The Therapist Part 5: Prologue

by Anne Woolsey

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© Copyright 2013 - Anne Woolsey - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; bond; lingerie; cuffs; gag; bfold; mast; climax; reluct/cons; X

(story continues from )

Part 5: Prologue

A shadow fell over the table as I sipped my coffee in the local bagel shop. I was between clients and going through my messages and just chillin’. I looked up; a woman stood there holding a cup. I couldn’t see her face; the overhead lighting was right behind her.

“May I sit down?”

I frowned, resenting the interruption. I needed this time away from the stress of my work. I started to protest, but the woman sat anyway.

When I saw who it was, I almost spilled my coffee!

Addison looked different than the last time I had seen her, no surprise there.

Her hair was cut shorter and was a different color; she was blonde when I first met her. She was wearing glasses now, although they may have been fake. She must have had contacts because I remembered her eyes as being blue; now they were a greenish hazel color. She was dressed like every other soccer mom in this town; jeans, North Face jacket, Bean boots. Her face was as I remembered it. She still had that lean, waspish look, severe almost, but attractive. The new hair and glasses did soften her appearance.

“Shouldn’t you be in jail?”

She laughed and leaned forward and whispered, “They’ll never get me alive!”

“So how have you been, Catharine?”

I stared at her still not quite believing my eyes. “Look, just leave, OK? Or do you want me to dial 911?”

She laughed again. “What are you going to turn me in for? I haven’t done anything. Yet!”

“Yeah, very funny, Addison! Seriously, you’re not welcome here!”

She was quiet for several seconds and then turned serious.

“I’ve thinking about you… no, seriously, I have and no, it doesn’t have anything to do with… my thing. I well actually, it does and… well, I think I have feelings for you?” She said it with a wince as if it were painful to actually say.

I was flabbergasted and leaned forward to hiss through gritted teeth. “Are you out of your fucking mind? After what you did you have the fucking nerve to come here and want to make nice? You have feelings for me? Well, I have feelings for you, you fucking pyscho, like rage and disgust!” This last was said a little too loudly and the proper matron two tables over shuddered and quickly looked away.

I began to gather my things to make my getaway.

“Please, Catharine, just listen to me! Please?”

I stopped in mid-motion and dropped back down onto the seat; why I didn’t know. Maybe it was that I didn’t like being rude to anyone, no matter the situation. But actually? It was because my guts were tingling as some of the things she did to me flashed back in my mind.

“You’ve got one minute then I’m out of here!”

“Look! Meet me for drinks. Anywhere you want! I want to talk to you… apologize… try to make things right!”

“There is no fucking way you can make things right! No… fucking… way!”

“Please? Just for a drink… an hour of your time. I’ll even buy!”

I blew out a breath and sat back in the chair.

In my business, we call it being conflicted. And I was conflicted, big time!

I didn’t trust this woman at all and I didn’t even know if I liked her enough to be around her. I did know that we had made a connection; her brand of fetish-y sex had awakened something in me.

A week didn’t go by when I didn’t flash on some moment that had occurred that weekend. But, to start a relationship? I would have to be insane! Still…!

“OK! One hour! Be at Palmer’s at 6, you know it?”

Without waiting for an answer, I stood and swept out of the restaurant leaving her sitting.

On the walk back to the office, I tried to assimilate what had just happened. It was so bizarre! My kidnapper, my rapist, was back and asked me out on a date? The woman that had kidnapped Kaitlynn Lee right in front of me after lying her ass off wanted to have a drink? What the fuck!

And yet I had that tickle, that difficulty in swallowing, that uptick in my heart rate that signaled interest!

I thought more than once as I slogged my way through my afternoon appointments that I must be insane. I was tempted to not even charge my clients, I was so distracted!

My 4:00 o’clock canceled so I had time to go home before meeting her.

My mistrust of Addison had me a little concerned that she was lurking in the house. I had installed an alarm system after that weekend and I used it religiously, but I went in slowly and carefully and found the house empty.

Part of my even thinking about wanting to meet with her was my need to know what she had done with Kaitlynn Lee. That whole thing had bothered me for months and I needed to put it to rest. She would probably lie and evade the question, but I trusted in my instincts; I would be able to get the story.

For days after Addison had driven off with Kaitlynn Lee tied and gagged in the back seat, I had scoured on-line and in the newspapers for any hint of a story about a kidnapped woman, but had found nothing.

I finally had stumbled upon an article posted a month or so after the ‘incident’ about a trade show that had prominently featured Kaitlynn Lee. Obviously, she was alive and well and that gave me some closure. I knew that nothing horrible… well, fatal, had happened to her.

More importantly, Lee hadn’t been back to bother me as she had threatened. I had sweated that for several weeks after she broke in to my house.

Friends had told me that during that time I was reclusive and weird and that they had been concerned about me and my mental health. When nothing happened, I moved on and I returned, mostly, to normal, but the possibility it could happen was still in the back of my mind.

Maybe, if I could convince myself to believe Addison, she could ease my mind about Lee.

The other part of it was this persistent tickle I felt when I thought of her and what she had done and could do to me. That was the tricky part!

How to play this? A relationship with her would be impossible and why would I put myself into another situation like what happened with Lee?

Addison was unstable and dangerous, but not in any life-threatening way. The dangers were in letting her control me and drag me into her world. If I let that happen I might not like the end result.

Of course, my non-existent love life may also be influencing my reasoning. I hadn’t had sex with a real live person in I don’t know how long, except that it was probably with Addison.

I wasn’t going to dress up for her, but I couldn’t resist a little tease. I showered and went with a brown cowl-neck knit sweater dress that reached to mid-thigh, tan suede knee length boots, and black opaque cotton thigh highs. The tease was that I held up the thigh highs with a garter belt

The only other provocative thing I did do was wear a thong and a push-up bra, both black. I wasn’t at all certain that I would let her see my undies, but better prepared than not.

Before I could fret anymore, I grabbed my keys and bag and jacket and bolted out the door. Any more dilly-dallying and I would wuss out!

At the restaurant, I left my jacket in the coat room and headed to the door of the bar. I saw her at the short end of the L-shaped bar tucked into the corner, which would give us some privacy. The place was doing a good dinner business, but the bar was relatively quiet. I told the greeter I was meeting someone at the bar and headed in. As I approached, she put down her drink and stood up as if to hug me.

“I didn’t think you’d come.”

I just shrugged and sat down on the next bar stool.

She had changed into an expensive-looking cashmere t-neck sweater and skirt in gray, black hose and high heeled boots and had lost the glasses. She looked incredibly sexy and I felt the pull.

I had to remind myself that she had a borderline personality disorder and was a really bad risk to take up with. But tell that to my hormones; she was very attractive.

The bartender took my drink order.

Dispensing with the small talk, I got right to it.

I wanted to know what happened with Kaitlynn Lee. I was so angry and frightened when she drove off with Lee and left me standing in the parking lot. She owed me an explanation. Then maybe we could move on from there.

I leaned in close to her.

“Before we go anywhere with this I want to know what happened with Kaitlynn Lee. You pissed me off so much doing that! I couldn’t believe it. That is exactly the kind of thing that defines you. You are willful, aggressive and you don’t give a shit about anything or anybody except your thing and yourself! And, you’re a freaking criminal! It may be nothing to you, but hauling her off like that was kidnapping pure and simple. I know you do it all the time, but I don’t and you involved me in it! If you’d been caught, I would have been arrested too!”

“Jeez, just say what’s on your mind, Catharine!”

“Don’t be flipant! Just answer me or I’m out of here!”

The bartender dropped off my drink and left us to it. I took a big swallow and settled in to hear what she had to say.

She was quiet for a minute.

“I’m all of what you say. I am willful. I am a criminal. And I always put myself first, always. I’m not an easy person to know or even like, I get that. What I did with Lee was simply revenge. She hurt me and I had the opportunity to get back at her, so I took it. I’m sorry I deceived you and exposed you to potential trouble, but there was no way I wasn’t going to work that bitch over! And I did! I made her cry and scream and beg and I loved every minute of it. I put her in a mental place where she had no choice but to promise not to bother me… or you, ever again. Remember, Catharine, what she was going to do to you… to us!”

She was quiet again and looked off at nothing.

“After I finished with her, I went away. Business and stuff! I haven’t… ah, played my games since, partly because I couldn’t get you out of mind! I’ve wanted to get in touch a dozen times, but always chickened out, until now.”

She paused again.

“Look! I’m not asking for you to be my one and only squeeze! I’m not wired that way. And I can’t say I won’t start playing again. I just want to be with you…”

“Wait a minute!” I sat forward. “You want to drop in on me every once in a while between kidnappings?”

“No! No!” She seemed flustered.

“Yes! Yes! That is exactly what you want!”

She took a deep breath and looked me directly in the eyes, a hint of the predator in her gaze.

“It is what I want, Catharine. I do want to tie you up and fuck you every once in a while. I want you to want me to do that every once in a while. And I want to still play my games. I guess I’m not offering you much, but it’s all I can do and more than I have ever done!”

“Well, I am so honored! So overwhelmed! Such a warm declaration of desire and affection!” I snorted and shook my head.

She leaned forward. “You can snort all you want, Catharine, but you know you’re interested. Look at you! You’re just about begging for it with your thigh highs and garter belt! I’ll bet you’re wearing some sexy underwear too. What would be wrong with an arrangement like that? No strings, no commitments! What were you looking for, a marriage proposal?”

I tugged the hem of my dress down, closed my eyes and shook my head again.

Still leaning forward, she whispered to me. “You can’t deny it! I knew when I took you down in your office that you loved it; you had been asking for it in all our meetings. I’ll bet you still dream about me tying you up, gagging you, about my pussy in your face, about walking to your car tied and gagged, about every part of it! What would be wrong with having that again? What would be bad about that?”

What indeed!

It was my turn to be quiet and to try and collect the thoughts that were roiling around my brain.

A lot of what she said was spot on. I did dress to interest her in our sessions. I did ask too many questions about what she did when she kidnapped someone simply because it turned me on. I had probably crossed into unethical territory with her many times during our sessions. When she finally did react, I felt like I deserved it. And, it was a revelation to me to find that I liked, loved, to be forced and controlled… and used.

She was pretty close to the core of the truth about me and my feelings about her and us.

So now I had to poop or get off the pot to paraphrase that disgusting saying!

“Well… OK! What you just said is mostly right. I almost quit my practice for the way I was in session with you. When you… when you finally did it, well, I was just thought I probably deserved it. There is a lot of craziness in the therapist world, not that that is an excuse. I mean I didn’t quit, but I thought I should and getting, you know having you do what you did, well… that was kind of my punishment you know what I mean? I guess I did kind of like it, but…!”

I stopped yammering. Addison had just sat there and watched me blather on without interrupting.

“Oh shit! I’m babbling!”

She smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

I took a breath and blew it out.

“There is nothing wrong with what you’re proposing! There! I’m in; when do we start?”

Something inside me relaxed. The tension and anxiety I had been feeling was suddenly gone. I felt… happy?

Addison frowned.

“Are you sure, Catharine? It all sounds good until I show up and you’re not into it or I don’t show up or I … I play with someone. Are you really sure?”

“Good question! I guess we’ll find out!”

She signaled the bartender and we ordered another round. When it came, we clinked glasses.

“To… umm, success!”

”Yeah, success!”

She picked up her bag and opened it; light glinted off something as she rummaged through it. Ever suspicious of her, I had to ask.

“Are those handcuffs?”

She pulled them out. Sure enough, they were handcuffs. The bartender, at the other end of the bar, raised her eyebrows when Addison slapped them down on the bar.

“Are those for me? Thinking you might get lucky?”

She laughed. “I never leave home without them. You just never know when you might need them! And to answer your question? I know I’m going to get lucky!”

My belly flip flopped, but I kept a straight face. “Don’t count on it!” I picked them up. “Where’s the chain?”

“These are hinged, no chain. They’re more secure and restrictive.” She dangled them from her finger. “Want to try them?”

“Put those away, please!”

She smiled as she tucked them back into her bag.

We were silent for a minute or so.

“So would they be in front or behind my back?”


“My hands! Would they be cuffed in front or behind my back?”

“Always in back.”

“Like this?”

“Not crossed. Those cuffs are hinged remember? More like this.” She gathered my wrists together palm to palm and held them.

My heart rate accelerated.


“Yeah, I like to keep arms out of the way so that I can… well, you know!”

“Oh… yeah… I think I do!”

“I’ve got a ball gag in there too. And…!” She poked around inside. “Oh yeah, this little thing is so good!” She held up a tiny torpedo-shaped vibrator.

She looked up. “What did I gag you with… the last time?”

I tried to remain cool and keep my game face on.

“One of my foam stress balls. I don’t have them any anymore. Too risky to keep around! Oh, and at the house? Another sponge ball, but bigger and with a strap.”

“And you tried to say you didn’t care!”

“I just have a good memory.”

“Well maybe this ball gag will be good for you. It’s hard rubber? Of course, we could use other things. I particularly like using panties, mine or yours. Kind of degrading; they work well!”

“You’re assuming that we are going to… ah play tonight? That’s kind of presumptuous isn’t it?”

“What? You don’t do it on a first date?”

I decided at that moment that I had to get away to the ladies. This bantering we had settled into was getting to be quite hot and I needed some alone time to assess what I had apparently agreed to. I stood and asked her to watch my bag. I imagined I felt her eyes on me as I dodged through the crowd. I let my ass swing just a little more than normal as I walked.

In the loo, I had to splash water on my face to cool down. Despite all my angst, I had agreed to be her sex toy, just like that. I looked at myself in the mirror. The woman looking back didn’t seem to be worried. I told her “OK then.”

I slipped into the next available stall and did my business.

While there a wicked impulse overcame me. I swished my thong off and balled it in my hand and headed back to the bar.

When I sat down, I extended my hand to Addison. “Here!”

She squinted at me and held out her hand. I gave her the thong. She stared at it and then let it fall open before putting in her bag.

“Well, that question’s answered! I knew you had sexy undies!”

“I guess that skimpy thing won’t be good for a gag? It certainly wouldn’t fill my mouth.”

“I could put them in and then use the ball over them! I’ve done that before. How’s your gag reflex?”

“I don’t know; will I find out?”

“So you have no undies on now?”



“It is a little drafty!” She laughed, a little huskily I thought. Our verbal bantering was apparently getting to her as well

“Or you know what? I could use one of your long socks to keep the thong in place. You know, force your mouth open and wrap it around a couple of times.”

“I’m not taking one of those off; I’d look pretty odd!”

“Oh not now! And I could use the other one to tie your ankles together.”

That was enough for me!

“You know what?”


“My office is just a few blocks away. Why don’t we head on over there?”

“You mean re-visit the scene of the crime?”

“I mean exactly that!” I was so turned on at this point that I felt like my insides were churning. I had to work hard at appearing to be calm when all I wanted was to feel those cuffs on my wrists. The bartender came by and we settled up, leaving her a huge tip. She winked and said, “You girls play nice now, you hear?” She must have heard some of our back and forth and had certainly seen the handcuffs.

I waggled my eyebrows at her and let Addison take my arm and lead us through the crowd. Just her grip on my arm made me weak!

We collected our coats and stepped out into the cool air.

“Hot in there, wasn’t it?”

“It sure was!”

We set off walking towards my office. It was from there that she had kidnapped me after basically raping me on the floor of the office during a session. She took me out tied, gagged and naked with just a coat covering me. Addison was right, I had dreamed of and cum to that image so many times since!

It was well after hours and the place was empty. I punched in the door code and got us into the lobby. We pushed the up button and waited for the elevator.

The tension was palpable, at least I felt it.

The door rumbled open and we stepped in. Standing side-by-side, we stared as the floor numbers winked on and off. I didn’t trust my voice to speak.

The sound of our heels on the hard tile floor echoed in the empty space.

I fumbled the keys, my hand shaking, but finally got my office door open.

My heart was racing and I was light-headed, but it wasn’t nerves. I was excited and aroused!

We tossed our coats on the rack. I managed to get the inner door open without dropping the keys again. I let Addison pass shutting and locking the door behind us. I turned to face Addison. She stood against the wall arms folded across her chest,

“Take off your boots and dress, Catharine.”

I closed my eyes and sucked in a big breath and then did as she asked, starting with my boots; in no time I stood naked before her in my garter belt and long socks. My throat was dry and I swallowed several times trying work up some saliva.

She pushed off the wall and walked up to me, dangling my thong from her fingers.

“Open your mouth!”

She placed my thong inside and then surprised me by adding another wad of fabric she pulled from her pocket.

“My panties! Keep your mouth closed on them.”

She picked up one of my thigh highs and wound it around my head forcing the cloth deeper into my mouth.

I was practically floating off the floor. I had to force myself to keep still, breathing deeply and trying to focus on the feelings surging through me.

“Turn around!”

I turned and placed my wrists behind me, palm to palm.

“Good girl! You were listening!”

The sound and feel of the cuffs ratcheting down on my wrists was almost overwhelming. I leaned back into her. She held me briefly and then told me to sit on the sofa.

She knelt and slowly undid the garter buckles and slid my socks, one by one down my legs. She used one to wind around my head to force the pantie fabric deeper into my mouth.

Once there she knelt and crossed and bound my ankles with the other sock

She slipped her hand between my legs at the top of my thighs. I sagged against the back of the sofa, my head thrown back and my legs spread at the knees, an involuntary sigh/groan in my throat as she penetrated me with her fingers.

What little rational thinking I was doing revolved around how different this was from the first time.

I was here now voluntarily. I wanted this and I knew now how much I wanted it. The gag, my tied ankles, the hardness of the cuffs, I felt them all and reveled in the sensations they caused.

But they were nothing compared to what she was doing to me!

She whispered to me. “Let it go, Catharine! Cum for me!”

And I did!
