we have a third party available to act as the middleman. You will, temporarily, become his property while here on South Island. It is to be registered as a standard, one year agreement and we can handle those details here, so you won’t need to visit a registration office. We will then purchase you from him as soon as the two of you arrive on North Island. Naturally the details of that portion of the transaction will not be made available to you. As far as you’re concerned, you board the ferry to North Island with this third party. When you arrive, your ownership will be transferred to the company and you will be taken to our place of business. None of these changes requires any effort on your part.”

It sounded reasonable, though she was unsure about the middleman. “Sir, what if this third party doesn’t complete the sale to you? Will I remain his property?”

Mr. Tsou nodded in approval. “A good question, you see the potential weak point. Rest assured we have a long-standing working arrangement in place with this gentleman to ensure that won’t happen. Again, since this will occur on North Island, I cannot disclose the details to you. I can assure you there has never been a problem with similar transfers in the past.” He stood up. “Do you still wish to proceed?”

It came down to whether or not she trusted them. This was the moment she had worked for, placing her life in the hands of men she didn’t know. One of those men would claim her, seize control, dictate orders she could not ignore. Her choices would be limited to submit or be punished for her intransigence.

“May I ask what the company will pay for me? I‘d like to know where I stand, vis à-vis North Island markets.”

Mr. Tsou shook his head. “Sorry, but that particular transaction will be between your temporary owner and the brokerage, on North Island. Since you will already be registered as property, naturally those details must be kept confidential.”

Barbara didn’t really expect an answer, but felt it was worth a try. It was ironic in a way; everyone would know what she was worth except herself. She stood up, facing him. “Yes, sir, I agree to the changes. What should I do now?” And there it was. The hard part was over; from this moment on someone else would pass judgement on her life. She would be told what was required of her. There would be no explanations, no further negotiations, and most important of all no refusals on her part.

“Be here at nine in the morning day after tomorrow. Bring your financial records, apartment lease, keys and passport. Put them all in your purse. Don’t bother with anything else; everything you need will be provided by us. We’ll take care of your apartment so don’t worry about it. Oh yes, no jewelry is allowed; leave it at home.”

Barbara didn’t miss the subtle shift in his tone of voice. He was issuing instructions, not conducting a polite conversation. That was quick, she thought. She told herself she shouldn’t be surprised. Living in a society where male domination was not only condoned but encouraged led to the obvious result. She had chosen to accept that authority; the sudden change was the natural consequence.  Do unto others as they expect to be treated, the pragmatic version of the Golden Rule. In a way Mr. Tsou was actually being polite in the way he altered his attitude toward her.

She had one more day on her own, the last for a very, very long time. At least she hoped it worked out that way. Two days from now she would no longer enjoy the freedom to make the kind of rash decisions she would likely regret. No, she told herself, don’t think that way. If she went into this with an expectation of disaster then that might well turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Her future master would be a decent man. He would be understanding, yet stubborn when it was needed. He would take care of her and in return she would serve him faithfully. That’s how it had to be.


“Elise? Come into the living room and sit down. Whatever you’re doing in the kitchen can wait.” Ben could see her moving around through the open kitchen door.

Elise took one last look at the two sets of cookware. Meat and milk, always keep them separate, she reminded herself. Mac and cheese with a spicy beef kielbasa sausage was one of his favorites for supper, but it was complicated by having to keep the meat and cheese separate. Ben liked to think of himself as “mostly” observant to stay kosher. For Elise it became far more important when he asked her to do the same. Not really asked, she reminded herself, more like ordered, but in a nice way.

Satisfied she’d kept the pans separate she wiped her hands on the dishrag and went into the living room. “Sorry, sir,” she explained, “I had to double check the pots and pans.” She sat down on the couch, facing Ben. Carefully she placed her hands on her knees, the way he expected.

As usual there was a silent pause while he took his time looking her over. Elise held still, waiting to see his look of approval, hoping he was satisfied that she got it right. When the pause stretched out longer than normal she began to worry something was wrong. She dare not move or speak but in her head she ran over all the little details that had to be in place when she sat down. What did I miss? That thought kept going around in her head while he continued to scrutinize her. She could see his eyes, sweeping up and down. Something had to be out of place.

She dare not look down at her hands but from feel alone she was positive they were in the right place. Nor was she slouching. Her back was straight as a yardstick; the Facility had taught her well in that respect. Always sit up straight, the voice of Mrs. Yates echoed. Public or private, you have a standard to uphold, never forget it.

What else could she have forgotten? Ben had made it crystal clear he expected nothing less than perfection. Willful disobedience, which was the phrase he used when he first ordered her to sit with hands on knees. To her that was a nightmare scenario; to even hear him accuse her would tear her heart out.

“I was wondering what goes on inside your head when you have to follow some particular rule I’ve set. You know I’m not bothered by push back on your part, if it’s valid. I’ve no monopoly on wisdom, so I depend on you to point out what I miss. Thing is, you never complain or ask for any changes. For example, you have to wear a uniform at work that went out of fashion fifty years ago, and on top of that I make you sit with your hands on your knees. You must get looks from people. Doesn’t it bother you?”

A wave of relief washed over Elise. He wasn’t mad or even annoyed with her, only curious. She was proud of the fact he never once punished her for serious disobedience. In fact, he rarely needed to discipline her, and even then it was only after she brought some small infraction to his attention.

Elise shook her head. “No sir, not at all. See, at the Facility one of the principles they drilled into us every day is that we aren’t responsible for our actions, providing we are faithfully obeying our masters. I do get those looks, but once they see the collar it’s obvious what’s going on. And sir? It’s more like sixty years for the uniform. Fifty years ago, mini-skirts were all the rage. I’d have to raise the hem line by quite a bit to keep up.

“Also, sir, I have to point out, in case you forgot you were very specific about forbidding any further discussion in both cases. Even if I had some issue, I wouldn’t bring it up. Aside from all that I really don’t have any complaints about how you treat me, Ben. I see the way you look at me in that nurse’s uniform, and I don’t miss those sideways glances checking on how I’m sitting.

“If it’s important to you, then it’s just as important to me to get it right every time, sir. That’s what’s in my head, doing my best for you. If you want me to show up at work dressed as a circus clown, I’d look for a big red nose online. Though I have to admit I’d much prefer the outdated nurse’s uniform. And if you order me to sit on my hands, I wouldn’t hesitate to do that too, even if it looks silly.”

Ben laughed. “I’m afraid our patients might have some serious concerns about our competency if their nurse showed up dressed like a clown. Nor would sitting on your hands inspire confidence.” He leaned forward in his chair. “When I specify no discussion there’s a reason. Not a very good one though, from your perspective. It means I’m not going to be persuaded to reconsider; you have to live with whatever I want. There are no deep, hidden meanings within some subtle context. I’m being selfish, pure and simple. You should be aware that when I ban discussion you can still come to me if unforeseen problems arise that you can’t manage on your own.”

“Thank you for leaving open the back door, sir. It hasn’t come to that yet but I worry about what might happen if it proves impossible to obey you.” She looked down at her hands then up at Ben again. “I don’t suppose tired arms qualify as a reason…”

“No, they don’t,” Ben interrupted. “Keep your hands on those knees. Hmm, is any of this going to creep into your project? Seems to me the worldview the Facility forces on you has some bearing.”

Elise nodded, “Oh yes, sir, it will. I wouldn’t describe it as forced, more like persuasion through education.” Something had been nagging at her. “Ben? Should I have asked you for permission before I started on my research? At first it was only feeding a little intellectual curiosity, but it sort of grew into something bigger.”

He didn’t answer right way. She saw the way he stared off into space, deep in thought. “I’ve never limited your Internet access for a reason. I’ve done it myself, go searching for something and get sidetracked into exploring a different subject. I want you to be able to do the same. No, you didn’t have to ask for permission, as long as it was only scratching that curiosity itch. But,” he leaned forward to place one hand over hers, “once you go beyond that then yes, I want to know. You handled it correctly.”

Ben stood up. “One more thing, day after tomorrow we’re taking a trip to North Island. It’ll give you a chance to see how the other half lives, as you phrased it.”

His unexpected announcement caught her by surprise. “Is there a medical matter, sir? Should I wear my uniform?”

“No, only a day trip, strictly for fun. You’ve never been there, right?”

“No, sir. Other than the Facility I’ve never been off South Island since I arrived. Uhh, Ben? Is it true they take aside the women before going on the ferry? I read there’s a law here about a right to refuse to go.”

Ben nodded. “That’s true, in most cases. Regardless of status on South Island all women are legally classed as property over there, and it remains in effect until they leave, no time limits. It’s nothing that concerns you though. You’re already in a lifetime commitment, owned by me, so going to North Island isn’t a change for you. About all you may notice are a few more restrictions. Not that I have to remind you, but be on your best behavior while there.”

“Of course, Ben, I don’t want to embarrass you. From what I’ve read I should fit right in.” Elise caught herself. Have I changed that much? She looked at Ben, wondering if he knew how much she depended on him. I belong to him, and I never want him to let go. Going to North Island changed nothing; he was still her master, and she’d do anything for him.

“I took Ray Madsen up on his invitation to visit his business. You’ll get to see for yourself what a hellhole of depravity and cruelty a North Island brokerage really is, up close and personal. He did make one request concerning you, and I agreed to it.” He left off with no further explanation.

Elise waited patiently, knowing he was deliberately teasing. “Okay, sir, I give up. What is it I have to do? Does it involve a clown suit after all?” They’d played this game many times. A little jab of her own was usually enough to pry the rest out of him.

Ben held up his hands. “You are getting too good at reading me. Actually, it’s somewhat of a unique situation. If you were seen walking around the brokerage, wearing a Facility collar, all kinds of rumors would start spreading within minutes. Denying them would only make it worse. So, he asked if you could wear a plain collar for the trip. Along with that you are not to mention any association with the Facility or your project while there.”

Without thinking she raised a hand to the band around her neck. It had become such a ubiquitous part of her life that she barely paid attention to it during her day. It never came off. Even in the operating room there was a cover around her neck to keep any latent bacteria on the collar from contaminating the theater. She had worked hard at the Facility to earn that collar and was justifiably proud of her accomplishment. The prospect that Ben would remove it left her scared and confused.

“Don’t panic, it’s only temporary. I ordered a regular collar today with your registration stamped on it so you’ll be legal. It should be ready tomorrow afternoon. As soon as we’re done and back home your Facility collar goes back on.” Ben stopped, frowning. “And now perhaps you might explain why that hand isn’t on your knee?”

Day 3

And Karen Makes Three

Karen watched the scenery pass by from the side window of the van while the driver negotiated the twisty road up the hillside. From the heights she could just make out South Island on the horizon. The water in the channel between the South and North Islands was a deep, clear blue. The morning was calm, no wind, creating what looked like a sheet of glass. The scenery was a breathtaking sight, which meant the neighborhood must be premium real estate. The van stopped in front of one of the houses on the hill facing the channel.

Karen had started her adventure, if it could be called that, over on that island across the channel. So close, but it might as well be half a world away now. It was her own fault she wound up here on O Norte, better known as North Island to the locals, the place everyone had warned her not to ever visit. It hadn’t been by choice, at least not her choice. For several years now she had to rely on someone else deciding what was best for her. It was the price she paid for the privilege of wearing a collar. Those years hadn’t always turned out for the best but overall she had no regrets, except for the last year.

She turned to look at her new home. Karen was seated next to the van door so if the driver followed the usual last in, first out routine there was a good chance this was her stop. It was a nice-looking place, large and expensive, in an obviously upscale section of town. That had to be a good omen. She knew nothing about the man who had bought her, which made whatever she could learn about him all the more important. Until an hour ago she wasn’t aware she’d been sold, and now she was being delivered to him.

The collar around her neck felt particularly heavy this morning. She should be used to it by now, after so many years seeing it in the mirror. Women could be owned on South Island, but not bought and sold. That was the law on most of the archipelago surrounding Isla Del Sur. North Island was a glaring exception, and depending on perspective not for the better. Every female on the island, no exceptions, belonged to some man. No trial periods, no gradual progression to test for compatibility. Here the only relationship was permanent possession without any limitations, for a lifetime. Karen had about as many legal rights as a kitchen appliance. And like a toaster she could be bought and sold at the whim of whoever happened to be her master.

Handcuffs were fastened on her wrists, locking them behind her back. But that wasn’t enough. Her ankles were imprisoned close together by leg irons fastened to the floor of the van. The seat belt and shoulder strap made sure she stayed in her place. Karen knew the restraints were standard practice for high end delivery services all over the island. She had no intention of running away but that didn’t make any difference. Company insurance required it, according to the standard speech delivered by the driver when he put them in the van, though she had her doubts the requirement was real. He made it a point to emphasize no exceptions were ever made.

The driver pulled open the van’s side door. Through the security grill she saw him reach for the key ring on his belt. Idly she wondered what it would be like to be the one with the keys, instead of wearing the chains. Karen had plenty of experience with the latter, and none with the former. It was no more than a flight of fancy, since her status guaranteed she wasn’t going to be holding that keyring in her hand for the foreseeable future.

He unlocked the gate to the rear compartment and swung it open. Inside Karen and two other women waited in silence. The driver had ordered them to sit quietly, no talking allowed. At least she was the first on his delivery schedule, so she wouldn’t have to wait in the van half the morning. He reached in, released her seat belt with a key and pushed her forward so he could check the handcuffs behind her back. Satisfied she hadn’t broken free he reached down to unlock her ankles. She could tell he’d been doing this for some time. Even if there was no risk of her trying to run away he still took security seriously.

“Okay, let’s go,” he told her. Awkwardly Karen leaned forward, arms behind her back. With his help she managed to turn sideways and step out of the van. As soon as she was on the driveway, he turned her to face the front passenger door. “Stay there,” he ordered. Karen knew the drill, stare straight ahead and don’t move. He closed the security grill, locking it before he pulled shut the van door.

Karen didn’t have any idea of what lay in her future, but she reminded herself it couldn’t be any worse than the place she’d left behind. The discount brokerage was just that, a cheap place to warehouse and trade commodities, female commodities in her case. Operating costs had to be competitive, which meant spare every expense for the upkeep of the merchandise. She was the merchandise.

With a hand on her upper arm, he led her up the path to the front porch. At the door the driver turned Karen to face the wall. “Stay there,” was his crisp command. Keeping one hand on her back he pushed the button for the doorbell.

It didn’t take long for someone to answer. When the door opened Karen heard a woman’s voice. “Can I help you, sir?”

“I have a delivery for James Lassen. Is he available?” Karen finally learned the name of her new owner, a precious bit of information. It wasn’t a name she recognized, though that didn’t mean much.

“I’m sorry, sir, but my master isn’t home right now. My name is Jeanne. I was told I could accept the delivery today.” There was another bit of information. He already owned at least one other woman. North Island was infamous for that law too. Everywhere else the ratio was one man as master of one woman, except on religious grounds. On North Island laws set the limit at four women, with an exemption for commercial ventures.

The driver let go of her in order to pull out a phone from his belt holder. He scrolled down to her entry. “Okay, here it is. Yes, you can take delivery, but I’ll need the phrase for authentication purposes.”

“Three little fishes, sir. That’s what my master instructed me to use,” the woman replied. That was an obscure reference to a very old song, but one Karen recognized. Maybe her new owner had a preference for pop songs from the 1940s. She was slowly gathering information about the man who now controlled her life. What a fondness for old Big Band era novelty songs said about him was a puzzle.

A moment later Karen felt the handcuffs come off when the driver released her. “That’s correct. You,” he took hold of her arm, “will stay in the house until your master arrives. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” she answered. Roughly the driver shoved her toward the door. Karen finally saw the woman, two actually, standing inside the door. Both wore some type of uniform, identical white sleeveless blouses and knee length dark blue skirts. Neither of them wore shoes or any jewelry. Their status in the house was obvious once she saw the collars around their necks, matching the one she wore.

“Come on in, and welcome to our…your new home. My name’s Jeanne and this is Anna.” The one named Jeanne closed the door behind Karen. Through the front window Karen watched the driver get into his van. “Those delivery guys can be real,” Jeanne paused, “uhh, businesslike. I hope you weren’t at the end of his route.”

Karen rubbed her wrists where the cuffs had left marks. “No, I got lucky. This was his first stop. Anyway, I have no idea what’s going on. I assume this house is where my new master lives? I hope you know more than I do.”

Jeanne nodded, “Don’t worry. We were told to expect you. Master left instructions to make sure you’re familiar with the basics before he comes home. But before we go any further the first thing is to get you out of those clothes and into your day uniform. Master is very insistent about what we wear.”

Karen hesitated. “I wasn’t given anything other than this brokerage house dress. I don’t have any clothes.”

Anna spoke up. “Master had us order you a few things to start. The brokerage supplied your size so I hope they fit. You’ll find some uniforms in your closet. I apologize for going into your room but I had to hang them up in your closet, master’s orders. I can show you the way.”

Her room, not a tiny cell or even worse a cramped cage deliberately designed to make the occupant miserable; those words seemed to promise something far better than her own experience for the last year. And why had Anna offered an apology?

Jeanne added, “Why don’t you go with Anna? You have time if you want to take a shower too. I have to notify master you’re here.”

“Before you go, can I ask a question? The three little fishes, wasn’t that a song? Are we those three little fish?” In the song they defy their mother and swim over the dam, out to sea.

Both Jeanne and Anna laughed. Jeanne answered, “I’m surprised you recognized it. Master likes those old 1940’s pop songs, especially Kay Kyser. Not my first choice for music, maybe it’s an acquired taste. Good news is he doesn’t make us listen to it. Yeah, in a sense we are the three little fishes, except we better not swim over that dam, which for us is the front door.”

“I hope you like old movies,” Anna told her. “Master watches them often, though he usually doesn’t require us to sit through them with him. You’ll notice there are some similarities between what we’re allowed to wear and those movies. It’s a clue to his preferences, something I’m sure you’d like to know.”

More clues to his personality: old movies and old music. Maybe he was one of those throwbacks to the days when men were men and women stayed in the kitchen. The uniform the two women wore was reminiscent of casual early 1960s. For a moment she had a nightmare vision of a life spent binge watching Leave It To Beaver and Father Knows Best day after day on TV, in between sessions listening to Nat King Cole and Lawrence Welk records. Bad as a master from hell might be it could always get worse.

Private Rooms

“Each of us has her own bedroom,” Anna explained while they made their way down the hall. “We sort of have an understanding between ourselves that we never go into each other’s room unless invited, or if master orders it, obviously. Again, I apologize for going into your room today but master told me to put your clothes away.” That explained her apology, though Karen didn’t see the need for one.

To Karen a personal room was quite a luxury, especially in comparison to the crowded dormitory cells at the brokerage house. “We all have separate rooms, no sharing?” she asked. It sounded too good to be true.

“Yes, we do,” Anna explained. “Master treats us very well. He even allows each of us our own private laptop and phone. You can use the laptop to stream TV channels or movies, by the way. Master does restrict what we can access on the Internet, and he always checks our email and phone use, but I’m sure you’re used to that. Each room has a bathroom too. You can ask him for anything you need, although some items are forbidden. Don’t worry about that either. If it’s not allowed, he’ll let you know, and that’s it. But remember not to ask a second time.”

Anna stopped in front of a closed door. “This is your room. One thing to know, we do have to keep our rooms clean. Master is insistent about that, and by insistent I mean borderline obsessive. He checks them often, at least once every morning and again at bedtime, but don’t count on that being the only times. He doesn’t notify us in advance, so make sure it’s always presentable. And naturally he enters our rooms any time he wishes.” When Karen hesitated Anna added, “You should open the door, since it’s your room.”

Karen was pleasantly surprised by what she saw. The room was spacious, with a bed, chairs and a desk with laptop and mobile phone. “This door is your closet. I stocked it with your day uniforms to get you started. Master will give you permission to shop for more clothes. And that door is the bathroom. Don’t touch the computer or phone until master says it’s okay.”

Anna turned to point at other rooms in the hallway. “I’m next to you, and Jeanne is across the way. Master’s home office, his den, is next to Jeanne, and the master bedroom is at the end of the hallway.” Anna gestured toward the closed door at the end of the corridor. “We must have permission to go in his room. His office is always off limits, plus the garage, attic and basement. Whatever you do never go into any of those places unless he gives you permission; it’s guaranteed to earn you weeks of misery if you’re caught out of bounds. You can go anywhere else inside the house. Don’t ever go outside, not even the back yard, unless master is with you.”

Karen examined the door to her room. It was a plain wooden door, with no lock. “How does master secure us at night?” she asked. “Does he chain us to the bed, or tie us down?” At the Center they had to wear rigid steel cuffs around their ankles at night, which made it impossible to walk. The cuffs in turn were chained to the foot of the bunk. If anyone needed to get up the roving patrol guard had to release them first.

Anna looked at her with a strange expression. “Nothing like that, but we aren’t allowed to leave our rooms after bedtime. Never open your door or leave your room without master’s approval. Umm…” Anna hesitated, “if you are spending the night with master he may restrain you. He likes it when we’re helpless, if you know what I mean.”

Karen got the message. Her new master was a control freak when it came to having sex too. From her experience that wasn’t unusual. In fact, not being in control helped her to relax and enjoy the experience all the more. That did bring up an obvious question. “What about sleeping arrangements? Does he pick one of us each night, is there a schedule, or what?”

Anna shrugged. “Well, he does whatever he wants. Most of the time he leaves it up to us to come up with a rotation, but there are times he’ll decide instead. And on rare occasions he may wake up late at night and come to one of our rooms. I can tell you he doesn’t seem to play favorites between Jeanne and me, so I assume he’ll continue with what’s in place. You do have to be careful about trying to get him to pick you more often. He is very conscientious about not showing any favoritism. We have to be diligent about that too. Even if it’s unintentional any appearance of trying to win some special favor from him ends up with someone, or all of us, being disciplined for it.”

That sounded promising to Karen. If what Anna told her was true, she was starting out on an equal footing with the other two. From what she knew in this type of situation the new arrival was usually at the bottom of the social order. They still had a significant advantage over her, since they’d had the opportunity to learn all about him. Time would take care of that problem.

“Okay,” Anna continued, “why don’t you go ahead and get cleaned up. Your uniform is in here,” she opened the closet door, “and underwear is in your chest of drawers. Take your time. After all, you want to make a good impression for master when he comes home.”

Karen’s first thought was that perhaps Anna and Jeanne were more concerned with how he would judge their efforts than how well she impressed him. It’s in their best interest to see I’m at my best, she thought, watching Anna close the door when she left. Karen turned back to the closet. There were four outfits, all the identical top and skirt combination the other women wore. On the closet floor were two pairs of shoes but both Jeanne and Anna were barefoot. For now, she’d stay with what she’d seen.

It could always be worse, she reminded herself. There had been occasions she had no clothes at all, for weeks at a time. She headed for the shower, stripping off the brokerage dress on the way. Just as she started to climb in, she suddenly stopped, staring at the brokerage dress lying on the floor. Sighing she got back out of the shower to pick it up and toss it in the dirty clothes hamper. Her new master expected a tidy room.

All for One

The three women gathered around the kitchen table, fresh coffee at hand. Karen now wore the same uniform as Anna and Jeanne. “We don’t have a lot of time before master comes home, so I’ll run through what’s most important. I’m sure he’ll spend some personal time with you to explain what he requires, but for now you should be okay as long as you demonstrate you’re learning the house rules.” That came from the older one, Jeanne. Karen noticed she seemed to be the one who did most of the talking.

“So, from what you’ve said so far I get the idea that we refer to our owner as ‘master’, and he likes things done a certain way.” Karen accepted these were new circumstances, one where she had to learn fast. It wasn’t the first time she’d arrived at a new owner’s house without any preparation.

Anna confirmed her impression. “When you say ‘like’, change it to ‘demands’. Although for us, I’m not sure there’s a difference. And yes, we should always refer to him as master, public or private, even when we’re alone. You can also use ‘sir’ when you’re speaking to him directly. Of course, for us all men are addressed as ‘sir’, you already know that. Be careful about that, by the way. You have to get it right every time. He gets very upset if you forget.”

Karen did know that much. It was a law that applied to all women who wore a collar, on all the islands. She didn’t have to be concerned about that particular rule since it was a long-established habit. The intent behind the law was to reinforce respect for authority, a core principle for their male-dominated society.

Jeanne went on. “If you haven’t guessed by now, master is very much the hands-on type when it comes to how he manages us. He enjoys telling us what to do, and especially seeing us obey him. Remember this: never question his commands and whatever he says, do it immediately to the best of your ability. He’s not cruel or mean, and slow to anger, but he won’t tolerate any hint of disobedience. Break one of his rules and he, well, overreacts is a mild way to describe it. The penalty far exceeds the nature of the crime.”

“And it won’t be only you who gets punished,” Anna added. “You’ll hear this from him too, how he wants us to support each other. What that really means is what he calls collective responsibility. If I don’t comb my hair in the morning, or Jeanne has a spot on her skirt, or you left a dishcloth on the kitchen counter, then he holds us all to blame for not checking on each other.”

Karen saw the problem immediately. “You’re both worried about me, that you’ll be included in something I did because I’m new and liable to make mistakes?”

They both nodded in agreement. Jeanne explained, “Sorry, but yes. I’m not exaggerating about what annoys him. The two of us, we’ve been here long enough to avoid the serious blunders. But as you say, you’re new, you don’t know. If you cross the line, irritate him, we’ll suffer for it too. You can understand there’s a lot of pressure on us to educate you on what he expects as fast as possible.”

Karen smiled, “I get it. All for one, like the Three Musketeers.” She put a hand on her skirt. “That’s why you wanted me to change right away? This uniform, it’s important?”

Anna answered that one. “Every one of master’s rules is important. Our day uniform, what we have on now, is mandatory, as in it’s what we wear every single day. Make sure you always have a clean spare in your closet, in case you spill something on the one you have on. Don’t ask me to explain why, but he’s very particular about seeing us dress this way. Don’t ever vary from the uniform without permission. Anything at all out of place and we’ll all get a reprimand, or worse.

“So you know what to anticipate, in the morning we have our individual inspections before he leaves for work, and in the evening a group review when he gets home. Make sure you’re ready both times, because he doesn’t hurry and he doesn’t miss much, especially with appearance. When he asks you tonight, be sure to tell him you changed as soon as you arrived. He’ll appreciate that.”

Her new owner was strict, and detail oriented. Karen would have to remember to be careful. From what they were telling her he expected perfection, or close to it. She had an uneasy feeling that her future was not going to be as easy as she first hoped.

“Another thing you have to know,” Jeanne began, “is that we are required to report any rule infractions to master as soon as possible. Not just my own, but for any of us. If I see you or Anna do something wrong, I have to inform master. If you see me or Anna break a rule then you must do the same. I don’t like it, but his orders are clear and unambiguous on this. We don’t have any discretion, no matter how trivial it may be. What it comes down to is there’s no leeway for any of us. You have to be scrupulous in following his commands every minute of the day. Never complain or joke about the rules, no matter how much you might hate one of them. We can discuss the rules, but it has to be about the best way to meet what you might call both the letter and spirit of the law. Never criticize or be disrespectful in any way about what he wants from us. Believe me, even if I feel the same way I certainly don’t want to hear it, because of what I’d have to do later.”

Anna nodded in agreement. “There’s nothing worse than when I have to tell master about some inadvertent mistake where Jeanne broke a rule. Over the next few weeks, you’re going to hear us explaining the right way to do some particular chore he assigns to you. That’s right as in the way he expects it to be done, not us. Don’t get mad; we have to stop you from doing something we’d otherwise have to report to master later on.”

“Okay,” Karen nodded, “I get it. I don’t want to be the cause of any trouble.” She’d have to trust them to be honest with her. It would be easy for either of them to make her look bad, but she saw that path had substantial risks. Her opinion of the man in their lives went up; he’d come up with a system that discouraged petty jealousies.

“You’ve noticed the little details are critical? He watches all of us, checking to make sure we do exactly what he expects. Take your uniform, for example.” Jeanne straightened out her skirt so that it lay across her legs. “The width of two fingers above your knees, that’s where your skirt must be when you are sitting down.” She placed two fingers on her knee to illustrate her point. “See? Make sure you check it before he gets home, and every morning before room inspection. And your blouse? The top two buttons must be open. Get it wrong and he takes away your clothes, for at least a week, sometimes longer. If he’s in a bad mood we all lose privileges.”

Karen looked out the kitchen window into the yard. Just her luck, to be bought by a man obsessed with perfection. She’d never had an owner like that but she’d heard stories. Wholly unrealistic demands, heavy punishment for even the smallest of mistakes, all coming together to fester into a constant fear of failure, while spending every minute of the day making sure some obscure rule hadn’t been broken by accident.

“I can guess what you’re thinking,” Anna began. “The first day I was scared to death master would jump all over me. It’s not that bad, really. There are a few things he insists on, but otherwise he doesn’t go to extremes.”

“It really comes down to three categories overall,” Jeanne added. “We call them the three A’s: appearance, address, and attitude. Appearance is mostly our uniforms and there he does demand perfection. Address, that means we speak in a respectful way that acknowledges he’s in charge, and that respect extends to his rules and instructions for us. He has only two names, master and sir, as far as we’re concerned. And last is attitude, which is how we behave, based on the principle that we are his property. If you really want to ruin your future here, all you have to do is disregard one of those A’s. Get all three right, and there really isn’t much else to be concerned about.”

Karen could live with wearing clothes that went out of style in 1964. All that was lacking was the hideous pillbox hat, fake pearl necklace and matching gloves. At least he preferred the early part of the decade and not the miniskirts and “go-go” boots that followed. Given her choice of lifestyle she was certainly accustomed to being ordered around. What truly gave her hope were the two women in front of her. By all appearances neither had the haggard, fearful, beat down look that comes with a master from hell.

The last one, attitude, she had to think about what it meant. Her new master would have a different idea of how she should behave, how she looked at the world, compared to her own mindset. She could change, but it took time to adapt to a new environment. Hopefully he understood changes did not happen overnight.

“When you say attitude, what exactly do you mean?” Karen reached up to touch her collar. “I’m well aware I belong to him. Master is in charge, and that won’t ever change.”

Jeanne leaned forward, an intense look on her face. “It’s so much more than that!” She tapped the side of her head with a finger. “He lives inside here, constantly observing and listening, reminding me of the dos and don’ts, guiding me through the day. Master is my life; I’d be lost without him.”

It was clear Jeanne was serious about her personal dedication to their common owner. From the first moment she wore the collar Karen accepted the fact she must depend on the man who owned her. It wasn’t an option; laws were in place to enforce his rights over her. Even so, Jeanne’s explanation went beyond what she expected.

“I know that came across as a bit on the fanatical side,” Jeanne continued, “but the question of attitude is very important to me. Judging by the surprised look on your face you aren’t quite as, umm, focused? Anna feels the same way as you, although she’ll deny it. I can live with that, as long as you stay within our boundaries. The way I see it, each of us has to come to terms with how we see our master in our own way. For me, it’s very clear, black and white, no grey areas. I will never, ever question his judgement, and if you or Anna can’t do the same, well, I don’t want to hear it or see it.”

The ferocity of that little speech left no doubt in Karen’s mind as to Jeanne’s opinion of their master. In a way she envied Jeanne’s passionate devotion even though it bordered on extremism. Life would be so simple if she too could place all her trust in one man without question. Experience had taught Karen the world did not operate in such simple terms, no matter how appealing the wishful thinking.

“Since we’re on attitude, there is something else you should know.” Anna and Jeanne exchanged glances. Karen didn’t miss the slight frown of disapproval on Jeanne’s part but she didn’t voice any objections to whatever Anna was about to reveal.

“This isn’t anything to do with master’s rules, at least not directly. It’s more about insight we’ve,” Anna nodded toward Jeanne, “gathered over the last few years. You’ll see it yourself after a while. What it comes down to, master is extremely possessive. And when I say extreme, it’s not an exaggeration; more of an understatement, really.”

That didn’t surprise Karen at all. Virtually every dominant man she’d known had shown some streak of the desire to own and control a woman. She’d be disappointed if her new master didn’t have that same drive.

“I can guess what you’re thinking, what’s the big deal?” Anna continued. “When you see that look in his eyes after he lines us up for inspection you’ll understand. There are times we have to kneel in front of him for ten minutes or more, in silence, while he stares at us, not saying a word. It’s a look that says we are his property in every sense, and he won’t ever tire of it. It gets into your head; the man in front of you has a hold you can’t shake off. That’s where the attitude really comes from.”


“Ray? I thought you might like to see this email. It came in from the office on South Island. It’s an unusual case but not complicated. I know you like to review outliers like this.” That was from Les Unger, Operations Manager for Madsen Brokerage.

Ray Madsen had built his trading house from scratch into one of the largest and most respected brokerages on North Island. He personally saw to it the women who passed through his doors were well-treated, regardless of past history. His business reputation was built on both quality and decency, qualities which were occasionally lacking in some of his competitors. As sole owner he answered to no one, aside from his conscience, for the way he chose to run his business.

That didn’t exempt him from the disapproval of a large slice of Island society. While South Island did institutionalize the ownership of women as property there were numerous restrictions imposed to avoid abuses. That includes monogamous agreements, with some exceptions on religious grounds, and critically did not allow women to be sold. The malcontents who didn’t agree with those edicts had set up their own system on North Island. A natural consequence of truly unlimited ownership rights led to the formation of commercial trading companies, with the commodity being women.

He picked up the sheet of paper Les handed him. After reading it over he looked up. “Is this for real? She’s selling herself to us, and there’s no one else involved? Is she aware that whatever payment we make to complete the transaction will come right back to us?” The arrangement made no financial sense.

Les nodded. “Yeah, that’s the odd part of it. Tsou explained it all to her in detail, but she still insisted that was her offer, take it or leave it. So he went ahead and accepted, with some changes. All we’re out here is the overhead for an inter-island transfer. He’s set up the usual arrangement for late tomorrow afternoon at the ferry terminal. I guess he didn’t want to give her time to reconsider.”

Ray laughed. “Sounds like Tsou, always angling for a bigger bonus. Well, if it’s what she wants let it go through.” He paused for a moment, thinking. “Let’s divert her to the value-added program when she gets here, instead of a quick auction. This one has piqued my curiosity. I want to see if she has exceptional qualities in other areas as well as her unique style of negotiation. Make sure I get copied on her evaluation.”

Les stood up, but before turning to leave he warned, “You know, she might be some kind of mental case. We could wind up with a net liability if she has to be committed to an asylum.”

Ray thought about the implications. The brokerage was liable for any medical issues, even mental illness, once they took possession. “What was Tsou’s impression? Was she rational, any signs we should decline?”

Les shook his head. “His impression is she’s competent. When they discussed her proposal she provided well-researched backup to support her points, and she didn’t go off track when he criticized some of her conclusions. No paranoia, no single-minded fixations, nothing that would raise red flags for us. His comment was she was determined to sell herself, which could be construed as a bit on the odd side, but not something that would classify her as unbalanced. At least, unbalanced by Island standards.”

Ray shrugged. “I suppose we’ll find out soon enough. Okay, arrange one of your stress tests and we’ll see what happens. If she freaks out we’ll have her examined by an expert.”

When Les began to stand up to leave Ray waved him back down. “While you’re here there’s one other matter you need to know about. I had a request yesterday, sort of a favor for someone I know. We’re going to receive another new arrival tomorrow. This will be a special case, one I’ll oversee personally. Let me explain…”

After finishing with Les, Ray leaned back in his chair and picked up the copy of Barbara’s original proposal. Well-written, laid out in logical progression with careful attention to the legal details, the document wasn’t some aimless rant from an unstable personality. There were some flaws which could open doors for legal action after the fact, but it was unlikely she would recognize them unless she was an Island legal expert. Tsou would see to it those were fixed. He was curious to find out why she had decided to approach his brokerage, and just what she thought the outcome might be. He looked forward to meeting her in person.


Even though he was eager to leave Jim Lassen waited until the end of the day to close the office and drive home. He was careful to arrange his arrival to be at a specific time every day. His women counted on it, organized their day around it. He had obligations too, in particular being consistent and predictable. Jeanne and Anna would need every minute available today. He smiled, imagining the frantic effort going on right now to prepare Karen for evening inspection.

Not everyone was impressed by his policy of collective responsibility. He’d debated the subject at lunch with several friends over the past few years. Perhaps it was unfair, but it did produce the kind of results he wanted. How well would it function with three instead of two? That was a question he couldn’t answer just yet. The first hint would be the success, or failure, of this evening’s inspection.

When he began the twice-daily inspections, he’d had some reservations. Was he being overly selfish, placing too many demands on them, creating an atmosphere of anxiety to no one’s benefit? Fortunately, that situation never came to pass. After some changes the reviews became fixed points, their daily responsibilities, and he saw to it they knew exactly what had to be done and made sure they had enough time to finish. His part was equally demanding, checking the small details every single day, making sure they didn’t become lazy or careless. They needed to know their efforts were noticed and appreciated. That was especially true for Jeanne. She lived for the accountability, to prove to him on a daily basis she met his standards.

He settled on the combination of an individual check each morning in their rooms and a group meeting when he came home. Jim wanted them to concentrate on the positives, individual accomplishment in the morning, and success as a group in the evening. They were encouraged to work together instead of argue, but also to excel at the personal level. There had been endless complaints at first, some valid, others masquerading as excuses to dodge the hard work. He listened to the valid ones, made changes when appropriate. For the rest he had to rely on discipline. That was part of his job too.

Today was special because it marked a major milestone in his life. Early on he had set a personal goal of owning three women. It hadn’t been easy. To start he had to build a business to support them financially. Then he had to acquire the right ones while gaining the experience to manage them. That had proven to be far more difficult.

There had been two failures before he found Jeanne. Both times he had to admit defeat and sell them, a crushing blow to his ego though it was in the best interests for all concerned. In retrospect he saw it as a learning experience, though he still felt remorse at the outcome. With Jeanne and later on Anna he gained the experience necessary to avoid the mistakes that plagued his early attempts. The addition of Karen would put his methods to the test, either proving he had the skills to handle all three of them successfully, or if she would be the straw to break the camel’s back, dragging down all of them into chaos.

Jim’s dream was to forge tight emotional bonds between everyone, building a core family that would withstand any external force that could possibly drive them apart. It was a daunting undertaking but one he approached with a determined attitude. In his mind failure was not an option. Whatever it took to get there, the result was all that mattered.

Am I up to this? There was always that nagging bit of doubt trying to sneak in. Mentally he pushed it aside. He’d done his due diligence, carefully studying Karen’s background: the reports from her stay at the Disciplinary Center; and the available history with men who’d owned her in the past. On the surface choosing her seemed to be based on ambiguous indicators, in the sense there was nothing compelling to select her and quite a few to discourage it. Yet he sensed there was far more to her than what was in her written record.

There was always the question of how well she’d get along with Jeanne and Anna. If it didn’t work out, despite his best efforts, he’d cut his losses and get rid of Karen. It would be a brutal decision, if the worst came to be, but he would not sacrifice the other two to accommodate her. Anna and Jeanne had rightfully earned his trust; if it came to choosing between them and Karen there was no question who would win and who would lose.

Jim put aside that particular outcome. It was a worst case that might never happen, and he should be able to see trouble coming and put a quick stop to it. Best case Karen would understand the need to fit in and work with everyone to make the pragmatic adjustments for peaceful coexistence. His impression of her was of a woman who could do just that. She had to appreciate the opportunity he represented wasn’t likely to ever come her way again.

Master’s Home

The three women gathered in the living room in anticipation of their master’s arrival. Anna showed Karen how to prepare for the evening inspection, while Jeanne stood in front, behind his chair, to evaluate the presentation, making small corrections to ensure Karen got it right. Jeanne didn’t sit in their master’s chair; that was off limits for all of them. Instead, she leaned forward to get his viewpoint. “No, knees are close together but slightly apart, not touching. Pay attention to that. It’s one of the details he looks for,” Jeanne explained. “Your fingers should be together, no gaps, and hands must be crossed at right angles. Watch how Anna does it.”

Karen looked down, making the changes according to Jeanne’s suggestions. No question in her mind now; her new owner had very high requirements in some respects. After one last glance at Anna to see if she missed anything else Karen straightened up and stared straight ahead.

“Much better,” Jeanne told her. “I can’t see anything wrong. Remember, if he asks a question do not look at him when you answer. Always look straight ahead unless he tells you otherwise. And don’t move until he says the inspection is over. For now, wait for us to get up first, until you get the timing down.” She glanced at the clock behind them. “Master should be home any minute, so just stay where you are. We’re supposed to line up at a specific time, unless he calls and changes it. No more talking either. We’ll have to wait for him before we continue.”

Jeanne joined them on the floor. The group knelt in silence, waiting for their master to arrive. It wasn’t long before Karen heard the garage door opening. The moment had arrived when she would finally meet the man who would run her life from now on. This would be his first impression. She felt the pressure to do her best.

Karen heard the kitchen door from the garage open and close. He came into the room behind them. She could sense him walking back and forth, looking them over. They weren’t exaggerating, she thought, this really is an inspection. He continued by coming around to face them.

His first stop was directly in front of Jeanne. From the corner of her eye Karen could see him, hands on his hips. A step to the side and he was in front of Anna. Another step and he was in front of her. Karen held her breath, terrified she would make a mistake and bring down some terrible punishment on all three of them.

He crouched down, looking her straight in the eye. “You are allowed to breathe, in case they forgot to tell you. I don’t want you turning blue and passing out.” He stood up and went to his chair. Embarrassed, she took a deep breath.

“So, Karen, how’s the first day been for you?”

Do not move your head, Karen remembered, staring straight ahead when she replied. “A busy one, master.” It felt strange, acknowledging a man she’d just met to be her owner. “Jeanne and Anna have been helping me all day. Sir, I should tell you that I was wearing the brokerage dress in the house, when I first arrived. I did change as soon as possible.” His first question was expected. She’d rehearsed her answer with the other two beforehand.

He didn’t react at first. Karen waited, hoping she’d got it right. “You do understand the uniform is important?” Although she couldn’t look at him directly, she did see a frown cross his face. “You had no way to avoid the infraction, so I’ll overlook it this time.” He stood up again and began pacing back and forth in front of the three of them. “Some of my rules will seem a bit peculiar to you, Karen, even harsh and unreasonable, but I have my reasons. Often the explanation is simple: I’m quite selfish, meaning the three of you are restricted to the day uniform because I want to see you dressed that way. You should know I enjoy the power I have to force you to comply with whatever appeals to me. I can do that because I own all of you.” He walked back to his chair and sat down. “I make no apologies for it. It’s who I am; you will change to accommodate me.”

Describing him as a control freak was an understatement, Karen thought. Pleasing him was not going to be a simple task since they had to essentially be perfect just to start. How to go beyond that would be a challenge.

“Anna? Is there anything you need to tell me?” The other two women hadn’t been joking about the self-policing either. Karen waited to hear what they would say about her.

“Yes, sir,” Anna began. “I was late in putting away Karen’s clothes when they were delivered this morning. I had neglected to dust the closet yesterday, so I had to do that first. Also, master, I must confirm Karen was not in uniform when she first entered the house, as she has already mentioned.”

“Jeanne, anything you want to add?”

“Yes, master, I have something,” Jeanne replied. “I failed to report that Anna did not clean Karen’s closet yesterday. I was careless and forgot about it too. I must also tell you Karen was not in uniform all day, though it was unavoidable. If I may, sir, I’d like to add Karen has been conscientious in working with us to learn your rules as quickly as possible.”

Although she didn’t react Karen was amazed at what she was hearing. Even though he already knew and had dismissed it, they both still brought up what seemed to her to be a non-issue. And neither one had mentioned the incident with her closet. Their confessions were a clear indication of a mindset that was obsessed with conformity and single-minded devotion to absolute obedience. She was seeing the third ‘A’, attitude, in action. Can I ever find a place here?

She listened to him closely, trying to gather some insight into his personality. “I’m bothered about this incident with the closet. Both of you knew about it, yet it wasn’t finished on time. Karen, were you made aware of this at any time today?”

“No sir, not until now. The clothes were in the closet when I arrived.” It seemed like a trivial matter to her. Why was he so obsessed with it?

“I don’t like what I’m hearing. The assignment was simple, plenty of time for it, yet it wasn’t finished on schedule. Both of you failed at an assignment that should be easily completed without my intervention.” He leaned back in his chair, seemingly lost in thought.

“The three of you will remain kneeling while I consider this. No talking, do not break position. Consider what you did, and why it will not happen again. So you understand, Karen, I must include you because all three of you are responsible for each other’s behavior.” He stood up and walked out of the room, turning off the lights when he left.

Karen couldn’t see the other two, since she dare not turn her head. The day wasn’t over and she was already in trouble, even though she hadn’t done anything wrong. No, she suddenly realized, that’s not strictly true. It was clear all it took was for any one of them to break a rule. Karen found she was annoyed that Anna hadn’t done her work, and equally ticked off that Jeanne hadn’t reminded Anna about it. Now that she was here something like that shouldn’t happen again, since there would be three of them to remember master’s orders for the day.

In the dim light from the hall Karen could see his empty chair in front of her. None of them even whispered a single word. If she said anything they wouldn’t hesitate to tell on her, and she knew if they so much as made a sound she’d do the same, even if it meant she’d have to share in whatever penalty he handed down. Her attitude adjustment had begun. Oh yes, she thought, I can fit in here.


Jim left the living room and went into the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator he took out a cold beer and sat down at the kitchen table. After more than ten years his dream had become reality. He’d never forget this moment. The image of three women, lined up specifically to please him, his collar gleaming against their necks, proclaiming to the world they were his property, that image he would treasure for the rest of his life. Sure, it was right out of what might be expected of an adolescent teenager’s wet dream, but the criticism didn’t bother him.

He wrapped both hands around the beer bottle. Their future was his to shape, to mold and direct in any direction he chose. They had to depend on him for everything, food, shelter, even to the clothes they wore. The thought of them kneeling in the dark, forbidden to move or speak, anxiously waiting for his return, brought a smile to Jim’s face. For today at least, life was good.

Back to reality, the incident with cleaning the closet was a problem. Was it deliberate, or an oversight? If it had been only one of them he could accept a simple mistake, although he’d have to make sure it didn’t happen again. But for both Anna and Jeanne to conveniently forget it had to be deliberate. And then there was Karen, the innocent bystander he still had to include if he was to maintain the credibility of his collective responsibility policy.

Jim looked at the clock on the oven. They could remain in position for a while longer. Anna he could understand; she was worried Karen might take her place. Jeanne though, that was a different story. No question it was her way of indirectly letting him know she wasn’t too happy with Karen’s arrival, a sort of passive protest. Maybe the pair of them even thought they’d get away with it, because he’d be distracted by the new arrival.

Jeanne and Anna should know better. He wasn’t a tyrant but he wasn’t lenient either. Jim sat at the table sipping from his beer, pondering how best to handle the situation. Then the solution came to him, elegant and selective; he’d deal with it later tonight. Meanwhile he had to finish the evening inspection.

He stood up and headed back to the living room. When he hit the light switch they were still on the floor, precisely lined up, just as he had left them. Before sitting down he took his time, standing behind each of them in turn. They knew he was there; he could tell from the way they held position to perfection. They had to be tired. He respected their hard work; it wasn’t easy to kneel like that for any length of time.

Jim sat down in his chair but said nothing. In a minute he’d let them stand up, after he took time to savor the moment one last time. All three held their position flawlessly. Even with Karen he could find no mistake, impressive for her first day. He smiled, imagining the frantic work Jeanne and Anna must have spent getting her ready for this evening. Group responsibility might be severe at times but he could see the benefits displayed in front of him. It could be an effective motivator when used the right way.

Inspection Over

There weren’t any clocks within Karen’s limited range of view, so she had no way of determining how long they’d been kneeling on the floor. Her legs and back were beginning to feel the strain but there wasn’t much she could do about it. There was a clock behind her, next to the TV, not that it helped. She had a pretty good idea what would happen if she turned to look. It was no accident all the clocks in the living room were strategically placed out of her sight.

At that moment the lights came back on. She immediately straightened up, carefully keeping her eyes straight ahead, praying he would be pleased with her effort. From the way she heard him walking back and forth behind the three of them it was obvious he took this little ritual seriously. At one point he stopped directly behind her. Karen froze, worried that he was singling her out because she was doing something wrong.

Whatever the reason he didn’t say anything. He crossed in front of her and sat down in his chair. She could see him but dare not turn her head to look at him directly. Both Jeanne and Anna had emphasized that particular point. Until he released them they must face forward, head up, looking straight ahead.

She hoped he would let them go but that didn’t happen immediately. Eventually he leaned forward, studying each of them. Whatever it took Karen was determined to prove she would obey him, even though her entire body was protesting at the strain.

Finally, the long-awaited words came. “Inspection is over, you can all relax, but I want you to stay where you are for a moment longer.” Karen didn’t change position but risked turning her head to look at the two women beside her. She saw Jeanne and Anna had remained kneeling.

“I’ve said this before, but I want Karen to hear it too.” He stood up. “I’ll readily confess to being self-centered, and I have the means to indulge my selfish desires. That’s the main reason the three of you are here. As far as you’re concerned, I’m the center of your universe. Your purpose, above everything else, is to serve me. You accomplish that by demonstrating obedience, keeping a positive outlook, and by maintaining harmony in our home.

“Now I understand none of you asked to be here. But whatever the reason, here you are, and here you will remain. I expect you to make the best of it. I want all of you to have a good life as part of our family, and I promise I’ll do my best to treat you fairly. You know I’m not perfect, but if I make mistakes I’ll see to it they are corrected.”

He paced back and forth in front of the three women. “I appreciate your life can be uncertain. You are not in control of your destiny; you often don’t have any idea of what may happen from day to day. You will have to trust me to decide what’s best for you. I promise I will treat you all equally, without any favoritism. In turn I ask that you give me what I want.”

He stopped, lost in thought for a moment. “For your benefit, Karen, the basis for our relationship is personal responsibility. My responsibility, as the head of the house and your owner, is to take care of you, make the decisions and see they are carried out. It’s up to me to see you clearly understand the standards of behavior I expect from all three of you. Those standards, the rules that form the structure of your daily life, are not optional.

“Your responsibility is to remain within the limits I set for you. I expect diligence, loyalty, dependency and most important of all, obedience. I want each of you to be proud of who you are. You do not apologize to anyone for the collar you wear. On the contrary, you will stand with your chin up, head held high, confidently announcing to the world you belong to me.”

He sat back down in his chair. Leaning forward again he continued, “As I said I’m responsible for enforcing the rules. Jeanne and Anna can testify I am not patient when it comes to infractions. That means I will not tolerate laziness, carelessness or especially willful disobedience. If you want to understand me, the one word to remember is discipline. You will learn what is required, what is allowed, what is prohibited, and what is never tolerated. They are the guiding principles in how you live your lives, from this point on. If you stray I will bring you back, but in the end it is your own self-respect that keeps you on our common path.”

He turned to one side, looking directly at Karen. “I can’t stress this enough. Defy me and you risk everything. There are far worse places compared to living here, and men who care little or not at all for the women who belong to them. You have an opportunity to build a good life here. If you show me you are serious, that you will do as I ask, then I guarantee you will never be sold. That offer extends for a lifetime. Consider how many other men would promise the same.”

That got Karen’s attention. If she understood him correctly, she would actually have some stability, instead of living in fear each day of being sent to a broker again. No wonder Jeanne and Anna were so keen when it came to obeying this man.

He continued. “I want the three of you to learn to live with each other. There will be no arguing or fighting. You will not compete against each other. There is no place for divisiveness in this house. Defy me in this and there will be no place for you either.”

He stood up. Extending his hand he helped each of the women to their feet. “Now, how about supper? Afterwards we’ll watch a movie. Oh yes, you all will sleep in your rooms tonight. I’ll have a word with each of you at bedtime.”

Later That Evening

After sending the three of them to their rooms for the night Jim sat down in his living room chair, to give them time to get ready. He frowned, thinking about the closet incident again. Anna and Jeanne had to know they were in trouble. Defiance in any form could not be ignored, and they both knew it. This was a group failure, but to be fair it had happened before Karen’s arrival. In this case he’d have to exclude her from the punishment he had planned, but it had to be done in a way that didn’t appear to grant her some special privilege.

Jim glanced at the clock. They’d had enough time. Standing up he headed for his office door. He’d start with Karen since she would be the easiest. But first he’d check on all of them. In his office he turned on the laptop, inserted his authentication key and entered the password. Selecting the video app he brought up the cameras in each of their rooms. As his possessions they had no privacy rights, or for that matter any rights at all. Even so they didn’t need to know about the surveillance cameras.

Jeanne and Anna were standing at their designated room inspection marks on the floor. They could wait a little longer. Karen was sitting on her bed. That wasn’t correct, but she likely didn’t know what to do in this situation. He couldn’t fault her for that. Satisfied they were ready he turned off the computer.

At Karen’s door he started to turn the doorknob. He hesitated for a moment, to give her time to react. As expected she was standing beside the bed. That was a good sign, improvising what she thought he might want when she didn’t have specific instructions. He was careful to shut the door since he didn’t want the others to overhear.

She didn’t speak, which he took to be another good sign. No doubt she’d been taught to wait for permission when in doubt. “Come over here, Karen,” he told her, pointing to a mark on the floor.

“Yes, sir,” she answered as she walked to the place he indicated. She noticed the small circular mark on the carpet.

“See this spot, in the carpet? Whenever you are waiting for me I want you to stand here, facing the door. Once in place you are to remain there, always toward the door. Usually this applies to morning inspection, but anytime I tell you to wait for me in your room this is what you need to do. I’m trusting you will follow my instructions, and I’m also relying on you to tell me whenever you did not, for whatever reason. Will you do this for me?”

She looked up at him for a moment with a bewildered expression. Then she stood directly over the floor mark and stared at the door. “Of course I will, master. I’m sorry I wasn’t in the right place…”

He interrupted her apology, “You didn’t know. Now you do.” He put his hands on her waist. “Tonight you can sleep in your new bed. I imagine it’s quite an improvement over the accommodations at that brokerage. Tomorrow,” he paused, shifting his hands to her shoulders. “Tomorrow night we will spend together.”

With a hand under her chin he raised her head so he could gaze into her eyes. “Before you fall asleep tonight, think of this. Out of all the women available, I picked you, because I saw something special. I know it hasn’t been an easy life for you, especially this last year, but if you work with me that can change for the better. I will take care of you, but you will have to accept it is entirely on my terms. As I told you, there will be times what I demand is selfish, solely for my benefit. Even so, never forget I won’t let any of you come to harm.”

Karen wanted so much to believe his promises. After being sold off by her former owner it felt like her life had been ruined forever. In one day she’d gone from hopeless despair to a chance for redemption..

“I regret I have to include you in the group punishment for the closet incident. You are forbidden to use your laptop and phone tonight and all day tomorrow. I realize you had nothing to do with the incident and could not have prevented it. Even so, I must include you along with Jeanne and Anna. You are not allowed to discuss the incident or individual punishments.

“Okay, I’ll let you go to bed. Has Jeanne or Anna explained the morning inspection routine to you?”

Anna had mentioned it but not in great detail. There hadn’t been enough time. “Yes, sir. When the alarm goes off I am to shower and dress. The room must be neat and tidy. Then I wait for you at this mark, sir?”

He nodded. “That’s right. You will have 30 minutes after the alarm. Don’t waste it trying to sneak in a few extra winks. The alarm will stop when you get out of bed.” He pointed to the circle on the floor. “I am serious about this. When I open that door in the morning you will be standing right here, ready for me.” He leaned down and kissed her. “Alright, off to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

She remained in her spot until he closed the door. Karen walked over to her table and stared down at the electronics carefully laid out for her. Her own room, her own laptop, even her own phone, luxuries beyond anything she expected on her arrival. With a wistful sigh she turned away and headed for her bed. 

Firm Reminder

He shut Karen’s door. Standing in the hallway Jim debated whether to continue with Anna or Jeanne. Both of them were to receive the same punishment, but in Jeanne’s case he had more to say. He turned to Anna’s door and opened it.

“Good evening…” she began. He stopped her with a raised hand.

To set the tone she had to understand he was disappointed by the closet incident. “You are not permitted to speak. Your clothing privilege is revoked. Take off your uniform, now, put it away and come back here. Then we’ll review this incident with Karen’s closet.”

He stood there, arms folded, while she quickly undressed and hung up her uniform. When she returned she could see the angry expression on his face. Anna had no doubt she was in trouble now.

“What you did was wrong, and you know it. Why you would act this way I don’t understand. You’ve been here long enough to know better. In any case I’m not interested in excuses or explanations.”

He pointed to her closet. “Did you really think I’d ignore something as serious as disobedience? I’m disappointed in you, Anna. You made your choice; now you will learn the consequences.” A tear ran down her cheek. “Stand next to your closet door,” he ordered.

He went over to her closet door and yanked it open. The contents inside were neatly arranged, as he expected. With his foot he began pushing out everything that was on the floor, scattering it into her room. “Since you have so much trouble remembering closets, you can spend the night sleeping in your own. You may have two blankets and one pillow. Put one blanket on the floor as a pad. In the morning I expect this mess,” he pointed to her shoes scattered around the floor, “to be cleaned up. In the closet, now.” Without another word he walked out the door into the hallway, not even looking at Anna though he could hear her sobbing.


He stopped outside Jeanne’s door. This would be a difficult one. She had provoked him, perhaps not consciously, but it was also a test. This wasn’t the first time she’d done it either. He knew what had to be done, both to keep her in line and, ironically, see to it she was happy and content with belonging to him. But first he had to be in the proper mental state, what Jeanne would expect from him. He took a moment to get into the mood.

With a furious expression on his face he threw open the door. Startled, Jeanne flinched but recovered immediately. He slammed shut the door behind him. “You have disappointed me, Jeanne. I trusted you to carry out a simple, clear order, see to it that closet was ready, and you failed.” He held up his hand. “Don’t say a word. There is no excuse, and you know it. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior, especially from you.”

He could tell from her expression his criticism had hit home. Tears were streaming down her face, though she did not break her position. He walked past her, to her closet door. “Strip, now! Throw your clothes on the floor!” He didn’t turn around to see if she obeyed; it wasn’t necessary. He heard her clothes fall to the floor.

He opened the closet door. Like Anna she had everything carefully lined up. Once again, he used his foot to push everything on the floor out into the room. Then he took all her clothes off the closet bar and threw them on her bed. “Come here, sit down in the closet.”

Quickly she turned around and hurried to the closet, where she knelt down inside. “No, I want you to sit down, back against the side wall, hands on your knees.” Jeanne immediately did as he ordered. She stared at her hands, not daring to look up at him.

“You will keep your hands on your knees until I tell you otherwise. Both feet are to remain on the floor. Is that clear?”

“Yes, master,” was all she said.

“Now, since you seem to have so much trouble remembering closets, you will stay in this one until the alarm goes off in the morning. If I open this door and your hands are not on your knees your punishment will be far worse. Think about that tonight, along with why you would assume you could disobey me and get away with it.”

With that he shut the closet door. He did leave the light on inside. Out of her sight he relaxed. He hated to be so harsh with her, but he knew how much she would be disappointed if he didn’t prove he had the determination to discipline her, with the severity she believed she deserved. She’d have a miserable night, much worse than Anna, but in the morning she’d be reassured he still cared for her.

Day 4

The First Morning

The morning routine for Karen began when the alarm clock went off. At first she was disoriented, until she remembered she wasn’t at the Center any more. She could get out of bed without waiting for the guard to release her.

The alarm continued to buzz until she sat up. It didn’t have a snooze button, which meant no sleeping in. The alarm clock was a welcome relief over the groping she had to endure from the Center guards every morning, while waiting for them to unlock her ankles.

She had tasks to complete before he opened her door. First on the list was to make her bed and straighten the room. Everything had to be in place when he came in. Next on the list was a shower, and finally dressing in her new uniform. She glanced at the mark on the floor, where she had to be when he opened the door. This was her element: precise instructions; the means to carry them out; and a fixed deadline when everything had to be completed. Maybe they weren’t supposed to compete with each other, but that didn’t stop her from proving to her new master he’d made the right move in choosing her.

When he eventually came in she was ready. Karen was in the place he expected, hands folded in front, feet slightly apart, facing the door. She greeted him with a “good morning, master,” positive he’d find the room in order.

“Good morning, Karen. I hope you slept well?” She saw his eyes carefully studying her, looking for anything out of place. Confidence helped her meet his scrutiny with the certainty he would not be disappointed.

“Yes, sir, the bed is very comfortable.” He walked past her. She held still, facing the door. Karen heard him open the bathroom door, followed by her closet door. He said nothing, which she took to be tacit approval regarding the state of her room.

He came up behind her. She felt him run his hand through her hair. “Did you know you have lovely hair? The color is a nice contrast against your blouse.”

“Thank you, sir,” she replied. At least she was off to a good start.

He came back around to face her. Suddenly he put a hand on each of her shoulders and leaned back. “I think, and this applies only to you, you will leave only the top button open from now on.” That was a change from the two-button rule she’d learned yesterday. He took another step back.

“Yes, sir, should I close it now?” Better to ask than assume, she told herself.

He turned away from her, again looking around at the room. “Go ahead.” Quickly she reached up to fasten the button. “I’ll leave it to you to inform Jeanne and Anna, but only if they bring it up first. At this evening’s inspection you will let me know if they didn’t warn you about being improperly dressed. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir,” she answered. His intentions were all too clear. It was a test, and a clever one. The obvious, would the other two try to make her look bad by not warning her; and the true purpose, to find out if she would disobey him by pointing out the change to Jeanne and Anna first, in the mistaken belief she was helping them.

“You did well this morning. Everything is in order, as I presumed it would be. You do have permission to rearrange your room. If you need to add anything, furniture, some lamps, or even if you think a different color paint would be nice, all you have to do is ask. Remember you are forbidden to use your phone and laptop today. You may leave your room and go to the kitchen. I’ll be along after finishing with Anna and Jeanne. Don’t forget you will be in my room tonight.” He turned toward her door.

“Yes, sir,” she replied to his back. She’d made it through the first morning inspection. Relieved that it was over, Karen closed her eyes for a moment to plan her next move. After room inspection the usual item on the schedule was the kitchen and fixing breakfast. Today she was supposed to wait there until either Jeanne or Anna arrived.

Karen had to walk past Anna’s room on the way to the kitchen. Her door was open, so he must have chosen her next. As she passed by she saw Anna standing in the middle of the room, without her uniform or any clothes on. He was standing at her closet door, looking inside. Karen kept going before he noticed her. Morning inspections were supposed to be private; it wouldn’t be a good idea if she interrupted.

In the kitchen Karen pulled out a chair at the table and sat down to wait. Anna arrived about fifteen minutes later, looking like she’d had a bad night. Karen started to ask but she just shook her head. “I can’t discuss it.” To Karen that meant she was forbidden to talk about what happened, and the “it” must have been some form of punishment.

Anna continued, “We can start without Jeanne. It’s a light breakfast this morning for master. He wants two scrambled eggs and one piece of toast. I’ll start on the eggs, you get out the rye bread. We can fix whatever we like after his plate is ready. How do you like your eggs?” She paused, staring at Karen. “You better check that button on your blouse.”

“Master told me to make the change,” Karen offered by way of explanation. “He says from now I am to keep it this way and that it only applied to me.”

“Ahh, well then make sure you don’t forget. Better tell Jeanne too, as soon as she gets here.” Anna turned back to the frying pan.

By the time Jeanne arrived Anna was dishing out the scrambled eggs while Karen buttered the toast. For some reason her inspection had lasted much longer, but Jeanne didn’t offer an explanation. Karen assumed it was for the same reason as Anna’s late arrival. The moment she saw Karen, Jeanne warned her about the button. Karen repeated the explanation.

With a nod of understanding Jeanne went directly to the refrigerator and poured a glass of milk. “Looks like we’re all set. Karen, can you tell master we’re ready for him? I’ll put his plate on the dining room table. Two eggs for me, Anna, sunny side up. I’ll make some more toast.”

Karen went out to the living room. Jim was in his chair, watching one of the business news channels on TV. “Sir? Break…” she stopped the moment he held up his hand. He leaned forward, concentrating on the story on TV. Karen stood quietly, waiting for permission to continue.

“Your breakfast is ready, master,” she continued the moment he lowered his hand. “Two scrambled eggs, one piece of rye toast and a glass of milk. Would you like anything else?”

“That’s fine. You all can go ahead and eat too. Sorry I interrupted you, but I needed to hear that story.” Karen followed him into the dining room. Jeanne was standing by his chair. Anna was still cooking.

“Mmm, that smells delicious. You two go help Anna. After eating we’ll discuss how the day will go.” He sat down and took a sip from the milk glass.

“Yes, sir,” both women answered in unison. Karen had been warned in advance he planned out their day during breakfast, and that he preferred to tell them about it after they finished with the food.

The eggs and toast were a stark contrast to yesterday’s breakfast of extra bland oatmeal at the brokerage. From the corner of her eye she watched her master finishing up the last of his eggs. He might be a dictator, but so far he had not proven to be cruel or malicious. From the little she had seen so far he did seem sincere about looking after the three of them.

“Now then,” he started, putting down his fork, “today Anna will be in charge of the housekeeping. Karen, that means she will make assignments from the day’s cleaning chores as to how each of you will help. Tomorrow you will be responsible for housekeeping, so pay close attention to how Anna does it. The two of you”, he pointed toward Anna and Jeanne, “will see to it Karen has what she needs to know.”

“Yes, sir,” all three acknowledged his command.

“Also, Karen will spend the night with me. Jeanne will be with me tomorrow night, and Anna the night after that. Then the three of you can work out a schedule. Karen,” he turned to face her, “I’m sure you have questions about tonight. I have a standing policy that nights together are private, between the two of us. Jeanne and Anna aren’t allowed to talk about it, so don’t ask. The rule applies to you also.”

“Yes, sir,” Karen answered. She had hoped the other two would help her prepare for tonight, but that wasn’t possible now. Sex would be part of it; that she expected. She didn’t miss the looks he gave all of them, nor was it a coincidence he picked a uniform that showed a fair amount of skin and soft curves. She’d find out what he liked soon enough.

Karen helped Jeanne and Anna clean up after breakfast while Jim got ready to go to his office downtown. “After master leaves we have an hour to ourselves, before we start the housekeeping list,” Anna mentioned while they were loading the dishwasher. “Since you’re up for tonight you’re finished by two this afternoon. You can’t help with supper either. Take a nap, relax, do whatever you want. We’re usually done by then anyway, but if not be sure you stop. It’s a rule, not optional.”

That was something of a surprise to Karen. “I thought we were supposed to share the load. I feel kind of bad about sitting around while the two of you are working.”

“Remind me of that again tomorrow when I’m goofing off while you’re the one running the vacuum cleaner.” That was from Jeanne. “It evens out, don’t worry about it. Besides, it’s not up to you. We need to change the subject. You’re getting close to questioning one of the rules.”

Karen got the warning behind Jeanne’s comment. Any further and they’d both report her. That was one more lesson on how she interacted with the other two women. Now she knew that when it came to the rules he set for them the only questions allowed were those concerning the best way to see they were obeyed. Whether those rules were right or wrong, fair or arbitrary, even if they made no sense, all those questions were off limit topics for discussion.

Along for the Ride

“That new collar still bothering you?” Ben asked. He and Elise had just left the North Island ferry terminal and the two of them were standing on the sidewalk outside. “Ray mentioned he’d send a car to pick us up. It should be here any moment now.”

Elise realized she had been unconsciously running her hand along the front of her new collar. “Sorry, sir, I’m not used to the change. The steel feels heavier, making it a constant distraction. I understand why it had to be swapped out, but if you don’t mind me saying it, I don’t like this new one at all.”

“Only temporary, don’t think too much about it. As soon as we get back home, I’ll switch it back. Meanwhile think of the history you’re making here; you may very well be the first woman from the Facility ever to see the inside of a North Island brokerage.” Ben raised his hand to flag down an approaching car marked with the Madsen logo on the side. “Looks like this is our ride.”

The driver pulled out of traffic into the loading zone. The driver got out and approached Ben. “Dr. Grimes? I’m here to take you to Mr. Madsen.”

Ben opened the rear door and started to help Elise in. “Ahh, Dr. Grimes? One moment if I may,” the driver said. Ben stopped and looked over at the driver. “I’m sorry but there’s a standing policy at the brokerage that females must be brought in with restraints on.” He held out a pair of handcuffs. “If you would, Doctor, with her hands behind her back?”

Ben took the cuffs from the driver. “Elise?” He didn’t have to say anything more. Without the slightest hesitation she turned her back to him and placed her hands in the small of her back. On you best behavior, she reminded herself. That meant instant compliance.

He quickly fastened her wrists together, checked the fit and double locked the cuffs using a key supplied by the driver. When he finished, he put one hand on her shoulder and leaned close to whisper in her ear. “You handled that very well. I’m impressed, and I’m sure anyone watching noticed it too.”

When he turned her around to help her sit down he noticed the smile on her face. “Doing okay?” he asked. It couldn’t be easy sitting in a car seat with handcuffs on. When she nodded he fastened her seat belt and shut the car door. Ben got in the front passenger seat.

A security grill separated the front and back seats. Looking around the rear compartment Elise noticed the doors didn’t have any handles or buttons to open the windows. She shifted in her seat in order to move her hands around so the cuffs didn’t dig into her back. Ben must have noticed since he glanced back to check on her. “I’m fine, sir,” she reassured him.

Ben had been on North Island a few times before, to fill in at the local medical offices when no one was available. Any serious cases were airlifted to the Clinic on South Island, leaving the local medical offices open for general practice. This was his first visit as a tourist, though knowing how the day was to end he found it difficult to pay attention to the scenery.

He checked on Elise several times while they drove to the brokerage. She sat quietly in the back, watching the scenery through the front windshield. “Is this how you normally pick up women for the brokerage?” he asked the driver.

“That’s right, Dr. Grimes. Usually I handle calls from private residences instead of the ferry terminal. When that happens there are two of us, in case problems arise. As you might imagine a pickup can quickly escalate due to emotional reaction. Since you’re visitors I’m just the driver today.”

“I appreciate it,” Ben answered. “That’s the reason for the security arrangement in the back? For the, uhh, more difficult cases?”

“Afraid so,” the driver replied. “We try to be understanding. It can be tough to suddenly be discarded like an old shoe, tossed out the door to be sold to some stranger. But, that’s how it is.” The driver shrugged. “We don’t ask for the reason why, better we don’t know for our own peace of mind. The way I look at it, the poor woman might be better off with someone new anyway, in the long run.”

“Sir? May I ask a question?” That was from Elise, who had been listening to the driver.

“Do you mind?” Ben gestured toward Elise while talking to the driver.

“Well….yeah, I guess it’s okay. Normally we don’t let the women talk, better for everyone concerned, but in this case I don’t see any harm.” The driver tilted his mirror to look at Elise. “Go ahead, what would you like to know?”

“Thank you, sir. You mentioned there is a number of what you might call upset passengers. How often do you come across the opposite?”

The driver laughed. “You’d be surprised. I’ve had occasions, more than one, where our pickup actually demanded we hurry up and get to the brokerage as fast as possible, in case her former master changes his mind. Overall, I’d say about twenty percent are happy to leave. I suppose they know the relationship’s gone bad and being sold is the best way for them to get away.”

Elise had another question. “Sir, do you ever come across cases where there’s been physical abuse?”

The driver hesitated before replying. “We don’t ask about something like that, so I can’t say for sure. Disclaimer aside, I’m sad to say I’ve been on calls that were more like a rescue mission. A week ago I picked up a woman from the Social Welfare office. That usually means only one thing…but I’ll stop there.”

Better left unsaid, Elise thought. “Thank you, sir.” The Public Administrator handled the disposition of a deceased or incompetent person’s estate, when no will or close relatives were present. He was also responsible for cases where intervention might be required. From her research she had found out there were cases where severe abuse was the result of mental instability, to the extent the government had to put a stop to it, intervening on mental health grounds.

Not Quite All

“There’s something you really need to think about,” Anna told Karen while they were taking a break after cleaning up from lunch. “Not about the housework, about all of us.”

Karen looked over at Anna. Jeanne was in the living room. “What’s that?”

“It’s not all for one here, your Three Musketeers,” she explained. “If you screw up neither of us has your back. Master comes first, just so you know. Especially with Jeanne, she’s obsessively loyal to him. Break a rule, even something trivial, she’ll be the first one to turn you in. I guarantee she’ll report your blouse button tonight. Even if she doesn’t I will.” Anna held up her hands. “I know, you told us it was his idea. We didn’t hear it though, which means we have to assume the worst. To be fair, we’d expect you to do the same. And I don’t doubt you’re telling the truth; it would be silly to lie about something so easily verified. My opinion doesn’t matter though.”

Karen nodded her head in agreement. “I get it. Can I ask, does it cause any friction between you and Jeanne, when either of you reports on the other?”

Anna thought for a moment. “It did at first. When master told us we were responsible for each other I didn’t like it at all. Jeanne and I didn’t get along when Master bought me. She was jealous of me, and I have to admit I felt the same way. It was too tempting to make up something just to get her into trouble. Of course she retaliated and did the same to me. Well, master didn’t put up with it for very long.”

Karen nodded. “I can imagine. What happened?”

Anna shrugged. “He put a stop to it. We were both punished for misbehaving every time one of us reported some incident, whether it was true or something made up. Jeanne and I had to stop trying to make each other look bad. Friction? Well, yes it still irritates me when she tells master about something I did wrong, but I have to accept she isn’t lying about it. For myself, I hesitate to tell on Jeanne unless I have to. There’s always the risk I suffer as much as she does.”

Karen frowned. “Do you ever make a bargain, agree not to tell on each other? I suppose with three of us that will become more difficult?”

Anna shook her head. “No, no secret agreements. Don’t even think about bringing it up with Jeanne. It’s tempting, but if master ever found out that’s a clear case of direct, willful disobedience. Jeanne would never go that far.”

A case of willful disobedience, Karen thought. I know exactly what happens afterwards.

“That goes for me, too. I may not be as fixated as Jeanne, but master is a good man. I like it here; I want to stay here, with him, and I don’t want anything or anyone to ruin it.” She put a hand on her collar. “To tell the truth, I’m scared to death I might be sold someday. Master promised that would never happen if I obey him. I can do a lot worse compared to what I’ve got now, and I doubt I could ever do better. So don’t count on either of us covering for you when you get in trouble.

“And you will, we all do eventually. The best way to handle it is confess immediately. You’ll be punished, maybe we all will, but either way you have to make sure he knows about it as soon as possible. If he finds out you’re trying to hide some incident, or even worse blame someone else, that really makes him mad.” Anna shrugged her shoulders. “I know, been there, done that, regretted it afterwards.”

Jeanne came into the kitchen. “Talking about me behind my back?” she asked.

Before Karen could deny it Anna answered first. “Yes, we are. I was warning Karen about your fixation on master.”

Karen expected an angry denial but Jeanne laughed instead. “It’s true, Karen. If he orders us to do something, no matter what it is, there’s nothing more important to me than seeing it’s carried out to the letter. It drives me crazy if I make a mistake, or behave in some way he doesn’t like. I believe my purpose in life is to make sure he gets whatever he desires, to the best of my abilities. He always comes first, but then I’m sure Anna told you that already.”

Karen studied both women. She understood all too well her obligations to the man who now owned her. In theory she should be just as devoted to him as these two were, each in her own way. In practice she sympathized more with Anna’s viewpoint; she wasn’t dedicated to her new man to the same extent as Jeanne. He was still a stranger, even though he controlled every aspect of her life.

“I have to ask, since you’re both here. Do you resent master buying me, adding one more to the house?” It was a question that had bothered her all night. The two of them seemed to have a good working arrangement in how they shared their man, but with one more added in it had to be difficult for them to accept her.

Jeanne answered first. “To be brutally honest, yes I do. I wasn’t very happy when he brought home Anna either. Don’t concern yourself about it though. Master wants all three of us to be here, to get along, and that’s all that’s important. None of us were asked for our opinions. We were aware he always intended that there be three of us. You’re here now, nothing we can do about it.”

Anna nodded in agreement. “We’d all like to have one man to ourselves, no sharing. Master doesn’t see it that way, which means we make an attitude adjustment.” She pointed toward her collar. “This says it all; we must submit to his authority. He wants you to be part of our home, Karen, so we’ll support you just as much as Jeanne and I do each other. Like I said though, the one catch is defying him. Do that and you won’t have a friend in this house.”

Checking In At Lunch

Jim sat down at his desk at work, entered a few commands on his workstation and brought up the remote connection to the house on his screen. Taking a bite out of his burrito he flipped through the cameras until he found them gathered in the kitchen. A quick glance at the time at the bottom of the screen showed it was still their free time, so they were on schedule. He had structured blocks of time during the day for specific duties; what remained was free time for them to relax. Jeanne had responded well to the schedule; Anna less so but she still made an effort and rarely had to be corrected, thanks in part to Jeanne’s reminders. The question in his mind now was how Karen would take to a daily timetable, and how well she’d fit in with the other two.

It looked like the three of them were getting along. Both Jeanne and Anna had received the same physical punishment, a night in the closet. He had spared Karen, since she wasn’t present. He’d said nothing about it, and discussions about being punished were banned so he doubted they were aware Karen had spent a normal night in bed instead of on the floor.

In retrospect he had been harsher in Jeanne’s verbal reprimand, though no less that what she expected. When he saw her this morning it was obvious she had been crying through much of the night. It hadn’t been a pleasant chore but in the group dynamic he relied on Jeanne to keep Anna, and now Karen, focused on their daily routine. Anna might have been absent-minded but Jeanne would never have forgotten about something like cleaning the closet.

More than ever he was convinced it had been an indirect test of his resolve. He had a ready answer for situations like that: a swift and stern response, far out of proportion to the incident. It would be a long time before any of them tried to challenge him again, even if only in a passive way. And Jeanne did have her answer, if it was a test. She needed to know he’d do whatever was necessary to maintain discipline.

The big question was how Karen would fit in. She’d worn a collar longer than either Anna or Jeanne, and she’d served several owners. The one black mark, and it was a big one, was a conviction for willful disobedience. Her sentence had been a year in the Disciplinary Center on North Island. Reading between the lines it was obvious her previous master had sold her because of it. That he chose to consign her to a local broker instead of taking her back to South Island struck him as being vindictive, though it did work out well for Jim’s purposes. 

If he judged her accurately that last bit of revenge on her owner’s part could be a blessing in disguise. Jim was gambling she’d learned her lesson. To Karen’s credit her record was unblemished for the short time after she was released from the center. The problem was, no one would trust her now, leaving her with no way to prove she’d reformed.

If he was right Karen would become just as dependent on him, in her own way, as Jeanne or Anna. He had legal ownership of them all, but physical possession wasn’t enough. He wanted to own their minds as well, to strengthen his hold over their lives. The drive to control them was all-consuming, shaping his life as much as theirs.

Other than her little tests every so often Jeanne was everything he had hoped for, completely reliant on him. Of the three Jeanne would continue to demand the greater share of his time, due to his strict attention to detail she so desperately needed to feel secure and loved. He was convinced all three benefitted from his demanding attitude to some extent, but it was Jeanne who could not survive without it.

Anna might well be at the same point as Jeanne, but it was difficult to tell. She wasn’t as open with her emotions, making it tougher to discern what she thought about her place with him. Judging by her actions alone she was every bit as obedient and dependent as Jeanne, but there was still some doubt on his part as to the strength of her motivation. He wasn’t inside her head to the same extent as Jeanne. Anna’s greatest need was the reassurance that came with trusting him to be her rock of stability, the one person she could rely on to keep his promises no matter what.

It was too early to judge Karen, though she was well behaved. No doubt much of that came from her prior experience, especially the strict regime imposed at the Disciplinary Center. It must have had a profound impact on her mental state, losing a whole year of her life in that place. She’d never risk being sent there again, which was one of the reasons he’d taken a chance on her. In that sense she was much like Anna, too much to lose to ever seriously confront him.

There was more to Karen though. He’d seen it in her records. Intelligent, well educated, a future with boundless opportunities, yet she had willingly chosen to join the Island society, and in the process give up her freedom and independence. If he could find out what had driven her to make such a radical change in her life then he’d have the leverage he needed to hold onto her forever. Getting into her head would not be easy. She’d quickly see through any attempt on his part.

Jim leaned back in his office chair, content with his plan for the three of them. It wouldn’t be free from some stress. While he was working on her Karen would be doing the same thing, probing for ways to understand his motivations. He’d owned submissive women long enough to develop a healthy respect for their uncanny ability to sense the thoughts and emotions of their masters. At some point she’d discover his ultimate goal for all three of them. The question was, would he be ready for her when it happened, and how would she react?

Primary Source

Elise leaned back in the seat after finally finding a tolerable spot for her cuffed hands. The short conversation with the driver left her much to think about. She watched the back of Ben’s head through the security grille. She could empathize with those women who had lost their masters. Without Ben she’d be every bit as despondent. At least she had his assurance he’d put in place a plan to cover just such a possibility. She had no clue about what he’d done, and Ben declined to go into any details, just as he did with all financial matters.

Maybe he’s right at that, she thought. Better I don’t know; it’s one less thing to worry about. She deliberately pushed that train of thought aside. Elise couldn’t imagine a life without Ben, and she certainly didn’t want to begin speculating about it.

She looked around her little cage. No question that’s what it was: no way to open the windows or doors; and no way to get to the front seat. Hidden from view she explored the handcuffs holding her arms behind her back. She tried to slip them off but had no success. She expected no less; Ben knew how to use cuffs. They were the hinged type, more restrictive than chain links, which limited her options trying to find a position where the cuffs didn’t poke her in the back. She’d have a hard time reaching around to get to the seat belt latch. Almost as if they planned it that way, she conceded with a rueful smile.

What she’d assumed to be tinting was actually blackout paint on the windows. When she tried to twist her head to look out the back the driver interrupted. “Doctor? Please have her face forward, company regulations.” At a look from Ben, Elise stopped and turned back to watch out the front. Minimal information as always, Elise told herself. She suspected it must be somehow tied to the control freak gene. This wasn’t going to be much of a sightseeing drive.

It was in stark contrast to her arrival at the Facility. That first time there were no handcuffs or prisoner’s compartment in the car. The driver had been polite and the trip to the Facility did reveal some sights of South Island. He had taken away her purse but that was about as close a comparison as she could see. If she rose up, she could just make out her purse on the floor next to Ben.

Once again she shifted around. Too bad she hadn’t hidden away the secret handcuff key so she could escape from what was rapidly becoming a major irritant. Of course, she had to somehow obtain one of those secret keys first, find a place to hide it within reach, no easy feat since none of her clothes had pockets, and finally figure out how to unlock hinged cuffs when the keyhole was on the wrong side, facing away from her hands.

Ben and the driver were still talking. She tuned it out to consider what it would be like if she was in the car for real, kicked out by Ben and headed to some bleak and miserable future. More than one woman had sat in the very same seat facing the same devastating shock. Unwanted, discarded, sold, all those words rolled around in her head. No one would want to face a future like that, but reality had a nasty habit of ignoring wishes.

Suddenly it struck her how it wasn’t all that different from how she felt when she accepted the offer from the Facility. Her own life had been shattered by the betrayal of the one man she loved and trusted. He’d tossed her aside her without any hesitation, throwing her to the wolves of the Medical Board to cover his own incompetency. Maybe both the Facility and this place shared some common ground in terms of handling broken lives, but what happens in the rebuilding process has to be the crucial difference. That’s what Elise wanted to believe; perhaps she’d get some idea of how Madsen Brokerage managed such a difficult task.

The car slowed and turned into an open garage door. The change brought Elise back to the present. She leaned forward, hoping to see something of the receiving area. The seat belt and shoulder strap didn’t cooperate but through the front windshield there wasn’t much to see anyway.

After they came to a stop Ben got out and opened her door. She looked up at him, hoping her struggle to avoid a hole in her back from the cuffs would finally come to a conclusion. When he released the seat belt and helped her out Elise took the opportunity to stretch her arms out behind her back.

“Not exactly the best way to travel?” Ben asked.

Elise shook her head. “No sir, I don’t recommend it.” The moment she saw his concern she continued. “I’m okay, sir, just needed to move around a little.” Ben didn’t use hinged cuffs, for which she was grateful. On those occasions where she had to be restrained, usually going out at night, he used chain link cuffs instead. Those she didn’t mind, with her hands in front or back, even if he used the transport belt with them. The hinged version wouldn’t be so bad if her hands were in front, but in back there wasn’t enough freedom of movement to find a tolerable position. Naturally the brokerage would choose the more unpleasant alternative.

“Doctor?” the driver interjected. “Please leave her cuffs on for now, until we reach Mr. Madsen’s office, and hold onto her arm. This is a secured area. An alert goes off if she’s not under control.”

There must be video surveillance too, if it’s automatic, Elise realized. It made sense. No brokerage would let its merchandise walk away without taking some precautions. There was no way the employees who saw her would know she was only a visitor. She resigned herself to wearing the cuffs for a while longer. At least they weren’t jabbing her in the back while she was standing.

It was a short trip to Ray Madsen’s office. He met them at the door. “Ben! Good to see you again. I hope you’ll find the tour interesting. By the way, I’ve sworn off the ‘authentic’ Chinese food. Nothing but good ole American style Orange Chicken from now on.”

Ben laughed while they shook hands. Ray glanced at Elise but didn’t greet her. That’s being polite, not rude, she reminded herself. I belong to Ben; Mr. Madsen won’t speak to me until Ben agrees to it. “Sorry about the handcuffs but, believe it or not, our insurance company insists on it, no exceptions.” She knew the remark was for her benefit but Ray deliberately ignored her, talking only to Ben.

He closed the office door after they went in. “Before we sit down, there’s one other security matter to clear up. If you recall, Ben, I mentioned this when you called. The only way I can allow Elise to go any further is if she changes into the standard issue brokerage dress.” He gestured to a plastic wrapped package on the chair behind her. “As a general rule street clothes are strictly forbidden.”

“No problem,” Ben acknowledged. “Elise, I want to you change into that dress. It should be your size. Turn around and I’ll take off the cuffs.”

“Yes, sir,” she answered. Something bothered her about the way Ben had neglected to mention the dress. When the cuffs came off she rubbed her wrists before picking up the package. The drab color showing through the plastic wasn’t reassuring but Ben had made it an order.

“Elise can change in the wash room.” Ray pointed to a door behind his desk. “There’s a hanger on the back of the door. She can leave her dress and shoes there for now.” With a nod from Ben she headed to the washroom. Shoes? Apparently standard issue included bare feet too.

When she came back out both Ben and Ray stood up. Her new dress was every bit as unappealing as she expected. Sleeveless, knee length, the most hideous shade of gray and finished with the company logo in large letters on the back, embroidered in garish yellow. She’d attract attention in any crowd, for all the wrong reasons. That had to be deliberate too; any attempt to escape would end quickly. It was a considered choice and a good one for its purpose; she had to concede to whomever came up with the design.

The moment Ben picked up the handcuffs off the office desk she stopped, turned around and held out her hands behind her back. She caught a low “hmm” sound from Mr. Madsen but dare not look back to see what surprised him.

“Ben, if you prefer,” Ray interrupted, “we can dispose of the cuffs so long as you ensure she behaves. You don’t plan on a daring escape, Elise? If you could take hold of her arm? That would be sufficient.”

Ben laid the cuffs on the desk. “You can turn around.” That was directed toward Elise. She didn’t say anything but was grateful for a respite from walking around with her hands behind her back. For some reason she expected the brokerage would be much stricter on how the merchandise was handled. Perhaps this place wasn’t run like a prison after all.

“Looks like we’re ready to go then. We’re going to start the tour as if Elise were a new arrival, on consignment. Remember no one else knows who you are, and please don’t mention anything about your background. If someone happens to ask, tell them you aren’t allowed to discuss your history. Ben?” Apparently, Mr. Madsen had been given leave to speak to her directly while she was changing. That meant she could answer him as well.

“That’s a real order too, Elise. Do not reveal you belong to me, or you went through the Facility. A slip will result in some serious headaches for our host. I’m relying on you.”

“Of course, sir. If I may ask, Mr. Madsen, what does it mean to be on consignment? Is it a legal term or something unique to your company?” She had a vague idea it was related to terms of an auction, her sale if this were real. She half expected him not to answer.

“It’s a legal term, or at least a commercial one. You remain the property of your master, the good Doctor,” Ray nodded toward Ben, “until you are auctioned off. Once the hammer falls you change owners. If for some reason the winning bid isn’t concluded you revert back to your original master. We don’t keep you. The brokerage only acts as the middleman, housing you until the sale, improving your value as we see fit, and in general functions in place of your master during your stay.”

Elise spotted what he left out immediately. He didn’t mention how long between arrival and sale, and left off the details about what “improving value” meant. That might come out in the tour. She’d hold off on more questions until they were done.

“Alright then, let’s start with the waiting room. That’s where all new arrivals are gathered while the front office processes some paperwork and works out room assignments. We try to process the new arrivals all at once at the end of the day.”

Ben took her arm and led her out the door. While walking along the corridor they encountered several guards, at least she assumed that’s who the men were judging by the uniform. As they passed by each one studied her carefully. Elise stood up straight, head held high, eyes straight ahead, the result of old Facility training coming back.

She couldn’t shake the feeling something wasn’t right. This was supposed to be for her benefit, to help her research project. That’s how Ben had explained it. Her half-formed plan had been to interview a few of the woman waiting to be sold, her primary sources, to get some kind of understanding of their emotions during the process. When she told Ben about that part he hadn’t said much, though he didn’t forbid it. The problem was she was beginning to feel like one of those primary sources herself.

At the Ferry Terminal

After an anxious night with little sleep Barbara arrived at the company office for her appointment. She was bewildered by the fast pace of events that followed: a short wait at the business office on South Island; the arrival of the man who was to act as her temporary master, within the limits of a standard, one year agreement; signing and registering the agreement; and ending with his collar around her neck. And it all happened within a few hours, which had to be some kind of a record.

The man next to her was a total mystery. His name had been covered when she signed the agreement. She took the hint and didn’t bother to ask. From now on she had to accept she would only be told what he wanted her to know. Everything else was at her new owner’s discretion. It seemed that names were not something she needed to know.

Her passport, credit cards, bank card and all her financial records were in her purse, along with the keys and lease agreement for her apartment. On her own initiative she’d included a note listing her online accounts, user names and passwords. It all belonged to the man beside her now, or maybe it would be disposed of by the brokerage. She had no idea who or where any of her property would end up, or if she’d ever see any of it again. Her new owner, at least for the next few hours, did insist on searching her purse before they left for the South Island ferry terminal.

It was fortunate that he did, since she had forgotten to remove the cash in her haste to gather up everything. That was another adjustment she would have to remember in the future. As long as there was a collar around her neck she was forbidden to even touch coins or currency. If she tried to buy something with bills or use coins in a vending machine she’d be turned over to the police immediately. It was an eerie feeling, to see something so commonly in use but now literally beyond her reach.

After he picked out the loose change from her purse he checked her wallet. Sure enough, she’d left some bills there too. “Pay attention in the future. If you were found with this you’d be in serious trouble.” He pocketed the cash before handing back her purse. “You hold onto your purse until we arrive at North Island,” he instructed her. “The company rep there will need those papers.”

The next surprise came when they got in line for the North Island ferry. Before boarding she was taken aside by a port official and asked if she wanted to remain on South Island. That’s when she learned the law provided a “get out of jail” card extended to any woman traveling across the channel. Since she was a South Island resident she could decline to board the ferry. It didn’t end her one year agreement though. Barbara declined the offer without hesitation. She had no intention of backing out on her dream now it was so close to coming true.

On the ferry the two of them sat on a bench at the stern observation deck, watching South Island retreat in the distance. Her unnamed owner opened the conversation. “So, were you tempted to walk away at the last minute? I’ve made several of these trips to North Island, helping out the company, and yet to have one of my deliveries call it off. There’s always a first time though.”

“No, sir,” she answered. “It never occurred to me. This is where I want to be, at least I think so. I’m not exactly sure what’s going on at the moment.” 

He reached over and put his hand on top of hers, both carefully crossed in her lap. “All going to plan, don’t be concerned. Right now, this is what you need to know. Look at me.” He leaned in toward her, his other arm resting on the bench behind her. She turned her head to face him.

“Our time together may be short, but while I am your master you are to obey only me. You are forbidden to speak to anyone else without my permission. And I mean anyone, including the company representative we will be meeting.” He took his hand off hers and reached for her collar, curling two fingers under it. “This is no game.” He tugged on the collar. “Feel that? It’s the reality of cold, hard steel. For the rest of your life there will be a man in control of your life, a man you must obey to the best of your ability. Right now, at this moment, I am that man. Do you understand?”

She could hear the restrained ferocity in the tone of his voice. It sent a shiver through her body, not of fear but eager anticipation. Their eyes locked; she couldn’t turn away. She felt the pressure of the metal band against the back of her neck, a new yet constant reminder she was now owned by this man, to do with as he pleased.

“Yes, sir,” Barbara whispered.

He let go of her collar and leaned back on the bench. “Good, I like to make that clear even if we’re only going to be together for a few hours. Now, I have some requirements.” He stood up.

“I like my women to sit a certain way. In your case you have anticipated me.” She held very still, sitting up straight, both feet on the deck, legs together but not quite touching, hands folded in her lap, left crossed over right. She’d found the description in her web searches. It appealed to her so she’d been practicing it for weeks. “You will continue as you are now.”

“Yes, sir,” she acknowledged. “Do you want me to change anything?” What had been her preference was now mandatory. She’d have to be careful not to forget.

“No, you got it right. Next, if you are talking and I raise my hand, like this,” he held out his hand, palm forward, toward her, “then you stop immediately, even if in mid-sentence. Tell me, have you worn a collar before? You seem to have some experience.”

“No, sir, this is my first time. I haven’t…” She stopped when he raised his hand.

“Excellent, that’s exactly what I want. Stick to those rules and we’ll get along fine.”

The sun was low in the sky when the ferry reached mid-channel. Barbara sat in silence, watching the shore recede, leaving behind her old life. She couldn’t see North Island from the stern deck. It struck her as a metaphor for her future, also hidden from view.

When the ferry docked, he took hold of her arm. “This way, Barbara,” he told her. “We’re meeting the company representative in the terminal cafeteria. We have about an hour before you are scheduled to arrive at the brokerage, so we can grab a bite to eat.” He took hold of her arm and led her toward the entrance to the restaurant.

At the door he stopped her. “Sit quietly at the table until I speak to you. Remember, don’t talk to anyone else, not even to order. When I hand you the menu pick out anything you like and let me know. I’ll order for you.” They were met by the hostess and seated at a table near the door. He informed the hostess someone else would join them later. Barbara assumed the two men had arranged the meeting where she would be transferred to the brokerage.

When the waitress arrived, she took one look at Barbara before turning to her temporary master. “Good evening, sir. Would you like to start with something to drink?” She placed two menus on the table next to him.

“I’ll have a beer, Guinness, in a glass.” He turned to Barbara. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Yes, sir, may I have an iced tea, lemon and sugar?”

He turned back to the waitress, who nodded. “She’ll have the iced tea.”

“Yes, sir. Do you want to wait before ordering?”

“Give us a few minutes. We’ll order when you bring the drinks.” He glanced at his phone. “Our guest should arrive in about half an hour.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll be back in a moment.” The waitress left. Barbara noticed the way she carefully responded only to what he said, as if he was the only one at the table. Even the menus were next to his arm.

He picked one up and handed it to her. “You did well, by the way. Pick out whatever looks good. When you’re done with the menu hands go back in your lap.”

Wait for permission, that phrase summed up her behavior from now on. She took the menu from his hand and opened it. There wasn’t a large selection, which was typical for concession restaurants. She chose the turkey club sandwich and fries, usually a safe bet. When he nodded she handed the menu back.

While they were eating another man approached the table. Her temporary master stood up to shake hands with the newcomer. “Have a good trip on the ferry?” the company representative asked.

“No wind today, a smooth trip. Barbara and I,” he nodded toward her, “are having an early dinner. Care to join us?” The waitress appeared on cue with another menu.

“Supper’s waiting at home. I might have a drink first.” He turned to the waitress. “Castle Lager in a glass.”

Her master shook his head. “I don’t know how you can drink that African beer. Give me a good, dark stout any time.”

The representative, still not introduced to Barbara, laughed at the comment. “You have to grow up with it. Some places in South Africa it’s all you get. You can keep that Irish motor oil.” After that comment she recognized his accent, South African. Not being a beer drinker Barbara had nothing to contribute to the conversation, even if she were given permission to speak.

She sat quietly when the men began discussing business. “While we’re waiting we can take care of the preliminaries,” her master spoke to the other man. He handed over Barbara’s purse first. “Her assets are listed in here, along with a copy of the South Island agreement. There shouldn’t be any issues, at least according to Lee Tsou. We’ll leave the rest until after we finish eating.”

“Fine by me,” the other man agreed. He turned to look at Barbara. “So this is?”

She almost answered before remembering it wasn’t allowed. “Her name’s Barbara.” He reached out to touch her arm. “As you can see, she is well behaved and learns quickly. I’m tempted to keep her for myself.”

Her heart almost stopped. She glanced back and forth between the two men, unsure if he was serious.

He laughed at her reaction. “Not to worry. You’ll be leaving with Mr. Brent here when we’re done. He’ll escort you to Madsen Brokerage. After that, well, I’m sure they’ll explain what’s required from you. You have permission to speak to him, and you will answer any questions he has for you. But don’t forget you still belong to me for a little while longer.”

“Yes, sir. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Brent.” She relied on common courtesy as her guideline since her master hadn’t instructed her on any specifics in the presence of other men.

The Hand Over

“Signature in the usual place,” Mr. Brent pointed to a line on the paper. Barbara watched as her first and now previous owner signed the bill of sale, legally transferring her to the brokerage house. “And this is for you, per the usual arrangement.” He took an envelope out of his jacket pocket and slid it across the table.

How much money is in there, she wondered? She’d give anything to know what she was worth on the open market. Except I have nothing to give. In that moment she recognized the irony in the old cliché. In a very literal sense she had no possessions to call her own; instead she was the asset for her new owner. At least, I hope he’ll see me as an asset, something valuable he will want to keep. I don’t want to be a liability.

“You belong to the company now, Barbara. Obey Mr. Brent and listen only to what he tells you. Don’t answer me; I’m not your owner any longer.” That was her final confirmation. Her plan, at least the part where she had some input, was complete. She turned to face the man now in charge.

“Sir? May I have permission to speak to my former master?” He had been kind to her. It called for some expression of gratitude.

“No.” His immediate answer was unexpected. “You are expressly forbidden to speak to anyone other than me, and then only to answer a direct question. You will remain silent.” There was an abrupt, emphatic change in his attitude toward her. “The rules are very simple. I tell you what to do; you obey. There will be no hesitation, no excuses, no second chances. Is that clear?”

“Yes…yes, sir.” The friendly exterior was gone from his face, replaced by a hard, intense stare. Overwhelmed, she looked away, down at her hands in her lap.

“Don’t do that. When I’m talking to you look me in the eye and don’t turn away.” She complied immediately, looking back up at him. He reached behind his back for something. When his hand reappeared he held up a pair of metal handcuffs.

“When we get up from the table I’m going to put these on your wrists. It will be behind your back. It’s not optional; company regulations require it. I trust there won’t be any problems?”

Barbara stared in fascination at the cuffs in his hand. She could see they were the real thing, not some toy replica. A tool to control me, she told herself, and from what she knew about them an effective one. “No, sir,” she answered.

“Good. Go ahead and finish your tea. We don’t have to hurry.” Barbara was tempted to take all afternoon finishing her drink, just to postpone her date with the handcuffs. She knew it wouldn’t work. Mr. Brent would lose his patience and she’d likely be worse off for it.

“I need to be going, gotta catch the ferry back to South Island.” That was from her now former master. “Mind if I have a few parting words for her before I go?” He gestured toward Barbara.

“Sure, go ahead,” Mr. Brent answered. That was something else new for her. Not only couldn’t she speak to anyone, but courtesy demanded the same from anyone who wanted to talk to her. “I can’t allow her to reply, though.”

“No problem. Barbara? I’m sure you’re wondering why I remained anonymous? You will never know my name unless we have a chance meeting in the future. I do that deliberately. Escorting women like you to North Island is not a popular occupation back home. It’s a necessary service, even if not socially acceptable. I prefer to keep a low profile to avoid being besieged by activist groups. If our paths ever do cross again, I’d appreciate it if you could pretend we’ve never met.”

She was a bit confused as to why he was explaining this to her. He had no obligation to justify anything.

“To keep it short, if you don’t know my name you can’t tell anyone else who I am. At some point you’ll have a permanent master. If he were to ask about me you’d be obliged to answer. This way you can truthfully reply you don’t know, and you can repeat what I’m telling you now. Your history on North Island begins with the brokerage, not me. They know who I am, of course, but they aren’t going to release that information to anyone else. That’s all. Best wishes for your future.”

Barbara turned to Mr. Brent, silently pleading with her eyes to be allowed to speak. He saw and understood, but it changed nothing. “No,” was all he said.

The two men stood up and shook hands before her mystery owner disappeared into the ferry waiting area. Mr. Brent, still standing, turned to face Barbara. “You’re done with your tea,” he announced. “Stand up, turn around, hands behind your back.”

Here it comes, she thought. With a well-practiced motion he pushed open the cuffs with his thumb before snapping them on her wrists. The steel was cold where it rested on her skin. She heard the distinctive click of the ratchet closing into ever smaller ovals trapping her wrists in their grip. After he stopped, she felt him checking the fit. Apparently satisfied she couldn’t slip out of them he did something with the key one last time.

“Let me know if you feel your hands going numb. I don’t want you losing circulation. You did well, by the way. Have you been handcuffed before now?” With one hand on her arm he walked up to her side. “This way to the car.”

“No, sir. This is my first time ever.” Barbara was convinced everyone was staring at her, as if she were some kind of criminal being led away to jail. When she took the time to look around hardly anyone paid attention to her. She glanced up at the man who was deftly leading her through the ferry terminal to the parking lot outside. There was a slightly bored expression on his face. He must have done this dozens if not hundreds of times before me, she realized.

When he stopped at a car he placed her purse on the ground before taking a set of keys out of his pocket. His other hand never left her arm. She heard the familiar beep and click of the car doors unlocking. He opened the rear door.

It didn’t take long before Barbara found herself strapped into the rear seat with a seat belt and shoulder strap. He did leave her some slack to accommodate her hands, for which she was grateful. Between the security grille separating front and back, and the lack of a door handle or window buttons in the back it was obvious to Barbara she wasn’t going anywhere until he released her.

Behind her back she took a moment to examine the handcuffs by touch. Instead of the more common chain links there was a hinge linking her wrists together. More restrictive, she remembered from reading about them, and more difficult to open if she happened to have a key. But she wasn’t the one holding the key, and that wasn’t ever going to change for the foreseeable future.

Mr. Brent, and she thought of him in those formal terms, dropped her purse into the front passenger seat. Before he started the car he looked back at Barbara. “I’m sure you have lots of questions. I’m not going to answer any of them. We’re going to the brokerage now, and that’s all you need to know. Unless you require assistance, I’d appreciate a nice, quiet drive there.”

She got the message, shut up and don’t bother him. At least she could see what North Island looked like. That is, until she turned to look out the side window and discovered what she had assumed was tinting was actually opaque paint. “Eyes front,” he ordered. She saw him watching in the rearview mirror. “Don’t try to look out the back window.”

That left her few options for sightseeing. She settled back in the seat, content to let the scenery roll by through the mesh of the grille.

Not Expected

Elise was sure something was going on and no one was telling her what it was. Ben was obviously preoccupied with something while Mr. Madsen was explaining administrative details she had no interest in hearing. When they finally arrived at the waiting room, a euphemistic name for a jail cell, Ben didn’t let go of her arm.

“This is where it starts. Right now we have,” Ray paused to look inside, “three arrivals waiting to be processed.” He glanced at a clipboard on the wall. “There are two more scheduled for this afternoon. When everyone is present they’ll be assigned to rooms. Bright and early tomorrow morning we’ll begin with the branding.”

Elise jerked her head back to stare at Ray. Branding? She couldn’t believe what she’d just heard.

From the smile on his face, along with the barely suppressed laughter from the nearby guard, it was obvious Ray was joking. “Sorry,” he apologized, “but you’d be surprised at the things I’m accused of. Branding is tame compared to the more lurid descriptions I’ve seen online.”

She turned to look at Ben. He still seemed to be distracted, not even paying attention to where they were. “Sorry, sir, but for a moment there I thought you were serious.”

Ray laughed, shaking his head. “If you think about it, why in the world would I intentionally damage the merchandise? It’s in the brokerage’s best interest to see that every woman in here is well-treated and at her best. Now, on to business and our next arrival. Ben?”

Elise turned back to face Ben, her unease growing when she saw the grim expression on his face. “Elise, this isn’t a tour. While you were changing I signed the papers that turn you over to the brokerage on consignment. You will be auctioned off at a date set by Mr. Madsen. Until then you will obey the guards here.”

The moment he let go of her arm the guard took hold of the other one. He unlocked the cell door and roughly dragged her inside. “Sir! Ben! Please don’t do this. Whatever I’ve done, punish me for it, but don’t sell me!” She continued to plead even when Ben turned his back on her and walked away. The guard slammed shut the door, turning the key to lock it.

Ray stood facing her, the bars separating them. “There’s never an easy way to part company. I do regret what’s in store for you, but it is necessary.”

Starting a New Life

Barbara’s introduction to brokerage life started with a change of clothes into an incredibly unattractive grey, sleeveless dress. Her shoes were taken away and not replaced. That was followed by a quick medical review, front and profile pictures, thankfully with her clothes on, all ending with a short lecture on how she was now the legal property of the brokerage and subject to both North Island laws and company regulations, though no one explained what those regulations were. She was grateful the guards had left off the handcuffs.

The process ended with a guard herding her into some kind of waiting area. Essentially it was a holding cell, with bars in front, a bare wall in back, and wooden benches on each of the side walls. “Sit down and wait,” the guard ordered in a gruff voice. “You can talk but keep the noise down. Any trouble and everyone will be held accountable for it, okay?” He locked the door and walked away.

There were four other occupants in with her, two on each side. All wore collars and the same eyesore of a company dress. She chose an empty spot on one of the benches between two women to sit down. The woman on her left watched her but didn’t move or speak. Barbara noticed she sat up very straight, with her hands precisely crossed in her lap. She resembled a statue; only her head moved side to side.

The woman on her right stood up and came over to introduce herself. “Hi, my name’s Lynn. You look kind of bewildered. Is this your first time in a brokerage?”

“Yes, it is, or will be once someone buys me. Aren’t we supposed to stay seated?” The guard hadn’t said anything about walking around.

The woman sat down next to her. “All I heard was to sit down. The way I see it what isn’t forbidden is open to interpretation. Besides, there’s no one around. Out of sight, out of mind, that’s my motto. It’s my second time heading to the auction block, first time in this place. My previous owner passed away in a car accident, God rest his lazy soul. He didn’t bother to make any provisions for us in his will, or even make a will out, so the Public Administrator sent us here.”

“Us?” Barbara asked. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be nosy.”

“That’s okay. Us as in me and Ellen.” She pointed to one of the women on the far bench. “He wasn’t satisfied with her so he bought me to liven things up.”

“He bought you because he had dementia. No one in their right mind would bid two cents for the likes of you.” That came from Ellen.

Lynn smiled. “As you see we get along like best friends forever. Anyway, I’m looking forward to parting company with her,” she jerked a thumb at Ellen, “on a permanent basis. As for our late master, he wasn’t really a bad man, but I can’t say I’m sorry to see him go. This is a high-end brokerage, so I think my chances are good my fortunes will improve the next time around.”

“All this is new to me. I guess it shows? I’m not sure what’s going to happen or what I’m supposed to be doing.” Barbara held her hands tight so they wouldn’t shake.

The other woman shrugged. “Get used to it. We’re always the last to find out. You know how controlling men can be, especially those dominant personality types. My last master loved to keep me guessing until the last minute. How about you, was your master the same way?”

Barbara hesitated before answering, unsure if she should reveal she was new to the collar. “Umm, not exactly. Don’t laugh, but I’ve only had this on,” her hand went to the collar around her neck, “for a few hours. It’s the first time for me.”

“Wow, and you wind up in a North Island brokerage? There’s nothing like learning to swim by diving into the deep end of a pool full of hungry sharks. How did you get yourself into a situation like this? You must have come from South Island, but you can’t even get on the ferry unless you already have an owner.” Lynn shook her head. “There’s no way you can just walk in here on your own.”

“I found a way,” Barbara replied. “I made the brokerage an offer they couldn’t,” she halted, aware that wasn’t quite right, “well, didn’t refuse. I sold myself.”

All the other women waiting in the cell heard her. Their heads turned in her direction.

“But,” Lynn stammered, “that doesn’t make any sense. Once the deal closed they get all their money back. You’re just giving yourself away.”

“That’s the offer they didn’t refuse. Sounds ridiculous, but here I am.”

“Okay then,” Lynn saw an obvious flaw, “if that’s how it happened, how much did they pay you? Before they took it all back, of course.” As a matter of policy women were never told their price tag.

“Me? Nothing at all. You know the law. I wasn’t told the amount when the company bought me.” Barbara shrugged. “Beyond that I’m not allowed to speak about it. You might work it out but I can’t comment on speculation.”

“Okay, forbidden territory, I get it.” Lynn leaned back against the wall, studying Barbara. “Can I ask why you chose to start here, of all places? You have no idea what kind of man is going to buy you. If your luck runs out you’re stuck with him for as long as he wants you. Why didn’t you go the usual route, stay on South Island and sign on for a one-year agreement? That’s the safe bet. If he turns out to be the master from hell you can always count the days until it’s over.”

Barbara shook her head. “That’s just what I didn’t want. The way I see it any kind of escape clause is a tacit admission you are anticipating failure. I don’t want safe. I want freedom; freedom from worry, freedom from making my own way in life, freedom from any responsibility. Except to my master; my one duty is to obey him, even if he is your master from hell. I want a man I can depend on, for everything. And I want him to control me, define my rights and wrongs, to be my conscience. I want a master who is the immovable rock, sure in his judgement, unwavering in his discipline, ready to correct me if I stray. And, I hope, reward me if I live up to his hopes for my future.”

“That’s quite a speech. Best of luck finding someone like that to bid on you.” Lynn looked around at the group, all listening in. “I hope you’ve at least done some preparation, because you’re in a very precarious situation here. Those guards out there,” she gestured towards the door, “aren’t the kind, patient and understanding type. When they come in here you pay attention only to them. Meanwhile keep one eye on me and copy what I do. Chances are we’re going to get a lecture any moment now on how we’re supposed to behave.”

“Don’t listen to her.” That came from the woman on her left. “She’s giving you bad advice and not setting much of an example either.”

Indignant, Lynn strode over to stand in front of the mysterious woman. “And who are you to pass judgement? You think you’re some kind of expert because you sit there like a block of stone?”

Elise ignored the woman, instead turning her head to look at Barbara. “You heard what the guard ordered. Do what you think is right, not what she tells you. You’re here for a reason, so prove to them,” Elise nodded toward the bars, “you’re serious about why you’re sitting there tonight.”

Lynn shook her head and went back to her corner seat on the bench. Barbara studied the woman to her left, thinking about what she had said. “My name’s Barbara, at least for now.” She paused, trying to decide if her neighbor wanted to continue the conversation. Worst that can happen is she ignores me too, Barbara thought. “Well, I think the right thing to do is sit here and wait until a guard comes back.”

For a moment she expected to be ignored too, until the woman replied. “I’m Elise. As it happens I agree with you, as you can see.”

There was something about the way she sat, almost as if it had come from years of training and practice. Barbara tried to do the same but her effort fell short. “Can I ask, where did you learn to sit that way? I’m trying to copy you but I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.”

“You don’t have to copy me, but if you want some pointers,” Elise began, “it starts with keeping your back straight and head high. Think of it as a sign of pride, in whom you are and how you want the world to see you. Turn your head, but not your torso. Keep your legs together but not quite touching, and straight down from knee to ankle. Line up your feet the same way, and keep the ends of your big toes in a straight line.”

Barbara made some adjustments. She couldn’t see the results but somehow it felt more precise. Ordered, that’s the word, she realized. There’s only one way, this way, so I have to get it exactly right every time.

“That’s better,” Elise said. “Now, hands go in your lap, about one third the distance to your knees. Cross your left hand over the right, at right angles, with the tips of your little fingers touching. Keep your fingers together but not quite touching. Tuck those elbows in. You’re drawing a picture, so every line counts. You got it now, quite an improvement.”

Barbara looked down at her hands. Poise, she thought, a place for everything and everything in its proper place. That’s what made her effort pale in comparison.

“No!” Elise exclaimed in a sharp tone. “Don’t look down. You know it’s right; you don’t have to check. Be confident in your own abilities. When they come back,” Elise nodded toward the bars, “don’t doubt for a minute they’ll notice the change. Show them you submit to their authority, you are obedient to their commands, you want to please them but you do so by nature, not fear.”

The room had suddenly grown quiet. Looking around Barbara saw all the other women staring at Elise. She turned back to her acquaintance, who had returned to her original position, staring straight ahead. With a newfound respect for her companion in adversity Barbara did the same. She’s right about one thing, Barbara told herself; I want to stand out, for the right reasons. She never considered herself to be the competitive type, but in this environment it was a necessity. It didn’t escape her attention that the woman directly across from her, the one who hadn’t spoken as yet, was also trying to match Elise’s example.

Barbara’s attention shifted when she heard the sound of boots approaching. Tempted though she was to see who was coming she didn’t look. There’s one right way and she had to keep to it no matter what’s going on. When she heard the key, followed by the door opening, she risked a sideways glance to the entrance. There were two guards, one with a clipboard in hand. He walked into the center of the room. The other guard stayed by the door.

When he looked up from his clipboard she caught his momentary, startled expression before he recovered. Elise got that right too, they do notice. He slowly surveyed the entire room, scrutinizing each of the women in turn. When he got to Barbara she froze.

She could see the expression on his face clearly. It wasn’t the usual male sexual appraisal; any woman would recognize that by instinct. This was different. She couldn’t put a name to it. There was the usual hint of lust, but mixed in was something else. Respect? Maybe that was it.

“Alright, we’re going to start with room assignments. It’s two to a room, so you have to share. I want everyone to line up facing the far wall,” he pointed to the one wall with no benches. “No talking except to answer questions.”

Barbara stood up and found a spot against the wall. What’s the right way for this? She couldn’t see Elise so she had to improvise. Use what I know, she thought. She stood as straight as she could, close to the wall but not touching it. Head up, stare straight ahead, with her hands at her side and feet close together with everything precisely aligned; it incorporated what she had learned from Elise.

She could hear the guard’s boot heels on the concrete floor. He was standing somewhere behind them. From the corner of her eye, she saw him stop next to Elise, on Barbara’s right, at the end of the line.

“Turn around, state your name and registration number,” he ordered in a neutral, businesslike tone.

“Elise, sir.” She continued with a string of digits. He glanced at her collar to verify the number.

“Okay, face the wall.” Elise quickly returned to her position.

When his hand clamped on Barbara’s shoulder she jumped, startled by the sudden touch. “Turn around, name and number?” he asked in a bored tone.

Barbara spun around, trying to keep the same rigid stance, though she did pull back on her shoulders. Maybe she didn’t have movie star grade breasts but it didn’t hurt if he was encouraged to look at what she did have. “Barbara, sir,” and then she panicked.

She thought fast, desperately struggling to remember her registration number. Her short-lived master had told her the number when he placed the collar around her neck, along with a warning never to forget it. And that’s exactly what had happened. Resigned to the worst, she had no choice but to admit it.

“I’m sorry, sir.” At least she remembered to address him properly. “I can’t remember my registration.”

There was a snicker of laughter from other women in line. The man in front of her sighed. He brushed aside her hair to better see the number stamped on her collar. He read it off, one digit at a time. Satisfied she was on his list he spun her around to where she faced the wall again. Leaning in he whispered in her ear. “Next time see to it you don’t forget.” The tone of his voice left no doubt he wasn’t pleased. “Let’s try it again. Registration number?”

This time she repeated it flawlessly. When he moved on to the woman next to her Barbara closed her eyes in relief. She’d screwed up and everyone in the room knew it. For some reason the guards had been lenient, this time. She repeated her number over and over in her head, determined to memorize it. No matter what else happened she would not let that particular mistake occur ever again.

He went through the remaining three women without any incidents. “Alright, that should do it,” the guard announced. “Everyone return to where you were on the benches and we’ll see about finding you a place to sleep tonight.” Still embarrassed at her mistake Barbara didn’t look at anyone while she found her place back on the bench.

The phone on the guard’s belt buzzed. Annoyed, he stuck the clipboard under an arm so he could answer his phone. “Yeah?” was followed by indistinct talking from the caller. “What do you mean it’s unavailable? Where’s Housekeeping?” was followed by more conversation from the other end. “Well, that’s great planning. Next time how about you tell me first?” He shut off his phone and put it back in his belt holder.

“Sorry about that, seems the plumbers started changing some fixtures but didn’t finish on time. So, we only have two rooms open tonight. That means one of you has to spend the first night in a dormitory bunk instead. That’s not our policy but it can’t be helped.” He looked around the room, apparently trying to decide who had just lost the room lottery.

When he turned to Barbara, she raised her hand. “Sir? If it helps I’ll volunteer.”

He didn’t answer immediately. Barbara returned her hand to her lap, once again resuming her impression of a statue. “I didn’t ask for volunteers. In the future wait before offering yourself up for noble self-sacrifice. You don’t even know what you’re volunteering for.”

He frowned, obviously irritated at her outburst. “In any case you two,” he pointed at her and Elise, “have been assigned to the added value program. That means both of you will share the first room.”

He pointed to Lynn and Ellen. “And it appears no one is quite sure what to do with you two. So you get to share the second room. It says here you lived together for several years, so I don’t expect any trouble. Am I right?”

“Yes, sir,” the two answered in chorus. Barbara wondered at the wisdom of that particular pairing, considering the hostility they’d shown toward each other earlier.

He walked over to the last woman. “So that leaves you as tonight’s winner. Again, sorry it has to be this way. Ralph?” He motioned in the second guard. “Take her to the dorm, and put in a good word with whoever’s on duty. Tell them she’s been cooperative and explain what happened.” He took hold of the woman’s arm when she stood up. “It’ll be a rough first night, but Ralph here will see to it you get every consideration.” He nodded to the other guard, who led the bewildered woman away.

“Now back to the rest of you. We’re shorthanded tonight, so you’ll have to wait a while longer before we can escort you to your quarters. Same rules apply until then; remain seated, call out if you need a guard, talking allowed but keep it down.” With that he left, locking the cell door behind him.

On the bench Barbara turned to her new roommate. Elise still sat like a status, but her head was lowered, and from the tears running down her cheek it was obvious she was crying. “What’s wrong? Do you want someone else to room with? We can call back the guard.” Barbara asked.

Elise looked over at Barbara. “No, nothing like that. I…I didn’t expect to be sitting here tonight, that’s all.” She reached up with one hand to wipe away the tears.

“So little Miss Perfect was dumped by her master?” The snide remark came from Lynn, on the other side of Barbara. “Or maybe I should call you Miss Imperfect? Did he trade you in for a newer model?”

Furious, Barbara jumped up and glared at Lynn. “If you want to be an asshole why don’t you go pick a fight with your BFF?” She pointed at Ellen. Lynn didn’t reply as she walked across the room to the bench on the other side.

“Don’t swear,” Elise whispered. “Never use foul language. All you’re doing is lowering yourself to her level. Chances are good your next master won’t approve of it either.”

Any further comments were cut off when a guard appeared at the bars. “You were ordered to talk quietly. Whoever was shouting, stand up and come here.”

With the greatest reluctance Barbara stood up. She’d lost her temper and disobeyed the guards in the process. Her first night and she’d already gotten herself into trouble. “I apologize, sir. I raised my voice when I knew it wasn’t allowed. I was the only one.” She stopped in front of the guard, facing him through the bars.

“Turn around, hands behind your back,” he snapped. “All of you, no talking.”

When he pulled her left hand through the bars and fastened one side of the handcuffs to it Barbara realized exactly what he intended. Before she could react he had her right hand through and the cuff locked on. She immediately tried to pull her hands back but it was too late. For the second time today she had been handcuffed, except this time the cuffs were used to hold her against the cell bars.

She was so preoccupied struggling with the cuffs she didn’t notice he had opened the cell gate and was now standing in front of her. When she saw the gag dangling from his hand it caught her attention immediately. “Open wide. We can do this the easy way or the painful way, your choice.”

She stared at the gag, then at the guard’s face. Slowly she opened her mouth. She didn’t want that thing stuck in her mouth but given her condition she recognized it was inevitable no matter how much she resisted. Better I get it over with now, she rationalized. Maybe he won’t leave it in as long if I cooperate.

The gag was large, a panel covering her lower face, with an insert attached to it that filled her mouth with a bad-tasting foam rubber. One strap went around her face, fastening in the back. The other split into a Y-shape over her nose, running over her head before attaching to the first strap in the back. It was every bit as unpleasant to wear as to look at. Barbara pushed at the wad in her mouth with her tongue but it didn’t budge.

“The rest of you, line up facing the rear wall,” he ordered. With Barbara as an example of what they might face the group was lined up in record time. “There will be no talking. You will not look away from the wall in front of you. You will not turn your head, you will not shift your feet, you will not raise your arms, you will not move, period. If anyone thinks this doesn’t apply to you, go ahead and try me. Just one of you disobeys and you’ll all join her.”

An Evening Together

“Bedtime,” Jim announced. “You may go to your rooms. I’ll be in to see each of you in about fifteen minutes. Karen, since you’ll be with me tonight you will wait in your room too, but don’t change your clothes. I’ll come for you after saying goodnight to Jeanne and Anna.”

That answered one of Karen’s questions. Neither of the other women had dropped any hints about what was expected of her tonight. Understandable, since it was expressly banned. She hoped they weren’t concealing some terrible secret, where their master transformed from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde when she was alone with him.

In her room Karen immediately went to stand at her spot on the floor. He might come in at any moment, so she had to be ready. If, as she believed, he was deliberately keeping her in the dark as to what would happen then he must have a reason for it. From long experience she knew withholding information was a common technique men used to control their women, and one they seemed to enjoy immensely. She’d heard it often enough, “you will be told what you need to know, when you need to know it.” She might not agree with the sentiment, but she did have to live with it.

Karen had learned long ago a collar meant she would always be at a disadvantage, whether it was information, finances, her access to the outside world, or any other aspect of her life. Even so she never regretted that last decision made entirely on her own, to give up her freedom, and in her own mind there was no question her master had the right to limit her in any way he chose, but it was still frustrating when she wasn’t allowed to prepare for whatever he planned. Despite the small frustrations her “disadvantage” was nearly always to her benefit, which effectively silenced whatever complaints she had. That was the real question weighing on her mind. Would her new master be the sort of man who would continue to validate her choice to live as his possession?

Glancing down she checked her skirt. The hemline looked to be a little too high. Taking a calculated risk she ran over to her bed and sat down. She was right; it was more than two fingers above her knee. Standing up she worked it down just a bit, in case he noticed. She expected him to have her strip down as soon as they were in his room, but without knowing for sure she couldn’t take a chance. She hurried back to her inspection spot.

When the door opened she was sure she had it right. She watched him, studying his expression as his eyes swept around the room. After that he took his time checking on her. Karen was confident she would meet with his approval, but there was always a nagging doubt she might have missed something.

“You’ve done well, I’m glad to see you’re settling in.” He walked around behind her. “No talking, keep your position.” He placed his hands on her bare shoulders. “I’m sure you’re nervous about tonight. You can relax. I’m going to explain to you exactly what I want. You won’t make any mistakes.”

That was exactly why she was so anxious. His words were reassuring, though it didn’t help with the enormous pressure she felt to please him. Sharing an intimate moment was her best opportunity to learn about the man who owned her, what he was like, the life he intended for her, and most important of all to make a good impression.

His hands shifted from her shoulders to her upper arms. “We’re going to start by getting to know each other. It’s a nice night out, ideal for sitting under the stars in the backyard. Neither Anna or Jeanne will leave their rooms tonight, so we won’t be interrupted.” She was puzzled why he chose to stand behind her. There must be something else coming.

She didn’t have to wait for the explanation. He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Before we go outside there’s one matter we have to attend to.” He let go of her arms. “Place your hands behind your back.”

Karen didn’t have to think about that particular command. Without any hesitation her hands went to the small of her back, palms facing each other, hands slightly parted. The familiar touch of the cold steel on her wrists, the click of the ratchets as the handcuffs closed, the constant pressure forcing her hands together, brought back recent memories. She could tell he was finished when she felt the distinctive click of the double lock being engaged.

She held still while he examined his work. She told herself that was a good sign; he was careful about ensuring she wouldn’t be injured from over-tightening the cuffs. From the way they rested on her wrists she could tell he knew the proper use: not too tight, but not so loose that she could slip out of the steel bracelets.

“It will be necessary for you to wear those restraints. This is not a punishment.” He ran one hand down her arm, from her shoulder to the cuff around her wrist. “I want you to think about how vulnerable you are right now. I’m the only one who can release you. Close your eyes, feel how safe you are in my arms even though you’re helpless.” He put his arms around her from behind, leaning in close to whisper in her ear.

She did close her eyes, leaning back against him, immersed in the moment. He was right; she was defenseless, unable to struggle or run away, but as long as he was here with her she wasn’t afraid. Even though he was a stranger, a man she’d only met yesterday, she was his property; it was his responsibility to take care of her and that was all that mattered. This was one of those moments when any doubts about her collar vanished.

He came around to stand in front of her. Karen stared straight ahead, keeping to her instructions. He used a hand to tilt her chin up to face him. Jim held her head in his hands so he could look directly into Karen’s eyes. “So you know, you did exceptionally well just now. I’m impressed by the speed of your reaction, and the way you held still when the cuffs went on, without any hint of resistance.”

She was no stranger to bondage. A simple pair of handcuffs didn’t frighten her. Not that they weren’t effective. A quick tug confirmed her suspicion they were the common chain type rather than the more restrictive hinged cuffs, or the rigid cuffs she’d grown to hate at the Disciplinary Center. He offered no explanation as to why she had them on, but it was his right and in any case she could make an educated guess as to the why. Without her hands she had to rely on him to assist her with even something as simple as opening a door. He liked his women helpless and dependent; she wouldn’t forget that crucial fact.

The connecting chain between her wrists was short, forcing her to keep her hands close together. Even so she still had a good range of movement behind her back. At the Center she’d seen one woman manage to slip her hands down far enough to step through a set of rigid cuffs, bringing her hands to the front. She was caught doing it and for months afterward had to wear a waist chain to anchor the cuffs behind her back. No one ever slipped out of that arrangement. Even if she had the flexibility to try Karen had no intention of attempting the same feat.

How far she could reach and make use of her hands wasn’t really important. She recognized what was expected; never use her hands when bound behind her back. Even though she understood his intentions in restraining her still she felt the psychological effects of being in his physical control.

He opened her bedroom door and took her arm. “There are some lawn chairs in the back yard. We can sit out under a clear sky while having a long talk together.” Out in the hall he kept hold of her arm, walking slightly behind her. She glanced up at him when they reached the back door.

He’d certainly surprised her. She half expected spending the night stripped and tied to the bed. Instead the evening was looking more like going on a date. Maybe not quite a date, since she would never have gone out in public with her hands locked behind her back. Even so she found herself looking forward to the evening.

Under the Stars

“There’s a chair behind you.” Karen turned her head to the side so she could see it. “Here, I’ll help you sit down.” Holding onto her arms he steadied her while she sat down. Because of her hands she had to sit toward the front of the chair.

“Sit up straight, face front, and keep your head up.” His tone changed, short and crisp, when he was commanding her. “Legs together, both feet on the ground and lined up.” Karen did her best to comply, staring into the distance, afraid to even blink.

He stroked her hair while standing behind her. “Excellent, that’s exactly what I want to see. Don’t move.” He came around to stand in front of her. There was a long pause while he stood there, hands on his hips, studying her, looking for the slightest deviation that would violate his orders.

A year at the Disciplinary Center had taught her the value of patience, along with the high cost of being disobedient. She was frozen in position, held there by nothing more than a few words from him. For that moment in time she had one purpose only, and that was to sit precisely the way he wished.

From a bag hanging off the arm of the chair facing her he took out what looked like an oversize set of handcuffs. Karen recognized them immediately, the dreaded rigid ankle cuffs she would be forced to wear if a guard had a bad day and took it out on her. Jim knelt down and fastened them on her ankles. Now she truly was helpless, unable to even walk, much less try to run away.

She willed herself to hold still when he began caressing her leg, running his hand up to her knee, and then under her skirt. “There, that should do it. You will remain in your chair. You do not have permission to stand up.” She had developed a particular dislike of rigid cuffs since they were a preferred method for punishment at the Center. Many nights she was forced to sleep with an identical pair locked on her ankles.

Suddenly he stood up. “You have nice legs,” he told her. “I like to look at them the way you’re sitting now.” He paused, lost in thought. “I am restricting you to only a skirt and top from now on. Remember that when you go shopping.” He stopped again, a distracted look on his face. “I’m further restricting you to sleeveless blouses for the top. I want to see bare arms at all times.”

Karen couldn’t respond, since he hadn’t given her permission to speak. He was going to let her order some new clothes; that was good news. Not so good, whatever she picked out was going to look a lot like her uniform.

He sat down across from her in the second chair. “I like to come out here in the evening and look up at the sky.” He pointed to the moon, rising up out of the ocean. “Someday there will be people up there, sitting under a dome, looking up at us from the other side of the sky.”

Karen looked up at the full moon. She’d never thought about the sky having sides, but he was right. It was all a matter of perspective. In that moment she understood his point. She was on one side of their relationship, he was on the other, but they were both looking up to the same sky.

“I made a small investment today, in one of the companies building commercial spacecraft. The amount was modest, a few shares of stock. I’m not one of those Internet billionaires that can spend a hundred million on a whim. Even so, I like to think I’m playing a small part in eventually getting people back to the moon. We may not live long enough to see it, but someone will be living up there, sooner or later. I like to believe they’ll be sitting in chairs, watching the Earth rise up over the lunar horizon just like we watch the moon rise.”

She joined him in gazing at the moon. He was a dreamer about the future. From the bits of news she had been allowed she did know about commercial space companies, though it was little more than the fact they existed. She missed the days when she could let her curiosity run wild during an Internet search. These days she would almost always hit blocks that stopped her search, and then she’d have to explain to her master what she was doing when he checked the logs.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re sitting there, listening to me ramble on about what’s still science fiction. There are a couple of reasons why. First off, you’re here, nicely bundled up, because I like it that way. My advice is to get used to it, because it will be a frequent occurrence.” While he spoke he leaned forward and began running a fingertip up and down her exposed arm.

“The other reason is to show you I think about the future, our future. You, me, Jeanne and Anna, where will we be not just a week from now, but months, years, twenty years on? I’ve thought about that question for some time. I have an answer. I’m not going to share it tonight, other than to say I have a plan, all three of you are at the center, and I will do whatever I think necessary to reach our common goal.”

He held out his arm, hand clenched in a fist. “The four of us must become so tightly linked together that nothing and no one can ever split us apart. Like this fist, there’s strength in unity of purpose.” He opened his hand, “and collapse, weakness and ruin if we can’t trust each other.”

She studied him in the moonlight. Judging from the way he spoke he was certainly passionate about his vision. Suddenly he grabbed her hair, pulling her head back while he leaned over to kiss her. She felt his other hand caressing her breast. Startled she tried to reach out but was quickly brought up short by the handcuffs.

He was out of his chair, practically on top of her. “You have permission to talk, but only to answer direct questions. Is that clear?”

Finally she could speak, although limited to his subject of conversation. “Yes, sir,” she whispered.

“Understand I can have you anywhere, anytime I choose. It is your duty to me to be ready and willing. I’m sure you are well aware you cannot, dare not refuse me. There will be no discussion about this now or at any time in the future. Is that clear, too?”

Karen knew exactly what he meant: his collar, his property, his to do with as he pleased, including sex. She expected no less from him. “Of course, sir,” she replied.

He sat back down. “So, who am I? I’ll spare you the details of how I got to this point. I think you’re more interested in what goes on up here.” He tapped the side of his head. “In your place I would expect that question to be at the top of your list.”

That was an understatement. “Yes, sir,” she replied. “If I can be blunt, master, it’s a matter of survival.” She leaned forward to hold up her handcuffed wrists. “I need to know what you expect from me. More than that, how I can do better than just get by. We have a common interest, sir. The more I learn about how to please you, the less work you have to invest in teaching me. For my benefit, I would hope that you might encourage me with the carrot instead of the stick.”

He laughed. “Direct, but to the point. You’re right, by the way. I much prefer the carrot, as long as you don’t forget there’s a stick if you get lazy.”

“No, sir. That will never happen again.” He had to know all about her past. One moment of careless inattention had cost her a year off her life, and should have ruined her chances for even a tolerable future. She was determined that mistake was never going to happen again.

“We’ll discuss your history later. Here’s what you need to know about me tonight. I’m sure you already figured this out but I’ll repeat myself. Obedience is paramount. Not just minimal cooperation but with diligence and enthusiasm. If I ask you to do something, open it up for discussion, we can talk about it. But if I order you then I expect immediate results. My rules fall under that no discussion category. I expect a one hundred percent effort, no excuses. But I am pragmatic about unexpected circumstances that might come up. In that case I’ll take events into consideration before I act.”

Karen had quickly found out from talking to Anna and Jeanne he was not an indulgent master. She’d seen it herself the first day. She hoped he was sincere about being understanding when it proved impossible for her to obey some rule or fulfill a command.

“Next, there are certain things I want from all three of you. They might seem trivial, something you could let slip once in a while. One you are aware of already, your daily uniform. Another is your collar; it must be visible at all times. There are the inspections, and the spot in your room when you’re waiting for me. I can’t stress enough the importance of getting all those items right. None are difficult as long as you pay attention. But I warn you, anything less than perfection and you will learn what happens when I get angry.”

No wonder Jeanne and Anna had been so preoccupied with her changing clothes the moment I arrived at the house, Karen thought. They were scared he might come home early before she was ready. That brought up the obvious question, why?

“Most important of all, I will not tolerate even a hint of discord between the three of you. If you want to see me at my worst, pick a fight with Anna or Jeanne. They are here to stay, and so are you. There will be no arguments, no shouting, no fighting, no competition, and I stress this one, no attempts to profit at the expense of the others. Either the three of you find compromises, or in my heavy-handed way I do it for you.”

That much Karen had learned from Anna already. He made it clear the arrangement wasn’t going to change, for many years to come. Like the other women she didn’t care for it. She could tell this was his grand plan for all their futures, and nothing was going to sway him. It’s an attitude adjustment I have to make, she told herself.

He continued, “I will provide whatever you need. You gave up all your rights when that collar went around your neck. All but one, and that’s the right to count on me. If you want to know how I think, then start with dependency as a virtue, at least where you’re concerned. Don’t ever hesitate to come to me when you want or need something. I may say no, or more likely yes, but I must hear you ask first.

“Don’t make the mistake of thinking you are a burden, financial or otherwise. My job is to provide the resources; your job is to make the best use of them. I’ll let you in on a little secret. One of my greatest joys in owning you, rather than just living together, is that you have to count on me. That gives me the power to control you, in a way you can’t avoid.”

Karen stared at the man sitting in front of her. None of her previous owners had ever been so forthcoming about their innermost emotions. Being dependent didn’t bother her. In fact it was one of her prime motivations in choosing the collar in the first place. She was eager to hand over the stress and headaches that came with struggling about finances and life in general.

“All this brings us to why we’re sitting out here tonight. I’m a man; you’re a woman. What’s going through my head? It doesn’t take mind-reading superpowers to figure that out. There’s a context which may not be so obvious though.”

Between the look in his eyes, the hand up her skirt, and the obvious bulge in his pants Karen had no doubt how the evening would end. He was in charge; the timing was strictly up to him. In most respects he was still a stranger, though she could feel an attraction growing the more he talked about himself. Suddenly the realization hit her that this might well be the only man she would ever sleep with for the rest of her life.

“Since I own you,” she could hear the way he stressed that word, “matters are very simple. You can’t say no. In fact, you can’t offer much of a protest at all, locked up like that.”

Instinctively Karen pulled at the handcuffs binding her hands behind her back. All he had to do was pick her up out of the chair and throw her to the ground; she was unable to fight him off. Being her owner he had every legal right to take her by force if he chose, and there wasn’t anything she could do about it.

“The violent approach does have its own attraction,” he explained, leaning back in his chair. “That’s not what’s going to happen tonight. Don’t take that as a promise it won’t happen in the future. That’s something else you need to know about me.” Jim leaned forward, his eyes staring at Karen intently. “If, when I want you never forget I’ll act as I see fit. Anywhere, anytime, you might find yourself flat on your back while I rip off your clothes.”

His admission only increased his attraction. She had some of her own eccentricities too. One of them was the same scenario he’d just described. Karen closed her eyes, imagining his strong hands suddenly seizing her from behind, forcing her to the ground, and roughly pulling her hands behind her back…

“Open your eyes!” he ordered in a sharp, commanding tone. Her eyes flew open. “Don’t do that again. I want you in the here and now, not daydreaming.”

“Forgive me, sir. I let my imagination run away..” Mentally she kicked herself for becoming distracted.

Some Fun

One of the perquisites of running brokerage operations was the occasional hands-on day as a regular guard. For Les it had some justification in that he could evaluate new arrivals personally, rather than trust to second hand impressions. This was to be one of those nights, observing a new group of arrivals who were processed that afternoon. He especially wanted to see for himself the woman who came voluntarily. The boss had taken a personal interest in her, so there must be something special going on.

He stood waiting in the corridor leading to the holding cell. Ralph, the first guard, was standing next to him, his arm across the shoulder of the woman he’d just led away. She had her arms around him, holding him close. “Thanks again Ralph, for lending us Amy. As it turned out she wasn’t needed but you never know. No panic attacks tonight, and one of the new ones, well, she’s a bit strange. You saw her, sat there and never moved. I think it had a calming effect on everyone else.”

“I felt it myself, sir.” That was Amy, the fifth woman from the benches. “I’m positive she had quite a bit of training somewhere. I’ve never come across someone like that here at the brokerage before now.”

Les checked his clipboard. “That would be Elise? There’s not much information on her. There’s a note to the effect no one is to ask about her history. She must have fallen a long way down to reach a North Island brokerage.”

He turned back to the guards with him. “We’re going to run one of the ‘entertainment’ stress tests tonight. The break room is ready, and we’ve rounded up the usual suspects for our subhuman cavemen. I have to wonder about the guys who are always eager to volunteer. Some of them are so good acting the part I have to ask myself how they managed to slip through the screening process.”

“I was scared to death when I went through it, sir.” Amy shuddered, holding tight to her Ralph at the memory of that night. “I never want to go through an experience like that again.”

“Not to worry, you know the secret so you’re exempt. That’s why we set up the excuse to get you away from the group.” Les checked his clipboard again. “Out of the rest no one has been exempted, so it’ll be the usual procedure. We’ll take them to the break room and bring them inside one at a time. Remember, calm and businesslike, we don’t want anyone to freak out before we get them strapped down. Once we have everyone in place I’ll introduce our cast for this evening’s melodrama.

“But first they need some time to anticipate the worst. Let’s meet here again in fifteen minutes, before we start.”

Stress Test

Without any warning the cell door flew open and a guard came in. “Okay, no talking from now on. I want all of you to stand up where you are. Strip, leave your clothes on the bench. I mean everything, right down to your birthday suit. When you finish I want you to line up facing the far wall, hands behind your back.” Les stood in the doorway, arms folded. “I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

Elise jumped up and had her dress off before Barbara made it to her feet. Following her example, Barbara hurried but was still the last to reach the wall. She did remember to place her hands behind her back.

They were lined up against the wall, facing away from him. His boots echoed on the cold concrete floor as Les walked back and forth behind their backs, letting their anxiety build. Barbara, the one he wanted to check on, was noticeably slower in responding to orders. He let it pass for tonight. Satisfied they were under control, he gestured to the other two guards waiting at the cell door.

“Okay, guys, hook them up. It’s getting close to end of shift.” He threw in that last comment to set the stage. In fact it was nowhere near the end, but the women facing the wall didn’t know that. He smiled at the thought they would never see a clock during their stay at the brokerage.

The other two guards worked quickly. Starting at the far end of the line, away from Barbara, one guard held a cloth sack while the other one drew out a gang chain. Each woman was handcuffed behind her back, with a chain linking her to the next. Barbara was next to last. When they finished the four women were shackled together.

Les started at the far end, checking the handcuffs fastened on each woman. When he reached Barbara he took hold of her cuffs in one hand. He leaned forward, whispering in her ear. “A little bird told me you like wearing handcuffs. Do they turn you on?” He reached around with his other hand and fondled her breast. Barbara gave a start but did not pull away from his hand.

That’s a good sign, he thought. He announced in a loud voice, “Some of the guys are coming off overtime tonight. It’s been a long day so I thought we’d reward them with a little entertainment for the evening. I’m sure all of you are eager to see to it they have a good time before they go home.” Again, not a word was true but it added to what was coming.

None of the women spoke or moved, though he did catch some small, involuntary reactions from his pronouncement. In particular he spotted the one on the end clench her hands but quickly go back to open palms. She’s not too keen on the idea, he thought, but she can’t do anything about it. Now for part two.

Out of sight of the women he pressed a button on his phone, causing it to ring as if he’d received a call. He held the phone up, pretending to answer.

“Hello?” He paused, giving himself time to hear a non-existent message. “Got it. We’ll be there right away.” He hit another screen button to sound a closing beep. “Guys? We’re needed down the hall, some kind of problem.”

“What about them, boss?” That was from one of the guards carefully placed at the end of the line, where some of the women could see him from the corner of their eye.

He pretended to consider their predicament. “Sorry, ladies, seems you’ll have to wait a few minutes. We’ll be back for you as soon as we’re done.” In fact he had no intention of returning any time soon. The next scene for his little game would be the conversation between the women after he left. Hidden cameras and microphones were well-placed to catch everything they said.

Les and the two other guards filed out of the cell, making enough noise to guarantee the women would know they had left. He shut the cell door and made a small production of noisily locking it. “To pass the time you have permission to talk to each other. You will remain where you are. I know you’re disappointed so we’ll try to hurry. We’ll be back soon.”

Waiting in Line

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Barbara stood in line, hands cuffed behind her back, momentarily relieved at the delay, but still scared about the prospect of being thrown to a bunch of strange men for their casual use. She pulled at the handcuffs in the faint hope they would magically swing open. This was not to be her night for miracles though. The cuffs didn’t cooperate, leaving her trapped with the rest of the women.

Lynn must have felt her efforts through the chain linking them together. She turned her head to make sure the room was clear before speaking. “Hey, don’t let it get to you. You do what’s necessary, like it or not. No responsibility, remember? Do your best, enjoy it if you can. Take Ellen,” she nodded in the direction of the woman on her other side, “she looks forward to little parties like this. The more the merrier, that’s what turns her on.” 

“Screw you too, Lynn,” came a blistering reply from Ellen.

Lynn laughed. “Best friends forever?” She turned back to Barbara. “We used to share the same master. We had to tolerate each other, orders and all that, but I never learned to like it. I guess he didn’t anticipate a sudden demise, since he left no will and no provision for us, so here we are. I hope parting with Ellen will be such sweet sorrow. Isn’t that right, Ellen?”

“The sooner the better, dearest Lynn. If fortune smiles on me leaving here will be the last time we ever meet. I doubt my new master will ever take me to the kind of skid row bar you’ll be working at.” Obviously Ellen and Lynn shared an intense mutual dislike.

“I’m sorry about your master. Do you miss him?” Barbara asked.

Lynn didn’t reply immediately. After some thought she explained, “Overall I’d have to say he was a good man. He did like his tequila, more than it liked him, apparently. I really have no idea why he bought me since he already had Ellen. Anyway, yeah I do miss him. He was far from perfect, but better the devil you know.”

Barbara looked over her shoulder at the cell bars. “Do you think they’ll make us wait much longer?”

Lynn shook her head. “No idea. We could be here all night if they forget about us. You’re welcome to walk over to the cell door and see if they’re coming back.” She jerked on the chain connecting them. “Of course, you’ll have to drag the rest of us along with you.”

It hadn’t occurred to Barbara the guards would simply leave them standing against the wall all night. There was no way her legs would last that long. Nor did she look forward to them returning anytime soon. “I thought we’d be treated better than this,” she whispered to Lynn.

“Don’t waste your time thinking that way,” Lynn advised. “They’ll treat us as they see fit. Whether or not you approve doesn’t really matter. Remember, you’re in it for a lifetime, so get your head straight now.”

Firsthand Experience

What have I done to end up here? Elise debated that question over and over in her head. How long had Ben been planning on selling her? Firsthand experience, that’s what he’d offered as an explanation when they caught the ferry. She never expected he meant for her to be the one with the firsthand experience being sold.

The brokerage uniform was far from the best quality. It was a cheap dress, short, sleeveless and low cut. They must save a fortune on material. She shook her head. This was no time to make jokes. The bare concrete floor felt cold on her bare feet.

She was certainly learning how a brokerage worked from the inside, without any special treatment. Like everyone else in here she was merchandise, consigned for auction at some future date. Any protests on her part that she was only observing would be met with laughter, likely followed by some kind of punishment for causing trouble. What really cut deep was Ben’s callous way of getting rid of her, without even an explanation.

When in doubt always do as you were told. Mrs. Yates words from the Facility echoed in her head. This was one of those moments. Doubts were plentiful, with a real edge of fear waiting in the background. Elise stared at the wall, concentrating on one tiny spot. There’s nothing I can do to change what’s about to happen, she told herself. I have to trust this is for my own good.

The handcuffs were snug around her wrists, tighter than what she was used to but not enough to cut off circulation. She’d spent more time today with her hands locked behind her back than any time since she’d left the Facility. It was a stark reminder of what it meant to wear a collar in Island society.

Despite promises the guards did not return right away. As near as she could guess it was at least twenty minutes, maybe more before she heard the bars swing open again. That was plenty of time to think about what was coming. Their arrival was not a welcome sound.

“Don’t worry, we didn’t forget you.” Elise recognized the voice of the one in charge. “We’re back on schedule now. Okay guys, let’s get them moved to the rec room. No talking from now on.”

 Elise started to step away from the wall, but things didn’t go quite as planned. “Sir? The cuffs are too tight! If I have to wear these things can’t I at least have my hands in front?” The outburst came from the woman at the other end of the line. Elise closed her eyes and slowly counted to ten, trying to calm down. There always has to be one idiot who ruins it for everyone else. Why does it have to happen when I’m around?

“I thought,” the supervisor began, “I made it clear I wanted quiet. Apparently I was misunderstood.” Elise was roughly shoved back into the wall by a hand on her back. She saw the same thing happen to the woman next to her. “It seems I need to explain exactly what I meant in more detail, something easy to understand.”

Elise was certain something unpleasant was coming, and there wasn’t anything she could do to stop it. “Gag them,” was the clipped order from the man doing all the talking. It was exactly what Elise expected, and dreaded.

“Please, sir! I’m sorry. I’ll be quiet. I didn’t mean…” the rest of the woman’s plea was cut off when the gag went into her mouth. She continued to make unintelligible sounds, trying to talk around the gag.

“Shut,” the guard’s voice was loud, “up!” The sound stopped.

When Elise’s turn came she opened her mouth before the guard behind her ordered it. She hated gags but knew there was no way to avoid it. Ben never gagged her, though he did order her to be silent on occasion. That option wasn’t available to her now.

The insert slid into her mouth, filling it with a soft, spongy material. It was attached to a wide leather panel covering her lower face. One strap went behind her head. An inverted-Y harness around her nose merged into another strap passing over her head. Both straps came together above her neck, in back. She pushed against the gag with her tongue but couldn’t dislodge it.

Elise knew from her Facility training how well it worked. It didn’t block sound entirely; rather it muffled and garbled any attempt to speak. She could still make some noise but trying to communicate was a lost cause.

The significance of the entire group being chained together wasn’t lost on Elise. All it took was for one of them to act up, and it was just her luck to share responsibility with someone who didn’t know better. If it had been Barbara, who obviously had no experience, she might excuse it. Those other two, and she was sure it had been Ellen who disobeyed, weren’t new to a collar. Both of them had to know any infraction and the entire group would be punished for it.

Maybe the cuffs were on the tight side, but certainly not enough to break an order of silence. These men were experts; they weren’t going to risk injuring the merchandise. Selfish, Elise told herself. Ellen didn’t think about the consequences or what would happen to her companions. Much as Elise detested gags she had to concede it was an appropriate response. By Facility standards it might even be considered lenient.

First in Line

When she entered the “recreation room” Elise nearly froze. It was all too clear what was about to happen next. Wearing a collar meant she could never say no, but she assumed that only applied to her master. Except she didn’t belong to Ben now; the brokerage had custody until she was sold.

One of the guards with them fastened the gang chain to a ring in the wall. None of them were going to attempt some kind of pointless dash for freedom through the open door. When the rest of her group figured out what the guards intended that was a real possibility.

She was the first to discover the details of what “entertainment” meant. After the guard next to her unlocked the cuffs he led her around the corner to a row of low platforms. It took Elise all of about two seconds to figure out their purpose. “First one is yours,” the guard told her. “Lie down, head toward the wall.”

She recognized the layout in front of her, a type of bed found in psychiatric hospitals. The type was used to restrain violent patients, often for hours at a time. There was padding underneath for comfort, plus a multitude of straps that could immobilize even the strongest and most uncooperative patient. She’d actually seen one before, at the hospital where she worked in Los Angeles. It was rarely used, though there were rumors of residents and nurses who tried it out late at night.

Elise held still while the guard went through the procedures for securing a cooperative patient. He must have done it before because he was both thorough and professional, quickly lashing her down but without any display of sadistic pleasure.

He gave the straps one final tug to ensure they were tight. “That should do it. It might be a little uncomfortable but you’ll get used to it. Go ahead and test them if you like. I doubt you’ll be going anywhere tonight.” He stood up and turned to the next woman in line.

Elise started with her hands. A wide belt went over her waist. To either side her hands were held in place by vinyl cuffs attached to security mitts covering her hands. Those mitts appeared to be some kind of stiff nylon tube. She tried to make a fist but couldn’t overcome the resistance of the foam with her fingers. She tried slipping out of one but the strap around her wrist held tight. She pulled against it with all her strength but made no progress at all.

Another belt went across her torso, preventing her from sitting up. Vinyl cuffs around her elbows forced her arms down. There was enough slack to breathe but not much else.

The vinyl cuffs around her ankles were just as unyielding. Her legs were spread far apart and held in place by additional straps above her knees. That wasn’t good at all. There could only be one reason and it wasn’t one she wanted to think about.

Worst of all was the harness around her head and under her chin. It was attached to another strap which ran up to the head of the bed. This last strap was the one the guard had pulled tight. When she tried to raise her head nothing happened.

That’s when she noticed her reflection on the ceiling. Her first reaction was one of disgust at someone’s sick joke. She could see herself clearly, her nude body in the grip of the straps, and the gag silencing her to add insult to injury. Elise now had a newfound appreciation for just how well a person could be restrained on a bed.

She couldn’t lift her head to see but from the sound alone the rest of her group were being strapped down one at a time. The last one, the woman who had caused so many problems, kept trying to say something through her gag. I bet she’s begging that guard not to tie her down, Elise thought. I hope he makes her belts as tight as possible. She knew it was mean and petty but Elise didn’t care. She hated gags and blamed that woman for the one stuffed in her mouth.

“Okay ladies, looks like all of you are ready. I’m sure you’re wondering what’s going on? Well, we have a little bonus program set up for the men who watch over you. Whenever we get a new group in you are given the opportunity to show your appreciation for their efforts. After the current shift ends there’s a drawing. The winners will naturally expect your enthusiastic cooperation when they arrive.”

Elise strained against the straps in a futile effort to escape. In a panic she even tried to shout out to the guard. The gag defeated her efforts, though it was unlikely anyone cared about what she had to say. She stared up at the mirror. I’m going to be raped, maybe more than once, and I can’t stop it. She closed her eyes, tears welling up as the full impact of her situation hit home.

Ben, where are you? More than ever she needed him to protect her. He had always kept her safe, so where was he now?

A Bad Day

Barbara stared up at her reflection in the mirror overhead. She could clearly see the straps that held her prisoner, as well as the gag stuck in her mouth. The guards had left, confident none of the women were going to escape their bonds. Any minute now the door would open. After that the best she might manage would be to blot out the memory of the rest of the night. The day had started as an exciting adventure; now it was ending with her worst nightmare come true.

I still don’t understand, she thought, everything I read online said this brokerage was an ethical one. One that did not engage in the sort of brutality she knew was about to start. One last time she struggled with the restraints, hoping to free herself. It was in vain; the guards were good at their job.

The door flew open, followed by the deep voices and laughter of several men. Barbara closed her eyes, trying to imagine herself someplace far away. However long it takes, I’ll get through it, she tried to reassure herself.

“Whoa, look at the tits on this one!” The crude comment came from close by. “I get to go first!” the man shouted.

The smell hit her first. These men hadn’t had a shower in days. What they did have were bottles of whiskey. She recognized the distinctive odor of cheap booze. Reluctantly Barbara opened her eyes. One of them was standing over her, scratching his dirty beard with one hand. In the other was a half empty whiskey bottle. His clothes were filthy, spotted with dirt and other, unidentifiable stains.

“Hiya, darling!” He leaned over her. She nearly passed out from the stench of his bad breath. “Hope you didn’t have to wait too long for me.” He reached down to rest a hand on her thigh. “Yeah, that’s nice. I like it soft, smooth and clean. We’re gonna have a good time tonight.”

Barbara tried to pull away from his hand but the straps were too tight. Overcome by fear she twisted and turned, frantically trying to escape from the hideous creature about to climb on top of her. “Hold on there, darling,” he laughed, “I gotta set down the bottle first. You are the eager one. Been a while?”

A second man stopped on the other side of her. “Damn, Joey, you always get to the best ones first. Let me know when you finish with her. I wanna piece of that.” It shouldn’t have been possible but the newcomer was even more repulsive than the first. There was a strong smell of onions and cigarette smoke coming from his direction. She could see the thick dark lines of dirt under his fingernails.

“Wait your turn, Frank. I got here first.” The bottle had disappeared from his hand. Barbara watched in horror as he loosened his belt. “Time for us to start the party,” he joked while pulling down the zipper on his pants.

She closed her eyes, resigned to what was coming next. She could feel the tracks of the tears running down her cheeks. What have I done? That thought rolled around in her head, over and over.

Reasons Why

“Okay, I’ve gone through what I wanted to cover for the immediate future. I do intend this to be a conversation, not a lecture, so it’s your turn. You have permission to speak freely, though you will always respect the line separating us. Before you start, I’ll talk about your history at the Disciplinary Center later on, so skip any questions about it for now.” Jim leaned back in his lawn chair.

“Yes, sir.” Karen had to think fast since he’d preempted her conversation starter. She had to be careful about the subject in case he didn’t like it and banned further discussion on whatever she asked.

“Sir, may I ask why you require those particular rules, about uniforms and inspections? I ask only to better understand your intent, so I can put forth the best possible effort.” She hoped the wording of her question wouldn’t overstep some other rule she didn’t know about yet.

Jim didn’t reply immediately. The answer wasn’t complicated. He liked the skirt and sleeveless blouse because it showed just the right amount of skin. The combination was both feminine and sexy, and best of all worn to please him. The inspections had both overt and less obvious reasons. The simple explanation was that he enjoyed seeing his collection lined up in front of him every evening. Behind the simple was a more complex point, to focus the three of them on particular tasks every day

The collar he enjoyed seeing most of all. It marked them as his property, his alone, to do with as he pleased. It represented power, his power to run their lives. There was no one to stop him from achieving his ultimate goal, the ability to reach into their minds, to mold their thoughts, their hopes and dreams into his own vision of their common future together.

The silent pause worried Karen. She started to apologize but Jim cut her off by raising his hand. He wasn’t going to answer her question, at least not to the degree she hoped for. He couldn’t fault her for the way she asked though. It was worded in a way that respected their relationship plus she had added a reasonable explanation.

“I don’t explain or justify my rules to any of you. I will tell you this much in regards to your question. Think of it this way, what is the point of power if it isn’t used? In simple terms, I have my guilty pleasures.” He leaned forward and began unbuttoning her blouse, starting at the top. “See, I can do this without asking. You, well, at the moment you would be wise to sit very still. I don’t expect you’ll push my hand away, or indignantly stand up and walk back to the house, outraged by my taking certain liberties.” He pulled out the bottom of her blouse from under her skirt to undo the last button.

“No, sir. I’m quite comfortable right here.” Her response was something of an understatement. He was unwrapping a new present at his leisure. She had no intention of discouraging him though he’d taken steps to ensure she couldn’t interfere.

“Concerning my intentions, that’s as much explanation as I’m willing to share. There’s more, and I’m sure you’ll figure it out at some point.” He shifted to a stern, commanding tone. “Meanwhile there will be no further discussion about those intentions. You are forbidden to ask about the reasons behind my orders and rules. You will not attempt to start a discussion with Jeanne or Anna about them, nor will you answer if they ask you. Speculate all you want, but keep it to yourself. Never question or complain about the rules either; they aren’t going away and they’re not likely to change. Any part of that you don’t understand?”

Karen’s face showed her surprise at the intensity of his reply. “No, sir,” was all she could manage.

Again Jim leaned forward, this time to pull her open blouse down to her elbows. Then he reached behind her back to unhook her bra, exposing her breasts. He leaned back to admire his work.

She held as still as possible, well aware of his scrutiny and what it would lead to later on. “Sir, I would like to find out how I can best use those qualities you see in me, the ones that you found interesting. There must be something that caught your attention when you decided to buy me. If I have some idea perhaps I might better please you.” Karen hoped the way she focused on herself might distract from how close she was to violating his ban.

Again he stared at her without offering a reply. She still couldn’t read his expression, so it was difficult to tell if he was only thinking about her question, or if he was already planning on how to punish her.

“One of those qualities is your brain,” he explained, after a long pause. “It’s obvious what you’re really asking. If I were a lawyer I’d say this is a case of following the letter of the law while twisting the spirit into a very different direction. Well done, by the way. I’m impressed by how fast you came up with your innocent-sounding question.”

Karen braced herself for the worst. He saw right through her attempt to get around his explicit order. Now there’d be a price to pay for the risk she took.

“What you really wanted to ask is…Why me? Why are you sitting here instead of someone else? I started with a search of the local brokers, matching up a list of specific requirements. For obvious reasons I had to limit my search to our local island, since you would be number three. Price wasn’t a major factor, by the way. I’m sure you’re curious about how much you’re worth in the open market?” He shook his head. “You know better than to ask. It wasn’t the highest, but far from the lowest. I’d say you placed in the upper third of my range.”

None of her previous owners had ever revealed what they’d paid for her. His answer didn’t really provide any clues either, but it was flattering to find out she been above average for his intended price range, whatever that was. Her hopes were rising that he wasn’t going to discipline her for asking after all.

“What I searched for was shaped in part by Jeanne and Anna. Over the last two days you’ve talked with Jeanne. You’ve lived in Island society for some time, so I’m sure you’ve come across her personality type by now. I am her first and only master. She started out as someone violently opposed to the whole concept of women as property. I define violent as in breaking the law, causing damage, even putting people at risk. That behavior cost her dearly, to the point where a court took away her freedom. The Island takes a dim view of such activities. It was a difficult transition, but as you can see now she is even more passionate about giving in to the dark side.”

Karen was about to ask if that made him Darth Vader, but he kept going. “Nothing and nobody will ever change her newfound view of the world. It’s a world of absolutes, no middle ground. I dictate what’s right; I define what’s wrong. That’s all she needs or wants.”

“That’s my impression of her too, sir.” Karen had encountered Jeanne’s type before, the “True Believer”, as she liked to think of them. Normal in most respects, but mixed in was a fanatical view of the world that defied any kind of rational argument.

“I’ll be honest with you. I exploit her passion for subjugation, as I like to call it. I do everything in my power to support it, encourage it, and ruthlessly take advantage of it. You will notice the way I’m strict with Jeanne in ways that seem excessive to you. I can tell you Anna was disturbed about it, at first. As you get to know Jeanne, you’ll see for yourself how she excels under conditions you and Anna would soon grow to hate. So take some time before you pass judgement on me for how I treat her.”

That’s when a nagging thought in the back of her head suddenly made sense. She’d only had the two evening inspections so far, but in retrospect Karen understood why he seemed to spend more time looking Jeanne over for any mistakes, and how he kept glancing back at her while talking, making sure she was holding her position to perfection. There was a subtle double standard at work, with Jeanne required to meet an arbitrarily higher level compared to the other two women.

“That brings us to Anna. Her story is very different. I’m her second owner. She willingly signed herself over to the first, in the belief they’d have an ideal life together, forever. It lasted about three months. Turns out he had a lot of problems, and he blamed Anna for most of them. No matter how hard she tried he’d punish her frequently, often for no reason at all. I won’t go into details, but it was a very bad situation. Eventually he got into a bar fight, seriously injured a bystander, went to prison for it. To pay the fine he had to give up his punching bag, though I suspect the judge handed out a high number to force the sale for Anna’s sake. She was an emotional wreck when I brought her home. She’s much better out of that environment, but deep down she’s terrified of being sold to someone like him again.”

Karen nodded, “Sir, she told me she would never do anything to jeopardize her place here. I see why now.” His description was the nightmare scenario every collared woman dreaded, a mentally unstable master and no way out. The image of what Anna must have gone through almost brought tears to Karen’s eyes.

“Just as I must be harsh with Jeanne I try to be compassionate with Anna. She doesn’t get a pass for misbehaving, none of you ever will, but I keep her history in mind when it’s necessary to discipline her.”

She began to sense a pattern emerging around the man facing her. He was a decent man, but no altruist. He selected his women based on something he could use to his advantage. The only revelation was how transparent he was about it.

“And that brings us to you. All three of you have something unique that appeals to me. With Jeanne it’s her passion and intensity. Every minute of her life is focused on me. I know exactly what to expect from her, in any situation. She literally cannot even imagine a life where I’m not her master.”

Karen watched him carefully while he spoke. She saw a facet of his personality clearly now. He craved total control over his women, physical and mental. It went beyond a simple need to dominate. He wanted a way to hold onto each of them, some way to make them so dependent on him that he became an essential, and irreplaceable, part of their lives. Then Karen realized he intended the same for her.

“Anna is similar to Jeanne in many ways, but she doesn’t have that single-minded determination. I know she places her own self-interest first, and I’m fine with that. As long as I can convince her that self-interest is best served by trusting me, I’ll never lose her. It’s a challenge, but one I enjoy taking on. In her own way she is just as dedicated to me as Jeanne, but not for the same reasons.”

What he said did make sense to Karen. Anna needed the security he offered, a compulsion that made her dependent and eager to please. He exploited her every bit as much as he admitted with Jeanne, except it was in a role as sheltering provider more than authority figure.

“We’re at the most interesting part now, how I see you. What’s your unique quality? I can read between the lines of your history. You’re a highly intelligent woman, with the tools of an advanced education to make use of those brains. I suspect you’re accustomed to hiding the fact that you’re far smarter than your owners, and I’ll include myself. You work hard to conceal it. I’m sure it’s been a wise choice up to now. That’s going to change. Your intellectual prowess doesn’t challenge my frail male ego, for one simple reason. I can ignore all the facts, give in to the most selfish of whims, and act with pigheaded stubbornness because I always get the final word.”

Karen had never heard a man talk like that before. What he said was true enough. Within days she could tell how she measured up against a new master. It hadn’t taken very long to learn demonstrating her cleverness did not earn her any favors. She had to suppress a laugh at his characterization of his authority, though he was right. No matter how persuasive she might be he could put a stop to it with the most potent tool he possessed, the word no.

“Change, sir? I’m not sure what you mean.” He seemed to be heading in a promising direction, but she still had to be cautious.

“Yes, change as in no more concealment. That’s the quality I find attractive in you. The nights we’re alone, like this, I don’t expect you to put up some pretense to please me. My leverage with you, if you can call it that, is the space I’m giving you to be yourself. I’m betting you won’t want to lose it. If I’m right then you’ll have a strong motive to see things my way.”

Karen didn’t know quite how to respond. His assessment of her was eerily accurate. If nothing else he was a shrewd judge of character. She longed for sincerity, with a man who respected her for the person she really was, not some hypocritical acting forced on her due to the ring fastened around her throat. It was so tempting. “Sir, how would it work, I mean with me not holding back? I can’t question your judgement in public, or criticize your decisions. That wouldn’t be right.”

He laughed at her question. “No, that would be a direct challenge to my authority. I’m sure you can predict what would happen afterwards. What you can do, providing I ask for opinions, is to make a comment in a way that takes into account the division between us. You’ll have to use your own judgement on this. When we’re all together you must also be careful not to show up Anna or Jeanne. In private you have more leeway, as long as you remember when I order you to stop that’s the end of the matter.”

She nodded in agreement. “Of course, master, like you said, you have the last word.” As much as she wanted the freedom he was describing, she also needed to feel, at both the intellectual and emotional level, his strength of being in command, the certainty that backed his orders, above all to submit to his stubborn determination that bent her to his will. From the way he spoke, and the little time together so far, she was convinced he wouldn’t hesitate to use his power over her when it suited him.

“To start, you’ll find the computer in your room has unrestricted access to the Internet, without monitoring. I turned off all blacklists, content filters, site history tracing and key logging. Jeanne and Anna do not have the same privilege, so I expect you to be discreet in how you use it.

“You are not allowed to use their electronics, and they aren’t allowed to touch yours. I enforce that particular rule in the strongest terms, so they won’t discover your laptop isn’t set up the same as theirs. Keep in mind your phone and email will have the usual restrictions, at least for now. I exercise my right to read all outgoing or incoming email and texting, so expect delays while I look through your account.” His expression turned serious. “Don’t ever think this exempts you from my rules. I expect the same from you as I do from Anna and Jeanne.”

Karen had no illusions she was going to receive special treatment. “Sir, I’d never presume you’d treat me any different. I would like that space, to be myself, even if only for a few minutes alone with you.”

He raised an eyebrow and smiled at her. “It wasn’t an offer.”

She looked down at her lap to hide her embarrassment at making an obvious mistake. He didn’t negotiate, not with her, not with any of the women he owned. “Of course not, sir. I meant to say I will do my best.” She stared at her hands. “Perhaps I should have said you were betting on a sure thing.”

He took hold of her arms. “Look at me,” he ordered. She raised her head.

“The system is rigged against you. You know it, I know it. That’s the purpose of the collar around your neck. When I say rigged, I mean it puts you at a disadvantage, whether you like it or not. I want you to accept it, to work with me, to see the restrictions as an inconvenience instead of a heavy burden. You will have substantial freedom, more than you’ve ever had in the past, provided I get what I want. It sounds egotistical but never forget I come first.”

When she opened her mouth to respond he shook his head, silencing her. “I’ll warn you now I am nowhere near as tolerant as your previous masters. You may outsmart me once or twice, but it won’t work every time. Oppose me and you risk losing everything you might ever hope for in your future. Show me what you can do, convince me I’m seeing your very best effort, and you will wake up every morning looking forward to the days to come.”

And there was the stick that came with the carrot. Her weakness, at least in the past, was a tendency to cut the corners when it came to obedience. She’d been lazy one time too many and paid a severe penalty for it. With her new owner the stakes were far higher if she didn’t take him seriously.

“It’s starting to cool off. We’ll go inside before you get a chill. Let me help you stand up.” He put his hands under her arms and lifted her out of the chair. He had to hold her steady until she regained her balance. With her ankles locked together it was difficult to stand, let alone walk. She had no idea how she was supposed to go back inside.

Before she could ask he bent his knees, wrapped his arms around her legs and hoisted her onto his shoulder. Hanging upside down she had a close up view of the back of his shirt. “Sir? Wouldn’t it be easier if I walked back inside?”

“And how were you going to accomplish that?” he asked sarcastically. “Maybe you could crawl, but I’m not going to wait that long.” That put an end to her faint hope he’d release her ankles. From her vantage point she watched the back door go by, then the living room, and the continuation of their trip through the hallway to his room. Being treated like a sack of potatoes was humiliating, if anyone had seen her. It was also arousing being subjected to a first-hand demonstration of his physical strength while in such a helpless state.

Elephant in the Room

“Hold still,” Jim ordered. He leaned over and removed the cuffs from Karen’s ankles. “Lean forward.” He stood up, reached behind her back and unlocked her left wrist. She looked up at him, unsure about what he was doing. “I want you to stand up, remove all your clothes, place them on that chair,” he pointed to one near where they were sitting. “When you finish you will sit back down.”

Clear, firm and unambiguous, the way Karen liked to be commanded. She didn’t hesitate. In less than a minute she was back in her chair, waiting for him to continue.

Jim wasted no time either. He immediately replaced the handcuff on her left wrist so her wrists were chained together. Then he held her hands, palms down, about halfway to her knees. “Keep your hands right where they are.” He sat down in his chair so he could reach down to lock the rigid cuff around her ankles again.

With Karen properly secured he leaned back in his chair to admire his new acquisition. “That’s better. I appreciate the strain when your hands are bound behind your back, so this should be an improvement. Keep your chin up; I want to see that collar.”

“Sir, we were often forced to keep our hands behind the back for many hours at a time at the Center. If you prefer that position don’t be concerned about me…”

Jim interrupted her. “I’ll keep that in mind. Right now I want those hands right where they are.” He leaned forward, placing his hands over hers. “Take a moment to think. I want something from you. Show me how well you can sit there, relaxed, no nervous fidgeting, no anxiety, confident in who you are.” He stared deep into her eyes. “This is your moment. You will not disappoint me.”

Karen could not look away from his intense stare. She was held in place by bonds far stronger than the steel locked on her wrists and ankles. Somehow he knew exactly what to say to reach deep inside her mind, touching that long dormant core of her being which drove her to prove to everyone that she was the best at any task set before her. Whatever else happened he would not be dissatisfied.

They sat in silence for a long moment. Finally he let go of her hands and leaned back. “As I promised earlier we’ll continue with your history.”

She took that as permission to ask the obvious, the elephant in the room he’d been ignoring up to now. “Sir, if I may I’d like to ask if my conviction troubles you. I’m sure you’re aware I was sent to a Disciplinary Center?” Karen wanted to put the whole incident behind her. Perhaps if she brought it out now she wouldn’t have to worry about it later.

Jim nodded, “Yes, of course I’ve read through your records. You were incarcerated there for a year. I assume it’s the reason your former master sold you, too.”

“That’s correct, sir, as far as I know. I wasn’t told the length of the sentence until it was over. My former master didn’t explain why he sold me, but I believe you’re right about the cause.” She hadn’t even appeared in court; property had no legal rights. Her master’s sworn statement had been sufficient evidence for the judge to find her guilty. Until the day she left the Center she had no idea what sentence had been passed. The “Disciplinary Center” was a nice euphemism for a prison. It had easily been the worst twelve months of her life.

“I read through the transcript. Are the facts accurate?”

Karen shook her head. “I don’t know, sir. I’ve never seen any of the court proceedings. My guess is the statement has the facts from my former master’s perspective. I did disobey him, and I tried to cover it up. We were at home that night, watching TV. He went to the kitchen to get a beer, but I had forgotten to put it on the grocery list, so we’d run out. He was furious, rightly so since I was responsible for the groceries. I was ordered to stand facing the wall, holding a coin against it with my forehead. Meanwhile he left to get a six pack at a convenience store.”

Jim nodded. “All of that was in his statement. It sounds reasonable to me. You failed to carry out your responsibilities and were punished for it.”

Karen shrugged. “Yes sir, but at the time I didn’t see it that way. I didn’t want to miss the end of the movie, and anyway I figured he could do with a few less beers. So the moment I heard the car leave I went back to watch the TV. I was very careful to mark where I was standing, and where the coin was on the wall. I thought he’d never know I cheated.”

“It didn’t work out that way, did it?”

“No, sir. When I heard the car coming I got back in position. I was sure there was no way he’d know. Unfortunately I was a little too clever. The one detail I missed? He always put the coin with the heads side facing the wall. I couldn’t see it so I didn’t notice, and I didn’t think to check. Chances were fifty-fifty getting it right anyway. I lost.”

“What you did was inexcusable. Are you aware you could have easily been given two years, even a five year sentence for willful disobedience? And you handled money, the coin. That alone was a serious violation.”

“Yes, sir, in fact when I was sent to the Center I expected a much longer sentence, not just one year. I promise you, master, I’ll never do it again. I learned my lesson in that place.”

“Jeanne and Anna are aware you were at the Center. They won’t ask about it, but you have permission to discuss the matter with them. It’s at your discretion; I’m not making that an order. The same goes for their background. You won’t ask but they can volunteer whatever details they wish. I’ll warn you in advance, neither of them was pleased to learn you were convicted for disobedience. You have an uphill battle to win their respect. So you know, for my part you start with a clean record.”

Later That Night

Sometime early in the morning Karen woke up. She was on her side, with Jim still asleep, snuggled up behind her. His arm was draped over her waist, holding her close. Even sleeping he was possessive, not willing to let go of her. It did fit in with his personality, at least what she’d seen for the short time she’d been in the house.

Her arms were stretched out over her head. Her wrists were still in handcuffs, along with a second pair connecting her to a ring on the headboard. The purpose was to keep her hands out of the way, or so he explained. It wasn’t a very comfortable way to sleep but she certainly wasn’t going to wake him up and ask to be released. It could have been worse; at least the ankle cuffs were gone.

Karen listened to his deep, regular breathing. She still didn’t know what to think about her new man. In most respects he seemed to have the makings of her ideal master, but there were times when she saw that certain look on his face, when he was telling them what to do. Her intuition warned her he could be dangerously unpredictable if crossed during one of those moments.

Carefully so as not to wake him she reached up to run her fingers along the cuff locking her to the bed. Years ago she’d made that choice, to belong body and soul to one man, knowing full well what it meant. Karen still had no regrets, though there were times at the Disciplinary Center when doubt came close to crowding out certainty. She knew she’d brought it on herself, even if she did believe her master at the time had overreacted.

She could feel his breath on the nape of her neck. There was a blot on her record now, a large black stain that loudly screamed to any prospective owner she should be avoided. Yet this man had ignored it and bought her anyway. Why had he taken a chance on her? Jeanne and Anna were both highly motivated to submit to his control. What did he see in her that fit the same pattern?

Did he really think she was so smart, and yet not be threatened by it? In one respect he was very observant, the way he spotted her secret right away. Up to now it had never taken very long for her to learn she was more intelligent than the men who owned her. With this one Karen wasn’t sure. His offer, and that’s what it was even though he denied it, to give her a place to be herself and not hold back, that did have a strong appeal. Was it enough to bind her to him, in the same way he held onto the other two women?

Left unsaid was his other offer, a second chance to regain some kind of reputation. At the brokerage she was certain she‘d hit the bottom when it came to chances for finding a good owner. Her prospects were poor and getting worse every day she remained at the brokerage. In an instant all that had changed, because of the man sleeping next to her.

He wanted a hold over each of his women, something to keep them motivated to serve him. Karen’s eyes flew open when she realized his true intentions. The offer to be open about her intellect might be sincere, but that wasn’t his intended hold over her. He had focused on it during their conversation, but now she realized it was a distraction, to shift her attention away from what he truly planned for her.

He was her one, last chance at redemption. It would take time, a long time, for her to rebuild a history of reliability and obedience. His promise not to sell any of them except for cause was his real hold over her, just as it was with Anna. She needed that guarantee to preserve her hope for a future that promised more than lifelong misery. She had more to lose than either Jeanne or Anna, and he knew it. From the remarkably honest conversation tonight it was clear he would not hesitate to exploit any advantage over them that would increase his power.

Her reaction should have been resentment at the way he was manipulating her and the others. Oddly, outrage didn’t follow her discovery. She hooked a finger around the cuff, slowly trying to pull it open. That bracelet of steel did not open for her. Like the handcuffs her collar would not open for her either. Legally there was no question he had the right to use whatever means were at his disposal to control his property. Morally, ethically, it might not be so clear. Her guiding principle when those questions came up was simple, “do unto other as they expect to be treated.” Not the original version, but it fitted well with her outlook on life.

Was it really such a bad thing that he wanted so much power over their lives? In practical terms it wasn’t really a question at all. Unless he chose to get rid of them they would all remain his possessions for as long as they were alive. She couldn’t survive without him. That he would go to extremes to hold onto them, beyond what was really necessary, was unusual but from what she’d seen it was well-intentioned.

In a way Karen found it reassuring. She wasn’t some impulsive purchase. He had spent considerable time picking her out, studying her, planning how best to bring her into his home. He had specifically chosen her over countless others. She was here for a reason, even if she wasn’t sure what it might be.

She had no doubt at all he did expect obedience, and not in a half-hearted way. He liked his rules, and expected them to be met to a standard of perfection she had rarely seen before. To his credit the rules seemed to be realistic, and not really all that difficult to follow. Jeanne and Anna certainly weren’t suffering; that had to be a good indication of what she could expect.

If he had any faults it had to be his zero tolerance policy when it came to their behavior. Her problem had always been a certain lack of self-control, which didn’t fit in well with his vision of their future together. As long as her master was around she had no problems. When she heard that firm, determined tone in his voice her response was almost a reflex. But when he wasn’t there she started to become lazy, even defiant. That’s what had got her into so much trouble with her last owner. The year spent at the Center had cured her of that habit, at least for now. Perhaps being part of a group, and not left to drift off on her own, would keep her on the right path.

A second conviction for disobedience would effectively guarantee a lifetime of nothing better than never-ending misery with the worst sort of owner. That particular sword hanging over her head was a powerful incentive not to slip back in to old, bad habits. Was that threat his real hold over her?

Punishment was always at her owner’s discretion, but she believed it should go hand in hand with maintaining discipline. That was his responsibility; she expected it. She had no respect for a weak man who wouldn’t enforce his authority over his women. Karen was positive both Anna and Jeanne had been punished last night for the closet incident, and rightly so, although he hadn’t said anything specific about it. He was the type who didn’t hesitate to use his power, but she couldn’t believe he was the sort who would rely on fear in order to keep them in line.

Judging from the conversation tonight he preferred the positive carrot to the negative stick. To show he was sincere about his offer he’d given her unrestricted access to the Internet on her laptop. That was a rare privilege, one she’d never been granted since the collar first went on. What would the other two think about it? Jeanne certainly wouldn’t approve; she wasn’t happy without a straitjacket tight structure of boundaries wrapped around every facet of their lives, including surfing on the web. Anna though, that wasn’t so clear. She’d accept whatever he deemed appropriate. She wouldn’t say anything, but Karen felt she might resent not being trusted to the same degree. He was right; better she keep her privileges to herself.

And that conclusion brought up another question. What special privileges did he secretly extend to Jeanne and Anna? Much as Karen wanted to believe she was a special case in reality he must have private arrangements with the other women too. In the short time they’d been together there was nothing obvious. For now she’d have to watch for some clues.

In her head she went over his words from earlier tonight, again and again. From any angle he had her securely in his grasp. He wanted that edge, leverage to add to his power over her. She had to give him credit for a job well done. He had her in his hands, and she didn’t want it to stop. Karen closed her eyes and drifted back off to sleep. In her master’s arms she felt safe and secure, protected by him from all the troubles of the world.

Day 5

Around The Table

Karen sat at the kitchen table, alone, staring out the window into the back yard. Idly she ran a finger along the front of her collar while pondering her new circumstances. The future looked promising but for one unknown. Even after last night her new master was still something of an enigma. She needed more time to learn about him, to see the world through his eyes, and most important of all what she could do to keep him happy. To add to the mix she also had to adjust to life as only one of the three women he owned.

“One of those days when the collar seems a bit tight?” Karen looked up to see Anna standing at the kitchen counter, pouring a cup of coffee. She came over to the table and sat down. “Some days I imagine it fits so close I’ll strangle.”

Karen shook her head. “No, nothing like that. I was daydreaming, mostly about having a new owner, and what he has planned for me, for all of us. You hope it never happens, that you’re safe and secure with your master, you’ll never be sold; and then one day it’s over, you belong to a stranger, with no idea why or what he wants from you. I knew the risks at the start, but I never thought it would happen to me. Now here I am with yet another new master, starting all over again, hoping for the best but fearful of the worst.”

Anna took a sip from her cup. “I wish I could offer you some kind of reassurance but you and I both know I’m not really any better off. We both live on the edge, subject to our master’s mood.”

She reached up and touched her collar with her fingertips. “Ever wonder what it would be like, if we could take these off? Master tells you what to do, and you politely decline because you don’t feel like it?”

Karen rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah, I can just imagine what happens next.”

Anna nodded in agreement. “Of course, under normal circumstances it’d be a catastrophe. But, what if? We didn’t have these on, we could turn around and walk away, and he couldn’t do anything about it?”

Karen began to feel uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. “I think we’re getting into prohibited territory here. What if? Well sure, there are times it would be tempting, especially if I get into trouble. The reality?” She grabbed her collar with both hands and pulled with all her strength. Nothing happened.

“This is my life, now and forever more. I’ve had many regrets over the past years, but giving my independence away was never one of them. My deepest fear is that someday I’ll find myself on my own, with no one to take care of me. So no, I don’t think about waking up one morning with a bare neck. That’s a nightmare, not a dream.”

Anna watched Karen from across the table. “I’m not sure what master told you about me. He is my second owner. The first one, ahh, I was so in love. I thought I’d do anything for him. Like you I gave myself away, to him, no conditions. I even agreed to move here to North Island, though we were in a one-year agreement. After that I learned he was nothing like the man I thought I knew.” Anna paused, looking away for a moment. “At the end I truly believed he would eventually kill me, once he tired of his ‘training’, as he called it. His own temper did him in, a bar fight and prison. For me it was a rescue from the pits of Hell.”

She turned back to face Karen. “When the police took him away my hope was I’d have my freedom restored since the agreement had expired. That might have happened except he had moved us here. You know the local law, the original agreement was worthless. Anyway, the Public Administrator took over until his trial. After he was found guilty the judge issued an order putting me up for sale to cover his fine. I spent two months recovering in the hospital before being listed. That’s how I came to be here.”

In some ways Anna’s story was similar to her own, though far more tragic. Karen asked, “Do you resent not having your rights restored? I would have thought you had a strong case for being deceived.”

Anna shook her head. “No, a lawyer explained it to me. At the time I put on his collar there was no fraud on his part. It was all a moot point anyway. Since I was living on North Island there was no way I’d ever be released. I regret what happened, but I’ve come to accept I made a decision and that’s the end of it.” She pointed to her collar. “Like you, this is my life from now on. On the plus side, we both have the best of luck, to be bought by a good man. Not perfect, he demands quite a bit from us, and you’ll discover soon enough he gets what he wants, one way or another. Even so, if you need someone to take care of you then this is the place to be. He really does make the effort to see to it we have the best possible life here.”

“That’s where Anna and I disagree,” Jeanne interrupted, standing in the kitchen doorway. “I think he is perfect. It’s our job to see to it he does get whatever he wants. No disagreement about how he cares for us though. Swapping life stories?”

“Just life in general and the paths we took to get here,” Anna answered.

Jeanne’s Story

“My road sort of doubled back on me,” Jeanne began. “There was a time when I believed treating women as property was the greatest evil in our little society. I was on a crusade to save those women from a life of abuse. The group I joined was involved in what they called ‘rescues’. We kidnapped women who wore collars, took them to a secluded area and deprogrammed them. Problem was most of the women we considered as cured went right back to their masters once they were released. It didn’t take long for the police to catch us.”

“Those rescues, did you distinguish between voluntary or involuntary?” Karen could understand why her group would act to help those women who were forced. For women who chose without any coercion she didn’t understand why they would be targeted.

“We didn’t make a distinction. In hindsight that was a mistake. Our doctrine held there was no possibility of informed consent to what amounts to slavery. There was a fatal flaw though, one we were too blind to see. You two know what I’m talking about.”

Karen and Anna looked at each other. Karen spoke first. “For me it was a need, the need to submit to a man who could take charge and not apologize for it. The need grew into an obsession I couldn’t resist.”

“Exactly,” Jeanne interrupted. “We were fighting an instinctive desire. Maybe it’s in the genes, or upbringing, who knows? Not all women feel that way, but for those who do there’s no cure for a disease that doesn’t really exist. Anyway, I wound up in court. Short story, the punishment fits the crime. With a collar around my neck I was sent to what’s called a Disciplinary Center but was really a prison, along with what amounted to a life sentence.”

That took Karen by surprise. So Jeanne was also a graduate of North Island’s most infamous institution. “How long were you at the Center?” Karen asked.

“It seemed like forever. There are no clocks or calendars, no way to tell time. I tried to keep track by monthly periods, but eventually I lost count. Afterwards I worked out that it was four years and nine months.

Five years! Karen couldn’t imagine being institutionalized for that long. One year had been a nightmare, what would five years have done to her?

“I’m not sure when it happened. At some point I reached what I call my epiphany, the day I realized everything had changed. I woke up one morning, but instead of dreading the day to come I was eager for the guard to arrive and tell me what to do. It’s kind of ironic, the way I went from one extreme to the other. I suppose the best way to describe me now is I’m an addict, but my addiction is authority. And it has to be male authority. You know, there’s always sex involved somewhere in everything that goes on in our heads. For me it’s tied to power, or the lack of it. I can’t get enough. Master sees to it that my itch is thoroughly scratched, so to speak.

“When the powers that be decided I was ready I went straight to a brokerage. Turns out that Center was here on North Island, which meant I was a resident, even if involuntary, so I wasn’t going anywhere on my own. Master bought me, why I don’t know.”

Karen nodded her head in agreement. Their master was a perfect match for Jeanne. She was fanatical, he exploited it; Jeanne knew and encouraged it. “So, do you want to rescued?” Karen asked with a smile.

Jeanne laughed and shook her head. “I’d scratch out the eyes of anyone who tried, providing master gave his permission first.”

“What about you, Karen?” Anna asked. “Master has told us a little about your history, though he was light on the details. If I’m intruding on something you want to keep private just say so.”

“That’s alright, I don’t mind,” Karen replied. “I took a collar willingly, and I’ve never regretted the decision. I’ve had several masters, some good, some not so bad, and fortunately no cruel ones. This last year though, I’d have to say it affected me more than all my previous experience as a man’s property. It started the day the police came for me…”

Karen’s History

After more than a week since the incident with the coin, her master was still acting distant. He had clearly been upset with her but other than a few words he hadn’t punished her. That wasn’t the reaction she expected, and it had her worried. He had forbidden any discussion about what happened, leaving her no way to apologize for what she’d done.

This morning he’d ordered her to sit on the couch, without any further explanation. Her anxiety grew by the minute while she waited for him. She could sense he had come to some kind of decision about her but what that might be she had no clue. He must be expecting someone since he continually went to the front window to look out. From where she sat Karen didn’t have a view out the window; that had to be deliberate on his part.

Whoever it was must have arrived. He headed for the front door and opened it. She could hear several voices, all male from the deeper sound, though they were talking too low for her to overhear the conversation. When her master came back followed by two police officers her curiosity was answered, though in an ominous way.

“Stand up, Karen,” he ordered. Even now she could still hear a hint of anger in his voice. When she stood up he put his hands on her shoulders. “You will go with these officers. Do exactly as they tell you. I’m sure you’re wondering what’s going on? You’ll have your explanation shortly.” His words were no more reassuring than the grim expression on his face.

She was scared now, more than she’d ever been since the first day the collar had been locked around her neck. Something very, very bad was happening and she had no way to stop it. “Sir? I…” she began, hoping to plead with him.

“No!” he cut her off immediately. “There’s nothing more to be said. Do as you’re told.” And that was it, her last hope shut down before she even started. He turned her around to face the police.

One of the officers came forward. She saw the handcuffs in his hand. “Turn around, hands behind your back.” In a daze she turned away from him while reaching behind her back. The cuffs quickly snapped shut on her wrists, the cold steel bracelets forcing her hands close together. These were hinged handcuffs, with little room for any movement.

The officer took hold of her upper arm and pointed her toward the open front door. His partner took hold of her other arm. She looked back over her shoulder at her master, in the faint hope he might have a last minute change of heart. It would be the last time she ever saw him.

The ride in the back of the police van was uneventful. One of the officers sat next to her, though it wasn’t necessary. They had tightly strapped her into the seat, and with her hands locked behind her back there was no way she could reach the belt buckles. The back of the van had the windows frosted over so she couldn’t see where they were going. Her guard didn’t say a word, which she took as a hint she would do well to remain silent as well.

As far as she could tell the trip lasted less than an hour. Distances on an island tended to be short, for which she was grateful. When they did stop no one got out, which didn’t make sense until she felt the van moving. They must be on a ferry. That was the worst sort of news for Karen.

Her seat wasn’t uncomfortable but the straps were very confining, and the handcuffs didn’t help make the trip any easier. After they arrived the van drove off the ferry. Another fifteen minutes they came to a stop. The van door swung open, revealing nothing more than what appeared to be a garage. The guard next to her unfastened the seat belts before helping her out. Karen’s new surroundings didn’t tell her much about where she was, though she did take note of bars covering all the windows.

One of the police officers removed her handcuffs. Her freedom only lasted for a moment. They allowed her to stretch and rub her wrists before they took hold of her upper arms, one on each side. Unsure what she should do Karen started to ask, “Sirs? Is there…”

“Quiet,” was the short, stern command from the man on her right. “Just stand there.”

Behind her, hidden from view by the van, she heard a door open and close. The sound of footsteps on the concrete floor echoed loudly in the spacious garage. Two men in black uniforms walked around the van and header toward her. When they came closer she was able to read the shoulder patches on their uniforms.

The shock felt like a punch in the stomach. Those few simple words on the patch explained everything. She knew where she was, what had happened, and precisely how her master had chosen to punish her. Karen might have collapsed on the floor if not for the two officers holding her up.

Welcome to the Center

Those shoulder patches on their uniforms would be etched in her mind forever. “Women’s Disciplinary Center” was printed in letters around the edge. There was only one way to earn a place at the Center, a criminal conviction followed by a judge’s sentence. Karen was well aware of how the legal system worked for someone like herself. By Island standards she was now a criminal in what everyone knew was a prison despite the euphemistic title. The only unanswered question was the length of her sentence. That bit of information would be withheld until the day she was released.

The two police officers spun her around and shoved her up against the van. “Hold still,” one whispered in her ear. She offered no resistance when they pulled her arms behind her back. Still in shock at what had happened she didn’t notice when the two Center guards replaced the police officers.

After they started to lead her away from the van toward a door Karen discovered she was in handcuffs again. This time the cuffs were the rigid type, worse than the hinged kind the police favored. One guard had a vise-like grip on her upper arm, while the other held onto the center of the handcuffs.

They took her to a processing room first. The handcuffs came off long enough for a strip search followed by dressing in a new uniform. Her old clothes and shoes disappeared, never to be seen again. The prisoner uniform was a simple dress, tight at the waist and hips, low cut, sleeveless and high on her legs. There were no shoes, something she would never see again for the length of her stay.

When they finished with her the handcuffs went back on, again behind her back. This time they were followed by leg irons locked around her ankles. When the led her out of the processing room she could still walk though slowed down by the short length of chain between her feet.

Apparently only one guard was required once they had her hooked up. Once again he held onto her arm to control and guide her. They didn’t have far to go before she was taken into an office where the guard sat her down in a straight-backed wooden chair, facing a desk.

“Look at me,” the guard ordered. Karen tilted her head up toward him, unsure what she was supposed to do next. “You will sit in this chair, quietly. The Director for the Center will be in shortly to explain about what will happen next. Until then you wait. Do not stand up. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir,” Karen answered. Before he left he did something behind the chair. After he closed the door behind him she discovered whatever he’d done must have fastened her handcuffs to the back of the chair. Not that it made any difference; she had no intention of disobeying the guard.

When she heard the door open behind her Karen’s first impulse was to turn and look over her shoulder. Something in her head told her to stop just in time. The chair was deliberately situated so she couldn’t see the door. There had to be a reason for it.

“Impressive, only a very small percentage of our new arrivals manage to overcome their natural curiosity.” It was a man’s voice behind her. “So you know, you got it right.” He walked around her to the desk, though he didn’t sit down immediately. Instead he leaned back, almost sitting on the desk top.

“I’m sure you’ve figured out by now this is the Women’s Disciplinary Center. To make it official you were found guilty of willful disobedience. The judge decided on an extended stay in our cozy little institution. You do know better than to ask how long? Answer me, that’s not a rhetorical question.”

He confirmed all her fears. “Yes, sir, I won’t ask.” Karen knew all too well part of her punishment was the uncertainty about how long it would last. The “extended stay” would stretch out to a year, though she didn’t know it at the time.

The director folded his arms, studying her in silence. Karen sat patiently, convinced any attempt to ask questions on her part would not be met with approval. Finally he spoke up. “This is what you need to know to survive in here. The key is in the name, discipline. There is one right way, our way. We’ll teach you that way; you would do well to learn quickly. Your responsibility is to prove to our satisfaction you have the determination, the self-control, to keep to the boundaries we provide for you. Fail in your duty, and you will be subject to punishment.”

Karen didn’t care for the implications behind his last comment. Any form of punishment in this place had to be extremely unpleasant.

“You’re here because you have shown your master you cannot be trusted. We’re not going to trust you either. You will be watched, day and night. You can safely assume we see everything that happens. If you think you can get away with the same behavior that put you in here then go ahead and try. But if you do keep in mind there will be consequences.”

He leaned forward. “One of those consequences is extending your sentence. We have the authority to arbitrarily lengthen your stay for any reason. Or no reason if we don’t like your attitude.”

Back to Now

“That’s how I arrived at the Disciplinary Center.” Karen took a sip from her coffee cup. “It was a year out of my life, a year I hope I never have to repeat. Leaving was anticlimactic. One day I was summoned to the main office, where I was handed over to a delivery service. They took me to the brokerage. That’s when I found out I was up for sale. At the start I wasn’t even sure I was better off out of the Center. I was going to be auctioned off, to the high bidder if there was one, more likely it’d be the only bidder.”

Neither Anna nor Jeanne said anything at first. There was a long, uncomfortable silence before Jeanne spoke up. “Karen, I have to ask this, for Anna and myself. Will you swear to us that what you did will never happen in this house?”

“If either of you ever see me being lazy or disobedient feel free to grab me by the neck and choke some sense into me.” Karen made a circle with her hands and started shaking them. “The last thing in the world I want is to disappoint our master. I learned my lesson; it’ll never happen again. And if it does….” She put her hands around her throat and pretended to strangle herself, “then you know what to do.”

Jeanne laughed as she shook her head. “Nice in theory, but if master ever saw me trying to choke you, well, I can’t even imagine the kind of trouble we’d all be in. Maybe a judicious nudge in the ribs with an elbow, carefully timed so master doesn’t see? I think I could justify that, as long as there’s no malice involved. That doesn’t break a rule, technically.”

Anna nodded in agreement. “More a spirit rather than letter of the law type argument, but I’ll go along with it. If we get caught though, you’ll have to be the one to argue our case, Karen.”


Barbara faced Elise across the narrow aisle separating their beds. Their room wasn’t quite on the level of a jail cell, but it wasn’t a big step up either. The floor and walls were concrete, though they were painted a soft, pastel rose color. The entrance was a door rather than bars, but she could tell it was solid steel underneath a wood veneer. The lack of a door knob or any other way to open the door was a stark reminder this was confinement, not hospitality.

Their beds were formed out of concrete extensions from the walls, one on either side. There was a long rug on the floor between the beds, but otherwise the rest of their floor was cold concrete. One corner held a small TV screen embedded in a panel. The other corner was a toilet, partitioned off from the rest of the chamber.

“If this was a hotel room I doubt I could rate it higher than two stars,” Barbara quipped, trying to cheer up Elise. Since their arrival Elise seemed to be in a permanent depression. She’d respond to questions, maybe add an occasional comment, but for the most part she kept to herself.

Barbara empathized with her. Being dumped into a brokerage without warning would devastate anyone. Her hope that a friendly voice and sympathetic ear might ease the pain wasn’t panning out. In frustration Barbara decided to try the direct, cold water in the face approach.

“Look, Elise. What happened to you is tragic, but it’s over and done. Sitting there like a statue, suffering in stoic silence? It isn’t accomplishing anything. Accept the inevitable and move on. You still have a life ahead of you. Maybe we don’t know what our future holds, but is that a reason to give up?”

Elise turned her head to stare at Barbara. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. You have no idea what has happened to me. Don’t presume to offer me advice.”

Finally, a reaction, even if it was hostile. Figuring she had nothing to lose except a depressing roommate she kept going. “Maybe I don’t know your story, or what you’re going through now. I do know wallowing in self-pity never solves a problem. I can tell you’re an exceptional woman, the kind men will fight each other to win. Wherever you end up chances are excellent you’ll be well placed to make something of the rest of your life.

“You have skills, experience, talent the rest of us can only dream about. I’m realistic about my own chances, but I’m not going to worry myself sick over it.” Barbara took hold of her collar. “There are risks in choosing this path.” She jerked on the metal ring. “I didn’t walk into this blinded by fantasies. I’m realistic; I don’t see a future sunning myself on master’s yacht while we cruise the Riviera. You on the other hand, I see you on the arm of a man of significance. And not as a trophy either; you win respect on your own merits.”

Her little speech appeared to have an effect on Elise. There was a strange expression on her face, something Barbara couldn’t figure out, almost as if Elise had come to a resolution concerning her problems.

Elise stood and walked up and down the length of their room three times before sitting down again. When she sat down it was with the poise that marked a Facility trained woman.

“There’s no reason you can’t earn some respect yourself,” she told Barbara. “We might not be the ones in charge but that doesn’t mean we can’t use our natural gifts to improve our lot in life.” She faced Barbara eye to eye, displaying an intensity that came with a newfound purpose.

“I can’t go into the details but you are correct in assuming I’ve had some advanced training on what it is to be a submissive woman in Island society. Don’t ask, I’m forbidden to answer. In any case that’s not important. What is important are some of the ways you can learn, about how to stand out from the crowd, how to get men to notice you in a favorable way, but most of all discover your inner self.”

Singled Out

Ray Madsen sat at his desk, going through the progress reports on training for the latest arrivals. He was searching for one in particular, the woman who had come from South Island on a voluntary basis. The remarks on her sheet were unanimous in praising her efforts to date. Normally he skimmed over the reports but in her case he read the entire file, looking for some insight on what had motivated her to make such a radical change in her life.

He picked up the phone and punched in the intercom number for Les, the Operations Manager. “Les? Any chance you can come to my office for a moment? I’d like to discuss the initial evaluation reports.”

A knock at the open door a moment later announced his arrival. As Operations Manager Les was responsible for the daily supervision as well as overall management of the company inventory, the women housed at the brokerage. “What’s up?” he asked.

“Have a seat and close the door. Tell me what you found out about this one.” Ray slid Barbara’s report across the desk.

“You were right to pick her out for value-added. Yeah, this one has a lot of potential. As you can see she did well on the stress test, no breakdown or panic attack. Like it says in the report, she’s initially enthusiastic about the value-added training and meticulous in applying what she learns. She does hesitate when told to do something, but that’s more from lack of experience than any kind of deliberate push back. She has to think about it, remember what she’s been taught, before she acts. Given time and the right environment that’ll become a habit.” Les looked up from the report. “I’m not concerned about it.”

Ray nodded in agreement. “That’s my impression too. I see you pulled that fake ‘entertainment’ scenario with them on their first night. That’s a particularly nasty one for anyone to go through. Can you forward the video of it? Between you and me, I’m taking a personal interest in her progress. Change her status to ‘Reserved’ for now. Hmm, you’ll need a reason.”

“Sure, I still have the video file. How about we mark her down for medical review? It’s open ended for time and nobody will think twice about it.” Les offered.

“Good idea. I don’t want any special treatment for her. She stays on the same training track.” Ray tapped a pencil against his head while thinking. “I’m going to amend that. Starting tonight if it’s possible, I want a change in her evening free hours.”

He opened a desk drawer and rummaged through the papers. “Ahh, here’s the form. Special action request, got to have the right paperwork.” He began filling it out. “Les, I want this to start immediately. Today, if you have enough time to get a place set up for her. Leave her with, hmm, let’s say one hour back in her room before lights out. No explanations to anyone, especially to her, as to the reason why. I’ll handle that myself. Also, I want to interview her tomorrow, make it around 2pm.”

Les took the completed form and looked it over. “You sure about this? It’ll come as quite a shock to her; even more so if she has no idea what’s going on.”

“That’s exactly what I want. How she reacts will tell me if I should proceed with her or look for someone else.” Ray leaned back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. “Something about her intrigues me. I get the impression she has a definite goal in mind. I’d like to see if she’s as motivated in a week or two after we give her some quality time to meditate on her future.”

Day 6

Ups and Downs

Elise sat on her bed, staring at the wall across from her. The room did have a TV, but no computer or phone. She had no interest in what was on or anything else but trying to find a way out of her present circumstances.

For some reason her roommate was absent. A guard had come for her after supper and taken her away. She liked Barbara and hoped it wasn’t anything serious.

It was nice to have some time alone, to think. Elise still couldn’t figure out what had happened that first night. It had started as one of her worst nightmares. She still couldn’t put the image of that man standing over her, about to drop his pants before crawling in on top of her. Gagged, tied down, there was nothing she could do to stop him. The filth, the smell, the memory of it still turned her stomach. And then…

An alarm sounded, the supervisor rushed in yelling something about an emergency in the dormitory, and in a blink they were all gone. The four of them had, literally, been saved by the bell. At least it had been a reprieve; along with the rest she was left strapped down. They might come back any moment. Fortunately they never did return.

She had no idea how long she had been there, staring up at her reflection. It was a stark reminder of her status, literally stripped to the basics. Property, she realized, to be used as some man saw fit. The Facility had prepared her for such a life; she had been so happy with Ben she’d forgotten what she had been taught, and what the alternative might be.

When the supervisor did enter the break room with a different set of guards she was released from the straps and the gag. While they lined up to return to their rooms she had seen the haunted look on Barbara’s face. It was understandable she’d been hard hit by such a profound reminder of her new place in life.

It had been a neat trick: luring her into the brokerage with the idea she was going to have a short tour. That dream ended when the cell door slammed shut. She’d never forget the way Ben just turned and walked away, never once looking back at her. At first she assumed it was part of a plan, for her to be exposed to brokerage life as part of her project. Doubts had begun after that first, terrible night. Bringing her to this place was a very convenient way for Ben to get rid of her quietly, without any trace back on South Island.

She still couldn’t understand how a brokerage with such a prestigious reputation could lower their standards to such a brutal level. It didn’t make sense. Not only was it out of line with their stated policies but there didn’t seem to be any purpose in it. Why would Madsen employ men like that? If was almost as if they were…she searched for the right word.

Caricatures, that was it. Those guards had been so repulsive they were like cartoon characters. No brokerage would employ men like that, especially a high-end operation such as Madsen. And that miraculous alarm bell at the last moment, it was no coincidence.

After the fact, with time to calm down, she could revisit the events with a critical eye. Those men all carried whiskey bottles, but she suddenly realized she had not seen a single one actually take a drink. There had been plenty of lewd talk, but all that had really happened was nothing more than the touch of their hand. The presentation had been enough to terrify her, yet now she could think about it clearly it didn’t add up.

Her group had been the participating audience for a carefully staged play. That was the only explanation that made any sense for Elise. They had counted on fear and panic to mask the small inconsistencies. It worked too; she had reacted precisely the way they planned. That left one looming question, why?

It must have been a test, but for what reason? Her own Facility training had taught her to place her unquestioned trust in the man, or men, who held authority over her. No matter how bad the situation she had faith in her beliefs to sustain her regardless of the circumstances. Even the worst she could imagine, being rejected by Ben, did not shake her certainty it would somehow work out in the end.

Why had he consigned her to be sold? She would have noticed even the slightest hint of dissatisfaction on his part long before it reached this point. It made no sense…just like that night.

Elise sat up very straight, head high, staring straight ahead at the wall. Slowly she unfolded her hands and slid them down her legs to her knees. Ben had no reason to sell her, which led to one conclusion. This was a test of sorts as well. Not a test per se, she thought, more an attempt to make her brokerage experience real. It had worked too, for the first few days.

Intellectually she could understand what Ben had done. Emotionally she was ready to scream at him while throwing anything that was close to hand. Of course, she would need his permission first. Until then she would sit in this room, quietly simmering.

An Arbitrary Change

Barbara sat on the cold and increasingly uncomfortable concrete floor, staring at the cell bars. Without any explanation she’d been taken from supper directly to the last place she wanted to visit. She’d learned early on there was only one reason women at the brokerage were brought to one of these cells, and that was the consequence for a serious infraction of company rules.

Over and over again she went through everything that occurred since she’d arrived. Thanks to her research before turning herself over to the company, reading every book she could find describing common procedures as well as biographies of women who’d made it through the process, she had done her due diligence in preparing for her new life. She paid attention in every training session, doing her best to faithfully follow the rules set down for her. None of the guards had any reason to question her obedience, much less send her to where she now sat.

The cell was small and cramped, not that it made much difference. Barbara looked down again at the steel punishment irons wrapped around her ankles and wrists. It was a simple but inherently evil piece of work: two wide steel straps, with semi-circular loops pressed into them. There were hinges on each end to hold them together, and a large, sturdy lock in the center where the top strap was cut in half. The larger ovals were on the ends, sized for her ankles. In the middle, to either side of the lock, were smaller loops for her wrists. When closed she was forced to bend over, her hands and feet bound in line, arms stretched out between her legs. To make her just a bit more miserable the guards had taken away her clothes. She could see them hanging on the wall on the other side of the bars.

Thanks to a short length of heavy chain welded onto the irons at one end, and the other end of the chain attached to a ring set into the floor, she had virtually no room to move around. There was just enough slack in the chain for her to lean back against the wall, if she bent her knees until her legs were doubled up.

They were called punishment irons for a reason. No matter what she tried there was no comfortable way to sit on the floor with the irons on. If she tried to stretch out her legs the chain brought her up short. Any relief she was able to gain from the stress in her legs was offset by the ache in her back from bending over. And if she tried to relieve her back by sitting up straight the strain on her knees and leg muscles soon took their toll.

She had no idea how long she’d been sitting in the cell, or when the guards might come back to release her. Barbara closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall. She knew that was part of the punishment too, adding uncertainty to dampen hope the ordeal would end soon. It felt like she’d already been trapped in the irons for more than an hour but it could just as easily have been ten minutes.

Why? That question kept rolling around in her head. She’d worked so hard to participate in the program, to be attentive and focused on what she had to learn. Despite all that, here she was, forced to suffer in misery without even being told what rule she’d broken, what she’d done to displease one of the guards, or what she’d inadvertently said that earned her such severe discipline.

No sooner had she recovered from that first, horrific night than she found herself on the concrete floor. All her research, the preparations she been so scrupulous to study, nothing had saved her from what now promised to be a future filled with fear and pain. What had she missed, what warning signs should she have seen before contacting this place?

Barbara closed her eyes. Tears ran down her face. It was far too late to do anything except regret her hasty act. She’d bet it all on luck, a single hand of poker; too bad she’d drawn a pair of deuces instead of a royal flush.

Day 8

View from the Window

Karen glanced at the clock. She still had another hour to go for their morning free time. In the living room Jeanne and Anne were parked in front of the TV, watching one of the daytime talk shows. They watched it every weekday, but Karen couldn’t get interested in it.

She stood at the large front window, looking down on the channel and the outline of South Island in the distance. Before her past life came to an end when she was sent to the Disciplinary Center she’d spent all her time over there, across the channel. She knew about North Island but never thought much about it. That mysterious island to the north was some exotic, far off land she never expected to visit, much less live there.

Jeanne came up to stand next to her. “Do you miss it, South Island? Feeling a little homesick?”

Karen nodded slowly. “Sometimes, yes. Right now, if I were over there, I’d text master for permission to get in my car and drive over to the beach. I’d sit outside one of the coffee places, sipping a latte and watching the boats in the channel.”

“You were allowed to do that? He let you go out on your own, drive a car? What about the travel pass?”

Karen shrugged. “He left the travel and debit cards with me. It was a tiny car, a two-seater, but I could go out on my own as long as I kept within the travel boundaries and got approval first.”

Jeanne looked at Karen. “Sounds like you had it pretty good. So what happened, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I was an idiot, a lazy and stupid idiot. I threw it all away. That’s what I’ve been telling myself since I wound up at the Center.”

Jeanne laid a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You made a mistake, you were punished for it, you move on. That’s how it is for women like us.”

Karen continued to stare out the window. “These last few days, I’ve been thinking about that. It might not be so simple. Sure, I’ve lost all those privileges. What bothers me is I don’t really miss all that extra freedom, now I’ve been here for the past few days. Master would never be so lenient with us.”

Jeanne laughed. “Oh no, I can imagine what he’d say if any of us asked, even if only for permission to leave the house on our own. I’m sure you’ve figured out by now he can be quite, umm, inflexible?”

“More like dictatorial. That’s why I’m standing here, debating with myself. The premise, being owned by a stubborn, single-minded, and intolerably strict man is what I really need to get on with my life. Those times I used to feel lazy, rebellious? They haven’t come back. At first I thought it was the Center, but now the difference might be there’s someone in charge who simply won’t tolerate it.”

Jeanne laughed. “Welcome to my world.”

First Interview

Barbara stood in the doorway, her arm in the iron grip of a guard. “Bring her in, Fred. Use that chair.” He pointed to a plain wooden chair directly in front of the desk, what he liked to think of as the ‘hot seat’. Directly overhead was a bright light, focused on the chair. It was there to remind the occupant she was in the spotlight.

The guard steered her towards the chair. When she sat down he made sure her hands, bound together with the standard company hinged cuffs, slipped over the back of the chair. Satisfied she wasn’t going to cause trouble he handed a clipboard to Ray.

Ray took the clipboard, signed the receipt and handed it back. “Thanks, Fred. I’ll see she gets back to her room.” The guard left, closing the office door behind him.

He turned to Barbara. Outwardly calm by the way she sat quietly, but he knew she had to be worried about why she was here in his office. “I assume you know who I am?”

“Yes, sir. You’re Mr. Madsen, the owner. I recognize you from pictures on the company website.”

“My fame precedes me. Do you know why you’re here?” Until a few minutes ago she didn’t even know about this meeting.

“Not exactly, sir. My best guess is it has something to do with my evenings.” For the last two nights she’d been taken to the punishment cells after supper. Last night had been worse that the first, once she learned it wasn’t going to stop.

Ray leaned back in his chair, studying the woman in front of him. Her first few days at the brokerage had been extraordinarily difficult, yet she had not burst into some kind of rant the moment she was in his office. From Ray’s perspective she had a fascinating ability to cope with adversity. Two days in the punishment cells so far, and no idea why she was sent there. That had to wear on her, yet she been cooperative both nights, never pushing back against what she knew was coming.

“A reasonable assumption but no, that’s not on today’s agenda. My job as your temporary owner is to find a good home for you. Despite your initial impression of this brokerage we really do take your best interests into consideration. To that end I need to know more about you. This meeting is for our mutual benefit: for me, to better do my job; and for you, to help me find the best possible owner for you.” Ray leaned forward, resting his arms on the desk. “I hope you’ll be honest with me, and forthcoming in your answers to my questions. Can I trust you to cooperate with me?”

Barbara didn’t answer immediately. Ray took that as a sign she was seriously considering his request. He didn’t press her for a reply. It was better she take the time to answer candidly rather than simply tell him what she thought he wanted to hear.

“You make a persuasive argument, sir. Of course, I’ll do my best to help you. As you point out, it’s for my benefit. If I may add, that’s why I chose your company. You have a reputation for treating women like me with respect.”

Ray shrugged. “Reputations and respect tend to be subjective judgements. You might want to revisit your opinion in a few weeks.

“We’ll leave that discussion for another time. Before we start I’m going to establish some ground rules, just so we understand each other while working together. Some are obvious, like the first one: you have permission to speak candidly but you will observe Island law by showing respect for authority. According to your records you’ve been living in Isla Del Sur society long enough to be familiar with the requirements of that law. Do I need to go into detail?”

“No, sir,” Barbara didn’t need to elaborate on her answer. As long as the collar was fastened around her neck Island law mandated she address all men as “sir”, in public or in private, no exceptions allowed. Disagreement was allowed, arguing was prohibited. No raising her voice in anger, no shouting or cursing, in short she could not afford to lose her temper and lash out in a verbal rage. She had taken the time to actually read the statute; it was short, to the point and had no loopholes.

“Good, I assumed as much. Next, you will remain seated in the chair, as you are now.” It was obvious she’d done her research. She held her position with what he’d call workmanlike skill, admirable for the short time she’d been here at the brokerage though it lacked a certain elegance that came with careful attention to small details.

“If you need a break, speak up. There’s a washroom behind that door. I’ll remove the cuffs.” Ray gestured to a door on his left. “Otherwise you will face front at all times. Do not look behind you, even if the door opens. Any questions so far?”

“No, sir. Your instructions are quite clear.” Don’t slouch! Keeping her back straight and head up while sitting wasn’t part of a game any longer. If she forgot, even for a split second, there was no doubt in her mind he’d spot it immediately.

“The last point: there is no hidden agenda behind this interview. I’m not out to trick you into making a blunder. The only right answers to my questions are the ones that reflect your opinions, your feelings, in essence your principles. Don’t tell me what you think I want to hear in the mistaken belief you’re pleasing me.”

She didn’t reply immediately. When she did speak up it took him by surprise. “Thank you for clearing that up, sir. I won’t hold back. And if it’s necessary to add in a few comments about your dubious ancestry, repellent personal habits, complete absence of morals and evident lack of social skills I promise they will be delivered with the utmost respect, sir.”

Ray burst out laughing, slapping a hand on the desk. She might be anxious about this meeting but she certainly wasn’t intimidated. “Well done! That’s the type of candor I expect. If the need arises, feel free to add in those comments.” Ray recognized her calculated risk behind the bit of humor. A negative reaction on his part would warn her to be economical with the content of her replies.

 “Now let’s get started. I have a list we’ll go through first. After that we’ll see where it goes. Oh, and when it comes to dubious social skills, I can assure you I stopped dragging my knuckles on the ground, caveman style, some time ago. I did keep my club, purely for the nostalgic reminder of simpler times long past.” He turned to a display on his desk.

It was Barbara’s turn to suppress her laughter at his comeback. He definitely had a sense of humor and a quick wit. This was not a man she would associate with that nightmare on the first night, or her subsequent nightly visits with the punishment irons. She was missing something significant about him, but it wasn’t obvious what it might be.

Tough Questions

“Now then, let’s start with some questions.” He leaned back in his chair, cocking his head to one side while studying her.

It was a relief for Barbara to discover he wasn’t one of those men with a fragile ego. If honest answers were what he sought she was more than willing to provide them. She didn’t mind being asked questions; from her perspective it was much easier to respond to his lead rather than ramble on about herself without any direction.

“Top of the list, and I’m sure you’re expecting this, why sell yourself? Or rather, why would you give yourself away? You must recognize your arrival here was on the unusual side.”

She knew it was coming but still had some difficulty in forming an answer. “I suppose I’d have to put the blame on impatience, sir. I had a plan in mind after I arrived on the Island. I applied to the Facility, but they turned me down. That wasn’t unexpected; I figured my chances of getting in were small. My ‘Plan B’, sir, was a North Island brokerage, starting with this one. I wasn’t sure you would take me seriously, even with my offer that’s too good to refuse. The rest you know.”

She studied him closely, trying to gauge how well he accepted her story. “No,” was his only reaction. “I’m not asking why you chose the brokerage. I want to know why you are determined to give yourself away to a complete stranger, a man you’ve never even met. Being in a hurry isn’t an explanation.”

So much for trying to deflect the tough questions, Barbara thought. She sensed he would keep at her until he got the real answer. Her resistance would quickly crumble against his persistence.

“I’m sorry, sir.” She lowered her head, staring into her lap. “It’s…it’s embarrassing to admit the real reason. I’ve never told anyone before now.”

“Don’t do that!” he snapped. “You will hold your head up and look me in the eye when you speak. Whatever you tell me stays in here. It’s not being recorded or written down. Trust me on this. You may think it’s embarrassing but compared to some of the stories I’ve heard in these interviews I seriously doubt you can shock me.”

Ray leaned forward. “Now, tell me the reason.” He didn’t raise his voice, nor was there a trace of anger in his tone. Yet Barbara felt the insistence behind his command; she couldn’t hold back.

“I…I have this thing in my head. I don’t know what to call it, but it drives me to take foolish risks, the kind that brought me to the brokerage. I can’t stand being on my own any longer, sir. No matter what it takes I had to find someone else to take control of my life, to tell me what to do, to discipline me when I stray. I trust you’ll find that someone for me, sir. That’s why I’m here.”

Ray had heard similar stories from many of the women who passed through the doors of his business, though none had matched this one’s resolve. “Surely you’ve had opportunities before now to, let’s say scratch the itch? Why not use the normal route, a one year contract? Weren’t you able to find a like-minded individual before coming to the Island? You must have some idea of the kind of man you’d prefer.”

Barbara shook her head. “Of course I did, sir. It took a few failed attempts before I realized that was part of the problem. The ones I prefer, to use your term, never worked out. I was the point of failure, trusting my own judgement. I’m done with that approach. I want a man to pick me, not the other way around. Good, bad or indifferent, whoever it is will be the one responsible, not me.”

Ray stood up behind his desk. “And what about you?” He leaned forward, hands on the desk. “You will have an owner, that I guarantee, but what do you bring to the table? What do you offer him in exchange for the burden he has to assume, taking you on for a lifetime?”

“All I have, sir, is my unswerving submission. If it is within my power I will obey my master’s commands, to the letter and spirit. I do so with no concern over the consequences to myself. I may find it disagreeable,” Barbara smiled at that, “but you see, sir, I don’t trust my own opinion.”

With her last words it all fell into place for Ray. The way she had not fought back on the nightmare stress test, her meek acceptance of the nightly trips to the punishment cells, even why she resorted to committing herself to the brokerage, everything made sense.

“Did you eat lunch before coming here?”

“No sir, I haven’t had anything yet.”

Ray picked up the office phone while he sat down. “Cafeteria? Hi, it’s Ray. What’s the special today?” Barbara watched him, unable to hear the other side of the conversation.

He looked up. “You like hamburgers and fries?”

She nodded. “Yes, sir. With cheese?”

“Can you bring me two trays, a double cheeseburger and a single cheeseburger, fries on both. Thanks!” He hung up the phone. “Lunch in thirty minutes. We’ll eat here.”

Day 9

The Lineup

“I want a line where you normally kneel for inspection. Remain standing, face forward, arms at your sides.” Jim watched them line up in front of him. When they finished he looked over them carefully, as he would in any inspection. Standards had to be maintained. That was his job, and there were no days off. They expected him to be strict in enforcing the rules. A lapse on his part would leave them confused and worried.

He was pleased with Karen’s progress. She was making an effort to fit into the family by reaching out to Anna and Jeanne. His estimation of Karen’s intelligence rose again. She seemed to know what to say and do to defuse situations that might have easily become a steaming cauldron of emotions, boiling over into petty acts of jealousy.

They didn’t know it but Jim had no real purpose for them to assemble in the living room. It was purely a whim on his part, exercising his power for no motive other than satisfying his own self-centered need to demonstrate his control over his possessions. For the three of them no reason was necessary; they obeyed their master.

Sunlight from the living room window glinted off the collars around their necks. They belonged to him, an obvious fact but one he would never forget or ignore. They were three unique individuals, real people, who had no choice but to depend on him for virtually everything in their lives. It was control in the rawest form, an uncut drug that fed his addiction.

“Don’t move, no talking,” Jim ordered, delivered in that crisp, emotionless tone that seemed to be the most effective when he required their immediate compliance. It was his voice of calm authority, delivered with an undertone of certainty, which somehow triggered a response in them to submit without question. Why it worked so well would always be a mystery to him, but he couldn’t argue with the results.

He walked around to stand behind the line. Jim backed up to get a better view of all three of them. They didn’t know it but it was much easier for him to check the measure of their skirts using the back of their knees. All were within his limit, no surprise since they had time to make adjustments before assembling. In truth he didn’t really care but once he’d stated the rule it had to be enforced. More than once he’d been tempted to rescind it, though he never got beyond the good intentions stage.

What stopped him was the idea of how Jeanne would react. She hated even the most trivial signs of leniency in how his rules were interpreted. He’d caught on camera the way she constantly measured that two finger limit between knee and skirt, when no one was looking. By any definition it was an obsession with her, but that was true of all his rules. It was her security; he couldn’t bring himself to take away even a small part of it.

He ran his hands through Jeanne’s hair as it cascaded down her back. There wasn’t supposed to be any bias, but he had to admit he did find her hair the most attractive. One of his private rules, just for Jeanne, dealt with her hair. No change in color or style, or length, was allowed. Anna and Karen could ask permission; Jeanne was expressly forbidden to even bring up the subject.

There were so many private rules for Jeanne he had to keep a secret, written list as a reminder. She had an edited copy of that list on her computer; though Jim was sure she had every line memorized. Her self-esteem was based on keeping to a path so strict and narrow he considered it impossible to follow, yet somehow she managed. Flourished, that was a better word for it.

A step to the side put him behind Anna. If Jeanne was the fanatic then Anna was the passionate. He rested his hands on her bare shoulders. His edict mandating sleeveless blouses and dresses was entirely due to Anna. He ran his hands up and down her arms, shoulder to elbow. It was another bias, no different from Jeanne’s hair.

She didn’t move. In the early days she would flinch at his touch, just for a split second. Given her history it was to be expected. His patience with her paid off; now she felt safe with him. Once that happened her attitude had quickly evolved to the point he had become essential to her wellbeing. Where Jeanne lived for obedience and authority, Anna’s focus in life was his happiness. She would, literally, do anything he asked to please him. In return he kept her safe, free from worry about her future. She did more to prove how dependent she was on him than Jeanne and Karen combined.

At the end of the line was Karen, a mystery of contradictions. She had to be the most intelligent woman he’d ever met, a woman frustrated and resentful with the role she had been forced to play to conceal that fact. Yet once he had allowed her to shed that façade the results were not what he had expected.

It came to light only yesterday. They had been sitting out under the stars late that evening, just the two of them, talking about nothing in particular. Jim enjoyed listening to her describing the articles she’d read online. She had unlimited access, though her topics of conversation were always well within the limits he’d set up for Jeanne and Anna.

Karen had been in the middle of telling him about some interesting changes to the next Olympic games when on an impulse he stopped her in mid-sentence. Without any apparent motive he had banned any further discussion on the Olympics and forbidden her from accessing any related websites. The subject by itself was innocuous; his intention was to measure her reaction when he acted in what she had to believe was a capricious manner, with no reason or discussion about why he had shut her down.

His expected some kind of push back, driven by his entirely selfish and unreasonable power trip. At a minimum there would be a mild protest, carefully framed in such a way that she wasn’t violating his ban. Karen had a talent with words; she could easily manage to ask without crossing into prohibited territory. She must feel some resentment over what appeared to be his taking back the freedom he promised.

That’s not what happened. Her first reaction was a horrified look, followed by frantic begging for forgiveness due to her disobedience. She all but demanded he punish her, harshly, for the way she had betrayed his trust. Forced to think fast he had ordered her to sleep on the floor for a week, and placed her electronics, phone and computer, off limits indefinitely. That bothered him, because in his view she hadn’t done anything wrong. Still, he recognized in Karen’s mind she wouldn’t be satisfied unless he acted swiftly, justified or not.

That was her contradiction. It was ironic she wanted intellectual freedom, but only to a certain point. Beyond that point she had to be stopped, pulled back by a master who didn’t hesitate to decide when she had to be reined in. The complication, for Jim, was to locate that point in time and assert his absolute authority in calling a halt to bring her back inside her boundaries, ambiguous limits he mostly had to make up to fit the occasion.

Jim prided himself on being consistent and predictable for his women. For this one case, only for Karen, he had to put aside consistency. Strangely, she didn’t seem to object to the way he suddenly cut off her unrestricted Internet usage. She accepted it without argument and moved on, never questioning what he’d done. Jim had no idea what went on in her head during those moments; it was totally foreign to his way of thinking.

He put his hands around her waist, above her hips. When he pressed in he felt the band of steel underneath. It was her custom fitted chastity belt, from her days in the Disciplinary Center. Karen had no idea he’d received it from the brokerage, since he’d asked for it to be shipped to his office. After two days he’d end her sleeping on the floor, and restore her electronics, but she still had a penalty to deal with. The belt went on after morning inspection and didn’t come off until bedtime. As with any other punishment he had not specified how long she was to wear the belt. Since it locked on, and he had the only keys, she would have to live with it.

Like Jeanne’s hair and Anna’s shoulders the feel of the belt around Karen’s waist, and between her legs, were guilty pleasures. It was favoritism, though very subdued. They must have noticed; he rarely managed to conceal his emotions from them. The same with the way each of them was sexually attractive in their own individual way. So far it wasn’t an issue, at far as he could tell.

Times Are Changing

Karen felt his hands on her waist, though she couldn’t see him. He had a tendency to do that, stand behind them. She figured it must be some kind of domination thing, a way to remind all of them he was in charge. As if forcing them to line up wasn’t enough, along with observing his set of rules. Not that she objected; she had chosen the submissive lifestyle with eyes wide open.

Now he was running his hands along the waistband under her skirt. At the Center she dreaded the times she had to wear that chastity belt. Not so much the belt by itself but everything else that came with it, usually ending with her stripped and locked in chains, spending a miserable night on the floor of a tiny cage.

After leaving the Center she never expected to see that nasty piece of hardware again. So much for wishful thinking; it was back around her waist and between her legs once more. According to her master this was a form of punishment, replacing sleeping on the floor and the electronics ban. That was fine by her. Wearing the belt under her day uniform was a minor inconvenience compared to his original penalty.

How had she missed his objection to her surfing the Olympic websites? True, she’d only been here a week but she did have a talent for sensing moods in others, especially men. His ban had come out of nowhere, completely unforeseen both for subject and the scope of his prohibition. In retrospect she had panicked at the sudden onset of an uncharacteristically strong objection. Somehow she had strayed outside the unspoken boundaries of the privilege he had entrusted to her.

In her view there was no question it was disobedience, though she hoped he would see it as unintentional rather than willful. He had delivered on her pleas for correction, and rightly so. Why he had suddenly reduced the severity left her confused. Perhaps he believed imposing the belt on her was just as bad, or worse? If that was true then it was her good fortune; punishments were never questioned, so she was prevented from pointing out the belt was little more than a minor inconvenience.

His hands went back and forth around the waistband. A little voice in Karen’s head told her that was unusual. Could it be the punishment was only an excuse for something else? He did appear to be enjoying the moment. If what she now suspected was true the belt might well become part of her day uniform on a permanent basis.

There was still the question of why he had ordered them into the lineup. Unless it was to reveal her transgression to Jeanne and Anna, or one of the other two women was in trouble, she had no idea why he had called them together on short notice.

Karen stared at the wall, unable to look to either side. All it took were a few words and she was frozen in place. How did he do that? Most of the time when he spoke she could carefully parse his words, looking for clues or hidden meanings. Anything she could glean from casual conversation went to better understand the personality behind the man who owned her. Yet when he spoke in that certain tone the analytical portion of her brain shut down. All that mattered was her obedience, narrowly focused on fulfilling his command. It was an eerie feeling, knowing what was happening but unable to resist the compulsion that came with it.

His hands disappeared from her waist. A moment later he returned to stand in front of the group. “You can relax. I’d like you all to sit on the sofa. I have a short announcement. After that you can go back to whatever you were doing when I interrupted.”

Karen followed the other two over to the couch and sat down. He must be planning to make a change of some kind. She hoped it wasn’t for the worse. Being the new arrival Jeanne and Anna would naturally blame her if the news was bad.

Jim went to his chair. Karen waited in eager anticipation to hear what he had planned for them. The announcement did not come immediately. Instead he stared at them, without speaking a word.

She recognized that look. After a week she could tell exactly what he was thinking. Savoring the moment, that’s what he called it. She was one of his three prized properties, his treasures. It was one of the moments when he regarded them as objects, cherished possessions. By rights Karen should be offended at being treated as a thing rather than a person; yet it had the opposite effect. She was proud to belong to this man, to call him master and mean it.

I’m falling in love with him after just one week. I can’t stop it; I don’t want to stop it. She hadn’t thought about it before now but there was no denying her feelings. She’d never met anyone quite like him. Demanding, stubborn, impossibly strict in his rules, intolerant of any deviation from his vision of their future, yet at the same time he was caring and, yes, loving in his own way. He was the man of her dreams, though she didn’t recognize it until now.

“I’ll be changing some of the daily rules in the near future. For the most part I’m sure you’ll see it as an improvement. This will be gradual, to give you time to adjust. And if necessary I’m open to modifications when there are unexpected consequences. The times they are a-changin’, to quote Bob Dylan. Better we anticipate rather than react.”

Improvements were generally good, but it depended on what he considered to be the definition. Karen was cautiously hopeful.

“To start, no more kneeling on the floor. It’s hard on the legs, and I certainly don’t want the three of you crippled with joints ruined by arthritis. Starting tomorrow the afternoon inspections begin with a lineup in front of the couch.”

That was definitely good news, at least from Karen’s perspective. It was a major sacrifice on his part too. From the way he looked at them when they kneeled she could easily tell it pushed a lot of buttons in his head. While she was happy to display herself for his enjoyment it was a stressful position to hold for any length of time.

“I have one more major change in mind, but I’ll save that for later.”

Figured It Out

Ray pointed to the chair in front of his desk. “Please, close the door and sit down.”

Standing or sitting Elise was always a picture of perfection. Ray had to admit the Facility delivered on its promises, even if he didn’t agree with the reasons for its existence. “So,” he began, “when did you figure it out?”

Elise stared at him, unsure of what he was asking. “Sir? Figure what out?”

She might be sincere, or she was holding back the real answer. He made a sweeping motion with one arm. “All this, your visit to the brokerage, the consignment, your first night, I think you know what I’m talking about?”

She didn’t reply immediately. Ray gave her some time to think. “I’ve checked the camera recordings. There’s been a sudden shift in your attitude. There’s no point in carrying on.”

That comment appeared to satisfy her. “It was two days ago, sir. Once the shock and panic subsided I was able to think clearly again. The events, they didn’t add up. That staged scene, whatever you call it, on the first night was the clue none of this was real.”

Ray suspected as much. Les and his crew put on a good show, except this time there was a skilled drama critic in the audience. Anyone watching the recording would have characterized it as a bad sitcom. Overacting, ridiculous props and costumes, and miraculous coincidences made for poor entertainment.

“Come on in, you were right,” he nearly shouted. A side door opened and Ben Grimes entered the room. The moment Elise saw him her hands were on her knees. Her master had returned.

“Ben here told me I’d never get away with keeping up the pretense, not for more than a few days. He knows you well, Elise. For my own curiosity, could I persuade you to share your thoughts on that first night? By the way, we refer to it as a stress test. You weren’t the intended target, by the way. It was a case of wrong place, wrong time.”

Elise nodded. “I came to the same conclusion, sir. You had to find out about Barbara. Don’t be concerned about her mental state, sir; she’s as stable as anyone else in Island society. Though come to think of it, that may not be a ringing endorsement.”

Ray and Ben both laughed. “Geez, Ben, with Elise around none of my secrets are safe.”

Ben spoke up for the first time. “I warned you about her. I gave up trying to hold back ages ago. Anyway, go ahead Elise, about that first night?”

“Well, to start I was in a terrible state, as you can imagine. To say I was preoccupied with being abandoned is an understatement. And at the worst possible time our group is stripped, chained and brought to the entertainment room. Those restraint beds are extremely effective, sir. Once I was strapped down I was helpless, unable to do anything but lie there waiting for the inevitable.” She had to pause for a moment. Even though she knew it was staged the raw memories of the moment still brought back the terror she felt at the time.

“Then the men arrived. I’d never seen a more revolting sight in my life. Filthy, drunk, and the smell, that was the worst. When one of them reached down to put a dirt encrusted hand on my thigh I lost it. There I was, twisting in the straps, desperate to escape, screaming into the gag for help.”

“And then the deus ex machina, divine intervention saves the day.” Ray smiled. “What a remarkable coincidence they’re all called away for an emergency.”

Elise nodded. “Exactly, sir, though at the time my impression was more along the lines of prayers being answered. The rest was anticlimactic. I vaguely remember someone releasing me from the straps and taking off the gag. When I sat up my legs were too shaky for me to stand. At some point a guard brought our clothes and told us to get dressed. After recovering enough to stand we were taken to our rooms. Barbara and I were in a daze; we didn’t talk. I crawled into bed, pulled the blanket over my head and went right to sleep.”

“I regret you had to go through the experience. The stress test isn’t something we use on a regular basis. When we have new arrivals that raise questions, the test is one of the tools we use for a fast psychological evaluation. It has to be run the first night, while the group is still isolated. Like I said, you happened to arrive at the wrong time.”

“Yes, sir, I can see that now. Anyway, I was so rattled I couldn’t think straight. You have to understand, as a participant I didn’t have the luxury of being the dispassionate observer. It took several days for the shock to wear off.

“That’s when I started to go over everything in my head. Madsen Brokerage has a certain reputation; being thrown to those creatures for fun and games didn’t fit. I doubt any brokerage on North Island would condone conduct like that by the staff, let alone Madsen. Then there were the men coming off their shift. Sir, they were cartoon caricatures drawn from nightmares. Again, no brokerage, or any company, would hire employees who showed up for work in the state of those men. The final clue, sir, and one you might want to address, were the whiskey bottles.”

“The whiskey? Why, did you see any of them take a drink? They were props to be shown around. If I caught any of those guys drinking on the job…” Ray was indignant. The company had a strict prohibition banning drinking on the premises.

“That’s my point, sir. They didn’t drink, not one of them. By rights they should have been pouring the bottle down their throats, to stay in character. If I can make a suggestion, in the movies they use tea in the bottles. It can pass for whiskey if you don’t look too close.”

Ray wrote down the suggestion on a notepad. “I’ll pass that along. Anything else?”

“I assume it was no coincidence pairing me with Barbara. Sir, she is so eager to learn! I noticed the way she started copying me not long after I arrived that first evening. Then we are both assigned to the same room, another remarkable fluke. And on top of that for some odd reason we have lots of free time together, time for me to pass on some of my own Facility training.”

“Yeah, in retrospect it was on the obvious side. That wasn’t planned beforehand, by the way. I was watching the whole group on camera when I saw the same thing you did, about Barbara. It was a wholly spontaneous call, putting the two of you together. Fortunately it worked out well.”

To The Finish

“There’s still one question left,” Ray started. “The original plan was to have Elise go all the way through to an auction. What do you think, Ben?”

Elise turned her head to see what her fate would be. No one cares about my opinion, she thought. That’s the price of being a man’s property. It would be nice if Ben were to ask her view on the subject first, but in the end it was entirely his choice as to what would happen, regardless of her preference. Her need for his guiding hand over her life was so strong she would never complain about being ignored.

Ben took his time before answering. “The general idea was for Elise to experience firsthand the entire brokerage procedure, start to finish. I see no reason why we can’t continue.”

That wasn’t what she wanted to hear. When she asked for help in researching her project she had no idea it would result in her being sent to a real auction house, with no idea how long it would last. All she wanted at this point was to go home and never return to North Island.

“In that case we’ll retain custody of Elise up until the start of the auction. She’s been scheduled for the one on Friday next week. I can pull her out before it starts. Does that work for you?” Ray opened up his laptop and began making entries.

Ben nodded in agreement. “I’ll go with that. Until then, Elise, you’ll have more time to talk to the women here, to learn about what they think of being sold on the block.”

Much as she loved living in a male dominated society there were times the consequences weighed heavily on Elise. Although she was sitting in the room the two men were casually discussing her future as if she wasn’t present. She wasn’t about to object; Ben was responsible for her, which meant he decided what was best whether she agreed or not. This was one of those “bite your tongue” moments when she had to acquiesce to his wishes in silence.

“It’s settled then. Elise, you will remain in our custody. I’ll remind you the consignment is still in effect, and it isn’t phony. To keep your secret I had to process real paperwork through the accounting office. As far as brokerage employees are concerned you are one more item of inventory, to be sold in the near future. No one is aware of your real status except me.”

Day 10

Guessing Game

“Any idea what else he’s planning on changing? He did hint it would be an improvement of some kind,” Anna asked the question on all their minds. Jim had left for work; breakfast was cleaned up, leaving them some free time to sit around the kitchen table with a cup of coffee.

“Maybe he thinks we have too much free time, now the housework is split between three of us. We’d be better off with some new assignments to fill the day.” Jeanne had a thoughtful look, as if she’d already come up with new rules for the three of them. Karen hoped she wasn’t skilled at predicting their future. “What about you, Karen? Heard anything we should know about?”

She didn’t answer immediately. Truth was she did have an idea, based on what she was wearing under her uniform. If her fears were confirmed, he would require all three of them to wear belts on a daily basis, as part of the uniform. The way he ran his hands around her waist the last few mornings, after locking that thing on her, made it clear he was fascinated by the idea. And if he wanted it then nothing would prevent him from imposing a new rule. Was it for the better? For him, definitely, but wasn’t that what it was all about?

“There might be…” Karen stopped. Was she allowed to discuss it? “Sorry, I can’t go on. I think I better ask permission first.” That would end any further probing from Anna and Jeanne. “Honest, I don’t really know any more than you do.”

“Sounds like that’s the end of discussion, before we stray into forbidden territory.” That was a predictable response from Jeanne. She was nearly always the first to change the subject if she thought they might drift into talking about something clearly prohibited. Anna didn’t add anything but Karen did catch the strange look on her face

Jeanne stood up. “Okay, I’m in charge of laundry this morning. Toss your uniforms into the washer before you go to your rooms to change.”

Anna rose and began to remove her blouse, following Jeanne’s example. Karen hesitated before she pushed back from the table. “I have to go to my room first,” she explained.

Both Anna and Jeanne stopped to stare at her. “Sorry, I…I can’t explain,” Karen stammered before rushing out of the kitchen. Behind her back the two women glanced at each other, confused by what was going on.

The moment Karen removed her top the band around her waist would be in plain view. There’d be too many questions with no answers she could provide. She wasn’t equipped to handle problems like this. She decided it would be best to ask for guidance from their master.

The Last Time

Barbara’s eyes flew open when she heard the sound of the cell block door opening. Someone was coming, hopefully to end her nightmare. She sat up as straight as the irons permitted, hoping it might make a favorable impression. Maybe they were coming to release her, to explain that it was all a misunderstanding.

The man who stopped at her cell door wasn’t dressed like a guard. In the dim light she wasn’t sure who it was at first, until she recognized him from their prior meeting. It was Ray Madsen, the man behind the brokerage, essentially her owner until she was sold.

He stood on the other side of the bars, silently studying her. Barbara was too scared to speak or even move. Why was he here, and why won’t he tell me what I’ve done? At a loss as to what to do she chose to continue sitting up, trying her best not to move.

He unlocked the cell gate and swung open the door. To her surprise he turned and disappeared around a corner. The cell door was still ajar but chained to the floor she was in no position to make a daring escape. He came back with a folding chair in one hand. Inside the cell he unfolded the chair and sat down in front of her.

“I’m sure you’d like to know why you’re in here, and why you haven’t been told the reason before now. Don’t bother to answer. I’ll do the talking.” He leaned back in the chair, his arms folded. “First off, to set your mind at ease you’re not being punished. I’m sure you’ve been sitting there trying to figure out what terrible crime you committed to merit this kind of treatment. Short answer, nothing.”

Barbara stared at him, relieved it wasn’t her fault but even more confused as to why she was confined in the cell.

“I’m not here to release you so don’t get your hopes up. When I leave you’ll still be right where you are now. A guard will be back later to take you to your room. I have some more bad news. Your evenings in here are not going to stop.”

He leaned forward, reaching down to run a hand over the irons holding her wrists and ankles in painful confinement. “I’m told being locked in this thing is particularly unpleasant. I can see why it’s used to discourage poor behavior. I certainly wouldn’t want to be stuck in one for any length of time.

“I’m responsible for you being in here, but I won’t explain why. If it helps, I want to stress it is very important to me that you stay optimistic, cooperate with the guards when they bring you here, and especially to trust me when I tell you this is necessary. I know you have it in you to do as I ask, even if you don’t understand the purpose behind it.”

Why? She asked herself, over and over, why did he do this to me? He put a hand under her chin, raising her head to face him. She expected to see a look of sadistic pleasure at her misery, but what she found was a genuine expression of concern.

She sensed something else too. Maybe it was the gentle touch of his hand on her face, or something in the way he slightly tilted his head. Barbara couldn’t explain how she saw another side to him. He wants me, me, when he can have any woman in the place.

In that moment everything changed. This was where she needed to be, because that’s what he sought from her. Whether it was another day, a week, or months she would spend them in the punishment irons for as long as he believed it was necessary.

Misery Loves Company

Ben pushed aside the laptop, unable to concentrate on the medical article. The apartment felt cold and empty without Elise. He leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. Nice self-inflicted wound you’ve got there, Major Grimes. Proud of yourself?

What started as a brilliant idea ended up feeling more like one of the worst mistakes he’d ever made. And now he had compounded the error by leaving Elise at the brokerage. A week ago it all made sense. He and Elise led a sheltered life centered around their work at the Clinic. Nothing wrong with that in itself, but he worried it was depriving Elise of a wider view of Island society as a whole. Her request for help on her project was the excuse he needed to provide her a brief excursion outside her comfort zone.

His hastily coordinated plan with Ray Madsen unfolded much as he expected. Elise quickly figured out the overt reason she still was on North Island, which helped to keep her focus off his actual plan. What he had not anticipated was the effect his efforts would have on his own life.

Sitting in her cell at the brokerage, alone for the night, was she as miserable as he was? Like most all the men on the Island he liked his women submissive and dependent. Elise had been the dream come true for him. The irony was he had become just as emotionally dependent on her as they grew closer together.

A special picture on the bookshelf drew his eye. It was a cleverly photo-shopped portrait of the “Diastolic Duo”, in black and white, with him dressed in a stereotype of the 1960’s doctor: white coat, stethoscope hung around his neck, reflector headband on his forehead, and at his side the intrepid Nurse Elise in her uniform. The background was pasted in with long obsolete medical gear. Someone had put it together as a Christmas party joke. No one laughed harder than Ben when he saw it posted on the cafeteria bulletin board. There was a copy on his office wall at work, and a special spot on the bookshelf at home. Much as he loved it Elise had not been impressed. To this day she was convinced it would forever brand her as Nurse Ratched, the heartless tyrant from the One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest movie.

Reminiscing about the photo did nothing to improve his melancholic mood. He glanced over at the open kitchen door. Elise might belong to him but when it came to that kitchen he was all but banned for life. She spent a lot of effort to keep it kosher, as she so often reminded him every time he got too near the door. That’s why, even though he was in charge, his authority ended at the entrance.

Necessity forced him into the kitchen now, but he came prepared after a refresher course on kashrut, Jewish dietary laws, courtesy of Google. Even so, the only reason he dared to venture into her realm was to empty out old food from the two refrigerators, before it spoiled. Otherwise he ate all his meals at the Clinic’s cafeteria. We all have our rules to follow, he thought with a rueful grimace.

Day 12

Called to the Office

There was a discreet knock at the door. “Come in,” Ray called out, glancing at the clock on his phone. She was on time, as expected. One of the benefits in owning someone, he thought. I always have first claim on her time.

The door opened, revealing a woman dressed in the company uniform: the intentionally drab gray dress and the gleam of the metal band securely fastened around her neck. “You sent for me, sir?” Barbara asked hesitantly. She stood at the door waiting for permission to enter, one of the many lessons from the sessions on company rules.

A guard stood behind her, one hand on her arm. “Thanks, Bill.” The guard nodded and left.

“Close the door and sit down,” Ray gestured towards the chair in front of his desk. He was careful to keep a neutral tone when he spoke to her. She would be especially sensitive to any nuance in his voice and body language in the hopes of picking up some clue as to why he had summoned her, though she must suspect this time it was something to do with her visits to the punishment cells.

He studied her every move, watching her closely while she walked over to the chair and sat down. She had spent a week going through the mandatory training for all new arrivals plus the value-added program, what was commonly referred to as the “finishing school”. This was an opportunity for him to judge the results. He watched for the small but crucial details: straightening her dress; lining up her legs; folding her hands in her lap; and meeting his gaze eye to eye. Not only did she meet his exacting standards, but she delivered with a natural poise which must have concealed hours of practice. The reports on his desk did not exaggerate in detailing her single-minded determination to excel in every facet of the company program.

“To answer the question you’d like to ask, yes, you’re here to learn why you were subjected to, well, let’s call it a trying experience.” It was difficult to tell but he sensed she did relax. “You’re also here to learn about certain changes in your status.” He calculated the explanation would put her at ease. “While we’re alone you have permission to speak freely, though I do expect you to adhere to the usual rules.”

“Thank you, sir,” Barbara replied. “I admit I was worried. Being called into your office, well, we all assume it’s because there’s something seriously wrong.”

“Not today,” he reassured her. “Set your mind at ease on that account. I think you’ll find what I have to say will brighten your day. At least I hope you see it that way.” The expression on her face switched from anxious to curious.

“To start, you need to know that, as of this morning, you have been sold. It’s a private sale to an individual. Your new owner has decided that, for the moment, it is in your best interest to remain here at the company to continue in our training program.”

He could see the news came as a shock, though being in a brokerage she had to know it would happen, and soon. “Sir, could you tell me...” her question trailed off, unfinished. “Sorry sir, I do know better than to ask.”

Ray nodded in approval. She caught herself in time to avoid a reprimand. If she needed to know her master’s name, or anything else about him, she’d be told. Otherwise, she would have to wait until someone chose to inform her. It must be frustrating to be kept in the dark when everyone around her knew what was going on. Still, she seemed to be adjusting to the situation. Information is power, he thought. She would learn to be patient and wait.

There was a certain satisfaction in the ability to limit her knowledge of what was happening to her. It’s a sin I’ll surely answer for, he scolded himself, but he didn’t really feel guilty about it. Keeping her in the dark was blatant manipulation of the worst sort. Normally he’d be the first to criticize it as deplorable behavior, but when it came to Barbara he would do whatever it takes to bring them closer together.

“I’ll give it a pass but don’t let it happen again.” Given the circumstances he decided to overlook her mistake, as long as she didn’t repeat it. “Before we continue your new owner has provided the brokerage with some specific instructions for you. First of all, you will continue to follow house rules and policies. You are permitted to keep your first name, but under no circumstances are you to discuss your past history prior to your arrival here, except with me. The cutoff is the moment you arrived at the brokerage. You are not to reveal any details of your life before that moment, unless you have permission from your master.”

“I understand, sir.” Barbara replied. In a way that particular order was something of a welcome relief. She wanted to look forward to her future, instead of reliving her past. “Sir? You should know I did talk, a little, about my past life with my roommate. I’ll stop immediately.”

That was a very good sign, one he was pleased to hear. He already knew about it from surveillance, but there was no need to mention that bit of information. “We can let that pass. But remember, from now on the rule applies to everyone you meet.”

“Yes, sir, no one is to know. Umm, to be clear that doesn’t include you, in particular, aside from my new owner?”

It was a moot point, but not from her perspective. “We’ll get to that part later,” he explained without giving her a real answer.

“You’ll be especially pleased to learn he has ended your nightly visits to the punishment cells. There was a question that had to be answered before your future could be resolved. You made it quite clear to us why you chose to sell yourself. It was a persuasive story, but it did raise one nagging question. Care to guess what it was?”

Ray waited to see if she would respond. He could have easily explained it all, but if she worked it out first it would reinforce the conclusions he’d already made about her test.

It took a moment before she began. “Sir, I think you gave me a hint when you said ‘persuasive’. It might be a good story, but it’s still just words. Your question, as I see it, is if I have the commitment to back up those promises. After that first night in the irons, when the next evening came it took all the determination I had to sit at the table eating supper, knowing what was waiting for me the moment I finished. When the guard came for me, I had to hide my hands under the table so no one would see them shaking.”

She had to stop for a moment. “I struggled every night. What made the difference, sir, were those words of encouragement when you came to see me. You told me it was important, that I had to bear what was to come without the slightest hint of why it was necessary. The nagging question, sir? I believe it was to find out if I had the determination to believe in you, the brokerage, whoever it is that has authority over me; to trust that no matter how bad it seemed I would remain faithful to what I promised, my ‘persuasive story’ as you call it.”

Ray took a long drink from his glass, mostly to give him a moment to think. She was right, of course. It had been a test of her resolve, an extended one. He was satisfied both as to her honesty in her explanation of why she was here now, and that her mental stability was not in question despite the warnings from Les.

“It wasn’t the only test either, was it, sir? That first night, when all the new arrivals were designated as ‘entertainment’ for the guards coming off shift, that wasn’t what it appeared. I was terrified at the time, but afterwards when I thought about it there were parts that didn’t make sense. There I was, strapped down, helpless, gagged, stripped naked, with some stranger in obvious need of bath and clean clothes standing over me, running his hand across my exposed body. I kept telling myself I knew this could happen, but it didn’t help. And then by a strange twist of fate they all get recalled somewhere else, saving us from a nightmare. A few days later I began to wonder about all the coincidences and stereotypes.”

Ray nodded in agreement. Elise wasn’t the only one to see through their little drama. “They were chosen for their acting ability. Start with a hard workout in the gym, rub in a little extra dirt, top it off with week old sweat-stained uniforms and an attitude right out of knuckle-dragging caveman caricatures; you get the perfect combination for repulsive. You got it right, by the way; it was a psychological trial. You passed, in case you’re in any doubt as to the results. You’re sitting in that chair now in large part due to how you handled yourself in what might be termed ‘worst case’ scenarios. Just so you know there won’t be any more pop quizzes like that.”

Barbara stared at Ray with an odd expression on her face. It must have something to do with what he’d told her but he couldn’t make out what she was thinking. “In a way I can see why you did it, sir. Someone selling herself, like me, has to be unusual. Am I crazy? Am I some kind of borderline psycho? You had to find the answer quickly. I can’t say I’d do the same in your place, but I can appreciate the necessity. I hope in the future if a similar situation arises you can find a more, umm, tolerable way to obtain some answers.”

The brutality of the trials did bother him. She’d sensed it right away. He needed to shift her focus away from mind reading quickly. “I see you’ve put considerable effort into how you sit in that chair. Yes, we all noticed, from the first day. In a very short time, you went from a good first effort to a remarkably polished presentation, all without the benefit of company training. I’d like to know the secret to your unusually quick progression.” Ray already had a good idea of the source but he was eager to hear how Barbara would explain it.

“I can’t claim the credit for it, sir. One of the other women who arrived the same night, her name is Elise, she helped me. I don’t know where she learned it, and she declined to answer when I asked. Anyway, sir, she is an excellent tutor, patient when I made mistakes but insisted if I wanted to learn it had to be done the right way. Her words, sir, not mine, though I agree.”

As he suspected Elise had been passing on a small bit of Facility training. Only a practiced eye would spot it: the precise way the hands lined up, the barely perceptible gap between the knees, nothing overt but adding up to an overall perception of something exceptional. On many occasions he’d pressed Clancy Yates, the Facility Director, for help in structuring the brokerage training program. Every time he brought the subject up, Ray had been turned down.

“I have no criticism concerning what you learned. She’s correct, by the way. If it’s worth doing, then it’s worth doing well, an old cliché. You can continue, but you need to know there has to be one major change.” Ray switched into dictatorial tyrant mode. “From this moment on whenever you are sitting down you will place your hands on your knees. The palm of each hand must cover the kneecap. This is required in public or private, even when relaxing with friends or at home with your master. It also applies to all places here at the brokerage. The guards are aware of this change and won’t reprimand you for it. If anyone asks you will explain it is on the explicit orders of your master and you are not allowed to discuss it. This only applies to you, no one else.” He didn’t raise his voice. Instead he relied on the flat, emotionless monotone that worked so well, as if he were simply reciting facts though it was a direct order.

He caught the uncertain look on her face while she repositioned her hands to comply. “Sir, is this acceptable?” It was significant that she didn’t look down to verify her position before asking him.

Ray stood up and walked around the desk. He started his inspection from the side, then from behind the chair, looking over her head, and finally stopping directly in front of her. He reached down and moved her hands apart slightly. “That’s better. Make sure all your fingers are clearly visible from any angle.” He backed up for one last look. “Yes, that’s the correct way. I want to emphasize this is not some frivolous exercise. Your master requires that you get it right, every time, no excuses. Failure, for whatever reason, will not be tolerated.”

He leaned down, covering her hands with his own. “This is important, more than you might realize. I can’t emphasize this enough. Nothing less than perfection is satisfactory. You may think it’s impossible, that no one is perfect. You’re wrong. You will not fail, not today, not tomorrow, not ten years from now.”

His unwavering certainty was infectious. Barbara found herself believing she might actually be able to meet what seemed to be an impossible demand. There was still one huge unanswered question though. Who was her new owner?

Barbara started to say something but was interrupted when he held up his hand. “Hold on, just a bit more patience. This is one of those times when you’re going to be told because you really do need to know. As of noon today, your new owner is me, Ray Madsen. Under North Island law you are now my personal property, for as long as I wish. You are no longer in the custody of the brokerage. This is a permanent arrangement; in simple terms you belong to me for the rest of your life. That’s a promise; I’m not going to sell you.”

On the Spot

Barbara, just plain Barbara after she lost her last name when she gave away her independence, stared in disbelief at the man sitting across from her. She knew the day would come when she would become a man’s property. What she didn’t expect is that it would come quite so soon, and that the man sitting behind the desk would be the one to claim her. The jolt hit her like a physical blow, though she did have the presence of mind to remain seated, and to keep her hands on her knees.

Don’t look down, Elise’s voice echoed in her mind. You know it’s right, be confident.

She saw how his eyes narrowed, waiting to see her reaction. His quick glance down to her hands told her much about him in an instant. The surprise announcement was meant to catch her off guard, to see if she lost her composure for that one split second. Barbara tensed, unsure if she’d passed his check.

What little she knew of him came from her own research. Ray Madsen, sole owner of the largest brokerage on North Island, a company whose business model was the buying and selling of women. She’d gone through everything published about him and his company. He had a reputation for being a private man who avoided publicity, though he was no recluse. Due to the nature of his business, there were numerous detractors posting on social media sites, mostly from South Island where his line of work was banned. But for all the scrutiny directed at his operations no one had yet found solid evidence of dishonesty, misrepresentation of his product or mistreatment of the women who passed through his doors. Though given the standards of Island society in general and North Island in particular, mistreatment was subject to interpretation.

Why had he chosen her? Barbara had to ask herself. She was realistic about where she placed in the looks department: average at best, if the critic was charitable. Was this some cruel joke at her expense? That was the only explanation that came to mind. Problem was it didn’t fit with what she’d read about the public image put forth by her new owner. No one had ever produced any credible evidence he was cruel or sadistic, although there were plenty of anonymous social media posts making the claim. Considering the source and the lack of facts to back it up, as usual the rants were of dubious credibility.

“I think it’s a safe bet you have some questions for me. I have a good idea of the subject matter but I’ll let you go first. Would you like a few minutes to organize your thoughts? I’ll take your questions when you’re ready. I may decline to answer but you are free to ask whatever you like, no limits. We’re going to be spending a lot of time together, a lifetime in fact, so don’t feel like you have to hurry on my account.”

“Yes, sir, there are quite a few.” The first one would tell her the direction to go with the rest of her questions. “I don’t understand why I’m the one sitting here. I don’t dispute it is your decision alone, sir, and it’s not my intent to criticize you for it. However, if I can be blunt, I can’t see any reason why you would pick me, especially since you have such a wide selection to choose from. I have no experience or training, I’m no cheerleader turned supermodel, in short there’s nothing to recommend me. So naturally I have to ask, sir, why me?”

There it was, short and to the point. If he ignored her question, or tried to change the subject then she’d know he wasn’t serious. And if he refused to answer that in itself was a strong indication her future was not going to be a pleasant one.

Ray leaned forward, arms resting on the desk. “I did anticipate your uncertainty. Your reasoning would be sound, except you made a mistake in your assumptions.” He held up a hand to forestall any comment from Barbara. “I’m not after an expert partner in bed or a trophy to hang off my arm. Before I answer you, and I’m not deflecting your question, you need to be aware of some facts.

“For the most part I’ve lived a solitary life, spending all my time building the business. Now that phase is coming to an end I have more time for myself. I want to share that future with someone. That someone is you. It does include sex, but there’s much more. We will build a life together, side by side.”

Barbara stared at him, thinking it was all too good to be true. Is he sincere? She wanted so much to believe him, yet she couldn’t get rid of an irritating doubt he was leading her on. Why he would do that she couldn’t figure out. There had to be some kind of catch.

Ray leaned back in his chair. “Sounds like some kind of fairy tale ending, doesn’t it? Well, I’m afraid it doesn’t quite work out that way, here in the real world.”

Here it comes, she told herself. I knew it was too good to be true.

“Naturally you will be my constant companion. You travel with me wherever I go, when practical, and will accompany me on any social functions I might attend. That makes you highly visible as the public face of the company. Visibility requires a dedicated, strict adherence to my standards of behavior, especially in public but also in private. There are no holidays, no days off. You have to live up to a certain image. No carefully constructed façade; you have to be that woman every minute of every single day.”

Could she be that woman? What did he expect from her, and was it even humanly possible? So many questions, so few answers; it left Barbara feeling inadequate and afraid the kind of opportunity she could only dream about was slipping through her fingers.

“I can be selfish, stubborn, inflexible and totally unreasonable when I want something from you. If I’m not pleased, I won’t hesitate to use whatever means necessary in order to be satisfied. That’s not a threat, simply a statement of fact. This will be a real job, not some fantasy vacation. I believe,” he paused, “no, I’m sure you will fulfill all my expectations.”

He stood up, towering over her. “Now, why you in particular? I see something special within you, someone driven to be the very best. To bring out that best the task at hand must come from without, not within; you have to be told, not asked. More than told, your best effort comes out when forced to obey. And it has to be someone special giving those orders, the man in your life who understands you, who doesn’t ask for the impossible, but someone who doesn’t dispense empty praise either. You know when you get it right; then and only then is his approval worthwhile. For such a man you would do anything. That’s the assumption you missed.”

Barbara sat frozen, staring into his eyes. With only a few words he’d reached deep into her soul, demonstrating an uncanny comprehension of who she was. The good and the bad approach, she thought. It was everything she hoped for, even the implicit threat of punishment if she misbehaved. She had a realistic view of her future, including the realization she would make mistakes along with the penalties that came with disappointing him when it happened. Actions do have consequences, good or bad. Ideally, he would be pragmatic when she had to be disciplined, tempering his judgement with an understanding of the difference between intentional and accidental slips.

“Why did I pick you?” he continued, repeating her question. “Because I’m that man. See, I have a certain something inside my head too. It’s the need to control, to dominate, to possess in every respect a woman exactly like you, someone who must have that firm hand in her life. I will take all you have to give, now and forever more. I want you, on my terms alone. More than anything in this world I will ensure you will be totally dependent on me, mentally and physically.”

He picked up her hands in his. “Ever hear of the term synergy? It’s the sum of the parts, you and me, combined together to create the greater whole.” He pressed her hands together, inside his. “This is our future together. It will happen, and nothing will stop us. You have misgivings, about yourself, but I know better. You will be that woman. There will be no doubts, no room to contemplate failure. I won’t permit it.”

Barbara felt his large hands wrapped around her own, completely covering them. His words promised everything she had ever hoped for, yet there was still one dark cloud she could not ignore. She didn’t want to spoil the moment but she had to ask.

“Sir, what if I can’t be that woman? I’m not perfect; sooner or later I will fail you. If I don’t measure up to your hopes, your dream, will you promise to sell me? I couldn’t bear remaining with you if I couldn’t live up to my role.”

Gently he placed her hands back on her knees. Then he took her face in his hands. “I’ll promise no such thing. Lesson one, you do not tell me what to do. Look at me,” he said, lifting up her chin.

“You seem to forget I’m responsible for you. You will not disappoint me because I‘m not going to let it happen. That’s my job. Your job is to listen to me, follow my instructions, learn from those times things go wrong, and above all obey me. I am certain you will succeed, so I’m not even going to ask for your best effort. Put aside all your fears. I’m here to handle whatever worries you might have either in the past, the present or the future. Bring your problems to me; I solve them. Remember that and you will never disappoint me. Next question?”

She took the hint, time to move on. “Will I be going home with you today, sir?” The brokerage wasn’t the worst place in the world but she wouldn’t miss it either. It was too much like being in jail.

He didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he stood up and went back to his chair. “I suppose I’m something of a traditionalist. No, it won’t be today. I prefer we go a bit slower, so we can become better acquainted. What I have in mind, we’re going to go out first, though there will obviously be some changes compared to a traditional date. After that then yes, you will come home with me. You’ll be staying at the brokerage for now. There’s a special room prepared for you, but I’ll talk about it later.”

“Yes, sir.” the rest was completely unexpected. Go on a date, what did he mean? She belonged to him. All he had to do was say the words and she’d willingly strip and spread her legs. What did he have in mind? There was a way to find out.

“A date, sir? You mean, something like dinner and dancing?” It had been quite a while since the last time a guy had asked her on a date. She had no idea what he expected or how she could prepare for a night out.

“Tonight, we’re going to dinner. Afterwards we’ll see. Here are your instructions to prepare for this evening.” He handed her an envelope. “Everything you need to know is in there, so don’t worry yourself sick. All you have to do is show up.” His expression suddenly became serious. “You will show up. We’ll talk; we’ll eat; we’ll have a good time. Dancing? Hmm, I’ll think about it.”

Their eyes locked when he stopped talking. In his face she caught a glimpse of the man behind those eyes. She could sense his strength, his resolve, whatever it was within him that drove his success. The inevitability in the way he spoke, the confident manner in how he knew exactly what had to be done, it all affected Barbara in a way she’d never felt before. This man, her master, all but guaranteed she would not disillusion him. All doubts vanished in an instant. All her questions were answered; this man, her owner, was her future.


Ray leaned back in his chair. “Our date tonight is a purely social event, which means we relax and enjoy some quality time together. I want to go over a few details before then.”

Barbara studied his body language, looking for clues about his personality while he spoke. This man represented her future, based on what he said about a lifetime. She needed every scrap of information about him she could collect.

“I’ll start with some specific items. Think of them as my idiosyncrasies. As regards clothes, you are restricted to dresses, and that’s it. Length is at the knee during the day, but if we go out at night you may go slightly higher. Not much though, I want something conservative as opposed to a trendy night club. If an explanation why helps,” he leaned forward, peering over the edge of the desk, “the reason why is I like to see your legs, and I especially want to see your hands on your knees when sitting. The rest I leave to your discretion, except you are not permitted to wear jewelry of any kind except for ear rings.

“There’s one special condition added on to that. When you are moving around inside the brokerage you will always, and I mean always, wear the company uniform, no matter what the occasion. That’s to make it clear to everyone you enjoy no special privileges. You are allowed to change when leaving.”

She wasn’t at all surprised by his dictating what she could wear, other than he had given her more leeway than she expected. If he found her legs attractive, then she was happy to show them off. On the plus side, she’d never have to struggle into tight fitting jeans ever again. It still didn’t explain the matter of hands on her knees. The reasoning behind it remained a mystery. And that last part about the uniform did make sense although she wasn’t thrilled about it.

“The next item: when we are together you never leave the room without my permission. That applies to everywhere, in public or at home. It’s important to me I know where you are at all times. When we get to the point where you can go out on your own during the day, I expect you to text me at regular intervals as to where you are and what you’re doing, but we’ll cover that later. I hope you’ll actively work with me on this. It’s my duty to keep you safe. To do that I have to keep close track of you.”

Her first reaction was some resentment, but she couldn’t argue with his justification for it. At the emotional level she still didn’t think of herself as one of his possessions, even though in fact she was. In time her mindset would change; she was sure of that. She did have some doubts about his professed motive in keeping her safe. What he really wanted is power over her all day long, even if he wasn’t present. He’s a pure control freak, Barbara told herself.  I better start thinking along the same lines right away.

“I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but I’ll repeat it. Your time is not your own, in a very literal sense. It belongs to me, and that means you are never too busy if I require your attention. It sounds selfish, and it is, but never forget I come first. We both bring obligations to our relationship; this is one of your fundamental responsibilities to me.”

As far as she was concerned, he was stating the obvious. She’d come up with any number of scenarios where she’d be irritated, or worse, if her future owner interrupted her. In all those cases there were two possible outcomes: either she stopped whatever she was doing; or she accepted the cost of disobeying him. Neither alternative was appealing but it might be possible to avoid clashes like that in advance if he knew when she was busy ahead of time. Her impression was that her new owner wasn’t unreasonable, at least most of the time, so if she was diligent about his earlier request to keep track of her activities that might work out well.

“The last point,” he grinned, “is one of the most important. I suspect it will be especially difficult, because in part you have to overcome a very basic misconception, but more on that in a minute. In simple terms, you must learn to depend on me. I don’t mean for the basics, like keeping you healthy, safe and sheltered. I want it all.”

Barbara felt somewhat confused, unsure of what he meant. She had no money, no place else to go, she couldn’t even leave a room without his permission. She had no choice but to trust him to take care of her. What else did he expect?

“You might worry about becoming a burden on me if you ask for too much, too often. That’s the possible misunderstanding I have to clear up. See, I like to hear you ask me when you need or want something, even a trivial item like a candy bar. It’s the same as asking for my permission. For a control freak that’s like being in heaven, can’t have too much of a good thing. So, what I’m saying is don’t ever hesitate out of concern for me. Just the opposite, I want you to work as hard as you can to come to me for whatever you need or desire. If it does get to be too much then I’ll let you know and we’ll figure something out.”

His words were a direct contradiction to what she had anticipated. There was an old Roman proverb she had learned years ago in Latin class at school, modus omnibus in rebus, translated as the middle way in all things, from a quote by the comedy playwright Plautus. His plays often used the lack of moderation as the root cause of all kinds of hilarious difficulties for the characters. Barbara knew she had to rely on her master to survive, but that didn’t mean she had to make it difficult by being a constant drain on his time and patience. Yet the man sitting across from her in effect was insisting she do exactly that, throw moderation out the window and all but pester him with what might well turn out to be an excess of inconsequential requests.

“Sir, in considering what you just mentioned, might I ask about tonight?” She might be poking the proverbial hornet’s nest but what she had in mind did fit. At his nod she continued. “When the date is over, and my escort brings me back to my room, would a goodnight kiss be permissible?”

He started to laugh but caught himself in time. “I see you take me quite literally. To answer, that particular event will not be up to you so my prior approval isn’t required. Anything else?”

“One last thing, sir, and I think I’m done after that. Assuming the date went well, would it be appropriate to invite my escort into my room?” She gave him an innocent look, though he must know exactly what she meant.

Ray feigned outrage, poorly. “Certainly not! At least, not on the first date, and don’t forget you have a roommate. Now, if he were to throw you up against the wall, forcibly tie your hands behind your back, sling you over his shoulder and carry you into the room before roughly throwing you onto the bed and ripping off your clothes, that I would allow. That’s assuming he took care of the pesky roommate in the process.” Ray leaned forward, leering at her in an obviously suggestive way. “And providing, of course, you did nothing to encourage him. After all, I’m supposed to look out for you. I’ll do whatever I think best to protect your reputation.”


The Spartan décor of her room didn’t help to lift her spirits. Elise missed their condo back on South Island; she missed her work at the Clinic; but most of all she missed Ben. Absence did not make the heart grow fonder. Quite the opposite, she thought. All it brings on is homesickness.

Her roommate was still off on some mysterious assignment. Like everyone else she’d seen the guard come for Barbara every night, after supper. There was plenty of speculation but no one had any idea of where she was taken or what happened afterwards. Barbara refused to discuss it, a good indication she was under orders to keep quiet.

Elise had seen the marks on her wrists and ankles when she returned at night, before lights out. On more than one occasion she had been left with the same marks at the Facility, after a particularly unpleasant session in what the guards called “punishment irons”. Whatever Barbara had done it must have been serious for her to be subjected to stressful position restraint, the term they used for those cases at the Clinic. Out of respect for the restriction Barbara must be under Elise had not brought up the subject. In any case it would surely violate her own order not to reveal her prior history with the Facility.

Ben rarely had to discipline her. Elise never imagined she would ever be as happy as she now was, being owned by him. Her diligence in obeying him verged on the obsessive. If she strayed, mostly by accident, she all but ran to him to report herself. It often meant wall time, where she had to stand in a corner, facing the wall, listening to him patiently explain how she had disappointed him. There were times she’d have preferred all day in the Facility’s punishment irons to the anguish of hearing his calm monotone when he stood behind her, explaining, how she had failed, and why it was necessary to correct her bad behavior.

The compulsion she felt to submit to him, and avoid those lectures, kept drawing her hands to her knees. Everywhere else it was mandatory, but in here, in the brokerage, it was forbidden. Elise continually wrestled with the conflict. To anyone else it would seem to be a trivial matter, but for her it felt like the mouse caught in the constantly changing maze. The frustration in holding her hands back was driving her crazy.

Only a few more days to go and then it would all be over. That’s what she kept telling herself. She had plenty of material to use in her project, thanks to the ways Mr. Madsen had contrived to see that she met a number of the women awaiting their fate at the brokerage. Her own experience would be valuable too. Elise never wanted to repeat the moment when she believed Ben had walked away, abandoning her.

Her own relationship with Ben was everything she ever hoped for in life. Being exposed to other women who also believed the same, only to have the fantasy come crashing down into a harsh reality, that opened her eyes to a world she had never given any thought. This was a side to life filled with broken dreams, unfulfilled promises, and shattered plans for a bright future. Elise had learned what it was like firsthand, the moment when Ben turned and walked away from her.

She had come to the Facility in much the same shape. Betrayed, abandoned, alone in the world with little hope her situation would ever improve. The Facility had turned her around, but it hadn’t happened overnight. Here in the brokerage she witnessed firsthand the fate of women who would never receive the long term benefits from the Facility regimen. Time was compressed from months to days, to prepare for a new start.

Elise was still convinced the Facility was the best choice for women who had lost it all, but she had to be pragmatic. There was no way the Facility could accept more than a handful of applicants at one time. For everyone else the brokerage system was the only option.

I never thought of myself as an elitist, Elise told herself. She was proud of her Facility collar and all the effort it represented. Even so, she had to admit that in the end, stripped of all the privileges, she was no different than any of the other women awaiting their fate on the auction block.

Thinking back to her arrival on the Island Elise saw so much of herself in Barbara. She was eager for a new direction in her life but unsure of what it should be, looking for someone to help and guide her, and most off to regain some sense of stability. If Elise were to pass on a few pointers to Barbara she didn’t see the harm in it.

The Safe Place

“I started this several months ago, when I realized it was time for me to find someone.” Ray’s hand was wrapped around Barbara’s arm, above the elbow. “I call it the Safe Room, a special place just for you alone.” Standing in the basement corridor all she could see was a stout metal door set into the concrete wall. When Ray let go of her arm she stood still, waiting to see what he planned next.

“Here we go,” he told her, unlocking the door before pushing it open. He led her into a darkened room. “If I can find the lights…” There was a click before the room was flooded with soft white light from the overhead fixtures. Barbara stood transfixed, staring in disbelief at the view before her.

The two of them were on one side of a massive array of steel bars and braces, set deep into the concrete floor and walls. The bars were spaced close together, half the distance she’d seen used elsewhere in the brokerage. What struck her as strange was the color, a soft, pastel yellow that contrasted with the pink rose paint on the walls.

The other side of the bars was the real surprise for her. A large space, almost an apartment, with partitions dividing the area into rooms. Next to the bedroom was a full-sized bathroom. Except for a narrow strip running along the bars, and tile in the kitchen and bathroom, the floor was carpeted. Not some cheap carpet either. Even from her vantage point she could see the deep pile.

Ray hadn’t held back in furnishing it either. The living room, as she thought of it, had a long couch, a coffee table, TV stand, plus a desk and chair in one corner. There was a laptop on the desk.

“Sir?” Standing close, she looked up at him. “It’s wonderful. I can see why you called it the Safe Room. It’s a full-sized apartment hidden away down here, away from everyone? Does anyone else know about it?”

“Only Les and two of the guys who work for him. For everyone else, including staff, this section of the basement is off limits. Want to check it out?”

“Yes, sir! Can I? Is it okay with you?” A tiny bit of her mind pointed out that last question wasn’t necessary. It was obvious he intended for her to see his present. Barbara didn’t care; she had to hear those few words confirming she had permission. He was changing her, maybe not intentionally, but she couldn’t prevent it. It might be nothing more than a few words from Ray but to her it meant everything. What she wanted didn’t matter. It had to come from him, a word, a gesture, anything to confirm she had his approval.

“Of course, you can explore all you like, that’s why we’re here. Okay, stay there while I open it up.” He went over to the wall panel and began pushing buttons. A low hum began, reminding her of an electric motor. She watched the gate set into the bars, expecting it to swing open. At first, she couldn’t see anything happening. Then she caught the motion of steel rods being withdrawn from the edge of the gate, into the wall and floor.

He walked over to the gate, took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the gate. Without the locking rods it easily swung open. She didn’t miss the significance. With those rods extended into the frame of the gate it would take a cutting torch to open the entrance. He must have a reason for such a high level of security, but she didn’t have a clue as to why it was needed.

“Shoes off, not allowed inside.” She didn’t hesitate, slipping out of her sandals the moment he ordered it. The concrete floor felt cold. From the tone of his voice, she decided that must be a new rule, one she’d have to remember.

“All set, here we go.” With a hand on her back he followed her into the living room area.

The carpet was every bit as luxurious as it looked. Barbara was tempted to stand inside the gate, curling her toes, burrowing into the deep pile. It was not to be; the pressure of his hand on her back ended the brief moment of self-indulgence. Ray came first; by now that was so ingrained in her head, she couldn’t even imagine there was any other way. He’s done this to me, she thought, or maybe I’ve done it to myself, and in record time. Either way, the cause wasn’t nearly as important as its effect on her.

“There are some guidelines we have to go over first.” That got her immediate attention. His procedures defined her life. The thought of breaking even one of them terrified her. The irresistible compulsion to serve, to please, had been the driving force behind her final decision to sell herself. Belonging to Ray had stripped way any lingering inhibitions holding back her innermost desires.

She couldn’t live without his rules. It had become a tangible way to please him, to show how well she obeyed in fulfilling his wishes. The slightest hint he might be disappointed because she’d failed affected her like a stab in the back. Only the knowledge that he would react swiftly with a firm hand, meting out some form of punishment she deserved, gave her the strength to atone for the weakness in living up to her own standards.

“You noticed the painted strip along the bars?” He pointed down at her feet. It resembled a moat, a gap from carpet to bars that had to be wider than her outstretched arm. There was a bright blue stripe of paint highlighting it. “That’s forbidden territory. You are never to enter it under any circumstances unless I give permission. And I’m the only one, not even staff can order you in there.”

She didn’t expect those kinds of conditions. It was obvious that particular rule was to keep her at arm’s length from anyone on the other side of the bars. Maybe this really was her safe place.

“See that mark in the carpet, near the edge, in the center of the room?” It took her a moment to find it, a dark circle dyed into the fabric. “When I leave, or come in while you’re here, you are to stand on that mark, facing the outside door.” He pointed to the corridor where they had first entered. “Anyone else, and like the other rule that includes staff, you will go to the rear wall and remain there, even if you are ordered to step forward.”

More of the same; the pattern in these instructions was obvious. She was so conditioned to obedience by now it would be a trying experience to refuse anyone who normally had authority over her. Still, she could draw strength in the knowledge she would be acting on what Ray ordered, and that overrode everything else.

“The last one isn’t very difficult. For anyone but me you will always remain out of arm’s reach through the bars. However, if someone has the key to the cell gate and opens it you will leave if ordered. That’s for safety reasons.

She had to think about that one for a moment, since it appeared to contradict the intent of the first two rules. It did make sense, in a way. He mentioned safety; she had to have some exit strategy if there was an emergency, like a fire.

With his hands on her shoulders Ray turned Barbara around to face him. “Whenever circumstances force us apart, you will stay in here. I need to know exactly where you are when I’m away, and that you’ll be waiting when I come back for you. For my own peace of mind, you must be somewhere safe and secure, protected from any possible harm. Will you do this for me?”

Of course I will, she thought. He doesn’t have to ask. She hated every minute they were apart, but she recognized he had a business to run. He’d put in all this work, just for her. If there was any doubt about whether he cared for her it was gone now. “Yes sir, I will. However long we have to be apart I’ll be patient, content in knowing I’m doing my part to ease the burden of taking care of me.”

There was that wry expression on his face, as if she’d said something funny. “Burden? Umm, okay. Anyway, I have to go to a meeting, should last no more than an hour. After that you can get ready for dinner. While I’m busy you will look over everything, so you can let me know if I need to make some changes. The TV and laptop are disabled for now but I’m sure you can keep yourself occupied for an hour.”

It might be gilded but it was still a cage. All the controls would be on the wrong side of the bars, probably located in that wall panel by the corridor entrance. The TV channels would be limited; the laptop would be loaded down with software to supervise what she was allowed to access. Knowing Ray even the lights would have time limits. They could be irritations but she accepted he knew what was best for her, even if it wasn’t to her liking.

There’d be a schedule too. Every day she spent in this place would definitely be planned for her in advance. Ray took his obligations to her seriously. His controlling hand would be present all day long, dispensing the instructions she needed to follow him.

“I need to go. Take your position.”

In a flash she was standing at her designated spot, facing the outside door. Head up, back straight, she was positive everything was where it had to be. Even that repulsive company dress she had to wear was wrinkle free. He rightly expected her best; it was her job to deliver.

From the corner of her eye she saw him close and lock the gate. At the corridor entrance he did something with that control panel again. She heard the hum of the motors. Those rods were extending out into slots in the gate, securing the one entrance to her space like it was a bank vault. Only an hour, yet he went to all that effort for her.

Barbara remained at her spot after the outer door shut, on the off chance he might suddenly come back in. Better safe than sorry, she told herself, recalling the old cliché. While waiting she took the opportunity to look around the antechamber on the other side of the bars. That’s when she found the camera.


No effort had been made to conceal it, which in itself said something about its purpose. The Plexiglas cover stuck out from the ceiling, unmistakable as anything but a surveillance camera, the proverbial “eye in the sky”. Mounted in the center of the antechamber the vantage point gave the lens complete coverage across the entire area. Whoever was at the other end would have no trouble tracking her every move.

Question was, who was watching, or if anyone was there at all? It might just as well be going straight to a video recorder. The presence of a camera by itself didn’t bother her so much. Barbara was aware virtually the entire brokerage was wired with cameras. From the moment she arrived she assumed she appear on a screen somewhere. The difference is all those other cameras were concealed, to the point she ignored them. This was different.

If Ray had gone to so much trouble to build her this secret apartment, why would he put it up on the surveillance net? He wouldn’t, she concluded, it didn’t make sense. That left one explanation. This was a private video feed, for his eyes only. She smiled up at the camera. Someone was watching over her, someone she trusted to act wisely, someone to keep her out of harm's way. He was here, in spirit if not in person.

She was important to him, to the degree he had to keep an eye on her constantly. To anyone else it might seem creepy, akin to stalking, but to her it was comforting; much like the way his arm around her, pulling her tight, left her melting in his embrace. That camera had another, unexpected effect, the warm fuzzy one that started in her toes and crept up her legs. It didn’t stop there. If she ripped off her dress and did a little dance for him, maybe he’d come back early so they could explore the bedroom together. The thought was tempting, but it was no more than wishful thinking.

She would have waved but there was one problem to which she had no solution. She turned around to survey her little domain. Her assigned task was to go exploring. It would have been easier if he had removed the handcuffs holding her wrists behind her back. He’d made the deliberate decision to leave them on; the best she could do is live with it.

She held out her arms, glancing over her shoulder. Like everything else Ray did, there were no halfway measures. She could feel the weight of both pairs of handcuffs. He used the small ones, sized for a woman. Given her petite build she might slip a hand out of regular handcuffs. Not these; they were scaled down to be too narrow for her to escape. Not so tight as to cause injury; for that she was grateful. Naturally, inside the brokerage he used the hinged type, two pair back-to-back, keyholes facing each other, the worst possible combination. Smaller also meant her wrists were closer together, no chance she could step through the cuffs and bring her hands to the front. Overall, he’d seen to it she had a very limited range of movement.

Barbara leaned over and held her arms up high, so the camera could see the cuffs were in place. For about a minute she struggled, trying to slip out a hand, reaching in vain around her waist only to be brought up short. Frustration, he’d like that. It was no accident he left her stuck in those things.

She walked over to the desk and chair to see what he’d left for her. The laptop must be the new one he promised her. Barbara was no computer expert though she had read some articles online about the ways personal computers could be configured for parental controls, or business blacklists. Given the way he so enjoyed wielding his power over her there had to be numerous limitations to restrict how she could use it. At one level she understood he had to exercise his own judgement as to what was appropriate for her, yet it was difficult for her to accept the censorship was for her benefit. Controlling access to information was one of the few areas where she had to struggle with the relationship between the two of them. Despite whatever controls Ray imposed she was grateful the laptop was here since it would be her only link to the outside world. In the end she was his property with no choice but to accept the constraints that came with it, a reminder brought home by her sudden awareness of the weight of his collar around her neck.

A contrite smile crossed Barbara’s lips. I got what I wished for, the bad along with the good. It’s long past the time for regrets.

She pulled out the chair with her foot and sat down, to give her legs a rest. There was something different. When she looked down her feet were flat on the carpet, even though she was sitting as far back in the chair as possible, with her arms behind her back. That was a change. Because her legs were so short, like the rest of her, she rarely touched the ground in a normal chair. The desk and laptop were at the right height too, no reaching up. At least it looked that way; she wasn’t able to try it out.

Hidden from the camera Barbara clenched her fists. Thirty seconds, she thought, that’s all would it take to release me before he left. But no, he deliberately left the cuffs on. She could ask; there was no rule that stopped her. That was never going to happen; their time together was still short but she’d already developed a sense of what he liked and how he’d react. Intuition warned her against challenging him on any level, especially ones where he physically controlled her, be it with restraints or putting her in a cage. A large, comfortable cage, but it was still one that guaranteed she wasn’t going anywhere. The cuffs weren’t going anywhere either, except to follow her around.

She almost missed the sheet of paper by the laptop. Standing up to get a better view she leaned over to read it. There it was, just as she expected, a timetable for those days she spent in her special place. He wasn’t going to tolerate her being lazy, lying around all day doing nothing while looking for ways to get into trouble. It was the typical Ray, described down to the smallest detail: up at 7AM, she groaned at that one; send email reports to master at five different times during the day; and bedtime at exactly 11PM, another groan. Everything had a specific time: when to eat, housekeeping chores, shower time, all laid out for her. She knew what that implied, no leeway. Each item had to be finished on time, not an hour after the deadline. So much for procrastination, she thought with a grimace.

The second time she read it she saw two items she’d missed before. At 9AM, Dress, company issue; and at 9PM, Undress. She looked back at the camera one more time. If he couldn’t be there with her then Ray would have his eye candy time. What did you expect, she told herself. He’s a man, you’re a woman, his woman. He demands, you deliver.

One entry sounded ominous. There wasn’t much to it: 10AM, Obedience Training, with a notation in parentheses to see page two. It was immediately followed by one of the Report to Master entries at 11:15AM. Yes, there was a second page underneath. That had to be the explanation.

Without thinking she tried to reach around her waist to pick up the top page. The cuffs brought that move to an abrupt end. “These da__”, she caught herself in time. Ray didn’t allow cursing; she had a very specific rule banning it. “These darn cuffs,” she muttered in exasperation. That had been close. She would have to tell him, so he could decide if a line was crossed. In Barbara’s world intention was just as important as commission. If she’d violated even the spirit of the law, his dictates, she had to be held accountable for it. Her obligation was to report the incident; his was to pass judgement.

Turning around she worked by feel, pushing aside the top sheet. She stared at the camera before going back to her schedule. Intuition was at work again. He didn’t hide it because he wants me to know he’s out there, looking over my shoulder every minute I’m in here. She shook her head. Barbara almost wished he’d hidden it instead; it made her self-conscious about her behavior. No slips, no laziness, everything had to be done his one right way. The camera might be reassuring but it could also be a nuisance.

After only a few lines on that second sheet it was clear why he’d reserved a long block of her time. The clock would chime at 10AM. When it began she had to be in the chair, sitting in the one way Ray deemed acceptable. The description was detailed and all too familiar: hands on her knees, legs straight down from knee to foot, head up, stare straight ahead, no fidgeting, remain motionless until the clock chimed again at the end. All unchanged from what she’d learned a week ago.

Barbara wasn’t always successful putting into practice the rule about sitting in a chair. The problem was her short stature; some chairs were too high for her feet to touch the ground. She didn’t have that excuse any more. No wonder he’d been so careful to use furniture that accommodated her small stature. Where Ray’s obsession with the trivial act of sitting in a chair came from she had no idea, nor did her intuition provide a helpful clue. The one certainty was she had to be perfect or he’d come unglued.

The specifics weren’t difficult. She could meet them easily enough. The real pressure was the knowledge one tiny error would lead to disaster. Ray had used a phrase that truly frightened her, “deliberate, defiant disobedience.” He didn’t elaborate, but she knew the punishment for something that serious could lead to her being sold, rejected by the man she couldn’t live without.

Just the thought of being sold nearly triggered a panic attack. Barbara closed her eyes, forced herself to count to ten while at the same time trying to slow down her breathing. Ray would never sell me, she consoled herself. An hour a day wasn’t impossible; she was determined never to give him any cause for complaint.

Under the second sheet of paper there was the outline of a clock, embedded into the top of the desk. She managed to nudge the second page over so she could examine it closely. It was a simple four-digit LED display, typical clock, except there were no buttons. It was off at the moment. Like everything else the controls for it had to be in that cabinet next to the outside door. Was there anything in her special place under her own control? So far, the answer had to be no.

Working by feel again she moved the two pages back to their original position. Neatness counted, more for her own sense of propriety than any of Ray’s rules. How long had it been since he left her? No clock, no TV, no laptop, and that meant no way to tell time.

Before heading back to her marked spot Barbara took one last look around her new home away from what she hoped would be her future home with Ray. Diligent as always, she lined up with the outside door, waiting for her owner to return and reclaim his property.

The First Date

“This is a nice place, sir. I’m glad you brought me here.” It wasn’t much of a conversation starter, though Barbara was sincere. The location was upscale, steakhouse and seafood, with a panoramic view of the channel shoreline outside the windows. The plate of scallops with a side of sautéed mushrooms was pure heaven, one of her favorite dishes. “It’s quite an improvement over the company dining room.”

Ray nodded in agreement. “Yeah, the food there isn’t bad but it can be monotonous. I do try to have a couple meals a week at the brokerage just to keep the kitchen staff honest, but most of the time I eat out. How’s the scallops?”

“Cooked to perfection, sir. And your steak?”

He shrugged. “Well, beef here mostly comes from Kenya, Ethiopia or South Africa. Different breeds, different feed, so the taste isn’t what you might expect if you’re used to corn fed Midwest US beef. I’ve grown to like it though.” He stabbed a bite and lifted it up. “The way I see it, if lions hunt for it I’m not one to complain. At least in this place they don’t try to slip in Cape Buffalo or Wildebeest. Some of the hamburger joints, well, you never know just what kind of bush meat may be in those patties.”

Barbara couldn’t remember when she’d had such a good time being out on a date. Over the rim of her wine glass she studied the man sitting across from her. Based on what he’d said she’d be seeing a lot more of him. A lifetime’s worth, if he wanted it that way.

His unshakeable certainty she was the right choice was beginning to put some dents in her own doubts. He had a way of making things happen that seemed to just sweep her along. His list of instructions from earlier today was a good example. There was the meeting with the company wardrobe expert, an older woman responsible for making the merchandise as attractive as possible when they went on the auction block. The dress Barbara had on was one she never would have chosen yet once she’d seen herself in the mirror the change was amazing. After that came the hairdresser, a manicure, and some advice from his executive assistant.

Her first reaction on seeing a woman’s name for his assistant was a pang of jealousy. As it turned out the woman belonged to one of the guards; the relationship with Ray was purely professional. She managed his schedule, booked travel and hotels, coordinated meetings, filtered out his junk mail and that was all. They had talked for nearly an hour, with Ray’s permission. By the end of the conversation Barbara knew quite a bit more about her new master.

One impression stood out above all the others. When he embarked on a venture he went at it with a single-minded determination that could not be deflected. Now that she was one of those projects it explained the inevitability she was going to be the one at his side. From what she heard nothing and nobody would stand in his way. His assistant had summed it up nicely.

“Forget trying to talk him out of it, he won’t listen. It’s going to happen so get used to being his better half. I’d say congratulations except I have a good idea of what you’re facing. He can be a bit overwhelming.” For Barbara overwhelming wasn’t a negative. Stubborn and domineering might be a turn off for other women. She had a different view, one that drove her to be where she now found herself.

There was no lull in the dinner conversation. So far, he’d done most of the talking, which was fine with Barbara. Ray abruptly changed direction. “I have the advantage of knowing quite a bit more about you than you do of me. So, I’ll let you have a go at asking questions. Feel free to talk about yourself, or ask me whatever you like. No question is out of bounds except for financial, but don’t be surprised if I decline to discuss certain topics. That’s not because I’m evading your question, only that some matters I will not disclose to you. Asking what those areas cover is part of what I won’t explain; don’t try end runs to try to get around what’s prohibited. There’s no harm in asking the first time though, so here’s your chance to learn all about the mysterious Mr. Madsen.”

Barbara hadn’t been prepared for a truly open-ended conversation at dinner, but it was an opportunity she couldn’t ignore. Everything she knew about her new owner came from online searches, not always the most reliable of sources. If he was serious about asking anything, she had the ideal question to test his resolve. “Sir, as you know already, I deliberately sold myself, to you as it turns out though I never expected that particular outcome. That’s as far as I planned in advance. I didn’t go any further because I expected my owner to do all the hard work from that point on. So, there’s one question that’s of paramount importance from my perspective. Now that I belong to you, what do you have planned for me?”

She didn’t know what to expect in the way of an answer to her question. If he were the dictatorial type the most likely outcome would be to shut her down immediately. Instead, he held up his fork and replied, “I didn’t anticipate that one. Give me a moment to think about it.” He took a bite from his steak. From the casual way he spoke Barbara didn’t sense any irritation or hostility to an extremely pointed question. She took that as a good sign.

“Okay, fair enough, here’s what I have in mind. To start we’re going to spend a lot of time together. It’s difficult to put together a lasting relationship under normal circumstances. For us it’s obviously anything but normal. In some ways the process will be easier, since we will not have arguments. We’ll discuss many things, and I’m sure we’ll find plenty to disagree on, but there’s one crucial difference. Right or wrong it’s my right and privilege to end the discussion on my terms. I always get the last word; we do it my way. If you are persuasive, it’ll be your way too. If not, well, you have to live with it. I’m sure you were aware of that before you sent out your sales pitch.”

Barbara nodded in agreement. “Of course, sir. Once this went on,” her hand brushed her collar, “you have every right to decide what path I, or we, will follow.” That was one of the most difficult conditions she had to accept. Good, bad or indifferent she had no choice but to submit to his authority over her. “I hope I’ll have an opportunity to express myself, with your consent, but if you think it best I will remain silent while obeying you.”

“I don’t see any problems in that regard. I want to hear your opinions; that’s part of a shared life together. There will be some exceptions though. Think of them as non-negotiable demands. There is no debate other than questions on how you can best meet those demands. I’ll give you two examples to start.”

He paused to take another bite of steak. While waiting she continued with her garlic mashed potatoes. What he considered to be non-negotiable would be a good indication of his personality, and serve as a guide as to what might be acceptable on her part if, no, when she needed something from him.

“This first one should be easy, at least in some respects. It’s purely selfish by the way, in case you want to ferret out some deep meaning behind it. Thing is, what I find physically attractive in a woman is skin. I want to see bare arms, shoulders and your legs from the knee down. I’ve mentioned this before, dresses only, around the knee, and sleeveless. I’ll leave the door open for temporary exceptions due to weather or some activity where a dress won’t work. That’s your wardrobe from this moment on. Let me know if there’s a problem; otherwise, you can consider me inflexible to the point of being irrational and unreasonable. Nothing complex here. Any questions?”

Barbara wasn’t surprised by his order. He was a man and that meant dressing to please him. He was right; it would be a simple matter to comply. The company’s wardrobe specialist was a nice woman who didn’t even have to ask questions. The two of them had worked for hours on a shopping list. Compared to some of the scenarios she dreaded might show up he was being very reasonable. “No questions for now, sir. I assume I’ll be allowed to obtain some new clothes?”

Ray smiled. “We can’t have you wandering around town in a brokerage uniform, so yes you will. You can show me some of your choices from a catalog, to make sure we’re heading in the same direction. And by the way, I forgot to add one last bit. You are also forbidden to wear shoes indoors when we’re at home alone.”

She’d have no problems at all if he kept to those kinds of restrictions. That particular phrase, at home, sounded promising. It had to be a good indication he intended to take her home in the near future, instead of leaving her in her fancy cage every night.

“Have I turned into a tyrant yet?” He held up a hand to forestall a reply from Barbara. “Before you rush to judgement my next one will require considerably more effort on your behalf. I’m responsible for you, not just providing the basics for your welfare but also making sure you are always safe. That means I have to know where you are every minute of the day, especially if I’m away for some reason. I’m asking you to work with me to know exactly where you are and what you’re doing at all times, whether you’re at home or out somewhere on your own. For my own peace of mind, as long as I keep track of you I can be reasonably sure you’re okay.” He reached across the table to put his hand over hers. “I know I’m repeating myself. It’s because this is so important. You have to develop a habit of constantly asking yourself: does he know where I am and what’s going on? It may sound like a lot of unnecessary work on your part but it’s essential you keep me updated whenever we’re apart.”

Her first kneejerk reaction had been a tinge of resentment. From the way he described it, one interpretation was that he didn’t trust her. The concerned look on his face made her pause, to mull over his words one more time. It was true that as her master it was his job to look after her, so she couldn’t object to his stated motive. Sure, it was the worst sort of paternalistic attitude but in an odd way it resonated with something inside her head. If he was willing to put that kind of effort into watching over her then she owed it to him to respond in kind. If nothing else she’d never complain he was ignoring her.

“Not pointless effort, sir. I’ll need some way to keep in touch with you throughout the day.” What she wanted was a smartphone but her intuition warned her not to ask outright. He had to come to the same conclusion.

Ray leaned back in his chair. Her hint was so obvious it almost made him laugh. “I suppose I’ll have to get you a phone. I’m sure it will be a terrible inconvenience. Can you live with it?”

It was her turn to point at him with her fork. “You’re teasing me, sir. You know very well I’d love to have a phone. I promise you’ll be flooded with text messages, at least until the battery runs out. Sir, I went into the kitchen. Sir, I opened the refrigerator. Sir, I poured myself a glass of milk.”

Ray held up his hands. “Okay, okay, I get your point. We’ll work out what’s significant. And so you know I already ordered a phone for you. It has to be configured for someone with your, uhh, status; Island regulations in case you didn’t know. I’ll explain it all when the phone is ready.”

It was good news, more than she hoped for. Of course, there would be limits on how she could use the phone, and the laptop, but those existed for just about every facet of her life now. She had been prepared for a list far more stringent that what he’d set for her, at least so far. Barbara studied the man sitting across the table while he finished off his steak. Maybe I hit the jackpot after all, she thought.

He must have figured out what she was thinking when he added another twist. “There is one more item I need to explain. Like the others this is mandatory, and I will not go into the reason why or discuss it with you any further.”

For Barbara that sounded ominous. He had that intense look on his face; the one she now knew meant he was not joking. “Whenever we are together, like tonight,” he began, “you will not, and I emphasize this, you will not open doors or windows. You wait for me to do it, or if necessary, you ask first. It may sound odd but I have my reasons for ordering it. And yes, I mean order because if I see disobedience for any of these non-negotiables we will have some serious problems.”

She wasn’t sure how to respond. Opening a door? That wasn’t something she had ever anticipated. Caught off balance she didn’t answer immediately. There had to be a motive behind it, something that wasn’t obvious or he would have mentioned it. Then it came to her, a reason that was all too obvious, if she looked at him the right way.

“Naturally sir, I wouldn’t expect any less from you. To be clear, the doors, does it also apply if I am escorted by any man, or only when I’m with you?” It didn’t take any great feat of mental gymnastics to conclude Ray was a prime example of a control freak, and she had to be the one to live with whatever method he chose to manifest his lust for power over her. The way she dressed, keeping track of her movements, imposing what might appear to be a bizarre prohibition on even opening or closing a door, those were merely the opening to see how far he could go without her pushing back.

If that’s his real intention, then he’s going to have to put in quite a few more hours of work, she told herself. Maybe he doesn’t even realize how much it turns me on when he morphs into the power-mad tyrant.

Apparently, her reply wasn’t what he expected either. It took a moment before he replied to her question. “Anyone, not just me. You have my permission to make the requirement clear to your escort, if necessary.”

So she was to be the recipient of an excess of politeness, with men holding open the door for her wherever she went. And their only reward would be a word of thanks from her, plus a nice long look at her legs sticking out from her dress. Perhaps her new master had thought this through after all instead of making it up on the spur of the moment.

“Now, back the question of my intentions? The short answer, we grow old together. That’s long term, meaning we adapt to whatever life throws at us, together. Short term, well, I think the best way to explain would be to warn you I’m going to indulge myself by finding all sorts of novel ways to exploit my unlimited power over you. Don’t think of it in an ominous way; I have no intention of making your life miserable. Consider it a warning you will have to put up with me imposing some purely arbitrary and quite self-centered changes.”

Barbara’s first thought was a flashback to that first night at the brokerage, when she was tied down nude and spread-eagled, expecting to face a night being gang raped by some of the most repellent men she had ever encountered. She’d been prepared to endure it, though it promised to be the worst night of her entire life. Whatever Ray had in mind for her couldn’t begin to compare to the nightmare she faced that evening. She refused to believe the man across the table from her would ever subject her to a horror like that, no matter how selfish he might prove to be.

And if she were to find herself strapped into one of those restraint beds again, as long as Ray was the only one present she wouldn’t mind at all. In fact, now that she thought of it, she had a very personal question to ask. “Sir? You recall those restraint beds from my first night here? I wonder if you might consider using one again…”

Slings and Arrows

Ray waited for her reaction when he revealed his list of demands. The one about clothes wasn’t anything new; he didn’t expect much if any in the way of objections from her. Some of the others would test anyone’s patience. Yet her response was to finish eating her vegetables, occasionally looking up at him to see what was to follow. And then she managed to actually shock him with that last question about the restraint bed. If not for that he concluded that meant one of two results: either she intended to obey him; or she planned on ignoring everything he said. Given Barbara had asked to be where she was now the second alternative didn’t make much sense. And her eagerness to try out that bed again; that brought up the image of her strapped into it, but with him the one standing over her.

“I will certainly look into the, umm, bed situation.” Did extremely restrictive bondage turn her on? If nothing else she had found a quick way to seduce him. But was her poorly hidden desire to be tied down for his benefit, or were there hidden motives regarding her own desires? It deserved some further exploration on his part, definitely a hands-on research project.

There was a third alternative in the way she reacted to his demands, the one Les had pointed out. Barbara still might have some serious mental problems combined with the expertise to hide them effectively. If that were true then he had no course of action other than to wait and see how it developed. Ray wasn’t too concerned about it though. People like that couldn’t conceal their nature for any length of time, and from what he’d discovered about her there was no evidence to warrant any fears she might suddenly come at him with a kitchen knife in the middle of the night.

The last demand on his list, about doors, had been the one that caught her off guard. He could tell by the sudden silence she was processing it, trying to figure out why he’d asked for it. The way she had turned it around, asking if he actually wanted to expand on his original mandate, told him she was already reading him like an open book.

“Sir, if I may ask, would it be acceptable if I were to make some suggestions about other,” she paused for a moment, “requirements you might wish to consider; some ideas to go along with your purely selfish pleasure?”

Now it was Ray’s turn to be caught by the unexpected once again. She’d figured out his not so obscure motivation in record time, likely from the way he responded to her inquiry about that restraint bed, and came back with what sounded like approval. Now she wanted to push him further along what he thought was going to be a short topic of discussion tonight. “Do you have something specific in mind?” The conversation was headed in a very interesting direction.

Barbara nodded. “Yes, sir, several come to mind.” She reached down to her waist to take hold of the handcuffs dangling from the chain around her waist. “To start, while I’m positive these cuffs are more than sufficient to subdue me, they would be far more effective behind my back instead of in front. It would guarantee your door opening policy was strictly enforced too, especially if I were to wear them during the day as well as after curfew.”

Ray leaned forward. “You understand what that would mean? It can be hard on your shoulders, not to mention the risk of being caught off balance with your arms pulled back.”

She nodded in agreement. “Naturally, and I hope you’ll let me start slowly so I can get used to it. I’m not too concerned though, sir, since you’d be there to hold onto me. Along those same lines, sir, my opinion is you should always put my hands behind my back when I must be restrained, whatever the occasion. Along with that I’d like it if you held onto my arm, the way I’ve seen on those cop shows, while we’re walking. As you said, if I’m to be the face of the company then the public perception ought to be that you are quite the authoritarian with me.”

How did she know? Much as the idea appealed to his inner power-crazed dictator, he’d rejected it on the grounds it would be too much to ask of her. “Okay, I’ll think about it. I’m interested in what else you come up with, so keep going.

Barbara had given this one a lot of thought while getting ready for dinner. “It’s another facet of what you call my job, the public face of the business. What I’m trying to say relates to the way I conduct myself at social gathering, parties and such. I’ll do the best I can, sir, but I’m new at all this. You’re not; I assume you’ve dealt with the socializing among society’s upper crust for a while now. I’m worried that I’ll say or do something inappropriate for the circles you move in, more out of ignorance rather than deliberate spite.”

Ray started to speak up but Barbara held up her hands. “Please, sir, hear me out first. I’ve given this considerable thought in coming up with a possible solution.” At his nod she continued.

“What I have in mind is for you to add one more of your non-negotiable demands, perhaps the most important one of all. In simple terms, you forbid me to speak to anyone without your permission. And I’d add in email and social media too. I’d have an excuse to defer to you, an ironclad, inflexible excuse no one could argue with. Best of all, from what I gather it would fit in well with our public image.”

Ray had to laugh at her last comment. “You’re right about that. The blogs would go crazy with howls of disapproval. And privately the goodwill from the men who matter, our potential customers, would skyrocket. A few more cartoons with me as the tyrannical overseer won’t make a difference; those people already hate me. I’d bet you get a lot of sympathy, the poor victim, alone and isolated, forced to toil under the unbearable yoke of her sadistic master.”

“I can live with all that, sir. I assume it wouldn’t help to point out it was my suggestion?”

Ray shook his head vigorously. “No one would believe it anyway. But no, if anyone ever asks it was all my idea. You do realize what it means, though? It cuts you off from the rest of the world, except through me. I never intended to go that far.”

Barbara held up her fork, pointing it at Ray for emphasis. “The best way I can answer that is to remind you about how you’re supposed to protect me and keep me safe; your own words, sir. There’s only one way you can accomplish that. You have to take over every aspect of my world, whether it’s the clothes I wear or who I can talk to on the phone. You have the power to change my life, in whatever direction you choose, and regardless of my opinion in the matter. Even if it’s only to indulge yourself, sir, that’s the way it has to be.” 

She reached up to pull on her collar. “I know exactly what this means. Impose all the demands you like, and don’t hesitate out of concern for me. Do whatever you think is necessary to stand between me and the world, sir. Shelter me from those slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.”

Day 14

A Day Off

“Don’t tell anyone but even I hate looking at the company uniform. There should be some dresses from Edith in your bedroom closet. Pick out two, bring them back to show me, and I’ll select which one you can wear.” Ray sat down on the sofa in the apartment’s living room.

Ray and Barbara were in the secret basement area, marked off as her Safe Room. Today was a “day off”, as Ray described it. The plan was to hang out together, no pressure, without any interruptions.

She started toward the bedroom but came to a quick halt. Turning back she asked, “Leave the room, sir?” Maybe it was the last second, but she did remember. With his nod of approval she headed to her closet.

Edith, the wardrobe manager, had given her a handful of dresses to stock the closet. Barbara had several selections marked in a catalog, which she intended to have Ray review, hopefully today. Meanwhile, she settled on a peach colored shift and a light blue sun dress for his choices. Both were on the casual side, in keeping with the day

When Barbara walked back into the living room she held up a dress in each hand. “Are these okay, sir? If not I can look for something else.”

It took him all of three seconds to decide. “Put on that pink one. I like the color.”

In a split second Barbara came to a decision which might exceed his explicit instructions. If she was right the effort would be worth the risk. Ray was the one man in the world who deserved to see her naked. Her first thought was to go back to the bedroom to change, but being shy around him, when they were alone, did not fit into her view on their relationship. In sexual matters she was available to him day and night. It was time she lived up to her role.

“Sir? May I have permission to change in front of you? Or if not I can go back to the bedroom.”

Ray studied her before replying. “You’re beginning to figure me out, aren’t you? Put the dresses on the couch. Then I want you to strip, everything off. Let the uniform drop to the floor. When you finish, stay where you are.”

Perhaps her intuition was starting to work. She’d soon find out. Slowly, never taking her eyes off him, she reached behind her back and unzipped the company dress. Taking her time she slipped it off each shoulder before pulling it down. For a moment she paused, dress in hand, before dropping it to the floor.

Barbara could tell she had his full attention. There was no immediate demand to hurry up, which meant one thing. He wanted a show. Maybe not consciously, but her hunch paid off. She reached behind her back to unfasten her bra. Like the dress she let it dangle from one hand before letting it fall. Finally she slid her panties down her legs, bending over to lower them to the floor rather than raising her feet. When she straightened up his eyes told the tale.

“You put on quite a show. I’ll remember this. Does it bother you, stripping down in front of me?”

Barbara had to think about his question. “It’s difficult to say, sir. I’m naturally shy, so yes, I am self-conscious about standing here like this. On the other hand, I do want to please you, sir, and I hope you will look at me in the way a man is attracted to his woman.”

Ray leaned forward. “So you know, I’d never ask you to do this in public. I’m very possessive; I don’t share what’s mine alone.” He picked up the peach-colored dress. “Put this one on; just the dress, nothing else. Let’s see how it looks.”

Barbara slipped the dress over her head, pulled it down until it settled around her shoulders. “Is this okay, sir? Should I look for something else?”

“No, that won’t be necessary. Arms at your side, feet together, I want you to stand still for a moment.” Ray leaned back on the sofa, one arm extended along the top. “I’ll let you in on a secret. There’s no reason for you to stand there, except to gratify my need to order you around. Does that bother you?”

“Not at all, sir.” She met his gaze, eye to eye. “After all, isn’t that what it’s all about? I see it as a bargain, sir. You do as you please, and I have the same privilege.”

“The same?” Ray asked in a puzzled tone. “I’m pretty sure you don’t get to do as you please.”

Barbara smiled. “Of course not, sir. The same, as in I also get to do as you please.”

Ray started laughing. “I can’t argue with that.” He looked down at the clothes on the floor. “Why don’t you hang up your uniform and the other dress in your closet?” He waved his hand. “You can leave the room.”

He watched while she gathered up her clothes and headed for the bedroom. I have to remember about leaving the room, Ray thought. Otherwise she’ll stand there, waiting. Why is it brilliant ideas turn into so much work?

Barbara hung up the other dress and used the empty hangar for her uniform. Underwear went into a hamper in the corner of the bathroom. She glanced at the dresser. It might have more underwear, but he’d been very specific. Those drawers might as well be a closed and locked safe.

Before returning to Ray she called out, “Sir? Would you like something from the kitchen? There’s some cold beer in the refrigerator.” She silently thanked whoever had stocked the cupboards with food and drink.

Ray leaned back over the sofa and shouted, “That sounds good. I’ll take a beer. Get something for yourself too.”

In the kitchen Barbara took down a serving tray and glasses before retrieving two bottles from the fridge. She paused when she noticed her reflection in the microwave door glass. Her hair was partially covering her collar. She brushed her hair back over her shoulders. Ray hadn’t mentioned it, but to her it was important that symbol of being owned was prominently displayed at all times.

His reflection joined hers when he came up from behind. Slipping his arms around her waist he hugged her tight.

“You’re very proud of that band around your neck, aren’t you? You should be. Never apologize for who you are. Besides, I like to see it, and that’s all the reason you need to make sure it isn’t covered up. So, what do you think? It’s still early days, but do you like belonging to me?”

Barbara carefully set the bottles on the counter before resting her arms on top of his. “What do I think, sir? Hmm…” She leaned back into his embrace. “I think I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. However, sir, I must point out complex questions like that falls in the area of your responsibility, not mine. I believe you should be telling me what to think, not asking me.”

Day 16

Change of Plan

“Okay, everyone up and against the wall.” Les held a clipboard in his hand. “This is the schedule for the Tuesday auction, tonight. If your name is called take two steps forward. The rest of you will be in the auction on Friday.”

Elise got up and found a place in the line. Her time at the brokerage was finally coming to an end. After two weeks her last day would be the Friday auction, three days from now. Mr. Madsen would pull her from the auction schedule and return her to Ben. She had plenty of material for her project now and was eager to get out of this place.

“…Ellen, and the last one is Barbara,” Les announced, marking his clipboard. “The rest of you will be on the roster for Friday night.”

 Elise perked up when she heard Barbara’s name. “Sir? I was told Barbara has already been sold. She’s not here.”

Les frowned while he thumbed through the sheets on his clipboard. Finally, he picked up his phone and rapidly texted a message. The room was silent while he waited for a reply.

“Huh, seems you’re right. Someone didn’t bother to update the roster. Okay, Barbara’s off the auction list. That leaves us one short.” He muttered something under his breath. “We advertised a full slate tonight, so…” He checked the clipboard again. “Elise, you’re moved from Friday to tonight. Step forward.”

Me? Elise hesitated, sure that she’d heard wrong. When Les looked up and glared at her she reluctantly joined the auction line. “Sir? Could you check again? I was told by Mr. Madsen I was to be on the auction list for Friday.”

“Yeah? Well, you’re name is on the top of the list. I don’t see anything here about excluding you. Were you recently sold too, like Barbara?” He flipped through his clipboard.

“No, sir. I understood it was a reserved arrangement where Mr. Madsen would contact a buyer before my sale.” Elise was beginning to worry. Her exit was arranged to appear as if a private sale was concluded before she went on the block. Except all this was to happen on Friday, three days away, not now.

The guard was already behind her back. She heard the click of the handcuffs being opened. Panic began to set in. “Please, sir. Can you check with Mr. Madsen? I’m sure he’ll verify it.” The guard pulled her left wrist behind her back.

“Okay. There’s already been one mistake. I suppose we better make sure there aren’t two.” He took out his phone and dialed a number. Elise felt the cuff close on her wrist.

Les lifted up his phone and dialed a number. “Hello? Hi, this is Les. Can you check on an Elise,” he read off her registration number, “and see if she’s been pulled from the Friday auction?” The guard took hold of her right wrist and drew it back.

“That’s right, at the top. You’re sure? Any chance we can contact Ray? He is? Okay, thanks.” Les shut off his phone and put it back on his belt. The other cuff closed on her wrist, locking her hands behind her back.

“So…” Les took a step toward Elise. “If Mr. Madsen was going to remove you from the Friday auction, maybe you can explain why he moved your name to the top of the list? He can’t be disturbed, phone is off. Word is he won’t be available until tomorrow. Not that I see any reason to bother him about this. Okay, put her with the others.”

Elise stared at Les, too shocked to answer. The guard all but dragged her toward the door where the rest of the group waited. This can’t be happening, she thought. Legally she actually was on consignment according to North Island law, which meant the brokerage had every right to sell her. If she went on the block tonight Ben would cease to be her master.

Desperate and near panic she started to struggle with the handcuffs. There has to be some way to stop this. If she could get to a phone, call Ben, he’d fix it.

“Knock it off,” the guard growled, shaking her arm. In the corridor he closed a second cuff on her right wrist, linking her to the gang chain with the rest of the line of women headed to the auction block.

On The Couch

“Sir? Would you like me to get you something from the kitchen?” Jeanne stood in the doorway to Jim’s home office.

“Thanks, Jeanne, I’m fine.” He glanced at the clock on his desk. It was just after seven thirty in the evening. “There is something you can do for me. Will you let everyone know I want them in the living room for an inspection, at eight o’clock? I want all of you standing in front of the couch. Let them know there’s also a clothing ban, effective immediately.”

“Yes, sir, I’ll tell Anna and Karen right away. Is there anything else?”

“That’s all,” he answered. “I’ll be busy with some work. If I run a few minutes late the usual rules apply. I don’t want to be disturbed until then.” That meant they had to wait quietly, no matter how long it took.

When Jeanne informed them of his orders Karen’s first instinct was to check the time. Half an hour, that was plenty of time to get ready. Whatever he had planned it must be important to call for a sudden inspection. It was even more unusual to order them to stand, considering how much he enjoyed seeing them line up on the floor. “Any idea what it’s about?” she asked.

“Not a clue,” Jeanne answered. “He was in the office, working from what I could see. He didn’t sound angry or irritated, so I hope that’s a good sign. He said he’ll be busy until then, and we shouldn’t bother him. That’s all I know.” Jeanne began unbuttoning her blouse. “He did say the ban was immediate.”

Whatever he had in mind must be something new. When Karen looked a question at Anna she shrugged. Apparently she had no idea either. Karen didn’t run to her room but it was a fast walk. Before she even got to her door her blouse was unbuttoned. He made it clear they were to hurry.

In her room Karen threw the blouse on the bed with one hand while unzipping her skirt with the other. Her underwear followed in a moment. She debated whether or not to fold the pile of clothes but decided ‘immediate’ meant just that, no unnecessary delay. She was always self-conscious about being in the nude around other people but direct orders rendered her opinion on the matter irrelevant.

Then she stopped and looked at herself in the mirror. The chastity belt was still there, and no way to remove it. Her secret was about to be exposed. There was no way around his order; she had to go back to the living room with the belt on and clearly visible.

Time was running out. Karen hurried back to the living room. She saw Anna ahead of her, joining Jeanne in a line. The instant she entered the room both women turned to stare. Karen took her place at the end of the line.

“What is that? Why didn’t you take it off? You’ll get us all in trouble.” Anna was the first to break the awkward silence.

“It’s a chastity belt, and it locks on. I can’t take it off because master has the only key.” Karen replied. “Please, I’m not supposed to talk about it.”

“Is that why you didn’t take off your uniform the other day?” Anna kept going, ignoring Karen’s plea.

Jeanne put a hand on her arm. “Anna? You need to drop it, now! She warned you, we’re in forbidden territory. Karen? Let me go first when we report this to master. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Karen silently nodded in agreement. She’d been placed in an impossible situation. Tell Jeanne and Anna, but then she’d violate his orders. Or not tell them; they discover her secret and resent her for being singled out for special treatment. Better to let Jeanne start before she had to confess to…

To what? She hadn’t disobeyed him, at least not intentionally. It was impossible to keep the belt secret, so he must have known what he’d done. Karen relaxed, confident now this was his intended result.

“I do like the change, standing in front of the couch” Jeanne spoke up, to change the subject. “I can’t remember the last time we weren’t on the floor for inspections. My knees will sure appreciate it but I’m always a little concerned when he makes a change. This must be important to call us together outside the usual inspection time.”

The three women looked at each other in silence. There wasn’t much more anyone could say without the risk of it drifting into the prohibited area of questioning an order, and they all knew it.

When the clock struck eight the three women carefully straightened up in front of the couch, in order of seniority, as if they were on the floor. It was a formal inspection, which meant they all had to look their best. It was Jeanne who reminded them to line up their legs and hands. Jim liked precision and order.

For the next five minutes they waited, silent, unmoving, heads up, backs straight. Jim could walk in at any moment; they had to ensure he saw exactly what he expected. When he did come into the room he slowly walked back and forth, stopping in front of each woman. Karen was used to the scrutiny by now. She held still, remembering to breathe but did not flinch when it was her turn.

To everyone’s surprise he made no comments or corrections. Very few inspections went so smoothly. In particular he found no fault with Jeanne, though they all knew he singled her out for the most stringent examination.

Jim sat down in his chair and leaned back. This was one of his favorite moments, delighting in seeing his three prized possessions on display for his personal gratification.

 “Good, now I want you to spread out, take a step forward, put your hands behind your head, arms wide, elbows out, and your shoulders back. Keep still, eyes front.”

Karen followed his instructions as best she could. Jim got up and walked around them several times, pausing to study how well each of them complied. At one point, standing behind Karen, he put his hands on her elbows. “Further back,” he ordered. She moved her hands closer together and pulled back on her shoulders.

He stopped in back of Jeanne. “Not good enough.” He pulled back on her elbows. “I want to see your feet further apart, and keep that back straight.” He’d never admit to it but Jeanne did as well as the other two, without the extra criticism. Even so she had to know he watched for those ever so slight details, never letting her get away with anything less than perfection. And it had to be his definition of perfection, not hers. He didn’t find fault every time there was an inspection, but on average Jeanne received far more verbal correction than the others.

He sat down again, arms folded, looking back and forth at his possessions. “I’m delighted to see you lined up this way. If any one of you spoils it all three will be severely punished.” He unfolded his arms and leaned forward. “This is your purpose in being here, to please me, and right now you’re all performing to my satisfaction.” He examined each of them at length, savoring his power over the three women.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why the sudden change today? Not to worry, this is a one-time event. Starting today I’m going to reinstate permission to leave the house on your own, during the day. All of you know the usual restrictions about the curfew, travel and debit cards, and keeping me aware of what you’re doing. I have a set of cards for you, Karen. The rest of you, your cards are still good.”

That was the good news. They weren’t going to like the rest of what he had to say. “I’m adding a new rule that is in effect any time, and I mean day or night, when you leave the house. You will be wearing a chastity belt every time you step out the front door. I want to stress this is a group responsibility. If any of you violate the rule I will restrict everyone to the house, indefinitely.”

He gestured towards Karen. “As you can see, Karen has been wearing a belt for several days. She was ordered not to reveal it to you, Anna and Jeanne. I wanted some time to think over this new change first. In case you feel the need to report that you tried to discuss this,” he pointed to Karen’s belt, “it won’t be necessary. Tomorrow morning we’re taking a little trip to get belts fitted for you two.”

Karen felt a pang of guilt. She was at least partially responsible for putting Anna and Jeanne in a position where they had to follow her lead.

“After the fitting the rule is that wearing a belt is mandatory whenever you leave the house. Whether it’s during the day or if we go out at night makes no difference. Now you won’t have to sleep in them at night. And I won’t insist on you wearing them at home. Well, most of the time anyway.” He smiled at that exception, which made Karen uneasy.

 “Karen has been trained in the use of the belt. She’ll be your resource for day to day questions like hygiene and avoiding skin lesions. What you need to keep in mind is planning. You will ask me the day before if you would like to go out. If I allow it I’ll put you in the belts and give you your cards before I go to work. When I get home I’ll collect your cards during inspection.”

What he left out, the most important point for Karen, was removing the belts at night. She didn’t think of herself as any kind of an expert despite his assigning her to be the teacher for Jeanne and Anna. She’d pass on what she’d learned, though she wasn’t sure how useful it would be.

On the Block

“Are there any more bids?” The voice of the auctioneer came over the loudspeaker. Elise stood on the pedestal, dressed in a diaphanous all-white evening gown, with a slit up one side. “Going once, going twice, sold!” The loudspeaker cut off. The bidders could see her, from behind a screen, but they were hidden from her view.

How did it come to this? All the careful planning of Ben and Mr. Madsen had fallen apart at the last moment, all because Mr. Madsen was too busy to answer his phone. Her consignment for auction was legitimate and not reversible. Now she belonged to a stranger due to a simple clerical error.

It was all over. Her life with Ben, her work at the Clinic, even the pride of being a Facility graduate was gone. She hung her head, tears streaming down her face.

The guard placed his phone back on his belt before gesturing toward Elise. “Okay, let’s go. The bidders are settling now. We have a room where you can wait for your new owner. I have a message requesting you change back into the dress you arrived in.”

When Elise hesitated he started to reach for the handcuffs on his belt. “Is there going to be a problem?” he asked.

Reluctantly she stepped down from the auction block. “No, sir, I’m coming.” He took hold of her arm and led her out of the auction area.

In a daze she meekly followed, too shaken to offer any resistance. They crossed a hallway into a small room. Dimly she recognized her old clothes on a hangar, and her shoes on the floor. “You are to change immediately. Your master will be here shortly. Don’t keep him waiting.” The guard left her alone.

Elise stared at her clothes, still trying to absorb the shock of what had happened. Mechanically she reached for the dress, obeying the guard’s instructions without thinking about them. When she finished she hung the gown on the hangar before sitting down on a bench against the wall.

Her hand went to the collar around her neck. It wasn’t Ben’s now. What kind of man was her new master? She had no reason to expect he would be as kind and understanding as Ben.

She sat up straight, carefully crossing her hands in her lap. He would be here any moment now. Elise had no reason to assume he would be anything but strict and demanding. She was still a Facility graduate; she had an obligation to live up to the standards of her training.

When the door opened the last person she expected to see was Ben standing in the doorway. Without even thinking about it Elise’s hands went to her knees. “Ben…” she started, before suddenly stopping. He wasn’t her master anymore. Using his first name was now a clear sign of disrespect. If her new owner heard it she’d surely be punished. For that matter, did she even have permission to speak to him?

He walked into the room, stopping in front of her. “Vacation is over; you need to get back to work. Your coworkers at the Clinic have been pressuring me as to when you will return. There will be no more sitting around this place. You are well aware I do not tolerate sloth or laziness. Stand up! It’s time for us to go home.”

The compulsion to obey him was too strong. She stood up, unsure of what he was talking about. “Sir? My new owner will be here any moment…”

“Your one and only owner is here right now. There was no auction, Elise. There were no bidders when you stood up there on the block. The consignment to the brokerage is over. We’re back to how it was and will be forever more. You belong to me.”

Ben held out his arms. In a flash Elise was inside his embrace, her arms wrapped around him. “Ben? I should never have doubted you. I was wrong, and I’m prepared to accept whatever penalty you wish to impose. You must keep to your side of our bargain, sir.”

He stroked her hair. “We’ll deal with that after we’re home. Right now, the brokerage chartered a boat to take some of the bidders back to South Island. We need to hurry or we’ll miss our ride.”

Day 17


Karen watched while Jim used a key to unlock the belt dangling from his hand. When he turned to her he leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I appreciate you don’t want this, but it has to be. Show them how it’s done.” She held still, hands behind her head, feet apart, staring straight ahead at nothing.

He straightened up, pulled apart the belt and slipped it around her waist. She felt the center piece hanging down behind her. Holding the belt closed in one hand he reached between her legs and brought up the “business” section, as Karen thought of it. With the belt and center mated together he fastened the lock plate over the front, securing it in place.

The cold metal pressed against her skin. It felt heavy, a presence she had never learned to ignore. His hands went around the waistband, checking the fit. He finished with a sharp tug to make sure the belt was locked. “Turn around,” he ordered. Without lowering her arms she turned away, her back to him. “That’s what I want. Stay where you are.”

Ann and Jeanne follow in quick succession. From the corner of her eye she could see them turn around one by one. When he finished with Jeanne he came around to face them. “Arms down, you can relax.” Karen dropped her aching arms but remained in place, unsure what he wanted next.

“I have a pretty good idea of what you think of this. Just remember this is important to me. There will be no discussion concerning the use of the belts. They will go on when I want, and they will stay on until I remove them. Tampering with the function will be treated as disobedience. This will be a group responsibility to ensure the purpose of these belts is faithfully upheld. I expect your full and enthusiastic cooperation. If I see anything less I will deal with it in the harshest terms.”

A chill went through Karen. His warning was delivered with that expression she associated with those moments when he was at his most dangerous. Both Jeanne and Anna constantly reminded her of what a good man their master was, and most of the time she’d agree. But there were moments, like now, when she sensed there was another side that was not kind, caring or understanding. She was in no hurry to meet that man.

“Okay, I have some work to do in the office. The rest of the day is free for everyone, no assignments. We’ll order pizza tonight, no cooking. The clothes ban will remain in effect. You have permission to speak. If you need me come to the office door.”

Still a bit dazed at what he’d done Karen didn’t move when he turned away and headed for his home office. That was forbidden territory; none of them were ever allowed past the door.

Bed Time

“At your request I had this brought in.” Ray stood in front of what looked like a large wooden wardrobe type closet. It was mounted on one wall of the living room area in her Safe Place. Puzzled, Barbara stared at it, trying to figure out what he’d done.

“My request, sir? I’m lost. I have no idea what that is.”

“Pay no attention to the cabinet, that’s just for appearances. It’s what’s inside that matters. You know, I do listen to you, and I certainly don’t ignore something that obviously appeals to you. Here, I’ll show you.”

He opened the cabinet doors and pulled down the bed frame. The moment Barbara saw it she knew exactly what he’d done. It was a folding bed, but a very unique one. It was a single, sized for her, but it was never intended for sleeping. The multitude of straps, belts and leather cuffs left no doubt as to the real purpose.

“Sir!” she exclaimed, excited at the prospect of testing the effectiveness of the restraints. “You remembered! May I try it out?”

Ray laughed. “Not much point putting it in here unless you make use of it. Okay, clothes off while I straighten out the straps.” Using a key from his keychain he began opening the buckles.

“I’m ready, sir. Tell me what to do.” When ray looked over her shoulder Barbara was standing near him, wearing nothing more than the collar on her neck.

“I like the sound of that! Hop in, head at this end, lie down with your arms at your side.” He stood up and held out his hand.

The bed had that familiar feeling from her first night at the brokerage. She shifted around until she lined up with the open cuffs for her hands and feet. “Like this, sir?”

“It won’t be long before you’re an expert. Let’s start in the middle, with your wrists. Slip your hands into the mitts,” he watched as she inserted her hands into the leather hand covers. Once in place he closed and tightened the vinyl cuffs around her wrists, which also held the mitts in place. An additional wide belt went over her waist. Satisfied her wrists were secured he clicked on the locking buckles. “Excellent, that should keep your hands out of the way.”

Barbara tried to flex her fingers, but the thick leather of the mitts forced her hands flat against the bed. A few tugs on her wrists proved Ray had been thorough; her hands were tied down to the strap running under the bed. She lifted her head to watch Ray working.

“Curious, eh? Enjoy the view while you can.” Another belt went over her torso, just below her breasts. More vinyl cuffs went around her arms, above the elbow. When Ray tightened them her body was pulled down firmly against the bed. Her arms were useless. There was enough slack to breath but not enough to rise up.

“Now then, we get to one of the important sections.” One at a time he wrapped a cuff around each ankle and closed the buckle, forcing her to spread her legs. More belts went over her thighs, just above her knees. Like her arms Barbara couldn’t move her legs. “That’s how I like it, open and inviting.” Ray leered at her. “Starting to feel it?”

Far from being frightened, the way she felt that first night, Ray’s workmanlike manner, with the sexual innuendo thrown in, was having the opposite effect. She was feeling it alright, the it being an eagerness for him to finish so he could get to the fun part.

“I seem to be in some difficulty, sir.” She struggled with the bonds, twisting back and forth. “I can’t seem to move. Will you release me?” In fact being rescued was the last thing on her mind.

Ray stood up, towering over her. “Difficulty? I don’t see a problem here.” She watched his eyes sweep up and down her body, efficiently tied down and readily available for his use. “Oh, I see now. Yes, you’re right, I missed a crucial part of the experience.”

He disappeared for a moment. What had he forgotten? Barbara fought against the restraints one more time, determined to find a way out, yet knowing all the time it was a futile gesture.

When he returned her eyes opened wide at the sight of what was in his hand. It was the same kind of gag the guards used on that terrible night. Ray smiled when he saw her reaction. “I thought this might help if you feel the need to make some noise.”

Making the Best of It

“Umm, Karen?” That was Anna. Karen turned around to face her companions in misery. Both of them were running their hands over the belts. “What did he mean, about tampering and the rest?”

She realized she’d have to work fast to avoid a bad situation. “Both of you, take your hands off the belts now!” she all but shouted. Startled, both of them jerked their hands away.

“Sorry about that, but you were about to get us all in a lot of trouble. Let’s go into the kitchen and get some coffee. I need to explain a few things. Trust me, there’s some urgency involved.” Karen wasn’t exaggerating. The way he’d looked at her when he said “group responsibility” left no doubt he meant her responsibility, for all of them.

They followed her into the kitchen. She headed for the coffee pot while Anna took out some cups from the cabinet. Jeanne opened the refrigerator to get the milk. Once the coffee was ready they settled in at the kitchen table.

“You asked about tampering?” Karen began. “Think about what these things are called. Chastity, as in no sex, right? And tampering, as in trying to get around that front shield. Don’t even think about trying to slip a finger down the front or through the side. It isn’t easy, these are a tight fit. Whether you succeed or not doesn’t make any difference. Master was quite clear; any attempt on our part, and we all are held to account. My guess is something very bad, on the order of morning inspection with a dirty room, out of position and not in uniform. You’ve been here longer than me, what would happen if you broke all the rules.”

Anna and Jeanne both turned white. “That serious?” Jeanne asked.

“Did you see the expression on his face? Yes, that serious.” Karen stood up and placed her hands on the waistband above her hips. “Look, I’ll show you everything I’ve learned. I’m no expert, so don’t expect too much. What I do know is we have to be very careful with these things on.”

Karen tapped the center section of her belt. “This is here for one purpose, no access. That means you or anyone else. Our job is to do whatever is necessary to keep the belt working. You do your best to keep it clean; it can increase your risk for one of those nasty infections. You also do your best to keep your hands off for any other reason.”

Anna frowned. “I don’t understand why he did this to us. We’d never cheat on him. How can we? He keeps us well away from other men. Even if we’re out on our own there’s no way one of us can slip away from the others. He can trust us.”

Karen shook her head. “No, Anna, you’ve got it all wrong. It’s not about trust or being faithful. Think about it. He’s controlling us. It’s no different than wearing a collar, or being forced to carry a travel card. We can’t even touch real money; all we have is plastic, and only if he lets us use it. Now he controls our bodies too. We need his permission even to have sex.”

Jeanne’s eye lit up. “So that’s it!” She jumped up out of her chair. “This is a great idea.” She started to put her hands over the front, stopped and then copied Karen, placed a hand on each hip, above the waistband. “I think it’ll look great under our uniforms.”

Karen had to turn away in order not to laugh. If master decided they had to wear a ball and chain and sleep naked in cages out on the front lawn Jeanne would find something positive in it. All she needed was some reasonable explanation to confirm her belief master could do no wrong. She made a mental note to never, ever mention “ball and chain” to master or Jeanne.

The Light Touch

About the only difference this time, there was no mirror on the ceiling. Ray pulled the last strap tight behind her head. The gag was firmly held in place and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. In a way that was the attraction of being bound: if there’s nothing she can do, then there’s nothing she has to do. Poor master must do all the hard work while she gets to lie back and enjoy it. Unfair? Sure, but that was his problem, not that he appeared to be the least bit concerned over her helpless condition.

“Speak up if the gag is too tight,” Ray quipped, smiling at his joke. He sat down on the floor next to her, admiring his work. He reached out and slowly drew one finger down, from her neck, through her cleavage, stopping at the wide strap across her waist. “I’m not sure why you wanted to repeat this experience, but I can’t argue against it. If this is for my benefit, then well done.” He brushed a wisp of hair out of her face. “Though if it was mainly for your benefit, and I think there’s some truth to it, still you have a great idea. Don’t hesitate to come up with more of this type of suggestion.”

Barbara closed her eyes, awash in waves of sensation when he lightly brushed his fingers down one arm, stopping at her wrist. It left a trail of fire on her skin, and a rising tide of overpowering desire. When those fingers continued down the inside of her thigh she all but screamed into the gag her need to feel him inside her. She twisted in the bonds, desperately trying to reach up and pull him in on top of her.

His fingertips on her bare skin disappeared. Alarmed, Barbara opened her eyes to see if something was wrong. She needn’t have worried; Ray was in the process of quickly shedding his clothes.

He noticed her watching him. “It’s time we find out just how well your idea holds up in practice.” She felt his weight as he mounted her.

Day 18

A New Day

Jim checked the clock before leaving his den. They should all be ready for morning inspection. This was his favorite time of the day. They’d be very eager to see him this morning. He’d kept the clothes ban in place, which left them naked all day long. Except for Karen he’d released them from the chastity belts last night, hinting he planned to order them back on this morning.

He started with Anna, then Jeanne, and left Karen for last. He wanted to talk to her about a few things in private. When he opened Karen’s door she was standing in her spot, dressed in nothing more than collar and belt. As usual her room was spotless, everything in place. He walked around anyway, making a show of checking her closet and bathroom, even making sure the pillow was tucked in properly under the bedspread, something he never did before.

Standing behind her he ran his hands around the belt’s waistband. It contrasted with her natural curves in a very attractive way. Standing at her side he ran a hand over the front piece, even reaching between her legs to see if it was secure. Karen didn’t react to such a close personal inspection, but Jim expected no less. She had remarkable self-control.

“First the good news, the clothes ban is lifted. I want you to get dressed now, regular day uniform. Take your time, whatever your normal routine is in the morning. I’ll wait.” He sat down at her desk.

She kept glancing back at him while she got out a new uniform from her closet and laid it on the bed. When she got to her underwear she looked a question to him, unsure if she should continue. He waved a hand in approval. It didn’t take long for her to finish off with the skirt and blouse. She risked a quick look in the bathroom mirror before returning to her inspection spot.

He took his time checking her over once again. He never slacked off on the details. Jim enjoyed it, and they learned the extra time it took wasn’t wasted. “The belt doesn’t show under the skirt. I know it’s there, and that’s all that matters.”

He took two cards out of his shirt pocket and handed them to Karen. “You’ll need these. I’m sending all three of you out to lunch today. It’s a nice place; I think you’ll like it. You can wander around the mall for a while afterwards. Jeanne has the details. Off you go, they’re waiting for you to help with breakfast. By the way, you may take a purse with you today.”

Inspection over she was free to speak. “Thank you, sir. It means a lot, being out on my own. It’s been such a long time. May I put the cards in the purse before I go?”

He nodded, giving his permission. “Sure, go ahead. Just make sure you don’t forget them.”

After Jim left for work all they could talk about was the trip to the mall for lunch. Waiting for the van to arrive to pick them up Karen checked her purse three times to make sure everything was there. On South Island she could have driven to the mall, but this being North Island women were not allowed to drive. Jim had scheduled a car service to pick them up at home, drop them off at the mall and return for them at three o’clock. That way they’d be home with plenty of time to get ready for evening inspection.

The mini-van arrived on time. Before they got in Jeanne reminded everyone to text Jim to inform him that they were leaving the house. Karen got out her phone and her travel permit, to show to the driver. He was thorough, taking the time to verify each of their cards against the registration number stamped on their collars. After he verified it matched his order they were soon on the road.

What he had euphemistically referred to as a “car service” was actually a high security transport more suitable to dangerous criminals than the three women. Karen hadn’t known about it in advance. From the looks on Jeanne and Anna’s faces they were caught by surprise too. The driver handcuffed each of them, hands behind back, and strapped them into the van seat with an elaborate seat belt and shoulder harness combination. Before he closed the van door he added rigid leg cuffs that ensured any attempt to run away was impossible. A sign, mounted below the security grill separating them from the front seat, warned them to sit quietly. Their purses, with the invaluable travel and debit cards, were in the front seat.

This was much worse compared to her original trip to their home. Why their master required them to travel this way was a mystery. Karen had expected a comfortable car and a friendly driver, not a trip with her completely immobilized and ordered to silence. When she turned to look at Jeanne the other woman simply shrugged and shook her head, indicating she had no idea what was going on either.

Karen stared out her window, watching the scenery go by. A long time ago, back on South Island, she could hop in her car and drive off somewhere for lunch. All she had to do then was text her location whenever she stopped. It was quite a contrast from today. On North Island there had to be a plan registered in advance by her master listing where she was allowed to visit and the time she had to return. For today all three of them were limited to the mall, and they had to be at the pickup point for the return trip home by two thirty. While at the mall they had to check in with a text message every half hour. Karen was sure Jim had programmed their phones to send the GPS location along with the text messages. It’s what she would do in his place, considering the way he obsessed over tracking them.

There were times it really hit home about how little freedom they actually had. Her master would know about any deviation from their schedule, his plan for the day, virtually in real time if he was checking. A few keystrokes and her debit card would be deactivated, cutting off what little money she was allowed to spend. A phone call and she’d be reported as a runaway, spotted and arrested within minutes. With the collar on she’d have nowhere to hide. And then there was the chastity belt he’d added. She didn’t have a clue how to free herself from it, or her collar.

Idly she wondered what the amount was he’d put on her card. There was no easy way to check, other than to be declined if she used it with an insufficient balance. He’d get a report on that too, and he’d know exactly what she did. It wasn’t worth the risk. Everything in their society was contrived to increase her reliance on her owner. Karen was used to it by now but the constant reminders did chip away at whatever bit of independence she had left.

Despite all the restrictions she had to follow life wasn’t really so hard. The car pulled into the mall parking lot and stopped in front of the mall entrance. Exiting involved the same elaborate procedure, being released one at a time, showing their permits to the driver again, for what reason she couldn’t imagine, and another text to let their master know they’d arrived. Except one wasn’t acceptable; all three had to text, to prove they were together. More and more she began to suspect he deliberately added on extra work just to remind them he was in charge.

They all had a good time at lunch. The surprise came when the waiter brought out a bottle of wine, ordered by Jim. They took their time polishing it off. They had enough time to take a walk through the mall, mostly window shopping. Anna stopped to buy a stuffed panda bear. Karen was tempted by a bracelet until Jeanne reminded her jewelry was banned.

They made it back to the entrance with ten minutes to spare. They weren’t sure if they were supposed to text or not. In the end the decision was to send it anyway, to be on the safe side. The van again arrived on time. Once more the driver, a new one, went through the usual procedure before taking them home. When he stopped in the driveway he wouldn’t let them go to the door until they not only showed their permits one last time, but also proved to him by holding up their phones that they had each sent the required text message, which had to include the van number.

The final indignity, at least for Karen, was the wait while the driver unlocked the front door to the house. He waited until all three were inside before leaving. Yet another North Island law, women were not permitted to have keys of any kind, and that included the door key. Jim had to put one of those real estate boxes with the combination on the front door, for the driver. She assumed he left the house key in the same box.

Karen went to the living room to sit down and rest. Despite all the little procedural aggravations it had still been one of the best days yet in her new home, with what she now considered to be her family. She smiled, for they were family, even though there were plenty of times she would have strangled both of them. No doubt they had dreamed of ways to do away with her too. Karen leaned back on the couch, closed her eyes and wondering if maybe she’d had a bit too much wine.

Slings and Arrows

Ray waited for her reaction when he revealed his list of demands. The one about clothes wasn’t anything new; he didn’t expect much if any in the way of objections from her. Some of the others would test anyone’s patience. Yet her response was to finish eating her vegetables, occasionally looking up at him to see what was to follow. And then she managed to actually shock him with that last question about the restraint bed. If not for that he concluded that meant one of two results: either she intended to obey him; or she planned on ignoring everything he said. Given Barbara had asked to be where she was now the second alternative didn’t make much sense. And her eagerness to try out that bed again; that brought up the image of her strapped into it, but with him the one standing over her.

“I will certainly look into the, umm, bed situation.” Did extremely restrictive bondage turn her on? If nothing else she had found a quick way to seduce him. But was her poorly hidden desire to be tied down for his benefit, or were there hidden motives regarding her own desires? It deserved some further exploration on his part, definitely a hands-on research project.

There was a third alternative in the way she reacted to his demands, the one Les had pointed out. Barbara still might have some serious mental problems combined with the expertise to hide them effectively. If that were true then he had no course of action other than to wait and see how it developed. Ray wasn’t too concerned about it though. People like that couldn’t conceal their nature for any length of time, and from what he’d discovered about her there was no evidence to warrant any fears she might suddenly come at him with a kitchen knife in the middle of the night.

The last demand on his list, about doors, had been the one that caught her off guard. He could tell by the sudden silence she was processing it, trying to figure out why he’d asked for it. The way she had turned it around, asking if he actually wanted to expand on his original mandate, told him she was already reading him like an open book.

“Sir, if I may ask, would it be acceptable if I were to make some suggestions about other,” she paused for a moment, “requirements you might wish to consider; some ideas to go along with your purely selfish pleasure?”

Now it was Ray’s turn to be caught by the unexpected once again. She’d figured out his not so obscure motivation in record time, likely from the way he responded to her inquiry about that restraint bed, and came back with what sounded like approval. Now she wanted to push him further along what he thought was going to be a short topic of discussion tonight. “Do you have something specific in mind?” The conversation was headed in a very interesting direction.

Barbara nodded. “Yes, sir, several come to mind.” She reached down to her waist to take hold of the handcuffs dangling from the chain around her waist. “To start, while I’m positive these cuffs are more than sufficient to subdue me, they would be far more effective behind my back instead of in front. It would guarantee your door opening policy was strictly enforced too, especially if I were to wear them during the day as well as after curfew.”

Ray leaned forward. “You understand what that would mean? It can be hard on your shoulders, not to mention the risk of being caught off balance with your arms pulled back.”

She nodded in agreement. “Naturally, and I hope you’ll let me start slowly so I can get used to it. I’m not too concerned though, sir, since you’d be there to hold onto me. Along those same lines, sir, my opinion is you should always put my hands behind my back when I must be restrained, whatever the occasion. Along with that I’d like it if you held onto my arm, the way I’ve seen on those cop shows, while we’re walking. As you said, if I’m to be the face of the company then the public perception ought to be that you are quite the authoritarian with me.”

How did she know? Much as the idea appealed to his inner power-crazed dictator, he’d rejected it on the grounds it would be too much to ask of her. “Okay, I’ll think about it. I’m interested in what else you come up with, so keep going.

Barbara had given this one a lot of thought while getting ready for dinner. “It’s another facet of what you call my job, the public face of the business. What I’m trying to say relates to the way I conduct myself at social gathering, parties and such. I’ll do the best I can, sir, but I’m new at all this. You’re not; I assume you’ve dealt with the socializing among society’s upper crust for a while now. I’m worried that I’ll say or do something inappropriate for the circles you move in, more out of ignorance rather than deliberate spite.”

Ray started to speak up but Barbara held up her hands. “Please, sir, hear me out first. I’ve given this considerable thought in coming up with a possible solution.” At his nod she continued.

“What I have in mind is for you to add one more of your non-negotiable demands, perhaps the most important one of all. In simple terms, you forbid me to speak to anyone without your permission. And I’d add in email and social media too. I’d have an excuse to defer to you, an ironclad, inflexible excuse no one could argue with. Best of all, from what I gather it would fit in well with our public image.”

Ray had to laugh at her last comment. “You’re right about that. The blogs would go crazy with howls of disapproval. And privately the goodwill from the men who matter, our potential customers, would skyrocket. A few more cartoons with me as the tyrannical overseer won’t make a difference; those people already hate me. I’d bet you get a lot of sympathy, the poor victim, alone and isolated, forced to toil under the unbearable yoke of her sadistic master.”

“I can live with all that, sir. I assume it wouldn’t help to point out it was my suggestion?”

Ray shook his head vigorously. “No one would believe it anyway. But no, if anyone ever asks it was all my idea. You do realize what it means, though? It cuts you off from the rest of the world, except through me. I never intended to go that far.”

Barbara held up her fork, pointing it at Ray for emphasis. “The best way I can answer that is to remind you about how you’re supposed to protect me and keep me safe; your own words, sir. There’s only one way you can accomplish that. You have to take over every aspect of my world, whether it’s the clothes I wear or who I can talk to on the phone. You have the power to change my life, in whatever direction you choose, and regardless of my opinion in the matter. Even if it’s only to indulge yourself, sir, that’s the way it has to be.” 

She reached up to pull on her collar. “I know exactly what this means. Impose all the demands you like, and don’t hesitate out of concern for me. Do whatever you think is necessary to stand between me and the world, sir. Shelter me from those slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.”

Day 14

A Day Off

“Don’t tell anyone but even I hate looking at the company uniform. There should be some dresses from Edith in your bedroom closet. Pick out two, bring them back to show me, and I’ll select which one you can wear.” Ray sat down on the sofa in the apartment’s living room.

Ray and Barbara were in the secret basement area, marked off as her Safe Room. Today was a “day off”, as Ray described it. The plan was to hang out together, no pressure, without any interruptions.

She started toward the bedroom but came to a quick halt. Turning back she asked, “Leave the room, sir?” Maybe it was the last second, but she did remember. With his nod of approval she headed to her closet.

Edith, the wardrobe manager, had given her a handful of dresses to stock the closet. Barbara had several selections marked in a catalog, which she intended to have Ray review, hopefully today. Meanwhile, she settled on a peach colored shift and a light blue sun dress for his choices. Both were on the casual side, in keeping with the day

When Barbara walked back into the living room she held up a dress in each hand. “Are these okay, sir? If not I can look for something else.”

It took him all of three seconds to decide. “Put on that pink one. I like the color.”

In a split second Barbara came to a decision which might exceed his explicit instructions. If she was right the effort would be worth the risk. Ray was the one man in the world who deserved to see her naked. Her first thought was to go back to the bedroom to change, but being shy around him, when they were alone, did not fit into her view on their relationship. In sexual matters she was available to him day and night. It was time she lived up to her role.

“Sir? May I have permission to change in front of you? Or if not I can go back to the bedroom.”

Ray studied her before replying. “You’re beginning to figure me out, aren’t you? Put the dresses on the couch. Then I want you to strip, everything off. Let the uniform drop to the floor. When you finish, stay where you are.”

Perhaps her intuition was starting to work. She’d soon find out. Slowly, never taking her eyes off him, she reached behind her back and unzipped the company dress. Taking her time she slipped it off each shoulder before pulling it down. For a moment she paused, dress in hand, before dropping it to the floor.

Barbara could tell she had his full attention. There was no immediate demand to hurry up, which meant one thing. He wanted a show. Maybe not consciously, but her hunch paid off. She reached behind her back to unfasten her bra. Like the dress she let it dangle from one hand before letting it fall. Finally she slid her panties down her legs, bending over to lower them to the floor rather than raising her feet. When she straightened up his eyes told the tale.

“You put on quite a show. I’ll remember this. Does it bother you, stripping down in front of me?”

Barbara had to think about his question. “It’s difficult to say, sir. I’m naturally shy, so yes, I am self-conscious about standing here like this. On the other hand, I do want to please you, sir, and I hope you will look at me in the way a man is attracted to his woman.”

Ray leaned forward. “So you know, I’d never ask you to do this in public. I’m very possessive; I don’t share what’s mine alone.” He picked up the peach-colored dress. “Put this one on; just the dress, nothing else. Let’s see how it looks.”

Barbara slipped the dress over her head, pulled it down until it settled around her shoulders. “Is this okay, sir? Should I look for something else?”

“No, that won’t be necessary. Arms at your side, feet together, I want you to stand still for a moment.” Ray leaned back on the sofa, one arm extended along the top. “I’ll let you in on a secret. There’s no reason for you to stand there, except to gratify my need to order you around. Does that bother you?”

“Not at all, sir.” She met his gaze, eye to eye. “After all, isn’t that what it’s all about? I see it as a bargain, sir. You do as you please, and I have the same privilege.”

“The same?” Ray asked in a puzzled tone. “I’m pretty sure you don’t get to do as you please.”

Barbara smiled. “Of course not, sir. The same, as in I also get to do as you please.”

Ray started laughing. “I can’t argue with that.” He looked down at the clothes on the floor. “Why don’t you hang up your uniform and the other dress in your closet?” He waved his hand. “You can leave the room.”

He watched while she gathered up her clothes and headed for the bedroom. I have to remember about leaving the room, Ray thought. Otherwise she’ll stand there, waiting. Why is it brilliant ideas turn into so much work?

Barbara hung up the other dress and used the empty hangar for her uniform. Underwear went into a hamper in the corner of the bathroom. She glanced at the dresser. It might have more underwear, but he’d been very specific. Those drawers might as well be a closed and locked safe.

Before returning to Ray she called out, “Sir? Would you like something from the kitchen? There’s some cold beer in the refrigerator.” She silently thanked whoever had stocked the cupboards with food and drink.

Ray leaned back over the sofa and shouted, “That sounds good. I’ll take a beer. Get something for yourself too.”

In the kitchen Barbara took down a serving tray and glasses before retrieving two bottles from the fridge. She paused when she noticed her reflection in the microwave door glass. Her hair was partially covering her collar. She brushed her hair back over her shoulders. Ray hadn’t mentioned it, but to her it was important that symbol of being owned was prominently displayed at all times.

His reflection joined hers when he came up from behind. Slipping his arms around her waist he hugged her tight.

“You’re very proud of that band around your neck, aren’t you? You should be. Never apologize for who you are. Besides, I like to see it, and that’s all the reason you need to make sure it isn’t covered up. So, what do you think? It’s still early days, but do you like belonging to me?”

Barbara carefully set the bottles on the counter before resting her arms on top of his. “What do I think, sir? Hmm…” She leaned back into his embrace. “I think I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. However, sir, I must point out complex questions like that falls in the area of your responsibility, not mine. I believe you should be telling me what to think, not asking me.”

Day 16

Change of Plan

“Okay, everyone up and against the wall.” Les held a clipboard in his hand. “This is the schedule for the Tuesday auction, tonight. If your name is called take two steps forward. The rest of you will be in the auction on Friday.”

Elise got up and found a place in the line. Her time at the brokerage was finally coming to an end. After two weeks her last day would be the Friday auction, three days from now. Mr. Madsen would pull her from the auction schedule and return her to Ben. She had plenty of material for her project now and was eager to get out of this place.

“…Ellen, and the last one is Barbara,” Les announced, marking his clipboard. “The rest of you will be on the roster for Friday night.”

 Elise perked up when she heard Barbara’s name. “Sir? I was told Barbara has already been sold. She’s not here.”

Les frowned while he thumbed through the sheets on his clipboard. Finally, he picked up his phone and rapidly texted a message. The room was silent while he waited for a reply.

“Huh, seems you’re right. Someone didn’t bother to update the roster. Okay, Barbara’s off the auction list. That leaves us one short.” He muttered something under his breath. “We advertised a full slate tonight, so…” He checked the clipboard again. “Elise, you’re moved from Friday to tonight. Step forward.”

Me? Elise hesitated, sure that she’d heard wrong. When Les looked up and glared at her she reluctantly joined the auction line. “Sir? Could you check again? I was told by Mr. Madsen I was to be on the auction list for Friday.”

“Yeah? Well, you’re name is on the top of the list. I don’t see anything here about excluding you. Were you recently sold too, like Barbara?” He flipped through his clipboard.

“No, sir. I understood it was a reserved arrangement where Mr. Madsen would contact a buyer before my sale.” Elise was beginning to worry. Her exit was arranged to appear as if a private sale was concluded before she went on the block. Except all this was to happen on Friday, three days away, not now.

The guard was already behind her back. She heard the click of the handcuffs being opened. Panic began to set in. “Please, sir. Can you check with Mr. Madsen? I’m sure he’ll verify it.” The guard pulled her left wrist behind her back.

“Okay. There’s already been one mistake. I suppose we better make sure there aren’t two.” He took out his phone and dialed a number. Elise felt the cuff close on her wrist.

Les lifted up his phone and dialed a number. “Hello? Hi, this is Les. Can you check on an Elise,” he read off her registration number, “and see if she’s been pulled from the Friday auction?” The guard took hold of her right wrist and drew it back.

“That’s right, at the top. You’re sure? Any chance we can contact Ray? He is? Okay, thanks.” Les shut off his phone and put it back on his belt. The other cuff closed on her wrist, locking her hands behind her back.

“So…” Les took a step toward Elise. “If Mr. Madsen was going to remove you from the Friday auction, maybe you can explain why he moved your name to the top of the list? He can’t be disturbed, phone is off. Word is he won’t be available until tomorrow. Not that I see any reason to bother him about this. Okay, put her with the others.”

Elise stared at Les, too shocked to answer. The guard all but dragged her toward the door where the rest of the group waited. This can’t be happening, she thought. Legally she actually was on consignment according to North Island law, which meant the brokerage had every right to sell her. If she went on the block tonight Ben would cease to be her master.

Desperate and near panic she started to struggle with the handcuffs. There has to be some way to stop this. If she could get to a phone, call Ben, he’d fix it.

“Knock it off,” the guard growled, shaking her arm. In the corridor he closed a second cuff on her right wrist, linking her to the gang chain with the rest of the line of women headed to the auction block.

On The Couch

“Sir? Would you like me to get you something from the kitchen?” Jeanne stood in the doorway to Jim’s home office.

“Thanks, Jeanne, I’m fine.” He glanced at the clock on his desk. It was just after seven thirty in the evening. “There is something you can do for me. Will you let everyone know I want them in the living room for an inspection, at eight o’clock? I want all of you standing in front of the couch. Let them know there’s also a clothing ban, effective immediately.”

“Yes, sir, I’ll tell Anna and Karen right away. Is there anything else?”

“That’s all,” he answered. “I’ll be busy with some work. If I run a few minutes late the usual rules apply. I don’t want to be disturbed until then.” That meant they had to wait quietly, no matter how long it took.

When Jeanne informed them of his orders Karen’s first instinct was to check the time. Half an hour, that was plenty of time to get ready. Whatever he had planned it must be important to call for a sudden inspection. It was even more unusual to order them to stand, considering how much he enjoyed seeing them line up on the floor. “Any idea what it’s about?” she asked.

“Not a clue,” Jeanne answered. “He was in the office, working from what I could see. He didn’t sound angry or irritated, so I hope that’s a good sign. He said he’ll be busy until then, and we shouldn’t bother him. That’s all I know.” Jeanne began unbuttoning her blouse. “He did say the ban was immediate.”

Whatever he had in mind must be something new. When Karen looked a question at Anna she shrugged. Apparently she had no idea either. Karen didn’t run to her room but it was a fast walk. Before she even got to her door her blouse was unbuttoned. He made it clear they were to hurry.

In her room Karen threw the blouse on the bed with one hand while unzipping her skirt with the other. Her underwear followed in a moment. She debated whether or not to fold the pile of clothes but decided ‘immediate’ meant just that, no unnecessary delay. She was always self-conscious about being in the nude around other people but direct orders rendered her opinion on the matter irrelevant.

Then she stopped and looked at herself in the mirror. The chastity belt was still there, and no way to remove it. Her secret was about to be exposed. There was no way around his order; she had to go back to the living room with the belt on and clearly visible.

Time was running out. Karen hurried back to the living room. She saw Anna ahead of her, joining Jeanne in a line. The instant she entered the room both women turned to stare. Karen took her place at the end of the line.

“What is that? Why didn’t you take it off? You’ll get us all in trouble.” Anna was the first to break the awkward silence.

“It’s a chastity belt, and it locks on. I can’t take it off because master has the only key.” Karen replied. “Please, I’m not supposed to talk about it.”

“Is that why you didn’t take off your uniform the other day?” Anna kept going, ignoring Karen’s plea.

Jeanne put a hand on her arm. “Anna? You need to drop it, now! She warned you, we’re in forbidden territory. Karen? Let me go first when we report this to master. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Karen silently nodded in agreement. She’d been placed in an impossible situation. Tell Jeanne and Anna, but then she’d violate his orders. Or not tell them; they discover her secret and resent her for being singled out for special treatment. Better to let Jeanne start before she had to confess to…

To what? She hadn’t disobeyed him, at least not intentionally. It was impossible to keep the belt secret, so he must have known what he’d done. Karen relaxed, confident now this was his intended result.

“I do like the change, standing in front of the couch” Jeanne spoke up, to change the subject. “I can’t remember the last time we weren’t on the floor for inspections. My knees will sure appreciate it but I’m always a little concerned when he makes a change. This must be important to call us together outside the usual inspection time.”

The three women looked at each other in silence. There wasn’t much more anyone could say without the risk of it drifting into the prohibited area of questioning an order, and they all knew it.

When the clock struck eight the three women carefully straightened up in front of the couch, in order of seniority, as if they were on the floor. It was a formal inspection, which meant they all had to look their best. It was Jeanne who reminded them to line up their legs and hands. Jim liked precision and order.

For the next five minutes they waited, silent, unmoving, heads up, backs straight. Jim could walk in at any moment; they had to ensure he saw exactly what he expected. When he did come into the room he slowly walked back and forth, stopping in front of each woman. Karen was used to the scrutiny by now. She held still, remembering to breathe but did not flinch when it was her turn.

To everyone’s surprise he made no comments or corrections. Very few inspections went so smoothly. In particular he found no fault with Jeanne, though they all knew he singled her out for the most stringent examination.

Jim sat down in his chair and leaned back. This was one of his favorite moments, delighting in seeing his three prized possessions on display for his personal gratification.

 “Good, now I want you to spread out, take a step forward, put your hands behind your head, arms wide, elbows out, and your shoulders back. Keep still, eyes front.”

Karen followed his instructions as best she could. Jim got up and walked around them several times, pausing to study how well each of them complied. At one point, standing behind Karen, he put his hands on her elbows. “Further back,” he ordered. She moved her hands closer together and pulled back on her shoulders.

He stopped in back of Jeanne. “Not good enough.” He pulled back on her elbows. “I want to see your feet further apart, and keep that back straight.” He’d never admit to it but Jeanne did as well as the other two, without the extra criticism. Even so she had to know he watched for those ever so slight details, never letting her get away with anything less than perfection. And it had to be his definition of perfection, not hers. He didn’t find fault every time there was an inspection, but on average Jeanne received far more verbal correction than the others.

He sat down again, arms folded, looking back and forth at his possessions. “I’m delighted to see you lined up this way. If any one of you spoils it all three will be severely punished.” He unfolded his arms and leaned forward. “This is your purpose in being here, to please me, and right now you’re all performing to my satisfaction.” He examined each of them at length, savoring his power over the three women.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why the sudden change today? Not to worry, this is a one-time event. Starting today I’m going to reinstate permission to leave the house on your own, during the day. All of you know the usual restrictions about the curfew, travel and debit cards, and keeping me aware of what you’re doing. I have a set of cards for you, Karen. The rest of you, your cards are still good.”

That was the good news. They weren’t going to like the rest of what he had to say. “I’m adding a new rule that is in effect any time, and I mean day or night, when you leave the house. You will be wearing a chastity belt every time you step out the front door. I want to stress this is a group responsibility. If any of you violate the rule I will restrict everyone to the house, indefinitely.”

He gestured towards Karen. “As you can see, Karen has been wearing a belt for several days. She was ordered not to reveal it to you, Anna and Jeanne. I wanted some time to think over this new change first. In case you feel the need to report that you tried to discuss this,” he pointed to Karen’s belt, “it won’t be necessary. Tomorrow morning we’re taking a little trip to get belts fitted for you two.”

Karen felt a pang of guilt. She was at least partially responsible for putting Anna and Jeanne in a position where they had to follow her lead.

“After the fitting the rule is that wearing a belt is mandatory whenever you leave the house. Whether it’s during the day or if we go out at night makes no difference. Now you won’t have to sleep in them at night. And I won’t insist on you wearing them at home. Well, most of the time anyway.” He smiled at that exception, which made Karen uneasy.

 “Karen has been trained in the use of the belt. She’ll be your resource for day to day questions like hygiene and avoiding skin lesions. What you need to keep in mind is planning. You will ask me the day before if you would like to go out. If I allow it I’ll put you in the belts and give you your cards before I go to work. When I get home I’ll collect your cards during inspection.”

What he left out, the most important point for Karen, was removing the belts at night. She didn’t think of herself as any kind of an expert despite his assigning her to be the teacher for Jeanne and Anna. She’d pass on what she’d learned, though she wasn’t sure how useful it would be.

On the Block

“Are there any more bids?” The voice of the auctioneer came over the loudspeaker. Elise stood on the pedestal, dressed in a diaphanous all-white evening gown, with a slit up one side. “Going once, going twice, sold!” The loudspeaker cut off. The bidders could see her, from behind a screen, but they were hidden from her view.

How did it come to this? All the careful planning of Ben and Mr. Madsen had fallen apart at the last moment, all because Mr. Madsen was too busy to answer his phone. Her consignment for auction was legitimate and not reversible. Now she belonged to a stranger due to a simple clerical error.

It was all over. Her life with Ben, her work at the Clinic, even the pride of being a Facility graduate was gone. She hung her head, tears streaming down her face.

The guard placed his phone back on his belt before gesturing toward Elise. “Okay, let’s go. The bidders are settling now. We have a room where you can wait for your new owner. I have a message requesting you change back into the dress you arrived in.”

When Elise hesitated he started to reach for the handcuffs on his belt. “Is there going to be a problem?” he asked.

Reluctantly she stepped down from the auction block. “No, sir, I’m coming.” He took hold of her arm and led her out of the auction area.

In a daze she meekly followed, too shaken to offer any resistance. They crossed a hallway into a small room. Dimly she recognized her old clothes on a hangar, and her shoes on the floor. “You are to change immediately. Your master will be here shortly. Don’t keep him waiting.” The guard left her alone.

Elise stared at her clothes, still trying to absorb the shock of what had happened. Mechanically she reached for the dress, obeying the guard’s instructions without thinking about them. When she finished she hung the gown on the hangar before sitting down on a bench against the wall.

Her hand went to the collar around her neck. It wasn’t Ben’s now. What kind of man was her new master? She had no reason to expect he would be as kind and understanding as Ben.

She sat up straight, carefully crossing her hands in her lap. He would be here any moment now. Elise had no reason to assume he would be anything but strict and demanding. She was still a Facility graduate; she had an obligation to live up to the standards of her training.

When the door opened the last person she expected to see was Ben standing in the doorway. Without even thinking about it Elise’s hands went to her knees. “Ben…” she started, before suddenly stopping. He wasn’t her master anymore. Using his first name was now a clear sign of disrespect. If her new owner heard it she’d surely be punished. For that matter, did she even have permission to speak to him?

He walked into the room, stopping in front of her. “Vacation is over; you need to get back to work. Your coworkers at the Clinic have been pressuring me as to when you will return. There will be no more sitting around this place. You are well aware I do not tolerate sloth or laziness. Stand up! It’s time for us to go home.”

The compulsion to obey him was too strong. She stood up, unsure of what he was talking about. “Sir? My new owner will be here any moment…”

“Your one and only owner is here right now. There was no auction, Elise. There were no bidders when you stood up there on the block. The consignment to the brokerage is over. We’re back to how it was and will be forever more. You belong to me.”

Ben held out his arms. In a flash Elise was inside his embrace, her arms wrapped around him. “Ben? I should never have doubted you. I was wrong, and I’m prepared to accept whatever penalty you wish to impose. You must keep to your side of our bargain, sir.”

He stroked her hair. “We’ll deal with that after we’re home. Right now, the brokerage chartered a boat to take some of the bidders back to South Island. We need to hurry or we’ll miss our ride.”

Day 17


Karen watched while Jim used a key to unlock the belt dangling from his hand. When he turned to her he leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I appreciate you don’t want this, but it has to be. Show them how it’s done.” She held still, hands behind her head, feet apart, staring straight ahead at nothing.

He straightened up, pulled apart the belt and slipped it around her waist. She felt the center piece hanging down behind her. Holding the belt closed in one hand he reached between her legs and brought up the “business” section, as Karen thought of it. With the belt and center mated together he fastened the lock plate over the front, securing it in place.

The cold metal pressed against her skin. It felt heavy, a presence she had never learned to ignore. His hands went around the waistband, checking the fit. He finished with a sharp tug to make sure the belt was locked. “Turn around,” he ordered. Without lowering her arms she turned away, her back to him. “That’s what I want. Stay where you are.”

Ann and Jeanne follow in quick succession. From the corner of her eye she could see them turn around one by one. When he finished with Jeanne he came around to face them. “Arms down, you can relax.” Karen dropped her aching arms but remained in place, unsure what he wanted next.

“I have a pretty good idea of what you think of this. Just remember this is important to me. There will be no discussion concerning the use of the belts. They will go on when I want, and they will stay on until I remove them. Tampering with the function will be treated as disobedience. This will be a group responsibility to ensure the purpose of these belts is faithfully upheld. I expect your full and enthusiastic cooperation. If I see anything less I will deal with it in the harshest terms.”

A chill went through Karen. His warning was delivered with that expression she associated with those moments when he was at his most dangerous. Both Jeanne and Anna constantly reminded her of what a good man their master was, and most of the time she’d agree. But there were moments, like now, when she sensed there was another side that was not kind, caring or understanding. She was in no hurry to meet that man.

“Okay, I have some work to do in the office. The rest of the day is free for everyone, no assignments. We’ll order pizza tonight, no cooking. The clothes ban will remain in effect. You have permission to speak. If you need me come to the office door.”

Still a bit dazed at what he’d done Karen didn’t move when he turned away and headed for his home office. That was forbidden territory; none of them were ever allowed past the door.

Bed Time

“At your request I had this brought in.” Ray stood in front of what looked like a large wooden wardrobe type closet. It was mounted on one wall of the living room area in her Safe Place. Puzzled, Barbara stared at it, trying to figure out what he’d done.

“My request, sir? I’m lost. I have no idea what that is.”

“Pay no attention to the cabinet, that’s just for appearances. It’s what’s inside that matters. You know, I do listen to you, and I certainly don’t ignore something that obviously appeals to you. Here, I’ll show you.”

He opened the cabinet doors and pulled down the bed frame. The moment Barbara saw it she knew exactly what he’d done. It was a folding bed, but a very unique one. It was a single, sized for her, but it was never intended for sleeping. The multitude of straps, belts and leather cuffs left no doubt as to the real purpose.

“Sir!” she exclaimed, excited at the prospect of testing the effectiveness of the restraints. “You remembered! May I try it out?”

Ray laughed. “Not much point putting it in here unless you make use of it. Okay, clothes off while I straighten out the straps.” Using a key from his keychain he began opening the buckles.

“I’m ready, sir. Tell me what to do.” When ray looked over her shoulder Barbara was standing near him, wearing nothing more than the collar on her neck.

“I like the sound of that! Hop in, head at this end, lie down with your arms at your side.” He stood up and held out his hand.

The bed had that familiar feeling from her first night at the brokerage. She shifted around until she lined up with the open cuffs for her hands and feet. “Like this, sir?”

“It won’t be long before you’re an expert. Let’s start in the middle, with your wrists. Slip your hands into the mitts,” he watched as she inserted her hands into the leather hand covers. Once in place he closed and tightened the vinyl cuffs around her wrists, which also held the mitts in place. An additional wide belt went over her waist. Satisfied her wrists were secured he clicked on the locking buckles. “Excellent, that should keep your hands out of the way.”

Barbara tried to flex her fingers, but the thick leather of the mitts forced her hands flat against the bed. A few tugs on her wrists proved Ray had been thorough; her hands were tied down to the strap running under the bed. She lifted her head to watch Ray working.

“Curious, eh? Enjoy the view while you can.” Another belt went over her torso, just below her breasts. More vinyl cuffs went around her arms, above the elbow. When Ray tightened them her body was pulled down firmly against the bed. Her arms were useless. There was enough slack to breath but not enough to rise up.

“Now then, we get to one of the important sections.” One at a time he wrapped a cuff around each ankle and closed the buckle, forcing her to spread her legs. More belts went over her thighs, just above her knees. Like her arms Barbara couldn’t move her legs. “That’s how I like it, open and inviting.” Ray leered at her. “Starting to feel it?”

Far from being frightened, the way she felt that first night, Ray’s workmanlike manner, with the sexual innuendo thrown in, was having the opposite effect. She was feeling it alright, the it being an eagerness for him to finish so he could get to the fun part.

“I seem to be in some difficulty, sir.” She struggled with the bonds, twisting back and forth. “I can’t seem to move. Will you release me?” In fact being rescued was the last thing on her mind.

Ray stood up, towering over her. “Difficulty? I don’t see a problem here.” She watched his eyes sweep up and down her body, efficiently tied down and readily available for his use. “Oh, I see now. Yes, you’re right, I missed a crucial part of the experience.”

He disappeared for a moment. What had he forgotten? Barbara fought against the restraints one more time, determined to find a way out, yet knowing all the time it was a futile gesture.

When he returned her eyes opened wide at the sight of what was in his hand. It was the same kind of gag the guards used on that terrible night. Ray smiled when he saw her reaction. “I thought this might help if you feel the need to make some noise.”

Making the Best of It

“Umm, Karen?” That was Anna. Karen turned around to face her companions in misery. Both of them were running their hands over the belts. “What did he mean, about tampering and the rest?”

She realized she’d have to work fast to avoid a bad situation. “Both of you, take your hands off the belts now!” she all but shouted. Startled, both of them jerked their hands away.

“Sorry about that, but you were about to get us all in a lot of trouble. Let’s go into the kitchen and get some coffee. I need to explain a few things. Trust me, there’s some urgency involved.” Karen wasn’t exaggerating. The way he’d looked at her when he said “group responsibility” left no doubt he meant her responsibility, for all of them.

They followed her into the kitchen. She headed for the coffee pot while Anna took out some cups from the cabinet. Jeanne opened the refrigerator to get the milk. Once the coffee was ready they settled in at the kitchen table.

“You asked about tampering?” Karen began. “Think about what these things are called. Chastity, as in no sex, right? And tampering, as in trying to get around that front shield. Don’t even think about trying to slip a finger down the front or through the side. It isn’t easy, these are a tight fit. Whether you succeed or not doesn’t make any difference. Master was quite clear; any attempt on our part, and we all are held to account. My guess is something very bad, on the order of morning inspection with a dirty room, out of position and not in uniform. You’ve been here longer than me, what would happen if you broke all the rules.”

Anna and Jeanne both turned white. “That serious?” Jeanne asked.

“Did you see the expression on his face? Yes, that serious.” Karen stood up and placed her hands on the waistband above her hips. “Look, I’ll show you everything I’ve learned. I’m no expert, so don’t expect too much. What I do know is we have to be very careful with these things on.”

Karen tapped the center section of her belt. “This is here for one purpose, no access. That means you or anyone else. Our job is to do whatever is necessary to keep the belt working. You do your best to keep it clean; it can increase your risk for one of those nasty infections. You also do your best to keep your hands off for any other reason.”

Anna frowned. “I don’t understand why he did this to us. We’d never cheat on him. How can we? He keeps us well away from other men. Even if we’re out on our own there’s no way one of us can slip away from the others. He can trust us.”

Karen shook her head. “No, Anna, you’ve got it all wrong. It’s not about trust or being faithful. Think about it. He’s controlling us. It’s no different than wearing a collar, or being forced to carry a travel card. We can’t even touch real money; all we have is plastic, and only if he lets us use it. Now he controls our bodies too. We need his permission even to have sex.”

Jeanne’s eye lit up. “So that’s it!” She jumped up out of her chair. “This is a great idea.” She started to put her hands over the front, stopped and then copied Karen, placed a hand on each hip, above the waistband. “I think it’ll look great under our uniforms.”

Karen had to turn away in order not to laugh. If master decided they had to wear a ball and chain and sleep naked in cages out on the front lawn Jeanne would find something positive in it. All she needed was some reasonable explanation to confirm her belief master could do no wrong. She made a mental note to never, ever mention “ball and chain” to master or Jeanne.

The Light Touch

About the only difference this time, there was no mirror on the ceiling. Ray pulled the last strap tight behind her head. The gag was firmly held in place and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. In a way that was the attraction of being bound: if there’s nothing she can do, then there’s nothing she has to do. Poor master must do all the hard work while she gets to lie back and enjoy it. Unfair? Sure, but that was his problem, not that he appeared to be the least bit concerned over her helpless condition.

“Speak up if the gag is too tight,” Ray quipped, smiling at his joke. He sat down on the floor next to her, admiring his work. He reached out and slowly drew one finger down, from her neck, through her cleavage, stopping at the wide strap across her waist. “I’m not sure why you wanted to repeat this experience, but I can’t argue against it. If this is for my benefit, then well done.” He brushed a wisp of hair out of her face. “Though if it was mainly for your benefit, and I think there’s some truth to it, still you have a great idea. Don’t hesitate to come up with more of this type of suggestion.”

Barbara closed her eyes, awash in waves of sensation when he lightly brushed his fingers down one arm, stopping at her wrist. It left a trail of fire on her skin, and a rising tide of overpowering desire. When those fingers continued down the inside of her thigh she all but screamed into the gag her need to feel him inside her. She twisted in the bonds, desperately trying to reach up and pull him in on top of her.

His fingertips on her bare skin disappeared. Alarmed, Barbara opened her eyes to see if something was wrong. She needn’t have worried; Ray was in the process of quickly shedding his clothes.

He noticed her watching him. “It’s time we find out just how well your idea holds up in practice.” She felt his weight as he mounted her.

Day 18

A New Day

Jim checked the clock before leaving his den. They should all be ready for morning inspection. This was his favorite time of the day. They’d be very eager to see him this morning. He’d kept the clothes ban in place, which left them naked all day long. Except for Karen he’d released them from the chastity belts last night, hinting he planned to order them back on this morning.

He started with Anna, then Jeanne, and left Karen for last. He wanted to talk to her about a few things in private. When he opened Karen’s door she was standing in her spot, dressed in nothing more than collar and belt. As usual her room was spotless, everything in place. He walked around anyway, making a show of checking her closet and bathroom, even making sure the pillow was tucked in properly under the bedspread, something he never did before.

Standing behind her he ran his hands around the belt’s waistband. It contrasted with her natural curves in a very attractive way. Standing at her side he ran a hand over the front piece, even reaching between her legs to see if it was secure. Karen didn’t react to such a close personal inspection, but Jim expected no less. She had remarkable self-control.

“First the good news, the clothes ban is lifted. I want you to get dressed now, regular day uniform. Take your time, whatever your normal routine is in the morning. I’ll wait.” He sat down at her desk.

She kept glancing back at him while she got out a new uniform from her closet and laid it on the bed. When she got to her underwear she looked a question to him, unsure if she should continue. He waved a hand in approval. It didn’t take long for her to finish off with the skirt and blouse. She risked a quick look in the bathroom mirror before returning to her inspection spot.

He took his time checking her over once again. He never slacked off on the details. Jim enjoyed it, and they learned the extra time it took wasn’t wasted. “The belt doesn’t show under the skirt. I know it’s there, and that’s all that matters.”

He took two cards out of his shirt pocket and handed them to Karen. “You’ll need these. I’m sending all three of you out to lunch today. It’s a nice place; I think you’ll like it. You can wander around the mall for a while afterwards. Jeanne has the details. Off you go, they’re waiting for you to help with breakfast. By the way, you may take a purse with you today.”

Inspection over she was free to speak. “Thank you, sir. It means a lot, being out on my own. It’s been such a long time. May I put the cards in the purse before I go?”

He nodded, giving his permission. “Sure, go ahead. Just make sure you don’t forget them.”

After Jim left for work all they could talk about was the trip to the mall for lunch. Waiting for the van to arrive to pick them up Karen checked her purse three times to make sure everything was there. On South Island she could have driven to the mall, but this being North Island women were not allowed to drive. Jim had scheduled a car service to pick them up at home, drop them off at the mall and return for them at three o’clock. That way they’d be home with plenty of time to get ready for evening inspection.

The mini-van arrived on time. Before they got in Jeanne reminded everyone to text Jim to inform him that they were leaving the house. Karen got out her phone and her travel permit, to show to the driver. He was thorough, taking the time to verify each of their cards against the registration number stamped on their collars. After he verified it matched his order they were soon on the road.

What he had euphemistically referred to as a “car service” was actually a high security transport more suitable to dangerous criminals than the three women. Karen hadn’t known about it in advance. From the looks on Jeanne and Anna’s faces they were caught by surprise too. The driver handcuffed each of them, hands behind back, and strapped them into the van seat with an elaborate seat belt and shoulder harness combination. Before he closed the van door he added rigid leg cuffs that ensured any attempt to run away was impossible. A sign, mounted below the security grill separating them from the front seat, warned them to sit quietly. Their purses, with the invaluable travel and debit cards, were in the front seat.

This was much worse compared to her original trip to their home. Why their master required them to travel this way was a mystery. Karen had expected a comfortable car and a friendly driver, not a trip with her completely immobilized and ordered to silence. When she turned to look at Jeanne the other woman simply shrugged and shook her head, indicating she had no idea what was going on either.

Karen stared out her window, watching the scenery go by. A long time ago, back on South Island, she could hop in her car and drive off somewhere for lunch. All she had to do then was text her location whenever she stopped. It was quite a contrast from today. On North Island there had to be a plan registered in advance by her master listing where she was allowed to visit and the time she had to return. For today all three of them were limited to the mall, and they had to be at the pickup point for the return trip home by two thirty. While at the mall they had to check in with a text message every half hour. Karen was sure Jim had programmed their phones to send the GPS location along with the text messages. It’s what she would do in his place, considering the way he obsessed over tracking them.

There were times it really hit home about how little freedom they actually had. Her master would know about any deviation from their schedule, his plan for the day, virtually in real time if he was checking. A few keystrokes and her debit card would be deactivated, cutting off what little money she was allowed to spend. A phone call and she’d be reported as a runaway, spotted and arrested within minutes. With the collar on she’d have nowhere to hide. And then there was the chastity belt he’d added. She didn’t have a clue how to free herself from it, or her collar.

Idly she wondered what the amount was he’d put on her card. There was no easy way to check, other than to be declined if she used it with an insufficient balance. He’d get a report on that too, and he’d know exactly what she did. It wasn’t worth the risk. Everything in their society was contrived to increase her reliance on her owner. Karen was used to it by now but the constant reminders did chip away at whatever bit of independence she had left.

Despite all the restrictions she had to follow life wasn’t really so hard. The car pulled into the mall parking lot and stopped in front of the mall entrance. Exiting involved the same elaborate procedure, being released one at a time, showing their permits to the driver again, for what reason she couldn’t imagine, and another text to let their master know they’d arrived. Except one wasn’t acceptable; all three had to text, to prove they were together. More and more she began to suspect he deliberately added on extra work just to remind them he was in charge.

They all had a good time at lunch. The surprise came when the waiter brought out a bottle of wine, ordered by Jim. They took their time polishing it off. They had enough time to take a walk through the mall, mostly window shopping. Anna stopped to buy a stuffed panda bear. Karen was tempted by a bracelet until Jeanne reminded her jewelry was banned.

They made it back to the entrance with ten minutes to spare. They weren’t sure if they were supposed to text or not. In the end the decision was to send it anyway, to be on the safe side. The van again arrived on time. Once more the driver, a new one, went through the usual procedure before taking them home. When he stopped in the driveway he wouldn’t let them go to the door until they not only showed their permits one last time, but also proved to him by holding up their phones that they had each sent the required text message, which had to include the van number.

The final indignity, at least for Karen, was the wait while the driver unlocked the front door to the house. He waited until all three were inside before leaving. Yet another North Island law, women were not permitted to have keys of any kind, and that included the door key. Jim had to put one of those real estate boxes with the combination on the front door, for the driver. She assumed he left the house key in the same box.

Karen went to the living room to sit down and rest. Despite all the little procedural aggravations it had still been one of the best days yet in her new home, with what she now considered to be her family. She smiled, for they were family, even though there were plenty of times she would have strangled both of them. No doubt they had dreamed of ways to do away with her too. Karen leaned back on the couch, closed her eyes and wondering if maybe she’d had a bit too much wine.

End of the Best Day

“Wake up! Karen? Come on, we don’t have much time.” Jeanne was shaking her shoulder.

Karen opened her eyes. She’d fallen asleep on the couch. She’d have to tell master at inspection tonight. And she’d have to add in the bit about the wine too. She looked up at Jeanne.

“Master just sent us a text. Inspection at the regular time, but he ordered a change. C’mon, we only have ten minutes to get ready.” Bleary-eyed she focused on the display on Jeanne’s phone. The message woke her up fast.

She followed Jeanne to the hallway. In her own room she began stripping down as fast as possible. Knowing he might pull a surprise room inspection too she carefully hung up her uniform and threw the underwear in the bathroom clothes hamper. She risked a few minutes in the bathroom with a wet washcloth to clean her face. There was a knock at her door. Time was running out.

Jeanne and Anna were already lined up by the time she got to the living room. She quickly got into position, standing in front of the couch. While it was far easier on her knees, she still wasn’t so steady on her feet, thanks to the wine.

They were ready just in time. Within a few minutes she heard the garage door opening. All three of them straightened up, head high, back straight. Karen heard the kitchen door open and close. She’d gone through many evening inspections by now but she was still nervous at every one, especially when they had to strip down for him.

She felt as much as heard him walking back and forth behind them. It always started that way. It was nerve-wracking, not being able to see him. Her anxiety level shot skyward when he stopped. Had he seen something out of place? Who made the mistake? Was he looking at her?

She nearly jumped up when his hand touched the small of her back, right above the center of the waistband. His other hand came down on her shoulder, holding her steady. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “You need to learn to relax.”

Three Hands

Jim sat in his chair, thoroughly enjoying his position as lord of all he surveyed, a cliché that seemed to fit the moment. In front of him were his prized possessions, three women under his control, women who had only one purpose, to please him. They were stripped bare, wearing nothing more than the chastity belts he had imposed on them along with the collars around their necks, marking them as his property.

They stood in front of him, on display for his approval. Legs were wide apart, backs straight and hands behind their heads. The position was ideal for framing the chastity belts; the waistband high above their hips, the wide center section descending down as if bisecting their bodies. He could unlock those belts any time he felt like it. They didn’t have that luxury.

Those days when Jim fell into a philosophical debate with himself he always faced the question about the moral propriety of owning a woman. If it was some kind of sin against decency then he compounded it three times over. Is something wrong with me? And if there is, how will I know? It was a dilemma with no easy answer.

Weighed against the self-doubt was his conviction that his women were not entirely unwilling participants. To be sure they didn’t have the freedom to walk away, but neither did they have to cooperate with him. Passive resistance was extremely difficult to overcome; if any of them were truly unhappy he’d find a way to help them move on.

Fortunately that didn’t appear to be an issue. In some degree all three, even allowing for Karen’s short time with him, showed no inclination to defy him. On the contrary, they all seemed to be content, if not enthusiastic, with his leadership. For the moment at least that answered his internal debate. He chose to believe they were encouraging him to continue with his efforts to build a close knit family. Time would tell if he was deluding himself.

They were staring straight ahead but he could tell they were watching him. This was something different, so they must be trying to figure out the reason behind why he’d ordered them into such a position. Jeanne was on his left, Anna in the center and Karen on the right. He liked to picture them as his three jewels, his treasures he valued above all other possessions.

Tonight they were perfect in every respect, even after the short notice he’d given them to be ready. What went on inside their heads, standing before him, naked and frozen in position? He had complete control over their lives, though that couldn’t be all there was to it. If they were performing for him out of fear there would be signs: reluctance, minimal compliance, resentment, offhand remarks that pushed the limits of respect. He’d seen none of those, not even from Karen.

By all appearances they gave him everything he wanted. It wasn’t a case of all take and no give though. For each of them he had a hand in seeing to their needs. For Jeanne, despite her dedication she was constantly challenging him in small ways. He provided the strong hand to reassure her of the importance he placed on her single-minded obedience. She’d be the first to deny it, but in many respects she was the “high maintenance” member of their little peer group. He spent more time watching her, looking for something, anything to criticize, compared to both the other women. For some reason Jim still didn’t quite comprehend she looked forward to those small corrections, usually no more than a word or two, maybe only a gesture.

Anna was the most fragile of the three. He knew all the details of her grim ordeal with her previous master, details he instructed Anna to withhold from the others. She could talk to him about it, but no one else. For her he provided the helping hand and the shoulder to cry on, providing for her every need, a rock of stability she could rely on to be there no matter what the circumstances. In some ways she was the opposite of Jeanne, especially when it came to criticism. Where he would go out of his way to satisfy Jeanne with a constant stream of small corrections, for her it was quite the reverse. She was hyper-sensitive to any hint he was unhappy with her, so those minor incidents where he would have to be heavy-handed with Jeanne required looking the other way with Anna.

In some ways Karen was the most challenging of all. He could see she was a chronic over-achiever, driven to prove she could not just meet but exceed whatever assignment was given to her. The catch was it had to come from without, not within, and it had to be commensurate with her abilities, not some simple make-work project. For her it was his supervision, pointing her in the direction she needed to go, a direction she couldn’t find on her own.

“I called you in here to announce I’m going to make a major change in the uniform rule. Starting next week I’m going to set aside two days where you will be permitted to wear something other than the usual day uniform. We’ll begin with Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can pick a dress or skirt and blouse, but length is still just above the knee, and I do insist on bare arms at all times. Style and colors are up to you. If I don’t like it we’ll deal with a change during morning inspection. Usual rules still apply for the rest of the week.”

Jim had debated the change for some time, even before he bought Karen. None of them had complained, yet he recognized there were times he had to compromise before trouble started. He could live with two days of variety, though ne never tired of seeing them in his uniform. Meanwhile he had to get back to work.

“I have some work to complete, before we go out for dinner. It should take me about two hours. The clothing ban will remain in effect until I finish. While I’m in the office you can watch a new movie I ordered for you. One of you will keep me company. The other two will stay in the living room for the movie.” Jim paused, a pretense to make it seem he was deciding on who would accompany him. He’d already made his choice, but they didn’t have to know that.

“Karen will come with me. Anna and Jeanne, you will remain here. I’ll let all of you know when you can get ready to go out. It’s Chinese hot pot tonight.”

Keeping Company

Karen followed her master down the hallway. He carried a chair from the kitchen. She assumed it was for her. They stopped in front of his office.

This would be her first opportunity to see what was behind the mysterious door. His home office, the three of them called it his den, was strictly off limits. Jeanne and Anna had never been inside; Karen didn’t expect she’d be granted a special privilege either.

Trailing behind him she halted, waiting to be told what to do next. Jim positioned the chair against the wall, directly across from the door, before he opened it and went inside. She noted with some surprise the door wasn’t locked. Despite all his sometimes heavy-handed restrictions in one respect, at least, he trusted the three of them to a degree she hadn’t appreciated until now.

Jim leaned out the doorway. “Stand in front of the chair.” Karen recognized that tone in his voice. It was a crisp, emotionless command, practically a statement of fact that implied she would obey without question. She didn’t hesitate.

The mystery of his den was revealed, and it was something of a disappointment. She didn’t know what to expect, but a tiny room, not much more than a walk-in closet, mostly occupied by a desk cluttered with paperwork didn’t live up to her vision of his inner sanctum.

He was looking through the drawers in his desk, his back to her. When he turned around there was a cardboard box in his hand. There was something familiar about that box.

“Turn around, face the wall, hands at your side.” Again that command voice triggered something in her head. She had a good idea what was coming next. The metallic rattle from the box in his hand confirmed it.

The waist chain was cold where it circled her waist, just above the chastity belt. She heard the padlock click as it closed at her side. “Face me,” he ordered. Karen stood very still, staring up into his eyes while the handcuffs closed around her wrists.

“You can sit down now.” Jim held onto one arm to steady her. “I want you to stay in this chair. If you need to get up let me know. I’d like you to sit quietly while I’m working. This is sort of a hurry-up and wait kind of day, so when I’m in a lull we can talk.” When he paused she looked up at him again. “Keep your left hand crossed over right.”

With her hands bound close to her waist she didn’t have much room to move around but she did manage to cross her hands. “Yes, sir,” she said, to inform him she had complied with his order. His back was to her when Jim went into his office. He began sorting through some papers without looking back at her.

It was unusual for him to restrain any of them during the day. While he wasn’t watching she carefully pulled against the cuffs while keeping her hands crossed. Steel handcuffs were hard to ignore; her hands weren’t going anywhere. It might be an inconvenience but she was all too aware of how much it meant to him.

He sat down and started typing on the laptop sitting on his desk. The screen was angled away from her so she couldn’t read what was on it. No doubt that was intentional. None of them had any knowledge of his business. She had a vague idea it had to do with financial trades, based on the way he never missed the morning business news shows on TV.

Whatever it was Jim did for a living he was certainly busy with it now. That meant she was a silent, captive audience of one. Not one to miss an opportunity she studied his office in more detail. It might reveal some hidden facet of his personality.

Her attention immediately focused on the safe resting against the far wall. It must contain his most important papers. Then it struck her; inside there must be her bill of sale, a statement of what she was worth on the open market. Maybe he kept the keys to their collars in there too. Karen had a distinct feeling she would never see that safe with the door open, much less the contents. It certainly explained why none of them were allowed in his room.

The den was sparsely decorated. Over the desk were three framed photographs mounted on the wall. It was reassuring to see her own picture given equal status next to Jeanne and Anna. Their owner had yet to show any favoritism but for Karen it was a nagging worry, being the new addition to the group.

It was a rare opportunity to watch her master at work. Intense concentration on whatever he was reading off the display, followed by some notes on a scrap of paper, a few taps on an ancient pocket calculator, more thinking, and if the stars aligned he’d start clicking with the mouse. She held very still, determined not to distract him.

Picture Perfect

Forex trading was a complicated business. Foreign exchange markets were not for the inexperienced or faint of heart. Jim liked the analogy of swimming with a large gathering of hungry sharks. The trade he was working on depended on timing the value of a basket of currencies between the close of the Asian markets and the late opening of a certain African bourse. For the next hour he had to watch specific indices closely to see if his tiny window of instability appeared. He’d spotted the trend a week ago, and as far as he could tell no one had yet to take advantage of it.

Jim checked his GMT clock on the desk. Nothing was going to happen in the next thirty minutes. He peeked over the edge of the laptop screen at Karen.

She noticed him immediately and straightened up in response. He never tired of the sight of his three women, be it all together or one at a time. There she was, sitting in the chair in the one right way he demanded. He never would fully understand what drove Karen, Anna and Jeanne. What went on inside Karen’s head at this moment, stripped naked except for a collar and chastity belt, hands bound at her waist, obedient to his every command yet obviously eager to please him?

He rolled his chair out from the desk, swiveled around to face her and leaned back, arms folded. His eyes swept up and down, looking for anything out of place. Karen was a fast learner, no surprise given her intelligence. There were no flaws for him to criticize.

Karen met his examination eye to eye, with her head held high. Jim had to concede she did not lack in self-confidence. She would not make a sound until he gave her permission; nor would she break her position without his approval first. Moments like this more than made up for all the effort required to manage and care for his treasures.

“In case you’re worried, I’m not punishing you. These last two weeks you’ve done very well, especially in getting along with Anna and Jeanne. You were thrown into a potentially volatile situation with no prior warning, yet you adapted to it without infighting or arguments. I want you to know you demonstrated my faith in you was justified.” Those were not words of empty praise; she’d recognize insincerity immediately. Even though he was the only man in her life now, and for the foreseeable future, considering the short time they’d been together he was well aware she still saw him as a mystery. “You may speak while I’m not busy.”

“Thank you for saying so, sir. I hope I can fit in.” She hesitated before continuing, “Sir, I’m not sure what I’m allowed. Am I restricted to a reply to your comments, is it only a casual conversation, or…?”

“My fault, I wasn’t clear on your instructions.” Jim made a mental note to be more careful in the future: avoid ambiguities if at all possible. Karen had a lightning quick mind, coupled with a talent for spotting even the smallest of possibly vague interpretations. “Nothing formal, you don’t need to wait for me to speak up.” He leaned forward, unfolding his arms. “I do insist you hold your current position. This is one of the times I’m being selfish. You paint a quite attractive picture, one I wish to cherish as if it were fine art. Keep it in mind while I’m working. Now, you had something else to add?”

“Not really, sir. I do enjoy watching you at work, even if I have no idea what it is you’re doing.”

“I’m betting there’s a margin between the closing quote of some minor currencies in Malaysia compared to the opening price in Nigeria. If I’m right we make some money. If not, well, I cut our losses. What I’m counting on is these are niche markets that don’t get a lot of attention, and no one else has spotted the pattern. Does that help?”

“I sort of follow it, sir. You spotted an inefficiency in an obscure market. That’s about all I remember from my Economics course.”

“Close enough. Right now we’re waiting for Lagos trading to open. You’re here to keep me company for another,” he glanced at the GMT clock, “twenty minutes. Anything in particular you’d like to talk about?”

Karen didn’t answer immediately. Then Jim realized he’d made a mistake. It was his job to take the lead. He should start the conversation instead of putting the responsibility on her. “Are you curious as to why you’re sitting there? The real reason, not just to keep me company?” That would give her the opportunity to defer to him.

“The real reason? Of course I’d like to find out. Since we’re not allowed to question your motives, sir, any time you volunteer an explanation it is appreciated.”

All three of them were relentless in trying to figure him out. Jim was aware they did it, but saw no harm in their efforts. He could understand their point of view. Considering how dependent they were on his good intentions they had an understandable motivation in learning to anticipate his thinking.

“You, and I include all three, have a certain influence on me just by being around. Like music you soothe the savage beast within me. I’m far more relaxed with you present. Maybe it’s being able to let down my guard, because I trust you. I can describe some of my darker thoughts without fear of being judged.”

“Darker thoughts, sir?”

Jim laughed. “Oh, yes. A trip in here,” he tapped the side of his head, “can be scary. I’ll give you an example. When you line up for evening inspection, I often contemplate what it would be like to have the three of you stripped and chained to a wall, locked in a basement cell, hidden away from the world. Not very practical though; who’d fix my breakfast in the morning?”

“I’m glad you are so thorough in working through the details, sir. Otherwise I think we’d all go hungry.”

Day 20

The Public Eye

“One of the drawbacks of living on North Island,” Ray pointed down at the docks full of small boats, a mix of commercial fishing and pleasure craft. “We don’t have any beaches, not real ones anyway. Unless you prefer a stroll through gravel?”

Barbara looked out over the railing along the waterfront strand. “I’ll pass, if it’s alright with you, sir.” Her shoes were low-heeled, made for walking but not over rough gravel, which was all she could see in either direction along the shoreline.

This time their date, as he referred to them, was an afternoon walk along the harbor to see what passed for the North Island entertainment district. Understandably, given the local laws, there weren’t throngs of visitors from across the channel. Still, there were a few shops and restaurants, mostly for locals. Nighttime was always livelier than the afternoon.

She felt his arm tighten around her, pulling her closer to him. She leaned into his embrace, resting her head against his shoulder. Behind her back she gave a little tug on the chain between her wrists. Don’t complain, she told herself, it was your idea. Who knew he’d take her seriously?

She caught the sudden frown flashing across his face. “Something wrong, sir?”

He turned to look down at her. “Not wrong exactly, though it does mean we have to go to work.”

Work? That meant going back to the brokerage. She was starting to hate the place. How many more of these dates would he need before she went home with him? She was tired of returning to her cell every night, though apartment would really be more accurate. She didn’t want their afternoon stroll to end. “Something urgent, sir? Do we have to go back right away?”

“Go back? You mean to the office? No, no, not that kind of work. We’ve been spotted by a blogger, one of the better-known local ones. She’s been taking pictures of us for the last five minutes. I warned you about being in the public eye. This is your first lesson.”

Barbara started to turn around but Ray held her tight. “No, don’t look for her. Let the media come to you, make them think it’s their idea to give us some publicity. We’re going to reveal a ‘private moment’ she can write about tonight. So, you’re on your very best behavior as of now.”

Which meant deferring to him for just about everything, and do it quietly. “Sir? Won’t it be obvious we’re putting on an act for her?”

Ray laughed. “You’d think so but no, media people are not the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, if you get my meaning. All we have to do is confirm her preconceived notion about who we are. It’s a herd mentality, keep to the party line and she’ll believe anything we say or do.”

“That’s a cynical view, sir. Not that I’d disagree, though. Do you know who she is?”

“I’ve met her owner a few times. He runs an express shipping company. He delivers fast, but it’s very expensive. That’s how I spotted them. He’s out with her. You’ve heard about Selene and her blog, the Island Moon Maiden?”

Barbara’s eyes went wide in recognition. “She’s famous, sir. I used to read her blog every week, until…” She stopped. Left unsaid, until she was no longer allowed to use a computer.

“A little bird told me you’ll be reading that blog again, very soon.” That had to mean her laptop, and maybe her phone, were ready. Very soon implied she’d take delivery within days. “We’ll talk more about that later. Right now, you have a sudden craving for an ice cream cone. Being an indulgent master, I’m going to go over to that stand,” he nodded toward an ice cream cart set up on the strand, “to get you a tasty vanilla cone with chocolate and sprinkles. How’s that sound?”

“If you don’t mind, sir, I like my cones plain, no extras. I suppose I’m a bit of a traditionalist, don’t mess with the original.”

“Plain it is. Okay, I’m going to take you over to that bench so you can sit down to wait for me. Keep in mind this is all going on video. Follow my lead. I predict our spy will introduce herself after we start on the ice cream.”

Hand wrapped around her upper arm, he led her in a firm grip toward the bench. Mindful of the camera she kept her head up and back straight, never looking to either side. When they reached the bench she held still while he unlocked one side of the handcuffs. After he turned her around with his hands on her shoulders she sat down. She didn’t move a muscle while he closed the open cuff around the armrest of the bench.

“Stay here until I come back,” he ordered, rather more loudly than necessary. She could see Selene now, and the camera peeking out the top of her purse while she pretended to look in a storefront window. Knees! Quickly she took hold of the cuff on the armrest and slid it down as far as possible. With a little effort she was able to get her hands on her knees in proper position. She sat up, only turning her head to watch Ray buying the ice cream.

He may think of it as an act, but it’s real for me. Whether or not a camera was recording wasn’t important as far as Barbara was concerned. It came down to the one right way, the way he wanted. She knew precisely how to behave, and she delivered it for him with pride.

When he came back, Ray handed her a cone with nothing but a scoop of ice cream in it. His on the other hand had the works, including chocolate, sprinkles and a few M & M candies. “I like mine loaded down,” he explained sheepishly.

“They’re coming toward us, sir,” Barbara whispered. She held the cone in her free hand; the other still rested on her knee.

Ray put one arm across the bench, behind her. He began on his cone. “Remember your idea. Run silent unless I give you the nod,” he whispered back.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Madsen. I hope you remember me, sir. Selene? We’ve met before.” Selene’s owner stood behind her.

Ray half rose and extended his hand towards Selene’s master. “Good to see you again, Zack. It’s a great day for a seaside walk.” They shook hands before Ray sat back down. “Of course, I remember you, Selene. Everyone knows about your talent for finding the interesting bits of gossip about our little Island society. Even Barbara here reads your blog once in a while.”

“More speculation than gossip, sir. All I’m after is to start a conversation, wherever it leads.” Selene turned to Barbara. “I like your dress. Whenever we come across Mr. Madsen out in public it’s usually with someone in those, umm, distinctive uniforms the brokerage uses.”

Barbara didn’t miss what she meant by distinctive, as in appalling. Instead of answering she turned to Ray.

“Since you asked in a roundabout way, no, Barbara isn’t from the brokerage inventory. She belongs to me, personally.” Ray took a bite out of his cone.

“If you don’t mind me asking on behalf of my followers, sir, does that mean we’ll be seeing the two of you out on the town together from now on?”

“Of course,” Ray nodded. “I’m sure Barbara looks forward to it. I regret she’s not allowed to speak at the moment due to a disciplinary measure. For the benefit of your readers she was selected from the brokerage inventory. I do practice what I preach when I claim only the finest women are available at Madsen.”

Selene looked back and forth, between Barbara and Ray. It was clear Barbara wasn’t going to leak anything controversial, or speak at all. “Thank you for your time, and sorry to interrupt, sir. We have to get back to our walk. That ice cream looks tempting.” Selene turned to her master. “Sir? Do you think we might…”

Zack took hold of her arm. “Sure, let’s see how good those cones are. Catch you later, Ray.” They headed toward the ice cream stand.

“Ready for your fifteen minutes of fame?” Ray asked, nudging Barbara with his elbow. “In case you didn’t notice the phone camera was a decoy. She has a hidden camera in her purse, with a button on the carry strap. She got at least a dozen close-ups of you.”

“Me? Why?” Barbara held up her ice cream cone. “Sir, do I have to finish this? I wasn’t really in the mood for ice cream.”

Ray took her cone, stood up and headed for a nearby trashcan. “Me neither,” he answered, looking over his shoulder. Both cones, largely untouched, went into the trash.

During the brief moment his back was turned she carefully placed her free hand back on her knee. She took the time to make sure everything was precisely aligned, his special way.

When he returned she didn’t miss the brief hesitation before he sat down. He noticed, she told herself, satisfied the effort was worth it.

“Am I being disciplined, sir? Should I remain silent?” She wasn’t sure if that comment was for Selene or for her.

“You notice I didn’t say ‘punished’, though that was the obvious conclusion? That’s how you manipulate media. ‘Disciplinary measure’ means you were merely following your standing orders when others are present. That’s not how it will read in the blog tonight. You’ll see two things, both blown out of all proportion. First is being cuffed to the bench, and second is being silenced. Her panel of ‘experts’ will conclude I am indeed a severe, if not outright cruel, master. And I practice the same intolerance at the brokerage. Their example is the way you are intimidated by me, from the way you sat on the bench.”

Barbara stared at Ray. What he described was like something from an alternate reality. The facts were the same but the interpretation was fantastical. “Sir? Did you turn that question, and me, into a commercial for the brokerage?”

“What? No, not at all. You saw for yourself, a chance encounter and a spontaneous reaction, nothing more.” The wide grin on his face warned her not to take his answer seriously.

In fact that’s exactly what he’d done. In a deft move he’d fabricated a story for the blog, playing into the audience bias, and at the same time promoted Barbara as an example of the type of woman potential customers, with a far different bias than the blog’s followers, would find to their liking.

“Sir? I wanted to tell you how much I’m enjoying the afternoon. Not just the walk around the docks, but learning how you manipulate the media. I have a much better idea of what you were talking about now, about being the face of the company.”

“Your performance was flawless. That suggestion about remaining silent was brilliant. What you didn’t say was far more eloquent than answering any of her trick questions. And that bit where you slid the cuff down so you could reach your knee, I didn’t expect it but it was exactly what was needed.” He laid a hand over hers. “You did well. I’m proud of you.”

What was it with him and her hands on her knees anyway? He must find it sexy in some bizarre way, though she didn’t consider it to be anything attractive. She’d figure it out sooner or later but it irritated her that something key to his personality still eluded her.

“We still have some daylight left. Let’s take a look at the more exclusive private boat docks on the way back to the car. There’s quite a variety moored there, everything from tiny catamarans to house-sized yachts. Here, let’s get you unhooked from the furniture first.” He used a key to remove the cuff from the bench. Barbara was ready to put her hands behind her back. Instead he freed her wrist.

He held out his hand. He helped her stand up but didn’t let go of her hand. “Let’s go this way.” Hand in hand she followed at his side, walking toward the rows of masts visible from the promenade.

Simple Gifts

Ray felt like he was a teenager again, thrilled to hold hands with his girlfriend. Though circumstances weren’t quite the same he felt the pressure to make a good impression. He glanced down at her. He didn’t have to worry about being dumped; the collar around her neck guaranteed that wouldn’t happen. Even so, her opinion of him did matter, up to a point. It wouldn’t affect how he chose to control her, nor would it stop him from enforcing his will by whatever means necessary.

He stopped at a bench facing out toward the sea. Below them was a dock with two Navy boats. The green Saudi flag fluttered from the stern. He pointed down toward them. “That’s our Coast Guard. Any boat crosses the twelve mile limit without filing beforehand, or approaches it from the sea unannounced, they go out to investigate. Visitors are not welcome.”

“And no one leaves without permission, sir?” Barbara looked up at Ray. “You North Island men, you like to make sure your women don’t wander off, don’t you?”

He squeezed her hand. “It could be there is a certain possessive streak involved in how the laws are written. Naturally it’s to keep you safe and secure. I for one would not be pleased if you were to be carried off by pirates.”

It was all Barbara could do not to burst out laughing. “Pirates, sir? That’s a common occurrence?”

Ray shook his head. “Far as I know it’s never happened. See? Our tiny Navy at work, deterring the bad guys day and night.”

Barbara looked skeptical. “Sir? Those small boats, is it safe to go out on the open ocean in one of them?”

Ray pointed to a few larger boats anchored further out from the docks. “See those big yachts? Perfectly safe as long as no typhoon shows up. The smaller ones, a few can make it to Africa with a skilled sailor at the helm. Me, I prefer a decent sized ship.”

“Sir?” she paused for a moment. “You’ll keep me safe? And make sure I don’t wander off by accident? Or kidnapped by pirates?”

“That I can guarantee. I’ll do everything in my power to protect you from harm. As for losing your way and straying off, I don’t foresee such an opportunity appearing in your future. You can rely on that possessive mindset.” He let go of her hand so he could wrap his arm around her waist, pulling her close.

“Umm, sir?” Again she hesitated. “I just thought I’d let you know. I liked it when you cuffed me to the bench, and when you lock my wrists behind my back. It’s my security blanket, sir, as long as you’re near me.”

“I never thought of myself as a big, fluffy blanket. And since you brought up the subject, put your hands behind your back. It seems we do think along the same lines.”

In a flash Barbara placed her hands in the small of her back. She held still while the cuffs closed around her wrists. “There you go.” Standing close behind her he placed his hands on her arms just below her bare shoulders. Leaning forward he whispered in her ear.

“Security blanket in place? Go ahead; I’ve seen how you like to give the cuffs a quick tug.” He ran his hands up and down her upper arms. “They stay on for as long as I like. You find that reassuring? No, don’t answer, I know it’s true.”

He pressed against her, pinning her to the railing. “I know a secret, about you. You have this overpowering urge to be told what to do. That’s why you’re here. No need to be concerned about it. I’ll see to it that particular urge will be satisfied for the rest of your life. But that’s not the secret.”

Jim could feel a faint tremble in her body. She was breathing faster too. Maybe she’s anticipating what I’m going to say next, he thought. It was obvious to him, but it could be she had never been confronted with the truth, about herself, in a way she couldn’t rationalize away as something else.

“Hidden away, deep inside your head, there’s this drive, a compulsion not just to be told, but forced to obey, against your will if need be. It’s obvious to everyone but you. I was sure it was there as soon as I talked to you that first time.

“Think about those nights you spent in the cell, bound in the punishment irons. You hated it from the beginning. Every night, after supper, you were taken away though you would have done anything to avoid it. Cold, hard steel clamped around your ankles and wrists, impossible to escape from their grasp. Yet you never complained, not one word spoken in anger or protest. Why?”

Barbara had to confront the same question every night she spent locked in that infernal instrument of torment. “The first night, sir, I was convinced I’d made the worst mistake of my life. I faced a future of abuse, the worst possible outcome of all my planning. The second time, that was even more of a nightmare, because I knew where I was being taken and what I faced. It wasn’t until you showed up to talk to me that it changed.”

Timing is everything, Ray reminded himself. “Why should I make a difference?”

“Two things, sir. You showed an interest in my welfare. I wasn’t on my own anymore. And the other, you told me how necessary it was. From that point on I had a reason. I can’t explain why but I believed you when you said it was important. I detested being confined in those irons night after night, yet I knew there was a purpose behind it. To this day I don’t know what that purpose was, and I’m not complaining about it, sir. If I’m not told why then I accept your judgement that I’m better off not knowing.”

We couldn’t be more different, Ray thought, yet we seem to fit together so well. They were two halves joined together to create a greater whole. What’s the word, synergy, or maybe the romantic term, soulmates? Ray put a hand under her chin to lift up her head. Their eyes met.

Whoever it was behind those eyes belonged to him. In that moment every doubt vanished. Barbara was everything he could hope for, and much more. “You and I, we’ll never be separated by anyone or anything that may come at us in the future. No matter what, never doubt me. I’ll be there to take care of you, for as long as we have on this earth. That’s my promise to you. It will be on my terms, but you already know that.”

Ray put his arms around her, pulling her close. She rested her head on his chest and snuggled in, content to be in his arms. “Anything you want, sir, that’s my promise to you. No hesitation, no questions, and certainly no doubts as to my obedience.”

“It’s time we headed home.” Ray told her, though he made no move to let her go.

“Yes, sir.” She did not look forward to another night in her room at the brokerage, alone, with nothing but the TV for company.

“That didn’t sound very enthusiastic. You’d rather stand here the rest of the day, and maybe half the night too?”

Barbara turned to head to look up at Ray. “I’m sorry, sir. It’s just that I’d rather be with you instead of back at the brokerage.”

“Who said anything about going to the office? We’re going home, right now. Starting today you’ll be with me on a permanent basis. No more nights at the brokerage.”

Day 22

Business Lunch

Barbara stood in front of Ray while they waited to file off the ferry. The occasion was a business lunch on South Island, meeting with a potential customer. The line started to move through the port of entry kiosk. With a look over her shoulder, and Ray’s nod, she began moving down the ramp.

It had only been about three weeks since she was last on that ferry, headed in the other direction. So much had changed, for the better she reminded herself. At the kiosk an official in uniform scanned the registration number stamped on her collar. “North Island is your home?” he asked.

Barbara turned to Ray. She needed his permission to answer. Once he nodded she turned back to the official. “Yes, sir. I’m here with my owner.”

“Her registration is under two years old. If you intend to remain on South Island for more than 96 hours you’ll need to modify her registration while she’s here.” That was addressed to Ray, not Barbara.

“Thank you, I’m familiar with the regulations,” Ray replied. The official waved them through.

On the way to a taxi she looked up at Ray. “Sir? May I ask what that was about?”

“It’s a little complicated. South Island doesn’t recognize North Island registrations unless they line up. That’s align as in permanent status here before going to North Island. Otherwise the regulations extend a temporary status that corresponds to the law here. Since your registration is less than two years old you get the one year contract status. If you stay here more than four days I have to take you to a registration office and file a one year agreement.”

“Sir, we’re not going to stay that long, are we?” Barbara asked in a worried tone.

Ray put an arm around her. “No, we’re not. We have to put up with the rules here, but it doesn’t change anything. Your collar is not coming off, if that concerns you.” He raised an arm to flag down a taxi.

“Sir, I forgot to ask if you want my hands behind my back. We are out in public.” A cab pulled up to the curb.

Ray opened the door for her. “No, not right now. Get in and scoot over.”

When he shut the car door he gave the hotel address to the driver. Turning to Barbara he continued. “When we get to the hotel, after I find out where the meeting room is then we’ll revert to the usual rules. To start I want you in cuffs and silent. After introductions I’ll give you permission to speak, and I’ll take the cuffs off before you sit down. Remember, best behavior, wait or ask for permission, only use his last name, the way you’ve been taught. Oh yes, hands on your knees too. Got all that?”

“Yes, sir. If there’s some casual conversation, small talk to get acquainted, do I participate?”

“We’ll have lunch first, so you can join in while we stay off business or financial topics. We’ll be in a private room. Our client expects confidentiality, especially for the men he represents. Don’t ask anything about that. Once we leave forget you ever met him.”

On The Ferry

“The question did take me by surprise, sir. I didn’t think it even applied to me.” Barbara stood at the stern rail of the ferry, watching South Island recede in the distance.

“You caught me off guard too, when they told me your answer.” Ray stood next to her, one arm around her waist. “You know, you’re supposed to reply yes or no. And technically, you have to be the one to say it.”

“The woman from the government office was nice about it. When I told her you were responsible for decisions like that she seemed to understand.” Barbara turned to look up at his face. “After all, I am right, aren’t I?”

Ray shook his head. “Of course you are, though I’m not supposed to influence you. You still sure there’s no last minute regrets, not even a little doubt? You may never get an opportunity like that again.”

She leaned into his embrace. “No sir, no doubts, no regrets, and I could care less if you ever take me back to the South Island again. When that woman asked if I wanted to stay instead of going back with you I didn’t understand what she meant, at first. Then I remembered the law, any woman from North Island can choose not to return.”

“So you tell her to ask me if I want you to stay or come back home? That sort of defeats the intent behind the law, doesn’t it?” Ray glanced down at her hands. “Keep both hands on the rail.”

Barbara tightened her grip on the steel tube. “Yes, sir. And no, sir, from my perspective it was the correct answer. Going or staying is one of those life changing decisions. The last time I ever dealt with that was the day I sold myself to your company. Punish me if you think I’m out of line, sir, but I will not cover for you. It’s your job and I insist you do it. As you so often warn me, laziness is not acceptable behavior.”

Ray tilted back his head and laughed loudly. “Hoisted by my own petard, as the old saying goes. I can’t argue with reasoning like that. So, you had your chance, now you really do belong to me for a lifetime. I suppose every time we have to travel to the South Island you’re going to give those poor officials the same answer?”

Barbara shrugged her shoulders. “Of course, sir, unless you want me to say something else?”

“So you know, you were right to tell them it’s my decision. You did well.” He took hold of her head in both hands, leaning in close to look directly into her eyes. “Never doubt for one second you will always be mine, and mine alone. I will do whatever it takes to keep it that way, whether you agree or not.”

Day 23

Dinner Plans

“Thursday we’re going to a formal dinner on South Island, to meet with some potential customers. This will be a follow up to the last meeting. It will be a private function, no publicity since these are prominent members of the South community who have set up inconspicuous vacation homes on North Island.”

Barbara read between the lines at once. South Island VIPs with secret getaways needed to add female staff for fun and games. They must be the secret clientele of the lawyer from the prior meeting. The public front deplored North Island laws; and in private the very same men sought to take full advantage of owning multiple women. Homes could be obtained using anonymous trusts and reliable lawyers, but they required the resources only a discreet North Island brokerage could offer for the rest.

“Yes, sir, I understand. I assume I’ll be attending with you?” She was all too aware part of her job was advertising, though she was excited at the prospect of mingling with the most powerful and influential elite of South Island society.

He nodded. “Of course, I wouldn’t want you to miss it. Now this is an important event for the company so you’ll be at your best. I’ve scheduled transportation for you at ten tomorrow morning. You’ll be going to the mall for new clothes; use your own judgement on what is appropriate. Edith,” that was the company wardrobe specialist “will give you some insight on what to consider for this type of event. Listen to her advice but you aren’t required to follow her recommendations. Anyway, she’ll be along to keep you company. There’s also an appointment for your hair at two o’clock. The service will pick you up at four, or you can call if you finish earlier. Any questions?”

Much as she enjoyed going shopping she did not look forward to the security hassles with the transportation service she was forced to use. The one bit of freedom she missed most was her own car. North Island law was strict on that particular point though; the prohibition on women drivers was an absolute, no exceptions allowed. Even the schedule and destinations were set by her owner. Like many North Island laws it was a not so subtle reminder she was subject to his control for nearly all aspects of her daily life.

“Would something in a basic black be okay, sir? I think it mixes well with a suit and tie crowd. Not a club type dress, something more along the lines of an evening gown?” If she was reading him right he was expecting a conservative look, flattering but tasteful.

“Exactly what I was thinking, except I don’t like the kind that flare at the bottom.” he answered, nodding his head in agreement. “You should watch the news tonight, and check the local TV station website. And those social media blogs too, I’m sure you know better than me which ones to read. I need you to be familiar with current events so you can participate in conversations.”

“Yes, sir, I’ll be sure to do my homework.” One area where he was especially strict was her access to information. He had disabled the blocks on her laptop and her phone for now, providing she proved they weren’t necessary. Barbara was proud of how well she kept within the verbal limits he set. Any time she accidently stumbled across forbidden material she closed the page immediately plus she wrote down the time and a short note on the contents in a notebook she handed over to her master every evening.

He didn’t ignore her effort either. Ray read through each entry in her notebook, often asking questions as to how she came to open the page. The way he patiently listened to her explanation and explained alternatives to limit her searches made her all the more eager to keep his trust.

“Come here,” he ordered, holding open his arms. Barbara wasted no time rushing in to his embrace. “So, is all this too much for you? Am I one of those cruel masters bent on making your life miserable with impossible demands?”

She laid her head on his chest, snuggling into his strong arms. “Oh sir, don’t even joke about it. There’s nowhere I’d rather be than with you, here, right now. Please, keep on oppressing me with those demands.” She looked up at him. “I’m serious about that, sir. And if I don’t get it right, to your satisfaction, do whatever you must to correct me. Don’t hold back either; I expect you to meet your duty to keep me in line.”

“If I have a problem with you then I promise you will be the first to hear about it. What do you think about becoming a socialite, going to all those parties and events? I warned you it wasn’t going to be as much fun as it’s made out to be in the movies. It’s a job like any other. Is it proving to be more than you can handle?”

“Not at all, sir. The first couple of times were difficult but I’m learning to fit in now. Sometimes though I have to bite my tongue and remember what you said, that I represent the company. I’m sorry, sir, but some of the customers? There’s no tactful way to say it; they are either obnoxious or idiots, sometimes both. Not all, by any means, but when I find myself talking to one of them it’s all I can manage to smile and be polite while dodging their hands.”

Ray laughed at her entirely too accurate observation. “Unfortunately that’s the downside of your job. They should know better. One reason you wear a collar is to advertise you’re off limits. As long as they don’t get too aggressive you’ll have to live with the grabbing. What I will ask you to do is start writing down your opinions of the people you meet afterwards. Often people, men in particular, are less inhibited around women. Some of them, the idiots, see your collar and assume you don’t have a brain. Feel free to take advantage of their ignorance. I’d like some insight about who I might be dealing with in the future.”

“I’m to be your spy, sir? Secretly gathering intelligence, sort of like industrial espionage?”

Ray laughed. “That’s right, my little Mata Hari.”

The Shopping Trip

“Anna and Karen will be ready for their trip to the mall by 9:30. The van will pick you up a little after ten AM. Jeanne won’t be joining you. I need her here to help me with a few things. The usual travel rules apply. I expect text messages every hour. You can eat lunch in the food court. The service will pick you up at 4PM.”

“Yes, sir,” they answered in unison. None of his instructions were a surprise for them, since he’d already laid out the plan at breakfast. It never hurt to be thorough, so he’d gone over it again at evening inspection.

“One last item, as I mentioned earlier. Tomorrow you will not dress for morning inspection. Anna and Karen will wear their chastity belts since they’re going out. Jeanne, I’ll let you know what I decide on your belt in the morning, but plan on wearing it.” He could tell none of them were thrilled at the prospect of spending a day locked up in those things. They’d have to live with it. At least Anna and Karen would be allowed to wear clothes. Jeanne would have her belt on too, to keep to his fairness doctrine.

Another major change, they were going to shop for clothes to replace the day uniforms. Karen was excited at the prospect of some variation. It was only two days a week, but any break from the same clothes day after day was welcome. The one dark cloud was the issue with Jeanne. For some reason, and he didn’t explain what she’d done, Jeanne was not allowed to go clothes shopping or replace her uniform.

He’d also forbidden any discussion about Jeanne’s punishment, so it was going to remain an unsolved mystery. Like any other punishment he didn’t specify how long it would last either. She did feel sorry for Jeanne though it was tempered by the knowledge she must have committed some kind of serious rule breaking, considering the severity of his reaction. Karen was every bit as intolerant about disobedience as her master. When did I become so judgemental? That was an awkward question, given her history.

The Briar Patch

“The deed is done. You do realize Anna and Karen now think you’ve committed some terrible act of disobedience? Your reputation is ruined.”

Jeanne turned her head to get a better look at her master. Her hands were fastened to the head of the bed, in leather cuffs. A similar arrangement held her feet at the foot of the bed. Jim was lying next to her, running a hand across her stomach in a slow rubbing motion. She tugged at the bonds on her wrists, holding her down. They had to be tight or it spoiled the night for her.

“Thank you again, sir. Br’er Rabbit appreciates the clever way Br’er Fox threw her in the briar patch.” That was a reference to an old folk tale from the southern US, where the clever rabbit is saved from being eaten by tricking the fox into tossing Br’er Rabbit into a nearby briar patch. “I can live without my reputation, sir.”

“Okay, but if you ever change your mind about the uniform I can always rescind the ban.”

“I appreciate your thoughtfulness, sir, but it isn’t necessary. It’s like a great weight’s been lifted from my shoulders.”

The night after announcing a partial lifting of the day uniform mandate, when Jim checked on Jeanne for the evening inspection, he found her in tears. When he demanded she explain what was wrong, she broke down, revealing between sobs she was terrified of wearing anything but his favorite outfit, her day uniform.

Jim had no idea a skirt and blouse meant so much to her. Her words were short and succinct when she shared her secret, “I look in the mirror and I see the woman I want to be. I don’t want anything to change.”

Faced with an unexpected complication he had to scramble to find a solution. After so many years together Jeanne still had the capacity to surprise him. How to balance treating all three the same when their best interests were in direct conflict? It took a moment before an ideal solution came to him.

“Jeanne? I am disappointed by this revelation, especially since you’d never mentioned it before. As punishment you are forbidden to wear anything but your day uniform. I won’t allow any further discussion, in particular with Anna or Karen. You know how this works; your ban will remain in effect until I tell you otherwise. Am I clear on this?”

At first she had that terrified expression that showed up every time he had to discipline her. After a moment she figured it out. “Crystal clear, sir,” she replied with a smile.

Karen and Anna would feel sorry for Jeanne. The longer his ban went on the more they’d see it as unfair. So be it, Jim told himself, sometimes he was the one who had to accept the consequences of his decisions.

Day 24

The Incident

Barbara’s phone beeped a notification for an incoming message. Glancing at the screen she saw the text from Edith, the company wardrobe specialist. She was going to be running late but hoped to be at the mall by noon. Barbara sent back a text to meet up at the food court.

Out the window she saw the van pull into the driveway at ten o’clock. The service was prompt, though she never looked forward to the drive. All the drivers had the same brusque manner, cold and impersonal, often bordering on outright rude. They must be trained to act that way, or at least that was her impression. She never asked; conversation was prohibited along with just about everything else.

When he rang the doorbell she answered it immediately. Although she wasn’t allowed to leave the house on her own once the driver was present she was permitted to open the door. When she stepped outside the driver began the usual security procedures. It always started with handcuffs behind the back, followed by a pat down search. Once in the van she was strapped in with a locking safety belt and a shoulder harness, pinning her to the seat. Leg irons fastened to the floor held her feet in place.

The driver wasn’t one of the regulars she recognized. He must be new since he seemed to be rather more diligent in the security procedures compared to her previous trips. For one, he’d used the more restrictive hinged handcuffs on her wrists instead of the usual chain version. Although there was a cutout area in the seat to accommodate her wrists she still had less room to move her hands around behind her back. The seat belt and shoulder straps were tighter, also making the ride a little more uncomfortable. Her master had chosen the delivery company with a reputation of being one of the most diligent on the island when it came to the matter of security. From her perspective the service lived up to its reputation.

He closed the rear compartment gate once he’d finished with her. She jumped when he slammed shut the rear van door. She had the impression he was mad about something, though she’d been cooperative. He certainly had no reason to complain about her behavior. When he got into the driver’s seat he again slammed the door hard. She sensed something wasn’t right but figured he must have started off the day with some bad news.

Barbara was tempted to say something but she wasn’t allowed to engage in idle conversation with other men unless Ray approved them first. That list didn’t include delivery drivers. The sign above the grill separating passenger and driver compartments spelled it out in clear terms: 

Do not disturb the driver

Do not talk to other passengers

Sit quietly until you arrive at your destination

The rules were as tight as the straps binding her to the van seat. Any complaints would have to go through Ray.

Barbara turned to look out the side window. They were starting up one of the hills at the far end of the island. The hill was steep, which meant the road went back and forth in a series of switchbacks. She had a spectacular view of the channel separating North Island and South Island. There was some haze making it difficult to see the shore on the far side.

She thought back to her days living on the other side of the channel, and how much had changed in the last three weeks. A month ago she’d hop into her car and drive to the mall on the spur of the moment. Now it took a lot longer to ask permission, arrange transportation, and the constant need to text her location to her owner. Two different worlds separated by one short ferry ride, yet even that trip was off limits unless Ray accompanied her. Barbara still had the occasional moments when she missed her old life. Being with him more than made up for what she’d given up, and she had no regrets. Yet there were times she wished he might allow her a bit more freedom.

The van slowed down after turning onto a side street. Through the security grille she could see the driver checking addresses. Some other poor soul has the bad luck to get this driver too, Barbara thought while she shook her head in sympathy. I hope the next stop will be the mall.

The driver halted in front of a house. It struck her as odd that when the driver got out he was wearing sunglasses and a large cap pulled low over his head. She watched him walk up the driveway to the front door. When it opened two women came out, while a third remained inside, watching from the front window.

As usual the driver immediately placed both women against the side of the house while he fastened handcuffs behind their backs. Barbara had gone through the same procedure earlier. He led both of the new passengers down the driveway toward the van, standing between them with a hand on each arm. Again, she noticed he seemed to hang back, staying behind them. Barbara shrugged, assuming it was some kind of security procedure when he had to manage two women at the same time.

When they reached the end of the driveway the driver pushed both the women against the front side of the van. It might have only been her imagination but he seemed to be more forceful with them compared to when he picked her up. Through the security grille she could see their faces pressed against the passenger side window. Neither one looked overjoyed at his treatment, though they didn’t react by protesting.

The side door slid open. Before he unlocked the gate to the rear compartment he looked Barbara over, checking her restraints. Satisfied she was still secure he opened the gate and reached in to position the straps in the seat next to her. The bench seat could accommodate three passengers. Grabbing the arm of the closest woman he dragged her to the side door.

“Get in,” he ordered. Barbara turned her head to take a closer look at the driver. He’d used a deeper tone in an attempt to disguise his voice. Something definitely wasn’t right.

While he strapped in the new passenger, he kept his head down, not looking at either of the two seated women directly. Like Barbara he tightened the straps to where the woman could barely move.

That was the moment everything went wrong. The driver stood up at the side door, took off his cap and sunglasses, and leaned back into the rear compartment. He put one hand on the new woman’s knee, something that had never happened to Barbara.

“Hello, Anna, remember me?” The driver laughed. “It’s been a long time but I’ve never forgotten you. Or what you did to me. You’ve been a bad girl, and you know what happens when you’re bad.”

“Karen, run to the house!” the woman next to Barbara yelled. “He’s my old master!” Unsure what was going on Barbara watched her companion struggling with the restraints, trying to escape. The third woman, Karen, turned around and leaned forward, trying to run up the driveway with her hands bound behind her back.

She didn’t get very far. The driver grabbed her arm and spun her around. Karen hit the side of the van, hard. “You bitch!” the driver yelled. “You don’t run away from me!” Barbara watched in horror as he backhanded Karen across the face, knocking her down onto the concrete driveway. Through the open door Barbara could see Karen sprawled lifeless on the concrete, blood oozing from a cut on her head.

“You bastard!” Anna cursed. “Karen? Are you okay?”

The driver, Barbara still didn’t know his name, turned back to his captives. “Finally learned to speak up? Seems you’ll have to be taught some manners again.” From his belt he took out what looked like a remote control, except it had two prongs in the front. He jabbed it into Anna’s side and pressed a button. Anna shook in the straps, convulsing as the electric impulses from the stun gun caused muscle contractions.

Barbara froze when he looked over to her. “You’re one of those rich bitches too, aren’t you?” Before Barbara could answer he pressed the prongs against her leg and pressed the button again.

She jerked against the seat straps, her muscles jerking in spasms from the electrical shock. Dimly she heard the van door slam shut, though it didn’t register at first. By the time Barbara’s head cleared the van was moving. From the window she could tell they were driving back down the switchbacks on the hill. She turned her head to check on her fellow prisoner.

At His Mercy

Anna shook her head, trying to clear the effects of the stun gun. She’d never been zapped with one before. The description lived up to its name; she was dazed and confused, stunned into silence. The woman seated next to her was studying Anna closely. The expression on her face conveyed her concern for Anna, tinged with near panic at what their fate would be at the hands of the obviously psychotic man holding them captive.

What had happened to Karen? In the last moment before the stun gun Anna had caught a glimpse of her lifeless body lying on the driveway, her hands still cuffed behind her back and a pool of blood gathering around her head. Anna had no idea if she was still alive after the way Karen had hit her head on the concrete.

She turned her attention to the driver, separated from them by the security grille. Without the glasses she recognized him immediately. He was her former master, Sidney Miller, a man who could be charming until his mental problems took over. She pushed away the memories of what happened when his true nature emerged. There were plenty of scars from his “training”, as he called it.

According to him she was the cause of everything wrong in his life. He took out his frustrations on her on virtually a daily basis. Nothing she did for him was ever right, so he had to punish her for her constant failures. She would have eventually died except for the incident where he lost it in a bar and nearly beat another man to death. He went to jail for assault and she was confiscated by the government social services. She’d spent months in a hospital recuperating from her injuries.

Now he was back, and he’d neatly trapped her. She couldn’t escape from the van, and once they arrived at wherever he was taking them her future and the woman next to her would be short and painful. She had one chance.

“How did you get out, Sid?” He hated being called that, even more than her not using “sir”. The lack of respect would get to him. “Did you escape? I can’t believe they’d just open the door for a nut job like you.” She was taking a big risk by provoking him, but if she judged him correctly he’d stop the van.

That’s exactly what happened. At the next corner he pulled over and turned around to face the two women. “Naughty, naughty Anna, you know better than to speak to me like that. Isn’t that one of the first lessons you learned, to show respect for those in authority? You know what comes next, don’t you?”

Anna did her best to hide her terror. Old memories came back when she saw his eyes narrow and the cruel smile appear on his face. She did know what was coming, but he had stopped and that was what was important.

He got out and came around to open the side door. After opening the gate he took out the stun gun from his belt holster and held it up Anna’s face. “You really want some more of this?” He jabbed it in Anna’s side. She tensed, waiting for the burst of pain again. “No, I don’t think so. Such noble self-sacrifice needs to be admired. I wonder what your friend thinks of it.”

In a sudden move he shifted the stun gun to Barbara’s side and pressed the button, holding it down for maximum effect. Barbara gasped for air as her nervous system shut down from the overload. “Do you think she admires your courage now?”

He held up the stun gun to Anna’s face. “One more word out of you, just one, and I work your friend over several times. You disobey, she pays the penalty. Get it?” 

Anna took a quick look at Barbara. She was slumped in her seat, groaning from the effects of the shock. Sid grabbed Anna’s chin and pulled her head back to face him. “Nod if you’re going to be a good girl and shut up.” Once again he placed the prongs on Barbara’s chest. “Or would you rather see how many of these your friend can take before her heart gives out?”

Anna nodded her head, giving in to the inevitable. She couldn’t put someone else at risk, at least any more than they already were as his captives.

“That’s better,” he said in a conciliatory tone. “We’ll all get along if you behave.” He locked the gate and pulled shut the van door. Anna closed her eyes and prayed for a miracle. Behind her back her hands started shaking in fear. Fighting the handcuffs she did her best to hold her hands together to stop the trembling. She’d done all she could. Their only hope was it would be enough.

Day 26

At the Clinic

Barbara sat at Karen’s bedside, waiting for her to wake up. Every so often she glanced at the monitors scattered around the sides. She was keeping watch over Karen while Ray and Mr. Lassen went for some coffee.

The door opened and a nurse came in. When Barbara turned to look she saw a familiar face in a very much out of fashion nurse’s uniform. “Elise! I heard you had been auctioned off. How did you wind up here? Are you a nurse?” Then she noticed the collar around Elise’s neck. There was no mistaking the brassy golden color of a Facility graduate. “Facility?” she blurted out.

Elise held up her hands. “Slow down. It’s a long story. Yes, I was trained at the Facility, and yes, I’m a nurse here at the Clinic. Dr. Grimes is my master. No, I wasn’t sold at auction. I’ll tell you all about it some other time. Right now I’m here to check on Karen.”

“She’s still asleep,” Barbara whispered to her old acquaintance and former roommate. “Will she be alright? Her master will be back in a few minutes.”

“Don’t worry, the CAT scan came back negative, no swelling. She should wake up any minute now. Dr. Grimes will be around shortly to check on her.”

“It’s just that I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for her.” Barbara nodded toward the bed. “I’m sure you heard all about it on the news?” As always she sat up straight in the chair, hands on her knees. By now it was an ingrained habit, so much a part of her life she didn’t even think about it.

Elise was surprised to see someone else sitting the same way. “If it’s not too personal, can I ask you about that?” she paused, pointing to Barbara’s hands.

Barbara looked down, unsure at first what she meant. “Hands on the knees? Sure, you can ask. Master calls it a ‘preference’, which as you well know means an order. Seems he likes it, so I have to sit this way. My own opinion, it’s a bit awkward and not too elegant, but he insists.”

“I ask because I have to do the hands on knees thing too,” Elise explained. “This is the first time I came across someone else with the same, uhh, preference. My master is not very understanding if I ever forget.”

Barbara nodded in agreement. “Tell me about it. From what he’d explained the idea came from a TV sitcom. One of the characters is a nerdy young woman, maybe with a mild form of that disease, Asperger’s, where you have an uncontrollable compulsion to act in an odd way. Anyway, this character always wore a skirt and sat with her hands on her knees.”

“I remember that show! Yeah, she stood out because she wasn’t the usual TV stereotype: not glamorous, didn’t wear flattering clothes, and was smarter than everyone else.” Elise shook her head. “I’ve seen every episode but I never got the connection. Thanks! That sure explains a lot.”

“You’re right about standing out. I see that slight hesitation when people notice.” What Barbara left out was her master’s wish to have her attract attention in subtle ways, advertising that the women from his brokerage were somehow special. She had to admit Ray knew what he was doing. At parties there were plenty of women who were more attractive, and showing it off to good effect in short designer dresses, but she still got her share of attention just by sitting in a chair with her hands on her knees.

Elise laughed. “If you want something different try wearing a nurse’s uniform that’s sixty years out of date. Yeah, master’s orders, and he’s even more insistent on this,” she ran her hands down the side of the uniform. “To tell the truth though, I don’t mind at all. I loved seeing this uniform on TV when I was little.”

“Well, no offense but given a choice I’d pass on that particular fashion statement,” Barbara smiled. “Your master must really like old TV shows. Anyway, I’m not family,” she continued. “I asked permission to sit with Karen so she’d have someone around when she woke up. You see, the man who did this to her also kidnapped me. Karen’s master saved my life. I figured this is the least I can do to say thank you. Master agreed, so here I am.”

Waking Up

When Karen opened her eyes something wasn’t right. There was a nurse standing over her, saying something. She turned her head to one side, where a woman she didn’t recognize was sitting in a chair next to the bed. When she reached up to her head there was a bandage wrapped around it.

“Steady, just take it one step at a time,” the nurse told her. “You’ve had a rather serious knock on the head. Before you ask, you’re at the medical Clinic on South Island. My name is Elise, one of the nurses looking after you. You’ve been here for three days. You’re going to be okay but you’re suffering from a concussion. Try not to move around too much right now; it will make you dizzy.”

The memory of the last moments before everything went dark came rushing back. Karen tried to sit up but the nurse stopped her. “Just lie back for now. Here, I’ll prop you up on some pillows.”

“Anna, where’s Anna? Her old master, he kidnapped her. We’ve got to tell the police…”

“Relax,” Elise reassured her, “your Anna is fine. Let me introduce you to Barbara, sitting next to you.” Karen turned to face the stranger. “She saw it all and can fill you in on everything that happened.”

Barbara spoke up, “Hi, you probably don’t remember me. I was the other passenger in the van, sitting next to Anna. I saw your face through the window but I don’t think you saw me clearly.”

Karen shook her head, which started the room spinning. “That’s not a good idea,” Elise told her. “Try to keep you head still a little longer.”

“All I remember is Anna screaming at me to run, and then I got hit by a train. Did he put me in the van too?”

Barbara stood up and took hold of Karen’s hand. “No, he left you behind. He did hit you pretty hard. It sent you flying, with a crash landing on the driveway. After that he turned his attention to us. You most likely saved both my life and Anna’s when you tried to run. I’m not sure I could have disobeyed even in those circumstances.”

Karen couldn’t make sense out of what Barbara was saying. She did remember running away from the van when Anna screamed her warning, which would have been the worst sort of disobedience under normal circumstances. The appearance of Anna’s previous master was anything but normal. When self-preservation was involved the letter of the law gave way to practicality.

“I remember I didn’t get very far. My hands were stuck behind my back so I was off balance when I tried to run.”

Barbara nodded. “Yeah, you were never going to get away with those handcuffs on. Fortunately someone was watching from the front window and saw what happened. Jeanne, that’s her name? As soon as he hit you she ran to your master and told him what happened. While we were driving off I saw him coming out the door. He carried you inside, had Jeanne call for an ambulance while he got in his car to chase after us.”

Karen raised a hand to her head. “I don’t remember any of this. Someone must have found you, since you’re here.”

“That’s right. It was your owner, Mr. Lassen,” Barbara explained. “Anna kept provoking the driver. I was too scared to say a word, but she kept pushing him. I couldn’t figure out why she wanted to antagonize him. Later on I realized it was a delaying tactic. She tricked him into stopping. While he was threatening us your master had time to catch up.”

Unlike Barbara, Karen knew about Anna’s past history, and the bravery she showed in risking her life without even knowing if help was nearby. Anna must have known the danger in deliberately provoking someone as crazy as her old master.

“Anyway, to cut it short we wound up in a rental garage. Anna and I were trapped in the van, wasn’t much either of us could do. We watched him close the garage door and slowly walk back to the van, talking to himself all the while. When he opened the van door I thought it was all over for both of us. The only hope I had was to pray it would be quick instead of slow. After he unlocked the gate he took out a switchblade knife and started waving it around, describing in gruesome detail what he planned for us, starting with me. He called it the coming attractions for what Anna was due.”

The nurse, Elise, stood by the bed listening in wide-eyed fascination at Barbara’s narrative. “The news only mentioned you had been kidnapped. They left out the part about the knife.”

“He had a knife and a stun gun.” Barbara rubbed her side. “The stun gun really hurt, but it was the knife that terrified me.”

She continued, “He never got the chance to act. At that moment the garage door rolled up. There was a man standing in the middle of the entrance. He was a stranger, though I found out later on he was Mr. Lassen, your owner. The crazy guy must have known him, because he yelled something about taking Anna away. Then he charged toward Mr. Lassen, knife in hand, screaming he’d kill the man who took his Anna. I remember thinking here was our last hope for a rescue about to be brutally murdered right in front of us.”

A Cup of Coffee

“Barbara’s very precious to me. I didn’t realize how much until I nearly lost her. I owe you, Jim, big time, for what you did. Anything I can do to repay you, just ask.” Barbara’s owner, Ray Madsen, sat at a table with Jim Lassen in the Clinic’s cafeteria.

Jim shook his head. “You don’t owe me anything. If the situation was reversed you’d have done the same. That psycho hurt my Anna and Karen. Then he came at me with a knife. There was only one way for it to end.”

Ray nodded in agreement. “You’ll get no criticism from me. In the circumstances anyone would act the way you handled it.”

Jim asked, “I am just a little curious about one thing, if you don’t mind me asking. You have one of the largest brokerages on North Island, women passing through your doors constantly, yet if I understand correctly your Barbara is the only woman you keep for yourself?”

Ray laughed. “Yeah, I get that question every so often. I’ve tried more than one, never really satisfied me, plus there were constant arguments I had to break up. You have three? Anna, Karen, and who’s the other one? I don’t know how you manage to keep them in line.”

“Her name’s Jeanne. I left her at home to see after Anna.” Jim checked the time. “I better get back to Karen and see how she’s doing. By the way, I appreciate you bringing Barbara to sit with Karen this morning. There should be someone in the room when she wakes up.”

“Not a problem,” Ray replied, holding up his hands. “She was happy to help. If you don’t need us any more I’ll take her home.”

Doctor’s Visit

Karen gripped the sheets, both terrified and spellbound by Barbara’s story. But it was the nurse, Elise, who urged her to finish. “Please, tell us what happened. I’m already running late; my master is going to chew me out over this but I have to hear how it ended. Was there a fight?”

Barbara shook her head. “No, nothing like those dramatic conclusions on TV. Karen’s master was standing in the garage entrance, one hand behind his back. The driver ran at him with the knife in his hand. Your master,” she nodded toward Karen, “brought around that hidden hand, with a pistol in it. He shot the crazy guy at close range, in the chest. It was like slow motion: he sort of crouched down a bit, both hands on the pistol, arm’s length in front, bang, bang, bang, three loud shots and the madman collapsed onto the floor. It was all over in a less than a second.”

“A gun, he had a gun?” Karen asked. “I didn’t know he owned one.”

“Well he does,” Barbara answered, “and a good thing too. Anyway, Mr. Lassen took the keys off the driver’s belt, came around to the van door and unlocked our seat belts. While he was helping us out of the van the police arrived. One of the officers took me to the paramedic’s van to get checked out. After that they put a blanket around my shoulders and put me in the back of one of the patrol cars. The officer told me my owner was on the way. All this time I still wore those handcuffs, hands behind my back, and I didn’t even notice until the police officer apologized for not taking them off. He said they had to stay on until my master arrived.”

“What about Anna? Was she hurt?” Karen was more worried about Anna than her own injuries.

“I don’t think so. Mr. Lassen took off her handcuffs as soon as he had us out of the van. She clung to your master like glue. I saw him lead her over to the paramedics. She was walking on her own. I don’t know what happened after that.”

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. In came a man in a white lab coat. “Good afternoon, ladies. I’m Dr. Grimes, here to check on Karen.”

He glared at the nurse standing next to Karen. “My apologies for being late. There was a delay at the nursing station.” Karen caught the momentary frown and Elise’s apprehensive look, one that told her Elise was not where she was supposed to be.

The doctor turned to Barbara, still sitting next to the bed. Karen finally noticed her hands were resting on her knees while she sat in the chair. That had to be her owner’s doing, some rule she had to follow whenever men were present. “Are you a relative?” Dr. Grimes asked.

“No, sir. More a friend of the family.” Karen didn’t miss how she sat up very straight in the chair, only turning her head to face him when she answered.

He paused for a moment before asking, “Do you have permission to leave the room?” Karen hadn’t thought about it but in hindsight Barbara had to be there with her master’s consent.

“Yes, sir,” Barbara replied. “I’m allowed to go to the waiting room down the hall.”

“Elise, show her to the waiting room while I examine Karen. When Karen’s master arrives show him in immediately.” He didn’t even look at the nurse.

“Yes, Doctor. Barbara, could you come with me?”

The Waiting Room

Outside in the hallway Barbara spoke up. “I hope I didn’t get you into too much trouble. I’m guessing he’s your owner?”

Elise shook her head. “No, it wasn’t your fault. I was supposed to meet him at the nurse’s station. It’s just that I had to hear your story. I know I’m going to get a lecture plus some wall time for it tonight.” She turned to Barbara and smiled. “Anyway, it was worth it to hear a firsthand account. Maybe he’ll be lenient if I plead diminished capacity after I tell him about what happened.”

“You’re braver than me. I don’t think I could push my limits like that.” Barbara continued. “Your master, is he very strict?”

“Well, it’s hard to say yes or no. Most of the time he’s very open minded. I have a lot of freedom, more than I expected. I can ask questions, make suggestions, and even persuade him to see it my way once in a while. But then he’ll dictate some rule I have to follow to the letter, no discussion, no wiggle room, and he enforces it every minute of the day.”

Elise put her hands on her uniform. “Like this. He didn’t ask me about it beforehand. I can’t even ask why he chose it. He does check it constantly, so it has to be important to him. And of course he demands I sit with my hands on my knees, even at home.” She touched her collar. “Goes with the territory, I suppose. On the whole though I wouldn’t say he’s very strict with me. There’s a friend of mine, we met at the Facility, her master has a rule for just about everything, and when it comes to seeing they are followed the term inflexible only begins to cover it. That’s my definition of strict. Sometimes I think she can’t even blink without permission.”

Barbara laughed. “No thanks. I prefer reasonable, which is where I’d rate my master. You know, I wrote to the Facility, asked about enrolling. They turned me down, something about lack of space but I think it was only a rejection form letter. As you know I went a different route, sold myself to a North Island brokerage, the one my master owns. He decided to keep me for himself, so here I am.”

When they reached the waiting room there were two men standing next to the nurse’s station. Seeing the way Barbara suddenly stopped, Elise correctly guessed the other man must be her owner.

“Barbara, come with me. Jim, we’ll head on home now. Once again, thanks for what you did.” The two men shook hands. “And be sure to tell Karen she has my gratitude for her effort in saving my Barbara.” He took Barbara’s arm and led her out into the hallway.

Elise waited until the two men finished before speaking. “Mr. Lassen? Dr. Grimes is with Karen now. If you’ll follow me, sir, I’ll show you to her room.” 

Day 27

The Discharge

“Why don’t you sit up on the edge of the bed and I’ll change that bandage on your head,” Elise asked. “Don’t worry about the gash. Once the stitches are out and your hair grows back it’ll be invisible. You should wait for at least two days before washing your hair. It’s best if you leave the bandage on until then.”

Karen sat up and swung her legs to the floor. “Thanks. The doctor seems to be very nice.”

Elise looked at the doorway with a wistful expression. “I think so, too.”

“By any chance is he your…?” Karen touched her collar. She hadn’t missed that look.

Elise nodded. “Yes, for some time now. Normally I’m his surgical assistant. His specialty is open heart surgery. One day a week, if there’s no operation scheduled he likes to work here in the emergency room. My schedule always seems to coincide with his, not sure how that happens.”

Karen laughed, “Yeah, somehow they always get what they want.” That reminded her to check her hospital gown. She reached down with two fingers to check the distance from her knee.

Behind her, putting on a new bandage, Elise noticed the odd gesture. “Is that some kind of rule?”

“Oh yes, and one he’s very particular about. We have to make sure our skirts are precisely two fingers above the knee when sitting. He chews out all of us no matter who makes a mistake.”

“I know how it is,” Elise added. She pointed to the nurse’s cap in her hair. “If he ever sees me with a crooked cap, well, I might as well have burned down the Clinic. It’s about the same level of total catastrophe. I don’t mind though. If it were up to me I’d still wear the uniform. No idea why but he really likes to see me in it.”

“If it was up to me…famous last words, I suppose. It’s not up to us, so we do our best, whatever it may be.” Karen winced when Elise hit a tender spot.

Elise apologized. “Sorry about that. That was a gel to keep out dirt and infections. I’m almost done.”

At that moment Jim entered the room. “How’s she doing?” he asked Elise.

“Ready to go, sir. I changed her bandage. It can come off in two days, when the stitches are removed. Sir, I was explaining to Karen she should wait those two days before washing her hair, to keep the wound dry.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do.” Jim put a hand on Karen’s shoulder. “You heard, two days. How’re you feeling?”

Karen looked up at him. “Yes, sir, two days. I feel okay, no headache. It’s sore but not really painful.”

Holding onto her arm he helped her off the bed. Elise noticed the way he hesitated for a moment, looking her over first. She recognized the signs of a strict master. She’d seen that same hesitation herself, many times. Her own master might protest he was overly lenient but she knew better. There was that same momentary expression few ever noticed in his face. It was an expression that spoke of the craving for power, for control, for dominance.

“Dr. Grimes says you can go home. You will tell me if you start feeling dizzy or get a painful headache. You will rest for the next few days until I’m satisfied you’re okay. Is that understood?” Elise heard that undertone in his voice and recognized it immediately. He’d just issued some inflexible orders Karen couldn’t ignore.

“Yes, sir. Umm, before we leave, I’m not sure about clothes.”

“Excuse me, sir,” Elise interrupted, “Karen has some clean clothes in that closet. I was told they were sent from your home. If you’d like to bring your car around to the entrance I’ll help Karen get dressed and meet you at the door.”

When Elise took the clothes out of the closet she caught the momentary, rueful smile from Karen. “Mandatory?” Elise asked.

“We call it our day uniform. Yeah, I can wear whatever I want, as long as it’s that skirt and top. Some things never change.”

Elise ran a hand down her nurse’s uniform. “Hey, you don’t have it so bad. Secretly though, you’d be disappointed if he changed it, wouldn’t you? There’s something to be said for consistency.”

Elise was right. There was something reassuring in the familiar. She had yet to figure out why he was so adamant about their uniform, yet he’d just loosened the rules without any explanation either. Poor Jeanne, she’d gotten into some trouble, deliberately left out of the rule change because of something she’d done. Which didn’t make sense at all; Jeanne was the last one to deliberately provoke their master.

Karen picked up her blouse. Exactly what had Jeanne done, anyway, to merit such a severe punishment? Jeanne lived by master’s rules; what had happened overnight? Buttoned up, and careful to leave the top one open, she reached for the skirt.

It took a moment for her to figure it out. Nothing had happened. Jeanne wasn’t being punished; master’s odd wording about a ‘disciplinary matter’ was a smokescreen. He was never going to lift his ban because Jeanne didn’t want the twice a week relaxation of the uniform rule. Karen sat down on the bed so she could check to make sure the skirt wasn’t too high or low. Elise looked puzzled when she measured with two fingers but didn’t say anything. It was just another part of Island life.


Urgent Matters

Ben Grimes grabbed a cold beer from the refrigerator, popped the cap off the bottle and headed into the living room. Elise was sitting on the couch, a worried look on her face.

No sooner did he sit down in his easy chair than she started. “Sir? May I have permission to discuss a matter of some urgency? It concerns the patient you examined yesterday, and that incident at North Island.”

A formal request, that was unusual for Elise. Ben preferred a casual approach to how he supervised her, except when working at the Clinic. For her to resort to formality it had to be serious.

“Go ahead. When you’re finished we’ll talk about why you weren’t at the nursing station even though you had specific instructions to be there.”

Elise winced at the reminder the bill was about to come due for ignoring an order. “This is all related, sir.” She began telling her side of the story, about Karen, Barbara, and the events that brought them together.

“Quite a coincidence, sir, when you think about it. There’s only one degree of separation from me being in that van. I can’t help but wonder what I would have done if I were in Barbara’s place, only moments away from a gruesome end. Do you see why I couldn’t tear myself away from hearing the end of her story?”

Ben did sympathize with Elise. The story and the aftermath were all over local Island news. In the same situation he’d stay to hear the first person story too. But, he could not ignore the fact she disobeyed him. He dare not let the incident pass without some kind of response.

“I’m the first to admit I’d do the same in your place, Elise, but it doesn’t change the fact you went against a direct order. You know very well you were supposed to be at the nursing station, yet when I arrived you weren’t there. I can’t ignore disobedience. You know the drill, into your corner.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied, a hint of resignation in her voice confirmed Ben’s suspicion that she expected to be reprimanded. She rose from the couch and went directly to the place on the wall reserved for just such an occasion.

Ben stood behind her, hands on her shoulders. “I’m not angry or disappointed with you, Elise. I’ve made it clear before that you have some leeway in unusual circumstances, where you have to rely on your own judgement as to what must be done. This is one of those cases. You were right to stay and hear Barbara’s story.

“However, I’m sure you understand why I can’t just let this pass. Actions always have consequences. That’s why you’re facing the wall. Yes, you were justified but there has to be a cost any time, for any reason, when you disobey me. I want you to remain facing the wall, but I’ll allow you to speak if you want to say something.”

“Yes, sir. Ben, I have one question that’s bothering me. What Mr. Lassen had to do, was there any way it could have ended with that man still alive?”

Ben didn’t answer immediately. The two of them worked to save lives, not take them. “You know I was a doctor in the Israeli military? During an operation in Lebanon I was at a forward aid station, treating casualties. We could hear gunfire right outside the tent. At one point my commanding officer handed me an Uzi, that’s a submachine gun. ‘Protect your patients,’ he told me. Our enemy was infamous for what they did to wounded prisoners.

“I’ll skip the details, other than to say no one in the aid station died that day. Hippocratic Oath aside, there comes a time when you have to fight to protect what you value most. Jim Lassen was forced into making that choice. No, there was no other way it might have ended.”

Ben ran his hands down her arms. “Now, it’s quiet time for you. Remain where you are. And if you need something to meditate on, think of this. If it had been you in that van I’d have acted the same way. I wouldn’t hesitate to risk my life to keep you safe, Elise. That’s the way it has to be.”

Extended Punishment

“I can’t ignore these reports from you anymore.” Ray paced back and forth in front of Barbara. He was supposed to be here in her safe place to take her home, now that his trip was over. Ray had shown up in the middle of her obedience training half hour, which meant she had to sit still in the chair she had begun to hate with a passion, rather than greet him properly from her reserved spot.

Ray had been watching Barbara all morning through the camera, though he had neglected to mention it to her. “Your behavior has been flawless. I’d go so far as to say perfect, except for what I’m reading in your reports. How many times have we talked about the need for discipline? The mental side is every bit as important as the physical. I see two, no, three times you intended to resort to swearing, no matter I’ve made it quite clear this is not acceptable.”

He studied her closely, looking for a reaction. To her credit she didn’t move a muscle. His plan to find a simple task, amplify its importance out all proportion, and then make it the basis for what he called a training session, that plan had worked wonders. How she felt about it was difficult to determine, but there had to be some kind of fulfillment on her side in the way she was able to please him. He made sure she knew all about how he felt on the whole matter.

“You did well, bringing this to my attention. You met your obligations, now it’s time for me to do the same.” Was that a flinch? He wasn’t sure, but her emotions had to be in turmoil just from hearing his disappointment. “I’ll take that into account, along with your otherwise perfect record.”

There was definitely a reaction now. Some kind of punishment was coming. She might be expecting it but that wasn’t the same as hearing her fears confirmed. “One week here in the safe place, alone, no visits. No TV, no laptop. Obedience sessions will be doubled to twice a day, with an extra half hour per session. Lights out is moved to 9:30PM. Without the mitigating factors it would have been two weeks. Your punishment begins now.”

He spotted the trembling in her chin. She’d be on the verge of tears. It was a severe punishment, well beyond anything she might have anticipated. He turned away, as if to leave, but instead sat down on the couch, where she could see him.

For the next five minutes he waited, never taking his eyes off Barbara. She was watching him too, no doubt frantically searching for anything she might say or do in the way of an apology for disappointing him. She had no idea what was about to happen.

Ray knew he ought to be ashamed of the way he manipulated her emotions. Barbara was a real person, not a chess piece on a board. She was naturally hyper-sensitive to his mood. He was well aware of that too, and was careful in everything he said or did around her.

Balanced against all of that, she was his property, to handle as he wished. Controlling those emotions went to the heart of why she had his collar around her neck. Right now, this very minute, he had her in the palm of his hand. It was time to close that hand.

Ray stood up, close in front of her. He held out his hand. “This training session, and your punishment, has been cancelled. Up you go.” Cautiously she took hold of his hand, allowing him to pull her to her feet. Her face betrayed the mass of confusion that must be going on in her head. He was acting totally out of character, in ways she could not comprehend.

“Sir?” she began cautiously. He held up a hand to stop her.

“We have to hurry home and pack in order to catch the ship. The first stop is the Seychelles, before we fly on to Dubai. I hope you’re up for a week at a five-star resort, along with the beaches, the spas, the malls and the partying. I’m told you can see all the way across the Gulf to Iran from the observation deck on top of the Burj. There’s a famous restaurant in the mall there, they specialize in Lebanese food; we’ll try it out.”

Her emotions went from lowest of the low to highest of the high, in the span of a few seconds. That was power, the kind he craved. To have such a degree of control over the woman in front of him was the stuff of dreams. Fate, pure chance, whatever it was that had brought them together was the luckiest day in his life. She didn’t know it, he might never reveal it to her, but moments like this were the gold-plated guarantee she would never belong to anyone else.

On an impulse he slipped two fingers under her collar, pulling her toward him, chin up. He wanted to look into her eyes, the window on the soul. A soul he possessed, with a hold so strong she could never hope to break it. What went on in there? The thought brought a smile to his lips. He had all the time in the world to find out.


Karen started to sit up. “Really, I’m okay. I should be helping out, not lying here on the couch all day.”

Jeanne pushed her back down with one hand. “Oh no, you don’t! Master made it clear to all of us; bedrest for you until he says otherwise. If you get up I’ll be the first to report you at evening inspection.”

“And I’ll be second,” Anna warned. “Are you really so determined to get us all in trouble?”

Karen dropped back onto the couch and the pillows under her head. “No, I don’t want that. Alright, you win, but I do feel guilty lying here while you two do all the housework.”

“Trust me, doing a little extra work is nothing compared to what might have happened if you hadn’t tried to run.” Anna answered. “You will lie on that couch if I have to sit on you to keep you in one place. Seriously, Karen, Jeanne and I both saw you sprawled out on the driveway, blood running from your head. Don’t try to put on a brave face; we can still see the bruises. So do as master says and stay there. Remember, we’re family, we take care of our own.”

Resigned to forced laziness Karen gave in to the inevitable. They were right; master’s orders were explicit, no undue exertion, no housework, no cooking, no anything but resting. Anna’s words, we’re family, for the first time Karen truly appreciated what that meant. We take care of each other, and master watches over us. She closed her eyes, falling asleep with the warm comfort of those she loved surrounding her.


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